#rita snb
julymarte · 1 year
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I miss these guys SO MUCH i recently dropped Light Amira and just sierotixed Rita and HHHHHHHHHH you don't underastand how much i love the shinbaha anime i'm kinda tempted to do a rewatch idk i'm just glad they seem to be ACTIVELY PART OF THE GBF UNIVERSE like as if they got adopted rather than just isekai'd... sadly i still don't have nina and charioce but i'd need 2 more sierotix for them so uh... yeah... BUT!!!!! amira's been present in events recently and has been vocal about helheim, favaro appeared in her summer alt fate episode...so IDK A WOMAN CAN DREAM
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gensou-no-toshokan · 6 years
Favaro: From now on we'll be using codenames. You will address me as Eagle 1.
Favaro: Kaisar, codename: "Been There, Done That".
Favaro: Amira is "Currently Doing That".
Favaro: Jeanne is "It Happened Once in a Dream".
Favaro: Azazel, codename: "If I Had to Pick a Demon".
Favaro: Rita is... "Eagle 2".
Rita: Oh, thank God.
Favaro: *about Nina* "I'd Be Lying if I Said I Hadn't Thought About It" is in position.
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charinagirl-blog · 6 years
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i resently realized that i've never draw rita omg, the i'll start doing other characters but gradualy because classes start next week so the minicomic of bahamut will have to wait, sorry...i won't upload more content untill test are over. bye
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dangerousbride · 7 years
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Baha, baha, baha, baha.. baha... baha.... baha.................
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watercups · 7 years
twitter log 10: bahagene + bahasoul
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miyakuli · 7 years
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** Permission to post from their pages was granted by the artist Don’t remove credits & don’t repost/edit the art Please, rate and/or bookmark their works on Pixiv too **
Artist :   マカー木村 (pixiv / twitter)
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levizs · 7 years
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                                 "You idiot! You stupid, stupid idiot!“
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reehlia · 7 years
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catbishonen · 7 years
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Reading @ryosanimelife‘s post about Amira in 15 years gives me so much life  Thank you and bless you my friend! 
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spacerune · 7 years
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Mugaro/El appreciation post <3
I feel he has been a superb addition to the snb universe. He has enriched both Jeanne’s and Azazel’s characters and given insight into the type of being that could arise in such a troubled and fantastical world. 
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eurazia · 7 years
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Parenting 101
I so wanted to do this, so here you go! Insp & Insp (original)
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gensou-no-toshokan · 7 years
For the prompt "Shut up and kiss me"
Trollolol, i knew this was made for them, the moment I read that prompt, just for kicks and fun this is gonna be a canon divergence, where Nina arrived to Anatae and setted down with Rita, meaning that he gets to meet Azazel before.
“Welcom… oh, nevermind, it’s you.” That was the only thing that he usually got tohear around here as of late.
It wasn’tthat Rita was coddling in any way; and really, he preferred it that way, butthe fact that she had, out of nowhere gotten this little human girl asan assistant was not just puzzling - since when does Rita need help? - but alsoannoying as all hell.
And he should know.
“Tch, where’sthe zombie girl?” He asked instead refusing to acknowledge her beyondnecessary, it was bad enough that the first few days she had messed with hisinjuries while holding a scalpel out for Rita because of a sudden ‘dizziness’ she got, human or not Azazel did not trust her near medicalappliances.
“Rita wentout to buy supplies, she said she wouldn’t be back for a couple hours.” Sheanswered and continued whatever task she was doing and he pondered, there wasno way he would be able to ditch work without arising suspicions or complainsand his wound from last night was still throbbing painfully.
“Fine, I’ll wait out.” He said and looking at theempty red couch on the corner of the room; a good place to rest as any.
“Y-you’re staying?!” The girl asked before he couldeven settle down and he just ignored her and tried to rest his eyes.
Before doing so though, from the corner of his eyehe clearly saw she was red as a tomato.
“Who’s that?” He asked when he saw a flash of pinkhear disappearing behind the wall.
