#rn and he just stares at me and goes. ok? and it’s like buddy my guy my dude you get pissed at me when I’m struggling bc pain u get pissed a
toomuchdickfort · 1 year
I am going to lose my shit.
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jichanxo · 5 months
ok, i’ll bite: how pathetic is kitakata in sensei au fic in a scale from 1 to 10, and will he have some kind of kuwanafication-level fuckup (or at least a chance to fuck up that much)?
omg hi… thank you for asking… (twirls hair around my finger)
this got long (of course it did) so it's under the cut for those who would prefer to scroll past.
okay pathetic level… uhhh ummmm hm… how to quantify… I want to say either a 7 or an 8? he does embarrass himself quite a bit. he has no idea how to act around yagami FOR SURE. so while some of that is just him being annoying, a good chunk of that is. flirting. and he’s SO confident about it even though he keeps failing over and over again… buddy you gotta take a hint… and eventually something comes of it! but yeah he’s super embarrassing about it. and he’s down so bad for yagami. and his bedroom talk… yeah he’s lame. he’s very lame I think. trust me. (using my best judgment here)
kuwanafication-level fuckup… so far? no. current plan for this fic is essentially a mishmash of lj school story and kuwagami-romance-drama bullshit, so just by having that as the basis, there isn’t really that much opportunity for something that life-changing to happen, really. I have most of the kuwagami-romance-drama bullshit side of the story sorted, but I still need to figure out more of the school story side of this fic (I gotta go over em and take some detailed notes to make sure I write it correctly…), so there’s still a chance that something else will pop up as I write it, especially depending on how things with Itokura shake out, but so far there aren’t any plans for anything like that.
it’s definitely kind of this idealised universe where everything Just Goes Well, yknow… a contrast from canon… but this kind of mundane kuwana is nice too… he’s done his best to try and learn from his near-fuck-up. he’s not perfect but he tries.
in regards to Kusumoto Mitsuru, since it’s important and I don’t remember clarifying this in any post/tags – the deal here is that kitakata still fucked up but he managed to fix everything at the last second before mitsuru died. so kitakata’s kind of had the lesson but without the, yknow. the transformation. I wrote about it as a kind of prequel here if you haven't already seen (obligatory reminder to heed tags etc since it's heavy stuff). I assume that’s kind of sort of relevant to what you’re asking? it’s not that this kitakata never had it happen to him, he messed up and he was forced to stare that in the face, but he managed to avoid the worst outcome, took responsibility, tried to change and continued on with a renewed perspective on his job.
but let’s go back to kitakata actually fucking up during senseific, because I definitely have that! rn the most obvious example is yagami and kitakata getting into a fight and sawa having to intervene and tell them both off for it. it sounds silly when I put it like that, but in context it’s a big moment and a big deal for them both. it’s not just kitakata’s fuck up and it’s there’s more to it obviously (kitakata wouldn’t get all worked up without reason, right?) but yeah, having your kouhai/ex-student have to intervene because you’re trying to punch a grown man in the face? it’s a fuck up. lmao
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So yesterday, I was on public transit. These 2 guys came on and the bus was full except for my seat and the one next to me. One guy took a whole seat and the other guy legit just picked up my backpack and dumped it into my lap. I knew he was an asshole right away lol. Anyway, they keep looking at me (I was like oh prob bc I’m wearing hijab ppl usually stare whatever) and I’m like whatever, I just keep listening to my music.
10 mins in and they start shouting ALLAHU AKBAR ASALAAMU ALAYKUM JIHAD OHMYGOD CHECK HER BACKPACK and stereotypical shit like that. I clenched my teeth and ignored it bc like, this is America tbh I’m not surprised. The guy next to me turns around and says “wait can u hear me?” And I nodded and was like “yep”. He goes “oh sorry haha” I shrug “whatever just don’t do it to anybody else ok?”
A few minutes later he asks my age, and I tell him. He goes “ur kinda hot tho” and I just ignore him. Then he’s like “UM I SAID UR KINDA HOT THO!” And I’m like “..ok”
He turns back to his buddy and goes “this mozlem ass didn’t even thank me wow what a bitch”
And I was sitting there thinking like bitch really??! r u motherfucking serious rn?!
​that was yesterday but I’m still sad tbh bc as i was getting on the bus today i saw one of them and he smirked and went boom boom terrorist and then I just got off as soon as I could.
I’m so done with this bullshit like honestly
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enjwrites · 6 years
rating: T for swearing and mild emotional distress
word count: 2155
relationships: enjolras/grantaire
Enjolras tries to drive home. He gets about halfway there before tears well up in his eyes and he has to pull into a corner store’s parking lot. He shuts off his car and rests his head on the steering wheel as he tries to control his breathing.
He calls Combeferre.
“Enjolras? Wh- it’s three in the morning,” Combeferre says on the other line, voice raspy from sleep. “Are you okay?”
Enjolras takes in a deep breath before replying. “We fought.”
Courfeyrac chimes in, a little distant from the phone, it seems, but clear enough. “You two always fight.”
“I’m putting you on speaker,” Combeferre says.
“I know we always fight. We… I…” He takes in another breath, trying to focus on what he’s saying. “We didn’t really fight. I don’t think it was a real fight, anyway. He just…” And he chokes back a sob. His abdomen tightens and twists, though he doesn’t really notice; he can’t stop thinking of the uncertainty showing on Grantaire’s face - the hurt, the insecurity.
“I love him, guys.”
“We know.”
“He doesn’t.”
“Sure he does!” Courfeyrac’s voice lifts a few octaves. “Who else are you willing to get naked around?”
Combeferre shushes Courfeyrac. “Why do you think-”
“Because he... He said he loves me. And I fucking -” a choked sob, “I froze, god, I’m so fucking stupid.”
“So you froze, what’s the big deal -”
“He left, Courf. He got up and ran.” With a look of terror on his face.
“But you were at his apartment?”
“I have no fucking idea where he went, I checked the cafe and the bar, but he doesn’t wanna see me, I fucked it up, he thinks I’m -”
Combeferre shushes Enjolras, now. “Do you think you can come home? I’ll make some hot cocoa, and warm up that cake you liked so much.”
Not much of a phone conversation, Enjolras thinks, but agrees, and does his best to hold back tears as he drives back to the apartment he shares with Combeferre.
Combeferre is waiting with a blanket and a glass of cocoa, with a peppermint candy cane in it, and a place of warm cake on the coffee table.
“I froze,” Enjolras repeats. Combeferre lays a hand on his back comfortingly. Courfeyrac anxiously paces the living room.
“You froze. He ran.”
Enjolras hums. We’ve already been through this.
“He must have thought you were mad,” Combeferre says. His voice is soothingly even, that’s a talent of his - he can always manage to comfort Enjolras. “He jumps to conclusions, you know that. He must think you don’t feel the same -”
“God, I fucked it all up.”
“Try texting him?”
“I’d call him,” Courfeyrac interjects.
Combeferre nods. “Yeah, that, actually. What were you doing when he said it?”
“Cuddling, sort of? On the couch. We watched a movie.”
Enjolras, in all his anxiety, has already finished the cocoa and cake. Combeferre lets Enjolras rest his head on his shoulder. “I don’t think I could call him.”
Courfeyrac decidedly sits next to Enjolras on the couch, rubbing his shoulder sweetly - it’s been a while since Enj has needed this sort of comfort, but they fall into the rhythm quickly. “Enj, love, if I were you,” he sighs, “I’d give him his space. You know how stubborn he is.” Enjolras nods - once, Grantaire said, laughing, “I’m a Taurus, being stubborn is my job.” It was funny at the time. Enjolras can’t laugh, now. “You can text him. Let him know you’re not upset with him, tell him you were just shocked. He probably won’t read them, now, but he’ll read them later.”
