#risks of lithotripsy
alfakidneycare · 1 year
As ‘breaking’ and ‘stones’ are the meanings of the two Latin syllables of the word ‘Lithotripsy’, one can easily deduce from the knowledge of it being a medical procedure that lithotripsy is a technique for breaking down of stones in organs liver and gallbladder but particularly in kidneys.
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Kidney Stone Treatment in Ranchi, Jharkhand from Kidney Specialist
Get your Kidney Stone Treatment in Ranchi at the hands of the best kidney stone specialists in Ranchi, Jharkhand. Open stone surgery, lithotripsy, and ureteroscopy are available for kidney stone removal in our hospital in Ranchi.
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radioactiveradley · 1 year
(and the pretty pictures I take of them)
[a warning: this post contains radiographic images and non-graphic description of serious kidney pathologies, including paediatric cancer]
Let's kick off with an old familiar friend! Yeah, I'm talking -
UROLITHIASIS (the humble kidney stone!)
Wanna know something horrific? The biggest kidney stone on record weighed over a kilogram. It was 17 cm across. Just. Imagine. Trying to piss that out…
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Urolithiases are formed anywhere among your urinary tracts. They’re commonly found in the kidneys, giving rise to the more common term, renal calculi, or kidney stones.
Urolithiasis occurs when compounds within your urine crystallise. If your urine becomes too acidic, too base, contains too many of these compounds for them to remain in solution, or simply… sits around too long without flowing, it literally petrifies into a solid lump!
Some unlucky souls are just… predisposed to developing them. If you have had a kidney stone in the past, you are far more likely to get another one in the future. There also seems to be a genetic link – so if someone in your immediate family gets kidney stones, you have a higher risk.
Kidney stones typically hang out in the pelvis of your kidney and don’t cause an issue. Until you try to piss them out. Remember our kidney diagram (drawn on a conveniently shaped bean)?
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You might notice that the ureters are significantly smaller than the renal pelvis. In other words…
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Most renal calculi are made of CALCIUM (oxalate, usually). This is very, very good (for us. Less so for you) because calcium attenuates x-rays – meaning, it glows all pretty and shiny when we take a radiograph!
Here’s a kidney stone on an Abdominal X-Ray!
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And a twinkly artefact caused by a kidney stone on Ultrasound!
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But the best way to assess urolithiases, is, of course, with CT!
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For realsies. We don’t need to inject contrast intravenously, because the kidney stones are (typically) shiny – which cuts down on time and worry, as it means you’re at no risk for having an adverse reaction! So a CT KUB (checking Kidneys, Ureters and Bladder for stones) is basically just a quick tumble in the washing machine (CT scanner), with a lovely clear picture as a result!
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Look at these babies!! So sharp!!! So clear!!!!!! So shiny!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s a beautiful matching pair of renal calculi right there – and to make things better, they’re (currently) non-obstructive, so this patient isn’t in suffering The Agonies!
Speaking of The Agonies…
Most kidney stones are passable, albeit with extreme pain.
However, some ain’t going anywhere. Especially staghorn calculi, which, um. One, stags have antlers. Two…
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more like a fuckin' MOOSE ANTLER amirite????
But yeah, those buggers aren’t coming out. That’s almost definitely going to require surgery!
Smaller calculi can still cause problems when they become obstructive – i.e., they block the passage of your peepee. They can lead to:
HYDRONEPHROSIS (dilation of the renal pelvis due to retained urine, seen here in the Left kidney [right side of image])
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HYDROURETER (dilation of the ureter)
So, what do we do with bothersome calculi? How about some...
EXTRACORPOREAL SHOCKWAVE LITHOTRIPSY (ECSWL, because we love a sexy little acronym here in medworld).
We blast the stone apart with shockwaves, from outside your body! Ultrasound turned up to 11! Unfortunately, it only works on certain densities of stone, and on small stones.
(same thing but…. ZIP ZAP LASERZZZZZ]
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(I totally haven’t added to this diagram in any way. This is how it works. Trust me.)
LOADS of other stuff can go wrong with The Ol’ Piss Beans
We have:
The most common form of kidney cancer.
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For suspected malignancies, we do a CT Urogram that assesses the whole urinary tract. This takes significantly longer than a KUB, but is well worth the results. This is a three-phase scan. We do...
A regular KUB non-contrast scan to check for calculi and to get our baseline Hounsfield Units ('grayness' and densities) for the kidneys. Then we inject contrast in a 'split bolus' - one load immediately, and another roughly 8 minutes in, scanning roughly a minute after the second injection is given. We scan 80 secs after the first contrast bolus is administrered, for the 'nephographic' phase, which enhances the renal cortex & medulla, and makes neoplastic changes and renal masses obvious (see image above). Then we wait 10-ish minutes and scan for the 'excretory' phase, after the contrast has worked its way through your kidneys, to detect 'filling defects' (anything that stops contrast opacification of the ureters) and pathologies related to the urinary collection system.
This is one of the more common cancers found in kids. Although paediatric cancer is never exactly a happy topic, this cancer is now curable in roughly 90% of cases, thanks to the early removal of kidneys and the possibility of transplants.
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Autosomal Dominant (and Recessive) Polycystic Kidney Disease
An inherited renal disease that can cause you to go into End Stage Renal Failure due to the healthy tissue in your kidneys becoming completely overtaken by cysts. As a result, your kidneys can grow more and more, until they practically fill your whole abdomen. 45% of patients will be in ESRF and need dialysis by the age of 60. Thankfully, transplants are an option.
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Other commonly encounutered renal pathologies include trauma, which I talked about in my first kidney ramble (linked here!), infections, and more.
I hope you enjoyed this whistle-stop tour of Stuff That Can Go Wrong With The Kidney, And How We Look At Them Gnarly Beans!
....And, um, I spent way too long making this and now need to pee. This is your reminder to go empty that bladder if you need to! Stop those stones!
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asiya2000 · 1 year
Laser Treatment for Kidney Stones in India: What You Need to Know
Laser treatment for kidney stones, also known as lithotripsy, is a non-invasive procedure that uses a laser to break up large kidney stones into smaller fragments. This treatment offers several advantages over traditional surgical methods, including faster recovery, reduced complications, high success rates, and minimal pain and discomfort. In India, laser treatment for kidney stones is widely available and has made the country a popular destination for medical tourism.
The procedure involves inserting a laser through a small incision into the ureter, targeting the stone with high-energy pulses to break it into smaller pieces. The patient is typically under general anesthesia during the procedure, which takes about an hour to complete. After a few hours of monitoring, patients are discharged and can resume normal activities within a few days.
