#riddle no.1 what was 9 year old mes favorite animal
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i shall tell you about my ocs boy by but first you must answer my riddles three..
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go-go-devil · 1 year
2, 7, 8, 10 for the animation asks :D
2) When was the exact moment when you realized just how much you admire animation as an art form unique from other media?
Honestly I fully believe the EXACT moment arose when I rewatched The Secret of NIMH for the second time as a 14-year-old. I had already enjoyed it when I first saw it back when I was 7, but seeing it again with a maturing brain and a finer eye for the craft of 2D animation really made me appreciate how well made the film was, both in terms of technical achievements and story
Of course, this also lead to the faithful event of me looking up the trailer to the movie on youtube and seeing in my recommendations a trailer to a film I had never heard of called Watership Down. I clicked on that video, and the rest was history ;)
7) What is your favorite cartoon series?
Fuck that's too hard of a pick! If I was forced to, though, I would probably swap between Bojack Horseman and Spongebob Squarepants (Seasons 1-3) depending on whether I'm in the mood for depressing or joyful eccentric animal people 🐴 🧽
8) What was the first adult animation you’ve seen?
The very first one HAD to have been The Simpsons. While it took me until I was 9 to actually become obsessed w/ the series I know for a fact I caught it on TV several times before when I was younger
While Simpsons most likely predated it, I do have a very clear memory of the 1st time I ever saw South Park. I believe I was either 5 or 6, seated all alone in the living room at my nanny's house while everyone else was in the kitchen partying, and while flipping thru the channels I caught the last 10 minutes of the episode where the boys and Jesus Christ try to save Santa Claus from a group of terrorists, at the scene where Jesus riddled with bullets and dies. The funny part about it was that I wasn't even scared by it. I legit thought I was watching a serious drama just because Jesus was killed in front of a group of children and just accepted it XD
10) When did you first discover anime?
Technically the first anime I can remember watching were Hamtaro and Pokemon, with Yu Gi Oh following shortly after. However, the first anime I watched after learning what the term anime meant was Death Note. It was a pretty significant moment for me since it was the first cartoon I ever got obsessed with that wasn't made for children, and thus taught me that animation isn't something that's exclusive to kids like me. After that I absorbed as much "mature" anime as I could find to show off how cool I was (and by mature I of course meant shows for teenagers lol)
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My 13 year old baby brother has finally discovered Inuyasha (waltz into my room while I wasn’t there and started reading it and watched the anime when he finished what I had on the shelf) and this is some of the things he has said that stuck with me for some reason:
1. Is Inuyasha a good guy?
- He didn’t like Inuyasha in the beginning because he just straight up attacks Kagome out of nowhere and he thought he was just a jerk (Inuyasha is now his #2 favorite character)
2. Why did they draw him like that?
- This was in reference to Sesshomaru who he thought was a girl for a split second
3. Where is the romance?
- He’s a shonen only person, so I’m very surprised he asked that question. Inuyasha has a good balance of both action and romance so his response is understandable I guess…???
4. Yes! Kikyo’s here!
- He likes the drama she brings
5. She’s hot!
- This is when Sango finally joined the gang. His response is valid
6. Why is Shippo here?
- That’s an excellent question. He doesn’t dislike Shippo, it’s just that he realized that he has no ongoing beef with Naraku like the others do
7. Kikyo needs to get her ass in slam poetry
- He feels like Kikyo speaks in riddles and rhymes so he called her the Maya Angelou of the show
8. I’m going to be mad if they’re not together forever at the end
9. Every time you come out your room, he’s on screen
- So every time I came out my room Sesshomaru was on screen. My brother knows I have a strong dislike for Sesshomaru (I love his character development) and I’m an Inuyasha simp. He then had the nerve to ask me “Are you suuuuurrreee Sesshomaru ain’t your man”?…. The disrespect
10. I love this song!
- His favorite ending theme is Come… he’s absolutely correct
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365days365movies · 4 years
March 1, 2021: The Hobbit (1977) (Part 1)
In a hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit.
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When I was 9, my school let us read a very special book, originally meant for kids, but beloved by everyone. My folks and I went to Borders Books (FUCK ME, I miss Borders), and we got an illustrated copy of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit. I can’t find that book, but if I ever find it again, Imma buy it IMMEDIATELY, I tell you what. And...oh shit, it’s on Amazon for $12? 
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Well. I just made that purchase, I guess. But yeah, I loved that book when I was a kid, and this was during the same year that Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy began, with Fellowship, of course. And I wouldn’t end up watching those until a few years later, but I loved those too when I saw them. And I’ve NEVER seen the abridged version, by the way, I’ve only ever seen the extended editions.
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Although, I can’t call myself a hardcore fan. I’ve never read the Silmarillion, for example. Although, weirdly, I wanted it as a kid at some point, so I was almost there. But no, I ended up getting into comic books hardcore instead, so I can’t tell you the history of Tom Bombadil, but I can tell you about at least one of the fuckin’ 87 tieles that the Legion of Super-Heroes has been involved in. I’m not gonna like it though.
...Yes, I will, who am I kidding, I love the Legion. Anyway, I’ve still always been a fan of the franchise, and I was extremely excited when Jackson announced that he’d be doing an adaptation of The Hobbit! Seriously, I WAS FUCKING PUMPED, you have no idea. I re-read the book, I was super-excited...and then Harry Potter changed EVERYTHING. Kind of.
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See, Harry Potter’s development as a two films made from one book seemed to kick off a trend. Breaking Dawn and Mockingjay are the two that immediately come to mind, as does this film. However, to be fair...that’s probably a coincidence. Yeah, this film was originally developed as two parts, WAY before Deathly Hallows got that treatment. And even then, Jackson and Del Toro had difficulty breaking it up into two parts, and three ended up being easier. Still...the change from two-to-three does feel a little connected to that trend.
Anyway, in celebration of that decision, I’m gonna break this review into three parts! Yes. Really. I want to see if it works. And so, let’s talk about the other most famous adaptation of this book by talking about its creators.
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Yup. Rankin-Bass did 2D-animated cartoons, too! And this was one of their most famous ones, dating back to 1977. But wait! There’s more! This was followed by Ralph Bakshi’s version of Lord of the Rings by a different studio. You know, this one?
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Yeah, that one. It was only based on the first two books, Fellowship and Towers. But it was technically unconnected to the Rankin-Bass version. Which is why it was REALLY weird when Rankin-Bass came out with an adaptation of the third book, Return of the King, right afterwards!
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BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. Because both of Rankin-Bass’ specials were animated by a Japanese studio called Topcraft, who’d actually worked with Rankin-Bass for years. But then, they went bankrupt a few years later, and was bought by Isao Takahata, Toshio Suzuki, and...Hayao Miyazaki. And it was renamed as...
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So, this is a Hobbit adaptation produced by the Rudolph people and animated by the people who would eventually become Studio Ghibli. Well, uh...holy fucking shit. Let’s DO THIS BABY. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Recap (1/3)
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As we’re wont to do in this story, we head to Hobbiton in the Shire, where we meet Bilbo Baggins (Orson Bean). A simple Hobbit in a simple home, with a happy and simple life. But one day, he’s approached by Gandalf (John Huston), who seeks a burglar to help with the mission of a group of dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield (Hans Conried).
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We also immediately start off with two songs from the original book, and I have to say that I like them a but better in the Jackson movies, but they’re still well performed here. Anyway, after dinner, the true goal of their quest is given. Beneath Lonely Mountain, the ancestral home of the Dwarves, there was a kingdom ruled by the King Under the Mountain, Thorin’s grandfather.
Through reading the lyrics of the song “Far over the Misty Mountains,” Thorin tells the tale of the takeover of the Dwarves’ great golden hoard by the dragon Smaug. Bilbo is tasked to help the Dwarves steal back the treasure stolen from them. And, while he’s extremely reluctant to be a part of all this, Gandalf basically forces him to, the pushy bastard. And Bilbo’s Greatest Adventure now lies ahead!
Speaking of, here’s the song “The Greatest Adventure”, sung by Glenn Yarborough, who is the living personification of vibrato. Fuckin’ seriously, this guy’s voice is ridiculous, but I love it so much. As the night passes underneath Glenn Yarborough’s hypnotically shaky voice, and uncertain, Bilbo stares out at the moon. Once it’s over, we’re on our way to the Misty Mountains.
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Bilbo’s having a tough time with the long journey and rough weather, and it doesn’t get much better when they encounter a trio of trolls. They send out Bilbo to try and steal some mutton from them, but he’s IMMEDIATELY a failure, and also manages to tell the trolls that the dwarves are present. Nice one, Bilbo. The trolls catch all of the dwarves, although Bilbo manages to escape. 
The trolls argue about how to cook the dwarves, but before they get to do anything, Gandalf shows up and summons the dawn, turning the trolls into stone and saving the dwarves. While they’re initially quite frustrated by Bilbo’s failure, he makes it up by discovering a horde of goods and weapons stolen by the trolls. This is also where Bilbo gets his classic weapon, Sting.
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Gandalf, cheeky bastard that he is, suddenly reveals a map that he’s kept secret from Thorin, its rightful owner. Bilbo, a classic cartomaniac, is able to interpret the map. But there are also runes that they can’t quite read. And so, Gandalf brings them to his friend, Elrond (), who’s wearing a sick-ass glittery tiara that’s hovering off his head. How come Hugo Weaving didn’t have that?
Anyway, Elrond identifies the swords that Thorin and Gandalf grabbed as Orcrist, the Goblin-Cleaver and Glamdring, the Foe-Hammer, because FUCK YEAH, BABY, those are some fuckin’ NAMES! WHOOOOOO!
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Anyway, he also points them in the direction of the mountain, and shows them hidden features to the map. They head through the mountains after this, and rest in a cave. Unfortunately, this cave is on Goblin territory, and the group (sans Gandalf, who’s disappeared to make out with Cate Blanchett or whatever) is quickly ambushed by a group of now-horned Goblins, who chant their song as they go “Down, Down, to Goblin-Town”. Which is a song that I love, unironically. It compels me to sing along.
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The Goblins nearly kill them when they discover Orcrist in Thorin’s possession, but they’re saved by the sudden appearance of Gandalf with the glowing sword Glamdring. He kills the Great Goblin, and the group run out with the Goblins in hot pursuit. Well, except for Bilbo.
Yeah, Bilbo falls into a cavern below the mountain, and the dwarves think him gone for good. However, he’s miraculously safe on the ground, having landed in an underground aquifer, in which lives THE GREATEST CHARACTER IN THE MIDDLE-EARTH FRANCHISE FUCKIN’ AT ME I DARE YOU
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And just so we’re clear, I’m not talking about the film version only, I’m talking about Gollum/Smeagol in general. Granted, I don’t want a film starring him or anything (coughCruellacoughcoughMaleficentcoughcoughClaricecoughcough), but I love this dissociative little dude so much. He’s one of my favorite fantasy characters in general, and is also maybe the best example of a sympathetic villain, in film at least.
OK, to be fair, I love Andy Serkis’ version of the character a LOT, like a LOT a lot, and it’s a great version of the character. OK, so what do I think of this version? He’s...interesting, actually. If I’m honest, I kinda like him. This is similar to how I always pictured Gollum when I was a kid.
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I mean, listen to this description from the book, yeah?
Deep down here by the dark water lived old Gollum, a small slimy creature. I don't know where he came from, nor who or what he was. He was Gollum - as dark as darkness, except for two big round pale eyes in his thin face...He was looking out of his pale lamp-like eyes for blind fish, which he grabbed with his long fingers as quick as thinking.
I dunno, that does sound more like this version of Gollum to me, just saying. Anyway, while Gollum is off fishing in the water, Bilbo gets up on the shore, where he finds a little golden ring Not important, just a ring, definitely means nothing at all, NOTHING AT ALL, NOTHING TO SEE HERE.
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The hungry Gollum (Brother Theodore) happens upon Bilbo, precious, wonders if Bilbo would taste good, and is basically about to kill him for his sweet hobbit meat, before Bilbo takes out Sting. Now afraid, Gollum offers a game of riddles. The two make a deal: if Bilbo wins at a game of riddles, Gollum will show him the  way out. But if Gollum wins, precious will eat him raaaaaaaw and wrrrrrrrrrriggling!
The riddles commence, in a super-fuckin’-classic moment, and also ends with maybe the most bullshit moment in all of fantasy lore. After clever riddles with answers involving eggs, wind, and time, Bilbo’s last riddle is “What’s in my pocket?” The fuck, Bilbo, that’s absolute BULLSHIT!
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Not that it matters. Bilbo wins, but Gollum goes to find his ring to show it to Bilbo before he takes him away. Thing is, though, that’s what was in Bilbo’s pocket, which Gollum quickly figures out, my precious. He’s about to kill Bilbo to get back his birthday present, precious, but Bilbo discovers the secret trick of the ring: it turns the wearer invisible, AND THAT WILL NEVER BE A BAD THING EVER.
