#right after drawing this one i realized i was drawing the flower on the wrong side of her hair and honestly i was just kind of
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strawbyfield · 26 days ago
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Another drawing of p from yours truly because i am OBSESSED
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kamabokobun · 13 days ago
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Abandoned wip Cassie & Roxy figures. From ~2023
They’re about to go into storage, so I took some photos. And I figured I might as well post them since they’re never getting finished. So yeah
More photos & notes below the cut :)
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Cassie! Her design is sooo cute. I enjoyed translating her into my style + into 3d. I was (& still am) really happy with how I sculpted her face and hair. Up until this point I rarely sculpted human faces, so I was surprised how well it turned out (then again it’s very stylized so. Whatever). And her hair came out almost exactly like my reference drawing! Which doesn’t happen as often as I would like it to. The paint job came out nicely as well, I’m especially proud of the sneakers and the tiny stars & flowers on her cardigan. Anyway, She was looking really good overall! That is until she fell off my shelf and broke her neck. Unfortunately, that was the breaking point (lol) for me, as I was already having problems with Roxy, and I didn’t want to go through the trouble of repairing her tiny little neck after she was almost fully painted, so I scrapped the project entirely.
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Only a few Roxy photos since she wasn’t painted. I had made her before cassie, (I was originally going to only make Roxy) but never managed to get to the painting step for mainly one reason: Her neck kept breaking. (I have bad luck when it comes to necks, it seems. Probably because I like chibi proportions.) I had to repair her neck, like, 5 times, before finally deciding to use apoxie sculpt instead of my regular polymer clays. (Which I probably should’ve done sooner) But then the apoxie dried in the wrong position, so she couldn’t stand on her own anymore (she needed to be in a very specific pose to stand. her hair is heavy!!). Thinking back on it, I’m really sad I never got to paint her, because I think her form ended up looking really nice. If you’re wondering why neither Cassie nor Roxy have eyelashes, that’s because I was planning on doming both of their eyes with resin, then sculpting eyelashes on top. But I never got to that step. Fun Fact!: Roxy’s eyes are glow in the dark :) so is Cassie’s flashlight
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And lastly, here is the art I made for me to reference. Left is the original sketches, and right is the revised poses/designs + traced off of the figures I had already started making. Fun fact: halfway through sculpting (after baking in the pose) I realized that, in-game, cassie holds her flashlight in her left hand and not her right, so I had to completely remove & remake her hands.
I really want to try remaking these two someday, not only because I think I can make them better than I did before, but because Cassie & Roxy are probably my favorite SB characters and I still want to have cute figures of them to display on my desk lol.
Alright that’s all bye bye
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kneelingshadowsalome · 1 year ago
König is, obviously, a big little freak. Do you think he'd feel flattered/lovestruck if a cute girl stalked and was obsessed with him or would he be weirded out? I think the first: for once he gets pussy and love without having to do anything. Also it'd be kinda funny if he didn't even notice his little admirer at first cause she doesn't register as a threat and he's too busy being broody and depressed cause he's so alone (while reader is in her apartment fantasizing about their future kids and drawing little hearts on a pic of him)
Ohhh yes. König being oblivious af, thinks this is simply a joke.
It started out in school: cute little postcards that had bunnies or kittens or flowers or hearts on them, delivered to him by his mom who was smirking about how her boy had a secret admirer. There was nothing fancy scribbled on the other side, just soft, silly messages like: "I like you!" or "Your cute" or "Luv u ♡", and König saved them all.
…Until he showed the postcards to the wrong “friends”, who only made fun of them. One of the boys told him they sent those cards to him as a joke because no girl could ever want him, and König believed them. Allowed himself one, maybe two tears in solitude before he threw those cards away.
What was odd, though, was that the cards still kept coming. He always threw them in the trash, and at some point while growing up, they stopped arriving. No cats or hearts or cute mice illustrations for him anymore, just loads of video games and internet and a growing interest in war history and gym.
He didn’t think much of it after the age of 17, just went to the army to make a man out of himself. Got laid for the first time, got bullied some more, grew some muscle and grew some balls. Got kicked out of sniper training, his one and only dream, and went back home to brood for a few weeks.
That’s when he received the letter.
A 5 page love letter, written in beautiful, whimsical handwriting, smelling of something so angelic that it drove even the eternal stench of gunpowder and rust and military storage away.
König gets plunged into a whole world of soft feminine attention without even asking to, the letter now placed on his old desk that’s too small for him to sit at anymore. The fragrant sheets of paper are filled with confessions of adoration and love and… it would be a little bit creepy, were he a man who fancied so-called normal women.
He goes to the attic, searching his old cardboard boxes for the postcards to compare the handwriting, but can’t find none, remembering that yeah… he threw all of them away, didn’t he? The handwriting wouldn’t match anyway, that much he can remember, but then again it was a kid who wrote to him back then. Now, his admirer is a grown woman who apparently got back on her obsession train once he visited his childhood home after years of living abroad.
The hair on his shins, arms and at the back of his neck shoots up as he realizes some woman has a crush on him, some cute girl has been watching him since day one. Those postcards weren’t a joke, so she must have gone to the same school as him… She might be the daughter of some of their neighbors, living right next to him even now.
König goes door to door in search of her, but only wrinkly elders arrive to tell him that no, they never had a daughter or granddaughter or if they had, they have long since moved out to some big city.
He goes through the letter once again but finds no clues to who she is or where she lives. It’s just pages and pages of flattery about how he’s still the man of her dreams and so much more. How he’s even cuter now that he looks like someone pissed in his cereal. She wonders if he’s built the same everywhere, and if he is, then she should say her evening prayers… Too many impure thoughts going through her head already, why does he have to be so handsome?
König is in hell, as always, desperately trying to look for his admirer when he goes out to take the trash. Visions of some girl touching herself at the thoughts of him pester him from sunrise to sunset, and he has to take a cold shower every morning simply because one wank doesn’t seem to be enough to tame the big fellow downstairs.
He hugs his pillow and dreams of his girl, someone sweet to wrap his arms around and to protect. He fantasizes of someone cute waiting for him, someone he could surprise every time he gets home, someone adorable to eat out until they sob and squirm. Until he gets the stench of death out of his mouth…
A message arrives on his phone from an unknown number, and at first he thinks it’s spam.
But when he opens the message, he’s met with two perfect bare breasts. So fucking cute, especially when they’re accompanied by a set of fingertips grazing her soft skin; König even notices she has red nail polish on. So adorably, incredibly cute…
There comes a text that says: “I thought of sending you another postcard, big boy… But perhaps you don't care for kittens anymore. Hopefully this will do? ❤️”
There’s no face reveal, just tits and a cute female hand laid out there before him. Just a text that confirms that she’s the one. Typing a quick reply, he sends it to the unknown number: “This will more than just do 😳❤️❤️❤️”
Without thinking, like, at all, he pulls out his already hard cock and takes a hurried picture of it with a trembling hand. He usually knows better than to send a dick pic to a girl, especially after exchanging less than two sentences with them. But hey, she started this. The least he can do is give her something to pray about (and for)..
So he sends that horrid picture of his ugly cock to his cute mystery girl before she can even type a reply to the first message, and asks: “Are we praying tonight, my lady?”
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jiubilant · 3 months ago
“Get up,” whispers Camilla Valeria, patting the face of the stranger in her bed. “Get up! My brother’s back early from Delphine’s.”
In a few days, the woman sprawled in Camilla’s strewn sheets will be renamed by a thunderclap. Dragons will dread her. Skalds will sing of her first battle-feats. Now she twists her face, assailed by hurried hands and the light lancing in from the window, and makes a muzzy noise.
“Here,” says Camilla. “Here, your shirt, your breeks, your rock—”
The voice that will kindle fires is hoarse with sleep. “Dragonstone.”
“—your belt, your boots—”
The woman in the bed, with groggy amusement, lifts her chin. “And?”
Camilla blinks down at her. Then, with a swift, sweet shopgirl’s smile, she drops a kiss on the other woman’s lips.
“I think you’re right,” she says, breathless. “I’ll marry Faendal. Then I won’t have to put up with Sven’s mother.” She grins down at her companion. “Unless you have a farm you haven’t told me about?”
The woman who will be called Dragonborn smiles with some effort.
“No,” she says, and stretches like a dancer. Her bruises burn. “I don’t have anything."
* * *
She has the rock—the Dragonstone, she corrects herself, following the Jarl’s plodding packhorse down the switchbacks of the Hvit. She has, too, the hundred aches and scrapes suffered in Helgen—she tries not to think of the screams, the charred-meat smell, the severed heads rolling from the upended basket—and last night in the barrow of the wight. The thing had probably been interred with the rock in its frail arms. But the ages had crumbled armor to rust and bones to dust; she’d lifted the Dragonstone from the sunken cavity of its chest, choking every Khefrish prayer she knew for quieting the dead. When she ran out of invocations, she made up soothing words that meant nothing in any tongue.
Drem, she’d murmured to the corpse, prying its withered hands from the stone. Her own hands shook. In the flicker of her torch, the scratches on the walls had seemed to burn. Praan, midaargolz, vodahmaan faazselaas—
The horse tugs its lead with an impatient huff. She staggers after it through the scratchy scrub, the sap-sticky branches, the patches of shade and light. Sun dapples the beast’s flanks. The river flashes as it polishes its stones. The leaves shriveling in the foreign trees blaze in all the colors of fire.
The burning standards, she thinks, the sun hot as fever on her neck. The horse-thief with his face in the dirt, his breath a wet, punctured noise. The severed heads rolling from the upended basket.
Then she grins, forcibly, like the dragon-skull mounted on hooks behind the Jarl’s throne. She draws the parcel wrapped in oilskin from the horse’s twitching back, soothing it with the praises she’d overheard in the Jarl’s stable; she doubts the wizard will let her look at her prize later. She thinks hard of the coinpurse in wait for her, the leg of mutton at the table of the Jarl, the smiling woman who fills the cups. The folds of waxy cloth fall open.
She blinks. She is, she realizes after a moment, holding the rock wrong-side up. The obverse side stares back at her, chiseled with scratches that mean nothing in any tongue.
The wind sticks, whispering, to the sweat at the back of her neck. Something in her stirs with a rattle of scales.
“Here lie our fallen lords,” she murmurs—aloud, halting, as though one of her old tutors scowls over her shoulder still. The words flower in the back of her throat like fire. “Until might of al du in—”
The trees shiver. The horse shakes its head and stamps. A head with suns for eyes tilts somewhere, listening.
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a-hazbin-reader · 1 year ago
i just had a really cute idea- What about reader after the birth of her baby with Alastor feeling a bit insecure about strech marks ? how does Alastor make her feel loved?
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Body issues, Suggestive?
Description: ☝️⬆️
At first, Alastor doesn't even notice the insecurities you're having over your body, too busy learning how to be a proper father
No amount of parenting books could prepare him for the overwhelming love he feels for his children
It takes so much effort for him to even put his children down and leave a room- you don't understand
Bedtime is hard for papa too
But little things about you start to tip him off that something has been wrong with you lately
At first, he blames it on lack of sleep, which is something you both are becoming familiar with
Or maybe you're not eating right, too busy looking out for your babies and the hotel
He just knows that you won't hardly let him touch you anymore, something he didn't realize he craved until he was suddenly deprived of it
You're sitting and feeding the babies? He wants to kiss and nuzzle at your neck because the sight is so cute
"Motherhood looks very good on you, darling~"
At first you're receptive to it, tilting your head and sighing happily until his fingers ghost over your stomach
"Actually, can you take over for me? I have to go-do something."
