#ricky vaughn imagine
Meeting and Dating Ricky Vaughn
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(Not my gif)(Requested by @ageofthegeekbby )
(A little heads up: I’ve only watched the first movie so that’s what this is based off of)
- You and Ricky met when he first arrived at the field. You were hired as an assistant to the coach, you’d keep notes and files on the players and take calls while the coach was busy so you obviously came into contact with the players during the day.
- Ricky is an ...intimidating figure. He’s this brooding, mysterious guy with a hair pin temper; and a criminal record behind him. That being said, you couldn’t deny that he was attractive. Alternative, punky and a damn good player; he always caught your eye when you were out on the field.
- As a sort of protocol, you were introduced to everyone just before tryouts began. With that in mind, you had your first conversation with Ricky after one of the teams practices.
“Hey! Hey, you!” He’d called after you and you’d paused a bit nervously in your place.
“What uh-what do you have written for me in that book of yours?” He asked.
“I’m not really allowed to share that Mr. Vaughn.” You’d replied quietly.
“Well, can you ...can you just tell me if I’m getting the slip or not?” You looked at him and immediately saw the anxiety hidden behind his cool facade.
Taking pity on him you gave him his answer before walking off the field. “Not this week Mr. Vaughn.”
- After that, the two of you were still practically strangers to each other but you did share a few conversations and polite hellos every now and again. He felt like you were someone he could trust, someone that was one his side, regardless of the fact that you weren’t exactly friends. He liked you ...he liked you a lot.
- It was after another practice that his friends invited you out for a drink with them. When you showed up, you found that only Ricky was there and he seemed just as surprised at the fact that you were left alone together as you were.
- Regardless of the somewhat strange circumstances, the two of you shared a few drinks with each other. It was a bit awkward at first but you quickly found a subject you could both talk about.
- And talk you did! Hour after hour flew by before you checked your watch and realized how late it was. The two of you finished your drinks and began your trek outside.
- While you were walking back to your cars, he’d abruptly turned around and asked if you wanted to go out sometime, blurting it out before he backed out of asking. You smiled and agreed, writing down your number before saying goodnight and driving off, leaving him with a small grin spreading across his face.
- You have your first real date about a week or so later. The two of you go to a more quiet bar and grill as compared to the previous rowdy one you’d met at. He’s charming in his own rebellious type of way, interesting with a lot of crazy stories that you get to pull out of him. You both have chemistry and it’s obvious that you’re gonna see a lot more of each other after that.
- The two of you share your first kiss before one of his big games. Right before he was going to go out on the field, he’d pulled you in for a quick, rough, passionate kiss; as though kissing you would clear his head. And maybe it did, since he ended up winning that game for his team.
- From then on, you’re his little good luck charm.
- He likes Pda but that “macho man” sort of Pda. He wants to show people that you’re together; and just touch you in public, but he doesn’t want to look like a total wimp while doing it. 
- He’ll usually just keep his arm around your shoulders. 
- Kisses on the top of your head. 
- Quick kisses before he goes off to do something, usually playing on the field or going off with friends. 
- Passionate, rough kisses. 
- Intense and heated makeouts. 
- He enjoys cuddling when you do it but it’s not this necessary thing for him, if that makes sense. Whenever you do cuddle, he’ll usually be the big spoon or you’ll be in the “shingles” position. 
- He sort of loves it when you call him wild thing. There’s just something so much better about it when it’s coming from you; even if you’re sort of mocking him with it. 
- Half the time he absentmindedly calls you pet names but other times he uses them to tease you. He’ll usually call you things like Chickie, Princess, babe, and sweetheart. 
- He probably gets a tattoo of you or your name; or something specific about your relationship, after the two of you have been together for a while. 
- Sharing and swapping earrings with each other. 
- As much as he loves everything about you, he can’t deny that he finds it hot when you wear leather and dark clothing. You’ve never seen such a “I’m in love” look spread across a mans face in your life.
- He gets you this little skull necklace that has his name engraved in the back and it quickly becomes your favorite piece of jewelry.
- Whenever he doesn’t have to wear it, he’ll affectionately shove his hat onto your head. He thinks you look cute in it and it’s one of those moments that bystanders see and think to themselves “oh, so thats why they’re a couple”.
- Wearing his jackets. He’ll put them over your shoulders whenever he knows its cold; even if you insist that you’re fine.
- Helping him cut his hair. It doesn’t even matter if you somewhat mess up since being messy and haphazard is what he’s all about.
- Running your fingers through his hair. He likes it and it helps give him that “I just got out of bed and don’t give a shit what I look like” look.
- Carrying an extra pair of glasses for him. He appreciates when you say that you think he looks good in them considering he thinks he looks like a jackass half the time.
- Buying him books to read while he’s traveling with his team.
- Late night visits when he’s in town. 
- Attending as many of his games as you can. 
- He has your picture taped up in his locker at all times. Like I said: you’re his good luck charm.
- Hearing a lot of interesting stories, both about his criminal past and his baseball career. 
- Sometimes you’ll just be reminded that he was a felon. Like you’ll forget your keys somewhere and he’ll pick your lock, or hotwire you’re car, etc. 
- Being stopped on the street or just approached in public when you’re with him since he’s The Wild Thing.
- Getting close with Jake and Willie; they are responsible for the two of you going out with each other after all.
- Teasing each other. He can be a smartass when he wants to be but other times its adorably sweet.
- He has fun with you; pretty much, no matter what you do. He’s a man and you’re his girl, he’ll humor you and your interests and he’s fully willing to chew someone out if they try to give him shit for it.
- He’s not  really used to fancy restaurants; or fancy anything, so you tend to not go to them. He’s completely out of his element there so it’s probably easier on you to just choose more laid back places.
- He sort of just tails you silently whenever you bring him somewhere that isn’t his usual scene. You get your own personal living shadow for as long as you’re there.
- Horror movie dates. 
- Bar dates. 
- He probably buys a motorcycle; or already has one, so you’ll most likely take a few rides on that every now and again. 
- He can be surprisingly sweet with you when you’re upset. He’ll kneel down in front of you and take you by the arms or face, asking what's wrong and listening quietly as you tell him. He’ll comfort you no matter how stupid the issue is.
- Your parents either love or hate him; there is no in between when it comes to the wild thing.
- Trying to help keep his temper in check. 
- He tries to avoid things when he’s worried about them so you’ll occasionally have to give him a bit of a push and a pep talk.
- He always tries to keep his problems to himself. He doesn’t want to bother you with what's going on with him so he’ll usually just not tell you about them.
- He’s a very jealous person but not towards you, if that makes sense. Like he’ll get angry and want to fight with the guy rather than you whenever he does feel that way; especially if they know that you’re together.
- Overprotective. He’s immediately willing to fight someone for you; it’s how he shows his love.
“Want me to drag him out of here and kick the shit out of him?” He’s being completely serious.
- The two of you don’t have a lot of fights in your relationship but when you do, you’ll yell, curse, and borderline insult each other. He has some anger issues so he may throw things as well, but that’s usually after you’ve left.
- Whenever the two of you fight, he’ll usually go to drown his sorrows at the bar; that’s where you’ll pretty much always find him. He’ll apologize shyly whenever he has to and he’ll always easily forgive you when you have to; he doesn’t take things personally so he just sweeps whatever you may have said in anger under the rug.
- He’s only told you that he loves you a handful of times and each of them were during an important moment in your relationship/his life. He doesn’t take the phrase very lightly.
- He’ll never admit it but he definitely wants to have kids with you some day.
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empyrealarc · 3 years
[ What draws her towards taking one form or another? Does the personality of the original figure deter her from trying on that image or does she see it as a challenge or opportunity to mess with them? What are her passions and hobbies, and how are they different from form to form? What does she enjoy about people not knowing who she really is as Angela and what does she enjoy most about not being known? Who are her favorite and least favorite people? ]
Onyx is a font of inspiration and love!
Okay! Wasn't expecting this volume, but I love it! Lets hit these one at a time, hey? Before that, though, thank you very much, Onyx. I'm very much love of you, my ele-friend.
What draws Ana to one form or another?
Assuming this is in reference to her 'permanent forms' and not just her shifting around for laughter and fun, the answer is vanity. Ana'Hira was created with the express purpose of being divinely alluring. She's supposed to be the princess, the socialite, the Superstar and the sweetheart all in one. Make her way into a society, take on its most beautiful, and attractive features, and lure the dominant society into her clutches. She may be officially divorced from the will of the Empress that spawned her, but training doesn't disappear. It's burned into your very bones.
Does the personality of the original deter her from trying on these forms, or does she consider it a challenge?
It's a challenge! Ana'Hira is a born actress, a superstar in the flesh! If you want to look into it a bit deeper, Kyka'Rauri, the skrull that consumed Ana'Hira and usurped her identity and soul, is an even greater actress than Ana'Hira ever could be. She's playing a role within a role, and it's just business for her. It's what she does.
What are her passions and hobbies and how do they differ from form to form?
ANGELA is the showboat. She loves performing, she acts, streams, cosplays, interviews and more and more. If she's not in the public eye, she believes her time is being wasted.
BEATRICE is the lover. Interpersonal relationships, se matchmakes, goes clubbing, throws parties, flirts as a sport. She wants only to be around others, to love and be loved and as single-minded as it may seem, she's fulfilled with it.
CHERIE is the matron. Caring for others, she volunteers at shelters and drives. She's a holy figure who gives of herself freely and wholly to anyone in need, because she believes EVERYONE needs her. Humans are weak, pathetic creatures of meat and bone... of course they need someone like her looking after them.
What does she enjoy about people not knowing who she is as Angela and what does she enjoy most about not being known?
Lying to people's faces is both Hilarious and Empowering. Imagine being sent to a hostile planet to subjugate and conquer it, and yet people greet you as a celebrity, as a GODDESS! It's intoxicating! She literally invented herself and can control an entire people's perception of her and she does it every day, with every stream, with a LAUGH and a smile. It's no wonder she becomes corrupted so easily later in life... but- well, we'll get there down the line.
Who are her favorite and least favorite people?
Oh, boy, here we go!
Faves, in no order:
Peter J'Son Quill
Wendell Vaughn
Hal Jordan
Jack 'grand supervisor' Snakeman
Karen Page
Kiran Datta (Silver~)
Drake Mallard
Arelette Gatecœur
Ricky T!
Wanda Maximoff
Not Faves! In no order:
Miles Upshur
Roman Nemeth
Lana'Bita S'byll-Breed
Lance, that jerk.
Ethan Winters
Maria Hill
Abigail Brand
Everyone who works for SHIELD
Stephen Strange
Thanks for asking, love you!
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tikay21 · 4 years
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Call for a Song CHALLENGE  by tikajona
Free Fallin’ by John Mayer
results are online -> click here 1st place NeonEast with his pilot Irvin Harrison - most touched by this story - winner got a DLC for Realm of Magic
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 2nd place Milesa7 with Ricky Stone - for the most handsome badboy
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3rd place ErenSparkles with the vampire siblings Veona & Vaughn for the cutest good vampires
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and as well 3rd place cause it wasn’t possible to decide for me between them Mikrolactaki3 with the so lovely detailed Alexis and Gene
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thanks so much to all for participating ! ♥♥♥
Gallery LINK - Efraim Night - to Challenge Invite click here!   Two celebrate 400+ gallery followers here is my first challenge invite: Please hashtag #tikasims and  #TkCallForASong1 to participate Rules: 1. Create 1-2 young adult / adult sims - no defaults - nocc - poses prefered (please make sure to hastag the pose creator) 2. Create a scene representing the song text of 'Free Fallin' by John Mayer as you imagine the characters - you can do 1 male or 1 female or a couple 3. All outfits have to be styled through - be creative to express emotions 4. Make sure the used Sims are created by you Entry submitting ends on 05.03.21 The winner gets one The Sims 4 Accessories Pack of own choice. (via Online Code per Origin friendship - if you already have all packs feel free to participate just for fun. If you then are the winner, you can give the win to whom you like to support)
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Gallery LINK - Ninni Juniper - to  Challenge Invite click here!    
