#rick dalton imagine
shelbgrey · 1 year
Y/n: *in the back seat of Rick's car* Can either of you tell me who wrote the Great Gatsby?
Cliff: Alfred Hitchcock?
Rick: Hitler?
Y/n: *sighs* F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Rick: Who's that?
Y/n: The author.
Cliff: Well, why are you saying "fuck him"?
Y/n: *confused* What?
Rick: You just said eff Scott Fitzgerald. I mean, what would Scott Fitzgerald do to you?
Cliff: Yeah.
Y/n: No, that's his first name.
Rick: His name's Fuck Scott Fitzgerald?
Y/n: What? No!
Cliff: Well, what does the F stand for?
Y/n: Francis.
Rick: No, it's got to be Fuck. It's got to be Fuck.
Cliff: It must be Fuck. It has to be Fuck.
Y/n: Why the hell would it be "Fuck"?
Rick: Well, 'cuz otherwise, why wouldn't he just say it?
Cliff: Yeah, he's hiding something. It's Fuck. It's Fuck. It's Fuck.
Rick: It's Fuck. It's Fuck.
Y/n: That's completely insane. You guys are idiots.
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strictlyfavorites · 5 months
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Quentin Tarantino, Brad Pitt, and Leonardo DiCaprio Take You Inside 'Once Upon a Time…In Hollywood'
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Tarantino - “This film is the closest thing I’ve done to Pulp Fiction.” What that means in tone and feel, I can’t reveal. But what that means in terms of structure is this: Think multiple characters (some real, some imagined) and story lines that are seemingly unrelated . . . until they are not. Until they intersect and intertwine in surprising ways.
The story, in short—and without giving away too much—goes like this: It’s 1969, a year of tremendous upheaval, not just in America’s streets but also on the backlots of Hollywood. The Golden Age is ending. The original studio system, which has been a source of stability and structure for fifty years, is collapsing as the under-thirty counterculture rejects traditional plotlines and traditional leading men. It’s the year Easy Rider and Midnight Cowboy and The Wild Bunch break big—films that celebrate the antihero and upend the definition of what a matinee idol looks like. It’s against this background that we meet Rick Dalton (DiCaprio), a declining star and a veteran of TV westerns. Rick has, through a combination of ego and dumb decisions, blown his chance to cross over into movie stardom like Steve McQueen (Damian Lewis). About the only thing he can count on is the friendship of his longtime stunt double, Cliff Booth (Pitt). (Meanwhile, Rick’s agent, played by Al Pacino, is trying to get him to do a spaghetti western.)
Then, one night, Rick realizes he might just be one pool party away from turning his career around. His new neighbors, it turns out, are the golden girl of the moment, Sharon Tate (Margot Robbie), and her husband, Roman Polanski (Rafal Zawierucha), who is, thanks to Rosemary’s Baby, the hottest director in town. The stories of Rick, Cliff, and Tate unfold over three days or, as Tarantino says, in three acts: February 8, February 9, and, finally, August 8—the night when Charles Manson (Damon Herriman) dispatched four members of his “Family” to the house next to Rick’s on Cielo Drive in Beverly Hills, where they found Tate, hairdresser Jay Sebring (Emile Hirsch), and three others. It was the night when, as Joan Didion famously wrote, “the sixties ended abruptly . . . the tension broke . . . the paranoia was fulfilled.” Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood is a film that vibrates with ambition, with the entire cast performing at the height of their talent, inside a brilliant story.
It’s also a film that almost never got made. Mostly because Tarantino spent five years writing it as a novel before “I let it become what it wanted to become,” he says. “For a long time, I didn’t want to accept it. Then I did.”
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marcomaddalena · 1 year
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Aujourd’hui je vous présent l’affiche de film « Once Upon a Time in Hollywood » créer par Quentin Tarantino en 2019. C’est un film comédie dramatique qui a lieu en 1969 et est basée sur la famille Manson qui était un gang et culte dirigé par le criminel Charles Manson. La relation des histoires entre Les Bonnes par Jean Genet et « Once Upon a Time in Hollywood » ne sont pas pareil, car Les Bonnes est inspirée des Sœurs-Papin, des sœurs qui sont des bonnes et ont commis un double meurtre sur leurs patronnes en 1933, ce qui est pareil est la façon dont l’auteur Genet et le directeur Tarantino on choisi de raconter leurs histoires.
D’abord, ils ont raconté leur histoire en avoir une pièce dans une pièce ce qu’on trouve dans une méthode du méta-théâtre. Dans Les Bonnes les deux sœurs, Claire et Solange, jouent un jeu à tour de rôle, une sœur est la Madame tandis que l’autre joue le rôle de sa sœur, le but de leur jeu est d’imaginer des scénarios pour le meurtre de la Madame. Par ailleurs dans « Once Upon a Time in Hollywood » le film s’occupe de la vie de Rick Dalton qui est en train de trouver du travail, il rencontre ses nouveaux voisins Polanski et Tate, sans savoir ni leurs noms ni leur occupation qui font partie de la famille Manson. En faisant cela, ça rend la lecture de Les Bonnes et le visionnement de « Once Upon a Time in Hollywood » très complexe parce qu’on ne peut pas clairement distinguer l’intrigue de l’histoire elle-même. Vous pouvez poser la question, pourquoi est-ce qu’un auteur utilise une méthode très complexe pour raconter une histoire ? Est-ce que cela n’empêche pas le lecteur de moins comprendre l’histoire que l’auteur essaie de transmettre ? Évidement oui, en avoir une pièce dans une pièce rend le message que l’auteur essaie de transmettre plutôt flou cependant, cela encourage le lecteur de penser hors de leurs limites et de relever chaque détail pour bien comprendre l’histoire. En outre, cette méthode aussi reflet la vie actuelle, car parfois on a de la difficulté de vivre un style de vie donc on pense et on imagine des scénarios différents pour essayer de penser à ce qu’une autre vie peut être. Une personne moderne peut se perdre dans la perception de vivre une autre vie que parfois les lignes peuvent devenir floues de ce que nous vivons et ce que nous voulons. Il y a l’expression très populaire que je pense bien représente les souhaites des sœurs dans Les Bonnes et c’est – l’herbe est toujours plus verte dans le pré du voisin – mais on n’y pense jamais aux barrières qu’il faut dépasser pour trouver l’herbe plus verte.
En somme, cette méthode améliore le lecteur ou le spectateur à vraiment penser à leurs actions et les conséquences qui suivent avant qu’ils ne prennent une décision claire sur ce qu’ils aimeraient que leur vie soit.
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seal-writes-stuff · 2 years
SFW Alphabet – Rick Dalton
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: mental health struggles, alcohol abuse, mentions of the “OUATIH” ending (if you know, you know)
Summary: All in the title
A/N: Hi everyone! Couldn't post anything last week since I was away from my computer, so I’m uploading two fics this week to make up for that! Hope you enjoy.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Rick isn’t overly affectionate in public. He’s used to paparazzi following his every move, so he wants to shield you from that. In private, however, it’s a different story – Rick never misses an opportunity to shower you in some soft affection (more on that later).