Gollum thinks that Bilbo’s escaped and runs after him toward the exit. This, of course, leads Bilbo towards the exit inadvertently, and he follows Gollum, then jumps over him to get back. To which Gollum screams the following:
Thief! Thief! Baggins! We hates it! Hates it! Forever!
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I hear you, buddy. I hear you. Well, once Bilbo escapes, he reconvenes with the rest, and shares his adventure in the cave, but leaves out the ring. And Gandalf seems to know, based on his dialogue. And I checked, and he figured it out in the book and Jackson movie, too. And I gotta say...WHAT THE FUCK GANDALF
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I mean...DUDE. CHECK UP on that shit. Do you wizard job, man! If you’d been like, “Dude...you didn’t find a magic ring that turns you invisible, ight, because we’re FUCKED if you did”, NONE OF THE LORD OF THE RINGS WOULD’VE HAPPENED, AND BOROMIR WOULD STILL BE ALIVE
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Everybody talks about the fuckin’ eagles, but WHY DO I NEVER HEAR ANYONE MENTION THIS SHIT? Gandalf the Grey: Middle-Earth’s most irresponsible asshole, I swear...
This seems like a good place to pause, actually. See you in the next part!
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smile-files · 4 years
melon’s comprehensive kinlist!
including name of character, source, image, short personality description, mbti, and then why i kin them! take your time to read, or don’t. i get it if you don’t want to scroll through an entire page just to psychoanalyze me lmao, have a good time
1. wirt (over the garden wall)
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an angsty, socially awkward dweebus who nerds out over interior design and plays the clarinet. fears death. infp.
my first kin! for a month after rewatching otgw i desperately wanted to be him. to be like him. anything!! it eventually wore away but i still feel that urge sometimes - the urge to write r/im14andthisisdeep poetry and to distance one’s self from their siblings... and heck - his tape for sara is indeed just as awkward as he is but let me assure you that his poetry and clarinet are actually pretty cool. 9/10 i need to see him more. give me more otgw comics. ok thanks.
2. snufkin (moomins)
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a philosophical vagabond of vague age. acts stoic all the time but can and will leave every social situation whether or not it’s humanly possible. infp.
after watching some 90s moomin (and later on moominvalley) i realized how much i liked him and how much i was like him; i soon daydreamed of myself, as snufkin, venting to someone. it made me very happy. i vibe with his general demeanor and ideals (minus his gripes about rules, i follow those by the book) and i love psychoanalyzing him. so fun. so fun.
3. arnold perlstein (the magic school bus)
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overly-anxious jewish kid and certified expert on rocks and panicking. owns a pair of fire-proof pyjamas in a lovely shade of green. isfj.
you all saw this one coming. my early childhood lives in my mind rent free and such i can’t help but revisit arn and his character. i’ve always loved him (even in, and quite possibly especially in, the reboot) and i’ve always loved psychoanalyzing every single little thing he does (remember that one time he said he was traumatized? me too). i soon realized a lot of it was me projecting! so sue me. actually, sue miss frizzle. either one of them. i mean, if arnold really didn’t like the field trips he could’ve just filed a restraining order! ...just saying.
4. fluttershy (my little pony)
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anxious pastel butterfly baby child. probably loves animals more than she loves herself. cries upon impact. isfj.
the pony i’d mentally point to and think “me”. i had like 10 fluttershy-related things growing up, like plushies or funko pops or that sdcc guardians of harmony thing. while not shy in the same manner, it was nice having a character i could relate to about so much! i cosplayed as her equestria girls form for my first comic con as well, so that’s pretty cool. in addition, me being a little lepidopterist means i was bound to love her. it was destiny~
5. lammy lamb (um jammer lammy)
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socially anxious and generally anxious rock star who thinks literally everything is a guitar. has an emotional support girlfriend. infp.
man!! she embodies the feeling when you have to go to the eye doctor by yourself to get your glasses fixed or when you have to call someone over the phone... that sheer tension. the panic. the feeling of ‘i want to throw my entire being into the trash can’. but lammy has a bunch of friends to support her, so she’s cool. died by slipping on a banana peel! same, sister. and man would i like to shred on my ukulele now...
6. loser (bfb)
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humble (screw bfb 21), supportive, well-loved cube dude who’s voice is like that of an angel. has an entire fanclub in his honor. enfj.
okay, no, i was never a cool kid or ‘popular’, really, but in school i was never bullied for whatever reason and was generally well-liked; i hung out with a squad of weirdos and yet the cool kids would often talk to me? and try to engage me?? despite my very apparent self-deprecation and awkwardness??? either way i feel like it’s such a blessing to me, that i have so many friends! i often feel like i don’t deserve it, but hey. it’s nice! and heck, back when i was on scratch i had a little fanclub myself :0
7. fan (inanimate insanity)
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nerdy, friendly aspie boyo who subliminally vents via blogging. longs for stability in his life; was best friends with an egg. entp.
ever since i noted his aspergers-like behavior i became super attached to him - whether or not it was intentional, i found it nice having a character i can relate those feelings with. he’s really sweet and dorky and i love how he gets along with test tube, paintbrush, and lightbulb! it makes me really happy to see him whenever i do. it made me really sad when he was eliminated. what the heck. yeah i dunno i don’t kin him super strongly but i love him to bits.
8. spinel (steven universe the movie)
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emotionally unstable clown girl who stood in a garden for thousands of years. patience of a saint. edge like an 11-year-old me. esfp.
uhh um uh totally wasn’t completely disturbed by how much i related to spinel after watching steven universe the movie... totally wasn’t reminded about how and why i hated middle school... totally didn’t rethink my life that day... that’s it. this is all i’m saying.
9. molly blyndeff (epithet erased)
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innocent child who has a terrible father and a wonderful demeanor. teddy bear who needs a hug and a criminal as her new dad. infp.
epithet erased is adorable okay?? i knew molly was infp in the first few minutes... more precisely, i knew she was me. man!! i don’t relate directly to her angst but i still feel it. i can replicate her voice so accurately it’s scary. also, i coined a new thing -  ‘molly cake’! you have a chocolate cake, preferably with chocolate chips inside. use chocolate frosting and add little pastel star sprinkles! on top! my mom would make this cake for us anyway but then i realized it was literally just molly in cake form. and it’s just as sweet!
10. tommy coolatta (hlvrai)
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a 30-something-year-old child who rocks a propeller hat. chose his last name off of a dunkin donuts menu despite the fact that he has a father. infp.
everyone loves tommy. he’s so sweet? and funny and loveable?? often times when i say something funny but bizarre, i just remember that tommy has said ‘soda helps you see faster’ and it makes me happy. if i’m going to be a weirdo i want to be the wholesome weirdo who loves soda and has a .png for a dog! also i legally have to kin tommy. i took a test for it (and i’m not complaining! i find it quite flattering).
11. twyla (monster high)
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the daughter of the boogeyman; would very much like to boogey out of here, if you know what i mean. avoids people like the plague. infj.
seeing her role in the show and in the movies, i really love twyla? first of all, her voice is my new favorite thing. it’s like... gravelly? and soft? she’s the type of person who would very much like to disappear when in a crowd; thankfully, she literally can. i am drawn to any sarcastic, self-deprecating introvert who takes care of their bonkers extrovert friend (in this case howleen), as i often act as such myself. also the phrase ‘boogey sand’ will never leave my mind now :)
12. lapis lazuli (steven universe)
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water gem who wants you to leave. cynical as all heck, sensitive as all hell. is there such thing as a gem therapist? just asking. infp.
in a similar way to twyla, i vibe with lapis’ sarcasm and wit as well as her emotional side. it can be kind of addicting, isolating one’s self. anywho, me and my sister used to do this routine of yelling up to each other this certain dialogue between lapis and peridot when peri was leaving for something (in which lapis replied to everything she said with dry ‘yeah’s); i would always do lapis’ part. i do reply a lot with ‘okay’ or ‘yeah’ or ‘cool’ to things people tell me, as i never really know what to say.
13. brad meltzer (xavier riddle and the secret museum)
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shy jewish butterfly kid who absolutely hates time travel. attracted to people who know how to socialize like a normal human being. infp(?).
okay okay so... combine everything from arnold and everything from fluttershy and that’s basically what brad is to me. a jewish socially anxious nerd who loves butterflies and drawing. badabing badaboom, there i am. that’s it.
and boom! all of the kins i can think of, of course not including comfort characters like will byers from stranger things or isabelle from animal crossing. if you have any kins to suggest to me, i would love it! thank you for taking your time to read this, friend! have a fantastic day :)
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catatonicengineers · 5 years
A Defense of Cait Sith
Plushie Princess Saga:
A Hundred Ways to Put the WRO Back Together
A Hundred Ways to Wreck Shinra HQ
Reeve’s Adventures in Babysitting and World Saving:
And Take a Stand at Shinra
While There’s Still Time
On Plushies and Oppenheimer:
A Defense of Cait Sith
“We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were silent.” - J. Robert Oppenheimer
I was eight-years-old when I played Final Fantasy VII for the first time, exactly one year after its release. Like many 90’s gamers, FFVII was a turning point into the world of RPG’s from which I’ve yet to recover. Kids today will never understand the coming of age that occurred somewhere between Yoshi’s Island and grappling with the ethos of Avalanche blowing Sector 1’s reactor sky high. It’s no surprise that my 3rdgrade brain found an essence of familiarity to cling to amid the existential dread and ecoterrorism that was the greatest game ever made.
Cait Sith was the cute, cuddly party member that validated my love of cats and ignited my adoration for moogles. I would relentlessly make room for him in my party, despite his terrible combat stats, and hurl endless Phoenix Downs every time he fell.
He was quirky, he fought with a megaphone, his limit breaks were oddly sparse compared to the rest of the cast, and his home base of Gold Saucer looked like a unicorn threw up all over a casino. What’s not to love?
According to recent Reddit threads, Youtube comments, and rage bloggers, apparently a lot.
The advent of the long awaited FFVII remake rightfully caused a massive revival of the excitement first felt by long time fans of the franchise. The release date has been confirmed for March 3, 2020 – two days before my 30thbirthday. Not gonna lie; feels like the universe aligned to bless the official passing of my youth with this nostalgia bomb.
It’s with this love of all things FFVII in mind that I’d like to formally pose a defense of the game’s most hated character.
Cait Sith/Reeve, this one’s for you.
The Laughter
We first meet the lively, dancing robo-moogle and cat combo in Gold Saucer and we’re not quite sure if this strange entity should count as one party member or two. Either way, he joins your crew as the quintessential comic relief with nary a backstory in sight. That’s right; you are now the proud owner of Cait Sith. A “fortune teller” by trade, Cait Sith’s motivations remain as murky as your party’s future.
At first glance, it’s easy to pass Cait Sith off as a filler character, the cute one added for giggles. The one the writers never bothered to flesh out because, let’s face it, that moogle is mostly fluff anyway. The “most useless character” title isn’t entirely unjustified.
If this was where Cait Sith’s story ended.
I still remember the day my older brother announced that he’d read ahead in the player’s guide (this used to be a thing, kids) and discovered Cait Sith was a Shinra spy. I’m pretty sure I went through all the stages of grief before settling on denial and assuming he was playing a joke on me. Surely, my favorite slot machine loving companion couldn’t be a traitor.
Enter Reeve Tuesti, the man behind the moogle. He’s the head of Urban Development at Shinra Electric Power Company. He wears a signature blue suit to work everyday. He hates board meetings. He’s not fond of his coworkers. Like Tifa, he’s an introvert. And he’s the guy who engineered the Mako reactors.
If Hojo is Dr. Frankenstein, Reeve is Oppenheimer. The tragedy of the monsters we create is always greater when it’s a monster we loved. Where the other Shinra execs are motivated by greed, power, and a desire to play God, Reeve is the only Shinra higher up we encounter with genuine empathy and a sense of advocacy for the people. It’s easy to assume that Mako reactors would improve lives, but as Marlene so eloquently asks, “isn’t that because we were taking away from the planet’s life?”
When faced with the guilt of a design gone horribly wrong, those in authority have two choices; own the guilt or double down. And Reeve doubles down.
I’ve never been a fan of the way modern RPG’s have everything clearly spelled out and spoon fed to the gamer. The reason we don’t need further backstory for Reeve is because his character arc is already apparent if we do a bit of digging. I was surprised to learn that the common conjecture behind the exact mechanics of Cait Sith involved him being a remote controlled, autonomous but non-sentient robot. Given that assumption, it’s fair to say that Cait Sith is a worthless character who lacks emotion or consequence.
One opinion I’ve seen trending is why not simply make Reeve join the party, sans the giant stuffed animal? After all, we’d get to see how he grapples with his role in Shinra and eventual betrayal of Avalanche.
