#rivamika asks
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Hi I'm new to the fandom and not gonna lie for a long time I was confused about why would anyone ship Rivamika because it always seemed like Levi was barely aware of Mikasa and Mikasa hated Levi or disliked him. I started reading the manga last week and I'm honestly surprised by how little changes made a huge different. WIT always made it seem like Mikasa didn't care about anyone other than Ereh and I believe they are the reason why everyone makes fun of Mikasa for being obsessed. I genuinely thought "I love her but she's very ungrateful and rude sometimes, their strongest soldier hurt his ankle when they needed him the most because of her and all she cared about is Ereh" but it's not like that in the manga. She actually feels guilty and responsible which is a great panel to show how character development. A 3 seconds scene would do so much good to Mikasa's character but WIT somehow didn't want to include that scene. Even in S3 it seemed like they would like to keep them apart and don't let them interact even though there was a huge reveal about them. And I think it's not only WIT. Even Isayama himself is almost afraid to let them interact and I'm not talking about shipping here. Imagine finding out that someone experienced the same things as you did, have this weird mysterious power thing going on and that person is your Captain whom you made it clear that you trust and respect now. It's crazy to me that they don't even talk and compare their experiences etc???? Again, it's not even about shipping, it pisse me off because it feels like Mikasa isn't allowed to have anything of her own, the reason why Mikasa ships aren't popular isn't because she's not loved, it's because Isayama, WIT and even Mappa didn't let her have many meaningful interactions. Hell, even with Armin (they are supposed to be a trio) it sometimes feel like they were just hanging out for Eren. Ughhh they could at least let Mikasa have Ackermans for her own. She could interact more with Levi and even with Kenny for a sec. So disappointing :(
Wow!! Anon, welcome to the fandom and thanks for sending this! I never get asks and it’s always exciting 😂 We’re glad you’re here!
The “I didn’t get how people shipped rivamika” thing is common tbh, don’t worry! I was on that train too until I stopped to think about everything implied between the lines—most of it being in the manga, as you said. I know people say things like we ‘grasp at straws’ but there is realistically fantastic depth we can assume from their closeness as comrades alone. The magic of Rivamika as a ship is it takes more deep knowledge of the characters to understand why it WORKS so well. And when you get it, gosh, it’s amazing!
We definitely agree too, that WIT cut such crucial scenes to Mikasa’s character. I will never understand their choices… And I’ll forever grieve it 😭 That scene of self-reflection and guilt over Levi’s injury/absence is important because it’s the first time she finally thought outside of her tunnel vision of Eren. Ultimately, she learns to care about what happens to others as a result of her actions, which quite literally starts with Levi.
I also agree, it seems like Yams started the Ackerman reveal + arc but decided midway not to commit to it or develop it. It explained their strength, but that was it. It’s strange that even in the anime they chose not to explain that Ackerman’s are Titan DNA hybrids. That seems like a crucial piece but I wonder why they didn’t think it was important. Because then the whole “Ackerman’s are immune to x and x” has no narrative proof at all.
I like to think Ackertalk happened behind the scenes. I like reading everyone’s versions of it—but always a shame we never got that in canon. It’s even strange because they both lost their entire families, so finding out you’re from the same people should at least create a sense of bonding or they’d take on a slightly familial role, or SOMETHING. (Though I’m glad it didn’t go that route because people would REALLY think they’re cOuSiNs lol) But it’s just strange Yams introduced these things that ended up really having not much purpose, or none at all. (Don’t get me started on the Azumabito shit)
I still hope and manifest for some sort of Ackerman spin off that explores this. Can you imagine? Levi and Mikasa (the cash cows of AOT, we say!) venturing off post-war to discover more about the Ackerman’s? Or to retrace and find surviving Ackerman’s outside the world?
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Hi, can I ask something? What do you think are Levi and Mikasa's greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Since when that you start shipping them? What is your fav (canon) rivamika moments? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
Thanks for sharing your fics and for this blog of yours. Also, thanks to you, I start shipping Rivamika. See, I love Mikasa so much but I really dislike Eremika and can not understand that ship at all (don't mean anything negative to Eremika shippers). I'm okay with Armin/Mikasa & Jean/Mikasa, but I don't love those ships that much. Until I found your blog, read your fics and fall in love with Rivamika! Sorry for my rambling....
First things first, I’m so so sorry for taking so so long to reply!!! 🥺I’ve been quite busy lately irl and your ask calls for a proper answer. I think Levi is the least judgeamental character in AoT. This is in a virtuous circle with his kindness and selflessness, where those three qualities feed each other back . He’s kind and He’s a good judge of character, he’s practical, obviously he’s strong, both physically and spiritually. His resilience is extraordinary, after all he’s been through, he has not succumbed to rage, revenge, envy… Eren went through a smidgen of a fraction of what Levidis, and he decimated mankind for it. If Levi’s virtues are a bit hidden behind his gruff exterior, his weaknesses are there for all to see (is this a fault in itself?). He can be rude, he expreses anger and frustration in a violent manner—which is a result of his upbringing, granted, but still makes him look unapproachable. This can be good when facing your enemies as a soldier, but can isolate him from meaningful human connections too. I’m veering on hc terrain here, but for all his empathy he also strikes me as someone who’d be much less compassive/forgiving when it’s about “first world problems”. Annie killed his squad? No hard feelings, child soldier, all that jazz; you berate the waiter because he messed up your order? You’re dead to him. I’ve mentioned this before somewhere, but we have an idiom in my country for people who, like Levi, are not cut for polite social events, and its to be “coarse as a plough”, which is funny bc Ackerman means ploughman.
Mikasa is also strong af, and she pairs that with a calm demeanor… unless her loved ones are threatened ofc. In fact, I think Mikasa’s weaknesses are mostly her virtues going overboard: she has a fierce protective instinct, which is good up to a point but it becomes a problem when she lets that override her judgement, like in the female titan arc. She’s determined, but that turns into stubborness. She’s loyal, but that loyalty turned into paralysis in the case of Eren; not only when it came to having to stop him, but also regarding her crush on him, which she probably wasn’t fully conscious of, hence her surprise and awkwardness when he asked her “what am I to you”.
I’m not sure at what point I started shipping rm; I do remember fretting when he was revealed to be an Ackerman, for fear that they could turn to be family, because I was already rooting for them. I guess I was initially attracted to the idea of the power couple, being the two most badass characters in the series. But I also like how she blooms under his guidance. He could have easily dismissed or bashed her for her protectiveness of Eren, but he teaches her to curb that zeal and keep it as a goal, not a trigger; he lends her his trust and allows her to become his right hand in battle. She in turn, despite her initial enmity towards him because of his display in Eren’s trial, is able to recognize Levi’s kindness and appreciate his leadership. He treats her not like a weapon, not like a silly girl, but like a full human being. Perhaps Mikasa is the one who most shows her fear of losing her loved ones, and that’s certainly something Levi knows about. Neither of them have time or energy for BS. It’s canon Mikasa wishes for a peaceful life like the one she had with her parents, and Levi to me exudes huge “I’m too old for this shit” energy (like jjk Nanami, another husbando) so I can picture them spending their afternoons in domestic bliss, fixing things around the house, tending to the garden, rather than going to town. He can give her reassurance and She could provide him with the family life he never had.
