#rn i just imagine him fucking off to some ruins to lay down and hit rock bottom rip
artekai · 1 year
Oh, I forgot that, because BS takes place post-HFW, it might help me decide if I should canonically realive Fross 🤔
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
The whole time traveling children has me feelin some type of way tbh. Imagine Mirio, Kaminari, and Tamaki walking into their respective rooms and there are just small children vibing. Mirio with his daughter, Kaminari with a daughter and Tamaki with a son. 😭
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as i said, parent!bnha is SUPERIOR
A/N: So, instead of making these separate asks, I’m just going to make it one giant post. I thought it would be easier that way. Probably the only post that’ll have more than three characters lol
Warnings: none
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Kaminari Denki:
when kaminari walked into his room, he didn't expect to see two children on his bed fighting like wild animals
the younger girl was totally beating the boy’s ass tho
kinda embarrassing bc she’s gotta be like, seven, at most
as if it’s not the weirdest thing he’s seen (bc it’s not) he rushes in to break them apart
he manages to separate them with his arms 
the boy with yellow hair snaps his jaws at his sister’s fingers
“hey! bad! no biting!” he scolds
the little girl blows a raspberry and taunts “yeah! papa says no biting!”
the older sibling just rolls his eyes “rat”
meanwhile, denki is literally malfunctioning
the only person’s pants (and heart) he’s been trying to get in to for the past three months was y/n’s and he sure as hell would remember if he did
he didn't have kids
especially one that was his age
“sorry! you two are cute, but i’m not your pops”
thus, they begin to tell denki about how they mayhaps followed him and their mother into a dangerous mission and got hit with a time travel quirk
denki just nods his head
tbh, he’s not that weirded out
weirder things have happened
but, he does have one question
“who’s the lucky woman?”
coincidentally, you bust into his dorm room, wet from a recent prank and head steaming with anger
“Kaminari Denki!”
his son juts a thumb over to you
“the woman that’s about to murder you”
“oh say less”
his life literally couldn't get any better
before you get the chance to throttle him, the little girl jumps in your arms and your anger is immediately quelled 
“hey mommy! i just wanna let you know that it was [son’s name]’s fault that we followed you when you told us not to”
you’re to busy trying to get them from killing each other to comprehend anything that’s going on
kaminari is in a love-struck gaze bc hot damn, he won the jackpot, huh?
if he wasn't in love with you before, he’s in love with you now
you and your feral children
it was nice being God’s favorite
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
funny thing was
kirishima woke up from his afternoon nap with his mini-me in his arms!
at first, he was really confused as to why there was an 8 yr old boy with spiky teeth and (your hair texture) black hair on his bed
he thought he was dreaming
then the little boy bit his nose and grinned like he had done the funniest thing in the world 
did he get hit with some duplication quirk?
and what was that he said...daddy?
as in, father?
kirishima is wide awake now, but before he can ask the kid what’s going on, the boy is up and making use of his punching bag
he decides it wouldn't hurt to get a morning work out in, so he decides to humor the kid
after a mini workout, kirishima is in near tears as the boy tries to flex the little muscles he has 
eventually, he gets the kid to tell him what happened and finds out he was hit with a time travel quirk of some sort
instead of being weirded out, kirishima is ESCTATIC 
he has a family in the future 
he’s so excited and proud that he just has to show his son off to his friends!
the first thing he does is go and bother bakusquad in the common room
he’s bragging like shit to them and his ego swells as they all swoon over how cute and handsome the kid is 
you and bakugo come out of the kitchen to see what all the commotion is about and the little boy excitedly runs to you and jumps into your arms 
“momma! you’re here! you’re so pretty! why’d you marry daddy when he looks so unswol?”
it’s silent before bakugo fucking dies of laughter 
“y-you finally let shitty hair hit it? and got knocked up?? LMAO”
everyone’s dying and kirishima wants to die
he can’t believe this was how his long-term crush on you was getting outted
by an 8 yr old boy
so not manly
you look confused before you put the pieces together
the kid did look like you and kirishima
you want to console kirishima about the crush that you lowkey knew he had on you, but your son was one step ahead of you
with a gracious smile, he hits bakugo’s head
“what the fuck kid!?”
“don’t make fun of daddy, uncle bakugo! at least daddy didn’t faint at his wedding″
Bakugo’s contemplating murder and everyone’s rolling on the floor
even ten years later, bakugo still holds a grudge against your son
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Togata Mirio:
i’m about to kill y’all w this one
since year one, mirio has been feigning over you 
but 1) you were too dumb to notice 2) you both were really busy with, y’know, school and 3) he lowkey gave up bc he thought you deserved better
so imagine his surprise when he sees this four year old girl on his bed
and she looks like you with his features
mirio might not be the brightest crayon in the crayon box
but he’s got eyes
and it wasn't like he’s memorized your features to the T
the tiny girl is swinging her legs absent-mindedly before exploding with happiness when he sees him
she runs to mirio and he catches her with open arms 
“daddy! daddy! i got hit with the coolest quirk at school today!”
proceeds to tell him about her best friend discovered her quirk and it was a teleportation quirk 
mirio can’t help but giggle along with her even tho he knew it was a scary situation for the parents
speaking of which...
he innocently asks her who’s the mom
“mommy is the prettiest mommy in the world! she has e/c eyes, hair like me, and the most beautiful s/c skin! her name is togata y/n!”
if he wasn't geeking before, he’s geeking now
not only did he manage to marry you, but you let him be your baby daddy?
big bet
mirio doesn't even care at this point
he’s parading around UA with the fattest smile as he introduces his daughter to damn near everyone 
everyone’s freaking out bc wtf when did mirio get someone pregnant??
maybe he should've explained himself, but he sees you at your locker and makes a b-line for you
“good morning, y/n!”
he doesn't notice that you slam your locker close and hide the confession letter you wrote to him behind your back
you’re a stuttering mess and he’s too busy basking in the fact that he’s holding y’alls child 
y’all look like a mess
but he’s ready to lay it on thick when the little girl kisses your nose and cheers,
“mommy, i missed you”
he explains the situation 
you cant help but smile, “you know this could potentially ruin the timeline?”
and you feel like melting as he gives you the softest smile 
“there’s no way I’m letting that happen. not when i end up with the woman i’m in love with. we’ll just have to twist fate together”
and twist it you did
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Tamaki Amajiki:
tamaki wasn't the bravest person ever 
and he knew his crippling anxiety got in the way of a lot
but he had never been more proud of himself for managing to invite you to his room
it was supposed to be a study date
despite how bold you normally were, he took comfort in how nervous you seemed 
now, you two were leaning in, about to kiss
and then a voice from behind interrupts 
“uh, am i interrupting something?”
you two let out the ugliest squeal and jump 50 feet away from each other 
you’re all over the place, trying to explain the situation
tamaki’s heart is barely beating at this point
it takes the kid, who looks about 16, about thirty minutes to calm you down and revive tamaki
explains that he’s from the future and a descendant of tamaki’s family
decides to leave out that you two are his parents so he doesn't risk possibly erasing himself from the space continuum 
that would be bad
despite how surprised you two were, you two take it rather well 
you three spend the day together bc you and tamaki feel this weird sense of responsibility for the guy even though he’s only two years younger
the boy is trying his hardest not to expose himself, but it’s so hard
you two are asking him everything from his favorite food to if he has any siblings
he’s good at pretending that he’s cool, calm, and collected, but he wants nothing more than to jump into his parents’ arms and cry about how scared he is of messing up
but he won’t 
bc he’s a strong boy
but he slips up
“how far are you down the future?” tamaki asks
“uh, about like 100 years or so--”
“you’re lying”
the kid nearly chokes on his food as his father blinks at him
you try and scold tamaki but he continues
“i don’t mean to be mean, but your nose twitches when you lie. y/n does the same thing”
that’s when the jazz record stops and everyone is staring at one another
this time, you nearly pass out
y’all had a kid together???
