#rip bi/pan people again
satorugojoswiife · 10 months
Fie my dude just delete twitter as an app. It does so much good for your mental health tbh (also the way I can tell you’re taking about the way the satosugu/gojohime people go at it non stop) like you’re ships not canon and if the author specifies if it is or not it will never be. like just chill😭
Funnily enough it was actually ship discourse surrounding maki this time. I have no idea how it got on my timeline, but nobamakis and yutamakis were tearing eachother apart over whether maki was a lesbian or straight (rip bi/pan people) stsg and gh are also both really bad too :( its so weird how some people get so worked up and obsess over the sexualities over fictional characters 😭 and ur right anon I should delete, but the artists on there are what keep me coming back
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onesidedradiostatic · 7 months
wondering now which of the main characters from hazbin have the updated lgbtq+ lingo down. just velvette and rosie perhaps? i was going to say angel, but my guy died in the 40s and i think probably got as far as "bi is a thing for some people." i would actually wonder if val knows more than he does RIP. (imagining someone - probably charlie - realising there's all this new queer language and symbolism and doing a deep-dive and she gets everyone a flag, and they're all just ??? thank you? for random flag?)
velvette and rosie for sure, val to an extent if the art of him holding up the bi and pan flags means anything LMAO and also because velvette probably at least tried to explain to him and vox, how much they understood? who knows.
angel dust… likely not…? but this is also pretty old
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because then again, some of these characters own modern phones and surf the web in hell, if they keep up to date with technology, they gotta have at least heard of some of these more modern terms
I do like the idea of them just randomly getting flags they don't understand though be it by charlie or rosie. alastor gets the aromantic and asexual flags and he wonders why he gets 2 when everyone else gets 1 and he goes "is it because I'm mixed?????" he doesn't think those are the right country flags though
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hearts4golbach · 3 months
Hiii :) I love your work and I saw that your doing tara x fem reader so I have a request!! So like tara and reader are both famous youtubers. They are already dating but they haven't told a single soul. Everyone already knows reader is a women kisser. So Tara's a bit scared to come out and tell her fans so reader let's tara know that they will be their for her when she comes out. So later that night tara builds up the confidence and posts on her insta a photo of her and reader announcing their relationship and reader comes straight over to taras house to congratulate her for coming out as bi or pan!!!
Straight out of the Closet.
Tara Yummy x Fem!Reader.
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"Hey, guys! I'm here with my," you cleared your throat, "best friend, Tara Yummy!"
your voice played back through the video. you admired Tara's smile. Tara was your girlfriend, but very little people knew that.
although all of your fans knew you were bisexual, no one knew Tara was as well. she had always been scared of coming out. she didn't want backlash from some of her fans, and you knew that would break her heart. you never pressured her to come out or announce that you were dating. You liked how calm your relationship was whenever you weren't worried about the publics view.
your phone began to ring. you looked over, seeing Tara's name at the top of the screen. you answered immediately. "Hi, baby."
"Hey," she sounded a little shaken up. "I really want to come out to everyone. I hate keeping us a secret. I wanna post all of those cute photos we take together."
you stood up and walked into the kitchen. "Tar, your true fans will be there for you either way. you know I will be, too."
she sighed. "I know, I just -" she smacked her lips. "I don't know. it's really fucking scary."
"i know. it is really scary, but I know you can do it. I'm ready whenever you're ready, okay?"
she hummed, "Okay. I think im going to do it soon."
"rip the bandaid off, you know?"
"yeah, I know." she sighed once more, "okay. I'm doing it tonight."
"tonight? you're absolutely sure you're ready?" After 7 months of dating, you could tell she was still anxious. you furrowed your eyebrows together with worry.
"yeah, like you said, rip the bandaid off. well, I gotta go, love. I have to stop procrastinating recording this fucking video." you could tell she rolled her eyes when she mentioned recording. she loved her job, but it got overwhelming at points.
"okay, have fun. you got this. call me when you're done."
"mkay, bye."
you said bye as she hung up the phone. you walked back into your room and slumped down into your chair to continue watching your video.
after a couple hours of planning video ideas and mindlessly scrolling on youtube, Tara finally called you back.
"Hey, how was recording?" You greeted.
"it was okay. I did it." she mentioned casually.
you shot up in your chair. "You did it?!" You ran to open up Instagram. the first photo that popped up was a picture of tara cuddled up in your lap. she was placing a kiss on your forehead. the caption read, 'My baby' with you tagged. "Holy shit. I'm coming over."
a giggle slipped from her lips. "Okay! I'll see you when you get here." You could hear how giddy but nervous she was.
you ran out to your car and began to drive to Tara's house. at stop lights, you kept an eye on the posts' comments. so far, they were all positive. you were over the moon for Tara.
you knocked twice before walking into her house. she greeted you in the kitchen with a hug. you gently pressed your lips against hers. "im so proud of you." You tucked her hair behind her ear.
Tara smiled at you. "Have you seen the comments?"
you nodded, "Yeah! they're all good and I'm so happy about that." You sighed.
tara kept her arms wrapped around you. "Thank you for helping me."
"Of course, Tar. you don't have to thank me for that." You furrowed your eyebrows.
she shrugged before pressing her lips onto yours again. "whatever."
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aceing-on-the-cake · 7 months
Compulsory Heterosexuality Info Dump
So because a friend of mine didn't know what comp het was and their internet history is monitored by their parents so they can't just use google, I'm doing a very quick research dive and giving you guys the results in case there are others out there who are in the same situation. I'll also be tagging blogs bigger than me because again, there might be fellow queers out their who are in the same boat as my friend and I want them to have access to this information.
So what is compulsory heterosexuality (or comp het)?
Comp het is in essence the societal belief and enforcement of being straight.
What does this mean?
In basic form it means that the only options presented to everyone, from the moment of birth, is that of a cis, amatonormative, heterosexual lifestyle.
You are given two gender options, these gender options determine the two roles you're allowed to fulfill, husband and wife, and you are told that these two roles are what will make you happy and are what you are supposed to strive for.
Meaning society, if you are born AFAB, tells you you're going to one day get married, it's going to be a boy, and this is what will make you happy. Almost everything in life is then seen through this lens. How attractive your are, how you are supposed to talk, how you're supposed to behave, etc is all considered through the lens of if a man will be attracted to you.
On the flip side, if you are born AMAB society tells you there are roles you have to fulfill as well. You are told you will one day want a wife, that you have to be able to have a job to provide for her, that you have to behave in a certain emotional way to be strong for her, that if the things you like are too feminine well then you're gay or a girl which is a problem because at the end of the day you're supposed to want the girl-fiance-wife.
This literally just sounds like the patriarchy.
Yes, it does, because it's caused by it. Nowadays people commonly know about compulsory heterosexuality from the Lesbian Masterdoc, but the term actually originated by Adrienne Rich in 1980.
Adrienne Rich in her article Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence put forward three ideas, 1) that heterosexuality and lesbianism were institutions themselves/possible political ideologies, 2) that heterosexuality as a system if not constantly maintained and upheld would eventually crumble and 3) that heterosexuality as a system could be opted out of and actively fought against whether or not you were actually attracted to women/non-women.
This is very different from the way we currently think of and define those terms, I am aware of that, but her point does still stand to some degrees that comp het, cisnormativity and amatonormativity all crumble when we stop rigidly enforcing the structures that uphold them, i.e., the patriarchy, misogyny, classism, and racism.
Ok but like what does that actually look like?
It can look like a lot of things, for a lot of different people. In the Lesbian Masterdoc you see comp het presented from a straightforward lesbian lens (of a 19 year old figuring out and defining their own sexuality guys, I'm not gonna sit here and critique it and rip it to death, go do that somewhere else).
This is therefore presented through things like women/non-women who were raised/socialized as women possibly having crushes on men, but they're always unattainable in some way (celebrities, fictional, someone real but they wouldn't actually ever be able to truly be in a relationship with, etc). It might also show up for lesbians as liking the idea of a man but being uncomfortable when one actually wants to move forward in the process. Or even sometimes it might show up as sexual fantasies with men but they're faceless, they're more an idea, or you're actually viewing another woman sleeping with him.
This presentation of comp het has made a lot of bi/pan/mspec people uncomfortable because they feel they too have experiencing comp het and when reading the Lesbian Masterdoc it's presented as if experiencing this is a straight shot towards being a lesbian.
And they're right that comp het isn't experienced by just lesbians. For mspecs who present feminine/as women this could be in the feeling that they have to dress a certain way to be presentable, but presentable is based on appealing to men. This can mean something as simple as women are expected to wear makeup, always, regardless of if they're looking to seek men's attention or not, because that's the base standard.
For mspecs who present masculine this can look like the inability to express themselves in an overly emotional manner because that doesn't make them "strong" and if they're not "strong" then they won't attract women, and that's what they're supposed to be doing.
For mspecs in general that can look like their queer looking relationships to be seen as a phase even if their mspec-ness is respected because of course they're eventually going to get married to a man/woman.
