#rkz obdulio bravo
bowlerhatwearer · 1 year
Silent Night, to Dawn
TW: Injury
Characters: Tyson "Ty" Nicholas, Obdulio Bravo
Originally written: 5th August 2022
The bright yellow moon was all that kept him company in this late night.
Driving alone, Tyson Nicholas knew very well, which way he had to go with his car, despite the fact that the last time he was where he intended to go, was years ago.
Some of the light from the moon was shining on his bright blue fur and the darker spots of the same colour, it also reflected into his mechanical right eye, causing him to squint.
It had been some time ago now, that he received the message, that an old friend of his had returned, one, that many in this country had begun to call a traitor, for he had joined the Wrath, according to again many, voluntary. But now he was back again, seemingly having left the organization whose goal is, for one day to conquer and rule the whole world.
A part of him wanted to believe that his old friend, who he had known for many years that had long passed, that his friend had not changed, that he was still a loyal member of the Wrath, and he would see that, be convinced that he, Tyson Nicholas was wrong, and then the snow leopard would leave again disappointed for having a bit of hope in him.
Yet, a gnawing sensation told him…something, must have happened, at one point, because, no one could really say when exactly his friend, decided to leave the Wrath, but, it must have been a while ago, because, the name of him, his friend, had not been used for some time by the Wrath or any of its members and when he asked some of them, who he personally treated, they just told him he had vanished one day, after an enemy attack.
Scratching his nose, the snow leopard noticed gates, made out of iron, they were open, and he was able to recognize them, despite the many years since he was here the last time.
He had finally arrived at the Bravo estate.
Opening one of the car windows, he allowed the cool wind to get in during the last few meters, for the car had become warm at this point making the fur on his grey jacket, flutter a bit in the air, that was blown into the car now.
No matter how dark it was, he could see at the corner of the lights from the car, the leaves of fruit threes.
“Despite the many years that have passed, you have kept them.”
A memory flashed into his mind, when his old friend had offered him a rather, unusual summer job, when he was still studying at medical school, and his friend took theatre and acting classes, saying that his father needed ever hand he could get, to help harvesting the fruits from heir orchard.
With how hot it sometimes got here in the summer, Ty did shave and cut some of his fur so he wouldn’t suffer too much in he heats, but, despite that, the payment was fair, he was always allowed to eat as many of the fruits as he wanted and a place to live was given to him at the estate.
For a short moment, he smiled, even let out a chuckle from the memory, before Ty reminded himself, that this was in the past, and he was driving in the present.
He hadn’t called his old friend, or wrote him a letter, something held him back doing that, he…he wanted to see his old acquaintance himself, face to face, how he had changed, after the many years Ty wanted to know how he was doing now.
There was also, another reason why he came here to see his friend, wondering if his old friend would be willing to accept…if he had changed…if he was even available.
Suddenly he saw something shining in the high beam of his vehicle and Tyson knew, he had reached his destination.
In the heart of the orchard stood a small but pretty mansion, one that although not so old as others, was still built in a more, vintage look, reminding him of a small wooden Victorian era manor.
Just as he remembered.
Stepping out of the car after he turned the engine off, the snow leopard could see, how dimly, flickering light was shining out of a window and he could hear…some sound coming from it as well.
Approaching the entrance, one wooden door with carved ornaments, Tyson Nicholas moved his prosthetic arm to the doorknob, turning it.
The door was not locked, and he could enter freely.
Carefully he stepped with his black boot onto the tiled ground floor, before the other followed, closing the entrance out of reflex and formality rather than intention, as he was inside of the building.
Looking around, he took a few steps further into the building, before the Medics leader decided to call for the person, he once called friend.
“Obdulio! Obdulio, are you here?”
Obdulio Bravo, chinchilla, theatre actor and opera singer, who despite his best efforts never made it big or was recognized by the world of theatre, always standing in the shadow of others, not even mentioned once by the media.
