#rise of azshara
lendasdeazeroth · 6 months
Ascensão de Azshara Patch 8.2 (Rise of Azshara)
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Profundezas e Revelações: Ascensão de Azshara (Patch 8.2) Ascensão de Azshara Patch Lançado em junho de 2019 | World of Warcraft Patch 8.2 A expansão do universo de Warcraft sempre foi marcante, introduzindo narrativas e personagens complexos que arrebatam e desafiam os jogadores. Entre essas narrativas, a "Ascensão de Azshara" no Patch 8.2 se destaca por mergulhar nas profundezas não apen...
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jainaism · 13 days
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She caught herself glaring at Alleria Windrunner. Once, Jaina had held nothing but pure admiration for the ranger; now, however, with Alleria infested with the Void, Jaina held her actions and her words to a higher level of scrutiny. Was it Alleria speaking to her now, lying about her full stomach, or some twisted monstrosity from the Void? Did she sit there, still as a statue, while her mind worked hard, churning with dark machinations? After all, Queen Azshara was still missing after N’Zoth’s defeat, last seen escaping in a portal made from the Void. Perhaps Alleria knew where the dangerous queen had gone. N’Zoth might be defeated, but many servants of the Void remained, and they too might seek to overtake Azeroth as the Corruptor had. Would Alleria even know if she had passed the point of no return? How did one separate thought from the Void’s twisted influence? - Shadows rising.
— Jaina. Thrall. When we last spoke. I... was in a dark place. My grief and rage were deafening. I thought the only was to silence them... — ... was to hunt down those responsible... I know what that's like. To survive an atrocity, and feel like vengeance is all you have left. — That pain, that guilt... I felt it twisting me into someone i am not. But i assure you.. i have found my way back from the edge. And i am here, with you, to the end. — We're all in this together. - The War within.
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mikaila-orchard · 2 years
Okay, so, because I can, Imma fix BFA real quick in a way that sets up Shadowlands afterwards (which I might also fix)
You start the expac as the cinematic trailer suggested. With the Alliance going on the offensive to try and avenge Varian's death. Sylvanas doesn't burn Teldrassil. She's not in league with the Jailer. She's just a Warchief trying to save the Horde.
For the Alliance, you give Anduin a character arc about trying to balance being a good king and a good man when he is surrounded by Alliance leaders who are baying for war against the Horde. The fact that his most trusted advisors, Genn and Jaina were both wounded deeply by the Horde allows them to twist his arm more than they might have otherwise. This will address the sins of the Alliance and give Anduin actual crisis' of faith.
Meanwhile, Sylvanas is just trying to keep the Horde from falling apart and winning the war. She and Saurfang still but heads about whether to fight with honor or to fight to win, but Saurfang does not turn traitor. The vast majority of Sylvanas' story is her questioning what she's willing to do for survival without the story making her cross that moral event horizon before the expac even starts.
Third act is when things start coming together. When Jaina's put out of commission after the Dazar'alor (and stays ooc) Genn is the only remaining warhawk at Anduin's side. Seeing how many of their men Genn is willing to sacrifice to take Sylvanas down upsets not only Anduin, but Tess, who is just tired of losing so many of her people on her fathers whims. They talk about it in private before Tess musters up the courage to challenge her fathers rule. It comes to blows and Tess, surprisingly wins, assuming leadership of Gilneas with the High King's blessing. From there, Anduin tries suing for peace.
Sylvanas' decision to try for peace comes from a more pragmatic place. Baine approaches her first to try and convince her to end the war, not because honor or anything, but because he and the more spiritually inclined of the Horde sense that something is amiss beyond the realm of the dead, as they did in Shadows Rising. Their fallen soldiers are not finding their appropriate afterlives and are going somewhere beyond the Shaman and Druid's sights. A place that reeks of of darkness and evil.