Enjolras’s phone buzzes on the coffee table and Combeferre picks it up. “It’s from Bahorel,” He says, relieved, and shows Enjolras the screen.
Bahorel (3:47 AM): grantaire’s being an idiot rn
Another text comes in seconds later.
Bahorel (3:48 AM): listen dude i know he’s overreacting but… (Enjolras then opens his messages to see the full text.) you gotta let him know how you feel. i don’t know what happened but he’s freaking the fuck out
Bahorel (3:48 AM): he keeps saying you don’t love him and i know for damn sure that isn’t true
Bahorel (3:48 AM): just text him or something okay. he’s not mad i think he’s just sad
Bahorel (3:49 AM): luv you xx hope it works out
Enjolras huffs a little, wanting to smile at Bahorel’s instantly-nurturing nature.
You (3:50 AM): I’m going to give him some space, get some sleep. I’ll text him in the morning. Tell him that. I know he probably doesn’t want a text from me right now.
Bahorel (3:50 AM): he may not think he does but he does. he’s starting to pass out so yeah text him in the morning x
Enjolras falls asleep on his couch, and wakes up late. His eyes hurt; they’re swollen, from crying last night. He has a text from almost every one of his friends - he expected this, because Bahorel doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut, neither does Courfeyrac, so between the two of them, everyone had to find out.
Jehan (6:23 AM): I heard what happened. You should text him. I can help you with that.
Marius (7:31 AM): hey i hope ur feeling ok
Cosette (7:46 AM): Call me later we need to talk
Eponine (8:09 AM): i’ll fucking kill you if you don’t patch things up with him i swear to god
Feuilly (9:45 AM): I’m here if you need to talk buddy :(
Bossuet (10:32 AM): Hey r is here he says you hate him? Did you fight? :( Talk to him soon he looks like he’s been crying.
Joly (10:34 AM): Come get your mans we all have work
Musichetta (10:40 AM): I’m taking the boys to work, if R isn’t out of here by the time I get off tonight, you’re getting the death penalty. I love him, but you need to work shit out.
Musichetta (10:41 AM): I love you, too, jsyk. Stop being stupid. Talk to him.
Courf (11:04 AM): hehy i had to leave for work but i will interrogate you on my break you need to talk to r he loves you n  so do i you looked so sad. i hope ur feeling better. Gotta go in now love u xx
Combeferre (12:21 PM): You awake? I’m bringing burgers.
1-555-XXX-XXXX (12:42 PM): its gavroche i stole ur number off ponine i heard what happened im on the way to lunch rn so i cant talk but you better fucking talk to him
Gavroche (12:43 PM): u dont wanna get ur ass kicked by a teenager
Enjolras’s eyes water as he reads the next message.
R♥ (12:57 PM): hey sorry about last night. its cool if you wanna like . break up.  i thought we were there and i was wrong. im sorry.
He locks his phone and tosses it onto the couch next to him, resting his head in his hands, willing away tears. He feels a warmth and a depression in the couch on the other side; Combeferre comes bearing a cheeseburger and hand-cut fries. “From that gelato place on 6th you like so much. I got gelato, too, but you were still asleep when I got home.”
Enjolras takes the place graciously, and notices that there’s already a cool glass of water on the coffee table for him. Can you be alive and still be made a saint? Enjolras thinks, idly, as he chews. His phone buzzes, and on instinct, he looks down at it.
R♥ (1:17 PM): you there?
R♥ (1:18 PM): i know i fucked up but the silent treatment still kinda sucks
Enjolras sighs deeply and sets his plate on the table, picking up his phone.
You (1:18 PM): Yeah, I’m here. Sorry. I slept late. Give me a minute, to type up what I want to say, okay?
You (1:19 PM): And I’m not mad. You didn’t fuck up.
R♥ (1:20 PM): you can say that but it’s not gonna change my mind.
Another deep sigh, and at that point, Combeferre squeezes Enjolras’s shoulder gently, then stands and goes to his bedroom.
It takes a minute to type it all up. He’s sure his food is getting cold. He doesn’t care.
You (1:31 PM): I’m sorry. I’m so, so fucking sorry. I froze. I didn’t know what to do, because I’m an idiot, and I’ve never felt anything like this before, it’s new, and I’m not used to not knowing what to do. You know that. So I froze. I fucked up, so badly. You deserve so much more than that. Grantaire, I don’t hate you. I don’t dislike you. I can’t get mad at you, or at least I can’t stay mad, because every time I see your face, I lose my ability to form words, you’re so fucking beautiful in a way I can’t begin to describe. And then you open your stupid mouth and even though you piss me off a lot I can’t be mad that you said anything because your voice is like fucking velvet and you drive me nuts every second you speak because I want to kiss you but that’ll make you stop talking. Please don’t ever stop talking to me. Listening to you talk is like reading the most interesting book in the world; the Library of Alexandria pales in comparison. You always say I’m an angel, but I think you’re confused, you’re so gentle and kind, behind all that sarcasm and bitterness is a sweetheart who just wants to see people smile; I’ve seen the way you are around kids and sometimes that makes me think maybe I want kids, I want kids with you, because you’re so fucking sweet to them it hurts. You’re so fucking talented, I’ve never cared for art or music but yours makes me feel in a way that makes Monet and Bach look like pussies. Just as a note: I can’t tell you what to do, but if you ever cut your hair, I think I’ll die, because you have the most beautiful hair in the world and I want to spend the rest of my life playing with it. Your eyes are so incredible and I know you see me staring sometimes, but you never comment on it, because you’re amazing like that, and I fucking love you, Grantaire.
You (1:32 PM): I love you so fucking much, and I froze, and I hurt you, but I want you to know that I love you.
You (1:32 PM): I don’t want you to ever think I don’t love you.
You (1:32 PM): I love you.
You (1:33 PM): And I’m well aware I’ve just written you a full-length novel. Sorry haha
Enjolras sees Grantaire typing for a second, then the dots disappear. They reappear again, then disappear - this repeats a few times before Enjolras actually gets a message.
R♥ (1:35 PM): holy shit
R♥ (1:35 PM): just
R♥ (1:36 PM): you made me cry you shithead
R♥ (1:36 PM): can you like. come over? Combeferre’s home on his lunch break right
You (1:36 PM): Yeah, let me get dressed, first. Give me, like, half an hour and I’ll be there.
R♥ (1:37 PM): ok
R♥ (1:37 PM): i love you
R♥ (1:37 PM): aaAAA i’m still nervous about saying that!!!!!!!!!!
You (1:38 PM): :’) Cute. I love you too.
R♥ (1:38 PM): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjolras gets dressed in a rush, throwing on a band tee and those black jeans that Grantaire loves.
He gets to Grantaire’s place in 15 minutes flat.
He doesn’t even really need to knock on the door - Grantaire swings it open and pulls him into the apartment, kissing him fiercely, pushing him against the wall.
Enjolras lays his hands on R’s hips, while R lands one hand on Enjolras’s chest, the other cupping his cheek, rubbing gentle circles with his thumb.
When Grantaire pulls away, he’s panting, his cheeks are rosy and his eyes are watering. He stares up at Enjolras; there’s a heartbreaking uncertainty behind those eyes - he waits for Enjolras to speak. Enjolras rests his forehead against Grantaire’s, taking his hands in his own. Blue eyes meet deep brown, and for a moment, Enjolras is enchanted. Back to business, he thinks.
