vestzmc · 5 months
Riftpaw is Spidershade's #1 defender istg he has no chill, he's fighting with everyone except that emo cat.
left his clan StingClan because?? he basically forced himself into the clan like Procyonjoy. socially awkward Spidershade had no chance against this stubborn child.
I genuinely don't know, the only StingClan interaction I remember was bringing a lost young apprentice back to their territory and that may or may-not have been a tiny Riftpaw still starting out his apprenticeship.
His warrior name is Riftprance.
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of-smoke-and-stars · 14 days
Moon 0 - new beginnings
“I’m leaving,” Smokepelt had announced. “Who will go with me?”
“Thank you,” Smokestar murmurs, dipping his head in deep respect to the young StarClan cat before him. “Thank you for all of your guidance and support. I will not let you down, Teaselflower.”
“Who will be your deputy?” Teaselflower asks, his voice still high with eternal youth.
“I will,” Streakscratch spoke up at once, stepping to Smokepelt’s side without hesitation. He stood tall as he looked over the rest of the Gathering. “Clan boundaries should not separate us nor drive us to war. We will take any cat who wishes to come.”
"He will be a good support system for you, I think,” Teaselflower agrees, nodding once. “It’s been nearly a moon since your defection, hasn’t it? And your Clan has grown so much. Who else is with you now?”
“You young’uns will need someone to keep you in check,” Burnclaw grunted, sitting down heavily on his haunches in front of the two younger toms. “I will join you. If you’ll allow an old coot to be your healer, that is.”
“I don’t think Burnclaw likes me very much,” Teaselflower laughs, unbothered as ever.
“We wish to join you out here,” Rustclaw announced, though something in Smokepelt thought it sounded a bit more like a demand.
“Me too,” Riftpaw added, side-eyeing her mentor and trying to conspicuously copy his wide, authoritative stance.
Teaselflower tips his head curiously, but doesn’t comment.
“I can’t take care of us both like I used to be able to,” Morel grunted, nudging Thrush forward as the tiny she-cat tried to hide under her chest fur. “And she needs trainin’ that I just can’t provide, with my old bones hurtin’ the way they do. We heard you lot are friendly to outsiders—at the very least, I’d like you to give her a chance.”
“Morelstripe seems to be settling in well!” Teaselflower agrees brightly. “And I think you made a good call overseeing Thrushpaw’s training yourself. It will be good for her.”
"I’m sick of the way they treat other cats who committed the terrible sin of being born under the wrong set of trees,” Curlfox explained, his tail kinked angrily over his back. “I’ve tried as hard as I could to fix my Clan myself, and I’m tired of bashing my head against the rocks waiting for them to listen to me. Short of revising the entire damned code, I don’t know what else there is to do. I want to live my life in peace and harmony.”
Teaselflower’s brows twitch upwards. “He’s not one I expected to defect," he admits, "but I think I'm glad he did."
Currentplume had brought a rabbit with him—he set it down in the center of the camp and sat with his tail curled over his paws. “I’d like a change of pace,” he admitted. “And this is not a flight of fancy—I have thought my choice long and hard. Do you have room in your dens for one more?”
“Seems like quite a few lost souls have found their way to you,” Teaselflower hums, bumping Smokestar with his shoulder.
“As I’d hoped they would,” he agrees seriously, though his heart is warm at the size their little mashed-up Clan has grown to in one paltry little moon. “I’d like to be able to show the other Clans that we can thrive together regardless of where we were born. I think a good mix of cats born in all Clans will be the perfect way to do that.”
