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sorenphelps · 4 months ago
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Artwork done for @prongsfootproject’s Reverse Big Bang!
Working with @roalinda was an absolute blast! Everyone go read the fic!
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soopsiedaisies · 2 years ago
Who do you think Voldemort thirsts for more, Sirius - the handsome and haughty above all - Black or James - strutting around straight-backed and proud - Potter? 🤔👀
Hi Sadi 👀👀
My kneejerk response to this question is Sirius bc he’s titless Bella. He’s hot, talented, and terrifying just like his cousin, and though I usually flat out refuse to acknowledge CC, Voldemort was canonically enough into Bella for him to put a baby in her. So yeah, Sirius is the most obvious answer.
But, BUT, I do think James can be ✨intriguing✨ to Vee. James kinda fits (if you shove him a bit here and there) the mould of Vee’s Most Powerful Groupies, being a rich, talented, and intelligent pureblood who enjoys bathing in audacity. Additionally, Sirius has left his family whilst James hasn’t: James can still wield the influence of his last name in official settings, and we all know that power is what gets Vee’s motor running. That’s got to mean something, at least.
I will say that I believe Voldemort would thirst for Sirius more because he has a Type (Bellatrix): he seems to be into passionate people who could at least make a solid attempt at beating his arse (but couldn’t possibly manage to actually defeat him, because Vee’s the Best Wizard Of All Time Get Fucked Dumbledore. I swear, he’s so self-centred he’s probably convinced he’s got a gravitational pull rivalling that of a neutron star or whatever—)
Sadly (luckily???) for Vee, Sirius, bless his heart, will always be a package deal with James, and in order to endear yourself to Sirius you need to at the very least endear yourself to James, and I’m certain that that JamesandSirius loyalty really prompts some Evil Stirring of the Groin for Mr Riddle. I’m sure that Voldemort would be more than happy to beam all of his charms on James Potter, if only to acquire even a facsimile of that loyalty (much better loyalty than those self-preserving idiots that get off on kissing his feet). They’d be a very hot, very fucked up, very scary, and potentially quite amusing threesome, methinks.
But yeah it’s Sirius lol
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soup-of-the-daisies · 1 year ago
Ok, hear me out.
The Black cousins ( a.k.a Sirius and Bellatrix) and Voldemort's bi awakening absolutely are not related. 💅
Voldemort’s sexual awakening happened in his fifth year, when Walburga Black pressed her wand against his jugular and hissed his pretty little Prefect mouth ought to stay perfectly shut about their smoking in the bathroom, whilst Lucretia Black had his back against her chest and whispered threats about expulsion in his ear. Voldemort’s bi awakening blossomed a couple of years later, when Orion Black sensually helped him light a cigar by pressing the burning end of his own against Voldemort’s, whilst Alphard Black stole his glass of liquor from him with a wink and a handsome smile.
Then he meets Bellatrix — oddly similar to Walburga in looks, oddly similar to Lucretia in laughter — and she’s kneeling at his feet and giving him a front-row view down her décolleté, and he has the oddest need to have her try to best him in a duel. It’s absurd. Lord Voldemort simply does not get bested in duels, let alone by women with a great set of tits a husband.
And then he sees Sirius — oddly similar to Orion in looks, oddly similar to Alphard in attitude — on the other side of a battle, cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth as he curses Avery to grow mushrooms out of every orifice, and he has the oddest urge to ask this adversary for a light. It’s horrible. He doesn’t even smoke anymore, let alone with a man with the most unnervingly pretty eyes he’s ever seen a subscription to the Albus Dumbledore fanclub.
