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scatterbrainedbot · 1 year ago
sobbing u say? dont worry anon, mikeys got just the thing
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scpwiki-official · 1 year ago
manns like furry adjacent not because he likes anthro stuff but because he finds the like sensory experience of fur/scales very appealing
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spottedmischief · 11 months ago
Banzai all grumpy like: Who’s Janja. Who took my nephew. It better be not someone who stinks. Whaddya mean he calls you a furbrain.
Ed: why worry who found Cheezi when we were not around what matters is we are back together and he is also happy :D
Janja: hi.
Ed: ah.
Still laughing over how much that thought process actually backfired
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ihatedangling · 11 months ago
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^ is but mad north by northwest. When the wind is southerly, Ed knows a hawk from a handsaw.
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spottedmischief · 11 months ago
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"I know, right? It’s so hard. Thinkin’ makes my head hurt."
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   “Could you really blame us for just being hungry? Don’t you knooow how hard it is to think straight on an empty stomach” 
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peacefulemoyearnings · 7 months ago
More Random TLK Headcanons
Kion was much more stubborn as an infant cub and would push Kiara away whenever she tried to help him.
Tamaa eventually joins the Traveling Baboon Circus along with Cheezi and Chungu. Janja is mildly irritated (and somewhat proud of those furbrains but he'll never admit to it. Yeah, of course he comes to every show, it's only for the free food after all).
When Bunga gets old, he starts acting like a grizzled veteran who tells wild and overly exaggerated tales about his time in the Lion Guard and he even wears a leaf eyepatch to look cool.
Beshte frequently gives some of the Pridelander children rides down the river during the wet season. The Guard helps him build an easy exit point for the kids to get out safely.
Ono sometimes sits and floats in the watering hole to catch some rays and just relax for a while.
Makini absentmindedly doodles on leaves whenever she's bored.
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hyperfixated-maybe · 2 months ago
oooh tlg ask time!!! :D
what do you think the outlanders would be like in a human au? i'm leaving this really broad so you can talk about anything ya want - what they look like, what they do, anything! :3
Hello Spinny!! Spins! The Spinniest Spinner!!!
woah I typed ‘spin’ so many times it doesn't even look like a real word anymore, lol. Anyway, about the outlanders!! I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what would cause their conflicts with the Guard, and because I think of the Guard’s “protecting the circle of life” job to be almost like park rangers, so in this au the Outlanders are mostly…
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I mean if we think about it, most of the “bad guys” in this show only had crimes revolving around hunting. (and Scar, but we're ignoring him for now.)
All of the Tree of Life villains, (except Mama but shes also got drugs soooo yeah), Mpishi, Makucha in the Imaginary Okapi… and most of the Outlanders!
Kiburi and his float commit violations of fishing laws, taking in more fish than the legal limit, keeping undersized fish, or fishing restricted areas. As for what they look like, all of the crocs are Latino. I’m still deciding which Central American country their ancestors hail from. How they ended up in Africa is beyond me, lol. (Some are Afro-Latino perhaps? Idk.)
Janja and the hyenas are Black, and, obviously, take more than their fair share. (what they’ve got the tags for.) (This is all based off of the Massachusetts hunting system btw. Just writing what I know.) Again, they take prey that isn't legal, like young calves. There are also certain seasons for certain prey, which they disregard entirely.
J: “I'm hungry for zebra. C’mon fellas, lets go get some lunch.”
C (either one): “But Janja, zebra doesn’t open for another two weeks!”
J: “I know that already you furbrain, I just don’t care!”
The Jackals? Same thing as the hyenas, just less intense and also toss thievery into the mix.
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The vultures? I don't think they actually committed any crimes… other than arson, LOL. Def white/British tho.
So, as protectors of the land and the wildlife on it, the Guard butts heads with the Outlanders quite a bit in this au.
Pretty much all of the Outlander dynamics are similar to what they were in the show. The Outlands itself is the poorest part of the general area, as well as having the highest crime rates. It’s hard for someone born in the Outlands to get out, and hard for Pridelanders to understand why anyone would want to stay there.
Being from the Outlands would come with a bad reputation, one that takes a lot to push past in order to make friends with a Pridelander, like we see in Never Judge a Hyena by its Spots. I think that prejudice would be a fun thing to explore.
Speaking of Jasiri and her clan, they're probably doing the best out of the Outland’s groups. I don't have a design for her yet, but I'm working on it.
