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What would the ROs' reactions be if MC fell asleep on their shoulder?
so sorry for the wait lmao but inspiration struck and then it all kinda got away from me 😅
the Companion: It's late at night and you've been helping him sort out some paperwork for the Guild for the past few hours. You were chatting happily when you started, but by now neither of you has the energy to spare on talking as you're trying to keep focused while struggling to stifle yawns here and there. One moment you were awake, examining a paper in front of you, and the next your eyes were closing, whole body leaning to the side until you came to rest on something soft.
This kind of menial work always has him fighting to keep his eyes open, especially at this hour, but he finds that he no longer has to put in the effort, as suddenly a jolt of awareness rushes through him, waking him up more effectively than pouring a bucket full of ice-cold water over him. Unbelieveing, he looks to the side, convinced he must've fallen asleep and is currently dreaming, but the warmth of your body against him makes him realize that no, this is actually happening.
He stills, every muscle taut, almost forgetting to breathe, all out of fear of disturbing you. Should he call out your name? Wake you up? Or should he just let you rest? You must have been so tired, to fall asleep sitting up like this; he should definitely let you sleep. But, uh... What should he do with himself now? It's true he was on the brink of sleep just moments ago, but right now, he's wide awake and forced to deal with something he's been avoiding so far. Your scent, now that you're so close to him, invades his senses; your breath, as you lean against him, tickles his skin... He's at his wits' end.
He's all too aware of your effect on him, but doesn't know what to do about it. Usually, he'd follow the tried and true strategy of running away, burying the feelings deep down never to be seen again, but he can't do that now, with you pressed against him like this. All that's left for him to do is stay still and hope you wake up soon to spare him from his anguish, at which point he'll staunchly deny this ever happened and go back to pretending everything is fine.
the Journalist: You had made plans to go out and have some fun after she was done with work, so you paid a visit to her office at the Meridian, only to find her sitting on the floor, papers strewn all around her as she scribbled in her notebook. She assured you she'd just be a couple of minutes more, but in the meantime, would you come and take a look at this? Do these two happenstances seem connected to you? Or- or this one, do you think there might be something more to this? The next thing you know, almost two hours have passed and she's still in the zone and no closer to being finished, but you're starting to feel the exhaustion, so you tell yourself that you'll just close your eyes for a moment...
When she feels a weight on her arm, she humms in question without taking her eyes off her notebook, assuming you're trying to draw her attention to something. When no reply comes, and the weight doesn't remove itself, she feels annoyed at the interruption - she's almost on the brink of a breakthrough here! But when she turns to ask you to help her rather than hinder her, the words die on her lips as she realizes that oohh no, she lost track of time again.
Looking around, her suspicions are confirmed when she notices the lack of sunlight coming from the window in the back, the sun already slowly setting. Guilt starts creeping up on her as she turns back to you with an apologetic twist to her lips. "Oh, sweetheart, I'm sorry. Why didn't you say something?" she whispers, raising her hand to gently cup your cheek as her eyes roam over your face, taking in your tranquil expression. You look so adorable like this; she doesn't have the heart to wake you up.
Slowly, careful not to move too much, she reaches for her coat that is lying discared nearby and drapes it around you, trying to make you as comfortable as possible. Then, she begins picking up the pieces of paper that surround you both, set on putting them away and finishing up for tonight. The thought did cross her mind that now that you're asleep, she might as well continue with her work, but she quickly dismissed it. Your company is far too precious to her to be wasted like this, so after she's done tidying up - which might take a while - she'll nudge you awake and promise to make amends for how this evening played out, and perhaps see if you'd still be willing to go somewhere with her tonight.
the Archivist: The two of you are spending another day poring over old tomes, looking for any information about your condition. You read in silence, sitting side by side at one of the desks in the archives, each with several open books in front of you, and another pile waiting nearby. For them, this is a fairly common occurrence, but you, on the other hand, aren't used to spending hours on end sitting in one place, staring at ink on paper. No matter how much you try to focus on the page in front of you, soon enough your eyes start to close and you slump to the side, landing cheek first on some very fine silk.
