#rob looks hot i'm not sorry
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rcnaldmcdonald · 3 months ago
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insane amounts of cunt being served here
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months ago
can’t stop thinking abt sevika and her protective gf that starts walking on sevika’s left side after her arm gets ripped off (the second time) as their way of looking out for her more “vulnerable” side :(((
this is SO fucking cute oh my god. UGH i'm crying a little this is so cuteeee
men and minors dni
even without her arm, most people in zaun respect sevika enough (and have seen her kill enough people) to continue to give her a wide berth when she's walking down the streets.
and while she feels a little unbalanced without the arm she just got used to... it is nice to be free of the excessive weight of jinx's arm.
plus, she's sure she'll be able to get her hands-- or, hand, right now-- on another one soon enough.
so, all in all, sevika's not too worried about the loss.
you are, though.
you try not to make it obvious-- you don't want sevika to feel like you think she's incapable of protecting herself without a prosthetic-- but you do worry. both her arms in the past have had the added benefit of being weapons. and to the average shimmered up bozo, a one armed woman walking home at night is the perfect target to try to rob.
sevika would be fine if that happened. you know that, logically. but your heart doesn't.
so, you've been buying sevika more knives, under the guise of treating her, but really because you want to make sure she's got at least three blades on her at all times.
you've been sure to do all the things that require two hands at home before sevika can even realize they need to be done. opening jars, sweeping the floors, chopping veggies-- stuff like that.
and, whenever you guys go out, you're always walking on her left side, just in case.
you're under the impression that you're being subtle, until sevika calls you out on it one night as the two of you walk home.
"okay, what the fuck." she huffs as she stops in the middle of the street. you pause your stride to look over at your wife.
"what?" you ask.
"what do you mean what?! you've been avoiding holding my hand for a month now!" sevika says. "what, is it clammy? sticky?" she asks, looking down at her hand like it's betrayed her.
your heart shatters, and you immediately dart forward to pull sevika in for a hug. "sev, no!" you coo, laughing just a little at the way she pouts at you. "nothing like that baby, i promise."
"well, then what is it?" she asks.
you sigh, leaning forward to bump your forehead against sevika's. "i just wanna be on your left side in case you need an arm, or two." you whisper. "don't want someone to jump you on that side or... for you to trip or somethin'." you admit. "s-sorry i didn't tell you i just-- didn't wanna make you feel w--" sevika cuts you off with a kiss, a sweet, shaky sigh escaping her as she wraps her arm around your waist.
"oh, fuck." she gasps when she pulls apart from you. "baby, i thought you were contemplating divorce, whole time you were being sweet." sevika sighs.
you laugh. "you did not think i was contemplating divorce, sevika, don't be dramatic. i've been very consistent in my affections for you. both of the public and private variety."
"i'm just saying! 's a relief. 's hot too-- you bein' on the look out for me." she teases.
you snort and roll your eyes, then return to sevika's left side, being certain to wrap your arm around her waist this time. "better?" you ask.
sevika shrugs and kisses your head. "fine. but you're holdin' my hand once we get home."
"alright, honey." you agree happily, tugging sevika toward home.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@kissyslut @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @my-taintedheart
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @k3n-dyll @sevsdollette
@ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re @raphaellearp
@iamastar @sevikitty @mascdom @nhaaauyen @annesunshiner
@mirconreadzztuff22 @veoomvroom @lushh-s3vik4s @katyawooga @lesbodietcoke
@lavandasz @strawberrykidneystone
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heavysighing-dreamyeyes · 7 months ago
hii, I‘ve already made two requests and you‘ve written them so so beautifully <33 Your work is really amazing and I think I would consider you one of my favorite blogs💞💞 I do have one more idea :)
Reader and Jason are in a relationship, yet they don’t know about his vigilante identity. Reader works the night shift as a barista.
One night, the café gets robbed during reader’s shift, but Jason isn’t there to take care of the robber since he went on patrol only later, meaning the GCPD is the first on the scene.
When Red Hood passes the café and see’s all the police lights, his heart drops. He comes to check up on reader, but they’re so shaken up that jason scares them.
It’s all fluffy in the end, and perhaps Red Hood reveals his identity 😚
Hi, nonnie! Thank you! ~1.8k words
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There was a gun to your face about ten minutes ago. Well, it might have been ten minutes ago, you're not exactly sure how long it was now. The idea of time seemed to phase out when two masked robbers stormed into the little Café you worked at.
Who even robs a coffee shop? You had maybe thirty dollars in the till, everyone uses cards or just taps their phones anyway. That point didn't seem to get across to the men as they waved their pistols in your face and shot off rounds into the air.
You showed them the safe, and a few hundred dollars seemed to calm them down. They took the money, took your wallet and phone. But none of that stopped them from shoving you to the ground as they ran off. You just sat there– dazed, scared, and overwhelmed– until a patrol car from the GCPD and an ambulance rushed to park outside.
No one was hurt, maybe some bruises from being pushed around, but you and the two unfortunate people who wanted coffee half past midnight were more than a little shaken up.
You stumble through the questions the cops ask you and let the paramedics guide you to sit on the back of the ambulance. They drape a shock blanket over your shoulders as you murmur about needing to call your boyfriend.
Someone presses a hot drink into your hands, and you barely register the quiet conversations over this being the fourth small business to get robbed this week. Your eyes only leave the spot in the distance you're fixated on when gasps resonate throughout the air. Your gaze shifts up, and your breath leaves your lungs. Red Hood. Red Hood is stalking towards you like lives depend on it, avoiding the medics and cops that try to talk to him, to get his attention.
You're proud of the fact that you don't flinch when his gloved hand meets your face, carefully tilting your chin up to observe your face. His body is rigid, you can tell something's wrong even through the muddled, shocked state of your mind.
He's crowding over you, a barrier between you and the rest of Gotham. You know he's a vigilante, you know that he helps. But the moment frays the last of your nerves and tears fill your eyes.
You just want to go home. You just want to feel safe. You want your phone back and you want to call your boyfriend and have him make everything okay again.
Red Hod freezes and you can audibly hear his breath hitching. His fingers twitch against your skin before dropping, but he doesn't step away, "Sorry. I'm sorry– Did I– are you hurt?"
That only makes you want to cry harder. He's apologizing to you. This stranger hasn't done anything, but check if you're okay, and you're crying all because he looks big and a little scary. You shake your head, trying to find the words to apologize back, that you don't know why you're crying.
You shift back, even if there's no room to go anywhere. Your heart is pounding and you're scared even if you shouldn't be because there was a gun to your face and you could have died and the man that smells like gunpowder and leather can't fix that.
His head doesn't move, you know his eyes haven't left your face. You don't know why. He doesn't gain anything from lifting his hand to catch the tear that spills down your face. "You're okay. You're safe," he murmurs, steady and full of promise, "tell me what you need. Let me make it better." He says your name, says it softly and gently and damn near yearning.
"I need– I want my phone. I want to call you boyfriend," You answer shakily, blinking back the rest of your tears and trying to figure out why a vigilante knows your name.
His head turns, presumably looking for your phone, "Is it still inside the Café?"
You shake your head, voice heavy with emotion, "It– they stole it."
"They?" He questions, mask tilting back towards you.
"The robbers?" You answer weakly, Isn't that why he's here? To get information? To catch them?
His hand finally leaves your face, and you exhale softly in relief, "I'll take care of it."
He wavers in front of you. Another thing that doesn't make sense. You don't get another word out before he's disappeared into the shadows.
Your shoulders slump. You're so tired and so, so drained, and not even the hot drink in your hands is making you feel more in your body.
Someone calls your name. Jason. You stand up on shaky legs, nearly spilling the cup in an attempt to put it down quickly. Jason's here. You don't care why or how, but he's here. He has you wrapped up against his chest and face buried in your hair before the cops can even try to stop him.
He says your name over and over into your hair, and you try to ignore the way your tears stain his shirt. "I've got you, you're okay. You're okay, baby. Promise. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you," he murmurs, arms tightening around you.
He feels safe. He smells like– he smells like leather and gunpowder. He's big and warm and a barrier between you and the rest of the world. And it all clicks.
"Let's get you home," he says softly, gently, so careful with a voice full of yearning and love. You recognize it. And you know.
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Jason knows your shift ends in forty-seven minutes. But patrol has been slow tonight, and he's going to walk you home even if it wasn't. So why not show up a little early and keep you company? Spoiler seemed eager enough to cover his territory for a few hours, anyway.
He'll go back out after he sees you home safe and watches you fall asleep. Jason's idly trying to decide if you're going to be too tired to shower with him, when the flashing lights outside the Café catch his attention.
He thinks his heart might have stopped. He doesn't even think to call Oracle or text you, he just knows his feet hit the pavement and he's running.
There's only one ambulance, only one cop car. His eyes dart. Where are you. Where are you?
He's barreling towards you as soon as he finds you. He doesn't have a plan. Doesn't need one until he knows you're safe. "Move," he snaps at the medic that tries to stop him, never stopping his path towards you.
His hand is tilting your head up before he even considers the possibility that it's a bad idea, that he's just a stranger in a mask armed to the teeth with knives and guns.
He can't help himself. He needs to touch you, needs to ground himself and make sure you're not hurt. He doesn't manage to get his words out before you're tearing up.
Jason's heart breaks at the sight, bile rising in his throat. He removes his hand, even if every instinct he has goes against it. He thinks he chokes out an apology, but he's too busy looking at every inch of you for injuries.
You shake your head and a piece of his soul shatters. He reaches up to wipe your tears, as if he could do anything else, "You're okay. You're safe," he murmurs, and wills it to be true, "tell me what you need. Let me make it better." He wants it to be better. He wants your tears to stop and the tension to leave your body and the anxiety to disappear from your eyes.
"I need– I want my phone. I want to call you boyfriend," You answer, and he wants to drop to his knees when your voice shakes.
Your phone. He can do that. His eyes dart from you, looking for the familiar phone case, "Is it still inside the Café?"
"It– they stole it," You answer and his focus snaps back to you.
"They?" He questions, doing his best to keep the anger from dripping into his voice, to bite back the threats on his tongue for whoever scared you.
"The robbers?" You answer weakly. Robbers. Robbers. Robbers did this. He files that away for once you're home, once he knows you feel safe.
He pulls his hand from your face reluctantly, "I'll take care of it." Jason doesn't want to step away from you. All he really wants is to wrap you up against him and promise everything will be better. But you don't need Red Hood. You need Jason Todd.
He forces himself away from you, moves faster than he should, struggling to shed his armor and mask. He drops his guns to the roof, anything recognizable left in a pile for someone else to deal with.
He's back on the ground and rushing back to you. He says your name. You look up at him and he sees the relief flood your face.
Jason catches you when you step towards him, arms wrapping around you to keep you close.
He whispers promises against your skin, tightening his grip on you. He can feel you crying. It makes concern and anger and the overwhelming desire to protect you twists in his stomach, "Let's get you home."
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Jason– Red Hood– talks to the police for you. Insists that there's no more questions for you to answer as he hooks his arm firmly around your waist. He guides you home. You barely process a word he says.
All you can really focus on, as you watch him unlock the apartment door, is that he's Red Hood. How did you miss it? Why didn't you know?
You feel disoriented. But Jason's perfect, exactly what you need in the moment. He doesn't ask you questions, doesn't press or make you move too fast as he helps you change. He nods and gets you water when you say you don't want to shower, that you're not hungry.
He lets you curl against his chest and he kisses the crown of your head when you finally crawl into bed, "I was scared," You admit quietly into his skin.
"They'll never scare you again," he promises. Your stomach swoops. It's the truth. You know it's fact. They'll never scare you again. They'll never scare anyone again. He'll make sure of it.
You fall asleep to his comforting whispers and vows, the feel of his fingers tracing your skin. When you wake up, he's still next to you, still holding you flush against him. Your wallet and phone sit on the nightstand next to your bed. Neither of you mention it as the sun begins to shine on the familiar leather jacket folded over your chair. Neither of you mention it, later, when the news reports that two bodies were found in Gotham Harbor.
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clauscielo · 6 months ago
⊰⊹ pure, uncorrupted
pairing: arthur morgan & virgin!reader.
summary: you are too pure, too naive. and he hates to see other men fantasizing about tainting you. so, before someone else does - he decides to do it himself.
warnings: mentions of rape/sexual abuse, past physical/psychological abuse, corruption kink, arthur takes reader's virginity, arthur is protective, but lonely and hates himself. legal age gap, oral sex (fem receiving), p-in-v sex, loving sex, creampie - english is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes!
he would never forget that day. trelawny had told them a few weeks earlier that, southwest of valentine, just a mile from the village, there was a farm: two houses and a barn. trelawny claimed there was a large amount of money hidden there, illegitimately earned by the family.   
that's why they went. micah, bill and arthur set out into the night, riding toward that farm. thieves robbing thieves.   
the family consisted of a father and two sons. they had no choice but to wipe them all out. arthur had never liked to take the lives of innocent people, but these people... they didn't feel right.   
the house was very untidy inside, grimy, and there was a padlocked door on the upper floor. while micah and bill ransacked the downstairs, he took a look at the bedrooms, and of course, kicked in the locked room door.   
you were in there. cowering on the bed, pressed against the wall, shivering and sobbing. you had heard gunshots and banging, you had tried your best not to make any noise, but they had found you. arthur was perplexed. he studied you for a few seconds, processing the situation: this family had you locked in this room. you were wearing torn and dirty rags, and your room was even more neglected. there were flies, food from days ago, and only one bed in the room.   
“it's okay, it's okay. i ain't gonna hurt you,” he finally said, slowly approaching you.   
micah arrived shortly after, and a crooked smile came across his face.   
“well look at this, morgan! i say we have some fun. bill, get up here!” his cruel words irritated arthur deeply.   
“get out of here, you foul thing! wait downstairs!” he raised his voice, and micah only let out a challenging laugh. still, he obeyed, after arthur shot him a menacing glare. 
you, still shaking and weeping on the bed, watched him. the thought that the man in front of you had protected you from the others, soothed you a little.   
arthur couldn't kill you. how could he kill you? it wasn't an option.   
“what are you doing here, girl?” he moved a little closer and noticed that one of your legs was covered in bruises.   
“i-i was... grounded,” you mumbled, between sobs. arthur frowned and clicked his tongue.   
“were those your father and brothers?” he asked, his hand hesitantly stroking your forearm, seeking to calm you.   
you nodded, hot, copious tears streaming down your flushed cheeks. he sighed.  
“they're dead. i'm sorry,” he began, and his heart shrank at your obvious expression of relief. “you can come with us, we won't hurt you. we'll take you to valentine,” he added.  
you nodded, raising your arms toward him. arthur accepted the gesture, and with his strong hands on your armpits, he lifted you and carried you in his arms, heading for his horse.   
you refused to stay in valentine that night. you begged again and again to be taken with them. and this snarling, distrustful outlaw, softened at the image of you, a forlorn young woman alone in this world that had so embittered him over the years.   
“we're taking her,” arthur said to the other men.   
“morgan! we can't afford another mouth to feed!” bill protested.   