The Black cousins did not play part in Lord Voldemorts bisexual awakening. At least, not the Black cousins we know so well 👀
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bronzeagepizzeria · 2 years ago
16 and 21 pls 😊
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
ooo-kay. bit controversial, i think, but wolfstar. i just...don't get it. like, look, i love james and lily together but to me, if sirius is going to be in love with a man....it's got to be james.
i will say, though, i've read so many incredible fics in this fandom, of all sorts of pairings i never would've imagined could work---but wolfstar just isn't one of those for me. i never got that impression off of their canon interactions and fanon wolfstar has probably turned me off from the ship forever 😅
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
goshhh i can't decide! honestly i have no idea what part of canon IS hyped up in the fandom but uhmm maybe the whole 'Sirius thinks Harry is James' thing? Or Sirius in general, in OotP. I think the fireplace interaction and one or two throwaway remarks by Hermione and Molly are taken way out of proportion without proper consideration to the trauma he'd gone through and the mental state Sirius was in, by a lotttt of people.
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microficmay · 2 years ago
Hello ♡ can the microfics be more than 50 words? Like going overboard to 500 words more or less?
Hey @roalinda !
Yes, you can write and submit a fic that's longer than a 50 word microfic. As per our FAQ, we accept works of all lengths!
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roalindawrites · 2 months ago
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Henry didn't care that he had become a Pygmalion to Alex's Galatea. It was not important, not as long as his secret was safe because no sane person would believe it and Henry preferred it that way, valuing his precious privacy over media gossip.
Henry Fox is a successful writer who is in love. Problem? His beloved is the protagonist of his own book, thus not available.
My gift to @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion for the rwrb gift exchange, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and all the fandom.
@rwrbnygiftexchange ty for hosting this fun event. 🎄❤🎉
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in-flvx · 1 year ago
Top 5 things Sirius unconsciously does which seduces attracts James.
Ooh this is fun! Let's see
1. Sirius telling James off for smth
(listen, Listen! James is so confident that most people's input hardly matters to him. But then Sirius comes on with his whole endless devotion and tells him he went over the top? James' entire world is turnt upside down, mind blown, and he So wants to please Sirius at all times, this drives him crazy, he'll override his entire genetic code if that's what it takes)
2. Sirius verbally obliterating someone in this haughty voice of his
3. Sirius performing some kind of extravagant magic completely nonchalantly, like it doesn't even matter to him
4. Sirius telling James that he is the uncontested most important person in Sirius' life
5. Sirius being all soft and kind with others (others include Peter, Remus, lily, animals of all kind, and young children)
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gracelesslady23 · 7 months ago
WIP Wednesday, but I am impatient so positing it on a Friday
Thanks for the tag @mycupofrum ! I haven't done one of these in way too long!
Tagging @strugglequill @groundzero-v @roalinda (plus anyone else who has something they want to share)
Here's little snippet from my newly started Prongsfoot Fest fic!
Sirius shot his brother a smug look as James’s automatically wound his arm around his waist in response, easily falling into step beside him. Encouraged by the foul cloud that descended over Regulus’s expression, Sirius went a step further, pressing a kiss into James’s messy hair, just above his ear.
“Pads,” James said tightening the hand at Sirius’s waist in mock protest, but there was not a hint of reproach in his voice. If anything, he sounded delighted by Sirius’s easy affection.
Sirius grinned, centring his attention fully on his best friend.
“So…” Sirius said. “Old Sluggie held me back just now to invite me to another of his little soirees. And I’ve had another of my brilliant ideas, you should come with me.”
James froze, with their arms still wound around each other his abrupt stop halted Sirius as well.
“You want me to go with you?” James asked, swallowing as if past a dry mouth, “as in… with you, with you?”
“Er –“ Sirius stalled. Usually, he fancied himself quite the expert at decoding James’s james-isms but what in Merlin’s name was with you with you supposed to mean. Searching James’s face turned up nothing – James’s familiar features were twisted in such a way that they were somehow rendered entirely unreadable. It was a little infuriating to be honest, as Sirius, before this moment, had been fairly certain he knew every single one of James’s expressions and what they meant.
“Well,” Sirius hedged. Nudging James to continue their progress down the corridor in a bid to ensure they made it to Charms in time. “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to, of course –”
“Iwanttogowithyou,” James said so quickly the words ran into each other. He cleared his throat, the tips of his ears reddening. “I want to go with you,” he repeated this time with deliberate articulation.
