Would you consider changing Alistar’s fc? If so, who would be acceptable? Ps, this is such an amazing concept I cannot wait for you guys to open!!!
Thank you so much! I can’t wait either if I be honest! Bearing in mind Alistar’s age and relatives I would suggest alternative FCs such as (but not limited to!): Russell Crowe, Colin Firth, Pierce Brosnan, Skeet Ulrich, Alan van Sprang, Hugh Jackman, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Gerald Butler, or maybe Aidan Gillen? Hope that helps!
-Admin L
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Matthew Goode and Eva Green as TWINS?!? Oh. My. GOD. Yes. When is Eva/Rosalie coming out?
Yes nonnie! TWINS. Eva Green who will play Lady Rosalie Floxglove from the Diamond ♦️ region will be posted today! So please keep an eye out!
-Admin L
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Gosh! That’s all my Diamond graphics done and just Tristan Diamond (Tyler Hoechlin) and Rosalie Foxglove (Eva Green) to write! I also have Cora Lovelace, the King’s mistress (Margot Robbie), Hugo Heart, the Crown Prince (Eddie Redmayne) and Sir Perseus Steele (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) brewing and should be out tomorrow! While I pop off to bed, how about you have a look around? Don’t see anyone you like yet? Send me an ask and/or a request! Let’s see how many apps we can get in! ‘Night loves!
-Admin L
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LORD SEBASTIAN FOXGLOVE is a .46 year old LORD from the noble house of FOXGLOVE and is an ADVISER to LORD ALISTAR DIAMOND. he is situated in the DIAMOND MOUNTAINS.
Duty. Its a word that is drilled into men like Sebastian from the moment he left his mother and will stay with him until he breathes his last breath. Duty. Duty to the Diamonds, duty to his family, to his sisters, both living and dead. Eight years ago, life was grand - his eldest sister, Constance, had married the great Lord Alistar Diamond and had secured the Foxglove’s position in Wonderland. What more could they want? Unless his twin sister Rosalie was going to marry the child Heart Prince the Foxglove’s could climb no higher. Which meant both Rosalie and Sebastian had all the power and freedom their heart’s crave. 
For years the pair drank and divulged in indiscretions with whomever they chose. No one was going to say anything - least of all their new, powerful brother-in-law. Th Foxglove’s were untouchable. That is, until death fell upon dear Constance, leaving behind two children and a widowed Lord. By then, Sebastian had been appointed Adviser to the Diamond Lord, the pair have slowly hatched a plan to regain what was once Diamond rule. The Foxgloves had tried to solidify their bond with the Diamonds by offering Rosalie up as substitute bride, must like the rest of Wonderland. All desperate to secure an alliance with the rich Diamond. Not that Alistar cared, he was too focused on his children and his land. But then, the little commoner came along. Alistar, a good friend and brother to Sebastian, was besotted with the fanciful red-headed gold digger. Everyone could see through Camille save from Alistar himself. 
Having the likes of Camille as Lady Diamond is a severe blow to the Foxglove house. The commoner has somehow influenced Alistar more than Sebastian ever could - worming her way into every aspect of his life. Rosalie is sickened to know her sister’s children must call a miner’s daughter their Lady and Sebastian cannot help but agree. Together, the pair have devised a plan - get Camille out of the picture and have Alistar marry Rosalie. Such a plan seems so very easy, especially with his niece and nephew’s support, but the more Sebastian spends with the Lady, the more he finds himself succumbing to her charms. 
Cunning: There seems to be a running theme for those who reside in the Diamond Mountains - all cunning and scheming and ready to grab hold of power. The Foxgloves are no different. They need to remain in their advantageous position with Lord Diamond. Sebastian is more of the more level-headed members of his family, the one who is quick to come up with a solution to every problem. 