They’re both hot af, too. 😆 Imagine that Ackerpower in the bedroom...
In the end though, like in real life, it doesn’t matter much why you like it… You just do, and it makes you happy, and it hurts no one, so it’s fine!
Awww idk if being thankful or sorry that you started shipping rm because of me! 😅 Our ship is one of the most misunderstood of the fandom, and from time to time we get hate from antis, eruris and/or eremikas. But because of who they are, what they’ve been through and what they want, I think they make for beautiful fics where their relationship helps them fix themselves, rather than fixing each other. This is something that often comes up in the rm discord, how our fave fics are usually post-canon and about building a healthy relationship based on respect, rather than all the drama and toxicity of classic romance lit. (ofc we also enjoy a good old pwp… though you’ll still find a lot of established-relationship porn and porn-with-feelings fics.)
Thank you so much for your ask, and sorry again for the delay!
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rivamika wip ask away!
ask away for spoilers, thoughts and more about my rivamika wip "for you"! you can ask for small drabbles, too!
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Rivamika? Rivamikaaaa? 🥺
Ultimamente estou chateada com algumas coisas relacionadas a isso, engraçado como pessoas chatas conseguem te fazer desanimar. Ou talvez eu esteja dando uma desculpa esfarrapada porque estou procrastinando com as milhares de wips deles ???? Haha inclusive estava tentando fazer algo um dia desses.
De qualquer forma tudo que eu faço relacionado a RM eu estou achando feio, como se eu não soubesse mais desenhar eles ?? Isso é esquisito! Eu acho que eu cheguei a comentar da minha última obsessão, aquele shipp consumiu um ano inteiro meu, eu estava delirante e fervendo............................e quando eu finalmente me acalmei eu voltei a ficar muito interessada em KkSk e atualmente não consigo parar de desenhar eles 😅
Mas juro, eu estou fazendo algo para Rivamika e eu realmente vou postar agora nesses dias, mas só porque estou com tanta raiva dos haters e quero incomoda-los. Claro, também porque RM são meus amores e sinto saudades deles heheh
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man, i love your levimika fics so much. thank you for writing and sharing them and i'd be completely game for that spotify playlist, if the offer still stands! have the best day!
Hello! Oh my god, thank you so much, nony. I'm so glad to hear you love the fics 🥺🥺 that means a lot to hear. And about the playlist, sure thing! Just mind you, I haven't really updated the playlist for months now so listen at your own discretion lol
Thank you again and I hope your day is as amazing as you🥺🥺
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(a RivaMika drabble)
Really, fate could be so cruel. And he only calls it fate because given how comedically instantaneous this all happened – ‘this all’ being that he, her damn superior, was caught red handed pathetically slipping an envelope of his proclaimed feelings under her door like some lovesick teenager – it’s as though it was simply meant to be. Add in the fact that since that cursed letter is already in her room, he can’t take back the evidence of his humiliation.
But ever the stubborn type refusing to accept he’s embarrassed — because Captain Levi never gets embarrassed; no, not him — he plays it cool.
“What are you doing here?” She asks, her tone a bit more surprised than curious, much to his relief.
“Hall monitoring,” his sarcasm a mask to hide any hint of suspicion, “What are you even doing out at the halls right now? It’s past curfew, you’re supposed to be in bed —“
“What did you just slide under my door?”
And like a fleeting bubble, the relief is gone. Of course it is. It’s Mikasa. Nothing ever comes easy with her, especially not the predicaments he puts himself in.
It’s when she raises a dubious brow that Levi knows he’s lost, that no matter what direction this conversation goes, Mikasa is inevitably going to see the envelope and read it. He obviously can’t take or ask for it back — because if he’s going to lose the whole battle, may he at least keep some dignity — so facing the music is his final card.
Though his mask stoic, he chooses to speak with honesty.
“A letter.”
“A letter?”
“Yes,” his heart races and it beats at his ear drums, but his voice is firm with resolve, “Read it thoroughly. Good night.”
“But — “
“I said good night, Ackerman.”
He feels her gaze on his back as he walks away, and when he turns the corner that, hears her door shut, the click of her lock an echo. By the time he reaches his quarters, she’s sure to have finished reading the letter. Levi tries to block off any possible reaction she may have, not wanting the picture the best in case it comes to the worse.
But still her smile creeps in.
Levi closes his door and approaches his desk, needing to keep himself productive before he’s consumed by the image of Mikasa finishing his letter with what he hopes is the same smile that keeps fighting to stay in his mind.
But on his desk is something that wasn’t there when he left. A small box. Inside the box are transparent mesh tea bags, a blend of tea leaves carefully sealed in each, its aroma herbaceous and floral. But it is what’s under the box that captures his eye: a folded paper. He unfolds it. It’s a letter.
Dear Captain,
I promise this is not a prank.
In fact, this is very hard for me to say, which I guess is why I’m writing to you in a letter.
I’m starting to fall in love with you. Actually, I think I already am. I miss you when you’re gone and I’m happy when you’re around, even if you’re grumpy and annoying. You make me feel complete, a feeling I believed no longer existed for me.
I know you’re my captain and that I shouldn’t feel this way, but I do. I really don’t know when this happened. Or how. Or even why my heart chooses you despite it all. All I know is in this world of chaos, you are my calm.
And I hope when we next see each other, you’ll let me be yours.
P.S. Chamomile is good for sleep.
He reads it, again and again. He even folds and unfolds the letter just to see if the words remained the same, if what he read is real.
Chamomile tea is good for sleep. Levi looks back at the box of teabags, each beautifully and intentionally handcrafted with care, with him and his poor sleeping habits in mind. Him in her mind.
Just how often does she look at him?
While his insomniac nature is no mystery to anyone in the Scouts, there’s this warmth in her gesture, this thoughtfulness that makes the act feel more than a result of mere observation. And as much as he’d hate to admit, he can’t deny the pull in his heart at the fact that this is the same stubborn brat who picks fights with him like a hobby – endearingly-so now to some degree, enough for him to write a damn confessional – that cares enough to individually tie bags of dried and diced chamomile leaves to help his with his sleep, gifted together with a letter of love…
A heartbeat thuds in his ear and his throat. His breath hitches softly as he looks back at the letter, entranced by Mikasa’s words that quite literally tell him she loves him, the tea a symbol of it. And if she read his letter, which he’s absolutely certain she did, she now knows that he does too.
And that realization alone is enough to tug at the corner of his lips, a rare smile that he’s not trying to hide for once, a smile reserved only for her. Levi’s never felt so elated. They’re in love with each other, now without any doubt, and it feels like a damn victory.
He has to see her.
But first…
Mikasa looks at the envelope in her hands, her name neatly scripted on the front with his distinctive handwriting. She doesn’t know what’s more incredible: that her captain just slipped a letter under her door or the fact that she literally returned from doing the very same. Albeit, she left hers by sneaking into his office to place it on his desk while knowing he’s out on night watch. Fortunately, she didn’t get caught.
And the only reason she didn’t get caught was because Levi, unbeknownst to her, was at her door.