He’s also big on words of affirmation. Rick is ready to ramble to anyone who’s willing to listen about how lucky he is to have you as a partner, how talented you are, how beautiful and so on and so forth. He doesn’t let you doubt his love for even a second.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Your friendship starts when Rick meets you on set. You’re kind to him, in spite of his disheveled state. You’re sweet and genuine, and that’s not something you can easily find in Hollywood. He’s a loyal friend, ready to fight for you and support you in all of your endeavors.
The two of you also go through a horrifically drawn-out period of hopeless pining. You think he’d never notice you among the sea of people he encounters and Rick thinks someone as amazing as you must have plenty of options besides him. The whole thing almost drives Cliff insane before the two of you finally get together.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Although he’s not very vocal about that fact, Rick absolutely loves cuddles. He’s pretty touch starved, so cuddling feels very sweet and intimate to him. Rick's also a little spoon through and through: when you hold him in your arms, his head on your chest as you scratch his scalp gently... Absolute heaven, the man's gone. Don’t tell anyone though.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Let’s face it, he’s not the best when it comes to cooking or cleaning. Not that he’s completely incompetent, he’s just been hiring people to do it for so long that his own skills aren’t all that great.
As for settling down… When you start dating, coming back to his big, empty house starts to feel pretty lonely for Rick. Of course, he doesn’t tell you that, but he invites you to move in pretty soon. He’s pretty defensive about his space, but he gladly lets you in.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’d do it in person, no matter how much it hurts him. The only reason Rick would break up with you is because he believes you deserve better than him, even if it couldn't be further from the truth. In the end, he would spiral: hating himself, blaming himself for ruining one of the few meaningful things in his life.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Rick is the “love at the first sight” type of guy. As in, the man's fully convinced he's going to marry you a week or so into knowing each other. Of course, he wouldn’t propose that soon – not only because he doesn’t want to scare you off, but also because he doesn’t want to drag you into the media spotlight. However, it doesn't matter to you. If it means you can be with Rick for the rest of your life, it's all worth it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s extremely gentle with you, to the point that it actually takes some convincing to stop him from treating you like a porcelain doll. Rick knows that Hollywood can be a harsh place, so he wants you to feel safe and relaxed with him.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Just like with cuddles, hugs are a way to express his love for Rick. He doesn’t hug you in public all that much (aside from occasional half-hug with his hand over your shoulder), but at home it’s a total snugglefest. Rick loves how your bodies connect together perfectly, warm and safe.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
A few months into your relationship. It's casual too: Rick just drops a quick "love you, bye" before heading off to work as you stand there, shocked and overjoyed. He does have a freak-out session about it later though – it’s a good thing that Cliff is there to calm him down. It’s also a good thing that you return Rick’s confession as soon as he come home, pulling your boyfriend in a tight hug.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Rick’s not controlling at all, but he does get jealous from time to time. It stems from his insecurities for the most part: there are moments when he can’t see himself as anything but a has-been with loads and loads of issues. Surely you could’ve find someone better, so why wouldn’t you? He tries to keep it all to himself because he doesn’t want to worry you, but whenever someone tries to flirt with you Rick’s in a fight mode, sometimes literally. He also apologizes profusely afterwards, even though his jealousy is never directed at you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Rick's kisses are passionate and full of devotion. It's his way of showing you his feelings when he struggles to put them into words. His loves to kiss you on the lips and he also likes to pepper your face in quick smooches. The look of you, flustered and giggling, is pure happiness for him.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Rick doesn't really understand kids, so he acts like they’re little adults. He has the good sense to shield them from the harsher parts of life, but he generally treats them as equals. Which, for you, is insanely cute, but he'd never believe you if you told him that.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Rick isn’t a morning person, so you’re usually met with sleepy grumbling as he begs you to stay in bed “just for five more minutes”. When the both of you have time early in the morning he loves to cuddle, basking in your warmth.
By the way, making him breakfast is a sure way of turning Rick into a flustered mess. For him, nothing is more domestic and sweet.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
At night, Rick usually makes cocktails, rehearses the script for the next day or both. Of course, he doesn’t force you to stay up if you don’t want to. Still, his heart warms up when you hang around, even if the two of you just quietly exist together.
Rick also loves to practice his lines with you, even if he has the recording just for that. For him, it feels more personal, like you become a part of his work even when you’re not around.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It’s actually a weird situation. On one hand, he wants you to know everything about him. At the beginning of your relationship, Rick would tell every Hollywood anecdote he could remember, throwing some not-so-discreet glances your way every now and then. He desperately hoped he’d be able to impress you, totally oblivious to the fact that you were impressed already.
On the other, he tries to hide all the "ugly" parts of himself because he fears you’ll love him less because of them. Of course, you’re always here to listen to him, no matter how much or little he reveals. You accept all of him and never get tired of reminding Rick of it.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Rick's emotions are usually pretty strong, but he tends to keep it together unless it comes to hippie altercations. He’s especially patient when it comes to you though. As it’s been said, he’d hate himself if he hurt you, even by accident.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Rick does his best. As in, he keeps a pocket journal so he can jot down little things about you – the place where you grew up, favorite dishes, what makes you smile… Although with the way he does it, everything soon turns into a mess of scribbles, so he has to spend a lot of time deciphering it like it’s some kind of an ancient text.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time you casually dropped that you didn't even watch "Bounty Law" before the two of you met. You’ve said it and forgot about it immediately, but he didn’t. For Rick, it was a sign that you fell in love with him for him, not for his past or current fame. He may have also shed a tear, but he’s not telling you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Rick’s already been protective before, but this gets on a whole new level after what happened that night. He insists on picking you up from work every time, his hand is wrapped around your waist whenever he can get away with it, he gets nervous when you don’t tell him where you’re going, even if it’s just a trip to the grocery store… Rick believes that he failed to protect you, so the thought of something, anything happening to you terrifies him. It takes a lot of time, effort and mutual trust to work through these issues.
Rick also doesn’t want you protecting him because he really wants to be that fearless badass he portrays on screen. You look out for him in other ways though, by helping him battle his demons, cheering him on and accepting him as he is, with all his flaws. Rick really can’t believe how lucky he is to have you sometimes.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Rick goes all out. When it comes to you, he throws all the money he has left and right - he wants you to feel like royalty. You enjoy little things, but he still insists on treating you, at least from time to time.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Definitely drinking. It's Rick's primary form of relaxing, medicating and forgetting about the troubles of the day, which worries you immensely. Rick can get quite stubborn and argue a lot when you confront him, even though deep down he understands that you do it out of love.
Rick’s emotions are also pretty intense most of the time, which isn’t bad by itself. Besides, being in the public eye for so long, he’s learned to control them pretty well. The awful consequence of it though is that he turns all of his unexpressed anger and frustration on himself. The way Rick talks about himself makes you feel terrible, especially the things he says when he thinks you can’t hear him. You always make sure to give him some extra love afterwards.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Weirdly enough, being a Hollywood actor and all, not that much. Rick has heard how handsome he is from his co-stars, interviewers and fans before, but all of that has no weight in his mind. That’s what they’re supposed to say, right? Just part of the business.