Immersed in their reading, they jolt out of their trance at the physical contact, turning their head slowly to the side, curious as to why you've decided to drape yourself over them. "Excuse me, but I would like my arm returned to me," they raise one eyebrow sardonically while attempting to shrug you off, but when you don't budge, they halt, leaning over to take a closer look.
What they see sends a spark of indignance coursing through them, because really? You begged them to let you come here, to access all this knowledge, and then you just... fall asleep? But as quick as it came, the vexation is chased away, replaced by a feeling of sympathy for what you must be going through. Though they're not quite sure they like that feeling.
Sigh. Nevermind. They'll go through your workload as well, no need to go waking you up now. After all, it's better this way. 'When you do everything yourself, you needn't be concerned that someone else will fuck up their part,' they tell themself, the words sharp enough to counter the gentle way they settle you down on their lap, your head cushioned on their thigh as they return to their reading.
the Renegade: You're sat beside him at his booth at the Matchstick, watching as he nurses his drink with a thousand-yard stare, not paying you any attention. He was against you accompanying him at first, but once you promised you wouldn't bother him, he relented. To keep yourself occupied, you've also had a few drinks, but they're starting to take their toll as you feel weariness take hold of you; a few moments later, your head lolls to the side, landing on the first soft thing within your reach.
At the feeling of a sudden weight on his shoulder, he stiffens, a curse falling unbidden out of his mouth as he turns his head towards the source of the intrusion. "What the fuck-" he growls, only to stop himself abruptly when he notices that it's you. He'd almost forgotten you were there, that's how accustomed to your presence he's become. "Hey," he gives you a nudge, trying to draw your attention, "What are you..." but trails off when he notices you're asleep.
Hmph. If it were anyone else, he'd just shake them off, uncaring if they woke up or not, as long as they get off of him, but... for whatever reason, he doesn't seem to mind it this time. Something stirs in his chest at the sight of you, resting practically on top of him without a care in the world, but he dismisses it as purely sympathy, nothing else. After all, he's no stranger to falling asleep in weird places, and knows a thing or two about waking up with a crick in his neck or cramped muscles.
He planned on staying here throughout the evening anyway, so there's no urgent need to dislodge you from him... is the excuse he tells himself as he relaxes and shifts slightly, careful not to wake you, until you find yourself in a more comfortable position on his shoulder. He just prays to whoever will listen that Vanessa doesn't happen to walk by, because if she witnessed this and noticed the faint coloring to his cheeks, he'd never hear the end of it.
the Investigator: The two of you are sitting shoulder to shoulder on a balcony of a dilapidated bell-tower in the South District, backs against the wall and legs dangling in the air. You were sent on a late night patrol of the area, and they suggested finding a good vantage spot would make it easier, so you let them lead you here. It's been a few hours since your surveilance began, and they still seem perfectly alert, eyes darting over the buildings and alleyways below, but you are staring to drift off, lulled to sleep by the peaceful sounds of the night.
When your head comes to rest on their shoulder, they startle, having been so engrossed in observing the goings on in the city that they didn't notice you dozing off next to them. Blinking the surprise out of their eyes, they look towards you, concerned, only to realize that you're fast asleep. They let their eyes roam across your face, inspecting every inch of the expression you're making as you slumber. You look so peaceful like this; they'd feel guilty if they woke you up now. Though, only now they realize exactly how close to them you are.
Sigh. They know they'll never act on their feelings, never ask for anything more, and that's something they've made their peace with. Nothing good would come of it, of that they're certain. But... they're still only human. And they'll gladly take any form of affection you're willing to give to them, even if it's just innocently resting on their shoulder. Because that's all they can ever get.
So they lean back slightly, getting more comfortable, and dare to rest their head against yours, breathing a small sigh of content as they return to observing the streets below. Once they feel you stir and start to wake up, they'll move away, but for now, this is good enough.
the Enforcer: It's almost midnight and you can feel the fatigue clinging to you. You had been at the guild since the early morning, doing all sorts of menial work, but when she invited you to join her for a drink at a local tavern, you just couldn't say no. So, now here you are, sitting next to her in a booth and waiting for the barkeep to return with your drinks, and you're beginning to suspect this was a bad idea, because no matter how much you enjoy her company, your eyes keep fluttering closed and you're having trouble concentrating on your surroundings. So it's no wonder when your consciousness abandons you soon after.