Her heart races nervously as she rips open the envelope, pulling out the neatly folded paper.
As I write this letter, I’m inconvenienced with emotions that words often struggle to convey. It’s not always easy to articulate what’s in my heart, but I feel it is essential to share these thoughts with you.
You’re a gloomy brat. Through and through. But it’s the way you carry yourself with grace and integrity, even in the face of challenges that made me fall for you in more ways than one.
And in this cruel life where tomorrow is not promised, I don’t want to live nor die with the regret that I’ve never told you that I love you.
Thank you for being who you are — stubborn, gloomy, and endlessly captivating.
Yours, regardless of not if you’ll have me.
The entirety of his letter was nearly overlooked with that pretentious closure of his, almost scoffing at his audacity. Of course he’d never miss the opportunity to make it clear that everything will always be his way.
Yet, it’s that very audacity that warms her cheeks and curves her lips, the kind that unleashes the butterfly-like flutters in her chest and tells her that this is the ‘calm’ she sought for from him all this time.
Her words and his, both hand delivered, a request…
In this world of chaos, you are my calm. And I hope when we next see each other, you’ll let me be yours.
… and an answer.
Yours, regardless or not if you’ll have me.
The smile on her face grows, her eyes softening into admiration and something like relief. His answer had already been ready for her, long before she dropped off hers.
He loves her. He *loves* her. A profound emotion overwhelms her, like that of a lost hope reincarnating into something that tells her she’s actually worth loving. And as she reads over the letter once more, the warmth in her heart and the glisten in her eyes reassure her that she is.
There’s a knock on her door, startling her out of her trance. Figuring it must be important for someone to see her at this hour, she quickly settles the letter down on her desk. She makes her way to her door and opens it…just to see the very man who, per his words, is already hers.
“I figured you’d still be awake.”
She still feels the heat in her cheeks from his letter, and now standing face to face with him knowing exactly how he feels about her, and him knowing exactly how she feels about him, she can’t help but feel bashful.
“Did you need something, Captain?”
He answers with movement, holding out a cup of tea to her, one that she didn’t even realize he was holding this whole time, the steam filling the space between them with its soothing and familiar aroma. Very familiar.
Mikasa’s eyes widen slightly in surprise as she gazes at the cup, realizing what it really is.
“Is that–”
“For you? Yes,” he answers simply, though his expression is softer than she’s ever seen it.
He extends the cup to her and she holds it with both hands, gazing down at it with the same confusion but surprise. It hits her then, the actual answer she was seeking, seeing now with certainty that this is indeed from the tea bags she made for him. And by realizing this, it’s clear he did see her gift…and her letter.
“Chamomile is good for sleep.”
A soft hitch of her breath escapes her. Verbatim are those words from her confession, a question written in a form of a sentence in which he alas answered. His voice is quiet but the words are loud, chiming in with this expression on his face, softer than she’s ever seen it, that tells her she got what she wanted.
But did she really? Is he really accepting her love for him? He’s beating around the bush here, his words so far all suggestive but not definite. But then, as though he just read her mind – something he’s frustratingly quite good at – he leans in, distracting her from all her unsureness.
“Yours,” he whispers tenderly, leaving no room for doubt, followed by a fleeting touch of his lips on her cheek, chaste and light as a feather, yet heavy on the promise that he was, is, and will always be, hers.
Just like he wrote.
“Now go to bed, brat, before I write you up for breaking curfew,” he says sternly as he pulls away, but there’s no bite to his tone, the familiarity of their banter turn love language making it all the more comfortable between them. .
Mikasa can’t help but respond in turn, a small smile on her face, “Not for sneaking into your office?”
“Don’t tempt me,” he replies with a short scoff, and like a warm blanket draped around her, he then gives a soft smile of his own, a rarity in itself, “Good night, Mikasa.”
With that, he leaves her be, and she retreats back into her room, sitting down on bed with the cup still warm in her hands. It’s when she takes a small sip that at last unveils the big smile on her face that she can no longer mask. And with every giddy sip she takes, each flowing through her system like a rush, she realizes that perhaps chamomile isn’t so good for sleep after all.
#rivamika#levi x mikasa#levimika#rivamika fanart#rivamika fandom#mikasa x levi#rivamika art#rivamika fanfic#rivaille x mikasa#rivamika headcanon#rivamika fic#rivamika fanfiction#rivamika drabble
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Please Read
After a couple days of reflection, I’m a little surprised I have to say this, given my vibes and all the warnings I post. But please do not interact with me or my account if you don't like what i write. I have never once claimed to be the writer for everyone. I write darker content and things relating to human nature along with the very disturbing parts of it. I will never stop writing these topics, it’s not my problem if you don’t like it.
I hate to do this because so many of you have been kind and supportive, but I'm no longer allowing anon asks and comments (on either ao3 or tumblr). If you have a problem with what I create, then either face me yourself or DNI!
You can say that I'm "playing the victim" but at the end of the day...You're spreading hate to a complete stranger on the internet over a ship. I do not care for nor engage in ship wars/discourse. These are fictional characters in a fictional world. I do my best to make sure I tag appropriately and some of you decided to interact with a dead dove fic. This story is much darker than just it being rivamika having sex. If that is what you got from it, then you lack the literacy of just the basic tags of the fic. In the future, I'll do better at wording things a little more clearly and using tags on social medias. I will take responsibility there.
I do like eremika a lot and they are pretty much endgame in all of my stories so far. I'm not using it for "attention" or to build an "audience". I've been brainstorming and creating ideas/fics where they has been the center for two years now and I've liked the ship since I started the manga. I’m not going to stop continuing any story even if some people don’t like it, again that’s not my problem.
Anyways, I'm sorry if it feels like I’m taking everything away, but I really should protect myself from further negativity and non-stop spamming. Call me a coward, but I'd rather not listen to someone throwing a hissy fit on all my fics. It’s more fucking annoying then anything else.
Side note: won't really be sharing the step-dad au, maybe this is all I can be, and any future stories (aside from Antidote) on any platforms aside from ao3 (maybe I'll post snippets here and there). I'm doing it like this for now as to prevent it from leaving it's target audience. Everything will still be on ao3, but currently just for archive users (may change my mind later). Please subscribe to my ao3 for future updates if you want ❤️
IF you can’t find them, feel free to message me for links. I’m nice I promise, this situation just pissed me off that’s all.
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I Can't Wait by Sakuragawanaa (Attack on Titan Levi x Mikasa Doujin) English Translation
I'll be the first to admit, Sakuragawa Naa is one of my favourite doujinshikas, her art style and her writing are both admirirable. It's also worth mentioning that she has had the Rivamika fans in a chokehold over the years, being one of the only doujinshikas to routinly put on fanwork based on this this ship. However, I have looked far and wide and none of her work seems to be available in English, which I think is just a shame.
Anyway, for those wanting to read it, I present “I Can’t Wait” by Sakuragawa Naa, translated by me! I can’t post it all here because it’s pretty long and it’s also NSFW. So at the bottom of this post is a link to a google drive copy as well as to the link to e-hentai.org. Just click which one you’d prefer.