the boy, coincidentally, starts fading and he thinks he fucked up
now he’s full out sobbing into the both of your chests, scared that he’s disappearing
despite the news, you and tamaki calm down, look at each other, and hold your son
“don’t you worry, baby” you coo, kissing his fading hair
“i have a feeling we’ll see you quite soon” tamaki comforts, closing his eyes
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Bakugo Katsuki:
bakugo finally understood when his mom said
“the meaner you are to your parents, the nastier your kids will be to you”
he regretted being such a demon bc his kid was literally the spawn of satan
katsuki didn’t need an explanation to know that that...thing was his kid
he looked damn near identical to him with features that he couldn't quite place
but anyways, that wasn't the focus rn
rn, he was trying to figure out a way to keep that animal caged
as soon as katsuki took his eyes off him, the six yr old ran out the door as fast as his little legs could carry him
“catch me if you can, you old bastard!”
yup, it was his kid
his son is blasting his way through the halls, skillfully evading Katsuki’s grabbing hands 
he’s wildly laughing as he flips and turns through the doors, watching with glee as his father falls on his face
multiple times
the small boy latches on to a cupboard and smirks
“no wonder mom always beats your ass! you weak!”
katsuki nearly looks like the devil, eyes white, and face red with fury
his pride suffering by the second
he’s about to cuss the kids to hell when you come out of the kitchen, confused
you were about to ask why katsuki looked like a rat with rabies before you caught sight of a basket of fruit teetering on the edge of the cabinet, above the little boy’s head
“look out--”
the basket falls on the kid’s head and he’s on the floor, reeling from the hit
katsuki would've normally laughed his ass off, but he felt kind of...concerned?
he watches you run towards the child who’s trying his hardest not to cry
the boy holds his head, fat tears in his eyes as you pick him up and coddle over him 
“i’m sorry, baby. I'm sorry i didnt get there in time” 
cue the waterworks 
the boy is full-on sobbing into your chest about how his head hurts
you bounce him and kiss his forehead as katsuki checks over the red bump 
“you’ll be okay, brat” he comforts, voice softer than usual
in that moment, katsuki can’t help but notice how much a family y’all look like rn
then the dots start connecting and he goes 
oh shit 
so, maybe, he’s had a tiny crush on you
and it didn’t help that you two were friends with benefits bc yall were horny teenagers
but who knew he’d get the balls to ask you out on a proper date one day
he was such a simp for you gosh it was ugly
“you have to be more careful from now on,”  you say to the boy 
the brat suddenly looks innocent and katsuki wants to throw him
“sorry, mommy. i’ll be gooder”
the look on your face is priceless 
bakugo uses it as a chance to kiss you 
“i guess now’s a good time to tell you that i want to be your dick on demand but with feelings and shit, dumbass”
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ddarkhours · 4 years
SKZ masturbating headcanons
Word Count: 1990 for the full thing; Requested: Nope hehe i just really wanted to do this:D
a/n: this is maybe my third time ever doing headcanons so we’ll see how this goes but i really liked writing this and it was me just being thirsty more than me writing it lmao anyway enjoy
I think Chan jacks off a few times a week. I feel like he’d do it mostly at home or in the bathroom but the thought of him doing it in the studio has been in my mind for a while. Like normally he’d go in the shower and turn on the water to mask any sounds, but sometimes he’s in the studio and he just needs to relax y’know. Also all of those background noises in some 3racha songs. He would put on some loud music, even though the studio is soundproof you can never be too safe, he would pull up a video on his phone (you decide if the video is his or not), and just pull his dick out, not fully taking his pants off. I see him groaning a lot and just breathing heavy, not really moaning especially since he’s alone. His hand doesn’t feel the same as you but it’ll do in the moment. I don’t think it would take him too long to cum and when he’d finish he would stop his movements, holding his cock at the base and just letting it shoot, groaning after every string of cum, and maybe a hiss here and there, either over his hand or in a tissue for convenience sake. 
That curtain he has on his bed is really giving me many thoughts here hhh. Anyway. Because he sleeps naked and that curtain is there on his bed, we can all use our imaginations to see what usually goes down. Minho is a little shit, so I see him kind of being an exhibitionist and because he doesn’t share a bunk with anyone I can see him masturbating in his bed most of the time. I don’t think he’d be too into porn, I mean sure he watches it sometimes but he prefers to use his imagination here, thinking of what you two did last weekend or the last time you gave him head/he ate you out, your moans are occupying his mind while he does it. I feel like Minho likes to tease himself so he doesn’t cum too often. He’d rather have one mind blowing orgasm a week than a couple mediocre ones. I think he’d jerk himself off and edge himself a couple of times a week but not let himself cum, just for the thrill of it, to see how far he can take it, feeling himself half hard all day turns him on even more. And when he finally let’s himself cum he’d be so spent. Groaning a lot and moaning quietly, he’d slow down his hand to almost a painful speed going down towards the base of his dick. He’d shoot over his stomach and probably up to his chest since he hasn’t cum in a while and continue to move his hand until his dick is basically soft and his orgasm wore off.
Now. Idk if it’s because they’re producers or What but I can also picture Changbin jerking off in the studio, but more often than Chan. He’d do it in there most of the times he does it, maybe a couple of times a week because he feels comfy in there. He would do it when he takes a break from work, he’d just let his mind wander and most of the time it ends up in the gutter. He’d start to think about you, he’d think about the last time you guys fucked, when he hit it from the back, the way you moved over his dick. I have a feeling he would rub his cock through his pants for most if not all of it, in case anyone knocks on the door or wants to come in. If anyone were to come in he would stop, immediately. He isn’t into showing off at all. Unless of course it was you but that’s not what this is about rn lmao. He might cum in his pants or pull his dick out just to cum, like Chan either over his hand or in a tissue, but I see him hissing a lot more than Chan, and when his orgasm hits slowing down and tugging towards his tip basically milking himself for as long as he can.
OKAY. Hyunjin would do it at his desk, no questions asked. I think he’d watch a lot of porn. I think his favourite videos would be something of you, maybe a clip you sent him or something you filmed together, and I think he would really love it if it was a short clip that just looped over and over. He’d get so into it, matching his rhythm with the video. OH also he gives me the vibe of someone who’d use a cock ring:) just to drag it out a little longer. Also strikes me as the type of guy who’d pull his dick back and let it slap against his stomach. You know how dramatic Hyunjin is, he’d be moaning and groaning and throwing his head back when he got somewhat close to cumming, I think he also really likes dirty talk a lot so he’d whisper things as if you were there fhfdj. His head would fall back and he’d lean forward, spreading his legs more, squeezing near the tip and catching his cum in his other hand.
Jisung is a bundle of energy, and I think he gets riled up easily so I see him jerking off almost probably every day. He doesn’t have a preference on where he does it, probably wherever he can get privacy at the moment and I also think he wouldn’t be embarrassed to ask for privacy. Like if he just got to the bathroom, rock hard from thinking about you all day, and someone tried to ask him to let them shower first he’d tell them straight up “Kinda have something I need to take care of”. Absolutely shameless. But sometimes when he wants to drag it out a bit or finally has some free time he gives the vibe that he’d have a fleshlight or those silicone eggs. He would pull up some videos on his laptop, imagining it’s you and that you’re riding him, thrusting up into the toy. He’d pull out to cum most of the time because cleaning it is a pain. He would jerk himself off so fast just trying to cum, his hand would go over his cock at lightning speed, letting out high pitched moans and shooting over his abs and just laying there with his dick in his hand as his heart rate calmed down… Alternatively if he’s super into it and just lost in the pleasure he’ll just let himself go and cum inside, shoving his dick as far as he can into it and holding it down as his spurts of cum would shoot inside.
