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fungilicious · 1 month ago
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Riptides by @platoapproved and @marbleflan
Chapter Twelve: Seattle, 2000
“—it was like I could feel the water meant me no harm. I stripped naked and just…let it cradle me. I could hear the voices of the people on the ships, so far away. When I went under the water and saw the light coming down, it was like…like discovering a whole different world.”
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justa-moth · 2 years ago
fish n chips to me is like,,,,, an enigma. not purely romantic, not purely platonic, not purely queer platonic, just,,,, ✨
literally no other way i can describe it jsgdjsgdjsvs
they have a relationship thats on such an ethereal level that it cannot be comprehended by the human mind. they simply exist together to spite everyone around them.
they change what they refer to each other as constantly. people become excessively more and more confused the more this goes on. one day its boyfriends, next its husbands, next its friends, next its co-captains, next its co-bastards. their relationship is a question to everyone including themselves.
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sodaquail · 1 year ago
Reuben and Chip as young children VS the cusp of adulthood.... where did it all go wrong (i know where: the depths of reuben's mind)
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pine-needle-shuffle · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII (Video Game 1997) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tifa Lockhart & Cloud Strife Characters: Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart, Barret Wallace, Jessie (Compilation of FFVII), Biggs (Compilation of FFVII) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, harpy au, im throwing canon out the window, With Love Of Course, Bird Cloud, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, additional relationships to be added - Freeform, those will come in time Summary:
The eco-terrorist group RIPTIDE is making their way back to Midgar, but their voyage is interrupted by an unexpected guest. An old friend of Tifa's. Except... He doesn't look they way she remembered him.
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wings-of-flying · 2 years ago
idea i had that probably isn't canon but would be cool for maybe a fic or something
so i was thinking about gillion being the chosen one and how it seems weirdly... idk late? for the chosen one to be picked. like it's been a while since the creation of the world (we're like canonically in the 1400s or something similar) so i wondered why the goddesses hadn't chosen a champion sooner
i was also thinking about what would happen if gill died before he fulfilled the prophecy. and like. the prophecy almost takes that into account with the whole "rise or fall" and "tested or bested" thing. but what if he never chose sea or land? presumably they'd find another champion or something
and these ideas sorta merged into what i'm now calling the 'water remembers' theory. the theory/au goes as follows:
for as long as anyone can remember, there has always been a chosen one. none quite know whether the first champion or the prophecy came first, but that hardly matters. there has always been a chosen one, but that chosen one was not always gillion. the prophecy is vague because champions can die, even before they make the ultimate decision. in fact, every champion before gillion has always died before they made that choice. they die, by whatever causes, and then a short while later another child is born in the same circumstances: moonlight, storm and sea
in itself the prophecy states the chosen one will always be born in the undersea, and it's stated that the goddesses want someone who can walk land and sea, which will typically be an aquatic humanoid. not always a triton, but always in the undersea. so over time, the undersea began to organise itself to find and train these chosen ones as soon as possible. the elders are chosen to represent the key values a champion will need and to train the chosen one themselves
of course, the prophecy only states that the chosen one will be born in the undersea (or in the sea), which means it's possible for them to leave the elders' domain and be influenced by the other side, those that believe in aster's way and would choose the land. so it is forbidden, or highly frowned upon, for undersea folk to journey to the surface, just in case they might be taking the next chosen one with them in one form or another. it's why hardly any of them left before finn
that's like the basics of it. also i imagine the elders don't tell the chosen ones about this because that would take away from the pressure. in my head it's like all the chosen ones are the same soul or spirit just passed on to the next body/life a bit like a phoenix situation, but they don't have memories of their past lives. i called it water remembers because that's like the whole water cycle situation of like recycling the chosen one until they fulfil the prophecy, and phoenix is too firey to fit with the theme
oh another thing i wanted to add on, the reason they're so hard on gillion and so disappointed in him is because for whatever reason he does far worse in his training than all the champions before him. this is why they're more open to untested methods, like sending him above the surface as a sort of trial
and sword dad is the spirit of the chosen one that came before gill, who died trying to break the cycle and cut the strings of destiny (it's why he's so determined for gillion to do the same, he's only left with his ambition. he doesn't know any of this, of course, especially the part when this ambition lead to his death)
sorry it's so long lmao i really like this idea though
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sitkowski · 9 months ago
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a snippet from Sunshine Riptide for this evening 😌✨ I may actually get this done before the weekend is over!
