#river Phoenix imagine
80s4life · 1 year
Together At Last”
Word Count: 3,971
Status: Requested!
Ask: Can I have Chris Chambers x reader with the prompt  "You're different and I like that"
@: @micheleamidalajedi​
A/N: I absolutely LOVED this request because I was able to put myself into the Reader and prove that not everyone is the same, female, male, or nonbinary, or all of the girlypops!
Relationship: Chris Chambers x Merrill!Reader
Fandom: Stand By Me 1986
Summary: It’s been 5 years since the disappearance and eventual death of Ray Brower, and you’re each reaching graduation. However, another adventure arises and brings all 5 of you back to the woods to find Teddy’s dog. The problem? Almost all of you have either grown apart or split completely, and old feelings seem to resurface with unresolved conclusions. What could go wrong?
Warnings: mutual pining, adventure, confessions, AGED UP!, friends to enemies to lovers, some angst, nostalgia, lost friendships, gained friendships, Teddy is a brother figure to Reader, gun, unintentional intent to kill someone, strong language, Reader is Ace Merrill’s sibling, 
{gif is not mine, credits go to @awidevastdominion​}
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Your landline rings, deriving you of your thoughts and current intensity studying for finals. Groaning, you shrug out of your seat at the kitchen table begrudgingly, answering the phone. “Hello?”
“Y/N? ‘S that you?” a familiar voice, deepened with maturity and hormones asks on the other side.
“Yeah, what do you want?”
“Nice to know you haven’t changed,” you can hear the voice taunt annoyingly. 
“It’s been years since I’ve talked to you, did you expect a ‘Hey, what’s up’?”
“I would have preferred that, yes, but no. This is serious, and I really need you on board with me this time.”
“This better not be one of your schemes, Teddy, I’m not up for anything right now,” you sigh, “I’m up to my neck with textbooks and shit with studying for the finals and stuff. Dad’s been on my ass about getting into a college since I’ve been able to hold a B+ to A average.”
“Damn. Sorry to say I can’t relate?”
You giggle, sighing as you’ve missed him. You couldn’t quite tell what happened to cause you to separate, but as if you had just blinked, everyone was gone and you were left to yourself and school. “Alright Teddy, what bullshit are we pulling now?”
“Glad you asked!” he all but yells in happiness, “My dog went missing a few days ago and I haven’t been able to find him all over town. I know this sounds childish, but I swear, I’ve walked the whole town everyday at dawn before school and haven’t been able to find him.”
“So, you’re guessing he’s in the woods?” you groan, remembering the haunting history you’ve witnessed first hand in said territory.
There’s a long pause before he lets out a low, “...Yes...”
“What did the others say?”
“What makes you think I asked them?” he tries to sound as if he’s not that easy to read; a “changed man.”
“Because I still know you, or some of you. There’s no way this is going to be a one night thing and we need more sets of dependable eyes.”
“Well, now you’re making me sound smart.”
You giggle, “I’m not gonna keep beating around the bush Teddy, I’m in as long as the others are?”
“Yes!” he shrieks.
A few days later, as instructed by Teddy, you carry your sleeping bag, flask of water, some snacks, and money (something you all collectively forgot last time) to the dumpsters behind the town’s cafe. Trudging around the corner, your breath catches in your throat as you lay eyes on the back of three familiar heads and a face, each people you thought you have grown so far apart from.
“Y/N!” the voice of the face coming from Teddy.
You nod silently, leaning against the brick building as you keep your distance. 
The three boys that are now men, turn around to take you in, eyes wide.
You wave nervously, age and distance having changed all of you and making you feel as if you don’t know these people.
Teddy still had his familiar square-shaped, black glasses, but his hair is cut to fit the army’s conduct, shaved short on the sides around the back, the top of his head a bit longer. There was just enough hair for Teddy to comb it back with gel just as he had as a preteen - before you all turned away to seek your own lives. He grew a bit taller, standing at 5′5″, but not by much. You giggle internally.
To the far left, you see Gordie and your heart breaks a little. He’s still lean in build, but he’s grown to be tall and confident, around 5′11″ - 6′0.” To you, he hasn’t changed a bit, except personality. He still had his longer hair, possibly longer than you remember it, with the same hairstyle and familiar baby face, though slightly aged. 
Next was Vern, and he was so big now. He managed to drop the weight, a lean build of muscle standing above 6′0″ and carrying his dopey grin with longer hair - a similar style to Gordie’s, though unintentionally. You smile at him. He’s still a sweetheart, but more like a big, lovable Chocolate Lab now.
Lastly was Chris, and he was still as gorgeous as ever. He came to be of above average height, 5′10,″ grew his hair out longer and adorned circular glasses that framed his face perfectly. His eyes carry no emotion, a contrast to his younger self, but they’re still that luscious deep blue. He looks you up and down in silence before staring you directly in your eyes. You can feel your heart break all over again.
You didn’t realize how long you were staring at each of them before Teddy clears his throat. “Shall we?” he tries to smirk, but the tension is thick. 
You hug your arms around your abdomen as you nod, plastering a smile of your face as you force yourself to stand beside the now men. Slowly, everyone starts to follow Teddy until you reach the tracks.
Some time later, as you walked on the tracks, you lagged behind. Now, with this view, you could see where everyone had changed, but not as much as you thought. Gordie and Chris got to talking amongst themselves far in front of the group, Teddy and Vern behind them. They’re all too busy catching up for them to notice your inner turmoil.
You almost want to cry. You don’t know any of them anymore. This was a fact that your younger self would’ve never expected or taken a liking to. You think of what your younger self would do, punishing yourself for what you allowed to happen. 
You would’ve called them repeatedly, tried to make plans or catch up to them in passing to classes. All of this you could pride yourself on saying that you did, but then Gordie went the way his father wanted him to go, Chris becoming an athlete while trying to follow Gordie’s brains, getting into law, Teddy trying to apply and reapply to the military, and Vern taking a liking in the construction trade. 
They all grew up, and though you couldn’t blame them, they slipped out of your hands far too quickly and suffered the backlash. Girls in school are bitches, and though you have friends, they aren’t like the ones before you. Even after all this time, they are still considered exactly that - friends, family even.
You went your own way, too, after giving up on them. You found an interest in engineering and found that it’s not exactly as you suspected. It wasn’t all math and physics and you deeply enjoyed the creativity and problem-solving it included. You have some fond classmates there, but they would never compare to these boys. 
You are ripped from your thoughts as you hear the loud blaring of a train’s horn. You smirk at the memory that crosses. Calling out to Teddy, your voice is loud enough for all of the boys to hear, “Sound familiar, Teddy? We’re not gonna go diving for you on the tracks again, right?”
“Fuck off,” you can hear him giggle, jabbing Vern in the side. 
All the way in the front, you can hear Gordie add, “Or have to break you and Chris up, huh?”
You giggle at the reminder. That was the time when you were all trying to figure yourselves out without guidance, restrictions, stereotypes, and parents. Teddy had a lot of trouble then. 
Your smile drops as the group goes quiet again, the nostalgia dying with the connection that almost rekindled. You groan audibly - unintentionally.
The boys look back at you curiously, surprised just as much as you were. 
You decide to take the initiative, “Is this what we’re going to do the whole time? Act as if we’re strangers and not speak to one another?”
“We are strangers, Y/N,” you hear Chris state with indifference.
You catch up to the group and walk between them, “There’s a reason we all came here and I know we all hoped to be together again. It doesn’t help when you don’t even try to speak to us though, does it?”
The group stops as Chris spins around on you. “Why would I? After this, we are all gonna go our separate ways and avoid each other again,” he growls and spits, “Just like last time.”
“Then, why did you come?” you ask, your curiosity getting the better of you and asking the question you were all wondering yourselves. “Why are we all here?” you look around at each of them. 
“Because I missed you guys,” Vern pipes up, the first words he’s spoken the whole walk from town.
“We wouldn’t have missed each other if we had just kept our promises, would we?” Chris asks, frowning with his eyebrows scrunched together and arms crossed tightly over his chest. It almost resembles hatred.
And it makes you livid. “You broke your promise, too, Chris,” you vividly remember the promise you made just short of town on your way back; the promise that meant the world and more to you - it still does. “We all did, but at least I can say it wasn’t intentional. I tried to reach out to you guys, but we were all growing and changing. I can’t blame you guys, except you, Chris.”
“Me?” his voice reaches higher as the time passes by.
“Oh please, we all know you went from a street rat like us to the high priest and prince of school,” Teddy adds.
Chris scoffs, crossing his arms, “Gordie?”
“I mean, you did drop us after you got with Stephanie Wheeler,” Gordie deflects, shrinking in size as he knows the blows coming next. He adds, “The rich bitch of high school whose daddy is the principal.”
“This is bullshit, I should’ve never decided to come,” he shoots daggers at you.
“You’re right, you shouldn’t of because we all know that you’re embarrassed of even being seen with us,” Vern adds, caution to the wind. 
Chris scoffs again as he takes up his bag, starting back to town. 
“So, you’re just gonna leave?!” you scream as he creates distance. 
“I fucking knew it!” Gordie screams, grabbing his bag as well to follow Chris on the opposite side of the tracks. 
You watch with pain as each of the boys start back to town. All except Teddy, who manages to stand there with teary eyes. 
“I just wanted us to enjoy the time, find my dog, and hopefully have one last high school hurrah before we are all forced apart,” he sniffles.
You look at him with matching sadness, “I-I’m sorry Teddy, I didn’t mean to act out like that. I just couldn’t stand another minute, let alone night, with no one planning on speaking to each other. It would have all been for nothing. Even if we had found your dog, we still would’ve hated each other. This is my fault, Teddy, I’m sorry.”
“It’s not, Y/N, it was gonna happen eventually,” his eyes watch them go, but the look in his eye is distant - his mind far beyond where they’re heading.
“We can still look for Butch together?” you manage to smile, tears brimming your eyes.
“I don’t feel like it anymore,” you can visibly see his body deflate.
“Well, can you at least stay? If there’s still some shred of them left, I think they’ll come around again. I still want to rekindle our relationship. I’ve missed you so much, Teddy,” by the time you’re finished, fresh tears are starting to roll down your cheeks.