“I think your idea has promise.” Teaselflower touches his nose to Smokestar’s as he feels wakefulness tugging at his paws like the dawn sun on his dark fur. “Then go with my blessing, Smokestar, and lead SmokeClan well. I will support you with everything I have. Stay the course, and you will find your peace.”
allegiances and cats:
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elementclangen · 4 months
Moon 170-Newleaf
Riftpaw (11) and Palepaw (10) have been made warriors!  Palepaw has worked hard, and he has proven himself as more than ready to be a warrior.  He is given the name of Palejumble, honoring his spirit.  Riftpaw is also made a warrior earlier than his littermates.  His advice has helped many cats and Creekstar (24) has no doubt that he is ready to be a warrior.  He is named Riftmound, honoring his dignity.  Additionally, Sleepyfoot’s (36) kits have been born!  It turns out, their other parent is Pigeonspot (39).   There’s Elmkit (0), who thinks she knows everything and isn’t afraid to share it, who’s wind-blessed; and Goldenkit (0), who inherited her mothers’ earth-blessing.  As such, she is destined to become a Healer, but may have been better suited for life as a warrior.  She already wants to leave camp.  Hopefully she fares better than her uncle in law of the same name (Pigeonspot’s sister’s mate’s brother).  It’s a little weird for Chervilcry (149) to realize that she’s a great-grandmaother.  She feels old. But all of this good news is tempered by loss.  The newleaf rains bring a flash-flood to the caverns, filling ElementClan’s camp to the brim.  Shard (67), Chervilcry, and Volcanoblossom (97) do their best to hold back the tides and raise cats to safety, but they can't save everyone.  Primcrest (12) also does her part and saves the newborn kits, earning her the title of proven dark-cursed cat.  Despite the best efforts of these cats, Conegoat (53) and the new warrior Riftmound drown in the flood-waters.  Fry (77) mourns the death of his daughter from his first litter.  She had such a bright future ahead of her as the head Healer of the Clan.  He can still hear her talking about her dreams, can still picture her running through ElementClan’s territory, and to know that Conegoat will never get the chance to fulfill her dreams. . .it’s hard.  Wildcave (53) also mourns the loss of his last littermate.  He has his younger sisters now, but it’s not the same.  They didn’t grow up with him, like Conegoat did.  He refuses to eat when offered food, not so much as shifting his vacant gaze.  Despite the loss, life in the Clan moves on.  Featherspeck and Sleepyfoot’s kits have been apprenticed.  Asterpaw (6) and Poolpaw (6) are both made Healer apprentices, as Gladepatch (46) is the only currently working Healer and it’s hard for him to manage all of it on his own.  He’ll be glad when Sleepyfoot’s recovered from giving birth and can help him.  Fennelpaw (6) is apprenticed to Brightfern (12) and Glowpaw (6) to Wormdart (26). The new apprentices miss Featherspeck.  Poolpaw smiles up at the stars as he sits beside Gladepatch.  They seem to shine brighter, and he knows it’s a sign Featherspeck is still watching over him.  Asterpaw is excited for his first chance to go meet StarClan, so he can see his mother again.  Fennelpaw keeps glancing out in the crowd during the ceremony, tricking herself into thinking she would see her mother there.  Fennelpaw is also a little disappointed that she got Brightfern as a mentor.  She’s so young-they were practically kits together!  And she wishes that Chiku (104) had been her mentor.  She likes him more and he’s more experienced. Creekstar has decided to continue bringing her Clan back to its roots and is asking Peakspots (139) for stories about the time when his mother and Skydawn ruled the Clan.  
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doggirlviscera · 10 months
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girl who goes through so many fucking horrors at only 7 moons old
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kcsparkclan · 5 months
Moon 6
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Also, i want to flesh out the characters a bit more so i will take more time with these as i want to make them a bit longer with more effort and character!
Moon 0 - Moon 5 - Moon 7
(Words are small so here is what it says)
Tallthistle was seen talking to a traveling healer, they have herbs stuck in their fur, and they have a stomach ache
(The lone healer wont stop talking, and forgot what they were talking about a long time ago. Tall doesnt know how to leave)
Gooseheart finds a rouge named Onyx, who changes their name to Onyxpaw (adventurous, 9 moons old, mossball hunter.)
Petuniafox was seen calmly talking to a Galeclan cat
Darttail gives Bitternpaw a friendly nudge as they receive their name Bitterncrest
Riftpaw isnt acting like themself… they feel like a failure…
Aldersomke comforts them “Your not you failures Riftpaw, I know it hurts but all you can do is learn from them”
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phloxclan · 1 month
Moon 45 - Fall
Flailpaw and Haypaw become warriors - Flailbubble and Hayspot.