“Alright,” Sirius said slowly. His brain busily tripping over itself in complete and utter bafflement as he attempted to feel his way back to understanding what might just be the most bewildering conversation he’d ever had with James.
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imobsessedwitholiviarodrigo · 11 months ago
apparently if you go to Pinterest and google your name and add the word core on the end, the first six images are your aesthetic.
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I love it
np tags
@ellecdc @roalinda @astonishment @amiableness
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jmagnabo92 · 1 month ago
New Year, New Snippet
Thanks @lovelymasks
She takes a sip, and she supposes that seeing James is a sign that maybe this isn’t going to go quite the way that Sirius wants to settle his curiosity.  At least, not tonight, but she could have fun.  Especially since James clearly wants to have fun and probably tease his best mate for wanting to play as a woman.  
Sirius doesn’t have long to wait before James makes his way over to her.  He makes it just in time before some other bloke hits on her.  She’s a bit disappointed not to get to experience being hit on by a bloke, but James is smiling at her, and apparently game to play, judging by the way he stands awfully close to her.
“Like the drink?”
Sirius hums.  “Absolutely perfect, like you already knew my favorite tastes.”
“It’s an art,” James offers with a smile.  “Name’s James, by the way, what’s yours?”
Sirius could ruin this game that they’re playing, but she kind of likes the idea of James’ attention like this, perhaps he, too, has wondered if they’d have gotten together had one of them been a woman.
“Stella,” Sirius offers.  
Tagging @roalinda @forestdeath1 @gracelesslady23
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siriusblack-the-third · 2 years ago
Things James Potter Has Said
Moony either you remove your damn shoes before you enter the dorm or I Vanish them. How the fuck are they covered so much dirt, you don't even go near the Quidditch pitch!
Sirius, you will sit down and let me put your hair up in a bun or so help me Gods i will shave it all off. (*smirk* you wouldn't. You love my hair more than I do.)
I swear if Gerard (gryffindor seeker) doesn't get his shit together before the Ravenclaw match I'm going to make him cry with the amount of training I pile on his head.
No, Evans! Irving's Law clearly states that *winds off into the accurate statement of said ridiculously complicated law* and you cannot use 7x² divide the integral of y, that doesn't work here! (He's arguing NEWT Arithmancy with her)
Sirius I'm boorreedddddddd! ... *doe eyes* can we kiss? (Fuck yeah, get over here)
*stares at Sirius* that is a terrible idea... Let's do it.
Peter, you have Charms homework. Play with Lady Charlotte (the dorm cat) after you finish that.
Sirius. No.
Remus. No.
Peter. No.
I am the only one that gives a shit about how clean the dorm is. Nobody else ever helps me. Ingrates, all of you!
Marlene I swear to fuck- just ask them out, shit's sake! (She's pining after Dorcas)
Do you think I can surf down the enchanted staircases without falling off the surfboard? (*Panicked Sirius noises*)
*scoffs* whatever the shit this is, it sure as fuck isn't tea. Fucking British people, don't even know how to make proper chai.
Gods dammit Sirius—
Remus if you don't eat everything on your plate I swear on my family's honour I will hold you down and force feed you like my mother used to do to me.
WHERE IS MY BOX SET OF THE LORD OF THE RINGS?! (Sirius hid it because James wasn't giving him attention. The trick backfired: James completely ignored him. Not for long tho; he wants kisses from Sirius.)
(Peter calls him a jock) James: *gasps in outrage* you take that back! Take that back right the fuck now, I am an out and proud nerd, how dare you—
*purrs like a cat and melts into a puddle of goo when Sirius rubs his hair and neck*
(marauders call him for a prank) nope. Not today, I'm studying. I have got to beat Lily in the Charms test tomorrow, or else I won't be able to show my face for the rest of the week out of sheer embarrassment.
Fuck's sake, Sirius! I look like I've been mauled! How am I supposed to hide the hickeys?!
