#biscuit griffon
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lilenui · 1 year ago
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Key visual for the Gundam IBO live piano concert from 2019.
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hyakuri · 13 days ago
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sterletsss · 6 months ago
just griffon
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doing it like big cats they are.
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mercuryholixx · 2 years ago
Sometimes I really hate the world and everyone in it and I have to take the useless advice of "look on the bright side!"
Yeah this fat character is treated as food obsessed and other characters make jokes at his expense but he is a capable fighter and actually has depth to his personality. Yeah this fat character dies early on in the show for the character development of one of the leads but his design and personality are both free from stereotypes and he's actually an extremely endearing character. Actually the more I think about it the more I hate how that character is the most positive rep we'll ever see in such a show and he fucking died for everyone else's character development. I haven't even watched the entire show because there's fucking awful "master race" themes throughout and the other like 2? fat characters in the show are shown as awful people but. Y'know
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uchidachi · 9 months ago
Tonight we are thinking about bb griffon Assan giving Davrin lil kitty headbutts. We are thinking about him “preening” Davrin’s armor’s collar with his wee beakie. We are thinking about him making biscuits while being scritched between his wings. ❤️❤️❤️ cat-dad Davrin 😻😻😻
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grim40 · 10 months ago
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{Next Gen}~ Monster?- Part 1
Ben sighed as he sat down in his seat. It was morning, and school hadn't started yet. He could hear the kids outside in the playground but didn't bother to turn around and look. He felt lonely. His only friend, Bitter Bite, was scheduled for Tuesday class and could only see him until Thursday. Even if class hadn't started yet, he wished he could go home now. 
As fillies, foals, and other creatures started filling the classroom, he sat up straight. Ever since the School of Friendship had been inaugurated, many families had come to live on Ponyville. Yaks, griffons, hippogriffs, even some zebras, had now filled the homes of the town. And with it, the school with many children. Mom had been adamant he could stay at home and learn from his father, but giving school a chance, they had enrolled him in Missus Cheerilees school. They told him school would be fun with activities, a playground, and he could make friends. He had done all those things, except the last one. 
Ben listened to Cheerilee's lecture, the four seasons, their types of weather, how each creature is affected by them. All of a sudden he felt something hit his temple. A small piece of balled up paper landed on his desk. He heard quiet giggles behind him by his right side. He knew it were those kids again. Ever since school began, they had been pestering him all the time. Never too harsh, but just things like this. Little balls of paper, a playground ball "accidentaly" going his way, things he thought were normal. At least that's what his mom told him. He took a small glance, and there she was. Agatha, the supposed leader of the group. She raised her arms in a shug motion, motioning as a silly mistake and giggling. He gave a small but weary smile, trying not to think too much about it. He couldn't concentrate on the lecture anymore, so he just stared ahead and hoped lunch would start soon. 
Lunch break had started, and Ben unpacked his small lunch box Dad had packed for him. A couple of apple slices, some oat meal biscuits and a box of apple juice. As he snacked away his lunch, he stared at the playground where the kids ran around, played in the swing-sets and jump ropes. He looked away, again feeling lonely. He wasn't really sure why the other kids didn't like him. From day one, he struggled to make a friend. He wasn't mean, he hadn't done anything weird that he was aware of. When pair projects came up in class, the kids would ignore him. He would otherwise be paired with another foal or filly, they were decent to him throughout the class time, but after it was done he was back to being alone. His ears drooped down, and he laid in the grass for a bit.
He could entertain himself. His father had teached him a magic spell recently, to invoke his own chaos magic. He told Ben that when Draconquui were still around, everyone had their own different magic. Channeling it was a difficult task, so they would need to start young and practice with it. Ben concentrated on the pads of his paws, a spark, then a flare of magic started to form. It was already fairly easy for him, he had practiced so many times. The hard part, was keeping the magic stable. But it was coming along well. 
"Hahahaha sorry, we did not totally see you the- AHHHH!" Agatha screached.
"AHH-" Ben, literally, had been knocked out of his concentration. The magic he had been so carefully holding, burst. 
The kids backed up screaming. The magic had blown some of them back and had temporarily blinded those nearest. Ben breathed rapidly while he held his head. He hadn't meant for that to happen, so he quickly stood up and approached the kids.
"I-I'm so sorry! I just got scared, are you alright?" As he extended a paw towards Agatha, she swatted it away.