My commissions are open! You can request any doujin you like to be translated. There’s also a chance I can translate something for free, just ask. If I have free time and I like the doujin (and it’s not super long) I can give it a go, but am prioritising my personal life and commissions so keep that in mind! Check my Twitter for more information on how to request/commission (@artbynakaya)
Shout out to the fans! ☕️🧣
Google Drive Copy
Online Copy
#attack on titan#captain levi#levi ackerman#levi aot#levi attack on titan#levi heichou#shingeki no kyojin#snk levi#AOT doujin#snk doujin#attack on Titan doujin#shingeki no kyojin doujin#rivamika#Mikasa Ackerman#aot mikasa#snk mikasa#attack on titan mikasa#shingeki no kyojin Mikasa#levi x mikasa#Rivamika doujin#doujin#Doujinshi#Levi x Mikasa doujin
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Hi, I want to ask whether your rivamika fanfic will continue or not? If yes, I will be waiting for it.❣️
Yes, the plans are on for that fic. I am gonna pick it up one day and finish the last 4-5 chapters.
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Happy new year ☺️
Don’t give up on your fic it’s so good. The world you’ve built, the pacing, the emotions you convey, the little moments of temsion are what keep me coming back to the story & waiting for the next chapters. I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes. You’ve got this
A rivamika fan 🥰
oh my god, my first ask?! i'm baaaawling. 😭
putting myself in Mikasa's shoes and trying to understand how she feels has been one of the most challenging but rewarding aspects of writing Thin Line. it's not easy to tap into her emotions and deliver them with the rawness and authenticity they deserve, to make her internal struggles not only feel real but also remain true to her character. so hearing that it’s coming across well is incredibly gratifying.
this being my first *official* fanfic, another thing i hesitated with was the inclusion of OC characters. i know it’s not something every fan appreciates, but i’m proud i gave it a shot. it added that touch of originality i had been bumping my head against the wall trying to find and helped make the story feel more unique to me.
i can’t give away too much about what’s coming next (don’t want to spoil anything!), but Volfield’s fixation on Levi... this girl is completely head over heels for him, not in the healthiest way, i'd say. and when Mikasa enters the picture, damn, that’s where it gets really complicated. there’s this new level of complexity and tension that i have to craft and untangle at the same time between the three of them in a way that will hopefully keep things exciting.
come here, lemme give you a hug.
your words gave me an immense boost of confidence, especially with all the doubts i’ve had along the way. thank you so much for cheering me on. i’ll keep giving my best to make this story something special for me and my readers!
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From a rivamika regency AU wip
So, yeah. This is a WIP. It's a little too romance novel, I think, but I have not written sex or kissing in a while and I'm up to the gills in gothic romance books anyway.
Excerpt under the cut.
"Mikasa," he said, and her name rolling of his tongue sent a jolt through her. She missed so much and yet she knew already she could not stay. She would never stay, and she did not know how to respond if he asked her. "Look at me. Please."
She looked up at that. Levi was not a man who said please. It had to do with the upbringing of the gentry, with everything handed to them on a silver platter by virtue of nothing more than the accident of birth. It was why she understood his bitter reaction to her disappearance and sudden return many years later.
But all the anger and bitterness she remembered when he'd yelled at her to leave and never return had already melted, as if it had no space in his face, in his eyes, when it came to her. His eyes were dark once more, silver ringing black, half-lidded as he leaned in close, capturing her chin between gloved fingers. He tilted her face close to his so there were but scant inches between their faces.
"You were right. I have been an incorrigible cad to you for not hearing you out," he said. "Now that I know what you had gone through, the serendipity of you being here now, with me, is something I cannot waste. I'll not ask you to stay; I could never, though every part of me wishes you would. But I cannot let you go, not now, perhaps not ever, if I do not kiss you. Will you let me?"
Her mouth parted for a breathless moment as she registered the dark gleam in his gaze, the anticipation of her reply. "Yes," she breathed.
When they first kissed as teenagers, they had both fumbled. Noses bumping, awkward lips dry at first, and as their kisses deepened, flooded with too much saliva. It had been the awkwardness of young love coupled with the enthusiasm as such only teenagers in exploration of their sexuality could only manage.
There was none of that now. Both of them have matured and grown in experience with different partners. What didn't change was that burst of magic, that spark of rightness in her veins as Levi brushed his mouth to hers. Once, twice, then he parted his lips and trailed little nipping kisses on her bottom lip to coax her to open for him and engage in something deeper, something headier.
His kisses then, as with now, grew all-consuming, transporting her out of the dusk in the wild moors of the estate and into a universe in which only the two of them existed. Where time and distance no longer mattered for as long as their lips were locked, their tongues entwined, their hands questing to brace against each other. Mikasa twined her arms around his neck while Levi snaked an arm around her waist, muscles flexing to tug her closer, closer, until she sat in his lap, her legs bracketing his hips, her dress askew, the hem climbing up bare thighs.
His mouth relinquished hers and she hazily thought that yes, they should perhaps stop for breath before her lungs burst out of her chest. But he only did so to move his kisses down her chin, her jaw, nipping at her neck, and sucking a trailing path of fire to her collar as his hands moved over her body, once smoothing up her thigh, under the fabric of her skirt, the other gliding up the bodice of her dress to tentatively, then boldly, cup under her breast.
She whimpered when he bit her very delicately over the pulse point under her ear, then soothed it with kittenish laves of his tongue. The hand under her breast crept up to tug her cardigan off one shoulder so he could kiss the skin he bared there. She helped, unwinding her arms from around his neck to peel the cardigan off entirely.
"You are," he whispered, "as exquisite as I remember."
And then he tilted her head back, one hand supporting her neck, so he could kiss down her collarbone to the top of her breasts tantalizingly exposed by the sweetheart neckline of her dress. Her whole body was aflame despite the chill of the night air, and it was not only from the heat of his kisses that grew more bold as she pushed herself up to meet him every time, his face buried in the suggestive cleft her breasts made pushed together by the tight bodice of her dress. Her clothed core pressed against where she could feel him similarly affected and aroused by their kisses. It was almost as if he intended to couple with her clothed, like they could make love out here, in the open, with nothing but the spangled sky above them, the lonely moors around them.
"Mikasa," he murmured, moving up to kiss her neck, under her ear. "Mikasa."
Her eyes fluttered open - she had not even realized she had closed them - and she looked up at the pale brilliance of the cold stars, the quiet glow of the waxing gibbous moon. A cool breeze wafted from the glimmering waters of the lake, making the trees and the brambles around them whisper her name in echo of his passionate whispers.
#rivamika#levimika#levi x mikasa#my writing#my fanfic stuff#fanfic writing#levi ackerman#shingeki no kyojin#mikasa ackerman#attack on titan
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Hey! I loved your content and the recent post
Somehow I can’t comment under the post so I decided to write here)
Hope I am not too inappropriate )
You know when I think of Mikasa’s lack of character development … I remember Sarah Connor. You know the Sarah Connor from the 1984 Terminator movie.
