#riza hawkey
palant1r · 1 year
roy mustang and riza hawkey are fascinating and beautiful characters that dare to ask the question "what if a shonen manga writer wrote straight people like everyone else in the genre writes boy best friends"
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#royaiweek2018 day 1.: Parental!Royai
like the dawn you broke the dark
If only you knew
The sunlight shines a little brighter,
The weight of the world’s a little lighter,
The stars lean in a little closer
All because of you.
-          Sleeping at Last “Daughter”
The calmness of those early hours of the day amazes him.
It’s almost as if the world took its collective breath and held it, too enchanted with its own beauty to let it out. Stillness, quietness; the sky turning light blue and the pink and then soft yellow, the sun still not visible on the horizon but its light already shining through the darkness of the night.
His daughter stirs in her sleep, stretches out in her blanket, small wrinkle appearing between her brows. She’s a good baby, a calm baby, almost sleeping through whole nights already, but she likes to be held, to feel one of her parents with her at all times or else she gets restless. And he doesn’t mind that, would never complain about that; if there’s even such a thing as peace in this world, he has never been closer to it than like this – at 5 a.m., with Elizabeth in his arms, Riza curled and breathing evenly by his side. He’s not a believer of a faith of any sort and he’s not exactly sure that humans get anything more than this one life, but if he could pick-and-choose, he would choose this moment to stay in for the whole eternity.  
He hums a lullaby under his breath, rocking the baby in his arms gently to lull her back to sleep. The lines on her little face smooth out instantly and then she yawns; something like a small smile appears on her face before she calms down again.
He caresses her cheek with his thumb – god, she’s just so tiny – and starts to wonder, for the millionth time, what does this wonderful, cruel world have in store for her. This fair-haired, dark-eyed little baby born out of a bond that stretches decades, out of love and loyalty and bloodsheds. She is held by the hands that killed, comforted by the smell of gunpowder in her mother’s hair, tickled by fingers who snapped and obliterated everything in her father’s wake. And how does she fit into all of this, how will she grow up with this kind of heritage?
How can he protect her from the mistakes that he’s made? How can he keep her frozen in time, innocent and unspoiled and golden? There will be a time, and it’s coming soon when it will take more than a few notes of a lullaby to soothe her. All he wants is for her to stay safe and sound and how he’s supposed to do that?
“ You’re doing this again.”
A soft, sleepy voice derails his train of thoughts; without looking,  he can feel her shifting beside him and sitting up, leaning her head on his shoulder. So early in the morning, she’s younger; stripped out of her old uniform and all the years of discipline and yearning and cruelty. With her blond hair unbound and eyes half-open she could as well be no older than this pretty village girl he has left standing alone on the train station in a different lifetime.
“What exactly am I doing?” he asks her with a hint of amusement in his voice, because, well, he already knows the answer.
“ Overthinking everything”
“ I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She shakes her head, clicking her tongue in annoyance and taking Eli from his arms; she lifts her up to kiss the baby’s forehead.
“ She’s not hungry yet, you should sleep.” He grumbles, looping an arm around Riza’s waist to press them both closer to him. She props her chin up on his collarbone and looks up at him; cognac-eyes, messy-haired, with pillow wrinkles on her cheek, milk stains on her shirt and holding their baby… she takes his breath away.
“ Well, you’re not sleeping either, so-“ she lets the unspoken question of “why aren’t you” hanging in the air. She’s not going to ask it because they both know the answer. It’s embarrassing and it’s true; he can’t stop thinking that as soon as he’ll fall asleep, it will all disappear.
The nursery next to their bedroom, the bedroom itself, Riza from his side and Elizabeth from his arms. And he’ll wake up in his old apartment again, with the stale taste on whiskey in his mouth and this bitter, bitter ache in his chest, as if he was missing something vital and didn’t know what.
And he knows that and she knows that, and he knows that she’s afraid of that too; that this life they have now is just some cruel joke of a universe, a coma dream, a mist and a mirage. That it’s not real and it will not last.
He raises her left hand to his mouth, kissing the cold, metal band of her wedding ring and lies.