Teddy’s voice cracks as a tear slips down his cheek, too, opening his arms to pull you in for a hug beside him on the grass.
You smile thankfully as you lean in, sighing at the comfort and history.
“It ain’t going well with my Pops, as you’d assume. He’s still a crazy bastard, but I’m sticking with him. Just for a little longer, as long as I can.”
“Understandable. We can’t forget your ear, can we?”
“Whatever,” he smirks, “What about you?”
“Mom and Dad still fight. If they aren’t fighting, neither of them are home to ensure that they don’t have to fucking see each other. Ace is still a prick, too. I wouldn’t expect him to graduate and still stay in this bum-fuck town.”
“Guess he doesn’t want his reputation to be forgotten,” Teddy giggles.
“Guess so,” you trail off, noticing the sun starting to set and the sky change color. “You think they’re coming back?”
“No, but I can hope.”
You look up at him sadly and nod. “Wanna set up camp for the night anyway?”
He nods silently, taking up his sleeping bag and finding a soft spot to lay out in the grass. 
Silently, you follow his lead, walking down the side of the tracks to the opening of the trees, laying your sleeping bag just beside the first tree, hidden under the canopy of leaves. He decides to go in a little deeper, a few feet away from you, protected by the dimmer lighting in a proactive attempt to block the harsh sun that’ll come in the morning.
Sighing, you both settle in, staring at the sky. Before you know it, your miniscule, unimportant chit chat with Teddy dies down and sleep overtakes you swiftly. There’s no dreams as you toss and turn, but your glad there’s no deeper thoughts that’ll plague you and leave you wide awake.
You don’t know how long you’ve been sleeping until the soft snapping of twigs perk your ears, harshly throwing all of the sleep from your fogged mind and automatically putting it into defensive state.
Peaking around with your eyes, you catch a figure some ways to your left, walking away from your temporary camp. By the distance the figure has created and the direction of their walk, you can tell they were either walking through or around your huddle, no doubt near your camp regardless. 
You flip onto your belly as silently as possible, hand sliding slowly to the underside of your pillow, fingers touching cold metal. You pull the gun from under you, the uncomfortable and foreign weight of it settling in your hand, bringing more unease into your heart and bones. 
You lift yourself up slowly, noticing that Gordie and Vern have, in fact, returned and settled in a circle with you and Teddy. However, there is no sign of Chris, not even a bag.
You let out a slow breath to try and calm your racing nerves as you follow the figure, gun raised and aimed at the black figure. You gain on the figure silently, until your foot makes a horrible crunch as it breaks the branch beneath it. Cursing under your breath, you raise the gun in defense, both hands grasping and eyes trained.
The figure spins around, voice accusatory, “What the f-? Hey...” the voice lowers instantly, hands coming up to show they are unarmed. “Hey, Y/N, put the gun down,” the voice registers in your head as the figure emerges from the darkness and into the glow of the moon breaking through the trees.
“Chris?” you groan, lowering the gun instantly, shoulders dropping. “What the fuck were you thinking? Sneaking around in the woods? You know the way I sleep, man.”
“Knew,” he clarifies, “And, I was just going for a walk to clear my mind.”
“Why do you keep doing that?” you ask with a creep of annoyance settling in, pinching the bridge of your nose with your fingers. “Why do you keep acting like you’re camping with strangers? Like you have absolutely no knowledge of who we are?”
“Because I don’t; I don’t know the people you have all become now. Even if there are slivers of the people I knew that show every now and then, they are no longer the people they were nor who they are now,” he steps closer to you, enough to reach out to you if he wanted to.
“I can’t say that we are who we were because that’s impossible, but we are still those loving people we were. I’ve noticed that Vern still carries a comb and is a little sensitive. Gordie is still quiet and finds meanings in everything. Teddy still has such and undoubted devotion to his father and his infatuation with the army. I still bother the shit out of everyone and parent them as a way of care. But you,” you pause, assessing him as the sadness settles in your voice and heart again, a cold shock coursing through your veins, “I can only see a person in front of me. You look like Chris, you still have that leaderly inclination, but besides that, everything has changed. Even your eyes have a different look to them, yet they are still that same pair I last looked at 5 years ago.”
Chris says nothing, his mask fitting into place and revealing nothing to you - it doesn’t even look like any of your words are reaching him.
“You keep acting like everyone here is out to get you, but we are simply just being ourselves. You see us as enemies because we had a falling out, but that’s natural. We changed - you changed - and you want to blame us for something that was out of our hands. We are still here for you Chris, I’ve always been here,” your voice is cracking as you look down at your feet, kicking some leaves and twigs to divert your attention somehow. 
A hand reaches beneath your chin, tugging your head up to look into those sapphire irises once again. “You were never my enemy, you were my greatest fear,” Chris says, a pitiful grin pulling at his lips. “You know why I chose to become better? Why I went out with the cheerleaders, tried out for football, worked hard to get into the smart kid classes?”
“W-Why?” you look at him, pain and confusion streaking your E/C eyes like lightning in a storm. 
“Because I knew that if I stayed where I was, I would never be able to give you what you wanted - never been able to give you everything you deserved. At first, I distanced myself because I thought I would never be good enough for you; that distance was what you needed and for me to get out of your sights, so that that better man would show up and lift you off your feet. But, you were insistent,” Chris giggles sadly as his mask starts to fall, his eyes showing the same pain and suffering that reflects off of yours. “I chose to blame you for the pain of losing you, so you would never look at me with those eyes again; never show me this source of genuine love that was undeserved and unfair.”
“But, you promised me that we would be together forever?” you question, a tear slipping from your eye as you stare at him with the newfound information. Pain of losing him, sadness of bringing such turmoil and insecurity to himself, suffering from the rift that could’ve never been, and regret that if you had known, this would have all been avoided as a whole.
“I know I made that promise, and I’m the world’s biggest hypocrite and idiot. It doesn’t matter how far away we’ve become, you can still manage to look at me with that undeserved care?” he mostly questions himself as his eyes search all over your face, both hands cupping your face in his hands. 
Your hands go up to hold his wrists, looking at him with such longing. “You deserve the world, Chris. You always have and always will. You are too pure for the hand you were dealt, and yet you still push yourself farther above.” 
His eyes round and snap to yours with confusion and disbelief, searching you for some sort of trick. “I’ve always loved you, Chris. No one has ever made me so damn pissed off or more loved with just one look or action. It doesn’t matter who I’ve used or dated to temporarily distract me, I’ve always worried and searched for you. You’ve always been in the deepest part of my brain. I-I still love you...so damn much.”
“You’ve always been different and I like that. You’re the biggest pain in my ass, but my greatest mistake. I love you, Y/N,” Chris smiles, a genuine display of delight and content as tears slide down his cheeks with the relinquishment of pain and torture. He’s waited too damn long for this. “I’ve always wanted to do this,” he smirks devilishly, eyes delving to your lips and up to your eyes before he leans in.
Your chapped lips meet his fresh, plump ones, smeared with chapstick with the taste of lemon. Your hands goes up to tangle in his long, blonde locks as his arms reach down to your hips to keep you tightly trapped against him; like he fears that if he doesn’t hold you tight, you’ll slip away like every dream he’s ever had of you - his greatest happiness. 
You pull him in just as tight, arms around his shoulders as your hands tug, fearing the feeling of losing him again. When you part for air, you still never let go of each other, your head ducking in between the crook of his neck and shoulder. You breathe in his scent and save it to your memory as a smell you hoped to never forget or live without. 
“Well, it’s about damn time! God damn!” Teddy yells from his cross legged position on his sleeping bag. 
Gordie and Vern start to whoop and holler from their comfort of sleeping bags with deep pleasure and happiness. 
“I knew you guys would make up eventually,” Vern added with a soft giggle.
“I was starting to miss my parents,” Gordie chided with a roll of his eyes.
“Does that mean we can all be friends now?” Vern adds with a playful glint in his eye and you couldn’t help but giggle. 
“I mean, I guess I could, y’know, hang around a while,” you tease, earning a shove to your side by Chris as you both walk back to your seats on your sleeping bag. 
That night, you all stayed up late trading stories of what you’ve missed within the short time away from each other, and for once since the start of your adventure, you see the benefits of their changes.
They aren’t the same people you once knew because they are now their best versions, and will continue to change for the many years to come. It’s only up to you guys to keep that connection strong and adapt with them that will keep you all bound together forever. 
It was your greatest promise, but there’s been a few changes: “No matter how far away we are nor how different we become, we will always find a way back to each other. Friends forever.”
You and Chris made your own promise, too: “Whatever happens, we will learn to overcome together, forever and always, in love and sickness, at the best and worst moments. Lovers forever.”
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stephstars08 · 2 months
Is it strange that I want to write for actors who are no longer with us anymore??? I would love to write for Jonathan Brandis and maybe River Phoenix but don’t know if any of you are interested in that…..😬😬😬😬😬😬😬
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esthersixx · 6 months
"A place to call home" (River Phoenix imagine.)
Warnings: my bad grammar. Also the fact that he's gone 😭
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It all started on the week of Halloween in 2023. I decided that I needed some fresh air, some time with nature, far away from my apartment downtown. I'm 23 and I work as a writer in this pop magazine and I was definitely needing some inspiration. So I open the Airbnb app and there it was. A large house in this little village galled Micanopy in Florida. I was in pure love with the trees, the grass and flowers. Everything about that place made me feel like I was in heaven, even though I only saw pictures of the house. I instantly booked the place for three nights.
"Okay, that's it!" I said while putting my bags on the ground as soon as I enter the place.
"Is it only you?" Rain, the owner of the house, the person that gave me the keys said.
"Yeah..." I said and watch her frown a little. I guess the place was just too big for only one person, but I didn't care. I loved the place. "Well, I love the vibes in here, so..."
"Oh, so you're a fan! Wow, I never get used to..."
"Fan? Of who?" This time i frowned.
"My brother... Well, my brothers."
I was there for a moment just trying to figure it out who they were.
"I'm sorry, Rain, I don't know them."