India boasts advanced medical facilities and highly skilled professionals trained to perform this procedure with precision and care. Additionally, the cost of laser treatment for kidney stones in India is significantly lower than in many other countries, making it an affordable option for patients seeking quality medical care.
While the procedure carries some risks such as bleeding, infection, urinary tract injury, residual stone fragments, and obstruction, these complications are rare and can be managed with proper medical care.
After the procedure, patients are advised to stay hydrated, take prescribed pain medication if necessary, follow a healthy diet, and adhere to their doctor's instructions for post-procedure care.
In conclusion, laser treatment for kidney stones is a safe and effective procedure available in India, offering patients a quick and comfortable recovery. With its advanced medical facilities and affordability, India has become a popular destination for individuals seeking this treatment. know more click here
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Kidney Stone Laser Treatment at Nelivigi Multispeciality Hospital, Bangalore
Kidney stones are a common yet painful condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Characterized by the formation of hard deposits made of minerals and salts, these stones can lead to severe discomfort, urinary issues, and other health complications. At Nelivigi Multispeciality Hospital in Bangalore, we offer advanced laser treatment options that effectively address kidney stones, ensuring a safe and minimally invasive experience for our patients.
Understanding Kidney Stones
Kidney stones can vary in size and composition, ranging from small crystals to larger stones that can obstruct the urinary tract. Common symptoms include intense pain in the lower back or abdomen, blood in urine, frequent urination, and nausea. Factors contributing to kidney stone formation include dehydration, dietary choices, obesity, and certain medical conditions.
Why Choose Laser Treatment?
Kidney Stone Laser treatment, also known as Laser Lithotripsy, has become the gold standard for kidney stone management due to its numerous advantages:
Minimally Invasive: Unlike traditional surgical methods, laser treatment requires only small incisions, resulting in less pain, reduced recovery time, and minimal scarring.
Precision: The laser targets the stone directly, fragmenting it into small pieces that can be easily passed through urine. This precision reduces damage to surrounding tissues and lowers the risk of complications.
Short Recovery Time: Most patients can return to their normal activities within a few days after the procedure, allowing for a quicker return to everyday life.
Reduced Hospital Stay: In many cases, laser treatment can be performed on an outpatient basis, meaning patients can go home the same day.
The Procedure
At Nelivigi Multispeciality Hospital, our urologists utilize advanced laser technology to perform the procedure. Here’s a brief overview of the process:
Pre-Procedure Assessment: Before the treatment, patients undergo a thorough evaluation, including imaging tests to determine the size and location of the stones.
Anesthesia: The procedure is typically performed under general or regional anesthesia, ensuring patient comfort throughout.
Laser Lithotripsy: Using a thin, flexible tube called a ureteroscope, the urologist navigates to the stone. A laser is then used to break the stone into tiny fragments, which can easily pass through the urinary tract.
Post-Procedure Care: After the treatment, patients are monitored for a short period before being discharged. Instructions on pain management, hydration, and follow-up visits are provided to ensure a smooth recovery.
Why Choose Nelivigi Multispeciality Hospital?
At Nelivigi Multispeciality Hospital, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional care in a patient-centric environment. Our team of experienced urologists is dedicated to using the latest technology and techniques to deliver optimal outcomes. We understand that kidney stones can be a distressing experience, and we strive to make the treatment process as comfortable and efficient as possible.
Our commitment extends beyond just treatment; we also emphasize education and prevention. Our specialists work closely with patients to develop personalized management plans that include lifestyle modifications and dietary changes to reduce the risk of recurrence.
If you or a loved one is suffering from kidney stones, consider the advanced laser treatment options available at Nelivigi Multispeciality Hospital in Bangalore.
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kidneycop · 5 days
Surprising Facts About Kidney Stones
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Kidney stones are hard mineral deposits that form inside the kidneys. These tiny crystals can be very painful when they move through the urinary tract. There are many facts about kidney stones that may come as a surprise to people who have never suffered from this painful condition. Here are some of the more intriguing and unexpected truths about kidney stones.
Types of Kidney Stones and Their Causes
The two most common types of kidney stones are calcium oxalate stones and struvite stones. Calcium oxalate stones account for approximately 75% of all kidney stones and form when the urine contains too much calcium and oxalate. 
Struvite stones compose about 10-15% of kidney stones and are usually caused by a urinary tract infection. They develop due to high levels of magnesium, phosphate, and ammonium in the urine. Rarer types include cystine stones from a genetic disorder and uric acid stones from high urate levels. 
Kidney Stone Treatment Options
Kidney stones were once managed simply by providing pain relief and trying to pass them naturally. However, multiple kidney stone treatment alternatives are now available. Small stones under 5mm have a good chance of passing on their own with medication assistance. Larger stones may require lithotripsy, which uses shock wave therapy to break up the stone into smaller fragments for easier passage.
Surprising Facts about Calcium Oxalate Stones
There is more than one type of stone: Calcium oxalate stone is the most common, but others include uric acid, struvite, and cystine, which have different compositions and causes.
Kidney stones can be almost any color: Depending on their mineral composition and the presence of molecules like magnesium, they may appear brown, tan, white, grey, or even bright orange.
Kidney stones can be many different sizes: They range from as small as a grain of sand to larger sizes over 1cm. Most pass on their own if under 5mm, but larger ones require external procedures.
Certain foods can cause stones but not calcium: High animal protein, sodium, vitamin C, coffee, and cola foods may promote stone formation by acidifying urine, albeit calcium intake alone does not cause them.
Water can stave off stones: Drinking fluids helps dilute substances in the urine to prevent supersaturation and reduce risk as dehydration increases concentrations.
Kidney stones are more common in summer and hotter climates: Higher fluid losses through sweating in heat stress the kidneys more, requiring increased fluid intake to compensate and avoid concentrated urine.
Once you have one stone, you’re more likely to have another: Existing stones may suggest an underlying issue increasing long-term risk, like gut absorption problems, that medical management aims to address for recurrence prevention.
Also Read: Calcium Oxalate Stones: Major Symptoms and Signs
Calcium oxalate stones are an extremely common condition affecting up to 1 in 11 people at some point in their lives. While they can cause severe pain, most cases are not life-threatening and many stones can be treated non-invasively. Small modifications to diet and fluid intake along with medication in selected cases can help prevent recurrences.
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drarunbhardwaj · 19 days
Top Gallstones Surgeon in Dawrka
For expert care in gallstones, Dr. Arun Bhardwaj stands out as the leading gallstones surgeon in Dwarka, West Delhi. With extensive experience and advanced surgical techniques, Dr. Bhardwaj provides exceptional treatment for gallstones, ensuring minimal discomfort and a rapid recovery. His skill in performing minimally invasive procedures makes him a top choice for patients seeking effective gallstone treatment.