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Gallery LINK - Efraim & Ninni - to  Challenge Invite click here! images and Content © Tikajona pose by Rhisk
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aion-rsa · 5 years
Stardust Is Still One of the Best Neil Gaiman Adaptations Out There
Gaiman's work makes crossing mediums look easy, but the 2007 Stardust film remains one of the best adaptations of his work...
Matthew Vaughn's film adaptation of Neil Gaiman's Stardust is more than a decade old, but it hasn't lost any of its magic. With an all-star cast that included Daredevil's Charlie Cox and Homeland's Claire Danes, a director who would go onto make X-Men: First Class and Kingsman: The Secret Service, and a story from the mind of Neil Gaiman, Stardust is a funny, clever, and heartfelt fairy tale of a movie that happens to be criminally underrated by most mainstream movie audiences.
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In the wake of the excellent Good Omens adaptation, we're taking the time to talk about the reasons why Stardust remains one of the best Gaiman adaptations out there, even if the box office numbers didn't reflect that or if the story didn't remain faithful to the book...
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The history of the book.
Stardust originally began publication life as a comic book — specifically a prestige-format, four-issue miniseries. With the story by Gaiman and the illustrations by Charles Vess, Stardust began life as an inherently visual tale, which is perhaps one of the reasons why it works so well as a film. 
read more: How Matthew Vaughn Made Stardust a Modern Fantasy
However, in 1999, Stardust was released as a more traditional novel by Gaiman without the illustrations from Hess. For me, this edition loses much of the story and magic of the original illustrated, comics-based version, which is perhaps why — when comparing the illustrations-less novel version of Stardust to the film version of Stardust — the former is left slightly wanting. 
Luckily for all fans of the original Stardust comic-based storybook, Vertigo released a new hardcover edition in 2007 (to roughly coincide with the release of the movie) with 50 new pages of material, including some new artwork. Thus far, the Matthew Vaughn film is the only screen adaptation of Stardust...
The story of Stardust.
Stardust is a surprisingly complex story for a fairy tale adventure film that was also marketing as a family-friendly movie. The heart of the story comes in the quest of young Tristan Thorn (Charlie Cox), who ventures out of his small town of Wall into the magical kingdom of Stormhold that lies just next door, on the otherside of a wall.
Tristan is on the search for a star that has fallen from the sky, a gift for his lady crush Victoria. Things get complicated, however, when he discovers the star is not a piece of celestial rock, as he assumed, but rather a living, breathing woman in the form of Claire Danes' Yvaine. 
read more: Good Omens Ending Explained
Elsewhere in Stormhold, others are searching for the star. Michelle Pheiffer's witch Lamia wants to cut out the star's heart and eat it so she and her sisters can continue to enjoy immortal life. The kingdom's royalty — a gaggle of cutthrout princes — are also on the hunt, as their dying father made a proclamation that whoever retrieved the stone around the star's neck would ascend to the throne.
Stardust juggles these multiple, interweaving storylines beautifully through imaginative, kinetic editing (one of Vaughn's hallmarks as a director). And, though many people point to the changing of the story's ending in the film, I find the movie's ending much better-paced and complementary to the other subtle (and not so subtle) changes the film makes to the book's worldscape.
read more: Hot Fuzz is the Best of the Cornetto Trilogy
Stardust's specialty lies in upending tropes in unexpected ways, while also celebrating them. It reminds me a lot of Hot Fuzz in that way. It is a great example of the Have Its Cake and Eat It Too mode of self-aware storytelling. In a rather cynical age, it manages to give us a satisfying fairy tale by subverting enough of its tropes to lure us hypnotically into embracing other ones. It doesn't always succeed — there a few too many damsel-in-distress moments for my liking — but, for the most part, its few flaws are overshadowed by its innumberable charms.
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A great cast, led by Claire Danes & Charlie Cox.
Many of Stardust's aforementioned charms come in the quality of its expansive cast. Seriously, everyone is in this movie and they are giving it their all, making the script come to life with complexity, humor, and heart. In the central love story, we have Charlie Cox and Claire Danes as Tristan and Yvaine. Past that, highlights include Michelle Pheiffer's Lamia, Robert De Niro as Captain Shakespeare, and Mark Strong's Prince Septimus. (Strong would also go on to star in Vaughn's Kingsman as Merlin.)
Past that, we get some fun, memorable performances from Rupert Evertt as Prince Secundus, Peter O'Toole as the King of Stormhold, Henry Cavill as the prissy Humphrey, Ricky Gervais as the comedic Ferdy the Fence, and Sienna Miller as the haughty Victoria. And have I mentioned that it is all narrated by Ian McKellen? Yeah, the extras are basically all played by Oscar-winners in this movie.
read more: Will There Be a Good Omens Season 2?
For me, one of the chief strengths of the film over the book lies with the realness and development of the characters. That is in no small part to the impressiveness of this cast, but it also has something to do with the screenplay. While Gaiman tends to be more interested in archeypes, themes and prose, the film — perhaps by necessity, as a product of Hollywood — has much more interest in making these characters three-dimensional and relatable.
Which emphasis you prefer all depends on what kind of story-consumer you are, but, for me, Gaiman's archetypal characters tend to be the least interesting part of his imaginative works.
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The changes from the book.
Anyone who has read both the book and seen the movie will know that the Stardust film, co-written by Vaughn and frequent collaborator Jane Goldman, changes quite a bit from its source material. As is common with adaptations, a lot is simplified — on both sides of the wall.
Tristan's home community is much less vast and complex. Likewise, the world of Stormhold is less strange and magical. In the book, there are all manner of magical creatures. For the sake of narrative simplicity or perhaps for budgetary concerns, that same scope of magical-kind is much more limited in the film.
read more: Terry Pratchett's Influence on the Good Omens TV Show
The film also adds in an entire sequence around De Niro's Captain Shakespeare that is barely present in the book. For me, this is actually an important decision. Brushing past the potentially reductive depiction of Shakespeare's marginalized identity, for me, this is where the film makes one of its smartest decisions: the montage. I am a big proponent of the montage in Hollywood blockbusters that have any interest in building a believable, meaningful relationship for two characters who have just met.
A montage gives us the illusion that an indefinable amount of time has passed and (more importantly) that, in that time, a whole manner of significant interaction could have and probably has occurred. In a two-hour film, the montage can cover all manner of underdeveloped character and character dynamic sins, and more Hollywood blockbusters should take advantage of it.
In Stardust, there's no way the Captain Shakespeare montage could have lasted more than a few days at most, given that only a week passes over the course of Tristan's journey in Stormhold. However, this is where Tristan and Yvaine fall in love, this is where Tristan makes his transition from gawky shopboy to more confident man, this is where Stardust makes us believe in the true love it must to pull off its fairy tale ending.
The ending.
There is also the matter of the book vs. film's endings. In the book ending, Lamia finds Yvaine in the market town near the wall, but — when she tries to take Yvaine's heart — Yvaine explains that she can't because she has already given it to Tristan. This is different from the film's more action-geared ending, which includes a fight between the reanimated corpse of Septimus and Tristan, as well as some rather extensive glass-smashing.
Ultimately, it is Yvaine who saves the day by using her love for Tristan to let out a burst of starshine, killing Lamia. Perhaps the larger change to the book's story is found in the epilogue. In the book, Tristan and Yvaine leave Stormhold for a time, leaving Una (Tristan's mother in charge). They eventually return, Tristan lives out his life as ruler, and then dies, leaving a heartbroken Yvaine to return to the sky alone.
read more: The Distinctive Direction of The Good Omens TV Series
In the film, the two live into their old age together as rulers of Stormhold, then — when they are very old — ascend to the sky to live as stars together. It is a thoroughly happy ending, one that doesn't make Tristan give up his ties to his family and friends in Wall, and one some Gaiman fans have problems with. For me, it is a minor point that has less to do with the story than the ending that occurs in the more immediate sense, completing Tristan's quest and Tristan and Yvaine's love story. And that ending is much better-paced and climactic than the one we get in the book.
Of course, the book is interested in much different things than the movie, and the less climactic, quieter ending reflects that. While the Stardust book is much more interested in engaging with and challenging pre-Tolkien English fantasy at a novelistic and prose level, the film doesn't even try to do the same. It would be a foolish attempt, after all, to try to mimick and subvert a style that lives so entirely in the pre-cinematic world. Instead, the Stardust film sets its sights on subverting and celebrating the three-act Hollywood blockbuster.
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Gaiman's role in the movie.
Montages and ending specifics aside, all of the changes from the book to the film were made with the blessing of Gaiman, who also acted as a producer on the film and had some say in creative decisions. Speaking on the changes made for the Stardust film to MTV, Gaiman said:
What I did with Matthew was this thing you must never do. Don't do this; it is very, very wrong: I gave him the option for nothing. I phoned him up and said, 'OK, Stardust is yours; I really trusted him, and you don't run into that very often. He offered me the script, but I said, 'No, I wrote the novel, but this is your film, your vision. But I will help you.'
The first thing I did was find him a writer, Jane Goldman, who hadn't written a script before but I loved her novels, I loved her journalism, and she got the book. I was involved with the casting and set locations too.
For me, Stardust is one of the few examples of a film adaptation that aren't afraid to make changes that work much better for the format. Personally, I like the Stardust film more than the Stardust novel — though both contain their own, separate joys. In an era of remakes and adaptations, more filmmakers and writers of adapted screenplays could learn from Matthew Vaughn's and Jane Goldman's example. 
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What would a Stardust sequel have looked like?
Den of Geek chatted with Matthew Vaughn in 2015 about what a Stardust sequel would have looked like. The director already had a rough idea in place, if the movie had made enough money to warrant moving forward on another one — which, sadly, it did not.
Here's what Vaughn said:
I had a really crazy fun idea for a Stardust 2. The opening scene was Charlie Cox's character, being the king and throwing out the necklace. This time the necklace goes over the wall and bounces off Big Ben, and you're suddenly in London in the early 1960s, with these mad kings and princes and princesses running around London. All on the quest for the stone.
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What sets Stardust apart.
Despite its status as both an adaptation of existing material and an interest in commenting on so many of the genre tropes that have come before, Stardust still feels like a wholly original work. It also manages to do the fairy tale genre with a commitment to whimsical sincerity that is rarely seen in today's media climate — especially for adults.
One needs look no further than Game of Thrones to see what kind of fantasy drama is valued in today's pop culture climate. It's downright refreshing to revisit a fantasy that doesn't let its use of irony ever endanger its commitment to comforting fairy tale values that are all-to-often dismissed as unimportant or childish.
No, Stardust manages to capture some of the silly self-awareness and unabashed sentimentalism of Princess Bride in a contemporary movie-making era where only one of those things is truly valued. For that — and for so much else — Stardust remains one of the best Neil Gaiman adaptations out there, even (and perhaps especially) when it's not particularly Gaiman-like at all.
Read and download the Den of Geek SDCC 2019 Special Edition Magazine right here!
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Kayti Burt
Aug 8, 2019
Neil Gaiman
Matthew Vaughn
charlie cox
claire danes
from Books https://ift.tt/2GSLlmn
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sandysreviews · 5 years
Fighting With My Family
Fighting with my Family follows the life of former wrestler Saraya Knight, most commonly known as Paige from WWE. The movie follows Paige as she trains and performs with her family – eventually leading to try-outs and training with NXT/WWE.