Until one day, he had joined the Wrath, with no one understanding why, suddenly being a star for the organisation, getting the stage- and nickname:
“The Voice of the Wrath”
Ty got no response, he hoped his friend was here, or else the person who was here, if someone was here, would be in for a surprise, hopefully they wouldn’t call the police if it was not Obdulio.
A sudden sound of glass made Ty’s ears go up and looking down, he saw a shopping back and as he looked around, he noticed how there were a few smore hopping bags around the lobby, a lot actually and Ty had difficulty not to brush against them, wondering what was inside of them, before his curiosity overtook him for a moment, and knelt down to look inside one.
The stench of mild to medium, sourly smelling alcohol invades his nose, causing the snow leopard to get nauseous for a moment.
It was filled with red wine bottles, all of them being from the same brand, French Bordeaux, every single one of them empty.
Raising himself to get some, fresher air into his system, Ty thought, given the number of bottles, it wasn’t really possible that Obdulio drank them all himself, was it?
Having reached the stairs soon, he noticed in the corner of his eyes an oil painting.
It showed Mrs. and Mr. Bravo, standing in front of their small mansion, looking respectfully, but also happy, remembering them both, Tyson couldn’t help but wonder.
“Do you know what has happened to your home and your son?”
There was no answer, just looking at him in silence and Tyson continued his way.
Ty’s shout remained again unanswered, however, the sound he had heard before, grew louder, almost like music.
Arriving on the first floor, he could see that the door was half-closed, but what he had heard, since the snow leopard had arrived, was now clear.
Opera music, and if he had to take a guess, it was an aria.
His old friend’s favourite parts, he never was allowed to sing at any of the operas he performed, always being degraded to the ensembles and choirs. And so, the chinchilla sang them in private, or to his friends, as the Medic’s leader remembered, for a short moment fondly.
Carefully he opened the door with his prosthetic hand, pushing the wood, the flickering light shining on the metal of his hand and the buttons of his clothing, who all had the same brass colouring.
This time, his call for the chinchilla, disgraced singer and actor was calmer, like a parent who took a look into the bedroom of their child, wondering if they had fallen asleep yet.
In the middle of the room, near a fireplace that was the source of the light, sat a small something, completely shrouded in black, as they were about to pour a glass with a bottle, whose content Tyson Nicholas didn’t really had to guess, however, before they finished it, noticed their surprise guest.
Their orange eyes, snapped open for a short moment, before they grew more relaxed again, letting out a sigh they put the bottle and glass, on a round wooden table, that was in their reach, but not before tapping on the glass.
Having his arms around his hips, his expression had changed, and Ty looked now more like a parent, that was both disgruntled and disappointed with their child, who they just caught doing something forbidden, or at least what they really shouldn’t do.
“If you want to tell me, that you only drink one glass a day, then I sincerely doubt that Obdulio.”
Obdulio Bravo only responded with something, that in Ty’s ears sounded like grumbling, but remained still on their leather armchair, continuing to listen to the song from the record player, which sounded, to the snow leopard from the bits and pieces he could understand, like Italian.
A few more steps were taken by the visitor, approaching the person he once saw as friend, speaking calmer again.
“Obdulio, what happened, first you were gone, then I hear you have joined the Wrath, you of all people, just for one day to vanish again? What happened, you never called, wrote a letter, or send at least an SMS?”
Despite no intention, Ty had to admit, his words sounded accusative, perhaps that was the reason why the orange eyes of the chinchilla, looked guilty when the snow leopard had finished his sentence, but he remained quiet, trying to look left and right.
“I only knew you were here because of some rumours, no one knew where you had gone for years, please Obdullio, what happened…come on…talk to me, please old friend.”
Hearing a hoarse sound, the leader of the Medics looked up from the floor witnessing how the chinchilla raised up from his seat, taking a cane from beside the chair as his old acquaintance was slowly approaching him.
First, Ty could see how the man, who only reached him from size to his stomach, stepped more into the light of the fireplace.