"Oh? Darling, if you wanted to take this a bit further, you could have just asked," she says playfully, throwing you a sideways glance and seeing your head on her shoulder, then fakes a pout when there's no answer. Craning her head to get a better look, she realizes why you didn't answer her; you're fast asleep. She brings her hand to your face, tapping you lightly on the nose with her forefinger a few times, trying to see if you'll wake up, but when you don't even stir, a real pout forms on her lips.
"Hmm, well that's no fun," she tells no one in particular, and while her voice is light, her eyebrows furrow in contemplation. Is she losing her touch? Has her mere presence started putting people to sleep now? Hmm, she'll have to step up her game... That's it, it's decided, next time she's taking you to one of those underground fighting rings she's heard about; let's see you fall asleep in that ambiance!
Taking hold of her drink that just arrived, she pays you no more mind, but also doesn't shake you off her shoulder. She would have, usually, but... Hmm. Why does she let you stay there? The question perplexes her. She doesn't normally waste time on these... frivolous gestures of affection, and there is that itch that urges her to get up, find something fun to do, but she guesses this isn't that bad. And it is kind of flattering that you trust her of all people enough to fall asleep like this. 'And, if Elio found out I oh so irresponsibly abandoned you in a random tavern while asleep, they'd bitch about it forever,' she tells herself, finding a reason to stay seated here for a while longer, drink in her hand and your head against her shoulder.
#asks#ros#ro: the companion#ro: the journalist#ro: the archivist#ro: the renegade#ro: the investigator#ro: the enforcer#vestiges if#vestiges of the hallowing#twine game#if#interactive fiction
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first impressions - the Investigator
the next ro pov is here! hope you like it~
'Hmm. It's most likely going to rain tonight.'
They look up at the sky, taking stock of the dark grey clouds that have been slowly gathering above-head for a few hours now. Yes, such an outcome seems quite probable... But they will gladly welcome it. Rainy weather always seems to make them feel at ease, and right now, they're in dire need of that peace of mind.
They spent the past hour walking around aimlessly, getting lost amongst the winding streets of the city, trying to drown out their thoughts.
Why can't she just take this seriously?
They sigh, pulling up the cowl wrapped around their neck further up to shield them from the cold night air.
Truth be told, they know what she's like, so they really shouldn't be surprised, but still. They can't help but worry, given the nature of this assignment.
Lost in thought, they fail to notice the rather rapid sound of footsteps approaching the alley they're strolling through, only becoming aware that they have company when they see someone walking towards them.
They jump, startled, and take several steps backward on instinct alone, before registering that the stranger is not coming after them. In fact, the person doesn't even seem to be aware of their presence, leaning with their back against the wall maybe ten feet away from them, eyes closed and their head in their hands.
They can't help but wince at the sight; the person looks... quite pained.
They were going to just slip away unnoticed, but a feeling of concern tugs at them, and before they even realize it, they open their mouth to ask, "Are you alright?"
Instantly, they regret it, as the person's head snaps towards them, a look of distrust marring their features.
"A better question is, why are you sneaking up on me?" they counter, frowning while crossing their arms.
Well, that was to be expected. They should have taken a moment to think about how this would look. Of course no one would appreciate a stranger standing aside like a creep and watching them during their most vulnerable moments, even though that is not what they were doing just now.
"I apologize, that was not my intention," they try, but the person just stares back at them. It's then when they remember they're all covered up, so they tug down their cowl and attempt a harmless smile as they do their best to explain the situation while apologizing once more, then excuse themself and turn to leave, intent on leaving the stranger alone.
After all, it was a mistake to get involved. One they never seem to learn from, seeing as all their attempts at altruism end up exactly like this.
"Hey, you don't have to leave."