“we're taking her,” he insisted, his tone firm and intimidating, and the others snorted.   
 it had been months since that night. you were accepted into the gang of outlaws arthur lived with, but you had a hard time adjusting. you developed an unhealthy attachment to the man who had rescued you, who you considered your hero. whenever arthur was in camp, you followed him, trying to talk to him. being close made you feel better. but he was very cold most of the time.   
“girl, really, you need to leave me alone. what d'ya want now?” he said, his tone showing irritation, when you approached to talk to him for the tenth time today.   
 your smile vanished, your expression transforming into one of pain and embarrassment. you blushed and lowered your gaze, and before you could say anything, he snorted heavily.   
 “i'm sorry. i'm sorry, i just like to be alone, you know that,” he replied, exasperated. 
 you fiddled anxiously with the edge of your blouse, pursing your lips sheepishly.  
“i just wanted to be with you for a little while,” your voice came out shaky and low. arthur's heart almost melted.   
“come,” he said, curtly, sitting down on his bed.   
“no, n-no need. i'm sorry to disturb you.”   
“come,” he repeated, louder now, as a demand.   
 you shrank back but obeyed and sat down next to him. he looked at you, his blue eyes scrutinizing your sad, anxious expression, his frown easing.   
“i can't be with you all the time,” he explained. your lip quivered, and you nodded.   
“i know. i know. i'm sorry.”  
“it's not because i don’t want to. it's because this... this thing you got with me, it can't go on,” he said, his hand stroking your hair, tucking a lock behind your ear, his actions contradicting his words. “you're gonna have to leave here someday. and if we don't stop this in time...” his words trailed off.   
“i don't want to leave.”   
“you're absolutely gonna leave. don't be silly. you don't belong in this kind of life. when you get your strength back, i want you out of here.”
 you looked at him, wide-eyed, silent.   
“don't look at me like that,” he spat, annoyed. but a second later, he sighed. “we're not doing you any good. not me, not anyone here. you understand that, don't you?”   
“i don't have anyone else. i'll be alone,” you said, your heart racing with fear.   
 arthur stroked your cheek, thoughtfully. he had grown so fond of you these past few months, that he could hardly imagine his life without you anymore. but the rational part of him knew you had no future here, not with someone like him.   
 that's why he pushed you away. that's why he tried to ignore you. he couldn't stand seeing the way you looked at him, like he was a hero, a savior. because arthur was nothing like that. arthur was a criminal, a murderer, a ruthless, bitter, outlaw with no future, someone who only brought tragedy into people's lives.   
“i don't like it when you're this mean to me,” you muttered, pouting, still hurt by how he had greeted you when you came.   
“i know. forgive me,” he whispered, looking at your hand. he wanted to take it, to feel it, but didn't dare to.   
 weeks passed. arthur hated the way the men looked at you. micah, especially. that sick, deranged bastard. he mocked your innocence, your naivety.   
“well, i've been dying to deflower that little lassie, the new one. ever since we saw her at the farm i been saying we have fun with her, but morgan won't let us,” protested micah, sipping from his bottle of whiskey, one night by the fire.   
“do you think she's a virgin?” javier replied with curiosity.  
“please!” interjected bill, laughing. “that girl doesn't even know what screwing is.”   
 “of course she doesn't. i told her to blow me the other day and she just looked at me with those dopey eyes of hers,” micah cackled.   
 arthur overheard the conversation and felt his insides boil. listening to those nasty old men, talking so crudely about a young, proper lady like you, made him sick.   
 “what the fuck are you talking about?” arthur snarled. he snatched the whiskey bottle from micah's hand and faced him, with an annihilating glare. “if you ever talk about her like that again, you better make sure i don't hear. or i'll cut that throat of yours so you never say a fucking word again,” he said, his voice low and intense, getting micah to turn away, letting out a nervous laugh.   
 he retreated to his tent, furious, and was startled to find you there. he put his hand to his chest and shook his head. “what are you doing here, you want to scare me to death?” he wheezed, anger still boiling inside him.   
 you looked at him with a smile and showed him a flower crown in your hands. “look what i did,” you declared, proudly, your eyes on his, perhaps seeking approval in his expression. he eased back and couldn't hide a soft smile, gentle and loving. he took the floral diadem and placed it on your head.   
 “beautiful,” he whispered. you blushed heavily and pressed your lips together, excited.  
“i was reading and in the book, it explained how to make it and what flowers were ideal for it. i think it turned out really pretty,” you explained.   
 “yes. it looks very pretty. but you should be sleeping,” he scolded you.
 “i'm sorry. i was excited and wanted to wait for you to come back,” you defended yourself. he smiled.   
 he couldn't help but bring his hands to your face. you were so precious, so candid and credulous. and those abhorrent men were talking about deflowering you just a few minutes ago... it made him feel like throwing up.   
the affectionate gesture surprised you. your cheeks grew warmer. “what's wrong?” you asked, uneasy, and he dropped his hands to either side of his body.   
 “nothing. nothing,” he huffed, rubbing his face with his hand, frustrated, confused.   
 he knew he didn't do you any good. but how could he let you go? the world was full of disgusting men like micah. men who wouldn't hesitate to hurt this girl he had come to love.   
 he pushed past you and sat down on his bed.   
 “i want you to keep away from micah no matter what, do you understand? whatever he says to you. you stay away. and if he bothers you, you come and tell me immediately,” he said, without looking at you, his tone stern.   
 you didn't answer, you just nodded. you would do anything this man asked of you.   
 “are you sad?” you asked, moving closer to him. arthur was slow to answer, still not looking you in the eye.   
 “yeah. i am,” he admitted, sighing. you sat down next to him, and hugged him, trying to comfort him and also, seeking solace.   
arthur wanted to push you away, to scold you for invading his space, to urge you to leave him alone. but he couldn't do that anymore. he didn't want you to leave, and each and every time he had asked you to stay away, he had betrayed himself. he let himself enjoy your touch, your scent, and your warmth for the first time. he closed his eyes and leaned in slightly, sliding his arms around you.   
 “forgive me for being a sorry son of a bitch to you,” he whispered, very remorseful.   
“it's okay. forgive me for always being annoying.”   
 “you're not annoying. don't ever say that again,” he replied, his chest vibrating against yours every time his husky voice made itself heard. “i've been a real jerk.”   
 you fell silent. you didn't understand what this was about. and arthur was grateful for your ignorance. he wouldn't know how to comfort you, how to make you forget those nauseating words if you had heard how you were spoken of before.   
 “i need to lie down, sweetheart. i'm very tired,” he mumbled, pulling away a little. the affectionate nickname made your heart skip a beat. you nodded, watching him lie down, his expression one of displeasure.   
 “can i stay with you?” you whispered, fearful that he would say no. but he nodded without hesitation, and you settled in next to him. his heart was about to burst out of his chest. he let you snuggle up to him, and his arm slipped loosely around your waist.   
 “gonna stop by saint denis tomorrow to run some errands. wanna come with me?” he asked, and you looked up at him, your eyes widening with excitement.   
 “really?” arthur let out a chuckle and confirmed. “yes, please. i'd like that very much.”   
your excitement stirred something inside him. he felt a warmth in his chest that he had never felt before. such a sweet being like you...and your father and brothers had you locked in a filthy room, only to be discovered by men who just wanted to fuck you and leave you stranded. what would have become of you if he hadn't gone and robbed that farm with the others that night?   
“okay, sweetheart.” he used the nickname again, which made you grin like a fool. “i'm gonna sleep now, okay?” he said, and stretched his arm over you, reaching over to the bedside table to put a glass over the candle to put it out.   
 you pouted, and rested your head on his chest. “okay,” you whispered back, closing your eyes.   
 arthur was trying to hide it, but he was so nervous. it had been ages since he'd been this close to a woman, let alone a woman such as yourself. his pants had started to tighten since you first curled up with him, though he tried to act normal, his heart pounding in his chest.   
innocently, you ran a leg over his thigh, sighing. his arm tightened around your waist. he was restless, tense, and kept shifting his posture every few minutes.   
 inevitably, his eyes opened in the darkness. he couldn't sleep.   
“i like being like this with you,” you whispered when you noticed he was still awake. “it gives me... this nice, funny feeling in my tummy,” you added, and arthur let out a shaky sigh.   
“oh, yeah...?” he replied, absently, your words replaying in his mind.   
 “yes... it always happens to me when i'm around you,” you confessed, your candid statement making his cock grow harder in his pants.   
“don't get used to it,” he growled. you looked up, saddened.   
 “don't you like being like this, together?” you asked, your voice low and apologetic. arthur exhaled hoarsely.   
 “too much, darlin'. too much,” he admitted, without looking at you. he was getting carried away.   
 you slid slowly onto his lap, and his breath hitched.   
 “what in the world are you doing?” he whispered. he panicked, feeling your pelvis right on top of his erection, which he had been trying to hide all this time.   
 “i want to be real close to you,” you whispered. “do you mind?”   
 he looked at you with pleading eyes and shook his head, he was speechless. he tried to push you away, but his hands wouldn't move.
 “the book talked about this too... about men, women...” you began, your voice shy as you explained.   
 “no. we're not doing this, girl,” he protested. but he didn't really mean it. the least he wanted right now was for you to get off of him.   
 “please...” you begged. “i just want to know how it feels.”   
 his face was burning, his cock throbbing desperately in his pants, needing urgent relief. so you were indeed a virgin.   
 this wasn't right. he wouldn't take advantage of you.   
 “why?” you wanted to know.   
 “you're a virgin,” he declared, in a low gasp. you didn't respond, just shrank back a tiny bit, with shame. “my god, you're a virgin... no, i... i can't. i can't.” he covered his face.   
 arthur had never been with a virgin before. let alone a virgin with a life like yours. were you even aware of the importance of what you were asking? 
 “oh, don't do this to me, please,” he whimpered, his hands sliding over your thighs, down to your buttocks. you blushed and let out a sigh of pleasure, rolling your hips against his, trying to ease the burning between your legs. arthur let out a low moan, his eyes half closed, his cheeks red.   
 “baby... we can't... not with me,” he whispered, desperate.  
“i want it to be with you,” you murmured. and he had no more strength to resist.   
“do... do you want me to put it inside you?” he asked, pressing his pelvis against yours, making you feel his whole erection, warm and big against you.   
 “yes, please...” you begged.   
 “oh, sweetheart...” he swallowed, flustered. it had been so long since he'd last had sex, and now he had a beautiful, untouched woman in his lap, begging to be fucked. it felt like a goddamn dream. and he felt disgusting about it, but he was so turned on by the idea of taking your virginity. he felt like a hypocrite.   
 his hand slid down your ass cheek and under your nightgown. his fingers reached for your panties, his arm around your leg to touch you.   
 “you're so wet,” he murmured. he closed his eyes for a moment, the heat feeling a little overwhelming. “take off your nightgown, baby.”   
 obedient, you removed the garment slowly, remaining in his lap, your body covered only by your bra and panties. arthur exhaled, salivating, his gaze gliding over every inch of your exposed skin.   
 “you are exquisite,” he said to himself, almost as a reproach. he shouldn't have to be doing this. but he couldn't stop. he just couldn't. he began to unbutton his shirt. “can i see your tits?” he asked, rhetorically, since he knew that without complaint you would take off your bra. and so you did.   
 his lips and tongue immediately landed on the soft skin of your breasts, after having devoured you with his gaze for a few seconds. his lips left kisses, his tongue caressing and frolicking around your nipples. you moaned and stirred on his lap, immersed in pleasure and desperate for more.   
 he removed his shirt, and eagerly, unbuckled his belt. 
 “gonna get on top, it may hurt a little this way,” he whispered between kisses. you nodded, and let him grab you by the thighs, your arms around his neck as arthur changed position.   
 he laid you down gently, and his hands crawled up your thighs, spreading your legs. his eyes lowered to your crotch, the fabric of your underwear was visibly wet.   
 “darlin'... i'm not gonna last. haven't done this in a long time,” he said, his hands shaking a little, he was so horny he could barely think coherently.   
 “i-it's okay,” you murmured sheepishly.   
 he knelt between your legs, and placed soft, warm kisses on the sensitive skin of your thighs, moving closer and closer to your center. he kissed your pussy over your underwear, and pressed his face to it, inhaling your scent.  
“delicious,” he purred, closing his eyes, sucking and kissing over the fabric. his hands, big and strong, squeezed your flesh, eager to feel you. his right hand traveled down to your crotch, pushing aside the annoying material of your panties. “what a pretty little pussy,” he growled, and glued his mouth to it, licking between your warm wet lips, sucking on your clit, devouring you like a hungry man.   
you moaned, your legs trembling. his hands pressed against your thighs, spreading them wider, and when his fingers left your panties, they again came between you and his touches.   
 “fuck,” he hissed in frustration, and roughly, he yanked them off you, sinking his face back between your legs, parting you wide and devouring you with both intensity and desperation. 
 “i'm going to put my fingers in, okay?” he warned, looking down at you, his beard wet with your juices, his cheeks red. you nodded, your gaze clouded with pleasure. his ring and middle finger teased your sensitive, dilated entrance. slowly he slid them inside, feeling the rough texture of your insides tightening around his thick digits. he moved them slowly inside you, curving and massaging your insides lovingly, while his tongue and lips fed on your juices and moans, sucking on your sensitive, sweet spot.   
 “you're so tight,” he gasped. he pulled away briefly, to pull down his pants. his cock sprung, flushed and swollen, eager for the delicious relief only you could bring him. “look how you got me, baby...” he whispered, wrapping his member in his left hand, squeezing it slowly. “how you get me, always.”   
 your pussy clenched around nothing, feeling emptier than ever. “please... arthur,” you whimpered. he looked at you, unsure, was he really doing this? you deserved better than this. something so much better than this.   
 but the urges in his body were too strong, they absolutely ruled him. he placed his cock against your center, gripping it firmly, and rubbing its tip between your lips, pressing lightly as it met your entrance, tiny but eager.   
 “darlin’... what the hell are we doing?” he said, sliding in just the tip, which was thick enough to make you whimper. “ow... baby.”   
 you felt so full. you looked down, and you could see his thick member, disappearing inside you. your pussy throbbed and squeezed him, unable to adjust to his size. he was huge.   
 before he got it all in, arthur had to pull it out a little. “you're too tight,” he let out a pitiful whimper. “i'm gonna cum.” he added with embarrassment.   
 he pulled out, taking a deep breath. he leaned down to kiss you. he kissed your lips lovingly. god, he'd been so rude, not kissing you all this time. he relished your lips, and you could feel the wetness of his beard against your chin and cheeks. he penetrated you again, and this time he entered you somewhat more easily.   
 “enjoy, sweetheart... just enjoy,” he whispered, watching your face contort in pleasure. he had to close his eyes, imagine the horses, the flowers, the bees, the smell of the barns, or he would cum right there, inside you. he pushed it all the way in, his tip pressing against your cervix. “does it hurt, honey?” 
 “no, no... i... it feels so good...” you moaned. you felt so full, his cock was so thick you felt like there wasn't an inch of you he wasn't touching right now. every little movement of his hips, pressing against yours as he nestled his face into your neck, made you shudder.   