Gallstone Disease
Gallstone disease occurs when hard deposits form in the gallbladder, leading to potential pain and digestive issues. Key risk factors include obesity, age, gender, and diet. Treatment options vary from medication and non-surgical procedures to surgery.
Gallstone Disease Treatment
Treatment for gallbladder stones includes various methods, depending on the size of the stones and the patient's condition:
Medications: To dissolve gallstones.
Non-Surgical Procedures: Like shock wave lithotripsy.
Surgery: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a common and effective method for removing the gallbladder.
Gallstone Disease Treatment Without Surgery
For patients who prefer non-surgical options, treatments include:
Medications: To dissolve cholesterol-based stones.
Shock Wave Lithotripsy: To break up stones into smaller pieces.
Endoscopic Procedures: Such as ERCP to remove or manage stones.
Gallstone Surgery West Delhi
When surgery is needed, gallstones surgery in West Delhi is performed with advanced laparoscopic techniques. This minimally invasive approach ensures quicker recovery and fewer complications. Experienced surgeons like Dr. Arun Bhardwaj provide top-notch care using state-of-the-art facilities.
What are Gall Stones?
Gallstones are hard deposits that form in the gallbladder, a small organ that stores bile produced by the liver.
What Causes Gallstones?
Gallstones can develop due to:
Genetic Factors
Weight and Diet
Cholesterol in Bile
Pigment Stones
What are the symptoms of gall stones?
Many gallstones are asymptomatic, but common symptoms include:
Pain in the Right Upper Abdomen
Nausea or Vomiting
Complications of Gallstones
Gallstones can lead to serious complications if they block the common bile duct, such as:
Obstructive Jaundice
Gallbladder Cancer
Types of Gallstone Surgery
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A minimally invasive surgery with small incisions.
Open Cholecystectomy: A more traditional approach with a larger incision, used for complex cases.
What is Minimal Access Surgery or Keyhole Surgery?
Minimal access surgery, or keyhole surgery, involves using small incisions and a laparoscope to view and perform the procedure. This technique offers benefits such as less pain, quicker recovery, and minimal scarring.
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aniket-123 · 25 days
Understanding Gallstones: Symptoms and Insights from Dr. Aniket Zarkar
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Gallstones are hardened deposits that form in the gallbladder, a small organ located beneath the liver. They can range in size from tiny grains to large stones and often go unnoticed until they cause significant symptoms. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for gallstones can help individuals seek timely medical advice.
What Are Gallstones?
Gallstones are primarily composed of cholesterol or bilirubin. They form when these substances harden within the gallbladder, often due to an imbalance in the chemicals that make up bile. There are two main types of gallstones:
Cholesterol Gallstones: The most common type, formed from excess cholesterol in the bile.
Pigment Gallstones: Dark-colored stones formed from too much bilirubin, often linked to conditions like liver cirrhosis or infections in the bile ducts.
Common Symptoms of Gallstones
Dr. Aniket Zarkar, a renowned gastroenterologist, explains that while some individuals with gallstones may never experience symptoms, others can develop a range of uncomfortable and painful signs. The most common symptoms include:
Pain in the Upper Abdomen: Often described as a sharp, intense pain in the upper right or center of the abdomen, this discomfort may radiate to the back or right shoulder.
Nausea and Vomiting: Gallstone attacks can trigger nausea, vomiting, and general digestive discomfort.
Bloating and Indigestion: Persistent bloating, gas, and indigestion after meals can also indicate gallstones.
Jaundice: If a gallstone blocks the bile ducts, it can cause jaundice, leading to yellowing of the skin and eyes.
Fever and Chills: In cases of infection or inflammation, fever and chills may accompany other symptoms.
When to Seek Medical Attention
Gallstones can lead to complications if left untreated, such as cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), bile duct obstruction, or pancreatitis. Dr. Zarkar emphasizes that individuals experiencing severe abdominal pain, jaundice, or recurrent gallstone attacks should seek immediate medical care.
Treatment Options
Treatment for gallstones varies depending on the severity of the condition. Dr. Aniket Zarkar offers a range of treatment options, including:
Medication: For small, cholesterol-based stones, medication may help dissolve the stones over time.
Surgery (Cholecystectomy): The most common treatment for symptomatic gallstones is the removal of the gallbladder, a procedure known as cholecystectomy. This surgery can be performed laparoscopically, allowing for a quicker recovery.
Non-Surgical Procedures: In certain cases, non-surgical treatments like extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) may be considered to break up gallstones.
Preventing Gallstones
Dr. Aniket Zarkar advises adopting a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of gallstones. Maintaining a balanced diet low in cholesterol and fats, regular physical activity, and maintaining a healthy weight can all help prevent the formation of gallstones.
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qualitysoulobject · 1 month
SRK Superspeciality Hospital: Premier Urology Hospital in Jaipur
When it comes to specialized urological care, choosing the right hospital is crucial for effective treatment and long-term health. In Jaipur, SRK (Shri Rama Krishna) Superspeciality Hospital stands out as a leading urology hospital, offering top-tier care for a wide range of urological conditions. Known for its team of experienced urologists and state-of-the-art facilities, SRK Superspeciality Hospital is the go-to destination for those seeking comprehensive and compassionate urological care in Jaipur.
Why SRK Superspeciality Hospital is the Best Choice for Urology in Jaipur
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Expertise in Urological Care
Urological issues can be complex and require specialized knowledge and expertise. At SRK Superspeciality Hospital, the urology team is well-versed in diagnosing and treating a wide range of conditions, including:
Kidney Stones: Utilizing advanced techniques like laser lithotripsy, the hospital provides effective and minimally invasive treatment options for kidney stones, ensuring quick recovery and minimal discomfort. Prostate Problems: Whether it’s benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or prostate cancer, SRK offers comprehensive care, including medical management, surgical intervention, and ongoing monitoring. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): The urology specialists at SRK ensure prompt and accurate diagnosis of UTIs, followed by effective treatment to prevent recurrence and complications. Bladder Disorders: From incontinence to overactive bladder, SRK’s urologists offer tailored treatment plans to help patients manage and overcome bladder issues. Male Infertility: SRK provides specialized care for male infertility, offering a range of diagnostic and treatment options to help couples achieve their reproductive goals.
Advanced Facilities and Technology
SRK Superspeciality Hospital is equipped with cutting-edge medical technology, which plays a vital role in delivering high-quality urological care. The hospital’s facilities include advanced diagnostic tools, minimally invasive surgical equipment, and state-of-the-art operating theaters. This ensures that patients receive the most accurate diagnoses and the most effective treatments available.
