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wordsandrobots · 4 months ago
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Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans | Ep42 'Settlement'
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lilenui · 10 months ago
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Weekly Yuru-tetsu~ Orga: The food, the work, the trouble, it's all the same. Whatever's in front of me, I'll just clean it up. Mika: Orga, have you lost weight? Orga: ...? Is that so? Mika: I don't like you being so poorly Orga. Orga: H-hey, you.... Atra: I don't like it either! Orga: Okay, I'll gain weight! I'll definitely gain weight, so please no more! [Ever since then Orga has been eating hefty meals] [See previous strip] Atra: I'd like the boss to eat as much of his favourite food as possible, but he just says "I don't mind anything as long as it fills my stomach." Mika: For sure, but what is Orga's favourite food? Orga: ...Anything I eat with you guys is my favourite food, everything tastes delicious when you eat it with your family. (not sure I can eat all of that) Shino: Please eat my food too!! Ride: Boss!! Dante: Boss!! Eugene: Orga!! Orga: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!
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It will forever be hilarious to me that Disney wanted so fucking bad to make a Wicked movie — but couldn't get the rights from Universal — that they literally spent billions upon billions of dollars making SEVEN different films (and a whole season of television; not even including their sequels and spinoffs) more than one of which they even got Idina and Kristen to be in based on the stripped-down premise of "what if the Stock Female Antagonist™ was secretly the Misunderstood Angsty Girlboss Heroine™ all along?" (because Disney execs don't actually care about Wicked, they just saw Green, said "hey! if we can't get the real thing, why not use Our Own (and/or Public Domain) characters?" and simply followed the Marketing Department Road all the way to the bank).
Less funny is the fact they were so successful at it — regardless of the merits (or lack thereof) of any of those projects — that it ended up getting the production of the actual Wicked movie delayed by more than a decade (because it would ironically have looked like a copycat and probably faded into the background if it had come out back when Disney was pumping out knockoffs every fucking year).
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aceouttatime · 8 months ago
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Alliums, for your patience.
Artfight revenge time! I've got @lunargazing-png's Kara and Azailick here on a little Citadel date after work <333 I had a blast drawing these two, and their story is super cool--if you haven't, go check them out!
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lukaskyle · 11 months ago
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Just like old times, Shepard.
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edains · 1 month ago
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Ashley Williams & Urdnot Wrex: A different flavor
Appearance Modification Menu LE1
Ashley LE1 Complexion for LE3
Ashley's Hair for Shepard
Custom Head Mesh Framework DLCs- MShep and FemShep [personal ashley headmorph]
femshepping's Personal Complexions
Hair Mixtures Part 2
Jane's Turtleneck Dress
Morning's Cool Outfits for Femshep LE1
New Armors for Femshep LE2
New Casual Outfits III for Femshep (MELE3)
@finallygaveintothesirencall 's personal wrex swaps (a thousand thanks)
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Garrus "The rules at C-Sec annoyed me so I joined the first human Spectre on her mission to hunt down and murder my fellow Turian Saren" Vakarian. Garrus "if the dalatress had offered me the same genocidal deal for the safety of Palavan I probably would have taken it" Vakarian. Garrus "I'm gonna hunt this organ-stealer down and murder him in cold blood. You coming?" Vakarian. Garrus "calibrating weapons of mass destruction is my hobby" Vakarian. Garrus "I was so good at killing mercenaries I accidentally united them into a single, bigger mercenary group, then killed them too" Vakarian. Garrus "the Turians planting a secret bomb on Tuchanka was ingenious" Vakarian. Garrus "the collectors used this base to liquify hundreds of thousands of innocent people into a reaper, but waste not want not" Vakarian. Garrus "You've been hanging out with an anti-alien terrorist group after being dead for two years? Let me just sign up" Vakarian. Garrus "this guy is responsible for the death of my squad. Lure him into a crowded area so I can gun him down in the middle of the Citadel" Vakarian. Garrus -
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heroofshield · 4 months ago
Kinktober Day 6- Thigh Riding (Mass Effect, Shenko) Explicit
Shepard let out a laugh as Kaidan kissed her and they stumbled into her cabin, hands already grasping at their duty jackets and trying to find the buttons. "I have a meeting in fifteen minutes Kaid." she said, turning her head as he started placing hungry kisses along her neck and brushing the fabric of her jacket aside.
"Then we better get to it." Kaidan replied, tugging Rose as he walked backwards towards the office chair. Sitting down, he pulled Rose down to him and kissed her hungrily- hand drifting inside of her jacket to brush across her breasts. Feeling himself respond to the breathy gasp she let out, he wished they had longer.