As a fan of WWE and Paige, I was really excited to see the movie – despite not knowing much about Paige’s early beginnings other than what I learned through her on Total Divas, it was memorizing watching her life unfold on the big screen.
Saraya/Paige is played wonderfully by Florence Pugh, she embodied Paige in such an incredible way – with her skill in wrestling and not to mention her charisma, first as the slightly unlikable to Saraya to the challenging and strong-willed Paige. I’m excited to see more of Florence’s career unfold in the future.
Other performances that were outstanding were Jack Lowden as Zak Knight (Paige’s brother) who sadly gets rejected from wwe try-outs. His heartbreaking journey of watching his sister take his dream, while living with the disappointment in himself is extraordinary. I can’t imagine how the real Zak would’ve truly felt – but Jack in the role did a wonderful job.
Lena Headey and Nick Frost as Julia and Ricky Knight was perfect casting. They have such a wonderful chemistry together, that made the relationship so believable. I have seen a lot of scenes of the real Paige and Julia together on Total Divas, and Lena did a brilliant job bringing her and their relationship to Hollywood.
Dwayne Johnson and Vince Vaughn – bring the tougher side of the wrestling business to light while also bringing even more comedic effect into it. I can’t find any faults with the film and I really enjoyed it.
If you are a fan of WWE I highly recommend checking it out!
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vforvelvetta · 7 years
In 2012, I dreamed of living in a tiny quaint apartment, in a new city where I’d come home to dimly lit corners and white walls, with Steely Dan playing while I cooked spaghetti vongole for one, in blissful solitude.
Then came 2015, and I wished for the same apartment, but with Sarah Vaughn and Mildred Bailey serenading me.
I imagined exposed brick walls, a vintage clothes rail and some house plants I’d soon adopt! I wanted homemade ramen, and frosted window panes.
In January 2017, I had grown tired of house-hunting in London and begged for a pigeon hole! Anything I could just call my own.
I envisioned duck-egg coloured walls, a fireplace, wooden furniture and the sweet waft of sandlewood essence.
I wanted a home.
Today, I’m here. A warm Victorian townhouse in London.
With high ceilings, a large fireplace and wooden floors. A pale pink vintage clothes rail stands stacked with winter coats in the corner. The snakey stems of a Devil’s Ivy trailing across many bare, exposed shelves, Steely Dan is begging Ricki not to lose that number, over my speakers, as dim light bounces casually across white walls and upcycled furniture.
There’s no spaghetti vongole on offer, but I do have some Darjeeling tea and a lightly-buttered scone, because breakfast food all-day is my reward.
I must leave you here to take in my current experience but not before I define it.
A real phenomenon called “dreaming into life” aka manifesting aka magic… ✨
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amoessaw · 5 years
Almost 30 - Episode 1 "Almost Roommates" (Reboot)
30 is the new midlife crisis in this comedic web series that explores the angst of being in your late 20's and not being where you thought you would be in life yet.
A pilot presentation of this series was named Complex Magazine's "The Best Black Web Series Right Now" of 2013 http://www.complex.com/pop-culture/20... and was named a top 25 finalist in the 2013 NYTVFF Comedy Central Pilot Competition http://www.nytvf.com/2013_comedycentr.... Almost two years later and now Almost 30 is back with new episodes.
The show follows the hijinks of Justin, Ricky and Dream as they combat their fears of realizing they are almost 30 years and life is not how they imagined it would be.
Created by Matthew A. Cherry.
Starring - Michael Moss as Justin, Ricky Smith as Ricky, Sherial McKinney as Dream, Brittany C. Richards as Nina.
Guest Starring - KJ Smith, Gergory Fennell, Will Garrett, Kali Keller, Terrance Kendrick, Tracey Buckner, Mikey Mckernan, Bashir Gavriel, Lauren Schacher, Louisa Abernathy
Directed By Matthew A. Cherry
Written By: Tamiko K. Brooks, Matthew A. Cherry
Writing Staff: Matthew  Giegerich, Chelsea Rae Mize, Bashir Gavriel, Kimberly Townes, Michael Moss, Ricky Smith
Executive Producers: R. Vaughn Gill, Monica A. Young, Michael Moss, Matthew A. Cherry
Consulting Producer: Madison Shockley
Produced By: Brad Clements
Casting By: Natasha Ward
Casting Associate: Leigh Jonte
Directors of Photography - Jeremie Brillant, Jayson Vaughn
Editor - Matthew A. Cherry
UPM - Alana Haddock
Original Theme Song & Music - Tremaine Williams
First AD's - Bethel Teshome, Winn Asgard
Sound Mixer - Ernest J. Saunders, Ron Hairston Jr.
Boom Operator - Christina Thompson
Post Production Sound Mixer - Cleveland Bledsoe Jr.
Color Grading - Eric McClain
Writer's Assistant - Jasmine Gray
Production Assistants - Erin Scranton, Adriana Silva, Tanisha Delouth
Opening Title Sequence - Leon Kelsick
Still Photographer - Chris Paul
Locations: Derrick's Jamaican Cuisine, Blank Spaces, Kat In The Hat
 Special Thanks: Michelle Joan Papillion, Katherine Wilkes, Cambria Watson, Beverly Manuel,Cupcakes Cuties Cupcakery, Kenn Spears, Jerome Caldwell, JVM Filmworks
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Will Ferrell's 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes
Will Ferrell’s last few movies have been panned by critics and some of them have bombed at the box office, because his edge is gone. He used to make absurdist R-rated gems, but now, he’s making family-friendly movies that rely on the same cheap gags. It can be easy to forget just how great his movies used to be.
RELATED: 10 Most Hilarious Will Ferrell Characters, Ranked
This is the man who gave us Ron Burgundy, Ricky Bobby, and Chazz Reinhold. Naturally, his critical reception has been up and down, reaching heights of acclaim and lows of disdain. So, here are Will Ferrell’s 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes.
10 Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (71%)
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Director Adam McKay and his star Will Ferrell followed up their cult hit Anchorman, a zany tale about newscasters, with Talladega Nights, a zany tale about NASCAR drivers. As with any successful sophomore effort, Talladega Nights managed to satisfy fans of Anchorman by being bigger – with a denser plot and a wider scope – yet just as funny.
At its heart, it’s the story of a patriotic American driver getting threatened by the arrival of a hotshot French driver, but along the way, he loses his family, his home, his best friend, his career, and his dignity. Of course, by the end, he emerges from the ashes of his life triumphantly as a new man who understands what’s important in life.
9 TIE: Stranger Than Fiction (72%)
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The unusual premise of this fantasy comedy is executed brilliantly by the movie. It stars Will Ferrell as a tax inspector who begins to hear Emma Thompson’s voice narrating all of his actions and he realizes he’s a fictional character in a novel.
The parallel storylines of Ferrell in the narrative breaking off on his own and living his own life and Thompson as the author in the real world, writing a story about a character who has become independent, are fascinating. Stranger Than Fiction isn’t a perfect movie, but it blends comedy and drama wonderfully and it’s an uncharacteristically thoughtful and sensitive movie from Ferrell.
8 TIE: Megamind (72%)
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For a kids’ animated movie, Megamind has a pretty dark premise. It’s about a supervillain named Megamind who always threatens to kill a superhero named Metro Man and always fails, because Metro Man always manages to foil his evil plans in time. However, one night, he actually succeeds in killing Metro Man.
RELATED: The 10 Best DreamWorks Animated Movies Of All Time, According To IMDB
At first, he’s happy, because it means he’s free to do whatever he wants. But without a challenger, he finds that his life has become pretty boring. The plot thickens when it turns out Metro Man is really alive and wanted an excuse to give up his career as a superhero.
7 Everything Must Go (73%)
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This little-seen, underrated gem stars Will Ferrell as a man who sits out on his front lawn and sells all of his belongings when his wife leaves him. It was adapted from a short story by Raymond Carver called “Why Don’t You Dance?” and, unlike other Ferrell movies, he plays a character whose flaws, like alcoholism and selfishness, aren’t played for laughs, but are instead explored in a serious way.
Rebecca Hall and Michael Peña provide great performances in supporting roles, but this is clearly Ferrell’s movie. Without his lead performance, the movie wouldn’t have worked anywhere near as well.
6 TIE: Wedding Crashers (75%)
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Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn are the real stars of Wedding Crashers, one of the box office hits that gave way to the R-rated comedy craze of the 2000s, and Will Ferrell just makes a cameo appearance as Chazz Reinhold. Still, he steals every scene he’s in, delivering lines like “Ma! The meatloaf! F***!” with such intense gusto that they’re hilarious on every viewing.
Chazz is a weird dude – he doesn’t just crash weddings; he crashes funerals, too. On the whole, Wedding Crashers is a consistently funny romantic comedy that has strong character and narrative development, but it simply wouldn’t be as good without Ferrell’s appearance.
5 TIE: Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (75%)
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No sequel to a cult favorite like Anchorman can ever hope to live up to the original, so it’s astounding that Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues managed to satisfy most fans of the original. It even has a higher Rotten Tomatoes score than the first one.
The sequel switches the setting from San Diego in the ‘70s to New York in the ‘80s, focuses on the dawn of the 24-hour cable news network, and most importantly, features all four main characters back in fine form. The plot is denser this time around, too, with a wider scope and a tighter structure. Heck, maybe the sequel is better.
4 The Other Guys (78%)
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This parody of the buddy cop genre paired up Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg on the screen for the first time. When Adam McKay had dinner with the two actors and realized they’d make a great on-screen duo, he emailed his producer with the idea of casting them together, using a cop movie as an off-the-cuff example.
However, the producer loved that off-the-cuff example so much that the movie went straight into development. The result feels much more inspired than that anecdote would suggest, with a sharp commentary on the banking crisis running underneath all the big-budget action and absurdist comedy.
3 Elf (83%)
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This one obviously needs no explanation. Elf is one of the funniest Christmas movies ever made. Every year, moviegoers are treated to a barrage of holiday-themed movies hoping to become a staple of every family’s yuletide celebrations, and since that’s a big commitment to make, very few movies manage it. But with its heartwarming message, engaging plot, and most importantly, timeless gags, Elf is one of those few.
Will Ferrell has said that while he was making it, “there were moments” where he thought “that one about the elf” would end his career. In the end, it had the exact opposite effect!
2 The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part (85%)
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Who would’ve thought that the two best-reviewed films of Will Ferrell’s career would be seemingly cash-grabbing big-screen adaptations of toys? The sequel, released earlier this year, didn’t do as well at the box office as its predecessor, but it was almost as good. No critic could quite put their finger on what made The Second Part a slightly inferior sequel.
It had all the humor and heart of the original; it just didn’t quite feel as fresh. It recaptured most of the magic of the original, just not all of it. But that’s a stupid gripe from people expecting too much. It’s a wonderful movie.
1 The LEGO Movie (96%)
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There weren’t many people who expected the film adaptation of LEGO toys to be any good. However, it ended up being a Pixar-level animated delight that could be enjoyed by kids and adults alike. What helps to make it more than just a wacky, slickly rendered big-screen adventure and genuinely a modern classic is its big twist that the plot is taking place in a child’s imagination – and the villain is his father.
This is when Will Ferrell appears in live-action. Not only is he the cartoon villain President Business; he’s the kid’s dad who wants to glue all his LEGO into place. The LEGO Movie encourages kids to be imaginative, and for that reason, it’s more than just a movie.
