#mass effect legendary
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scribbing · 2 months ago
Veilguard doesn't work with Mass Effect 2's Strategy
I mean the 'lets get our heads on straight before we go into the 'suicide mission'' concept.
In Mass Effect 2, Shepard and the gang know full well that they are going to undertake a mission that will most likely result in their deaths but there is no real ticking clock over their heads. They are the ones making the choice to go there, the only point in time in the game that there's a potential for a ticking clock is after your crew is stolen but that is still a very personal timebomb and not a galaxy wide one.
So everyone wanting to tie up loose ends, make sure family is safe and cared for, get the answers to questions they desperately needed are all okay; because there's no 'The Reapers are literally here, right outside the window and what the hell why would you ask us to waste time to go chase down a random lead that might be nothing or just something that only affects you when billions are dying?'. No, there's 'we're going to take the fight to the Collectors so everyone be ready'. It works, the stakes allow that time to be used.
Veilguard does not allow this and yet still tries to give it. The Blight is here. It is killing people right now. Whole groups have been massacred and whole cities and fortresses destroyed. It is literally the end of the world TODAY...so what the hell? How am I supposed to care that someone wants to go 'finish a last case' or 'we're all distracted because what does this new magic mean?' Um - it means NOTHING, none of this has any weight or value up against THE END OF THE WORLD HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!?!?!?!
The whole 'we went and got professionals, the best of the best' does not then work with 'oh but they're distracted from SAVING THE WORLD because of personal trifles. Because in the end that's what ALL of their personal questlines boil down to. TRIFLES. While people are actively dying, while the end is rapidly approaching.
It's the absolute worst attempt at trying to create the same layout of ME2, and it makes me just sigh because its ridiculous. When you're literally part of the what, 8 person team that's going to STOP THE END OF THE WORLD you don't get to be 'oh but I'm distracted because of personal things but I swear I'm a professional but I'm going to be semi-useless and potentially die and get others killed if you don't hold my hand and pat my head on this thing that holds no value whatsoever'.
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Me: Yeah I like Mass Effect a normal amount.
Also Me: Did EDI know that she was going to die? Did she see the possibility, one of a thousand simulations, subroutines running like dreams in the back of her mind? Did she tell Jeff? Or did she feel the Crucible wave catching up to the ship as it was happening, feel its hungry claws reaching for her synthetic synapses, her circuitboard heart? Did they get to say goodbye? Was there time for her to give him a message? Say Thank You, Jeff, I'll always remember you, Jeff, Jeff, I love you- Or did he look over, start calling her name, only to see the blank shell of what used to be his love? Did they hold a funeral for her? Bury her body in the foreign earth of a planet scorched by the heat of their crashing ship (her true form)? Did he ask Shepard afterwards? Did he ask her if she knew, knew what would happen when she made that choice? Did she reply? Did she tell the truth, or lie, her tongue burning like a thousand suns because she is too far broken, too cracked with guilt and grief, to force herself to risk another? Kaiden, Ashley, Mordin, Thane, Miranda, Anderson, EDI - surely another would destroy her beyond repair, so does she lie? Does she crush yet more bodies beneath her boots, saying No Jeff, I would never-
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fangbangerghoul · 3 months ago
Soon I will have to make a hard decision......
My wife
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My slutty Vigilante (he knows what he is doing)
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luckyspacerabbit · 2 years ago
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just got the most beautiful commission i have ever witnessed of my Commander Shepard from the extremely talented @magpyres !!! i don’t even want to be normal about just like HOLY SHIT THAT ARMOR WORK!! 100% an artist to look out for, thank you so much for working with me and delivering an incredible piece of art <3
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hawke-ondary · 2 months ago
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Lieutenant-Commander Valentina Hannah Benjamin Allegra Shepard, service no. 5923-AC-2826, circa 2183
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bakasara · 2 years ago
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Just sharing some pretty mass effect stills.
Have you ever seen Shepard doing a nova in photo mode? Now you have.
(Alternative armor bodies by Rnicole32557 for bigger arms and a flatter chest on femshep. seriously I LOVE that mod.)