"But the galaxy waits for no one- esp for Shepard." he thought as Shepard pulled away so she could reposition herself, sliding onto his left leg and wrapping her arms around his neck. Hands framed her face, brushing the red hair out of her eyes and Kaidan felt his stomach squeeze with a mix of...something as she started to slowly move up and down his leg; angling her hips so the fabric brushed against her clit.
Continuing to press kisses as she moved, Kaidan got the last of her jacket buttons and with a tangle of arms- managed to get it off. Shepard's hand threaded up his neck and through his hair, gently grabbing it as she sped up. Feeling himself grow hard as she started making small noises next to his ear and he dimly wished that they had more time. "We never seem to have enough." he told himself, moving his hands from her chest to her hips to give them a squeeze and guide her movements.
"Yes yes." Shepard moaned as she arched at Kaidan shifting her hips a bit more forwards so her clit had more friction.
Hips jerking slightly, she continued to move up and down his thigh-her underwear now soaked. Biting her lower lip as her breath started to hitch, she was glad that it was Kaidan-that it had always been him. Feeling the familiar tightness, she continued to move- sliding a few more times and then throwing her head back as her orgasm slammed into her. Legs tensing as she fisted Kaidan's jacket, Shepard heard Kaidan's low voice in her ear reminding her to breathe.
As the last of the rush faded, she opened her eyes to seeing Kaidan looking at her with unadulterated love on his face. Not knowing what to say, she pressed a gentle kiss to his lips-his hands moving to her back to press her against him. She didn't know how long they had but she made no effort to break his hold, she wanted to shut the outside world for as long as it would let her.
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wordsandrobots · 4 months ago
Rating: E
So. I've been joking that this is the fic that will get me thrown out of the fandom. And while I certainly hope that's a joke – we are, I trust, all broadly of the opinion our heroes getting laid is the *least* harmful thing to be found in Iron-Blooded Orphans – I've hesitated over posting this because it's one of the odder ideas I've come up with and exists inextricably bound up in being erotica, something I don't think is necessarily my forte. My depravities are, I am afraid, of a largely pedestrian variety and, turns out, I find it quite hard to write Porn Without Plot.
Still, I stand by it being an interesting idea, even if it's playing with characters some way removed from canon. Nearly the entirety of Wishing on Space Hardware, in fact, although in some aspects it extends quite naturally from the source material (Gaelio's type being the most glaring). Besides, there are ways I can use the sex to state bluntly things worth saying and for that if nothing else, I ultimately decided what the hell. It's not like now's the time to dial down being weird, horny and queer about stuff.
Please enjoy the world's first attempt to make Ride Mass/Gaelio Bauduin a thing. There may be a follow-up at some point (it's threatening to turn into a trilogy although my attention is currently focused on the much more T-rated WoSH sequel fics).
[By some stroke of ludicrous fate, this is the 50th fic posted at my Ao3 account.]
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lilenui · 10 months ago
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Weekly Yuru-tetsu~ -Introducing the members of Tekkadan! -Here's our leader, Orga! -Leader, our leader!! -He'll kiss you if you're cute - Mikazuki!! -The strongest! Mikazuki-san!! -Tekkadan's brain, Biscuit! -He can read, he's so smart!! *squish*squish*wobble*wobble* Shino: He's so soft. Ride: Feels safe... Danji: Hah~ to be wrapped in big Biscuit-san. -Tha.. that's a bit of a different treatment!?
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joanofexys · 5 months ago
people getting pissed at chappell roan cancelling the day before a concert that she wasn’t even headlining at is lowkey insane. dont go to a festival for one artist. and like sometimes people have to cancel last minute for health reasons. sorry she couldn’t give you two weeks notice. she wasn’t receiving mass death threats and facing a hate campaign two weeks ago. celebrities are not without criticism but lacking any compassion for a woman who has been incredibly open abt her mental health struggles and also about the violation of her boundaries is wild to me.
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anonymocha · 2 months ago
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found bald don quixote in my random sketch mountains
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localravenclaw · 2 months ago
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Seb Knight AU because I need it like air
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grandboute · 6 months ago
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Vélorution !!
Libérez les cyclistes enfermés dans les voitures !
Besançon - 21/09/2024 - 10h30 départ esplanade des Droits de l'Homme
AVB : Association Vélo Besançon
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tooboredtothinkofaname · 10 days ago
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importantbusinessdinosaur · 11 months ago
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Ko-fi commission of Tali Zorah
get you one
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