"Get back you weirdo! You were trying to eat us! I knew you were evil! That's why no one wants to hang out with you, you monster!"
Ben looked shocked. "I-, I wasn't..."
Hearing the commotion and kids coming to her telling her what happened, Miss Cheerilee came running to their aid. 
"What happened?! Are you guys alright?!"
"Miss he tried to hurt us! We didn't do anything! He just tried to eat and blow us all up Miss! Please get rid of the monster!" Children surrounded Cheerilee, and while she tried to hear everyone out, she saw Ben stiff as a statue. 
She made her way over to where Ben was standing.  "What happened Ben? Did you use magic during school hours? Do you know how dangerous that is?"
"Miss I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt anybody. I just got scared and-"
"You just tried to hurt us, don't lie you weirdo!" Agatha screamed in his face, pointing one of her fingers at him. "Yeah, Agatha just walked over to him and he turned around with a magic ball and shoot it straight towards us!" "Were scared, please take him away!"
The children again started rambling on, not allowing Cheerilee or Ben get a word in. Ben wasn't confrontational, so he just stayed quiet. 
"Nu-uh, that's not what happened!"
Ben recognized the voice. It was Bitter Bites twin sister.
"Sugary Bite what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be in school." Cheerilee addressed Sugary. 
"I saw what happened, they are lying! I came here with mommy for Bitter Bite's homework because he forgot it. They threw a ball at Ben, I saw it!" 
"I didn't throw it!" Agatha exclaimed.
"I didn't say it was you!" Sugary retorted back. 
With that Agatha closed her beak and stayed quiet. 
"All right all right, we will talk about this after school. Please Sugary go back to your mom. Kids it's time to go inside, c'mon."
Kids started to head insde the school, and as Ben started to walk Cheerilee stopped him. 
"We will talk about what happened when your dad comes over, alright? And please, no magic use today, okay?"
She didn't sound angry, though her soothing voice masked a tinge of worry. Ben just shook his head slowly up and down, agreeing. 
As he sat in his desk, the whispering children went quiet. Cheerilee began her lecture, but this time Ben didn't bother to pay attention. 
The school bell rang, and kids gathered outside to meet their parents to go home, with the exception of two. They were still seated in their desks, no words exchanged. Ben felt panicked, like a knot in his stomach had formed and it was just gurgling around. What would his dad say if he knew he was doing magic in school? Would be be mad? He would probably be grounded for ever and be banned from doing magic again. Ben didn't bother looking in Agatha's direction, though he felt eyes on the back of his head. 
"Hello Mrs. Helen, hello Mr Discord, would you please come inside? There was an incident today regarding Agatha and Ben during lunch time."
"Did something happen to Agatha?!"
"What happened to my boy?! Is he okay?!"
At the mention of an incident, both parents asked Cheerilee in a panic. 
"No they aren't hurt, just if you please could come in."
Discord and Helen, Agatha's mother, came in. Agatha quickly ran towards her mother and began pleading with her.
"I didn't do it mom! It was an accident!"
Discord approached Ben who was still sitting and his desk and picking him up to his eye level.
"Are you alright? Did anyone hurt you?"
Ben shook his head at his dad's question, but still didn't speak. 
"Miss Cheerilee, you were looking for us?" Pinkie Pie came in the door, along with Sugary Bite and Bitter Bite. 
"Thank you all for coming. I know its a hassle to be here after school but I know that you guys want to know what happened today. From what I was told, Ben was caught doing magic during school hours without supervision of an adult or unicorn teacher."
"Is that true?" Discord let Ben down gently, and Ben looking down, saying a small audible yes.
"As we have discussed previously during the days prior of school, magic practice is forbidden during school hours without supervision, correct Discord?"
"Ah-, y-yes I know."
"I know you might be teaching Ben magic, but also teaching him the where and when he should be practicing it is a lesson every teacher has to put in place. Right?"
"R-right. I'm very sorry for the incident, whatever it was. I did fail Benny in teaching him to refrain from using magic here at school."
At this, Ben felt guilty, like he was at fault his dad was being scolded for his mistake.
"Although, I was told something else before the incident happened. And, I know Sugary Bite was a witness to all this."
"But how is my daughter related to this?"
"Go on Sugary." Cheerilee told her.
"I saw Ben by the bushes of the playground, but I also saw Agatha and her friends playing ball. But then I saw them throw the ball at Ben. Then his magic went BOOM!"