“Grantaire.” Grantaire hums in response, and holds up on of Enjolras’s hands to kiss his fingers. “I love you.”
There’s a shaky exhale. Then R is pulling Enjolras impossibly tight, burying his head in Enj’s shoulder, quivering as he whispers, “I love you so fucking much.” Enjolras can’t help but smile as he presses a kiss to Grantaire’s neck.
Well, that’s the shortest fight we’ve ever had, Enjolras thinks.
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astrofireworks · 7 years
ok listen i’m working in a radiography clinic over the summer and last week the most beautiful doctor came in and immediately my mind went to doctor!Eunwoo and i broke down today at @nataliekaytbh​ so buddy thank u for crying w me today over Eunwoo 
are you ready 
because i’m sure as hell not 
i’ll be crying over doctor!Eunwoo this whole summer 
intern Sanha
relegated to the registration counter
meaning that when patients come into the radiographer's he takes their name and phone number and puts it into the system and gives them a waiting number
also meaning that when five patients arrive all at once he's up to his eyes in names and numbers and trying not to go cross eyed my poor child
here to make money not to learn so he doesn't mind doing registration and being busy anyway
highkey me
nurse Jinjin
reads out said waiting number and then brings patients into the x-ray room
and has to confirm they're not pregnant or anything that makes them unable to be exposed to X-rays and stuff in general
also helps sanha do registration sometimes when the queue gets a bit too long
radiographer Bin
most of the time sleepily mans the x-ray machines
sometimes the patients ask him if their x-rays are okay or if there's anything wrong with them
what the hell
Bin's not a doctor he wouldn't know
And so tells them that
And gets whacked on the head by nurse Jinjin who comes to escort out the mildly shocked patients with a forced polite smile on his face @ the patient & a glare @ Bin
Shakes his fist indignantly at Jinjin when he leaves
Lab tech MJ
has the lab right next to the radiographer's clinic
Usually collects blood samples from patients
is very good with needles
is also very good at laUGHING and telling jokes in order to make people forget they're here to get blood sucked out of their souls with a giant needle
sometimes laughs really loudly and makes the radiographer clinic patients wonder what's going on
sometimes makes jinjin wonder what's going on too  
not that he gets jealous or anything
not at all
Nurse rocky
Eunwoo's runner, mostly
Sometimes for the urgent cases that need to be processed immediately rocky doesn't wait for the computer system (which takes centuries) to receive the x-ray
He goes down immediately to bin's and asks whoever's at the registration desk to print it out
i.e, Sanha
i.e., the intern without the password to access x-rays
which means he has to go to jinjin or bin for them
after which he hand-delivers them to Dr. Eunwoo
a lot of staff now know Rocky by name simply because he's always running up and down from Eunwoo's clinic to different departments trying to get stuff for Eunwoo
a sweetheart, really
charms the pants off of all the female nurses
also charmed MJ enough to get MJ to call him whenever MJ's done drawing blood samples from someone from Eunwoo’s clinic
Efficiency™ because that's the way Eunwoo works
ok so mostly because Eunwoo always sends Rocky down he's never been to the radiographer's
Until one day
Sanha messes up
It isn't really a bad mess up !!!!
He just keyed in someone's identification number wrongly
But the thing is that he's been doing that quite a few times
I mean to be fair he's just an intern
And also because he's just started the job !! He makes a couple mistakes sometimes
can you tell I'm basing Sanha off of me and just trying to defend myself rip vivi get ur shit together ;;;;;;
But every time Sanha messes up and Jinjin doesn't manage to check on it and correct it properly the report with the mess up gets sent to Rocky
And Rocky has to waste time trying to fix the mess up
Which takes Rocky away from the important things !! Eunwoo needs him to do !!
But also when Rocky fixes the reports he has to slide on his glasses and it makes all Eunwoo’s patients swoon a Little
Before they go into Eunwoo’s consultation room and swoon a Lot
And so Eunwoo is mildly frustrated and decides to go down during one of his breaks to find out why the radiographer has been messing up the reports so much
And so he swishes his lab coat on & swings his stethoscope off & polishes his glasses and heads downstairs to the radiographer's
Only to see poor Sanha piled underneath a stack of registration forms full of names and phone numbers  
So that's why
And nurse Jinjin is running around like a headless chicken trying to shuffle the right people from the X-ray room to the waiting room and vice versa
And Bin is slumped in his room giving instructions in a monotonous voice to the patients  
"take a deeeeep breath" 
"don't think of elephants" 
"sike lmao I bet u did" 
"oh my god I didn't tell you to stop breathing you can breathe now"
And the phone is ringing wildly ("so that's why our calls are never answered," Eunwoo thinks) off the hook but nobody can respond because they have like 50 million people in the queue
no lie today i had 50 patients come in over the span of 2 hours it was truly a mess
And so Eunwoo waits for a while
until Jinjin notices that everyone hasn't been speaking for a while and instead staring at a certain corner of the room
in which Eunwoo has been leaning on the wall tapping away on his phone, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose
Looking very much like an angel !!!!!!!!!!!
If angels came with lab coats and glasses
And there's some gentle tittering from the older female patients and some not so gentle whispering and giggling from younger ones
Sanha hasn't even looked up from the registration desk poor dear but if he did he would have-
"oh my god"
Oh well there's sanha looking up then
I mean to be fair jinjin's thought process is somewhere along the same line
But he also has a job to do and no insanely attractive doctor will distract him from it !!!
I mean, an insanely attractive lab tech might but
You know what I mean
Responsible™ Jinjin
So when Jinjin escorts the last giggly girl out of the X-ray room (to be fair the radiographer AND the nurse are both very attractive so really what are the patients to do?) they both finally turn to Eunwoo
And Eunwoo looks up from where he's playing angry birds on his phone to Jinjin smiling politely and Sanha just plain out staring
"hi why are u here where's Rocky"
Jinjin, smacking Sanha on the head: "don't be rude son but yes why are u here where's Rocky"
Eunwoo, smiling that really cute crinkly eyed smile: "nah I just came to see what the situation was with the radiography room since Rocky always has to correct stuff on the reports you guys send up"
Sanha, alarmed and scrambling to defend himself: "djkshdks I-"
Jinjin, pressing his hand against Sanha's mouth: "ah yes it's me I've been the one messing up sorry about that I'll be more careful in the future"
Sanha, confused bc jinjin's covering for him?????
literally me when my boss kind of did the same thing??? guilt x100
Bin, coming out of the X-ray room: "are u covering for Sanha??"
Jinjin spluttering because he's trying to be nice but they're both exposing Sanha
Bin also spluttering because
Holy shit
Is that a real doctor
Probably not
Eunwoo also spluttering because
Holy shit
Is that a real radiographer??