Obdulio wore a black double-breasted topcoat, together with black trousers and shoes. On top of his head, sitting a bowler hat of the same colour, only the silver-grey fur, he could see a bit exposed, for example the chinchilla’s tail, brought some difference in his monotone fashion.
There were now only a few inches of space between them, their tapping of the wooden cane that had grown louder, had come to a sudden halt with Ty wondering, what his old friend, he had not seen in years would do now, Obdulio raised his head, to look into Ty’s eyes, opening his mouth to speak.
Yet no voice came out, the sound, he made, was more similar to a hoarse groaning, with the mouth widening more and more and Tyson expecting to see his friend’s tongue.
But there was none.
As his eye widened, the Medics leader understood now, why his friend had not responded, or spoken to him a single word.
“D-did he do that to-“
He shook his head and with that the thought away, no…no, Obdulio loved his voice, it was, next to his friends, the greatest treasure he valued, always ensuring that it didn’t get strained or croaky, no, he would have never.
Someone else must have done it.
Yet, despite questions going trough his mind, they all came to a sudden halt, when he felt pressure on his stomach region, nothing violent, just, suddenly but soft.
Obdulio had tilted his head, looking up to his friend, staring at him with both, guilty and sorrowful looking eyes, that were clearly in pain and were sorry, for having not notified Ty about anything, starting to silently cry, into Ty’s light grey coat.
If there ever was a disgruntled state in Tyson Nicholas mind, it was all gone now, only feeling pity for his friend, who had lost his voice.
Gently placing his prosthetic arm on the back of his old friend’s head, he allowed Obdulio Bravo to cry into the fabric.
Remembering the other reason why he had come, the Medics leader wondered if he should tell his chinchilla friend, but something in his mind told him that maybe, this was perhaps the right time tell him, since the former opera singer and actor was clearly in low spirits.
“Obdulio, would you like to join the Medics?”
Noticing his old friend looking up, his still tearful eyes looked at him questioning, and Ty knew why, with the exception of maybe knowing first aid, Obdullio had no medical experience.
“I know that you did some PR for the operas and theatres you worked for and, we really could need someone doing that for us, we might be a bit desperate.”
Wondering if perhaps the last part sounded wrong, he was about to say he didn’t mean it in any insulting way but before he could speak a single letter, he could feel how he hug around him grew stronger, with Obdulio nodding in agreement before he continued to cry into his friend.
Giving his old friend, all the time he needed to collect himself, Ty hugged him back, looking at the small chinchilla with an understanding and compassionate expression, for a moment his vision was wandering, and he could see, how the night, started to be overtaken by the dawn.
For the first time since he arrived here, Tyson Nicholas could clearly hear the voice that sang the aria on the record that was playing, as he held his old friend Obdulio Bravo.
“Dilegua, o notte!
Tramontate, stelle!
Tramontate, stelle!
All'alba, vincerò!
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zombiedeers · 2 years
What does Bertram think about Obdulio Bravo? (@bowlerhatwearer 's OC)
Bertram genuinely thinks highly of Obdulio! He believed Obdulio deserved more, or any, attention from the public, as he does believe he both was and still is very talented both in opera and in acting. They get along well! And if he got the chance to he would make Obdulio's name known by the public by speaking about him positively!
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
How does your OCs do new years eve?
Greetings Anon ^^
Blaise, who is not fond of fireworks, would stay indoors and celebrate there with their friends and later also their remaining family were they serve their guests finger food and cocktails while watching with them TV or playing board games.
Victor and his wife celebrate in their home, inviting friends and having a new years party.
Joanna celebrates with his co-workers, including Obdulio with them listening to the radio and what songs they are playing.
Seren enjoys to celebrate alone, sitting in his office and thinking about the past.
Weregeld Schein spends new years eve with Blitz (@northerngrail), Aeolus and Page.
Rex Imperium would celebrate a grand and lavish party with many guests at one the most luxurious hotel that is in his ownership.
Manatena stays with the children she is taking care of, making sure they are alright and also celebrating a bit with them, while also making sure they don't stay up too late.