NEXT: Tom Cruise's 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes
source https://screenrant.com/will-ferrell-best-movies-according-rotten-tomatoes/
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weekendwarriorblog · 6 years
FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY: Ed’s Very Important Thoughts on the Paige/WWE Biopic
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I hadn’t planned on reviewing Stephen Merchant’s new movie Fighting with My Family, based on the true story of WWE superstar Paige’s rise from her roots wrestling with her family in Norwich, England, to leading the Women’s Revolution at WWE. I had only seen a couple commercials and trailers for it, and even going into it thinking I knew what to expect, I was surprised to be quite quite wrong…. And if you’re one to skip the review and go right down to the rating, then you’ll already know that I LOVED this movie!
Fighting with My Family begins with teen Saraya Knight, as played by Florence Pugh, and her older brother Zak (Jack Lowden) as they’re play-wrestling in their living room. It isn’t long before Saraya is pulled into the family business, a travelling wrestling company where everyone in the family wrestles, including father Ricky (Nick Frost) and mother Julia (Lena Headey). Zak’s dream is to be a WWE superstar, and that becomes his sister’s dream via osmosis, but when they both try out, only Saraya gets in.  She soon learns how tough it is to make it through the WWE’s NXT program, especially because she has trouble fitting in with the other prospective WWE Divas, who are mostly blonde former models and cheerleaders.
Although Merchant has been writing and co-directing film and television show for many years, this is his first full-on solo stint as a movie director, and at first, you might assume it’s going to be fairly focused on trying to get laughs. Much of that comes in the first act as he plays on the ridiculous aspects of what the Knight family does to entertain on their wrestling circuit, and Frost gets the most room to shine in this section.
Despite the title, the movie is really about the wrestler who would become WWE Superstar Paige and how her success affects her brother Zak, as he’s left back in England teaching and performing with his parents.  Merchant goes with a fairly straight-ahead three-act structure, but it’s the second act when Saraya/Paige is at the NXT complex in Orlando is where things really pick up and where it isn’t as overtly a comedy as coach Hutch puts Paige through her paces.
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I really haven’t been keeping track of Florence Pugh since her earlier film Lady Macbeth, but she does an amazing job portraying Saraya/Paige over the course of a few years, not just being believable as a wrestler, but also bringing so much emotion to a young woman who constantly feels like an outsider.
I was also incredibly surprised by how well Leana Headey handles the comedy, because I haven’t seen her do any since the rom-com Imagine Me and You, which wasn’t particularly funny, but it’s nice seeing her do something very different from Cersei on Game of Thrones. On the flipside, Vaughn gives a solid role that’s as much about pushing Paige and being the WWE dream-maker (or dream-crusher, in some cases)
What was probably the most surprising thing to me about Fighting with My Family was how touching the movie was, as we follow Paige’s journey from feeling like an outcast to having the confidence to become a WWE superstar. I’m not ashamed to say that more than a few times I teared up at what an inspiration story Merchant has created out of Paige’s story.
Dwayne Johnson is one of the film’s producers, and his appearances as himself are basically glorified cameos, though they’re fun moments, including a hilarious Vin Diesel joke. It’s pretty clear that this movie could never be as good as it is without the WWE’s involvement, because it allows Merchant to recreate so much professional wrestling with great authenticity.
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Fighting with My Family culminates in a recreation of Paige’s debut on WWE Raw in 2014, which I actually watched live as my first time watching Raw in almost 15 years.  I honestly had no idea who she was, having not seen any of her NXT matches, but she’s definitely been one of my favorite wrestlers since. (Sadly, she’s been sidelined by a medical situation that means she might not wrestle again, something not covered in the film.) What’s amazing about how Merchant recreates that episode of Raw is that it’s on par with the recreation of Queen’s Live Aid concert in Bohemian Rhapsody, yet this probably won’t be taken or treated as seriously since it revolves around professional wrestling rather than the equally theatric rock world.
To some it might feel like the typical sports biopic where Paige’s story ends with such an incredible victory to win the Divas title on her first appearance on Raw, but yeah, that is exactly how it happened. (But no, we don’t get to see any of the backstage discussions among management deciding that she will win the match, because anyone savvy to the behind-the-scenes at WWE, that probably was a major decision.)
It’s hard to guess how anyone who isn’t aware of Paige or what’s been going on in the WWE will feel about the movie, but I do feel that young women especially should appreciate Paige’s journey, as much as the popularity of the WWE Women’s Division has brought a lot more women and girls to the matches.
I assumed there would be a good number of laughs in Fighting with My Family given the talent in front and behind the camera, but Merchant has created quite a wonderful film that I’m excited for WWE fans to see, as well as those who have never watched a single wrestling event in their life.
Rating: 8.5/10
Fighting with My Family opens in New York and L.A. on Feb 15 and then expands nationwide on Feb 22. Go see it! (Incidentally, I had a chance to interview Paige and you can read that interview on VitalThrills.com later this week.)
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junker-town · 7 years
Every NBA trade leading up to the deadline
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A list of every completed trade before the 2018 trade deadline.
The trade deadline will be upon us by Thursday afternoon. We could get a flurry of movement or we could get none at all. Things will probably land somewhere in the middle.
What we do know is that, up until that point, we’ll have already had lots of major NBA movement involving some huge names from across the league. Kyrie Irving, Isaiah Thomas, Blake Griffin, D’Angelo Russell, and the list goes on with maybe much more to come.
It’s a ton to keep track of for us, so we can only imagine what it’s like for you. But, as always, we’ve got your back. Here’s a list of every trade that has happened leading up to this season’s trade deadline.
As things continue to develop, we’ll continue to update this list. Come back here for the latest developments from around the league.
February 8
Bulls trade Jameer Nelson to Pistons TO PISTONS: Jameer Nelson TO BULLS: Willie Reed, right to swap 2022 2nd-round picks
February 7
Knicks trade Willy Hernangomez to Hornets
TO HORNETS: Willy Hernangomez TO KNICKS: Johnny O’Bryant, 2020 second-round pick and 2021 second-round picks
February 5
Nets send Tyler Zeller to Bucks
TO NETS: Rashad Vaughn, 2018 second-round pick TO BUCKS: Tyler Zeller
February 1
Bulls trade Nikola Mirotic to Pelicans
TO BULLS: Tony Allen, Omer Asik, Jameer Nelson, 2018 first-round pick, 2021 first-round pick swap rights TO PELICANS: Nikola Mirotic, 2018 second-round pick
January 29
Clippers trade Blake Griffin to Pistons
TO CLIPPERS: Tobias Harris, Boban Marjanovic, Avery Bradley, 2018 protected first-round pick, 2019 second round pick TO PISTONS: Blake Griffin, Brice Johnson, Willie Reed
December 7
Philly trades Jahlil Okafor to Brooklyn
TO NETS: Jahlil Okafor, Nik Stauskas, 2019 second-round pick TO SIXERS: Trevor Booker
November 7
Suns trade Eric Bledsoe to Bucks
TO BUCKS: Eric Bledsoe TO SUNS: Greg Monroe, 2018 protected first-round pick, 2018 protected second-round pick
August 30
Cavs swap Kyrie Irving for Isaiah Thomas
TO CELTICS: Kyrie Irving TO CAVS: Isaiah Thomas, Jae Crowder, Ante Zizic, 2018 Nets 1st round pick (unprotected), 2020 Heat second-round pick
C.J. Miles sign and trade with Raptors
TO RAPTORS: C.J. Miles (will sign 3-year, $25 million contract) TO PACERS: Cory Joseph
July 5
Danilo Gallinari to Clippers
TO CLIPPERS: Danilo Gallinari (3 years, $65 million) TO NUGGETS: Paul Millsap (3 years, $90 million) TO HAWKS: Jamal Crawford, Diamond Stone, 2018 first-round pick (via Rockets)
June 30
Ricky Rubio traded to Utah
TO JAZZ: Ricky Rubio TO TIMBERWOLVES: 2018 first-round pick via Oklahoma City (lottery-protected)
June 30
Pacers send Paul George to OKC
TO THUNDER: Paul George TO PACERS: Victor Oladipo, Domantas Sabonis
June 28
Chris Paul traded to Houston
TO ROCKETS: Chris Paul TO CLIPPERS: Patrick Beverley, Lou Williams, Sam Dekker, 2018 first-round pick (protected 1-3), Montrezl Harrell, Darrun Hilliard, DeAndre Liggins, Kyle Wiltjer
June 22
Jimmy Butler sent to Minnesota
TO TIMBERWOLVES: Jimmy Butler, No. 16 pick in 2017 NBA Draft (Justin Patton) TO BULLS: Zach LaVine, Kris Dunn, No. 7 pick in 2017 NBA Draft (Lauri Markkanen)
June 20:
Hawks trade Dwight Howard to Hornets
TO HAWKS: Miles Plumlee, Marco Belinelli TO HORNETS: Dwight Howard, 2017 No. 31 pick (Frank Jackson)
June 20:
D’Angelo Russell traded to Nets
TO LAKERS: Brook Lopez, 2017 No. 27 pick (Kyle Kuzma) TO NETS: D’Angelo Russell, Timofey Mozgov
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
100 Motivational Quotes To Bring Your Spirits Up
Let’s imagine that there is a car on the road. This car keep going all the time until one day it uses up all of its fuel. In fact, we, human, are like cars. If we keep working and running on our route everyday without giving ourselves fuel, we will be tired easily. It is important to fuel our life. Here are the 100 motivational quotes for you to fuel yourself and keep your life moving!
The key to life when it gets tough is to keep moving. Just keep moving.
Credit: Tyler Perry
Keep Smiling And one day life will get tired of upsetting you
You can’t get unfamous. You can get infamous but you can’t get unfamous.
Credit: Dave Chappelle
Stages are getting higher and higher, and I’m getting older and older.
Credit: Iggy Pop
You’ve got to be honest; if you can fake that, you’ve got it made.
Credit: George Burns
When a gust of wind hits a broken bone, you feel it.
Credit: Shia LaBeouf
I wouldn’t support Limp Bizkit being on some snuff backyard brawling, fighting contest.
Credit: Fred Durst
Fun is like life insurance; the older you get, the more it costs.
Credit: Kin Hubbard
Freedom is just another word: It seems to get truer the older I get.
Credit: Kris Kristofferson
Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well
When your arm gets hit, the ball is not going to go where you want it to.
Credit: John Madden
It’s just really hard to work and get better, building and planning for the future with the new Monte Carlo and keeping the race team intact and keeping them healthy.
Credit: Dale Earnhardt
When I go to the press conference before the game, in my mind the game has already started.
Credit: Jose Mourinho
In the sports arena I would say there is nothing like training and preparation. You have to train your mind as much as your body.
Credit: Venus Williams
I let people see the cracks in my life. We can’t be phony. We’ve got to keep it real.
Credit: Charles R. Swindoll
Life is a game. Money is how we keep score.
Credit: Ted Turner
Meditation makes the entire nervous system go into a field of coherence.
Credit: Deepak Chopra
Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.
Credit: Donald Trump
Money is like an arm or leg – use it or lose it.
Credit: Henry Ford
When you visualize, then you materialize. If you’ve been there in he mind you’ll go there in the body.
Credit: Dr Denis Waitley
A buddy will keep you honest and add a dimension of fun to your workout.
Credit: Bill Toomey
I like sports, and I enjoy playing basketball and lifting weights.
Credit: Joel Osteen
I ain’t the same person I was when I bit that guy’s ear off.
Credit: Mike Tyson
When we first sold the Wallace and Gromit shorts to America, people suggested we get rid of the strange British accents and put clear American voices on them, and we held out.
Credit: Nick Park
Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul, you’ve got to run like an antelope out of control!
Credit: Trey Anastasio
Some of today’s athletes do not have that kind of pride. They left school at 16, have never had a job in their life and are getting Lottery funding, earning money as an athlete.
Credit: Linford Christie
Get busy living, or get busy dying.
Credit: Stephen King
Caught between a strong mind, and a fragile heart.
