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s0-hungry · 2 months ago
i’m getting back on track!!
wieiad 🎀
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this is all i have eaten today which is good , i will also have a black coffee but thats only got 3 cals in that’s okay!!
1 clementine - 35cals
1 rivita cracker -45 cals
1cup of cucumber - 16 cals
1 black coffee - 3 cals
all together - 99 cals
i really enjoyed it because i was soo hungry and the rivita cracker was sooo good!! Also i did add a little pinch of pepper to the cucumber and it was less than a cup of cucumber but i know a cup of cucumber is 16 cals so it’s safe to say about that.
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aitan · 8 months ago
Se ti rivivi, cosa ti correggi?
ebbene, niente: (sono riboccante di torturanti
o donna mia): (sono un’orripilante enciclopedia di cazzate incoglionate, di
supergaffes: e furono, i miei anni, un inimitabile campionario di
ebbene, non ritoccherei una virgola sola, un puro punto solo: (avrei
dell’effetto domino): (ti modifichi un gesto, una parola: ti rifai, tanto per
[il nodo
alla cravatta): (ma che dico? ti tagli via, da una narice, un giorno, un pelo
[appena in più,
non altro): (e ti giuochi un destino – il destino: et tout se tient): (e, poni caso
[e poni
mente, poi: tu mi sparisci, allora, fuori dalla rivita che io vivrei,
[il bis):
quello che ho avuto, così, me lo tengo: (pur di tenerti, io mi ritengo,
Edoardo Sanguineti (Genova, 1930 – 2010), da Mikrokosmos
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camus-ruined-me · 1 year ago
food log - 26 july
black coffee
matcha latte
soup + rivita
721 cal binge
veg + quinoa salad
green tea
1436 cals
today is awful, i dont know how to keep going anymore ik its just one bad day but i feel like such a failure and this is like the 100th time iv felt this way over the same stupid shit
feel embarrassed posting this but it’s literally an eating disorder like disorder literally means change to something systemic so obviously ur brain isnt going to let any of this shit be linear
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wasted-blood · 2 years ago
Weigh day this Friday, not really looking forward to it because I know I haven't lost that much. I've been trying so hard, and I've barely eaten today. All I've had is a rivita cracker for lunch.
I've been keeping busy cleaning and sorting clothes out that I hope will no longer fit me by summer and I'm throwing them out. When I lose a certain amount of weight I will have to buy a whole new wardrobe anyway apart from a few pairs of skinny jeans I kept from when I was last skinny.
I'm also keeping myself busy looking for super low calorie meals I can make, it's surprising how much is actually out there on the Internet. Like meals with under 100 cals and barely and fats or shut like that
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444names · 11 days ago
Names generated from Roman deities, emperor forenames and places, as well as all possible anagram words derived from "Firefox browser"
Abiferator Abiff Abudina Abulgo Acefs Aelletes Aeverita Alius Aluna Anasale Andituros Anikose Anovidea Apidea Aponian Aponus Aquires Arakios Arcer Ariaes Arichus Arium Arorr Ascages Asillona Aster Atathor...