And he's left alone with his just as confused looking children
Then suddenly, there's baby food being thrown at his face and his babies are howling with joy
Maybe you're stressed, being a new mother is difficult
So he resolves to take the babies off your hands for the day, something that you're grateful for
And when he manages to put his spawns down for a nap, he even draws you a bath, thinking you two could share it
It's a romantic one, bubbles and candles all around maybe even a flower or two
"Darling, there's a hot bath waiting for you and I if you're interested..?"
You're visibly stiff again, looking uncomfortable and shy like back when you first got together with him
"Could I just have the bath to myself..?"
It wasn't what he was planning, but he could never tell you no
But it is concerning to him when you lock the door behind you
You don't even change in front of him anymore, another little bit of intimacy and trust that he suddenly misses
Then he starts to notice that the mirror in your bedroom has been covered, and new creams have appeared in the bathroom and-
Carrying babies does tend to change one's body
He's seen what happened with your own but he never thought you would become insecure about it
So Alastor, being the good husband he is, resolves to remedy the situation between you two
He crawls into bed with you one night, waiting until you're nearly asleep to wrap his arms around you
You're jolted awake in an instant, feeling his chest against your back and his hands on your stomach
Touching and stroking your stretch marks
You go to pull away but his grip is firm, keeping you in place, voice light but genuine
"You're never not going to be my beautiful wife..."
You're so thankful for the darkness of the room, you don't want him to see the tears in your eyes or the marks on your stomach
Even though a small part of you knows he can see it anyways, it's less embarrassing for you
Damn these hormones of yours, your body still hasn't fully recovered from your pregnancy
And then he's rolling on top of you, kissing down your neck to your chest, then down to your stomach
His hands push up your pajamas to expose your skin to him, and you can tell that he doesn't need the light to see what's there
He stops you from covering the marks, kissing them instead and gazing at you with eyes full of warmth
"You were so proud of these before..."
You have to look away from him, overcome with emotions so strong that your voice comes out thick with it
"I'm not pregnant anymore."
"As if that makes you any less beautiful, these are just marks of our history together. I love them."
And he's kissing them again, moving back up to kiss you as gentle claws rub over each stretch mark and scar
You eventually can't help but melt into his touch, having missed him more than you realized
It's a good night between you two and you wake up feeling better than you have in awhile
It's still a slow going process accepting your new body, but Alastor is patient, eager to woo his wife all over again
It's almost like you two are back to the start of the relationship
You know that part of him only loves the marks so much because it's proof of what he did for you, how far he would go to make you happy
Also, because he loves you
And soon you start to love them too, associating them with your love for your family
Eventually you two are back to bathing together, changing together, being sickeningly affectionate behind closed doors
Not always behind closed doors
And when they do start to fade you almost miss them, rubbing over the marks in longing
Looking over at your husband playing with the children, a dangerous thought enters your mind
Maybe Alastor wouldn't mind another baby or two?
Maybe more
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I love these asks so much ♥️
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hobiebrownismygod · 1 year ago
this took me forever to respond to I'm sorry 😭 im glad you like this trope tho! Thank you for requesting <3
Hobie Brown x Sunshine!Reader
☆ It took his S/O months to muster up the courage to tell him they liked him only for him to straight up go "cool. Are we a thing now?"
☆ They're not one for confrontation and can get pretty shy so he's always there to be the blunt one!
☆ For example, when one of their coworkers kept calling them the wrong name, and they were too shy to correct them, Hobie was the one who told them and made sure the coworker learned his S/O's name properly 😭
☆ His S/O was extremely embarrassed but there was nothing they could really do about it at that point (Hobie was extremely proud of himself for doing that and made sure they knew it)
☆ His S/O doodles whenever they get bored, especially on their arms and legs. They draw cute little animals and flowers and things like that and Hobie absolutely loves them.
☆ He likes to carry around a marker with him so if his S/O ever gets bored, they can draw! He always has his arm out ready to let them draw on him, because even tho his S/O is a little hesitant about it, Hobie LOVES letting them draw on him. They're like little mini tattoos that remind him of them!
☆ Whenever he goes and puts graffiti on walls and buildings outside, he brings his S/O along so they can draw one of their little doodles on the side!
☆ Whenever someone that knows Hobie sees one of those murals/spray paintings, they can always tell it was his because of his S/O's little doodles in the corner!
☆ He also taught his S/O how to spray paint so they could come with him. When he first taught them how to spray paint, they weren't able to figure out the right amount of pressure to put on the spray, so he'd hold their hand and help lead them in the right direction for the first few paintings
☆ He would stand behind them, one hand on their waist, the other hand holding the bottle steady while his S/O stood in front, eyes slightly squinted as they sprayed the paint all over the walls, getting it everywhere
☆ He loved getting to wipe the paint off their face after every painting. His S/O never understood how so much paint could get on them in such little time, but they didn't mind. Hobie was always there to clean them up.
☆ His S/O also loves to read and is always curled up in bed reading a book in their free-time. They're a very expressive reader, and their face always changes whenever a new character pops up or when the plot starts to thicken. Hobie loves watching his S/O read.
☆ Sometimes, when he's really craving some affection, he'll come up behind them and cuddle them while they're reading, nuzzling his head into their shoulder while they smile, eyes glancing down at him before going back to the pages
☆ He'll also let his S/O curl up in his lap, or use him like a comfy chair while they read. He's a pretty skinny, boney person, but he can turn into the softest chair when he wants
☆ Hobie hates phones. He hates when people are on their phones when with friends. He hates when people are looking at their phones when he's trying to talk to them. His S/O knows this and makes sure to never have their phone out when he's around, so he can have their full attention. He loves that.
☆ He loves when his S/O listens to him. He could rant on for hours about whatever he wants, whether its capitalism, or some new gizmo he's building, but his S/O will always be there to listen to him, nodding along and smiling.
☆ Sometimes when he's been talking for a long time, he'll suddenly realize just how lucky he is to have someone so attentive with him. He'll stop talking and his S/O will be confused for a moment, only to be pulled into a hug and a kiss within seconds, trapped in his long lanky arms.
☆ He loves giving his S/O surprise kisses, watching their expression light up and their face turn hot. He'll come up from behind them, arms wrapping around their waist and pulling them in, to leave soft kisses peppering along their cheeks and lips.
☆ Sometimes he'll hide when his S/O comes home, just to jump out from around the corner and tackle them to the ground, covering their face in hundreds of sweet pecks.
☆ And on some rare occasions, his S/O'll attempt to do the same. Sadly, his spider-sense keeps him from getting surprised, so he always knows when it's gonna happen. He pretends to get surprised anyways, because he thinks it's cute when his S/O giggles while on their tiptoes, trying to reach his lips.
Taglist: @therealloopylupin2099 @rinverse @l0starl @daydreaming-en-pointe @itsparis-07 @vileviale @puff-hugs @d0uble-tr0ubl3 @lauryn2558 @choccymilkdrinker @sunasslut69 @ask-1610-miles @ask-1610miles @axels-garden @eli21345 @miniaturesuitfox @spotconlon55 @riris-radioactive-panther
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crustaceousfaggot · 2 years ago
So I've been thinking a lot about the setting of Disco Elysium. Specifically it being set in late winter/early spring. It's not something I've really seen anyone else bring up.
I mean, the symbolism seems pretty obvious right? Spring is the time of new beginnings, winter is ending and we're entering a time of potential and rebirth. Definitely nothing new. But I think it goes beyond that.
I live in one of the coldest major cities in the world. Not *the* coldest, but you'll be hard-pressed to find a city with over 1,000,000 inhabitants that gets colder than it gets here. Winters are long and brutal and difficult, and when the soil itself is frozen and covered in a foot of packed snow it's really hard to believe that the world could look any other way.
And don't get me wrong, winter is beautiful. The world is quiet and picturesque. There's none of the usual dirt and debris in the streets because it's all buried under the snow. The way that fresh snow sparkles under street lights at night is one of the most breathtakingly gorgeous things I've ever seen.
It's early April right now, and the snow is melting. It's not all gone, but it's getting there. When the air starts to warm up there's this feeling of excitement and anticipation in the air. Spring is here, and any second now the world will be bursting with new life and beautiful greenery.
But it's not. Not yet.
For about a month and a half after the snow starts to melt, the world is grey. No glittering snow, no budding flowers, no swirling red leaves, just puddles of brown water and lawns of brown grass. It's like winter had ended, but the world has yet to realize that it's supposed to be spring. Until it remembers, we're all trapped in a world where there is no season at all.
Sometimes it snows, but the snow never sticks around. Sometimes it rains, but the rain never brings flowers in its wake.
That last month of winter, that first month of spring, whatever you want to call it, is my least favourite time of year. I heard it described once as "the long-preserved corpse of autumn, finally allowed to rot", and that phrase stuck with me. There are eight month old leaves on the ground, skeletal and bleached grey by a winter trapped under the ice. Without the snow to cover it, you can't ignore just how much we've let our city go to shit. The trees are bare and skeletal, and even the evergreens look washed out and grey when they're not contrasted against the snow. Most of the birds aren't back yet, so the only sound outside my window is the ever-present hum of traffic.
It's impossible to ignore the movement and the sounds of humanity, but at the same time the world has never felt so stagnant.
I think there are all sorts of comparisons you could draw here, some of which hold up better than others. The one that first comes to mind for me is sobriety- the line "Full recovery will take years, though. It’ll be depressing. And it’ll be boring. Don’t expect any further rewards or handclaps." from the "Waste Land Of Reality"o thought is one which really stuck with me on my first playthrough, and one which feels especially appropriate here. But that's just one angle.
How much of this was intentional? I don't know. Probably not most of it. Part of me just wanted to go on a little tangent about the seasonal purgatory I'm trapped in once again. But I genuinely don't think there could be a better time of year to set a game like Disco Elysium. That bleak dusty shoulder season, where all the ugliest and most honest parts of nature and civilization are on display. The time of year where I've gone through the ringer and come out the other side, but everything still looks and feels like shit. It's just a different kind of shit.
Spring isn't here. Not yet. And when it does come, it won't fix anything. There will still be garbage on the ground and pollution in the air, there will still be class inequality and senseless violence and I will still be mentally ill.
But still.
For the first time in months, I can feel the wind against my skin without it hurting.
Whatever that's worth.
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secondarysefikura · 5 months ago
Sephiroth wins but instead of just turning Cloud into his devoted puppet, he decides to simply wait it out and let time take away the memories of Cloud’s loved ones and his reasons to hate Sephiroth instead of Sephiroth taking them away himself. After all they have all of eternity together.
And it works.
Eons later and Cloud’s memories of his friends are fading and he’s even misremembering things about them. A woman who owned a restaurant, a man with a hook for a hand, a tiger that was missing an ear, a teen who at one point stole their weapons, a mouse who rode on some blob thing, a man who was found sleeping in an abandoned cemetery, a man wanted to explore the ocean, a woman who for some reason gave him a flower, and a man who called him something as he was dying.
And eventually memories of Nibelheim, and what Sephiroth did to it and his friends fade away, to the point where Cloud questions why he even hates Sephiroth. What was it that the only person he has left do to make him hate him for so long? It can’t be that big of a deal if he’s now forgotten it….right?
And after many eons Cloud finds himself happy in Sephiroth’s embrace, and soon forgets the many, many times when he used to hate being in the god’s loving arms.
Oh. My. God. YES. Anon, you are brilliant.