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tired-lamb · 3 months ago
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answering another lone honeybadger au question from @dawn-sunlight!
jasiri’s clan does indeed fare better than janja’s did. of the survivors, jasiri, madoa, and maybe three other hyenas manage to survive. I’m thinking of making at least one hyena from janja’s clan survive, tho it’ll most likely be either nne or tano since I wouldn’t wanna seperate the iconic furbrain trio (as much as I love angst, I can’t do that to them :’]). they don’t have much of an important role in the story which is why I don’t mention them much in my lone honeybadger posts; excluding jasiri, of course, whose the leader of the resistance and also apart of the main four.
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silveredfeathers · 4 months ago
Lookin GOOD furbrain! KYAAAHAHA! Hooooly shit. Is this PERMANENT? - @ariadosanon
Why the fuck are YOU in my inbox??
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spinnysocks · 8 months ago
janja saving cheezi and chungu after the fire and they're passed out and he looks at them and just kinda softly smirks and says "furbrains" (affectionate) I NEED IT
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devilsrecreation · 5 months ago
Random Outlander Interaction Headcanons pt 2
Kiburi and Mzingo:
I can see them being fist-bump buddies, with the two of them thinking they’re the only actual normal ones in the Outlands lmao. They just sit back looking at everyone’s antics like “You gotta deal with this shit too?”
“All the time.”
I like to imagine while Janja and Reirei are arguing, Kiburi just gestures to Mzingo like “Ask him. He’s smarter than the both of you combined” or smth along those lines. Mzingo appreciates it
Cheezi and Njano:
Omg derpy tongue bois. Although Cheezi was a bit creeped out by the skinks at first, I can picture him being the first one to actually befriend one of them and that being Njano. It literally started with a “Wait a minute…you look just like me! :D” “Huh, thought I was the only one!” and boom-friendship.
I mentioned this to Spinny before, but Njano is a horrible influence on Cheezi lmao. He’ll dare Cheezi to do something or make a lighthearted joke and next thing you know, Cheezi started a damn fire 😭 Silly little gremlins
Sumu and Chungu:
So I hc that Sumu somehow finds himself hanging out with/befriending the Idiots after a rescue mission and I firmly believe Chungu is the reason for that. He’s the first of the Idiots to invite Sumu to hang with them in the first place and the first one to call him a friend. He also makes sweet remarks about how smart Sumu is and Sumu, while a bit awkward due to all the kindness, regards him as a good friend
Nne and Mwoga:
Nne doesn’t really deal with idiocy, but Mwoga would definitely be the exception for two reasons: 1. He’s not REALLY stupid (a little ditzy but he still has a brain) and 2. He helped raise him so he definitely respects him. Mwoga tends to be somewhat of a mediator between Nne and Tano and Chungu and Cheezi, usually reminding Nne that they mean well and to be a bit nicer to them
Tamka and Tano:
You know, when Neema told Tano how much of an idiot Tamka was, he thought he was exaggerating….until he and Nne actually met him in my Neema-centered episode idea and oh my stars he’s as dumb as Chungu is, if not stupider. I imagine he gets cocky with him, saying stuff like “You should know that, mate”
And then Tamka’s wondering why this hyena thinks of him as his mate 😭
Mwoga and Janja:
I like to think Mwoga is almost as close as he is with Janja as Mzingo is. He was a bit confused why he was suddenly a surrogate to a hyena but he loved and accepted him all the same. Mwoga reads right through Janja when he’s talking about how annoying Chungu and Cheezi have been. Janja may be ranting, but Mwoga knows just how much he loves them and tells the others as such
Kiburi and Tano:
Interesting…I think they’d be cool with each other. Kiburi’s lowkey impressed with Tano’s knowledge about other animals and would definitely approve of him and Neema’s friendship. Although he wasn’t above threatening them when wanting to know where Neema went off to.
They also roll their eyes at Tamka’s stupidity like
“Is he always like this?”
Dogo and Chungu:
I feel like Chungu was the first to warm up to Dogo when the hyenas and jackals became allies. Dogo just had to say “sorry” while giving the yeens his signature puppy eyes and Chungu was like “Why do we hate him again?”.
Janja: Cuz he tried stealin’ our food, furbrain
Chungu: Oh yeah!
Dogo: Don’t worry, I promise I’m ashamed :3
Chungu: Dawwww! We forgive you!