“ I don’t know, I’m just not sleepy. “
Riza nods her head knowingly, sending him a sad smile before looking down at their daughter again.  She caresses the pink bud of the baby’s lips with the tip of her finger, watching as Eli scrunches her button nose in displeasure.
“ I count on her fingers” she whispers, her voice barely loud enough for him to hear them, even in the quietness of the morning. “ When she’s eating. I count on her fingers just to know she is real.”
His arm tightens around her waist involuntary. There is a heavy burden they both have to carry; how can you cope with having a happy ending after spending your whole life believing that you don’t deserve one?
“ And you know, she is. She is real. It is real. Although it’s hard to believe it sometimes.” She tugs at his heartstrings with each and every syllable. He kisses the crown of her hair, wordlessly assuring her that yes, I know that and she sighs deeply, snuggling closer to him and leaning her head on his chest.
It’s getting lighter outside; early sun rays are spilling into the room, basking everything in this ethereal pinkish glow. The white curtains are billowing on the summer breeze, which carries the smell of fresh cut grass and peonies growing in the pot on their balcony. The birds are chirping cheerfully, getting louder and louder with every passing minute. He can hear the sound of Hayate switching position in his wicker basket downstairs; a  few years ago Riza would probably already be on the morning walk with him, but now the dog has finally gotten used to the new routine and stopped waking them up with pitiful wining at the crack of dawn.
Soft snore echoes in the room and he realizes that Riza has fallen back asleep on his chest, with Eli tucked in the crook of her elbow and her small head cushioned on Riza’s breast. As they lay like that together, mother and daughter, with their golden hair and fair skin and faint freckles scattered on the bridges of their noses, they are the epitome of serenity older than time.
He could stare at them forever, stay like that forever with them in his arms and never get bored, never have enough of it.
The clock chimes half past five and he realizes he could actually let his girls sleep, get out of bed and start a day now. Make himself a cup of coffee, eat a toast, walk Hayate. There is a thick stack of papers on his desk, all very urgent and he has a few important meeting in the afternoon that he has to prepare for.
He could start a day now. But he won’t.
Instead, he leans his head down, burying his nose in Riza’s hair ( all he can smell is her mint shampoo and baby powder, nothing, nothing else) and breaths out. He gently nudges Eli’s palm with his index finger and watches, transfixed, as her tiny fingers wrap around his much larger one.
He counts down all of his blessings; all millions of them contained in two.
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writing-royza · 6 years
Royai Week: Day One: Parental!Royai
A/N: Happy Royai Day! So I keep seeing posts for this theme where it’s these two dorks having a kid… but let’s be honest, they’ve had two ever since Roy hoisted one out of a wheelchair by his shirtfront. ;)
I do not own FMA.
Passed Down for Generations
“What disturbs me is that they wouldn't give me any details over the phone,” Riza said, watching as they drew closer to the Ninth Military Police Precinct. Her hands rested on the folder in her lap, fingertips tapping lightly in a random rhythm. “I specifically asked what he had done, and the desk sergeant merely repeated that we needed to come down and hung up.”
“The MPs don’t have a lot of liking for State Alchemists or anyone closely associated with them,” Roy allowed. “We kind of tend to… operate on a different level than they do.”
“Thereby subverting their authority.” Riza smiled; it was a grievance she had heard several times in the past, usually directed toward the man in the driver’s seat. “Try and be at least a little understanding of their point of view this time, sir. I’m sure Edward will thank you for getting him out without charges being pressed for whatever he’s being held for.”
“Not likely. When was the last time the pipsqueak ever thanked me for anything?”
They parked just a few spaces shy of the wide stone steps of the precinct, emerging from the car into the early October afternoon. Riza paused by the hood of the car, waiting until Roy was half a pace past her to fall in behind him. Wordlessly, they mounted the steps to the front doors and entered.
Within was a lone woman in civilian clothes at a reception desk, and beyond that was a hive of activity – uniformed MPs hurried every whichway, calling out to each other as they went. Others plugged one ear while talking into the telephone pressed to the other, and still more scribbled on yellow legal pads. Suspects were marched to and from custody cells, followed by lawyers that added annoyed arguments to the cacophony.