Bacontium Balsewes Belicuroo Bellunonas Beodotors Beoni Berimicuro Bifebs Biglyce Bobees Boerie Boeris Bofewe Boffories Bonas Bonasixes Boofe Booffs Boofores Borberr Borbinius Boreeres Borerefer Borerr Boribre Boriefixes Borinus Bormes Borto Borum Borus Bowse Boxfib Brees Brelerium Brers Bressia Bribee Briesta Briforeer Brios Brobef Broes Brooe Brooff Broracqua Browebs Broweidea Caetra Caeverf Cagnua Camenti Camnas Canium Caphrorius Cardollus Careb Caree Carie Cariefs Carores Cartua Casibe Caterieri Catriers Cattina Cefalla Celib Centium Chaea Ciffertona Cimaiers Clatona Clestrurib Coernorrs Concae Contelian Copho Coreracrie Corie Corum Cries Cumnus Custreer Datocorew Decers Dectodors Devia Dinia Diocers Disbefria Durief Duris Durnafrie Durovituna Durow Ebrier Efers Efibs Efifs Egers Eriff Errifer Etium Etoriane Evalicif Exier Falermius Falix Famax Fbiangilia Fbiglia Ferexes Ferid Ferowif Ferrober Fewies Fibrories Fidunes Fierier Fiers Fiffs Firefs Fireo Firestaori Firew Firia Flona Flonafre Fobif Fobios Fooer Forbalex Forbowsere Forie Forief Forina Forta Fortus Forum Forus Foxisex Fribes Frief Frinum Fules Furee Gabareroos Galloanda Galugus Gentibs Gentilita Gratinus Hadena Haetro Hemes Heonsubows Herer Hersers Hilinavel Hocondium Honitio Honstas Honus Horis Ibers Ienium Imintina Inter Ireffs Irefs Istertus Ividena Joanus Jovan Joviroors Julbalesus Julunum Jupio Jupis Jupius Justas Jutum Juturow Juvaleo Lacer Lachaes Lacharamna Lacitius Lamilona Lemnusoi Lianus Libeffer Libooeroir Libre Liferor Liferria Lixes Lonius Loruse Lubriberia Lucer Lucippie Lumnum Luneptia Lunus Lustrae Magnia Magonium Magus Maier Majohn Mangenum Manum Manus Marife Matorria Maurefs Medaleo Mellus Mentas Menus Micer Mindan Miteramna Moncaeefs Mores Moricinum Mulicum Mullex Nectiscium Nector Nempas Nincadinda Noanus Nosire Nosixer Nostasatus Obios Ocles Offeres Ofiers Olantiniae Olucita Ooffoeser Ordeodor Ories Ornus Orrinum Orrow Osexi Osies Otalexis Oweef Oweis Oxboffir Oxiee Palis Pastius Pediser Pellodona Pelsires Penta Petrae Petrierbas Phadrober Phisparine Picino Pikepia Pizzi Polib Polium Polus Pomaia Pomardis Pomnor Porasieff Pores Poricer Porrinaes Porum Posta Pudaesers Pudiseptus Pupiace Pupicus Quadria Quire Rbovium Reatus Rebers Rebonstrus Reffs Regentius Rempens Rentia Rerser Rewercers Rexis Ribrrae Ridemina Riferexes Rifers Rispalbi Ritia Rivita Robex Robii Robio Robioce Rodurona Romonia Romucium Rorewer Rorter Rosego Rosio Rosiricus Rowerva Salium Sallus Sanor Sanus Sarcus Sariers Sartanus Scullo Secers Secus Semene Senters Seprox Septupius Seris Sewebrie Sewebroos Sewei Sfeer Sieesulan Siers Silina Silonia Sobas Soberi Sobigulia Solippia Sollaris Sollus Solucia Sonax Sorbee Sorew Sorivian Soxes Soxfiboxes Srierus Stasis Suaditas Subrovulae Sulacina Swobs Swooer Swooffer Theonius Theons Theontius Thepizzi Thrae Thran Tinustura Toceriers Trinus Trisarcum Tronona Truta Tumna Tundio Tutia Vacchil Vages Vales Vectilia Veirew Venovidita Verculus Verobs Vicinus Vidurifer Viniarius Viose Vitas Vitene Volloa Vontas Vulagaenza Vuliacrius Webona Webonitum Weerbeleo Wercus Wiersaer Wifer Wirea Wireboxes Wiremigus Wirericae Woericiff Wooff Wooffris Wordea Xrefonoa Zentiloa Zeusers Zoentina Zoeris Zoers Zoerse
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canesenzafissadimora · 8 months ago
Se ti rivivi, cosa ti correggi? ebbene, niente: (sono riboccante di torturanti [rimorsi, o donna mia): (sono un’orripilante enciclopedia di cazzate incoglionate, di [semicriminali supergaffes: e furono, i miei anni, un inimitabile campionario di irrimediabili [refusi esistenziali): ebbene, non ritoccherei una virgola sola, un puro punto solo: (avrei [terrore dell’effetto domino): (ti modifichi un gesto, una parola: ti rifai, tanto per fare, [il nodo alla cravatta): (ma che dico? ti tagli via, da una narice, un giorno, un pelo [appena in più, non altro): (e ti giuochi un destino – il destino: et tout se tient): (e, poni caso... [e poni mente, poi: tu mi sparisci, allora, fuori dalla rivita che io vivrei, concedendomi [il bis): ebbene: quello che ho avuto, così, me lo tengo: (pur di tenerti, io mi ritengo, [identico)
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netmassimo · 1 year ago
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Un articolo pubblicato sulla rivita "Communications Biology" riporta l'assegnazione di fossili scoperti in Anatolia nel 2015 a una nuova specie e a un nuovo genere di ominini primitivi che è stata chiamata Anadoluvius turkae. Un team di ricercatori ha esaminato questi fossili che costituiscono parte di un cranio scoperto nel sito di Çorakyerler risalente a circa 8,7 milioni di anni fa, nel periodo Miocene, concludendo che si tratta di un antenato degli umani e delle scimmie antropomorfe. Ciò indica che gli ominini si sono evoluti in Europa diversificandosi nel continente per alcuni milioni di anni prima di migrare in Africa, dove si sono evolute le varie specie di ominini già conosciute.