Most of these have gone solo but even when jerking off Felix would want to do mutual masturbation or at the very least call you to hear your voice. Felix is so sweet:(( and he’s so clingy even if he can’t directly see you, he’d want you to talk dirty to him through the phone, and ask you to moan for him. I think he’d really be into facetiming and just watching you play with yourself, that’s what gets him off the most, knowing that you feel good too. He’d say things like “baby tell me how good you feel”, “I wish you were here with me” and such. I feel like he’d either ask you if he can cum or he’d ask you to cum with him. He’d be so into it, letting his head fall back and moaning super deep raspy moans, stroking his dick for you to see, shooting wherever it lands, he doesn’t care at that moment. If he was to do it alone I think he’d be into ruining his own orgasm and making himself cum a couple of times, doing this occasionally and only once or twice per round. He’d jerk off to the thought of you, using both hands to rub his cock and when he’d feel close he would remove his hands, leaving his body quivering, the thought of you pushing him closer and closer with his dick twitching until with one last breath he finally lets go and he cums just from the thought of you, your body, you taking him, he would moan and buck his hips into nothing, his seed landing all over himself and the floor/bed sheets. His spurts of cum would get weaker and weaker with each orgasm, until he finally let’s himself enjoy his orgasm and his cum would cover his hand.
Does it in the bathroom strictly, he’s a neat freak you can’t change my mind. Cumming anywhere besides the drain just seems messy and unhygienic. Seungmin is the only member that I don’t really have a clear picture in my head of. I feel like he could go both ways and just use his hands or have some sort of toy. I’m thinking vibrating cock ring so that he doesn’t have to use his hands as much. I can see him putting his arm on the wall and putting his face in the crook of his elbow to suppress any moans as he thinks of you. The vibrations of the ring are enough to make him cum on it’s own so his hand is stroking his dick slowly. oH he plays with his nipples a lot, even when he’s alone it makes him cum faster. He’d imagine you masturbating, his hand slowly starting to pick up speed until he’s breathing heavily, biting the inside of his arm, the vibrations of the toy making his legs shake and he’d spill his cum down the drain, his hand helping milk himself under the running water.
He’d do it a lot. He is the youngest so I’m imagining he would be horny a lot. He would do it on his bed as much as he could, laying on his back with his shirt pulled up and his shorts pulled down just enough for his cock and balls to be out with one hand behind his head. I think he watches a lot of porn too, maybe hentai but I’m not gonna go too deep into that. He would have his phone propped up either on some pillows in front of him or on the wall. He jerks off in waves- let me explain- he goes fast and brings himself closer to orgasm before slowing down, playing with his tip, massaging it for a little bit before going again. He’d do this a lot, everytime he would play with his tip he’d use his finger tips to massage behind the head where it feels reall good. It would make his legs shake and his cock twitch so much it would slip out of his hands sometimes, his jaw would hang open and he’d time it so it lines up with the best part of the video. When the person in the video cums it would send him reeling, it would be the tipping point that makes him cum. He would try to stay as quiet as possible, not only for the members not to hear him but also for his own enjoyment. He’d hold his hand still while he fucks up into it, pretending it’s the real thing. He’d aim for his stomach but with how good it feels it would be all over his bedsheets.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Books are Better Than People Trigger warning - anxiety attack
TITLE: Books are better than People CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: 18 AUTHOR: dance-in-moonlight ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine taking Loki to the biggest library in the world, The Tianjin Binhai Library in China. As soon as you walk in, he’s like a kid in a candy store as he doesn’t know where to start with 1.2 million books surrounding him… RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS: Yelling, mentioning of anxiety attack, serious self-doubt
ADDITION: You are Tony’s personal assistant.
“A week! Not a single word from you! Do you know what this means for the company? For me? I was late to everything!" 
Tony stood by the short side of the long meeting table, yelling at you through the length of the room. His face was red, his eyes shimmered and you could see the vein in his throat throb with his high pulse as you avoided to look him in the eye. Now and then he had slammed his fist into the table to underline his words.
 It had been going on for at least three minutes now, since you had appeared in the doorframe. You hadn’t even entered the room yet. 
The rest of the team sat in between you two, quietly staring at the table or sending you compassionate glances. Everybody was aware of Tony’s temper but they rarely had to sit through an entire tirade like this one.
The meeting had started six minutes ago, you’d been three minutes late. After a week of absence. Three minutes of yelling until Tony finally came to the point of his argument.
"Where the fuck were you?” Finally a break. He expected an answer. 
“Igh”, you tried, but you had a lump in your throat. Nervously you swallowed and tried again, this time in a tiny, tiny voice. 
“In Norway." 
"Norway? Why? And with whom?”, your boss boomed through the meeting room. He didn’t seem like it, but he could be super authoritarian and intimidating if he wanted to be. Which seemed to be the case now. 
“I-i was looking for Loki. There…was a personal matter. Dr Strange hel-" 
"You went after that PSYCHOPATH? And the fucking wizard helped you? Are you out of your goddamn mind? Do you realize you have a job to do?” Underneath the anger - and the other emotion you couldn’t quite lay a finger on - displayed on his face you could see his surprise. If he hadn’t been so upset you were almost sure he’d laughed. Even to yourself the reason sounded ridiculous, but it had been important back then. 
“I, um…” You had no more words, tears burned in your eyes. This was so damn stupid. He was right, you had acted impulsively. You’d made him angry, disappointed in you. The man you looked up to so much, who had once realized your potential and given you this amazing job you loved so much.
Luckily someone noticed your discomfort. Or maybe they were just fed up by the yelling. 
“That’s enough, Tony." 
"Shut the fuck up, Steve”, Tony hissed and angrily threw his hand into Steve’s direction, pointing a finger at him with the force of a punch. He didn’t mean it of course. Tony loved his friends and although he had trouble showing that, they knew. He was upset.
“No. Tony stop. She’s upset, you’re upset. Sit down and let her say something instead of yelling at her like a madman!”, Steve insisted. He stood relaxed, but his posture also showed that he was not intimidated nor wouldn’t put an end to this forcefully if he had to. 
“I said-" 
”Tony.“ Natasha had gotten up and walked over to stand beside you, her icy stare fixed on your boss. 
With a defeated growl Tony dropped his arm and sank down into his chair, arms crossed like a pouting child as he glared at you. 
"Fine. See me after the meeting. You’re excused." 
You swallowed another lump and fought the tears that formed in your eyes. This was it. Natasha patted your back as you turned, but while you left she stayed, of course. She was a relevant member of the Avengers unlike you. 
"You’re replaceable”, you hissed at yourself once you were out of earshot. Anyone could take your position, your job. You would surely lose your job, you’ve never seen Tony this mad before. It scared you. A sob escaped your throat and you began to sprint towards the community  room to hide your face from the security cameras and the employees you passed. Stark tower was no place to be secluded, but since the Avengers were busy you counted on their floor being empty. 
You were lucky. After the door closed you dropped on a sofa and began to cry your eyes out with loud, ugly sobs. One stupid little mistake had lead to all this. Your stupid, stupid ego had almost cost you Loki, and now it would cost you your job and position. You’d been so selfish, thinking telling Tony where you were would only make them all try to get you away from Loki. You’d been away for a week, unexcused. Perhaps the whole company had experienced massive struggles, you didn’t know. You had taken all organizational tasks from Pepper once you’d been hired, leaving her with enough time and headspace to lead the company while Tony could tinker and invent and be Ironman in between of press conferences and agreeing or disagreeing to his wife’s business decisions. That being said, there was no way Pepper could have done your work while you were away, she had no insight in your complex scheduling system and appointments. Even one missed meeting could do a whole lot. 
“Shit…what do I do? What do I do?”, you whispered into the pillows, shaken by sobs. The pillow didn’t reply, so you hit it in a wave of anger. The stupid pillow wouldn’t lose all its friends. 