Charming: You don’t get very far in life with mere wit alone. At least, Sebastian has mastered the art of being liked. Perhaps he is a bit cold and arrogant, but he has a way about him that can’t help but leave you hungering for more. He many not like you, but he can quickly understand you, know what makes you tick. He knows all the right things to say to win you over. 
Loyal: Family is everything. Diamond rule is everything. His big sister gave up everything to restore the family name and secure their position among nobility. Even Rosalie gave up part of her life to care for the mother-less Diamond children, even if it was in hope of worming her was into Alistar’s affections. Sebastian must also be loyal and true to the Foxglove name. Or at least he would if Camille wasn’t ruining his plans.
Mind: Sebastian has the unique ability to ‘sense’ a person. Who they are, their very essence. He usually knows what makes a person tick, how to please them, how to deceive them. His power is who he is as a Diamond Noble - he relies upon his ability to know how to make people like him, want him, respect him, love him. But with the decline of magic, Bash’s magical crutch has begun to shake him.
Alistar & Camille Diamond: His Lord and Lady, the two very people Bash has sworn to serve. While he deeply cares and respects his dear friend Alistar, Bash is distrusting of Camille. He does not like the way she can easily sway the Lord nor how she can easily unsettle him with her own sharp gaze. It’s as though she can see right through him.
Aurora &Tristan Diamond: His dear little niece and nephew - so much like their mother, but with a disturbing dark side. It worried Bash how cruel and manipulative the pair have become, more so Tristan who will one day take his father’s place. Perhaps the children were not loved enough as a children? Sebastian cannot help but wonder if his sister Rosalie might have played a part in the children’s decent into something far more sinister than mere entitlement. 
Lady Rosalie Foxglove: Twins. Sometimes it feels as though Rose and Bash are two halves of the same person. Other times it feels as though they are night and day. Rose was always wild, a little out of control, always going a little too far. Sebastian has turned a blind eye to many of Rose’s little secrets and indiscretions. But how far must he go for the good of the family? How much must he ignore an cover-up, even when it’s his own feelings he is fighting?
LORD SEBASTIAN FOXGLOVE is portrayed by MATTHEW GOODE and his role is currently OPEN.
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I’m almost done with the Diamond bios! Look out for the likes of Matthew Goode, Eva Green and Tyler Hoechlin! After that, I think I’ll move onto the Hearts. Any suggestions or requests while I work away?
-Admin L
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AURORA DIAMOND is a .28 year old LADY from the noble house of DIAMONDS situated in the DIAMOND MOUNTAINS.
Everyone knows that men like Lord Alistar Diamond needs a male heir to take the Diamond title. Some Suits have passed their own laws ensuring that the first born, be they male or female, succeed and take over. But for a woman who likes to think of herself as progressive, she’s stuck in a land of male tyranny. Not that her father doesn’t adore hr - Aurora is of course the apple of his eye, his little Diamond. Even after the passing of their mother, Lady Constance Diamond, six years ago, her father’s attention never wavered from his children. And that’s the way Aurora liked it. 
But like most men, Aurora’s father succumbed to a pretty face that belonged to a miner’s daughter of all things! Aurora despises the young new Lady Diamond, only three years older than Aurora herself, and the way she can so easily sway Lord Diamond. Aurora believes it is Camille who convinced hr father to begin planning her marriage to some man purely for an alliance. Some Spade Lord - one who will expect a quiet, placid wife. Until contracts are signed Aurora considers herself to be a free woman - and take pleasures where she sees fit. 
It is an honour to hold the eyes of a Diamond, one that Aurora bestows upon one lone servant in the Diamond household. Their tryst, for the moment, is a secret - Aurora would simply die if she was caught fooling around with someone below her station. The likes of Camille is famed for sniffing out secrets like a prized pig and her father would be furious, his anger unprecedented. But it is a cruel kind of passion, one that feeds into a darker side of Aurora that she dares not question. 