I think it would be so good too if, as Cloud started to realize that he was struggling to remember his friends, he took to writing down everything he could remember about them. Of course Sephiroth secretly gets rid of the notes in order to ensure that Cloud doesn't have anything to remind him of before, but he isn't able to find them all.
One day, long after Cloud has forgotten everything but Sephiroth's embrace, he finds a set of his notes. He reads them over several times, but none of it seems to make sense. These notes seem to suggest that these people didn't like Sephiroth--that he didn't like Sephiroth. He finds crude sketches of men and women he can't remember, of a village that he doesn't know anymore, and a version of Sephiroth that just looks...wrong. He stresses about the meaning for a while, but ultimately he takes the notes to Sephiroth and asks what they mean. Sephiroth is his god after all, so if anyone would know what all these weird messages and drawings are about, it would be him. If nothing else, Sephiroth's calm and collected manner should soothe the worry that is creeping into every part of him.
Sephiroth reassures him that the notes are nothing more than the ramblings of a madman, although Cloud can't deny the brief flash of rage that crossed Sephiroth's face when he saw the notes was scarily similar to the drawings of Sephiroth that he found. Maybe there was a reason he vaguely remembers hating Sephiroth once.....
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evvyyypeters-fics · 5 months ago
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Cigarettes Off the Rooftop
Alive!Violet Harmon x f!reader
Warnings! Smut, porn w/ plot, cigarettes, allusions to Murder House plot, Violet and reader are 18+, semi-public sex, f!ngering, make-outs, semi-proofread, Katy Perry references because I had to ok—
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My first full fic after a while! I actually love Violet sm. Depending on how well this is received, I might do more of these (omgilovekissinggirlsilovegirlsomgwlwcore)
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The air in Katy Perry’s green grass city was surprisingly chill tonight, the breeze fluttered softly through my hair, and the smell of rain dampening the ground around me filled my senses.
“Pass me that, would you?” She rings out beside me, turning my head, I see a pale, small hand reach out for the half-burnt cigarette hanging from between my lips. Finishing the drag, I pull it between my two fingers and pass it to the girl beside me.
A few months ago, on a whim through my trip in California looking for a college, I met a strange grunge girl whose name was so fitting for such a beautiful, somber flower. I had decided to settle for a university in the area with the degree I was looking for, just so I could be near her. And it was just my luck that we ended up in the same school, coincidentally.
Now we’re practically inseparable, we’ve even started considering renting a place together in some dingy shopping strip, which is the perfect aesthetic for her Tumblr girl vibes. After a session of searching for a place, here we sit on the rooftop of a dingy old building, overlooking the city lights, and people watching. Whilst sharing a random cigarette from my pocket, and a pair of headphones blasting Morrissey, TV Girl and Cigarettes After Sex from her ipod. Occasionally some Ethel Cain too that I had introduced her to, which was met with enthusiasm.
Violet Harmon is a strange and wild girl, but despite that, there is something that draws me so close to her. We’re like magnets, polar opposites, and yet we always find a way to stick together. I guess that’s why I fell in love with her so easily.
“Oh, this bridge is my favorite!” She chirps excitedly, staring down at the ipod for a moment to catch the song as the chorus rises through the wired earbuds. My gaze quickly flicks back to the girl beside me, but I can barely focus on the song blasting in my ear when I catch a glimpse of her dirty blonde hair resting over her shoulders, her brown eyes all highlighted by the warm twinkling of the city draped by night. I watched the flaming glow of the cigarette floating before her lips, before drifting away as an invisible cloud of smoke rises and hazes over her features that I trace.
She was alluring and mysterious, despite knowing her for a few months, there was so much I didn’t know about her. I could feel it, and it wasn’t even as if she was hiding it. It was a part of her that just existed, and all I had to do was ask the right questions, but something about it felt wrong. I didn’t want to ruin the mystery of the beautiful girl in front of me, I trusted that eventually, I would know. I would know it all and when I did, I would love her even more.
My gaze ended on her bright lips, pink as a strawberry (and probably tasted like one too–). Eventually she noticed my wandering eyes and she pulled from watching the street below our dangling feet to my stricken gaze that was drinking her in silently.
“Is there something on my face?” She asks, smirking as she takes another drag of the cigarette, the flame growing and crackling as she pulls it in.
My face becomes quickly flush with embarrassment at her comment, realizing how long I had been staring mindlessly at her.
“N-No, nothing. Sorry.” I stutter out and flick my gaze away from her quickly and onto a building from farther away.
“Geez, I’m just joking, relax a little would you? I don’t mind.” She says, holding the cigarette back out to me between her fingers. “Here, take another drag, you need it.” She nods to me, and I comply, taking a slow drag of the cigarette and savoring its black coffee flavor in my mouth before expelling it slowly into the air in front of me.
Now I could feel her eyes on me, watching me as I took the puff. It made my stomach stir and flutter, feeling those bright, warm colored irises glued onto me, the prospect of them possibly admiring me sent my mind into a frenzy.
“Though, why do you stare at me so much?” She breaks the crisp silence with a more sultry tone, her torso turning closer towards me and making my heart strike with one loud beat that radiates through my entire body. “And you can’t say you don’t, because I notice, all the time–actually.” My heart practically sinks into my chest and nestles, wanting to hide itself.
“It’s just–I..” Choking the words that are filling my head frantically at a 100 miles per hour, not sure of which ones to say, or how to make sense of them. “You’re just really pretty, and I–” My eyes flickering around her finally land back onto her face and see she’s staring at me intensely with a curious, pondering look that makes her eyes look almost hungry and my whole body begins to pound with the rush of my blood.
I pause for a moment, and to my surprise, she takes the moment to carefully lunge forward and press a searing kiss to my lips. Strawberries, just like I thought. Mixed with a strong hint of the cigarette we had been sharing. It was nirvana, kissing her. Her hand reached up and held my face gently and I felt her slender fingers slide under my jawline and hold me in place. The almost burnt cigarette drops off the roof and onto the pavement of the sidewalk, letting out a final crackle before becoming trash. After a few seconds of being stunned into place, I melt into the kiss and press back into her and I can almost feel her smile when she notices the relaxation of my muscles.
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I had never imagined in a million years that I would make out with my best friend, Violet Harmon, on the rooftop of some dingy old apartment building. But here I was, pulled off the edge, my legs intertwined with hers as we mutually shoved our tongues down each other’s throats. The smell of her perfume and hair wash filled my nose, the taste of her chapstick and cigarettes, it was all better than my wildest dreams, overbearing and real. I had never even considered that Violet was into girls like that, especially me. But I was proven quickly wrong, especially when her hand slid down from behind my neck, over my shoulder and rested on the small of my back, where she pulled me closer. A tighter grip on under my jaw with her other hand to guide me before her fingers traced my thigh and danced up under my skirt, causing a shaking breath to slip from between my lips. She smirked into the kiss before biting my bottom lip, pressing a soft kiss to make up for the cheeky bite.
Her fingers quickly found the damp fabric of my panties from under my skirt, my hips rolling into them as soon as I felt the warm press. She was just as eager as me, because she wasted no time to slide them halfway down my thighs before testing my swollen clit with small, gentle circles. Our kisses became more hot and passionate, hungry as we ate each other’s face, her other hand still gripping firmly between my face and my neck as I ground my hips into her hand, her hands now slick and sticky with my arousal.
A small moan passes from my lips and into her mouth when she slides in a digit, curling the finger around to find the spongy spot of heaven before dipping in another, her fingers massaging the gummy flesh with precision and purpose as she practically coaxed an orgasm out of me. For someone I had thought was completely straight and pretty virginal, she had quite the experience. But I chalked it up to: personal practice. Regardless, I was blissed out. The hungry kisses that had trailed down from my lips to my face, to my neck–sloppy and wet, to the warm press and massage of her fingers teasing my clenching, pulsing walls and puffy clit, I was truly in heaven.
It didn’t take much longer for a warm gush of come to spurt onto the concrete building beneath us, and the soft flesh of her hand. She placed an endearing and proud kiss on my cheek as she slid away her hand and licked my taste off her fingers, her eyes boring into mine with that fiery gaze I love so much.
Katy Perry was right, California girls really are, unforgettable.
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cheegu3 · 1 year ago
𝐄𝐧𝐡𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐧 - 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐤 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 (𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐲)
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note; as per request a non-canon, alternative ending for enha the glory series where y/n falls for them; this has quite a big focus on smut rather than cutesy romantic stuff bc some wanted it even tho I suck at writing smut lol, I promise there are still some sweet moments tho, but this is meant to show her warming up to them, which in her case would start with attraction !!
warnings; yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, '' stockholm-syndrome '', sex (18+) - masturbation, horny jake & sex w heeseung (sub reader, dom hee), dirty thoughts, no protection, swearing
wc; 4.8k
You woke up right when you arrived at the country house. Initially, you had no idea they were moving you to a new place, or that they had listened to your wishes to live in the countryside at all.
They had just pushed you into the car and said you'd see when you got there.
Your eyes were glued to the window and the changing scenery for the first hour of the ride. Skyscrapers disappeared and the houses became fewer and fewer until all you could see was just nature.
After some time, everything became a lot blurrier. Without fighting it, you let yourself relax and succumb to a much-needed sleep.
When your eyes fluttered open again the car wasn't moving anymore. You sat up straight. The boys smiled when they saw your reaction; a beaming smile with sparkling eyes appeared on your face as you took in the view outside.
Flowerfields stretched everywhere you looked and the house you had stopped in front of was a beautiful old, French-style mansion. It only had a small rural road leading up to it with no other neighbors, and behind it was a huge forest.
'' Do you like it? '' Sunghoon asked.
'' I- '' you let out a shaky breath, overwhelmed with emotion, '' Yes, I love it. ''
The others turned their heads when they heard your sentimental voice. It was the first time they had seen you this happy in weeks. For a long time, the light in your eyes had disappeared, and they were scared it'd never come back.
Sunoo slipped his hand into yours and tugged you towards the house. He led you inside and showed you around briefly. As expected based on how much money they had, it was spacious and decorated to the taste of someone with riches.
It had a large kitchen watching over the living room, a pool table room, a swimming pool in the backyard which had all kinds of beautiful flowers around it; and the top floor had ten impressive bedrooms, accompanied by seven bathrooms.
Once you had finished being in awe during the tour of the house, Sunoo finally let go of your hand. You hadn't even realized the thoughts you'd normally have at a time like this - he's holding me to stop me from running away, he sees me only as his property.
Were you warming up to them? Your face twisted in disgust, drawing his attention immediately.
'' What's wrong? ''
'' Oh, sorry. I was just daydreaming. ''
'' Was it something bad? ''
'' I don't...know, '' you earnestly said, with a hint of somberness.
Sunoo looked like he wanted to say something else. His eyebrows knit together in a mix of concern and curiosity, maybe even suspiciousness. But he shrugged it off, his signature smile that made his eyes gleam appearing on his face again.
'' Have you picked a room yet? ''
You gasped like a little child, '' I can pick any of them? ''
He threw his head back and laughed loudly. Just then Jake and Ni-ki entered the room you were in too. It was the last bedroom at the very end of a long hall, so you supposed they'd been on a tour too.
'' Did we interrupt something? '' Ni-ki teased.
'' No, '' Sunoo mumbled, his cheeks heating up. '' Have you already picked a room? ''
Jake was the one who answered, '' Yeah, the two rooms right in the middle. I had to fight Ni-ki to get the room facing the backyard though. ''
Ni-ki rolled his eyes with a slightly annoyed smirk on his face. The two of them walked further into the room and paced around, seemingly evaluating it to see what they had missed out on. You turned to Sunoo while they were busy.
