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veganliberationworld-blog · 6 years ago
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❇️ Vegan Meals High In Iron ▫️ Credit: ➡ @tastyvegetarian ▫️ Enjoy. 🌱 ▫️ Follow 👥, Like ♥️, Share 🔄 & Comment 📝 #easyveganmeals #fitvegan #govegan #onlyvegan #veganfamily #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #plantbasedfood #plantbasedmealplan #plantbasedvegan #plantprotein #recipevideos #riseofthevegan #simplevegan #vegan #veganbodybuilding #vegandinner #veganfood #veganfoodie #veganknowledge #veganlunch #veganmeal #veganmealplan #veganmealprep #veganpost #veganpower #veganrecipe #veganrecipes #vegansofig #whatveganseat https://www.instagram.com/p/B2IBm4Bp5zL/?igshid=1d1jjp514zv3t
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lovesanimals77 · 6 years ago
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@Regran_ed from @alkaline_vegan_news - Repost from @veganbodybuilding using @RepostRegramApp - 🌱💪🏼 As a medical doctor Garth Davis sees first hand the devastating effects meat and dairy have on our health and advocates a whole food plant-based diet. But a plant-based diet isn't only the best diet for our health. _ We know a plant based diet is the only diet ever proven to prevent and reverse heart disease [Ornish/Esselstyn], the number one killer in the Western World, causing an average of one death every 40 seconds in the US alone [American Heart Association data], as well as vastly reducing our risk for diabetes, hypertension and cancer. _ But it's also the best diet for the environment - Studies indicate that a varied vegan diet requires about a third of the land needed for conventional Western diets [UN FAO]. And a recent UN report stated "A global shift towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world from hunger, fuel poverty and the worst impacts of climate change." _ "As the global population surges towards a predicted 9.1 billion people by 2050, western tastes for diets rich in meat and dairy products are unsustainable." said the report from the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) international panel of sustainable resource management. _ Emissions from the production of beef and lamb are 250 times higher than those from legumes, per gram of protein, and pork and poultry are 40 times higher than legumes. A large amount of methane and nitrous oxide, gases that are more than 20 times and 250 times more powerful than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas, are generated through livestock-raising activities. [UN FAO] _ And it's a lifestyle that seeks to minimise the impact on the fellow Earthlings we share the planet with as much as is possible and practicable - i.e. avoiding eating them. _ If we could be lead healthier lives without causing unnecessary suffering to other animals, then why wouldn't we? It's pretty simple - and more and more people are catching on - veganism is rapidly growing around the world. _ #riseofthevegan #vegan #veganism #plantbased #changethegame @drgarthdavis - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/BronWWODTTo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10ifvizk9ecxj
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dailyveganrecipeslove · 5 years ago
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😍 Go Vegan, For the World! . . . . #veganscene #vegansoninstagram #vegansofig #veganstyle #veganquote #positivequotes #riseofthevegan #vegan2020 #veganlovers #veganparis #quotesforvegans #veganwords #vegansunited https://www.instagram.com/p/CAiRY4_pK9g/?igshid=w1a89dm39cm7
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🌱💪🎉📰 New research shows that both plant-based protein and meat build muscle equally well however because plant-protein comes with less 'baggage' in the form of harmful components it's the more beneficial protein source to use. _ A study published last week in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that dietary protein derived from plant sources built muscle just as well as protein from meat sources. However meat also comes with additional components that are harmful to our health, including antibiotic residue, hormones, saturated fat, trans-fats, endotoxins, cholesterol, Neu5Gc, heterocyclic amines and contaminants such as high levels of metals including copper and arsenic. These undesirable elements increase inflammation and promote various diseases thus making meat a less desirable option when building muscle and long term health are considered. _ From 2002 to 2005, researchers from the Hebrew Senior Life's Institute for Aging Research and University of Massachusetts Lowell observed the muscle mass, strength, and bone density of 3,000 participants with varied dietary habits in the 17 to 72 age range. They found that while higher protein intake led to better overall musculoskeletal health, the source of dietary protein—plant or animal—was irrelevant. “We know that dietary protein can improve muscle mass and strength,” lead researcher Dr. Kelsey M. Mangano said. “However, until now, we did not know if one