Rick believes you when you compliment him, though. That soft look in your eyes, the way you say it… It's all the validation he needs.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. Rick has plenty of doubts about his career, about his life, about who he is as a person – but not with you. You really ground him in reality, make him feel safe and comfortable. He thinks that if you’re by his side, he must be doing something right.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Deep down, Rick is a real nerd when it comes to movies. When he doesn’t star in them, he stops seeing films as opportunities, gained or lost, or a competition and starts seeing them as art. He can talk about it for hours if you let him – and of course you do, playing with his hair as he goes on and on. That passion alone makes you fall for Rick even harder, if that’s even possible.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Well, he isn’t exactly fond of “dirty fuckin’ hippies” – and you’ll have a plenty, plenty of opportunities to hear about it. He also wouldn’t date anyone who would only like him for his fame or someone who would hate his entire personality. Yeah, the last point sounds obvious, but a couple of extremely awkward dinners with Cliff and his then-wife were enough to convince Rick that it’s really not.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)          
He’s a heavy sleeper. When he’s out of it, you can all but jump on the bed – he’s not going to wake up unless there’s an earthquake happening.
Or at least that’s how it used to be until the Manson Family.
Rick hates to talk about it, but you know that the whole thing messed with his mind pretty badly. That’s also when he starts talking in his sleep – mostly in quick, panicked mumbles that you can’t quite make out. You’re currently trying to get him help; above all, you want him to be okay, always.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Imagine # 1,023
Gif NOT mine.
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - @isabelladjanis (Unless told otherwise.)
Year posted - 2022
*I plan in writing more with Rick soon enough, because this man needs more love. (Plus I love Leonardo DiCaprio) I might write a short story about this imagine, but for now enjoy this snippet.
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exceptionimagines · 2 years
Dating Cliff and Rick would include~
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(I feel like I said their names way too much in this but literally …what else am I gonna call them? They’re both old and somewhat blond, what else do I call them??)
- “More than a brother, less than a wife” my ass. Maybe they weren’t rawdogging it in the back of Cliff’s trailer every weekend, but emotionally? They were married with seven kids. Dating one of them means being the third wheel in your own relationship and if you’re choosing that over being with both of them than I’m sorry but you’re kind of a fucking idiot. 
- Unlike other pairings, Cliff and Rick are already so intimate with each other that becoming a throuple can genuinely begin seamlessly without any of the preceding conflict or hesitation that typically occurs. Usually, a poly relationship starts off with just two people dating before another joins in but I think that the three of you could very easily skip that step and date each other immediately. 
- The only thing that’s really difficult about being in a relationship with the two of them is the fact that they’re both semi-public figures who can’t afford to have a scandal on their hands: i.e. being seen canoodling with what appears to be their best friends girl. You have to decide very carefully who gets to be your “outside” boyfriend and from then on, regulate your affection accordingly. 
- Your personality plays a big role in this decision: if you want to be in the limelight and experience fame secondhand then Ricks going to be your man, if you prefer a much more quiet lifestyle than you’ll let people think that you’re Cliff’s girlfriend, etc, etc. 
- Because of this, hugs are a girls best friend. Not only do both the boys love giving/receiving them but they’re also inconspicuous: no one questions why a person would give a close friend a hug nor can a member of the paparazzi snap a picture and spin a bunch of rumors out of a ‘who knows how long’ embrace. 
- Rick likes holding hands, it’s his go-to form of affection, and though Cliff also enjoys having your fingers intertwined, he’s definitely more of an ‘arm wrapped around you’ kind of guy. If you want to hold the stuntman's hand then you’ll typically have to be the one to initiate it. 
- Pecks on the lips. They love when you surprise them with one/give them one yourself. 
- Both of them are suckers for a good, slow kiss. It’s why you can’t kiss them in public: too scandalous, too sexy....
- Sitting in Ricks lap or laying against Cliff’s chest when the three of you sit together. 
- Rick is a laying in the crook of your neck kind of guy while Cliff is either the big spoon or the “bed itself”: wrapping his arms around you while you lay almost completely on top of him. When you’re all sleeping together, Cliff kind of takes the backburner and lets Rick have you; though he always smiles when you blatantly make an effort to touch in some way too. 
- Both of them use the pet name “honey” but other than that, they typically refer to you in wildly different ways. Rick enjoys babying you and calling you things like buttercup, sugarplum, and things that end in “puss”, while Cliff keeps things simple and sticks to “sunshine” and things like that. 
- Cliff fixes things around the house and does acts of service to show his love; along with spending almost all of his time with you. He’s a man of few words while Rick is a man of many, telling you that he loves you constantly while clinging to you like a baby. Rick’s time tends to be limited but he makes up for it when he is home and that’s all that matters.
- Watching all of their television and movie appearances. If you’re an actress, they do the same for you, and even if you aren’t, Rick has probably gotten you a small part in at least one of his shows. He’s a proud puppy whenever you appear on screen, patting your knee excitedly while they both say things like “look at you!!”.
- Helping Rick rehearse for his lines and letting Cliff show off for you; as well as play fighting with him and letting him teach you how to do safe little stunts.
- Cliff knows you can take a tumble while Rick thinks you'll break if he so much as bumps shoulders with you. It’s the reason Cliff is arguably more fun to be around; at least when you’re in the mood to just be fucking tossed.
- You and Rick wearing Cliff’s glasses. You can’t help it …they’re cool  :(.
- Cliff driving the two of you around. He honestly scares the shit out of you with the way he so expertly swerves in and out of highway lanes whenever you’re in his car. Scared yet aroused....
- Going out to dinner together.
- Hanging out in Rick’s pool.
- Rick is a typical glitz and glamor kind of person when he’s picking out gifts for you while Cliff aims to get you more personal, occasionally odd but very “you”, sorts of presents.
- Making sure Rick tones it down with the drinking and keeping Cliff out of trouble.
- Cliff could cut his finger off and not even flinch while Rick will get a minor head cold or a papercut and act like it’s the end of the world. He’s an absolute drama queen and will force either you and/or Cliff to be his nurse.
- Sometimes, you take care of Rick so much that you feel a little guilty for “neglecting” Cliff; even though he assures you that it’s alright and that he doesn’t feel like you are. You’ll proceed to healthily love bomb him and give him your full attention for a while, and though he’ll continue to reassure you that you “don’t gotta worry bout [him]”, he can’t deny that it’s the most comfort he’s felt in years.
- Cliff is a little embarrassed for you to see where he lives; especially since you spend so much time around Rick’s place, but you always assure him that you don't mind and you prove that you don’t by wanting to be there and visiting him whenever you can. He doesn’t want to get married ever again but boy do you make it tempting when you’re standing in his tiny kitchen, making him dinner with a smile on your face.
- Brandy is with you 24/7. She’s adopted you and she’s very protective of her new human; just like Cliff taught her to be. She’s still a “daddy’s girl” but you’re a very close second and you should feel very honored.
- Cliff can always tell when somethings the matter while Rick tends to be a bit more oblivious; which kind of sucks because Rick is definitely the one you’d probably prefer talking to whenever you’re upset.
- It’s not that Cliff is bad at consoling you, it’s just that he’s less …emotionally available. Rick is much more comfortable having a deep and emotional conversation while Cliff is more of a “bury your emotions” kind of guy; even if he’s happy to lend an ear and shoulder to cry on whenever you need it.
- You and Cliff hyping Rick up and giving him motivational speeches.
- Helping to soothe and calm Rick down whenever he has a crisis. It’s a little more socially acceptable for him to hug a woman in front of the Mexicans....