"I'm Rain Phoenix, sister of River and Joaquin." She said and I instantly knew who Joaquin was, just the best joker I've ever saw on the movies. "But I guess you're too young to know who River was. He died before you were even born"  I could tell she was a little sad at this point, but she started to say goodbyes and that was it. I was all alone in this gigantic house. In fact I knew who River was, I once saw Stand by me on TV, and everytime he would appear, my older sister would say something like "he died in real life too."
I started to wonder around the house, discovering places and rooms I didn't saw on the app. Until I heard something drop behind me, i turned around as fast as I could, thinking that maybe Rain was still there. But instead, I saw a boy, a tall, skinny, with shaved head boy.
We stared at each other for about 30 seconds, and before I could speak anything, he said "Are you able to see me?"
I just nodded my head yes, and for a moment I  though I was hallucinating.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Cause I'm dead." He simply said and I immediately recognized him. That was Rain's dead brother. That was River Phoenix.
"Oh my god!" I put both my hands on my mouth and started to walk away from him.
"Don't worry, I'm not bad! I promise you, I wont do anything to you." He said trying to calm me down. "It's just that... I died, and I keep coming back here, I'm stuck here for life... Or death" he was in fact calming me down with his sincerity. "They spreaded my ashes through the fields here"
"That's why you're still here." I said and he nodded. "I'm sorry, I'm just shocked. I've never saw a dead person before."  He chuckled at my honesty and fear. Not that I was afraid of him, he didn't seem scary to me.
"You can pretend that I'm not here, I won't be offended." He stated. "But, just as you know, you're the very first person to see me in 30 years, so, I have to confess that it's just amazing being able to have a conversation with somebody after such a long fucking time."
I smiled at his confession. I could pretend he was not there, but that would be the hardest thing. 1: he was so visibly happy to have someone to talk to. 2: he was River fucking Phoenix. And 3: he was dead cute. I mean, really cute and really dead also.
"We can talk, if you want to..." I said walking towards him this time. And getting colder the closer I was to him.
"I don't want to be a bummer to you." He said looking directly into my eyes. "But I would love to."
"Then we can talk. I'm actually here to have a deeper connection with nature, and I guess you're a part of it now" We both smiled and he holds my hand "Can I give you a house tour?" He asked and I nodded. Even though his hand was freezing cold, I never let it go, and we walked together around the house for hours and talked for hours as well.
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bitterkarella · 10 months
Midnight Pals: Sunsweet Prunes
Ray Bradbury: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the lazy summer of youth Bradbury: long days down by the river, fishing in miller's pond, afternoons at the soda shop, ice cream sundaes with fabulous unicorn worlds built of whipped cream, nickels for a dime Bradbury: and becky miller's freckled-face kisses Bradbury: sweeter than sunsweet prunes
Bradbury: sunsweet prunes, i tell you Bradbury: the only prune that's sweeter than a nostalgic midwestern childhood Bradbury: and they come in these little individually wrapped plastic packs too King: Poe: Barker: Koontz: Lovecraft: Bradbury: I just think they're neat
Bradbury: according to my stories, in the far distant future of 2001 Bradbury: we shall travel in tubes Bradbury: we'll have flying cars Bradbury: and we'll all be eating our sunsweet prunes out of individually wrapped plastic packs Poe: wait you never said that in your stories Bradbury: i wish i had Bradbury: i would have been 1 for 3 at least
Bradbury: look, they individually wrap these sunsweet prunes in plastic Bradbury: what a world! Bradbury: its like living in the not too distant future Poe: doesn't that create a lot of waste Bradbury:
Bradbury: tearing open this individually wrapped snack pack reminds me of tearing open presents on christmas morning, snow on the ground, ma and pa taking the day off from working the farm, the whole family arriving in a caravan of automobiles, aunts and uncles and cousins by the dozen, oh my! oh my! uncles a little too loud after three egg nogs, cousins playing cops & robbers in the hay loft
Bradbury: and the feasting, the jollity! too many voices all at once, raised in laughter, in song. the twinkle in dad's eye, the red roses in mom's cheeks, grandpa's baritone chuckle. falling asleep to the sounds of bing crosby on the tombstone radio, surrounded by the warm glow of early evening King: wow these prunes sound pretty incredible King: i'm sold! Koontz: [tearing open sunsweet prune container] guys Koontz: i think my prunes are broken Koontz: i didn't feel any of that stuff ray said
Poe: ray are they paying you to advertise for prunes Bradbury: no no of course not! Bradbury: i would never accept money to tell you about the incredible health benefits of america's favorite prunes, sunsweet Bradbury: full of 12 different antioxidents King: can i buy them with my american express card
Neil Gaiman: but ray! Gaiman: using the limitless vista of your inpirational mind to advertise a mere consumer good Gaiman: such a tawdry use of the gift of imagination! Gaiman: it cheapens us as writers just as the low low prices of chipotle cheapens organic rice and GMO-free beans to bring wholesome healthy Mexican inspired fusion cuisine to the masses
Gaiman: you can't leash the phoenix of creativity to the millstone of commerce! Gaiman: she must fly free! Gaiman: free like the secret dragon sauce available now at now extra charge at your local chipotle King: neil's right! Poe: about chipotle? King: about everything!!
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imaginesheaven · 1 year
Lonely Water (GN!Reader x TF141)
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Lonely Water
GN!Reader x TF 141 (platonic)
Summary: You crash into the ocean with a helicopter during a mission. Waiting for your hopefully on time rescue you relive some of your favorite memories of your team. Kind of inspired by the song “Hold Back The River” by James Bay.
Callsign: Phoenix
Length: Around 2.3k words
Warnings: Swearing as always, angst, mentions of injuries, drowning
“Mayday! Eagle 3 is coming down in the middle of the ocean. The pilot is dead and I have no fucking clue how to fly this thing! … Oh, fucking hell…”
There is nothing but darkness around you. The mysterious but dark night sky with thousand shining stars above you and the deadly ocean lurking beneath you. The water is just waiting for you to lose the last of your endurance so you can sink into its cold embrace.
“I’m stronger than you think”, you hiss at the tiny waves of dark ocean water, but you are actually not sure how much longer you will survive. The cold of the sea comes creeping in what feels for hours now. It made itself a home in your bones so deeply freezing that your lips have turned already blue. The feeling in your arms and legs starts to fade just like your will of survival.
The helicopter sunk within minutes after the horrific crash into the water. There was literally nothing left to cling onto. You wouldn’t be Jack clinging for dear life onto a wooden door, while your true love stays safely above the freezing water.
The thought of the Titanic brings a weak smile onto your lips. At least you still got your humor with you to keep you company.
Darkness fills your mind with the sinking dread that your team probably wouldn’t be fast enough to rescue from this death trap. Your form floats on the water like a dead man hoping to delay the bitter end for just another few minutes.
The exhaustion slowly takes over as your eyes flutter shut desperate for a moment of rest. Cold water comes rushing over your face since the ocean was waiting for its chance to drown you in its embrace. The water is merciless. Adrenaline rushes through your vein bringing back your will to fight. You swim with weak strokes back to the surface. How much longer can you keep up against the sea?
“Oi! Not so fast, Phoenix!”, a familiar voice behind you yells out. The dirt beneath your shoes crunches as you jog through a patch of trees. Wait, a minute. The water surrounding you has vanished? This can’t be real, right? It hast to be a memory.
“Too bad you are so slow, Soap. You could easily catch up with me if you would work out a bit more”, you reply to the familiar voice behind you. Soap stares at you speechless for a second before he speeds up to catch you. Laughing you send him a wink and even put more speed on to outrun him more than easily.
Soap grunts with exhaustion ready to bring you down with him. He jumps forward his arms stretched out. This man is an open book for you for years now. Still grinning you make a step to the side completely out of his reach. Soap falls to the ground without you.
Absolutely pumped you start your little victory dance knowing exactly that in the distance Price, Gaz and Ghost are watching the two of you with binoculars. “That was quite a fall Soap took there”, the Captain comments the downfall of the poor Scott, “Pay up, Gaz.” The young soldier lets out a groan but always pays his bet debts.
“Phoenix could outrun us all, Gaz, never think otherwise”, no matter how often Ghost sees you running he is always mesmerized by your endurance.
“How can you be so damn fast?”, Soap can’t believe he lost once again. You give him a half shrug with your shoulder, “I imagine Death chasing me and what do we say to Death?”
“Not today”, you whisper smiling. The thought of your teammates brings you pure joy despite the fact you are probably going to drown. The only family you ever had and ever needed. For a second you close your eyes hoping to see more memories.
“So, your callsign is Phoenix. What’s the story behind it?”, Gaz asks you with a bright smile on his lips. Sometimes he reminds you of a little boy in a candy store. You can’t believe how much happiness his happiness can bring you.
“Well…”, you start your not so exciting story, but Soap interrupts you immediately: “Phoenix survived a car crash with a big explosion and came back out of its ashes like a Phoenix. Tada! The callsign was born!”
The silence in the room is deafening before you burst out with laughter, “What the hell, Soap?! No, that’s not what happened!” Everyone except Gaz gets a good laugh from this story. He looks so terribly confused and kind of intimidated at the same time.
“Poor Gaz is probably traumatized for the rest of his life. I like to burn things and someone else already had the fucking callsign Pyro so I had to improvise”, you explain him the situation with a few words. The young soldier rolls his eyes. Still a tiny smile on his lips can be seen.
“Have you any idea how hard it was to get Phoenix and Soap as both demolition freaks on the team? Explosions. Fires. Laswell was not happy at all”, Price recalls his quite one-sided conversation with her. The only thing she said was “NO!” over and over again. Well, she also said “FUCKING HELL FOR SURE NOT!” once. But Captain Price gets what he wants in the end.
A tiny tear rolls down your face, but you can’t feel anything anymore. The cold crept into every single fiber of your body.  In the end it doesn’t matter anyway. You are still surrounded by water so what matters a single tear escaping? It’s the only one. Way too tired you can’t share more than that tiny tear with the ocean.