@narcissa-black-supermacy @the-chaosbringer @in-flvx @padfootastic @gracelesslady23 @mycupofrum @fiendishfyre @prongsfoot-wolfstar @siriuslystarbucks @strwbi-laces @roalinda @manavi-meera
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groundzero-v · 1 year ago
Titles tag game
Thank you @roalinda for tagging me! 💕
List the titles of your top 5 priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers)
An upcoming scene, event or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which of the top 5 wips are they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
1. Revenge *is* the answer (worktitle, Prongsfoot)
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Set in a version of the wizarding world where ghosts work a bit differently, Sirius and James team up to hunt Peter Petigreew down.
Or: James comes back (sort of), breaks Sirius out of Azkaban (finally) and decides whoever betrayed them both doesn't deserve to live on.
2. Marauder's Guide to Saving the Wizarding World (Prongsfoot)
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I suppose everyone is tired of me talking about this one, but it's my only published wip 😄 James and Sirius compete as a team in the Triwizard Tournament which sets things that were never supposed to happen in their time in motion. Marauders fight Voldemort AU!
Includes lots of Marauder banter, feels, questionable humour, prongsfoot moments and brand new tasks in the tournament
3. No title yet. Star Wars AU + transmigration* (Prongsfoot)
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The Proud Immortal Sith Way was a webnovel with an average rating of 2.5. It was, quite frankly, a piece of shit. The only thing that kept James reading, day after day, was the main character, the Jedi turned Sith, Sirius Black.
Sirius' whole life was filled with misfortune and pain. Upon entering the Order he received nothing but distain and distrust from everyone around him, even from his Master. It was no wonder he turned to the Dark side when everyone was just a useless NPC!
'How is it fair that Sirius had to spend the rest of his life in misery after suffering this whole time?!!’ James wrote at 1AM into the comment section of yet another chapter that had Sirius traveling the galaxy and adding another one-chapter, useless love interest to his harem.
The same night, James died. When he woke up, he was in the novel, the words 'Fine, do better,' apprearing in front of his eyes before they blipped out of existence.
*((A variation of SVSS for those aware, but should be totally alright to read without any knowledge of SW or SVSS^^))
4. Fantasy/Knights of the Round table AU (Prongsfoot)
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Fantasy, Arthur & Knights of the Round table AU. James in the place of Arthur, future king, and Sirius as Lancelot, his most loyal knight. Features sword-magic, epic adventures and magical creatures. A very much just a concept for now
An upcoming scene, event or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing:
1. Prongsfoot just...being feral for each other, absolute devotion to the max. They have finally reunited again and there's nothing that can stop them. Also just them...trespassing everywhere 😄 Besides that, definitely the confrontation with Peter!!
2. I'm pretty excited about the Second Task of the Tournament (and a bit scared since I had to create it, hopefully it's interesting). But other than that, to be very vague haha, Prongsfoot meeting Voldemort for the first time!🙈 (There is a line that started this whole fic that I have been waiting to use and its coming closer with each day!!)
3. It's so different so I have to say there're so many things I'm really excited about. Figuring out who should be who in the SW universe is a lot of fun, but I think I'm mostly looking forward to James and Sirius being absolutely unstoppable with lightsabers and the Force. The aspect of the transmigration is also something I'm really really looking forward to
4. I love fantasy so puttting Prongsfoot in there is just a dream. A scene I'm most excited about is Sirius getting knighted by James and swearing his loaylty to him 🥹
Tagging (no pressure and sorry if you were already tagged!) @lovelymasks @jmagnabo92 @cassiaratheslytherpuff @gracelesslady23 @prongsfoot4life @solitaire-sol @mycupofrum @siriuslystarbucks @siriuslycomplex
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soopsiedaisies · 1 year ago
bonjour soopsie ♡
Today I'm here to ask you about your Slytherin James. [ or a Slytherin James mentality in general ]
guten tag, sadi 🥰 I love Slytherin James, you have come to the right place. This got very long because I wanted to explain why I think a Slytherin!James can work based on canon before I even got to the ‘Slytherin!James’ part lol. I hope you enjoy reading it 😅
So, first of all: I’d like to start by saying that I kind of resent the idea that children (eleven year old children, to be specific) belong to one House in particular—that children like Harry and Hermione, fitting in multiple Houses, are outliers. The sorting is of course based on the traits you value most, not the trait that’s most powerful within you, but a child who is still developing can value, say, bravery and ambition equally. I’m of the opinion that limiting your personality to one House is not very productive for your growth as a person.