(the rest is up on patreon~)
#ro povs#patreon#ro: the investigator#vestiges if#vestiges of the hallowing#twine game#if#interactive fiction
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Helloo. Is it possible to add neutral and/or stoic choices? For example, when the Renegade asked if we're doing alright, can we just answer with a simple "yes" or a nod?
It's fine if it's not possible, it's only a suggestion. Thank you for your had work nonetheless ^_^
sorry for the late reply, but the answer is yes! absolutely hahah i'm not quite satisfied with the current dialogue options in the demo as it is and plan on revamping them a bit in the very near future, hopefully with the chapter 3 update, so i'll add more neutral choices with that
this is my first IF and i'm still trying things out and seeing what fits best so there's definitely room for improvement, and i'm always open to suggestions, so if there's something you feel could be added or changed, be it dialogue options, character customization, or anything similar, do let me know! i'll definitely consider it :3
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first impressions - the Companion
hey y'all! sorry for the radio silence, i've just been awfully busy lately, but i did promise you the ro povs, so here's the second one! hope you enjoy~
Shoot, shoot, shoot.
He's running late.
He was supposed to be back at the Guild half an hour ago, to greet Bellamy's sibling, but the woman he was helping out was just so chatty, and he didn't have the heart to tell her he needed to be somewhere else. She's just so alone in that big old house, her children and grandchildren having moved to the capital, and she insisted he stayed for tea; what else could he do but accept?
And if that means he'll keep some people waiting, then sue him. He knows how bad loneliness can be.
Though thankfully, this isn't anything official, and he had planned it so they meet some time before Kait's available, so there's still a margin for error.
He slows his pace when he reaches the Guild's compound, trying to appear less winded than he is; first impressions are important, and he doesn't want it to look like he just ran here. ...Even though he kind of did.
Passing next to the entrance, he can see Cal and Selene chatting inside, but there's no sign of the person he's expecting. Only when he goes a bit farther down the street can he see them standing under the awning of a building nearby, looking at their reflection in one of the windows.
Okay. Now don't screw this up.
He casually approaches them, stopping a polite distance away, and calls them out by their name.
They turn around, and–
'Oh wow, they're stunning,' the thought comes unbidden to his mind, and he seems to experience a momentary lapse of motor functions, as he just stands there, blinking at them.
Thankfully, they've interpreted his blatant staring as confusion, so they answer him with a "Yeah, that's me."
Shaking off the strange feeling that took over for a moment there, he smiles at them, doing his best to be friendly and put them at ease.
Perhaps he could try a joke?
"Oh good! It'd be awkward if it turned out I just jumped a random stranger on the street, haha..."
Ookay, no, that's worse, that makes him sound like some maniac who assaults people on the street. Ugh, he should just skip to introducing himself and welcoming them to the city.
He acutely aware of their eyes on him as he does just that, scrutinizing him, and he can feel the anxiety creeping up on him. Even more so once they ask if he's actually a member of the Guild.
"Uh, yeah?" Was that not...clear?
Did he give them a reason to doubt him?
...Or does he just seem that pathetic?
His hand goes to the badge on his belt instinctually, almost worried it's not going to be there and he'll look like a fool trying to explain himself. Luckily, he finds it exactly where it's supposed to be, and while that's reassuring, they're still looking at him in confusion.
Should he elaborate? Or would that come across as condescending..?
Ugh, he'll just leave the explanations to Kait.
But before they go see her, he should apologize for making them wait this long. Really, as far as first impressions go, he's making a bad one.
(the rest is up on patreon~)
#ro povs#patreon#ro: the companion#vestiges if#vestiges of the hallowing#twine game#if#interactive fiction
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first impressions - the Renegade
as promised, the first of the ro povs is here! as the poll winner, the Renegade's is up first, while the next in line will be the Companion's :)
Well, peaceful is a more apt word, because the Matchstick certainly can't be described as 'quiet'.
It's been a quiet night so far.
As far as he's concerned, any night where he isn't bothered by some idiot is a peaceful one. And tonight has been as such. Dog made sure of it.
The scruffy mutt has been lying at his feet the whole evening, growling at anyone stupid enough to try to approach him and scaring them away.