- There’s zero jealousy between the two of them and since you’re in a poly relationship, they typically feel as though there’s no reason for them to be jealous of anyone else either; your relationship is a little hard to threaten as an outsider. But, on occasion, someone will rub them the wrong way and either one or both of them will come over and make it obvious that you’re “off limits”. 
- If somethings the matter, Cliff handles it. Rick is protective too but it’s almost always Cliff who does the heavy lifting and who’s ready to pick a fight the minute he see’s that you’re upset. Rick is more of a worrier than an doer. 
- Arguments tend not to happen in your relationship. The three of you have an “us against the world” mentality so if you’re upset at someone, it’s usually at an outsider. 
- But, for the few times you do fight, it’s usually you and Rick arguing; mainly because Cliff is a terrible person to argue with. Almost all fights are calm and collected: you bicker and then you come to a resolution or give each other space until it doesn't matter any more. 
- Both of you tend to apologize, even if it was just one person who was technically in the wrong and then you spend the rest of the day being all lovey dovey with each other. 
- As I said before: Rick tells you that he loves you constantly while Cliff is a man of few words. The stuntman prefers to show his love rather than say it and you’ve come to understand what certain actions of his “really mean”. 
- Cliff isn’t keen on getting married for a second time while Rick would be over the moon to have a wife; which honestly just makes things easier. Both of them lowkey want a family so be prepared for that conversation after you’ve been together for a while....
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fangirl-imagines · 4 years
Dating Cliff Booth Would Include...
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A/N: I will never get over how hot Brad Pitt is in this movie at 54. 
Imagine calling him pretty boy just to tease him.
He blushes most of the time when you say it which just encourages you to say it more. 
He loves you, he does, but he will definitely leave your bed in the middle of the night to go get Rick whenever Rick calls him needing something. 
Rick and you would probably end up friends though considering how much time you spend together. 
Plus he’s so good to Cliff (and to you too once he gets to know you) that how could you ever not like him?
Cliff will constantly joke that Brandy likes you more than him most of the time even though everyone knows that dog is practically his baby.
Whenever he has to go out of town with Rick for a job or keep an eye on Rick for a few nights you end up taking care of Brandy.
Not that you mind because ofc you fall in love with how sweet that dog is. 
Anytime you need anything done around your place Cliff will automatically volunteer to take care of it for you. 
You need your car’s oil changed? He’s got you covered. Got a stuck door lock? No problem. Been wanting to paint your bedroom? He’s glad to help. 
Cliff Booth’s love language is acts of service and you can’t change my mind on that. 
This man is like the human embodiment of top energy. Do with that what you will.
He is usually really gentle with you though (unless you ask him not to be). 
He is an amazing kisser. Like grabs your face in both hands and really kisses you type of thing. 1000/10 recommend. 
Don’t expect sweet nothings. Cliff is a man of few words and doesn’t usually voice his feelings but he still finds ways to let you know how he feels. 
He opens up more with you than most other people though.
You guys would have so many inside jokes between the two of you because of this. 
He likes to hold your hand while driving with the other. 
Cliff is the ultimate hype man! He is always there and ready to pump you up when you need it.
He always gives you calm supporting vibes as if he just knows when things are going to work out fine and it is honestly so helpful when you’re nervous about something. 
I picture lots of hang out type date nights where the two of you just kind of watch some TV, play with Brandy, and smoke weed together. 
He always swears he is never going to get married again and he 100% means that too. 
He is fine with living with you and he doesn’t want to be with anybody else but his first marriage was such a disaster that he has sworn off marriage all together. 
Part of him is really nervous that you’ll leave him after you hear the rumors about his ex-wife. 
And of course when word gets around that you’re dating Cliff people are practically lining up to “warn you” about him and tell you all about what happened to his ex-wife. 
You don’t believe it for a second though and adamantly defend him whenever anyone brings it up. 
He may or may not have realized he was in love with you the first time he heard you defending him to some random person who tried to say something bad about him. 
He’s not used to people really caring enough about him to do that and it meant a lot to him. 
Speaking of defending each other…
Cliff is incredibly protective over you. Like someone can look at you wrong and Cliff is ready to throw hands. 
If you work in Hollywood, especially as an actress, he is even more protective of you because he’s always afraid some sleazy producer or someone is going to try to mess with you or put you down. 
He secretly kind of loves it when you fawn over him after he does a few stunts, always worried that he’s going to get hurt. 
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obscure-imagines · 5 years
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“well i’ll be damned.” Cliff laughed, rubbing at his stubble covered jaw as he watched you walk by, head buried in your lines as you mouthed them to yourself over and over, “did you know she’d be here?”
“of course i didn’t know she’d be here, fuck!” Rick screamed.
“is this a bad thing?” Cliff asked.
“she’s already made me forget my lines, nothin but a distraction i swear to fucking god-”
“well if you’re not going to go talk to her-”
Cliff grabbed his door handle to get out of the car but Rick grabbed his arm, “don’t you think about it.” Rick warned.
Cliff laughed, “or what?”
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imagine-richards · 5 years
Would y'all hate me if I opened up requests for once upon a time in Hollywood?? Rick and Cliff are my babies
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unculturedswine-101 · 3 years
Son of a lovin’ man
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A/N: I made some slight changes from what you see on screen, but I tried my best to keep it consistent. Also the “Hugh” that I’m referring to is Hugh Hefner; the founder of Playboy Magazine.
Cliff’s outfit: https://celebleatherjackets.com/Once-Upon-A-Time-In-Hollywood-Brad-Pitt-Jacket
Rick’s outfit: https://vintagedancer.com/1960s/1960s-mens-fashion/ (second image down brown coat and orange turtleneck)
Cliff’s POV:
“Rick, you almost ready?!” Cliff yelled, putting on his white jacket.
It was a pretty big deal that Rick was getting invited to a Playboy mansion party. Actually it was a big deal that Rick was getting invited to any kind of big party, given the fact that he hadn’t been doing anything big career wise. It was only when Rick overheard that Hugh was a big fan of ‘Bounty Law’ that he and Rick got acquainted and became good friends. Such good friends that Hugh extended an invitation to him (and a plus one) to a party at the mansion.
“How do I look?” Rick strutted into the living room, boots clunking against the wood floor. “Outta sight my friend, but we gotta hurry if we wanna make it to this party” Rick nodded as they left the house and got into Rick’s 1966 Cadillac Coupe de Ville. “S’okay if I turn on the radio?” Cliff asked while Rick sat in the back bouncing his leg “y-yeah it’s all right” he stuttered looking out the window.
*Deep purple’s Hush plays*
“I got a certain little girl on my mind, no doubt about it she looks so fine. She’s the best girl that I ever had no doubt about it make me feel so bad. Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na”
Cliff looked up at the rear view seeing Rick’s nervousness, “you okay back there buddy?” “I don’t know if I can do this Cliff, I-I mean have you h-heard who’s gonna be there?” He looks at Cliff worried, looking for some kind of advice as they turn out of Cielo drive. “So what if there’s going to be a lot of hot shots there? You know what else is gonna be there? A lotta girls!” Rick smacks Cliff’s shoulder a smile spreading on his face “Hey, hey and m-maybe they’rell be some for you too Cliff! He kept his eyes focused on the road “I highly doubt it!”