One disco, one soft ball game, one lost love, one gay pride rally at a time.
Credit: Jasmine Guy
To me, cricket is a simple game. Keep it simple and just go out and play.
Credit: Shane Warne
There is no such thing as natural touch. Touch is something you create by hitting millions of golf balls.
Credit: Lee Trevino
you can still be dead With a beating heart and a pounding chest.
People work for a living. They got families to raise. Their lives are tough.
Credit: Ann Richards
I have a temper on me that could hold back tides.
Credit: Shirley Manson
If I cut you off, chances are, you handed me the SCISSors.
The older you get the more capable you get at managing life.
Credit: Rachel Weisz
You don’t have to swing hard to hit a home run. If you got the timing, it’ll go.
Credit: Yogi Berra
Credit: Best MothalnomalQuotesinto
A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up and outpace.
Credit: Ovid
It frustrates SS me that I have all these words inside of me that you will never get to hear.
Credit: Silence
Don’t let ambition get so far ahead that it loses sight of the job at hand.
Credit: William Feather
In sports, teams win and individuals don’t.
Credit: Fran Tarkenton
Don’t shed any tears for me. I got to live a dream most people don’t get to live.
Credit: Tony Dungy
My pitching philosophy is simple – keep the ball way from the bat.
Credit: Satchel Paige
Keeping score is for games, not friendships.
Credit: John C. Maxwell
As you get older, time speeds up but life slows down.
Credit: John C. Maxwell
The secret to getting ahead is getting started.
Credit: Mark Twain
The fact is I don’t drive just to get from A to B. I enjoy feeling the car’s reactions, becoming part of it.
Credit: Enzo Ferrari
My motto is, you have to get in a sport a day.
Credit: Paul Walker
I was hoping he would get up so I could hit him again and keep him down.
Credit: Mike Tyson
I’ve been lucky to work with people that I like most of the time. If I don’t like them, I’ll play head games with them to get their minds spinning.
Credit: Vince Vaughn
I couldn’t beat people with my strength; I don’t have a hard shot; I’m not the quickest skater in the league. My eyes and my mind have to do most of the work.
Credit: Wayne Gretzky
Baseball was one-hundred percent of my life.
Credit: Ty Cobb
You’ve got to have dreams to keep you going.
Credit: Steve Waugh
Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out.
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
Credit: BestMolivattonalQuotesinAo
In motivating people, you’ve got to engage their minds and their hearts. I motivate people, I hope, by example – and perhaps by excitement, by having productive ideas to make others feel involved.
Credit: Rupert Murdoch
People like to tear you down. People are always going to take shots. You’ve just got to go for it.
Credit: Joan Jett
It’s not life or death it’s a game and at the end of the game there is going to be a winner and a loser.
Credit: Bernhard Langer
I’m motivated by creating a level playing field for the world so that the weak have a chance.
Credit: Iqbal Quadir
A team takes on the personality of the head coach.
Credit: Ricky Williams
If the heavens throw you dates, you got to keep your mouth open.
Credit: Navjot Singh Sidhu
There’s a possibility in life in being OUT OF YOUR MIND JOYFUL Ali MacGraw SuPer OWN SOuL PRAH WINFREY NETWORK
Money cannot buy peace of mind. It cannot heal ruptured relationships, or build meaning into a life that has none. Richard M.
Credit: DeVos ll Quoteistan.com
Life is like a roller coaster It has its ups and downs. But it’s your choice to scream or enjo the ride.
Credit: DTag-pictures.com
The thing that drives most coaches out of coaching in college is they get tired of the grind of recruiting.
Credit: Bobby Bowden
It’s a mistake, when life hands you a tough lesson, to think that you can get back at life by not learning it Robert
I disagree with people who think you learn more from getting beat up than you do from winning.
Credit: Tom Cruise
I like almonds as a snack – keeps your energy up but doesn’t fill you up.
Credit: Ina Garten
I’ve told the guys to keep their heads up. I really believe we played a great game here.
Credit: Ricky Ponting
The reason sport is attractive to many of the general public is that it’s filled with reversals. What you think may happen doesn’t happen. A champion is beaten, an unknown becomes a champion.
Credit: Roger Bannister
My mind. wanders and I get lost in thoughts of you Curia no Comm
I can’t seem to get the thought of you and me being together Out of my head.
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.
Credit: Albert Einstein
Only fools let compliments get to their head and criticism get to their heart Curia no.
Credit: Comm
As for our great King, when we venture into His presence, let us have a purpose there. Let us beware of playing at praying; it is insolence toward God.
Credit: Charles Spurgeon
The dread of lonliness is greater than the fear of bondage, so we get married.
Credit: Cyril Connolly
I go out there and get my eyes gouged, my nose busted, my body slammed. I love the pain of the game.
Credit: Dennis Rodman
It takes more than just a good looking body. You’ve got to have the heart and soul to go with it.
Credit: Lee Haney
More enduringly than any other sport, wrestling teaches self-control and pride. Some have wrestled without great skill – none have wrestled without pride.
Credit: Dan Gable
Laughter is the valve on the pressure cooker of life. Either you laugh and suffer, or you got your beans or brains on the ceiling.
Credit: Wavy Gravy
With the sax, I learned technique well enough so that it feels like part of my body, and I just express myself. That’s where I want to get in golf.
Credit: Kenny G
I like silence; I’m a gregarious loner and without the solitude, I lose my gregariousness.
Credit: Karen Armstrong
I know of people who don’t believe it, but depression is an illness, but unlike, say, a broken leg, you don’t know when it’ll get better.
Credit: Marian Keyes
Instead of thinking Outside the box, get rid of the box Deepak Chopra
I enjoy now doing what I do… playing golf, relaxing a little, enjoying life.
Credit: Yogi Berra
I’ve got big shoes to fill. This is my chance to do something. I have to seize the moment.
Credit: Andrew Jackson
The cost of living is going up and the Chance of living is going down.
Credit: Flip Wilson meetvile.com
You’ve got to keep fighting – you’ve got to risk your life every six months to stay alive.
Credit: Elia Kazan
You find that you have peace of mind and can enjoy yourself, get more sleep, and rest when you know that it was a one hundred percent effort that you gave – win or lose.
Credit: Gordie Howe
You only get one chance at your life so why not jump cars?
Credit: Dax Shepard
To get to be somebody who gets to love what they do for a living, that’s so rare, and so there must be some kind of price you have to pay.
Credit: Ethan Hawke
The post 100 Motivational Quotes To Bring Your Spirits Up appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2uXf0n8 via Viral News HQ
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flauntpage · 7 years
Four Mock Drafts for the Vegas Golden Knights
Protected lists! They are here! It's Christmas morning!
That is, it's like Christmas morning if you were a bad kid and your parents got you nothing but socks and sweaters to teach you a lesson. Yeah, you need socks and sweaters, but no matter how many packages you tear open, there will not be a Nintendo (or whatever the kids play these days).
Likewise, the NHL is giving fans a new team with the expansion draft this week, but when we finally open it up, it's not going to be what we wanted.
The (Not Las) Vegas Golden Knights have until Wednesday morning to submit their draft list, which must contain one player from each team in the league. The roster will be revealed that night during the NHL Awards show (and probably throughout the day in the form of leaks to the media). The 30-player team must have at least 14 forwards, nine defensemen, and three goalies, and it must also be salary-cap compliant.
In the spirit of fun content, I imagined four different expansion drafts for the Golden Knights, each using its own unique criteria: one team designed solely for tanking, one team for comedic purposes only, one win-now team, and one team that represents the best possible outcome for Vegas. (And thanks to TSN's draft simulator for making this easy.)
In the 1989 movie Major League, Rachel Phelps inherits the Cleveland Indians from her dead husband. Like any sane person, she does not want to live in Cleveland, so she puts together a roster she hopes is so bad that it will drive down attendance to the point she can enact a clause in the lease with the city that would allow her team to move to Florida.
This would be the Vegas equivalent of that team.
Forwards: Jared Boll, Zac Rinaldo, Brandon Bollig, Jordin Tootoo, Matt Hendricks, Shawn Thornton, Dustin Brown, Ryan White, Steve Ott, Cody McLeod, Luke Gazdic, Cal Clutterbuck, Chris Neil, Tom Sestito
Defensemen: Josh Jorges, Eric Gelinas, Jack Johnson, Dylan McIlrath, Kevin Klein, Andrew MacDonald, Brenden Dillon, Robert Bortuzzo, Jason Garrison
Goalies: Anders Lindback, Kari Lehtonen, Cam Ward
Utility: Luca Sbisa, Brooks Orpik, Mark Stuart, Garrett Sparks
Cap hit: $69,135,476 Players under contract for next season: 20
How many games does this team win? If I set the over/under at seven, you probably need to think about it for a while, don't you? Remember: the expansion Ottawa Senators won ten games, and that team was trying.
If we're sticking with the Major League theme here:
Zac Rinaldo is Ricky Vaughn. Rinaldo is probably better suited for some sort of penal league, and it's not hard to imagine his teammates referring to him as Vedge Head.
Just a bit outside. Photo by Greg M. Cooper-USA TODAY Sports
Brooks Orpik is Jake Taylor. Orpik should be in a league outside of the United States and his knees are shot.
Jack Johnson is Roger Dorn. There's something here with both players being concerned about making as much money as possible at this point in their careers.
Steve Ott retired, but I bet he could be enticed to play one more season centering a line with Luke Gazdic and Chris Neil.
Also in Major League, there's a scene where an Indians fan is looking over the roster and says, "Mitchell Friedman?" It's because no one has heard of those guys. If Vegas went strictly off that philosophy (I swear, this is the last Major League reference here, and this is only because it's been on HBO a lot lately), here's that team:
Forwards: Nicolas Kerdiles, Tyler Gaudet, Justin Kea, Turner Elson, Alex Broadhurst, Mark McNeil, Corban Knight, Andrew Crescenzi, Patrick Cannone, Chris Terry, Ben Thomson, Ben Holmstrom, Daniel Catenacci, Casey Bailey
Defensemen: Linus Arnesson, Tyler Wotherspoon, Dillon Simpson, Brad Hunt, Will O'Neill, David Warsofsky, Dan Kelly, Andrew Campbell, Andrey Pedan
Goalies: Daniel Altshuller, Mac Carruth, Edward Pasqualle
Utility: Mike Angelidis, Liam O'Brien, Ryan Olsen, Jordan Binnington
Cap hit: $18,529,918 Players under contract for next season: 22
When you're the biggest star on the team. Photo by Bruce Fedyck-USA TODAY Sports
As you might have surmised, this team is technically invalid because it falls way below the salary cap floor—but who cares? Mock expansion drafts should be enjoyable and picking these random names (Is Chris Terry the most recognizable name here?) was too much fun. They played a combined 60 NHL games last season!
And what if I told you some of the names on here aren't NHL players and are names I actually made up or grabbed from somewhere in pop culture?
Is Casey Bailey an Ottawa Senators center or a fringe character on Dawson's Creek?
Is Andrew Crescenzi a Los Angeles Kings center or Diane Lane's love interest in Under the Tuscan Sun?
Are Alex Broadhurst and Jordan Binnington hockey players or romantic rivals in Downton Abbey?
I guess we will never know, because you're not looking up these names and we both know it. [Editor's note: We looked up the names, and rest assured they're all actual hockey players.]
Admittedly, I have lost the feel for what the Montreal Canadiens are doing these days—they're big and tough, but they also traded for Jonathan Drouin. That said, all of GM Marc Bergevin's moves in the past year would indicate that he wants his team to win immediately. What if Vegas GM George McPhee decided he needed a playoff team in Year 1?
How would that team look?