Minimally Invasive Surgery
One of the key strengths of SRK’s urology department is its expertise in minimally invasive surgery. These procedures, which include laparoscopic and laser surgeries, offer numerous benefits over traditional surgery, such as reduced pain, shorter recovery times, and lower risk of complications. Patients at SRK can expect the best outcomes thanks to these advanced surgical techniques.
Comprehensive Care Beyond Urology
While SRK Superspeciality Hospital is renowned for its urology department, it also excels in other areas of medical care, making it a comprehensive healthcare provider in Jaipur. The hospital offers specialized services in:
Ophthalmology: Expert eye care, from routine exams to complex surgeries like cataract removal and LASIK. ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat): Comprehensive treatment for conditions affecting the ear, nose, and throat, including chronic sinusitis, hearing loss, and throat disorders. Orthopedics: Advanced care for musculoskeletal issues, including joint replacement surgeries, sports injury management, and more.
Patient-Centered Approach
What sets SRK Superspeciality Hospital apart is its patient-centered approach to healthcare. The hospital’s team of specialists, including urologists, eye specialists, ENT doctors, and orthopedic surgeons, work closely with patients to develop personalized treatment plans that address their specific needs and concerns. This focus on individualized care ensures that each patient receives the best possible treatment and support throughout their healthcare journey.
A Leading Urology Hospital in Jaipur
SRK Superspeciality Hospital has established itself as a leading urology hospital in Jaipur through its dedication to excellence in patient care. The hospital’s commitment to using the latest medical technology, combined with the expertise of its urology team, ensures that patients receive the highest quality care for all urological conditions.
Convenient Location and Accessibility
Located in the heart of Jaipur, SRK Superspeciality Hospital is easily accessible to patients from across the city and surrounding areas. The hospital’s modern infrastructure and welcoming environment make it a comfortable place for patients to receive care.
Take the Next Step Towards Better Urological Health
If you or a loved one is experiencing urological issues, don’t wait to seek professional care. SRK Superspeciality Hospital in Jaipur is here to provide the expert treatment and compassionate support you need. Whether you’re dealing with kidney stones, prostate issues, or other urological conditions, the team at SRK is ready to help you achieve better health.
Contact Information
To schedule an appointment with a urologist at SRK Superspeciality Hospital or to learn more about the services they offer, visit the hospital or call [phone number]. Your health is a priority, and SRK Superspeciality Hospital is committed to providing the best care possible.
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SRK Superspeciality Hospital in Jaipur is a top choice for those seeking specialized urological care. With a team of expert urologists and advanced medical facilities, the hospital provides comprehensive treatment for a wide range of urological conditions. Whether you need care for kidney stones, prostate issues, or other urological concerns, SRK Superspeciality Hospital is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health.
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drravigupta1 · 1 month
Laser Kidney Stone Removal in Jaipur: What You Need to Know
Laser kidney stone treatment in jaipur is becoming more popular because it's less invasive and works well. This method uses laser energy to break stones into smaller pieces. This way, you don't need a big surgery.
Jaipur has top-notch hospitals and medical centers for urology treatments. It's known for its skilled urology specialists. People come here for quality healthcare that's also affordable. This is much cheaper than in big cities but doesn't cut corners on care.
Studies and patient stories show how well laser treatments work in Jaipur. It's a trusted urologist in jaipur for those with kidney stones.
Key Takeaways
Laser kidney stone removal is a non-invasive procedure gaining popularity due to its high success rate.
This advanced laser kidney stone treatment uses laser energy to fragment stones, facilitating easier passage.
Jaipur is home to top urology specialists and state-of-the-art medical facilities.
The city offers affordable healthcare services without compromising on quality.
Studies and patient testimonials underscore the effectiveness of laser kidney stone treatments in Jaipur.
Understanding Laser Kidney Stone Removal
Laser kidney stone removal, or laser lithotripsy, is a new way to handle kidney stones. It's a minimally invasive method that uses advanced laser technology. This ensures patients get top-notch care.
What is Laser Kidney Stone Removal?
This method uses lasers to break down kidney stones. It's a precise way to manage kidney stones. Lasers target and break the stones into smaller pieces. These pieces can then pass through the urinary tract easily.
Benefits of Laser Kidney Stone Removal
It uses minimally invasive techniques, reducing recovery time significantly.
Lower risk of infection and post-operative complications.
Minimizes pain compared to traditional surgical methods.
Better patient-centric outcomes due to less invasive nature.
How Does the Procedure Work?
The process starts with a thin fiber optic being inserted through the urinary tract to the stone's location. Once there, the laser fiber sends energy to the stone, breaking it into smaller pieces. This method is less invasive, causing less harm to nearby tissues and aiding in quick recovery.
Choosing the Right Urology Doctor in Jaipur
Choosing a urology doctor in Jaipur requires careful thought. You should look at their qualifications and how they treat patients. It's also important they use the latest medical technologies. Finding the right doctor ensures you get the best care for your urological needs.
Qualities of the Best Urology Doctor in Jaipur
When searching for the best urology doctor, consider these qualities:
Strong educational background and relevant certifications
Proficiency in using the latest urological technologies
Empathetic and compassionate approach towards patients
High levels of patient satisfaction in urological care
Experience and Expertise of Urologists in Jaipur
Experience and expertise are key to successful urological treatments. Urologists in Jaipur with more experience have deep knowledge and keep up with new medical discoveries. They are often known as trusted kidney stone specialists because of their high success rates in treating complex conditions.
Patient Reviews and Success Stories
Patient reviews and success stories show the quality of care a urology doctor provides. High satisfaction among patients is often seen in positive feedback and stories of successful treatments. Online health forums and review sites offer insights into the performance and reputation of urologists in Jaipur.
Why Opt for Laser Kidney Stone Treatment in Jaipur
Jaipur is becoming a top spot for medical tourism, especially for those looking for quality healthcare at good prices. It's known for its laser kidney stone treatment. This method is both efficient and precise.
Jaipur is a leader in offering affordable healthcare solutions. The treatments here match global standards but are much cheaper than in other places. With top-notch infrastructure and the latest technology, patients get the best care for kidney stones.
Jaipur is home to skilled doctors with lots of experience. They work in modern facilities, making it a go-to place for top healthcare services.
When comparing costs and services in India, Jaipur stands out for its value in medical care. Experts say choosing Jaipur for medical treatment, especially for urology, is a smart move.
Laser kidney stone treatment in Jaipur is known for its innovative methods and skilled doctors. It shows how good the city's health services are, with great results for patients. This approach helps patients feel better quickly and with little pain.
Jaipur is a top choice for health tourism because of its excellent medical care. It offers top-quality healthcare that draws patients from all over the world. As healthcare changes, Jaipur keeps up with the best practices globally with the best urologist in jaipur.