Roy braced himself to have to dive headlong into this human maelstrom, stepping up to the receptionist. “Colonel Roy Mustang,” he introduced himself as she looked up. “I understand that you’re holding one of my former subordinates. I came to retrieve him.”
“Oh – the blond kid with the braid?” The lift of her eyebrows – an obvious, silent ‘yikes…’ – left no doubt what Edward’s impression on the precinct had so far been. “Detective Matheson has him in Interview One; he requested you be sent there right away when you arrived, Colonel. Go ahead.” She pointed to a hallway leading off to the right. “Third door on your left. Make sure you knock first.”
A moment later, a man in shirtsleeves and the black pants of the Military Police uniform admitted them to the small room where Edward Elric sat slouched in a chair behind a bare table. The teenager was scowling, his hands locked into the wooden stocks commonly used in incarcerating alchemists.
Riza took one look at him, then turned to Matheson. “He shouldn’t need those restraints, Detective. Edward lost the ability to perform alchemy following the Battle of Central. He can’t transmute his way out of here.”
Matheson glared at the lack of introduction or any sort of courtesy, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Maybe not, but the kid fought like hell against the arresting officers. Sent one of my men to the emergency room with a broken nose and another with two broken fingers. Those stocks stay on him, for the safety of my officers, if nothing else.”
Edward sat straight, restraints clunking against the table surface. “I already told you, I wouldn't have had to fight if your guys would've just let me explain what I was doing! But they jumped the gun, and I defended myself. Not my fault if they got a little banged up during that.”
“Enough.” Sending a warning look in Ed’s direction – and knowing full well it would go ignored – Roy stepped toward the chair across from his one-time subordinate. “Give us the room for a while, Matheson. I want his story without any of you or your people listening in, and then we’ll see what we can sort out.”
Grumbling something to himself about checking on the status of his injured men, Matheson stalked from the room, nearly slamming the door behind him. All was silent for a moment before Roy dropped into the empty chair with a sigh and a look of strained patience.
“Start talking. What happened?”
“Nice to see you, too,” Ed muttered darkly. “Look, all this is is some kind of misunderstanding. In fact, it's a complete miscarriage of justice. If anything, I’m a victim.”
Riza set her file folder on the table, leaning one hip against the edge. “You’re going to have to explain that. And you didn’t answer the question. What events led to you being arrested, exactly?”
Ed fidgeted restlessly under her steady gaze. “There… may have been some disagreement between myself and a security guard at the First National Branch of the library when I asked him to let me in to the restricted materials section….” His lopsided grin was sheepish. “…I kind of forgot my access would get revoked after I filed for retirement.”
Roy frowned. “What were you trying to find in the restricted materials section?” The teenager shifted again, muttering under his breath too quietly to hear. Rolling his eyes, Roy leaned forward. “One more time for the people in the back,” he snapped, what should have been a joke coming out annoyed.
Cheeks flaring scarlet, Ed seemed to curl in on himself, his eyes clenched shut and shoulders high but his voice loud. “So I could figure out how to alchemize a diamond for an engagement ring for Winry!’
Stunned silence descended on the room. It wasn’t the outburst; Ed had always been prone to those. The confession had left both adults shocked speechless, staring first at the young man in front of them, and then at each other. Riza was the first to recover, giving her head a minute shake to clear it.
“Is… this something you and she have discussed?”
Ed nodded, some of the tension melting out of him. “Yeah, before I left. I mean… I more or less proposed on the spot, but I botched it.” He looked up. “I… kinda want to try it again, like a do-over, you know? And do it right, this time.”
Roy was still sitting stock-still, dark eyes locked on the young man. “…And so, when you tried to get into the restricted materials section and the guard turned you down?” he prompted.
“I kept trying to talk my way in,” Edward admitted. “I’ve alchemised with carbon and stuff before, but not into diamond. So if I’m gonna ask Al to transmute something like that for me, I wanted specific information for him to work from, and the only place with that information is the restricted materials section.” One shoulder raised and dropped in a shrug. “And then there was the stuff the guard said about the Promised Day.”