This can affect polyamorous cishet people in that they're seen as doing heterosexuality wrong because you're supposed to have the one partner and the 2.5 kids.
This can affect aspecs because they're told they'll never truly feel fulfilled if they don't have that boyfriend/girlfriend/partner to love them in a way that's so special nothing else could match up.
This affects all of us guys is my point.
How is this helpful to me?
Well for sapphics and lesbians (or sapphics/mspecs confused on if they are actually lesbians) this can be a helpful concept to consider because it can help you determine what relationships you truly want to pursue, which is the main point I feel is to be gained from the Lesbian Masterdoc. As she's put it "it's way more important to ask yourself if you can be truthfully happy with a man than if you’re attracted to them"
So if you're a sapphic who experiences attraction to men but you honestly can't ever see yourself willingly entering into a relationship with them, consider the idea of comp het.
If you're Achillean the opposite of this can be true, if you've been attracted to women before but honestly can't ever see yourself willingly entering into a relationship with them, consider whether comp het is working on you.
For mspecs this can be a helpful term to throw over the table back at your parents when they ask when you're going to get a "real relationship".
This can be a helpful term to consider when asking "am I forcing myself to wear mascara because I feel this is the only way I look presentable or do I actually like mascara."
Or it can be a helpful concept to look back on when undermining our internalized ideals of misogyny, towards ourselves and others.
This is a helpful term to put in our tool boxes to talk about the harm the systems of patriarchy, classism, and racism impose upon us.
Comp het can help us to understand why so many people look down on polyamory as a legitimate way of life.
It can be a helpful term for aspecs who are trying to figure out if they really want to date/have sex, or if they just believe these are the only things that will make you happy.
In general
Compulsory heterosexuality is just another term to describe a system we are all intimately familiar with. But by giving us the words to describe our experiences, it gives us the power to communicate those experiences more effectively, and to possibly understand why we're experiencing them.
This is just a bare basic knowledge post.
Honestly if you have the ability to, as in your internet history is not monitored in the way my friend's is, I encourage you to go on the deep dive through the sources listed below. Many of them are honestly only 30 pages long, that's a relatively short read, and understanding queer theory like this not only helps you to understand your own identity, but the ways in which you are connected to the rest of the fellow queer community.
Lesbian Masterdoc
Queer Theory 101: Compulsory Heterosexuality
Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence
Normativities Defined
I'm tagging blogs bigger than me so that this has an easier time getting passed around as I mainly talk about aspec issues because I am aspec, but as stated above, I wanted to make sure that queer people who's internet histories are monitored and are only able to find information through tumblr safely could do so.
@our-queer-experience @our-sapphic-experience @our-lesbian-experience @our-aspec-experience @our-polyamorous-experience @our-pansexual-experience @our-unlabelled-experience @our-aroace-experience @our-mspec-experience @our-questioning-experience @our-bisexual-experience
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year
A Rose Under The Moon
Moon Knight System (Marc/Steven/Jake) x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: None really, chit-chat between some gal pals, some implied bi/pan reader.
A/N: Never fear, best gal Layla is here! Also the Hippo-Mama!
And I totes recommend reading the Hobby Headcanons that @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction wrote on the boys! I plan on implementing them all! (Also read all their other things, their Nathan Bateman shit is *insert Paccha meme here*) I need to read up on American football because frankly I have no clue how sports worked since I played soccer and baseball as a kid, before I write about Marc's lest I sound like some plebeian who's guessing everything lmao
Taglist: @bad4amficideas @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @shirukitsune @lokisremainingsanity
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Chapter 5:
Old Friends
You were minding your own business, cleaning up the mess of tossed books that a couple was oh so kind enough to allow their child to scatter.
You hoped you'd never see them again. While they sat at the nook, sipping coffee and eating the muffins, their child was running around, causing havoc and destroying your beautiful, well-organized shop. Oh, your poor shop…
The couple weren't happy when you charged them for the books their son had ripped up and destroyed beyond salvage, the books he colored in.
Yeah, you really hoped they would never come back.
You looked at your burned hand with a frown. It had been a few days since you hurt yourself, and while painful, the burn wasn't actually that bad. Some aloe, some ice… And it started to clear up after the first day, the blisters receding quickly. You flexed your fingers and tilted your head, curiously wondering if your soulmate could feel the burns, as well. When the thought crossed your mind, you pulled up your sleeve and looked at the mark on your wrist, checking to see which moon would be full today.
The bottom right one. It had been that one a lot, lately.
The bell to the front door dinged, and you straightened up, mentally preparing yourself for the forced smile you were going to have to put on, now.
You cleared your throat and spun around, broom in hand, looking at the woman who just walked in.
She was beautiful. Her tanned skin complimenting her dark eyes and mass of wavy curls. She smiled at you, a bit more genuine.
"Oh! Hello, welcome to Here Today Books." You say politely. "Can I help you?"
"You look like you need it more, sister." She sighed, smiling sympathetically, nodding to the pile of ruined books you now had to put into recycling. Her accent was… it wasn't American, like yours. It sounded similar, but her words had some kind of twinge to them.
"Ah, yeah… a couple and their lovely child were my most recent patrons." You joke dryly.
"Ah, a little tornado, huh?" She snorted, shaking her head.
"Yep. For sure." You sigh, giving her a new, more genuine smile. "Now, were you looking for anything in particular today?"
"Oh, actually, a friend told me about this place, and I was curious." She mused.
That… took you by surprise. People actually talk about your store? Like, as in tell other people about it? This was news, for sure.
"O-oh?" You blink.
"Yeah, he said you made good muffins and tea. I'm more of a coffee fan in the morning, myself, though. Tea is more of a night thing." She chuckled.
You tilt your head at her, gears in your brain whirling.
"Are you friends with Steven Grant, by any chance?" You ask.
She laughs. "Yes! I'm Layla. Layla el Faouly." She holds out her hand for you to shake, and you, without thinking, extend your healing hand.
She shakes it gingerly, her eyes focused on the rosy skin like it was the most interesting thing in the world.
"That… looks like it hurt." She said.
"Oh, this? I was just dumb and grabbed a hot pan without thinking." You said, examining your hand casually.
"Oh… Yeah, that's not good for you, y'know?" Layla joked softly.
"Yeah, not the worst pains I've ever had, trust me." You reply. "Now, uh… are you looking for a book? Or after some of the coffee? Or my muffins?"
"Oh! I think I'll just explore a bit, if that's all right with you." Layla said with a nod.
"Oh, I don't mind! If you need anything, just holler!" You wave at her as she disappears into the shelves.
"You saw it?" Layla muttered softly to herself; or more accurately, to the giant hippo-woman clad in gold and jewels standing next to her, only visible to her eyes.
"Yes, yes I did. Didn't Marc mention that he had phantom pains in that same hand?" Taweret chuckled.
"Yeah. I mean… It could be coincidence, but…"
"You should talk to her. The poor dear looks dreadfully lonely." Taweret sighed, looking even more gargantuan as she peers at the contents of the shelves pressing down around her, her cute little ears flickering back and forth.
She picked up a book on psychology, finding it suddenly terribly interesting, her eyes widening as she scans the pages faster than a human ever could.
"I will. If we're right about our assumption, then, maybe we can… I don't know…"
"Play matchmaker?" Taweret giggles.
Layla softly smiles, not paying attention to the open book in her hands as she chuckles.
"Yeah. We can play matchmaker."
"Oh, let's just see how this plays out first, m'love?" The goddess giggled.
Layla wanders to the front of the store, two hardback romance novels in her hands and you smile as you restock some old sci-fi novels into your discount rack.
They were the kind of romance novels with the covers reminiscent of oil paintings, the pretty ones. Not the stupid photoshopped ones that are being printed nowadays.
"Find something you like?" You chuckle.
She waves the books with a wide grin, "I've actually been looking for these copies for ages. At one of the places I was working, some jerk stole them from my locker."
"Oh gods, that is horrible!" You gasp. Why would anyone steal books?! At most, those particular novels, even new, only went for a few pounds!
"I know, right! They were autographed and everything!" Layla groaned.
You felt even more offended on her behalf. If those books were autographed and authentic, they would go for actually a decent sum for a collector online...
"That's even worse than just stealing a regular copy!" You clucked.
Layla wiggled the books in her hands. "But, hey! You have hardback copies, and in very good condition. Mine were old, beat up paperbacks!"
"Well, I'm more than happy that you found them!" You grinned widely.
Layla tilted her head to the left slightly, like she had heard something from behind her, and then she looked right at you, eyeing you up and down briefly, as if she were thinking.
You quirked an eyebrow at her in concern.
"Is everything all right?" You ask.
"Hm? Oh! Yes, yes I'm okay! I just have this... thing. The ringing in my ears?" She coughs, abashed.
"Oh! You have tinnitus? I have a booklet or two on medical things that might have something in it for you if you'd like." You chirp helpfully.
Layla put her hand up, chuckling as she declined politely. "Thank you, but no, I'll be okay. It's not constant or anything like that, it's just that I got off a plane the other day and my ears popped and haven't righted themselves yet.."