Katharina celebrates with Nikolai, Grem (@pan-fried-autism), her co-worker and her friends.
Janus sings at an new years eve gala were the money that is donated, goes to different charities.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
How do your OCs feel about perfume?
Greetings Anon ^^
Some of them like using perfumes while others prefer to stay away from them.
Albert for example I can imagine prefer to use something that has more the smell of aftershave, while Blaise I can see as someone who likes using the original cologne water.
Other OC's who I could imagine using perfume are,Obdulio, Tonic, Charly, Lily, Thomas, Leonid and Nikolai (on some occasions).
It's funny that you mention that Anon because I did think about a story were Blaise, who, does not know, a lot , about perfumes goes into a store to buy one for Sam, and ask the shop assistant for help.
Said person asks Blaise to tell them about Sam, which results in Blaise starting to ramble about the general, more than they had themselves thought they would talk about him.
The shop assistant, who has become a bit nervous, would then recommend to Blaise some floral perfumes, with the old cat buying some of them.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
35.Which OC pronounces it meh-meh instead of meme?
Blaise for sure, because while they know what a meme is, never really...cared how to speak out the word correctly.
The same goes for Nikolai, for the same reason's
Thinking about it, Tonic and Obdulio very likely also said "meh-meh".
Aviso speaks it out like this because of Nikolai.
Lukas and Age pronounce it that way because they have never heard about "memes" before, but would later say "meme".
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
3, 5, 17, 29, 33
Greetings Anon ^^
Lets see
3.What OC has the best music taste? The worst music taste?
I honestly haven't thought about that to be honest, and it also depends given that tastes are different.
Blaise for example likes music from the 40s/50s, it doesn't matter if it's Rock n Roll for them or something more classical.
Nikolai on the other hand has grown fond of punk rock, thanks to Bruno Capello sharing with him his music collection.
When it comes to "worst" music taste, I am afraid this title would fall to Vasily, he likes to listen what is currently popular, so every "pop/hit song" which he especially likes to listen while driving his car or being on a break.
He does not mind how cheesy or trivial the lyrics are, as long as the music sounds nice, he listens to it.
5. What was an OC’s first slow dance song?
In this case I have not an specific one, but rather would like to keep it in-universe.
Keratin and her late husband, Henri, slow danced on their wedding, to a song from Robby Preston (@peachy-keenss OC) which was put on a record player.
17. Which OC likes country music? which OC HATES country music?
Tonic Corner loved country music, especially western/cowboy music which is why the wolf usually put a record on their player with the music echoing trough their general store.
Even during their end, they listened to a country song.
Someone who doesn't like country music, is Obdulio Bravo, it causes him a headache listening to it and when he hears it, the chinchilla wishes he could listen to one of his opera songs or aria records.
Despite that, he still has country and cowboy music recordings in his record collection, for one part because he collects all kind of music and to another to honor Tonic.
29. Which OC would have a successful music career?
Well, Aviso was a highly gifted singer, and sang a lot in Mayberry, even appearing in TV or his voice being heard on radio.
Although, now in the present, he no longer is proud, of the songs he had sung in the past, and it dreads him to hear his voice and what it had sung.
Then there was Obdulio, who also was a good singer, but never reached fame...and when he did, it ended with him loosing his tongue.
Besides of them, Timothy I think, would have had a successful music career, also because of his voice.
When it comes to playing a music instrument, then I could see, Kathrina, Fed, Lis, Weregeld, Job, Tinker and Manatena.
33. Which OC has the most genre awareness? Which OC has the least?
My apologies, I would love to answer this question, but I have no idea what the term "genre awareness" means, and when I type/search for a definition I don't find one that explains in a way I understand it.
Maybe someone could explain to me what "genre awareness" means?
Again, I am sorry for the inconvenience ^^,,,
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
I can see Obdulio and Aviso talking about each other's current medical conditions.