"Sugary is certain Agatha was the one who threw the ball."
"Did you Agatha?" Helen asked her daughter.
Agatha stayed quiet, and her eyes averting her mother's gaze.
"She is lying. Ben just wanted to hurt us for playing, and when I went to go say sorry he tried to hurt me." Agatha still averting her gaze.
"No you weren't, you were laughing with every pony." Sugary added.
"He also annoys me during class. He just stares at us without saying anything."
"Well you must have done something to him." 
"I do not!"
Sugary and Agatha bickered back and forth, while Ben just looked at them.
"Did she do anything else to you today?" Discord whipered to Ben. 
Then, Ben remembered, the piece of paper that tapped his head. It was Agatha who threw the piece of paper, and the ball. 
"She-" Everyone went quiet when they heard him talk. "She threw a piece of paper at me today. During class."
"HAH! What did I tell you, you DID do something!" Sugary mocked Agatha. "Sugary c'mere." Pinkie said while grabbing and dragging her towards her by her tail.
"Well Agatha, did you?" Cheerilee asked, sternly this time.
Agatha stayed quiet, swallowing saliva and lowering her head. 
"He's a monster."
"Agatha!" Helen yelled angrily at her daughter. 
"He doesn't belong here. He scares all of us!"
"All right all right, quiet down. *Sigh* Discord, Ben, you guys can leave for today. I'll talk with Miss Helen about Agatha's detention."
"Thank you Miss Cheerilee, c'mon kiddo. Let's go home." Discord picked Ben up and carried him on his back. 
"You can also leave Pinkie, and before I forget. Here is your homework Bitter."
"..." "He says thank you!" Sugary answered for her brother, while Bitter only nodded. 
Pinkie, Discord, and along with the kids, they left the school. 
Pinkie and the kids had parted ways, not before telling Ben they would see him later that week at school.  Ben only held tightly to his dad's neck, holding onto him like a koala. 
"You okay there kiddo, you are holding on a little roughly?"
There was a pause, and then heard a sniffle. 
"Benny, what's wrong?" As he grabbed his son and turned him around, Ben had tears running down his cheeks. Discord stopped walking and just held Ben in the air.
"Dad, am I a monster?" As he said it, Ben started to bawl. More tears came, and his sobbing got louder. 
His heart broke when he heard it. He only hugged his son, rubbing his hair. Discord carried on walking holding him in his arms. 
First time I post my Next Gen story here.
To give out context on characters-
-Ben (Benjamin Shy), son of Discord and Flutter Shy
-Sugary Bite and Bitter Bite, Pinkie's and Sky Star's kids
-Agatha, new character of mine, daughter of Helen
I'll later post their refs here~
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starlightcleric · 1 year ago
Autumn With a Witch - Chapter 2 - Rain
Fandom: Sun Haven
Relationships: Catherine/Farmer
Other: Fluff, established relationship
With the town of Sun Haven saved, Calliope can turn to enjoying the start of autumn with her wonderful wife, Catherine.
Also on AO3
Calliope awoke to the soft sound of rain pattering on the window and to the warm breath of her wife on her neck. And Catherine’s hair in her mouth. Catherine’s rabbit ears were folded back across her head as she slept, but her voluminous, purple hair spread everywhere.
Calliope used her free hand that wasn’t pinned down by her wife cuddling into her to remove the affronting hair from her mouth and rub her eyes. With the rain today, she wouldn’t need to water the crops by hand (or, well, rain cloud spell). She still needed to check in on the animals, make sure they had enough food, but she could afford to spend a bit longer in bed.
“Mreowf.” A soft lump launched itself onto Calliope’s stomach and started making biscuits.
Or maybe the inside pets still wanted breakfast on schedule.
The little, black witch cat stared Calliope in the face intently as it let out another large meow.
“Mmmmmhm.” Catherin stirred, her ears starting to perk up.
Calliope kissed her on the forehead as she detangled herself to get up. “You can go back to sleep, love. It’s a lazy, rainy day.”
Catherine slowly opened one eye. “Then why are you getting up?”
The black cat bumped into Calliope’s back as she finagled to put on socks. “Someone still wants breakfast. Which means I should check on all the animals–here and in Nel’Vari. Oh!” She stood up straight and gave the cat a scratch on the back. “If I’m headed to Nel’Vari, and it’s raining, I should hunt for water runes!”