“Are you fucking serious? You could have died!”, you hiss angrily at Ghost as you patch the bullet wound in his side up. The tough soldier keeps quiet letting you work. “It’s like I’m talking to a brick wall without a single thought behind those eyes. Except for sacrificing himself for someone else”, you keep going with your monologue. No one dares to speak like that to him. Except you. It’s always you.
Ghost can’t see how your hands are shaking. How the fear takes over your already worry-ridden mind. How you blame yourself for not being fast enough in the end. You could have prevented this from happening.
But Simon knows you better than you yourself sometimes, “Not for anyone. Only for you, Phoenix. I’m sorry, but please stop worrying. Stop blaming yourself. In the end it was my decision. That’s what we do for each other. Keeping each other safe, right?”
Not answering you put away the first med kit finally done with patching him up. Ghost isn’t the one with the soft side, but with you it is so easy to feel safe for once. You stand up hoping to run from this conversation. His hand stops you dead in your tracks as he grabs your wrist, “Right?”
A slight smile appears on your lips still not turning around to face him, “Of course… but you are still a brick wall.” Simon can’t help himself but smile too behind his mask.
What have you done? If Simon would be here with you, he would hold this whole conversation against you. It’s the same reason that has brought you into the middle of the ocean. You wanted to keep them safe. Your team. Your family.
The helicopter was loaded with explosive meant to kill. Bombs. Soap’s favorite. There was no time to defuse them. You had not a single second to think about it. Just enough time to act on impulse. What a great idea to bring the helicopter down over the ocean far away to hurt someone else. But what about you?
“No, you are not stronger than me, Gaz”, Soap puts down the money for his bet. There is never a dull moment with those clowns. A tiny smile appears on your lips as you nurse your lonely drink in your hand.
“What’s so funny?”, Price notices your rather happy facial expression. “Nothing, just happy to be alive”, you reply simply. The Captain doesn’t need an explanation what you mean exactly. He just knows. You don’t need to elaborate how they give you a feeling of being home. How they are like the family you never had before in your life. They are everything you need to be happy.
But now it is time to let go.
Tired you keep your eyes closed as the cold water pulls you down into its embrace. You are not scared anymore to give up this time. Only gratefulness and happiness are present in your heart and mind. The joy you experienced is more than enough for a whole lifetime.
For the last time you open your eyes to see the darkness around you. It was the only friend you had the last few hours. The tiny waves trying to lull you into a memories-filled sleep. The cold making it easier to let go. You have been tired for so long already. Tiny air bubbles escape and leave you behind.
The darkness lurks beneath you, but above the water surface shines a strange light. Is that the beacon of hope you were looking for the whole time? There are voices too, but you can’t understand what they are yelling. You are sinking further and further. Far away from the light.
Above the lonely water your team is looking for you desperately.
The thought sends a surge of energy through your body. As hard as you can you wave your arms and legs completely uncoordinated. Still the movement brings you closer to the surface. You can’t give up now. Not so close to them.
Your whole body is numb and hurts at the same time terribly. The ocean gives its best to keep you to itself. The cold clouds your mind. Are you paddling into the right direction? Are you going further down?
Then your arm breaks through the surface. But that’s all you had left in you.
Something grabs your hand so tight you almost screamed out loud because of the pain. Your head is still underwater. There is another tightness in your lungs screaming for just a tiny bit of fresh air.
Slowly you get dragged out of the darkness. Leaving the ocean behind. You take a gasping breath. The world outside the water is so overwhelming. The lights blind you for a moment. The loud noises roar in your ears. Pure chaos. For a moment you miss the calming darkness of the ocean.
A slight smile would appear on your lips as you see the faces of your teammates, but that’s too much for now. Gaz and Soap have their hands tightly on your arms, while Price and Ghost try to heave you into the helicopter by your tactical vest. All your gear got extremely heavy soaked with ocean water to the brim. You wish you could help them out, but you reached your limit of energy a long time ago. They lower you to the ground finally freed of the water.
“We got Phoenix. Go, Nik”, Price gives his order to Nicolai. Your favorite Russian pilot. Ghost and Soap try to get rid of your tactical vest together. Gaz stands ready with a blanket to warm you up. They keep talking to you, but you can’t quite follow their words. Your mind still frozen in place.
“Hey, hey. You broken?”, John puts his hand on your ice-cold cheek to get your attention. This time you can manage a weak smile, “Define broken, Captain.” He lets out a deep sigh full of worry but more than happy to hear your voice once again.
“Don’t ever do this again, muppet. You were out there the whole night. We- … We literally thought you were gone. Want to sit up?”, Price grabs your shoulder softly too scared to hurt you after what you went through. Ghost on the other side helps you too to sit up.
The sun starts to rise on the horizon bringing another day to this earth. Another day you are able to see. Another day to be alive.
“You damn lucky bastard. The endurance from your jogging probably saved your ass out there”, Simon can’t believe he gets another chance to see you again. It breaks his heart to see you beaten up and weak like this, but you are alive.
“What do we say to Death?”, Soap asks you grinning like always. “Not today”, you reply enjoying the little inside joke the two of you have.
Price puts his leg behind your back so you can relax yourself against him. Ghost rests his hand on your shoulder letting himself feel grateful to have you back. Soap sits next to you. Shoulder against shoulder. Just like out in the battlefield. Gaz holds one of your hands in his to get them back to normal temperature.
Your little family.
Lonely Water
Let us hold each other
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pomefioredove · 28 days
Noble Bell ; Book One, Part II ; The King of Truands
what if you were sent to Noble Bell College instead?
type of post: series characters: rollo, original characters (pierrot, bou, phoenix, clo!) additional info: reader is gender neutral, this is mostly my own vision, influenced by Disney's Hunchback, the 1939 movie, and the original novel word count: 3.4k
prologue | the king of truands, 1 | the king of truands, 2 |
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Chapter Nine
The stairs are narrow and slippery, wet with what you can only hope is rainwater. The further you go, the less sure you are of that. 
You and Hugo, who has been eerily quiet so far, descend into a large, tall chamber, much wider than the halls you’d been wandering in earlier. The floor is hidden under a shallow covering of grimy water, and the walls are…
“What were you saying about cadavers, earlier?”
Thousands of eyeless sockets watch the two of you descend into the earth, not unlike themselves. If not for the delicate arches of the stonework, you would have thought the entire passage was made of bone. 
“Is this the Miracle Court?” you ask, looking from side to side as a thousand toothy grins smile back. 
Hugo bleats and shakes the murky water off his coat. “I’d say it’s more like the court of ankle-deep sewage,”
“Cheerful place,” you murmur. 
“I remember hearing about the ancient tunnels under the city, but…” Hugo pauses, side-eyeing an armor-clad skeleton, crumpled in a dark corner. 
“...This isn’t what I was picturing.”
Condensation on the arched ceiling drips into the ankle-deep waters below, conducting an orchestra of plops. You can’t help but feel grateful for the noise. 
You can’t imagine what it would be like if the only sound were your footsteps. 
“We must be under the river,” you say, looking overhead. “It’s so…”
“I was going to say damp, but yes,” 
You can feel the stone floor dipping into the earth below your feet, and you give Hugo an anxious glance. You’re going deeper. 
Each slosh, each wet footstep, every drip of river water from the ceiling echoes off the stone walls, making a melody out of the tedious journey towards the center of the earth, or Hell, you’re still not quite sure yet. 
And, even with Hugo, even with the river, the water, the thousands of smiles surrounding you, this is, perhaps, the first time since you'd arrived that you felt truly alone. 
It’s scary how comforting the feeling is. 
In the absence of the looming dread that had been following you since this morning, you could have a moment to breathe, and to think. How long this day had felt…
Something, then, stops you in your tracks. 
Hugo takes a few more steps before turning. “Whatsit?”
Your eyes widen. “There’s…”
There’s a little sun, a breath of warmth, a faint, teasing orange glow, like the light at dawn, like the flames of a candle, just behind you and to your left. You had caught it as you passed it by, and, within that millisecond, it consumed your entire being. 
Hugo seems to notice it, too. Or maybe not. “...You think there’s people down there?”
You don't respond. It calls to you. It cuts through the sound of water, breathing, and Hugo’s voice, parting it like the sea, and beckoning you into its depths. The longer you stare, the warmer it becomes, its edges red, its light racing to you like fingers, and-
The illusion of loneliness is shattered into pieces, the sound of laughter filling the cracks. You and Hugo share a careful look, and then move towards the cheers, leaving the glow behind as you drag your feet through the murky water. 
Then, there's light. 
The floor rises from under your feet, the passage narrows, the water becomes lower and lower until you’re walking on dry stone, the smell of mildew becomes bread and fire, and, suddenly, there’s an opening in the wall, from which the sounds and smells and yellow light are coming. 
“We have good noose tonight, everybody!”
Your steps slow, and you hold a finger to your lips, shushing Hugo. 
Peering over the high threshold of the carved door, it’s as if you’re looking into an entirely different place. 
Over the threshold, the catacombs expand into a wide, vaulted hall, lined with fine furniture, cushions, pillows, tapestries and blankets of every color and pattern hanging from the walls and ceilings, garlands of flowers and vine, candles suspended in air and in alcoves in the walls showering the chamber in warm, inviting light. 
Unlike the mossy and mildewed stone of the passage, the walls, floor, and ceilings are impeccably well-kept and clean. The smell of something baking is enough for you to imagine more rooms, more passages, beyond. 
What concerns you is not the state of the hall, though, nor is it the dozen-or-so students, dressed in a variety of colors, from a variety of backgrounds, each speaking their own language…
On the contrary, it is the drably-dressed rather boring boy on a gallows at one end of the hall. He’s sickly pale, and seems to be in a heated argument with a man in an executioner’s outfit beside him. 
“Pierrot,” you whisper to Hugo. He coughs. 
“Again!” Pierrot says, eyes wide. “You know me! I am the author, Pierrot Gregoire!”
The boy beside him adjusts his black cap, checks himself in the reflection of a guillotine blade beside them, and then hums. 
“Hmhmhm… No, doesn’t ring a bell,”
“Clodio! We have drama club together! I saw you less than two hours ago!”
