#ring display
mycrystalearth · 1 year
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I made a lil DIY jewelry stand with materials from the thrift store and it's NOT perfect but it cost $4 + fun craft time and isn't Amazon so it's a win
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bluebelledmoon · 8 months
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"The Final Photoshoot"
gabriel agreste was soon found being strangled by a blue feathered boy after this was released
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effervescent-fool · 1 year
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colored them :)
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samarajethwa · 1 year
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Another incredibly fashionable Weezard
Prints of my Weezards are available via link in bio 🪄
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The idea that GRRM is anti Tolkien is particularly funny because ASOIAF is sprinkled with rather intricate (and even passionate) homages to LOTR. And I can’t help but think of how Tolkien’s Fellowship, more specifically the Hobbits, may have inspired GRRM’s Night’s Watch. Jon Snow, for starters, is in many ways a combination of LOTR’s Frodo and Aragorn. And in the same way that Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin are unexpected heroes in LOTR (because who looks to a hobbit as the face of an epic adventure?), Jon the bastard becomes the leader of a ragtag of socially disenfranchised men (in the form of the NW) who are anything but heroic. Sure there’s the odd knight or noble in there, but the NW is quite full of criminals and the very worst of the social order. The hobbits aren’t the strongest or the sharpest but they become the face of the fight against Sauron. And the NW, while being severely undermanned and under-equipped, has become the main force that stands against winter. GRRM even adds a love letter to Tolkien’s Sam Gamgee by adding his on Sam - Sam Tarly - who acts as a moral compass and counselor to Jon, in the same ways that Sam Gamgee is key to Frodo’s journey. And just like Frodo, Jon gets his very own pair of jokester friends, one of whine is even named Pyp. So it’s all very beautiful and nice, and we should talk about it more because it’s super evident that GRRM is a massive Tolkien fanboy. But I do have to say tho, GRRM’s take on Gandalf is exceedingly hilarious just because Melisandre is famously very bad at her job.
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baalzebufo · 1 year
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oops more satellite investors... wanted to doodle them again! hopefully their personalities come through a little more in the doodles, too (if you're interested, I wrote a little about my headcanons for them on this post! )
also i completely forgot that pluto has that heart-shaped marking on it when seen from afar until my friend reminded me and I instantly knew I HAD to give cosmo a little <3 birthmark
bonus styx
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zu-is-here · 5 months
but why does Cross want to mess with Nightmare so bad? What did he do to him?
Since Killer and Nightmare are not on good terms with each other, Cross sees that maintaining friendly relations with Killer is a silent slap to Nightmare's face (which he had tense relationship with as well). After all, he wouldn't miss the opportunity to mock their former enemy for what he's done to them :)
Now that Killer can no longer visit them by traveling with Nightmare's help like before, Cross gives him access to their timeline cause:
Dream doesn't want to lose touch with Killer and leave him alone with his demons on his path to recovery, thereby he accepts him into their family –> this most likely irritates Nightmare, but he can't object to his brother;
But also:
It increases the chances of Killer and Nightmare clashing accidentally –> irritates Nightmare [2];
It shows Cross' authority in their timeline and over his brother-in-law –> irritates Nightmare [3] ♪
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olessan · 1 day
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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power | 2x06 Where is He
"And the only traitor here is you!"
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mewnette · 5 months
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slavonicrhapsody · 1 year
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Rykard getting the second fewest votes in a best sibling poll???? you have GOT to be JOKING they did him so DIRTY!!!!! putting aside the fact that Malenia is obviously the best answer, Rykard is canonically a GREAT brother… he made sure both siblings (and mom!!) had at least one of his abductor virgins protecting them (and he even sent Radahn a whole army of them probably to aid his war effort), he supported Ranni in her plan to shed her empyrean flesh and plotted with her to overthrow the golden order (even if he has to challenge Maliketh himself!), and he has a portrait of Radahn hanging in his sitting room just because he loves and respects him… yeah he’s a nasty guy but there’s more evidence of his love for his siblings than there is for any other demigod barring Malenia and Miquella like come on!!!!!
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wrestlingarsenal · 5 months
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Bby Aragorn: *wondering through the halls of Imlardis*
Rando elf 1: ugh, i can’t believe that savage is visiting again. You’d think that our lords would have better taste.
Rando elf 2: i’ll say! And i can’t believe they allow him to be near Lady Arwen! Unsupervised at that! He’s already taught her to fight, who knows how else he’ll corrupt her.
Elf 1: truelly the silvans are such a barbaric lot, not only do they have everyone fight, but they scorn and ignore the Ainur, our holy gods who represent the light!
Elf 2: we can only hope that that brute Legolas *spits the name* doesn’t further influence our lord and his family with his dark ways.
Bby Aragorn: *frowning at what he’s overhearing*
Bby Aragorn: *suddenly lifted into the air*
Legolas, setting Aragorn on his hip: hey there, Aragorn! Have you been good? Caused any chaos lately?
Bby Aragorn: *cheers* Las! I have been a super good boy! Though i might have stolen some cookies here and there... but ‘Lladan and ‘Rohir helped me!
Legolas: *carrying bby aragron away* that’s good! And if you get in trouble, just blame it on the twins, that’s what i do.
Bby Aragorn: *nods with a pleased expression*
Bby Aragorn:
Bby Aragorn: hey, Las?
Legolas: yes?
Bby Aragorn: what’s a sav-savge?
Legolas:... a savage?
Bby Aragorn: mhmm! Or “barbiac”
Legolas: Barbaric. Where did you here those words?
Bby Aragron: just now! I over heard some elves talking about you and they used those words. They also called you a brute! I don’t think they were being very nice.
Legolas: well, you’d be right, kiddo. Those aren’t nice words to use.
Bby Aragorn: then why do they use them?
Legolas: bc there are a lot of light elves that don’t like dark elves, such as myself. They don’t think we’re good enough, “elf” enough, in a way.
Bby Aragorn: but... you are an elf?
Legolas: i very much am, but some elves don’t think that my people qualify.
Bby Aragorn: well that’s stupid.
Legolas: you can say that again.
Bby Aragorn: what’s a light elf? Or a dark elf?
Legolas: well, “light” and “dark” are basically the way the elves are divided in those who don’t believe in the Valar, and those who do believe in the Valar. There are a few more distinctions, but that’s the gist of it. I, myself, along with my people and the avari, are all considered “dark elves” because we don’t believe in the valar. The elves who live here, such as the Noldor and the Sindar, do believe in the Valar.
Bby Aragorn: so those elves don’t like you bc you don’t believe in the same things they do?
Legolas: well, that, and bc they have a superiority complex.
Bby Aragorn: well that’s stupid. All of it is stupid. Those are stupid things to do for stupid reasons!
Legolas: yes, so don’t be mean to someone just because they’re different from you, ok? After all, like you said, it’s a pretty stupid reason to be mean.
Bby Aragorn: *nodding determinatly* when i grow up, i’m gonna make sure people stop being mean to each other bc they’re different! That way i’ll be surrounded by not stupid people. And anyone who is mean to someone else bc they are different will be called a stupid poopy-head!
Legolas: *laughs* you do that! I look forward to it.
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friedunicornstudio · 2 years
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Enter my service. And good hunting to thee.
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myfairkatiecat · 1 year
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He’s so passive aggressive help 😭
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wyllsravengard · 2 days
think im gonna give my partner promise ring at the aquarium
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