Your POV:
Sharon had been your friend for years, ever since meeting on the set of ‘Valley of the Dolls’ with you as a makeup artist, you two had been inseparable. “Oh my god Sharon, you look amazing!” You commented at Sharon’s yellow ensemble, complete with makeup done by you of course. “I know! Is that what you’re wearing y/n?” “Yeah” you laughed as you looked down at your outfit, was it outdated? Yes. But was it within your budget as a makeup artist? Yes. “Not on my watch!” Sharon smiled grabbing your hand to her room where she opened her closet flipping through clothes. “With parties at the Mansion you have to find just the right thing…aha!” Sharon pulled out a short white dress with long sleeves.
The dress: https://pin.it/685mBGr
“Oh and that belt that goes with it of course!” She turned around grabbing a silver belt holding the items out for you. “Sharon..I don’t know what to say..” She smiled at your enamoured face, “Say you’ll wear to the party! Cmon I’m sure you’ll look like a total fox!” You gave up, “Alright..give me a second” you laughed taking the garments to the bathroom to change. “Wow was Sharon right” you thought to yourself, turning around seeing how the outfit hugged your curves. Confidently you strutted to Sharon who was in the living room, doing up her snakeskin coat. “See! What did I tell you? An absolute fox! Now cmon Roman’s got the car started”. You and Sharon went inside the car and sped away to the mansion.
—————————Short time skip—————————
Cliff’s POV:
Cliff finally pulled into the mansion but before Cliff or Rick can even get out the valet asks “And who are you?” But Hugh comes up behind the Valet before I or Rick can respond “Sorry about this Rick, This here’s Rick Dalton, and uh sorry I didn’t catch your name..” “Cliff Booth, Rick’s stunt double” Cliff saluted. “Right, make sure you park Rick’s car nice and close so they can leave easily” he pats the valet on the back “Right away Mr. Hefner!” The young boy nods taking the keys from Cliff as Rick and Cliff get out of the car. Hugh instantly puts an arm around Rick talking to him about something Cliff could care less about as Cliff makes his way through the mansion to the backyard. Cliff decides to park himself on a boulder, taking a drink from a tray of one of the playboy bunnies, looking her up and down….this might not be such a bad party after all.
Your POV:
With you in the back and Sharon and Roman in the front, you arrive at the mansion. “Oh look they’re here!” Sharon points out, referring to Steve McQueen, Michelle Phillips and Jay Sebring. Roman honks his horn as they all wave with Michelle and Steve smoking cigarettes. As you all get out of the car Roman plops the keys to the car in the valet hand “Welcome to the Playboy Mansion Mr. Polanski”. “Heyy, how are doing baby?” Steve opens his arms as Sharon jumps and Steve spins her around “And y/n, always nice to see you!” Steve says pulling you in for a hug “Nice to see you Stevie!” You comment, as you and him embrace (Steve and you had a fling for a while but you both knew it was never going to last, but you two are still on good terms). You, Sharon and Michelle all entered the mansion while Jay and Roman got reacquainted behind you as “Son of a lovin’ man” by the Buchanan brothers blasted from speakers. Then all three of you met up with mama Cass and Sharon hugged “And you remember y/n right?” You smiled as you met eyes with Cass “Of course! Now cmon let’s dance!” All four of you skipped to the dance area where everyone seemed to be happy; people dancing in the pool, people dancing on the stone floor laughing and having a good time. Then you all broke off dancing and grooving to the music.
Cliff’s POV:
It had been about 15 minutes of Cliff sitting there sipping away at his drink taking in the party, he wasn’t much of a dancer and he didn’t really know anyone at there, but he was happy sitting there just the same. It wasn’t until he heard some loud laughing from the doors that piqued his interest; Sharon Tate, Michelle Phillips, Mama Cass…and a beautiful woman next to the three other women, who was she? They all danced down the steps and skipped past Cliff but despite the popularity of the other three women, he could not take his eyes off of you, the way the red party lights hit every one of your features as you swung your hips just made him more enamoured with your beauty. And although his usual forwardness with ladies, he couldn’t bring himself to stand up, Cliff Booth, was too scared to go up to a girl and ask her out.
Your POV:
Many songs had played by this point and you were getting tired, you decided to sit down next to a good looking man who was pulling out a cigarette.
“Hey, can I have one?” You asked the blonde “Sure darlin’” you smiled at the nickname as you plucked one out of the red apple box putting it between your lips. “I’m guessing’ you need a light?” You nodded as the man put the flame of his lighter to your cigarette as you deeply inhaled then exhaled as did he.
“Man, these cigarettes are shit..no offense” you look up at him taking another drag. He laughs, “None taken, my buddy Rick was sponsored by Red Apple a few years back, and he hated them so now he just has surplus of cigarettes..and someone needs to smoke ‘em” he sighed and examining the cigarette. “So what’s your name?” You asked examining his features. “Cliff, and yours?” “Y/n” you smiled. “Y/n” Cliff repeats looking you up and down making you blush.
“And what is it you do for a livin’ Miss. y/n?” This guy was really hot, his voice, his eyes and his sandy blonde hair made you feel butterflies all over “I’m a makeup artist” you responded shaking yourself out of your thoughts. “Makeup artist, for who? Sharon?” “Sort of, I met her on the set of Valley of the Dolls, and I’ve been her makeup artist/best friends for 3 years now” “Well sheit..” Cliff seems at a loss for words “My buddy Rick, y’know the one I was talkin’ about, he’s an actor. Lives right next to Sharon on Cielo Drive!” Your eyes widened “Really I’m over there all the time! I never really noticed any of her neighbours…small world” you shrugged. Hey you think any of your makeup skills could cover up any of these wrinkles?” He pointed to the wrinkles on his forehead. “I don’t think so..besides I like a man with a little experience” you teased caressing your hand against the silver and brown stubble on face. Cliff looked down smiling as The Turtles “Happy Together” started playing.
Imagine me and you, I do, I think about you day and night it’s only right to think about the girl you love and hold her tight..so happy together….
“Hey you wanna dance” you smiled taking Cliff’s large hand in yours. “I’m not really a dancer darlin’” Cliff said still sitting on the boulder “aw cmon just one song?” You begged putting out your cigarette on the ground crushing it with your boot. “Oh alright, but just this one” he reluctantly got up as you still held his hand leading him to the dance floor.
If I should call you up, invest a dime, and you say you belong to me, and ease my mind. Imagine how the world could be fine, So happy together….
You flung both your arms around Cliff’s neck as he put his hands at your waist; the feeling of them sent shivers down your spine as you danced with him.
——————Another time skip———————————
Untrue to your words you danced with Cliff for more than one song but Cliff didn’t seem to mind, seeing how much fun you were having.
Suddenly Sharon came behind you and tapped you on the shoulder “Hey y/n Roman and I were thinking of heading home is that okay with you?” You were suddenly released from Cliff’s grasp as you turned around “Oh for sure, it is getting kind of late…Oh Sharon, this is Cliff, Cliff this is Sharon” “Nice to meet ya” Cliff smiled shaking Sharon’s hand “likewise” Sharon smiled “Cliff’s friends Rick actually lives right next to you!” You added trying to ease the awkwardness “Oh right, Rick Dalton right? Roman and I have been meaning to come over and say hello” Cliff nodded “Hey it’s all good”. Roman came up the three people chatting “Ready to go?” “Yup!” Sharon quipped “It was nice meeting you Cliff! Cmon y/n” Sharon and Roman held hands as they walked back inside the house “I’ll be there in a minute!” You called as you fiddled through the items in your purse till you found what you were looking for; a pen. You then picked up Cliff’s arm writing down your phone number as you put the cap back on and put the pen back in your purse “Call me!” You winked as you turned around and jogged up the stairs, Cliff staring at you till you disappeared into the house.