Shrubpaw is apprenticed to Hayspot, Fleckpaw to Patherrise.
Peatwish has 2 kits (half-clan) Splashkit - Brown tabby tom with green eyes, insecure, careful listener. Aspenkit - White tom with a brown eye patch and pale green eyes, insecure, moss-ball hunter.
Fiercefern brings a litter of 3 kits to the clan. Garlickit - Brown tabby molly with cyan eyes, daring, moss-ball hunter Shykit - Brown tabby molly with pale yellow eyes, bullying, avid play-fighter Fallingkit - Orange tabby molly with bronze eyes, attention seeker, moss-ball hunter
Canopykit turns to Peatwish in a time of need and is let down, Peatwish feels bad for causing a problem for Canopykit. - The nursery is too crowded to Canopykit.
iPod and Fennelspeckle recover, but Weevilsun sprained an ankle.
Aspenswipe picks out the best piece of prey for Coppersight and confesses his feelings. Coppersight and Aspenswipe are now mates!
Riftpaw is boasting to Sloemallow, who is not impressed. Teaselpaw doesn't think Riftpaw has been honest lately.
Shrubpaw and Flaxpaw go fishing, but keep getting distracted by each other.
Moon 46
Copseshiver is expecting kits! Again!
Dogblossom and Squirreldapple recover.
Pantherrise's tail is injured by a falling tree.
Fleckpaw has whitecough and Splashkit has kittencough.
Fennelspeckle has noticed that Mottledleaf isn't doing much work, and Bluebriar thinks Mottledleaf is inconsiderate.
Gullpaw cheers iPod2 up after a disagreement.
Aspenkit asks Fallingkit about something complicated and is astonished at her insight. Shykit thinks Fallingkit is very helpful.
Aspenswipe caught a blackbird on the fly and Coppersight is impressed.
Riftpaw catches a strange rat, but it tastes wrong. She buries it, but falls ill later.
A kittypet asks to join. Mistlepelt - Gray and white molly with hazel eyes, 71 moons old, bold, renowned hunter, talented swimmer.
Moon 47
Daypaw, Riftpaw, and and Teaselpaw become warriors - Daydapple, Riftbeam, Teaselsky.
Splashkit died from kittencough.
iPod2 has greencough.
Mistlepelt is attacked by a rogue.
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tempestclan-clangen · 7 months
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Moon 3 for Riftpaw, Nimblekit, and Bleakkit
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A SnipClan apprentice named Runningpaw joined the clan. We don't know why he left his original clan behind but it might have to do with a recent fire on their terretory (she also has a brother named Riftpaw in SnipClan). Runningpaw is cold and she splashes in puddles
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Cavefreckle isn't grief stricken anymore and can go on patrol again! Unfortunatly she nearly got injured in a rock fall, luckely she got away completely fine
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other events:
Dahliawhatcher got sore searching for lungwort
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cicadaclangen · 2 months
Moon 2
firstly, Bushrustle was seen chasing a rogue off the territory! Way to go Mr. Ignored Deputy
this moon Riftpaw has been getting a lot of love! She gave Rimeroar advice that he knows will be good, wowed Ryestar with her bravery, and had a pleasant conversation with Greychaser! It seems everyone in Biteclan loves her!
...except Petuniafoot. It seems no matter what she does, they are always angry at her for something. This moon, it was a pretty feather they both wanted but ended up destroying in an argument over it.
This is leading to conflict in Riftpaw's apprenticeship. Whilst training together, Greychaser notices that Riftpaw isn't acting like her usual self, and asks what's wrong. Riftpaw breaks down and says she feels like a failure and that she isn't good enough. Greychaser comforts her, and tells her that she's more than her failures and that failure is just a chance to improve.
other happenings this moon include:
Petuniafoot gathers cobwebs on patrol
Ryestar leads a hunting patrol with Fuzzypaw and Rimeroar, and Fuzzypaw easily catches another mouse!
Bushrustle goes on a solo hunting patrol, wanting some time to himself, and catches a prairie dog!