Catherine sat up and stretched. “I don’t know what my day looks like. I should stop by the store, check in, but Lucia and I won’t have our lunch outside in this weather.”
Calliope laced up her boots. “Then why don’t you come with me? It’s past time you’ve seen the farm in Nel’Vari. I think you would find the amount of magic just in the world there absolutely fascinating. There are plants I can only grow there, potions I can only make there—”
“Hmmm.” Catherine surged forward to kiss Calliope on the nose. “Well, I can’t have my wife out-witching me, now can I?”
“I could never. You’re Sun Haven’s best witch.” Calliope kissed her back.
The black cat made its presence known again by thrusting its head into her stomach.
Calliope pulled away from Catherine and laughed. “Alright, alright. I’m getting breakfast now.”
The cat trailed her all the way to the kitchen with excited mews, only stopping to stuff its face when Calliope placed its bowl on the floor.
Calliope stopped for a moment to stare out the kitchen window. The rain trailed down the window pane in lazy patterns, and farther out dripped down from the trees into little puddles. She normally took the griffon straight to the Nel’Vari farm, but she didn’t think he could carry both her and Catherine. Flying in this weather also sounded miserable. Well, a nice walk it was, then. They could forage in the woods together.
As she prepared her and Catherine’s morning carrot juice, the cat had finished its breakfast and was now meowing and scratching at the front door. “I don’t think you want to go out there, buddy.”
“MREOWW.” Scratch scratch scratch.
“Okay, fine.” Calliope opened the door for the cat.
It took one look outside at the rain, sniffed, then turned around and headed back toward the bedroom.
“That’s what I thought.” Calliope finished pouring the carrot juice just as Catherine walked into the kitchen, dressed warmly and carrying a waterproof cloak.
The journey was not unfamiliar. Catherine had grown up exploring the wilds of Sun Haven for herbs, and Calliope had made many an expedition to Nel’Vari. So they knew how to skirt the edges to avoid the beasts of the wild, though many were hidden, sheltering from the rain. The fresh smell of wet dirt filled her nostrils while the dirt itself caked their fingertips as they collected mushrooms.
Unfortunately she couldn’t walk too closely to Catherine, since the rain would run off the brim of Catherine’s hat right to the top of Calliope’s head. So she danced in circles around her, darting to and fro as Catherine proceeded languidly through the forest like a nymph.
As they approached the bridge that marked the transition to the elven forest, Calliope heard Catherine catch her breath.
“I’ve never been this deep before,” Catherine said. “It’s beautiful. And what are those?” she pointed at the colorful stones peaking up out of the earth.
“The magical runes! Like how Sun Haven gets elemental crystals around in places? Nel’Vari gets these elemental runes. I can use them in crafting stuff. Here, we’ll pick them up and I’ll show you when we get to the farm.”
They proceeded farther into the forest towards Nel’Vari, eventually reaching the elven town itself. Most of the residents were holed up inside on this rainy day, but they still attracted some stares. Not that Nel’Vari didn’t have its own population of amari, but the residents were tight knit. Outsiders were rare.
Spotting Wesley at the bulletin board, Calliope hurried Catherine along. She didn’t feel like receiving a lecture at the moment. 
Catherine still lingered to gawk at the great tree in the distance. “The trees here, I can feel their connection to the earth. There’s so much life here.” She held out her palm to catch some falling raindrops. “It’s in the earth, in the water, in the air.”
“I think you and Iris could have some interesting conversations once she stopped being terrified of you, but I really do need to check up on the animals.”
“Alright, alright. But later.” Catherine let Calliope pull her by the hand down the road towards the farm.
The raindrops played a soft melody over the many pools of the Nel’Vari farm as Calliope and Catherine approached. “Can you check on the crops while I tend to the animals?” Calliope asked.
“Oh I am itching to dig my fingers around some new magical plants,” Catherine laughed. “You don’t even have to ask.”
As Calliope fed the animals (giving the baby griffon extra scritches), her gaze kept returning to Catherine. She kneeled directly in the mud, skirts pulled around to shield her knees, with a look of childlike wonder as she reverently touched each plant. If paper wouldn’t have been absolutely soaked, Calliope was sure she would be taking notes.
Leaving Catherine to the weeding for now, Calliope headed over to her storage chests. She had promised to show Catherine rune crafting. She grabbed a pile of water runes and some various fish, and headed to the mana infuser.
From across the yard, Catherine looked up. “Don’t say you’re doing alchemy without me!”