'' I think I might take some time to decide which room I want. Maybe I can give you an answer after we eat? ''
He nodded, '' Of course. You don't have to feel stressed. ''
'' I'd prefer it if you slept in my room. I like sharing beds with pretty girls. ''
You sighed and turned around, fully expecting him to laugh and say he was joking; you heard from the voice that it was Jake. When turning around, however, you were met with eyes that had a dark look in them, and only a small shadow of a smile playing on his lips.
Ni-ki broke the tense silence that had followed after you turned around and got into a weird staring battle with Jake. Shivers ran down your spine at the look he was giving you - like he wanted to put you on the bed and fuck you then and there in front of the others.
You released a shaky breath and Ni-ki said, '' I'm hungry now just because you mentioned food. ''
He then almost ran out of the room, hurrying to get downstairs first as if someone was going to steal the food away from him. Sunoo followed close behind. Jake was the last to leave, he looked you up and down just as he passed by; even turning his head around to get one last look, giving you the feeling that he waited to see if you'd say something.
The silence when they had all left, felt deafening. You just stood there, completely speechless. Sitting down on the bed you scoffed and ruffled your hair.
'' What the fuck am I doing? '' you whispered to yourself in disbelief.
In the distance, a faint noise started becoming louder. You stood up and slowly went over to the window where it was coming from. Automatically you grinned at the scene below you.
Heeseung, Sunghoon, Jay, and Jungwon were all playing catch with an American football. They were taking it very seriously, trying to block and trip each other while wearing huge childish smiles on their flushed faces.
Then and there you decided that that would be your room. You felt grateful at the thought of having the privilege to see them like this. It was rare that they showed you that side, only recently had they started to do so.
You shook your head and sarcastically ticked your tongue, almost in the manner of a disappointed mom. While you heard them continue playing around, you went to the kitchen next where you and Ni-ki prepared the food.
The whole time, he was very careful and gentle. You hadn't spent much time with him and you could tell he was unsure of how close you were comfortable with him being to you. Slowly, he'd shuffle closer when trying to reach for something while his eyes read your face cautiously.
'' Ni-ki, it's fine, '' you eventually said.
He had hesitated several times now to grab a spoon that lay directly in front of you on the countertop. You picked it up and gave it to him.
'' Did I make you mad? ''
Your head whipped around and seeing that his face had dropped and he shifted his weight uncomfortably you were caught off guard. He had never shown this much vulnerability before, usually, you knew him as the carefree, rebellious one who you often wondered if he even liked you at all.
'' No, I promise. I just don't get why you're so careful around me, I'm not a child. ''
He paused, '' Do you not remember? ''
'' Remember what? ''
You turned back around again and moved the pot to the table, not looking at him before directing your attention back to stirring.
'' You used to flinch all the time, '' he murmured, a hint of sadness and hurt in his voice, '' Even if we just moved things around you, you flinched like we had hurt you. ''
Your movements came to a halt. The spoon you were stirring with almost disappeared under the surface as you got completely floored by what he was saying.
Of course, you remembered it, but it felt like ages ago. It was around the time they stopped having you tied to the bed in the bunker. From there, you gradually got more privileges; no one watching you all the time, the door wasn't locked and you could roam around in the bunker.
You were so scared, all the time. Constantly your body and mind were in survival mode. Could anyone really blame you?
'' Do you not remember what you did to me? You did actually hurt me.'' you bit down the sourness that came from the memories of the past.
It felt more comfortable to not talk about it. They were a lot kinder now and the more time that passed, the more you felt like living in the past and acting upon it was pointless.
Ni-ki looked like you had struck him across the face even though you hadn't even finished your sentence. The past was uncomfortable and painful for them too.
He walked up to you and avoided your eyes, instead just taking the pot from the stove and placing the food on the table. Jay came in and immediately sensed something was wrong.
He raised his eyebrow and laughed awkwardly at the atmosphere then propped himself down at the table and watched you both in silence. Since he joined you, the others were probably on their way so you hurried to smooth things over.
'' I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. It kind of just came out...wrong. ''
Ni-ki looked more angry than hurt now that there was someone else in the room. But he shrugged it off, trying to look nonchalant.
'' I'm almost done. You can go out if you want to, I think you'll like the garden. ''
Jay followed after you and when you turned around to ask him if he was following you, you decided against it upon seeing the slight sheepish grin on his face. He was trying to look as casual as possible like he just happened to go back to the guys at the same time as you were.
The group had moved to the backside of the house where it was impossible to see from your bedroom window. Here, there were a few sunbeds scattered around a stone patio and the pool was below. Many flowerbeds framed it, their beautiful colors drawing you in. It seemed like it had a barbecue in the corner as well which captured the attention of Jake and Sunghoon.
When you got closer, you heard the pair bicker over who was going to use the barbecue first. However, it seemed that Jay had somehow won the argument in the end despite not saying a word, since as soon as they saw him they gave up and promised the first go to him.
You sat down in one of the sunbeds furthest away, trying not to draw any attention to yourself. Observant Jungwon immediately noticed. He didn't have a reaction but Sunghoon who turned and went to sit in his seat started when he saw you.
He recovered quickly, '' I didn't expect to see you here. ''
'' Neither did I, '' you half-jokingly said and half-surprised like he was since you'd never willingly spent time with them.
Usually, at a time like this you would've hidden in your room if they let you, or you would've wandered off somewhere where they could see you; anything to get away from them but also occupy your bored mind at the same time.
His teasing smile turned genuine for a split second before the corners of his mouth dropped with the fading smile, sparks of adornment filled his eyes that were watching you. He thought of the same thing that you did, and he had to clear his throat and look away before he got too emotional over your warmer attitude towards them.
Saving him from your questioning gaze, Sunoo's loud voice cut through the silence, '' The food is ready! ''.
You were one of the last ones to get inside and you noticed they all had similar reactions to Sunghoon when they finally noticed you as they passed by.
Jungwon and Jay sat next to you and Jake was sitting directly opposite.
'' Thank you for the food, '' they all started mumbling overlapping.
You snorted when all seven of them fought over who would get the food first. The ones who managed to grab the spoons first - Ni-ki and Heeseung, loaded heaps of rice and meat on to their plates, which earned them complaining groans from the rest of the group.
'' Stop acting like animals, there's enough for everyone, '' Jungwon rolled his eyes.
Graciously he loaded up a plate for you after everyone was done. He pushed it in front of you when he sat down and avoided your eyes. Your smile still didn't go unnoticed by his gaze, he secretly watched you and hoped you'd appreciate it.
'' Thank you. ''
He hummed, trying to sound indifferent like his heart wasn't beating so hard he had trouble hearing the others' voices.
Everyone seemed to be really satisfied with the food, the initial chatter died down pretty quickly when all eight of you got busy with enjoying eating.
When you had finished eating, you watched the others with amusement. They almost seemed to be in love with the fried chicken they were stuffing their faces with. Your eyes went from Heeseung to Jake who was sitting right across from you.
Your lips parted. He was staring right back, that same intense look in his clouded eyes again. A strange feeling started forming in between your legs; a feeling that makes many women blush in embarrassment, and men smirk victoriously.
The heat traveled up to your cheeks, the color spreading very quickly. As expected, Jake had caught on and the corners of his lip tugged upwards.
Jay stood up and delivered a drunken speech which went muffled to your and Jake's ears. The glances exchanged felt potent and addictive, if either of you dared look away, what would happen? And if you didn't - would your secrets of desire be known to everyone in the room?
You shuddered at the thought. But nevertheless, your eyes remained locked with his, unable to tear away. The tension that formed between you could've been cut with a knife, and quite fittingly so, it was interrupted by Jungwon raising a knife into the air dramatically.
'' Be quiet, '' he sternly said.
His usual authoritative tone would've made the boys listen, but the empty beer cans around him and the slightly slurred speech he had, told the others that he was drunk too; so they only snickered at him and copied him teasingly.
Your eyes slipped back onto Jake again and your breath hitched. His eyes never seemed to have left you, not even for a moment to glance at Jungwon. A playful glint had entered his darkened eyes as if daring you to do something.
You swallowed thickly and tugged on Jay's shirt, '' I feel a bit tired. I think I'm going to take a nap. ''
Jay murmured something inaudible. You stood up and managed to slip away without them making a big deal out of it. The door to your room was shut tight as you leaned back on the bed.
All you could think about no matter how much you tried to think of something else, was Jake's sensual eyes. Suddenly you started thinking about how defined his body had looked lately since he had started working out and the feeling between your legs returned.
You groaned frustratedly, blushing like you were a teenager full of hormones again.
You were brought back to reality when sounds other than your own breathiness filled your ears. Chairs scraped and plates were carried away. You got up and walked down to start helping the guys clear off the table. No matter how much you disliked them in the past, you had manners, having been raised to always help clean up after yourself.
'' It's okay, you've helped too much already. Get some sleep while we make dessert, '' Jungwon said, stopping you from helping by catching your wrist that was trying to reach for the dishing gloves.
You opened your mouth and were about to argue back, but he had a blank look on his face, his eyes radiating that domineering vibe he exuded.
With a sigh you defeatedly gave up and ascended to your chosen bedroom again instead. You threw yourself on the bed. With no intention of sleeping, you laid on your back and stared aimlessly at the ceiling until a thought popped into your head quite suddenly.
Like a slave to your desires, the feelings from before came back in full force. You turned your head and looked down the hall, eyes naturally drawn to the door that led to Jake's room.
The boredom of having to wait with nothing to do and no need to sleep made you carefully get out of bed and tiptoe in the direction of the door.
It stood slightly ajar. Maybe you shouldn't have, but you pushed it open. Something drew you to the room, Jake's bedroom. You must've wanted to see him, hoping that something more would spark from a simple exchange of words.
But it was empty. Instead of turning on your heel and going back to your room, you stayed, feet glued to the floor. A strange sense of impulsivity pulsed through your veins, making you do something that would've shocked yourself just a week ago, and make your parents ashamed.
You looked at the bed, the thing you left for him was hidden but if he walked to the other side he'd easily see it. Biting down on your underlip, you stood in the doorway second-guessing what you had done.
But before you could run in and take it back, you heard footsteps. Someone was coming up the stairs. You ran back to your room and left a crack open when closing the door.
You were out of breath and had to put a hand over your mouth to not make any noise as you watched the stairs. It was Heeseung. You saw the signature beanie he often wore and immediately relief washed over you.
A shaky deep breath was released and you leaned back against the wall, thanking whatever angels existed for having saved you. Once Heeseung was in his room, you'd run back and take it.
You watched the clock on your phone and when three minutes had passed you got up again and started to make your way over. The door was closed, you couldn't remember if you left it that way or not.
You pressed down on the handle without hesitation and gave it a small nudge. It creaked as it slowly opened up, revealing more and more of the inside.
Had Jake come up already? No, that was impossible. You hadn't heard any footsteps after Heeseung.
On the bed, you saw someone else. Your eyes widened and you took a step back, letting out a weird sound while covering your face. A voice spoke; the sultry tone dripping with lust made the hairs on your body stand up.
'' Do you not like what you see? ''
Your mouth was clammed shut. Shuddered breaths left you and your heartbeat sped up. The scene that you had witnessed had made your body turn warm, heat spread slowly all throughout your body, from your chest to your reddened cheeks.