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claudiazh1 · 2 years ago
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Branding Design Set for RIVITA
2022.3-2023.3 à Paris
| Type : Branding; VI; Logo design; Web design; Exposition
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findasongblog · 4 years ago
Find A Song about the consequences of addiction and the hidden scars that it leaves
Rivita - Lonely With Someone
Added to FAS Spotify playlists singer/songwriter and mental health.
via Musosoup
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shemakesmusic-uk · 4 years ago
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This segment features artists who have submitted their tracks/videos to She Makes Music. If you would like to be featured here then please send an e-mail to [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!
Zoë Zohar
Raised in Israel by a South African mother and Israeli father, Zoë Zohar shares her story and take on life through upbeat melancholic ambience. By incorporating live with electronic instruments, Zohar constantly shifts between raw nostalgic tones and futuristic elements, searching for a new authentic sound. After moving to London at the age of 19, Zohar and her team began working together on her much-anticipated EP of four songs, one of which features her recent release ‘Paper Airplanes’. Through her EP, Zohar tells a story of feeling overwhelmed in a trapped environment. In this song, she portrays a sense of loneliness and feeling on the edge of defeat, only to realise that one may find comfort in this state of mind. Zohar aims to take the viewer on a journey that reveals the conflict of befriending our inner voices and running away from them. Listen below.
Zoë Zohar · Paper Airplanes
Hailing from the colorful escapades of India, Rivita creates electro-acoustic landscapes with her music. After completing an extensive education in music, she is currently based in LA and is focused on writing new music and playing virtual shows. Her latest single ‘Lonely With Someone’ is a story of the consequence of addiction and the unsaid hidden scars that it leaves. The song is a segway from her previous release ‘Someone Else’s Arms’, Rivita states “With this piece of work, I wanted to express the strength an individual really holds. There have been many moments in my life, I have surprised myself with my own strength and while facing some of my biggest fears in tough situations. While growing up I watched someone get lost in the sea of addiction. As I got older, I realized just how common addiction is across the globe and how well it is masked sometimes. It has caused me pain and it felt like I had no right to feel this way because I was not the one with the disease. I wanted to find a way to release my feelings without the consequence of being told to get over it or to stop thinking about it. This is the only way I thought I’d ever be able to fully express myself, through this song”. Listen below.
Rivita · Lonely With Someone
Alicia Lov
Spanish-Canadian artist Alicia Lov took to music at an early age. Music and dance lessons pushed her passion further and led to where she is now. Alicia has a love for lots of different genres including rap/hiphop, alternative, dancehall, latin pop and so much more. Dance is a big part of her inspiration and will continue to be a prime part of her career. Her latest single 'Magnetic' delivers a smooth romantic R&B feeling that makes you want to get cuddled up with that special someone. She explains further, "'Magnetic,' has romantic R&B vibes that were inspired by love between the sheets. Smiling and tracing each other with your fingertips. Love can sometimes just be free and chaotic. Head in the clouds, floating in another dimension." Listen below.