 “fuck... yes, squeeze me like that,” he begged, closing his eyes tighter, starting to move his hips, his hands squeezing your thighs and pressing them against the bed, spreading you wide to penetrate you deeply. “thank you, thank you...” he gasped hoarsely.   
 your small hands clung to him, your nails sinking into the flesh of his back, his big, strong back, as his whole body enveloped and filled you.   
 one of his hands slipped between your bodies, and he began rubbing your clit, each thrust making his member bury itself deep and hard inside you, your tight body giving him no respite.   
 “please tell me you're close. i can't hold on much longer,” his voice sounded strained, cracked. the bed creaked beneath you, his hips slapping against your ass every time he bottomed out inside you. 
 “yes, yes, please don't stop,” you whimpered. his hot, sweaty skin clung to yours, the heat under the sheets thick. his smell, salty and masculine flooded your nostrils, and his cock filled you, again and again, your snug cunt squeezing, sucking him deeper and deeper inside.   
your orgasm was intense. you trembled beneath him, your cries and mewls getting louder, and you writhed, your pussy milking him dry. arthur frowned in concentration, letting out soft grunts and whimpers as he moved within you. he came too, couldn't help it, his legs quivering as well. his thrusts became ragged and desperate, his eyes rolled back slightly as his cum filled you, hot and thick. "oh, god," he whined quietly. his strong arms hugged you closer, pressing you tighter to him as he left you completely full of him.   
 “d-darling,” he gasped, shuddering on top of you, his strokes slowing, until he stopped. his hands, scratchy from work and guns, slid over your sweaty skin and squeezed your breasts and hips, before holding you tight. “don't leave me, please.”
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tartarusknight · 1 year ago
I want more platonic stobin and bisexualy disaster Steve and gay disaster Eddie in my life. So I wrote some :)
Steve wanted to scream as he tried the handle again. "Steve. Steve!" Robin pulled him away from the door. "They aren't opening the door, and you're just gonna break the handle. Keith already hates your guts. Don't make it worse." She pointed out, weirdly calm about all of this. "Plus, it's not like we don't share space normally." She says and sinks down to the floor, tugging him down with her.
Steve looked at the door, "Why can't they accept that we're only ever going to be platonic?" He asks and runs a ran through his hair. He was sick of this. Of the comments and the teasing. It stresses him out.
They kept pushing the two of them together, and Steve was worried that it could mess up what friendship he had with Robin. Because Steve's used to messing up and hurting someone, and he really doesn't want to hurt Robin. He has nightmares of outing her by accident and ruining her life. It terrifies him.
"Steve, come on, it's okay. It's just a stupid bathroom. We've shared a bathroom stall. This is bigger than that." She jokes, and he pulls his knees up to his chest.
"I can't do this, Rob." He admits and watches her freeze. Her walls climbed up like he said something really stupid. "I'm sorry, but I'm just-"
She cuts him off, "I get it. You don't want to deal with the backlash of being a lesbian's friend." She says, and he blinks.
"What? No! I don't want to say the wrong thing. I get bitchy when I'm annoyed and I'm easily annoyed when I'm stressed. And I'm stressed! So I don't - I can't be the one to out you. I can't mess that up for you." He says, and it's nice to finally admit his fears.
Robin blinks at him, "That's what- Steve, that's what bothers you about all this?"
Steve nods, "I mess up everything I touch. I can't do that to you, I won't do that to you. Honestly, you should probably find better friends. One who thinks with his brai-"
"Shut up." Robin snaps, and he stops speaking. Looking at her with wide eyes. "You can't talk about my best friend that way. I won't let you," She states.
"You're best friend?"
Her eyes soften, "yeah dingus. Who else would be my best friend? We're soulmates," She decides, and he's confused because she sounds like she means it. "Platonic, with a capital p, soulmates."
He swallows back a ball of emotion, "even if all the kids I babysit-"
"Babysit," he stresses, and she smiles. "Try to get us together at every opportunity and won't believe that we aren't in love. Or that I'm in love with you at the least. I think you're better off because you call me dingus more than my name," he mused.
Robin sighed, "I won't say that it's not annoying. But I'm used to dodging questions about boys, and this way... with you, I have someone to be myself with. That's more important to me than some stupid preteens who think locking us in a bathroom would get us together."
Steve smiles, "last time we shared a bathroom did go pretty well, honestly." She knocked her knee into his. He glanced over at the door. "Do you think they'll give up?"
Robin snorts, "Dustin's more invested in your love life than you are. I don't think he'll give up unless you're dating someone else or the truth comes out."
Steve sighed, chewing his lower lip until something clicked in his head. "What If I come out?"
Robin blinked, "you- what?"
Steve nodded, "I mean I like both but I could just say I favor guys." He shrugs, "it's not like they could disprove it since it's mostly true."
Robin stared at him, "Steve... since when did you- what? Steve oh my god," She shifted onto her knees and slammed into him. "Since fucking when! Why didn't you ever tell me!"
Steve raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean since when? I literally point out hot guys all the time! When we watched watched Rocky Horror, I said Tim Curry was sexy!"
She shook his shoulders, "you did no such thing! You ask if I also think a guy is hot and you said- oh." It clicks for her and she falls back on her ass. She covers her face, "holy shit."
Steve smirks, "holy shit."
A giggle escapes her lips, "you so have a type."
"Shut up," he groans.
But before they can really dig into it, there's a loud knock on the door. "We're gonna open the door in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" The door swings in a Dustin's hand is over his eyes like he's gonna be scarred at the sight of them.
"We're literally just sitting on the floor Henderson. Not having freaky bathroom sex," Steve rolls his eyes and stands, Robin following suit.
Dustin looks upset like he expect his plan to work. "I don't get it." Steve ruffles his hair as he passes the kid. Robin lets out a small laugh as she stretches her limbs like she had been stuck in there for more than just 15 minutes. Steve turns, and she locks eyes with him, a silent question.
"Kid, I've said this a million times, but I'll say it one more time." He glances at the other kids that had either always been there or gotten here at some point since he'd been locked into the bathroom. "Robin and I will never date. She and I have no romantic feelings for each other. And if you pull this shit when we're at work again, I'll kill you."
"It's not like it was hard to figure out how to check someone out," Max shrugged and Steve huffed at her nonchalant grin from behind the counter.
Steve ushers the kids out from behind the counter before taking his normal spot, looking around at the empty store. Robin moves and bumps shoulders with him. "Platonic feelings only." She gestures between them.
Dustin groan, "I just don't get why!"
Steve glances at Robin, "because I'm too gay for her." He states and everyone goes quiet. "Honestly boobies are so high school." He winks at Robin who looks at him like he's bravely stupid.
"Wait but you dated Nancy?" Mike questioned arms over his chest.
Steve rolled his eyes, "so? I am more picky on who I date. Doesn't matter the gender. Robin doesn't tick my boxes."
"But she should!" Dustin complains and Robin groans.
But then Steve sees someone in the windows, heading towards the doors to Family video. "My type is more," and he just gestures just as the door dings to call their attention to the newcomer.
Eddie Munson glances at the kids and then at Steve. "Sheepies," he says. Eyebrows raised in confusion at the eyes on him. Eddie glanced at Steve, "Harrington, you break the kids?" He asks as all the kids continue to stare at him as he moves to the horror section.
Steve waves his hand, like he can brush off the confusion. "Nah, they're just shocked that I'm not completely in love with Birdie over here."
Everyone's jaw is on the floor as Steve leans his arms on the counter, not even bothering to hide the way he checks Eddie out when the man looks away. "Right," Eddie sighs and grabs a movie. "Well, not everyone's type is jocks." Eddie teases slightly, having warmed up to Steve little by little when Steve picks the kids up from Hellfire.
Steve takes the movie from Eddie, giving him his one free movie he gets for the week and hands it back to Eddie without charging him. "I'll win ya over." He winks, and Eddie's eyes go a little wide.
Eyes glanced around like he could ask if anyone else saw that. "Um, well, yeah, how-how much for the-"
"Consider it on me." Steve waved his hand and then leaned more into Eddie's space, "I haven't seen this one yet."
Eddie swallows, "You should check it out. It's, uh, pretty good."
Steve smiles, "I'm shit with horror, maybe if I had someone to hold my hand through it." He sighs overdramatically, then snaps, "Oh, I know! If you're not busy we could watch it together. I mean, it seems like a scary metalhead like yourself would be capable of holding my hand through the jump scares."
Eddie's eyes are blinking rapidly, "it's for the boys." He says, looking lost. Steve frowns, and Eddie jumps into action, "But I could-" He stops himself and groans. "I've got to- plans- fuck-" He stumbles and practically smacks into the door in his rush to leave family video.
Steve sighs and leans his head down on the counter. Robin pats his back, "I miss my whiteboard." She sighs and he looks up to glare at her.
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zenyyyluvyuu · 1 month ago
(Hiya guys I decided to make it a series because it rot in my brain and I can't take it anymore, kinda ooc I'm sorry, and I'm sorry for the incorrect grammar and English)
White & red
Chapter 1
Next part.
Tw: child abuse, chronic illnes, blood, etc.
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It's been years since we played, years we played in those old alleyways, years when you and him rob some goodies from the rich.
He is always a healthy young boy, and you're just weak. Weak. That always comes out of your parents mouth, you are born different. Your father even accuses your mother of cheating with another man, even though you are really his daughter. Just a different color.
Eventually your father couldn't believe it and leave without trace with a signed divorce paper for your mother.
Your mother left heart broken, she doesn't even care about you anymore. And you just stand there watching her crying when you tried to comfort her she shove you away, yelled at you to stay away from her. That's when your world crumbles into pieces. So you run. You run away from the house, leaving your mother to rot in that house.
You tried to find food from the dumpster but none of them were healthy. You tried to steal food from the old lady but some of her minions came by and beat you out in a bloody plup.
You're really going to die. With this body you easily die. You can't hold it any longer, your stomach is hurting. So you just sleep. Curling yourself in the cold.
But a warm hand touches you, sending you to joilt awake, your gaze meets him. The boy with black hair and bright eyes, kneeling at you. "Hey.. are you okay? Please don't die beside my door.." he looks at you with a concerned tone.
"h..." You manage to say a word.
"huh? What was that?"
"h-hungry..." Your voice sounds hoarse. It sounds like a mutter to you.
He understands what you manage to say and reaches for his pocket to find a piece of bread. He ripped it into a tiny piece and leaned it to your mouth, you obediently ate the piece of bread he handed you, struggling to chew you eventually shove it with your dry throat into your stomach.
Your stomach is not really satisfied with the small pieces of bread but it is reducing your stomachache. He also seems satisfied too. "Let me help you to my house!" He then processes hold your tiny body, it was light too damn light.
He lets you sleep on his bed,he brushes his hand to your forehead, testing the temperature. Hot. It feels like you're burning. His concern deepens. It was his first time meeting you and you're making him paranoid.
He can't have a dead girl on his bed. What does he do now? He sits beside you. Taking a cold bottle he has stolen to your forehead. Your breath labored. Your head hurts. It all hurts.
While he holds the bottle on your forehead, he can't help but watch you. Your white hair, skin tone. You look stunning even tho you are at your lowest.
You blink softly, to see who has been helping you. Your gaze meets him. Blue with a mix of green, meeting yours.
"why.. are you helping me?.." you ask him, your voice sounds like a mutter but he hears you. "Because you almost died in my territory." He answer.
"I'm..jason. jason Todd by the way"he cut the eye contact, rubbing his neck from behind. His hold of the bottle is still on you. He looks at you again waiting for an answer.
"I'm..(name) (lastname)" you smile at him, glad he helps you. "Thank.. you" you thank him. His face is warming up and looks away. "No problem... just don't die again.." he's cute.
With that he lets you stay with him, he teaches you many things, you both rob, play, and even share the same fate. He tells you what happened to his parents and so did you. You also tell him about your condition that makes him more protective of you.
For years, just him and you. Until that one night he decided to rob some of the batmobile tires, he told you to stay and let him do it. He promised to come back after he got the batmobile tires. And you just obey him like that. Waiting for him until sunrise but he didn't come back like he said. Leaving just you alone.
Did batman catch him and send him to the jail? Oh no. What happened to you jay? Where have you been?
With that day turning to years, you're tired. You can't find him anywhere. Like he just banished. You never know. During your robbery you accidentally meet the infamous catwomen, she takes an interest in your appearance and personality and takes you as her kitten.
Eventually you leave the house you share together. You got your own apartment, selina trains you how to be flexible and other things. You even got yourself a suit. Quite eye catching with your current appearance.
When that night you and catwoman is taking a break, selina tells you a story how she got involved with batman, and his sidekick. While taking a break
Nightwing , redhood, red robin, spoiler, orphan, robin, signal and even oracle. One by one she tells you about them and you just hearing her out.
Well the redhood one kinda familiar to, because selina explain about how he is the angry robin that reminds you of your childhood friends who sometimes hot tempered.
When the break over, you wonder could the redhood is your childhood friends? Oh this make you really curious. The night end with you finally comes home and plop on your bed. Unknown to you. Batman has caught his eye on you. He saw how you pass those building with catwomen. Who are you, why are with catwoman. He better talk about that to her later.
Next part
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So sorry about the story if it was not good ,cringe and even ooc. And the English too 😭 But i still hope you guys like it 🙏
Spoiler for the next episode is how you and catwoman meet the batman.
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shankss-magnificent-ass · 6 months ago
Imagine Rob Lucci trying to make up with you after an argument
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Rob: [just got home from a long day at work and immediately sits down on the couch]
You: Oh, hey hon, did you just get home?
Rob: [sighs] yes
You: How was your day?
Rob: long
You: [notices he's being really kurt with you] That sucks. Since you had such a long day, would you like to pick what I cook for dinner?
Rob: Brandy.
You: [chuckles] I knew you would say that. That can be arranged, but what food would you like?
Rob: I don't care; you can make whatever you want.
You: right, how about something low-effort, like a charcuterie board?
Rob: [runs his hand over his face to try and tamp down his growing overstimulation] Fine by me.
You: hmm, I'll have to pop out to the market real quick, we're running low on cheese. I'll buy some cured meat while I'm out, probably prosciutto.
Rob: fine [gets up and tries to create some space for himself]
You: are you mad at me?
Rob: [tenses up as his temper flares, but manages to tamp it down] No. [doesn't know how to properly express his frustration and the need for space from his problems and people in general] I just... Want to be in space.
You: I might be able to help with that. Do you get drugs tested at work?
Rob: yes?
You: [ shakes your head and turns back into your seat] Then I can't help you.
Rob: [throws up his hands in frustration] Great, just leave me alone for a while.
You: Fine
Rob: [Snaps] Do you always have to have the last word?!
You: [gives him a warning look]
Rob: oh, now you have nothing to say!
You: just go into your study, before you say something both of us regret.
Rob: Don't you take that tone with me.
You: do whatever you want, Rob, I'm done with this. I'm going to the market. [Grabs your keys and wallet/purse and leaves without slamming the door]
Rob: [huffs and looks over at Hattori]
Hattori: [giving him a judgmental stare]
Rob: What are you looking at! You don't have a partner, you don't get to judge me. You single-feathered fuck.
Hattori: [shakes his head]
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Two hours later
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You: [comes into his study and aggressively puts a charcuterie board, and a glass of brandy down in front of him and storms out of the room without saying a word]
Rob: [realizes that he ruined your evening by being a dick and feels bad, so he gets up and follows you] I'm sorry, I took my frustrations about today out on you, and that wasn't okay.