Two words; cognitive dissonance. You have to question what kind of 35-year-old executive creates a plushie cat proxy to begin with. See I’ve never thought of Reeve and Cait Sith as separate. The gritty psychological mechanics that are Reeve have always been there, plush or human. Reeve has developed an alter that’s effectively a form of escape. The assertion that Cait Sith lacks consequence isn’t false – a robot carries out its duty, incapable of harboring guilt, blame, or moral repercussion. That’s a pretty darn good way to remain detached enough to stab your party members in the back!
Cait Sith is also an outlet for everything Reeve’s repressed executive life lacks. As Cait Sith, he’s silly and carefree, though not completely unfamiliar. Glimpses of Cait Sith’s witty quips are echoed in Reeve’s mock nicknames for his colleagues – “Kyahaha” and “Gyahaha” respectively. When life is tough to take, we laugh so we don’t scream.
Plus, the idea of Reeve controlling Cait Sith in real time, much like an MMORPG avatar, is just plain hilarious. I’ve always imagined him as the kind of guy who rolls up to his 9-5 office job, pops open a spreadsheet to look busy, and boots up Cait Sith in the other tab. He’s the OG Aggretsuko, the guy making Jim Halpert faces at the camera every Shinra board meeting.
And I get you, Reeve. Really, I do.
The Tears
Cait Sith’s sacrifice was a cop out for killing off a real character. Why didn’t Reeve just die instead of the plushie?
First of all, how dare you.
Second, not all deaths need be literal.
A pervading theme throughout FFVII is the concept of identity. Are we born into an existence we have no control over or can we choose who we are day by day? It’s easy to want to be someone else, the First Class Soldier who sweeps in, keeps his promise, and saves the girl. Our reality is often less of a fairy tale and riddled with our own failures.
By the time the party reaches The Temple of the Ancients, the line where Cait Sith ends and Reeve begins is blurring. Reeve speaks more often as “himself” through the plushie and the nuances in their speech and mannerism are blending. It’s no accident that this shift happens as Reeve becomes more at ease around Avalanche, ultimately switching sides.
I’ve heard a lot of criticism on the seeming lack of motivation to Reeve’s redemption. If we examine the cognitive dissonance theory that governs his character, the switch is far less sudden.
Cait Sith’s death is necessitated by Reeve’s accountability. The innocent plushie alter isn’t working anymore. It’s not enough to keep him from recognizing the horrors he’s been complicit to. Sacrificing this part of himself is the ultimate acknowledgment of culpability. It’s arguably a more important death than if Reeve actually martyred himself. Like Cloud, he no longer needs to be “someone else” and has started down the path of doing what only he, and not Cait Sith, can; stopping Shinra.
There will be more wonderful, fluffy moogle-cat plushies, but the need to disassociate completely is gone. He’ll confront whatever comes without a crutch – or in this case a teddy bear. Reeve reminisces that the original doll was “special” and we end with Cait Sith reminding him(self) not to forget this.
The Silence
In 1953, J. Robert Oppenheimer was denied all security clearance and effectively blacklisted by the McCarthy administration for his strong opposition to nuclear warfare.
Sometimes we find ourselves in a place we never hoped or expected to be in, surrounded by people we despise, and convinced the world is going straight to heck. We can either get out of dodge or stay.
If Reeve had indeed sacrificed himself rather than Cait Sith, this would simply have been yet another escape. He stays. He works. He gets Marlene and Elmyra out of Midgar. He spies on Shinra. He finally tells Gyahaha to stick it. He goes on to head the WRO and never stops advocating for the people.
Reeve’s not a fighter. He can barely get by with a handgun in Dirge of Cerberus and Cait Sith’s megaphone is no Masamune. Despite this, he takes a big risk by being the only insider on the team. We’re pretty sure Shinra doesn’t share Reeve’s opposition to capital punishment either.
Maybe this is why I’ve always loved Cait Sith/Reeve. I’m intrigued to see if Square Enix will add any further insight into our favorite plush moogle-cat-spy, but if they don’t, that’s alright too. Cait Sith is still a pretty solid character. After my brother spoiled one of the game’s major plot twists for me, I ended up reading the player’s guide for myself. And he was right. But he was also wrong. I recall marching proudly into the living room to declare that while yes, Cait Sith was a traitor, he was also a hero.
So fight your fight. Fail and fall. Hurl some Phoenix Downs and get right back up again.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Animals Do you prefer cats or dogs? I’m a dog person for sure.
If you had to choose, which animal would you like to be reincarnated as? A dog. 
Some say peoples personalities or looks resemble animals. Whats your animal? Probably a sloth, ha. 
Books Which book series was the first you read? As a kid I loved Nancy Drew, The Babysitter’s Club, Sweet Valley High, and Goosebumps.
What was the last book you read? I’m currently reading Autumn’s Game by Mary Stone.
Would you rather write a book or direct a movie? Write a book.
Characters Which TV show/movie/book character do you think you are most like? Hmm. I don’t know.
Which superhero is your favourite and why? Iron Man, Spiderman, Ant-Man, Star Lord, Thor.
What's your favourite fairytale character? Is Alice in Wonderland a fairytale?
Dreams Do you usually remember your dreams? I’ll remember it briefly and then it like vanishes. My dreams are like a Snapchat.
Are most of your dreams good, scary or just plain weird? Just plain weird, man.
What dream that you've had has stuck in your head the most? Describe: The nightmares or the ones that make me wake up crying and shaking don’t like to vanish, unfortunately. Those get saved to the camera roll.
Emotions What emotion do you find yourself trying to hide from others? I’m definitely not as good at hiding my emotions anymore. They took over and control me now.
How emotional/sentimental would you say you are? A lot. I’m so damn moody.
Do your emotions control you or do you control your emotions? Like I said, they definitely control me. 
Fun What do you do for fun? May not be considered fun, but my days are spent checking my social medias, watching YouTube, watching TV, reading, scrolling through Tumblr, doing surveys, spending time with my family, lounging around, and perhaps a little coloring. I like doing those things, though, so it works for me. 
Which is more fun: cycling, watching tv, roller coaster ride or cooking? Uhh, the only thing I like out of those choices is watching TV.
What is the funnest game to play? I love board games.
Geometry Nearest square thing to you? The throw pillows on my bed.
What was the last circular thing you ate? Cookies.
Is there anything triangular in the room you're in right now? I’m sure, but nothing triangular is popping out at me at the moment and I don’t feel like really looking around and thinking about it.
Height Are you taller or shorter than average? I’m 5′4, which is short, but not shorter than average I don’t think.
Is your Mum tall or short? How about your Dad? My mom is about 5′5 and my dad is about 5′9.
Do you wish you were taller or shorter? I wish I was taller.
If... If you became pregnant or your partner did, what would you do? Well, I can’t get pregnant, sooo.
If you lost something your friend lent to you, what would you do? I would feel really bad, first of all. I’d be nervous to tell them, especially if it was something that was special and unique. I’d of course have to tell them, though, and I’d replace it if possible. If it wasn’t replaceable... I don’t know what I would do. All I could do is apologize immensely and somehow try to make it up to them. I’d be super careful if a friend lent me anything, though, regardless of what it was. I also probably would just not borrow something that wasn’t replaceable or expensive to avoid all of that.
If you had to talk about 1 subject for a minute live on TV, which one? Yikes. That minute would feel like forever, I have no idea. Pass.
Jokes Do you normally tell jokes or listen to the jokes? I’m not a joke teller except maybe some cheesy, corny one I might have heard now and then. 
What is your sense of humour like (dry, dark, sarcastic etc)? I laugh at a lot of things. I like puns and clever humour but I also like dumb things and dry things too. I think it's just really easy to make me laugh. <<< Yeah, pretty much.
Kisses Do you put x's in your text messages? No.
When did you last have a kiss? 8 years ago...
Does your grandma give you big sloppy kisses when she sees you? No. She gives me a big hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.
Language How many languages can you say 'hello my name is...' in? Three.
What language do you think sounds the nicest? I think they’re all unique and interesting.
What language do you want to learn more of? I’d love to be fluent in Spanish. I can only speak and understand a little. Brushing up on it by helping my mom do her Duolingo everyday for the past few months has been helpful.
Marriage Do you ever want to get married? No. I truly don’t see that happening for me.
Church or Registery Office? Dream wedding?
Names Your closest friends names? I don’t have any friends.
What names would you ever call your kids? I don’t want to have kids.
What name is the cutest for a little black and white doggie? I’m someone who needs to see and get a vibe from the dog first before naming them. And not just something that has to do with their color. 
Order Are you tidy? I’m not a messy person, like I don’t have clothes or stuff on my floor, I put my dishes in the sink after using them, I throw stuff away when I’m done, etc, but my room has become disorganized and a bit cluttered. I just have too much stuff and not enough space.
Do you colour code things or put them in alphabetical order? No.
Do you have any form of OCD? No. People throw that around loosely.
Promises Do you make promises often? No.
What was the last promise you made? I don’t even remember.
Do you plan to keep that promise?
Quizzes What types of online quizzes/surveys do you like taking? I like surveys with random and interesting questions that allow me to elaborate. And vent and ramble, too. I like ones like this that are divided up into categories. Themed surveys are fun as well.
Have you ever made a quiz? What was it about? No. I made a survey once a longggg time ago.
Have you ever taken an EQ or IQ test? If so, what did you get? I’ve taken IQ tests and got “above average.”
Responsibility Do you class yourself as 'responsible'? Not as much as I should be at 31 years old. :/ These past few years especially I really feel like I haven’t been responsible with a lot of things that I should be. 
What do you think defines a 'responsible' person? Someone dependable, keeps their commitments, and handles their business. They get shit done.
What is it that you are responsible for? Paying my bills, taking care of myself (haven’t been doing very well with that...), my doctor appointments, cleaning up after myself...
Secrets Do you have a lot of secrets? Not really. I’m quite boring.
"A secret isn't a secret if you tell one person." Is this true to you? Uhhh, that does make sense. You think of a secret as something you don’t share with someone else. I guess if it’s something you tell someone or a few select people that you trust that you wouldn’t want getting out to anyone else it could still be a secret, right? Something you don’t want everyone to know. *shrug*
Thought Provoking If you knew you had a high chance of dying, would you kill yourself before disease riddled you unable or hope for the best? Jeez. I don’t want to think about that.
Choose a box: 1 has a large amount of money, the other either a wish or fear of yours come true. Which do you pick? The money is tempting, but I might go with the wish...
An angel comes to you and offers to show you one thing from the future or the past; past or future and what is that thing gonna be? The future terrifies me, I’d be afraid to know a lot of things regarding my future. But I already know my past, so I don’t know what I’d ask them to show me. I don’t knowwww.
Would you say you are more unlucky or lucky? I don’t believe in luck. I would say I have had a lot of bad cards dealt to me and I also am fortunate in other ways. 
A leprechaun pops up and offers to plant some luck on you but it could go either way. Risk it or dismiss it? Dismiss it.
Violence When did you last hit or punch someone? I haven’t hit or punched anyone.
When did you last get hit or punched? Never.
Are you more likely to be verbally aggressive or physically? I’m not an aggressive person.
Warnings Do you listen when someone gives you a warning? I want to say I would likely listen to a warning, but I guess it would depend what it was about.
What warning has someone gave you that you wish you'd have listened to? That I should have taken care of some things sooner and not ignored/put them off for so long.
What warning has someone gave you you are glad you didn't take? I’m blanking right now. XXX
Have you ever had sex? No.
Have you ever accidentally saw someone having sex? No.
YouTube Do you go onto YouTube? I spend a lot of time on YouTube.
What is your favourite video of on YouTube? I don’t have just one favorite, I have a ton. I’m especially into ASMR.
What channels do you go on the most? I’m subscribed to several people---ASMRtists, vloggers, lifestyle videos, Disney related channels, a mukbanger, a drama commentary channel, and a channel that does videos on abandoned places and the rise and fall of former businesses that are no longer around.
Zodiac What's your starsign? Leo.
What are the traits of that sign? Do you have them? Leos are described as being very opposite of me that’s for sure. I don’t believe in that stuff anyway, though.
What zodiac sign do you think you suit the most? I don’t care.
Number 1 Name me 1 person who has changed your life for the better? My mom.
Name me 1 object that's in your kitchen right now? My Keurig.
Name one creature that freaks you out/scares you? ALL bugs.
Number 2 2nd person that you talked to today was... I haven’t talked to anyone yet, it’s 820AM and my mom is asleep and my dad and brother are at work.
What is 2 times your favourite number? 16.
You and two of your friends have got in trouble with the law. Who are the 2 friends you have got in trouble with and what did you do? No friends, sooo.
Number 3 3 words that don't describe you at all: Healthy, ambitious, confident.
Who is 3rd in your contacts list on your phone? I don’t feel like checking.
In 3 more days, what will the date be? It will be January 25, 2021.
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itszephoria · 4 years
Saw this pop up and your followers ask you which ones they’re interested in. But people don’t really ask much when I post or they don’t ask the ones that might make you feel uncomfortable. And well, honestly I’m so bored that I’ve decided to break all the damn rules and just answer all the questions because I can. *shock horror*
So information dump on the ‘Be nosy’ that popped up in my feed today. If you’re interested.
