#ro povs
Launching “Difference of Perspective!”
Hey, everyone!
The day has come! I have just launched a bundle called Difference of Perspective in my Ko-Fi shop featuring all the RO POV stories that used to be on my Patreon!
Basically, you get to experience various scenes from The Soul Stone War 1 & 2 written from the point of view of the various ROs!
The bundle stands at 26000 and counting, it costs 10€, and it includes:
​4 Manerkol passages
3 Morkai passages
3 Straasa passages
3 Daelynn passages
​2 Eledwen passages
3 Morkai and Straasa passages
3 Morkai and Daelynn passages
OH! And you can also get a 10% discount for the first week using this link:
P.S. 1: The NSFW commissions bundle is also getting a 10% discount with this link!
P.S. 2: Monthly subscribers get another 10% discount automatically ;)
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disenchantedif · 1 year
An excerpt of Luci’s RO POV that can be played now over on Patreon…
Even if you don't sleep in [their] arms anymore, the memory of your weight gets [them] through the night. Sometimes, when Cameron laughs, [they] hear you instead. [They] still buy the same brand of chips you used to like, and [they] make [their] hot chocolate the way you prefer.
You memory haunts [them], something present in everything [they do].
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buttercupfiction · 6 days
first impressions - the Renegade
as promised, the first of the ro povs is here! as the poll winner, the Renegade's is up first, while the next in line will be the Companion's :)
Well, peaceful is a more apt word, because the Matchstick certainly can't be described as 'quiet'.
It's been a quiet night so far.
As far as he's concerned, any night where he isn't bothered by some idiot is a peaceful one. And tonight has been as such. Dog made sure of it.
The scruffy mutt has been lying at his feet the whole evening, growling at anyone stupid enough to try to approach him and scaring them away.
He makes a mental note to try to find some kind of a treat for it later on; it's well deserved. Though he'll have to be careful Ness doesn't see him being all sentimental like that, or she'd tease him till kingdom come.
Contrary to his relaxed appearance, he's been keeping an eye on the room, watching out for trouble, so when he sees Jeremy making a beeline in his direction, he knows his time of respite has come to an end.
Ugh, what's the problem now?
He didn't spot anything warranting his interference last he checked, and he sure as hell isn't in the mood for another one of Vanessa's plans to get him to socialize.
"Hey. Your time to shine," Jeremy tells him, giving Dog a scritch on the head, which he eagerly accepts, tongue lolling out and tail thumping left and right on the floor.
'Hmph, no loyalty here,' he narrows his eyes at the dog. 'You're lucky I already decided I’m getting you that treat...'
Casting his eyes around the room once again, he sighs, "So, what is it?"
Jeremy's kind enough to point out the issue, motioning with his hand to a table near the entrance. Though, it's just... two people rough-housing.
"That little scuffle?"
"Ma thinks it's gonna escalate."
As if to prove his point, one of the two lashes out as they continue tussling, and some poor schmuck a bit too close to them lands on the floor.
Ha. Well, fair enough.
He gets up from his seat, crossing the room in a few quick strides before finding himself right behind the two idiots who haven't even noticed him approach.
He makes quick work of grabbing each of them by the back of the neck and slamming them against the table they're in front of, hearing the satisfying thunk their heads make against the wooden surface. Maybe they'll get sober quicker if he shakes 'em up enough?
Getting them up and marching them out the door is an easy task, and throwing them out in the street on their asses is even easier.
"Go home." He doesn't bother telling them anything else and leaves them to pick themselves up from the floor, turning on his heel to go back inside, where the revelry has recommenced.
He's about to go take a seat at the bar and get a drink, when, completely unprovoked, Ness smacks him on the shoulder as he passes her by.
"Ow. What was that for?"
"Manners. Be nice, they're new here," she nods her head to somewhere behind him, and he turns around dutifully, rolling his eyes all the while.
He spots the person she pointed him to, standing at the table those two idiots were brawling at. Hmm, they look vaguely familiar...
Oh, that's right. That's the one that was on the floor.
What's that got to do with him, though? It's not like he's the one who threw them there.
...Ugh, fine.
He narrows his eyes a bit as he looks them over, noticing the way they're holding their wrist. Did they get injured during that little tussle?
'...Well, again, not my fault,' he tells himself, steadfastly ignoring the little nagging voice in the back of his mind that's telling him that it kind of is, because if he had intervened sooner, that wouldn't've happened.
He sighs. This little staring contest has been going on for too long now.
"You good?" he half-asses the question, eager to get this over with and return to his peaceful solitude.
you can read the second half on patreon!