He makes a mental note to try to find some kind of a treat for it later on; it's well deserved. Though he'll have to be careful Ness doesn't see him being all sentimental like that, or she'd tease him till kingdom come.
Contrary to his relaxed appearance, he's been keeping an eye on the room, watching out for trouble, so when he sees Jeremy making a beeline in his direction, he knows his time of respite has come to an end.
Ugh, what's the problem now?
He didn't spot anything warranting his interference last he checked, and he sure as hell isn't in the mood for another one of Vanessa's plans to get him to socialize.
"Hey. Your time to shine," Jeremy tells him, giving Dog a scritch on the head, which he eagerly accepts, tongue lolling out and tail thumping left and right on the floor.
'Hmph, no loyalty here,' he narrows his eyes at the dog. 'You're lucky I already decided I’m getting you that treat...'
Casting his eyes around the room once again, he sighs, "So, what is it?"
Jeremy's kind enough to point out the issue, motioning with his hand to a table near the entrance. Though, it's just... two people rough-housing.
"That little scuffle?"
"Ma thinks it's gonna escalate."
As if to prove his point, one of the two lashes out as they continue tussling, and some poor schmuck a bit too close to them lands on the floor.
Ha. Well, fair enough.
He gets up from his seat, crossing the room in a few quick strides before finding himself right behind the two idiots who haven't even noticed him approach.
He makes quick work of grabbing each of them by the back of the neck and slamming them against the table they're in front of, hearing the satisfying thunk their heads make against the wooden surface. Maybe they'll get sober quicker if he shakes 'em up enough?
Getting them up and marching them out the door is an easy task, and throwing them out in the street on their asses is even easier.
"Go home." He doesn't bother telling them anything else and leaves them to pick themselves up from the floor, turning on his heel to go back inside, where the revelry has recommenced.
He's about to go take a seat at the bar and get a drink, when, completely unprovoked, Ness smacks him on the shoulder as he passes her by.
"Ow. What was that for?"
"Manners. Be nice, they're new here," she nods her head to somewhere behind him, and he turns around dutifully, rolling his eyes all the while.
He spots the person she pointed him to, standing at the table those two idiots were brawling at. Hmm, they look vaguely familiar...
Oh, that's right. That's the one that was on the floor.
What's that got to do with him, though? It's not like he's the one who threw them there.
...Ugh, fine.
He narrows his eyes a bit as he looks them over, noticing the way they're holding their wrist. Did they get injured during that little tussle?
'...Well, again, not my fault,' he tells himself, steadfastly ignoring the little nagging voice in the back of his mind that's telling him that it kind of is, because if he had intervened sooner, that wouldn't've happened.
He sighs. This little staring contest has been going on for too long now.
"You good?" he half-asses the question, eager to get this over with and return to his peaceful solitude.
you can read the second half on patreon!
#ro povs#patreon#ro: the renegade#vestiges if#vestiges of the hallowing#twine game#if#interactive fiction
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dev log (08/09/24)
hey guys~ just letting you know that chapter 3 is at around 4k words right now, and things are moving along slowly but surely. not much else interesting to share about the progress, but there is something else i wanted to talk about~
i've been keeping an eye on the poll that's still going on, and the prevailing opinion (by quite a large margin) is a yes to doing scenes from the points of view of the ROs you can meet in the demo, soo... starting next friday, i'll be sharing RO povs once every two weeks!
i was worried not enough info was out there for you guys to be too interested, but i couldn't be happier that i was wrong! they'll be quite long, around 1k words, and half of each will be posted here on tumblr, while the full ones will be exclusive to patreon.
like i mentioned before, the first few povs are gonna be first meetings, and once the poll is finished we'll see whose goes up first (but right now it seems like it's a toss up between the Companion and the Renegade 👀)
#btw if there's a particular moment you'd like to see from someone else's pov (ro or not)#just shoot me a message and if it's not too long i'll answer ^_^#dev log#announcement#ro povs#vestiges if#vestiges of the hallowing#twine game#if#interactive fiction
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sneak peek
hey y'all~ just thought i'd give you a little peek at the first meeting with the Archivist as i've been busy writing the Library visit lately
it's under read more, and you can also check it out as a free member on patreon, since i'll be posting more stuff like that over there on the regular
also. be on the lookout for something new and exciting a week from now 👀 (more info in the next dev log)
"So, with what might I be of service?" they ask conversationally as they lead you back to the desk near the entrance.