Be nosy
1. What’s your sexual orientation? 
Straight. But maybe for the right woman I could sway but wouldn’t go so far as to call myself bi or bi-curious though.
2. What are you obsessed with right now? 
Obsessively obsessing about my health and how to get well and failing it all. Oh and anime movies on Netflix.
3. Ever done any drugs?
I do drugs everyday. But I assume this is referring to illegal. No and was strictly no up until recently. I now take marijuana oil on a regular basis for pain management. Also being stoned/high is not pleasant and I don’t understand why people would enjoy that as a leisurely pastime.
4. What piercings do you want?
I want to get my ears pierced again. Holes have closed up, but currently due to my health that’s not possible. I can’t even enjoy clipons :(
5. How many people have you kissed?
The massive number of 5.
6. Describe your dream home.
It’s tiny in the sense it has all the space I need. A cosy tiny-like home. But not one on wheels, fixed to the ground. And it would be made of all natural materials, stone and wood. It would be unique and resemble something out of a fairy tale. It would sit a beautiful clearing with only nature to view in the distance and all the animals and wildlife would stay well away because I’m pretty much terrified of all it, 
7. Who are you jealous of?
Healthy, painfree people. I am jealous of past me who didn’t realise how lucky she was and miss her.
8. What’s your favorite show to binge?
I don’t binge any show on repeat. I’d rather look for a new show to watch or enjoy, there are so many. The last shows I binged in two days was Queen’s Gambit and Emily in Paris.
9. Do you watch porn?
Yep. But struggle with it because it’s overdramatic, unrealistic and would kill or someone to make porn with a decent storyline with people that can act. 
I prefer to read it if I’m honest or maybe just write it for myself.
10. Do you have a secret sideblog?
Sort of? More like my other one I used I was known for all my slash writings in F1. But now I just hang out here.
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
No where. The world is riddled with co-vid and well, I’m probably in one of the safest countries and I’m at risk of death should I catch it. So I’ll stay here in my safe bubble.
12. What’s one of your fantasies?
I wake up tomorrow and I’m not me. I wake up and I can take a deep breath without gasping for air, I wake up in no pain, I wake up and my body isn’t terribly scared, I wake up and can have a ‘normal’ life.
13. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced?
Nope and no desire too. Won’t that just hurt?
14. How would you spend a million dollars?
I’d by that dream house I described, set everything up to be self sufficient. Pay and travel to try every cure available for my diseases. And then bank the rest and live off interest. Or maybe donate it. I don’t want money and I don’t really want a lot of things.
15. Are you in a relationship?
Yep and it’s a struggle and am constantly fighting to prove it’s worth continuing. Oh and that’s a relationship with myself.
16. Do you follow porn blogs?
17. Are you angry with anyone right now?
No, I suppose it’s more disappointed and let down by people more than angry. I’m working everyday on letting it go but it’s not easy.
18. What tattoos do you want?
I have always wanted one, but have never found something that I really loved and haven’t been imaginative enough to create something unique. The older I get though, I’m not sure I want one. I did for the longest time though think about getting a Ferrari tattooed on my inner wrist, but pleased I never did that. I don’t love the sport or Ferrari enough anymore to want a permanent reminder of that.
19. If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to?
I am changing name actually. Hoping to action that in the next two weeks. I would have done it earlier but they closed the borders. I have a dutch sir name that has two words. It confuses every one, systems don’t get it, it has caused issues with plane tickets. And well I’ve decided no more and am dumping a portion of it.
20. What is something you’re obsessed with?
This is a duplicate. Skipping.
21. Describe your best friend.
When you meet her for the first time she can be a little crazy and wild, and she kind of scared at me first because she’s so unlike me. But as you got to know her, the *real* her she doesn’t let people see, you realise how kind and soft she is, and she’s the most empathic person I have known. She gives so much of herself to everyone, thinks so little of herself and her needs because she’s one of the most selfless people I know. I love her more than most of my family and would do anything for her.
22. Tag someone you think is hot.
Is this followers? Uh most I don’t know what they look like? I assume they’re all hot!
23. Who are five of your favorite bands/musical artists?
Don’t have any really. My music is varied and is based on my mood and really changes around. And with most bands, I generally lean towards one or two songs. This is one of those questions I really struggle with whenever I see it. Will say however, have been enjoying The Beatles recently and a bit of old school stuff.
24. What are three places you want to travel?
Japan. Norway. Canada.
25. Describe your perfect Friday night.
Generally hanging out with people I like. Enjoying a good wine, some cheese, either playing some board game or dungeons and dragons, or watching a really good movie. Good company makes any night a good night.
26. What’s your favorite season?
Autumn. One because I think it’s neglected as a choice and every season should be loved, and two because I love the colours of autumn and the colours associated with autumn. 
27. What’s your pet peeve?
I’m sure I have a heap of them, but currently it’s people that have an issue with you and instead of being an adult and talking to you about them choose to silence and blank you. I’m so tired of it, I’ve quit being peacemaker in those situations, those people are no longer worthy in my book.
28. Who is the funniest person you know?
Uh... I don’t think anyone I know is super funny. Friends and family all have a good sense of humor. But out of my circle of life people I’m always told I’m the funny one, which I find the biggest joke ever. 
29. What’s the most overrated movie?
Can not think of anything off the top of my head. I will say if I think a movie is getting too much hype I refuse to watch it, whether all the reviews are raving or not. It’s why I didn’t watch Harry Potter for like ten years or any of the new Star Wars movies. I just refuse to be apart of all the hype and jump on bandwagons.
30. Tag someone you want to talk to but have been too shy to message.
I’d love to talk to everyone. I’m shy to start any conversations to be honest and I think all the people I talk to regularly were the first to message me, and I love them for it.
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better?
100% love an old fashioned paper book. The texture of the paper. The smell of a book. That being said, I don’t think I’ve picked up a proper book to read in years. I live in fan fiction more than anything or am busy writing myself.
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
Any of the disney worlds, anything from the past, or verging on fantasy like. I want a simpler time not full of technology which I grow to hate more each day. The older I get the more I’m pretty sure I’ve been born in the wrong decade.
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like?
I’d build the perfect wardrobe capsule. Everything would be of high quality, not necessarily brand name and all the clothes would be sourced from ethical businesses or be handmade.
I like classic pieces, love the fashion of the 50′s and 60s and while stylish it would be comfortable to wear and everything could be worn in public (sorry comfy tracky pants).
34. What’s your coffee order?
There ain’t no coffee order. I don’t drink it. Sorry @leoni-speedyf1 I know how addicted you are to it, happy to buy you anything you like though :P
35. Do you have a crush on anyone?
In real life? No one.
36. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes?
Not romantic. I have feelings in that I hope they’re doing well, achieving what they want and they’re all happy. I didn’t have any ‘bad’ breakups and all my relationships ended very amicably.
37. Have any tattoos?
No. See above for more on this.
38. Do you drink?
Rarely. Can’t with medication and condition. But on occasion I do enjoy a good glass of red. Pinot Noir is my preference. 
39. Are you a virgin?
40. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals?
Not in a romantic way? The ones I talk to regularly I love immensely though.
41. How many followers do you have?
42. Describe the hottest person you know.
Uh all the men I know I am not attracted to. Probably a good thing as they’re either family or partnered with a friend or family member.
43. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Can’t think of anything. I try not to feel guilt for anything I enjoy to be honest, whether it’s food or an activity. Life is too short for that.
44. Do you read erotica?
Yep. Even write it.
45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
It was a few years back. I met this guy online and we went to the city and spent most of that time just strolling next to the river for our first meet up. Why was it the worst date ever? Well it wasn’t the location that’s for sure.
The guy had two kids, and I’m a firm believer all parents have favourites, though I have yet to meet a parent that will voice that aloud. This guy, had no qualms with telling me about this favourite kid, and that wouldn’t be a problem if didn’t spend just as much putting down his younger son. It kind of left me reeling and wondering how his son felt if his dad didn’t hide just how much he didn’t like him as a person. The kid was four and the reason his dad didn’t like him was because he didn’t like bikes.
And so the guy was a bmx rider so he spent the rest of the time on our walk just pointing out all the tricks he could do. He didn’t ask about me, only talked about himself. It was also lunch time and assumed we would get something to eat together, but nope, no food was offered. And when I suggested to get something to drink because it was so hot and we’d been out in the sun for like an hour, he just took me to a subway and told me to get a drink and waved me to the line. No offer to join me, no offer to pay (which doesn’t bother me btw, but this was capping off a terrible day), no offer to get food.
I was so happy to get out of there. Didn’t speak to him again once I had left.
46. How many people do you follow?
I currently follow 59 people. I don’t follow anyone that creates drama, and try and follow only people that post about F1 as that’s all I use tumblr for now.
47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick?
Either Sebastian Vettel or Ryan Reynolds. Both are married though, so I don’t think that’s going to turn into a reality anytime soon.
48. Describe your ideal partner.
I want someone that shares the same core values as me. Doesn’t want kids, isn’t super religious (grew up in a cult like religion so I avoid it now), is on the minimalist side and isn’t someone that needs new things things all the time or is desperate to replace something the moment they deem it out of date. Someone that doesn’t live their life on social media. Someone that prefers simple things, someone who is kind and giving, and someone that truly loves me - and it’s the last part that I struggle with finding more than anything with all the guys I have dated. 
I am currently not looking for a partner, I am not in a place for a relationship and am fully focused on myself. And I am very content with that decision.
49. Who do you text the most?
Currently my bestie.
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather?
Clear blue skies and a warm day to enjoy the sun. But there are times when I simply love the rain, hearing it on the room, watching it fall endlessly and knowing that everything will be green from it.
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punkenglishnerd · 4 years
10 Questions Tag Game
I was tagged by @intimate-comrade Thank you for tagging me!!! This looks like fun :))
Rules: Answer the 10 questions, ask a different 10 questions, and tag 10 people
1. If you could pick any film universe to live in, what film would you choose?
I’d like to live in Austenland :) I idealize living in an actual Austen novel/movie, but I know realistically I wouldn’t enjoy it because 1) there wouldn’t be modern comforts that I’m used to in my everyday life and 2) I’m a queer poc so I wouldn’t necessarily be treated very well. So I’d choose Austenland because I’d still get all the “perks” of a romantic Austen-style world, but in modern day!!
2. What would you want buried with you to use in the afterlife?
Well the way my family is “buried” is in a traditional Japanese-Buddhist way, so we get cremated and put in an urn, and the urn is placed within the headstone and not actually buried beneath the earth. Idk if that makes sense! So that being said, I wouldn’t necessarily be buried, but I think maybe I’d like my beloved stuffed animal horse to be cremated with me. I’ve had him for two decades (ever since I was four years old) and he’s been with me through a LOT. It may seem silly, but he’s so special to me and I’d never want to part with him.
3. What is most expensive thing you own?
Probably my iPhone to be honest. I don’t own a lot of expensive stuff aside from electronics like my phone, laptop, and game consoles.
4. Something my philosophy professor always asks; what would you like to come after the dash? (Meaning, if your name was written in a textbook and what you were mainly known for followed the dash after your name, what word or phrase would you like to come after the dash?)
Katie--a successful writer whose philosophy on life is to always be kind
5. What is your favorite riddle?
I don’t really know any good riddles!! My students sometimes try to tell me riddles but they always make them up and they make no sense at all :) It’s very funny and entertaining though!
6. What is the first thing you notice about a person upon meeting them for the first time?
If they’re Asian or if they give off queer vibes, that’s usually what I notice first (I’m also Asian and queer so I really pick up on those things in people).
7. What is something you absolutely hated as a child but enjoy now?
Naps!!! Also coffee, soda, and believe it or not even boba!! Can you imagine me, a boba addict, at one point not liking it?? Crazy!!
8. What quotes do you use on a regular basis?
“Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness.” It’s a quote from Mary Oliver and it’s become a daily mantra for me, and for my students as well.
9. Given the opportunity, what kind of museum would you like to create?
I think it’d be cool to have a museum of photographs depicting the way of life within that certain place. For example, ideally I think it would be cool to have that museum in London. And each gallery within the museum would have photos that depict what London is like from each individual artist’s point of view. For example, one gallery would be photos of London from the point of view of a wealthy white Londoner, while another one would be from the point of view of a queer Londoner of color. One gallery could depict the wealth and status of the Kensington area, while another might depict further in the outskirts of London such as Harringay. The museum would offer looks at the same city but from such a wide range of perspectives.
10. What is your favorite uncommon instrument?
I love taiko!! It’s a Japanese style of drumming and it’s insanely cool!! I have many family members who play or have played taiko. I also have two cousins who play in San Jose Taiko which is a pretty well-known taiko group!!
My questions:
What is one event that completely changed your life or was a turning point in your life?