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ramonag-if · 2 years
I dont know have this ever been asked before and tumblr's search function sucks but will we ever get a RO pov in game?
It hasn't been asked before Anon 😊 I do love writing RO POVs. The plan is for the main game to be only one POV - the MC's POV because I would like to keep the mystery up and have players interpret the RO's feelings/actions however they want. I will be doing RO POV IF games for my Patreon for specific scenes (like the banquet scene). These will be downloadable as extra content once the main game is finished, so there will be RO POV's - just not in the base game.
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wings-of-ink · 2 days
One day MC walks up to their RO and asks: "Why do you think I love you?" What are the responses from Oswin and Rune? (Relationship stage)
Oh that is such a good question, Anon. Oof, the two that might have the hardest time with it too. Going to go with a semi-early relationship, say, within the first couple years for this. For all the characters there is an element of healing that they need. This question for these two ROs would be most impactful (emotional and hard to answer) earlier on in the relationship when they are very much still healing. This would be a good exercise for them to help healing, I think...so maybe a couple mini POVs are in order for this one. ^_^
He freezes.
You give him a moment to collect his thoughts, but find the moment doesn't quite pass. Oswin just stares at you. Gently, you cup his cheek in your hand, and he snaps from his stupor.
"You okay?" you ask.
He nods.
"Let's sit." You guide him to the seat by the fire as it crackles and pops. Instead of taking the seat opposite him, you kneel down and hold his hands upon his lap, staring into his eyes. You had a feeling he'd struggle with this.
He clears his throat. "The uh, floor is cold, love. Here, you sit, I'll-"
"Why do you think I love you?" you ask again. He won't get out of this again.
He breath stammers. He leans back in the chair and raises his gaze to the ceiling.
"I know you're still working on how you feel about everything, but I want you to really think about that and give me an honest answer."
Oswin sighs, turning his gaze from the ceiling back to you. His eyes are misty. "That's just it, I don't know what to think." His voice breaks around the words. "Most days I don't know why you want to love someone like me."
You nod. "But you let me, don't you? And I know you, Twinflower; you'd never let me love you if you didn't-"
He scoffs. "That's because I'm selfish."
You fix him with a slightly stern look. "I'm waiting for my answer. The real answer."
His bottom lip quivers for just a moment before he bites it. He takes a few minutes to consider his words. "I...think...I think you, um-love me because...you have a good heart."
You snort and pinch his thigh in the spot that makes him jump.
Even he can't remain serious at the sensation as he jerks and chuckles. "I'm not done...I'm getting there."
"Mm-hmm," you say.
"...It's because of your good heart...that you see...you see me at my best."
You nod.
"You see that...you don't see all the horrible things that I see in me."
You nod again. "So what are those things that I see that you don't? Why do I love you Oswin Twinflower?"
His legs begin to bounce in place, trying to soothe his discomfort. He takes a deep breath. "Um...I think you see, despite everything, loyalty." Another shaky breath. "Maybe you like the old pieces of me - from when we were kids...the parts of me that are still carefree, that laugh easy. And I think...I think you like that I'm grumpy though too..." He trails off, his legs still bouncing. His eyes glance to you, but can't hold your gaze for very long at a time.
"Good." You smile. "That's good Oswin, you're doing so well. There are so many reasons that I love you, and one day you're going to know them all by heart."
A strangled sob escapes his lips.
Rune fumbles the freshly washed and dried cups at your question. They clatter and roll along the counter. You briefly catch the flicker of surprise on Rune's face before they snatch up the cups and right them next to the other clean dishes.
Turning back to the sink, Rune carries about the task of rinsing and drying the remaining dinnerware that you have washed. "What do you mean?" They ask.
"It's not a trick question or anything," you say. "I just want you tell me why you think I love you."
Rune chuckles in the way you've come to know as a sign that they are uncomfortable. "It doesn't matter why, just that you do." Rune turns and gives you a placating smile before turning their back again and focusing on the dishes.
"That may be true to a point, but not why I asked and you know it." You watch them a moment. You worry. Rune is not typically unnerved so quickly, and they have always been forthright about your relationship. You've had the feeling recently that a heaviness has been on Rune's heart, old wounds opening back up.
You come up to the sink and watch Rune dry the same plate they've been working on for the last few minutes. "Hun, I think it's dry."
Rune snaps to attention again. "Oh, yes - of course."
"Do you want me to finish up?" you ask.
"Oh, no sweet one. It's my turn and you cooked...I want to finish up. Get settled in the den why don't you. I'll be there shortly."