That remains in the back of Sylvanas' mind for awhile when a Kaldorei offensive attacks from the North. After the battle is won, Sylvanas looks at the fallen Kaldorei and, taking a gamble, she asks her Val'kyr to try and raise them. To her abject shock, the Kaldorei souls actually do agree to be raised and later, the Val'kyr tell Sylvanas they found those souls languishing in the Maw. Sylvanas now realizes that Baine was right and there is a problem going on in the realm of Death, which is what convinces her to try for peace with the Alliance, now that Jaina and Genn are out of the picture.
They go over what they know and come to the conclusion that the Lich King is behind this somehow. Taking the initiative, Sylvanas heads to Icecrown personally to settle this, which leads into the Shadowlands cinematic.
We don't do Azshara. We don't do N'Zoth. They get their own expacs.
Boom. There you go.
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pyraelia · 2 years
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February 20 - Day 2 Opportunity/Eternity
Prologue -> Here Fio Day 1 -> Here Xylaes Day 1 -> Here
Pyraelia groused.
She wasn’t unused to all nighters. They had been a constant in her formal studies, general occurrences when she happened upon a particularly engrossing new book, and truthfully it wasn’t even her first one in the last five days. The tail end of her birthday week had landed her on a short camping trip in the Ohn’ahran plains with Aerden, and she had made sure to savor every moment. It was hard to know when their schedules would sync up again.
This all nighter sucked, though, and yesterday had been a tumultuous affair.
After Pyraelia had arrived at the Estate, Keranna had summoned the doctor out, and Xylaes arrived in short order. Her sister, who she had just seen a handful of days before, was presumably no longer her sister.
It wasn’t an unprecedented thing; magic, especially magic to the degree that her sister had been using it over the last few years, could have odd results. She’d always assumed that Fiorenze’s rise to Arch Magistrix had been a political move, but her grasp of the arcane had flourished in that time in ways it certainly hadn’t when they were in lessons together.
Xylaes wanted to talk to The Person Who Might Not Be Her Sister himself, and Keranna had swiftly shut down any protests Pyraelia might have otherwise made by just allowing it without asking first. Fiorenze was his person in some capacity, too, didn’t he have the right?
Maybe so.
But Keranna had a job for her, too. Equal parts a distraction and fact finding mission. Pyraelia was the best with magic in the family; maybe if she went down to the sanctum she could pick through the spellbooks and see if anything stood out? Especially while The Person Who Might Not Be Her Sister was preoccupied with Xylaes.
That small, windowless room was always so dark with the lights off. It had proper ventilation for alchemy work, but it had been built to be fairly secluded in case anything went wrong. Three years of spell books were out on the work table, one open in mid-use. It was always easier to work backwards with magic than it was to create fresh.
The quiet “Pyra?” from the corner of the room took her by surprise.
In retrospect she could’ve handled their entire conversation better. The Person Who Might Not Be Her Sister was absolutely not her sister. Her sister was stuck in a mirror and the person who had previously been in the mirror took her body.
The Person was a tens of thousands of years old archmage from Azshara’s court who had been in the cursed mirror for an eternity.
The Person was extremely dangerous within their own age and context — but they were not in their own age and context. They were in the Tel’vaiel estate with only the knowledge Fiorenze had provided, which hadn’t been much because Fio was careful. Not careful enough to not get her soul stuck in a mirror, but you know. Careful.
Fiorenze suspected that Theirastra, that was the person’s name, hadn’t been a reagent caster in life; but Fiorenze was herself, so the Person may be a little hamstrung in the home she’d made for herself. That was fine, and good to know.
She hadn’t really had time yet to ask the why of the thing. That could come later, couldn’t it? Fiorenze had practically begged her to not let anyone see her like this. To not let them know. They were both so bright, couldn’t they fix it together? All of her work was available in the spell tomes on the table, and they could reverse it.
Unfortunately it didn’t work like that. Not this time. That opportunity had long past; She had to tell Keranna, the doctor and Xylaes. They were all upstairs. In fact, she probably should’ve told them as soon as she realized, but instead she and Fiorenze got caught up in the sibling interrogation whirlwind that turned into an incredulous, one sided panic dump that really didn’t help anyone.
Fiorenze hated being embarrassed, and if there was anything worse than being embarrassed in her life it was failure. Pyraelia knew she was feeling both heavily, it was more than apparent in the fraught silence that took over.