“I’m just prepping the materials,” Calliope protested, but Catherine was already on her way over.
She was soaked through and dirt snaked up her arms, but Catherine’s eyes were bright as Calliope explained the mana infuser.
“And then when we balance the essence of the fish against the water rune, it draws the mana into liquid form. To the best of my knowledge. Magic isn’t really my speciality, I just follow the recipes I have written down.”
“Oh I so want to experiment with this,” said Catherine. “How long will this potion take?” she asked, nodding to the concoction Calliope had started brewing.
“Uh,” Calliope checked the recipe. “Four hours. So we’ve got some time. We could head inside and dry off, we’re both drenched.” She gave her head a vigorous shake, and water droplets flew off the ends of her hair and ears.
Catherine looked down at her muddy dress ruefully. “I could do with a warm drink and a bath.”
“Well, I haven’t put as much effort into this house as the one in Sun Haven, but I do have the basic necessities stocked,” said Calliope. “Including lavender bubble bath.”
Catherine kissed her cheek. “You really are prepared. While I draw up a bath, you better tell me all about the crops you have here. There’s one that’s a rock but it’s a plant?”
And, scraping the mud off their boots, they headed inside out of the rain.
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dorokora · 10 months ago
I was honestly pissed when Biscuit Griffon was killed in Gundham. And Danganronpa treats their fat characters like jokes. :/
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toskarin · 2 years ago
fondly remembering the time I was lightly making fun of the Griffon family name scheme (Cookie, Cracker, Biscuit, et al) when I suddenly remembered I knew a real family that had similarly food-themed names and had to stumble back over myself
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gerogerigaogaigar · 5 days ago
Allelujah Haptism, Quattre Raberba Winner, Full Frontal, Quattro Bajeena, Biscuit Griffon
Episode 1 of the entire franchise has a guy named Denim
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lilenui · 1 year ago
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Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans sketches by one of the animators on the series - Kenichi Ohnuki, from their blog.
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charlestonbusinessdirectory · 4 months ago
Nightlife in Charleston: Where to Eat, Drink, and Dance the Night Away Shop Local Charleston, SC Businesses [ad_1] Charleston, South Carolina is known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and delicious cuisine. But did you know that this charming city also has a vibrant nightlife scene? From trendy bars to lively clubs, there is no shortage of options for those looking to eat, drink, and dance the night away in Charleston. Here are some of the best spots to check out: Bars When it comes to bars in Charleston, there is something for everyone. Whether you're looking for a cozy speakeasy or a lively rooftop bar with stunning views, you won't be disappointed. One popular choice is The Cocktail Club, located in the heart of downtown Charleston. This elegant bar offers expertly crafted cocktails and a sophisticated ambiance that is perfect for a night out with friends. If you're in the mood for something more casual, head over to The Griffon. This laid-back bar is a favorite among locals and visitors alike, thanks to its friendly staff, great selection of beers, and cozy atmosphere. And if you're a fan of craft beer, be sure to check out Edmund's Oast. This trendy gastropub offers an extensive selection of locally brewed beers and delicious bar food. Restaurants After enjoying a few drinks at one of Charleston's many bars, you'll likely work up an appetite. Luckily, this city is home to some incredible restaurants that are perfect for a late-night meal. For a taste of the Lowcountry, head over to Husk. This award-winning restaurant is known for its innovative take on traditional Southern cuisine, and its late-night menu is no exception. If you're in the mood for something a bit more exotic, check out Xiao Bao Biscuit. This Asian fusion restaurant offers a unique menu that is sure to satisfy your late-night cravings. And for those who prefer something a bit more upscale, FIG is the perfect choice. This elegant restaurant offers a seasonal menu that highlights the best of Charleston's local ingredients. Clubs If dancing the night away is more your style, don't worry – Charleston has plenty of clubs to choose from. One popular spot is The Commodore. This retro-inspired club offers a mix of live music, DJ sets, and themed parties that are sure to keep you on your feet all night long. And for those who prefer a more laid-back atmosphere, Republic Garden & Lounge is a great option. This chic club offers a spacious outdoor patio and a diverse crowd that is always up for a good time. For a taste of the VIP lifestyle, head over to NV Dance Lounge. This upscale club offers bottle service, VIP seating, and top-notch entertainment that is perfect for a special night out with friends. And if you're in the mood for