Reirei and Nduli:
Reirei thinks Nduli is a real sweetheart. He likes to compliment her and even admires her parenting skills. Maybe she (and Goigoi) gives him parenting advice that he uses when he has kids of his own. This is part of the reason why he’s so overbearing to his kids lol
Sumu and Nduli:
Sumu had no idea a crocodile could be such a sweetheart but he now feels like he has an obligation to protect his innocence. Nduli’s basically the equivalent to Winnie the Pooh in his eyes so he tends to show his soft side to him (Sumu doesn’t do that unless he’s with his mother so that's a huge plus). No matter what idea Nduli has, Sumu agrees cuz he literally can’t say no to him.
Meanwhile Nduli likes hearing about all the scorpion facts. He finds them fascinating.
Kijana and Tamka:
You know how the adult is supposed to babysit the child? Yeah, it’s the exact opposite with these two. Because Kijana takes more after her mother, she’s pretty much the brains to Tamka’s brawn and often keeps a close eye on him to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself. I feel like they’d make a lighthearted joke where Kijana goes “alright that’s enough fun for today, time for us to go home” and Tamka (and Nduli) are like “awww, five more minutes!”
Also Tamka seeing what Goigoi means when he says that his kids are just like Reirei lol
Wema and Kiburi:
Awwwwwwww! A baby and a fully grown crocodile, what can go wrong?/j
Nah, Kiburi would warm up to her. She’s not as annoying as most of the other hyenas and actually likes how sweet she is. Plus he has to admit, she’s adorable when she’s trying to act as brave as a crocodile. Wema thinks he’s cool and she loves hearing his stories (I didn’t forget about Storytime with Kiburi)
Cheezi and Chungu (what are the odds I get the Spongebob and Patrick of the Outlands):
Omg can I say about their friendship that isn’t already canon? Ooh, I know! I’ll say how they met!
Chungu and Cheezi met when they were wee little cubs! Baby Chungu was wandering around while his parents were sleeping (permanently but he didn’t know that) and just so happened to bump into little Cheezi, who was playing a game that was a mixture of hide-and-seek and tag. They introduced themselves, Cheezi invited him to play and they started talking and laughing until little Janja found them (they were being loud lmao). Cheezi introduced Chungu, and the rest is history
Nne and Tamka:
First Tano now Nne fjfhhrh. I figure it’s very similar to Tano’s interactions, only Nne keeps making passive-aggressive insults only to “fix” them when Tamka asks what he’s talking about
Tamka: Didja hear that?! Neema called me an idiot!
Nne: He’s right
Tamka: What’d you say?
Nne: I said “don’t fight”
Tamka: Oh :)
Kenge and Chungu:
Chungu’s still scared of Kenge cuz of his temperament, but that doesn’t stop him from accidentally saying the word “little” around him (Janja and Cheezi do it too). However, he HAS had some “friendlier” interactions with him, like talking to him about his feelings toward Aibu and Kenge making him realize said feelings are romantic. He also isn’t above listening to Kenge’s ranting and even gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder once. Kenge doesn’t call Chungu a friend until he fully reforms but he…appreciates Chungu’s support
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taffydragonblog · 2 years ago
I like how we all unanimously decided that this cute little blue kitty is actually Mimic in disguise and should therefore go straight to Hell, do not pass GO, do not collect $200:
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Plus we got Silver, a known cat expert, looking at Mimicat like "There's something fishy about this cat" and Mimicat would reply "Molluscs aren't fish, you furbrain" and Silver would say "What?" and then Mimicat would be like:
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scpwiki-official · 1 year ago
oh like clothing collar
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spottedmischief · 11 months ago
Thoughts on Chungu!
Send me thoughts on…
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"Haha! I can't even remember of a time when we were not together. Chungu's like my best friend. He can get a lil' frustratin' sometimes an' believe it or not, we do have the occasional fights! Mostly over the last leftovers but hey! It balances out all the times when we're being furbrains together! We're kind of a package deal."
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thepaststillhurts · 2 years ago
King of the Night Pride
Continuation with @roarofancients​
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“Excuse me?” Simba was outraged as Narbe called him furbrain. He looked at Kion with questioning eyes, waiting for him to react on this. After all he was the king here at the Tree of Life and he respected his title.
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p0lym0rph · 3 days ago
@zhipping-anon [Zhipping blog]
@furbrained-ideaz [Fiction ideaz blog]
@special-fucking-boy [Tranzcozang blog]
@itbulge [Nzfw blog]
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