He rolls his eyes. “That’s what they all say,”
The crowd that had gathered beneath the gallows laughs and claps along. You and Hugo share a glance, and when you look back, the boy- Clodio- is dressed in a long robe, not unlike the Noble Bell uniform, is wearing a wide-brimmed hat, and holding a puppet…
You narrow your eyes. “How did he-” 
“Now that we have seen all the evidence- wait, I object!” says the puppet, “Overruled! But I object! Quiet!”
Hugo makes a face, and you share the look. When you look back, Clodio is dressed as an executioner… again. 
“Ahem. Now that we’ve seen all the evidence, we find you completely and utterly normal… which is the worst crime of all! Thou shalt be hanged!”
You gasp, stumbling out of the opening in the wall and into the warm, well-lit chamber. Pierrot sighs in relief, “There you are-”
Clodio shushes him, and turns to you. “Ah… how timely! We were wondering when you would come!”
You climb the ladder to the gallows, noting the good condition of it, and hurry to Pierrot’s side. 
“Your friend?” Clodio asks, grinning and leaning against the lever that would have sent Pierrot to his… is that plastic?
Pierrot’s eyes turn to you. 
“...Yes,” you finally say, throwing the noose off of him. He sighs, and his knees give out. 
“How unfortunate…” Clodio says, rubbing his chin. “But, I dare say, that was my best performance yet!”
The little group of bystanders hoots and hollers, and he gives a bow. When he stands upright, his outfit has, again, changed entirely. Now, he’s dressed in a dark blue, pinstripe shirt, with a lavender vest and a large, almost obnoxiously so, golden-hued bowtie. He snaps a pair of white gloves over his hands, and bows to you. 
“Welcome to our court. You are permitted, with the highest honor, to call me by the name of Clo, Clodio Lefou, or, should it agree with you, the King of Truands. Now, make yourself comfortable- have you eaten yet?”
You give him an odd look. “Um…”
Clo stands. His bowtie is now a white straight tie. Matching bows and magenta feathers in his hair, which is dark, and pulled into a short, messy ponytail, and a single golden earring have also accented his person. 
“No, of course not… Well, let’s eat. Can’t have you going hungry, now, can I? What sort of leader would I be, hm? Come along- you can bring your friend, too,” 
You glance towards Pierrot, who’s just now getting off the floor. A single bleat, muffled by the tapestries on the stone, comes from behind, and Hugo leaps over the opening and into the hall. 
“Ah, and your goat,” Clo says. “Don’t worry, I get along well with kids. Pets, too.”
Hugo nips at him. “Who’re you calling a pet?”
“Ah, my deepest apologies. Now, come along,”
You follow the self-proclaimed “King of Truands” into another hall of the Miracle Court, a smaller room with a single, long, scuffed table going down the belly of it. On it- bread, butter, meats and cheeses of every kind, grapes and apples…
The group of students sits around it, passing plates and chatting amongst themselves. Pierrot’s hands are still shaking as he accepts a platter of cured meats. 
“I’m afraid you caught us in the middle of a rehearsal,” Clo says, piling your plate with bread and cheese before you can refuse. 
“Awfully realistic…” Pierrot murmurs, wrapping his hand around his neck with a sickened expression.
“Thank you!”
You glance between the two. 
“...What is this place…?”
Clo spreads a thin layer of goat cheese over a slice of bread for you, and sets it on your plate.
“Ah, I suppose you wouldn’t know the story. You’re in our Miracle Court… well… something of it. Long ago, during the time of the Righteous Judge, there was a safe haven for all outcasts under the streets of Fleur City, a home where they could seek sanctuary, community…
…Its original place remains somewhat of a mystery. What you see is only an abandoned waterway under Noble Bell College. What we have made it…”
As he speaks, you’re drawn to the people sitting around the table. They’re all quite different, from their appearances to their accents to their mannerisms. Some boys, some girls, some are older, some younger, some you’re not even sure are students at all…
“Consider us a… fourth dorm, if you will,” Clo says. 
“Outcasted, rejected, by the upstanding man, the scholar of Noble Bell-” he says, puffing out his chest for emphasis, his outfit changing back to the uniform you’d become so accustomed to, and then back to his suit. 
“-We’ve become a family of our own.”
“That’s what I was trying to tell you,” Pierrot says, narrowing his eyes. “-I’m just as much of an outcast as any of you! I also lost my scholarship! I was also thrown from my dorm! I’ve been living in the old cemetery all year, and half of last!”
Clo wags his finger. “Nonsense. Just this morning, as I was method acting, I saw you in the dining hall, your plate stacked to the roof!”
Pierrot’s mouth gapes, and then he shuts it. 
You lean into the conversation, separating the two. “...That may have been my fault. I let him have my breakfast,”
“Ahh… now, that would make sense. I didn’t see you eat a thing,” Clo hums. “Why didn’t you say so?”
“I did say so!”
Now, another thought is occurring to you, one that sends a shiver of hope up your spine. You can't help but- “It was you who was following me all day,” 
Both Hugo and Pierrot give you a questioning look, but you don't have the mind to answer them now. Clo hums. 
“...I suppose I was. I had to be sure of you, of course- an invitation to our little court of miracles is special,”
It was only him.
You let go of yourself, exhaling, losing your tension, sedated with a powerful dose of relief. Of course, of course. You had worried yourself about nothing. 
The uneasy feeling lingers, though. You tell yourself it's only stress.
“...I appreciate it. But if anyone deserves a spot in your court, it’s Pierrot. He’s rather unlucky,”
Pierrot hangs his head, as if purposefully looking for sympathy. “It’s true…”
Clo glances between the pathetic sight, and yourself, his eyes narrowing.
“Don’t excuse yourself so soon. Scholarship or not, you are an outcast. You may not think so yet, but Noble Bell has a way of reminding you when you don’t belong…”
Pierrot glares at him, and then turns to you, his voice softening. “Don’t listen to him. He’s an actor,”
“Says the poet!”
Clo bursts into a fit of giggles, clearly enjoying the company. Someone passes him a bottle and he pours more grape juice into your glass. 
“If you would like to join my court, you ought to be nicer to me. I am the king, after all,”
You tilt your head. “What does that mean? The King of Truands?”
“Well,” he says, rubbing his gloved hands together. “It is my part. That is to say, my role, my muse, my character! I wrote the part myself, too-”
Pierrot rolls his eyes. 
“-Based on the legendary king of beggars himself, who ruled the Court of Miracles, just as the Righteous Judge watched over The City, the Knight of the Sun protected The Ville, and The Curious Scholar led L'Universite…”
You glance towards Hugo, sitting under the table at your feet, and he mouths "explain later."
“Yes, yes, we’ve all heard the story,” Pierrot grumbles, crossing his arms and pouting like a child. 
“You never play any of my characters with such enthusiasm.”
“Your heroes are lukewarm and your villains are predictable- and I do bore of playing villains…” Clo sighs. 
“...But, putting aside our artistic differences, I see it only right to invite you to join our dorm, in the spirit of the King himself. And you-” he smiles at you. “...Should you ever need it, our doors remain open to you.”
Pierrot sighs, but accepts the offer with a little nod. You follow suit.
“It beats having to sleep in a grave,” Hugo grumbles. “Where’d you get all this stuff, anyway?”
“Made, donated, shared…” Clo shrugs. “The food comes from the flour mill outside of town- the miller is a sympathetic man.”
“Most ‘a the people in this city are,” the goat says. “I cut it good here. All I have to do is walk around a market looking all cute and sad until someone feels bad and tosses me their scraps.”
“Funny, I do the same thing,” Pierrot says through a mouthful. 
Clo laughs, and even you smile. 
You know you can’t stay here.
You’ll just end up attracting more attention than you already have, and by the looks of this room- the rejected would-be-students, the eccentric theatre actor, the rebellious writer- standing out at Noble Bell is anything but good. 
You’ll go back to the bell tower. You have to. 
Before that…
“Oh, right,” you say, taking something out of your pocket and holding it up to the light. “This was on the back of the letter you sent. But I have no idea what it means.”
Clo blinks at the sparkly pendant, and then grins. 
“It’s a popular emblem of Fleur City. Consider it a symbol of our acceptance,” he says. 
“But what does it mean?”
He shrugs. “No one truly knows. Nothing, probably- but there is a saying that goes along with it, though. When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand. Fun, no?”
An inexplicable sense of disappointment makes itself a home in you, and you hold the pendant closer to yourself, cradling it in your palm. 
The sounds of the conversation around you become distant. You run your fingers over the twine, the many colors of it, the small cross in the middle, and the smaller stone at its heart. Strange...
Against all reason, it’s caught your interest between its woven bands, and you can’t help but feel that it means something. 
“It’s getting late,” you say, excusing yourself from the table, and the conversation, which had turned to Pierrot and Clo bickering about the realism of the prop gallows.  
Pierrot looks up. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay? At least for the night- it’s much cleaner here than it is in the bell tower,”
You shake your head, and Clo abruptly jumps from the seat beside you, pointing a finger directly at Pierrot. 
“Speaking of! Let’s hose him down- he smells!”
The students cheer, chanting "he smells! he smells!", and Pierrot goes pale as his chair is lifted and he’s carried off. You wave goodbye, and turn to leave from the way you came. 
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Chapter Ten
Without Hugo, the passage back to the school feels thrice as dark, and much tighter. Besides the way from which you came, every door you pass, every opening, even the windows in the walls are guarded by thick iron bars. Yet, still, you can’t help but wonder what lies beyond…
At least it makes finding your way back easy enough. 
Noble Bell has a way of telling you that you don’t belong…
Clo’s words dance around your thoughts, haunting you, leading you deeper into the abyssal pits. 
The water is up to your knees now. The river must rise and fall like the tide… perhaps it’s raining. The thought offers little comfort. 
You turn a corner, and then hesitate. To your right, now, is the thin passage where the orange glow had come from. The sun, the flame, the dawn. How you wished you could have cupped it in your hands…
You peer through the wrought-iron bars of the opening. 
No light. No glow. The water is thinner here, though no less dark. There’s only a thin, black stem reaching out of the depths, though it appears as if its flower had been torn off. 