ALICIA LOV · Magnetic
Lyla DiPaul
Lyla DiPaul is an American recording artist based out of New Orleans. DiPaul grew up in Takoma Park, MD where she fell in love with playing guitar and writing songs at the age of 10. She draws musical inspiration from a variety of songwriters including Taylor Swift, Joni Mitchell, and Phoebe Bridgers. DiPaul eloquently relays the feeling of love and heartbreak through her music, and hopes to connect to people through her work. Her latest single is ‘Still Unwell’ and here is what Lyla had to say about the release: ”I wrote ‘Still Unwell’ with my friend MC in the fall of 2019. Simply put, it is a breakup song. We always describe it as being about nostalgia for a relationship. When you miss all the good things and bad things about a person, and just cannot move on. We recorded the bulk of the song in the studio at Loyola University, New Orleans and then ended up finishing up the guitar work and the vocals in my bedroom after things became unsafe due to the pandemic.” Listen below.
Lyla DiPaul · Still Unwell
Mango In Euphoria
Starting her project in London after being employed in Florida and travelling through the United States, French-born alternative artist and songwriter Mango In Euphoria quickly found her audience when she dropped her first experimental work at the end of 2020. The singer is an emerging talent noticeable by her quirky style and her mysterious signature voice, matching her very own unique musical tracks mixing Electronic Rock, Dream Pop and Dark-wave genres. Creating melodies coming from her mind with virtual instruments and recording with a very basic microphone during the global Coronavirus pandemic, Mango In Euphoria also began to work remotely with Belgian producer Philippe Francq who helped her in developing a lot of demos with physical instruments inspired from vintage influences such as the Twin Peaks series soundtracks, The Cure, and Garbage. As Mango was mainly musically influenced by Grimes and Lana Del Rey, there's no doubt that the result would be quiet outstanding. Her new song ‘Golden Shrine’ is about celebrating who you are as a unique person, embracing this uniqueness “and also about someone who started to copy everything I was doing when everything was coming from my creativity so instead of getting more pissed off I created a song about it!” she laughs. Listen below.
MangoInEuphoria · Mango In Euphoria - Golden Shrine
East London singer-songwriter, Shannon is an indie-pop artist that brings soulful tones through her vocals. Her music shares stories and experiences through heartfelt lyrics and production driven by acoustic guitar. Her latest single ‘But He's There’ is an upbeat track about the complications of falling for a close friend. The lyrics reveal inner thoughts of uncertainty about stepping out of one's comfort zone to fulfil an exciting idea of love. As the song builds, the story unfolds and reflects the fantasy for a closer relationship. Shannon's high notes introduce an unexpected direction to the vocal line that mirrors the feeling of being caught unaware by your thoughts and feelings. Whilst picturing the production for this song, some influential tracks from the 90's came to mind from artists such as Corinne Bailey Rae, Lauryn Hill and Natasha Bedingfield. The laid-back drums and organ keys give off a chilled vibe, almost as if the song acts as a passing thought during a relaxed Sunday morning. Listen below.
officialshannonuk · But He's There
Heff VanSaint
East London-based alternative pop artist, Heff VanSaint has released her debut track ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’. The former one half of synth-pop duo Miracles has gone back to her roots with a song that fuses old-school storytelling, with a contemporary lo-fi indie sound. ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’ is a tale of lost friendship, at a time of carefree hedonism. It’s a bruised, melancholic song tinged with sadness. Lyrically sublime, its evocative lines hit deep and leave the listener experiencing a sentimental yearning long after its over. Listen below.
Nille Nyc
Following up on the release of her debut EP PowerPainPillsPercussion, Danish electro pop artist Nille Nyc has just released new single ‘Someone Else’, her first of 2021, as a per cursor to her upcoming full-length album. Let’s face it, we’ve all been there: a relationship that seems to constantly be teetering on the edge of the abyss, until one day when it finally implodes. Afterwards, all that we can do is pick up the pieces and move on. ‘Someone Else’ is a story about looking back at the aftermath of a bad relationship from the safety of a better place. With a playful guitar, heavy R&B beat and edgy vocals, ‘Someone Else’ opens a new chapter in Nille Nyc’s musical journey. “Throughout our lifetime we experience relationships which challenge our core values as human beings, both professionally and personally. Every relationship needs to grow and mature; to look to the future while keeping the lessons of the past in mind. The same holds true for music. Every musician needs to keep innovating and experimenting. They need to take risks and challenge themselves by exploring new ideas and new ways of expressing themselves. If they don’t, then they run the risk of becoming static and their music will suffer for it”, Nille Nyc says. Listen below.