You nod and make your way there to settle on the couch. If there is one thing you have learned about being Rundis Lyreheart's lover and partner, it is that the more space you give them, the closer they come. Rune always hears you and always pays attention even when it may seem like you're being ignored. You could ask your question again, but that would be pushing. You trust that Rune will answer.
In just a few moments, Rune joins you, removing the smock they use for kitchen duty and hanging it to dry by the fireplace. You chuckle when you realize it is nearly soaked through. You wonder if Rune will ever be able to take care of the dishes and end up dry at the end.
They settle next to you, and you realize they've brought the lyre. Rune looks at you deeply with those bright purple eyes you've come to love so much.
They sigh. "I am sorry that I tried to avoid your question earlier."
You nod. "It's okay. You do that sometimes."
Rune quirks an eyebrow at you.
You shrug. "You deflect the really hard stuff, and then you circle back later after you've had some time to think."
They cover their face with a hand. "Blessed Casimir, you really know me..."
You cannot help the smug smile on your face.
Rune takes a deep breath. "I can't answer your question, not without...some time - not with words. But...I can answer, with this." They hold the lyre up. "If you'll indulge a song."
"Always." You settle back in your seat.
After a few practice notes, Rune begins to pluck the strings in earnest. The melody fills the house, starting off slow, sweet and soft before it becomes...darker, more somber. Rune meets your eyes and smiles as the tune lifts, bringing happy energy to the undercurrent of dark notes. You can't wait to see how the song grows and changes...
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batcavescolony · 8 months
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Shut up she's doing her best and sometimes your best hurts.
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bloodlegacies · 3 months
Who the most to least Jealouse of the Ro's?
Also how do they act if someone was flirting/trying to bed Mc? Unless this is spoiler you don't have to answer 🙂
From the most jealous to the least: Elia, Hayden, Cecilia, Nix,Tyler, Caio. And indeed, it would be spoilers hehe 😅 Especially since there will be scenes like that.
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tosahobi-if · 7 months
happy birthday to our beloved sajae, yul! they'll be your valentine no matter which universe you're in (≧▽≦)o.。.💕🌟💖 (this is a threat)
artist is @xtatchax on twitter, please check them out!
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intertexts · 20 days
woe nhw virion be upon ye
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So, if I've finished already, why wait, right? :)
Max's POV has two versions, one if MC is Male or Non-binary, and another if MC is female.
The MC female version is 1,440 words. And the other version is 1,338 words.
All in all, it's the same scene, with just a few… differences :)
I'll leave the links to the posts.
Prologue - Max POV ~ MC Male/NB
Prologue - Max POV ~ MC Female
And one last warning. It kind of contains spoilers of Max's character.
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theunseelieif · 10 months
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Learn what happened, or perhaps what was perceived to have happened, the night of December 21st. The night Morgan Byrnes died.
Morgan (M)
Whoever invented evening classes was the devil.
Of course, Morgan appreciates that they’re offered. Work makes it impossible to attend during the day, so he’d be out of options otherwise. Seriously, what could he do? Attend a two hour lecture on his thirty minute lunch break? Yeah, right.
Morgan (F)
She pulls her jacket tighter around herself, the faded denim soft under her fingers. It’s dark at this point, and the wind in Maine can be vicious.
It’s about a thirty minute drive home for dinner; a very late dinner, albeit, but it’s the thought on her mother’s part that counts. At least going home sounds better than being stuffed up in her dorm.
Kiran will be there…and Cam. God, how long has it been since she’s seen Cam? A month at least. After the abrupt deaths of Elena and Mateo Ramos, Cam just wasn’t the same. Morgan supposes she wouldn’t be either if her mom died. Still, Cam loves them all even if life has caused distance, so she’s confident that things can only get better.
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kissnpunch · 10 months
after weeks i’m re-watching guapoduo/spiderbit povs and i noticed one thing that is so them; technically, they saw and shared each others mind literally.
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the first one, obviously, is q!cellbit who, after q!roier respected the fact he has a special place —his own mind physically— and waited outside, let him in his most protected place to hang out together, having specials conversations after revealing q!cell’s traumas.
on q!roier side, in purgatory day twelve roier shared his screen and cellbit watched the whole thing, even if it was for the competition, i found so curious how if we bring that in a lore/canon context is like q!cellbit was on q!roier’s mind while he asked him to do things, fighting together for a win.
and now, where q!roier has like a mixed mind with q!quackity and q!cell, was q!cell who managed more of his actions, letting him as q!cell see richas again and take care of pepito as his new son (for this one, i prefer to consider like that day q!roier’s mind was so tired and missed his best friend and husband so much so as a copy mechanism he bringed their personalities, even if q!cell said he was q!roier, it was to cover his mental state to others. we know q!roier has different voices in his mind canonically).
in the case of q!cellbit he let q!roier know his physically mind to share his story, stay together with his son and even decor the walls with some drawings q!roier does to support his husband when he just wants to be in that place alone. for q!roier side, he let q!cellbit know his mind in his most vulnerable state, purgatory and after purgatory, where he just needs someone there too to not handle all his responsibilities alone.