You: [clearly still steaming mad at him]
Rob: I'll be more mindful of that in the future.
You: [deflates] Fine.
Rob: [knows you're still stewing] Why don't I draw you a bath? Hot baths pair well with charcuterie boards and wine.
You: Just a bath?
Rob: I'll put milk, honey, and oatmeal in it, so your skin is nice and soft.
You: a bath alone?
Rob: if you want.
You: I don't know
Rob: I can join you if you want? I'll even rub your shoulders.
You: and we can cuddle?
Rob: {smirks as he pulls you into his arms] yes, we can cuddle. [Kisses the top of your head]
You: Alright, you're forgiven then.
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justmymindandstuff · 26 days ago
Can you write a Reader x Stark Men(Robb or Cregan but I hope you choose Cregan ) where they are having a fight because Reader is jealous. But please with a happy ending?
Good wifes always know- or not? - Robb Stark x WifeReader
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summary: Your husband Robb Stark gives all his attention to Lady Karstark, a daughter of Lord Karstark. Hot jealousy leads to a carousel of thoughts in your head and in the end you lash out at Robb. You quickly realize that you have to apologize. But before you can do that, you receive an unexpected, good message.
words: 4.744
warnings: jealousy, miscommunication, arguments, insults, talking about cheating, angst, happy end
a/n: I choose Robb for this (sorry anon) bc I already have a few Cregan fics in my drafts and Robb deserves some love too.
English is not my first language// Not proofread// No use of Y/N// AO3.
requests are open// main masterlist// got masterlist
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You stand by the window and look down into the courtyard. Your eyebrows are furrowed as your gaze rests on your husband. Robb walks across the courtyard, of course with Lady Karstark beside him. Lord Karstark has brought his daughter with him on this visit.
A pretty girl, long dark hair, a beautiful face, and a pleasant voice, along with dark, wild eyes. A northern beauty through and through. You hate her.
"Did you know that she is 4 years younger than me?" you turn away from the window to Sansa. She looks up from her embroidery, confused.
"Little Lady Karstark, of course," you grunt. Fiery jealousy crawls through your body once again. You are annoyed with yourself. Still, the feeling doesn't go away.
Sansa sighs, sets her embroidery aside and comes to you. Her hand takes yours and she smiles at you knowingly.
"Robb would never do that," she says, the confidence in her voice barely calms you.
You pull Sansa to the window, nodding outside towards the two of them. Lady Karstark throws her head back and laughs a loud, joyful laugh. She places her hand on Robb's upper arm. You can't quite make out his facial expression, but you're sure he's smiling.
Sansa sighs again. "Sister." she says in a serious tone. You turn away from the window again. The hot burning in your stomach remains. You have never been so jealous in your life.
"See," you say to Sansa. "Robb isn't that funny at all."
You look at your hands "I have this feeling." you whisper. Sansas gaze burnes in your side. "It´s a bad feeling." you try to explain something you don´t understand either.
The princess says your name. You hesitate for a two heartbeats, hoping that Sansa will talk without you having to look at her. She doesn´t. You don´t have a choice and look at her.
"Robb loves you. The girl might be flirting with him, but he will most likely not even notice this. He doesn't even notice other women. Robb only sees you. He loves you."
You don't want to hear Sansa's reasons and turn to leave. She can´t argue against this feeling you have, she can´t understand, she is not married.
"Nevertheless, my husband hasn't left this girls side since her arrival." you say and then walk away.
You nod to Ser Brienne in front the door. You hear Sansa coming after you. She calls your name and you stop for a moment.
"Sansa, please. I need a moment alone now. I'm sorry," you say.
"Okay." you hear Sansa say quietly behind you. For a second you think about turning around. Then you just walk away. The way to your chambers is so familiar that you don´t need to think about it.
So your thoughts race as jealousy continues to burn through your body.
Lady Karstark. You are already annoyed by just thinking her name. She rides, she hunts, trains with swords, dances only a few dances, but can skin a hare with a dagger. A true northern girl. And she is also very beautiful.
Robb confessed to you at the beginning of your marriage that he actually wished for a marriage to a girl like that. A girl closer to home. And not you. You are the exact opposite.
And for days now, you've had the feeling that Robb would rather spend his days with Lady Karstark than with you. Does he also spend his nights with her?
The thought makes you flinch and tears well up in your eyes. You are glad that you have arrived at your chambers.
The doors close behind you, and you take a deep breath. Then it occurs to you that Robb has been lying next to you for the past few nights. Just like every night in the past few years. A wave of relief washes over you. You shake your head at your own thoughts. What's wrong with you?
You are annoyed with yourself and don't really know what to do with yourself. You start pacing back and forth across the room. You don't understand why you are suddenly so jealous of this girl. You don´t really know this feeling. Well, know you know this feeling.
Suddenly something other than jealousy flares up in you. Anger. Anger at Robb. It's all his fault. He was the one who took Lady Karstark on a personal tour around Winterfell.
And today she will join Robb on his hunting trip. He didn't ask you if you want to come with him too. Of course he didn't. Robb knows well that you hate going hunting. You like riding but you can't bear the sight of a dying animal. And killing an animal yourself? No, never. You tried at the beginning of your marriage but hated every second. Robb knows that. And that's why he goes hunting alone with the Karstark girl.
The two of them would happily ride through the forest. Would Robb take her over the southern route, up to the hot springs?
Your thoughts wander back to one of your countless rides. Would he also ride with her to the edge of the springs? Would he also help her off the horse, leaving his hands a little to long on her hips?
At the thought tears well up in your eyes again, you stop and have to blink. You feel sick again, you've been feeling sick all the time for the last few days. This girl is getting under your skin. You go to the window, sit down on the ledge and lean your head against the cold window. Your stomach slowly calms down again. You wipe the tears from your cheeks, and try to think of anything else. But this uneasy feeling remains.
Countless husbands cheat on their wives. But not your husband, right?
You know what they say: The wife always knows, she feels it.
Is it this feeling they mean?
You take a deep breath. Try to focus your thoughts on one of the hundreds of beautiful moments you shared with Robb. The countless times Robb showed you that he loves you.
You stare at forest outside your window, and try to calm yourself down.
But no matter how hard you try, the image of Robb and little Lady Karstark at the hot springs keeps appearing before your inner eye, your brain continues to spin this horrible story.
Robb steps behind Lady Karstark, brushes the cloak from her shoulders, simply tossing it to the side, just like he did with your cloak.
He puts his arms around her, pulls her closer and kisses her neck. He whispers something in her ear, then bites her earlobe, which makes her giggle.
Your own sobs tear you from your thoughts. Shocked at yourself, you slap your hand over your mouth. You don't want to think any further. You can't. You can't bear the idea of ​​Robb sleeping with another woman. Tears run down your cheeks, you wipe them away a little too harsh.
You were always a good wife to him. You were always faithful. You never thought about having anyone else but him. You supported him and gave him good advice. First you were a good and dutiful Lady Stark and then an even better Queen. You know what you're doing, you've studied for nights, analyzed your mistakes.
You listen to Robb, his worries, his hopes, everything.
You quickly forgive him for the few nights he sits at the gambling table for too long and loses one of your necklaces to one of his lords. You don't hold grudges. You love Robb.
And what does Robb do? He rides off to sneak around with some girl. And you will sit here and wait for him. You no longer bother to wipe away the tears on your cheek. You look at your shaking hands.
Gods, you are pathetic. What has become of you? You never wanted to be one of those wives who know that their husband is cheating on them and still waits for him.
You hate yourself a little right now.
And that is all Robb's fault again.
Once again, anger suppresses your other feelings and you gratefully allow it. You would rather be angry at Robb than at yourself.
The rational part of your brain wonders where these sudden mood swings are coming from, but you only allow the thought to pass through your mind for two heartbeats before you concentrate entirely on your anger.
You jump up from your place and start walking back and forth again. This prevents you from shaking. How can he dare to cheat on you? How can he betray and hurt you like that? How can he forget everything he swore to you just because a pretty girl smiled at him? The scene before your inner eye of Robb and her at the hot springs replays itself again, and you feel sick again.
A voice whispers very softly in your head. "You jump to conclusion. Robb did nothing. He is loyal to you." you ignore it.
How can Robb hurt you like that? You two are happy, aren't you? At least you thought so. Nevertheless, he ignores you at dinner because he is so captured by his conversation with Lady Karstark. He treats you like air. You want to scream.
The door opens and Robb steps in. You whirl around. Your husband beams at you.
"Isn´t it a wonderful day, my beautiful wife," he calls cheerfully.
His good mood bounces off you like from a wall. You are boiling with anger as you watch him walk through your chambers.
In a swift motion, he pulls his shirt over his head and tosses it into a corner. For a moment, you are distracted by the sight of his back muscles.
You blink, refocusing on being angry while Robb reaches for a fresh shirt. It's one of his better shirts. You cross your arms in front of your chest.
"What are you doing?" you ask with suppressed anger in your voice.
"I'm changing for the hunt," he replies cheerfully, slipping into his shirt.
"So you have to put on a fresh shirt for the hunt?" your voice drips with accusation, so much that Robb finally realizes something is wrong. He finishes pulling his shirt over his head and then turns to you.
His gaze sweeps over you, your arms crossed in front of your body, your tense shoulders, the daggers your eyes throw at him. You are almost vibrating with anger.
Robb swallows hard, shifting from one foot to the other. He feels visibly uncomfortable, but you don't care right now.
"Or are you putting on a fresh shirt to look good for a certain lady?" you continue to berate him. "And I also noticed that you have shaved," you angrily add the next best thought.
Robb takes a deep breath, his jaw tightens, and you can tell he is thinking.
You let your gaze wander through the room, if you look at him too long, you will scream.
He says your name, but you can't tell from his tone what he feels. Reluctantly, you look at him. He has also adopted a tense posture, and the way he looks at you, with a hint of amusement, doesn't sit well with you at all.
"What?" you snap at him.
"You can't be serious," Robb says seriously.
"You obviously understood exactly what I meant."
"You weren't really subtle. Just ask me directly," he snaps at you angrily. He lets his arm fall to his side and clenches his hand into a fist, relaxes again, and takes a deep breath. Suddenly, his voice sounds calm. "My love, you have no reason to be jealous."
You furrow your eyebrows. You don't know if you believe him. Don't know what to think.
"And why are you riding out with her then?" you avoid his gaze again.
"Because she asked if she could accompany me. The hunt has been planned for a long time. You know that."
You huff. Yes you know this, still there's that uneasy feeling inside you.
A cold fear suddenly at grips you. Will this girl take away your husband from you? Is Robb in love with her? Is he courting her?
You two didn´t have this phase, courting didn't exist between the two of you. When you got married, you were strangers. Not even a week later, King Robert visited Winterfell and after this Robb's family was pulled from one crisis to the next. You stood by his side during that time, did what you could to help him.
And in the midst of war, after the death of his father and the betrayal of his mother, during the worst time of your lives, you decided to give your marriage a chance. You learned to love each other.Your love had been a decision.
Maybe Robb has the wish to make this experience now? To feel this knew feelings? For Lady Karstark?
You notice tears welling up in your eyes again. But you don't want to cry now. Not in front of Robb.
You have to tell him what you feel, explain this uneasy feeling to him.
He would surely understand you. Or he would react with amusement again, maybe even laugh at you? Your stomach tightens with anger once again.
"Should I cancel the hunt?"
Robb interrupts your thoughts, you look at him. You can´t form a clear thought, so your anger makes you spit out the first thing that comes to your mind. "Because you can't resist her when you spend time alone with her?" you accuse him.
Robb's jaw tightens again, you can see that he is trying hard not to get angry. "Of course not." he says through clenched teeth.
It annoys you that he is annoyed.
You have valid concerns and he acts like you're being hysterical.
"What should I do? I'll do everything you want," Robb tries this time with a softer tone.
Never talking to Lady Karstark again would be a solution. You know of course that this is not only irrational but also extremely rude. A rudeness that Robb cannot afford towards Karstark.
"I don't know." you say, annoyed by everything.
And your husband has the audacity to laugh. Now you really can't hold back anymore.
"Then go ahead and fuck the little Lady Karstark." you scream at him. Hot anger makes your skin crawl. "That's what you should do. We both know you want it."
Robb stares at you and says nothing. Angrily, you walk up to him and shove him in into his chest. He doesn't take a step back.
"Get out." you shove him again. "Get out of my face."
Robb gives in, takes a step back. He gives you one last look before turning around and leaving the chambers.
You remain motionless for two heartbeats, staring at the closed door. After that you turn around again and stare into the empty space in front of you instead.
You have to swallow, you notice your hands trembling.
You yelled at him, pushed him. Guilt nibbles at you.
Now he would have another reason to fall into Lady Karstark's arms.
She has certainly never yelled at him. She certainly never will.
Good wives don't yell at their husbands, your mother often said that. You have to snort at the thought.
Robb and you were married for two and a half days when you yelled at him for the first time.
As you walked by, you overheard Robb say something to Theon about your wedding night. It was a boyish bragging, probably because Theon had teased him. But you also were just a young girl back then, additionally you were terribly embarrassed. So you exploded. You yelled at him in front of Theon. How he could dare to humiliate you like that and discuss private matters with Theon. You wildling,you insulted him. You would never forget the expression on his face in that moment. Rarely had Robb looked so guilty as in that moment. Nevertheless, you ran away in anger.
Not even an hour later, Robb came into your chambers with red cheeks and a bouquet of flowers in his hand to apologize. He swore to you that he would never again discuss your marital affairs with anyone other than you.
Now he wouldn't come back to apologize. Today, you probably push him straight into the arms of that girl. He would ride out with her, take the southern route, strip off her cloak and dress, and whisper sweet nothings in her ear. Robb would promise to lay the North at her feet.
Of course, she wouldn't be able to resist him.
You can hate her for being smart, and pretty, and wild. But you can't hate her for giving herself to him.
Robb is charming, you know that. And he can keep all his promises. He is the King in the North. And she's just a stupid girl. Of course, she will fall for him. No, you can´t blame her for this.
Could she make Robb happy? Happier than he is with you? After all, she is his dream girl. Just like he described her back then.
You take a deep breath and stop yourself. You shake your head. That was years ago. Back then, Robb and you didn't love each other. Now it's different. You built your love together, it has grown with you. Robb loves you. A pretty girl can't change that.
You feel your stomach turning again. You take a moment to concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in. Breathe out. It´s get better. With every breath you also notice that your anger slowly burns out.
Do you really think Robb would risk everything you two have for a pretty girl?
This time you want to listen to the rational voice.
You think of Sansa and how sure she was that Robb wouldn't even notice it, if Lady Karstark flirts with him.
Why can't you have such unwavering faith in your husband? Guilt crawls under your skin again.
You are such a complete idiot. You know that Robb loves you and he has never given you a reason to doubt his loyalty.
Gods You know that he is constantly surrounded by pretty girls. Normally, you don't care. Because you are sure that Robb doesn't care about these girls.
Why is it different this time? Is she different? You don't want to be mean, but the thought crosses your mind to quickly to stop it: No, little Lady Karstark is just like all the other girls. A little prettier maybe, but nothing more.