Because hi he would like to quit his job and intern at the radiography clinic please
Bin seriously reconsidering his career choices and wondering if it's too late to replace Rocky as a nurse in Eunwoo's clinic because wow
Sanha turning to Jinjin and saying in a very low, serious voice: "while they're ogling each other I think we should escape"
Also Sanha: talk shit get hit gets hit on the head by Bin who coughs grumpily and says
"Listen I don't know who you think you are but here at the radiographer's we're very busy with um like X-rays and radiography and like uh x-raying people and stuff so like"
"could u like move along"
Eunwoo: "it's your lunch break rn"
Bin, defensively: "weLL YES jinjin apologised for his (Sanha's) mistakes so move along now"
Bin avoiding all eye contact by staring at Eunwoo’s lab coat
Which fits Eunwoo very well, he thinks
Doesn't need to be buttoned but hugs him in all the right places
Which is just as well since eunwoo's in a boring (very well tailored) dress shirt and boring (very well tailored) slacks
And very nice glasses he looks very smart and handsome and
Wait I mean
Bin, turning bright red & coughing: "wow yes we gotta gO"
And ngl eunwoo is a little hurt because there are Very Little people in this world who deny eunwoo's small crinkly smile
And there are Even Lesser people who become grumpy when eunwoo smiles his sunshine beam
And this really cute radiographer with black square glasses too big for his face and a small pout is being very grumpy indeed
So eunwoo smiles at Sanha and Jinjin, takes his leave and wanders out of the clinic back upstairs to his own, wondering what he did wrong
And so when Eunwoo leaves, Jinjin immediately whirls around and hits Bin on the shoulder
(more smacks) "HE WAS EYEING YOU UP"
Bin, sulkily: "like you could have bagged MJ hyung?"
Jinjin, turning red and mumbling under his breath and stalking away
Sanha, thoughtfully: "am I the only one here without somebody to bag"
And so life goes on in the radiography room, with MJ popping in and out to collect blood samples from patients who need Labstix and are in line for their x-ray and Jinjin blushing every time MJ so much as beams in his general direction
Sanha snorting because wow could they get any more obvious
Bin bet Sanha 5$ that Jinjin would make the first move but at this rate Sanha thinks Bin might have to pay up because there's no way in hell Jinjin can form a coherent sentence with MJ's Beam on Full Blast
But then
Eunwoo pops in again
And immediately all activity in the waiting room is halted to stare at this beautiful beautiful man with beautiful glasses and a beautiful focussed look and a beautiful smile
Bin, coming out to see why jinjin hasn't brought his next patient in & ready to give a piece of mind to whoever interrupted jinjin's clockwork routine
Also Bin: stutters and flushes at the sight of eunwoo
"Uh ok what do u want"
Eunwoo, smiling at Bin: "I'm here to collect the X-ray film of patient 777"
Bin, blurting out in confusion: "where's Rocky?????"
Eunwoo, frowning a little because all this poor angel wants to do is see the cute radiographer pout again but all he's doing is making this poor confused face which i mean,,,, ngl,, is kinda cute too,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
until he realises that all of them are waiting expectantly on his answer (except Sanha, who has reverted to frantically pounding on his keyboard in a desperate attempt to reduce the stack of registration forms beside him)
And he says: "I let him rest????"
Jinjin squinting because as long as he's worked here he's only talked to Eunwoo on the phone because not once has this doctor ever let poor Rocky rest
There has to be an ulterior motive
And that motive (insert mental image of lightbulb going off over Jinjin’s head) is Bin
So he beams at eunwoo and shoves him into the X-ray room with bin and says "YES DO THE MEDICAL TALKY TALK IN THERE GO DO THAT SHIT YOU GO BOYS"
Sanha sighing internally because it just means their queue will be held up rip
Eunwoo, flustered and blinking rapidly because wow now he's in a small, semi-dark kind of enclosed room with a really cute radiographer who's self consciously pushing his glasses up and pouting to himself
Really cute
Bin, floundering: "UH YES 777 RIGHT" & bounding over to the computer to print out the report right away mmhmm yes sir
Eunwoo frowning a little because this boy seems like he's trying to get rid of him fast????? But this radiographer’s also really cute and he sees that this boy keeps eyeing Eunwoo so Eunwoo is seriously getting mixed messages?????
So he takes a step forward to bin's table and -
Oh shit unconscious eunwoo blurting strikes again
Rocky always said it'd hurt him one day
I mean mostly it's been harmless things like "I REALLY LIKE YOUR SCARF" @ a patient and "wow did you do your hAIR THAT'S A REALLY NICE COLOUR"
But shit shit shit he's said it in front of this cute guy
Who's gaping at him?????
Bin, ultimately, in a really small voice because he's confused and also Eunwoo is standing really close to him and all he can think about is that if he cranes his neck out a little he can touch Eunwoo’s nose with his nose and-
Ok Bin focus
"I don't hate you?"
Eunwoo, floundering a bit because ???? IT REALLY SEEMS SO >;(
Oh good job eunwoo
Way to go
Cute radiographer boy probably is going to kick him out of the room
Call security on him
Never see him again
What for have a nice face if you can't woo peopl-
Cute radiographer boy made a sound
"Wait what"
Eunwoo just blinks in confusion and like
Damn Eunwoo for being so cute just blinking because Bin is going to lose his goddamn mind
He's so embarrassed rn he literally asked angel doctor to "go on a date with me" and now he's messed up and angel doctor is looking at his knee in confusion and really he's messed up he'll never see angel doctor again he'll never go on a date with this beautiful beautiful doctor and -
"uh I don't have a plate on my knee but uh,,,,,,,,, I have,,,, a date??? With uh,,,,,,, thee??????"
Cue grimace from eunwoo because wow he could never rap
Mostly because he cannot come up with things on the spot
Like this
Wow eunwoo good job congratulations
Also grimaces from jinjin eavesdropping outside because wow truly this doctor might look like an angel but his wooing skills seriously need some effort
Bin squeaking slightly because wow he might look all grumpy and tough and a lil shit but
He’s such a smol marshmallow inside
a small harshmallow that’s melting because Eunwoo’s decided to heck it and hit bin with his Full On Angel Smile
you know the one
yeah this one
wow my mum looked over while i was pasting this picture in my working doc as reference and went “WOW I LIKE THIS BOY”
same ma same
so does Bin, too, actually
and so he squeaks out a little, “yes?”
“yes as in yes you’ll go on a date with me?”
smol Binnie squeak: “yes?”
and so they stand there and grin all silly at each other until Jinjin, knocking on the door: “IS EVERYTHING OKAY WITH THE REPORT NURSE ROCKY IS WAITING”
oh shit 
ok no but for serious the doctor that came in looked 100% like gong yoo he had the hair and the soft sweater and worn jeans and beautiful smile and everything
listen i’m just so weak for doctor!Eunwoo 
doctor!Eunwoo bringing lunch for radiographer!Bin and them eating in the empty waiting room during their lunch break 
Bin dropping by Eunwoo’s clinic during his breaks and waiting for Eunwoo to finish his consultations just to kiss his boyfriend on the cheek 
wow ok I’m saving this fic idea for another time or I’m truly going to kill myself with feels and tears
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10verboy · 7 years
(@squishywonu i’m gonna try to write out of my comfort zone since ily and i really have nothing else to do with my spare time (besides working on hw bUT--) and wow this is so weird i can’t believe i’m writing about u
1,277 worDS HOLY GUACAMOLE that’s the most i’ve ever written at once i
there’s cursing :) oops 
i apologize in advance for whatever happens under the cut lmao
“Who’s the new girl?” Yuta asked as he chewed his sandwich.
Well...bread. It was just two slices of bread. Sicheng stole all of the turkey from it after Yuta got up to get a drink from the lunch line. He didn’t really care though.
 “That girl you bumped into in the hallway earlier?” Johnny guessed, more focused on the homework he was doing that was supposed to be due today. “We have, like, half of our classes with her.”
 “I’ve never seen her before?”
 Doyoung by now had just settled down in front of Yuta after getting out of the lunch line. Catching wind of the conversation, he butted in, “That’s because you don’t pay attention, dumbass. Madi literally was in your group for a project in bio. I remember because she came up to me trying to get me to tell you to actually do your project.”