Health tourism in Jaipur is growing, thanks to its focus on advanced treatments like laser kidney stone removal. This ensures that both local and international patients get the best medical care. Jaipur aims to be a key place for top healthcare services, making it a leader in medical tourism.
What is Laser Kidney Stone Removal?
Laser kidney stone removal, or laser lithotripsy, is a minimally invasive procedure. It uses laser technology to break kidney stones into smaller pieces. This makes it easier to pass through the urinary tract.
What are the benefits of Laser Kidney Stone Removal?
This procedure offers less pain and minimal recovery time. It also has a lower risk of infection compared to traditional methods. It's a highly effective and patient-focused way to manage kidney stones.
How does the Laser Kidney Stone Removal procedure work?
First, a small fiber-optic instrument is passed through the urinary tract to the stone's location. Then, laser energy is used to break the stone into smaller pieces. This ensures a minimally invasive treatment.
What are the qualities of the best urology doctor in Jaipur?
The best urology doctors in Jaipur have full qualifications and lots of experience with advanced technologies. They should be certified and have a good track record in urological care. They also focus on patient needs.
Why should I choose urologists in Jaipur for my treatment?
Urologists in Jaipur are experienced and skilled, leading to high success rates in treatments. They keep up with the latest medical advancements. This means they offer top-notch and effective urological care.
How can I find trusted patient reviews and success stories?
You can find patient reviews and success stories on health websites and forums. These sources give you insights into the doctor’s reputation and the care quality they offer. They help you make a well-informed choice.
Why is Jaipur a preferred location for laser kidney stone treatment?
Jaipur is chosen for laser kidney stone treatment because of its affordable healthcare and high-quality care. It has experienced medical professionals. The city is also a top spot for medical tourism with advanced treatment options.
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kidneycop · 2 months
4 Types of Kidney Stones and Their Treatment
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As per recent research, it has been proved that males are more at risk of facing kidney stones than women. 11% of males face kidney stones, on the other hand, only 9% of females go through this issue. It’s crucial to understand the different types of kidney stones that could badly affect your body condition. These kidney stones can cause severe pain and discomfort. When you can recognize them, you can easily find effective ways to manage and prevent them. In this blog, we are going to cover all 4 types and the best way to get rid of kidney stones.
4 Types of Kidney Stones
1. Calcium Stones
The most common type of kidney stones that are faced is calcium stones. Almost 70–80% of kidney stones are calcium stones, which may also include calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate stones. High levels of calcium in the urine could be caused due to many dietary factors and metabolic disorders that lead to these calcium stones. Maintain the intake of dietary calcium and avoid foods such as spinach, nuts, and tea that contain high-oxalate content.
Increasing fluid intake can eventually dislodge the stone. It is also crucial to take medications to prevent any kind of stone from forming. Utilizing shock wave lithotripsy could be highly beneficial for breaking down stones into smaller pieces. If you are thinking of how to prevent kidney stones or calcium stones, then you might limit yourself to sodium and animal protein.
Read More: Calcium Oxalate Stones: Major Symptoms and Signs
2. Uric Acid Stones
When your urine becomes too acidic, your kidney starts to form uric acid stones. Almost 5%-10% of kidney stones are uric acid stones. It may occur due to excessive intake of a high-protein diet, dehydration, or medical conditions. Kidney stones treatment is possible if you are ready to follow a few measures.
Prevent kidney stones of these types by keeping yourself well-hydrated and limited to high-protein foods. To stop uric acidic stones, it’s crucial to increase the intake of fluids. Allopurinol may also be helpful to reduce the uric acid level effectively. Ensure you are monitoring your urine PH, to keep yourself updated about your body hydration level.
3. Struvite Stones
Struvite stones are not much common kidney stones. They occur due to urinary tract infection (UTI). Around 10–15% of kidney stones are formed due to this infection. When there are bacteria present in the urinary system, it ends up producing ammonia, which leads to these stones formation.
The best way to get rid of kidney stones like struvite stones lies in antibiotics. If required percutaneous nephrolithotomy is used to remove large stones. To prevent issues related to your urinary tract, it is really important to manage it. Try to keep yourself hygienic and hydrated to avoid risks of infection.
4. Cystine Stones
One of the rarest kidney stones that are formed are cystine stones. Only 1–2% of kidney stones are cystine stones. However, these can be the result of a genetic disorder also known as cystinuria. When amino acid has been leaked into the urine, it starts the formation of these types of stones.
Every kidney stone treatment lies in fluids, especially water. It helps in diluting the urine and reducing the cysteine concentration. It is crucial to consult with the right doctors who provide the medication to improve the urinary tract. Reducing salt and protein intake also makes a great impact on your stones prevention and treatment efforts.
Read More: Dietary Changes That May Help Prevent the Recurrence of Kidney Stones
By understanding different types of kidney stones, you can find the best way to treat them. Consulting with a reputable health care center could eventually help in reducing the risk of developing kidney stones. Remember, kidney stones prevention and treatment is completely in your hands, manage your kidney health by taking the right advice.
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thangampmrc · 2 months
Get Rid of Kidney Stones With The Best Laser Surgery
A kidney stone is a solid, crystalline mineral deposit that forms within the kidney or urinary tract. The size of these stones can vary, from tiny grains of sand to large ones comparable to a golf ball. They are typically composed of substances such as calcium, oxalate, uric acid, or cystine, which can crystallize and clump together, forming solid masses. Kidney stones can cause severe pain as they pass through the urinary tract and may lead to complications such as blockage of urine flow, urinary tract infections, or kidney damage if left untreated. Laser surgery is the best solution for people who seek.
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The symptoms of kidney stones can vary depending on their size, location, and whether they are causing obstruction or irritation within the urinary tract. Common symptoms include:
The most distinctive symptom of kidney stones is severe pain, usually experienced in the back, side, lower abdomen, or groin.
Kidney stones can cause discomfort or a burning sensation during urination.
Individuals with kidney stones may feel the need to urinate more frequently, often in small amounts.
Few people will experience nausea and vomiting, especially if the pain is severe.
There may be a sudden and urgent need to urinate, even if the bladder is not full.
A common symptom of kidney stones is blood in the urine, which can cause the urine to appear pink, red, or brown.
Understanding these causes can help to take preventive measures to reduce their risk of developing kidney stones. The formation of kidney stones can be attributed to various factors, including:
Dietary Factors
Medical Conditions
Urinary Tract Obstruction
Environmental Factors
Why We Need Laser Treatment for Kidney Stones?
Specifically, kidney stone laser treatment may be required for the following reasons:
Precision: Laser technology allows for precise targeting of specific tissues or structures within the body, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue.