"Well, I wanted to look something up, and word around the city is this is the best place to do research."
"Word around the entire Kingdom," they chuckle lightly as they correct you. "But yes, if knowledge is what you pursue, you've come to the right place."
They come to a halt when you approach the front desk, where they deposit the books they've been carrying.
"So, judging by the interest, am I to understand you're new to the city?" they ask, leaning with their elbow on the desk behind them.
You resist the urge to sigh; here we go again.
"Yeah, I only arrived a few days ago."
"Hmm," they hum, "And how are you liking it so far?"
They seem satisfied enough to keep the conversation casual, without the need to grill you for details, and you're grateful for that. It puts you somewhat at ease, and by the knowing smile on their face, you get the feeling that might just be the point.
#sneak peek#ro: the archivist#vestiges if#vestiges of the hallowing#twine game#if#interactive fiction
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Hi, hope u're well!!! So i read ur demo. And i like it 🥰. Before, i want to romance renegade. But after met him in demo. Gahhh he's so cold T^T. Do we need to start pining him or something then for gaining his attention? I mean he didn't even want to sit next to us!!! Usually i like cold and distant character that just warm toward MC, or a tsundere u know. But i don't want to experience one sided love 💔. I know it just first meeting but still, i just want to know the big picture of his route plz. Thank you and have a nice day ❤.
hiii! :3
thank you so much, i'm glad you enjoyed it! i'm doing good hahah
to answer your question, you have nothing to worry about! like you said, this was just your first meeting and he wasn't really in a very social mood. like all of the ROs, he'll have his moment in the sun, he's just very guarded when it comes to relationships with others.
believe me, i'm a huge sucker for the 'i hate everyone but you' types of characters, so i'd never even dream of doing his route dirty
more about this under the cut, cause there are some slight spoilers for the way the story unfolds :)
his route is very much a slow burn (along with ash's and elio's), and it will take some time to gain his trust, but he's definitely not as cold and unfeeling as he tries to appear.
you'll meet him again in chapter 3, you'll get to (lovingly) bother him in chapter 4, and then in chapter 5 you'll get a nice big half-a-chapter hangout with him (and the journalist), and by the end you'll be able to choose who to have a sleepover with, for lack of a better word hahah
that said, you'll still have to show interest in him, like wanting to talk to him etc, but you don't have to be super nice or pine either; there will be choices which will indicate your interest without you having to be the one doing all the work, so rest assured that things will never be just one-sided.
hopefully this eases your worries a bit, but if you still have any concerns or if there's anything specific you're curious about, do let me know :)
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ROs pov poll
just out of curiosity, if i were to post scenes from the point of view of the ROs you can meet in the demo, would that be something you'd be interested in? and if it is, whose would you most want to see? to clarify, the pov scenes would be of them meeting the mc
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patreon announcement
so, i made a patreon!