You can't understand why you're reacting so extremely.
You know that Robb won't come to apologize this time. This time it's your turn.
You overreacted, you know that. Your accusations were mean. Even if you're still not completely convinced that they're unfounded.
You have the right to be angry. You quickly push the thought away.
You have to apologize to Robb. You take one last deep breath before you turn to step out of your chambers.
You turn to the guard at your door. You don't know if you want to know the answer, yet you ask.
"Has my lord husband gone out hunting?" your voice trembles slightly.
"No, My Lady. His Grace is in his study."
You have to suppress a relieved exhale. "Thank you," you say, giving the guard a smile and then setting off. You have to hold yourself back from running down the hallways.
The Maester takes a step closer, entering your personal space. Astonished by his unusual behavior, you hesitate. Before you can say anything, Winterfell's Maester speaks again.
"Your Grace." Winterfells Maester addresses you two corridors later. You think a moment about sending him away. You want to go to Robb to apologize. Nevertheless, you stop and turn to him. "Yes?"
"My Lady, I know this is a very private topic." he interrupts himself, swallows before continuing to speak. "However, I have noticed that you haven't asked me for your pain potions for the pain during your moon blood for three moons now."
All your thoughts and worries fly out of your brain, immediately your attention is with the Maester. Have three moons already passed? You didn't ask him about the potion because you didn't need it. You didn't bleed.
"Or, My Lady, can I assume that you didn't ask because you weren't bleeding?"
You nod. "Yes." you confirm. Happiness floods through you and you place a hand on your belly. "I am with child."
"It´s possible" the Maester nods.
"I need to go to my husband."
"I should have do a medical examination first."
You raise your hand, shake your head. "This examination is not urgent, right?"
"Right, My Lady."
"Then we can do it later." you say, you still have to apologize to Robb and you have to tell him. You are so full of happiness that you feel like you will burst if you don't tell him.
"Of course, Your Grace." the Maester says and you continue on your way to Robb.
Arriving at the door, you take a deep breath once more. Then you raise your hand and knock lightly.
"Who's there?" Robb's voice sounds muffled. A grin appears on your face at the thought of how happy he will be in a few moments.
"It's me." you say through the door.
"Come in."
Slowly, you open the door and step inside. You have to pull yourself together to avoid beaming at him and bursting out with the good news right away.
You can't look at him, you stare at the ground in front of you, but you feel Robb's gaze on you.
"I have to apologize." you say. You gather all your strength and manage to put on a remorseful face before looking at Robb. You really are sorry, you shouldn't have made those accusations against him. You should have calmly talked to him about your worries.
Despite all that, it has become unimportant at the thought that you are carrying your child in your womb. You have wished for a baby for so long, your own little family.
Your eyes meet. Robb stands up from his desk, comes around. You go to him, extending your hand towards him. It feels good to hold his warm hand in yours.
Robb seems to be searching for the right words, but you can't stand the silence. Too many feelings are swirling inside you at once, and you need to let them out.
"You didn't go hunting." you note and realize once again how relieved you are about it. Your horror thought did not come true.
Robb laughs briefly. "No, I didn't go hunting." he says, squeezing your hand lightly. "I thought that would be the safest decision." a smile dances across his lips. "The last thing I wanted to do is to not further annoy my wife."
You press your lips together, notice how you want to grin but manage to stay serious.
Robb has never held a grudge. Now you're glad about it.
Nevertheless, before you can share the good news of your pregnancy with Robb, you want to have the Lady Karstark matter completely resolved.
"You spent a lot of time with Lady Karstark. That has made..." you interrupt yourself, now your thoughts seem ridiculous to you. "I was so sure that you desired her, that you would seduce her on this ride. I don't know why. I'm so sorry."
Robb says your name, he places his hand on your cheek, forcing you to look him in the eyes. "No. Never would I do something like that. My love. I didn't even think about it." a glance into his eyes is enough, and you are convinced that he is telling the truth.
"But you like her." you want to take a step back, he can't deny that. Again, jealousy and insecurity are trying to surface. Robb places his hand on your hip, holding you gently.
"That doesn't matter. You feel uncomfortable when I talk to Lady Karstark, so I won't do it anymore. Very simple. That's not even a question, my Love. You are my wife. You always come first." he looks deep into your eyes, seems to be searching for something. A shadow flits across his face for a second. "Did I do something wrong to justify your doubts?" he asks quietly.
You gently shake your head. "No. It's just. She seems perfect for you. As if you could give her your heart. A girl from the North." you say quietly and feel a bit ashamed of your own thoughts.
"How could I give my heart to another woman when it belongs to you? In my heart, there is no room for Lady Karstark. It is full of you. I never think of her, only of you, my Love. But oviously you are not sure of my love for you, I have failed as a husband. For that, I must apologize."
His words bring tears to your eyes, you sigh, suddenly feel a pleasant calm wash over your body and drive away your fear.
You want to laugh at yourself, how could you forget that your husband is a good man?
Relieved, you have to giggle. You stand on your tiptoes and press a kiss to Robb's lips. He lets out a surprised sound, but when you let yourself fall back again, he follows you. His lips crash onto yours and he pulls you into his arms. You wrap your hands around his neck, enjoying the kiss for a few heartbeats.
As you pull away from Robb, he immediately catches your gaze. A smile appears on your face.
"You haven't done anything you need to apologize for, Robb. I behaved irrationally. I was jealous." you finally confess. You take a deep breath. "However, I have a good excuse for my behavior." Robb furrows his brows, looks down at you. "I am pregnant with your child, husband."
For a moment, it seems as if time stood still. Then Robb wraps his arms around you and spins you through the air in a tight embrace. His laughter reaches your ears.
He sets you back on your feet, his hand resting on your hip. Robb kisses your forehead, then your lips. " Are you sure?"
"Very sure," you say. Robb studies your face closely, then pulls you into a tight hug.
"My Love, you are making me the happiest man in the world right now." he whispers in your ear. You miss the slight scratch that his beard usually causes on your cheek. You lean into his arms, enjoying the warm feeling in your body.
"We will finally be a family." you say and notice the tears of joy running down your cheeks, now that Robb knows too, it feels real. You are pregnant. With Robb's baby. You couldn't be happier.
A knock at the door makes you both flinch, and you take a step back. Robb immediately reaches for your hand.
"Your Grace?" a guard enters your chambers uninvited. "Sorry for the interruption, but it's Lord Commander Snow, he's in the courtyard. He says it's urgent."
You notice how Robb tenses up next to you, you both know that this can´t mean something good. Robb looks at you.
"I need another moment." he says then towards the guards.
You place your hand on his chest. "No, it's fine. Go to Jon. Everything is fine." you assure him and smile.
"Really?" he asks again, you can read from Robb's expression that he would rather stay with you. But his duty as King in the North stands in his way.
"Yes. I have to go to Sansa anyway. I was a bit mean to her." you give him a quick kiss and then nod towards the door.
"I'm hurrying and then I'll come to you." says Robb. "Thank you, wife. You made me very happy today." he kisses your forehead. Your heart flutters happily in your chest.
"Just one more thing, husband." you say before he turns away.
"Everything, My Lady wife."
"Next time you have to ask me before you shave your beard. Or you get yourself in trouble."
"Of course, My Lady." grins Robb, leaning forward to steal another kiss before turning towards the door. "I'll see you both later."
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anonymouscheeses · 1 year ago
Even more and more of obvious shit I point out because I want an excuse to rant while not interacting with actual people in real life who also like this show because I'm masking 😍💜💜
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*grabs pen*
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The people writing fanfics where she gets FURIOUS. Omg. That was something I read. I LOVE MY FELLOW FANFIC WRITERS BUT OH MY- YALL REALLY HAD CHARLIE M A D.
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I love his reaction lmao look at his goofy face.
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HER BOW BECAME HORNS (my "redesign" is now 100% worse)
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Oh and the angel dust fellow back there 🤯
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No explanation needed. <3
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That's it.
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I thought this song was gonna be a Charlie and Vaggie duet- tbh I still preferred that BUT I LOVE CARMILLA SO I KINDA DONT CARE.
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Is that. Like. How she thinks actually 😰
I know there's been a lot of the lack of Vaggie's self-worth, which I wish was explored into more. I just think the Vaggie(3rd) episode just wasn't needed at all if it didn't even have an impact. Don't get me started on that episode, it was rushed, too early to have character arcs already, and overall not needed or even should have existed periodt.
I hope they explore it next season because GOD this woman needs TO LOVE HERSELF. OR ATLEAST CARE ABOUT HERSELF LIKE????
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Charlie, sharing is caring <3
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Out of all the people I thought Charlie would vent to I didn't think it would be ROSIE. It's a nice surprise tho I love her <3
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That's it.
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Season 2 is going to be Charlie in her villain era and Alastor's reputation era 😍
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I can't say how much I love them. It's too much. I cant- yay the teaser image before the show came out <3 they are so fucking adorable. UGH SOME1 END ME
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Charlie loves the wings hehehe. Vaggie looks nervous about it. It's probably a reminder to her about when she used to be an exterminator. The healing from everything will take a long time but hopefully Charlie will be there for her the entire time. And vice versa
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Ayo- 😰
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Uh next one tomorrow cuz yeah 🤯
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l1v1ngd3dgrrl · 3 months ago
Tulpar crew: Least to most likely to have an Alternative (Goth) Partner. [HC's]
AN: No one asked for this, this is purely my thoughts alone. (And yes when i said all I mean ALL...Minus Polle duh.) Please behave yourselves I'm BEGGING you
CW(S): Slight UNINTENTIONAL fetishization of Goth women (it's brief and no it's not Jimmy's doing. It's a reference to a meme, it'll make sense when you read it.)
MDNI banner: cafekitsune
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Curly [Least]
I can hear your gasps behind the screen (I'm sorry!)
He doesn't mean it maliciously! I feel like he wouldn't like..Actively seek out a goth BUT he would date (and or marry) one if the chance presents itself.
doesn't really get the fashion aspect, but does like some bands (I can see him liking some of The Cure)
Have zero clue when this man was born, or when Mouthwashing takes place. All I know is he's old (not like super old but old y'know)
..I don't think he's ever met a goth? Maybe like once and they were someone younger than him.
Finds the more 'traditional' goth looks annoying in a sense. Whaddya mean you did all that for some fashion?
Another person I can see liking very few goth bands..maybe a song or two. He can't tell you the name of the songs or what bands it is, but if you put on a song that he likes he'll kind of bop his head to it.
Honestly It's hard to pin point his type, based on in game dialogue he likes hot women (who doesn't) and since ones definition of hot varies who knows what he's into.
now me personally... I see him as a straight man BUT for the sake of this list he plays for all teams m'kay?
Similar to Curly I don't think he actively seeks out Goths, but if you two get along and you happen to be goth then yeah.
Would be the type to post "Need me a big tiddy goth gf" as a JOKE, he's joking i swear guys pLEASE. (you cannot tell me that he wouldn't have some stupid shitpost account on instagram or something.)
If it upset you he's taking it down and apologizing over and over and over.
If you think it's funny it becomes a joke between you two.
He canonically likes thrifting so he'd be down to help you find new pieces for your wardrobe (we love a supportive man)
Hear me out-
He does kind of view you as like an accessory, or like a trophy. if you don't dress 'goth' all the time he will view you as fake and not 'goth enough.'
HOWEVER, I do see him having some base knowledge about Alternative subcultures. (I saw a headcannon from curly-my-beloved and that's what made me think about putting him here)
During his high school years he probably considered himself Punk or something. Maybe had one Goth gf that dumped him in a really really messy breakup.
Unironically He would be the fucker to see someone wearing a band shirt and go "name 3 songs" or give you a pop quiz about the band, and call you a poser or fake fan.
I can see him liking some Type o negative, but he strikes me as a metal guy. Metallica/ Rob Zombie maybe? (Every man I've had the misfortune of crossing paths with who was obsessed with either have been the most insufferable dickheads to walk this earth. don't get me started ughh.)
Firm believer that Anya is one of those goths who doesn't dress goth at all, but her entire playlist says otherwise.
Once in a blue moon she'll get all gothed up but with how busy she is with work and med school she doesn't have time for it.
I can totally see her being the most likely to have a goth partner.
You two share music recommendations often, and sometimes you get into squabbles about what band is considered goth or not. (with love of course)
she KNOWSS her subculture history. Ask her any question about the subculture and she's gonna give you a whole presentation on it.
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likearhinestonecowgirl · 7 months ago
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Deadpool Headcanons
cw:: mentions of sex and violence. it's wade lol
description:: goddess reader, wade is your boyfriend >:)
a/n:: wade and i are married irl so this is straight from the source
Wade likely meets you first. which is a nice way of saying he's been stalking you after having a legitimate romcom, slow motion, wind only in HIS (metaphorical) hair moment
once he finally introduces himself, your aggravation only leads (turns) him on
your way of cooing condescending, violent things as you accost this clown(?) sets it in stone - your the love of his fucking life
You shove Wade against the nearest wall. "I'm sure you're a.. special kid, but let's put on our listening caps." Your eyes practically pierce his soul, unblinking, pupils narrow and frustrated. "Go ahead." You release him and pat his head like an order. "On." You wait a beat, make sure he's listening- at least to the best of his ability. "Get in my way again and I will turn you into a fucking vegetable." You whisper yell, hardly realizing your nails are biting his jaw through his mask. "Thank you." With a curt grin and pat to his cheek, you saunter past him.
He grunts as he’s slammed against the wall, staring down at you with furrowed brows and a slowly growing grin. “This is not how my first dates usually go but I’m game.” He blurts out before you start speaking. He tilts his head at the mention of a listening cap, looking down at his hands as if one will materialize before you let him go. He blinks slowly and mimes putting a hat on before his head is shoved back against the wall at the force of your sudden grasp. He grins quickly at the fleeting feeling of nails sinking into flesh, chest heaving a touch before he mourns the loss of the sting almost instantly. As his skin stitches itself back together, he rouses himself from his starry eyed haze and starts after you. “How do you feel about Tahiti—maybe Turks and Caicos, I can’t exactly tan, but I feel like I can just sit out and burn.” He rambles, hot on your heels as he takes a selfish look of you before returning to the task at hand. What was it again? Right—planning your honeymoon. “How do you feel about hydrangeas, they smell like shit but, we could always settle for tulips.” He stops for a beat before continuing. “Fuck, you’re a great negotiator. Fine, we can do orchids.”
Wade is nothing if not good at wearing people down. that's how he eventually gets you to start laughing at his jokes, to smile cheekily instead of burning him with your stare or the venom in your tone
his personality is infectious and soon enough you two are attached at the hip
Despite his CVS receipt of red flags, Wade is a really good boyfriend
Wade is surprisingly attentive, but you truly are the most interesting, beautiful, sexy, delicious, thing that has ever graced his sorry fucking existence so how could he not spend his life fixating on you
he picks up on all the little things you like and goes out of his way to keep you smiling - only happy, fucked out tears are allowed for his girl
you can conjure up whatever you like, being a god, so his money is reserved for surprises - ringpops whenever the last is finished, food because you likely don't know how to cook (why learn when you can will a three course meal into life with a snap of your fingers) and Wade is banned from every kitchen for obvious reasons, and merch of himself with his moniker, name, and/or his symbol on it
Wade can be possessive and jealous to a degree, so showing you off is one of his greatest pleasures
if you wear his hoodie or a little pair of sleep shorts or panties with his name on it, the poor fuck will actually combust. should've worn his white pants
any time you go literally anywhere and meet someone new (ie dragging him along and making him pay for stuff) Wade takes the opportunity to make it known you are his
"Oh, have you met my WIFE?"