Haughty: Like most in her position, Aurora knows her worth. From the moment she was born, Aurora was made to believe that she was a princess, even if there was a Heart Princess sitting somewhere grand in her little palace. But Aurora is the Diamond Princess, surrounded by cold, cruel jewels. She knows her worth and who to spend it on. 
Spoiled: Aurora knows how to get what she wants - before the commoner came into their lives and turned her father’s head, Aurora’s every whim was catered to. Imagine coming from one of the riches parts of Wonderland, where their was no price to great for the Diamond household. From dresses to dalliances, Aurora could have what she wanted and do what she pleased. But things are changing and her father is suddenly putting a stop on the child’s play. 
Vicious: You can’t be a Diamond without a dark streak. Her father has the icy temper, her brother has the sadistic touch and Aurora? She is like a little viper, her venom deadly. Cross the Diamond Lady and be warned - she isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty to ensure that she comes up smelling of roses. 
Mind: Aurora is the very image of her mother in looks and so it would seem, in power too. Mind manipulation had always been the Diamond’s most prized ability and as such, each individual thrives in various areas. Aurora has a way of distorting the truth - she can weave lies like a little spider, casting a web over the truth. Many have fallen prey to her little lies, questioning what they perceive to be true. But as magic in Wonderland has begun to fade, as have her web of lies. How long until the truth comes out?
Lord Alistar Diamond: Who doesn’t love a daddy’s girl? Aurora has always been her father’s little jewel, even when her mother was alive. He would turn a blind eye to her little lies and indiscretions, shower her with gifts and indulge her with his affection and attention. Aurora loves her father, but cannot help but resent him for replacing her mother with a commoner who could be his daughter, let alone wife. Aurora is worried that if Camille has a child, her new baby brother or sister will ensnare her father for good. 
Tristan Diamond: Little baby brother - Aurora is no saint but even she has become uneasy with the way Tristan deals with his little ‘playthings’. She’s used to covering for him - weaving lies so that his victims can’t discern their own truth. But how much longer can the siblings hide their secrets from their father, or his nosy new wife?
Lord Orion Spade: Aurora vaguely remembers the boy from her childhood - hazy summers where their father’s talked over drink and their governesses shooed them away to play. Aurora suspects that it is Orion that her father intends to marry her off to. But Aurora has grown into a woman - one who cannot dote upon a man in the middle of a desert. Not when she is having much more fun in her own lands. 
LADY AURORA DIAMOND is portrayed by KATIE McGRATH and her role is currently OPEN.
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Are you looking for a co admin? There seems to be only just one of you ;;
Yes! Sadly I am on my lonesome here - and would love a co admin! If you know anyone who is a whiz at graphics or just dying to write a tone of bios - get them to message me!
-Admin L
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i love the idea of this! i see you're posting characters, will there be ocs too?
Oh thank you! I must say in an old Disney-based RP is used to play Mad Hatter and his backstory I had led to this! I am indeed posting some canon characters but absolutely, 100% encourage OCs! If you have some ideas you’d like to toss about, don’t be shy - come off anon and I’ll happily help!
-Admin L
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when will this rp open?
Oh gosh my first anon - you came sooner than expected, love! So welcome!. Right so, I have a first batch of canon characters that I would like posted first but I do intend to open auditions sometime this week! Once we have about 15 or so members an open date will be set - so keep your eyes open!
- Admin L
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ALISTAR DIAMOND is a .54 year old LORD from the noble house of DIAMONDS situated in the DIAMOND MOUNTAINS.
They say men are doomed to become their fathers - the very people they despise the most. Alistar had grown up under is father’s strict care. History centered around the growth of the Diamond Empire, of the Great Wonderless War and how all houses fell to the rule of the Hearts. His father expected great things from his only son and heir and as such, Alistar was betrothed at a young age to Lady Constance Foxglove, a noble woman of significant family and power who resided on the Diamond boarder. It was a marriage of power and good breeding and though in time the pair became fond of each other, their was little love or passion. 