For me Sarah starts as a cliche girl in trouble who actually at first hates the man that saves her life again and and again. But then Sarah grows. She learns. She feels and starts to care. And we start caring about her. She develops so much that we absolutely believe that a man can fall in love with just her photo. A good man who wills to sacrifice himself not only for her for - you know - for the sake of humanity. A good man who she is loyal to for many years later and we don’t judge her because well he was the one. The kind of hero that actually sacrificed himself (not the fake leg and the rest of the world) but himself just because it was the right thing to do. The man not very likeable at first sight, the man of few words.
Oh if only poor Mikasa could meet someone like that . Oh, wait?
And by the way. In the Terminator 2 Sarah tells Kyle (when sees his ghost) this: “Stay with me”. Such an iconic love story.
Wait is there a line like that in AOT ?)))
Hello hello @foxandcakes!!! Welcome to the fandom and we're so glad you're here!! This isn't inappropriate at all -- sorry you couldn't respond to the post for some reason but thanks for reaching me here <3
Honestly, I have to rewatch The Terminator (it has been YEARS) but that sounds like what we wanted for Mikasa! If Yams was committed to writing a good, developed romance arc into the story he should have committed to giving individual Mikasa growth, no matter who she ended up w. We should see her motivations, self-conflict, inner thoughts change and transform for the better as a result of her love for Eren. That is the creme de la creme for any story -- you go through the journey of seeing this character transform, and that transformation is what makes plot points matter to a reader. The reason why you feel connected to Sarah Connor is likely because she was given a personal arc, showing who she is and her motivations, and it makes you invested in her growth...
It's a general agreement that Mikasa didn't fully get this, and it's why people's opinions on her are so polarized -- you either love her/how she's written while dismissing the failure of her character writing, or you loathe her because of the failure of her writing. I've been fascinated with our rivamika fandom because it seems like we tend to view her in that middle/balanced lens -- we're extremely disappointed with her writing, but adore her for the potential arc she could have had, and we enjoy that in our own writings and such.
Anyway, I guess that's a huge tangent LOL but basically, it would've been really fuckin cool to have this main female Character A who is unendingly in love with Character B, and that this love is all she knows, until she meets Character C (Levi!!! Or SOMEONE honestly!!) who shows her a powerful example of what real, genuine and healthy love is which would TOTALLY shift and transform her entire idea of what love even is; that the infatuated young love she experienced with Character B doesn't even compare to with Character C, and they grow because of that. There are a ton of fantastic stories with this type of arc! Instead, we get Character A pining over Character B to the very end, no matter how badly he treated her... It's just strange. It's cliche, it's honestly not a great example, it paints yet another image of a a man being able to treat a woman like crap for years but still has her devout love and loyalty anyway... I know the general fandom accepts and even enjoys this, so to each their own, but it's not my cup of tea and I wish we got more for Mikasa. And Levi.
I wouldn't have known that Terminator has the "Stay with me" line!!! EEEEEEE that's amazing! Thanks for the fun comparison! I'll have to rewatch soon :)
For now, we'll continue to enjoy our quality fandom content. <3 The dissatisfaction just makes our fics and head canons even better. Cheers!! And congrats on finding the gem ship that is Rivamika <3333
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I have found the AOT fandom to be weirdly filled with anti shippers. Lots of people there who genuinely believe that what you write about in fiction depicts your real-life values. It’s particularly weird because AOT is a tragedy filled with lots of dark tropes. I imagine you’re often a victim to these anti shippers, since you’re a rivamika shipper. What are your thoughts on the subject?
Hello Anon! You are right that it is indeed ironic how a manganime that so good exemplifies how nothing is black and white in the world has gathered so many binary-minded followers, who aren't just incapable of considering nuance, but also too quick to jump to the wrong conclusions and are way, way too quick and self appointed to judge the moral standing of random strangers in the web.
Thankfully for me though, I've kept myself clear from their line of fire so far. I believe there are several factors that contribute to that.
I came to the AoT fandom late—in 2021, and didn't open a Tumblr account until 2022. By then, I'd been lurking in several websites long enough to see that there were a number of people with no reading comprehension or common sense screaming incest and/or pedophilia or simply whining bc other people have a different OTP from them.
By the time I started looking for fics and a fandom space, I was already a rm shipper, and so were the first people I connected with here. So they schooled me too. And mind you, for all the purity-culture-rotten antis out there, we're a really chill, down-to-earth bunch. I was lucky to find such nice fellow fans & shippers from early on. So when I ran into the not-so-nice once, I was prepared.
There's also the fact that I avoid confrontation like the plague and I come here to have fun, not to fight with anyone. If I see or get a comment of the "they're cousins" or "yuck age gap" persuation, and I think the author is ignorant rather than abduces, I might link them to my post on Levi's age or one of @onigiri-dorkk's explanation of the Ackerman's family tree hoping they might read them and reflect, but I'm not out to convince anyone of anything.
Last but not least, I'm turning 50 this year. I've a husband, a job, a mortgage, so to put it simply: I'm too old for this shit.
If they come to my inbox with actual hate, I mostly block and don't even grace them with an answer. I'm happy to say, it hasn't happened often.
Everybody's free to hate any ship, but don't give me factually wrong excuses to hate it, and don't accuse anyone of rl shit based on what they ship. Especially when the ship's members are entirely fictional characters.
Oh, and it goes without saying, same as you you chatter with your fellow shippers about your OTP, if you want to share the hate for your NOTP, do it with like-minded haters, like a normal person, instead of going to random people' ask boxes 's blogs to spew your vitriol.
Thank you for your ask!
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are you still active?
I've been stressed to death this week while editing, and I still have 20 pages to go, so: ASK BOX OPEN!!!!
Any headcanons you want to entertain? Any thoughts on my plots? Any comment of my fics? Anything you want to ask at all?
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do you still intend to draw rivamika ??
Sim. Tenho uma pasta cheia de rascunhos que pretendo terminar em algum momento!
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Introduction to Demonology
Welp, I thought I was done but I wrote more fanfiction, and it's completely unhinged Rivamika incubus porn. It's explicit and definitely weirder than I usually write, don't read if you're a minor, etc. Thanks to the RM Discord for encouraging my degenerate ass. Enjoy!
You can read it on AO3 as well!
In the weeks and months after Eren’s death, Mikasa grew to dread the setting sun, to view the encroaching darkness outside as a mirror of the darkness inside her mind. Without him, without answers to the questions she’d been too afraid to ask, she felt adrift, like a dead leaf tossed around in the currents of life, unable to control her direction. Her body seemed to accept this state wholeheartedly, denying her the comforts of sleep more often than not. Most nights she would lie awake, replaying the last moments of Eren’s life, trying to determine whether she could have done anything to stop his thread from being cut short. Sometimes she would be able to gain a few minutes or hours of light rest, though that came with the risk of now-familiar nightmares of blood and steel.
She made the mistake of letting slip her issues to friends and acquaintances and was bombarded with potential solutions, and in her desperation she tried them all: warm milk, deep breathing, bitter-tasting herbal tinctures, every pill and powder and potion available at the pharmacy. None of these remedies could stop her wandering thoughts or calm her body enough to give her the relief she so desperately needed from her physical and mental weariness.
One night, she lay in the dark, having dutifully choked down some valerian root tea whose taste of sharp herbs and dirt came through even after adding copious amounts of cream and sugar, cursing herself for her ability to withstand even the strongest sedatives.