He beams to the cashier at the luxury store who truly thought they were about to robbed.
"Yea, she's my WIFE. We're MARRIED. It was a crisp afternoon and she threw me against the wall-"
All while his arm is secured around you, holding you to his side as he thumbs over your hip bone.
he'll likely say you're married before you even start enjoying his company. the moment you accept that unwrapped ring pop definitely covered in blood and lint, those metaphorical documents are signed. it's set in stone like the 11th fucking commandment. you'll be together forever
and you just go along with it. why not? being immortal gets boring after a few millenniums and this strange, poor mentally challenged man in spandex is pretty fun having around
the whole married bit goes on for so long you're not even sure if it's still a bit anymore
Wade uses the sanctity of your marriage in any situation - another guy with a gun on some mission copping a feel? "I'M MARRIED". someone brushes past him on the street? "I'M MARRIED". sees anyone look a little too long at you? "SHE'S MARRIED"
he'd kill and die for you over and over again. say the word and it's a done deal. that hypothetical guy who checked you out a little too long got a face full of gloved knuckles
want to keep his dick in a jar because Wade Jr. obviously brings you so much joy? say less. he knows a guy who can get him formaldehyde cheap
if Wade isn't busy showing you off in public, he's arguing with strangers on reddit about how you very much are his real life WIFE
ilovechappelroan: That's photoshop.
mercwithamouth1: it's not we took that picture together and her tits r real
webhead123: i think it's AI generated. see the blurry line where his cheek is apparently pressed against her head?
ilovechappelroan: Yea, mods should take this down.
mercwithamouth1: i have ur ip and im omw over she'll tell u herself WE ARE MARRIED and she will dox u bc she LOVES ME
webhead123: okay???? i already know where i live lol
"Hold this." Wade orders with a pouty huff and camera at the ready as he hands you a paper that reads i'm not a hostage don't ask me to blink twice
you two bicker and argue over random things (usually because you enjoy a reason to complain as it passes the time in your literally endless existence), but it's never anything of substance and usually under a veil of something condescending any sly
these stupid, teasing spats 9 times out of 10 end up with Wade soothing your brattiness by cooing little phrases and pulling you onto him in any way he can
"Don't pout, you're so sexy- fuck, I can't stay mad at you- what if I let you peg me?"
Wade doesn't mind this routine at all. it's just another reason for him to get his hands on you
he loves holding you, feeling the weight of your body against his - throwing you over his shoulder when you're being a brat, carrying you all day because his girl is "just too pretty walk", sat on his lap, chest, face (when he's been *really* good)
he'll do virtually anything to have you praise him, call yourself mommy and go on about how much of a good boy he is
he in turn responds to that comfort with a few pet names of his own - sweetheart, cupcake, the wind beneath my wings, my will to live or his favorite my future baby mama
nothing in the universe, not even the shittiest of writers he's handed, could take him away from you
he's content just having you, knowing you're his - BUT he does have a little fantasy he's shared a few hundred time of really having you. a pretty thing, a trophy who sits at home and waits for him to walk through the door covered in blood and guts. you can't go outside, it's just not safe out there for his baby, so he'll always be with you. dress you in nice things, show you off, shower you in affection, heed your every whim. you'd be slaves to each other
and why would you protest? sounds fun
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wxshing-aep · 2 years ago
Hiii, I saw ur request post!! could you maybe
write some dating Ethan morales hcs??💖
Dating Ethan Morales Would Include
pairing: ethan morales x reader (all characters are 18+) AN: this will be dating college!ethan cause i thought it'd be more interesting, also didn't proofread this warnings: swearing, gets nsfw in the second half so 18+ (minors dni)
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you met ethan when you were assigned to tutor him cause he was failing calc. you originally found him to be pretty obnoxious and got tired of his overly nonchalant attitude which culminated in you yelling at him about how he needs to start trying or he's gonna get kicked out. he made no move to respond to your angry rant and just stared back at you with wide eyes and blown out pupils. "what?" you question. "sorry, you're kinda really fucking hot when you're mad"
one of your study sessions ended with him pulling you onto his lap while you made out and his hands roamed your body
he got a little nervous asking you out on a real date even though you've already made out multiple times. he was a bit worried that you'd reject him. he wasn't sure if you'd want a serious relationship with him since he's got a bit of a womanizer reputation. (spoiler alert: you said yes)
his grades got a lot better once he actually started trying because he loved seeing how excited you'd get for him when he showed you a good grade that he got on a test
ethan's love language is definitely physical touch. he needs his hands on you at all times, normally around your waist or resting on your thigh. he's constantly drawing little shapes on whatever part of your bare skin he has access to. most of the time he doesn't even realize he's doing it
you go on a lot of late night drives that may or may not end with the two of you in the backseat of ethan's car
he loves when you wear his clothes but still consistently accuses you of robbing him. "wearing my jacket again, you little thief" "oh, did you want it ba-" "no"
he is your own personal hype-man, there is no shortage of compliments coming from him
"see you later, gorgeous", "damn, my girl looks sexy", "my girlfriend is the most beautiful person on the planet"
he lets you braid his hair when you're bored
he'll match his nail color to yours but will never admit that he did it on purpose and always insist that it was a coincidence
he gets very jealous, but will deny it if you call him out. you were once at a party very innocently talking to a male friend from your psych seminar about how hard your recent test was before ethan walked over to your conversation.
"oh hey, jack, this is my boyfriend ethan" you introduce him, "ethan, this is-" "yea, don't care" ethan interrupts before pulling you by the waist into a searing kiss until jack had left. "there's no reason to be jealous you know? he's just a friend" "i'm not jealous, but that loser was definitely eye-fucking you" "he was not eye-" "let's go make out"
ethan is very distracting when you're trying to study or do any homework
"baaaaaabe, i'm bored", he whines. "m'sorry but I really have to do this research paper" you respond. "or", he starts, closing the book in your hands and tossing it to the side of your bed, "you can take a much needed break and do me instead"
his friends call him whipped bc of how obsessed with you he is and he doesn't give a fuck cause he is in fact obsessed with you
he lets you color in his tattoos
he definitely tries to teach you how to skateboard and holds both your hands if you're too scared to let go of him
he got you a necklace with his initial on it and has a ring with your initial on it
nsfw 18+
that man definitely knows what he's doing in the bedroom cause, let's face it, he was a bit of a whore in the past
you guys have a lot of sex, like a lot of sex to the point where you might have gotten a few noise complaint's from the people that live next to your dorm room
he's a capital M Munch. ethan loves eating pussy, like he definitely does it for his own enjoyment. he could spend hours in between your thighs and any moans or whimpers coming from you just egg him on even more
ethan was so turned on when you agreed to sit on his face
"your face is pretty", you complimented him. "yea? you should sit on it" oh. "like sit on it sit on it?" "sit. on. it." "but what if I like suffocate you or something" "you won't, and if you did i'd die happy" so you did and holy shit does that boy know how to use his mouth. he wouldn't stop till you came on his face multiple times and your legs are shaking around his head
he keeps his hair long cause he likes when you tug on it while he's eating you out. it turns him on so much that he has to actively try not to cum in his pants while he's going down on you
ethan is very vocal, he's not afraid to let you know that he's enjoying it. he whimpers for sure. while he's definitely a giver he loves when you have your mouth on him. his mind goes fuzzy when you're blowing him, moaning your name, shaking under you
he's a bit of a sub and loves when you boss him around. ethan absolutely loses his mind when you choke him while you're riding him. he just loves seeing you on top of him, telling him what to do, using him for your own pleasure. he'll beg, especially if you're edging him
"baby fuck please i need it, i'll be your good boy i promise"
jealous!ethan is definitely more dominant though. "right there baby? look how wet you are for me. he can't fuck you like i can hmm? want you to cum on my dick like a good girl"
this man cannot hide when he's horny. he immediately gets super handsy and will be whisking you off to the nearest bathroom
he loves your boobs. holding them, sucking on your nipples, cumming on them if you're cool with that. your chest is rarely not covered in hickies.
you're obsessed with ethan's hands and he knows it. he knows how to use them and has no problem sneaking them into you under the table on a date night, only to remove his hands from you right before you finish and make a point of sucking the fingers that had just been inside you clean while holding eye contact with you and letting a smug look take over his face
he has a praise kink and definitely responds with "yes ma'am" when you boss him around. he's gotten turned on when you guys are arguing before, there's just something about you yelling at him that goes straight to his dick
if you wear a sundress, oh it's over for him. he'll have you bent over the nearest surface in seconds and the dress stays on.
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joocomics · 10 months ago
Dinna, I'm here presenting to you preppy!jiseok, who's very cocky and has a corruption kink🤭 He absolutely loves it when you wear a short tennis skirt and a tight top, he looks at your ass when you walk by him after practice or something. You give him a look, and he knows what you want. All his friends want you, and they all want to take your virginity; they even made bets with each other. Jiseok took part in the bet too, but no one knew you were already dating him and you told him to take the bet so you both can rob his rich, posh friends from their money🤭 I say you'll fuck at his family beach house or something like that😌
money on my mind
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pairing: preppy!jiseok x preppy fem!reader
genre: smut wc: 3.3k
contains: sub!reader, established (secret) relationship, enemies to lovers trope, forbidden romance trope? (nothing serious), light corruption kink, mentions of virginity, semi? public sex, pet names, (+ slut used once), fingering, oral sex (m!rec), multiple orgasms, overstimulation (f!rec), creampie, squirting, dirty talk, filming, jungsu cameo
a/n: you didn’t ask for this many words ok i’m sorry >< but no matter what i tried it just kept getting longer, because your idea IS SO GOOD. there’s no way i could just answer it with three sentences… no way. it’s jiseok, and the idea is genius. hope you enjoy it and sorry for the wait <3
[ xdinary heroes masterlist | general masterlist ]
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Jiseok was your secret for a while.
He didn’t care about you being the daughter of the people his parents are rivals with, but you were hesitant about showing up in public as his girlfriend until wanting to be with him everywhere, all the time, clinging onto his arm, was the only thing you could think about.
And you found the perfect way to make it official in front of your friend group. None of them would’ve ever thought they’ll see the two of you together as something more than the two brats who always make faces of disgust when they are forced to sit next to each other.
“You should participate in the bet.”
“The bet,” you repeat as your voice shakes. A moan slips from your tongue before you try continuing your thought with a distracted glance at Jiseok’s face. “Take it and win the money.”
He looks directly into your hazed eyes as his hips move against you slowly. The gentle gliding through your walls barely keep them open, and he sees the pretty fluttering of your curled lashes. Being in each other’s arms with bodies connected into one always makes the two of you look high; like you’re slowly losing grip on reality.
“Faster,” you plead in one quick breath before pressing your head back against the pillow.
“You’re cruel.” He grins before burying his mouth into your neck. “I like it… so hot, baby.” His speech turns more tense as you pulse with stronger vibrations around him. He doesn’t speed up though; he enjoys having you melt down underneath him. “I’m so fuckin’ in love with you, you know that, right?”
Your right hand gets lost in his blond hair, looking to tug on his dark roots so you don’t completely lose control over yourself.
“Make it worth it.”
Jiseok peers at you with a mischievous smirk that makes it clear he’s already looking forward to seeing his friends’ expressions after he claims his reward.
“Let’s pick up the pace, pretty girl,” he says, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head.
“When did you get so big?” You lay eyes on the exposed bicep. “Are you working out, Jungsu?”You feel the firm muscles against your palm as you squeeze it gently.
His arms have earned a nice golden tan from the summer sun and the white fitted shirt looks really good on him; complimenting his broad figure even more.
“Yeah,” he smiles flustered so quickly that you almost missed the reaction. “I’ve been going to the gym more often these days.”
You notice the way his cheeks instantly earn a pinkish color from the unexpected attention, causing him to avoid your stare. He���s definitely going to bet double after this. That’s what you want after all, and you’re going to put in the work.
“I’ve been thinking of going too, but I can’t seem to motivate myself enough to do it.” You sigh with a fake pout, running your hand along his broad shoulders before positioning yourself in front of him with the goal to show off your legs. “Maybe we can go together? Some company will be nice, I don’t wanna be just by myself there.”
You can feel Jiseok lifting his gaze up from the ground. He’s behind you, sitting on the chair across from Jungsu with his tenis racket in hands, but the intensity of his stare is warm on your skin like the sun. His eyes skim your figure up and down, stopping right where your short pleated skirt ends as he concentrates on your conversation.
He’s determined to not miss a word.
“I’d like that.” Jungsu blinks up at you with a genuine curl of his lips and eyes partly closed from the bright sunlight.
“Cool.” You smile back, tilting your head in a flirtatious manner. “Gym buddies?”
“Gym buddies.” Jungsu gives you a high five, and you’re just about to add something when you hear the deep voice coming from behind your shoulder.
“I thought you shouldn’t put pressure on your ankle for at least a month or two more,” Jiseok calls out.
“Oh, it’s fine.” You lie nonchalantly after turning around. He fixates his gaze on your chest, dressed in a tight cropped top with no straps, and you know it’s because if he looks into your eyes the real emotions may slip out from his face. However, he seems just as tense while staring at your boobs. “The doctor said I can start working out again, I just need to be careful not to overdo it.”
Jiseok responds with a crooked smile watching you take a seat on the table. As you take out the novel you’re reading for your english class, Jungsu stands up, stretching his arms for the next round.
Jiseok grabs the tennis ball, and a sigh of relief calms his frustration, when he walks pass you and feels your fingers discreetly brushing his as he heads towards the tennis court of his parents house.
“Will this book ever get interesting?” Jiseok scoffs. “Jesus, I’m so bored…”
“Will you stop interrupting me only to complain?”
Not only are you doing him the favour of telling him all the important things he needs to know about the novel, and helping him out with the assignment, more than you should, but you also have to bare listening to him complain like he doesn’t have someone else doing his work for him.
“If you read to me naked, I will.”
You roll your eyes at the comment, but you don’t succeed at fighting back the urge to grin, as you bring back your attention on the open book in your hands. He’s blessed with the most enticing smile in the word, and it never fails to make your stomach swirl. It’s boyish, smug, but so attractive.
“If we weren’t dating…” Jiseok rests his head in his palm after turning on his side, “who else would have a real chance except me?”
“Jungsu is cute.” You reply calmly without looking away from the page.
“Cute?” Jiseok blinks confused. His face scrunches from your quick answer. “Since when do you like cute guys?”
“Why did you ask if you’re just gonna get jealous of my answer?”
“Is this why you’re gym buddies all of a sudden? Cause he’s cute?”
You close the book and put it aside with a deep sigh.
“It’s like you missed the whole point of this bet. I have to get their hopes up a little bit so they can bet more money, baby.”
