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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 1 month ago
Okay, I finished the script for the pilot so I'll get a discord server ready as soon as I can. I'm not sure how to approach this, since I don't have experience with making servers, and I don't know how to find good mods, but I'll figure something out
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 2 months ago
Good news! I have worked out the story for season one, which means I can start the real work now (uh oh)
I think it's important that I say this right now: nothing I have ever said about Featherclan in this blog is guaranteed to be canon in the series, this includes the posts on the redesings
My next steps are to desing some background characters, create a discord server and write out the full script of the pilot
This might take a long time, and I know I've already been working on it a long time, so thank you for your patience
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 4 months ago
I'm done with the character notes and now I can get started on the script! This will be the most important part of creating this series and perhaps even the hardest. If my motivation decides to die at any point during the process, it'll be during the scriptwriting.
This doesn't mean that I think I wont be able to finish it, I'll try my very best with this and if anyone has some advise for scriptwriting and storytelling that you'd like to share, don't be afraid to! It would help me a lot!
Thank you for your patience!
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 4 months ago
I only need to make notes for two more characters and then I can start working on the script!
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 5 months ago
Okay, so the notes of the characters are coming along great but they take a lot of time, so it'll likely be very quiet on this blog, but I'm still working on it.
To thank everyone for waiting I'll share some little facts with y'all
Weaselfur only likes toms. It might never be mentioned in the series but it's canon.
Frostfoot learned to swim by observing fish, she started doing this after Lynxkit almost drowned.
If I find out more things about characters while making their notes I'll share some of it.
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 6 months ago
Now that I've redesinged all the characters for season one, I will start properly developing them and fitting them into the story before I write the script, I'll try to keep yall up-to-date.
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 6 months ago
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Scratchnoise came from a group of loners who teased eachother so much to the point of having names reffering to annoying things (things like Scratchnoise, Itchytail or Stinkscent or things like that). But Scratchnoise stopped liking the teasing so she went to join Featherclan. She is kind and cares for others, she makes sure to never hurt other cats feelings. She likes to teach younger cats about learning from their mistakes. Scratchnoise is also good at swimming.
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 6 months ago
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Ruffnut loves helping parents with watching the kits, he is loved by all the kits even when he is more strict. He cares deeply about his clan and plans to become a permanent den-dad
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 7 months ago
Her old desing was okay and I didn't change it a lot but there wasn't much difference between the orange of her pelt and the orange of her speckles.
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I made the difference in colours bigger and gave her the same cheek fluff as her father Baobei.
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Cavefreckle knows she wouldn't hesitate to spill blood to protect her clan, which is why she vieuws murder and violence a bit differently then her clanmates. She knows a lot about featherclans lore and she strongly remembers every cat who Featherclan has lost.
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 7 months ago
The old Lotustiger desing was very purple and she looked nothing like either of her parents, so I changed a lot.
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I made look her sprite and I gave her a reddish-orange tint to make her look like her parents.
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Lotustiger was always very fast, and her mentor always praised her speed. Now she likes boasting about being faster than everyone else. She also is good at explaining things.
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 7 months ago
Baobei only appears for a little while but he still needs a reference sheet. I don't think I will make a ref for his mate Ivy, because if she appears in the series, it's probably just once.
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 7 months ago
Lynxferns old desing was nice, but the colors were boring and I didn't look at the sprite much while desining him.
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I made him look more like his mom and sprite and I even gave him his moms ear tufts, to make him look a bit more like a lynx.
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Lynxfern was never afraid of trouble, he would try to sneak out of camp as a kit and succeeded once. He shows interest in the old Featherclan stories and likes to pass them on to kits. He is very scared of water.
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 7 months ago
Oddseekers old desing had the most boring grey imagineble, so I changed that.
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I made sure Oddseeker looks like her mother Lakegrackle so her colors are very similair. I made sure she has an odd amount of spots as a nod to her name and that's pretty much it.
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Oddseeker is a energetic, exited cat. She likes playing games with her brother Lynxfern. She also seems to know a lot but when someone asks her how she knew it, she just says she feels like that's the answer.
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 7 months ago
Lakesplash won't appear much but she still needs a ref sheet.
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Lakesplash is Frostfoot's sister and she is way taller, they playfully call eachother nicknames. Lakesplash is expecting kits at the time of the Wind Storm
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 7 months ago
Warmfall was the younges founder and has one of the oldest desings, she also looked very different from her sprite.
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I made her colors warmer to fit her name and her sprite and that's pretty much it.
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Warmfall was raised by the entire clan, which is why she sees all her clanmates as her family. She shows love and compassion toward all of them. She often joins cats like Frostfoot, Dahliawatcher or Runningdapple swimming and she picked up the skill, now she's a talented swimmer.
If you have anything you want to ask Warmfall or any of the characters just go to 'ask me anything' and give me the character and the question! It would help me work out these characters and I would appreaciate it in general. If you have anything to ask me then that's also okay! (Don't feel forced to do this, it's completeley optional)
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 7 months ago
Hickoryseeker doesn't do much but she still needs a redesing. I made her colours a bit more like her sprite.
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Hickoryseeker is a realieble, no-nonsense elder, she insists on doing what she thinks is the right thing (she's usually right) and encourages others to do so as well.
If you have anything you want to ask Hickoryseeker or any of the characters just go to 'ask me anything' and give me the character and the question! It would help me work out these characters and I would appreaciate it in general. If you have anything to ask me then that's also okay! (Don't feel forced to do this, it's completeley optional)
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justanotherwarriorcatsfan · 7 months ago
Laurelferns reference sheet is also very old, his stripes are kind of messy and his grey color is a little boring.
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I made his colors a bit more interesting and I improved his stripes. I also made his stripes in the shape of a laurel leaf to tie back to his name. I made his maple leaf to look like a seed from a Faber's Maple.
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Laurelfern loves exploring, it's the one thing that cheered him up after the wind storm. He would explore the beautiful mountains every second of free time he had. His clanmates know very well that walks are like a medicine for feeling down for him. His knowledge of his surroundings give him an advantage during battle, He is really good at fighting. Though he loves exploring new places, he also loves to hear and tell stories of the old featherclan camp and terretory.
If you have anything you want to ask Laurelfern or any of the characters just go to 'ask me anything' and give me the character and the question! It would help me work out these characters and I would appreaciate it in general. If you have anything to ask me then that's also okay! (Don't feel forced to do this, it's completeley optional)
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