That being said, I don’t think eleven-year-old Harry got his Slytherin traits from a stranger.
James and becoming a Slytherin
For someone who’s muggleborn and doesn’t have any familial pressure to be in any particular house (except her friendly loyalty to Severus), Lily got sorted into Gryffindor remarkably quickly. It’s somewhat reminiscent of how quickly Draco got sorted:
He watched his mother walk forward on trembling legs and sit down upon the rickety stool. Professor McGonagall dropped the Sorting Hat onto her head, and barely a second after it had touched the dark red hair, the hat cried, “Gryffindor!” (Deathly Hallows; The Prince’s Tale)
Malfoy swaggered forward when his name was called and got his wish at once: the hat had barely touched his head when it screamed, “SLYTHERIN!” (Philosopher’s Stone; The Sorting Hat)
Draco is put down as being very ‘quintessentially’ Slytherin. He’s ambitious and determined about climbing up the ranks in Slytherin House, he’s quite clever (proficient in at least Potions), and he’s resourceful (the broken Vanishing Cabinets). He’s also a prick, which is a state of being that’s quite common with the canon Slytherin characters. Draco is one or The Characters who embody Slytherin, most likely because of the values his parents instilled in him and the way they shaped his personality.
I’ve interpreted this parallel as a way for She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to establish that Lily’s very ‘quintessentially’ Gryffindor. It’s a way to show that she’s brave, daring, and chivalrous without having to develop her personality a whole lot. JKR can sprinkle in some hints in the flashbacks and lets Lily’s house (and sorting) do the rest of the work. The hat spots the Gryffindor-ish traits and values within Lily in less than a second, sorts her without offering her a chance at rebuttal, and she’s happy to go—funny, when her only friend is so certain about Slytherin, and one of the two annoying boys on the train has already been sorted into Gryffindor.
So who does Harry get his Slytherin traits from, if Lily’s so wholly and fully Gryffindor? I’d say it’s partially caused by his upbringing (the need to prove himself worthy in a home that doesn’t see him as such is ambition, the way he needs to adapt to not stand out is resourcefulness, etc.), but I also think a part comes from James, who is not only physically almost Harry’s (louder and prouder) twin.
We don’t get to really see James’ sorting; though it’s in Snape’s memory, Harry sort of skips over it by noting that James (and Remus and Peter) join Lily and Sirius (whose sorting we also don’t witness) at the Gryffindor table. This tells me that James’ sorting was neither very long nor very quick and likely took about 30 seconds maximum (depending on how distracted Harry was whilst watching Lily or Severus or any of the Professors): long enough to discuss his placement with the Hat (which could mean there were multiple options), and short enough to imply that James and the Hat wouldn’t have been arguing about where James would go.
And James, too, is very obviously Gryffindor based on what we know of him: he’s brave in spite of fear (standing up to Voldemort without a wand is not very cowardly, even if it’s a big Parental moment. Any parent worth their salt would die for their kid), he’s very loyal (the Marauders, the Order), and he’s bold (the very public bullying of Snape and his quick rebuttals; asking Lily out in front of a crowd whilst likely knowing full-well he’s gonna get shot down).
So, James acts upon his Gryffindor traits a lot. He also seems to just value the traits in general: the way he looks up to his (at that point nameless) dad who was a Gryffindor tells the reader that James, in a Draco-ish way, wishes to embody the daring and the chivalry of Godric like his father is implied to do. But some of James’ traits — his exceptional cleverness, his suggested ambition and determination to help Remus (figuring out in their second year they can become animagi to be with Remus during the full moons and nailing the transformation three years later—and thus cementing him, Sirius, and probably Peter as transfiguration prodigies), and the resourcefulness of creating a self-updating map to help their shenanigans by using his Invisibility Cloak… well, those are a tad Slytherin, aren’t they? It all depends on how much he values these traits, and how important he considers any underlying reasons for achieving those feats.