protein food source was better than another in accomplishing optimal results.” _ And there’s no comparison between animal foods and plant foods when it comes to providing immune-boosting and cancer-fighting nutrients. Animal foods are either exceedingly low or devoid of antioxidants and tend to offer concentrated amounts of individual nutrients, like protein or calcium, while being deficient in many others. By contrast, plant foods are rich in antioxidants and provide a wide spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and other health-promoting nutrients. Read the full article at the link in @veganbodybuilding profile 🌱💪 _ #riseofthevegan #plantprotein #vegan #govegan #veganism #veganfood #veganbodybuilder #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #veganathlete
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bobocity · 8 years ago
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#watchifire @veganbodybuilding - 🌱💪🎉📰 New research shows that both plant-based protein and meat build muscle equally well however because plant-protein comes with less 'baggage' in the form of harmful components it's the more beneficial protein source to use. _ A study published last week in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that dietary protein derived from plant sources built muscle just as well as protein from meat sources. However meat also comes with additional components that are harmful to our health, including antibiotic residue, hormones, saturated fat, trans-fats, endotoxins, cholesterol, Neu5Gc, heterocyclic amines and contaminants such as high levels of metals including copper and arsenic. These undesirable elements increase inflammation and promote various diseases thus making meat a less desirable option when building muscle and long term health are considered. _ From 2002 to 2005, researchers from the Hebrew Senior Life's Institute for Aging Research and University of Massachusetts Lowell observed the muscle mass, strength, and bone density of 3,000 participants with varied dietary habits in the 17 to 72 age range. They found that while higher protein intake led to better overall musculoskeletal health, the source of dietary protein—plant or animal—was irrelevant. “We know that dietary protein can improve muscle mass and strength,” lead researcher Dr. Kelsey M. Mangano said. “However, until now, we did not know if one protein food source was better than another in accomplishing optimal results.” _ And there’s no comparison between animal foods and plant foods when it comes to providing immune-boosting and cancer-fighting nutrients. Animal foods are either exceedingly low or devoid of antioxidants and tend to offer concentrated amounts of individual nutrients, like protein or calcium, while being deficient in many others. By contrast, plant foods are rich in antioxidants and provide a wide spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and other health-promoting nutrients. Read the full article at the link in @veganbodybuilding profile 🌱💪 _ #riseofthevegan #plantprotein #vegan - #bobocity876global
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lexawrites · 6 years ago
After every storm, comes this...🌈 Stay mindful but chase them rainbows. I don’t own the rights to this music. #brighterdaysahead #brighterday #rainbow #mindfulmoments #mindfulness #nevergivesup #resiliance #plantbaseddiet #plantbased #riseofthevegan #lifestyle #mylife https://www.instagram.com/p/By1JPEmAAu1/?igshid=1bccdd78dt9vc
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darkumvi · 7 years ago
Regrann from @veganbodybuilding - Happy Valentine’s Day! 🥑💚 _ Not just today, but every day, spread love to all 💚🌱✌🏼 _ Tag someone who would love this. _ Credit @anna.pelzer. _ #vegan #riseofthevegan #veganism #veganvalentine #valentinesday #valentines - #regrann
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chellywhit · 7 years ago
@Regrann from @veganbodybuilding - William Adams, known professionally as will.i.am (IG: @iamwill) is an American musician, DJ and entrepreneur but best known as a founding member of the hip-hop group The Black Eyed Peas and judge on hit TV Show The Voice. _ After a recent struggle with weight gain and poor health, the singer decided it was time to make a change and after doing his research has adopted a vegan diet. _ In an epic rant shared on Instagram Will.i.am tells his 900k followers how he was previously in poor health, overweight and had a persistent cough he just couldn't get rid of. _ Bewildered, will.i.am visited a doctor who told him he also had high blood pressure, high cholesterol and was overweight. _ The star weighed roughly 210 pounds (95kg), but a vegan diet and exercise has helped him get back into shape, feel healthier as well as cutting his chances of developing diabetes, cancer and heart disease later in life. _ In one of the clips will.i.am says "People are being a vegan is expensive, am like n**ga so is going to the hospital and paying hospital bills because you're diabetic." _ #vegan #veganuary #riseofthevegan