“I would do anything to get some sleep,” she murmured to no one.
Anything? a ghostly voice responded.
Mikasa sat upright, adrenaline animating her body, more awake and alert than before. She definitely wouldn’t sleep at this rate. “Hello? Is someone there?”
I’m here, the voice said. She could not divine the source of the low, silky tone; intensely masculine but with an amused bent, as though the speaker were smirking at her.
Not here here, it clarified, as though it could sense her confusion. I’m not some intruder, but I can show myself if you want to speak face to face.
“Show yourself,” Mikasa demanded, her voice displaying more resolve than she felt.
The darkness in the room shimmered, moonlight and shadow undulating until they coalesced into the form of a man floating above her bed as though he sat in an invisible chair, his powerful limbs splayed in a posture of confident nonchalance. He wore a black suit and white shirt, open at the collar to reveal his collarbone and a hint of muscular chest, and held a delicate china teacup in one hand, taking occasional sips from it. But what Mikasa noticed most was his face: a strong, masculine jaw, a sharp slash of a noise, dark hair hanging over eyes that glowed an otherworldly silver, and a pair of curved, black horns atop his head.
“What are you?” she wondered in an awed whisper.
“Oh, don’t look so shocked. You’ve never seen a demon before?” the man said. Mikasa shook her head. “Then I suppose it’s your lucky day to be visited by a high prince of Hell.”
“I— I don’t understand.” She shook her head and rubbed her eyes, but the man — the demon — still floated above her bed with such ease that she felt as though she was the one out of place, not him.
The demon let out an exasperated sigh. “You want to sleep, I can help you sleep. In exchange, you help me.”
“Help you do what?”
“Are you just going to repeat everything I say?” he griped. He drained the last of his tea and waved the cup away, making it waver and vanish, the inverse of his entrance into her room.
“Well, excuse me for not knowing how to interact with a demon who shows up in my bedroom in the middle of the night,” Mikasa fired back, crossing her arms and glaring up at him.
Her annoyance piqued the demon’s interest; his lips curved into a small smile. “My name is Levi. I’m an incubus, which means I get my life energy through sex. The exchange is simple: you let me fuck you, and I’ll make you come so hard you’ll sleep like the dead.”
Mikasa frowned, holding his gaze with skepticism bordering on anger at his audaciously blunt offer. “Sounds like you’re trying to trick me into letting you drain the life out of me.”
“Tch. Not the best metaphor, then. Sleep like a baby? I just didn’t want to make you think of babies when I’m offering you as many screaming, gushing orgasms as your body can handle.” He shrugged as the filthy words rolled off his tongue, as unconcerned with his speech as Mikasa was scandalized by it.
“I don’t know. I mean… Eren…” she mumbled. Her gaze dropped to her hands, which lay clenched in her lap. My hands were meant for him , she thought. My touch, my body… they were supposed to be his.
“No, they weren’t,” Levi said flatly. “Where the hell did you get those ideas?”
Mikasa blanched. “You can hear my thoughts?!”
“Yeah, and they’re a huge fucking bummer. I get that you had a thing for Eren, but let me assure you, he is exactly where he deserves to be. Eternity isn’t long enough for that piece of shit.” He snorted, a soft sound of contempt punctuating his words. “I can make you feel very different. Maybe some things you’ve never felt before. I’ll show you if you want.”
“So you want to fuck me so you can show me what it’d be like if you fucked me?” She cocked one eyebrow at him.
“No, I mean literally show you.” She nodded and he reached out to her, two fingers extended like he was blessing her, and pressed them to her forehead for a moment. Images flooded her mind faster than she could process them: her throaty cries, his rasped moans and words of praise, skin slapping against skin, the squeak of her bed, the musk of sweat and sex.
Cold prickles of awareness broke out on Mikasa’s skin, goosebumps sprouting where she imagined he would touch her, contrasting with the sudden warmth and wetness surging between her thighs.
Levi watched as the familiar blush of arousal spread across her cheeks, coloring her gloomy countenance into something more lush and lively. “Don’t throw your life away for a dead man. Don’t give up one of the few things that makes life worth living.”
She was silent, still unsure, so he added, “Have you ever considered why the pleasures of the flesh are Hell’s domain and not Heaven’s? Because they’re too good. It would be so much harder to keep the weak little humans in line if they realized that their limited time on earth was much better spent fucking than praying.”
Mikasa’s breaths came heavily, her body’s restlessness melting into arousal. “Look, I want to say yes, but I just don’t understand what the downside is supposed to be. There’s no way I just get fucked and then go to sleep. There’s got to be a catch. And what if I can’t sleep tomorrow?”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the people who are out there speaking with great authority about Hell and demons are the ones who are trying to claim your souls in the name of Heaven. They don’t exactly have an incentive to tell the truth,” Levi said. “Sleeping with a demon creates a bond, but I only feed from you as often as you want me to, and I never take more than I need. If anything, I’m at your service. And your cervix.” His lips quirked into a brief smile; she grimaced and shook her head at his approximation of a joke.
“And this is really going to work? I’ll be able to sleep?” she asked nervously, grasping for more reasons to refuse him but finding none.
“You’ve never jerked off so many times you fell asleep? Or whatever the girl equivalent of jerking off is?”
She shook her head. “I haven’t even thought about touching myself since Eren.”
“But you’re thinking about it now,” he said, his voice deepening to a rumble, like the ominous yet strangely comforting sound of distant thunder.
“It’s kinda your job as a sex demon to turn me on, isn’t it?” she asked. The acknowledgement of her arousal combined with the knowledge that he could hear her inner thoughts as though she was speaking them made her bold; there was nothing to hide from him.
“Not all of us work that way, but it’s better for me when the other person enjoys it. Their energy tastes so much better.” Levi swallowed thickly, his own arousal growing along with Mikasa’s. There was power in her beneath the hardened sedimentary layers of her pain and grief, the hint of it already beginning to intoxicate him, and that power would only grow stronger once he unlocked the secrets of her body one by one.
“If you still have doubts, maybe this can convince you,” he said, opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue, flexing it like he was lapping at her now-slick pussy and not the air in front of him. Mikasa watched his tongue grow in length so slowly she thought she imagined it, until it thickened and grew a fork at the end, resulting in two prehensile shoots of muscle that undulated independently of each other.
Her mouth opened unconsciously, her breaths coming out in long, desirous pants. “I want that on my clit.”
“Not yet,” he said. “There’s a process. Just let me do my thing and I give you my word, I’ll blow your mind so many times you’ll forget your own name.”
She sighed, sadness tingeing her excitement. “I think I need that.”
Levi floated downwards, settling on top of Mikasa, his hands planted on either side of her shoulders, his weight pinning her to the bed. She shifted her hips beneath him, pushing her nightgown up her thighs as she sought out his bulge. She worried about staining his expensive-looking suit with her wetness, but she found herself sliding against soft, smooth skin that was diamond-hard when she pushed against it.
“Where did your clothes go?” she asked, trying to figure out when she stopped gripping the shoulders of his sportcoat and started gripping the firm, defined musculature of his shoulders.