With how little we know about James (we sure don’t know him as intimately as Harry, who would’ve made as great of a Slytherin as he did a Gryffindor) it’s very easy to headcanon that James’ Slytherin-like actions and decisions happen out of a Slytherin-like ambition. He could’ve decided to become an animagus solely out of his love and loyalty for Remus; he also could’ve done it for that reason in addition to doing it because he wanted to prove how intelligent and talented he is to himself and to his friends. An elevation in status, so to speak. I could see James deciding to become an underage, possibly illegal animagus without the need and urge to keep Remus company during the full moon too (and Sirius as well, to be honest).
We get hints that James enjoys being seen as clever and superior. He wants to be looked at, and ideally also revered. He’ll show off his reflexes and tries to stay casual about it, lest someone notice how excited he is to be looked up to; he antagonises Severus to show everybody, but especially girls, how much better he is than Severus, how much more talented. He doesn’t speak in hushed tones how easy he found their DADA exam, he says it out loud and for all to hear. He feels the need to be seen as superior to most of his peers and does so through being loud and obvious about his many talents — that he practiced at length, no doubt — and keeps going even after he gets shot down. That’s ambition, that’s determination, that’s quick-thinking intelligence. Purposeful ambition and determination, mind.
James at fifteen strongly reminds Harry of Draco: the arrogance and confidence, the urge to be the centre of attention at all times, the showing off. But James is both shown and said to be very talented (he’s almost right in his arrogance, and his confidence is not unfounded), whilst Draco’s talents get a little less screen time. The books do vaguely suggest that these actions are quite Slytherin-like in behaviour (if not in the talent, like with Riddle, then the ambition-based confidence of being able to do anything).
James is the perfect Gryffindor (faults and all), but he would’ve made a great Slytherin as well.
James in Slytherin
So. You’ve got your James Potter in Slytherin. How did that even happen?
The most sensible way that I think James would end up getting sorted into Slytherin is if Sirius, with he and James having bonded very strongly on the train, was sorted into Slytherin too.
The fanon-based hatred James has for Slytherins specifically isn’t canon. James dislikes bigots; I think he would’ve hexed a Hufflepuff, a Ravenclaw, or another Gryffindor for being a bigot just as hard as he would’ve hexed a Slytherin for being a bigot. Lily says in SWM that he hexes anyone he doesn’t like; she doesn’t specify which House, which is, imo, enough of a confirmation that James’ hexing wasn’t house-based. Still, James getting sorted into Slytherin is unlikely without him having a link to Slytherin House: he very, very much wants to be “just like [his] dad”, and Mr Potter wasn’t a Slytherin, so he wouldn’t go there if nothing before that changes.
HOWEVER. If Sirius got sorted into Slytherin, I do think James could argue at least a little bit with the Hat to be sorted there as well… and he might win that argument, if he plays his cards right.
There is a Black in the Potter family, canonically. A Black who did not get disowned by Walburga or Arcturus or Pollux or whomever, despite Dorea Black Potter being Walburga’s actual, literal auntie and despite the Potters allegedly being blood-traitors because they supported muggles and muggleborns during WW1. The Black who married a Weasley got burnt off; the Blacks who married a Potter and a Longbottom did not. What does that tell us? Were the Potters and the Longbottoms worthy pureblood families, in spite of their Gryffindor-inclination? Do or did houses even matter as much back then as fanon believes?
(Why would fanon claim that O&W were so bothered by Sirius sorting Gryffindor and becoming friends with James, if the Longbottoms and Potters were fine marriage prospects? I think they weren’t that bothered, but that’s a post for another day)
James could’ve been sorted into Slytherin and his parents probably wouldn’t have really minded that one bit. It’s only a house in secondary school, and as long as he’s true to himself, they probably believe he’ll be fine. Especially if he tells them that he forced the Hat’s hand (?), because he saw the boy he met on the train briefly look so devastatingly forlorn. That’s the instant loyalty, isn’t it? Something to be proud of for their kid to portray.