"Ooooh..." You nod in understanding. "Where'd you fly in from, if you don't mind my asking?"
She smiled. "Cairo."
"That's the accent!" You gasp in realization, pointing at her.
Layla laughed when you blushed and apologized for the outburst.
"It's fine, and yes! How'd you guess?"
"I used to have an exchange student, he would come in here and buy books for his college courses all the time! He was born and raised just outside Cairo." You chuckle.
"Ohh! Interesting." Layla hummed, looking at the books in her hands.
"Hm... you mentioned you had a menu of sorts?"
"Sure!" You lead her over to one of the nooks, and hand her the laminated mini menu you had available.
Her eyebrows raised, impressed at the various items you had available.
"Oh! This is actually nice..."
"Yep! Most of it is made to order by me, so some of it'll take a bit to bake." You grin proudly.
"Oh... well in that case, is it okay if I ask you to keep me some company? If you're not busy? I don't actually have too many friends other than Steven and his... er, brothers and my... uhhh... surrogate mom, so being able to have another woman to chit-chat with would be very welcome..."
To say you were surprised at the offer was an understatement.
"Oh! Uh, sure! I don't... I don't mind!"
You and Layla clicked very well. You had similar tastes in things like reality TV, romance novels, even skincare routines.
But when she started talking about herself, is when it got interesting. It turns out she had been married to Marc at some point.
She was his ex-wife. The one he told you about.
"I imagine it's kind of awkward for you two, huh?" You remarked.
"Oh, me n Marc? Not at all! We're still good friends, it's just..." Layla set her coffee down, frowning as she tried to think of how to describe it.
"...After a while, whatever we had... like... the spark, I guess? It just... faded. Marc went through a bit of soul searching and after he did that, well..."
They weren't soulmates.
"Ah... I understand." You sighed.
"What about you?" She asked, a small sly smirk playing her lips.
"Oh! Uh... yeah. No. Nothing for me, I'm afraid." You chuckle awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck.
"Oh? Nobody special or anything like that? Never kissed someone?"
"Well, I mean, when I was in highschool I kissed a girl on a dare." You sip your own coffee.
"A girl?" Her eyebrows raised in curiosity.
"Yeah, to be honest I'm not sure what kind of preference I have, because I've never really been attracted to anyone before, but it was... weird. Didn't feel like everyone talked it up to be."
"Ah... so... are you waiting for your soulmate, then?" Layla asked a bit tightly.
"Yeah... I know it's stupid, but..." You say, looking down at the mug in your hands.
"Not really. Who doesn't want to meet the one person that is your other half?" She said, smiling softly in sympathy.
Her finger traced the rim of her cup idly, trying to think of the best way to go about phrasing the next question without being obvious about her suspicions.
"Do you... have any ideas of who it might be?" She finally asked.
You shake your head and shrug. "D'nno. I don't know if it's a man or a woman or... well anybody, really. I don't know what it's supposed to feel like once you meet your soulmate because each bond is different so..."
Layla wanted to scream. She wanted to facepalm, she wanted to smack her head on the table. She wanted to splash her coffee into her face.
Taweret was giggling like mad.
"Not as easy as you assumed it was going to be, eh Little One?" The goddess smiled behind her hand at Layla.
Her eyebrow twitched, knowing full well she couldn't retort without looking insane or revealing her position as Taweret's avatar.
You had to be Marc's (and possibly Steven's and Jake's) soulmate. It was all just too coincidental for her liking.
"Oh! That's... well I hope they're close by!" Layla said, forcing a very strained smile.
How could you and Marc be this thick?!
That fact alone had to mean something.
"That's everyone's hope, isn't it?" You chuckled softly, a small fond smile on your face, a glimmer of sadness in your eyes.
Layla felt sympathy for you in the moment, realizing how terribly lonely you must be feeling. And how much pain.
Especially with Marc and the others doing Khonshu's will.
Taweret seemed to pick the thought out of thin air, so in tune with Layla she could tell by the flash in her eyes what she was thinking about.
"Ohhh! That bloody old bone-head!" She huffed, her nostrils flaring as she crossed her arms, her bottom lip poking out from beneath her muzzle.
"He needs to give those poor boys a break! Especially because whatever happens to them, happens to her!" She gestured to you with her big, yet gentle hands.
Layla cleared her throat.
"Well, uh.... since I've told you about me... why don't you tell me about you? Where were you born, stuff like that?" Layla asked you, still smiling.
"Oh! Me? I'm afraid it's not very interesting." You chuckled dryly.
Layla looked outside as the rain came down in sheets. Not very appealing to walk back to the boys' flat in this weather... especially not for her hair.
"It looks like I've got time, love. Go ahead! We can have some more drinks while we chat."
You smiled a bit wider.
It was nice to have a girl-friend to talk with, again.
When Steven had woken up, Layla was gone, and Marc and Jake left Steven quite alone in the body, letting him front entirely for the day. She'd left a note on Gus and Co's tank saying she went out for a bit for some fresh air.
Which, quite frankly, Marc said was bullshit because of the weather. Layla wouldn't go out in a monsoon and risk her hair becoming an unmanageable spongy mop that would take forever to dry, unless she was going somewhere very specific.
It was one of the things she complained about the most when they were together, something he thought was amusing. He remembered one time they got caught in a rain after their wedding, and at the hotel she was fussing and muttering under her breath as her wet curls hung over her face, desperately trying to get the dripping mass of hair to dry, glaring at herself in the mirror.
Steven sighed, and made his morning cup of tea and went about his routine. He dusted some, and decided to slip on his apron and play with some recipes he'd found online.
The apron was a bit... "dinky" as Marc had called it. Jake apparently ordered it online when he saw the slightly cartoon'd Egyptian motifs on it and left it as a present for Steven, since his favorite thing to do other than read was to cook (and he was a major Egyptophile).
When he was finished, he'd placed the extra portions in a small container in the fridge for Layla when she returned, in case she was hungry.
Then, he sat down, ate, and read a book while he played some music over the cheap sound system Marc installed.
When Layla returned, she was... dry. Remarkably dry. Her hair was still perky and everything!
She apparently bought an umbrella while she was out, placing it in the holder so no excess water dripped on the floor.
"Ah! Hey Steven." She chuckled, walking up and kissing his cheek, knocking his glasses off to the side as she did, placing her bag on the little table nearby.
"How'd you know?" Steven chuckled, adjusting his glasses as he looked up at her.
"Well, aside from the fact you're hunched over like a goblin over a book... the flat smells wonderful. You've obviously been cooking. Not Marc." She grinned.
"Ha!" Steven giggled.
Layla hummed as she set her new purchases on the table, folding the little canvas bag neatly.
Steven's eyebrows shot up when he saw the books.
"Where were you..?" He asked, clearing his throat.
"Oh, y'know... exploring. Went out for a tea..." She grinned at him out of the corner of her still ridiculously beautiful eyes.
"Visited that bookstore you 'n Marc told me about."
Steven fidgeted in his seat.
"Mhmm." She tapped her nails on the books' hard covers; she then turned around and crossed her arms, still grinning as she leaned her hips on the table.
"....Why are you looking at me like that? And where did you get that umbrella..?"
"Oh, well..." She shrugged, sighing a bit dramatically, looking elsewhere in the flat for dramatic effect.
She looked back at him, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
"Your little girlfriend who owns the bookstore. She really is a sweetheart, she let me borrow it while I'm in town."
"Bloody hell! Layla! It's not like that at all--" Steven sputtered, almost dropping the book in his hand.
She started cackling madly, walking into the kitchen, and opened the refrigerator.
"Ooh! What'dja make?"
Steven made a noise, burying his face in his hands as he tried to hide the faint blush that crept up his face and set up shop in the tips of his ears, knocking his glasses up to his forehead.
"Bloody hell!" He groaned into his palms.
Chapter 6: Link
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jennsterjay · 6 months
Clawcode Headcanons (because I could literally talk about them all day)
If Miles G is unsure about someone he'll put up a mask/front with them, but the minute Ganke M walks beside him and says the funniest unfunny joke known to man he snorts and the tough guy act completely crumbles against his will
Ganke M is the 'bro let's have fun' to his 'my life is the grind, all I know is the grind'. Even when Ganke M helps Miles G with complicated missions, afterwards he'll patch him up, then get him some Wcdonalds or King Burger and then play some Mario's Cart with him the rest of the night. Cue them falling asleep together on the couch
I'm still not over the idea of them getting each other Dragon Ball Z matching dog tags (rip to the goat of course 🙏🏾). Like there's so much sauce there it's perfect. Spider-Miles from 1610B would think its the coolest thing ever even when he teases Miles G about it, and the first week Ganke M wears it he makes sure every one can see it proudly around his neck
Ganke is Pan and Miles is Bi and Ganke doesn't think about gender too hard
Miles G: Rap, Trap, Rnb, J-Pop/Anime Music, Rock, and more
Ganke M: K-Rap, K-Rock, Nightcore, Daycore, Rap, Techno, Video Game Osts,  J-Pop/Anime Music and more
And they influence each other's music taste
They know each other's birthdays, favorite foods, shoe sizes, game catalogues, jokes, childhood stories, favorite songs, allergies,  icks, moral boundaries, biggest secrets, and worst fears...and they've only known each other for a year and a few months
Ganke M is simultaneously the class clown and one of the smartest students in his grade. Miles G is the other top student. Despite Miles G wanting to keep a low profile, when he's around Ganke he can't help but joke around and start roasting people and clowning in class too, and the two become pretty popular among the other students. Between their high grades, class disruptions, pranks, one or both of them disappearing to 'use the bathroom for a sec', prize winning robotics projects, funny jokes, and passing test scores...their teachers don't know if they should flip a coin to give them awards for their grades or to send them back to detention again
Rio and Jefferson were suspicious of Ganke M at first, thinking he was a bad influence, but eventually they warmed up to him and welcomed him after seeing how much he made his son smile. Even after Jeff was no longer there, Rio would still smile and welcome Ganke to their house just like they always had. Ganke sometimes even stops by to cook some Korean dishes and helps clean up whenever he visits Miles.