“To Hell,” he replied with a smirk. “I can’t make your clothes disappear, though.” He reached down and yanked her nightgown over her head, leaving her naked beneath him. His skin was comfortingly warm against hers, as though he were a mortal man and not a demon, and she found herself completely unashamed of her nudity. She felt so bashful even thinking about taking her clothes off in front of Eren, and—
“No more Eren,” Levi interrupted her train of thought, and bent his head to kiss her.
Mikasa didn’t know what she was expecting from a demon’s kiss, but the lush press of his lips was not it. He kissed her like he was drinking her in, sucking at her lips and twining his tongue — now returned to its normal size — with hers. He stoked her arousal like a precious flame, letting her burn brightly but not out of control. He cupped her face in his hands as he kissed her, stroking her with his thumbs and marveling at the softness of her skin.
“You smell like sunlight and strawberries,” he murmured against her lips, following his words with a soft bite.
She pulled away from him, looking at him with amusement. “I didn’t know you were so sentimental.”
“Shut up. I basically get drunk when I feed. Don’t mind the bullshit I say,” he grumbled.
“Don’t want to admit you want me really fucking badly?” she countered.
“Not as badly as you want me,” he replied, reaching between their bodies to grip his cock and rub its length up and down her spread pussy, waiting for her expression to register exactly how much length he had. His eyes flashed silver with excitement when her kiss-swollen lips formed a perfect surprised O.
“Can you make your cock change size like your tongue?” she asked, canting her hips so she could rub her soaked folds up and down his erection, coating them with her moisture.
“Uh huh,” he sighed. He wasn’t even inside her and he was already feeling feverish and frenzied. His lips stretched into a rictus grin and he kissed her to hide his excitement from her; he needed to warm her up before he could give her everything he had, and he didn’t want to scare her off with his intensity.
Once Levi managed to calm himself, he strayed from her lips, pressing hot, open-mouthed, desperate kisses along her neck, shoulders, and collarbone, finding that she liked a hint of teeth at her pulse point, but she cried out and squirmed beneath him when he sucked hard at the juncture of her shoulder and neck. He could actually feel her dripping on his cock while she moaned. Cradling her close with one hand, he let the other wander, tracing his fingertips over the lines of her body, the firmness of muscle and bone contrasting with the soft pliability of her breasts. He focused his efforts there, alternating between soft caresses and pinches, and the sting of his fingernails tracing around her areola and over her nipple. When he finally grasped her breast, she shrieked and bucked beneath him, her back arching as though he had branded her.
“More!” she demanded, her eyes shut tight so as to focus on the intense sensations. He obliged her, kissing her deeply and grabbing her breasts with both hands, massaging them roughly, pinching and pulling at her nipples while she devoured his tongue and soaked his cock. After a little while he wrenched himself away from her mouth and attacked her sensitive, swollen nipples, mindlessly sucking and biting at them, snuffling like an animal. Mikasa’s fingers grasped at his hair, tangling her fingers in it and occasionally pulling when pain won out over pleasure. She soon found he liked the pulling, and that he’d work her even harder when she threaded her fingers through his dark hair and yanked with all her might. When he looked up at her, his pupils were blown wide, a thin silver rim surrounding inky blackness.
“Don’t you ever fucking stop,” she admonished him after a few moments of staring.
He scoffed at her. “I haven’t even gotten started.” Before she could even comprehend what was happening, he had her legs spread and her knees touching her shoulders, his thumbs pulling her labia apart so he could kiss her pussy and swirl his lengthening tongue around her clit, surrounding and massaging it with the forked end. She trembled beneath him like he was electrocuting her, her entire body fluttering with unspeakable pleasure. Levi’s eyes rolled back in his head as her juices coated his tongue, sweeter and more powerful than even the finest wine. Within minutes she was coming, half-words and incoherent sounds spilling forth from her lips, a primitive language that Levi could understand nevertheless: Yes, more, I love this, I never want you to stop.
So he obliged her, backing off from her sensitive clit momentarily and snaking his tongue down to her entrance. Mikasa made a questioning noise, wordlessly asking him if he was going to fuck her with his tongue.
“Mm-hm,” he hummed, already excited to see how she would react to his tongue filling her pussy, its tip pressing against her g-spot and rubbing furiously. Her moans grew raspy, her throat raw and dry from overuse, but she still managed to let out a healthy wail at his internal massage, and somehow got even louder when he traced circles around her clit with his fingertip. He gave thanks to his demonic nature for allowing him to keep a superhuman pace; whereas a normal man would get tired from the repetitive motions, he drew strength from her frantic responses. This allowed him to keep going even as Mikasa’s inner muscles clenched around his tongue, denoting her second orgasm, then a third in quick succession.
The fourth came on much more slowly, but promised to be a big one when she started quaking in his arms. She was incoherent, her inner monologue completely switched off, her thoughts focused solely on Levi and the inhumanly wonderful things he was doing to her. Her nerves felt like they were frozen and on fire at the same time, heat and cold running through her in equal measure, her muscles alternately clenching and relaxing. Her skin felt cool and slick, though she could not tell if that was from her sweat or his, his saliva, or her cum. As he continued working her clit with his fingers and her g-spot with his tongue, she began to feel warm again in her chest and between her legs, shaking and keening as though possessed, then exploding and spurting cum all over Levi and herself as she screamed and sobbed through her climax.
“I’m not done with you yet, but let’s take a break,” he suggested, curling up next to her and pulling her against his solid, muscular body.
“Water!” she gasped, and he produced a glass of perfectly cold water from thin air, which she gulped down in such a frenzy that rivulets escaped from the sides of her mouth and dripped onto her breasts. Levi lapped the water from her skin and conjured another glass for her, refilling it until she was sated, capturing any errant drops with his tongue. She buried her face in the crook of his neck, her warm breath stirring his arousal, but he told himself to stay still, to let her decide when they could get back to it.
“I feel like I haven’t touched you at all,” she said after a while, lifting her head so she could bask in the shining silver of his eyes.
“Touch all you want.” He rolled over onto his back, opening himself to her. She propped herself up on one elbow and let her eyes and hands rove over him, from the softly amused, almost affectionate look on his face, down to his corded arms and thick chest, his segmented and defined abdomen, and then the flat, slightly sloping plane that led to his pubic hair and the largest, most beautiful cock she’d ever seen. It was half hard, resting against his thigh, with a streak of moisture adorning the tip.
“Is this where the term Leviathan comes from?” she asked with a grin, wrapping her fingers around its impressive girth and working up and down his length.
He returned her smile, excited by her excitement. “Uh-huh. People think it means a sea monster, but—”
“They haven’t gotten a chance to see this monster?” she interjected.
Levi snorted a laugh. “I didn’t realize my shitty jokes could be transmitted through our sex bond.”
“I guess we’re both gonna learn some new things tonight,” Mikasa replied, looking down at him with a heavy-lidded gaze and tightening her grip. He soon grew fully erect, his huge cock pointing at the ceiling, drops of precum forming and spilling over her fingers.