Slytherin encourages different traits than Gryffindor, but I’d say there’s still a fair bit of courage attached to ambition. Doing/working towards something in spite of hesitance and fear, and pushing the latter two emotions away: that’s true for both traits. Cleverly using situations to your advantage vs being chivalrous regardless can overlap as well; boldness and resourcefulness often go hand in hand. The main difference between the two is, I’d say, the value of honesty, but it’s not like James can’t lie to save his and his friend’s sorry arses (see illegal animagus thing).
I also think both James and Sirius would be quite adept at navigating Slytherin, especially because they’re both the pureblooded heirs of important-ish families. A Potter would be slightly less welcome than a Black, but I do believe James would easily climb the ranks and settle in comfortably somewhere at the top of the pecking order together with Sirius. He’d have a harder time being as ‘progressive’ (if you could call it that) as he would’ve been in Gryffindor, but I’m going to guess he would’ve learnt how to subtly speak up against the use of slurs and the rampant bigotry that permeates the dungeons.
There’s a possibility he would’ve gotten along far better with Snape as well, despite their crushes on Lily (though I doubt James was crushing hard prior to his fourth or fifth year). I’ve mentioned this before, but the Snape we know and love/despise is quite similar to Sirius and therefore perhaps also James: he’s fiercely intelligent and very snarky, just significantly less outgoing and purposefully impressive. The intellectual rivalry between Snape and James (and Sirius) wouldn’t present in bullying, but more a mutual teasing and antagonism that could easily and quickly morph into friendship. James is implied to have a tendency to pick up strays who can keep up with him; Severus fits that description perfectly. I think Severus also wouldn’t have betrayed James or Lily, or would’ve even become a DE in the first place: he’s not alone, he’s among protective Big Boys who he can verbally spar with and who encourage his inventiveness because they’re inventive themselves as well. He’d be a lot more comfortable I think. Still a massive prick, but James (and Sirius) are canonically pricks as well so that doesn’t really matter.
(I also like to think that Slytherin!James would’ve given Prefect/Head Boy Lucius Malfoy many, many, many horrible headaches, which is honestly already enough for me to be sold on the whole Slytherin!James idea. James would also still be a Head Boy, and still, with Sirius, be a favourite of McGonagall—even if he belongs to Horace. He’s just so charming and clever. She can’t help it)
And as to whether Slytherin!James joins the Order… well, I’m not too sure of that. It’s certainly a way for him to show how talented he is and it may help him in getting a job he really wants (with Dumbledore’s backing), but it’s also very, very dangerous. Then again, tons of Slytherins became DE’s (equally as dangerous as being a member of the Order) so who’s to say 🤷
Either way, I’m 100% of the belief that Slytherin!James can work canonically. Especially since the Peverell brothers sprouted two families who were very stereotypical reps of Gryffindor and Slytherin, but also because… everybody can fit anywhere, in any house. Elevating values James is already suggested to have makes it very easy to stuff him wherever you like. And I also think a Slytherin!James is very, very funny (and interesting) in the context of orphaned BWL Harry, who knows his Good dad was a Slytherin. That’s fun fic material, I think hehe
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soup-of-the-daisies · 1 year ago
♡ Walburga ♡ for character ask.
Also merry 🎄
merry chrisis lovely ♥️♥️
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod
I don’t think canon Walburga would listen to any music other than magical specific classical music, or maybe some Christian hymns. In a muggle AU though, I think her playlist would be similar to both my gran’s: something like Two Of A Kind by Roy Orbinson, I Won’t Forget You by Jim Reeves, most 50s songs sung by Doris Day like Que Sera Sera
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep — where they’re not supposed to
On the sofa in her favourite sitting room, where she contemplates how one best murders people and tries to think of ways on how to drag Sirius back into the house and the family (she draws blanks a lot on that for…. some reason…)
the game they’d destroy everyone else at
She’s surprisingly good (excellent) at Exploding Snap. She’s decent at bridge too and always wins.
the emoticon they’d use most often
Walburga Irma Black does not use emoticons. But if she did it’s this one: 💔. She sends it to Sirius because he ‘broke her heart’ (he ignores it until he blocks her)
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
Horrific. Really short fuse, unimaginably grumpy. The smallest things make her snap (like Regulus slurping his tea). There’s a reason she and Orion rarely share a bed (he snores and she has to sleep under Perfect Conditions). Sirius actually ran off after Walburga hadn’t had enough sleep because Orion slept next to her that night.