She’d been quiet, curled up and looking away during the time Pyraelia took to dismantle all the books and spread the pages out across the floor and walls, the hours it took to scrawl out the original spell that had been cast and start to work it apart layer by layer. There was an intent in the work that bothered her, some things Fiorenze had probably missed — but the spell had done what it had been meant to do.
Put a soul in the mirror, and take one out. There was missing context. The Why of the Thing. It was easy enough to isolate the ‘take one out’ part; she was confident she could make that work again.
But it was early afternoon, now, and she needed a break before her grousing turned sharp again.
Fiorenze started when she stood up and looked at her with an unmasked desperation, “Please don’t leave.”
Pyraelia winced, “I have to. I’ll be back soon, I promise.” It was all she could promise, but an easy one to keep.
“Alright. Leave the lights on, please?”
The audible thread of terror in that request broke her heart.
@daily-writing-challenge / @xylaes, @fio-renze, @gloamingdawn
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fio-renze · 2 years
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November 24 - Day 5 Lush / Damage
The Life and Legend of our Arch Magistrix Fiorenze Tel’vaiel
In our Q&A series, Rise + Shine, Sunrise Herald Entertainment dishes with some of Silvermoon’s favorite names — asking the juicy questions that have been on everyone’s minds and learning more about who they really are in the process. This week Arch Magistrix Fiorenze Tel’vaiel sat down with us for tea.
Arch Magistrix, or Lady when she’s off the clock (if that’s ever a status she presides over), Fiorenze Tel’vaiel is the fifth holder of the Tel’vaiel titles and the sixth of the Sunmote titles. Her birthday masquerades have become one of the kingdoms’ most sought after spectacles, from tradesman to Ambassador, horde and alliance alike in attendance.
Recently elevated to the title of Arch Magistrix, she’s one of the first — and youngest ever — to hold the title since the siege of Quel’thalas. “It’s a title that I discussed closely with the Grand Magister,” she tells us with a delicate, custom made deep crimson and gold teacup in her hand, “We knew the marriage of our Regent Lord and the First Arcanist was going to further unite our kingdom and Suramar, it seemed like a good time to add an option to deepen the rank and responsibility of our own Magistry for those enlisted, whether new or seasoned.”
There’s history in it, the title itself goes back to Azshara’s own court. “He agreed that it felt like a good time to bring it back into use. I will admit I was surprised to be granted the honor, but I’m glad for it. He made it clear in the ceremony that my many contributions to the defense of the kingdom and my work on spellcraft within the Magistry made me an immediate candidate. Who am I to argue?” she shares.
It’s been noted by many that she has a close relationship with Grand Magister Rommath. Something that makes her laugh in an easy, charming manner when brought up. “That’s always been one of my favorite rumors, and is simply a danger of working so closely together over the years. We have been friends since my mother and her cousin were potentially interested in arranging a marriage between myself and Prince Kael’thas. He tolerates me well enough, even through some of my wilder phases.”
Those ‘wilder phases’ are something that have made her the talk of the town in the past. “Sometimes you have to fake your death for a couple of years to get a break,” she says, joking without elaborating on that scandal. “That good relationship with the Grand Magister for all those years helped me when I was ready to reintegrate myself into society and reclaim my titles from my little sister.”
Her sister, Kirin Tor Scholar Pyraelia Sunmote, is also a woman of unconventional choices. Four years ago she abdicated her claim to the Sunmote titles, forfeiting them back to the Arch Magistrix. Shortly after that, her choice to rejoin the Kirin Tor in Dalaran caused another minor scandal in the local tabloids considering the Arch Magistrix’s own rank within our fair kingdom and threatened to damage the family’s reputation. “The only thing I ever worried about in all of that was whether or not she was going to be happy. We both grew up in Dalaran and spent many years in academia there. Our family still maintains a tower under the Sunmote name. Of course there are matters of national security to consider, but there have always been, and we know how to remain professional with each other. While the truce holds, I see no reason to borrow trouble and think on problems that may never manifest,” she says with an easy, infectious confidence.