Suddenly alert, Roy didn’t move so much as a muscle, aside from a visible tensing in his shoulders. “And what might that have been?”
Ed made noise of disgust. “That to get mixed up in that, I had to be on the subversive side, to go against the President like that.” He scowled. “I stuck to the party line you fed the media after the battle, how we were acting in the interests of the Presidency, but he wouldn’t buy it. I got steamed and stormed out, but I guess one of the library staff had thought I’d do something more than get mad. When I got outside, the cops were just pulling up.” He slouched down in the chair, glaring at the surface of the table. “I fought them trying to take me into custody, because I didn’t belong in custody. But they dragged me down here anyway.”
“Your temper can be intimidating,” Riza allowed. Standing straight, she took the folder she’d brought and started for the door. “But it does sound like a misunderstanding. I’ll go talk to Matheson, and see if we can’t sort this out. Colonel, I might need your help. If it comes to pulling rank, you’ve got more clout than I do.”
“Right.” Getting to his feet, Roy started for the door. His tone was cool and slightly distant. “Sit tight, kid.”
Two hours later, Edward walked out of the holding area, to where Riza waited in the precinct entryway. She eyed him carefully as he approached. “You didn’t have anything on you when they brought you in?”
The boy shook his head. “Just the clothes on my back and my wallet. And my notebook.” He fished in the pocket of his coat and produced the latter. “They told me they wouldn’t be pressing charges, not even for resisting arrest, and I probably deserve at least that one.” He watched her curiously. “How did you talk them out of it?”
Riza smiled, turning toward the door. “I pointed out to Matheson that bringing charges resulting from a misunderstanding against a young man who has otherwise done quite a bit for the sake of his country would be both a waste of time and resources as well as, as you said, a miscarriage of justice. In the end, he just really didn’t want to deal with the paperwork.”
“I see.” Stepping out onto the front steps, Edward glanced around the street. “Where did the Colonel disappear to?”
“Once your release was secured, except for the formalities, he went to go pick something up.” She nodded to where the familiar black sedan was coming up the street, already signalling to pull into an empty parking space. “He said you might find it useful. Go on.”
Throwing her a puzzled glance, Edward headed down the steps, reaching the passenger-side window of the car just as Roy killed the engine. Bending, the blond boy leaned on the window frame. “Thanks for getting me out,” he said, without preamble. “Especially when you had to take the time to come down here.”
“It’s no trouble. But I figure this means you owe me.” Watching him steadily, with a slight smirk, Roy reached for a pocket. “And there’s one more thing.”
Surprised, Ed barely caught the box the older man tossed to him, briefly fumbling the black velvet. “What the —” Gold eyes widened as he realized what he held, before he carefully pried it open. Inside, was a slim gold band with a single diamond in a raised claw setting. “I — how did — what’s this?”
Roy grinned. “It’s not the stone you spent four years searching for, but this one will probably do more for you in the long run. And will probably prevent you from getting arrested for trying to access restricted materials.”
Eyes wide, Ed looked from the ring, to him… and then turned back to the woman still standing the top of the precinct steps, not paying the slightest attention to him. “But… isn’t this for—”
“The only person it’s for is a young automail mechanic in Resembool,” Roy said firmly. “Don’t get the wrong idea. Since you’ve lost your State alchemist title and the funding to go with it, you’ve had to keep a tighter leash on your wallet and so you can’t afford to go spending a ton of money on a ring.”
He pointed to the box in Edward’s hands. “That was my biological mother’s, and my adoptive mother gave it to me. It’s been lying around my apartment for years.” He shrugged, the pointing hand turning into a ‘what can you do?’ gesture. “I figured you could put it to good use.”
Having mostly recovered, Edward snapped the box shut, sliding it into his coat pocket. “And what about if you find some girl you would have given it to?” He smirked. “Are you going to want it back?”
“Of course not.” The answering smirk was taunting. “I’ve still got my funding. I didn’t retire.” He waved a dismissing hand. “Call Hawkeye over and then get in. We’ll give you a ride back to wherever you’re staying.”