0 notes
Shoreclan moons 250-300
Moon 251:
- Conenoise has been lost
Moon 252:
- Whimsystripe becomes deputy
- Trembleclaw brought three kits back to camp! Brightkit, Heronkit, and Gorgekit
- Coastshimmer is expecting!
- Murkwhisker joins the clan
Moon 253:
- extinction! Silverfoot, Pondkit, Heronkit, Leopardsnow, Slugkit, Frosttooth and Brightkit drown
Moon 254:
- Coastshimmer had 5 kits with Tawnyburr- Condorkit, Comphreykit, Coniferkit, Rabbitkit and Deltakit
- Crabkit becomes Crabpaw and is apprenticed to Comphreywhisker
- Ripplekit becomes Ripplepaw and is apprenticed to Trembleclaw
- Gravy joins the clan
Moon 256:
- Grouseshine died of heat exhaustion
- Rookkit becomes Rookpaw and is apprenticed to Whimsystripe
- Wingkit become Wingpaw and is apprenticed to Tawnyburr
- Blizzardkit becomes Blizzardpaw and is apprenticed to Ripplebriar as a med cat
- Mitekit becomes Mitepaw and is apprenticed to Egretstripe
- Willowkit becomes Willowpaw and is apprenticed to Hollystar
- Riftkit becomes Riftpaw and is apprenticed to Brackenspot
Moon 257:
- Quarter Pounder joins the clan
Moon 258:
- Gorgekit becomes Gorgepaw and is apprenticed to Fuzzybreeze
Moon 260:
- Condorkit becomes Condorpaw and is apprenticed to Coastshimmer
- Comphreykit becomes Comphreypaw and is apprenticed to Gulltail
- Coniferkit becomes Coniferpaw and is apprenticed to Thrushpelt
- Rabbitkit becomes Rabbitpaw and is apprenticed to Murkwhisker
- Whimsystripe and Graythrush were killed by rogues
- Deltakit died from a claw wound
- Mitepaw died
- Murkwhisker becomes deputy
Moon 261:
- Ripplepaw becomes Rippleleaf
- Crabpaw adopted Sandkit and Raggedkit
Moon 262:
- Crabpaw becomes Crabfeather
- Wingpaw becomes Wingslip
- Willowpaw died of yellowcough
- Gorgefade has a vision while on patrol of blood running down the beach
- Ben joins the clan
Moon 263:
- Rookpaw becomes Rookshade
- Blizzardpaw becomes Blizzardegg
Moon 264:
- Riftpaw becomes Riftgill
Moon 265:
- Gorgepaw becomes Gorgeplume
- Raggedkit becomes Raggedpaw and is apprenticed to Woodbloom
- Sandkit becomes Sandpaw and is apprenticed to Trembleclaw
- Cobaltkit joins the clan and is adopted by Comphreywhisker
Moon 266:
- another extinction!!! Fuzzybreeze, Gorgefade, Rabbitpaw, Comphreywhisker, Quarter Pounder, Gulltail, and Cobaltkit die from tainted freshkill
- Ben drowned
- Coniferpaw becomes Coniferdrizzle
- Hollystar moves camp to higher ground
- Comphreypaw becomes a med cat apprentice
Moon 268:
- Ripplebriar is expecting!
- Comphreypaw becomes Comphreynip
Moon 269:
- Condorpaw becomes Condorpelt
- Barleythistle joins the clan
Moon 270:
- Ripplebriar had 4 kits! Tidalkit, Shrewkit, Veilkit and Snakekit
- Robinscreech joins the clan
Moon 271:
- Sandpaw becomes Sandback
- Murkwhisker got poisoned
Moon 272:
- Hollystar lost a life
Moon 273:
- Bluzzardegg is expecting!
- Condorpelt brought a kit back to camp- Tansykit
- Song joins the clan
- Raggedpaw becomes Raggedflake
Moom 274
- Hollystar loses his last life
- Murkwhisker becomes Murkstar and gets lives from Frosttooth, Gorgefade, Rabbitpaw, Mitepaw, Gulltail, Silverfoot, Fuzzybreeze, Whimsystripe and Hollystar!