By what, you wonder.
it doesn't matter. The glow is gone. You are alone again. 
“Hey! What are you doing down here?” 
Again, the door to your prison of mind is thrown open, and you whirl around to see…
“You again?” you ask, taking a step back through the inky water. How strange. You didn’t even feel him coming. 
Phoenix puts his hands on his hips. “I thought I’d told you. It’s unsafe down here. You’re really not supposed to be…”
“Did you follow me?” 
He hesitates, his brow turning up, the stern expression on his face becoming confused. “I was going to ask if you had followed me. I’m on student council business,”
“Under the school,” you say. “...Again?”
“I was given orders. No one is to be in the waterways unattended,”
Your rational mind, the one that had, unfortunately, come with you when you woke up in this strange place, wants you to explain. Your gut resists. 
Some things are just better off as secrets, after all. 
“I got… lost again,”
For a moment, it seems as if Phoenix has something stuck in his throat. Then, he coughs, then, he laughs. 
“Oh, right. You’re pretty ditzy, aren’t you? Here, let me take you back,”
You grimace. You don’t appreciate his choice of words, but… he bought the excuse. Perhaps you’d picked up a thing or two about acting from Clodio Lefou. 
You still have much to learn.
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Chapter Eleven
Phoenix blazes ahead, cutting a path through the sewer with the confidence of a man much wiser than him. 
You keep to yourself. It’s a long walk back to the surface, and you’re not in the mood to chat. You’re tired, wet, smell of sewage, and have been going in circles about what turned out to be a curious theater kid all day. 
Silly, silly… 
You scold yourself. This place will drive you mad if you’re not careful…
You’ve had enough of secrets and mysteries for a lifetime, and it’s only been a day. 
Phoenix is some ways ahead of you, talking to himself about some silly thing or another, answering his own echo. As if you’re not even there. 
People here seldom look at you. 
And yet, you can’t help but-
Your feet suddenly refuse to move. 
You stop in place, letting Phoenix’s voice get further and further from you, until you can’t hear him at all. Just the drip, drip, drip of the catacombs, the sound of your heart...
And the footsteps behind you. 
You want to believe it’s Clo, it's someone from the court, the one you’d left behind some time ago, but you know it isn’t. You always knew it wasn't.
It’s coming from one of the iron-guarded gates. You can feel eyes on your back. Behind you, to your left. 
It breathes. 
This time, you can’t even shout. 
“Hey,” the light returns to you, Phoenix and his flashlight.
“You okay?”
His tone is soft. Gentle, almost, which is strange for him, and must mean you look as scared as you feel. 
He comes over to you, loops your arm around his, and continues walking you out of the catacomb, practically dragging you behind him. The feeling of being watched, the lingering, sticky, suffocating fear, vanishes behind you. 
But you know it’ll be back. 
Phoenix brings you to the surface, lifting you from perdition with a strength you couldn’t have guessed from his height and soft features. 
“Alllmost there,” he keeps saying that, quietly, all the way up to the bell tower, as if reassuring you.
It works… a little. 
He says good night, and leaves you there.
There are very few things you understand about this world, its people, its history,
Its magic. 
But as the door to the bell tower closes, trapping you inside, just as much a prisoner as you were before, alone but safe, you understand this:
There is a monster inside Noble Bell College. 
And only you know it's there.
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Reading about the cultural and social importance of bathing throughout Chinese history (because I am exactly the kind of person who spends hours reading about the cultural and social importance of bathing throughout Chinese history for no particular reason on a Tuesday night) and obviously now I'm imagining the sects all lowkey competing with regards to their public baths -- or at least the ones meant for visiting disciples and dignitaries.
The Jin are obviously doing The Most and being incredibly tacky about it. The floor of the bath is made of gold tile that dull super quickly and the whole tub needs to be frequently drained so the tiles can be deep cleaned and polished, and of course once they're shiny they reflect light up and through the water in a way that's actually really distracting. The bath bean has crushed pearls and seventy four different types of flowers in it. The benches are intricately engraved and inlaid with gems in places that pinch your butt when you sit on them.
The Nie have a natural hot spring that they have turned into their main public bath. The massive cavern houses a number of varying-sized pools, some of which interconnect and others of which are freestanding. The free standing pools are typically treated with different soaks to give the water various medicinal properties (most often for things like muscle aches or minor injuries, but also for skincare and such.) I imagine the Nie recipe for bath-bean would include animal fat and pancreas, making it very rich and cleansing.
Part of me wants to say the Jiang would just bathe in the lake but that seems cheap to me, so instead: Through a combination of well-placed pipes and clever array work, the Jiang bath house feels like a mini indoor rainstorm, with water falling in thousands of warm droplets from the ceiling above to fill the pools, which are more shallow that a typical bath would be. There are built-in overhangs you can sit under to get out of the "rain" while still being in the water. If requested the rain can be "turned up" and the lights dimmed, and cymbals crash so you feel like you're really standing out in a raging thunderstorm, which some people find incredibly soothing and others find terrifying. I can't think of anything unique for the bath bean other than lotus flowers but I do think, given the proximity to the river, that mud wraps would be a common treatment offered.
The Lan... probably have the worst public baths, actually. They may not even actually have a public bath at all. If they do have one, it's not meant to be a place of luxury or entertainment, although of course it would be tastefully decorated and comfortable. Rather they'd find some way to make public bathing less about socializing and more about silently meditating while pretending you aren't surrounded by other naked people. I guess the cold springs kind of sort of count as a public bath but not really. Bath bean smells distinctly medicinal, but obviously whatever is in it works, because the Lan all look Like That.
The public bath in Qishan stopped being a popular attraction when Wen Ruohan stopped having visitors, but for years their bath was one hell of a marvel. Massive, bronze statues of phoenixes would be heated until glowing-hot and then lowered into the stone tub, filling the air with thick steam. Patrons would sit around the room on their benches, sweating it out until the statues had cooled enough for the water to be safe to enter. If you wanted a cold bath, the adjoining room was also home to a massive bronze statue, this one of a dragon that sat in the center of the tub and poured cool water out of it's mouth. Bath bean was made with plant ash rather than rice or soybean powder, and the water was all treated with volcanic ash.
And, because I am Me, the Wei sect: I'm imagining a dark hall deep in the cave systems, the floor lined with man made in-ground pools of varying sizes not entirely unlike the Nie baths, however these pools aren't connected to an outside water source or each other. There are illusion arrays carved into the walls that send out glowing, ghostly shapes of fish and otters and other river creatures swimming through the air. The pools are filled through overhead pipes that pour water, oils, and herbal mixtures into the pool, and each pool has access to it's own set of labeled levers, so a person or group of people can customize their bath while they're having it, adding more cool water, hot water, or various add-ins. The bath bean is more of a paste due to the addition of a ton of collagen. (They get it from the kitchen's bone broth. The bones are not human, but that doesn't stop visiting disciples from scaring each other about it. Don't piss off the Yiling Louzu or you'll end up in the soap.)
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l0n3ly-gh0st205 · 2 years
Child!reader meeting/ joining the white beard pirates
A/n: Is this a little bit all over the place? Yes. Do I care? No❤️ I got so much love for my previous writing, so I added some more! Giving specific love to the white beard crew ❤️❤️
-ft. Portagas D. Ace, Marco the Phoenix, thatch death
-TW: spoilers for ace’s introduction to the white beard pirates and thatches death, hints of abandonment, yelling, and not much but a little bit of angst in Ace’s section.
[■□□□□□□□□□] 10%
☆꧁༒Ĺoading. . .༒꧂☆
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☆꧁༒Ĺoading. . .༒꧂☆
[■■■■■■■■■■] 100%
꧁ head cannons ꧂
You were probably found when you were still an infant, so you have no memory of your life before the crew
They probably say something like you magically appeared in a barrel or one of thatch’s botched recipes spurred you into existence if you ever go around asking questions about it
They want to keep you happy so you don’t doubt your familial bonds
But of course, watching one of your brothers kill your other brother over a weird-looking fruit probably put a damper on that :)
Marco remembers the freezing wind of that faithful day, the ocean breeze picking up shards of ice as a seemingly normal ration run with his friend turned into meeting the youngest member of their crew.
A loud bang shook Marco out of the memory as his head swirled to the door. The familiar childish screams and laughs at least hinted that the noise wasn’t causing pain; he couldn’t help but smile.
It’s been five years since that winter storm, and although the phoenix hated the cold more than anything, he couldn’t help but be glad for that storm.
Thatch stumbled on a hidden branch covered in snow. Marco grabbed his arm before glaring at the other man
“We had to come during the middle of winter-yoi?” He snarked for the umpteenth time since the two got caught in the storm. Thatch huffed and rolled his eyes “bug off bird brains; they’ve got the best beef in the west blue!” He snapped. The two came upon a rushing river, and thatch groaned, nodding towards the rubble of a bridge that once stood
“Seems the ice and rapids took out the bridge, be a dear big bird and Carry me over?” Thatch slid a sly smile to Marco, who rolled his eyes “you always boast about your ability to swim yoi-“ the rattle of wood cut off Marco's comment, and the two commanders glanced over at the bridge, noting a small box that was caught on some rubble, the two watched as the box shook against the tide leering to the side causing the freezing water to slip into the box. The cold caused the young occupant in the box to let out a blood-curdling scream causing both of the men to tense.
“It's open,” Marco responded to the gentle taps on his door. It opened with a protesting squeak, and the young child peeped their head around the corner
“Big brother! Ace is being mean to me-” the child pouted, causing the old doctor to chuckle “(Y/N), what did you do now yoi?”
“Did nothin'! Promise!” they huffed, sending a glare toward the doctor “it's all Teaches fault! He told me lunch was ready and to go wake up ace!” Marco hummed, resting his chin on his hand, “and, let me guess, you decided to wake him up by tickling him, yoi ?” he couldn't help but smile at the way they puff out their cheeks while muttering a small ‘maybe.’
Marco got up from his seat and gently ruffled the youngster's hair “come on, let's go see if thatch can whip up some food to help soothe ace yoi,” he said with a smile, gently pushing the younger out the door
“Okay!” they called out and started running down the hall, leaving the old man behind to wallow in his sentimental ways with a smile.