Not a bad party at all..
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The Confession: Cliff Booth x Fem!Reader
Requested by @lababy2727
TW: abusive ex
@tealaquinn @frozenhuntress67 @juxt4p0siti0n @kwyloz
@what-the--curtains @taikawho
*Let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist! :)))
******************** "Well, shit Cliff..." Rick chuckled, leaning against the car door as they drove down the highway after a long day on set. Cliff grunted, though, he couldn't hide a smirk. "You're a damn lucky man, partner."  He couldn't forget you. It was your first big role in a Hollywood film. You walked on set, absolutely star struck, though you kept your cool. You wore a bright yellow dress, and a kind smile. You were an actress working on a movie with Rick, and Cliff. You and Rick had to kiss in one scene,  and of course you were both professional about it. "It's only acting," Rick laughed a little. It had only been a few days since filming began, but the three of you had hit it off. More specifically, you and Cliff hit it off... And Rick was having a lot of fun pointing out every single chance he got.
Cliff rolled his eyes behind his shades, as he pulled into the driveway. The two made their way into Rick's place to watch Bounty Law, and drink a couple of beers.
"How'd you know?" "Kn-know? Know what?" RIck smirked, knowing damn well what he knew. Cliff grumbled, "Forget it." Rick chuckled, "Whenever Y/n gets you goin', you run off." "I don't run off." "Today sh-she made you laugh too m-much, and you t-told her you had to go b-back to your trailer." "So?" "Cliff, you don't h-have a trailer." "..." Rick went on, "Y/n's a smart kid. She sure as hell knows that." Cliff sighed, "Well shit...She don't know that." "N-no she knows." "Well shit." Cliff shrugged, pretending not to care...but he absolutely did. "Sh-she knows why you said t-that." Rick smirked, though Cliff shook his head, "Y/N's just sweet. That's all."
"Sure. That's all. That's why y-you mentioned her out of the b-blue, huh?" Rick laughed as he popped the cap off another beer. "She might just be worth mentioning," Cliff smirked a little as he opened a beer, and put his feet up. There was a knock on the door, and Rick got up. "Glad you feel that way." Cliff narrowed his eyes, knowing Rick never mentioned anyone else joining them. He opened the door, "Y/n!" Rick greeted you with a bear hug and led you into the livingroom. "Glad you could make it! I was just about to make some margaritas. Y-You want one?" You giggled, not because of your slightly-intoxicated friend, but because you caught a glimpse of Cliff scrambling ot his feet. "Sure thing, Rick." "Alright, you g-go on n' get y-yourself a seat, kid." He winked, noting your reaction at seeing Cliff. You bit your lip, and glanced down as you stammered a little, "C'mon, now Rick." He lit a cigarette with a laugh, "Margaritas' gon' ta-take a while, make yourselves comfortable."  He disappeared into the kitchen, and you called out, "Nothing's gonna-" You bumped into Cliff. "Y/n!" "Cliff!" You laughed nervously, but sincerely. You didn't expect him to be there, but you weren't complaining. It was a fun night, with  just the three of you... Well...Rick kept coming up with excuses to leave the room, and you didn't quite realize why. Looking back on it...it wasn't much of a mystery. So, a couple nights a week, you'd join Cliff and Rick to watch Bounty Law. Sometimes you'd hang out other days and watch other show. Maybe the Saint, or the Time Tunnel. Whatever was on. Margaritas, Bloody Mary's, beer and cigarettes  became a familair sight. Cliff became less standoffish. He stopped running off to his imaginary trailer. You made him laugh and smile like he hadn't done in as long as he could remember. Eventually, you started seeing each other (without Rick around...and he might have been the happiest person in the world when he heard that). Some nights you and Cliff met at Musso & Frank's. Some nights you went by the Santa Monica Pier. Some nights, even if you'd planned to go out on the town, you'd both just stay at your place, make dinner together, or hang around. Months passed, and you were with Cliff and Rick, watching another episode of Bounty Law, when you saw a trailer for your new movie. Clinking margaritas and bloody mary's you celebrated that night. Still, it meant your time working together was coming to an end. Rick sighed with a shrug, "That's Hollywood. Meet nice people, move around, a-and meet more nice p-people." You nodded, though you were just starting your career out, you quickly learned that. You mentioned in passing that you'd landed a part in another movie. You'd start filming in Hawaii in a few days. It'd be a while before you could find the time to watch Bounty Law with them...or do anything with Cliff. Rick asked, "B-but you'll be at th-the wrap up party, tomorrow night, won't you?" You sighed, thinking about it. You really wanted to go, having met so many wonderful people on set....specifically Cliff and Rick. But it was the night you were flying to Hawaii. Still... "Maybe for an hour or two. Don't get your hopes up, boys." You smiled, glancing at Cliff, as you stood by the door. "Bye, darlin'." Rick hugged you, just in case you couldn't go. "Bye, Rick." He chuckled, then glanced between you and Cliff, finding an excuse to leave you alone again. "Y/n..." "Yeah, Cliff?" You waited with a soft smile, and it made him blush...which was not an easy thing to do. Yet you did it so effortlessly. Before he could say anything, you both heard a loud crash somewhere in the house, followed by Rick cursing. Cliff sighed, knowing he'd have to fix whatever it was eventually. He laughed a little, resting his hand against your face, "Good luck out there, kid." You smirked, "I'll bring you back a Hawaiian shirt or two." He laughed again, and his glance lingered on you. "If you can't go tomorrow...I mean..." "Aw, Cliff..." You flung your arms around him, "I'm gonna miss you." He hugged you back, resting his chin on the top of your head, "I'm gon' miss you too..." You left, though you knew there was more on his mind. You also knew that with Cliff, you couldn't push him to say things when he wasn't ready to. He stood by the doorway, as you pulled out of the driveway and drove down the hill lined with houses. He jumped a little when he heard a voice behind him. "You love her." He shut the door, and turned to Rick, who had  a smug grin on his face. "She's young, Rick. Big up and coming star. She don't need me." "You're too old for this 'i-if you love her l-let her go' shit, man." "Forget it, man." Cliff shook his head, put his shades on, and his denim jacket, and grabbed his keys. Brandy was definitely hungry, after all. Rick muttered, "Goddamn it." having worked so hard to bring you and Cliff together, and it ended just like that... The next night, you drove down the highway. You sighed with a soft smile, seeing as you had an hour or two to spare. You pulled up to the big mansion, hearing blaring music, and seeing bright colorful lights from the street.  You left your luggage in the trunk. You'd only be around for an hour or two, then make your way to the airport. It wasn't long before you spotted Cliff, wearing a bright yellow Hawaiian shirt. "Cliff!" He picked your voice out among the crowd, quickly turning around, with the widest grin you'd seen in your life, as he practically rushed toward you with open arms,  "Y/n!" You were only beginning to talk, swaying with the music together, loosely, making each other laugh. "Y/N." You both heard a loud, agressive, drunken voice stagger through the crowd. You muttered, "For fuck's sake." His name was Mike. He was your ex. And he was not happy. He pulled you away from Cliff, gripping you by your forearm. "What the fuck did I tell you about-" Cliff stepped in immediately between you and Mike, with a warning and low voice, "Hey man. Leave her alone." He barely looked at Cliff, "Stay out of this, pal," then looked back at you with glaring, fuming eyes. "We're through, Mike. We've been through for months. Get that through your fat fucking head." He scowled, and  lunged at you, but Cliff gragged him by his shirt, slamming him onto the concrete, as people gathered around. Some beginning to pull Cliff away, while others dragged Mike out of the property. As soon as he was out, everyone let Cliff go. He could have broken every bone in Mike's body, but he didn't want to scare you, he didn't want blood on his favorite shirt, and frankly... a drunken asshole of a  stuntman like Mike wasn't worth a night in jail. The crowd slowly dissipated, moving toward the bar, the pool, and the music. "Cliff..." He looked at you with a soft expression. You picked his shades up from the ground, though they were broken. You ran into his arms, and he said, "I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't think-" "No, no you-" He looked at you. Your eyes... He couldn't keep lying to you. So he said what he'd wanted to say from the moment he met you on set. Even if you went on to be a big star, if you moved on, if you forgot about him, he'd never forgive himself for not letting you know this one thing. "I love you." You looked up at him, knowing it was almost time for you to go. You hadn't even left yet, and you missed him already. "I love you, too." He smiled, "You know where to find me." "Friday night, at Rick's." It may take a few months till filming wrapped up, but you'd be there. "I'll bring some beer," you laughed, as he walked with you to your car. He ended up driving you to the airport himself, just for a half hour more with you. You kissed goodbye, and you remarked, "Save one of those margarita's for me?"