Moon 275:
- Blizzardegg and Rookshade had 5 kits! Boughkit, Prancekit, Flounderkit, Roarkit, and Mottlekit
Moon 276:
- Wingsip is expecting
- Tidalkit becomes Tidalkit and is apprenticed to Egretstripe
- Shrewkit becomes Shrewpaw and is apprenticed to Trembleclaw
- Veilkit becomes Veilpaw and is apprenticed to Riftgill
- Snakekit becomes Snakepaw and is apprenticed to Rippleleaf
- Robinscreech is expecting
- Sunny, Sagekit and Bramblekit join the clan
Moon 277:
- Tansykit was killed by a snake
- Crabfeather has been lost
Moon 278:
- Wingslip had 6 kits! Spindlekit, Plumkit, Shiningkit, Thistlekit, Archkit and Rabbitkit
- Robinscreech had a kitten, Drizzlekit
Moon 279:
- Murkstar lost a life
- Sagekit was taken by a hawk
Moon 280:
- Bramblekit becomes Bramblepaw and is apprenticed ro Raggedflake
Moon 281:
- Woodbloom is expecting
- Boughkit becomes Boughpaw and is apprenticed to Sunny
- Prancekit becomes Prancepaw and is apprenticed to Gorgeplume
- Flounderkit becomes Flounderpaw and is apprenticed to Rookshade
- Roarkit becomes Roarpaw, and is apprenticed to Comphreynip as a med cat
- Mottlekit becomes Mottlepaw and is apprenticed to Coniferdrizzle
Moon 282:
- Veilpaw becomes Veilfur
- Prancepaw got broken back
- Bramblepaw died in a flood
Moon 283:
- Woodbloom had 4 kits: Yellowkit, Mosskit, Kitekit, and Icekit
- Tidalpaw becomes Tidalfeather
- Shrewpaw becomes Shrewspeck
- Snakepaw becomes Snakesnap
- Song becomes a med cat
Moon 284:
- Egretstripe retires
- Spindlekit becomes Spindlepaw and is apprenticed to Tidalfeather
- Plumkit becomes Plumpaw and is apprenticed to Riftgill
- Shiningkit becomes Shiningpaw and is apprenticed to Murkstar
- Thistlekit becomes Thistlepaw and is apprenticed to Shrewspeck
- Archkit becomes Archpaw and is apprenticed to Veilfur
- Rabbitkit becomes Rabbitpaw and is apprenticed to Thrushpelt
- Drizzlekit becomes Drizzlepaw and is apprenticed to Rippleleaf
- Blizzardegg is expecting
- Sunny brought a kit to camp- Fidgetkit
Moon 285:
- Blizzardegg and Rookshade have 4 kits!- Hopkit, Sproutkit, Webkit, and Saltkit
Moon 286:
- Pricklekestrel joins the clan
- Boughpaw becomes Boughheather
- Boughheather died
- Thistlepaw got head damage
Moon 287:
- Mottlepaw becomes Mottlebracken
- Yellowkit died of Yellowcough
Moon 288:
- Flounderpaw becomes Flounderpelt
- Drizzlepaw died of whitecough
- Piggyfur joins the clan
- Leaflaurel joins the clan
Moon 289:
- Mosskit becomes Mosspaw and is apprenticed to Sunny
- Kitekit becomes Kitepaw and is apprenticed to Rippleleaf
- Icekit becomes Icepaw and is apprenticed to Wingslip
- Prancepaw died
- Extinction! Coniferdrizzle, Riftgill, Mottlebracken, Woodbloom, Pricklekestrel and Piggyfur go missing in the night
- Burnetdapple joins the clan
Moon 290:
- Trembleclaw died
- Spindlepaw becomes Spindledazzle
- Plumpaw becomes Plumstripe
- Shiningpaw becomes Shiningpelt
- Rabbitpaw becomes Rabbitburst
- Fidgetkit becomes Fidgetpaw and is apprenticed to Rookshade
Moon 291:
- Shrewspeck had 4 kits! Gullkit, Applekit, Sandkit and Sporekit
- Deertooth joins the clan as med cat
- Hopkit becomes Hoppaw and is apprenticed to Spindledazzle
- Sproutkit becomes Sproutpaw and is apprenticed to Tidalfeather
- Webkit becomes Webpaw and is apprenticed to Shiningpelt
- Saltkit becomes Saltpaw and is apprenticed to Robinscreech
- Thistlepaw died of head damage
Moon 292:
- Roarpaw becomes Roarwhisker
- Archpaw becomes Archwhisker
Moon 293:
- Hailkick joins the clan
Moon 294:
- Appledawn joins the clan
Moon 295:
- Kitepaw becomes Kitefluff
- Icepaw becomes Iceheart
- Burnetdapple died
Moon 296:
- Mosspaw becomes Mossclaw
- Murkstar is expecting!