Minimally Invasive: Compared to traditional surgical techniques, laser procedures are often less invasive, resulting in smaller incisions, less tissue damage, and faster recovery times for patients.
Reduced Risk: Laser treatment can reduce the risk of complications associated with traditional surgery, such as infection, bleeding, and scarring.
Versatility: Laser technology can be used to treat a wide range of medical conditions across various specialties, including urology, dermatology, ophthalmology, and dentistry.
Effective Tissue Ablation: In cases where precise tissue removal or ablation is necessary, such as tumour removal or stone fragmentation, laser treatment can be highly effective.
Improved Patient Outcomes: Laser procedures often result in better outcomes for patients, including reduced pain, shorter hospital stays, and faster recovery times, leading to improved overall quality of life.
Accessibility: Laser technology is becoming increasingly accessible and widely available, allowing more patients to benefit from its advantages.
What Is Laser Lithotripsy?
Laser lithotripsy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat kidney stones and stones in other parts of the urinary tract. During the procedure, a laser beam is directed at the kidney stone or stones to break them into smaller fragments, making them easier to pass through the urinary tract naturally. This process typically involves the insertion of a thin, flexible instrument called a ureteroscope through the urethra and into the urinary tract, allowing the surgeon to access and visualize the stones. The laser energy is then delivered through the ureteroscope to precisely target and fragment the stones.
Laser lithotripsy is often preferred for treating kidney stones that are too large to pass spontaneously or are causing significant pain and discomfort. Compared to traditional lithotripsy methods, such as shock wave lithotripsy, laser lithotripsy offers greater precision and effectiveness in breaking down stones, resulting in higher stone-free rates and lower complication rates. Laser lithotripsy can be used to treat a wider range of stone compositions, including harder stones that may be resistant to other treatment methods. Laser lithotripsy is a highly effective and safe option for treating kidney stones and other urinary tract stones.
Benefits of Laser Lithotripsy
Laser lithotripsy offers several benefits for the treatment of kidney stones and other urinary tract stones, including:
Laser technology allows for precise targeting of stones, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue.
Laser lithotripsy effectively fragments stones of various sizes and compositions, including hard-to-treat stones that may be resistant to other treatment methods.
The procedure is minimally invasive, typically performed through a small incision or natural body opening, resulting in less trauma, reduced risk of complications, and faster recovery times for patients.
Patients undergoing laser lithotripsy often experience shorter hospital stays compared to more invasive surgical procedures, allowing for a quicker return to normal activities.
Laser lithotripsy causes minimal trauma to surrounding tissues, resulting in less postoperative pain and discomfort for patients.
Laser lithotripsy achieves high stone-free rates, meaning a greater likelihood of completely removing kidney stones or other urinary tract stones from the body.
Laser lithotripsy can be used to treat a wide range of stone compositions and sizes, making it a versatile treatment option for patients with different types of stones.
Compared to traditional lithotripsy methods, such as shock wave lithotripsy, laser lithotripsy has lower complication rates, including reduced risk of injury to surrounding organs or tissues.
Thangam Hospital is fully prepared to address all concerns related to kidney stones. If you’re experiencing any kidney problems, come to us for top-notch treatment. Our hospital is equipped with advanced technology and skilled medical professionals who specialize in managing kidney stone issues. Whether you’re dealing with pain, discomfort, or other symptoms, we’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to visit us for the best care and treatment tailored to your needs. Your health is our priority. It’s important to care for your body. Schedule an appointment today or give us a call at 0491 251 5717.
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drabhijitgokhale11 · 1 month
Urinary Stone Treatment in Pune: Expert Care by Dr. Abhijit Gokhale
Urinary stones, including kidney stones and bladder stones, can be a painful and disruptive condition that affects many individuals. If you are seeking expert treatment for urinary stones in Pune, look no further than Dr Abhijit Gokhale, a highly skilled urologist with over 30 years of experience.
Comprehensive Urinary Stone Treatment:
He offers a range of advanced treatments for urinary stones, tailored to the individual needs of each patient. His expertise includes:
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL): A non-invasive procedure that uses shock waves to break down stones into smaller fragments, allowing for easier passage.
Ureteroscopy: A minimally invasive procedure where a small telescope is inserted through the urethra to locate and remove or break up stones in the ureter or kidney.
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL): For larger or complex stones, this procedure involves making a small incision in the back to directly access the kidney and remove the stone.
Laser Stone Removal: Using advanced laser technology, Dr. Gokhale can precisely target and break down stones, minimizing the risk of complications and promoting faster recovery.
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Why Choose Dr. Abhijit Gokhale?
Extensive Experience: With over three decades of experience in urology, Dr. Gokhale has successfully treated numerous patients with urinary stones, ensuring excellent outcomes.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Dr. Gokhale practices at Sanjeevan Surgery, a well-equipped clinic that utilizes the latest technology for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of urinary stones.
Personalized Care: Dr Gokhale believes in a patient-centred approach, taking the time to understand each individual's unique needs and concerns. He works closely with patients to develop a tailored treatment plan that addresses their specific condition.
Symptoms of Urinary Stones:
Common symptoms of urinary stones include:
Severe pain in the back, side, lower abdomen, or groin
Blood in urine
Difficulty urinating
Nausea and vomiting
In conclusion, if you are facing the discomfort and pain associated with it, Dr Abhijit Gokhale is your go-to expert for effective treatment in urinary stone treatment in Pune. With over 30 years of experience in urology, he offers a comprehensive range of advanced treatment options tailored to meet your specific needs, including Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL), Ureteroscopy, and Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL).
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drarunbhardwaj · 2 months
Gallstone Surgeon in West Delhi
For gallstone concerns in West Delhi, Dr. Arun Bhardwaj stands out as the go-to specialist. With vast experience and advanced surgical expertise, they provide comprehensive treatment for gallstones. Patients rely on their skill in performing minimally invasive procedures, ensuring minimal discomfort and rapid recovery. Dr. Arun Bhardwaj offers top-notch care and peace of mind for those with gallstone issues.
Gallbladder Stone Treatment
Gallbladder stone treatment involves medication to dissolve stones, non-invasive procedures like shock wave lithotripsy to break them, or surgical removal. The most common surgery is cholecystectomy, where the gallbladder is removed. Treatment choice depends on stone size, symptoms, and patient health.
Gallstone Disease
Gallstone disease occurs when hardened deposits of digestive fluid, called gallstones, form in the gallbladder. These can cause pain, nausea, and digestive issues. Risk factors include obesity, age, gender, and certain diets. Treatment options range from medication to dissolve the stones to surgical removal of the gallbladder.
Gallstone Disease Treatment
Gallstone disease treatment options include medications to dissolve gallstones, non-surgical procedures like shock wave lithotripsy, and surgery such as laparoscopic cholecystectomy to remove the gallbladder. Treatment choice depends on symptoms, gallstone size, and patient health, with surgery being the most common and effective method.