Forwards: Alex Burmistrov, Matt Moulson, Lee Stempniak, Mikhail Grigorenko, Benoit Pouliot, Jonathan Marchessault, Trevor Lewis, Eric Staal, Tomas Plekanec, James Neal, Michael Grabner, Jordan Weal, Bryan Rust, David Perron
Defensemen: Sami Vatanen, Trevor van Riemsdyk, Jack Johnson, Dan Hamhuis, Thomas Hickey, David Schlemko, Nate Schmidt, Martin Marincin, Colin Miller
Goalies: Petr Mrazek, Michael Hutchinson, Andrew Hammond
Utility: Cedric Paquette, Reid Boucher, Troy Brouwer, Beau Bennett
Cap hit: $72,172,143 Players under contract for next season: 30
This was tricky. I originally scooped about $83 million in contracts on my first pass and had to make some hard decisions about where to spend and where to save (sorry, Bobby Ryan). Everyone is under contract for next season so no one can escape McPhee's clutches as he builds the most mediocre ship possible.
And Jim Rutherford doesn't have any agreement in place with me, so he can keep Marc-André Fleury.
Here are potential forward and defense combinations:
Perron-Staal-Neal Moulson-Weal-Marchessault Pouliot-Plekanec-Grabner Boucher-Paquette-Rust
Johnson-Vatanen Hamhuis-van Riemsdyk Schlemko-Miller
Mrazek Hutchinson
This team suuuuuuuuuuuucks! The forward group is fine enough, but once you get past Vatanen, it's just terrible on the back end. This is why McPhee can't get caught up in appeasing fans off the bat with the idea of a winning team, because it'll be a bigger disappointment when the team is bad—and there's no way of getting around this team being bad. If it's going to be bad, at least have it be bad with potential going forward.
There's no point in even drafting Vatanen and Neal (more on this when we get to my amazing team), because they can be the Norris Trophy and Rocket Richard winners next season and this team still isn't cracking 70 points.
And if you're wondering how Johnson can be on both the tanking team and the win-now team, think of that as insight into how general managers view Johnson versus his actual value.
So what is the ideal Vegas team?
We know we can't win now. We know this is going to take forever. So we want to sprinkle the roster with motivated veterans at the end of contracts and young players who have long-term value. How will this team, which is just as bad as any of the others, look?
Forwards: Jonathan Marchessault, Alex Chiasson, Andrej Nestrasil, Mikhail Grigorenko, Lukas Sedlak, Benoit Pouliot, Carl Hagelin, Colin Wilson, Jacob Josefson, Brock Nelson, Michael Grabner, Jordan Weal, Nick Shore, David Perron
Defensemen: Josh Manson, Zach Bogosian, Trevor van Riemsdyk, Jamie Oleksiak, Matt Dumba, Nikita Nesterov, Chris Wideman, David Schlemko, Jason Garrison
Goalies: Petr Mrazek, Michael Hutchinson, Louis Domingue
Utility: Reid Boucher, Martin Marincin, Nate Schmidt, Malcolm Subban
Cap hit: $51,489,940 Players under contract for next season: 30
Years from now, you'll hear stories about how someone like Joe Thornton was a member of the Golden Knights and you'll wonder how it happened. It will be because Vegas wanted nothing to do with that roster, so they drafted a player who wasn't under contract and who they knew wouldn't join the Knights to avoid taking a bad contract or wasting a roster spot.
Hands off Marchessault. Photo by Dan Hamilton-USA TODAY Sports
For my terrible roster with potential for helping the franchise down the road, I'm assuming I have blackmailed the Ducks and the Predators out of high picks to not take Vatanen and Neal. If the Panthers want to blackmail me out of Marchessault, too bad. He's mine. You can't have him.
I'm sure if this were real life, I'd do more blackmailing, but the point is this: I want draft picks. I want them now or I want them at next season's trade deadline for rentals like Grabner or Perron. I would assure every veteran that he was on display for a trade to a contender next season, so don't half-ass it because you're miserable. Bust your ass for 20 minutes a night and hit the tables at the casino later. It's impossible to be miserable in Vegas.
With just about everyone else, I'm looking for long-term potential (Weal) or players who can do more in bigger roles (Josefson) who I can also swap. I do not—I repeat, I do not—want Bogosian, but he's a young right-handed defenseman and I think we can pump and dump him to some other team later.
I'm also taking all players I have under contractual control. Would I like Antti Raanta? Sure, but I'd rather take the 30-goal guy on the cheap contract I can flip either immediately or later and then maybe take a run at Raanta in free agency.
This team would still finish dead last next season, but I'd have like, a thousand picks in the draft. I'm trying to lay a foundation in Vegas and that foundation doesn't need Vatanen, who will be a million years old by the time the team is good, and it doesn't need Brown's contract, because getting to the cap floor is easy.
This team is going to stink no matter what, but it will stink on my terms.
Four Mock Drafts for the Vegas Golden Knights published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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junker-town · 7 years
Every NBA trade leading up to the deadline
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A list of every completed trade before the 2018 trade deadline.
The trade deadline will be upon us by Thursday afternoon. We could get a flurry of movement or we could get none at all. Things will probably land somewhere in the middle.
What we do know is that, up until that point, we’ll have already had lots of major NBA movement involving some huge names from across the league. Kyrie Irving, Isaiah Thomas, Blake Griffin, D’Angelo Russell, and the list goes on with maybe much more to come.
It’s a ton to keep track of for us, so we can only imagine what it’s like for you. But, as always, we’ve got your back. Here’s a list of every trade that has happened leading up to this season’s trade deadline.
As things continue to develop, we’ll continue to update this list. Come back here for the latest developments from around the league.
February 7
Knicks trade Willy Hernangomez to Hornets
TO HORNETS: Willy Hernangomez TO KNICKS: Johnny O’Bryant, 2020 second-round pick and 2021 second-round picks
February 5
Nets send Tyler Zeller to Bucks
TO NETS: Rashad Vaughn, 2018 second-round pick TO BUCKS: Tyler Zeller
February 1
Bulls trade Nikola Mirotic to Pelicans
TO BULLS: Tony Allen, Omer Asik, Jameer Nelson, 2018 first-round pick, 2021 first-round pick swap rights TO PELICANS: Nikola Mirotic, 2018 second-round pick
January 29
Clippers trade Blake Griffin to Pistons
TO CLIPPERS: Tobias Harris, Boban Marjanovic, Avery Bradley, 2018 protected first-round pick, 2019 second round pick TO PISTONS: Blake Griffin, Brice Johnson, Willie Reed
December 7
Philly trades Jahlil Okafor to Brooklyn
TO NETS: Jahlil Okafor, Nik Stauskas, 2019 second-round pick TO SIXERS: Trevor Booker
November 7
Suns trade Eric Bledsoe to Bucks
TO BUCKS: Eric Bledsoe TO SUNS: Greg Monroe, 2018 protected first-round pick, 2018 protected second-round pick
August 30
Cavs swap Kyrie Irving for Isaiah Thomas
TO CELTICS: Kyrie Irving TO CAVS: Isaiah Thomas, Jae Crowder, Ante Zizic, 2018 Nets 1st round pick (unprotected), 2020 Heat second-round pick
C.J. Miles sign and trade with Raptors
TO RAPTORS: C.J. Miles (will sign 3-year, $25 million contract) TO PACERS: Cory Joseph
July 5
Danilo Gallinari to Clippers
TO CLIPPERS: Danilo Gallinari (3 years, $65 million) TO NUGGETS: Paul Millsap (3 years, $90 million) TO HAWKS: Jamal Crawford, Diamond Stone, 2018 first-round pick (via Rockets)
June 30
Ricky Rubio traded to Utah
TO JAZZ: Ricky Rubio TO TIMBERWOLVES: 2018 first-round pick via Oklahoma City (lottery-protected)
June 30
Pacers send Paul George to OKC
TO THUNDER: Paul George TO PACERS: Victor Oladipo, Domantas Sabonis
June 28
Chris Paul traded to Houston
TO ROCKETS: Chris Paul TO CLIPPERS: Patrick Beverley, Lou Williams, Sam Dekker, 2018 first-round pick (protected 1-3), Montrezl Harrell, Darrun Hilliard, DeAndre Liggins, Kyle Wiltjer
June 22
Jimmy Butler sent to Minnesota
TO TIMBERWOLVES: Jimmy Butler, No. 16 pick in 2017 NBA Draft (Justin Patton) TO BULLS: Zach LaVine, Kris Dunn, No. 7 pick in 2017 NBA Draft (Lauri Markkanen)
June 20:
Hawks trade Dwight Howard to Hornets
TO HAWKS: Miles Plumlee, Marco Belinelli TO HORNETS: Dwight Howard, 2017 No. 31 pick (Frank Jackson)
June 20:
D’Angelo Russell traded to Nets
TO LAKERS: Brook Lopez, 2017 No. 27 pick (Kyle Kuzma) TO NETS: D’Angelo Russell, Timofey Mozgov
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
Every NBA trade leading up to the deadline
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A list of every completed trade before the 2018 trade deadline.
The trade deadline will be upon us by Thursday afternoon. We could get a flurry of movement or we could get none at all. Things will probably land somewhere in the middle.
What we do know is that, up until that point, we’ll have already had lots of major NBA movement involving some huge names from across the league. Kyrie Irving, Isaiah Thomas, Blake Griffin, D’Angelo Russell, and the list goes on with maybe much more to come.
It’s a ton to keep track of for us, so we can only imagine what it’s like for you. But, as always, we’ve got your back. Here’s a list of every trade that has happened leading up to this season’s trade deadline.
As things continue to develop, we’ll continue to update this list. Come back here for the latest developments from around the league.
February 5
Nets send Tyler Zeller to Bucks
TO NETS: Rashad Vaughn, 2018 second-round pick TO BUCKS: Tyler Zeller
February 1
Bulls trade Nikola Mirotic to Pelicans
TO BULLS: Tony Allen, Omer Asik, Jameer Nelson, 2018 first-round pick, 2021 first-round pick swap rights TO PELICANS: Nikola Mirotic, 2018 second-round pick
January 29
Clippers trade Blake Griffin to Pistons
TO CLIPPERS: Tobias Harris, Boban Marjanovic, Avery Bradley, 2018 protected first-round pick, 2019 second round pick TO PISTONS: Blake Griffin, Brice Johnson, Willie Reed
December 7
Philly trades Jahlil Okafor to Brooklyn
TO NETS: Jahlil Okafor, Nik Stauskas, 2019 second-round pick TO SIXERS: Trevor Booker
November 7
Bucks trade Eric Bledsoe to Suns
TO BUCKS: Eric Bledsoe TO SUNS: Greg Monroe, 2018 protected first-round pick, 2018 protected second-round pick
August 30
Cavs swap Kyrie Irving for Isaiah Thomas
TO CELTICS: Kyrie Irving TO CAVS: Isaiah Thomas, Jae Crowder, Ante Zizic, 2018 Nets 1st round pick (unprotected), 2020 Heat second-round pick
C.J. Miles sign and trade with Raptors
TO RAPTORS: C.J. Miles (will sign 3-year, $25 million contract) TO PACERS: Cory Joseph
July 5
Danilo Gallinari to Clippers
TO CLIPPERS: Danilo Gallinari (3 years, $65 million) TO NUGGETS: Paul Millsap (3 years, $90 million) TO HAWKS: Jamal Crawford, Diamond Stone, 2018 first-round pick (via Rockets)
June 30
Ricky Rubio traded to Utah
TO JAZZ: Ricky Rubio TO TIMBERWOLVES: 2018 first-round pick via Oklahoma City (lottery-protected)
June 30
Pacers send Paul George to OKC
TO THUNDER: Paul George TO PACERS: Victor Oladipo, Domantas Sabonis
June 28
Chris Paul traded to Houston
TO ROCKETS: Chris Paul TO CLIPPERS: Patrick Beverley, Lou Williams, Sam Dekker, 2018 first-round pick (protected 1-3), Montrezl Harrell, Darrun Hilliard, DeAndre Liggins, Kyle Wiltjer
June 22
Jimmy Butler sent to Minnesota
TO TIMBERWOLVES: Jimmy Butler, No. 16 pick in 2017 NBA Draft (Justin Patton) TO BULLS: Zach LaVine, Kris Dunn, No. 7 pick in 2017 NBA Draft (Lauri Markkanen)
June 20:
Hawks trade Dwight Howard to Hornets
TO HAWKS: Miles Plumlee, Marco Belinelli TO HORNETS: Dwight Howard, 2017 No. 31 pick (Frank Jackson)
June 20:
D’Angelo Russell traded to Nets
TO LAKERS: Brook Lopez, 2017 No. 27 pick (Kyle Kuzma) TO NETS: D’Angelo Russell, Timofey Mozgov
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
We imagined how an NBA expansion draft would look today
All 30 SB Nation NBA blogs joined in to imagine a future where the league adds to expansion teams. Here are the results.