“My new assistant, Nina, stop playing aroundand assist me.”  She said without missing a beat andfocusing her glasses on his wound.
“I-impossible!!” She had yelled without steppinginto the room and there were some sounds of someone walking upstairs andslamming a door behind them, the zombie girl just sighed and retrieved the traywith her necessary tools herself.
“What’s happened to your other assistant? Did itfinally rot away or was eaten by rats?” He asked.
“Rocky needed some vacations.” she simplysaid. “And she needed a job, she’s a foreigner.” 
“Since when are you one to open your house tostrangers?” 
“Since their only requested pay was food and a roofover her head.” She said starting to disinfect his wounds. “She earnsmoney doing random errands around the city.”
A human, Rita hired a human for a helper.
It was a little girl, and that in and of itselfwould never caught his attention except maybe for the foreigner clothes on herhead, she was short and besides her pink hair and weird attire everything abouther was decidedly unremarkable.
Or it would if, if she wasn’t on the underground coliseumwhere he worked.
She dropped the wagon she was carrying when he sawhim exiting the arena, and when he saw recognition in her eyes Azazel knew hehad to act quick, she turned around and he didn’t allow her the slightestmoment to react when he stopped her grabbing her by the shoulders, her mouthcovered by hs hand.
“Tough luck for you, little girl…” He spoke to herear and he pulled a knife from beneath his clothes…
He knew this pain, and he was familiar with therough skin of the fist that connected with his face as usual too quick for himto react, he was left on the dirt, his jaw aching and his sight looked slanteddue to the weird angle he had landed in.
“Rita!!!” He heard a voice wail like a baby, and herecognized that voice.
When he got up from the floor he saw the girlwanting to hide behind the zombie girl.
“Tch, I thought you were the tattered demon not aperverted demon.” Rita said and he gritted his teeth at the name-calling.
“You told her?!” He demanded to know instead andRita simply shrugged while the girl continued to cower behind her. 
“She found one of Bacchus’ flyers and she put twoand two together.” Rita said and looked down at the girl. “Despiteappearances, she is not that dumb.” 
“Hey!” The girl exclaimed and when she noticed himglaring at her she averted her eyes again, still red in the face butannoyed… Was she pouting?
“If she speaks a word…” He started but Ritainterrupted him with a snort.
“Oh hush, who would ever believe a little foreigngirl anyway?” 
“The hell is wrong with you? I’m just telling youto change my bandages, surely you can do that much?” He said when she seemedabout to faint at such simple request.
It was just his luck that the zombie girl was busywith someone else.
“Y-yes!” She all but yelled not before making amess of the vials she was supposedly cleaning she neared him slowly, step bystep.
“Would you stop that!?” He yelled at her who inresponse practically screeched. “I’m not going to attack you damn it!” Andrather than more pathetic wailing or crying she went quiet for once.
“I… don’t think you’re going to hurt me.” She spokein a mumble, and when he looked at her again she was still red in the face, butrather than having her eyes completely shut she was stealing glances at him andher hands covering her cheeks.
Something about that image, reminded him to ablushing bride on her wedding night…
“Can you... at least... turn around please? Thatwould help a lot.” She said once she was finally on hands reach.
Ah, that was… illuminating to say the least, it waslike a rock dropping on his stomach, an itch coming up from it all the way tohis neck and his throat closing in. He averted his eyes and just took offthe superior part of his clothing and sat on the table with his back to her.
He chooses to focus on the ticking of the clockthat was conveniently placed on the wall he was facing rather than how hyperaware he was of the touch of tiny hands, the deep breaths she took with eachtime or tips of her hair brushing against his skin when she stood too near; andit worked unexpectedly well-
Until a hiss escaped him when she presses on the stillopen wound on his lower back.
“Ugh, be careful!” He exclaimed facing herslightly, her arms were crossing on her eyes only made him angrier. 
“AH! Sorry.” 