'' Were you- '' he drawled and then paused, clearly toying with you because he was enjoying this, '' expecting someone else? ''
You heard the springs on the bed creak and saw him come into view again as he stood up. In both anticipation and fear, you watched him approach you and when he stopped, you couldn't help but notice the height difference that made the situation feel even more like you were being caged in.
'' Heeseung? '' you mumbled.
He hummed, watching you through dark and hooded eyes. You were unsure of what he'd do next.
'' What are you- what are you doing? ''
'' Didn't you see? ''
He nonchalantly waved his closed fist right in front of your eyes. In it, he was grasping something. You gasped - it was exactly what you had imagined.
When you walked in, it looked like he was touching himself while throwing his head back. He was holding something in his hand then too, but you didn't want to make the assumption. Now it had been confirmed, it was your underwear.
'' Was this meant for Jake? ''
You licked your lips nervously and avoided his eyes. A low chuckle came from him as he enjoyed how shy you became when confronted with your lewd acts.
His hand came up to stroke your rosy cheek which only deepened the color even more. '' Was it? ''
You only managed to nod. The hands that were hiding behind your back were shaking and your eyes kept flicking between different objects to avoid looking at him.
'' Y/n, look at me, '' he demanded in a low voice that sent shivers down your spine.
Your head snapped up and your immediate obedience made him look at you with amusement mixed with impressiveness. You had learned quite quickly to listen to them well, Heeseung was always satisfied to see that.
'' Lie down on the bed. ''
Swallowing thickly, you did as you were told and tried to calm your nerves. Heeseung went to close the door, and you jumped up from the bed when you heard a clicking sound; the familiar sound of the door being locked.
He approached the bed and you were pushed down by your shoulders as he climbed over you. His large hands started roaming your body, looking for any type of reaction.
It wasn't said out loud, but he had always wanted to be the one to fuck you first. He was practically beaming on the inside imagining their faces when he'd tell them.
When his fingers brushed across your inner thigh you inhaled sharply, earning a smirk from him. You watched, heating up with every moment you spent just a few inches from his face, how his hands traveled up your thigh again and went under your skirt.
An uncontrollable moan immediately slipped out. Since you didn't have any underwear on he had full access to your body now. The movements paused and your body was screaming for him to continue touching you.
Opening your eyes you saw that he was looking down at you from above with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Upon getting your attention he chuckled, '' You're already this wet? ''
You shrieked and tried to roll over to hide your face in embarrassment but he pushed you back without much effort, giving him room to put his hands down your skirt again.
His lips met yours and the initial quite sweet kiss quickly turned hot, messy, and filled with all the desire and pent-up energy the two of you had accumulated with all the teasing and rejection for the past week.
Jake hadn't been the only one you were playing unspoken mind games with.
You remembered while his tongue explored the inside of your mouth, how despite the bullying you'd always thought they were hot. It was a shame they treated you the way they did after you rejected Heeseung, because you likely would've given in to him sooner or later and dated them anyway.
You moaned softly and spread your legs more when his movement became slower. He noticed and sneered at you, keeping the contact the whole time while unbuttoning his pants and pulling his shirt over his head.
The clothes were thrown aside as he positioned himself in between your legs. It was embarrassing to admit, but your whole body ached and squirmed with anticipation.
Without warning, Heeseung pushed in, causing your back to arch off of the soft mattress underneath. Groans of pleasure escaped past both of your mouths.
'' You okay? '' he asked softly, voice filled with so much tenderness that you were caught off guard.
Wide-eyed you stared up at him, nodding. He smiled sweetly and started moving; even more pleasure filled your body.
Your breathing started aligning, soon the whole room filled with pants and moans that you tried to suppress. He kept moving in a steady motion, despite the sweat beads that had formed on his forehead and his shaky breaths as he was getting closer.
'' I'm- '' you couldn't even finish the sentence, like a wave it washed over you and made you let out a strained cry. Heeseung's hands that were at either side of your head dug into the sheets and he bit his lips, just barely holding back a moan as he came inside of you.
He fell down next to you and both of you stared at the ceiling, trying to catch your breaths after what you had just done hit you like a brick.
You sat up straight, '' Oh my god, '' you mumbled to yourself.
You climbed out and suddenly were in a hurry to leave. Why had you done that? You felt humiliated, even more so at the thought of Heeseung telling the others. It would surely alter their perception of you and make them expect different things from you now.
Heeseung watched you, the corner of his mouth quirking upwards into a cocky smirk. His eyes roamed over your naked body, feeling very lucky he had seen you like that and made you make such beautiful sounds.
Then his gaze softened as he noticed how your face had fallen, it likened the look of concern and sweetness he had given you before. So your hands that had bunched up the clothes, getting ready to run out of the room ultimately fell to your sides when your eyes met.
'' I won't tell the others if you don't want me to. ''
You went over without saying a word and laid down on the side, back turned to him. A few seconds had passed until he understood. A chuckle came from him before you heard him shuffling, and felt his warm skin press against yours.
For a while, you stayed like that on the bed. In the safety of his arms, you fell asleep, and when Heeseung noticed that, he could finally relax and let his heavy eyelids droop at last too.
When you woke up again, Heeseung was gone. You sighed and hid your face in your hands. Of course, he was just like any other guy - what had you expected?
You forced yourself to get out of bed and walked down with heavy steps to the kitchen. It took a few moments for you to take in what you were seeing and when you did, you gasped loudly. A lone Sunghoon sat at the table, eyes widening when he saw you.
'' You weren't supposed to see this yet! '' he said in a high-pitched voice.
The room had been turned into something completely different. Scharlangs hung from the ceiling, with letters spelling out Happy Birthday. Balloons filled the floor and festive cups and plates stood on the table that he was sitting at.
'' I- '' you felt completely taken back, never in a million years would you have expected them to do this for you, '' wow. ''
'' It's not super fancy or anything just, '' he shrugged and avoided looking at you.
You could sense some embarrassment or maybe even shame. Was he insecure that they hadn't done something extravagant? You took his hand and gave him a reassuring smile.
'' This is more than enough, '' you whispered, coming over to sit next to him.
The softness of your voice made him relax. He returned your smile and squeezed the hand that you'd reached out to him. The others came stumbling in just then, all looking childishly excited.
Ni-ki was holding a birthday cake in his hands. You laughed earnestly when you saw it. The cake had uneven bits of frosting smeared all around it, and on top a wonky text in thinner icing that read - happy birthday y/n !
The youngest approached the table and put down the cake very carefully. Jay stepped forward and lit the candles while the others all took a seat.
You watched them, every single one of them, singing their hearts out with big cheesy grins on their faces. Their eyes which were observing you too, held so much love in them.
Your attention drifted to the cute homemade cake that had been put on the table in front of you. That's when the tears started to glim your eyesight and everything turned blurry.
The hot tears slid down your rosy cheeks and you sniffled, remembering how no one had done this for you before. So many birthdays spent alone; your dad forgetting it, your mom pushing it aside or you walking around in school with no one having a clue.
It wasn't a big thing really, but you had always wished that someone would care about your birthday. The absence of it made the day feel even more important than if people remembered, but they never did - not until now.
You realized, with some guilt that the seven boys in front of you loved you very deeply. Maybe more than anyone ever would.
When they stood up to wipe your tears away, you looked up at them with eyes that mirrored the emotions theirs held.
For the first time, you felt at home.
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pearlofthesirens · 11 months ago
You're Mine- Valeria x Fem!Reader(wlw)
my first ever wlw fic!! i feel like valeria doesn't get much love in the fandom either but i'm ready to be gay for her.
summary: Valeria is not afraid to show you that she loves you, even if it means to drop her tough girl attitude outside your lovely household
pairing: Valeria Garza x Fem!Reader
warnings: she/her pronouns used, internalized homophobia, slight cursing
now playing: Sofia by Clairo
word count: 1208 words(one thousand two hundred and eight words)
"I-I cannot explain why I feel this way."
"It's supposed to be wrong but I cannot stop it."
"I think I'm in love with you, Val."
Love. It was such a strange word to her, yet she never got tired of hearing it. What did it mean anyway? Caring for someone? She cared for her men, her money, the drugs she smuggles into the country, and she definitely did care for the reputation she had in Las Almas. But did she love them? Did she love all this?
A simple answer would be no. Because in a singular word, El Sin Nombre could easily say that her love was that one person who would place gentle kisses on her face and help her relax after a long day of dealing with shit at her job. Her love was that one person who kept an extra rubber band around her wrist just in case she needed to tie her hair, which usually rested in a overgrown bob around her face. Her love was the one she came home to, the one scurrying around in the kitchen to cook her childhood favorite. It was you.
"Need you, mi amor."
"Come here, Val."
Valeria couldn't help but instantly melt in your arms, her tactical vest and gloves discarded messily on the living room floor. She knew she might have to hear her girlfriend nag at her for it, but your sweet voice was worth it.
"Your stuff."
"Later, cariño. Just give me some love right now, won't you?"
You let out a small huff, the look of disbelief on your face when Valeria laid her head on your lap, expectant of some physical affection. Nevertheless, your lips turned upwards and your fingers immediately hooked onto her hair, gently swiping through her black strands as she let out a sigh.
Valeria did not regret a single moment she was with you, ever since you two met in middle school. Best friends was what everyone would call you two, till she started to get pissed about guys hitting on you. Why should they? You're so innocent, they're probably trying to take advantage of it. Her protectiveness was so evident, everywhere you'd go she would be there to hold your hand and lead you.
You didn't understand the blooming feeling inside your chest until it started to hurt more than you could take. It couldn't be, right? The kind of feelings girls felt for boys, not girls. It was wrong, everyone said it was wrong. Then why did it happen to you? Were you supposed to feel guilty about it?
Valeria was more upfront about how she felt, declaring that she was a single and proud. Yet every time she saw your face smiling back at her, she could feel all the air kicked out of her lungs. Her heartstrings felt violently tugged at whenever you found a wild flower to tuck behind her ear. Or the times you would sit with your face close to hers, focusing on drawing her eyeliner perfectly as her eyes were fixed on your glossy lips. Feeling for your best friend was so cliche, how did she find herself in the same damn situation as those lame telenovelas?
Confessing to her was tougher than when you had to count money at the market for groceries, you were never good at math. Valeria would laugh and return you the change, coins clinging against each other after she sorted out the price of whatever trinket you wanted to buy, not without bargaining a little. Saw a little ring? Cannot be too much, a pretty girl like you deserves it. A small cat carved out of wood? You shouldn't pay, consider it as a gift from your best friend.
It wasn't until you were crying in her arms, tired of the world beating you down, that you realized how you much you had actually fallen for her. Yes, it was love indeed. Pure romantic love. Her arms around you, her gentle voice consoling you, everything she did just increased the urge you had to kiss her on that spot.
"It's okay, life gets shitty sometimes."
"Val, I-"
"No, it's okay. I'm happy to be there for you, you're my best friend after all-"
"No Valeria listen!"
She was surprised to see you raise your voice for the first time since you two met, you were never like this. There certainly must be something that had been bothering you for a long time.
"This will come off very weird to you and I don't even know why I'm feeling this. But it is happening and I don't know how to stop or handle this. It's just so hard."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm in love with you, Val. And not in the way I say that I love you when you're being friendly. I'm in love with you like I want to kiss you and pull you closer and tell you about my day"
"Hold on, wait what-?"
It was as if her heart had erupted like a volcano at your words. You loved her? Is that what you were feeling all this time? Those shy glances and making paper rings for her, did all of it mean this?