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fungilicious · 2 months ago
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if u know u know
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neoncat666 · 1 year ago
a promise of hope is enough to feel free
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I passed out 10 times but my angelstone vtuber Rumi fic is finally up.
Fr tho this is just a fic for my stupid jrwi au i made for myself when i noticed a lack of silly crossover fics and thought it would be fun
its got angelstone, chip, others ig. This fic at least. The whole au actually has every campaign involved but i wanted to write about these two cause it think its funny teehee
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year ago
my non jrwi friend on "are you a jay kisser or chip kisser?"
okay so my silly lil friend (@red-might-be-dead) made a tumblr post on chip and jay kissers (post can be found right here) and being curious i asked my non jrwi friend (@arcadianxanadus)
his response?
"i am a GILLION kisser. actually no, a hugger, im too aroace for kissing. since when you look directly at gillion he's 5''10 meaning i could simply bury my face in his tits, aka a great hug. and when you don't look directly at him he's like 5''1 meaning we're like the same-ish height so hugs are easier and more comfortable to achieve aka a great hug. in conclusion gillion best boy." (well, not the best boy part, but as he has hijacked this post, what he says happened happened)
and when he(more accurately I bc i have stolen cheri's computer) was asked if he would prefer to hug either jay or chip, if he had to choose his answer? "jay. bc again, titties." (note from @arcadianxanadus: tis not intended in a sexual way, as said before, im aroace, to me sex is only used as an inspiration to accentuate clothing/dresses that i design(i will only share the designs if you ask politely and offer digital glitter))
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lousylemonseminar · 8 months ago
My Discomfort Projecting should’ve been put in shilo if I actually listened to that campaign But Whatever
Krator took his first L so she needed to compensate
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semidecentpoet · 8 months ago
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farewllyouth · 2 years ago
idea yoinked from @mindfulwrath (hope you don't mind the tag 😶) but I wanted to participate bc I have some free time this week and I crave validation
(not a big selection bc I actually haven't been writing at all recently.......)
tagging (no pressure!): @anaisonfire @the-technicolor-whiscash @mothmanwashere and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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wings-of-flying · 2 years ago
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ultrakillingmyself · 3 months ago
Some thoughts for my alphonze design in New cause I actually thought abt this a lot for some reason
Alright so first and foremost his initial discription was :
(Episode 44. timestamp is in video)
Barber bowl hat (???????) with goggles on it (mostly for decoration I don’t think he’d need them, meaning a lot of him was designed more for looks than being functional)
Metal face with ‘gentle gaze’ (which is why I draw his eyes like that lmao) which leads me to believe that he wasn’t originally made as a body guard (probably a performer of some kind seeing the rest of the discription) because the main point of a body guard is to look intimidating. Maybe him and his partner at the time were supposed to be a kinda good cop bad cop type beat idk. As well as his stupid ass mustache that’s like described as twirly?? I’m not doing that shit as you’ve seen with my other drawings I’m keeping it simple he’s metal who gives a shit
“Clothes are all buckles and straps” (he has guns /j. (Unless the other option-)) probably just trying to fit the steampunk theme that was Edison kingdom I don’t see people mention the Trenchcoat a lot but hey bros never mentioned anyways. Regardless I’m guessing it’s either for insulation (like it’s rlly cold there or smth) to cover his not so fitting clothes which are..