He winked with a grin, "You got it, baby."
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Baby (Cliff Booth)
Requested by: @sergeant-donny-donowitz (you should give her a follow if you haven't already, she's an outstanding writer!) I apologize it took me so damn long, I've been really busy lately.
Summary: The affection between Cliff and you is more than obvious but both of you are too stubborn to confess. All you 'need' is to involuntarily meet your ex hippie boyfriend so Cliff could save you and finally realize his feelings.
Author's Note: Hope you enjoy! Requests are open!
"Hello my Hollywood star!" your voice echoed through Rick's hall as you walked in the living room with two six packs of beer in each hand. "Hey B-baby!" your actor friend got up from the coach to hug you tight. You held him probably a little bit longer than you should but you just missed him so much and haven't seen him and Cliff for such a long time because of the new job as an actor you got. 
"C'mon, have a s-seat, Baby!" he laughed and put his hand around your shoulder. You smiled happily at the random memory that just appeared in your head.
"Can you stop it, Rick?" you frowned at him and started to walk away because the way he just embarrassed you in front of so many people was way behind the line. He just laughed at your behaviour and ran after you, "Jesus Y/N, don't be such a baby. I-it was just a fun."
"Yeah, maybe for you, Mr Dalton." you didn't even look at him when you said that.
"Now y-you're calling me by m-my surname? That's very m-mature."
"Can you just shut up?"
"Okay, f-fine. I'll stop it."
"I'm so done with you, Rick fucking Dalton." 
"Ohhh, you l-love me!"
At that point, you couldn't stay angry at Rick anymore. And ever since, he'd been calling you Baby. Only in serious conversations he'd call you by your real name.
"Cliff is on his way, don't w-worry." Rick said all of a sudden while making margaritas in the kitchen. "I didn't say anything." you tried to cover the sudden nervousness behind a smile.
"Then why the fuck y-you're blushing so damn hard?" he laughed loudly and turned to face you, "now tell me what has been g-going on with you two." 
You didn't even tried to stop the way this conversation was slowly going. Rick obviously knew about your feelings towards Cliff, it wasn't really hard to guess that because your red cheeks gave you away every single time. Even Cliff had to know...
"I've never seen him that h-happy when he's with you, Y/N." Rick broke the silence between you two and your heart dropped a little when you heard those words. 
"What are you talking about?" 
"Don't tell me you d-don't see it! Every time he just gets to talk to y-you, his eyes sparkle and he can't help it but smile like a freaking idiot a-all the time."
And once again, your cheeks were turning into the light tone of red. "And then you're blushing so h-hard when he talks with you and this just c-completes the whole l-love story."
"Geez, shut up and drink." you laughed but deep down you were wishing for Rick's words to be true.
You were lying on the coach with Rick watching nothing else but Bounty Law when there was this specific knock on the front door you'd recognize any time. You jumped on your feet maybe too happily and ran over to open the door.
"Try not to be r-red like a fucking tomato, Baby!" 
Damn it, Rick! Can you shout a bit louder so Cliff could hear you?!
Causal dark blue jeans, plain black T-shirt, mokasins, nothing special but it was probably the most beautiful thing you'd seen in the past week.
"I freakin' missed ya so much." Cliff mumbled and immediately wrapped his strong arms around your body. This was rather unusual gesture of Cliff because he wasn't the sentimental type of guy so you enjoyed this little moment as much as you could, his hand was gently rubbing your back and you felt genuinely safe. "I missed you too, Cliff." you whispered and pulled him even closer to you even though there wasn't any space left between you two.
"We forgot the fucking h-hippie sucker Tex!" Rick shouted all of sudden. "Oh yeah, this idiot. I hate him." Cliff nodded and took a drag from his cigarette as he rolled his eyes at the little memory.
Cliff knew you weren't lucky when it comes to picking boyfriends and you probably knew it as well but were just too stubborn to admit it. Exactly this was eating the stuntman alive. All he ever wanted was you to be truly happy, even if it wasn't with him. And seeing you so broken from all the bad relationships, it hurt him like hell. He wanted to hug you tight, stroke your hair and kiss your forehead and tell you it'll be all fine. He wanted to fall asleep next to you as well as wake up. He wanted to walk Brandy with you. He just simply wanted you. There hadn't been anyone in his life that made him feel the way you did. 
"Hey, I left something in my car, I'm gonna go get it. I'll be right back." you informed your friends, got up from the TV and quickly left the house. 
There was this nice summer breeze in the air that made you shiver a bit but you didn't mind it at all.
You didn't leave anything in the car. It was just too much for you to be in the same room as Cliff. You cursed under your breath for allowing yourself to have this kind of feeling towards him. It was impossible for you to be with him. You knew you'd probably break his heart in the end because it may not work out and you didn't want to destroy something so beautiful. 
"Well, well, well. Look who we have here?"
You slowly turned around and you had to blink a few times just to make sure you're not dreaming. "Hi Tex." you breathed out and took a small step back. "What? You afraid of me, little princess? C'mon, we'll just have some fun together." he winked at you and roughly grabbed your wrist.
You were pretty scared at this moment - your heart was racing inside your chest so fast, your hands were trembling. 
"Just leave me alone. We're done." you tried to sound cold and tough but when he laughed contemptuously, you knew you failed at it. However, his smile disappeared as fast as it formed on his lips and in the next second you felt his hand slap your cheek so hard you fell on the ground and bruised your palms. 
"What the fuck is goin' on here?!" Cliff shouted and was standing right next to you in a matter of one second. He looked at you with so much love and concern, you almost forgot about the burning pain.