What is your favorite place you’ve ever been to? Can be a country, a city, or even something as small as a cafe you went to once.
Who is your confidant or go-to whenever you need advice or someone to just vent to?
What is your philosophy on life?
If you could master one skill, what would you choose?
If you were given $1000 (or the equivalent in your currency) but had to spend it on someone else, who would you spend it on and what would you buy?
Is there something people usually assume about you that isn’t true? If so, what is it? (For example, it could be based on your race, sexuality, gender, personality, etc.)
How do you typically spend a sick day?
Imagine you became famous for something. What would you want to be famous for?
Describe yourself as if you were a character in a book.
I tag: @aconissa @andstillwesleep @bibelots @dead--poets @enjolrrs @hitchcock-blonde @horlicks-on-thursdays @rupertograves @satans-classics @themomentsofabsoluteclarity
Please don’t feel obligated, especially if you’ve been tagged to do answer ten questions from someone else!! Also let me know if you’d rather not be tagged in tag games from now on!!
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good-rwbyaus · 5 years
HellsingAbridged!AU Vampire Tyrian and Watts break into Hellsing's massion, where Alu!Mercury, Seras!Ruby, and SirIntegra!Emerald are. (Basically Ep. 2)
While we do have a no crossover policy going on...I can’t resist this because Mercury as Alucard is perfection because two of my favorite characters as one? Thank you! ~ Green
Yatsu: The following is a fan based parody. Hellsing Ultimate is owned by Kouta Hirano and Studio Madhouse, and licensed by Geneon, Madman Entertainment, Manga Entertainment, and Funimation. Please support the official release... you protestant fuckbucket.
[on phone]
*on the phone*
Sir Emerald: Hello, Mercury. How was your mission in Japan?
Mercury: Eh... I'd say 99... *Switches to zombie at a gate of a high school from the anime, High School Of The Dead* ...point 9 percent done. 'Sup, bitch?
Sir Emerald: I need to talk to you about some important guests coming today.
Mercury: Are they hookers?
Sir Emerald: No.
Mercury: And like that, you've lost me.
Sir Emerald: They're our financial suppliers.
Mercury: Oh man, they have to hate us.
Sir Emerald: They do. That's why they canceled our budget.
Mercury: Oooh, that's bad. We need that, right? Ozpin, we need that right?
Ozpin: Yes, very important.
Mercury: Thank you, Ozpin.
Ozpin: Of course, sir.
Sir Emerald: Over the last couple of years we've had some... expensive claims.
Mercury: Like what?
Sir Emerald: First off, property damage.
*cut scene of an explosion and people running away from OVA 6*
Mercury: Good times.
Sir Emerald: Dozens of noise complaints...
*cut scene to Police Girl and Mercury blasting Nobody by Skindred* 
Mercury: Sorry! I can't hear you!
Sir Emerald: Killing at least a dozen innocent people...
Mercury: Oh, so did Anthony Hopkins, and he got a fucking Oscar for it!
Sir Emerald: And... all of the clothes stealing.
Mercury: ...I'm not apologizing.
Sir Emerald: Listen, I know this is asking a lot, but...
Mercury: But...
Sir Emerald: I want you to keep yourself locked in the basement until all of them are gone.
Mercury: ...I get the distinct impression you're embarrassed of me.
Sir Emerald: Mercury.
Mercury: I'm gonna go with no...
Sir Emerald: This is important, and I don't need you causing another scene.
Mercury: I don't have to take this. I'm going for a walk.
Sir Emerald: No you don't!
Mercury: Oh, what are you going to do? Grab that guy who can stop me? What was his name...? Michael McDoesn't-exist?
Sir Emerald: *Sigh* ...What do you want?
Mercury: What?
Sir Emerald: What.. do I need to give you.. to keep you down here for the evening?
Mercury: I'm going to need a new gun. Also, one for the police girl.
Ruby: But I already have a gun!
Mercury: Get that bitch a cannon; Bitches love cannons!
Sir Emerald: Anything else?
Mercury: A seventy-inch plasma widescreen tv.
Sir Emerald: Really?
Mercury: With Netflix.
Sir Emerald: Should it also be 3D?
Mercury: NO! That's a stupid fucking gimmick and everyone knows it!
*scene changes to the board meeting*
Sir Emerald: Hello, gentlemen. Thank you very much for accepting my invitation.
Sir Shelby Penwood Well, considering the direness of your financial security, we thought it was the least we could do.
Sir Emerald: Now before we begin, I was under the impression our budget was handled directly by the queen.
Sir Hugh Irons: Oh, it is, however, we're having a distinctly difficult time justifying some of these expenses.
Sir Shelby Penwood: Most of them under the name... 'Mercury'.
Sir Emerald: *inhale* Continue...
Sir Hugh Irons: For example, some of them were frankly labeled... "entertainment".
Sir Emerald: Entertainment?
Unknown Council Member 1: Quite. Like in my report; Twenty thousand for a... Candi?
Unknown Council Member 2: That's Candi with an 'i', by the way.
Sir Emerald: I see.
Sir Hugh Irons: Not to mention the priceless antique car... I believe the note on the claim was, "I thought I could paint it red, but I couldn't find enough goats, so I scrapped it".
Sir Emerald: So that's why we found my father's car covered in goat blood and rammed into a Dairy Queen.
Sir Shelby Penwood: Oh, yes, and then there's also the Dairy Queen. Sitting at about ninety-five thousand in damages. *rambling*
Sir Emerald: *thinking* I would do fucking anything right now to get out of this.
*cut scene to Tyrian and Watts walking towards gates of building*
Tyrian: And so halfway through kissin' me, the fuckin' escort OD's on heroin!
Watts: I really don't like discussing my ex-girlfriend with you.
Tyrian: I mean, I still finished, but what kind of shit is that?
Watts: For God's sakes, Tyrian, think of Salem!
Tyrian: ...I ain't jerkin' off right now.
Guard: Oi, You two! The grounds are currently closed.
Tyrian: Aw man, that totally sucks! And we came all the way out here with these foreign exchange students on a field trip through England!
Guard: Where from?
*countless machine gun barrels; MP5 Navy+Suppressor, to be exact, appear from the bus*
Tyrian: Texas! *Snaps fingers*
*Sub-Machine gun fire; guards killed*
Tyrian: Aw shit, looks like we need more prayer in schools.
Watts: If you're quite finished, ready the ghouls. I'm going to find Mercury. You overrun the rest of the mansion.
Tyrian: Alrighty! *ghouls begin filing off the bus* Attention all bitches! Off the bus and line up in order. *Readies dual custom P90s* I've got a class assignment for all of y'all!!
*cut scene back to the board meeting*
Unknown: And while the mime did survive, he'll never walk again.
*lights cut off*
Unknown 2: That's funny, we weren't cutting the power just yet.
Sir Emerald: Oh, shit...
*dials phone*
Sir Interga: Front desk report. What's going on?
Front Desk: Oh um yeah, hold on, just give me a second... whoa. Oh, yeah, it's ghouls. Definitely, definitely... *ghoul snarls* OH MY GOD!
*phone disconnects*
Sir Shelby Penwood: Sir Emerald, do something!
Sir Emerald: Calm down! We have over one hundred trained guards on the premises at all times. We have everything under control.
Unknown: What was that?
Sir Emerald: That was probably the escape chopper exploding. As I was saying, let me just contact communications and get an update.
*dials phone*
Sir Emerald: Communications, come in! We need a full report.
Man On Phone/Communications: *weeping*
Tyrian: Read the fucking paper.
Man On Phone: Hey there, Emerald,
Tyrian: Read it fucking RIGHT, cockhole!! *Clubs Communications just as he says Right!*
Man On Phone: Hey there... you... fat English trollop!
Tyrian: That's more like it, now keep goin'!
Man On Phone: Me.. and my big brother Watts... are killing... all of your men... and turning them into ghouls. So... I... hope... you've made peace... with yourself... 'cause when I find you... I'm gonna... oh god!
Tyrian: Keep reading, or I shoot the other testicle!!
Man On the Phone: Cause when I find you, I'm gonna sting every hole you've got! And then I'm gonna just keep making more holes to sting, until there's nothing left but your riddled corpse full of blood... and venom! Oh god, this is horrible!
Tyrian: You ain't finished yet!
Man On the Phone: So prepare your dried-up quim... for my huge vampire stinger. Now, pardon me, while I blow this bitch ass ginger's brains out -- OH GOD NO-!!!
Tyrian: *laughing* His fucking face, man! Oh-ho ho ho fuck!! Oh, now that shit is priceless!
*hangs up phone*
Sir Emerald: Mercury, get up here now! I'm locked in with the committee on the third floor and...
Mercury: Listen, I'm going to have to stop you right there. You see, I'm under direct orders from my boss, who is a total bitch by the way *gives off an aroused grunt*, that I am not to leave this room until such time as the committee has left the building. I was even bribed. Imagine that...
Sir Emerald: Mercury, you vampiric asshole, I will --
Mercury: Sounds great, but I'm gonna have to go now, I've just queued up an episode of Adventure Time on Netflix. Bye~...
*Adventure Time sound clip, phone hanging up, Emerald snaps her cigar in utter anger*
Sir Emerald: Ozpin!
*cut scene to mansion; Watts slaughters four guards and picks up a phone call*
Watts: Hello, Tyrian.
Tyrian: So, how's my favorite big brother doing?
Watts: Oh, you know, just killed a group of guards...
Tyrian: Shit, bro, you too? What's your kill count at? Nah, don't tell me. *observes countless dead guards and the ghouls feasting upon them* I'm winnin'.
Watts: *Opens said passageway up* They were guarding a secret passageway downstairs. Not really keeping it a secret if you keep a bunch of armed guards standing around it.
Tyrian: Well, you have fun with that, bro. I'm gonna go skull-fuck that Hellsing bitch... And the old guys... Ah, fuck it. Skull-fuckin' for everyone!! Come here, ghoul!!
*ghoul moaning. Watts hangs up and smiles wryly*
Watts: Well, you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family.
*cut back to board meeting*
Sir Emerald: Alright, Ozpin and his assistant should be here any second now..
Sir Shelby Penwood: But if there's no way to get upstairs, how are they going to -- aaaghh! aaghh!
*Ozpin and Police Girl fall from ceiling, accidentally knocking Shelby over.*
Ozpin: Tally ho!
Sir Emerald: Good to see you, Ozpin.
Ozpin: Of course, sir.
Sir Emerald: The first two floors have been entirely overrun. Communications with the outside have been cut off. We lost all of our men, and Mercury is being --
Ozpin: Mercury?
Sir Emerald: A total ass, yes. Now tell me, do you have any plans?
Ozpin: Of course, sir. I shall do exactly as the butler does, and tidy up.
*cut to mansion hall, Tyrian marching down it with his army of ghouls*
Tyrian: I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck. I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck. Though if I give a shit, I might just give a fuck, but I don't give a shit, so I don't give a...
(Ghouls are suddenly slaughtered.)
Tyrian: ...fuck was that?
Ozpin: Hello, my name is Ozpin C. Dornez. Ex-Vampire hunter and butler to the Hellsing organization. I answer the door, I clean up the estate, and I take out the trash. And I also kill self-entitled little twats like yourself.
Tyrian: Well ain't you just the textbook fuckin definition of classy, but guess what, Jeeves, that garrote wire won't do shit for dick against armor this thick. What's that, Alfred, how thick is it? Well, half as thick as my dick, so thick enough that you need a fucking anti-tank rifle to pierce it, and I don't even see a piece on your wrinkly old ass.
Ozpin: Police girl, if you may.
*Zoom cut to Police Girl with said anti-tank rifle at the other end of the hallway*
Ruby: BITCHES LOVE CANNONS! *Fires rifle and kills several ghouls*.
Tyrian: Oh fuck, that's an anti-tank rifle. OH FUCK, THAT'S AN ANTI-TANK RIFLE!!! *Gets shot*
*cuts to Mercury watching Adventure Time; Watts breaks through the wall, destroying the plasma TV*
Mercury: That was a seventy-inch... plasma screen TV. *inhales* So, how can I help you?
Watts: You must be the great Mercury.
Mercury: S'uuup?
Watts: I've heard quite a lot about you.
Mercury: Oh, really?
Watts: The night walker... who glides through oceans of blood. Beyond human, a monster whose power radiates with a darkness that casts a shadow on darkness itself --
Mercury: Oh, you dirty bitch, work the shaft!
Watts: Ex-cuse you..?
Mercury: Oh, I'm sorry, I like to dirty talk when someone's sucking my dick.
Watts: ...Perhaps I should just skip to my point. My name is Watts.
Mercury: And I'm Carmen Sandiego. Guess where I am!
Watts: I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you here...
Mercury: Oh, so am I, and I'm failing, and I'm sorry for that. It's just that I'm so agitated; because this blond little shit strolled into my room, destroyed my seventy-inch, plasma TV, and is trying to impress me like I'm his alcoholic father.