“Grr, You’re so damn incompetent! And you callyourself Rita’s assistant?” He yelled in her face this time and she lowered herarms slightly, her face no longer red, but she was frowning and her nose flared.
He couldn’t help but think there was something...beast-like from those gestures.
“You are IMPOSSIBLE!” She yelled throwing his dirtybandages at him and getting on his face too. “I don’t care if you thinkI’m useless! At least I don’t go around causing trouble for Rita because she’salways trying to cover your tracks because you’re so stupid to try and run intoyour death every single night, she was right when she said you’re like a brat!”
He had to blink several times to make sure she wasactually on his eye level - of course she was on her tip toes and he wassitting on a table -  and then he had to blink again because this was thefirst time he saw her red eyes and round face up close.
She was still unremarkable, but her eyes sparkledwith such anger that he felt his own sight glued to them, it was like watchinga crackling fire he realized, but he forced himself to avert his eyes.
“...As if I would expect a human, let alone alittle girl like you to understand.” -he said in a low voice, his hands on hershoulders intending to push her away but she held her ground but a minorversion of her blush was returning to her cheeks even if her anger did not subside.“You have an inflated sense of self if you think I would ever deliver mypassion to a lowly hum-” 
He felt himself falling over the edge of the tableand landing upside down on the couch, she was still on place, one of her firstraised on the air, his whole body ached he felt hazy but he could not stopstaring at her.
Then the front door opened, it was the zombie girlcarrying a huge bag and looking at the girl and then to him, the girl - whatwas her name again? - only stormed out of the room still fuming leaving themboth.
“Get up, you’ll fill the room with more feathers.”She ordered.
“She shoved me.” He said rolling on his side.
“I’m sure you had it coming one way or another.”She said putting on her coat
“Aren’t you even going to ask?!” Azazel felt honestlyoffended by her implication.
“I could hear your shouting from the street, Iwould rather not get involved.” 
For a girl who supposedly wanted to do nothing withhim from then one, she made sure her presence was painfully obvious no matterwhat she was doing: whether it was the low mutters while she finished cleaning,the shifts of her body when she passed the broom all over the place -purposefully making the dust pick up near his sitting spot, or the abruptsounds of her cursing when some of it landed behind the cabinets.
Then there was a sound of screeching, likesomething heavy being lift off, and he opened his eyes to see her holding theheavy wood furniture pieces filled to the brim with medical appliances in onesingle arm, when the other swept the now unhidden places and putting it backwithout breaking a sweat.
He felt himself choke on his own breath.
“You’re a demon.” He said and almost withoutrealizing he had gotten up and walked up to her, looming above her person, andthose red eyes contract in shock and fear, shaking her head.
“Ah! I... I don’t know what you mean! I’m Nina! Nota demon! Just Nina Drango, I came to the capital to make some money for myvillage!” She continued to shake like a leaf and he grabbed her face 
Drango, draconian, dragons... of course.
“Shut up.” He whispered, feeling a damn worth ofrelief wash over his whole body, and allowing himself to look thoughtfully ather again from head to toe.  He leaned into her even more, especially hereyes wide and looking at him so intently and his eyes went down to her mouth.“Shut up and...”
That was all he could say before he felt somethingkicking him on the shins from behind.
“You little-” He attempted to say before blackingout, a flash of rose colored hair and red eyes looking down on him, almost withworry was the last thing he saw.
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yogito · 7 years
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elel-kyutto · 7 years
Before someone here say that Kaisar died saving Charioce, I will remind you something:
Ep. 8
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Ep. 23
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Kaisar kept his word [all three races can coexist] No matter if that was impossible, he kept his word and bet his life to it. Until the end. 
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Jeanne (Gods), Azazel (Demons), Charioce (Humans), these three races were the cause of his death? The truth is that the three races saw him die, the one who held the hope of coexistence in peace. The hope of unity fell with Kaisar, at the feet of those three. 
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That idiot dreamer...
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dangerousbride · 7 years
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Fixed (?)
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monstermonii · 7 years
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Theres still time to save him when everything slows down.
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