“Sure. But just one more thing.” Ed grinned. “Did you say you’re adopted?”
When his phone rang that evening, he wasn’t surprised when the first words after he answered were “You did a very important thing for him today. You should be proud of yourself.”
Smiling, he leaned back on the couch. “Thanks. I wondered if you realized what had happened.” The smile faded. “You think I did the right thing?”
“Of course. With his father gone, you’re the next closest thing to a male parental figure he’s got. Helping him out the way you did goes beyond officer and subordinate; what you did for him shows that he’s more or less family.” She hesitated, then added. “Besides, it’s better that that ring be put to use, rather than hidden away in a drawer for who knows how long.”
“That’s pretty much what I told him.” Roy shifted, uneasy. “With my ambitions… a life like his isn’t exactly in the immediate future.”
“My thoughts exactly,” she said gently. “But maybe one day.”
“One day,” he agreed. He was quiet a moment, then, “Though if I was acting in some kind of parental role, so were you. Swooping in to get him out of whatever trouble he’d blundered into, gently correcting him on where he’d gone wrong, but still being supportive? That takes some doing.”
“I get plenty of practice,” Riza answered dryly. “I work for you, don’t I?”
He couldn’t help but laugh, dropping his head back against the couch cushions. “You wound me, Lieutenant,” he said, grinning wickedly. “Will I at least get a kiss-it-better? That’s motherly, isn’t it?”
He could practically hear her rolling her eyes in time with her smile. “I’ve said what I called to say, sir,” she said, putting sarcastic emphasis on his honourific. “Good night.”
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Envy, pretending to be Roy: Shoot him! I'm the real Colonel!
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incorrectfmaquotes · 3 years
Riza, after bumping into Havoc: Oops! Wrong tent!
Havoc: Sorry, did you need to talk to the colonel too?
Riza, walking away nervously: Nope. Not me...
Havoc, walking into Roy's tent: ......
Roy, laying on his stomach with a rose in his mouth and lit candles all around him: Well hellloo Hawkey-
Roy, visibly panicking upon seeing it's not Hawkeye, spitting out the rose and sitting up: Uh- Havoc- Yes! Why would I be expecting anyone different?!
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Riza Hawkey's Birthday
After returning from his journey Edward & Winry decided to visit others at Central. After reaching there both of them met with Roy Mustang. At one point of their conversation. Winry asked Roy
Winry: Is Miss Riza at the military office?
Roy: No. She is on a vacation for one week. Even though she is a workaholic but everyone needs a break.
Winry: Oh. Then we can meet her at her house, can't we?
Edward: If you want to. I know where she lives.
Roy: Yeah, you guys can visit her. And also tomorrow is her birthday.
Winry: *surprised * Really!? Then is she having a party or something?
Roy: Naah.
Edward: I guess she doesn’t even remember her birthday.
Roy : Not like that. She just doesn’t really care about this.
The Next Day
Riza was at her home and she was thinking about what to eat for dinner and suddenly someone knocks at her door. She then opens it and sees Elicia holding a bouquet of flowers.
Elicia: Happy Birthday, aunt-Riza!
After This Winry, Edward and Gracia also joins her from the side and says
Winry, Edward, Gracia: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Riza was not ready for this. She was soo surprised that she forgot what to say.
Gracia: We are here to celebrate together. Can we come inside?
Riza: o-of course!
The four of them brought gifts, foods and a cake for her. After a while
Riza:How did you guys know that It’s my Birthday ?
Winry: Mr. Mustang told us.
Riza: Oh. But you guys didn’t really have to do all this.
Edward: *points at Winry* It was her idea.
Winry: Shut up, Edward!
Winry:Why not? A day like this should be celebrated with friends and family.
Riza: *Smiles * Thank You.
After 8 pm
Again some one was knocking at the door. Riza opened the door and saw Fuery, Falman, Breda, Havoc and Roy holding gifts and flowers.
Riza: *surprised* You guys are here too?
Roy: Well it’s your Birthday.
Havoc: We never really celebrated your birthday together but when Edward and Winry told us we thought now or never.