The Tel’vaiel Estate, where we met for this conversation, is lush and dripping in deep wealth. Delicate silks that the Sunmote weavers are known for hang from every curtain rod and upholster most of the pillows and chaises. Her marriage to the late Lord Halandir Tel’vaiel ensured she would inherit it all upon his untimely death fifty two years into their union. The Arch Magistrix looks perfectly at home here, wrapped in a layered dress from the Sev’astian fashion house. The immaculately embroidered over robe she wears was a gift from the designer themself, and the thousands of glass beads that accentuate the patterns catch the soft Eversong sunlight in a way that makes her look radiant.
We point out that the inheritance made her one of the most eligible women in the kingdom, and she laughs. “Don’t I know it, there are many who have tried, and continue to try, to court me.” This doesn’t seem to bother her at all, but nothing in our conversation has. “I’ll admit that I’m not opposed to the idea of remarrying again someday, if the right person asks.” Wink, dear reader, wink.
Understandably her dance card is incredibly full. She has been photographed in attendance at many of the premier events of the Court of the Sun’s social season (most recently she sat with Sunrise Herald Entertainment photographers for an exclusive shoot, check out page 25 for the full spread!) and on the arms of a few other nobles. “Friends of the family,” she assures us, “I know who in my circle will appreciate certain kinds of outings. My opera people, my ballet people, my orchestra people and so on. Makes for easy ‘yes’es if they have the time and wonderful discussions after the fact!”
Outside of that she’s somehow managed to keep her private life cloaked in mystery. “Everyone should be allowed their little secrets. It makes us more interesting — and the rumors all the more fun to hear,” she says, revealing absolutely nothing.
Our time unfortunately wrapped before we were able to get anything more juicy, but if there’s anything those of us at Sunrise are looking forward to, it's continuing to keep up with our favorite Arch Magistrix. See you all at the next masquerade ball!
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wraith-of-thiodolf · 26 days
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rise of azshara key art
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kellercosplay · 4 years
"I was destined to rule! No force can bind me!"
New pic from Zin'Azshari ✨
Queen Azshara - World of Warcraft
Photo by Shagron
Edit by Takeshi
Cosplay and costume by me (Keller)
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spartanlocke · 5 years
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I thought these were edited but they aren’t. This grumpy fish queen actually gets pissed at you for just existing and smites the ever-loving fuck out of you. God bless.
sources: [x] [x]
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cher-ro · 5 years
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Azshara and N’Zoth 
To celebrate new patch!
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wolfandwild · 5 years
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Same energy.
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eithniel · 5 years
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When you bring the Horde and Alliance for your place, free your master, but things don't go well to you as planned.
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bambidoesthings · 5 years
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“Welcome to Nazjatar… I’ve been waiting for you.”
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jainaism · 2 months
Jaina and the void
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Before the expansion begins, it would be nice to remember Jaina's attitude towards the void. *At least how it was in the bfa-sl canon.*
Jaina doesn't like the void, especially after Azshara's escape. She wonders if the void elves know where she ran to and what her plans are. However, she is willing to use/tolerate it in emergency situations.
She did not trust the Void, and she could not trust anyone practically possessed by it. It was vital, Jaina. Vital. Do not let your squeamishness cost us the goal.
- Shadows rising.
This mission will be dangerous, but it's necessary to ensure our victory here in Zandalar. The Abyssal Scepter is a powerful tidesage artifact and a serious threat to the fleet. The Horde stole it, but it is being held by the Zandalari in their treasury. Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: The treasury is well protected, but Magister Umbric and I have a way to get the team inside without setting off any alarms. Magister Umbric says: We can call upon the Void to conceal the magic Lady Jaina will use to open the portal. We believe we have eliminated any potential... side effects. Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I will rest easier knowing the Horde cannot use against my people. You have my thanks for returning it to us.
- The Treasury Heist.
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imdrunkontea · 5 years
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I love how Azshara looks in the new patch! Just had to try painting her last night :D
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hclark70 · 5 years
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Girls’ night out
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animationtidbits · 5 years
Safe Haven - World of Warcraft
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