 Yuta perked up. “So her name’s Madi?”
 The group of friends all collectively groaned, loud enough to hear over the busy cafeteria noise.
 “There she goes.” Sicheng looked up and nudged his head in the direction behind Yuta.
 “She’s sorta...cute” he thought, as he caught a glance of the girl before she disappeared out of the cafeteria. At least he thought he thought it. The boys’ teasing “oooh”s and giggles said otherwise.
 When the bell rung to dismiss lunch, Yuta and his friends got up and threw away their trash. Unlike the group of friends’ usual habit of walking ridiculously slow to their next class so they would make it the very last minute, Yuta sped walk, leaving everyone behind him. He was going to properly talk to Madi, and maybe even get her phone number.
  “Okay kids, pop quiz time,” announced Ms.Anston. “It’s based on what you learned these past 3 weeks. Hope you all studied...oh, and it’s 54 questions.”
  The bell rang signifying the end of the period and Yuta barely got his test done. While on his way sulking to his locker he was tackled by that one weird kid Jaehyun that no one talked to. Yuta guessed that he was under the impression that Yuta actually liked him, but he was in too bad of a mood to tell him off like usual and just shrugged him off. “Heyyyy, buddy! How was physics,” Jaehyun inquired.
 “Jung Jeffrey, can you please stop jumping on people like that? You’ll give him back problems,” Ten nagged, and turned his attention to the disappointed (and slightly annoyed) man that Jaehyun was currently getting off of. “But I guess physics sucked ass,” Ten continued, smirking like the little shit he was “,since there was a test last period and you wanted to talk to your little lady?”
 “How do you even know about that, I literally just--”
 “Ah, yes, your boyfriend?”
 “Doyoung if you do noT SHUT THE HELL UP--”
 By now Yuta’s group of friends all were gathered in the middle of the hallway, ignoring the frustrated stares of their other peers and the cat fight that Doyoung and Ten were in the middle of.
 Taeyong started to question the crush-ridden boy. “So,” he continued, “you didn’t get the chance to talk to her?”
 “Nah, Ms. Anston wanted us to suffer with a 52 question test so…”
 “--Wait, we have a test,” Sicheng interrupted.
 “Winnie, I love you, but not now. So you didn’t even catch her after class?” Taeyong kept pushing for answers. Yuta was thankful for his legitimate concern. Every other one of his friends were probably planning when they could possibly embarrass him (especially Johnny and Doyoung...he did not trust those assholes one bit).
  “Um, Yuta?”
  The group of boys barely noticed the soft voice floating above the ruckus of the hall outside of the small circle they had formed.
   A small hand crept onto the said boy’s shoulder. “Yuta!”
  When he finally turned around, the last person he expected to be calling his name was right in front of him. The girl that he was currently having a crisis over, Madi. Her hazel eyes sparkled as he looked at them, her brown hair perfectly falling around her face.
  In reality, her hair was was dishevelled and her eyes were squinted and soulless. Getting through a busy high school hallway is like being on some sort of survival show. Only the strong survive. However, Yuta could not properly process the actual state Madi was in. Too blinded by some type of attraction to her. Doyoung stopped in the middle of his petty attempts of insulting Ten, now distracted by the current interaction between them.
    Judging by the snorts Yuta could here next to him from Johnny and Ten, the word ‘yeah’ did not come out right. Or he was making a stupid face that most-likely made him look like some constipated potato. Either way, Yuta was screwing up already and the conversation had barely started.
   Madi’s voice managed to snap him back to reality from planning his own death in his head. “Ms. Anston wanted me to bring you back to the classroom? I have no idea why but she said she wanted to talk to you and didn’t trust you enough to actually come if you were by yourself.”
  The only thing Yuta could manage to do was nod his head and follow her.
  A voice in the back of his head was urging him to start some type of conversation with the girl as she walked next to him in the hallway. The silence between the two was slowly driving him to madness and Yuta was pretty sure he would have jumped out of the nearby window by now if it wasn’t for some handsy couple that was making out in front of it.
  Madi turned around to face Yuta, now in front of their destination. The sudden stop caught the boy off guard, causing him to trip. Madi was now in his arms as he tried to keep from falling on her. The two stayed in the position until Madi talked again and pushed away.
  “Uh, so, we’re here. I’ll see you later…”
   Seeing this as his chance, Yuta popped the question he had been dying to ask, “Hey, can I get your number?”
  There was a moment of silence as Yuta waited for his answer.
  One second passed by…
  Then two…
  Then three…
   It really wasn’t that long a period of time, but it felt like an eternity to Yuta. Surely, this absence of a response meant that she was disgusted, weirded out, and overall just trying to comprehend why this dusty, crusty, musty boy with bad grades even dared asking such a thing.
  The silence really meant: Holy crap fucking Nakamoto Yuta, A.K.A the hottest fucking dude I’ve ever seen, just asked for my number. But he did not know that.
   “Yeah,” Madi finally squeaked. The two exchanged their phone numbers awkwardly, Madi almost dropping her phone (twice) while trying to enter Yuta into her phone.
   “I’ll text you after school then~” Yuta winked, in an obviously better mood than he was on the way to the classroom. The sentence seemed more like a statement than a suggestion to Madi, but she couldn’t have care less. She was looking forward to having a decent conversation with the boy, contrary to the conversations they had when they worked on their biology project together. If you could even categorize them as conversations. It was really just Madi trying to ask him questions as he played games on his phone in the middle of class when they were supposed to be working (she ended up doing the whole project herself).
end :) i didn’t even bother to edit any of this so :)) i’m sorry :)) about any :))) mistakes :)))))
that ended sO ABRUPTLY so here’s a bonus part of them texting each other 
Yuta: heeeeyyy :)
Madi: hi
Yuta: did u miss me??
Madi: um                                                                        
we just saw each other an hour ago
Yuta: wow ok I see i kno when i’m not wanted
Madi: nO i just mean…..i don’t have many guy friends this is weird and you never even talked to me in the first place
Yuta: well now u have THE GREAT UTAH ;)
Madi: lmAO UTAH
Yuta: shut up that was on accidenT
Madi: nah i’m gonna call u utah from now on
Utah: i just came here to have a good time and i honestly feel so attackd rn
I don’t think i want to be friends anymore :(
Madi: ok i’m sorry utah i won’t do it again :^)
Utah: I fucking hate u nvmd i’m blocking ur number
Utah: only if you go on a date with me
Madi: uh,,,
Utah: if yoU WANT TO
Madi: if you pay for my food
Utah: no prob ;)
Madi: thx utah
Utah: >:(
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vanteism · 8 years
jin as your boyfriend
i think my heart melted :’) you guys are welcome to send in requests!!!!! the more the merrier :^)
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gerxrdwxy · 8 years
In The End, Everything Collides - Peterick
My first fic…
Description: Patrick thinks Pete is dating Mikey, but he isn’t. It’s more of an elaborate ruse than anything, and it definitely backfires.
Warnings: Cursing (mild language)
Word Count: 2133
Read at AO3 here or below
MCR is just lounging around on their bus, pre-show, when Gerard gets a text from Patrick. Sure, it might just be about the show - they are sharing a venue - but Gerard isn’t quite sure. Patrick never texts about the shows, he always calls.
Patrick: hey ik this might be a kinda awkward question but does your brother have a bf?
Gerard is shocked. This was definitely not what he was expecting. He glances up, though, and sees Mikey frantically typing away on his phone.
Gerard: wat, wanna date him?