After first getting brought onto the ship you know damn well these men didn't know how to care for a baby-
I can just imagine them trying to feed you by offering you a giant turkey leg 💀
Since Marco stayed on the ship most of the time, he was your number-one babysitter. It would have been pops, but he was so nervous that he’d hurt you cause you're so small :(
If Marco couldn't, then thatch would be the second-best person; he’d keep you in the kitchen so you didn't get into too much trouble
Thatch and Marco were there for most of your significant milestones, and we’re always quick to share it with the rest of the crew
Thatch stared down at the carnage that graced his kitchen. Plates were broken and strewn on the floor; his delicate fresh vegetables smushed and drooled on. He turned to the rather cute culprit. Who was asleep on the tile floor, red hands from smoothing the tomatoes, holding an eggplant as a pillow.
Thatch pinched the bridge of his nose, suppressing a scream. He looked back at the sleeping toddler and gently picked them up, stirring them from their slumber “so- what do you have to say for yourself?” He grumbled.
The baby in his arms just smiled and lazily babbled at him, mouth full of baby teeth and eyes sparkling with more stars than the night sky; really, how could he stay mad at this adorable creature? The cook smiled at the child’s nonsense, and the baby reached up for him, dirty hands smearing tomato juice all over his white collar, and he rolled his eyes
“Alright, alright, you little demon, let’s get you cleaned up before you make even more of a mess- of course, you start crawling when I’m not looking-“ the chief mumbled and headed for the bathroom. He ran the warm water and gently placed the toddler down in the water, making sure he cleaned off any remaining mess from their skin.
Ace was a different story.
Im not saying fuck canon time line… but-
The ex-captain of the spade pirates infamously wanted nothing to do with the white-beard crew.
Despite his multiple murder attempts- the youngest member of white beards crew always seemed to follow him around like a little duckling
Did it remind him of his little brothers? Yes. Was he going to admit that you were adorable and could do no wrong in his eyes? …maybe-
Look all I’m saying is-
Ace: *sees a small child* big brother mode A C T I V A T E D.
Ace sat against the railing of the Moby-Dick, twiddling his knife in his hands as he thought of his latest ploy against White-beard. He could feel eyes burning into his side, which he pointedly ignored.
The boy let out a sigh; that brat sure was relentless- he hesitantly raised his eye, meeting the gazes of the crew's youngest member. They let out a soft squeak before ducking behind the corner they used for cover. Ace narrowed his eyes as he huffed out his nose, sliding his knife back into his carrier
“Leave me alone, brat,” he muttered, but the startled gasp was enough that he knew his message got across, the child hesitantly stepped out from behind the corner, and a pang of guilt stabbed through ace’s chest- the kid couldn't have been older than 10. He watched as they seemed to look for their words
“Um… big brother… Marco wanted me to make sure you were, um… you were okay…” they hesitated, looking over aces face and waiting for a reply.
Ace couldn’t help but scrunch his nose in irritation “im not your big brother.” he stated, pointedly rising from his sitting position and starting to walk away. The young pirate gasped and quickly followed after him “b-but gramps said you joined the family-” the child worried their lip between their teeth, recalling macros words
“Be patient,” Marco hummed as (y/n) excitedly swung their legs in their chair, “but I wanna meet my new brother!” they almost whined, pulling a chuckle from the doctor. “In time, Ace is... Let's say having a hard time adjusting to the family.” Marco turned and ruffled his younger siblings' hair. “Think of him like a cat; he isn't comfortable yet; he might bare some claws, yoi.”
(y/n) pushed their bottom lip into a pout, “but he’s my brother- brothers don't hurt each other!” Marco gave them a weary smile “all im saying is just be slow.”
Ace’s scoff of disdain pulled them from their memory, and they stopped, almost slamming right into his leg “im not a part of your stupid family!” he yelled, taking the younger pirate aback
In all the trouble (y/n) had gotten into, they had never heard anyone yell at them with such anger. They bit their lip roughly, holding back the welling emotions as their eyes pricked with tears. They looked down and Ace was taken aback, regretting his tone, not his words.
When (Y/n) looked back up, big fat tears were rolling down their cheeks as they suppressed a sob “y- you just aren’t comfortable yet-“ they wept, using their first to wipe away the futile tears and snot “t-that’s why your claws are out.” They quickly turned away from ace and ran before he could even mutter an apology. Ace tsked and promptly turned away. Guilt was eating him up from the inside.
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We need, quite literally, a revolution. And every revolution, lest we forget, is an architectural revolution. The Industrial Revolution brought about the dawn of modernism; the Russian Revolution initially saw the demise of bourgeois opulence in favor of Constructivism. The French revolutionaries looked upon the palace of Versailles with disgust, for it represented everything loathsome about monarchist French society: inequality, waste, and excessive filigree. So, too, under increasingly dire material conditions spurred by climate change and intersecting political catastrophes, will we look upon the McMansion. Maybe sooner than we think.
The present crisis surrounding the depleted Colorado River, owing to overconsumption and a world-historic megadrought plaguing the Southwest since the 2000s, will be the first real test of the McMansion way of life, the life of endless plenty. If the recession saw entire suburban developments reduced to eerie ghost towns, imagine what water rationing will do to golf courses in Phoenix, Arizona. Already, the nearby city of Scottsdale has cut off the wealthy suburb of Rio Verde from the municipal water service, leaving residents holding the bag. When the resources of the commons no longer subsidize the whimsies of the rich, when there is truly nothing left to drink or burn in the tank, then, and only then, will we be able to look at the McMansion in retrospect.
Kate Wagner, Bad Manors: The McMansion as harbinger of the American apocalypse
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faun-the-hound · 1 month
Phoenix Drop is like, a default medieval village, especially in the beginning. Like,
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Small, simple houses lining dirt roads, smack dab in the middle of f-all nowhere. Makes me wonder how Zane actually found the place when this-
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-is what the road looks like outside the wall. it's a forest, a dense, dark forest, almost completely isolating Phoenix Drop on its little peninsula.
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The forest is beautiful, too. Full of wildflowers and little pockets of shining golden sunlight that streams through the branches. And within the wall are open fields, many used for farming, but Kiki makes a special place for the bees and hummingbirds, keeping pastures of sweet heather and gorse for them to live in. When Brian was a kid, he'd frolic in the flower fields for hours at a time, hiding when Molly would call him in, and she'd run with him through the blossoms, pretending to chase him down while they both laughed, tiring themselves out before Dale came looking as well.
I imagine Levin, Malachi, Kyle and Alexis would all make games in the flower fields as well. Hiding amongst the bright plants, collecting the blossoms, making crowns and chains out of clippings, gifts for their parents.
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This is the most accurate (not accurate, really, but close) to what I imagine Phoenix Drop being. Small, simple, surrounded by trees and hills on the coast. There's a secret passage between two hills that leads out onto the beach the docks are eventually built on, and a river that flows from an underground spring, that forms a shallow, but wide gully between the village and wall, where the children play in the summer. Kyle collects cool rocks from the river.
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stephstars08 · 21 days
I got a lot of ideas for Chris Chambers and Lucas Wolenczak so be on the look out for those in the coming weeks!!!!!
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(These two softies are currently my favorite characters at the moment! They give me so much comfort!!)
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serialadoptersbracket · 6 months
Full Propaganda: Phoenix Wright
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(Mod note: Also a shoutout to the submitter who begged me to use the beanie pic)
1. “This man cannot walk five feet without accidentally tripping over yet another new kid/teen sidekick.”
2. “his mentor dies leaving behind her teenage sister hes like 'my sister now' teenage sister's aunt is arrested, and her 9yo cousin needs looking after 'say no more' dudes entire career comes crashing down around him at the same time a dude abandons his daughter 'looks like i have a reason to live now'”
3. “Tired old man (he’s 35) single lawyer dad of two other lawyers and a famous magician. Absolutely unhinged but appears Normal™️. Constantly embarrasses himself and is routinely assaulted and verbally abused in court but wins all his cases anyway (and he only forged evidence like twice!). Runs his own law firm (possible front for adopting more children?) and has 100% faith in his kids and his clients (two categories that overlap wayyyy too often, he and his family are constantly being framed for murder). He has a dumb hairstyle and no one ever lets him forget it. Phoenix has eaten glass before and would probably do so again. He has also survived falling from a 40-foot burning bridge into an ice-cold river, being the victim of a hit-and-run, and nearly being executed by a foreign government twice. Plus he’s bisexual and suffers from gay angst disease. Phoenix Wright is God’s favorite and he should be yours too!”
4. “Phoenix will see a young person going through truama and be like: "Is anyone going to help them?" And then not wait for an answer.”
5. “He may have only legally adopted Trucy, but he in spirit adopted the others. Phoenix just sees a girl (and Apollo) wandering through life without a parent and goes “is anyone going to parent and raise this?” And then doesn’t wait for an answer”
6. “This man can't go one game in his series without finding a new young person in a desperate situation who he picks up and makes his personal responsibility. Textbook serial adopter.”
7. “Canon says he adopted Trucy. I will argue he’s also adopted Apollo for… various reasons, and if he’s adopted one lawyer why not adopt another? I can’t imagine he’d look at her and the dad instincts… didn’t kick in. He’s also an older brother figure to Maya if that means anything here”
8. “Phoenix legally adopted Trucy and has just been taking kids without parents into his law agency ever since. Also if you consider him and Edgeworth to be together, then Edgeworth also essentially adopted Kay Faraday, so that's another one right there.”
9. “He's a lawyer. He adopts a little sister after her sister (his boss) dies. His client runs out on him so he does the logical thing and adopts the daughter he left behind even as his life falls apart. He meets her biological brother and manipulates him into joining his found family. I have no idea how he met teenage Lawyer Athena but that's his daughter now too.”
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esthersixx · 6 months
Thinking about writing some river phoenix content here
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nalyra-dreaming · 8 months
Who is your favorite and least favorite IWTV series, movie, and book character and why?
Hey nonny!