When Aaron Davis finds out Ganke M knows Miles G's big secret, he meets with Ganke alone for the first time (even though he would meet him once or twice in passing when Jeff was alive, they've never really talked to each other until this moment). At first Aaron is intimidating and tries to tell Ganke to stay out of Miles' business, but Ganke has never been a pushover and refuses. After a while, Aaron can see his determination and realizes Ganke's loyalty to Miles isn't shakeable. He sees something in Ganke that reminds him of himself. So Aaron says if he really wants to help Miles, then he needs to become stronger. It's after this that Aaron teaches him to box and fight, and teaches him more about tech, engineering, surveilance, tracking, stealth, and hydraulics.
Even though Miles G can hear his mom in his ear saying not to waste any food, Miles doesn't like eating the crust on sandwiches or pizza. But that's ok because Ganke will eat his own food and then eat the crust for him. Ganke will eat the tomatoes off of Miles' burgers too
Months after Miles G and Ganke M meet their universe's Gwen V. Stacy aka Gwenom, and she becomes an ally, she admits to them that she thought they were a couple at first. They weren't dating yet so she's not completely right, but with the way the two look at each other after she says that, she knows she's not completely wrong either. She totally teases them about it.
In this universe Dr. Ophelia Octavious is an African American scientist, ruler, and engineer who is part of the Sinister Six and runs a big part of the city. Miles G and Dr. Octavious have a Sonic the Hedgehog and Dr.Eggman type dynamic. Miles G keeps getting in the way of her plans and she knows he somehow has a connection to the original Prowler. Still, she secretly admires the kid for his heart and genius at least, not that she would admit this. One time at her base she successfully captures Ganke M saying "I have your little boyfriend" to try to get leverage over Miles G, but Ganke M is smarter than he looks and doesn't give her any information right before he escapes on his own with a dohickey he has in his pocket. When Miles G comes in to save the day and go toe to toe with Octavious, Ganke M looks from side to side and backs up towards a computer terminal and inserts a flash drive that hacks into and shuts down her whole system. Ganke and Miles slip away when the lights shut off, and all Octavious can see in the darkness is a computer terminal that has an anime girl dancing with flashing text that says 'Get Miku-ed'. Dr. Octavious is in disbelief and has several emotions at once before laughing and saying "I hate heroic teenage couples"
Their universe's Felicia L. Hardy will either work with you, be your ally, con you, or sell you out and Miles and Ganke don't know what to make of her. She guesses they're a couple almost immediately with the way they fight her (when Ganke already has his own suit) and even when they're on different sides, she teases them like she's an aunt or a big sister. Eventually they meet her girlfriend and even she teases them affectionately too.
Ganke's mom cooks Miles so much food when he visits (even when they don't have a lot) and Miles struggles to finish it because he's already so full from the first five plates but it's ingrained in him not to waste food. He taps out and brings the rest back home in Tupperware for him and his mom.
Ganke M and Miles G go to the rooftop a lot to listen to music and look at the stars together. Now that they know their universe is so big and that there are other universes out there, it really puts it into perspective that in the grand scheme of things they're grateful for what they do have in this world...
And that is each other
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beeshoesometimesdraws · 6 months
(centaur au)
Will Eclipse get revenge on Lunar for zapping him? If yes, how?
Also do you have any random facts/hcs about any of the centaurs?
I'm sooo interested in this AU that you can't even imagine
Yes, Eclipse will definitely be getting revenge on Lunar later (it will most likely involve snakes - I don’t think Lunar in canon is afraid of snakes, at least not that I recall, though centaur Lunar is, I kinda imagine it how Toothless and the other dragons in httyd are scared of eels)
Oh yeah I have LOTS of random fun facts/headcanons for this au >:)
Starting off with gender/sexuality headcanons :
Lunar is trans and uses they/he pronouns, pan
Earth is panromantic demisexual and uses she/they
Solar is pan and uses he/they
Sun uses any pronouns (he/she/they), bi
Moon is aroace, uses he/him
Eclipse is demiromantic pansexual and agender, uses he/him
(BM twins) Scarlet (twin 1) - genderfluid, pan | Whiskey (twin 2) - nonbinary (masc leaning), uses they/he and is biromantic grey-ace
Ruin is unlabeled, def queer tho, and uses they/them
KC is bisexual and uses he/him
Now onto other random facts/headcanons :
The BM twins in this au are obligate carnivores (most centaurs are omnivores like humans—in my headcanon anyway- so the twins are an abnormality)
The twins are separate in this au and that is how they have always been though they still have a very close connection to each other
The nick/tear in Solar’s ear is from a tracker that he ripped out of his ear sometime before meeting the others
Solar has a bit of a southern accent in this au (I may do voice claim stuff tho still unsure)
Instead of coming from his time in space like in canon, Lunar’s star powers were just something he was born with that lay dormant in him until later on (the astrals of course knew he had these powers the whole time but didn’t appear until they started to manifest)
KC is the tallest as well as the oldest in this au (with Eclipse being a close second in height) and Lunar is the shortest (and the only one based off a pony)
KC’s right ear is permanently flattened due to an injury from years ago (you can see this on his ref sheet)
All of them display horselike behaviors (because as many already know I LOVE characters with physical animal traits that also have behavioral traits)
These behaviors include :
vocal (snorting, squealing, whinnying, nickering, etc)
stomping hooves when annoyed/upset or sending an alarm to others
ear emotes (laid flat - angry, swiveling rapidly - anxious/nervous, pricked - alert/interested, etc)
when excited or playing they may nip and bump each other and/or chase each other around
charging/false charging (Eclipse is well known for doing this both to other centaurs and people)
They may be centaurs but they are still of course half horse and have prey responses/behavior, especially when it comes to things that could be a threat to them (wild cats, wolves, other large predators, snakes, etc)
some have stronger reactions to this prey response than others (though again the twins are the odd ones out and have little fear for other predators with them being more like a predator themselves)
during the fall and winter their coats get thicker and fluffier and in the spring and summer they thin back out
They all live with their own little “herds” —Moon and Sun’s herd (them, Lunar, Earth, Solar, eventually Eclipse), KC’s herd (KC + the twins)—Ruin’s the odd one out in this as they don’t belong to either herd
(There’s other behaviors they do but these are some of the most common/notable)
That’s all the random little facts/headcanons I have for now, I don’t want this post getting too long lol
Thank you for giving me an excuse to infodump :D
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mspec anon from a couple of days ago elaborating since you asked.
it's just some little things that probably are fine to other mspec people but are weird to me. some of it is how some people talk about mspec. like "this m/f pairing is bi4bi" but not suggesting any attraction, celebrity crush, childhood crush, whatever, they could have or could have had. makes it feel like bisexuality is treated as straight but queer bc straight is bad and queer is good. not saying that attraction = action, or that a mspec person who hasn't dated someone of the same gender is invalid, just that they do have to have or have had attraction to someone of a gender like their own. not saying m/f bi4bi is bad, i write a lot of it myself, just a pattern i sometimes notice.
on the flip side, canon bisexuality is treated as gay but with a different word. there are absolutely m/f ruth fics, but there are more f/f ruth fics. this isn't bad in itself, i love it when ruth gets the girl. and there's a woeful lack of femslash generally. this isn't me saying ruth being with one or several girls is bad, i love it. but i feel like a lot of those don't address that she is attracted to men as well.
i think certain people, when they're doing m/m or f/f relationships with characters without canon/semi-canon queer identites often make them monosexual. not everyone and not a majority. that can feel invalidating bc it feels like it's saying "you can't really be attracted to more than one gender". or sort of "you don't like the same gender as much as a fully gay person can if you also like the opposite gender". not on purpose, i'm sure, i don't think people are actually being biphobic or whatever. it just is an implication that kinda hurts.
sexuality discourse for this next part. like the rest of it hasn't been sexuality discourse.
also bi steph is weird to me. generally. most of the time. people can headcanon characters how they want, always, but i find it uncomfortable when mariah says she's pan, and has said that a couple of times, but people see her as bi because of the vibes or something. bisexuality and pansexuality aren't the same, but they are similar, and i don't think that people who view steph as bi have a real reason for differentiating those two identities other than "edgy popular girl means bi". i understand that's not where most people are coming from, and it's certainly not intentional. from my outside to them perspective, it feels like sexuality defined by personality traits and not just... who they are.
that and i really didn't like that anon about "an angel getting it's wings ripped off". i get it's fandom language, sure. but that's really evocative language to suggest. grace is a lesbian and max is gay. which is fine, excellent headcanon!! see them that way, go for it, (/gen). but it felt like behind that was they can't be queer if they're bi. i'm probably reading too much into things, and i know that, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. i think you can have headcanons without going that far.
again i do want to reiterate: i'm not saying people are being biphobic. i'm not saying that your headcanons or ships are invalid. all i'm saying is, as a bisexual, these little things that probably mean nothing to no one ever build up and make me uncomfortable from time to time. and i sent that anon at one of those times. i get that i'm being overly sensitive, i get that other people with different identities (including sexualities) in fandom feel ostracized for different reasons. this is just my pent up experience.
thanks for reading, i am so sorry if this launches a bunch of discourse. or brings up discourse again? i just thought you wanted an explanation so here it is.