The NBA is approaching a 14th season existing with 30 teams, the longest period of time that the league has gone without adding or losing teams. Ever since the Charlotte Bobcats — now Hornets — joined in 2004, the 30-team league has been a happy, if flawed, default.
The NBA is also experiencing a global boom. It’s making more money than ever before, highlighted by a record-breaking nine-year, $24 billion television deal that kicked in last season. It’s rapidly growing in popularity both in the United States, where 29 of the 30 teams are located, and globally, where more and more international players are introduced to the league. Given the way this world works, and how quickly the NBA is rising, it was no surprise when NBA commissioner Adam Silver said this about expanding to 31 or 32 teams:
“I don’t want to put a precise timeline on it, but it’s inevitable at some point,” he told C.J. McCollum. (Yes, that’s Blazers guard C.J. McCollum).
Inevitable. That’s a strong word, but that’s where the league is headed.
SB Nation’s Tom Ziller is all over the logistics. You can read this explainer about what would need to happen for the NBA to vote for expansion, and also 13 places where the NBA could expand to, including two international options. (Not London!)
All those things have to be worked out by the smart people in the NBA before any expansion could be approved. We at SB Nation don’t have those same limitations, and we also know that there’s one especially fun thing about the process: The Expansion draft.
So, we are doing one of our own.
The concept is simple: all 30 teams can protect eight players off their roster, and the two expansion teams (it might just be one, but we’re going with two because it’s more fun) can pick from the remaining pool. They’d also get a top draft pick, but that’s not a major factor for this exercise.
We asked all 30 of our SB Nation NBA team blogs which eight players they would hold back from the expansion draft, and had them answer why.
Here’s who they protected and why:
Peachtree Hoops (Atlanta Hawks): Dennis Schroder, Taurean Prince, DeAndre Bembry, John Collins, Dewayne Dedmon, Mike Muscala, Ersan Ilyasova, Kent Bazemore
Celtics Blog (Boston Celtics): Isaiah Thomas, Gordon Hayward, Al Horford, Jae Crowder, Jaylen Brown, Jayson Tatum, Marcus Smart, Ante Zizic
Nets Daily (Brooklyn Nets): D’Angelo Russell, Caris LeVert, Allen Crabbe, Jarrett Allen, Rondae Hollis-Jefferson, Spencer Dinwiddie, DeMarre Carroll, Jeremy Lin
At the Hive (Charlotte Hornets): Kemba Walker, Dwight Howard, Nicolas Batum, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, Cody Zeller, Frank Kaminsky, Malik Monk, Marvin Williams
Blog a Bull (Chicago Bulls): Zach LaVine, Kris Dunn, Lauri Markkanen, Denzel Valentine, Bobby Portis, Cristiano Felicio, Paul Zipser, Jerian Grant
Fear the Sword (Cleveland Cavaliers): LeBron James, Kyrie Irving (for now), Kevin Love, Tristan Thompson, J.R. Smith, Cedi Osman, Kyle Korver, Richard Jefferson
Mavs Moneyball (Dallas Mavericks): Harrison Barnes, Dennis Smith Jr., Seth Curry, Nerlens Noel (assuming he re-signs), Dirk Nowitzki, Yogi Ferrell, J.J. Barea, Salah Mejri
Denver Stiffs (Denver Nuggets): Nikola Jokic, Paul Millsap, Jamal Murray, Gary Harris, Wilson Chandler, Juancho Hernangomez, Will Barton, Emmanuel Mudiay
Detroit Bad Boys (Detroit Pistons): Andre Drummond, Avery Bradley, Tobias Harris, Stanley Johnson, Luke Kennard, Henry Ellenson, Ish Smith, Reggie Jackson
Golden State of Mind (Golden State Warriors): Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Draymond Green, Klay Thompson, Andre Iguodala, Patrick McCaw, Shaun Livingston, Jordan Bell
The Dream Shake (Houston Rockets): James Harden, Chris Paul, Clint Capela, Eric Gordon, P.J. Tucker, Trevor Ariza, Zhou Qi, Nene
Indy Cornrows (Indiana Pacers): Myles Turner, T.J. Leaf, Glenn Robinson III, Cory Joseph, Domantas Sabonis, Victor Oladipo, Thaddeus Young, Lance Stephenson
Clips Nation (Los Angeles Clippers): Blake Griffin, DeAndre Jordan, Danilo Gallinari, Patrick Beverley, Austin Rivers, Milos Teodosic, Sam Dekker, Montrezl Harrell
Silver Screen & Roll (Los Angeles Lakers): Brandon Ingram, Lonzo Ball, Julius Randle, Kyle Kuzma, Jordan Clarkson, Brook Lopez, Larry Nance Jr., Kentavious Caldwell-Pope
Grizzly Bear Blues (Memphis Grizzlies): Marc Gasol, Mike Conley, Ben McLemore, JaMychal Green (assuming he re-signs), Deyonte Davis, Wayne Selden, Tyreke Evans, Brandan Wright
Hot Hot Heat (Miami Heat): Hassan Whiteside, Goran Dragic, James Johnson, Dion Waiters, Bam Adebayo, Josh Richardson, Kelly Olynyk, Justise Winslow
Brew Hoop (Milwaukee Bucks): Giannis Antetokounmpo, Jabari Parker, Khris Middleton, Thon Maker, Malcolm Brogdon, Tony Snell, D.J. Wilson, Sterling Brown
Canis Hoopus (Minnesota Timberwolves): Jimmy Butler, Karl-Anthony Towns, Andrew Wiggins, Gorgui Dieng, Tyus Jones, Jeff Teague, Nemanja Bjelica, Justin Patton
The Bird Writes (New Orleans Pelicans): Anthony Davis, DeMarcus Cousins, Jrue Holiday, Solomon Hill, Cheick Diallo, Frank Jackson, E’Twaun Moore, Rajon Rondo
Posting & Toasting (New York Knicks): Kristaps Porzingis, Willy Hernangomez, Frank Ntilikina, Carmelo Anthony, Damyean Dotson, Kyle O’Quinn, Courtney Lee, Ron Baker
Welcome to Loud City (Oklahoma City Thunder): Russell Westbrook, Paul George, Steven Adams, Andre Roberson, Patrick Patterson, Alex Abrines, Enes Kanter, Raymond Felton
Orlando Pinstriped Post (Orlando Magic): Jonathan Isaac, Aaron Gordon, Arron Afflalo, Elfrid Payton, Nikola Vucevic, Terrence Ross, Jonathon Simmons, Marreese Speights
Liberty Ballers (Philadelphia 76ers): Joel Embiid, Ben Simmons, Markelle Fultz, Robert Covington, Dario Saric, J.J. Redick, Timothe Luwawu-Cabarot, Richaun Holmes
Bright Side of the Sun (Phoenix Suns): Devin Booker, Josh Jackson, Marquese Chriss, Dragan Bender, Tyler Ulis, Eric Bledsoe, T.J. Warren, Alan Williams
Blazer’s Edge (Portland Trail Blazers): Damian Lillard, C.J. McCollum, Jusuf Nurkic, Al-Farouq Aminu, Zach Collins, Caleb Swanigan, Maurice Harkless, Noah Vonleh
Sactown Royalty (Sacramento Kings): De’Aaron Fox, Skal Labissiere, Bogdan Bogdanovic, Justin Jackson, Buddy Hield, Willie Cauley-Stein, Harry Giles, Malachi Richardson
Pounding the Rock (San Antonio Spurs): Kawhi Leonard, Danny Green, DeJonte Murray, Manu Ginobili, Patty Mills, LaMarcus Aldridge, Davis Bertans, Kyle Anderson
Raptors HQ (Toronto Raptors): Kyle Lowry, DeMar DeRozan, Serge Ibaka, Norman Powell, Delon Wright, Jakob Poeltl, O.G. Anunoby, Jonas Valanciunas
SLC Dunk (Utah Jazz): Rudy Gobert, Ricky Rubio, Dante Exum, Rodney Hood, Donovan Mitchell, Derrick Favors, Joe Ingles, Joe Johnson
Bullets Forever (Washington Wizards): John Wall, Bradley Beal, Otto Porter, Markieff Morris, Marcin Gortat, Kelly Oubre, Tim Frazier, Mike Scott
Then there’s the actual draft.
Using the players our team communities left unprotected, SB Nation’s Kristian Winfield drafted one team, while our Seattle Supersonics blog Sonics Rising — a hopeful and extremely likely expansion team whenever it finally happens — selected the other. They will unveil their rosters at noon ET.
NOTE: Per expansion draft rules, each new expansion team is limited to one selection per NBA team. Hence, some of the picks.
Remember the time we last did this?
Tom Ziller will take a stroll down memory lane to 2004, when the Charlotte Bobcats (now Hornets) entered the league. There were some odd players left unprotected and some fascinating ripple effects.
Who would you pick?
Now it’s your turn. Here are the five most notable players left unprotected at each position.