“I know, I know…” Jiseok whines, turning on his back. His eyes gaze up at the tree which leaves move discreetly from the light breeze. “It’s just annoying having to listen to them talk about you… they really think they have a chance.”
You move closer to him, putting a hand over his chest.
“This means we’re winning.”
Jiseok takes your wrist and guides your hand to his lips, pressing them against your knuckles. A moment later, you sit on his lap and his palms go underneath your skirt; it’s like an automatic reaction and it makes you chuckle.
“I can be cute too.” He says.
“I don’t want that.” You reply quietly before leaning down. The minty scent of the gum he had in his mouth earlier invades your senses as you stare at his plump lips. “You didn’t win me over with a cute attitude.”
You both smile at each other, because it’s true. He’s always been a gentleman, but he never tried to impress you with cute compliments, princess treatment or anything like that… The way you challenged yourselves in class, the games of cat and mouse and the bickering in between pulled you closer till he couldn’t handle it anymore. After realising the hatred you feel towards each other, or more specifically the hatred you’re supposed to feel towards each other was actually lust, attraction, desperation to know each other in more ways than one, Jiseok came up to you and straight up told you he wants you. “Right here, right now,” he said. No pick up lines, nothing.
“But we hate each other,” you stated even though it didn’t sound believable, because it wasn’t true at all. You said it just because you couldn’t think of anything else that wouldn’t make you sound easy.
“I don’t believe it, do you?”
“I don’t think so.”
“I actually think you’re good for me, Y/N.”
He fingered you in the library that day. It felt so inappropriate, so… filthy; but most importantly - exciting. Jiseok saw something shifting in you that day, and it made him realise that he was right about you. You had a secret filthy side that’s hiding behind that pure obedient smile of yours, and it was waiting for him to discover it; to make it his.
Two days later he fingered you in the restrooms, that’s when you returned the favour although he said you didn’t need to.
He ate you out in the dressing rooms before his basketball game, and days later he asked to sit next to you for your English lecture so he can sneak his hand under your skirt. He likes doing that to this day - sitting next to you when you’re out with friends and touching you under the table. He enjoys it, because nobody has to know you’re in a relationship especially your parents. Another thing he likes about this is how you let him do it despite this well known fact.
He took your virginity at his house when his parents were out of the country and you got the chance to wake up next to him for the first time.
“What do you want then?” Jiseok keeps shifting his gaze from your eyes to your lips. His hands, hidden from your skirt, are gripping your ass cheeks beneath it. “Tell me, doll.”
He presses his lips against yours into a soft kiss. Once, twice… You remain silent while the contact from his mouth floods your body with adrenaline. The only sound around you is from the nature of the park where you found yourselves a nice secluded spot.
“Why are you suddenly shy, baby?” He smirks after you break the kiss. “I already know how filthy you can be for me.”
As he speaks Jiseok’s one hand moves your panties to the side while the other pushes a finger inside your welcoming arousal. You moan into his mouth as he glides it through your tight walls.
“It’s why you wear these little skirts and tops, right? You let me get what I want whenever I want to…” His finger speeds up, and you hide your face into the crook of his neck. “You don’t really care who sees. You never did.”
“I think it’s time to end the bet.” Jiseok tosses his phone on the table between you and glances in your direction. “It’s been over two weeks now.”
“Hmm..” You’re lounging on the sunbed enjoying the sight of the calm beach as the sun is almost about to set meanwhile Jiseok is sitting on his, hunched over with a certain tense expression.
“It’s perfect.” He exclaims. “Not too late, not too early either.”
“Wouldn’t it look like I’m easy?”
“No, baby.” He disagrees immediately as he walks up to you. “It would look like I’m just too damn good at flirting which I am.” He sits on the edge, stroking your bare leg up and down. “I’m too hard to resist.”
“You’re getting all cocky, Kwak Jiseok.” You tease him with your foot ghosting over his crotch. His hand catches your ankle gently. “Not cute.”
“What do you say?” His eyes fixate on your contemplative expression. What’s there to think about so much? As you stay silent, just maintaining the eye contact with him, Jiseok feels his heartbeat quickening.
“If you insist.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He blurts right away.
You cannot help but laugh while peeling your back off the lounge.
“I’m just messing with you! God, your cheeks got all red.”
You cup his face, smiling at his cute frustrations, but he grips your wrists, speaking out in an even more serious voice.
“I’m putting an end to this, you hear me?”
You pull back to drag down the straps of your light summer dress which is enough of an answer to his words. Jiseok watches you with half parted lips, finally laying eyes on the new pair of Victoria’s Secret lingerie you got.
You’ve talked about this - that you’re going to film just a few minutes as a proof, - but you’ve never discussed how, when, where or which minutes exactly - the beginning, the middle or the end. You completely let Jiseok guide you, but he seems too excited right now. He moves quickly, and kisses you roughly as if he hasn’t done it in weeks. You try to catch up with his speed, but all you can do is gasp and moan at every next touch.
“You can’t stop me, doll.” His tone comes out more intense and raspy. “I’m done listening to them thirsting over your ass, goddamn it. It’s driving me crazy.”
His fingers are already pumping against your g-spot, spreading your wetness and causing even more.
“J-Ji… Jiseok, fuck—“
Your legs dangle in the air as his arm flexes, moving steadily in order to make you cum as soon as possible.
“Slow down,” you whisper in a rush, squeezing your eyes, but Jiseok is too immersed into the fact you’re becoming even tighter than a moment ago.
“C’mon, baby, when have you liked it slow?” He smirks and a second later he feels you clench intensely around his fingers. “Yeah, there you go.”
Your jaw drops in a silent scream as Jiseok thrusts few more times till your climax fades down. Your chest drops heavily as you pant from the overwhelming feeling, it came so quickly and suddenly.
You’ve never cummed so fast before.
Jiseok pulls out his fingers slowly, all coated with your essence and drags them up to your clit. It causes your flushed face to scrunch up again which makes your boyfriend smile. He gives you a light smack.
“You needed this, huh?”
“I did,” you say already feeling relaxed and slightly lightheaded. Jiseok sneaks his fingers through your lips, doubling the pressure in his shorts by making you clean them up with your tongue. “Don’t you need something too?” You ask when you’re done sucking his digits.
Jiseok stands up, getting rid of his clothes. His tanned fit figure positions itself in front of you after you get comfortable with knees planted on the lounge. He looks stunning in this setting with the beautiful sea behind him.
“You can film me.” You say before you lick the side of his cock.
“Not yet.”
That’s all he says, as he stays with eyes shut due to the pleasant rush that's spreading wildly in his veins from your lips wrapped around his tip. You twirl your tongue around his oozing shape, but a moment later Jiseok gets impatient and slides himself all the way in, holding your head steady.
“Fuck, baby…” He groans with his deep voice. He commands his hips to move back and forth a few times, pushing as further as possible into your throat before emptying your mouth. “Give me your wet pussy now.” His soaked cock smacks your cheek lightly as a sign to turn around.
You feel him entering with ease. The pleasure is familiar, but it never feels exactly the same as other times. Every time your bodies connect you get dizzy with even more intense delight; with even stronger lust that only grows your addiction to Jiseok.
His fingertips dig into your hips, threatening to leave marks as the pace of his thrusts increases. He found your sweet spot and he doesn’t plan on slowing down until the knot in your tummy snaps.
“Fuck, b-baby—“ you call out with your weak voice; it keeps shaking from the immense pleasure and Jiseok’s rough pounding. “… gonna c-cum…”
Here at his parents' empty beach house, you can scream as loud as you want, so you don’t force yourself to be quiet nor discreet. You let out a deep wail of emotion that towards the end becomes just a shaky whimper as Jiseok fucks you through your second orgasm. He groans at the same time as you while doing his best to endure the pressure in his cock.
You collapse on your back, squeezing your trembling thighs together, but your boyfriend quickly separates them.
“I want to fuck you all night long,” he utters before his mouth sucks on your neck that’s sticky from sweat and the breeze around you. His body weight settles on top of your chest as his cock shoves into you again, making you whine beneath him. “You feel so fuckin’ good…”
The soothing sound of the waves clashing together blends with your moans as the rush starts doubling inside your core again. You feel how all the energy you had disappears from your body leaving only the overwhelming thrill from his cock turning you more and more sensitive.
“C’mon, my pretty girl, give me more.” Jiseok grunts. “I know you can.”
“Jiseok—“ you begin to say something, but he rises up, placing his thumb on your clit.
“I’m not gonna film shit until you start squirting, baby.”
He reaches for his phone, but the device stays locked in his free hand as the other stimulates your bundle of nerves causing you to squirm with each rub.
“You can do this, doll, look how needy you are.” Jiseok’s voice sounds lower than before as your clenching grows stronger.
His hips are not moving at all. He’s standing steady on his knees, feeling his cock being gripped tightly by your warm walls. He’s trying so hard not to keep his focus on this, but it’s impossible. His fingers speed up on your clit, and he pants heavily while you on the other hand cry out desperately with your silhouette convulsing in front of him. However, Jiseok doesn’t see a flinch of yours, because he cums inside you, and his eyes close shut.
Your clenching during your climax was enough to get him off.
“Shit,” he sighs, meeting your hazy gaze. You look completely washed off, but you still manage to smile after feeling how he spilled all that he had.
Jiseok unlocks his phone and guides the camera at your cunt so he can film the way he pulls out of you. His white cum starts seeping out in a slow thick trail and he makes sure to catch that too.
He keeps the video going as he pushes two fingers inside your hole tempted to fuck his essence back into you. His cock is still too sensitive, and he wants to get one more orgasm out of you.
“One more, pretty doll,” he whispers while pumping his digits, “this pussy is doing so well for me, keep it up.”
The camera memorises all the lewd squelching you do; all the messy juices emerging out of you as Jiseok’s fingers furiously bump against your deepest spot. Each and every whimper that slips from your lips in addition to your boyfriend’s praises.
“… can’t—“ you choke in the middle of your hitched breaths. “J-Jiseok, I can’t.. can’t…”
“Don’t say that, baby,” Jiseok fakes a disappointing look while keeping up the pace. “C’mon, you’ve been acting like a slut so many times for me, don’t get shy now. Show them what I thought you.”
You don’t realise when it happens; you feel too high to recognise anything else except your own crazy heartbeat and the burning in your core that makes you feel like you’re going to explode any second.
Jiseok’s phone gets sprayed when you succumb to the pressure and let go. You don’t even have the energy to let out a proper moan, you just gasp as the juices make Jiseok’s arm wet along with the lounge chair and the camera that catches everything.
Now, all that’s left to do is to send the video to the group chat, and get your money.
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
! please keep in mind that english is not my first language. i apologise in advance for any mistakes i’ve might missed
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lndsismaeverything · 1 year ago
"Come on let's go home " | Gojo satoru
Drunk Gojo x reader
Eating out with your fellow coworkers in a restaurant. Which ment eating and drinking knowing gojo can't hold his Alcohol. In which you had to dragg his ass to your apartment. But also got something inter turn
Fluffy fluff. Short. Not proof read
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"Sorry I'm late " you said sliding the door open to see your fellow coworkers and friends
"Y/n! " Gojo and utahime called out to you, their faces brighted seeing you.
" I had a meeting with the higher ups . It took longer then expected " you said sitting next to shoko who had a few drinks already, judging by the dust of pink on her cheeks.
" we've already order your favorite it should be here any time " shoko handed you a drink which you thanked her
" by the way where's mei mei? " You asked drinking the beer
" she said she had better things to do,which was making more money " nanami answered your question
"Thats typical mei mei " you sigh. The doors opened and the waiter brings your favorite dish.
" woah that looks good " gojo said looking at at the dish wishing he also order one for himself , you grab the chopsticks bring the food to your mouth.
" it really is! " you eat some more, puffing out some steam as it was to hot .
" gojo don't steal y/n's food! "Utahime yells at gojo who is slowly picking up some of your food to his mouth.
" you could have order some if you wanted it " shoko said looking at the blindfold man
Gojo just pouted " I didn't know it would look so tasty, if I knew I would have order it in a heartbeat "
" I don't mind sharing " you push your plate of food towards him so you two can share
" your the best! " utahime just groaned at the white head man
" you know what would make this a fun night? more Sake ! " gojo clapped his hands above his head
" you can't even drink " nanami said flatly
" your the worst drinker out of all of us " shoko continue making utahime snicker
" don't worry ! Ichiji would drive us home right? " Gojo looked at the man with glasses .
" y-yea ...sure " he sigh
" don't bring ichiji into this gojo. " utahime called out, you just chuckled
" it's not like your paying. I'm the one paying here " since it was gojo idea to have dinner after the baseball game and the only way they would agree going out to eat , was gojo paying for the meal they are having.
" yea I need 6 beers , 2 bottles of wine and 4 bottles of sake. The most expensive one " Shoko ordered
" don't go over board because I'm paying! " gojo wined at shoko . He had it coming
" wait and some soda " you told the waiter which he just nodded
" damn you guys never drink that much last time " gojo said looking at his coworkers. Who just robbed him about a few hundred thousand yens.
" like you said.it's because you're paying " nanami said drinking
Two hours just passed as gojo is drunk. Like really really dunk. Nanami and shoko is still sober after drinking a lot , ichiji still fully sober as he is responsible of driving them home as for utahime she passed out after drinking too much beer and headache from gojo
" y/n~ * hicks * youre so pretty " gojo giggles like a girls while pocking your left cheek
" damn this is a new record." shoko said looking at gojo who's clinging at you
" he just hand a one beer " ichiji deadpaned looking at you while you try to get gojo away from you which just made him cling to you more.
" I think it's time I get home " you said , nanami looked at his watch reading the time " its 11.59 pm. I'm also going to head out soon "
" ichiji can you drive utahime back?" You asked which he just nodded. You looked at nanami and shoko " im guessing you guys can take care of yourself? "
" what about gojo? " ichiji looked at the drunken man kneeling next to you while casually resting his head on your lap mumbling some nonsense
" don't worry, I'll take him home " you smiled at him , playing with his soft fluffy hair.
" NoOoO....I d-don't wan-a Go HoMe ~ " gojo wines
" just bring the bill tomorrow " you said to the group. Gojo was to drunk to pay with his black card probably also forgot his pin.
" come on let's go, I'll take you home, satoru " you gently push him off you, in which he just started acting like a baby. Laying on the floor kicking his leg " I don't wanna go home just yet! "
" easy...there " you open the door to your apartment. One arm around your shoulder as you dragged him in.
You don't know how you manage to get him out of that restaurant and into your apartment. You planned on dropping him off at his apartment but he the kept on complaining how he doesn't wanna be alone. So you didn't really have a choice but let him stay at your place for the night
" you're alw-ays so sw-eeet ~" you get him on his feet which he can surprisingly stand.
" your cute, beautiful , hot and sexy~" he keeps on complimenting you. You push him to your living room
" why can't you take the hint " with a final push from you he plupps on the sofa face down
" what hint?" You tilted your head , looking at gojo
" see ...that what I mean you never noticed me.... Your so mean mean y/n. " you just laughed at his drunken state.
" I always like you y/n... I always have been ... For a long time now... But you just ignore my attempt of 'courting you' as me ' being nice to you' "
In all honesty you knew gojo like you and you also like him back. But he hadn't confessed yet so thats why you stayed silent. Would it be much easier if you confessed first? Yes , hell you guys would be a couple along time ago. But you just waited for him to confess first just because you wanted to
" I know you like me and I like you too " you admit which causes him to freeze and sober up a little but not fully.