i've been thinking about it for some time and i decided this was as good a time as any to do it. i had quite a bit of time on my hands during the summer which meant i could fully focus on the game, but now that my new uni semester is starting i'll have to juggle my studies and my part-time job to keep myself afloat, and that won't leave me with much time for anything else
that said, i really want to continue creating this story and share it with you guys, and i don't want to only be able to work on it a few times a month when i manage to catch a break, so this is my way of trying to make this into a win-win situation
for now, there's only one tier, and by becoming a patron you'll get: detailed weekly devlogs and my ramblings about writing, sneak peeks of the scenes i'm working on at least once a week (more if i'm especially productive that week), and a week's early access to all future demo updates
that's all for now, since a lot of things are still unknown about the story and not all ROs have been introduced, but when chapter 3 (or 4) drops, i plan on expanding the list of tiers to encompass benefits such as short side stories, RO points of view, polls, and even character art, so pls don't think this is all there is forever hahah
eventually, i'm hoping i could quit my part-time job altogether and focus all my efforts on writing as that's been my dream for a very long time now, and this project isn't the only one i've got cooking 👀, so i'd love an opportunity to continue writing and sharing these ideas with you <3
anyway, hahah, long ramble over! genuinely tho, i appreciate every single one of you, patron or not, and your support of my little endeavor here means the world to me 💜💜💜
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dev log (01/09/24)
heya! so, i've been working on chapter 3 this week, and uhh, it's gonna be a big one. 👀 the story starts moving along quite a bit, and you get to meet the rest of the ROs, so the full roster will finally be here hahah
i also managed to get a lot of planning done for some of the upcoming chapters so things will be easier when it comes to writing, but life is about to become a whole lot more hectic cause my new uni semester is starting and i won't have as much time to spend on the game >.<
i've been thinking about making a patreon for a while now, to both give you guys more content and help me out a little bit, but i don't wanna make this devlog into an essay hahah, so i'll talk more about that in another post tomorrow
oh, and thank you to everyone who has been notifiying me of typos and stuff - things have been fixed, but the changes won't be implemented until the next chapter drops. feel free to send that kind of stuff here on tumblr; i mostly likely won't answer, but rest assured that it's been seen! <3
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chapter 2 is out!
as promised, chapter 2 is here! it adds about 16k words to the demo, making it a total of 38k now (without code), and you can play it ~here~
it's slightly shorter than chapter 1, but i had lots of fun with it, and hopefully you'll have fun with it as well :3
what's new:
find out if you got accepted into the Guild
go to a tavern and meet a weirdo with a dog
get involved in a tavern brawl (or be sensible and don't..?)
meet and maybe chat with another mysterious stranger
experience the Consequences™ of Your (Past) Actions
if you notice any mistakes or bugs, do let me know! <3
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update announcement
hey y'all! i am pleased to say that this week, instead of a dev log, you're getting an announcement for the new update release!!
chapter 2 is so nearly finished, just a few more scenes to finalize, and i don't want to rush things but i just had so much fun writing it and i can't wait for you guys to see it, soo... i'm scheduling the update for a week from now, on August 25th!
i'll make a lil announcement on itch too on the day of the update, so everyone who follows me on there will also be notified :3
#i honestly didn't expect ch2 to be done so soon#guess i was just really vibing with it hahah#writing update#announcement#vestiges if#vestiges of the hallowing#twine game#if#interactive fiction
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juuust finished writing the renegade's introduction scene and, if ya like buff men, well. have i got a treat for you 👀
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dev log (11/08/24)
soo, chapter 2 is a good 8k words long rn, and things are going smoothly so far. just finished writing seven different variations of a bar fight scene, and whew! hope you guys will be satisfied with the options lol
unrelated to the next update, i got a bit inspired and on a whim wrote a 2k words long scene for one of the future chapters, and boy is it messy 👀 (hint, it's someone's breakup scene 👀)
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dev log (04/08/24)
i've been working on chapter 2 since the demo release, and i'm proud to say i'm a good 2k words in! it'll probably be as big as the first chapter, so if i continue at this pace, mayhaps it might even be done by the end of the month..? 👀
in other news, it's come to my attention that the outright flirt options weren't really super clearly stated to be outright, so i fixed that, and they should be much easier to recognize now :3
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Oooooomg i hate Ash's gf.
She already grates my soul! 😒😒😒😒😒
You managed to annoy me with her and that damned curator. 😭😭😭
I loveeeed the update tho. Oh wait and our stupid parents too! Death be to all those who tries to grate my soul in this IF
You are talented at writing annoying characters nyx. 😒 i love our sister tho 💓💓💓💓
aaaa thank you, i'm so glad you enjoyed it!! and i'm glad you like bellamy! ♡♡♡
true, there were some very annoying people in the demo, but there'll be lots more fun and chill ones in the following chapters, don't you worry hahah
as for celia, her status as gf will be getting revoked real soon, and depending on your choices, you might even have a hand in it 👀
#asks#it is a truth universally acknowledged that that curator is a piece of shi-#demo#ro: the companion#vestiges if
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