Death quickly haunted Alister - first his father, then is unborn youngest child and finally, his wife. Widowed, alone with two children and a realm to tend to, Alister found the prospect of Lord daunting. Woman from all over the land petitioned to take his late wife’s place, all pretty and talented and lacking somewhat. Even his late wife’s family had put forth their youngest daughter as a replacement. But in time, Alistar turned his attention to his land and children, forcing them to thrive. It was his eldest daughter, Aurora’s, coming out ball that changed everything. A pretty red-haired maiden with sharp eyes and wit - a mystery of a girl with no last name but with a hunger that called to his own, awoke a beast that had lay sleeping. Alistar became infatuated - obsessed - with Camille. She would come to him, waiting outside the castle gates, dress like one of Wonderland’s most finest ladies but refused to give herself or her last name unless marriage was promised. 
Alistar had thought he had seduced her - but one look at the ruined sheets and the fear in her eyes quickly made a marriage. To a miner’s daughter no less! Yes, Alistar’s new, young wife is quite clever indeed, what with her little spies and secrets. But her seductive whispers of power and how to make Diamond’s great once more keeps her by his side. The Diamond Lord knows that his children despise Camille and that many men in his Court covet her, but for now, she is entirely his. Until she is no longer of use to him, that is. 
Calculating: Every bit his Diamond namesake, Alistar is always five steps ahead of the rest, every word heavy with hidden meaning. Perhaps the only person to have ever out-smarted him, his new wife, but how much deception was by his own doing? Be careful of what you say - every word, every action is taken into account and analysed when it comes to Lord Alistar. 
Proud: Like all Diamond Lords before him, Alistar is a man who will never admit he is wrong. His pride means that bowing down to the Hearts is a fate worse than death. In his land, Alistar is king and his word is law. One must always do well to remember, no matter what your title. 
Ambitious: Having lived under Heart rule his whole life and his dear friend now slowly dying, Alistar must consider the greater goal. With his friend and king soon and their end, Alistar has made considerable thought over the Diamond’s standing for the throne. And with his new and equally ambitious wife, their pair make a formidable power couple in the game.
Mind: As it is with very Diamond and their subjects, the power of mind control is their greatest weapon. Alistar’s abilities are strongest in the darkest part of the mind. He is exceptionally skilled at mind torture and creating false, haunting memories into a mind. It takes an immense amount of power to do so and he rarely does unless his anger is truly awakened. Like all, Alistar has noticed the decline in Wonderland’s power and as a result, his own. 
Lady Camille Diamond: His pretty little wife, one so seductive and driven. The pair are formidable together - both just as cold and as devious as the other. For now, he allows her to believe she has him wrapped around her little fingers, her devious little secrets and connections prove to be useful to Alistar - but he wants more from his new Lady - a Diamond baby to start. 
Aurora & Tristan Diamond: His two surviving children from his first marriage with Constance. Alistar adores his children but cannot help but fear he is turning into the same cold, reserved man his own father was. His daughter needs a marriage to a good family, preferably a Suit to solidify an alliance and his wild son needs to learn the ways of a Lord, all the while the pair needs to stop hissing little snide comments about his new wife. 
Lord Lucian Spade: The two Lords have grown fond over the years, both had been closed to the dying Heart King. Alistar is unsure if Lucian will hep him in his claim to the throne as he suspects the Spade might be making a move also. Alistar has been meaning to talk to the Lord Spade about uniting his daughter with Lucian’s son, Orion. 
LORD ALISTAR DIAMOND is portrayed by RUFUS SEWELL and his role is currently OPEN.
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CAMILLE DIAMOND is a .32 year old LADY from the noble house of DIAMONDS situated in the DIAMOND MOUNTAINS.
No matter the fairy tale, there is always a Cinderella story. In some, the poor servant girl is good and kind and her kindness is the reason for her happy ending. But for Camille, it was her beauty and cunning that moved her from simple miner’s daughter to ruling Lady of the Diamond Court. In truth, Camille had a thirst for a better life since she was young. No, Camille was destined to control her own glittering fate and she used every gift she was born with to secure her Lord.