All of them then ate dinner together and at the end of their dinner
Riza: I am really surprised. I never celebrated my birthday like this. Thank you guys.
Winry: I said it didn’t I? A day like this should be celebrated with friends and family *smiles*
Elicia, Gracia, Roy, Fuery, Falman, Breda, Havoc, Roy, Edward and Winry: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
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send help i just watched over an hour of clips with riza hawkey and roy mustang and i want that sort of love in my life
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senzenn · 4 years
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Riza Hawkey in her casual outfit, i made a lot of variations of her!
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findmykin · 6 years
Heya, I'm heavily questioning Riza Hawkey from Fullmetal Alchemist (and Brotherhood). I am 18, but I'm fine with talking with anyone honestly. Reply/reblog with who you are, and I'll contact you? --💖💖
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Roy mustang with a chubby! S/o that really loves affection and PDA but they think Roy could do much better than her? ( and they are jealous of Hawkeye but not in a toxic way)
bruh i used to main mercy and i love ur icon so much!!! but i’m jealous of roy bc he gets to hang around hawkey (i’m so fucking gay for her)
Roy wasn’t going to lie. He loved when you were affectionate with him. The man is a cuddle monster in private and loves to show you off in public. 
Your smile is the best thing in his eyes, but your squishy face and soft body was a complete plus as well! More to love!  But he saw the way you looked at yourself in the mirror. And anytime you looked at Riza with that look in your eye. 
He chuckled everytime. You however were annoyed, why was he laughing? And you ask him so with your hands on your hips. 
“Because you’re so cute.” 
You watch him with raised eyebrows and then squeak as he leans in to press kisses all over your face, across your shoulders and cheekbones with a wide smile. “Because you’re mine.” He mumbles, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing the soft tears that escaped your eyes without notice. 
“Because I’m yours.” He whispers, cupping your face gently and tilting his head slightly. “Don’t be worried or jealous, or anything. I love you, and i love no one else like I do with you.” His eyes are honest, soft and kind. 
And seriously, he has that goofy smile that you can’t get mad at. 
You sigh in defeat, wrapping your arms around him and resting your cheek against his chest. “Yeah, yeah.” you murmur and pout slightly at him. 
“I love you Roy.”
“i love you too.”
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cos-tips · 7 years
Hello there (*^-^) I'm going to be cosplaying Riza Hawkey (from full metal alchemist) and will be sewing my own Amestrian Military uniform. I was wondering if you had any idea where I could find some patterns?
Hello! I’d recommend using Simplicity 2333 as a base:
It’ll need some alterations, but overall I think it’d work best as a base for her coat!
I hope this helps!
- Mod Sky
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drago12love-blog · 8 years
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You know from a really long time I was thinking why am I so in love with Fullmatal Alchemist. Someone could say that becouse of amazing action or something like that. On the begining I did but now after I re-watched it I found new reason. I love this anime so much becouse of how many amazing and strong female characters it has. Usually if there is such a character in the end it still have to be rescued (Asuna from SAO) or it’s little cute girl (Madoka Magika). And in FMA we have female general (Olivier Mira Armstrong), amazing alchemist and really strong woman (Izumi Curtis), magnificent automail mechanic (Winry Rockbell) and one of the best snipers in Amestris (Riza Hawkey). Non of them needed rescue. Non of them needed men to survice. They are strond and smart and whats the most important are feminin. So this is the biggest reason why I love Fullmetal Alchemist. P.s. I did a sketch of Olivier Armstrong so if I will have time I will probably paint and post it tomorrow.😘
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oniric-multimuse-rp · 8 years
Hello Colonel, Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye reporting for duty sir. ~his-hawkeyed-queen (I haven't rped on Tumblr in like 2 years but I wanna start again, would you wanna do something with me????)
" Oh, Hawkeye. Rest. I was waiting for you. Did you find out something useful? " - Roy // I haven't played Roy in ages, but I'd be super glad! ~ ♡ //
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senzenn · 4 years
Riza Hawkey in her casual outfit, i made a lot of variations of her!
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rhokuai · 8 years
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Long-haired Riza Hawkeye appreciation post 
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