Patrick: ew no I’m just… wonderin
Gerard: why?? and no idk but I don think Mikey is dating any1
Patrick: o ok thx Gerard
Gerard: np
Gerard clicks his phone off and drops it back into his lap. Frank sits back down from grabbing his and Gerard’s coffee. He kisses his boyfriend and goes back to playing around with chords from “Mama” as Gerard silently muses about Patrick’s strange text.
On the Fall Out Boy bus, Patrick watches Pete carefully. He’s texting hurriedly - probably Mikey, Patrick thinks. He drops back onto the couch, leaning into the cushions and taking advantage of Pete’s distraction. His eyes follow the messy black fringe that is always falling in Pete’s eyes, wishing he could walk over and push it back into place. He mentally reprimands himself: he shouldn’t be thinking about his best friend and band member like this, especially if he’s with Mikey. Which Patrick is sure he is, even if Gerard doesn’t know. Who else would Pete be texting that he won’t let Patrick see?
After the show, the two bands gather behind the venue to pack up last minute items and head back to their respective buses when Pete pulls Mikey aside. Patrick notices immediately, not that he was staring or anything… He inches his way over towards them and strains his ears to see if he can hear what is so important, and his fears are confirmed. He walks over just in time to have his hopes smashed.
“I really like you - do you wanna go out with me?” Pete asks and Mikey giggles and claps his hands excitedly, and Patrick has seen enough.
He walks quickly away, back to their bus. He slams the door behind him and is about to storm back to his bunk when he sees Pete’s phone lying on the table. He knows he shouldn’t, but he needs proof. He’s almost afraid of what he’ll see. He doesn’t know Pete’s password, so all he can see are the recent messages displayed on the home screen. Before he can stop himself, he’s scrolling through the messages on the screen.
Mikey: Good luck at the show today!
Mikey: You were great today!! I can’t wait until later ;)
Mikey: You’re a lucky guy, aren’t you
Patrick clicks the phone off, not wanting to see anymore. When it dings behind him, he doesn’t even glance back. He walks straight to his bunk and, not bothering with his nasty post-set clothes, climbs into bed and shuts the curtain before letting himself cry. Eventually, the exhaustion of today’s show washes over him and he falls asleep, tears still staining his face.
Patrick wakes up to Pete standing over him, looking concerned.
“You’ve been crying,” Pete states. Patrick raises his hands to his face in a futile attempt to hide his eyes, but there’s no point. Pete has seen. “What happened?” Pete asks gently. “I want to help.” Now fully awake, the events of the past few hours flood Patrick’s mind and he shoves his band mate away. Still Pete persists, saying, “Oh come on Patrick, I just want to help you!” but Patrick doesn’t respond, instead grabbing the end of the curtain and pulling it shut in Pete’s face.
Pete walks back to the main “living room” of the bus, wondering what he could’ve done to upset Patrick so badly. He picks up his phone from where it was lying on the table, checking his text messages. He scrolls, bypassing congratulations from Mikey on the show until he comes to a new message.
Mikey: So have u asked him yet?
Pete: No… he’s in a bad mood rn and idk why
“Mikey get your ass over here!” Gerard shouts from the other room. Mikey quickly taps out his last text to Pete before going to see what his brother wants from him.
Mikey: o. idk then but I gtg talk to Gerard bye
Pete: bye mikes, thx for the help today
Mikey walks over to where Gerard is sitting on the couch with Frank.
“What do you want, Gerard?” Gerard stands and walks over towards the opposite side of the little room, motioning for Mikey to follow.
“Hey, so this is going to be a little weird but do you have a boyfriend?” Gerard whispers.
“What the hell Gerard? No. I don’t have a boyfriend and I don’t even know why you’re asking.” Mikey suddenly thinks of something and grins to himself: “Frank not enough for you anymore?” Mikey asks, a bit too loudly. Gerard gives him his worst big brother glare and walks over to explain himself to a not-so-happy looking Frank.
Mikey chuckles a little to himself and pulls his phone back out of his pocket.
Mikey: I’m back if you’ve got anything else to say
Pete: actually, yeah
Mikey: What’s up??
Pete: so I have this idea… it’s prob not a good idea but I’m getting impatient
Mikey: Oh yeah? hmu
Pete: I kinda wanna make him jealous…
Mikey: that’s actually not a terrible idea
Pete: I feel like he’s not really interested and I wanna c if I’m can make him jealous but I don’t have anyone to make him jealous w/
Mikey: I could do it
Pete: omg thx mikes … I’ll call my “bf” later
Mikey: K call u later bye Pete
Pete: bye Mikey, thx again
Mikey wonders what he just volunteered for, but decides its for the best. He paces around for a little bit, eventually wandering back into the living area and after one glance at Frank shoved up against the wall decides that now would be a great time to go outside and call Pete.
It’s getting kind of dark when Pete gets the call from Mikey, but he answers right away.
“Hey,” he says, not wanting to sound too awkward while talking to his fake boyfriend.
“Hey babe,” Mikey says on the other end of the line and Pete can hear him suppressing giggles. So this is how this is going to go.
“So what are you doing tonight, baby?” Pete asks, feeling a twinge of guilt when Patrick walks in on this. He sees Patrick freeze up, turn around and grab his jacket and then practically run out the door. Mikey, oblivious, is giggling.
“You, honey” comes from the other end, and Pete wants to punch his face off.
“He’s gone now Mikey, I don’t think there’s a point to this right now,” Pete tells him, sounding a little sad.
“What, did my horrible flirting scare him off?” Mikey jokes.
“Probably,” Pete says, chuckling along with him. Pete, bored because Patrick left and Joe and Andy are God knows where, heads back to his bunk. He can hear Ray yelling in the background and Mikey mutters a slightly annoyed goodbye and hangs up. Pete lies in his bunk and stares up at the bottom of Patrick’s. He thinks of the sweet boy with the beautiful voice who hides behind hats and haunts Pete’s dreams - the boy who sleeps just above his head.
Patrick doesn’t typically drink, but tonight he just wants to forget everything he just witnessed. He enters the bar alone, and he leaves alone. He’s there just for the alcohol and the alcohol only. A few drinks and a few hours later, Patrick is so drunk he can barely walk back to the bus, his final bottle in hand. He downs it as he nears the bus and stumbles through the door, almost making it to his bunk before he passes out with a crash on the floor.
Pete finds Patrick, asleep, his face wet with tears, again. Evidently Joe and Andy were back and asleep long before Patrick got back, because Pete was the only one to hear the crash. This time he shakes Patrick awake, wondering how he could’ve ended up like this. He gets his answer before Patrick regains consciousness, though, as he realizes that Patrick reeks of alcohol. Patrick doesn’t drink.
When Patrick’s eyes open again, it’s obvious he’s drunk. Pete’s entire world narrows to find and destroy whatever made him like this.
“Hey, Patrick, buddy, what happened?” Pete asks gently. To his surprise, Patrick begins to cry again. Pete tries to pull Patrick into his arms but Patrick shrinks away like Pete’s skin is on fire. “Patrick,” he tries again. “What happened?” Suddenly frustrated, Patrick grits his teeth.
“You.” Pete is stunned, and a little bit surprised at how clearly Patrick seems to be speaking and comprehending, considering how drunk he is. What did I do? He wonders. Patrick curls up into a ball again, and Pete feels just as helpless. “I knew it.” Patrick surprises him by speaking again. Encouraged by the sudden dialogue, Pete speaks.
“Knew what?” Patrick’s face scrunches up like he’s wrestling with what to say, until he finally decides.