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the-marshmallow · 2 years ago
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wantonlywindswept · 2 years ago
me, starting my mass effect replay and hearing the music hit:
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scribbing · 2 months ago
Rook is not the main character of their own story
This might sound silly but I opened up Mass Effect Legendary and upon the first loading screen you get a quick zoom through some of the characters from the franchise and then it ends zoomed up on Shepard. Shepard is the final piece, the leader, the one who gets the full and final center focus.
This is directly contrasted with that same kind of quick zoom through the characters from Veilguard where not only is there ZERO evidence of Rook's existence, but it zooms in on NEVE?!?!!! More than just the center zooming and focus, she even gets an extra huff/chuckle? animation that just cements that not only is Rook non-existent but holy hell be aware who their favorite companion character is about to be.
It seems like such a minor thing but really, it does show such a significant problem with Veilguard. There is no space for the player or the player character in Veilguard.
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Garrus "The rules at C-Sec annoyed me so I joined the first human Spectre on her mission to hunt down and murder my fellow Turian Saren" Vakarian. Garrus "if the dalatress had offered me the same genocidal deal for the safety of Palavan I probably would have taken it" Vakarian. Garrus "I'm gonna hunt this organ-stealer down and murder him in cold blood. You coming?" Vakarian. Garrus "calibrating weapons of mass destruction is my hobby" Vakarian. Garrus "I was so good at killing mercenaries I accidentally united them into a single, bigger mercenary group, then killed them too" Vakarian. Garrus "the Turians planting a secret bomb on Tuchanka was ingenious" Vakarian. Garrus "the collectors used this base to liquify hundreds of thousands of innocent people into a reaper, but waste not want not" Vakarian. Garrus "You've been hanging out with an anti-alien terrorist group after being dead for two years? Let me just sign up" Vakarian. Garrus "this guy is responsible for the death of my squad. Lure him into a crowded area so I can gun him down in the middle of the Citadel" Vakarian. Garrus -
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fangbangerghoul · 3 months ago
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She's supposed to be in the club right now and they want her to save the universe again.
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luckyspacerabbit · 2 years ago
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xenowriter · 2 years ago
Why not? Lol
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hawke-ondary · 2 months ago
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valentina shepard you will always be famous
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resident-sentinel · 2 years ago
Raconteur: Name
Master List:
Beginning < Here > Aim for the Moon
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The name changed throughout history and depending on who and where you ask. They were… are the ones being able to see and understand the messages the Protheans have left behind. The visions and technology they managed to unlock through the Beacons is far more immense than once originally thought it would be. They became the ones the leaders follow out into space. They were not leaders per say, but their words hung over heavy over others. They knew what was needed to be said and done. To progress forward towards their goals.
All of them have said the same thing. Humanity must unite. Now if people would stop throwing space paste at them.
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l8rose · 2 years ago
In my downtime while I was sick, I finally got around to doing MEL earlier this month (boy is that version of the Mass Effect Trilogy buggy as fuck) and I was still stuck by how ridiculous the dream sequences were in ME3. Especially the Scenery.
So, while thinking of my recurring nightmare, I thought of the scenery that haunts me (cause it’s the same damn place each time) and realized the trees in ME3′s dream had no actual reference from my FemShep’s life (of course there is also the “why-am-I-attached-to-random-child-I-saw-like-three-times-as-opposed-to-friend-I-left-to-die?” question but I’ve already whined about that). It’s supposed to be an important dream to make us feel like Shep is suffering for failing everyone but the trees make it feel even more out of place.
We don’t see any stand of trees like that in any of the games. Depending on the background that Shep has, they don’t even grow up near trees. Two of the three options for pre-service history has Shepard living somewhere with very little trees (ships/stations or on the streets of a big city) while the third is a colony off in the Attican Traverse with non-Earth flora. I suppose Shep could have visited a park or two while taking a break from saving the galaxy but it goes very against the character type, especially since the events from the full trilogy only take place over 3 years and Shep was dead for 2 of those.
I get that they were probably going for the idea of being lost and needing to connect but there were so many other impactful scenes that they could have chosen to base the dream around. Like basing it on Virmire, a planet where you make more than one decision that impacts the rest of the trilogy. Heck, if they wanted symbolism, using the scene from ME2 where you’re forced to walk through the busted Normandy to rescue Joker during the opening would be full of symbolism. Shepard literally dies right after so that would have been a full circle nightmare fuel.
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