Greetings Anon
I can imagine them doing that, especially because I imagine, Obdulio is who talks with Aviso, and is one of the people encouraging the Tibetan fox, to try something different, which leads to Aviso learning to conduct.
For both of them, the loss of their voice, affected them deeply and it hurt both of them, and for a while the two also believed that their life would be over and nothing matters anymore
But, over the time they would find other things, they find interesting and although, of course, they look back about their times, when they still sang, their new found works give them strength.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Did Obdulio and Tonic meet each other?
Greetings Anon ^^
Oh they did, Tonic, Blaise and Obdulio all went to the same theater school/class together, but only Obdulio went through with it, the other two left after the first semester.
However of course they met from time to time, that was until, Blaise and Tonic started getting into war journalism, and them slowly, drifting apart.
One of the last times Tonic and Obdulio have met, was very likely, shortly before the chinchilla left for some performance, flying with an airplane.
Which was, not too long before he joined the Wrath.
I think, Blaise did, at one point tell Tonic about some rumors they have heard about Obdulio having returned to his estate, after an incident, but, I don't know, if Tonic and the chinchilla have personally met again, before the wolf's death.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Were there any musicians Obdulio wish he could've sing with?
Greetings Anon ^^
Hmm, I can't think of a specific musician, but Obdulio does wish, he could sing with Bertram and Charlotta Libretto again (@zombiedeers and @peachy-keenss OCs).
In the past, he had met them, and sang with them at least, once, while the Libretto's were part of the lead / main cast of the opera, Obdulio, who applied for a main role as well, was instead chosen to sing in the choir/ensemble.
It was "Charmen" and Obdulio really wanted to have the role of Escamillo, the Toreador, but of course, his wish did not come true.
I think Aviso, would be thrilled to hear Obdulio sing, who the conductor could imagine, could support him when he is conducting an orchestra, with his voice, but alas, for now, Bravo's voice is gone.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
OC List V_2.0 (Under construction)
I am making a new version of the list so that it can be easier found because I will pin it on my blog ^^ Based on @pinky-the-polar-bear , @zombiedeers , @pastelprince18, @peachy-keenss and @onlyreyhere /@pan-fried-autism Roadkillerz OC lists
If you would like to know more about them, feel free to ask whatever you like ^^
Of Swords and Pens
Owens Family Tree
Jeremiah Owains (Blaise ancestor)
Timothy Owens (Blaise great uncle)
Lewis Owens (Father, deceased)
Eliza Owens (Mother, deceased)
Blaise Owens (first child, Neutral)
Victor Owens (second child, Neutral)
Joanna Owens (third child, Frist Responders)
Lawrence Owens (fourth child, Neutral, deceased)
Connor Owens (Neutral) (Clone of Lawrence)
June Owens (Neutral) (Clone of Blaise)
First Responders:
Garrett Bearlitz (First Responders)
Dr. Ruby Mortis (First Responders)
Manatena Berrocal (First Responders)
Franz Weißschloss aka “The Hospital Chaplain” (WIP)
Obdulio Bravo (formerly Tigris Empire, now First Responders )
Charl Mountebank (First Responders
Leonid Aksakov / Akdow (First Responders, joins later)
Misc. Roadkillerz:
Chadli Spox (Roadkillerz, later Neutral)
Claire du Rand (Roadkillerz, deceased)
Sasha du Rand (Roadkillerz)
Nikolai Akdow (Neutral, later Roadkillerz)
Aviso Grand (Neutral, later Roadkillerz)
Shade Marengo (Grey Mane Club, later Roadkillerz)
Bradley Bear (Roadkillerz, later missing)
Arthur P. Bellum (Army, later Roadkillerz)
Lukas U. Naris (Roadkillerz)
Misc. Wrath
Giordano "Cannelloni" Castellani (Wrath, later Neutral)
