buttercupfiction · 6 days
first impressions - the Renegade
as promised, the first of the ro povs is here! as the poll winner, the Renegade's is up first, while the next in line will be the Companion's :)
Well, peaceful is a more apt word, because the Matchstick certainly can't be described as 'quiet'.
It's been a quiet night so far.
As far as he's concerned, any night where he isn't bothered by some idiot is a peaceful one. And tonight has been as such. Dog made sure of it.
The scruffy mutt has been lying at his feet the whole evening, growling at anyone stupid enough to try to approach him and scaring them away.
He makes a mental note to try to find some kind of a treat for it later on; it's well deserved. Though he'll have to be careful Ness doesn't see him being all sentimental like that, or she'd tease him till kingdom come.
Contrary to his relaxed appearance, he's been keeping an eye on the room, watching out for trouble, so when he sees Jeremy making a beeline in his direction, he knows his time of respite has come to an end.
Ugh, what's the problem now?
He didn't spot anything warranting his interference last he checked, and he sure as hell isn't in the mood for another one of Vanessa's plans to get him to socialize.
"Hey. Your time to shine," Jeremy tells him, giving Dog a scritch on the head, which he eagerly accepts, tongue lolling out and tail thumping left and right on the floor.
'Hmph, no loyalty here,' he narrows his eyes at the dog. 'You're lucky I already decided I’m getting you that treat...'
Casting his eyes around the room once again, he sighs, "So, what is it?"
Jeremy's kind enough to point out the issue, motioning with his hand to a table near the entrance. Though, it's just... two people rough-housing.
"That little scuffle?"
"Ma thinks it's gonna escalate."
As if to prove his point, one of the two lashes out as they continue tussling, and some poor schmuck a bit too close to them lands on the floor.
Ha. Well, fair enough.
He gets up from his seat, crossing the room in a few quick strides before finding himself right behind the two idiots who haven't even noticed him approach.
He makes quick work of grabbing each of them by the back of the neck and slamming them against the table they're in front of, hearing the satisfying thunk their heads make against the wooden surface. Maybe they'll get sober quicker if he shakes 'em up enough?
Getting them up and marching them out the door is an easy task, and throwing them out in the street on their asses is even easier.
"Go home." He doesn't bother telling them anything else and leaves them to pick themselves up from the floor, turning on his heel to go back inside, where the revelry has recommenced.
He's about to go take a seat at the bar and get a drink, when, completely unprovoked, Ness smacks him on the shoulder as he passes her by.
"Ow. What was that for?"
"Manners. Be nice, they're new here," she nods her head to somewhere behind him, and he turns around dutifully, rolling his eyes all the while.
He spots the person she pointed him to, standing at the table those two idiots were brawling at. Hmm, they look vaguely familiar...
Oh, that's right. That's the one that was on the floor.
What's that got to do with him, though? It's not like he's the one who threw them there.
...Ugh, fine.
He narrows his eyes a bit as he looks them over, noticing the way they're holding their wrist. Did they get injured during that little tussle?
'...Well, again, not my fault,' he tells himself, steadfastly ignoring the little nagging voice in the back of his mind that's telling him that it kind of is, because if he had intervened sooner, that wouldn't've happened.
He sighs. This little staring contest has been going on for too long now.
"You good?" he half-asses the question, eager to get this over with and return to his peaceful solitude.
you can read the second half on patreon!
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buttercupfiction · 11 days
dev log (08/09/24)
hey guys~ just letting you know that chapter 3 is at around 4k words right now, and things are moving along slowly but surely. not much else interesting to share about the progress, but there is something else i wanted to talk about~
i've been keeping an eye on the poll that's still going on, and the prevailing opinion (by quite a large margin) is a yes to doing scenes from the points of view of the ROs you can meet in the demo, soo... starting next friday, i'll be sharing RO povs once every two weeks!
i was worried not enough info was out there for you guys to be too interested, but i couldn't be happier that i was wrong! they'll be quite long, around 1k words, and half of each will be posted here on tumblr, while the full ones will be exclusive to patreon.
like i mentioned before, the first few povs are gonna be first meetings, and once the poll is finished we'll see whose goes up first (but right now it seems like it's a toss up between the Companion and the Renegade 👀)
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buttercupfiction · 13 days
sneak peek
hey y'all~ just thought i'd give you a little peek at the first meeting with the Archivist as i've been busy writing the Library visit lately
it's under read more, and you can also check it out as a free member on patreon, since i'll be posting more stuff like that over there on the regular
also. be on the lookout for something new and exciting a week from now 👀 (more info in the next dev log)
"So, with what might I be of service?" they ask conversationally as they lead you back to the desk near the entrance.
"Well, I wanted to look something up, and word around the city is this is the best place to do research."
"Word around the entire Kingdom," they chuckle lightly as they correct you. "But yes, if knowledge is what you pursue, you've come to the right place."
They come to a halt when you approach the front desk, where they deposit the books they've been carrying.