"I cannot explain why I feel this way but I do..and it hurts so bad to ignore it.."
Standing alone at the balcony of your house, you let the cool breeze mess up your freshly dried hair from the shower. Your smile grew wider when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, gently pulling you back to their owner. Valeria rested her chin on your shoulder, your cheek pressed against her head as you two stood with your back against her chest.
"Do you know how much I love you with your hair down like this, mi amor?"
"I don't think you've ever failed to let me know how much you love me, baby."
"Hmm good. You're mine."
"All yours, love."
"Munequita, you don't know how much I love you."
"I love you too, Val."
Her hands immediately spun you around to face her, one hand on your waist and the other behind your head. You let out a giggle, keeping your arms around her neck. Her brown eyes always softened for you, never once she had thought about treating you with anything but love. The strong hands made to hold a gun could also touch you like you were made of glass.
"Thank you for always being there for me."
It was Valeria's turn to giggle, smiling ear to ear as she lowered herself closer to you. Her thumb gently kneaded your waist, your warm breath hitting her lips.
"You know I'm here to stay, right? Wouldn't have done otherwise, cariño."
The last thing you saw was how her cheeks flushed a little before a pair of lips smashed against yours, earning a little yelp from you. She could feel you smiling in the kiss, not letting her tongue take control yet. Only Valeria knew that she couldn't stop even if she wanted to. She wanted to feel you, all of you, and your love. A single kiss wasn't enough, it was never going to be enough.
proofread ✓
pearly venus, 18:20 240330
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stayinsaxy · 14 days ago
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I recently tried my hand at digital painting and oh boy! This is my formal apology to Grendel , you were my first attempt at digital art in a while and I need to practice drawing beards, and rounder/ more cartoony art styles because oh no (´∀`)
There are a few of my little drawing preferences in there, I know York’s smudged punk eyeliner and Eugene’s roots aren’t cannon but I enjoy drawing those things. So there.
Actually I kind of only glanced at reference so dont come after me about cannon pls.
I am going to rant a bit about motifs as well (you can’t stop me)
-Eugene is very chaotic/ charismatic (hence the look on his face), the group is just so good at completely throwing you off that he ends up kind of gets quiet on cases with the team
-Eugene’s roots are showing because that’s what I enjoy drawing! And it also shows up a bit on Rosé
-Fun Fact: I want Rosé to wink at me like that! I also really enjoyed adding the scars and the character growth story behind that!
- York’s male model/ punk thing he has going on leads me to absolutely refuse to believe he hasn’t tried smudged liner and I’m here for it (also that’s possible a lip stick/tint I just feel wrong not giving characters lips)
-York’s name is like that because he just learned how to read! (I assume writing goes along with that but maybe he doesn’t write) (RIP the jokes where Jacob remembered that York couldn’t read halfway through a sentence, those always had me rolling)
- I love Grandma so much but I really need to spend more time with them, I did add a little bit of makeup to them as well because I felt like it and when you’re drawing a cute lil character with a cute little hair flower sometimes you just gotta
-also my non drawfee pilled friend said Grandma gives cutesy in an “I’m high” kind of way was absolutely right
I am working on Jancy next but good lord do I not do well with wrinkles/ slicked back hairstyles (drawing this cast has made me realize I need to explore drawing a wider range then femm young adults, because honestly that’s the default rn and I didn’t even realize how bad it was) 🥲
Anyways drawfee’s drawclasses on YouTube helped me level up the drawing skills just for me to turn around and do fanart of their characters. It’s a loop. I can’t escape them.
PS: WHEN I TELL YOU THERE IS ALWAYS ONE ACCURSED THING I FORGET TO DRAW/ COLOR, IM NOT KIDING. (RIP Rosé’s eyebrows, I’m sorry but I’m fixing that on my own copy, I simply can not be bothered to go in and fix that and re upload the image to this platform)
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summercreolefanfictioner · 5 months ago
the scent wafts in, her name making him beg on his knees chap 1.2
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pairing: dabi / todoroki touya x fem!oc / reader (MODERN AU)
summary: He mentions her name after 6 months in therapy, absentmindedly narrating vivid memories of her. She was the only good thing during his darkest times.
(In which Touya returns home after rebelling against his family for 7 years. And no, it wasn't about forgiveness. He wanted to fix himself because of a certain someone.)
themes: nsfw, domestic abuse, violence, alcoholism, cigarette smoking, toxic relationships, mental health, co-dependency and other related themes (YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)
notes: for this one, pls keep in mind that touya didn't have much scars on his face; mostly are on his body to accomodate the plot; charas might be ooc since this is modern au
It was after 4 days that he finally revealed about the Todoroki family, the scandalous story of Enji Todoroki, and the abuse they have endured in his hands based on what he had experienced until 19. To be honest, everything wasn't really how they started. Touya grew up seeing Enji so proud of him, prancing him around as his firstborn, the one who will continue his dream of being the number one corporation in Japan with the best workforce and highest earning. Touya was actually more excited to learn more about business at a young age, studying how money worked through stock exchange games and trying to beat his father through crossword puzzles.
Then the next year, Fuyumi was born, and they were almost the same age, separated by months. One could even say she became his twin, and they shared the same room, the same bed, the same food, the same unisex clothes, the same words—just not the appearance and gender. When it was just the two of them, they somewhat understood each other even if Fuyumi sometimes find him annoying because of his silly pranks.
As he tells this to his therapist, he realizes a shocking truth.
Their family was okay back then. There were a lot of good times, and he had a hunch Fuyumi was the one who remembered most of them when it was supposed to be him, the oldest of the bunch. That's why it was a lot easy for her to forgive him. That's why she hoped so much for him to come back.
His favorite memory was of Fuyumi asking him to create a large drawing of the four of them because she wanted to give something to them. She was holding the same blue flowers their mother liked, and after everything was done, the two siblings met their parents at the living area where they were having tea. Enji ruffled Fuyumi's hair and told her to wash her hands after, noticing the dirt around her hands and in her fingernails. Meanwhile, Rei giggled melodiously, her laughter making Touya embarrassed as she patted his head. They were all happy. Everyone was happy.
When did everything go wrong?
"I think it was when... when Father found me pushing myself so hard because I was so devastated at my achievements that he had enough of me," Touya continued. "Whenever things won't go my way, I tend to neglect my body's capabilities. I stay up all night. I don't eat until I get the equation right. There were times when at a young age, I ripped my hair so bad due to stress. They manifested so bad that I resorted to violence."
A child who throws a violent tantrum. Torn apart posters of comic characters. Ruined picture frames and shattered glasses. Fearful eyes halting in time and unable to stop him from overworking himself. Scattered test papers with scores of 99, 98, 97, and 96 flooded all over like a burning reminder.
"I should've listened to Mother and Fuyumi-chan when they told me to have fun instead."
After two weeks, the therapist had the guts to ask him about Natsuo and Shouto. He used to evade questions about his two brothers, usually opting for silence or quickly dismissing the man with answers like, "I don't want to talk about them," or "It's not good." The therapist thought maybe Touya would never be able to discuss things about them, but he knew he had to bring them to the table. After all, the eldest Todoroki had mentioned before that seeing them born had been the small flicker of fire that burned their family down.
"Father thinks me and Fuyumi-chan were failures; it doesn't mean Natsu-kun wasn't either," Touya started, remembering the infant Natsuo and his cries ringing around the Todoroki household. Of course, disappointment was etched again in Enji's face, realizing that Natsuo did not live up to his expectations.
Touya could hear his familiar sigh in head, the way he was stoic but Natsuo was trying his hardest to please him. It broke Touya's heart, the way he could only watch his two siblings casted aside like him, thrown away like a garbage because their potential were wasted. In Enji's eyes, they weren't his children; they were experiments with his wife.
"His masterpiece was my younger brother, Shouto," he concluded.
"Do you hate Shouto?" the therapist asked.
Touya could only shrug, not clearly having a definition of what he felt towards his youngest brother. True, he felt so many things about his brother. He was the bane of his existence, after all. He despised him the day he was born, and yet he felt guilty the moment baby Shouto wrapped his stubby hand around his long finger, cooing at the warmth as he opened his heterochromatic eyes and gazed at him cutely. That day, Touya instantly felt a responsibility as his oldest brother, but at the same time, there was bitterness. He knew the youngest would be Enji's favorite; he just knew it, with the way he watched him all this time while he thinks he's not aware.
It will never be Shouto's fault that they weren't the favorites; but blaming him was so easy Touya could get away with it.
Shouto was unyielding, though; confused as to why Touya didn't like him but still trying his bestest to get along with him. He would trail behind him, meekly asking him to play with him, to ask their father if he could play with them for a bit because he wanted to be like the other kids and play. "You should be grateful he's spending time with you," Touya snarked at him, not speaking the next words. Because he wouldn't do that with us; with me. Of course, Shouto was so pure-hearted he just replied him with, "But being with Touya-nii and the others is a lot better. You all get to play other than study."
But studying and being the best was the only thing that kept Touya driving; it would be his downfall, though. Enji found out what he did to himself, knew from his teachers about his wellbeing. Touya goes to school with deep eyebags. Touya gets sulky about his grades. He snaps at the other kids at school. He almost got into a fight with another classmate for trying to cheer him up with his grades. And the next thing, Touya will be dragged to the hallway and Enji would not hesitate to slap sense in his face, disappointment and anger in his face as he beat Touya up for bringing shame to the family, for acting all so childish over some silly grades.
This was his usual routine. His parents would fight. His siblings will help him up to his feet. Fuyumi-chan will take the first aid kit and tend to his bruises. Natsuo-kun will try to shield Shouto away from the scene even though the youngest was already crying his eyes out, not wanting to see him hurt so bad. Don't cry for me, Shouto. Don't be that way with me. I hate you. I hate you the most. Please, don't be like that.
Afterwards, he would play the good son card, would keep his bursting feelings in check, watch over everything he would say and play right in Enji's palm. He needed his approval again, even if the attention was all showered on Shouto. It was damn frustrating, suffocating him the more he watched Shouto endure the beatings as he treated the three of them like nothing. At that moment, Touya wanted nothing to do with Shouto. If he did, he might unleash all these intrusive thoughts.
Fate was a trickster, and Touya would always find Shouto pleading for help, especially to him of all people. "Touya-nii, save me! Please!" It kept repeating like a broken record, haunting him in his dreams. The wet streaks. The runny nose. His tight fisting on his shirt. The way he would hiss his name. The eyes that cried so many times. Touya will never give in; a lie he told so many times.
Touya did give in, and without much thought. Shouto brought back those feelings he wanted; how it felt so happy that someone needed so much from him. He liked it. He felt appreciated. He felt blessed. He felt so free Shouto had no idea how much Touya wanted this for so long. That's why Touya tutored Shouto in secret, teaching him a thing or two about business, about stock exchange, about the Todoroki family, about the Endeavor Corp.—heck, he even laid down the basics of algebra and science on him, ensuring Shouto would be able to comprehend everything at the age of 5 and 6. It wasn't the same as when Enji acknowledged him, but for Touya, this was enough.
Enji knew about it, of course, and he didn't mind... at first. After all, he thought Touya was just helping his brother learn, keeping his mouth shut as he let them be. This aggravated Touya, pushing him slightly to the edge.
"The least he could do was acknowledge me," Touya stated bitterly to his therapist, remembering how Enji praised Shouto's performance instead of telling him how good of an older brother he was.
"So you used Shouto's kindness, is that it?" the therapist clarified.