Fifteen or twenty minutes must have passed when your phone played a notification sound. Great. You sniffled and ignored it. You had bigger problems than your friends right now, they could wait. They should know your job usually kept you busy, sometimes no one could reach you all day. Another message followed, and then a third one. Annoyed you unlocked the damn thing and opened the messenger. It was Loki. 
> Hello Love, how are you? We decided on a place to settle, Thor and the Valkyrie are out to talk to the people. <
You had gotten him a phone before you left, he couldn’t teleport  every single hour. He was busy and so were you. 
> Hey! I’m great, but in a meeting rn. Call you later! <
You couldn’t stand the truth right now, you didn’t want him to worry. Your throat felt scratchy from the crying, so you walked over to the little break room kitchen to find a drink. The coffee machine was empty, but the fridge offered orange juice. You poured a glass and leaned against the counter with a deep exhausted sigh. 
Ping. You checked your phone immediately. 
> You told me you always turn off the phone in meetings. What happened, Y/N? <
Crap, he was good. 
> Nonono I’m good! I just forgot, I’m just human you know? <
Hopefully he’d be fine with this explanation. You really appreciated him, but right now you needed some time alone. To figure out how to gather the strength to talk to Tony. The thought of his usually friendly expression now icy and disappointed as he fired you made you shiver. You didn’t want this at all. Then again, who would? 
Your phone rang. No. Not now. You declined the call and huffed, took another sip of orange juice. 
The fourth time it rang you gave up. 
"Darling”, the caller said in his softest voice, “what happened?" 
"Nothing. I’m good, thank you." 
He was silent for a few seconds. It was long enough to make you wonder whether he’d hung up already. Eventually he spoke. 
"You’ve been crying. I hear it in your voice, don’t deny it. And please…don’t lie to me." 
You squeezed your eyes shut and took a deep, shaky breath. Even if he was thousands of miles away he was  great at reading people.
“I got embarrassed, that’s all”, you eventually replied. Your voice was thin and high and you felt the tears rise up again.
“So, what happened”, he asked again, even softer this time. And then he waited as you cleared your throat and searched for the right words. Words that would deliver the truth, but not make him worry any more than he already did.
“I was a bit late to the meeting”, you began hesitantly.
“That doesn’t sound like you”, Loki said and you imagined him frowning. “And that’s not what made you cry. You’re stronger than that.” It wasn’t a question.
“No…I haven’t told anyone I was with you and Thor. Dr Strange doesn’t talk much to the Avengers if he doesn’t have to, so nobody knew where I’ve been. I missed work. I…I might have ruined a company”, you said and couldn’t steady your voice, it cracked.
“Y/N, I think you’re amazing, but are you sure you have that much of an impact? I admit I didn’t think of any consequences to your visit, but sure it will be fine. You might get a lecture about being responsible, but I am certain you didn’t do enough damage to justify any worse punishment.”
He seemed certain indeed, and he spoke so calmly it frustrated you. He wasn’t here. This was not his pot of tea right now, and even though you appreciated the advice he had never had to work a job like you, and he knew little about the hierarchy in a company.
"Loki… love, I’m about to lose my job. I really don’t feel like chatting about it anymore, please respect that. I’ll call you tonight, okay?" 
He sighed deeply, as if something was very heavy on his soul. He cared so much.
"Fine darling. But be aware that I am not happy about this. I want to be there for you." 
"I know”, you sniffled and tapped your finger nervously on the counter you were leaning against. “I’ll call you. Bye." 
"Goodbye”, he replied. 
“Oh, and Loki?" 
"Thank you." 
You hung up and put the phone down next to your glass carefully, then put your face in your palms and sighed. 
"It’s inevitable Y/N”, you mumbled into the room. “You can either hang around here and pity yourself or you can get back up and regain your composure. Come on, you can do this.” Your body disagreed, you felt empty and tired. You just wanted to sleep. 
“Come on. I’m a fierce warrior, I can handle this.” Oddly enough this one worked. You took a deep breath, finished your orange juice and then grabbed your bag on your way to the bathroom. There you cleaned your face and tried to get rid of the puffiness by dabbing cool water on your skin. Eventually you reapplied your makeup and ended up looking human again. If Tony would let you go, you’d at least not look like a complete mess. He wouldn’t see you cry. 
When you left the bathroom you almost smacked into Natasha. 
“Oh God I’m sorry! Are you okay?”, you asked and rose your hands. Nat nodded and reached out to grab your shoulder. 
“I’m good. Are you?”, she replied calmly and examined your expression. You had no doubts she saw that you’d been crying.
“Uh…yeah, I think.”
“Okay. Tony is in his office now. He said whoever saw you could send you in.” Your heart dropped a little. It was time. 
“Hey, if he’s mean, tell me. I’ll kick his ass for you." 
You smiled weakly, she was trying to cheer you up. It wasn’t working well. 
"Eh…I’ll better go”, you murmured and fled to the elevator. When the doors closed and the thing began to move upward you had to fight an anxiety attack. You would not break down at the office. No way. Stupid anxiety. 
In way too little time you’d finished your way and stood in front of the office. The big wooden double door seemed unnecessarily intimidating today. With another deep breath you knocked. 
“You’re a fierce warrior. You can do this.”
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moondustis · 6 years
swang my way (m)
pairing: wong yukhei+ reader genre: smut word count: 2k summary: yukhei held his phone with one hand and a dumb look on his face. he had been looking at that picture since the moment you sent it, only stopping to reply to it. of all the things he was expecting you to reply to the vine compilation he had sent you with, a nude was the last one in the list
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one of the certainty you have in your life is that if you asked someone to describe your personality in a few words, spontaneous would not be one of them. every action you made always involved a lot of thought and previous considerations. you hate changes and doing things out of nowhere, maybe because you are afraid of dealing with unknown situations or because you are just a creature of habit.
that’s why you think you are absolutely going crazy when you stand in front of a mirror, with nothing but the cutest pair of lingerie you own, ready to take a picture for you boyfriend.
it’s maybe not that big of a deal to some people, sure. but you, the virgin that sometimes blushed when her boyfriend touched her ass, had never done anything like this before. and yukhei hadn’t even ask sfor a sexy picture or anything, the last thing he texted you five minutes ago was about how good vine compilations were.
a wave of both excitement and anxiety hits your body when you kneel on the floor in front on the mirror, doing your best to mimic the pose from the pinterest picture you found. it’s not a bad view, you think to yourself, with the way your baby pink bralete makes your boobs look and how they match the soft red lipstick you applied.
you take a lot of pics with all the poses you could think of and, after laughing at how weird some of them look, you decide that looks good and natural enough.
your heart feels like it will jump out of your chest when you lay in bed and open your chat with yukhei. your minds goes through all the reasons you shouldn’t do this while you type and delete ten different texts.
after half an hour you decide on sending something that resembles a meme, because yukhei would like that.
open for a surprise
*attached picture*
you feel your heartbeat get faster and you have to put your phone away to try and make the dreading feeling in your stomach go away. you weren’t worried that yukhei would react badly, he was always sweet and made you feel special. no, you were more worried you were making a fool of yourself, that your attempts of looking sexy were a complete fail.
your thoughts are interrupted by the notification sound of your phone and if your heart wasn’t this fast already you are it would burst out of your chest. the sound doesn’t stop until you pick up your phone to see the notifications from your boyfriend.
oooooooooh mY GOD
holy umfuckkkkkkk
damn baby u are so hot what did i do to deserve thisss
i feel like im about to die fuckk
knowing yukhei you fully expected him to overreact, so the blush that takes over your face is not that extreme. you still giggle at your phone, excited over how excited he seemed about the picture.
im ao embarrassed
noo u shouldnt be
i liked it a lot
im glad u did
yukhei held his phone with one hand and a dumb look on his face. he had been looking at that picture since the moment you sent it, only stopping to reply to it. of all the things he was expecting you to reply to the vine compilation he had sent you with, a nude was the last one in the list. it wasn’t even a nude, just a picture of you looking cute in matching underwear  but that was enough to get him in his feelings.