"So, judging by the interest, am I to understand you're new to the city?" they ask, leaning with their elbow on the desk behind them.
You resist the urge to sigh; here we go again.
"Yeah, I only arrived a few days ago."
"Hmm," they hum, "And how are you liking it so far?"
They seem satisfied enough to keep the conversation casual, without the need to grill you for details, and you're grateful for that. It puts you somewhat at ease, and by the knowing smile on their face, you get the feeling that might just be the point.
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buttercupfiction · 15 days
Hi, hope u're well!!! So i read ur demo. And i like it 🥰. Before, i want to romance renegade. But after met him in demo. Gahhh he's so cold T^T. Do we need to start pining him or something then for gaining his attention? I mean he didn't even want to sit next to us!!! Usually i like cold and distant character that just warm toward MC, or a tsundere u know. But i don't want to experience one sided love 💔. I know it just first meeting but still, i just want to know the big picture of his route plz. Thank you and have a nice day ❤.
hiii! :3
thank you so much, i'm glad you enjoyed it! i'm doing good hahah
to answer your question, you have nothing to worry about! like you said, this was just your first meeting and he wasn't really in a very social mood. like all of the ROs, he'll have his moment in the sun, he's just very guarded when it comes to relationships with others.
believe me, i'm a huge sucker for the 'i hate everyone but you' types of characters, so i'd never even dream of doing his route dirty
more about this under the cut, cause there are some slight spoilers for the way the story unfolds :)
his route is very much a slow burn (along with ash's and elio's), and it will take some time to gain his trust, but he's definitely not as cold and unfeeling as he tries to appear.
you'll meet him again in chapter 3, you'll get to (lovingly) bother him in chapter 4, and then in chapter 5 you'll get a nice big half-a-chapter hangout with him (and the journalist), and by the end you'll be able to choose who to have a sleepover with, for lack of a better word hahah
that said, you'll still have to show interest in him, like wanting to talk to him etc, but you don't have to be super nice or pine either; there will be choices which will indicate your interest without you having to be the one doing all the work, so rest assured that things will never be just one-sided.
hopefully this eases your worries a bit, but if you still have any concerns or if there's anything specific you're curious about, do let me know :)
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buttercupfiction · 16 days
ROs pov poll
just out of curiosity, if i were to post scenes from the point of view of the ROs you can meet in the demo, would that be something you'd be interested in? and if it is, whose would you most want to see? to clarify, the pov scenes would be of them meeting the mc
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buttercupfiction · 17 days
patreon announcement
so, i made a patreon!
i've been thinking about it for some time and i decided this was as good a time as any to do it. i had quite a bit of time on my hands during the summer which meant i could fully focus on the game, but now that my new uni semester is starting i'll have to juggle my studies and my part-time job to keep myself afloat, and that won't leave me with much time for anything else
that said, i really want to continue creating this story and share it with you guys, and i don't want to only be able to work on it a few times a month when i manage to catch a break, so this is my way of trying to make this into a win-win situation
for now, there's only one tier, and by becoming a patron you'll get: detailed weekly devlogs and my ramblings about writing, sneak peeks of the scenes i'm working on at least once a week (more if i'm especially productive that week), and a week's early access to all future demo updates
that's all for now, since a lot of things are still unknown about the story and not all ROs have been introduced, but when chapter 3 (or 4) drops, i plan on expanding the list of tiers to encompass benefits such as short side stories, RO points of view, polls, and even character art, so pls don't think this is all there is forever hahah
eventually, i'm hoping i could quit my part-time job altogether and focus all my efforts on writing as that's been my dream for a very long time now, and this project isn't the only one i've got cooking 👀, so i'd love an opportunity to continue writing and sharing these ideas with you <3
anyway, hahah, long ramble over! genuinely tho, i appreciate every single one of you, patron or not, and your support of my little endeavor here means the world to me 💜💜💜
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buttercupfiction · 18 days
dev log (01/09/24)
heya! so, i've been working on chapter 3 this week, and uhh, it's gonna be a big one. 👀 the story starts moving along quite a bit, and you get to meet the rest of the ROs, so the full roster will finally be here hahah
i also managed to get a lot of planning done for some of the upcoming chapters so things will be easier when it comes to writing, but life is about to become a whole lot more hectic cause my new uni semester is starting and i won't have as much time to spend on the game >.<
i've been thinking about making a patreon for a while now, to both give you guys more content and help me out a little bit, but i don't wanna make this devlog into an essay hahah, so i'll talk more about that in another post tomorrow
oh, and thank you to everyone who has been notifiying me of typos and stuff - things have been fixed, but the changes won't be implemented until the next chapter drops. feel free to send that kind of stuff here on tumblr; i mostly likely won't answer, but rest assured that it's been seen! <3
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buttercupfiction · 25 days
chapter 2 is out!