(There's two ways of reading your question, so I'm just gonna answer both versions^^)
My favorite is the new IWTV series, the revamping (ha, pun^^), of the characters, arcs, books in and by themselves while keeping the important bits and elevating it all to art is breathtaking. I love how clever it is, how much it subverts some tropes, how it plays with the meta level by giving us the books Louis reads, or what is laying around in the set behind characters. Hints over hints, and every friggin' line counts. Show of the decade, truly.
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I will always love the 1994 movie, since it was what introduced me to the Chronicles, I cannot tell you the state I was in after I came home from the theater. I watched it daily as soon as I could get it on tape, I shit you not. (Easily Tom Cruise's best performance, too, imho, as a note^^)
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And I waited years for the sequel... only to get Queen of the Damned. Ahem.
I am sorry, but that has to be my least favorite of it all, though Aaliyah was breathtaking. And the soundtrack was good.
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Now character-wise...interestingly enough book-Louis came to mind immediately. He is (probably) my least favorite. And I say that as a fan *laughs* He is just... IDK. I know the history behind it, and I know the pain Anne must have been in (and which I do not dare to imagine), and I know why she had to leave him behind... but even though he has his reasons, too, they never really resonated with me. And neither did his backstory. As a vessel he works very well, because he is empty in IWTV, or he feels so for me, but as a character I do not feel him.
Thankfully the show version has completely eclipsed him for me, and I can finally enjoy who Louis truly is and who he will become - quite the feat I have to say, and I love, love, LOVE them for it.
All in all Lestat is probably the character who is my favorite though, not the least because he can be so capricious. There are... parallels to my own life, parallels the show will yet touch upon in future seasons. When I read The Vampire Lestat I felt those in my bones. It doesn't matter here if show, 1994 movie or book, though of course Sam... IS Lestat now. ^^ Season 1, filtered through Louis' (influenced) POV was only a hint after all, and... Lestat is yet to fully appear.
I do not really have characters that I don't like in the show - every character they have is very well cast, and very poignant in their function for the story, even the repugnant ones. They vibe. Maybe there will be a future show character I do not like in and by "themselves", but... I actually doubt it. They're so terrific at casting.
In the movie it is the same, on the contrary, I always remember here that Christian Slater jumped in for the late River Phoenix, and donated his salary, so there is always a warm feeling when watching him. For example. Antonio Banderas did have the gravitas and managed to... insinuate at least.^^ And watching that scene with the girl on stage in the theater, totally unprepared was something else. There was no sound in the theater. NONE. Absolutely breathtaking.
Now QotD of course... (the movie). Where should I start *laughs*. I said it before, but maybe the best thing that came of it was Sam getting into the VC through it. The worst was probably Armand there, lol. Not sure if he ever says anything in the theater cut (I know there were scenes cut), but... just...
So yeah.
Show characters and show have taken over^^. Will continue to take over, too, I bet. I cannot wait.
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silverloreleysfanfics · 2 months
Yet another idea for a TTEOTM fanfic I'll never come around to write.
Roleswap fic!
Cang Jiumin is a cultivator, the adopted son of Master Zhaoyou. His world has been on literal fire because of the Phoenix Demoness Li Susu, daughter of the Ancient Devil God's Lieutenant Di Mian who managed to snatch the Evil Bone along with the Sky-Slashing Sword when the Devil God fell. Even if Di Mian was trapped in the Barren Abyss, he managed to free himself and found his daughter's egg, powering her with the Evil Bone's power he corrupted Li Susu's original pure nature, turning her into the Phoenix demoness who brought destruction upon the world ever since she hatched.
When Li Susu decides to attack the Immortal Sects to obtain their artifacts, she and Cang Jiumin clash for the first time, and she seems to recognize him somehow, much to his confusion. She attacks him anyway, but he's protected by Ming Ye's dragon scale and able to access to the Mirror of the Past's power.
This leads the elder Immortals to believe he must have some godly ancestry or protection and can use the relic. As such, Zhaoyou entrusts Cang Jiumin with the task of going back in time to make sure Li Susu won't be corrupted by demonic power.
Now, he finds himself in the body of Tantai Jin, Ye Xiwu's husband, and here I have two routes:
The past background is the same: Tantai Jin is the hostage prince of Jing who managed to marry the favourite daughter of the Pillar General of Sheng, Ye Xiwu is vicious and shows every possible bad trait that will lead to her easy demonization, so he has to try to awaken her best feelings so she can learn to love the world and respect others.
Tantai Jin is the favourite prince of Jing, even though he was born the son of a concubine. When he brought an end to the long-time war against Sheng thanks to his wit, he was ordered to marry Ye Xiwu, daughter of the Pillar General of Sheng, to consolidate his power in the foreign land where he's staying as regent (basically, his father let him have Sheng to compensate the fact he can't get the throne of Jing due to existence of his older, legitimate brothers). Obviously, Ye Xiwu hates him, is spoiled, and all the drill.
which is actually 2.1: Tantai Jin is the favourite prince of Jing who is friend with Xiao Lin and his marriage to Ye Xiwu was wanted to ensure a more lasting peace (like in his dream in ep 4). Ye Xiwu, who thinks Tantai Jin will never get the throne due to the existence of his older and legitimate brothers other than the fact he has a reputation of being weak and meek, despises him and the marriage.
Plot 1 would retrace some steps from canon, with Cang Jiumin having to try to elicit pity and affection from the tyrannical Ye Xiwu from his disadvantaged place as a hostage prince and unwanted husband. The moment he transmigrates is when he dies kneeling on the frozen lake, he's "saved" by the benevolence of Grandmother Ye.
Plot 2 would require some more imagination and delve into palace matters and politics (which are not my expertise) but would make a more novel plot.
In any case, they should come around to discover a few things about each other:
Ye Xiwu's life was not as nice as it looked, despite being the only legitimate daughter and most spoiled, in fact, she was always overshadowed by Ye Bingchang ever since she stole Pian Ran's Love threads. Ye Xiwu genuinely loved Xiao Lin and had her heart broken by his indifference, other than the fact Ye Bingchang used her newfound influence to push her sister out of society.
Tantai Jin is a tribulation of Cang Jiumin (like YXW was LSS), but he's not the Devil Fetus here. Instead, he's the lost son of Ming Ye and Sang Jiu, who she lost without even knowing she was pregnant when she saved Ming Ye the last time in the Ruo River (hence why he was born from Concubine Ruo)
Ming Ye drags them into the Bo're Life to show YXW who her father really is like (Di Mian did kill Chu Huang after all, which he lied to LSS about), and also the risk of allowing herself to demonize like Sang Jiu did. For his son, he wanted him to know the real story and see his mother, but also apologize and warn him not to make his same mistakes of being too cold and distant with the woman he loves, along with the hint to the presence of the Evil Bone in LSS and the need to replace it with an Immortal Marrow.
After their deaths (which will depend on how the plot develops) Cang Jiumin comes back to his life in Xiaoyao sect and is surprised to find that Li Susu is now a new disciple of Qu Xuanzi, leader of Hengyang sect.
This could be the end... or not.
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isleofair · 26 days
🥀⚡🌞 For your asks! And for the sun one I would love to see a quote from Stereoscopy! ❤️
That is TWICE this evening you've made me squee into a pillow, now by asking for a quote from Stereoscopy!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥹🥹🥹 Thank you so much for this ask, I love it! 💚💚💚
🥀 favorite angst quote from a published work
Oh, gosh. There are a few I like... they'd all need context, but this bit I like well enough (and is certainly plenty angsty) even on its own. It's from Intertidal:
He held out his hand, smiling, as sweet and welcoming as ever, and Nathan went, her steps light, picking up speed, like gravity was inescapably guiding her to him. But before she could reach him, to her abject horror, faint wisps of smoke started to rise from his figure, a flicker of flame igniting on his open palm; the fire was lighting him up from the inside, burning through his flesh, turning his flawless golden skin into a charred, smoldering wasteland. Her outstretched fingers brushed against his, and at her faintest touch his hand crumpled into ash, followed by his arm, his body, his ruined, startled face; in just a few instants, Keith had disappeared, carried away on the wind until nothing was left.
⚡️ wild card: dealer’s choice of quote from a completed work
Oooh, spoiled for choice here! There's a chapter in Second Song that I love dearly; I plucked what I think is one of the prettiest quotes from it.
"You love peace," she murmured, unable to hold back a tiny, fond smile. "Yes," he said quickly, giving her a surprised, pleased look, like he hadn't expected her to understand him so instantly, so easily. "Yes, I do." Of course, he had no idea that she was cheating; that she'd had years with him, and not just minutes, that she knew him almost as well as she knew herself, and loved him even more. "But..." Keith sighed, leaning his elbows on his knees. "Lately, I've been thinking that maybe sometimes you need to fight, in order to protect peace." He opened his hands, palm up, and gazed down at them pensively. "I got into a college with a really good aviation program. But now I've got these powers, and..." "And you're thinking of becoming a hero," Nathan whispered, mesmerized. She felt like she was witnessing the birth of something beautiful, something precious; a cloud of luminous dust starting to coalesce into a future star.
☀️ asker’s choice of published work: request a quote from a published work
And here, as requested, is your quote from my beloved Stereoscopy:
There was no room around him; he was dropping from the sky, through the cold night air above Stern Bild. He was far higher than he'd ever flown on his own; he could recognize the shape of the city lights below him, but they were so terribly, achingly distant. And Fire Emblem wasn't there. Keith hadn't been afraid of falling for a very long time. But the thought of not being able to find his partner, the thought of losing him, filled him with the purest dread imaginable. There was only one person he could think of who might be able to help him. He wasn't wearing his helmet, but he did have the rest of his suit; he angled his limbs to take full advantage of the stabilizers, and directed his fall towards the golden bird glinting faintly above the river. Like he had been hoping, Nat was waiting there for him, perched on the very tip of the phoenix's beak. Her red coat billowed around her like a cape, its ends gilded in an illusion of fire by the light reflected by the metal under her feet. Keith's fall slowed as soon as he saw her; he floated down until he was standing in front of Nat, almost, but not quite close enough to touch. He resisted the urge to reach out; if he did, he knew, somehow, that he'd lose what he was looking for.
(the ask game)
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