Nutmeg Cinnamon (Wrath, later Neutral)
Dr. Lis Polarny aka "The Surgeon" (Wrath, later Medics)
Weregeld Schein (Wrath, later Neutral)
Aeolus Piston aka “Soldier 040″ (Wrath, later Neutral)
Page aka “Soldier 404″ (Wrath, later Neutral)
Seren E. Ness (Wrath, later Neutral)
Misc. Neutral
Ian Snapshot (Neutral)
Kathrina Akdow (Neutral)
Michael "Mike" Melkboer (Neutral)
Keratin Grand (Neutral)
"Father" Job Fahim (Neutral)
Tonic Corner (Neutral, deceased)
Charly Doe (Neutral)
Dwight Cahoon (Neutral)
Vasily Akdow (Neutral, "departed")
Quintus Imperium (Neutral)
Lily Ordnung (Neutral)
Janus Gates (Neutral)
Constance Jacquemart aka "The Phantom of Mayberry" (Neutral)
Thomas Lieberg (Broken Heart Cult)
“The Architect of Mayberry” (Town of Mayberry)
"Father" Jerome Alabaster (Town of Mayberry)
"Father" Urban Bacchus (Town of Mayberry)
"Father" Raymond Crosshill (Town of Mayberry)
"Father" Denarius Snooze (Town of Mayberry)
"Father" Bartholomew Ekzem (Town of Mayberry)
Fed Geeman (Government/Town of Mayberry)
Tinker Robinson (Town of Mayberry)
Rex Imperium (Town of Mayberry)
Albert "Al" Clear aka "The Launderer" (Town of Mayberry)
Fil M. Helmer (Town of Mayberry)
Åge Aeon (Town of Mayberry)
Reverend/Pastor Mitchell Canon (Town of Mayberry)
"The Author" (Government)
Castor Montan (Town of Mayberry)
CATOS (Town of Mayberry)
Broken Heart Cult / Cult of the Broken Heart
Grey Mane Club
Blood Moon Order
Followers of the Moon
Church of the Righteous Cross
Trailer Park "Town"
"The Peace"
Shared Curse AU
Adoption AU Solo
Adoption AU Quintet
Pet AU
Fan Fictions
A Corner to lean on
Phantoms in the base
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What is the other scenario where "Snowballs" appears?
Greetings Anon
It is only a concept, but I thought at one point, after having been hit unconscious, "the Therapist" would return, however this time to cause havoc at the Medics base.
He would use his orb, to cause illusions using the worries and fears of people, against them.
One of the people affected by the orbs power would be Obdulio Bravo, who suddenly sees one of his greatest fears come true.
Walking in the hallways, he sees the mangled body of Ty Nicholas ex-wife.
(For clarity allow me to explain, Tyson's ex-wife and Obdulio were good friends in the past, and despite what happened the chinchilla still has contact with her and they are still friends, however Obdulio made it very clear he is not going to reveal anything to her about Ty or Viper, with her having responded that this is fine with her, for she has closed this chapter of her life.)
So you can imagine how shocked Obdulio was, when he suddenly sees the death body of a friend, when suddenly "General Snowballs" appears in front of his, with "Snowballs" of course also being an Illusion of the orb and "the Therapist".
In his sadness, but also, absolute anger for Sam, he pulls out a gun and runs after "Snowballs" who is taunting him.
That is, until at one point Obdulio encounters the real Sam, pointing his gun into the rabbits direction, the situation is really tense and it needs a lot of convincing, not only from Sam or Blaise who are present (and were affected by the illusions as well) but from others as well, that what Obdulio saw, did not happened, but were the doing of "the Therapist".
Obdulio is absolutely hurt, because he was more than ready to shoot Sam, and he would apologize, it just, it felt so real, and he thought it really happened, he drops to his knees and allows the gun to fall on the ground, being overwhelmed by the stress he starts to cry.
I don't know the details but at the end "the Therapist" will be dealt with and the illusions stop.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What Does Obdulio think of the Surgeon?
Greetings Anon ^^
Obdulio knew the Surgeon from when the chinchilla was still working for the Wrath, he noticed that the robot was rather, close to the commander, and saw him a bit of a suck up.