" what did you say? " he ask looking at you through his blindfold
"Hm? I didn't say anything. You must be hearing things " you tease and walk to grab some water
" I clearly heard you say something " waving his arm up and down as he points at you , his other hand slowly removing his blindfold
" oh? What did say?"
" you said that you ....l-like m-me ...ba-ck..." He whispered the last part , lowering his hand as his face was turning red
" did I really say that?" You put your finger on your chin as if your thinking, You couldnt help but tease him some more .
He just stood there silently face still red while hugging your pillow from the sofa, deep in thoughts as if he really just made you up saying you like him back , you couldn't help but think how cute he look and made your way towards him.
Your hand on top of his broad shoulders making him to look up at you, ocean blue eye met yours. God you look so beautiful he thinks .
His eyes widened as you peck him on the lips.
" does this confirm your thoughts satoru? " you smile at him
" Y-yess... c-can I have another kiss tho? " He hugs the pillow tighter and blushes harder
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flashbangstars · 1 year ago
NCT dream as people you met on public transport
as someone who lives in a big city this was simply fitting
he took the last seat as you both got on at the same stop
he made awkward eye contact as he notices you standing infront of him as he was sitting
and them proceeded to look at you ever couple minutes while he was sitting
he had headphones in, but with how shit they were you could hear the justin bieber songs leaking through and he was now on his 6th jb song
it was like he literally had just a jb playlist
every time the train would stop for a station he would pull one earbud out and look around wildly and then once he realized it wasn't his spot he would put the earbud back
when you had zoned out staring off into the distance you felt a poke at your leg.
"you can have my seat when I get off"
#1 jb stan was being a gentlemen
you weren't sure if he was aware, but he had been loudly humming the songs as they past and he currently was halfway through one less lonely girl
when the train slowed to your stop, jb stan shot up abruptly leaving less than 2 inches between the two of you
and like screeched a little bit?
Running towards the exit of the train and waiting for the doors to open
once they opened he darted across the platform to the same train on the other side going the opposite way
Justin bieber boy missed his stop too lost in the jb sauce : (
your usual go to is putting ur backpack on the seat next to you, (because you get enjoyment from being an asshole)
two stops into your commute, shorty came up to you and pointed at your backpack
you took your airpod out and looked up
"can you move your bag
no "please", no "is it ok" NOTHING
you begrudgingly moved your bag onto to your lap
he sat down next to you and put his own headphones on
the good news was he smelled really good
like sophisticated richness
like he owned a yacht and went to expensive restaurants
you just usually stole whatever perfume your roommate left out in the bathroom (with permission)
and why are the mean looking bitches always hot??
He looks like he perpetually sucks on lemons, but I want him!
halfway through the ride you had been zoned out and knew your stop wasn't for a bit, you felt a tug at your bag
your ass clenched in fear, cuz like am I being robbed??
looking down slightly you watched as ice prince was mindlessly playing with the keychain that hung from your bag that was in his space
you didn't move a inch as if not to spook him (jesus christ hes not a fucking animal)
he then snapped out of it and dropped the keychain and looked up quickly to see if you noticed, not expecting you to be already looking
he flinched a bit and eyes widened
"oh.. I'm so sorry" he apologized putting his hands up
you reach down again and grab the keychain he had been playing with and hold it up
"I got it from gas station because I thought it was cool"
his small hand slowly creeped down again to grab the keychain once more
"oh, It looks really cool" he said softly and played with the charms
you two then spent the rest of the trip talking about the trinkets on your bags
he was on the train when you got on, he was sitting at one of the double seats by the door
when he saw you get on he moved his sports duffle from the seat next to him onto the floor and gave you that look of "you can sit here if you want"
he had on those big over ear headphones and a giant ass hoodie n sweats
if you were being honest he was kinda hot
when you sat down next to him it was incredibly hard to not make awkward eye contact with him as he was beside you
it was semi hot outside since it was the end of spring and so you both were in shorts
you had that weird skin to skin contact at first and I think it sparked some sort of carnal desire
very much so a inside us there are two wolves moment
you couldn't even tell anyone about your experience because he could see your screen and you didn't have one of those privacy ones!
you had to suffer in silence, job harder than the soldiers : (
when your stop came, you went. reach above and pull the line, but he beat you to it and reached his arm over you doing it first.
well now you just had to follow him home!
You had 10 stops before yours, and you were sitting in front of the lit up board that tracked the stops.
your roommate got on usually 5 stops after you to join you otw home so you weren't worried about missing the stop
You put headphones in and leaned your head back to escape the harsh bright lights of the train.
30 minutes pass and you open your eyes to your roommate sitting on the side opposite you with a devious ass look on her face
the rest of your body wakes up from your power nap and become aware of the weight on your head and your arms
you had fallen asleep and wrapped your hands around the arm of the guy next to you..
and you had rested your head on his shoulder...
what the FUCK DO I DO NOW?
A Midst your panic you notice the weight on top of your head....
you slowly snake your hand out from his arm and check your phone.
you had 67 notifications in your groupchat...
opening it, you find 7 pictures of you and this literally STRANGER asleep on each other.
waitttttt.... whys he kinda hot......
this actually may not be bad!
love and affection FOR THE FREE?
lemme take my ass back to sleep
the next time you woke up you had been repositioned now with your head on your friends shoulder
damn how fucking hard did you sleep....
you look around and nap stranger had disappeared
you felt your heart clench at the loss of your momentary wattpad relationship, mourning the hot man who had fallen asleep on you
becoming aware of your limbs again you tighten your grip around your phone and bring it up to check the notifications to find a bright yellow post it note stuck to the screen
"thanks for the nap : ) 999-999-9999"
this was a major win for women everywhere
the bus in the morning was this like devastating liminal space
it was cold
the lights were bright
and you kinda wanted to get hit by the bus
because of how early it is, you usually were one of the only people on the bus
today two stops in a fucking mens model on on the bus!!
sir what are you doing in this metal prison!
he sat in the back on the raised portion while you stayed in the front
you glanced up to look at him again, because.. shit if this was going to be the highlight of your morning you would take it
but when you looked up you made direct eye contact with him
playing off smoothly you did the thing where you kinda look to the side ish
looking back again you make eye contact AGAIN
as you two hold this prolonged eye contact, he raised his hand and waVED?
yall hear that meowing??? thats just my puss- GUNSHOTS
you wave back and smile your best "Im a innocent girl, but can take it like a champ" smile
and watch as he grabs his bag and stands
ur ass clenches thinking this will be the last time you may come across prince charming, but then unclenches when you realize it is also your stop
Getting up you follow ahead and go to the door exiting. walking down the street in the early morning listening to some fuckass songs trying to make the reality of 8 am classes seem better
when a hand grips your shoulder
21 years of being a woman and also a anxious mess you scream and turn around with your hands up
just to see sexy man from bus!
sexy man from bus what are you doing here?
"i am so sorry, you just didn't here me calling, so I just grabbed you I don't know why I did that, especially you're a woman alone, I don't know why I didn't think of that first?.."
sexy bus man was now rambling
"its ok!!" you say trying to put SBM (sexy bus man) out of his misery
"oh uh, well you left this on the bus, when you got up I think it got stuck on the seat, and i figured since we got off at the same stop I would just grab it.."
rambling seemed to be a common occurrence for SBM
looking down you saw the familiar hello kitty keychain you had on the back of your bag that you spent way to much money on a claw game for in his hand
"thank you sexy bu- SIR"
"..... your welcome"
it was 7am on a Wednesday night and bro just got on the train in a pair of sunglasses on.
it was almost never that serious
it was in the morning and you were waiting for a friend and saving a seat hence the double seat with one side with your backpack
the sunglasses walked down the aisle and stopped at your chair.
not even asking, he grabbed your backpack with his grimy hands and moved it to be next to you, then sitting down opposite
you literally felt your eye twitch because like HUH?
"excuse me? I'm waiting for someone, they literally just got on at this stop"
sunglasses perked up the slightest and directed his gaze towards you "I don't see them"
you literally felt your eye twitch again and you chest tighten because of the audacity
your friend at that moment walked into the car, prompting you to point and say "okay well she's here now, you can move"
to which sunglasses shrugged and and said "I'm comfortable, why are you so opposed to sharing?"
you heard your friend laugh in disbelief and your eye twitched AGAIN
Your friend squished in next to you and you ended up sitting across from Sunglasses
your thighs were burning from you sitting tightly so your knees wouldn't brush, and your resolve to stare at him until his exploded was dwindling
with a huff you relaxed and felt your knee nudge his and cried a little inside but dealt with it
When the train arrived you got up and walked out of the seat before he could and went to your bus stop
sitting at the bend you felt a tap at your shoulder and looked up
GASP it was sunglasses! without sunglasses!
GASP why was sunglasses kinda hot!?
GASP wait why sunglasses here?!!!
Sunglasses smiled a bit and put his hand out "I figure I'd introduce myself, since we had such a lovely time on the train together, I'm Chenle"
you could feel how wide your mouth was hanging in disbelief and you stared at the surprisingly well manicured hand in front of you
but deciding against your morals, you shook his hand and introduced yourself
"nice to meet you Y/N, you wouldn't mind if we sat together on the bus right"
The train during rush hour was a fucking nightmare, your class ended at 4:50 and the only line that could take you to your apartment from the university is the most popular one
when the door open you pushed in to the train and literally no seats were open.
you gripped the railing and tried to widen your stance a bit to keep stability
the train started and apparently the conductor was having a bad fucking day because he was fucking stomping on the breaks
each stop jolted you so aggressively that you feared for your life and dignity if you were to fall on this here train
after about three stops of fighting for you life, your hand was beginning to be slip from the sweat on the railing and your arm was throbbing from tensing for the last 20 minutes
all of a sudden the conductor hits the break once
...your hand slipping from the railing
and then hits it again a second time
.........you lose your footing
you fall backwards and close your eyes waiting to land embarrassingly on your ass.
you fall on the seats behind you
you feel a hand out of instinct grab your waist to stop you from falling more and another hand goes on your thigh to stop your legs.
opening your eyes you make eye contact with someone.....who honestly looks more scared/embarrassed than you are??
He looks like a guy around your age and is staring at you with these dark eyes as if you were taking your last dying breath in his lap
"are you okay" he asks sounding... once again more embarrassed than you were!???
"I'm okay! thank you!" you say still sitting bridal style in his lap
neither of you moves
like he still is deadass cradling you right now in public
"uh can I get up...?" you say and you watch his face flush red all over
"OH yeah, I'm so sorry" he says unhanding you
you stand in front of him and grab onto the loop in front of him
and..... you both spend the rest of the train ride avoiding eye contact because you both turn red when you do meet eyes.
im going to proofread later pls excuse if it seems like im illiterate
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shotmrmiller · 7 months ago
https://x.com/babyboat22/status/1819915483795050893?s=46 dont look at me sideways but i see amateur thief reader and “victim” soap who let you rob his ass just to keep your hands on him. he couldnt stop humming and chuckling and grinning while you pinned him to the grimy brick alley wall, patting him down and trying to search for anything good. you nick the gold rosary chain his mother gave to him, but he’s hardly worried. just keeps talking, trying to hear your voice, like he isn’t being violently accosted at the moment. besides, he likes being manhandled by a pretty thing like you.
its a wonder why someone so bitty could grow the balls to do something like this. to someone like him, of all people. its the opposite of a power trip. kind of a rush, knowing that you have no idea that he’s entirely in control of the situation you put the both of you in. that if he wanted, he could reverse this little game of yours, have you struggling and crying just for him.
but he denies himself, lets you have your fun.
when you take his wallet (not a big deal, just a couple 20s worth) he asks if you could hand him some of the trojans in there as well, wonders aloud if he’ll need them. he hears you suck in a scandalized breath and shivers in pleasure when your movements grow more shaky as you keep trying to ignore him.
“no need ta take ‘em from me, bonnie. in a plenty givin’ mood, ye can just ask,” he huffs against the wall, looking back at you the best he can with his face smushed against the brick, dark and honeyed eyes. he bargains, in a deeper, more enticing voice, “could take ye ‘ome and let ye ransack the ‘ole place if ye decide ta play a ‘lil nice—“
you yank his head back sharply before smashing his cheek into the brick, earning a groan from the man in your clutches. “shut the fuck up!”
he can taste the blood on his lips, staining his teeth. it hurts but the pain has his boner throbbing hard and unignorable. he’s missed this type of violence. usually the only way he can get it off the field is from simon, but this will do. this will more than do.
perhaps him chuckling despite being mortally injured freaked you out finally because you hastily pocket your ill-gotten gains before turning tail and running off into the night. soap’s not worried. what type of mercenary would he be if he doesn’t keep track of what’s his? it’s not hard to find you after that, where you live, go to work, which movies you like to see in your free time.
so when you spot him just as he sits down next to you in the theater, you can’t help the paralytic feeling of realizing you recognize this man. can barely move when he smirks all pretty at you, split lip and all, as he wraps an arm around your seat and spreads his thighs so wide that they crush against yours, his big calloused hand squeezing your shoulder, pulling you into him like you’re old friends.
“sorry ‘m late,” he murmurs, leaning close to your ear, letting his breath hit hot on your lobe. “traffic ‘n all.”
you try to turn towards him, “you—“
“shh, shh—“ he tightens his grip on your shoulder, keeping you from moving away from him. his sudden strength is frightening. “dinnae distract from the movie, aye? paid good money for it, ah bet.” soap licks his lips and hums before smiling, his hand pushes under your arm to grab your tit. “let’s enjoy it together, then ah’ll take ye ‘ome with me. how’s that sound?”
Tumblr media
okay okay i'm listeningggg
popcorn cold and soggy from the butter sits on your lap, the flavored water that was once an icee on your left. his hand is firm around your thigh after fighting through the previews to get him off your tits and arse.
a compromise. sure. but then you've got to go to the bathroom (curious because you've never gone anywhere while the movie is rolling, soap thinks) but okay. when you've gotta go, you've gotta go. the piss bottles he's had to toss in the bin after flying for hours in nikolai's metal stallion can attest to that.
and this, you think, clammy hands fisting the brand new secondhand shirt you got from goodwill, is your way out. away from him. maybe even to the police. you've only ever done this shit out of necessity. hoping to get enough out of the privileged to soothe the pang of gnawing hunger in your stomach (and that of the other street urchins)
whatever you thought could've happened doesn't because he's breathing down your neck from the moment you rise from your seat. his paw is in your back pocket while he walks you to the bathroom.
his hand stays in your pocket as he, with a chivalrous gesture, opens the door to said bathroom. he also aids you in getting in the stall. and no, not the bigger one at the end. he crams you into the very first one that's available, him following right behind. he fits in there like a rubber stopper. shoulders broad enough to touch both walls. arms like trunks cross over the breadth of his chest as he looks down at you expectantly.
"needed to piss, aye? go on. cannae 'ave you runnin' off again."
it's only when he leans down, his nose touching yours as he tells you to, "go 'fore ah make ye," that has your trembling fingers fumbling with the front button of your jeans.
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