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cardentist · 11 months
As a nonbinary/genderfluid biromantic, demiromantic asexual, literally every part of my gender identity and sexuality has been subject to the same "you could EASILY pass as cishet, so can you REALLY say you experience oppression when you could simply CHOOSE not to" and "you're not REALLY oppressed for being XYZ, you're only oppressed when people mistake you as cis fem/trans fem/gay/lesbian/any other identity we think is ACTUALLY important." My existence in online queer spaces has been hounded constantly by people trying to tell me what my lived experiences are and what they mean, shouting me down about how I can't speak about Insert Issue/Topic Here because sure maybe I'm queer (and to some, I don't even have the right to call myself that) but I'm at the bottom of the Who Is Oppressed More Hierarchy, I am only Oppressed in the way that sometimes I experience what they deem to be a different group's oppression. Not even my oppression is my own! I am too much of an "aberration" to find community and a place to speak amongst the general populace, and I'm too privileged to have a voice in the queer community, even about things that affect me.
And now, I'm watching that same rhetoric being used against transmen and transmascs. I remember when people on this site started really exploring queer headcanons for characters, everyone cheering "let's make X character gay! Y character is trans! Z character is a lesbian!" but if you dared to suggest "can Q character be ace?" you'd be met with "... that's boring." I remember how quickly ace exclusion devolved from "aces are boring" to "god, aces are annoying" to "when you think about it, aces aren't even really oppressed, so they aren't queer, so they should just shut up." And then it wasn't just aces, it was bi folks. And then it was enbies too. And now. Here we are.
This is the only site where people will blog about how "Gender is a sandbox! It's fucky! Men can be women, and women can be men! I'm a boygirl kind of girlboy! There are genders and sexualities in all sorts of shrimp colors you can dream of!" but in the same breath, they'll still act weird about he/him lesbians. They'll still claim that ALL masculinity is toxic. They'll still say that men are boring and annoying and-- Oh? You think that's kind of hurtful? You want to use this as an opportunity to talk about your own lived experiences and vent your frustrations courteously and privately on your own blog? Why do you have to make everything about you?! You're lower down the Who Is More Oppressed ladder because, wHeN yOu tHinK aBouT iT, no man can be oppressed for being a man! Even trans men! So you and anybody even vaguely masc aligned should just shut up and stay out of the conversation and let the queers who experience REAL bigotry talk!
... They could at least say something new instead of reusing the same rhetoric they've used for aces and aros and bi/pan folk and enbies and masc/butch lesbians and countless other queer identities.
All that to say, as someone who has been subject to all this for every part of my identity, I stand with you. Trans Unity! Queer Unity!
Context: [Link 1, Link 2]
I know Exactly what you're talking about !
I was around in inclusionist spaces 10 years ago at this point, before I'd fully crystalized what I Had Going On.
I Remember it being pointed out that ace exclusionists were stealing talking points from radfems directly, up to and including ripping off entire posts and just swapping out "trans women" with "asexuals."
I Remember people warning each other that normalizing these kinds of talking points, convincing people that that Mindset is a valid one, would then make it easy to swap out the Target of said mindset.
and it Has happened, over and over and over again. people are Always looking for the marginalized people that nobody wants to stand up for. that people don't understand, that people don't see as Needing support, that people already have negative feelings about even if they don't recognize Why.
it'll only ever stop when people examine the talking points Themselves and throw them out. when people are willing to stand in solidarity with people Regardless of whether they understand them or not.
if someone is trying to convince you that class of people As A Whole are undeserving of support, are lesser than, shouldn't have their voices heard or considered, Question It ! when they hold people up in Comparison to say that their pain is Lesser and therefore doesn't Matter, Question It !!
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regulus-fucking-black · 2 months
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i'm regulus black. and yeah, i bet you think my blog's very sad and depressing. good for you! you can notice basic vibes.
yeah, i like black cats. what about it? i love potions, it's one of the only tolerable and fun subjects. and i love to read, because books have knowledge and knowledge is power (wow i sounded so much like a ravenclaw).
i'm gay (or bi or pans.. not really sure just yet, but sure as hell not straight.) and trans. i go by he/him.
meet the list of people who decide that bothering me incessantly is fun and stick around me for no reason at all (except to incessantly bother me)
@pands-rosier - ok this girl. wow. i- she's just too amazing to be here. meet my BEST friend, one of the only people on my Like List, PANDORA ROSIER!!!
@evanrosierswife - barty. he actually bothers me incessantly. especially since he's ALWAYS pining after evan. i seriously have to try every day to NOT act on the urge to lock them both in a broom closet.
@rosy-evan - barty's best friend and favourite person (and crush), who is on the Tolerated List, because he is pandora’s twin brother. he's ok tho. just a little more sane than barty.
@lillsthoughts - a good study partner. smart and intelligent. she’s tolerable.
@onesingleprong - potter. my siblings's best friend. he makes me want to rip my hair out sometimes, but... he can be ok.. i guess.
@moony-agedaydream - REMUS! ahhhh the most tolerable and likeable gryffindor yet. he's handsome as hell and in LOVE with my older sibling, they're such a cute couple it makes me wanna vomit.
and an amazing study partner. too smart to love my sibling but i guess that's the thing about gryffindors. they're just so STUPID sometimes.
@the-best-star - sirius. my famed older sibling. he's annoying as hell and I'm pretty sure i HAVE ripped hair out because of him. tolerating him rn, but who knows how long that'll last.
no but he's been there for me recently and god knows if i started ignoring him again he'd probably cry.
@n4rcissa-blck - my beautiful, amazing cousin. she's elegant, proud and reserved. the one who was by my side my entire life. I'm never going to hate her.
things and people will be added and changed. this is an rp account. dm @jess-quillkiller or @pands-rosier if wanting to join.
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sandandlightning · 2 months
A dumb question from an old fogie about the newfangled lingo
By which I mean a 30 something who is out of touch with modern Tumblr and the broader pagan/satanic/witchcraft community after sitting in a corner for several years
As an eclectic pagan who has dealt with a lot of gatekeeping, and as a member of the queer community who has dealt with a lot of gatekeeping around labels specifically, I just legitimately don't know if 'satanist' or 'satanic' are accurate descriptors of my current practice, or if theistic satanists would find my using these labels confusing or uncomfortable. I like demonolater, I understand it and feel it fits, but like 90% of people don't know what the fuck that is. Theistic lucifarian? Sure, I love Lucifer, I work with him a lot, I'm polytheistic about it but it fits. But it also seems to be very fringe, like a much smaller bucket. And despite seeming self explanatory often requires a surprising amount of footnotes for people unfamiliar.
Like, I can callyself enby and acespec and so on, but sometimes it's a lot easier to just use the much broader 'queer'. I have no idea if people consider 'satanist' an umbrella in the same way or not, or if there is a proper umbrella for demon/infernal based practice. The biggest reason I hesitate to use the label is that, while I work with Lucifer and other infernal divinities, I don't really work with Satan. I mean, I guess just because I rarely worked with big names like Aset didn't make me less Kemetic?
But again I am not sure if that applies here. Largely because there is so much soup in the theistic vs non theistic satanic community. The other part being that my views on Satan as an entity/aspect are different from many others? I sometimes think of Lucifer in his 'aspect of Satan' and other demons the same way, but I don't want to like... Encroach on the space of theistic satanists who are venerating Satan as a specific entity or as the All. But I am very theistic. Polytheistic still, but just saying 'pagan' no longer feels entirely accurate.
There is definitely a place where the pagan and infernal divinity followers, who I want to group as satanists but am not entirely sure I should, overlap, and it is where I am, but there is def a feeling of leaving out an important part of myself by just saying pagan (the same way bi doesn't feel right compared to pan) and also not wanting to deal with people in pagan circles who would be bothered/offended/concerned by my work with infernal beings. And I am tired of saying theistic lucifarian electric pagan demonolater every time I have to describe myself.