However, I believe, Obdulio, who left the wrath after the incident that cost him his voice, was already gone, before Carlos Rojas would become "Commander Grizzly" only discovering that later, so Obdulio was also not aware how the Surgeon forcefully shut down himself.
Later, when the Surgeon, aka Lis Polarny starts to work for the Medics, the former opera singer and actor, is suspicious over the Surgeon, wondering why he, all of a sudden left the Wrath, who he was so loyal to, and it does not help that the Surgeon is in the beginning, not telling many people what had happened, that made him decide to leave the Wrath and the Commander behind.
Lis would eventually, open up to Obdulio Bravo, given that they knew each other in the past and used to work for the Wrath, and the doctor would talk about his past, his time as a neurosurgeon, his decision to turn himself into a machine and why he joined the Wrath, and what caused him to leave them.
After that I think they both have a more mutual understanding of each other and would interact more with each other.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What does Obdulio think of Tyson's daughter?
Greetings Anon ^^
He deeply cares for Viper, she is Tyson's daughter after all, even when the relationship between Tyson and Obdulio was strained in the beginning, the chinchilla talked completely normally with Viper, she is like a niece to him and he would do everything to ensure she is safe.
It was actually thanks to Viper's insistence, that her father and Obdulio talked things out, and it was good that they did, the chinchilla is very glad that Viper convinced him and Tyson to talk about the past.
At one point I like to think that because of something, Viper has to spend a weekend at Obdulio's estate, she is not, really thrilled, not that she does not like the chinchilla but she can think of a hundred better things to do on her weekend than to spend it with the old opera singer, who she is bantering with during the trip to his house because of his antique car.
However the boredom turns into fascination when she discovers that, not only is Obdulio house is surrounded by an orchard he owns, but also that he has an impressive collection of records and music CDs, of all different musical genres, he even has punk rock in his collection.
Obdulio would say that even if he prefers classical music and opera arias, he believes it is important to "expand ones horizons" and as it turns out, the chinchilla has a vast knowledge about musical history, different bands, musicians, events etc. etc.
So the short stay at the estate of her fathers friend, isn't as boring as she thought it was.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
How did Obdulio got into singing and stage acting?
Greetings Anon ^^
I believe that Obdulio was someone, who grew up in a musical environment, his mother loved to sing, his grandparents had a lot of old gramophone record he listened to and he attended in his youth a secondary school whose main subject was music.
There was just something, fascinating about all those different classical songs, operas and theater in general, which is why he went to a theatrical school. Attending the classes and learning the chinchilla imagined how one day he would be a rising star in the world of theater.
Alas, this wish was unfortunately denied to him.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What does Obdulio think of modern music?
Greetings Anon ^^
Surprisingly, he does not mind some of the modern genres of music, although he mainly listens to classical music and operas, Obdulio has a collection of different records and music CDs from different music genres.
As an actor and singer, he believes it is good to "expand your horizon" and to listen to modern music and what has been recently published.
The only genre Obdulio does not like is death metal, that is too much screaming for his personal taste, he probably calls it "Deaf Metal" because of how deafening this music and songs sometimes can be.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Does Blaise ever see Obdulio again?
Greetings Anon ^^
They do see each other again, I believe shortly after Blaise met with Ty again and they reforged their friendship.
Blaise, did not believe that Obdulio was a traitor, for them it didn't make sense that the chinchilla would join the forces of Carlos Rojas willingly, because the stage actor and opera singer, was someone who enjoyed his freedom and liberty, that he would join voluntary the lion, who wanted to conquer the world and rule it by his command was very unlikely to Blaise.
The two would talk a lot about their past, the war and the present, what they both had seen, done, endured and witnessed. I think Blaise would ask Obdulio genuinely if he really, does not want to try singing again? To which the chinchilla would reply with a snort, how that's supposed to work, without a tongue. He knows that there are ways to substitute that but, no, currently he has no interest in singing or acting again, maybe, maybe later.
Yours sincerely
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