did he overreact? yes, maybe. but it was a surprise, he never thought you would ever send him something like that. you were usually shy and every time kisses between the two of you would get a little more heated, you would back off leaving him most of the time with a fully hard on and only his imagination.
it didn’t upset him, of course. he understood and respected that you weren’t ready for it. but sometimes his mind would be too much and he would wish so desperately for you to finally let, and want, him to do all the things his imagination came up with.
maybe, just maybe, this was a small step for you that was meant to show him you were ready for things to move a little forward. his heart raced at the thought of that.
so was this like an invitation to sext?
no omg
i never even did that
oh lmao
i mean i would be down to that if u wanted
like super down
lmao of course u would
but really i have no idea how to even do that
it’s pretty simple
what r u doing rn?
glad u didnt ask what i would be doing if u were here rn
cmon im not that cliche
so, right now im just laying in bed and texting u
same... and thinking about what i would be doing if i was there with u
jfjffndvkkgdjj stfuuuuu
but fr
tell me
are u still wearing that lingerie or did u just put it on for the picture
i am
*image attached*
his heart is not beating as much anymore but he can still hear it in the silence of the room. the other photo you sent was raunchier than the other, more spontaneous, it shows only your torso and it’s sinful how the baby pink lingerie makes you look almost angelic. like you came down to this earth to ruin him.
he doesn’t know if it’s just the picture or the whole thing of you doing this for him, but he can feel himself getting hard. still, he doesn’t touch himself just yet, hand wandering and stopping just above his waistband.
oooooooh god
u look so hot baby
u drive me crazy
im not even kidding i really wish i was there with u right now
what would you want to do if u were?
fuck so many things
u have no idea how many fantasies i have with u
tell me
ur favorite
it’s hard to pick a favorite. even more so now that he’s got something to upgrade his visual material. he likes imagining you riding him on the small he and mark got for their dorm when they moved in, a hand on your neck because ever since you told him it was sensitive, he couldn’t stop imagining what it would be like to choke you. sometimes he imagines fucking you in a bathroom at a party because you just couldn’t wait until you got home, and everyone knows how well he’s doing it because you can’t keep quiet.
but the best one will always be the one you are on your knees, eyes staring up at him like you’re begging for him to fuck your mouth. it’s not the most scandalous thing but it gets him going like nothing else. just thinking about it has his dick twitching in his pants.
i like imagining u on ur knees
looking all obedient and pretty for me
oh my god
and u let me fuck ur pretty mouth
like the good girl u are
i would like to do that
“fuck” yukhei mutters and his hand automatically slides inside the pants and just a touch on his dick has him shivering. you said you wanted it, you wanted to make one of his fantasies come true.
slowly sliding his fist up and down his dick a couple time he decides it’s too much and not enough at the same time so he makes a bold move. clicking on his phone with one hand he goes to his contact list and clicks on your phone number.
the continuous wait sound makes him slightly nervous. the anticipation of hearing your voice right now, like this, making his insides warm.
“h-hi” is what you say after picking up and maybe it’s his mind playing tricks on him but your voice sounds a little breathless.
“hey, baby.” he says “i’m sorry i called i just really wanted to hear your voice.”
lame, that’s what he is.
“it’s okay, i’m glad you did.” he can’t help but giggle at your words.
“you’re perfect.” his hand is still moving lazily and he feels a bit ashamed for doing this when you sound so innocent. “and you drive me crazy, you have no idea.”
he wants to ask you for another picture, a video even, anything that shows him exactly what you are doing right now, but he assumes that would be too much. so he contents with the way your sounds are making him feel, the little moans that you let out are still shy even though you’re alone in your dorm room.
“tell me what u are doing, angel.” he almost begs and it takes a few heartbeats for you to finally reply.
“i’m... i’m touching myself.” is your reply and even if he suspected it, hearing it from you has him tightening h
is fist just a bit.
“how do you like to do it, huh? do you do it slow?”
“uhmm, i like to start slow and pick up the pace when it gets too much.” your voice is shy and it definitely sounds breathless right now. he moves his hand and up down, biting his lips with so much force that he’s sure it’ll be bruised tomorrow.
“do you like fingering yourself?” he asks and imagines what you would like with your legs spread open and two of your fingers inside of your tight cunt. he lets out a breathy moan.
“yeah, i do.” a moan just as loud as his leaves your mouth. “but i can barely fit two fingers inside, it’s to much.”
“fuck, fuck.” the speed of his hand just goes faster and faster, his whole body feeling electric. “i bet you are going to feel so tight around me, and so fucking good.”
the words just start coming out of his mouth and he can’t control it. doesn’t want to with the way you’re moaning for him, begging for something you can get just now. pleads of his name that make him feel on cloud nine.
he spreads the pre-cum that gathered around the tip of his cock and starts pumping faster, imaging he’s fucking your pussy instead. “i can’t to finally fuck you, babe. i wanna feel you around me so fucking bad, make you come all over my dick.”
“oh my god, holy shit i’m about to-“ and then you are coming with a long whine that sounds a lot like his name. he imagines what your face would look like right now, all blissed out and your body shaking from your orgasm.
he comes a heartbeat later, hand speeding up only to slow down again. he comes so hard that not only does he see stars, but he also feels them sparkling all over his body. “fuck” is all he manages to say.
you’re both trying to catch your breath and for a while it’s quiet besides that. he feels content and assumes you do too if the giggle you let out is any indication.
“i can’t believe we did this.”
“me neither.” he replies “i’m so glad you sent that photo.”
“me too” you say, your voice sounding like it does when you’re smiling. he desperately wishes he could kiss you right now.
“feel free to like send more anytime you want.”
you hum, like the idea pleases you. “we’ll see about that.” and then you’re hanging up.
not even a sleep well my baby thank u for the mind blowing orgasm?
im offended
lmao u are so lame
goodnight my baby thank u for the average orgasm 😘
didnt sound like that to meee
was it really not mind blowing
go to sleep yukhei
ugh ok
goodnight sleep well my angel from above
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willgayers · 7 years
like, imagine eddie working in a 24/7 convinience store during the night shift (like,,, 11pm-4am) and richie is a regular that just comes in the weirdest hours and buys the most bizarre combo of items and is always trying to flirt w eddie making puns with whatever items hes buying and eddie lowkey likes it (cue stan rolling his eyes)
lmaooo yes yes yes!!
eddie fucking HATES it
but he’s a destitute student (arent we all ha ha ha… send me money) so its not like he really has a choice ya know
he only really likes one of his co-workers (martha) and hates everyone else
but at least theres… something interesting about his job…
richie tozier is 18 and he lives by himself at a condo downtown and his life was pretty fucking boring taking he’d just moved into derry and he knew literally NO ONE other than the cool chick who lives in the same block of flats and richie saw her wearing a the smiths shirt so they became friends 
but then one night,, richie was about to go for a smoke when he realized he’s all out 
also he was kind of in the mood for chicken nuggets
and now that we’re at it how great would a bottle of soda be with that
he remembers seeing a convenience store near his house so he gets up from his couch and glances at the clock ,,, 2am its not that bad yet
so he gets out of the house and walks over to the store
he swings the door open and glances around. the lamps create a rather ugly yellow shade inside,, an old backstreet boys song is playing from the stereos and richie snorts
he doesnt see anyone behind the counter so he just goes straight to the fridge to grab some nuggets,, waddles over to the soda section and grabs a huge bottle of coke
and then he walks out from behind one isle and sees the prettiest?? boy?? ever??
richie drops the coke bottle and it starts to gush out 
the boy behind the counter snaps his head towards richie the SECOND
richie does nothing
tozier just gapes at him
“holy shit” richie literally just blurts out 
“??????” this guy is looking at richie like what the fUCK??
then richie flinches back to the moment
“shit,,, i mean,,, yes,, fuck,” richie starts to reach out for the bottle and eddie is like WHAT is this dude seriously gonna grab the-
the soda is still spilling out and some of it shoots straight against richie’s glasses 
“FUCK” he yelps out and drops the bottle, some MORE of it just filling the floor
“oh my gOd just leave it,,, pay for the rest,” eddie sighs knowing he’s gonna have to clean it up
“i am so,,,so sorry” richie blurts out as he rubs his glasses against his shirt and walks towards the counter
eddie looks at him clearer now that he doesnt have the ridiculously big glasses covering half of his face,,, and he swallows because wow?? he’s actually really cute?? 