Touya nodded. "But sometimes, I pity him. I felt those things only an older brother would feel."
There was a palpable tension as Touya gripped his knees to even out his breathing. The memories were getting more vivid than ever he swore it happened yesterday? Or the other day? But he was a lot younger back then. He was 14 when it happened, and he felt his bruises and scars getting more painful, his skin shivering from a certain coldness. Maybe it was Enji's eyes on him. The same eye color he and Shouto shared. He didn't know. He didn't care.
"Sekoto Peak," he mumbled in a trance, flashes of memories where Shouto held his hand and gazed at the view below him.
"Touya-nii, this is where you go often? It's so cool here!"
"Sometimes, I sleep here under the stars."
"R-Really? Do you bring Fuyumi-nee and Natsu-nii here?"
"I haven't."
"Let's go here, the four of us."
"I'll see what I can do."
"I couldn't bring them all," Touya admitted, gripping his head to force himself to remember. The therapist recorded his responses through his notes as he muttered everything in a fast pace. "I tried to make a plan. I brought Shouto there a few times without anyone knowing. I asked Natsuo and Fuyumi for help. Before we could all go, Father found out. I couldn't speak. I couldn't fight. I was hit by the bokken. They were all crying. Mother tried to protect me but Father slapped her. I could feel his kick and punch in my gut."
"... did he—"
"No. NO. HE WASN'T DONE!" Touya gulped nervously, imagining the scars on his body burning. "They were hot on my skin. It burned my flesh. I couldn't move. I cried and cried and cried. I begged for him to stop. I want him to stop. The hot iron. Everything. I want the world to stop. I couldn't become the son he wanted. I couldn't be Shouto's big brother. I couldn't give them everything."
And when he ended the story, that was when Touya finally cried, sobbing as fuck. He couldn't care about the world or the pitiful gazes. The boy cried so much from bearing all the sins he didn't do.
Touya spent a few months in isolation, his thoughts circling around his childhood and all the painful memories. When he was alone, he would write them all down, narrating that one moment in his and Natsuo's shared bedroom where Shouto secretly snuck in and apologized over and over. He kept blaming himself for Touya's pain. Everything was his fault that Touya was hurt so bad, and Touya wanted to agree. It was true, though. He hurt when he was born. He hurt when he got all the glory. He hurt when he became Enji's pride.
He just went silent about it.
Why did he?
It was never Shouto's fault.
"Shouto," he whispered, his hand reaching out to ruffle his hair despite the searing pain in his arms. There was a weak smile gracing his lips, bruised and battered yet patched up clumsily by a crying Fuyumi. "As I thought, I couldn't be your good older brother. Not anymore."
(Touya never knew but after a few years following his rebellion, Shouto went to Sekoto Peak and stared at the same view Touya admired so much, slept under the stars when everything became too much, and wished the four of them could be there together.)
ps. I removed the last part and placed it on the next chap in case y'all confused bcos the post is too long to read
next chap
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timekiller024 · 30 days ago
Day 25
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Alright, I'm really late with today's (technically yesterday's depending on time zones) drawing, mostly because homework has been an absolutely headache today, but I'm not going to worry about that right now cause I got some more art to talk about.
So yeah, I worked on day 24's Siffrin drawing a bit more. Since it was raining, I was wondering if I could make darker spots on Siffrin's hat cause, it would be a bit wet from all the rain, right? I didn't like how that was looking, so instead I made everything one shade darker and gave the drawing a grey background to make it gloomier. I think it looks pretty nice like that, but I don't know if it's better or worse than where I left off yesterday.
Moving on to today's drawing, this time I wanted Siffrin to be a lot happier, so I gave them a bigger smile, and I even put a flower in their hair. It looks pretty good to me, but now I'm realizing I could have used the circle tool to make the flower a lot more even. Hmm, something to remember for the next time I work on it. =/
Oh yeah, and I also tried out that dithering technique again. I probably doing wrong, but I just think it looks neat, so I'm not too worried about it. Aside from that, the flower, and the smile, there isn't really too much I'm changing with Siffrin this time. I am looking forward to adding in colors next time though. I plan on adding some extra colors to make the flower stand out more.
Actually, now that I think of it, this would be the perfect opportunity to add some lgbt+ pride to my drawings. Quick, which letter is Siffrin and what are the colors for it? There's a lot of them and I'm bad at remembering stuff, so I'm genuinely asking, please.
Anyway, I guess I'll do that later, hopefully after I get some sleep. Good night, everybody. See ya next time.
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lowkeyrobin · 10 months ago
JJ MAYBANK ; i remember everything
summary ; after returning home, you & jj get in a fight after you try and ignore the presence of john b and sarah
warnings ; language, physical fighting, 2nd person pov is omniscient and reveals that reader blames themselves / they're in the wrong
disclaimers ; never finished s3 bc it was so boring so they're back home safe and without any gold I guess lmao
track ; i remember everything, zach bryan & kacey musgraves
word count ; 1.6k
masterlist ; part one
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You sit on the sand, the water creeping up on your sneakers as you're fully dressed and just out of school. You think in silence, your eyes glazed over as you stare out at the horizon. You'd texted your friends that you were coming down here. You had a rough day, you just needed some alone time for a while to sit with your thoughts.
You think back to your real friends, the ones who didn't like you just because you were a walking yes button.
You remember how Kie and Pope clearly wanted to talk to you, but JJ always needed to step up and be an ass. You wished you could've just tried to speak to them, you didn't realize that they'd be leaving for good, apparently.
It'd been four months, you'd become more worried than ever. Your texts and calls were always left sent and unanswered, any attempt of constact futile. Kie's and Pope's parents were obviously the most worried as their children had run off with no trace.
They'd interrogated you over and over to no avail, as you didn't know anything. They just kinda... left without you.
You wished you would've just for a second believed that maybe John B and Sarah were okay, but no, you had to start a fight. It was your fault, who were you kidding?
You remember the beat-down basement couch at JJ's that you all lounged on the few times when his dad wasn't around. You remember the time when you sang love songs to JJ as practice while he'd tell you about how his mom ran off and pawned her ring.
You remember that last smile, he only smiled like that when he was drinking.
Every time you thought of him, though, you smelt CrazyArt crayons, the ones that didn't even draw, you saw the same brown carpet that needed replacing years ago. Vertical wood in the hallway to paint the walls, it was engraved in your mind. You remember the dead flowers resting over the sink in the little windowsill above it, having been dead for months at least. They were completely wilted, most of the petals having fallen off, the glass vase stained with a little brown line across where the water sat still.
He probably didn't feel anything about it now, but you felt like you were driving through a hurricane. You felt like those dead flowers on JJ's kitchen windowsill, dead yet still not thrown away yet.
You lay back on the sand, your limbs sprawled out like a sad starfish. You pull your knees up, solidifying your spot in the sand. The grain knots itself into your hair, which wouldn't come out completely for a solid week since you learned the hard way long ago.
After twenty or so minutes of staring into the afternoon sky, you sit back up, attempt to shake any loose sand out of your hair, and stand up, gathering your thoughts in the process. You walk up the beach, returning to the road where your bike is perched on the curb. You hop on and peddle your way back home, cutting through town to do so.
You hoped a cold shower on this hot day would relieve you of the burning sensation on your skin, or at least help with your overwhelming, guilty thoughts. As you ride, you notice a few people walking down the sidewalk in front of you, thankfully leaving you some room to go past them.
As you grow closer, you notice their faces belong to those of your friends and an extra, for some reason. You smoothly swerve to the right, past Kie, not paying them any mind.
JJ minded, though, having tried to send a smile your way, for whatever reason. Kie did as well, as she opened her mouth to say hello.
"Hey, Y/n!" She defeatedly waves, letting her hand rest at her side as she watches you ride away.
You, out of fear and surprise, hide the sight away in your mind, because they were definitely your friends, or used to be your friends. Either way, they were home.
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The next day, you had your headphones on while riding around town on your bike. You decided to enjoy some Zach Bryan and the heat, considering it was Saturday. You didn't end up going to that party with your friends, you just felt too groggy and gross after seeing them again.
You stop for a minute at Twist & Shake, wanting to get some French fries and some of that pineapple Dole Whip ice cream you'd been craving. You pull into the little parking lot and lean your bike against the building's right wall, not wanting to fight with the stand at the moment. You grab your wallet out of your back pocket and pull your headphones down around your neck, walking up to the order window.
You place your order and stand off to the side of the pickup window, hoping that no one was actively stealing your bike since it wasn't in view. You see a group of teens your age walk up to the window, of course, your old friends. You quickly turn your head away after getting a glance of them, tapping your foot on the pavement impatiently as you wait for your food.
"Y/n, oh my God, hi!" Sarah smiles, waving at you.
Her smile falters as you stare down at your feet, arms crossed as you wait. Her blonde hair frames her saddened face as she looks over at John B and Kie with a confused look. She looks hurt, she'd never left anything off on horrible terms with you, even if, lightly bad. She thought you were friends now.
Kie shrugs, pulling a twenty from her pocket as John B turns to JJ and Pope. Kie and Cleo lean against the sill against the ordering window as they order for themselves and their friends.
JJ rolls his eyes. "I told you, they replaced us"
"What do you mean?" Sarah asks, "I- They aren't here with anyone? What happened? Did we do something?-"
"No, they did something," JJ clarifies, "We got in a fight, and now they won't talk to any of us, like I said."
Pope shakes his head, "You got in a fight with them," He corrects, "They had a right to be suspicious about if they were really alive. They've been through enough, JJ. If you even cared, you'd notice that, but you had to put yourself first-"
"I didn't put myself first, I put John B and Sarah first!-"
John B rests a hand on JJ's shoulder, silently telling him to back off and calm down. The blonde stops himself, taking a breath.
"Try speaking up, maybe they didn't hear you" Pope hopefully says to Sarah, seeing her desperation to talk to you again.
"Y/n?" Sarah calls, making sure she's loud enough for you to hear. "Hey, it's me, Sarah?"
You continue to ignore her, feeling guilty as you do so. You just weren't ready to speak to them yet, you already felt awful but you didn't realize you were only making it worse.
JJ, now upset, walks up to you, shoving your shoulder. You look up at him, nearly glaring at him.
"Fuck is your problem?" He asks, "John B and Sarah are alive and you're gonna ignore them? You're gonna ignore us?"
"I'm not ignoring you. I don't want anything to do with you" You mumble, "Leave me alone"
"Are you fucking kidding me?" JJ asks, "You're seriously still doing this shit? You really never cared, did you?"
"Shut up, JJ. It's almost like I don't wanna fucking talk to you right now-"
"Yeah, cause you replaced your actual friends, you peace of shit." He spits, "Shows how much you care"
You push him away, not wanting to interact. Kie turns her head as the employee hands her change back, seeing you push the blonde away from you.
JJ pushes you back with a snarky comment. You push him back, cursing him out for some blind sighted reason.
He responds with a punch to your face, urging Pope, Kie, and John B to try and pull him away from you as you hit him back. Cleo and Sarah rush to your side, trying to pull you away as well, both parties unsuccessful.
Shouting, gasps, and yells fill the air as you two hit each other over and over, yelling profanities back and forth. You end up tackling him to the ground somehow, the three behind him stepping back as he falls. You straddle him, landing blow after blow on him, like revenge for that fight months ago.
His face is bloodied, and in that moment, you pull yourself away, realizing that look in his eyes. You'd become his father. In some alternate universe, you were the abuser all along. You stand up, falling into Sarah's and Cleo's open arms. Shit, you didn't even know Cleo, but here she was, letting you fall into her.