- Murkstar has been lost
Moon 297:
- Coastshimmer becomes Coaststar and receives lives from Coniferdrizzle, Comphreywhisker, Woodbloom, Clawrush, Deltakit, Rabbitpaw, Leopardsnow and Hollystar
- Kitefluff died
- Fidgetpaw becomes Fidgetmuzzle
- Hoppaw becomes Hopwillow
- Webpaw becomes Webfeather
- Gullkit becomes Gullpaw and is apprenticed to Shrewspeck
- Applekit becomes Applepaw and is apprenticed to Tawnyburr
- Sandkit becomes Sandpaw and is apprenticed to Thrushpelt
- Sporekit becomes Sporepaw and is apprenticed to Rabbitburst
- Shiningpelt becomes deputy
Moon 298:
- Murkwhisker had three kits outside the clan! First outsider litter! Welcome Flutterkit, Driftkit, and Dahliakit!
- Sproutpaw becomes Sproutrain
- Saltpaw becomes Saltwillow
- Extinction! Fidgetmuzzle, Webfeather, Spindledazzle, Sproutrain, Plumstripe, Gorgeplume, Applepaw, Egretstripe, Rippleleaf, Thrushpelt, Raggedflake, Blizzardegg, Sandback, Mossclaw, Saltwillow, Sunny, Sandpaw, Archwhisker, Appledawn and Rookshade go missing
Moon 299:
- Brackenspot is expecting
- Snailspot joins the clan
Moon 300:
- a war with Pearclan begins
- Rabbitburst and Sporepaw are injured
@residents-of-the-darkforest, @starfalcon555, @wills-woodland-warriors, @basil-writes-legends-of-tomorrow
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iceclan-iterations · 2 years
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go riftpaw!! and damn strikestar runs a tight ship.
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peppermint-moss · 3 years
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warrior cat oc commissions from november!
commission info || tip jar
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of-smoke-and-stars · 12 days
Moon 1
“From this moment on, you will be known as Riftspeckle,” Smokestar announces. “We honor your emotional maturity and your compassion, and we are proud to welcome you as a full warrior of SmokeClan.”
As her name rises to the sunset sky, Riftspeckle sits with her chest puffed out, beaming up at Smokestar. “I won’t let you down,” she vows.
Riftpaw has become Riftspeckle. She is honored for her emotional maturity.
“I think the Clan is growing well,” Streakscratch says through a mouthful, batting some feathers off his chin.
“It is,” Smokestar agrees, looking around the camp with pride. “Teaselflower has had nothing but positive things to say, too. If StarClan is with us, I don’t think we can fail.”
As he’d been speaking, Streakscratch’s attention had disappeared over his shoulder; now he flicks his ears indicatively. “Apprentice at sunrise,” he notes.
Smokestar turns to see Thrushpaw hovering awkwardly nearby, holding a mouse by its tail. Smokestar beckons with his head, and she approaches, setting her prey down a respectful distance away.
“I-I was just wondering if I could join you,” she asks uncertainly. “Morelstripe is sleeping and I don’t want to wake her, and Riftspeckle is still out with Rustclaw and Currentplume.”
“You don’t need an excuse,” Smokestar assures her. “Come sit.”
Smokestar appreciates how Thrushpaw always seems to ask how he's doing.
Smokestar, Streakscratch, and Thrushpaw had a nice talk while eating.