“yeah its… whatever” eddie murmurs, licking his lips nervously
“so you’ll take that only?” eddie asks, nodding towards the chicken nugget pack
“and a green marlboro”
eddie fights the urge to roll his eyes. he doesnt get smokers
but instead he just hands him the pack 
“that’ll be 6.50″
“here,, and again i am terribly sorry about…”
they both glance behind richie where the coke is only now starting to die out
“yeah.” eddie just says
a few days later,,, richie’s at the skate park with his only friend in town 
“can i tell you something.” richie asks as they’re chilling on top of their skates
“sure” beverly says,, takin a drag out of her cig
“i saw someone”
beverly starts to smirk wide at him 
“oh yeah??? whats she look like i might know her”
richie glances away
“uh.. not a she, actually. a he”
“i go both ways” richie shrugs as beverly’s silently asking if he’s..? not that she’d judge him but out of curiosity
“okay well, whats HE look like”
“he works at the convenience store” richie says and the second he does beverly bursts out laughing
richie’s like ???what???
“oh my god, EDDIE KASPBRAK???”
“you know him???”
“ohh boy eddie kaspbrak is the princess of this town there’s no way in hell you’re gonna get with him”
richie’s heart sinks a little 
“but hey!! theres plenty of pretty boys in this town”
richie doesnt care he wants that one
eddie’s lowkey thought of the weird guy who spilled coke all over the carpet also 
one night richie’s about to make food but realizes he’s out of french fries. and he wants to eat chicken with french fries. he cant possibly eat it with rice that he has,, he just has to eat it with french fries oh well haha what a great thing he lives next to a convenience store!!
so he goes there,, and ,, its faith its destiny or at least thats what tozier thinks eddie is working 
eddie’s stomach flips
mostly because he’s afraid he’s gonna break something again 
“hello” richie says
“…hi..” eddie says, watching as richie walks,, trying to be all cool and casual but ends up walking against a Lays shelf
eddie drops his head quickly to hide his laughter as an embarrassed richie starts gathering up the chips
he ends up taking one tho only so that he can say he “did it on purpose”
“so you’re taking chips and french fries huh???”
“well why not. i like potatoes”
richie’s just staring at eddie as he’s doing his job and eddie can feel this so his cheeks are kinda heating up 
“and a pack of green marlboros”
“right” eddie says,, remembering this from last time 
“that’ll be 10dollars”
“thanks eddie”
eddie almost chokes as the guy flashes him a smirk and is about to leave
“how do you know my name???”
richie just winks and eddie’s stomach flips again but this time its over something completely different and before eddie could ask his name richie’s out of the store already. proud w himself
richie doesnt say anything to bevvie tho even tho they hang out bc he doesnt want 1) beverly to bring him down 2) to ruin the great moment when he’s gonna tell beverly he’s got a date with eddie and see the look on her face
after a couple of days richie goes back to buy a twix bar. and more cigarettes
“hi eds” richie says as he walks in and eddie goes bright red
“do not call me eds”
richie smirks as he shuffles to the desk 
“can i have a pack of-”
eddie slams the marlboro green to the counter
richie smirks lightly
“and a twix” 
“those are in front of you” eddie snaps
“yeah i know that, you handing it to me would’ve just been a great moment to accidentally brush my fingers against yours tho” richie sighs as he grabs the twix and places it on the desk with a sweet smile
eddie’s eyes widen and he has to fake a cough 
“here ya go” richie says and slides him the money
“whats your name??” eddie asks 
“oh, are you interested in knowing??”
“no, but since you somehow know mine which is kind of stalkery and creepy-”
“richie” richie says as he opens the chocolate bar wrapper and bites down to it 
eddie blinks at him
“yeah” richie bites his chocolate again “thats me”
“you enjoying that?” eddie nods towards the twix bar that richie’s literally gorged
“i’ve had better things in my mouth but its okay”
eddie’s jaw drops lightly and he just stares at richie 
and then someone clears their throat so eddie turns his gaze to the rather pissed off looking lady behind richie and he clears his throat
richie glances behind him 
“hey we were having a conversation here”
eddie’s eyes widen
“UH, NO WE WEREN’T!” Eddie fakes a nervous laugh “please just,, step ahead!!”
“wow, rude eds. im gonna go then”
“ooookayyyyy,,, byeeee” eddie says as he’s already beeping the next customer’s stuff but as richie walks away he still steals a glance at his back
richie just keeps on going back
everytime he buys something weird 
“a vanilla candle..”
“yes, i like the smell”
*next time*
“meatballs and popcorn? please tell me you’re not mixing these two”
“i wasnt gonna but thanks for the idea”
*next time*
“cat food? you have a cat?”
eddie frowns
“then why would you buy cat food?”
“i wanted to see you” :’)
kaspbrak tries to ignore the butterflies he’s feeling rn
“…three thirty”
“thats some expensive kitty food. well, i hope my next door neighbor tanya will appreciate this”
“youre buying this for your neighbor??”
“yeah. she’s a nice old romani lady with three cats” richie says as he grabs the cat food and eddie starts to smile a little because thats so cute??
richie notices the smile and he just smiles back. no flirts or anything just smiles 
“see ya later alligator” richie says and eddie rolls his eyes amusedly 
days pass by,,, richie coming in practically every day and he just doesnt even look around anymore he just grabs the first thing at hands length and puts it to the counter
batteries,, candy bags,, motorcycle magazines,, even tampons once
“i get bad nosebleeds” 
and eddie actually lets out a chuckle. an actual ,,, true chuckle and richie gets the biggest smile
“you want your regular?” eddie asks
“the marlboros”
“oh no i quit” richie shrugs and eddie looks surprised
“yeah” richie shrugs
(lowkey he quit bc he somehow found out eddie doesnt like smokers)
*eddie heart-eyes intensify*
*another time*
richie’s feeling flirty one friday and buys a pack of condoms
“yyyyello” he says as he slams the pack against the table
eddie looks at it and oh wow he feels like he’s been hit in the chest
why the hell??? he doesnt even know this guy??? yet he kinda feels like he does??? 
“who’s the lucky girl” eddie comments as he beeps the pack
“who says its a girl” richie asks and eddie gets even more pissed off now because??? hE LIKES BOYS??? THATS EVEN WORSE
“right” eddie just dramatically snaps and before he can say the price richie speaks
“im kidding i dont really wanna buy those” he says
eddie quirks a brow
“i dont need them”
“im not having sex”
“i mean i ,,, i do have sex but im not currently having sex”
“…uh huh okay, thanks for sharing this w-”
“okay im getting DESPERATE i need you to go out on a date with me”
eddie’s eyes widen as he raises both of his brows now
“im sorry what”
“yes ,,oh my god PLEASE i’ve been coming here literally every day i thought it would be obvious as im buying things like fucking,,, tampons and protein bars when you can clearly see i haven’t worked out a day in my life”
eddie starts to smile (bc thats true)
richie’s taken aback
“okay, i’ll go on a date with you”
“what seriously???”