And personal identity crisis aside, I also just wanna ask if I should be tagging some of these posts as theistic satanism or not? I avoided it in the past month simply because I felt weirdly unqualified to use the label, not because I have anything against it. But I couldn't help but notice the names of blogs liking my more recent posts often being Satanist identifying in some way. Hence my reconsideration and curiosity.
The longer I have spent interacting with Tumblr and social spaces again, the more it seems like satanism is, in fact, a fairly broad umbrella that people would be happy to include demonolatry or Lucifarianism under, with nitty gritty details of practice not relevant so long as it generally involves working with infernal divinities or largely infernal pantheon. But uh, my neurodivergence is not super well equipped to parse that kinda thing with only online circles to compare to, and that does not instill me with confidence. So u know fuck it I'm just gonna ask even if I look like an idiot ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ rip the fragile probably non-existent image of my having my shit together haha.
The tldr being:
How broad of an umbrella is 'theistic satanism' in modern colloquial usage? What does or doesn't fall under it?
Would people think it is appropriate to tag any infernal entity work posts as theistic satanism?
Are there other colloquial self identifying labels for infernal work I have just dead ass missed by being bad at the internet?
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cutepastelstarsalior · 8 months
Clone high season 3!!!!!! Let’s goooooo!!!!!
Episode 1
Joan is being exulted from the group :( also Jesus is here!!! I miss him..
Omg roll call song!!! Joan pls let them sing. Jackie the ripper….. Grell Sutcliff vibes. Ohg Vincent!!!!! The blorbo…
Oh yeah, the new teacher is definitely suspicious, and that new guy and Harriet are totally gonna be a thing. For some reason Abe and JFK feel a bit off? Also the husbands…I love them.
His I forgot what it’s like to laugh at jokes in a show…
😔 rip to jfgosh….maybe…
Honest to god I too would also try to pick a color before graffiti it…I now love the bench creatures
The eyeball scene….gross.
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Random person in the hat, I love you.
Why do people think Joan try to kill them? Like yeah, she throw everyone in a pit, but then they were led to a room to be brainwashed??? I can understand them think the pit would kill them or something but???? Murder?????
Episode 2
Cinnamon being a rising star of snorkeling but flailing, Mr b a sex worker who ran away from home…….the elements for a hurt/comfort fanfic are here…..👀👀
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Maybe it’s just me, but this painting reminds me of Saint Sebastian. It might be the arrows?….
Marie….NooOOOOOOOO. (I literally screamed seeing her knees) tho it make me wonder, marries can fully speak with her head off. Can clone just, not die? Is this just silly cartoon logic, or can clone can lose body parts and keep going? If that’s the case then thats a major reason why Joan’s mom want to clones to be leaders, they could be physically be un-killable.
Everyone wanting to get out of their small rural/supern town….Mood. Pls pls pls let there be an indie type coming of age romance or friendship episode!!! Pls pls.
Abe going a sport team!! Again!!! JFK doing more sports!!! It’s cool to see Abe, JFK, and Confusious as a trio. And to see Abe not being romance focused, JFK too.
Vince trying out for cheerleading, Genghis too <3
It’s kind of weird to see Harriet as the cheer leader captain? I thought it would be Cleo since that more of a mean girl/popular stereotype? Harriet taking the mean girl role feels weird? Like last season she was a nervous theater kid who wants friends? Now she the cheer captain??? But also snappy. She the mean smart girl??
Cleo charter moment!!!!!!! Her caring about Frieda’s art and respect it!!!!
I love this episode
Episode 3
:( did JFK not have an accent anymore? It goes and goes..
Catherine the great x Anna Boleyn 👀 👀 oh that a cute ship!!! Also LGBT background characters let’s gooo!!!!!!
“I’ll happy let you take my virginity” Abe…ABE.
JFK not like the label “slut” :(
Oh my god is bi/pan jfk going be canon??? Also hella Abe x jfk vibes, nice
Christian rock…..do you think Jesus clone would be weird out by this music or like it?
Side note, Vincent isn’t an active Blecher Creature. So if he’s not that, not popular, is he middle ground? Are all the background characters just….middle ground?? (I’m thinking to much of the logic here)
Abe x JFK…:..boyfriends/QPR real <3
The whole “jfk didn’t want to do sex/be seen as a slut/want to do more things in life” is like, a good premise but the execution on this episode???? :/ idk.
Clone Cleo x 2 and cloe Frida x 3. 👀 👀
Oh neat, my thoughts about how other schools/people outside of Exclamation Point don’t know that clones exist!!!!
Abe did you puke that ring out or something else???
Episode 4
Oh neato, that how Harriet texts!!! It’s always cool to find out how fictional characters text and talk to people!! (That and it makes chat fic more realistic if you cope the canon way characters text)
The husbands have sex dolls of each other….👀👀
HE IS NOT THAT BUFF I REFUSE to believe that’s canon
Confucius breaking up with Harriet. I mean, I don’t think looking at another man is cheating? But it’s nice to know that is isn’t in the wrong or did anything bad, well beside the whole bear thing.
Episode 5
Oh, so Confucius and Jain are fake dating…
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Oh my god there doing a manic pixie dream girl…
JFK and Abe nothing seeing and hearing the shoulder angels and demons…..👀👀
Mr B acting more human <3
Harriet’s dance outfit is cute.
Ok, Joan and Confusious talking by the water, then then dancing was super cute. Also Abe and Mary? They seems like a cute couple. Also skinny poo and cinnamon dancing in the rain was nice (wish it was Mr b tho… :( )
Oh nice, Harriet and what’s his name ended on good terms! I was afraid they were going to fight.
Ennui = a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction. 👀 JFK having these feelings because the shoulder angel and devil aren’t there, representing inner conflict. 👀 👀
I really like Confusious’s character growth, he’s not into technology to find praise and company. He’s friends with Abe and JFK and him and Joan dating seems….healthy? Tho I do wish Joan stay single, 2 out of 3 seasons she’s been dating someone and it would be cool to see her be herself and do things she likes to do.
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dtmsrpfcringe · 2 months
Hi, so I was aware of the account around the same time that I think you were told about it in your anons - they started following me. I didn't think much of it when I looked at it (I tend to check followers for bots etc), other than 'christhs1' potentially being his middle name, and it kind of having the same structure to his old account, 'mchshe1'. But for a time, I just dismissed it.
Anyway, the account then updated, and added the dog/meme pfp, the pronouns, and then the name. The name especially threw me for a loop, a) because it's Sheen's middle name, and b) Thomas is his mother's maiden name. Then when they rb'd your anon, and I thought 'okay, this could potentially be him, that'd be fair enough because that anon seems the most likely (and level-headed) explanation to the whole Michael/David thing, rather than "secret relationship being kept hidden by PR" shtick'. This is the point where I wanted to keep an eye on the account, because if it /was/ him, lol that's brilliant. I followed, thinking that if the guy just wants to lurk, good for him.
So then the pfp changed to one of him in a pub, and I couldn't find it or trace it back to /anywhere/. Which doesn't necessarily mean much, but if someone was impersonating him, I thought, it seems weird that they'd use a 'rare' pic, when there are others on his Twitter etc that they could have used instead. Why would they go to the effort of deep-diving for a specific image, and tbh - /how/ did they managed to find it? Again, I therefore thought that it could potentially could be him, using a picture only he would have.
I then noticed that they had been commenting on igv's posts, but even then it seemed plausible, if a bit bold, that it was him. Then the @ngo callout post, which was even bolder. Then they posted a meme/image post yesterday, having deleted the @ngo post, and /then/ they deleted that one (the 'x' they put on the end of it was interesting, though!), and posted this new callout one directed at @igv.
In between all this, they've changed the pub pfp back to the dog one a few days later, and then a few days after that (a couple of days ago, I think?) changed it to an image of his eye.
The @igv one is the post (that, and the new pfp) that has swayed me to thinking that it isn't him. It /could/ be that he's now read through all the posts they've made, especially the ones where they're ripping the shit out of Georgia and Anna - and ultimately fabricating a whole story, contrived from the very limited things that have been posted by media and on social media - and he's lost his temper about it. Plus, the spelling of 'socialise' and 'behaviour' support it - British spellings. Even 'fantasying' (sic) could be that he wrote 'fantasy' first, changed around the wording of his post, added on 'ing', and didn't quite proof-read properly.
But the issue for me is how the post describes the rumours of him being queer. The language comes across as .. well, to be honest, a bit derogatory; describing the /possibility/ of him being queer as disgusting and vile and nasty lies. Speculating about his sexuality is a horrible thing to do, no question about it; it's his business and his alone (whether he's straight, bi, pan or anything else) and he may not want to come out if he /is/ queer, or! Actually may not feel that it's necessary/that he needs to - that previous Tweets/interviews he's done speak for themselves.
