#Lily Ordnung RKZ
bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
How do your OCs feel about perfume?
Greetings Anon ^^
Some of them like using perfumes while others prefer to stay away from them.
Albert for example I can imagine prefer to use something that has more the smell of aftershave, while Blaise I can see as someone who likes using the original cologne water.
Other OC's who I could imagine using perfume are,Obdulio, Tonic, Charly, Lily, Thomas, Leonid and Nikolai (on some occasions).
It's funny that you mention that Anon because I did think about a story were Blaise, who, does not know, a lot , about perfumes goes into a store to buy one for Sam, and ask the shop assistant for help.
Said person asks Blaise to tell them about Sam, which results in Blaise starting to ramble about the general, more than they had themselves thought they would talk about him.
The shop assistant, who has become a bit nervous, would then recommend to Blaise some floral perfumes, with the old cat buying some of them.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Has Lilly heard of Franz? and his encounter with Thomas?
Greetings Anon
She hasn't, given that (for now) "Gilgamesh's/Thoma's" encounter with Franz Weisßschloss only happens later in the future, were Lily had already left the Cult of the Broken Heart, which had happened in the past.
Maybe later, they would encounter each other, but Lily would of course be unaware of who Franz really is.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
When did Lily started doing plant magic?
Greetings Anon ^^
This happened after she left Mayberry, and after she finally became independent from other people who tried to control her.
Having felt lost after escaping the town she grew up in, and facing how...different the outside world was...she felt lost...and joined a "group" who offered her help...here Lilly saw and practiced for the first time magic.
However Lily noticed at one point that the group was expecting that you follow their agenda and mission without any doubt and question, and that you submit to them.
Which is why Lily left this group as well.
After that, she went her own way, vowing to take the way, she wanted to go.
It was then that she took interest in rune and plant magic, which she practiced and learned together with her knowledge about herbalism, she thought it all herself, having become basically an autodidact in these and other skills.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Tell us. What does Lily thinks of mayberry?
Greetings Anon
What she thinks you ask, what she thinks about the city...this...prison surrounded by walls that tried to suppress her, to force her into a role she refused to play, who married a man she thought loved her, but actually wanted to rule over her, like the rest of the city, who demanded obedience, which she refused to give to him?
What she thinks of the city, that because of her husband's doings put her into "the Laundry" which she escaped with great effort, and then also escaped the city, not looking back and what she had to leave behind and give up, because of the people who wronged and hurt her?
Something tells me that, even if she is calm, she wouldn't mind personally witnessing, how the walls crumble, freeing those who have met the same fate in the city as she did.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Who is Lily Ordung?
Greetings Anon ^^
A lovely, quiet and yet very friendly and polite soul, living in a simple yet cozy hut, a bit away from the walls of Mayberry...and...another sphere/range of influence that is also present there.
She has been living there...for a while now, living all by herself and independent, in her home, with a vegetable/flower and herb garden and a well, which she all built herself.
The locals know her as a herbalist and some call her a "herb witch", people come and go to her place to get herbs and remedies for their ailments, which Lily provides them with and provides her with a small income.
Lily, also has, knowledge about using rune and plant based magic.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Who is this group Lily briefly joined?
Greetings Anon ^^
Oh, just a ever expanding group that right now prefers to lay low.
A group who believes to work together for their goal, guided and led by a god in mortal form and his first prophet.
For they believe that the world has to be, in the absolute, united and be in order.
A cult, worshiping and mending its own broken heart ;-.)
Yours sincerely
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