“yeah” eddie smirks but then jokingly goes serious “just… dont put tampons up your nose”
“i promise i wont i dont even- well sometimes when i do get-”
eddie raises amused brows
“sorry” richie apologizes for talking too much again
eddie grabs a piece of paper and scrabbles something before folding it and handing it to richie
(smooth finger brushing was done btw)
(eddie did it on purpose)
(which sent tingles down richie’s spine)
“i have a free day tomorrow”
“oK THATS GREAT I GOTTA GO NOW BYE” richie’s shocked™
“wait!” eddie stopped him just as richie was about to turn around
“arent you forgetting something??” he says and richie drops his gaze to the counter where eddie’s sliding the condom pack towards richie
richie could fucking cry as he looks at the smirk on eddie’s face
“i dont-” he utters out like what the FuCk Is GoiNg ON
eddie doesnt say anything just raises his brows so richie swallows and nods and grabs the pack, shakily shoving them to the back of his jeans before he gets out and looks at the paper
its got a number
and then 
eddie ,,, and a small heart after that
richie fucking SWOONS and he could do the whole breakfast club fist pump to the air 
they have their date and its lit af and awh
and on monday richie hangs out with beverly
his phone rings and he answers
“hey cutie”
beverly raises her brows
“yeah im still at the skate park.”
“yeah??” richie asks “yeah sure of course!! come here. ok see you”
“who was that?” bevvie asks
richie just smirks
bc literally seconds later eddie walks over (he was just around the corner)
beverly’s mouth drops
“hey!!” eddie smiles as he makes his way over to the two of them,, leaning down to press a kiss to richie’s lips as he sits down 
“beverly,, you might know eddie” richie looks at beverly as he speaks ,, mentally saying HA HA BITCH!!!
beverly just gapes at the two of them
“hi:)” - eddie
“…hi…” beverly gives him an awkward smile
“so like,,, i was supposed to go to work today right?? but then my boss called me and wait im gonna show you this mail i was supposed to take to the post office-”
as eddie starts to grab something from his backpack and goes on with his talking,, beverly turns her shocked gaze to richie who just looks so fucking proud 
“are you serious???” beverly mouths
“ohhh yeah” richie mouths back at him
“hey babe?” richie asks 
“yeah?” eddie asks, turning his head towards richie from his backpack
“gimme another kiss” richie pouts and eddie rolls his eyes, kissing him again. richie starts jokingly planting dozens of tiny kisses on his mouth, making eddie giggle
beverly’s jaw only drops lower
they hang out for some time but once eddie leaves,, beverly speaks
“well,,, guess i was wrong” 
richie just smiles wide bc ofc she was
its reddie
how do i end this??
the end
@superbyersbros@xbell22@donthateonk8@stenbroughbros@reddiebrekmyheart@itsgreywaterrichie@donvex@blueeyespurpleskies@ageorgymi@oh-youre-the-worst@eddiekaaspbraak @whipashwhipash@rissyq @richietoaster @edskasqbrak @urtury@bukiminajimu@kcutieeesblog@stansmansuris@adorefack@reddieaddict@icyeyes102@denbroughbill@graveyardshipper@taletellingsir@anxiety-freak-yuuri@rheddie@queertrashmouth@richiefreakingtozier@castletozier@tohzier@80soleff@lonewolfhard@low-key-dying@sad-synth@richietoaster@badboyharrington@beepbeep-losers@temptedtozier@kaspbraccs@kylieee827-blog @sad-synth@low-key-dying@officiallyreddie@reddietofall@stanleyboii@eternitynurarms@remushlupin@turtleneckrichie@rosegoldrichie@80srichie@asteroidbill@lonewolfhard@trashmouthgazebos@littlepointman@finnhardwolf@allison0609 @fabulousprinceali  @tatiscribbles @s-s-georgie @coralinejones @richiestoziiers @tatiscribbles
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Someday Darling (Part Seven)
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six
Summary: Leaving LA to go to New York to spend time with your brother might just be the worst/best decision of your life.
Words: 1,619
Student!Sebastian x Reader ; Actor!Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: SWEARING (y’all should just expect that by now) ; FLUFF
A/N: THIS IS MY NEW STORY! WELCOME ONE WELCOME ALL! If you wanna be tagged, don’t be shy and let me know! ;)
Tags: @221bshrlocked @potterhead1265 @shellymaesworld @titty-teetee @pawallday @chameerah @buckylicious @nerdywitch @teresaoliva20 @guera31 @i-should-probably-be-asleep-rn @hvitserksgirl @lancetucker @ssweet-empowerment @ijustreallylovezebras @amandarosemire @zainab2
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Since we decided to get ice cream after, Seb hailed yet another taxi as I checked my phone. 3 MISSED CALLS. I excused myself briefly to listen to the messages. "First new message: Hey honey! It's your mom calling. I was talking to Chris yesterday and he says you're in New York visiting Penn for a few months! I talked to your father about it and I think we're going to try and come up not next weekend but the weekend after! Would love to see you and your brother at the same time. Say hi to Penn for me and that sweet roommate of his! Love you darling." I pressed seven to erase and made a mental note to relay the news to Penn.
"Next new message: Hey baby girl, it's Chris calling. Just checking it to see how things are going. Your mom called me yesterday and I let it slip that you're in New York with your brother. She said something about maybe coming to visit you guys? I was thinking too, that if we are good by the end of the six months, I will come up and pop in. I'll be filming in that area around that time anyway. Say hi to Penn for me. Love you sugar bug." I rolled my eyes and pressed delete again.
"Last new message: Hi (y/n) this is Sandy calling from the hospital. We tried getting a hold of your brother Penn a few days ago and a week before then. He isn't answer his telephone. If you happen to see or speak to him, please let him know that the test results are in and we would like to speak with him, in person, if possible."
My mouth flew open and a layer of fear covered my entire body. Sebastian must have noticed the change in the air because he turned around quickly and rushed to my aid. "(y/n) are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost?"
I felt tears prick at the back of my eyes as I tried to relay the message to Sebastian. "I-I-I" I was stuttering on the small little sentence. Penn had something wrong and he had never told me about it. A thought came to me, maybe Sebastian knows something. I cleared my throat and started again, "Sebastian, the hospital called me looking for Penn. They said the test results are in. Do you know what this means?"
Sebastian scrunched his face up and stared to the left of me, shaking his head lightly. "(y/n), I have no idea what the hospital is talking about, but Penn hasn't said anything to me about test results or a test at all."
The taxi pulled up in front of us and we climbed in. I tried dialing Penn's number quickly, my fingers missing the numbers from my nerves. Sebastian took the phone from my hands and pressed the numbers for me, his thumbs hovering over the screen gently. "Thank you." He nodded and told the cabbie to take us home. Penn didn't answer his phone so I left a voicemail, trying to suppress my worry. "Hey Penn, it's me. I got a strange call from the hospital today. They said they had tried calling you a few days ago and sometime last week. Something about test results. I'll talk more about it when you get home. Love you."
I shut the screen off and sighed, fighting off tears. "I keep imagining the worst of things. Like, if he has some type of cancer or something worse." Tears began their trek down my cheeks as I fought a sob. Sebastian moved in closer to me and put his arm around my shoulder, letting me lean into him and cry. I cried for most of the way home as Sebastian looked out the window and let me sob. 5 minutes from home, I sat up and wiped my face, smudging my makeup. "Fuck, I smudged my makeup didn't I?"
Sebastian didn't nod or give any hint to an answer for my question, he just simply licked his thumb and wiped the mascara off my cheeks. I froze as he did this and broke into a fit of laughter. "Sebastian, you just momed me."
He nodded and wiped his finger onto his jeans. "I knew it would make you laugh and you need laughter right now. (y/n), listen, the call from the hospital could literally be anything. Just cause it said test results does not mean that it is cancer or some type of disease that will eventually kill him off."
I tried nodding but tears threatened to fill my eyes again. I blew out a shaky breath and shook my head. The cab stopped outside the apartment building and Sebastian paid the man. "Thank you kind sir, have a good afternoon." He shot him his best million dollar smile and waved bye.
We went up in the elevator in silence. My mind continued to go back to that phone call but I kept trying to shove it into a box, a box where only bad things went and never came out. "Sebastian, would you like to watch a movie? Something to distract me?"