JJ glares at you, wiping the blood pouring from his nose.
Pope shares a look with John B, then you, an apologetic and slightly scared expression in your eyes. You didn't even know why you did it, you couldn't even feel yourself when you did it.
"What the fuck?" Kie nearly shouts, looking between you and the blonde. "It is never that serious to fight in a parking lot of Twist & Shake"
"Apparently, it is." You spit, walking away to grab your food before you're kicked off the property. "I didn't replace you. I don't wanna die trying to save some gold, that's it. See you later, " you grumble, walking away with a sore eye and knuckles.
The group, minus JJ, share confused and worried looks, watching you glide away on your bicycle.
"Jesus Christ..."
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cinderella-ish · 11 months ago
Momiji, Kyo, and what it means to protect the ones we love (part 5 of 5)
From the beach arc onward, we see Kyo intentionally spending more time with Tohru. He asks her to hang out in Kyoto, he eventually agrees to be in the play, they spend the New Year together, and he does little nice things for her when he can, like washing her scarf, or giving her the paper flower when he sees how upset she is.
This isn't wildly different from S1 Kyo, of course. He's done little nice things for her right from the beginning, like going to pick her up from work in E2. But he's more intentional with it now, and he's aware of his feelings for Tohru and desire to spend time with her. He may still feel unworthy of her, but he finally accepts that his presence makes her happy, so he's willing to quash his self-hatred enough to spend time with her, for her sake.
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And we see Momiji work at protecting Tohru, most notably in Ask Him For Me, when he tries to accompany her on her mission to find Kureno, and when she insists on going alone, he draws her a map, tells her to stick to the bushes and give his name if she's caught, and tails her to make sure she doesn't get into trouble as she searches for Kureno. (Just look how worried he is! And look at him getting Tohru out of there!) He sees that Tohru feels very strongly about being involved, so he does absolutely everything he can to make sure she can do so as safely as possible. We even see his memory of the night Akito scratched Tohru's cheek, just to make his worries crystal clear.
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He also doesn't try to distract or manipulate Tohru when he realizes she's upset. He asks her what's wrong and listens, and he even cries with her.
Takaya also connects Momiji and Kyo in the structure of Ask Him For Me/manga chapters 74 and 75. Momiji's section of this episode is almost bookended by two appearances from Kyo.
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Near the beginning, Tohru asks Kyo about Kureno, and he warns her not to go looking for trouble. And at the end, we have that rooftop conversation.
Tohru: It's only natural to want to be with the person you love, to want to be by their side, right? Kyo: What is it? Are you in love with some guy? Tohru: N-n-n-no! It's not about me! Kyo: Don't worry. When you do fall in love, you'll have my full support.
So, in this episode, we have Momiji trying to protect Tohru, and Kyo trying to cheer her up and spend time with her, a complete reversal from where they started relative to each other.
And then, Momiji grows up.
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After Golden Week, a bunch of the kids gather at Shigure's house for dinner, and when Tohru notices that Kyo isn't with them, Momiji volunteers to go get him (Momiji really is always the one to invite Kyo to join everyone). In the manga, Tohru starts crying when she notices that Kyo's not with them, no doubt thinking of Kyo's upcoming confinement.
When Momiji arrives in Kyo's room, they have this exchange:
Kyo: You guys are gonna eat here, too? Momiji: It's okay, we settled on curry. Kyo: Whatever. You grew a lot, huh? Momiji: Right? Pretty soon I might be taller than you, and better looking! And then, and then... maybe Tohru will accept my proposal? Do you get that if you give up, something like that might happen? So you shouldn't give up. I'm gonna stop going, 'There's no point in thinking about this,' and giving up. Wouldn't it sting if some other guy took Tohru from you? Well, look at the time! We better go help make curry! Come on!
In the manga, it's made clear that Kyo is horrified that everyone knows he loves Tohru. He stands separate from the rest of the group at the barbecue. In the manga, he and Tohru share a cute moment of blushing eye contact.
I love how Momiji says he'll stop thinking it's pointless, too, after he encourages Kyo not to give up. In a conversation where he could have focused on the fact that Kyo is his romantic rival, he instead focuses on the fact that they both might have futures worth fighting for. They're fighting beside each other, even if they can't both be the one Tohru loves romantically.
Later that episode (or a few chapters later), Momiji's curse breaks. He now has a real future ahead of him, but he sees how Tohru looks at Kyo, and he knows that his own future won't be at her side like he wants.
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Kyo: Momiji? Jeez, you're here of all places. Tohru and them are inside looking for you, so- Momiji: What? Kyo: Huh? Uh, nothing. Did something happen? Momiji: My curse is broken. Would it surprise you if I said that? Kyo: What? Listen, you- Momiji: Yours breaking would make Tohru happier than mine breaking. I'm sure she'd be happy. I mean... you know, right? I'm the one this stings. Kyo: Shut up. I don't wanna realize that. It's too...
Gosh, this scene breaks my heart every time. On both of their behalves. Momiji is dealing with his first real heartbreak, and Kyo is dealing with his extremely complicated feelings about loving Tohru, his guilt over Kyoko's death, and his upcoming confinement in the Cat's House.
It's clear Kyo cares for Momiji in this scene, and Momiji really tries to put on a happy face for Kyo, but he can't. Megumi Han does an outstanding job as Momiji in this scene. The way her voice breaks when Momiji smiles and says, "Would it surprise you if I said that?" is just crushing.
The visual storytelling is stunning, too. The wide shots, emphasizing how lonely both Momiji and Kyo are. The way the scene is composed to emphasize the distance between them. The close-ups on their faces when they're each grappling with the thing that's gutting them. The way Momiji's smiles are always immediately followed by the saddest looks. The way their solo shots mirror each other's, at the beginning, middle, and end. We also don't see Kyo's eyes between the moment Momiji says his curse is broken and when Kyo is saying, "I don't wanna realize that."
Before the beach arc, I don't think Momiji would have watched that sort of interaction from a distance, and I don't think he would have let it stop him from making plans with Tohru. He would've just wanted to make her smile and spend as much time with her as possible, even if that meant ignoring her feelings. And he definitely wouldn't have let himself feel sad. Momiji's pain in this scene is evidence of his growth.
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That night, Momiji goes to speak to Akito, after having dismissed her the night before. His speech to her might be my favorite moment of the whole series. It's the climax of Momiji's arc, at the very least.
Momiji: I'm sorry I sent you home alone yesterday. I spent the whole day thinking. Wondering why my curse is gone... only mine. I couldn't think of anything that would cause it. But I can say this: Akito, I can't stay by your side for the rest of my life. And you can't tie me down anymore. [Akito slaps Momiji] Akito: Monster! Traitor. Traitor! [Akito beats her fists against Momiji's chest] Akito: If you leave here, leave me, you've got no place to go! Your mother and father won't just welcome you back! No one will! You'll never be happy! Momiji: I know. I've become so free, and so lonely. The curse breaking doesn't mean I'll get the girl I want. And the bonds that unconditionally connected me to everyone are gone. It's too late. I can't go back to before things were broken. But... but don't tell me that not having those things means I can't be happy! Don't just decide that! I feel vulnerable being free, but a happiness might exist for me! It might be somewhere in the future, waiting for me to catch up! I'm going to finally start walking along my own life's path. What about you? How long will you stay here? The person most afraid that if they leave this place, they'll have no home and no happiness... Akito: Shut up. Just shut up. Get lost. Momiji: Okay.
It's almost the credo of the whole series, isn't it? That it's better to make your own way, with no guarantee of love or happiness, than to cling to bonds that have become a burden and wish for things to never change. What Momiji's saying is what Akito needs to accept in order to be free herself.
And Momiji, despite all the loss he's suffered, despite having his heart broken that very afternoon, he's still determined to keep going.
I love this as the climax for Momiji's arc because it showcases the ways he's grown while also showing us the things that have always made him such a special character. He's standing up for himself and his future, not afraid to make Akito angry or say things she doesn't want to hear. He's acknowledging that it hurts, and that he might never have the family he so desires. But he also might.
It's a waste of time to think about loss or life getting harder. The traveler never thought about that stuff.
He still has hope, even as everything seems so dark. And he still tries to help Akito, even after everything she's done to him.
The parallels between Kyo and Akito in this episode/chapter are so well done. For both of them, the pain of moving forward is just too much right now, but Momiji still wants to see them both move forward anyway, and he's telling them this in a straightforward, mature way, rather than manipulating them.
And Momiji's not done affecting Kyo's arc.
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After Kyo asks Tohru if she loves him, we see Momiji's face and hear him say, "I mean... you know, right?" Once more, it's Momiji whose voice Kyo hears at such a crucial moment.
It's painful for Kyo to finally accept that Tohru loves him. He doesn't know she already knows about his confinement, and worse still, he knows he has to tell her about the day of her mother's death.
But again, it was Momiji who led Kyo to realize that he loves Tohru in S2, and now it's Momiji leading Kyo to realize that Tohru loves him, too.
After Kyo unloads his guilt on Tohru, and Tohru falls from the cliff, it's really Yuki who gets Kyo to take the final step toward accepting Tohru's love, so I won't say much about that except to point out that Yuki says making Tohru smile was protecting her, and that only Kyo could make her smile like that.
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I think this scene, where Momiji and Kagura team up to tease Kyo, is the last time we see Kyo and Momiji together. But they're still affecting each other's arcs all the way to the end.
After Kyo and Tohru get together, they visit Kyoko's grave, and Kyo asks Tohru to move away with him.
It's selfish, and it's going to take Tohru away from everyone else, but he still asks anyway. It's a very Momiji-like thing for him to do.
And then, he says this:
I'm taking her with me. You good with that? I'll keep my promise. I know I'm really late, but... I'll protect her for life. So, we're good, right?
He's taking her with him, and he'll protect her for life. He's learned from Momiji, but he's still Kyo.
As they get ready to leave, Tohru starts reminiscing and starts to cry because she'll miss everyone so much.
Kyo: Clearly you don't get it. Listen up: everyone loves you more than you think they do. So it'll be okay. This isn't the last time you'll ever see them. It's the start of a new banquet, right?
In his last appearance, Kyo hugs her and cheers her up and offers a healthy dose of optimism for their future.
And the last time we see Momiji, he's sitting at the dojo with Haru and Rin.
Momiji: More importantly, how dare Kyo take Tohru with him! I bet he just wants her all to himself. I wanna pinch him! Really hard! Haru: Why not pinch him tomorrow? Momiji: Nah, I can't do it in front of Tohru. Oh, but thanks to him, I have another dream. I'm going to find an amazing significant other, and we're gonna go visit them just to show off! So Tohru had better stay happy. She'd better keep on smiling, or I'll be disappointed.
He's complaining and getting annoyed at Kyo (and threatening light physical violence!), but he's still dreaming of a bright future for himself. And he's trusting Kyo to keep cheering Tohru up in their new home.
When I started thinking about writing this series, the point I thought I'd be making was that Momiji functioned as Kyo's mentor in Fruits Basket. But after putting these posts together, I really think it'd be more accurate to say they were each other's mentors. Their relationship has a mutuality from the start. I hope they remained close as adults.
And I really hope Momiji found an amazing partner.
Momiji and Kyo: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Here's a plug for my fic, Bloom Within Us. It's a canon-divergent AU where Tohru dies after falling from the cliff. I've really enjoyed exploring Momiji and Kyo's relationship in that story. If you've enjoyed this series, I hope you'll check it out!
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