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disenchantedif · 1 year
Theo's POV: In Your Bed...
A brief excerpt from Theodore's RO POV that is now available on Patreon! Theodora's is available in the same side game already, as well!
Soon enough, the door is opening once more with a creak, and he looks up to see you shuffling back in. You had taken way less time changing than he did, yet he still finds himself biting his cheek when you re-enter the room.
Is it weird to tell someone you find their collarbones really attractive? Maybe, but if he's perfectly honest, he thinks yours are super hot.
He's distracted for only a few moments, yet when he blinks back into reality, you're hovering above him.
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buttercupfiction · 11 days
dev log (08/09/24)
hey guys~ just letting you know that chapter 3 is at around 4k words right now, and things are moving along slowly but surely. not much else interesting to share about the progress, but there is something else i wanted to talk about~
i've been keeping an eye on the poll that's still going on, and the prevailing opinion (by quite a large margin) is a yes to doing scenes from the points of view of the ROs you can meet in the demo, soo... starting next friday, i'll be sharing RO povs once every two weeks!
i was worried not enough info was out there for you guys to be too interested, but i couldn't be happier that i was wrong! they'll be quite long, around 1k words, and half of each will be posted here on tumblr, while the full ones will be exclusive to patreon.
like i mentioned before, the first few povs are gonna be first meetings, and once the poll is finished we'll see whose goes up first (but right now it seems like it's a toss up between the Companion and the Renegade 👀)
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darkfictionjude · 5 months
I'm romancing Imre but i swear Lorcan is tempting me everytime with those asks answers. He's just so pathetically obsessed with MC (or he would be in the future) and he's so cute and sensitive 😩 he's becoming a big threat to Imre!
Imre is obsessed in very different way. You should hear his thoughts when he sees mc…
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wings-of-ink · 2 months
Hi, How would Oswin react or think in the scenario of - He is helping with guard duty around the village and MC is in town to do some chores for da and pa they walk by in the distance and Oswin overhears villagers talking.
villager A: " Woah look at that cutie.....I would give anything just for them to give me a CHANCE to warm their bed."
villager B: "HA at least you know when you're out of your league, but you know it doesn't hurt to go talk to them."
villager A: sighs "I wouldn't be able to handle the rejection."
villager B: just pats their friends back
(for timeline I guess would would be talking sometime not too long until the birthday incident and MC used to/still is crushing on Oswin)
(PS I love your game btw)
Hello Nony! That's a fun scenario and, honestly, one that legit could have happened (*cough* probably did).
Let's do a mini POV for this. We'll say MC took on the name Ravi as well for simplicity's sake.
Oswin stares after Ravi as they walk by, the comments rubbing him the wrong way. He mentally kicks himself once he's realized. It's not his place. Not anymore.
Once there was a day that it could have been his place…to give them his advice or opinions on a partner. Not anymore. He burned that bridge himself like a damned fool. He lit the fire, tried to stamp it out even but failed to over and over again.
He sees the villagers continuing to eye Ravi. One of them is physically pushing the other to encourage striking up a conversation. Oswin recognizes them, but doesn't recall their names right away. Both have decent reputations at least; they don't seem like they mean ill. Maybe someone like that would be fitting for Ravi after all? Someone who speaks highly of them, pines for them…someone who doesn't snap at them in misplaced anger and frustration.
Ravi turns around, spotting Oswin across the way. He freezes as their eyes meet. His mind goes blank. They wave at him, even smile. He begins to raise his hand in return. Why would they waste a smile on him? He snaps his hand back. Not anymore. He reminds himself.
One of the villagers finally breaks from their group and crosses the way toward Ravi… Oswin's attention is pulled towards them once again. He can't stomach this. He can't even wave back and be friendly - can't even just be friends.
Ravi is smiling politely as the villager nervously flirts with them. Maybe they'll become friends. Maybe the villager will get what they want and they'll eventually be more than that…
Oswin turns away. He can't do this…. Not anymore…
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Thank you for the ask, Nony! ^_^
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