“M-Mikey. I knew it was Mikey.” For a second, Pete is confused. Then, he remembers his phone conversation earlier that day. But why would he care if I’m with Mikey? Pete muses to himself. He considers just playing the game, but the pain in his heart from seeing the man he loves curled up on the floor like this, piss drunk because of him, makes him decide that he will tell the truth, whether Patrick hates him for it or not.
“Patrick,” he begins quietly, “I’m not dating Mikey.” Patrick looks up, a mixture of shock, confusion, and is that relief? on his face.
“Wh-what?” Is all he can manage before tears begin to fall again. Pete breathes in, it’s now or never.
“Patrick, I- well, um… fuck this. Patrick, I’m not dating Mikey, but I do want to date you, if you wanted to do that?” Pete asks, his voice getting slowly quieter as he speaks. Patrick looks lost.
“But… but… the phone call, and the text messages, and that conversation after the show!” Patrick’s voice rises as he recounts everything he saw and heard (in summary) and then it’s Pete’s turn to be shocked.
“You saw that?” Pete asks, which probably isn’t the best thing to say. “Oh, shit. That didn’t sound right. Patrick, I- Ididallthatbecauseiwantedittobeperfectwheniaskedyouout and Mikey helped,” Pete explains, talking so fast that Patrick can’t understand nearly a word he says. “Ah, damnit, this will take a while. Maybe we should get off the floor?” Patrick nods and Pete helps him off the floor and they slowly make their way to Pete’s bunk, since it’s at floor level.
Once they’re sufficiently cocooned in blankets, Pete begins to explain, from the beginning, how Mikey helped him practice (among other things) asking Patrick out. Once Pete is finishing explaining the phone call with Mikey, Patrick lays a tired head on Pete’s shoulder and and whispers quietly into his shirt.
“I’d love to go out with you, Pete.” Pete smiles and blushes, but only for a moment until he straightens and speaks again, his tone final.
“No. I want that answer when you’re sober,” He slips out of his bunk to go sleep in Patrick’s. Patrick, drunk and exhausted, falls asleep almost instantly in Pete’s bed. When we wakes up, terribly hungover, he’s happy to realize that he remembers the previous night with surprising clarity.
“Pete,” He says, his voice quiet, hoping the man sleeping in his bunk hasn’t left yet. To his relief, he hears the bunk above him creak and Pete make his way down and poke his head through Patrick’s curtain. Patrick can feel the tension, and apprehension is written all over Pete’s face. “I still want to go out with you,” He says, and he can’t hold back his grin. He glances nervously at Pete and adds, “If…if you want me to, th-that is.” Pete’s grin is equally huge and he wraps his arms around Patrick.
“Of course,” he says, and, tension buzzing in his fingers where they lie on Patrick’s back, he kisses his boyfriend. He pulls away a moment later and, giggling, says, “Go take a shower, Patrick, you reek.” Patrick hesitates a moment, gathering his courage before saying, “Only if you come with me.”
The two boys walk giggling and holding hands, into the bathroom together. As they walk through the main room, Joe silently hands Andy a twenty and goes off to sulk.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9794450/chapters/21994796 (AO3)
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mc-dude · 8 years
im so overwhelmed by halblubarry feelings rn i want to write that fic ive had planned for 800 yrs but i dont have! time!!! aaa!!!
that one where barry’s the cute med student working his rotations at a children’s hospital and wants to help these kids so badly and one day is sitting there hoping so much that a blu ring flys through the window and he suddenly hears an ancient voice barry allen of earth-- you have the ability to instill great hope and then its glowing what the heck and then that kid, the one with stage 3 cancer that’s been on the verge of death this whole time is suddenly healing, vital signs getting better and barry can’t believe it he starts crying cause it’s just too good to be true, this blue light is doing it!! and goes around and heals the next four kids because he can!! he can heal them all!! until he hears power levels at one percent, point 5 percent and his ring cuts out and he’s left shaking it like no! no! work you stupid thing! cause there’s so many more people he can heal but it’s no use, it’s broken or something.. dejectedly going home for the night and tries to forget about this blue ring that let him heal so many kids-- chalks it up to some accidental alien technology or something and then..
there’s a battle in central-- green lantern vs some alien assholes trying to enslave humanity etc and barry just sighs and prepares his other rotation at the ER because any green lantern fight always has a few casualties and when he steps into the room a few hours later and sees this handsom man passed out with a serious concussion he just freezes in the doorway cause oh god, he’s so attractive and tentatively taking a step forward when suddenly the blue ring in his pocket FLARES UP power levels at 100%-- 200%-- 300% and then the guy on the bed jerks awake with a huge gasp as his gl uniform materializes around him and barry’s YELLIN and hal’s just holding his head like fuck dude can u stop--screaming please-- and barry’s just WHAT IS THIS.. WHAT ARE U.. ur green lantern?? and hal just peeking one eye open and like oh.. i didnt know there were any blue lanterns on earth and barry looks down and this uniform just appeared on him and he doesn’t know what’s happening like !! IM-- WHAT-- what’s a blue lantern what is thi-- and hal just leaning back against the bed like hmm.. considering noise.. lets barry ramble a lil bit then like ok buddy we’re takin u to go see my bro bro’dee cause u obviously have no idea wtf ur doing and barry just what?? i can’t go im on the clock im-- and then hal’s liftin him thru the fuckin window and barry’s clinging to him desperately yellin like IM REALLY NOT GOOD WITH HEIghhtsss and also recognizing that the biceps he’s squeezing are fuckin huge and goddam...
and them becoming bros n barry getting self-conscious like kickin his feet.. u don’t only like me cause i.. y’know.. make ur willpower stronger, do u?? blushing a lot cause how can someone as cool as hal think lil ol nerdo allen is someone he’d like to hang out with? and hal just blinking like um, i thought we were friends?? i mean.. we are. right?? and looks a little self-conscious himself and then barry just smiling so wide in relief like y-yeah, yeah we are and hal slumping in relief too like ok then.. good gay moment let’s go blow some illegal alien ships up and them roamin around earth & space bein a big gay duo and the guardians disapproving of his.. relations.. with this blue lantern.. wants him to cease immediately.. and hal just finger gunning like nah.. later dudes and i just
it would be... so good......... barry takin care of all of hal’s concussions & injuries like slappin his hand away with a smol lil tsk like come here and hal scooting forward with a big huff and barry brushing aside his hair very gently and lettin the blu lantern light heal the scrape on his head and hal just tryin really hard not to stare at how goddamn blue barry’s eyes always get when he does this while barry tries to not let his face get too goddamn red from how close hal is
just.. imagine the possibilities.. they’re gay.. what a gay Relationship here.. hope & will.. blu & green.. i love
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baekhoneyed · 7 years
tagged by @kokokysoo for one of those “get to know me” memes! (under the cut cuz its so long)
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people (idk how many people ill end up tagging and dont feel obligated!!)
1. Drink: water but like i think my flatmates put vodka in the ice cube trays so?? not sure exactly how much is accidentally Not Water
2. Phone Call: uhhhhh a study abroad program advisor
3. Text Message: my older brother tryna convince me that i’ll make friends eventually lmao
4. Song you listened to: i actually stopped writing this to grab a sweater but then TT came on and i instinctively dance to it now so that happened
5. Time you cried: almost last night but like... not enough feelings to actually cry yet just wait
6. Dated someone twice: never even dated someone once, bro...
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: i never regret giving my dog kisses but sometimes my cat swipes at me :/
8. Been cheated on: gotta have a boyfriend first to get cheated on
9. Lost someone special: yup
10. Been depressed: only since i was 12 years old  l m f a o
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: i hate puking so i never go past being tipsy
12. red!