“I need your mouth or your cunt, something, just… more…” Levi panted, desperate for contact. “It’ll fit, I’ll make sure it doesn’t hurt.” He willed his cock to produce more precum, the massive organ becoming slick and shiny as Mikasa stroked him. She nodded, her energy returning, growing along with her enthusiasm to take his cock inside of her. Without a word she gripped him by the base, lifted herself up, and lowered herself onto him, sliding down as though she was made to fit him.
“Oh, fuuuuuck ,” she groaned, her eyes sliding shut in bliss. She stayed still, trying to get used to the sensation of being so completely filled, of having his cock igniting every nerve ending inside of her, but Levi couldn’t wait any longer. His cock began to move inside her, thickening and stretching her, rubbing her inner walls the way his tongue had done. Mikasa went off like fireworks, lapsing back into her feral, languageless state, broadcasting every sensation as sighs and gasps and yelps. Levi grasped her by the waist and thrust up into her as fast as he could, slamming his hips into hers so fast it sounded like applause.
She tipped her head back and howled at the overwhelming rush of sensation, being filled and fucked within an inch of her life. Each thrust felt like he was spanking her pussy with each impact, making her come a little, her pussy clenching around him, emitting little spurts of cum every time he retreated. In the midst of this he rolled her over, landing on top of her, still pistoning in and out of her without missing a beat. She bent her legs back before he thought to do it for her, taking him even deeper.
“Fuck, Mikasa!” Levi moaned over the sounds of her fevered howls and skin slapping skin. “I’m not gonna last much longer.”
“Behind,” she managed to say; he didn’t understand, so he searched her mind for the mental image he hoped to find: him on his knees behind her, driving into her even faster and harder than before, his tongue snaking down to tease and fuck the tight bud of her asshole, her pussy dripping with cum and saliva, soaking the sheets beneath them.
“Whatever you want, my dirty girl,” he groaned, trying not to come just from the thought of him inside her twice over. He flipped her over and replicated the mental image exactly, thickening and lengthening his cock so he could fill her up completely, bending down and doing the same with his tongue on, then in her ass. Mikasa shook and sobbed beneath him, her body wracked with an ecstasy beyond comprehension, each cell in her body singing in perfect harmony.
Levi felt his orgasm building, starting in his balls and inner thighs, coming on fast and uncontrollable, more intense than anything he’d ever experienced. Usually he’d siphon a little of his partner’s life force while coming, still able to maintain his rationality during the transfer of power. This was something else entirely, a ball of white light and energy growing inside him, threatening to engulf him once it exploded.
Please, please don’t let me kill her, he pleaded with himself as he tipped over the edge, just before his thoughts faded into utter incoherence. I need to have her again.
His orgasm overtook him, the entire world going blinding white except for himself and Mikasa, flashes of intense color flying past him. Then even she disappeared in the blinding glow and his vision went entirely white. A tiny, rational voice wondered whether he was dying, but he found himself okay with the prospect.
When he came to, he sat upright, panting as though waking from a nightmare. Mikasa lay a warm hand on his chest, rubbing it in absentminded circles.
“You’re okay,” she said softly, letting out a deep yawn. “You just fell asleep for a few minutes.”
“Oh,” he sighed. “You’re alive.”
Her smile was crooked, loopy with exhaustion. “Very much so.”
“I came so hard I was worried I killed you.” His hand sought hers, squeezing it once, unwilling to vocalize the fact that killing her suddenly seemed like the most heinous taboo when she’d been a complete stranger a couple of hours earlier.
“Well, if you did, I would’ve died the happiest I’ve ever been.” She brought their clasped hands to her lips and pressed a soft kiss to his knuckles. He pulled their hands back to him, kissing her hand in return, as if to tell her that affectionate gestures were his job, not hers.
He looked around the room, suddenly disoriented, the surroundings and this woman both familiar and unfamiliar. “Was that flower always there?” He gestured towards a small clay vase on her nightstand that held a single bright blue bloom.
Mikasa poked her head up and furrowed her brow. “It was dead before, or at least dying. I was thinking of throwing it out. Did we do that?”
“I think we did,” Levi replied, letting out a confused sigh of a laugh. He pulled the blanket over Mikasa, tucking her in as she curled up on her side in preparation for sleep, her eyes already closing. He reached over to pluck the blue flower from its vase, inspecting its unfurled petals and the soft dusting of pollen inside them. Struck by an overwhelming urge, he nestled the flower in Mikasa’s hair near her ear, pleased by the contrast of blue on black, of the flower’s delicacy and the strength of the woman whose mind and body could disarm a prince of Hell. His usual protocol was to slip back through the closest portal that would take him to his quarters, but the thought of sleeping alone — without her — made him shudder. Instead he cuddled up next to her and brushed his lips against her forehead, drunk on the combined scent of flowers and sex and this wounded woman who’d somehow ensnared him. Smiling at how fortunate he was to come across such a precious mortal, he closed his eyes and allowed himself some much-needed rest.
When Mikasa woke the next day, she was alarmed to find that the clock on her nightstand read 1:47 in the afternoon, and even more alarmed to find that she felt refreshed and awake, ready to start what was left of the day with a clear head and an elevated mood. She flopped back onto her pillow, staring at the ceiling with a bemused smile on her face. The sheets were cool and dry beneath her, a far cry from her soaked bed a few hours earlier. The vase by her bed was empty; perhaps she’d thrown out that old flower like she’d meant to, and her demon lover was just a strange, vivid dream.
She waited for Levi’s voice in her head to tell her otherwise, and was disappointed when she did not receive a response. Sighing with disappointment, she got up to shower, trying to determine a productive activity for the remaining daylight hours: maybe weeding the garden, or stopping off at the market for more eggs and milk. Undressing in the bathroom, an azure blur caught her eye in the mirror: a crushed flower, as blue as the sky, tucked behind her ear. She cast her gaze down her body, inspecting herself and finding a bruise — no, two — no, dozens of them. Fingertip-sized on her breasts, larger and deeper ones on her neck and shoulders and thighs, and even a couple of scabs in the shape of Levi’s teeth where he had bitten her.
Her fingers skated over her wounds, making her shiver and whimper at the combination of pleasure and pain that radiated throughout her body. One hand drifted between her legs, spreading her free-flowing fluids around, circling her clit and fingering her pussy in a poor imitation of Levi’s supernatural prowess, while she replayed the previous night in as much detail as she could remember.
Not once, not even in passing, did she think of Eren.
I need Levi , she thought, fucking herself with desperate intensity as she braced herself against the sink. I need to feel him again. I need his hands on me and his tongue wrapped around my clit and his cock stretching me until I feel like I could burst. I need to come on him, all over him, as much as I can handle it.
“Come back tonight,” she whispered as she chased her peak. “Please.”
About fucking time you said something , Levi’s voice echoed in her head. I was starting to think you didn’t want me back.
Mikasa laughed aloud, joy and surprise and blessed relief enveloping her, pushing her over the edge. She came, her pussy pulsing around her slick fingers, her lips crying out for her demon lover.
Levi let out a deep, rumbling moan. That’s my girl. I’ll be there at midnight. Don’t bother wearing clothes this time.
She smiled at her reflection in the mirror, her mind buzzing with anticipation, and her eyes flashed silver in the afternoon light.
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