Nille Nyc · Someone Else
Natasha Ghosh
Natasha Ghosh originated as a professional Dutch-Indian fingerstyle ukulele player, but nowadays she also focuses on singing and releases her own music. Natasha's main styles are R&B, indie electronic, lo-fi, and hip-hop. Her new single ‘Paradise’ is a deep and emotional vocal-led lo-fi track with a relaxed sense of beauty. It's a personal song about romantic escapism between lovers. Lush synthesizer melodies, emotional vocals, and dynamic, but the chill drums make this track a perfect fit for study, Lo-fi, chill, and dreamy playlists. This is a song that Natasha wrote with her girlfriend in mind. "I believe that it's important to show the people you love what they're worth to you. In an ever-changing society where all kinds of stuff are happening around the globe, it's good to focus on the good things.” The track was a COVID-19 project, made in collaboration with the famous lo-fi artist Kid Kio from home studios. Listen below.
Natasha Ghosh Music · Natasha Ghosh (feat. Kid Kio)- Paradise
Olivia Void
Berlin based experimental artist Olivia Void uses her highly recognizable voice and songwriting style to introduce us to her unusual sonic cosmos. Her debut ‘Made for You’ was published in October 2020. After collaborating with members of the local and international electro and folk scenes in the meantime, she now prepares for the release of her debut EP PHYSICAL later this year. Unpredictable and captivating, Olivia Void’s new single ‘Glory to Glory’ is a hommage to our physical selves. Led by the Berlin singer‘s characteristic voice and electric guitar play, we get carried away high and low until we want to join in the glory. Talking about the powers of the self-reigned body, the song‘s unique structure creates a whirl that drags you in. As more and more layers are added or taken away we find ourselves in a state of vibrant emotion. Listen below.
Olivia Void · Olivia Void - Glory to Glory
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mrjamesgalloway · 5 years ago
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Healthy lunch #rivita #salmon #cottagecheese (at Harecastle apartments kidsgrove) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-R4TyFBLHeaHZaypCn9ToNmfzIpqQoNyYEdMs0/?igshid=1b27weh9abzv0
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camus-ruined-me · 1 year ago
food log - 23 july
pb date bar
black coffee
2 eggs + miso soup w spinach
4 rivita thins
total cals - 380
drank and ate ALOT yesterday…i dont mind having extra cals if its letting me enjoy the moment with people bc i dont want to waste my teenage years but tbh i lost self control
decided to start tracking my cals again and tbh it helps alot bc if i ate this and didnt know it’s literally under 400 cals id feel so bad and probs would trigger a binge
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deathofcodes · 8 years ago
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Check out Rivita's new music video "While The Love Is Gone" #NewMusic #WhileTheLoveIsGone #RivitaMusic #WTLIG http://thndr.me/v56AWu
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glittermushrooom · 5 years ago
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WIP's for my fav homestuck OC's
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awesomehoggirl · 2 years ago
today i told a 24 year old that i (university student) was 15 when covid started and watched her crumble like rivita
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mydesireforbeauty · 4 years ago
I haven't posted on this in ages
Honestly i feel so proud.
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I still got chub but honestly I've been sticking to fasts, and ngl i felt like i was gaining weight about 2 weeks ago but i put that down to bc i was eating bread with my soup. I've really cut down on carbs, and Rivita Crispbreads are 20 cals each and pretty decent for dipping in soup if you're craving a crunch.
I halt my needs to binge with a cup of black coffee. I have 2 small low carb meals a day, and i only eat within a 5 hour window, and i go for a fast walk with the occasional break into a jog everyday ❤️ i also take a shit load of vitamins.
My scales are fucked rn so fuck knows what i weigh (which i guess is a healthy way to go about things after months.. No, YEARS of obsessing and checking everyday) but i FEEL like I'm going in the right direction 🎉🎉🎉
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