*Watts dashed towards Mercury, Watts’ modified M1 Garand and Mercury's Jackal Pistol pointed at each other's heads at the ready*
Mercury: Be a sport and grab daddy another beer, would you~?
*Watts fires at Mercury in the head*
*cut back to Tyrian, Ozpin, Police Girl, with the ghouls all defeated. Police Girl has Tyrian pinned to the ground in an arm bar hold.*
Ruby: Arm bars everywhere!
Tyrian: Let me go, you stupid bitch!
Ozpin: That's quite impressive, where did you learn that hold?
Ruby: Oh wow, it's almost like I'm a police girl or something!
Ozpin: Sarcasm is unbecoming of you.
Tyrian: Wow, gee willickers, mister, I sure am sorry for slaughterin' all your guards, and tearin' up your mansion. I promise I've learned my le- *Ozpin stomps on Tyrian's hand* Aw, fuck! Take a joke, asshole!
Ozpin: And everything you say just pisses me off! Now you're going to tell me everything I want to know.
Tyrian: Alright, alright... what you do, is you go down to the local pharmacy, ask for something called Viagra, and it will help you go fuck yourself!
*Ozpin loses his patience and prepares his wires, but then more ghouls appear and Tyrian breaks out of the submission hold*
Tyrian: And now, for the upcoming company picnic! *Presents an army of former Hellsing employees now turned into ghouls.* Unfortunately, all your douchebag co-workers are bringing is their own rotten flesh! Still better than potato salad, if you ask me. Now if'n you don't mind, *Jumps over the two of them* I'm-a go eat that Hellsing bitch!
Ozpin: I've got your arm! *Tears off Tyrian's right arm with his wire*
*Tyrian laughs maniacally as he busts opens the door, frowning as the Council members draw their guns*
Tyrian: Well, that's not fair at all.
Sir Emerald: I'm sorry, *Draws her Sig P226 as she quips* we don't give a fuck!
*Rapid gunfire tears Tyrian to shreds. Tyrian screams (and curses) in surprise and pain*
Tyrian: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck... agh! Fuck! *Slumps against a wall* Where the fuck did my ghouls go??
Ozpin: Oh, they've been dealt with.
*Ruby, in a blood rage, slaughters ghouls; Dragula by Rob Zombie plays in the background*
Tyrian: Well, at least I'm gonna die with a raging boner...
Sir Emerald: All right, shit for brains, you're going to spill every single thing you know, or I'm going to have Ozpin here peel your dick like a banana!
Tyrian: *Laughing* I don't know what's fuckin' funnier; the fact that you think that your titless ass intimidates me, or that you think my boss would let me live if you did! *Is suddenly enveloped in blue fire, ala a Dr. Merlot; as he declares* AND NOW I'M ON FUCKING FIRE! SO NOW IT'S FREE GAME! The one who sent me... WAS... NAZIS!
*Tyrian burns to Ashes, leaving only his hand flipping the bird.*
Sir Emerald: I heard George Lucas. Who else heard George Lucas?
Ozpin: I heard Miami Heat.
Ruby: I heard the Motley Crue with my vampire hearing.
Sir Emerald: Wait a second... where's the big brother?
*Back at Mercury's room, Mercury is clearly outmatched by Watts(at least that's what he's making it look like).*
Watts: You can't touch me, I was hand-crafted to kill you. My speed, my stamina, my power all rival, nay, dwarf yours! In comparison to you, I am a demi-god!!
(A Brief silence, as our "hero" registers what was just said.)
Mercury: ...Really? Really.
Watts: Really.
Mercury: Really?
Watts: Really!
Mercury: *Excitedly* REALLY?!
Watts: Really!!
Mercury: Release Restraint, level one.
Watts: Level what? *As in the Cromwell seal restriction has been lifted to level one; Totally not Kaio-Ken, for obvious reasons.*
*Watts loses a leg, thanks to the "dwarfed" Mercury's Jackal, fired ala Baskerville the Big Black Dog. God of War theme plays.*
Watts: Aaagh, aagh, fuck!
Mercury: You know, they say that TV makes you violent, but I say that not having my TV is making me pretty fucking violent!!
*Mercury's shoots his Jackal Pistol at Luke's OTHER leg, blowing the said, right leg clean off.*
Watts: AAAAAOOOOUGH-!!! *thinking* I'm near the stairs! Gotta get to the stairs! If I could just get up the stairs, I... *Suddenly sees just how long said stairs really are, much to his dismay.* Aaaaaw, fuck...!
Mercury: Come on! You were talking all of that good shit a second ago, then I blew your fucking legs off!!
Watts: But, I... you... what the fuck?!
Mercury: What's wrong "demi-god"? Just grow back your legs! *As he SMASHES the leg in his hand* Summon up your demons! Hit me! FIGHT ME!!! ...Give me a hug~!
Watts: Really...? *Baskerville the AFOREMENTIONED Big Black Dog descends upon him as a certain soon-to-be bloody Valentine cries: * OH GOD NO-!!!
*Cut to conference room phone, as the committee members and Emerald listen to Watts being violently eaten alive. By the Big Black Dog. Emerald smiles wryly.*
Mercury (on speakerphone): We're here on Epic Meal Time!! I'm the sauce boss, and tonight, we're eating this blond little wannabe demi-god bitch!
Sir Shelby Penwood: Who... is that, exactly?
Sir Emerald: Oh, that's Mercury, the one we talked about earlier. This is what happens when he has to entertain himself. Oh, so what was that issue with our funding?
Sir Shelby Penwood: Issue?
Sir Hugh Irons: What issue?
Sir Shelby Penwood: I don't see an issue!
Sir Jacques Schnee: Shut up and take our money!!!
(Back at Emerald's room)
Mercury: Ah, and just like that, everything turned out alright in the end.
Sir Emerald: Yes, everything turned out just fine, except that ninety percent of our staff were killed, turned into ghouls, then killed again by the police girl in a blood rage.
Ruby: What's a blood rage, and why don't I remember anything?
Mercury: Oh, that reminds me, for whatever reason, did we ever find out who sent them? 
*Brief Pause once again.*
Mercury: It was the Nazis, wasn't it?
Sir Emerald: No!
Mercury: Bet you I'm right!
Sir Emerald: Bet you you're wrong!
Mercury: Bet you you're a skank~!
Sir Emerald: Bet you you're an asshole!
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theswordofpens · 5 years
Get to Know Me Tag/Tag Game!
I was tagged in two tag games by @orphicodysseywrites and I didn't get to properly answer them, so I'll be combining both of them into one post! Without further ado, let's go!
1.) Nickname(s): Six Twelve (as in 6:12), V-man (that's because people couldn't spell or pronounce my last name), Captain America (my English professor named me that last semester because I wore Cap stuff on the first day), Superman (that's my work nickname), The Flash (I was/kinda am fast at running a mile), Jay (this is an alternate nickname a close friend of mine calls me), and Pooh Bear (this is because I used to love watching Winnie the Pooh as a small child).
2.) Gender: Cisgender Male.
3.) Astrological Sign(s): Scorpio is my sun sign, Virgo is my Rising/Ascendant sign, and Cancer is my moon sign (idk what any of that means of how it applies to me, but hey there it is!).
4.) Height: 5'11", but I like to feel like I'm 6'0".
5.) Sexuality: Heterosexual (but I'm a huge supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community).
6.) Hogwarts House: I'm a Ravenclaw, and it really shows in my actions. 😅
7.) Favorite Musician(s): Okay, so there's entirely too many to list here, so I'll just say all the artists on my writing playlist. (Go check it out on my blog!) I'll also go with my favorite modern musician and say Mayer Hawthorne, because the dude's music is legendary! (Also check this dude out!)
8.) Last Thing Googled: This one's because I'm A.) Into D&D, if you guys didn't know that before and B.) My friends and I on a writing Discord server are thinking about starting a game! But the answer to this is - "How would you make a Spartan in D&D 5e?"
9.) Following: 2,742.....that doesn't make me look bad, does it? 😅
10.) Followers: 859 followers. Not bad for a guy from the same city he's always lived in!
11.) Favorite Animal: The African Lion, and here's a little story to go with this. One of my life goals was to come face-to-face with a Lion and stare into its eyes. Earlier this year, I went to my city's zoo and we walked over to the African exhibit. The male lion was staring in my direction and since they have a thick glass plate up, I slowly walked over and kneeled down before him to stare into his face. Now, I know what you're thinking- "Joshua, don't stare into a predator's eyes! Especially not Lions, they'll kill you!" Oddly enough, when I did this, the Lion was very calm. He didn't growl, roar, or riddle his fur. He just stared right on back at me. And it was a really touching moment for me. The animal was very majestic, in all honesty. (Sorry, I got a little sidetracked!)
12.) Where Am I From: I'm from the state of California in the USA. Born and raised, never left at all.
13.) Song Stuck In My Head: Mayer Hawthorne's newest song "The Game." I'm telling you, guys, go check him out! He's incredible!
14.) Dream Trip: I would love to take an old muscle car and drive up the I-1 all along the coastline of California, hitting up every beach along the way while we sing along to every song on my playlist. (I've been told I have an old soul, alright?)
15.) When & Why I Created This Account: Well, I had been on Tumblr for a while before this account, but due to some personal problems I had to delete it. I created this account back in February, and I created it because I want to stay connected to my fellow writers, poets and artists.
16.) Do I Get Asks: (Okay, I'm jot gonna lie to y'all - I legit thought this was asking if I get ass XD in which case, the answer's no) UHH, I do but I'm always open for more! You guys can even tag me in ask posts and games you find and I'll answer them!
17.) Amount of Sleep I Get: Ah yes, the great phenomenon of sleep. It just so happens that this does not occur in young college students in North America, specifically in the United States. XD I'm not sure, about 5-7, on average?
18.) Lucky Number(s): 7 & 9.
19.) Wearing: Gym Shorts (Because it's hot outside, y'all).
20.) Dream Job: That's why I'm in college! I'm studying to be an Archaeologist, and I'm making strides to try and get my book published so I can be an author and an Archaeologist!
21.) Instruments: I can sorta (?) play violin, though I really need to get better at it.
22.) English & Partial Spanish (I'm currently working on second one).
23.) Favorite Songs: This is just like the musicians question! My answer's very similar to that one as well. To name just one of my many favorites, it would be "Corsican Rosé" by Mayer Hawthorne.
24.) Random Fact: I'm currently collecting money for a treasure chest! But the coins and cashed used in the treasure are either foreign currency or rare American currency. So far it's looking pretty amazing!
25.) Aesthetic: Brown worn boots, dark blue Jeans, white undershirt, my seatbelt belt, red plaid shirt w/ rolled up sleeves, and a pair of aviator sunglasses!
Thank you so much again for tagging me, and please continue to do so if you're interested!
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philosopherking1887 · 6 years
Ship meme
I was kindly tagged by @seidrade... only 3 days ago. I’m not doing as badly as I thought.
1. Ultimate OTP — Thor/Loki, obviously. It’s not like I’m subtle about it...
2. A ship you’ll always love — Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr, or “Cherik.” I watched X-Men: First Class on a plane in February 2015 and got kind of turned on. At the time I had no desire to read or write fanfiction because it was just so blatant in canon that I wasn’t sure what fanfiction had left to do. Since then I’ve read some fix-it fic and AUs -- which weren’t nearly as much of a thing during my first outing in online fandom, ca. 2001-2005. “AU” mostly meant canon-divergent, not a literally completely different universe.
3. Your current obsession — Do I have one, other than being pissed off about what the MCU has done with my favorite characters? @loxxxlay has kind of gotten me into Grandthorki, and I also remember reading a fic of theirs with Thanos coercing Thor and Loki into some stuff, which is something I’ve considered writing about... the dynamic is not dissimilar. Yeah, I have some messed-up kinks.
4. A ship you never thought you’d like — I’m not sure I have any of these. If I didn’t think I’d like it, I probably still don’t. Which doesn’t mean I’m not willing to give new things a try... I guess I just know my tastes pretty well.
5. A ship you liked but don’t anymore — When I first got into Loki fandom back in 2015, after finally watching all the MCU movies, I started out reading mostly gen fic but also some het fic, largely as a function of where I was getting my recs. I read some Sif/Loki and some Loki/Sigyn (where Sigyn is, of course, basically just an OFC) that I liked. Now I can’t read most het involving Loki, mostly because a lot of it involves Loki being a dom and he just isn’t (except sometimes for Thor’s benefit). Fics involving Sif/Loki or Loki/Valkyrie are OK if the dynamic is such that Loki is effectively the sub and/or bottom (I know those aren’t the same thing, but there’s some conceptual overlap). It doesn’t have to be pegging, but... well, I don’t hate the dynamic in the one Sif/Loki fic I wrote.
6. A ship you think should be canon — Stevetony, a.k.a. Superhusbands. Joss Whedon totally agrees with me. I mean... “Put on the suit, let’s go a few rounds”? That log-splitting scene? I hear that it basically is canon in some runs of the comics (they got married when Tony got gender-swapped into Natasha Stark) and in the “Avengers Assemble” animated series.