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vegan-wolverine · 7 years ago
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I love when ignorant people swear they know something about nutrition when it's clear they don't. Simply reacting and saying old myths like milk does a body good, cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease, God gave us animals to eat, etc smh lol. They say these moronic things because they just want to justify their own flawed diet and excuse for not wanting to own up to paying people to hurt animals and the planet. However, people are waking up. 4 types of people 1. Those who are enlightened 2. Those who want you to be ignorant 3. Those who are ignorant and don't realize the truth yet and 4. Those who want to remain ignorant because it's too convenient from having to read ingredients and be responsible for our actions and contribution to poor health, global warming and animal cruelty @Regranned from @veganbodybuilding - 🌱💪🏼🎉 Consumers are getting more conscious. They’re mindful of the products they put in and on their bodies, and of the environmental impact they have. As this consciousness increases, manufacturers are taking note. Over the past couple of years, the number of products that include ‘plant-based’ in the item name has increased online. Searches for ‘plant-based’ tripled from 2016 to 2017 during March - July. Consumers have bought 2.7x more plant-based products online than they did in January 2016. It appears that growth really escalated in March 2017, which is when the popular documentary, What the Health, was released. _ International meal delivery service Just Eat named veganism as a top consumer trend in 2018 as people become more aware of healthy and ethical lifestyle choices. _ Just Eat Marketing Director, Edel Kinane stated: _ “The results from this year are a good insight into the future consumer trends and while convenience will continue to be key for consumers next year and beyond, we know that they are increasingly looking for more diverse, healthy, gluten free and plant based Vegan options”. _ Full article at clickable link in @veganbodybuilding bio. _ #riseofthevegan #vegan #veganuary - #regrann
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venelouis-blog · 7 years ago
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@Regranned from @veganbodybuilding - 🌱💪🏼 Alexey Voevoda is a Russian athlete who has not only won gold at the Arm Wrestling World Championships but also secured two gold medals at the last winter Olympics in the Bobsleigh event whilst following a strict vegan diet, predominantly based around raw foods. His triumph over legendary arm-wrestler John Brzenk was immortalized in the feature length documentary "Pulling John". _ Alexey says: "I’ve noticed so many benefits since becoming vegan. First, I no longer eat the suffering and pain of defenceless animals. Secondly, my body has become lighter, so to say “clearer”. Thirdly, in my profession, flexibility and elasticity are incredibly important, and I increased both of these. And fourthly, now I almost never suffer from a cold or flu." _ It's great that veganism is now becoming more popular in Russia, especially because during Soviet Russia vegetarianism was effectively banned. Athletes like Alexey Voevoda are certainly helping to lead the way and show that humans simply don't require meat to live, and can still compete at the highest levels of sport without any problem. _ And Leo Tolstoy, a famous Russian novelist, philosopher (and vegan for the last 20 years of his life - at a time before the term 'vegan' had even been coined!) said: "A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral.” _ #riseofthevegan #vegan #russianvegan #веганство Scheduling/agendamentos: Whatsapp +558586794831 #coach #spiritual #coaching #God #Jew #Jewish #Christ #international #Jesus #Yeshua #mindset #love #heart #Brazil #Spañol #English - Follow/siga me: @coach.venelouis - #regrann
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iwanttobegreener-blog · 7 years ago
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🌱💪 "You can be a bodybuilder and care about something bigger than your own muscles" - Schwarzenegger advises eating less meat in order to cut greenhouse gases. When asked about people wanting to eat meat to emulate him as a bodybuilder he replied: "Luckily we know that you can get your protein source from many different ways, you can get it through vegetables if you are a vegetarian. I have seen many weightlifters and bodybuilders that are vegetarian and they get strong and healthy." _ Plants contain all the essential amino acids - and many world class athletes are now seeing the benefits of using plants as their only source of protein. And there’s no comparison between animal foods and plant foods when it comes to providing immune-boosting and cancer-fighting nutrients. Animal foods are either exceedingly low or devoid of antioxidants and tend to offer concentrated amounts of individual nutrients, like protein or calcium, while being deficient in many others. By contrast, plant foods are rich in antioxidants