He puckered his lips and nodded, "I know the perfect one." He shot me that smile again and I felt butterflies.
20 minutes later after I had switched over to something more comfortable and cleaned the makeup off my face, I found Sebastian sitting on the couch, a bunch of throw blankets in a pile. "Take your pick. The purple and green one is my favorite but since you're have a shitty day, you're more than welcome to have that one."
I smiled in response and grabbed it. It smelt just like him, or it could have been him exactly since when I sat on the couch, he moved over closer to me so he could put the DVD in. "This is my favorite film and since you love Broadway so much, I figured you would love it as much as I do."
The screen faded to black and in big bold letters, it wrote THE JERSEY BOYS. To be honest, I had since this on Netflix a million times, but never had any interest in it. As it began to play and Sebastian's popcorn had finished, he snuggled into the couch and offered me some. I took a handful and felt him bounce a little along with the opening credits. As the movie played on, every singing scene was a chance for Sebastian to sing along. As the men on TV broke into song, Sebastian would break into song with them, knowing exactly when to hit the high notes and when to pause for breaths.
Two and half hours later, I lay on the couch, in awe as I finished this movie. "That was incredible."
He widened his eyes and nodded quickly, "I know right?"
I stood up and stretched, "I think my favorite part was when you started singing along. You have a nice voice."
He turned a shade of pink and shook his head. "No I really don't but thanks for trying. What was your favorite song?"
I cocked my head to the side and smiled after coming up with the answer. I opened my mouth to say it but figured he would get a kick out of me singing it. "Sherry, Sherry baby, Sherry."
He shot up and laughed out loud. "That is literally my favorite song too. I have the soundtrack on my phone."
I offered to cook him some supper since the hot dog's were starting to wear off. I grabbed his phone and started playing the sound track, swinging my hips to the beat and searching the cupboards for something to eat. "Hey Seb-"
I turned around to find him standing directly behind me, our faces inches from each other. "Yes?"
I blushed slightly and stepped back a bit. "Uh, was just going to ask you if-"
He stepped closer, "I wanted us to kiss again? Cause the answer is yes."
I shook my head and circled the island, "Sebastian, I have a boyfriend."
He chuckled, "who you're here to escape."
I stood my ground as he walked over, towering over me at 6'. "No, Sebastian. I do not want you to kiss me again." I lied straight through my teeth. "Please, don't make this uncomfortable. I had the most amazing day with you and you're trying to ruin it."
He shook his head, "I'm trying to make it even more amazing. You deserve so much more than this shitbag named Chris. You're here in New York running away from the dick who stupidly cheated on you and-"
I raised my voice slightly, "Sebastian! Stop.."
He shot his head back as if I had slapped him. "(y/n), I'm sorry. I don't know what came ov-"
"Don't apologize, just stop trying to kiss me. I'm still with Chris and I hardly know you. Just because we shared a great day together and we watched a fantastic movie, does not mean I am ready to give up my relationship and jump into one with you."
He kept his eyes on the floor and nodded, looking guilty. "I know. I'm sorry. Oops, didn't mean to apologize. Sorry. Shit."
I chuckled and put my arm out in front me, waving it back and forth. "See how far we are from each other? That's the distance I want between us at all times expect for if I ask you specifically  to come closer. Got it?"
He nodded and grabbed some frozen burgers from the freezer. "Burgers sound good?"
I chuckled and nodded, "perfect."
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nomorelonelydays · 7 years
Okay but imagine. Veela Sid meeting Geno's family for the first time, and wears a charm that hides the Veela. Everyone loves Sid but one day he forgets to wear the charm and one of Geno's cousins insults Geno ("Zhenya, how'd an ugly fuck like you bag a hottie like this?") and Sid turns into the Angry Veela Sid threating (promising) to kill, and that scares everyone because hOLY SHIT OKAY DON'T INSULT EVGENI UNLESS YOU WANT TO FEEL THE WRATH OF SIDNEY CROSBY AND HIS VEELA ANCESTORS GOTCHA!!!!
(omg i wrote this on mobile and it completely ruined the formatting i m P I S S E D AS FUCK RN but here you go)
“You don’t have to wear charm,” Geno says again, as Sidney fidgets with the necklace. “All close family part giant some way, Veela not going to effect–" 
“I just–I feel better with it on,” Sidney mutters. “And um. Can you please not tell them I’m part Veela?" 
"Whatever you want,” Geno says, barely managing kiss Sidney on his curls before the door flies open and Mama Malkin is dragging Sidney in the house with an enthusiastic hug. 
“Your family is nice,” Sidney says, laying his head on Geno’s chest. 
“They love you, I already say, maybe 10 times.” Geno pats Sidney’s ass reassuringly. 
“Your cousins, the ones on your mom’s side. They’re human, aren’t they?" 
"Yeah,” Geno says. “Richard. And maybe Nat, too. Used to make fun of me when I’m little. But now I’m not so little, so I don’t care.”
“Geno,” Sidney breathes, sounding worried. He’s always worried when Geno mentions any kind of childhood bullying. “That’s awful.”
“They just say dumb things, kid things,” Geno shrugs. “I’m okay.”
The next morning, Sidney forgets his charm. He doesn’t even realize it until he notices that while the cousins on Geno’s dad’s side doesn’t seem to pay him any more attention than usual, the human cousins are suddenly very interested in him. 
“Pardon me,” a cousin says, siding up to Sidney. He’s fairly handsome, Sidney decides. Strong features and a confidence to rival Ovi, but Ovi was never as sleazy as this guy. “But Sidney, you look ravishing today. Absolutely gorgeous." 
Sidney had literally rolled out of bed just ten minutes ago. "Thanks.”
“So tell me, beautiful,” the cousin starts, “what’s a pretty thing like you messing with an ugly fuck like Zhenya? He paying you?” He sidles closer. “I know your secret, that Zhenya hired you. Very clever backstory, though. But I won’t say anything if you…switched clients, let’s say. I can pay even more.” He winks. “And whatever we decide to do at night, well, you not be disappointed–fuck–you little bitch–" 
In the middle of his speech. Sidney had reached out, his nails growing to talons for a split second as he slapped the cousin, leaving three painful red lines on the cousins face from where his nails raked them. 
"Sid!” Geno comes over, looking over at Richard. “What happen?” 
“Your little rentboy hit me–” Richard snarled. 
“I am not his rentboy,” Sidney yells back. The Malkin clan pause their conversations to turn to Sidney. “My name is Sidney and I’m Geno’s fiancé. And he’s the most wonderful person I’ve ever met in my life, which is more than I can say for you, so you can shove your money back up your ass." 
Richard stares at Sidney in terror, as Sidney’s eyes glazed over to reveal slitted pupils from his Veela ancestry, then at the Malkin family. 
"Have fun with your little tart,” Richard spits. “I bet–FUCK–" 
Geno pulls his arm back, wringing his wrist after decking Richard in the nose. "Okay, I’m have lots of fun with Sidney. You not invited." 
Richard looks at Mr. Malkin, who shrugs. "Better get going then,” Mr. Malkin says.
Richard storms off, and Sidney’s moment of exuberance melts back into anxiety. The Malkin family is silent, but then: "Hell of a way to announce engagement, son,” Mr. Malkin says, then raises his glass. “Congratulations." 
Mama Malkin cries out and bounds over to Sidney, kissing his face and talking something about getting dress robes for the wedding, and what season he was thinking of for the date, if babies were in the future. The rest of the cousins all either crowd Sidney to know exactly how the proposal went down, or to go up to Geno and congratulate him. 
"Three babies!” Mama Malkin says in delight at Sidney’s response. “You want three! Good number, you have big happy family, I’m be so good grandmother." 
"Thanks for punching him,” another cousin tells Geno. “I was just about to stupefy him at that rate.”
They were going to be alright.
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