as promised, chapter 2 is here! it adds about 16k words to the demo, making it a total of 38k now (without code), and you can play it ~here~
it's slightly shorter than chapter 1, but i had lots of fun with it, and hopefully you'll have fun with it as well :3
what's new:
find out if you got accepted into the Guild
go to a tavern and meet a weirdo with a dog
get involved in a tavern brawl (or be sensible and don't..?)
meet and maybe chat with another mysterious stranger
experience the Consequences™ of Your (Past) Actions
if you notice any mistakes or bugs, do let me know! <3
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buttercupfiction · 1 month
update announcement
hey y'all! i am pleased to say that this week, instead of a dev log, you're getting an announcement for the new update release!!
chapter 2 is so nearly finished, just a few more scenes to finalize, and i don't want to rush things but i just had so much fun writing it and i can't wait for you guys to see it, soo... i'm scheduling the update for a week from now, on August 25th!
i'll make a lil announcement on itch too on the day of the update, so everyone who follows me on there will also be notified :3
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buttercupfiction · 1 month
juuust finished writing the renegade's introduction scene and, if ya like buff men, well. have i got a treat for you 👀
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buttercupfiction · 1 month
dev log (11/08/24)
soo, chapter 2 is a good 8k words long rn, and things are going smoothly so far. just finished writing seven different variations of a bar fight scene, and whew! hope you guys will be satisfied with the options lol
unrelated to the next update, i got a bit inspired and on a whim wrote a 2k words long scene for one of the future chapters, and boy is it messy 👀 (hint, it's someone's breakup scene 👀)
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buttercupfiction · 2 months
dev log (04/08/24)
i've been working on chapter 2 since the demo release, and i'm proud to say i'm a good 2k words in! it'll probably be as big as the first chapter, so if i continue at this pace, mayhaps it might even be done by the end of the month..? 👀
in other news, it's come to my attention that the outright flirt options weren't really super clearly stated to be outright, so i fixed that, and they should be much easier to recognize now :3
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buttercupfiction · 2 months
Oooooomg i hate Ash's gf.
She already grates my soul! 😒😒😒😒😒
You managed to annoy me with her and that damned curator. 😭😭😭
I loveeeed the update tho. Oh wait and our stupid parents too! Death be to all those who tries to grate my soul in this IF
You are talented at writing annoying characters nyx. 😒 i love our sister tho 💓💓💓💓
aaaa thank you, i'm so glad you enjoyed it!! and i'm glad you like bellamy! ♡♡♡
true, there were some very annoying people in the demo, but there'll be lots more fun and chill ones in the following chapters, don't you worry hahah
as for celia, her status as gf will be getting revoked real soon, and depending on your choices, you might even have a hand in it 👀
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buttercupfiction · 2 months
Is this medieval... fantasy?
i would classify it as such, yeah :)
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buttercupfiction · 2 months
Well, the MC I'm playing as is a bit nicer than I am, but the actual me absolutely would have beat the shit out of that curator.
lmao i'll take that as a compliment, as i tried to make him as insufferable as humanly possible! xD
ehehe but don't worry, there'll be plenty of chances later on to not be as nice to some people who deserve it ;)
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buttercupfiction · 2 months
demo release!
the demo is out! finally! chapter one got way out of hand, and the whole thing is currently at 22.8k words without code
in the demo, you can:
experience that fateful day when you first came into contact with a Vestige
meet up with your sister after years of being apart and establish what your relationship is like
meet two of the ROs, the Companion and the Journalist, and decide how you feel about them
try to get a position in the Greyhounds guild by being sent on an errand
if you notice any mistakes or spelling errors, please let me know! it's appreciated! <3
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buttercupfiction · 2 months
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
the Companion: misses his partner very easily, but tells himself that being clingy is not a good look. he tries to keep himself busy while they're away, but finds himself thinking about them too often to even count
the Journalist: she's very secure in her relationships with people, so in order for her to truly start to miss her partner, they would have to be away for a long time. she's usually pretty busy, but if she starts to really miss them, she'd try to organize a little something for when they come back, like prepare a gift or plan an outing
the Archivist: not the overly sentimental type, and too busy to miss people regardless, but when it comes to their partner, they find thoughts such as 'how are they?' and 'what might they be doing?' invading their mind at inopportune moments when they're supposed to be working
the Renegade: tries to convince himself (and everyone else) that he doesn't care, but then inexplicably finds himself in a bad mood when his partner is away for longer periods of time. he refuses to admit it and acts like nothing's wrong, but he's just counting down the seconds until they return
the Investigator: very sentimental and misses their partner easily, but tries not to make a big show of it. they get more withdrawn, keeping to themself even more than usual, and it's quite obvious when their partner has returned because they'll finally brighten up a bit and return to their regular self
the Enforcer: not the type to miss people, her mind mostly working on the 'out of sight, out of mind' principle, but she finds herself not enjoying things as much as she used to. it takes her a while to realize it's because the person she usually shares these experiences with is not there
thanks for the ask! :3
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