Gallstone Disease Treatment Without Surgery
Gallstone disease can be treated non-surgically through medications that dissolve cholesterol stones, shock wave lithotripsy to break up stones, and endoscopic procedures like ERCP to remove or manage stones. These methods suit patients who cannot undergo surgery or prefer a non-invasive approach.
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*Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic*
Kidney stones are small masses of salts and minerals that form inside the kidneys and may travel down the urinary tract. Kidney stones range in size from just a speck to as large as a ping pong ball. Signs and symptoms of kidney stones include blood in the urine, and pain in the abdomen, groin, or flank. About 5% of people develop a kidney stone in their lifetime.
• A kidney stone is a hard, crystalline mineral material formed within the kidney or urinary tract.
• One in every 20 people develops kidney stones at some point in their life.
• Kidney stones form when there is a decrease in urine volume and/or an excess of stone-forming substances in the urine.
• Dehydration is a major risk factor for kidney stone formation.
• Symptoms of a kidney stone include flank pain (the pain can be quite severe) and blood in the urine (hematuria).
• People with certain medical conditions, such as gout, and those who take certain medications or supplements are at risk for kidney stones.
• Diet and hereditary factors are also related to stone formation.
• Diagnosis of kidney stones is best accomplished using an ultrasound, intravenous pyleography (IVP), or a CT scan.
• Most kidney stones will pass through the ureter to the bladder on their own with time.
• Treatment includes pain-control medications and, in some cases, medications to facilitate the passage of urine.
• If needed, lithotripsy or surgical techniques may be used for stones which do not pass through the ureter to the bladder on their own.
A kidney stone is a hard, crystalline mineral material formed within the kidney or urinary tract. Kidney stones are a common cause of blood in the urine (hematuria) and often severe pain in the abdomen, flank, or groin. Kidney stones are sometimes called renal calculi.
Anyone may develop a kidney stone, but people with certain diseases and conditions or those who are taking certain medications are more susceptible to their development. Urinary tract stones are more common in men than in women. Most urinary stones develop in people 20 to 49 years of age, and those who are prone to multiple attacks of kidney stones usually develop their first stones during the second or third decade of life. People who have already had more than one kidney stone are prone to developing further stones.
In residents of industrialized countries, kidney stones are more common than stones in the bladder. The opposite is true for residents of developing areas of the world, where bladder stones are the most common. This difference is believed to be related to dietary factors.
A family history of kidney stones is also a risk factor for developing kidney stones.
Uric acid kidney stones are more common in people with chronically elevated uric acid levels in their blood (hyperuricemia).
A small number of pregnant women develop kidney stones, and there is some evidence that pregnancy-related changes may increase the risk of stone formation. Factors that may contribute to stone formation during pregnancy include a slowing of the passage of urine due to increased progesterone levels and diminished fluid intake due to a decreasing bladder capacity from the enlarging uterus. Healthy pregnant women also have a mild increase in their urinary calcium excretion. However, it remains unclear whether the changes of pregnancy are directly responsible for kidney stone formation or if these women have another underlying factor that predisposes them to kidney stone formation.
Kidney stones form when there is a decrease in urine volume and/or an excess of stone-forming substances in the urine. The most common type of kidney stone contains calcium in combination with either oxalate or phosphate. A majority of kidney stones are calcium stones. Other chemical compounds that can form stones in the urinary tract include uric acid, magnesium ammonium phosphate, and the amino acid cysteine.
Dehydration from reduced fluid intake or strenuous exercise without adequate fluid replacement increases the risk of kidney stones. Obstruction to the flow of urine can also lead to stone formation. In this regard, climate may be a risk factor for kidney stone development, since residents of hot and dry areas are more likely to become dehydrated and susceptible to stone formation.
Kidney stones can also result from infection in the urinary tract. These are known as struvite or infection stones. Metabolic abnormalities, including inherited disorders of metabolism, can alter the composition of the urine and increase an individual's risk of stone formation.
A number of different medical conditions can lead to an increased risk for developing kidney stones:
• Gout results in chronically increased amount of uric acid in the blood and urine and can lead to the formation of uric acid kidney stones.
• Hypercalciuria (high calcium in the urine), another inherited condition, causes stones in more than half of cases. In this condition, too much calcium is absorbed from food and excreted into the urine, where it may form calcium phosphate or calcium oxalate kidney stones.
• Other conditions associated with an increased risk of kidney stones include hyperparathyroidism, kidney diseases such as renal tubular acidosis, and other inherited metabolic conditions, including cystinuria and hyperoxaluria.
• Chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension) are also associated with an increased risk of developing kidney stones.
• People with inflammatory bowel disease are also more likely to develop kidney stones.
• Those who have undergone intestinal bypass or ostomy surgery are also at increased risk for kidney stones.
• Some medications also raise the risk of kidney stones. These medications include some diuretics, calcium-containing antacids, and the protease inhibitor indinavir (Crixivan), a drug used to treat HIV infection.
• Dietary factors and practices may increase the risk of stone formation in susceptible individuals. In particular, inadequate fluid intake predisposes to dehydration, which is a major risk factor for stone formation. Other dietary practices that may increase an individual's risk of forming kidney stones include a high intake of animal protein, a high-salt diet, excessive sugar consumption, excessive vitamin D supplementation, and excessive intake of oxalate-containing foods such as spinach. Interestingly, low levels of dietary calcium intake may alter the calcium-oxalate balance and result in the increased excretion of oxalate and a propensity to form oxalate stones.
• Hyperoxaluria as an inherited condition is uncommon and is known as primary hyperoxaluria. The elevated levels of oxalate in the urine increase the risk of stone formation. Primary hyperoxaluria is much less common than hyperoxaluria due to dietary factors as mentioned above.
• While some kidney stones may not produce symptoms (known as "silent" stones), people who have kidney stones often report the sudden onset of excruciating, cramping pain in their low back and/or side, groin, or abdomen. Changes in body position do not relieve this pain. The abdominal, groin, and/or back pain typically waxes and wanes in severity, characteristic of colicky pain (the pain is sometimes referred to as renal colic). It may be so severe that it is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The pain has been described by many as the worst pain of their lives, even worse than the pain of childbirth or broken bones. Kidney stones also characteristically cause bloody urine. If infection is present in the urinary tract along with the stones, there may be fever and chills. Sometimes, symptoms such as difficulty urinating, urinary urgency, penile pain, or testicular pain may occur due to kidney stones.