a Latin flair, check out Deco Nightclub. This vibrant club offers salsa dancing, live music, and delicious cocktails that will transport you to the streets of Havana. Conclusion With its wide range of bars, restaurants, and clubs, Charleston truly has something for everyone when it comes to nightlife. Whether you're looking for a cozy spot to grab a cocktail, a trendy club to dance the night away, or a late-night meal that will satisfy your cravings, this charming city has it all. So next time you're in Charleston, be sure to check out some of these hotspots for an unforgettable night out on the town. [ad_2] EXPLORE MORE: Nightlife in Charleston SC Best: Places to eat in Charleston SC FIND: Things to do in Charleston SC CHARLESTON BUSINESS OWNERS: Get a Free Business Profile FIND BUSINESSES: Charleston Business Directory BE SEEN: Advertise Your Business Here #NIGHTLIFE
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chsthrive · 4 months ago
Nightlife in Charleston: Where to Eat, Drink, and Dance the Night Away Shop Local Charleston, SC Businesses [ad_1] Charleston, South Carolina is known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and delicious cuisine. But did you know that this charming city also has a vibrant nightlife scene? From trendy bars to lively clubs, there is no shortage of options for those looking to eat, drink, and dance the night away in Charleston. Here are some of the best spots to check out: Bars When it comes to bars in Charleston, there is something for everyone. Whether you're looking for a cozy speakeasy or a lively rooftop bar with stunning views, you won't be disappointed. One popular choice is The Cocktail Club, located in the heart of downtown Charleston. This elegant bar offers expertly crafted cocktails and a sophisticated ambiance that is perfect for a night out with friends. If you're in the mood for something more casual, head over to The Griffon. This laid-back bar is a favorite among locals and visitors alike, thanks to its friendly staff, great selection of beers, and cozy atmosphere. And if you're a fan of craft beer, be sure to check out Edmund's Oast. This trendy gastropub offers an extensive selection of locally brewed beers and delicious bar food. Restaurants After enjoying a few drinks at one of Charleston's many bars, you'll likely work up an appetite. Luckily, this city is home to some incredible restaurants that are perfect for a late-night meal. For a taste of the Lowcountry, head over to Husk. This award-winning restaurant is known for its innovative take on traditional Southern cuisine, and its late-night menu is no exception. If you're in the mood for something a bit more exotic, check out Xiao Bao Biscuit. This Asian fusion restaurant offers a unique menu that is sure to satisfy your late-night cravings. And for those who prefer something a bit more upscale, FIG is the perfect choice. This elegant restaurant offers a seasonal menu that highlights the best of Charleston's local ingredients. Clubs If dancing the night away is more your style, don't worry – Charleston has plenty of clubs to choose from. One popular spot is The Commodore. This retro-inspired club offers a mix of live music, DJ sets, and themed parties that are sure to keep you on your feet all night long. And for those who prefer a more laid-back atmosphere, Republic Garden & Lounge is a great option. This chic club offers a spacious outdoor patio and a diverse crowd that is always up for a good time. For a taste of the VIP lifestyle, head over to NV Dance Lounge. This upscale club offers bottle service, VIP seating, and top-notch entertainment that is perfect for a special night out with friends. And if you're in the mood for a Latin flair, check out Deco Nightclub. This vibrant club offers salsa dancing, live music, and delicious cocktails that will transport you to the streets of Havana. Conclusion With its wide range of bars, restaurants, and clubs, Charleston truly has something for everyone when it comes to nightlife. Whether you're looking for a cozy spot to grab a cocktail, a trendy club to dance the night away, or a late-night meal that will satisfy your cravings, this charming city has it all. So next time you're in Charleston, be sure to check out some of these hotspots for an unforgettable night out on the town. [ad_2] EXPLORE MORE: Nightlife in Charleston SC Best: Places to eat in Charleston SC FIND: Things to do in Charleston SC CHARLESTON BUSINESS OWNERS: Get a Free Business Profile FIND BUSINESSES: Charleston Business Directory BE SEEN: Advertise Your Business Here #NIGHTLIFE
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amalgamasreal · 2 years ago
Fun fact: Biscuit Griffon from Iron Blooded Orphans and Elan Ceres from The Witch from Mercury have the same Japanese VA, Natsuki Hanae.
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talondoodle · 2 years ago
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Friend told me to draw some IBO art. So have this.
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20thcentury-kylo · 3 years ago
A Very cute (and alil risque) Biscuit- full version on thy twitter >>> here
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