13. millennial pink fight me
14. rose gold fight me again
15. Made new friends: yyyes but i sure would like to make some more Here, at my Current University
16. Fallen out of love: mmm not Love but definitely Like? i stopped Liking someone who i had a crush on
17. Laughed until you cried: so frequently it’s worrisome
18. Found out someone was talking about you: um did u mean middle and high school? i was such a petty bitch tho i put em in their places after crying in my room alone lmfao
19. Met someone who changed you: yes yes yes! dallon is the first who comes to mind he’s... no words
20. Found out who your friends are: ummm i dont know?
21. Kissed someone on your facebook list: ...my mom??? lmao
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them except a few who ive just added bc we’re all transfer students to the same university this year and im Desperate
23. Do you have any pets: yes!! 2 cats, Harry and Kai (shut up ok i’ve always liked that syllable in chinese) and one dog, Lady my perfect cuddle angel baby
24. Do you want to change your name: honestly... sometimes yeah? but only because it’s so boring when it’s translated into chinese/korean so maybe i’d just change my names in those languages idk
25. What did you do for your last birthday: probably just went out to dinner w/ my family, but when i got back to my old college my friends and i went to a store in Queens it was such a good day...
26. What time did you wake up: like... noon probably lmao #depression
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: rewatching exo next door and gettin emotional over ksoo
28. Name something you can not wait for: THE POWER OF MUSIC BITCH LESS THAN 12 HOURS NOW
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: a couple weeks ago when she and my dad helped me move in to my apartment
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i didnt have fucking depression! anxiety is easy to deal with for me but depression isnt
31. What are you listening to right now: walk on memories
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i have a 2nd cousin named Tom he’s like 50 years old
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: ......so much
34. Most visited website: netflix/facebook/tumblr
35. Mole/s: one on my back, one on my neck, one under my left boob... i think that’s it
36. Mark/s: mostly bruises on my shins bc im clumsy; also some shaving scars from like 3+ years ago (one of em bled for 4 days while i was in china!)
37. Childhood dream: typical american kid stuff like ballerina and movie star
38. Hair color: medium brown i guess? it used to be lighter but it’s been getting darker as i get older
39. Long or short hair: i just cut it short again so it’s just touching my shoulders when dry (it’s wavy-curly so it’s a bit longer than that in reality)
40. Do you have a crush on someone: yeah can i have uhhhhhhhh byun baekhyun? no one irl tho
41. What do you like about yourself: ive got a great complexion that has really calmed down in the past few years! and i love my eyes ive got gorgeous eyes and a nice smile and a cute body and ive been doin self-love the past year can u tell?
42. Piercings: just regular ear piercings that i only got... a year ago...
43. Blood type: i never remember but maybe O? whichever one is the most common i think idk tho
44. Nickname: lulu is a nickname, ummm ive had a few friends call me em or ems which is cute
45. Relationship status: chronically single and repulsive to the male population, perhaps?
46. Zodiac: sun in pisces/leo rising (fun fact when i was little a kid asked me my sign so i said pisces and he called me fish poop so i cried) (he was probably a gemini the fuckin asshole), year of the tiger
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite tv show: pushing daisies, 30 rock, scrubs, grey’s anatomy but only up til the 8th season then it’s bad
49. Tattoos: i actually almost got one a few weeks ago but then i lost my job :/ i wanted to get “je ne regrette rien” tattooed on my hip bone real small
50. Right or left handed: right - i used to be able to write pretty well with my left hand but alas...
51. Surgery: yyyup wisdom teeth removal, eyelid surgery to get rid of some bumpy things, broken arm when i was like 1.5 years old, and im getting lasik next summer probably
52. Piercing: ya already asked ya doofus
53. Sport: my dad made me play basketball in middle school i got 2 technical fouls bc i had anger issues so i stopped playing basketball. i got Decent at ballet tho!
54. Vacation: we havent really had the money lately
55. Pair of trainers: i just bought 2 new pairs bc i ruined my only pair in seoul and had to throw them out (they got soaked in the rain and then mildewed n all) (side note: they’re so expensive?? the adidas and nike were as expensive as the new balance which is Silly so i just bought adidas and nike)
56. Eating: nothing rn but i need to go get dinner...
57. Drinking: did we not already go over this
58. I’m about to go: either to the dining hall or to a nearby restaurant im honestly not sure 
59. Waiting for: exo to move in next door to me only to discover that one of them is my childhood best friend-slash-first love and another has fallen in love with me and my clumsy but lovable personality :)
60. Want: byun baekhyun (im kidding kind of, um i want to make friends here and be less anxious about my classes and life in general)
61. Get married: yeah one day but so far no one i’ve met is Vibing with that seeing as no one will even ask me out im not Super Hopeful :/
62. Career: chinese major/korean minor at a university um hopefully after i graduate someone will hire me and give me money to do something i dont completely hate but we’ll see
63. Hugs or kisses: i literally would not know so i will say Hugs because they’re the only things ive experienced! and i could use a really long hug rn
64. Lips or eyes: ...eyes... but lips r important too cuz i cant even look at a photo of amy schumer anymore w/out staring at her terrifying lips
65. Shorter or taller: taller but someone around my height would be ok too (.....im just sayin im like the same height as bbh...)
66. Older or younger: older bc im not about to go dating a freshman or a high schooler lmfao
67. Nice arms or nice stomach: arrrrrrrrms
68. Hookup or relationship: never had either but i think i’d prefer a stable relationship to some extent?? we just dont know
69. Troublemaker or hesitant: im a troublemaker when im comfortable w/ people/places but other than that hesitant
70. Kissed a stranger: no
71. Drank hard liquor: yeah it’s nasty :/ but it does the trick
72. Lost glasses/contact lenses: somehow no
73. Turned someone down: ya this one guy hit on me when i was walking thru myeongdong but he was a) a stranger b) 25 years old c) from egypt so like it was never gonna happen buddy
74: Sex on the first date: gonna need a first date before i can even answer (the answer would be no i am not down w/ that) 
75. Broken someone’s heart: probably not, ill dont think im capable of doing that plus im still so young that realistically it just hasnt been a possibility
76. Had your heart broken: not really, my silly crushes have all been resolved easily bc i never talk about them and then i notice things i dont like about the person and stop liking them like that
77. Been arrested: no but a friend of mine got arrested for trespassing on a roof in nyc last year lmao
78: Cried when someone died: yeah
79. Fallen for a friend: sort of? briefly? it never went anywhere it was silly
80. Yourself: i try to most days but it’s rough
81: Miracles: i mean im not a non-believer but i also don’t actively wait for them to happen or really put much stock in them
82. Love at first sight: im not sure because bbh hasnt seen me yet so how would we know??
83. Santa Claus: not anymore i think when i was 8 i sorta stopped
84. Kiss on the first date: never even had a first date or a first kiss ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
85. Angels: um yeah actually! proof they exist - byun baekhyun do kyungsoo kim jongdae kim jongin the list goes on,,
90. Current best friends: dallon, lilli, ida, stephanie, aria!
91: Eye color: light green. i have Gorgeous eyes!!!
92: Favorite movie: a taiwanese movie called Secret, i rly liked ksoo’s movie Hyung, Chicago the Musical... there are more but im drawing a blank
i guess ill tag... no one but if ur reading this and u wanna do it feel free to say i tagged u! i love learning about u guys it makes me feel less alone
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