The diagnosis of kidney stones is suspected when the typical pattern of symptoms is noted and when other possible causes of the abdominal or flank pain are excluded. Which is the ideal test to diagnose kidney stones is controversial. Imaging tests are usually done to confirm the diagnosis. Many patients who go to the emergency room will have a non-contrast CT scan done. This can be done rapidly and will help rule out other causes for flank or abdominal pain. However, a CT scan exposes patients to significant radiation, and recently, ultrasound in combination with plain abdominal X-rays have been shown to be effective in diagnosing kidney stones.
In pregnant women or those who should avoid radiation exposure, an ultrasound examination may be done to help establish the diagnosis.
Most kidney stones eventually pass through the urinary tract on their own within 48 hours, with ample fluid intake. Ketorolac (Toradol), an injectable anti-inflammatory drug, and narcotics may be used for pain control when over-the-counter pain control medications are not effective. Toradol, aspirin, and NSAIDs must be avoided if lithotripsy is to be done because of the increased risk of bleeding or if there is impaired kidney function. Intravenous pain medications can be given when nausea and vomiting are present.
Although there are no proven home remedies to dissolve kidney stones, home treatment may be considered for patients who have a known history of kidney stones. Since most kidney stones, given time, will pass through the ureter to the bladder on their own, treatment is directed toward control of symptoms. Home care in this case includes the consumption of plenty of fluids. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) may be used as pain medication if there is no contraindication to its use. If further pain medication is needed, stronger narcotic pain medications may be recommended.
There are several factors that influence the ability to pass a stone. These include the size of the person, prior stone passage, prostate enlargement, pregnancy, and the size of the stone. A 4 mm stone has an 78% chance of passage while a 5 mm stone has a 18% chance. Stones larger than 9 mm to 10 mm rarely pass without specific treatment.
Rather than having to undergo treatment, it is best to avoid kidney stones in the first place when possible. It can be especially helpful to drink more water, since low fluid intake and dehydration are major risk factors for kidney stone formation.
Depending on the cause of the kidney stones and an individual's medical history, changes in the diet or medications are sometimes recommended to decrease the likelihood of developing further kidney stones. If one has passed a stone, it can be particularly helpful to have it analyzed in a laboratory to determine the precise type of stone so specific prevention measures can be considered.
People who have a tendency to form calcium oxalate kidney stones may be advised to limit their consumption of foods high in oxalate, such as spinach, rhubarb, Swiss chard, beets, wheat germ, and peanuts. Also drinking lemon juice or lemonade may be helpful in preventing kidney stones.
Most kidney stones will pass on their own, and successful treatments have been developed to remove larger stones or stones that do not pass. People who have had a kidney stone remain at risk for future stones throughout their lives.
For some people who have had many kidney stones, home care may be appropriate. When passing a kidney stone, drinking lots of fluid is important. In fact, this is the most important home care measure. Medications may help control the pain (as described previously). However, if it is the first time one has had symptoms suggestive of a kidney stone, it is important to see a doctor right away.
Homeopathy has good and very effective medicines for all kind of stones. They have good results.
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rungtahospital · 2 months
What Causes Kidney and Ureteral Stones?
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Kidney and ureteral stones are a common medical condition that can cause significant pain and discomfort. Understanding the causes of these stones is crucial for prevention and effective treatment. In this blog, we'll delve into the factors that contribute to the formation of kidney and ureteral stones and discuss how the best urology hospital in Jaipur, Rungta Hospital, can help you manage and prevent these conditions.
What Are Kidney and Ureteral Stones?
Kidney stones are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside your kidneys. Ureteral stones are kidney stones that have moved into the ureters, the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. These stones can vary in size and may cause significant pain if they block the flow of urine.
Causes of Kidney and Ureteral Stones
Dehydration: One of the most common causes of kidney and ureteral stones is dehydration. When you don't drink enough water, your urine becomes concentrated, allowing minerals and salts to crystallize and form stones.
Diet: Certain dietary factors can increase the risk of stone formation. High consumption of oxalate-rich foods (such as spinach, nuts, and chocolate), excessive salt intake, and a diet high in protein can all contribute to stone formation.
Genetics: A family history of kidney stones increases your risk of developing them. Genetic factors can influence the way your body processes minerals and salts, making you more prone to stone formation.
Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as hyperparathyroidism, gout, and urinary tract infections, can increase the risk of developing kidney stones. These conditions can alter the balance of substances in your urine, promoting stone formation.
Medications: Some medications, including diuretics and calcium-based antacids, can increase the risk of kidney stones by altering the balance of minerals in your urine.
Obesity: Obesity is linked to several metabolic changes that can lead to kidney stone formation. Individuals with a higher body mass index (BMI) are at a greater risk of developing stones.
Digestive Disorders: Conditions like Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and gastric bypass surgery can affect the absorption of calcium and water, leading to higher concentrations of stone-forming substances in your urine.
Preventing Kidney and Ureteral Stones
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your urine diluted. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.
Dietary Modifications: Reduce your intake of oxalate-rich foods, salt, and animal protein. Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet to help prevent stone formation.
Medications: If you're prone to developing stones, your doctor may prescribe medications to help prevent them. These medications can include diuretics, citrate supplements, or medications to reduce uric acid levels.
Regular Check-Ups: Regular visits to your urologist can help monitor your condition and catch any potential issues early. If you have a history of kidney stones, your doctor may recommend more frequent check-ups.
Treatment at Rungta Hospital
Rungta Hospital, recognized as the best urology hospital in Jaipur, offers comprehensive care for patients with kidney and ureteral stones. Our team of experienced urologists utilizes the latest technology and techniques to diagnose and treat kidney stones effectively. Here are some of the advanced treatment options available at Rungta Hospital:
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL): This non-invasive procedure uses shock waves to break kidney stones into smaller pieces that can be passed through the urine.
Ureteroscopy: A thin scope is inserted into the ureter to locate and remove stones.
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL): For larger stones, this minimally invasive procedure involves making a small incision in the back to remove the stones directly from the kidney.
Laser Lithotripsy: A laser is used to break down stones into smaller fragments, which can then be passed naturally.
At Rungta Hospital, we are committed to providing personalized care and treatment plans tailored to each patient's needs. Our state-of-the-art facilities and skilled medical professionals ensure that you receive the best possible care for kidney and ureteral stones.
Understanding the causes of kidney and ureteral stones is the first step towards effective prevention and treatment. By staying hydrated, making dietary adjustments, and seeking regular medical advice, you can reduce your risk of developing these painful conditions. If you need expert care, trust the best urology hospital in Jaipur, Rungta Hospital, to provide comprehensive and compassionate treatment. Our team is dedicated to helping you maintain optimal urological health and well-being. Recognized as the best hospital in Jaipur, we ensure that all your healthcare needs are met with the highest standards of care.
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