Camille was only a young woman of twenty-six when the former Lady Diamond had tragically died. She left behind a widowed husband and two children and above all else - she left Camille an opportunity. Using her connections, the ambitious redhead slipped into the stone castle on the night of young Aurora Diamond’s ball. Many Noble Suits had come to pay their respects to the girl and to her father who still mourned his wife and Camille was determined to catch the eye of one handsome Lord.
That night she flirted, laughed and danced - the mysterious girl in a silk dress and fluttering lashes. But of all men she enchanted, it was Lord Diamond himself who looked more alive than he had been in years in the girl’s company. Twenty years her junior, he wasn’t the young prince Camille had dreamed of, but he was darkly charming and lavishly rich. There was a hunger there, lurking beneath the surface that answered to her own. And so, Camille spun a web, slowly entrapping the Lord - giving her carefully saved innocence and declaring herself ruined. Little did Camille know that Alistar had plans for her - not just his wife, much to his children’s chagrin.
Cold: For a woman of humble beginnings, Camille was quick to become the cold, vain noble woman you’d expected. Diamond blood runs through her veins and as such, she is just as pretty and as cruel as her namesake.
Seductive: Camille knows her strengths - her body, her looks, her charm. It is one of her more enviable tools and she will continue to use them to ensure that she always gets what she wants, not matter what the cost.
Resourceful: To be ambitious, one needs to be resourceful. And for an ambitious woman like Camille, she had plenty of resources. Her connections, for one, are perhaps Camille’s strongest arsenal. Alliances are her forte.
Mind: Like all those who originate from the Diamond line, whether they be noble or peasant, Camille has a strong affiliation of mind manipulation. In truth, there are some area’s she struggles with - seduction and fueling a fantasy were always her strong suits. But altering past memories or mind-torture? With the decline of magic in Wonderland Camille fears that her grip on her husband might fade also.
Lord Alistar Diamond: Lord and husband, Camille likes to think she has Alistar wrapped around her little finger. The pair share a hunger for power and a goal for the throne, despite Alistar’s reservations. But to ensure her place in the Diamond house, Camille must still provide an little diamond of her own. A child.
Aurora & Tristan Diamond: Forget Cinderella, Camille is more of a wicked step-mother. Well, sister due to the age. Both not only resent Camille for replacing their mother but for the fact that she has so much sway over their father. However, as the children will soon find out, Camille is a powerful ally as well as a foe.
Cora Lovelace: The girls are in fact cousins, though the pair endeavor to keep their relation a secret. It was Cora who ensured that Camille secured entrance into the ball that night and that Camille would be dressed like one of the finest ladies in all of the land. The pair write often and feed each other information but there is genuine love there.
LADY CAMILLE DIAMOND is portrayed by EVAN RACHEL WOOD and her role is currently CLOSED.
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Wonderland Origins;
The following Characters have been confirmed to be playable canon characters with their respective fcs. Please note that names and fcs change requests are accepted. You may also make further requests for more canon characters to be released. As always, OC’s are also accepted. 
Open Date: TBA
HRH, Hugo Heart, Crown Prince - Eddie Redmayne
Sir Perseus, King’s Guard - Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Cora Lovelace, The King’s Mistress - Margot Robbie
Lord Alister Diamond - Rufus Sewell
Lady Camille Diamond - Evan Rachel Wood
Lady Aurora Diamond - Katie McGrath
Lord Tristan Diamond - Tyler Hoochn
Lord Lucian Spade - Idris Elba
Lord Orion Spade - Charles Michael Davis
Lady Narcissa Spade - Kat Graham
Lord Huang Club - Ross Butler
Lady Nian Club - Jamie Chung
Mad Hatter - Harry Shum Jr
Doormouse - Ruth Negga
March Hare - Daniel Glover
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