And here’s the full list. Pick four from each category (but not two players from the same team) and let us know your 12-man rosters in the comments section:
GUARDS: Malcolm Delaney, Terry Rozier, Isaiah Whitehead, Langston Galloway, Lou Williams, D.J. Augustin, Derrick White, Derrick Rose, Joe Young, Jawun Evans, Troy Daniels, Jamal Crawford, Frank Mason III, Michael Carter-Williams, Kay Felder, Darren Collison, Wade Baldwin, Jerryd Bayless, Brandon Knight, Fred VanVleet, Cameron Payne, Devin Harris, Jameer Nelson, Tyler Ennis, Andrew Harrison, Tyler Johnson, Matthew Dellavedova, Jordan Crawford, Shabazz Napier, Tomas Satoransky, Sean Kilpatrick, Briante Weber, Jose Calderon, Mario Chalmers, Shelvin Mack, T.J. McConnell, Pat Connaughton, Bobby Brown, Ian Clark, Semaj Christon, Randy Foye, Tony Parker, Archie Goodwin
WINGS: Jeremy Lamb, Dwyane Wade, Iman Shumpert, Corey Brewer, Chandler Parsons, Tim Hardaway Jr., Kyle Singler, Alec Burks, Dwayne Bacon, Dorian Finney-Smith, Luol Deng, Nik Stauskas, Evan Turner, C.J. Miles, Tyler Dorsey, David Nwaba, Malik Beasley, Nick Young, Luc Richard Mbah a Moute, Sindarius Thornwell, Josh Hart, Wayne Ellington, Quincy Pondexter, Lance Thomas, Doug McDermott, Evan Fournier, Brandon Paul, Thabo Sefolosha, Jodie Meeks, Luke Babbitt, Johnny O’Bryant, Reggie Bullock, Omri Casspi, Troy Williams, Bojan Bogdanovic, DeAndre Liggins, Mindaugis Kuzminskas, Michael Beasley, Jerami Grant, Garrett Temple, Bryn Forbes, Marco Belinelli, Abde Nader, Justin Holiday, Wesley Matthews, Wesley Johnson, Okaro White, Darius Miller, Jared Dudley, Bruno Caboclo, Nicolas Brussino, Marcus Morris, Joe Harris, Treveon Graham, Eric Moreland, Rodney McGruder, Rashad Vaughn, Furkan Korkmaz, Jake Layman, Vince Carter, Semi Ojeleye, Jeff Green, Justin Anderson, Derrick Jones Jr., Rudy Gay, Mario Hezonja, Terrance Ferguson,
BIGS: Dwight Powell, Kenneth Faried, David West, Ryan Anderson, Kevin Seraphin, A.J. Hammonds, Spencer Hawes, Taj Gibson, Omer Asik, Jahlil Okafor, Tyson Chandler, Meyers Leonard, Georgios Papagiannis, Pascal Siakam, Ian Mahinmi, Miles Plumlee, Jon Leuer, Gershon Yabusele, Quincy Acy, Robin Lopez, Trey Lyles, Jon Leuer, Zaza Pachulia, Chinanu Onuaku, Udonis Haslem, Greg Monroe, Alexis Ajinca, Joakim Noah, Nick Collison, Bismack Biyombo, Alex Len, Pau Gasol, Jonas Jerebko, Chris McCullough, Aron Baynes, Timofey Mozgov, Josh McRoberts, Boban Marjanovic, John Henson, Cole Aldrich, Amir Johnson, Ed Davis, Daniel Theis, Trevor Booker, Edy Tavares, Khem Birch, Lucas Nogueira, Ekpe Udoh, Mason Plumlee, Anthony Tolliver, Kevon Looney, Tarik Black, Ike Anigbogu, Ivica Zubac, Mirza Teletovic, Dakari Johnson, Kosta Koufos, Tony Bradley, Channing Frye, Darrell Arthur, Damian Jones, Brice Johnson, Thomas Bryant, Joffrey Lauvergne, Joel Bolomboy, Jason Smith, Tyler Lydon, JaVale McGee, Al Jefferson, Willie Reed, Zach Randolph
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 7 years
100 Motivational Quotes To Bring Your Spirits Up
Let’s imagine that there is a car on the road. This car keep going all the time until one day it uses up all of its fuel. In fact, we, human, are like cars. If we keep working and running on our route everyday without giving ourselves fuel, we will be tired easily. It is important to fuel our life. Here are the 100 motivational quotes for you to fuel yourself and keep your life moving!
The key to life when it gets tough is to keep moving. Just keep moving.
Credit: Tyler Perry
Keep Smiling And one day life will get tired of upsetting you
You can’t get unfamous. You can get infamous but you can’t get unfamous.
Credit: Dave Chappelle
Stages are getting higher and higher, and I’m getting older and older.
Credit: Iggy Pop
You’ve got to be honest; if you can fake that, you’ve got it made.
Credit: George Burns
When a gust of wind hits a broken bone, you feel it.
Credit: Shia LaBeouf
I wouldn’t support Limp Bizkit being on some snuff backyard brawling, fighting contest.
Credit: Fred Durst
Fun is like life insurance; the older you get, the more it costs.
Credit: Kin Hubbard
Freedom is just another word: It seems to get truer the older I get.
Credit: Kris Kristofferson
Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well
When your arm gets hit, the ball is not going to go where you want it to.
Credit: John Madden
It’s just really hard to work and get better, building and planning for the future with the new Monte Carlo and keeping the race team intact and keeping them healthy.
Credit: Dale Earnhardt
When I go to the press conference before the game, in my mind the game has already started.
Credit: Jose Mourinho
In the sports arena I would say there is nothing like training and preparation. You have to train your mind as much as your body.
Credit: Venus Williams
I let people see the cracks in my life. We can’t be phony. We’ve got to keep it real.
Credit: Charles R. Swindoll
Life is a game. Money is how we keep score.
Credit: Ted Turner
Meditation makes the entire nervous system go into a field of coherence.
Credit: Deepak Chopra
Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.
Credit: Donald Trump
Money is like an arm or leg – use it or lose it.
Credit: Henry Ford
When you visualize, then you materialize. If you’ve been there in he mind you’ll go there in the body.
Credit: Dr Denis Waitley
A buddy will keep you honest and add a dimension of fun to your workout.
Credit: Bill Toomey
I like sports, and I enjoy playing basketball and lifting weights.
Credit: Joel Osteen
I ain’t the same person I was when I bit that guy’s ear off.
Credit: Mike Tyson
When we first sold the Wallace and Gromit shorts to America, people suggested we get rid of the strange British accents and put clear American voices on them, and we held out.
Credit: Nick Park
Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul, you’ve got to run like an antelope out of control!
Credit: Trey Anastasio
Some of today’s athletes do not have that kind of pride. They left school at 16, have never had a job in their life and are getting Lottery funding, earning money as an athlete.
Credit: Linford Christie
Get busy living, or get busy dying.
Credit: Stephen King
Caught between a strong mind, and a fragile heart.
One disco, one soft ball game, one lost love, one gay pride rally at a time.
Credit: Jasmine Guy
To me, cricket is a simple game. Keep it simple and just go out and play.
Credit: Shane Warne
There is no such thing as natural touch. Touch is something you create by hitting millions of golf balls.
Credit: Lee Trevino
you can still be dead With a beating heart and a pounding chest.
People work for a living. They got families to raise. Their lives are tough.
Credit: Ann Richards
I have a temper on me that could hold back tides.
Credit: Shirley Manson
If I cut you off, chances are, you handed me the SCISSors.
The older you get the more capable you get at managing life.
Credit: Rachel Weisz
You don’t have to swing hard to hit a home run. If you got the timing, it’ll go.
Credit: Yogi Berra
Credit: Best MothalnomalQuotesinto
A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up and outpace.
Credit: Ovid
It frustrates SS me that I have all these words inside of me that you will never get to hear.
Credit: Silence
Don’t let ambition get so far ahead that it loses sight of the job at hand.
Credit: William Feather
In sports, teams win and individuals don’t.
Credit: Fran Tarkenton
Don’t shed any tears for me. I got to live a dream most people don’t get to live.
Credit: Tony Dungy
My pitching philosophy is simple – keep the ball way from the bat.
Credit: Satchel Paige
Keeping score is for games, not friendships.
Credit: John C. Maxwell
As you get older, time speeds up but life slows down.
Credit: John C. Maxwell
The secret to getting ahead is getting started.
Credit: Mark Twain
The fact is I don’t drive just to get from A to B. I enjoy feeling the car’s reactions, becoming part of it.
Credit: Enzo Ferrari
My motto is, you have to get in a sport a day.
Credit: Paul Walker
I was hoping he would get up so I could hit him again and keep him down.
Credit: Mike Tyson
I’ve been lucky to work with people that I like most of the time. If I don’t like them, I’ll play head games with them to get their minds spinning.
Credit: Vince Vaughn
I couldn’t beat people with my strength; I don’t have a hard shot; I’m not the quickest skater in the league. My eyes and my mind have to do most of the work.
Credit: Wayne Gretzky
Baseball was one-hundred percent of my life.
Credit: Ty Cobb
You’ve got to have dreams to keep you going.
Credit: Steve Waugh
Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out.
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
Credit: BestMolivattonalQuotesinAo
In motivating people, you’ve got to engage their minds and their hearts. I motivate people, I hope, by example – and perhaps by excitement, by having productive ideas to make others feel involved.
Credit: Rupert Murdoch
People like to tear you down. People are always going to take shots. You’ve just got to go for it.
Credit: Joan Jett
It’s not life or death it’s a game and at the end of the game there is going to be a winner and a loser.
Credit: Bernhard Langer
I’m motivated by creating a level playing field for the world so that the weak have a chance.
Credit: Iqbal Quadir
A team takes on the personality of the head coach.
Credit: Ricky Williams
If the heavens throw you dates, you got to keep your mouth open.
Credit: Navjot Singh Sidhu
There’s a possibility in life in being OUT OF YOUR MIND JOYFUL Ali MacGraw SuPer OWN SOuL PRAH WINFREY NETWORK
Money cannot buy peace of mind. It cannot heal ruptured relationships, or build meaning into a life that has none. Richard M.
Credit: DeVos ll Quoteistan.com
Life is like a roller coaster It has its ups and downs. But it’s your choice to scream or enjo the ride.
Credit: DTag-pictures.com
The thing that drives most coaches out of coaching in college is they get tired of the grind of recruiting.
Credit: Bobby Bowden
It’s a mistake, when life hands you a tough lesson, to think that you can get back at life by not learning it Robert
I disagree with people who think you learn more from getting beat up than you do from winning.
Credit: Tom Cruise
I like almonds as a snack – keeps your energy up but doesn’t fill you up.
Credit: Ina Garten
I’ve told the guys to keep their heads up. I really believe we played a great game here.
Credit: Ricky Ponting
The reason sport is attractive to many of the general public is that it’s filled with reversals. What you think may happen doesn’t happen. A champion is beaten, an unknown becomes a champion.
Credit: Roger Bannister
My mind. wanders and I get lost in thoughts of you Curia no Comm
I can’t seem to get the thought of you and me being together Out of my head.
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.
Credit: Albert Einstein
Only fools let compliments get to their head and criticism get to their heart Curia no.
Credit: Comm
As for our great King, when we venture into His presence, let us have a purpose there. Let us beware of playing at praying; it is insolence toward God.
Credit: Charles Spurgeon
The dread of lonliness is greater than the fear of bondage, so we get married.
Credit: Cyril Connolly
I go out there and get my eyes gouged, my nose busted, my body slammed. I love the pain of the game.
Credit: Dennis Rodman
It takes more than just a good looking body. You’ve got to have the heart and soul to go with it.
Credit: Lee Haney
More enduringly than any other sport, wrestling teaches self-control and pride. Some have wrestled without great skill – none have wrestled without pride.
Credit: Dan Gable
Laughter is the valve on the pressure cooker of life. Either you laugh and suffer, or you got your beans or brains on the ceiling.
Credit: Wavy Gravy
With the sax, I learned technique well enough so that it feels like part of my body, and I just express myself. That’s where I want to get in golf.
Credit: Kenny G
I like silence; I’m a gregarious loner and without the solitude, I lose my gregariousness.
Credit: Karen Armstrong
I know of people who don’t believe it, but depression is an illness, but unlike, say, a broken leg, you don’t know when it’ll get better.
Credit: Marian Keyes
Instead of thinking Outside the box, get rid of the box Deepak Chopra
I enjoy now doing what I do… playing golf, relaxing a little, enjoying life.
Credit: Yogi Berra
I’ve got big shoes to fill. This is my chance to do something. I have to seize the moment.
Credit: Andrew Jackson
The cost of living is going up and the Chance of living is going down.
Credit: Flip Wilson meetvile.com
You’ve got to keep fighting – you’ve got to risk your life every six months to stay alive.
Credit: Elia Kazan
You find that you have peace of mind and can enjoy yourself, get more sleep, and rest when you know that it was a one hundred percent effort that you gave – win or lose.
Credit: Gordie Howe
You only get one chance at your life so why not jump cars?
Credit: Dax Shepard
To get to be somebody who gets to love what they do for a living, that’s so rare, and so there must be some kind of price you have to pay.
Credit: Ethan Hawke
The post 100 Motivational Quotes To Bring Your Spirits Up appeared first on Lifehack.
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