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights/mornings/whenever
Irish coffee. Sometimes without the coffee. Preferably without the coffee.
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
Screaming really loudly into a pillow but without the pillow. Plotting murder. Gossiping with Lucretia. Antagonising Orion into paying attention to her. Also embroidery (she likes to imagine that the cloth she’s stabbing repeatedly with needles is her enemy-of-the-week’s face)
what they wanted to be when they grew up
A healer or a Potions Mistress, but she had to get married so she gave those dreams up. I think she would’ve been a good healer, despite the chance of horrible bedside manner.
their favourite kind of weather
A rainstorm, but only if she’s inside (she finds the sound of rain and thunder soothing). If she’s outside, a misty, cold morning.
thoughts on their singing voice
Beautiful, if a bit pitchy. Quite low for a woman. She refuses to sing the moment she’s married because her parents always wanted her to do so at all family functions against her will. Even if Orion wants her to (he used to dream about it).
how/what they like to draw or doodle
Walburga Irma Black does not DOODLE. But she used to doodle tiny cartoon Orions promising to follow her to the ends of the earth and swearing eternal loyalty to her.
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forestdeath1 · 4 months ago
5 boring facts about me!!! Thank you for tagging me @roalinda 🫀
1. I don't drink coffee cos I get really nervous
2. I don’t like the sun! I’m allergic to the sun and the sea and I get red spots when I go swimming.
3. But I still swim, scaring the whole beach with my red spots and scratching myself 💀
4. I’m always bumping into something, tripping, breaking things, cutting myself etc etc. Zero coordination, a walking disaster.
5. I haven't smoked for a month, I'm proud of myself!!
Tagging @annabtg @casquecest @in-flvx @plecotusauritus @cassiaratheslytherpuff no pressure!!!
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sorenphelps · 2 months ago
Review of 2024
I was tagged by @lovelymasks and @noblecorgi, and tbh i'm a little confused how to make this post as i am not a writer at all.
I've made 203 posts in 2024 here, of which 166 are "original" posts. I got 16,729 notes in total, which is almost 3 times more than last year! Currently I have 1,802 followers here.
Some highlights:
I participated in R/S Big Bang and a Prongsfoot Reverse Big Bang. I've met so many cool people this year, mostly due to these fests. I also joined Discord (my username is the same as my URL here) and discovered my passion for drawing nsfw stuff, this was the first time I was able to finish inktober (the secret to this was apparently to make it a kinktober instead), and I also managed to do an XXX-mas advent calendar because why not.
I've been illustrating fanfics more as well, some examples:
When in Doubt: Sustain by @lovelymasks (so far 15 pics and counting)
Sorry I'm Late by @lovelymasks
Merfolk AU of @lovelymasks
M.A.T.E.[s] by @diamondmeadow
Ad Astra by @roalinda (it's part of one of the fests i've participated this year)
ante meridiem. by @diamondmeadow (another fest piece)
class A by @swoopswrites (a fest one again)
Black Oblivion by @alandia-wings (and again, a fest collab)
Kiss me tonight by @lovelymasks
shirt. by @diamondmeadow
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninty-nine percent perspiration by @lovelymasks
Honorable mentions:
Did you miss me? by @krethes & @fantismal
random band au thoughts by @lilacella
my fic illustration tag
my rockstar au tag & pride series
I have some sketches and other half-finished or just simply not yet posted stuff in my drafts, stay tuned because I will post them in a bit. I have a bigger project in the works, fingers crossed that can be revealed soon too!
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