7. A canon ship you hate — Matt Murdock/Karen Page in Daredevil... though I guess they’ve broken up now, fortunately. It never should have been a thing. They had no chemistry whatsoever. (No, I don’t hate Brucenat like everyone else. Deal with it.)
8. A ship you’ve shipped for years — Harry/Draco. I came into the Harry Potter fandom an innocent little 12-year-old and I knew Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny were in the cards and I was fine with that... but then I discovered the wild and wonderful world of slash fanfiction. It all started with Raincoat!Draco and I never looked back. Honorable mention for Morpheus/Lucifer from the Sandman comics, which I never read or wrote fic about but definitely fantasized about a lot...
9. A ship everyone loves but you don’t care about — Stucky. Sorry, not sorry. I find it boring because they strike me as so similar... and frankly, Bucky doesn’t even have that much of a character in the MCU. I like ships with contrast and tension, which is why I go for Thorki and Stevetony.
10. Favorite rare-pair — I guess it would have to be Tom Riddle/Minerva McGonagall, which I wrote a very chaste, talky fic about in 2002 or something. I looked on AO3 and there are 75 fics in that ship tag, often as a secondary or tertiary pairing. I have no desire to read any of it, but I still kind of like the idea.
Tagging: @fuckyeahrichardiii (if you want to, I know you’re pretty busy), @ghostxforest, @imaginetrilobites, @impalaforthree, @princess-ikol, @whitemage03, @wouldyouknowmore, and whoever else thinks this looks fun!
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pbjpuppy · 6 years
do every oc question but with horsepower PLEASE
1. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
SHE does Not surprisingly!! BUT similarly to Giovanni with his kids, Serene is always sleeping next to her bc she’s Warm and Soft so it’s like, kinda the same thing 
She IS the type to love sleeping with a ton of pillows though
2. Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
Horsie doesn’t have the world’s greenest thumb but she could probably keep a houseplant alive!! She likes nature a lot she’s just not stellar at gardening
She would be REALLY GOOD with a pet though that animal would THRIVE and she’d be the type to take like 400 pictures of her pet and spam everyone with them like “Look at this Fucking Angel” 
And she’s DEFINITELY GOOD W KIDS seeing as she’s basically raising Serene!! Serene can testify that she’s the Best babysitter (even if she accidentially taught Serene like. 20 separate curse words gdgjdsk) 
3. Ask them to describe their love interest.
“Um, she’s.. REALLY pretty. Like, really fuckin’ pretty. I think she made me like, 17% more lesbian the first time I saw her. And like, we’ve known each other for a long time and we know each other’s secrets n’ stuff… ahahah, that came out really weird! I just mean we’re good friends, y’know? Hah. Anyway, she’s a bad bitch, I’d die for her. Love her.”
Her love interest is actually a character named Destiny who I havent drawn yet!!
4. Do they look good in red?
I think she could pull it off bc red is in her color scheme but also like.. there’s already so much warm colors!! I think she looks the best in gray or black tbh (like imagine her in a black suit or something she’d look SNAZZY)
5. Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?
“HHuuh WHAT AM I S’POSED TO TALK ABOUT? Fuck. Uh. Respect lesbians.” Mic drop
6. Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
She’ll ALWAYS take advice from her friends, especially Destiny, bc she trusts them to know when she’s being too hot-headed or rash- There’s a character in her friend group who hasn’t got a name yet but he’s REALLY good at giving advice!!
She will NEVER take advice from her old rival Lockjaw, and she shouldn’t- he’s always out to sabotage her somehow and plays dirty a lot of the time, and he’s known to be a huge liar (Plus they just hate each other)
7. Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
My three words: Fiery, protective, loving!!
Her three words: “Uh.. Gay. Handsome. Wait, scratch that. Gay, HOT, optimist.”
8. Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
She WANTS to be intrigued but she just gets frustrated and crumples up the paper after a few minutes if it’s not a super easy riddle sjhsjf she knows by now that it’s just Not Worth It
9. Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
She only usually does with like people (or I guess furry)-shaped objects like stuffed animals and dolls, and even then not to an extreme degree- it’s really Serene who has the EXTREME empathy and empathizes with everything!!
10. What age do they most want to be right now?
THIS IS SUCH AN INTERESTING QUESTION she misses being a kid like Serene is a lot, but she’s pretty happy where she is- she’s in a better place than she has been for a long time at the current point of her story! If anything, she wishes she could go back and tell her middle/high school self that things are gonna be okay
11. They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save?
She’d SAY she’s gonna save it and REALLY try but she wouldn’t be able to resist splurging on some really cool stuff bc COME ON she won the LOTTERY!! She’d also wanna buy gifts for the Monster family because she wants to thank them for how generous they’ve been to her so it’s really very wholesome 
12. Do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they’re in)?
She doesn’t READ that’s for NERDS
JUST KIDDIN but nah she’s not really one for “mushy stuff” and prefers action/adventure stories!! She’s also a fan of mysteries and anything that’s not Painfully Heterosexual 
13. Name one thing their parents taught them.
Her parents weren’t the best, but they did teach her very good manners- she did go through a BIG rebel phase where she definitely was Not as polite, but overall her politeness and natural charisma really help her out in social situations (especially when she has to get favors from people and stuff)
14. Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
I think she’d agree with the term in a general sense!! I’m not sure exactly what guilty pleasures she has, probably just the fact that she can be kind of a thrill-seeker and take unnecessary risks- not involving Serene though ofc
15. What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
The first thing that came to mind is that she considers arguing with people you KNOW aren’t gonna change their mind to be a waste of time- Especially when it comes to social justice type issues she knows not to waste her energy on people who just won’t listen (but she’s argumentative by nature and usually ends up doing it against her better judgement)
16. If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear?
LEATHER JACKETS AND COOL BOOTS AND SUCH!! She’d also wanna buy a bunch of cool pins to put on said jacket (And she’d probably have to get it tailored bc of her wings too which would also be money..) She would also probably get some kind of cool patterned horseshoes!!
17. Do they like children?
Yes she DOES and Serene is her favorite (Even though she calls her a booger)
19. Do they study before tests? Practice before job interviews?
NOPE she usually dives into most things headfirst, which can be VERY UNWISE but she feels like it keeps her brain clear to not stress about stuff beforehand  
20. What do they like that nobody else does?
HMM… I don’t really have an answer for this one tbh!! I’ve been thinking about it for a bit, the only thing that I can think of is that she likes waking up REALLY early and the smell of smoke, but lots of people also like those things
21. What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
She’s actually really bad at getting out of situations like that, like if she’s in a relationship she’s not happy in she’s bad at getting herself out of it- but probably something that really make her realize she needs to get outta there would be if the other person seriously hurt her on purpose 
22. Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to?
She LOVES pet names and calls EVERYONE pet names (unless they’re not comfortable ofc)!! Nicknames are kinda hard to make from “Horsepower” so a lot of the time she’s given weird affectionate pet names instead, it’s somthing that she’s kinda known for
DEFINITELY her go-to pet name is “babe”, she calls almost everyone that and I like to imagine that it’s very soothing bc she has a lovely deep voice.. other go-to pet names are baby, hon and love!! She has a lot of personal nicknames/pet names for individual people though 
Tbh she only really refers to someone as their full name if she doesn’t know them or if she’s mad at them shfshf
23. Stability or novelty?
Novelty!! Stability is important to her but she gets bored and anxious if she’s stuck in the same routine for too long, that’s why she likes taking care of Serene bc Serene is ALWAYS doing new things
24. Honesty or charity?
Ooh that’s difficult… Once again both are important values to her, but I’m gonna go with honesty- she’s a very (bluntly) honest person
25. Safety or possibility?
Possibility!! As established before she’s kinda a daredevil she doesn't care about SAFETY (unless it’s anyone else but her doing it then she’s gonna lecture them)
26. Talent or effort?
Effort!! She is EXTREMELY passionate and such an overachiever about everything shkfskh it’s like Hey Horsepower Can You Do This Simple Task For Me and she’s like Oh You Wanted Me To Change The World? I’ll Do That
27. Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
Definitely vengeance she holds grudges REALLY BAD and as kind as she tries to be if someone who hurt her or her friends gets hurt… she can’t help being satisfied
30. What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
OH THATS A HEAVY QUESTION since she holds grudges so bad she’s probably try to get revenge on Lockjaw for all the grief he’s caused her over the years, if she knew she’d be off the hook she’d get really nasty about it bc her anger at him has just been Boiling for years 
WOW THAT TOOK A WHILE BUT IT WAS SO EXTREMELY FUN THANK U SO MUCH FOR ASKING!!! I’ll do the other one tomorrow bc I need to go to BED 
Also I did cut out a few questions!! I either didn’t wanna answer them or I had answered them before 
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somuchanemoia · 6 years
11 Questions
I was tagged by the lovely, chicken enthusiast, Joey (@yuuris-piano ). I’m so sorry that I’m late. I promise I didn’t forget! 
1. If you were able to change an aspect of yourself, would you do it?
Hell yeah! I hate myself with the passion of a thousand fiery suns so...I absolutely would. 
2. If you could live in a fictional world [anime/literature/movie/tv-show/etc.], where would you live? 
Hmmmmm.....good question. There’s a lot of place’s I would like to go. I think I would love to go to Wonderland. There is finally a place that is just as odd as I am. Maybe I could finally be normal there? Whether it is Disney’s cartoon wonderland or the 2010 remake or the Alice in the Country of Hearts version, I think Wonderland would be an amazing place. 
3. Have you ever read/watched something that has altered your perception of something?
As cheesy as this sounds now, Stephen Chbosky’s The Perks of Being a Wallflower was really impactful to me. You’re probably rolling your eyes at me for saying that because, duh it’s a coming of age novel, but really this was an interesting book for me when I first read it. I was 14 at the time and for the first time in my life, my depression and anxiety were very bad for over a year. And I read this book for the first time in my life and just the way it talked about life and depression and friends and love and acceptance for who you are, really gave me a lot to think about during that time and while I didn't know it then, now I know how much that story helped me cope with a lot of things. It’s still one of my favorites to this day. 
4. Currently, are you living out yours dreams/goals?
Yes and no. 
Long-term goals wise, no I’m not. 
But short-term wise, hell yeah I am! I’ve almost made it through the semester. It’s been almost a year since my last major breakdown. I’ve got straight A’s this year for the first time in about 10 years. I’m spending the weekends with my family who I love. I came out to my parents (granted it was unexpected, but still) who are coming to terms with it and still love me for who I am anyways. I made an awesome batch of cookies this morning and I managed to eat breakfast for most of this week. I’m finally getting back into a healthier mindset after a lot of toxic relationships. Life is looking pretty good. 
It’s all about the baby steps for me right now...
5. If there was something you could change about yourself, what would it be?
.....everything? Is that an appropriate answer??? 
6. How do you deal with self-doubt?
Honestly, I don’t do self-doubt really well. There are two ways I will go about this and which will happen is pretty spontaneous when it comes down to it. 
Method 1: Usually, I tend to have an internal freakout and then withdraw pretty quickly and move on to a different task while obsessing over said task internally while trying not to do just that. 
Then I hit a breaking point; a point where I literally look at myself in the mirror, give myself the finger and say “fuck it, I’m doing this” and then go be impulsive as I can. 
Method 2: I generally take a break from what I’m doing or thinking about and meditate for a while. This is pretty difficult since I'm ADHD af (hence method 1), but when I can focus long enough to relax, it helps a lot. 
7. What inspires you to do what you do?
The people I care about. That’s who it all really comes down too. I love my ships and I love certain creators, but what it comes down to are the people who either read my works or the small creators who make this whole thing fun. 
8. Is there and aspect about today that made you feel good? 
Well, for the first time in years I broke out my old Nintendo DS and played some Professor Layton. I still have my dope riddle solving skills. I had a ton of fun and it reminded me of simpler times.
9. Do you have cool blogs to recommend?
tbh, I am horrible at recing anything, but a few of my favorites are:
I really love @iwritebetterthanispeak‘s blog. She’s pretty chill and has quite a few funny posts. I also really love lolimnotheidi’s art. Her band au is dope and I swear her Mila is one of my new crushes. @endlesscloudsoftime also has an amazing blog and they are so nice. Also, I just found @yuuricutesuki‘s blog a few weeks ago and already I am hooked. 
10. Define the purpose of your existence.
I dunno whether to be funny or deep so I am going to be both. 
You know when you’re driving down the road and on the sidewalk you see a sign spinner for Jamba Juice who is dressed up as a banana? Well, that’s me, except for that I am not a sign spinner and I also do not work for Jamba Juice. I am just a freak in a banana costume in the middle of a public sidewalk, who is staring blankly into the crowd of passing cars and wondering if there was a way that I could just sit in a pit of lemurs all day and feed them grapes and maybe play them a tune on a guitar (if I knew how to play the guitar).