But the way "a queer", and "SUCK DICK????" is also worded seems... Idk. Whilst obviously you can never know someone - especially a celebrity - from their interactions on social media, it just appears so far removed from how he's spoken in the past on social media, even when he's been pissed off at people.
So, despite all the other things that made me think 'Ha, would be cool if it were him! Also - mortifying!', that one post has put me in two minds; either a) it's not him, and just someone messing about impersonating him (at which point... Ok), or b) there's the very slim chance that it /is/ him, and he's understandably lost his rag... but at which point the wording of it is rather poor, in my opinion, even if that's not at all how he intended it to come across.
For my money, right now, it's the first explanation - that it's/not/ him, and was doing a good job of impersonation (being a bit mysterious, rare picture, using a pseudonym, using 'x' etc), but if they want to drop a selfie in my inbox or something lol, I'm more than happy to change my tune.
this!!!! This is what I was saying
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What is your sexuality, romantic orientation & gender identity? If you don't mind sharing of course 🤍 Are you out? & what do they mean to you personally?
Sexualitiy & romantic orientation:
bi? Pan? Honestly don't really know except that I like people for who they are and don't experience sexual & romantic attraction until after at least 2 years of friendship but have fantasised about being with girls, guys & nbs before so idk🤷‍♂️ (I'm out about this to my parents and gf)
Gender identity:
Demiboy/transmasc, to me personally I'm a guy but I'm nonbinary if that makes sense? Like I'm a dude but there's a bit of gender fuckery going there. Also i really love fem boy styles and would to try it but it's dysphoric rn cause I'm pre-T and top surgery also I was forced to present fem by my ex father when I was child so I have a complicated relationship with feminity so yeah...
I can't pass well either so rip me but goal is basically:
"wtf is that?" *looks again* "oh, it's a guy!"
But as always gender is weird but like the 'trans' thinking was there pretty early on for me but apparently not noticeable to my parents. (Out to anyone close to me)
Might talk about what being out is like on another post.
Sorry about rambling
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
I finished the relationship post ( family guy death pose) Right now it's mostly like. Who's with who and familial stuff. A lot of uncertainties, that'll probably change in the future. But with that all said, here. I spent way longer on this than I should have ha
Prof Oak - Had a thing with Agatha sometime in the past. Most likely didn't end up together long term ( I mean obviously) and Oak married someone else. She's no longer alive, as is their child, alas.
Red - with blue
Green - unsure
Blue - with red
Daisy - probably has herself a boyfriend
Brock - focused on work, but is bi questioning ( considering dating men)
Misty - ????? She has a boyfriend in the games????? So possibly????
Surge - closeted gay man. He comes out eventually when it really sinks in how queer the league is lmao.
Erika - Happily dating/ married to her old archery partner.
Koga - has a wife that's still alive
Sabrina - Not sure how to feel about dating. Focusing on herself.
Blaine - Simply not interested in dating.
Giovanni - Gets so many bitches lmao. But is married to Ariana in this au.
Ariana - Also swimming in bitches imo. Married to Gio, had two kids that ran away from them rip. Likes getting catty with Archer lol
Pertel - unsure
Lorelei - dated a lot but doesn't get anywhere
Bruno - Isn't interested in relationships atm,but is pan ( much to people's surprise for some odd reason)
Agatha- Had a Thing with Oak once. Terrible experience never again, she's single but probably had a trail of dead husbands in her wake.
Lance - aroace, single dad of 7 ( Kanto trio, johto quartet)
Elm- Wife and two kids ( one of them being Aiko)
Silver - Bi. User to date Aiko before turning his eyes to Kenji
Falkner - Not sure if I want him and Janine to just be mlm wlm besties or an actual couple.
Bugsy - Nonbinary/Agender and waaaaaay more focused on their work with bugs than any relationship atm. ( debating if they're aroace or gay as hell)
Whitney - Gay and dating Jasmine <3
Morty - Morty/Eusine. Not sure if they are dating by the johto arc or not.
Chuck - Has a wife and maybe a kid of his own
Pryce - is a granddad himself. A widow.
Clair - unsure. Has gay aunt vibes but again. Unsure.
Proton - Gay. Gay ass man
Archer - Down bad for Giovanni, insanely jealous of Ariana……probably is Giovanni's side bitch tho lmao
Karen - Honestly, probably gets with Will and maybe Grimsley. Maybe.
Will - Same as above
Birch - has a wife and kids!
Wally- Ends up dating Jin and Kohaku after a long ass time pining.
Roxanne - Maybe with Brawly I dunno.
Brawly - Maybe with Roxanne, again dunno.
Wattson - Unsure. I think in the anime he has a son so maybe????
Flannery - Not dating anyone, but she is pretty gay
Norman - has a wife and kid
Winona - need to think about Steven-Wallacd backstory, but I am liking the idea that she used to date Wallace. Though overall, I'm unsure.
Liza and Tate - ( shrugs ) Tate, for some reason, reads me the type to get crushed easily. But outside of that, they probably don't think about dating until they're older.
Wallace - Looks above at Winona. Still, he ends up with Steven for the long term.
Juan - Single man, doesn't plan on having kids, since Wallace exists.
Phoebe - Unsure
Sidney - Unsure. Wonderful hype man tho
Glacia - Okay so. I saw one hc that Glacia was Siebold's mom and it stuck with me for so long. So I think she had a husband, that left one way or another ( either he died or she divorced him) and she's been single ever since. Her relationship with Siebold is…. complicated. Edit: Glacia is no longer Siebold's mom, rather she's his aunt and legal guardian. They're relationship is still complicated, but there's a level of care here.
Drake - Not interested in relationships
Steven - with Wallace.
Archie - after prison and a lot of therapy, I imagine he gets back with Maxie
Maxie - Same as above.
Shelly - Shelly x Courtney is an interesting ship I've seen but not sure if I want to make it canon. Shelly does get a lot of bitches tho.
Matt - Same with Matt lol. Matt x Tabitha is something I've considered but not sure on. Probably not, given how both parties are, but I'm keeping the option open.
Courtney - Look above at Shelly. Also she does have that obsession with Maxie, though I'm not sure if I want that to be familial or romantic.
Tabitha - Look above at Matt. Tabitha is. Interesting to say the least. The more I think about it, the more I think the ship I mentioned above…. probably wouldn't work. Same with Shelly and Courtney to an extent. Honestly I think he's perfectly fine being single.
Lisia - Bi bi bi, baby. If I wasn't clear, I do plan on making her and Anabel an item.
Anabel - Look above
Noland - Unsure
Greta - Unsure
Tucker - gay as all hell and has had many flings.
Lucy - Serial dater than just can't get them to stay. Probably at a point where she thinks it's better for her to just focus on herself for now.
Spenser - Has a loving wife that's still with him, even at this age.
Brandon - Single, is married to the live of adventure
Zinnia - Requires therapy and traveling around to her to really get with someone.
Prof - Rowan - single. Probably dated a bit in the past but is now married to his work.
Johanna - Not exactly divorced ( yet), but hasn't spoken to her husband in years sooooo. She's not exactly looking for someone right now.
Roark - unsure
Gardenia - unsure
Fantina - Unlike her cousin/sibling ( Tucker), Fantina does actually have a partner. And lots of fans lmao.
Wake - Unsure
Byron - Divorced, but is living happily.
Maylene- Ends up with Candice
Candice - Ends up with Maylene
Volkner - Flint duh
Aaron - Not entirely sure. Definitely queer I think.
Flint - Volkner duh
Bertha - Hmmmm. She deserves a wife. I'm giving her a wife
Lucian - I like the idea of him having feelings for Cynthia, but it's unrequited. Sorry bud.
Cynthia - Bi and has her eyes on a certain actress
Cyrus - Choosing to focus on himself before even considering any type of romantic relationship. Will combust if someone flirted with him.
Mars - Likes the idea of going on dates, never actually been on one.
Juniper - People are too scared to get close with her. Probably for good reason. Fantina is trying ( and failing ) to set her up with someone.
Saturn - Used to be hella gay for Cyrus, but now is just picking up the pieces of everything. Doesn't know how to feel about him, so he's focusing on himself and work.
Charon - No bitches
Palmer - wife and kid
Darach - far too focused on taking care of Caitlin to even consider dating.
Argenta - Wine aunt. Happily single
Thorton - aroace
Dahlia - a free spirit, so she likes having her options open.
Cheryl - Gay
Marley - Also gay. Maybe I should make the date ( shrugs)
Mira - A kid who's main concern isn't dating or noticing who she likes. As for in the future when she's older…no clue.
Buck - Has a crush on a boy on Stark mountain. Doesn't have the guts to confess ironically enough.
Riley - :)
Cedric - Divorced
Aubrey - Married to Fennel :)
Cheren - Gets with Lear*
Bianca - Gets with Roxie
Cilan - Single, too shy to really consider putting himself out there.
Chili - Aroace
Cress - Single, is looking.
Lenora - Canonically married to Hawes. Doesn't plan on having children as of now. They kinda have Cheren for that, ha.