Smokestar noticed that Thrushpaw is falling behind in training and offered to help her catch up.
“Let’s practice your tracking,” Smokestar decides, stopping on the trail and raising his nose into the air. “Where is the wind coming from?”
Thrushpaw sniffs, ears twitching. “From the direction of camp,” she finally says, tasting, albeit faintly, the mingled scents of every other cat on the faint breeze.
“Yup. With the moving air and the other familiar scents it carries, it’ll make tracking a little harder, so this will be a good exercise for you.” He angles his ears further into the woods. “I’m going to walk that way. Once you can’t hear me, count to thirty heartbeats, and then start following me, alright? You can use your other senses, but I want you to really focus on your scent tracking.”
Thrushpaw nods, working her paws into the plush new grass underfoot. “Alright.”
She does as instructed, watching him trot off into the trees, and listens until he’s completely out of earshot, then counts her heartbeats. When she reaches thirty, she springs to her feet and starts to follow.
Veered off the trail here. New growth crumples easily under her pads as she sniffs a bush. Headed west. No—east? Oh—he just made a circle here. Came this way. I’m amazed his shoulders fit between these trees.
A warm, unfamiliar scent crosses Smokestar’s, and Thrushpaw pauses, turning her head. Smells like mouse. Or…squirrel? And it’s warm.
She glances the way Smokestar had gone, weighs her options, and decides. A little detour that brings back some prey might not be a bad thing. Morelstripe might like some fresh dinner.
She slowly drops into a hunter’s crouch as she sees a nearby bush trembling with movement among the roots. As she creeps closer, faint squeaking reaches her ears. Two mice-or-squirrels—maybe more.
It was instinct—really, that’s what did her in. She doesn’t realize what she’s doing until the chatter passes her front teeth, a low, rattling squeak she’s seen Morelstripe do many times. The squeaking and shuffling pauses, and for a beat, she thinks she’s ruined her hunt.
Then something moves, and yellow eyes lock on hers, and Thrushpaw realizes she’s made a terrible mistake.
Thrushpaw was attacked by a group of rats! She managed to fight them off, but didn't escape unscathed.
Thrushpaw is now in the medicine den.
“How are you feeling?”
“Mm. Lousy.”
“Is it your wounds?”
“Not really, not anymore,” Thrushpaw murmurs, chin on her paws. The herb mixture Burnclaw had smeared into the rat bites has almost fully deadened the pain—currently, only stiffness remains. Stiffness and embarrassment.
Morelstripe’s tongue rasps over Thrushpaw’s back rhythmically, careful to avoid the sore spots on her shoulders and hips. “Then what is it, little one?”
Thrushpaw puts one paw over her nose, closing her eyes. “I feel pretty stupid,” she admits into feathers and moss. She’d been confused when Rustclaw had brought her a bird’s worth of jay feathers, but he’d shrugged and explained that it was something they’d done in his old Clan, and left before she’d been able to properly thank him.
“Smokestar ain’t upset with you.”
“I know,” Thrushpaw says, a little sharper than she really meant to, “but I’m upset with me.”
Morelstripe hums, but doesn’t say anything else. Thrushpaw shouldn’t be hurt by that—she knows how her adoptive mother is (bad at discussing feelings in any capacity)—but it’s hard not to be a little wounded.
They sit in silence for a bit before Morelstripe rests her chin across Thrushpaw’s shoulders with a long sigh. Thrushpaw flicks her ears a few times, then bats at Morelstripe’s snout. “You’ve got feathers on your chin.”
Instead of brushing them off, Morelstripe turns and rubs her snout against Thrushpaw’s face until she’s laughing and batting her away with sheathed paws. “All the better to tickle grumpy little kits with,” she growls playfully.
Rustclaw gives Thrushpaw some feathers from the bird he caught to line her nest.
Morelstripe appreciates Thrushpaw telling her that she had a feather stuck to her face.
"Oi, Thrushpaw."
She raises her head from where she’d been watching the dawn patrol and hunting patrols leave for the morning. “Yeah, Burnclaw?”