“1920s accapella quartet member” tbh I have no fucking idea I just imagined that guy from dark picture anthrology and went with that. So like kinda fancy clothes? Iguess? With like a vest maybe bowtie and like collared shirt underneath. I just gave him some, Idk basic ass pants and boots cause why not those weren’t really described
I hate his stupid ass official art so I’m not gonna talk abt that. And also the fic isn’t at that part yet so I’m gonna keep with his first description for now
Anyways I’m thinking because blossom isn’t working in the law, alphonze was probably repurposed from like a singer/performer (also probably why he had so many accent and language options) and had added in programming for being able to. Idk do body guard stuff. So fighting and. Idk other, things. Also because client confidentiality is a thing that exists I think (literally just me thinking this I have no proof) he was wiped of previous knowledge of other clients only having basic information about the things he’s done/people he’d met. I also apply this later you’ll see (:
Anyways both of those “jobs” he’s had most likely didn’t include being able to ‘drive a boat’ or whatever it’s called so because I also don’t know how boats work (especially not pirate ships. I mean who does the jrwi crew doesn’t either) I decided to just let him figure it out! Kinda simple I guess! Also I don’t think Edison kingdom would have many things that aren’t mechanical/magical so a completely wooden boat would feel very foreign to him
I think that because of the repurpose (from whatever he was before to body guard or wtvr) was what caused him to ‘malfunction’ into being more sentient. I wrote a whole thing abt this before with jrpwi alphonze (who I also play lmao) but I think this is also a thing that happens frequently in Edison when making war forged so there’s precautions set up in their constructs so they don’t break out and not want to follow orders. Because war forged were made to be workers I don’t think they’d (the creators) would want them wanting to have rights and opinions and stuff
Sorry for this comparison but I’m imagining it as like. Yk how in fnaf help wanted in the vr there was that one mini game where you make the drink recipes for the soda machine and you have to give the work bits or wtvr they’re called like breaks and shit and if they want to revolt they’re shut down. I imagine it as kinda like that
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Here’s my doodles for it have fun reading (please read it it’s so neat)
Shit wait I almost forgot dude was described as like constantly expelling steam and stuff so he’s probably have a bunch of vents and fans and stuff. So he’s probably not that quiet (I hc that he’d make different sounds depending on how he’s feeling thus starting the “robopurrs” and “catgirl alphonze” lmaooooo)
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stuck-in-the-ghost-zone · 9 months ago
MAC. MAC I LOVE THE SUCKEING. OH MY GOD. MOST UNSERIOUS CAMPAIGN EVER. one minute arthur is giving up his beauty and humanity in order to learn how to free himself from this curse and then the next he’s tearing off his shirt to show taylor lautner his abs so he won’t attack them. shilo tore out his own eye and emizel forgot how to do taxes. grefgor got a girlfriend and he wants to propose to her after less than a month of dating. he works at walmart now. taylor lautner’s willpower is nine and all it took for him to back down was for some fucking guy in a motorcycle helmet to rip off his shirt and show him his abs. i’m gonna LOSE it mac
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^how it feels to listen to the suckening. what the FUCK is going on <3
oh my god. if you're feeling like that NOW just wait until you get to the last two epiosdes. fucking WILD dude. this campaign is SO FUCKING unserious. MOST unserious longform campaign they've done and it's the fucking horror vampires one !!!!!!!!!! insane 2 me . hi Taylor lautner. oh boy you get to hear charlies horrible terrible awful dog impressions. how is he so UNNATURALLY awful at making dog sounds (you'll hear more of these if you end up listening to bitb. he's awful)
UM. YEAH SHILOS EYE HURT ME REAL BAD BUT ALSO THAT SCENE??? WHERE HE WAS DANCING IN THE SUN???? ughhh dude I genuinely teared up during that. where charlie asks "do you do anything else?" and bizly says no he just keeps dancing. yghhhhhh I love that part so much.
DO NOT . TALK TO ME. ABOUT GREFGORS GIRLFRIEND. I HAVE COMPLICATED FEELINGS ABOUT HER. every day is 9/11 for grefgor fans (me) (<< phrase I picked up after seeing this ep the first time and just kept repeating until it permanently got stuck jn my head) I hope she like. Becomes An Actual Character in season 2 . she's NOTHING. she's NOT EVEN GOTH. it's not the fact that he got a girlfriend randomly that bothers me it's the fact that this was just like. a convenient way to Get Rid Of Him so they wouldn't keep forgetting to put him in scenes and they wouldnt have to take him with them for the last couple eps. and this made me so sad because I love grefgor so much and I miss him every day and I want him BACK. he can bring his girlfriend with him I don't care I just want him back so badly -crying cat.jpg-
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fungilicious · 2 months ago
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Riptides by @platoapproved and @marbleflan
Chapter Four: London & Seattle, 1998
“There it is,” Louis says, with an affectionate grin. “There’s my boy.”
Armand smiles back, unsurprised when Louis surges forward and pushes him back against the wall. Louis kisses him deeply, one hand on his chest and the other pinning his arm above his head.
art for chapters one and two
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