Burgh - I'll give him a win and let him have himself a boyfriend
Elesa - Is with Skyla
Clay - I've definitely seen different takes on him. For now he's a single father of one ( Wayne)
Skyla - Dating Elesa
Brycen - This came to me out of nowhere, but he and Marshall are dating. No one knows except Alder.
Drayden - I already have him as Ingo and Emmets grandpa so, he definitely got with someone, though I think he's single now.
Marlon - Has so many bitches but is too intertwined with the ocean to notice lmao. Maybe one day.
Grimsley - I mentioned he might be a part of a polycule with Will and Karen, but like. Grimsley's a mess. He has many many failed relationships under his belt.
Shauntal - Happily single.
Caitlin - " What? No. Go away"
Marshall- As mentioned before is dating Brycen.
Alder - Widowed granddad.
N - I know he's asexual biromantic. However I'm unsure of what to define his relationship with Kamari. But for now I'll say he's single, living his best life.
Ghetsis - ….I have. No clue.
Colress - Also have no clue!
Sycamore - Has a whole Thing with Lysandre. The sap in me wants them to get back together, but alas.
Dexio - I just saw someone else do it and thought it would be fun. He ends up with Cassius.
Sina - Not sure. I don't even know if she's truly interested in anyone. Possibly aroace.
Shauna: Probably had feelings for Jude and Dante at some point. Probably over then and living her best life.
Trevor - As of Kalos arc, faaaar more focused on the pokedex. After that he probably gets with Tierno.
Tierno - Same as above except he's more focused on dancing.
Viola - *clenches fist* Viola and Perrin are so freaking cute but I don't think they fit in my timeline!!!! So sadly, Viola's gf is someone else.
Grant - Has major feelings for Siebold, but unsure if he feels the same way.
Korrina : Wants a girlfriend so bad ( another sad case of two characters being at different points in the timeline so I can't ship them within the au. This time it's Bea)
Ramos - Was married to his husband for a long time, until he unfortunately passed away. He tries not to let it get him down.
Clemont- His sister keeps trying to get him to date someone lmao. He's moreso interested in his machinery but maybe one day?
Valerie - Debating if I want her to already be with Grant and is aware of the budding feelings between him and Siebold ( it ends in a poly) or just have her single in her own world.
Olympia - Single and is completely fine with that.
Wulfric - has a wife and two kids of his own! Loves them a whole bunch.
Drasna - :)
Siebold - Has not yet realized any of his feelings lmao.
Wikstrom - He has a wife. No kids.
Malva - Messy. Loved and resented Diantha in their relationship. Wished Lysandre would stop putting Diantha on a pedestal, while alSo wishing she was on that pedestal instead. Didn't know how to feel when Diantha ended up with Cynthia.
Diantha - Tried dating a man once. A publicity stunt if anything. After that she realized she was very much a lesbian and was talking more to Miss Cynthia.
Aliana - Unsure.
Bryony - Dating celosia
Celosia - Dating Bryony
Mable - Unsure
Xerosic - lmao
Lysandre - Was with Sycamore. Was.
Kukui - Married to Burnet and ends up having a kid together. Guzma joins in a poly.
Burnet - see above.
Hau - gets with Gladion in the future
Lillie - ends up with Ames
Gladion - gets with Hau in the future
Illima - Big ass crush on Kiawe. Thinks he's being the perfect flirt. He is not.
Hala - has a wife, one son ( who left ) and of course, little Hau as his grandson.
Lana - Unsure *
Mallow - Unsure * ( might make their relationship like the anime tho)
Kiawe - Thinks Illima is kinda weird ( but does have feeling for him)
Olivia - Canonically and chronically single. Girl suffering out here.
Acerola - Unsure ( child)
Sophocles - Unsure ( child )
Molyane - Has a boyfriend of his own, both of them are nerds together.
Nanu - Meowth man. So no one.
Mina - 👍
Hapu - Unsure but she gets flustered very easily.
Wicke - Aroace, happily looking after her friends children.
Faba - No rizz at all. Bitchless.
Guzma - Ends up in a polyam relationship with Kukui and Burnet. Genuinely doesn't know how he got to that point, but he's….happier.
Plumeria - Had the hots for Ames' mom but that didn't go anywhere. Single.
Kahili - Unsure
Magnolia - Still is with her husband. Sonia is her only grandchild.
Sonia - Dating Nessa
Hop - Um. Not sure. I like Hop x Bede but also not sure of I would want it in canon. Hop is ace too, so he's not really focused on those kinds of relationships for the most part. He does get flustered easily lol.
Marnie - It takes her 5 years to get with Naomi. But they get there!
Bede- Similar to Hop. Though I'm honestly just having fun writing his platonic relationships with everyone. He did mistake his platonic feelings/friendship with Naomi for a crush but he quickly realized it wasn't the case.
Milo - Ends up with Gordie
Kabu - Uncertain only bc I like so many hcs. Like I like him and Peony together but also just him vibing by himself is fun. Also him and Melony is cute. So yeah, not sure.
Bea - Eh. She's more focused on school and martial arts to care.
Allister - Has experienced a crush before but is waaaay to shy to do anything about it. Grateful to have the crush as a friend though.
Opal - Much like Agatha, has a history of dead husbands.
Melony - Divorced and has 5 kids ( Gordud, a daughter, and then triplet sons)
Gordie - Ends up with Milo
Piers - I might change this later only bc I'm really thinking about it, but I do see him in a poly relationship with Leon and Raihan. Again might change.
Raihan - Look above. But unlike piers, him and Leon are always end game.
Leon - Again. Look above.
Rose - Had a relationship with Cassandra before realizing she was pregnant was Carol. Was pretty much married to his work after that.
Oleana - similar case to Courtney, though maybe after a lot of therapy she gets with a nice lady.
Mustard and Honey are a couple, with Hyde.
Peony - Similar case to Kabu. Not sure. He has Peonia and recently Carol so he's honestly living his best life.
Klara - Way too toxic to be in a lasting relationship atm. She probably gets better after IoA but uh. Yeah. Not a great dating life.
Avery - Probably had never dated anyone ever…..yeah I can see him and Klara getting together at some point. It is, surprisingly, pretty healthy.
Sada and Turo are, miraculously, together in this au. They're also both dead.
Clavell- Unsure, waiting for the indigo disk to come. To really make my judgement. Was planning on giving him a husband.
Nemona - Unsure. Power of friendship real tho.
Penny - Unsure. above.
Arven - Unsure, again. Look above lol.
Note: I have shipped Arven and Ramona and Nemona and Ramona before but I'm ultimately unsure if I want either to be canon.
Giacomo - Unsure ( please understand I am in shipper hell here)
Mela- Slow to any romance, due to past experiences.
Atticus - Unsure
Ortega - is only 13, and while he knows who he is, he takes much more enjoyment being around his friends.
Eri- Is with Carmen. Duh.
Okay gonna cut the single format, let's get right to the case.
Larry is Divorced…..and also has his eyes on Hassel and Brassius who are already a couple. Has not made a move and plans to never ( he fails at this btw). Giacomo is his son ( until I change my mind).
Ryme has a partner but they broke it off. She's happily single now.
Tyme is the opposite with a husband of her own.
Iono doesn't date cause that would mess with her viewers.
Katy and Saguaro seem really cute,I'm considering it.
Jacq - Single dad ( Ramona). Is unaware of a theater teacher's feelings towards him.
Geeta and Rika definitely has a Thing but neither of them really addresses it. They're in their own world.
Poppy - Just wants Larry to say he likes Hassel and Brassius already. Also thinks boys have cooties.
Grusha - Was too depressed to consider dating anyone but is coming around to the idea.
Raifort scares people away lol.
Kofu - Unsure
Tulip - Just doesn't have the time to date
( aggressively points to Luca and Kieran) Kindergarten Divorce.
Carmine - Unsure. Wouldn't be surprised if she scares some people away.
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badolmen · 2 years
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160 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
I’m finally caught up on DNDads and can I just say I, for one, cannot wait for Scary to find out that her cringe boring step dad who can’t possibly understand the emotional turmoil of a deep goth punk like her lived with a flesh and blood (?) vampire who was impersonating Terry’s dead father to feed off of his happy memories.
285 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
Everybody’s always talking about the biblical imagery in Goncharov but I haven’t seen anybody talk about the allusions to Greek mythology like !!! Goncharov looking at Katya through the mirror when she threatens to shoot him, not making direct eye contact - Perseus and Medusa’ poisonous vision. When Sofia is leading Katya in the tunnels, not looking as they talk, but she turns around and Katya is gone - Orpheus turns and Eurydice vanishes. That unnamed taxi driver is paid two coins by Goncharov right before That Scene - he’s literally Charon, transporting the ‘dead’. Guys the whole boat scene is an allusion to the River Styx. The theme of time and the human hubris to defy it and the seemingly divine punishment of that ambition. Tell me I’m not the only one seeing this.
295 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
RIP to all of the British people who have to deal with the BBC/national officials shutting the country down the next few weeks that’s gonna be rough.
4,912 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
19,029 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
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