The burly medicine cat only half-turns from where he’s sitting at the back of the den. “You feel up to movin’?”
She sits up, wincing at the stiffness, and stretches carefully. Her wounds twinge and threaten to tear open if she moves too far, but they hold under the mat of cobwebs and poultice smeared across her fur. “Yeah.”
“You able to come help me sort these leaves? My joints are achin’ and I need deft little paws to help me out.”
Surprised, Thrushpaw stands unsteadily and limps to his side. “You want my help?”
“That’s what I said, ain’t it? Young cats don’t listen to a word their seniors say anymore.”
Thrushpaw swallows a purr at the crotchety old medicine cat’s grouching and just settles down next to him. “Sorry, sorry. ’Course I can help.”
Across the camp, Smokestar watches Thrushpaw move from her little nest in the sunshine and pad further into the medicine den, and his heart hurts. That’s my fault.
He’s too lost in his own thoughts to notice he’s got company until some other cat thumps deliberately down at his side.
“You a’ight?” Rustclaw asks.
Smokestar hesitates—is it right for a leader to waver and show weakness in this way?—and eventually dismisses, “It’s—nothing.”
“C’mon, mate,” Rustclaw urges. “I’ve known you a while, even before this. I know I’m not your deputy and we were never close, but we’re Clanmates now, yeah?” When Smokestar still doesn’t answer, Rustclaw follows his line of sight and guesses, “You feelin’ bad about Thrushpaw?”
Smokestar sighs. Maybe it’s worse if my Clanmates think I’m lying directly to their snouts. “I feel like her injuries are my fault,” he admits quietly. “I’d not focused enough on her battle training, I didn’t even think to teach her about rats, and I left her alone in the forest. I heard her screech and was able to get back pretty quick, but she still got hurt.”
“From the story she’s been telling, she took pretty good care of herself, too,” Rustclaw reminds him. “Didn’t she kill two or three of ‘em?”
"I promised Morelstripe I’d take care of her.”
“We get hurt in this life—we’re warriors, it’s what we do. Morelstripe isn’t upset with you,” Rustclaw insists. “I think she’s more proud of Thrushpaw being able to defend herself even a little. You saw how flighty she was when they joined us.” He headbutts Smokestar in the shoulder. “You’re doing a’ight, mate. Promise.”
Thrushpaw always thought Burnclaw had it all figured out, so she's surprised when he asks her for help.
Rustclaw is letting Smokestar share his troubles with him, hoping he'll feel better afterwards.
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jeez tumblr really nuked the quality of that screenshot huh
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elementclangen · 4 months
Shard's sprite and Rustsong's Kits' Apprentice Sprites
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Finchpaw; Powerless tom; Adventerous and a good speaker
Mentor: Pigeonspot
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Daisypaw; Wind-blessed she-cat with a power level of 2 (very low); Nervous and a good speaker
Mentor: Rabbitfur
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Halfpaw; Powerless tom; Adventerous and a good mediator
Mentor: Chiku
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Riftpaw; Fire-blessed tom with a power level of 58 (medium); Wise, lore master, and a great mediator
Mentor: Fry
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Shard; Age 62 moons; Water-blessed she-cat with a power level of 60 (medium); Bold, deep StarClan bond, and a good den builder
Shard was a loner who lived in a barn but mostly stayed away from twolegs. She decided that Clan life might be an interesting change of pace.
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doggirlviscera · 1 year
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DONT REMEMBER IF I POSTED THIS YET here take some warrior cats ocs
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kcsparkclan · 6 months
Moon 4!
Also sorry for not posting in a bit lol, just haven’t felt like it.
Riftpaw visits an old friend from before Sparkclan!
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Torrentthroat has gotten heat exhaustion, and Tawnykit has a headache. Mullberrykit is scolded for sneaking out of camp
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Darkstar thinks they have been hearing the voices of starclan
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Darttail learns from their mistakes
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Darkstar, Gooseheart and Heronpelt scare off a small dog
Tallthistle and Petuniafox go herb hunting, and Petuniafox gets a small cut after stepping on a thorn
Moon 0 - Moon 3 - Moon 5
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