and provide a wide spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and other health-promoting nutrients. _ Only plants contain powerful substances called phytochemicals, which scientists are now discovering protect us from cancer, heart disease, and an array of other serious illnesses. Plants are also the primary source of all minerals in our diet. Minerals are derived from the earth and make their way into the food supply via plants. The only reason animal foods contain any minerals at all is because the animals eat plants, or they eat animals that eat plants. And plants offer our only sources of dietary fiber, which binds in our intestines with fat, cholesterol, environmental pollutants and disease-causing hormones to eliminate these dangers from the body. Fiber also decreases intestinal transit time and promotes healthy bowel elimination. _ Vegans often hear: "but where do you get your protein?" But thanks to a large study that compared the nutrient profiles of around 30,000 non-vegetarians to 20,000 vegetarians and around 5,000 vegans we now know that vegans average 70% more protein than the recommendation every day.🌱💪 _ #riseofthevegan #schwarzenegger #vegan
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darkumvi · 7 years ago
@Regranned from @veganbodybuilding - 🌱💪🏼 Just another protein deficient vegan...🤷🏼‍♂️🤔 _ Nimai Delgado was raised vegetarian since birth so has never consumed meat and went vegan back in January 2015. He received his IFBB Pro card in 2016, and will be representing veganism and competing at the Arnold Sports Festival in Ohio on March 3rd 2018 (@nimai_delgado). _ 🏆 Many world class athletes are now seeing the benefits of using plants as their only source of protein. Plants contain all the essential amino acids we require, and there’s no comparison between animal foods and plant foods when it comes to providing immune-boosting and cancer-fighting nutrients. Animal foods are either exceedingly low or devoid of antioxidants and tend to offer concentrated amounts of individual nutrients, like protein or calcium, while being deficient in many others. By contrast, plant foods are rich in antioxidants and provide a wide spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and other health-promoting nutrients. _ 🌱 This is why those following a plant-based diet have a lowered risk of developing cancer, diabetes, stroke and heart disease and a longer life expectancy. _ #riseofthevegan #vegan #veganism #plantbased #veganathlete - #regrann
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veganliberationworld-blog · 6 years ago
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▶️ Umami ▫️ Umami is that rich savoury fulfilling taste that most people consider to be the highlight of a meal. It’s often considered the “fifth taste” (salty, sweet, sour and bitter are the first four). ▫️ A lot of people believe that the primary source of umami in their diet comes from meat, and a common complaint of vegan food is that it lacks this vital flavour but vegan meals can contain at least as much umami as any omnivorous meal. ▫️ Above are a few of our favourite vegan sources of umami. ▫️ Credit: ➡ @veganstreet ▫️ Follow ↙️ 👉 @sunriseorganix 👉 @ecovegandiet 👉 @wearesovegan 👉 @shelter_ugolyok 👉 @plantbasednews 👉 @vegainstrenght 👉 @animalsaustralia 👉 @mercyforanimals 👉 @animalequality 👉 @plantsforfit ▫️ Websites ↙️ 🕸 www.eatingveg.org 🕸 www.adaptt.org 🕸 www.plantbasednews.org 🕸 www.fastactionnetwork.com 🕸 www.carnism.org 🕸 www.vegankit.com 🕸 www.challenge22.com ▫️ Follow 👥, Like ♥️, Share 🔄 & Comment 📝 #flavor #govegan #plantbased #plantbaseddiet #plantbasedfood #plantbasedmealplan #plantbasedvegan #riseofthevegan #savory #umami #vegan #veganbodybuilding #vegancommunity #veganfitness #veganfood #veganfoodie #veganforlife #veganfortheplanet #veganknowledge #veganlife #veganpower #vegans #vegansofcapetown #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #veganstreet #veganstreetmeme #veganumami #veganworld #whatveganseat https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwrq-9XAgm2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bq11hsg9jvas
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veganlogicdinamo · 8 years ago
A must see for anyone interested in their long-term health and how #lifestyle and #diet plays a major role. _ 'What the Health' is the groundbreaking follow-up film from the creators of the award-winning documentary #Cowspiracy. The producers state the film will expose the collusion and corruption in government and big business that is costing us trillions of healthcare dollars, and keeping us sick. _ From today it is now available to watch on Netflix and features interviews with renowned experts such as Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Garth Davis, Dr. Michael Klaper, Dr Neal Barnard, Dr Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. _ @wthfilm #riseofthevegan #whatthehealth #plantbasedhealth #vegan #govegan #health #meat #dairy #factoryfarming #diabetes #obesity #heartdisease
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