While it may look like I am staring depressedly into the crowd of oncoming traffic, what ya’ll dont see is how much I am seeing (fyi your tinted windows can only hide you picking your nose so much).  I’m just waiting for the opportune moment for someone to need a person dressed in a banana costume for no reason to be at the right place at the right time.
Basically, my existence can be summed up as me standing around in a banana costume while the Mii channel music plays on loop.
11. Compliment Yourself~!
Uhm...okay...uh....I have good taste in music. I think. I like it, so...yeah. 
I know I’m supposed to tag people but I am literally lazy and don’t know really anybody to tag and since I’m catching up on tagged posts, I’m tagging whoever wants to do this. Just say I tagged you, because I love reading peoples responses. 
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kenrik · 7 years
Conflicted - that was what I felt after my first viewing of TLJ.
My journey from “???” to “WTF!!”. Comparing my insight from my first viewing of TLJ to my second. 
1. I am Reylo shit. But after watching TLJ, I couldn’t process what I’d just seen. I felt like there was nothing bridging the gap from “You’re a monster!” to “Let’s work together, Ben Solo~” So, I thought, initially, that their relationship was poorly constructed. And, I felt conflicted because - although I would love Reylo to happen, I didn’t want it to happen in a mucked up sort of way. 
2. The first scene - the bombing scene. I couldn’t understand it. Where the hell did those vessels come from? Who the hell was that woman. And why the hell do we care about the medallion around her neck? Just - who the faq? 
3. Poe is an idiot. A dolt. A trigger happy fool. (A stark contrast to his soundness from TFA.)
4. Then, after the first scene - I guess everything happened and my brain went haywire - thinking - W.T.F.????!!!??? My brain proceeded to shutdown afterwards, I think. And just let the images pass. 
5. Holdo’s sacrifice was very cliche. Best sacrifice scene for me was Lelouch’s. Going back to it, I guess anime’s sacrificial themes make western ones pale in comparison. Anyway, I didn’t appreciate this scene so much - even with the spectacular cinematography - because it was what it is - cliche. Also, there would be zero casualties other than herself. I mean, as far as logic went - anyone with half a brain would’ve done what she did. “It’s only logical.” lol
6. Too many jokes. Hux became a punchline which I found annoying. I felt it was forced (lol). Also, the recurring about Poe being trigger happy - wanting to bomb everything in sight. That was just, very cringeworthy. (And I understand why they did it, though. Curse you Marvel! And your many jokes! DAMN-IT.) 
7. Luke’s snarkiness. Maybe I need a refresher course on his character. Last we saw him, he’s been battling with incredible shit as a kid. Then now, we jump to his old master type guy who smirks a lot... BRIDGE. THE. GAP. 
8. Kylo Ren - the GIGANTIC. PAIN IN THE ASS. CRYBABY. One of the reasons I left the movie house utterly conflicted was this character. When I though he had progressed (somewhat) - he goes reverse psycho mode and losses all his shit - and with it, all that development he made in the middle part of the film. As a Kylo Ren buff - this was incredibly frustrating to say the least.
8.5 Rey’s constant rejection of Kylo Ren. But who can blame her?? That guy’s a mess! One of the reasons I left the movie house conflicted was Kylo’s flipflopping character development. By the end - I was like - of course she’d leave you - you’re an idiot! Two rejections in one movie plus that one rejection in TFA... how many times does Rey have to reject you before you clean your act up, stupid Ren?! I felt angry and sad for Kylo, for being conflicted, lost, close to something certain, solid, then all out batshit crazy and lost and conflicted again. It was a rollercoaster for me and my rooting for Ben Solo’s character. Damn did that guy take me for a ride. 
9. Phasma v Finn scene. Phasma is an incredible baddie. I loved their fight scene. My comment is, though, - that it was minute. Ever so tiny. And her “death” was so anticlimactic - I can’t even. It was cliche. The fight could have been longer. 
10. Finn and Rose - IDIOTS. What were those two thinking sharing their plans to an absolute stranger?? And they get shocked that the thief sold them out the first chance he got. Seriously - their whole subplot was like stepping on dogshit. I get the message the team wanted to bring across. But seriously, that same message could’ve been said with a better subplot. There was no answer as to who the man with the rose pin was - no recall to the past story, to any story in SW. Use the old characters for some substance! We have so many more of them at the team’s disposal. :/ 
Cookies (Parts I loved since the first viewing.)
1. Leia is kween. That force stunt she pulled was epic. It was incredible. I can’t even. (Proves to show you how strong she is with the force - and FU fanboys whining - “The force ain’t werq dat wei betch!”) 2. Luke and his liberal approach to the force. Preach!! 3. Rose’s message about weapon dealers (AKA AMERICA, RUSSIA, CHINA. H8CHU FUCKERS - fighting each other when you’re basically on the same fucking boat - HU U THINK UR FOOLING).  3.5 Rose hitting deserter Finn with a stunbaton/gun. 4. That immaculate contrast of white and red minerals.  5. BB8 DOING ALL THE WORK IN ROSE and FINN’S ARC. I mean - GIVE THE DAMN DROID/ROBOT AN OSCAR! 6. Rey’s druggy self-discovery scene. That was just crazy good.  7. The bitchy fish nuns.  8. Chewie roasting porgs while porgs watch in tearful horror.  9. Luke’s leap from one hill to the next.  10. Ben’s slide/glide when he first talks to Rey via force bond. 10.25 Rey’s incessant bitching to Ren via force bond about how Ben is a monster. How she beat him. How she found Luke before him. How she beat him. How he’s a loser. How he’s an idiot. How she hates him. (During that scene, I just can’t help but laugh at her intense lashing out at him HAHA) 10.5 Rey shooting Ren the first opportunity she got.  10.75 Ren standing in the bridge? looking at the platform thing? And Ren being all savage and unforgiving and shooting the fighter planes of the resistance.  11. Snoke’s labyrinth scene!!!!*#*#JMNFUWNF!!!*@(#*$ 12. Epic Yoda is epic. I watched the film with my blockmates, impromptu right after our last finals exam. His quote "Failure is the best teacher.” literally made us ball out in tears. DAMN IT. Yoda got us again! “Do or do not, there is no try.” is so good it’s unfair.  13. Kylo ren practically throwing a tantrum when he faced his uncle Luke.  14. “You came from nothing.You are nothing... But not to me.” 15. Luke’s deep backwards dip in his face off with his nephew Ben.  16. Hux’s screaming repeat of Ben’s order to proceed, earning a “dafuq” look from Kylo.  17!!! Kylo Ren and Anakin = obvious blatant parallels! The hair, the attire, the anger in their expressions! 
My SECOND VIEWING gave me clarity. So, here is my feedback after not having been taken by a shitload of surprise.  1. The scenes had okay pacing. Just unnoticeable because a lot was shoved to our face in less than three hours.  2. Finn/Rose subplot was meh, not exactly the worst thing in the world. And, it makes sense that they get that type of subplot. Rose was a low-ranking member, delegated to catching deserters. Finn knows next to nothing about the Resistance. And Poe is a loose canon. Of course the quest they’d end up in is only as good as what their character’s can make up. This is very realistic actually.  3. It’s a kid’s movie. Of course it would be riddled with cliches.  4. Vulnerability - that’s what bridged the gap between Rey and Ren.  5. Captain Phasma is coming back! *hopefully* She deserves a better send off!  6. Kylo Ren’s character development. I was devastated after my first viewing. I thought he had regressed to the point of no return. Man, I was so ready to throw all my Reylo hopes away because dammit if an idiot ends up with Rey. But, I failed to appreciate that last scene between them properly. 
Ren is kneeling, head bowing low in remorse.  And Rey were eyes hard and unforgiving, her expression, swelling in disappointment of him.  Wow. That said a lot. This is a huge step. After Rey left him (wow it’s like leaving a lover after having had sex), Ren just catapults himself into a raging fit. How could he not? How could he not lose all of his shit after having LOST ALL HIS SHIT. HAHA (Shit is such a good placeholder for the dumb.) I mean - he just killed his Supreme Leader. He offered his heart out to Rey - to this stranger. For once in his life, nothing had been clearer to him - he wanted to join forces with Rey. Forget everyone else. So long as she joined him, nothing would ever be unattainable. But she rejected him. And then - he lost all his shit. He was so certain for once - that Rey would join him. That she saw the same future he saw of her, of them, standing together towards the same goal.  With her rejection - he was thrown back to confusion. To that irrational conflict he could never make sense of. Everything that happened after was an intense blur that he could do nothing more but work in automatic mode. And his automatic mode is work like a bitch baby. Imagine this - everything happened so fast after than one moment of clarity - The resistance found a safe haven. The Millennium Falcon was shooting at them. And that one person he’s been searching for all his life resurfaces out of thin air. All the lies that Snoke told him, all the hatred that scum put in his mind, just exploded. 
Everything happened so quickly. He had no second to think straight. He went to what was natural - what Snoke taught him.  Which is why~ that moment of realization at the end, of regret, remorse, guilt - towards Rey, towards this person who seemed to genuinely believe in him - is so important. It makes me believe that he’ll be thinking of his actions more rationally. And this makes me happy for my favorite character. 
A lot have said this, but I think a year or a few will pass in the timeline before we rejoin the characters. We’ve seen their conflict. Now, we’ll see them in their fullest form - allowing for the ultimate battle. This, I’m really excited for. And I give zero fucks whether or not Kylo will be good or bad. I just want him to know who he is and what he is fighting for. And for the briefest moment, we saw it in TLJ - the death of the past - of the Republic and of the Jedi Order - and hopefully of the ashes of the Empire - the First Order. 
TLJ was a really good film. I can’t say it was a really good SW film, but it was an incredible film. You haters need to get your shit together and progress with everyone else. Also, I hate you all for crying Mary Sue on Rey. We women had to deal with countless Mary Sue men in our blockbusters. Now we have one of our own, you’re bitch crying at Disney. FU. 
Stay calm. Stay chill.  KenRik. 
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theniftynotebook · 7 years
11 Questions
I think I’ve done more of these questionnaire type posts in the last week or two than I’ve done in the last full year. But they’re interesting, so I’ll play along.
Originally tagged by @solverne​!
1. What is your favorite book?
A: God’s Debris by Scott Adams. I can state that without even thinking about it. UPS driver delivers a package to the house of an old man who knows literally everything. They sit down and have a conversation. It’s a thought experiment in written form but the book definitely helped me expand my mind to new possibilities.
2. Name your top three fictional characters.
A: The Silver Surfer from Marvel Comics; Vivi from Final Fantasy 9; and Gene Starwind from Outlaw Star.
3. What is your all-time favorite video game?
A: Yikes! I’ll give you my top 5 (no particular order). Hard to choose. Grandia 1, Skyrim, Mass Effect Trilogy, Shovel Knight, and Final Fantasy 9.
4. If you could go to a fictional world at any given time and return to Earth without any time having passed or sustaining any injuries, where would you go and why?
A: Easily be the world of Pokemon. It’d be dope to have adventures with animal friends and not lose track of any time in the real world (yes, I’m a nerd).
5. Who is your favorite villain and why?
A: Doctor Doom from Marvel Comics. I’ve been reading comic books since the nineties and have always been fascinated with Doom’s hypocrisy. His intellect is equal to that of Mister Fantastic, yet his own hubris is his downfall. His childhood and early life paint a picture of a person dealt an unfair hand in life, yet he took those circumstances and used them to mold himself into the cold tactician that he came to be. Although he is regularly defeated by Marvel’s best heroes, just as many stories show that he’s capable of being the universe’s greatest bringer of order as well as its damnation. He really is an enigma wrapped in a riddle.
Plus, I LOVE the fact that he speaks about himself in the third person with such conviction. 
6. Your favorite meal?
A: Jambalaya
7. Best season of the year?
A: Spring. Warm enough to enjoy the outdoors (I love playing sports outside) without the oppressive heat that makes you want to go back inside. The only drawback being my allergies depending on where I am at the time.
8. Ideal weather?
A: Mid-seventies with low humidity. Mid fifties in the evening to prevent it from being super muggy.
9. What is on the top of your bucket list?
A: Publishing my first book and probably getting a chance to visit Africa (South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, or Ethiopia).
10. Which of the seven world wonders do you most want to see?
A: If we’re speaking on the classic seven wonders then it would be the Great Pyramid of Giza. Of the new wonders, it would be the Potala Palace.
11. You’ve been given one million dollars. How do you spend it?
A: I would immediately save at least a quarter of it (at minimum) to half (max). In that amount, I’d put at least $100,000 in a CD or another account to accrue interest and not touch it for at least 10-15 years. I’d then help my parents with their most pressing bills. The same for my brother. I’d probably buy myself a better car (mine has another year or two left of life in it *knocks on wood*) and plan a trip out the country with a few friends. The rest gets put to bills to pay them in advance for a few months.
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