"You're Tex, right?" Cliff growled when he turned to the guy and clenched his fists, "listen to me, if you ever show your fucking ass here again or even lay your eyes on her, I swear I'm gonna beat the shit out of you with a can of dog food and then I'll make you eat it, understood?"
All Tex could do was nod.
"Great, now get the fuck out of here!" Cliff raised his voice and that made your ex boyfriend turn around and run away as fast as possible.
"Come here, Y/N." Cliff almost whispered and stroked your hurt cheek. You smiled at him, "Thank you for saving me."
"We should do that for the people we love."
You froze in the moment. He froze right after you when he realised what he just said. There was a small silence between you two. You saw how Cliff was trying to get some words out: "Look, I don't even know why I-" You cut him off with a small innocent kiss, something you wanted to do for some time now. Your cheek didn't hurt anymore or your palms and all you could perceive on was his lips on yours and his hands around your waist.
Well, until Rick came out of the house with a flamethrower in his hands, "Where's the fucking hippie, guys"?
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nitrateglow · 4 years
Roat (as played by Tarantino in 1998): I have gasoline here. This place will go up like the Third Reich at the end of 'The 14 Fists of McCluskey'...
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starboymp3 · 5 years
i want an au where the nice guys' duo and the gang of once upon a time in hollywood meet (even though the nice guys is set in 1977 and ouatih is set in 1969 but whatever it's an au anything can happen, right)
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tea-is-at-8-pm · 3 years
Aldo Raine was born in 1898
Donny Donowitz was born in 1908
(assuming the age of the actors for the movie's release year is the age of the characters)
Cliff Booth was born in 1924
Lee Donowitz was born in 1945
This is a compilation of small details. Lee Donowitz was 48 years old when he died in 1993, so he must have been born in the previous year mentioned. This implies that Donny must have inherited his surname shortly before he died in 1944. On the other hand, Aldo was 25 when Cliff was born.
It is interesting to think that at some point Cliff was the one who introduced Lee To The World of Movies and they probably met sometime after the war ended and when Lee was old enough. Cliff is 21 years older than Lee, but the fact that they were both in the world of cinema (which is quite common speaking of the Tarantino universe) makes me think that they both know each other and they both had a common interest. Imagine that Rick Dalton and Cliff Booth came to work with Lee Donowitz on a movie years after what happened in Once upon a time in Hollywood!
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Aldo Raine (46 years old in 1944, 71 in 1969 -Once upon a time in Hollywood)
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Cloff Booth (21 years old in 1944)
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Donny Donowitz (36 years old in 1944) (Had he survived the war, he would be 61 years old)
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Lee Donowitz (Born in 1945, he is 24 years old in 1969- Once upon a time in Hollywood)
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highandlowculture · 4 years
In the second act of Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood, washed-up actor Rick Dalton is on the set of a TV western as his stuntman and best buddy, Cliff Booth is revisiting Spahn Ranch, a former set for movie westerns. The ranch has been taken over by a bunch of hippies who follow some guy name “Charlie”. The heavy of the hippies is a fella by the name of Tex Watson. When conflict arises between Cliff and the hippies, one of the girls runs off to fetch Tex, who’s busy showing a tourist couple around the ranch. Hearing that there’s trouble brewing, Tex snaps to it, galloping across the western landscape on horseback and wearing a black hat. It’s a sweeping shot straight out of a John Ford film. That’s when it clicked for me…
Tarantino has made his third western.
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Although there were always spaghetti western elements in his films (especially in Kill Bill vol. 2), QT hadn’t made a full-fledged western until 2012’s Django Unchained. Though entertaining and with an African-American lead, the film is his most straight-forward movie. We know who the heroes are, we know who the villains are. Wrongs are righted with a six-shooter and a hero’s grin. Its followup was another western, 2015‘s The Hateful Eight, a much darker and far less heroic film. All of the characters are flawed if not outrightly fucked-up. If Django Unchained was the sumptuously shot crowd pleaser, The Hateful Eight was the claustrophobic, nihilistic reversal. The western myth of heroes and villains is subverted by an unsavory group of characters who drag each other through snow, blood and racial slurs. Maybe the Old West was a pretty rough place to live in after all!
And now, in 2019, QT transports us to another Old West: 1969 Hollywood.
Fifty years ago. Half a century. Pretty old, right?
Already contentious with reviewers, one of the main debates surrounding Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood is its handling of Sharon Tate and the Manson Family. In the summer of ’69, when Tate, her unborn baby and her houseguests were brutally murdered by three members of the Manson Family, it sent shockwaves throughout Hollywood and America. The utopian dream of the 1960s was over. That’s the sanitized, less complicated history anyway. At the time many people were blaming satanism and Tate’s husband Roman Polanski for his hedonistic ways. Plus anyone deep in the trenches of late 60s hipdom knew that some of the peace-and-love spouting Flower Children might be psychopaths that could turn on a dime. Such darkness was foreshadowed in the music of The Doors and Velvet Underground. As Joan Didion recalled in her seminal work The White Album:
“Black masses were imagined, and bad trips blamed. I remembered all of the day’s misinformation very clearly, and I also remember this, and wish I did not: I remember that no one was surprised.”
Knowing this I find it disappointing just how many reviewers fail to see how sympathetic QT is to Sharon and her friends. They’re shown as cool people with a good vibe (only Roman is shown to be prickish when he speaks rudely to a dog). Sharon and Jay Sebring like to listen to records and enjoy life. No satanism. No orgies. And Sharon’s a generous person. She picks up hippie hitchhikers and buys her husband a Thomas Hardy novel. She relishes the communal experience of watching herself in the Dean Martin film The Wrecking Crew. It’s not just about her. She’s enjoying the connection she’s making with the theater’s audience. On the infamous August night, the film’s narrator talks about how Sharon, in the late stage of her pregnancy, was feeling hot and anxious. In short, Sharon is humanized. She’s a thoughtful, spirited and benevolent presence throughout the film. I think reviewers who view her just as “a Barbie doll” are revealing more of their own lack of empathy than QT’s. And people getting hung-up on how many lines her character speaks have some skewed priorities. As if the only way a person has worth is if they talk a lot. Talking. Talking. Talking. There are so many empty vessels running at the mouth these days. Social media voices bombard us constantly. There’s something to be said for some quiet dignity every once in awhile. Regardless, Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood isn’t Sharon’s film and it’s not a biopic. It’s Rick and Cliff’s film and it’s a western.
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If comedy is “tragedy plus time”, then the same can be said for any work of art. The mythology of the Old West often mixed historical and fictional characters. Whether they were Billy The Kid, Wyatt Earp or Butch Cassidy, we’ve seen countless retellings of their exploits, never exactly the same, never entirely accurate. That’s what makes it a myth. A good portion is made-up. Going back to Homeric and Arthurian legends, the foundation of storytelling has always been a collision of fact and fiction, chronicle and embellishment. People make too much of QT altering historic events. Are the Nazis of Inglourious Basterds and the Manson Family of Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood any different than any other mythical villains of earlier works of art? If a filmmaker can’t riff on a fifty-year-old historical event, then what are we really doing here? Do we just want the cinema of Marvel Comics and discreet biopics? QT doesn’t treat history any different than the filmmakers of the 1960s treated the events of the 1860s. Tex Watson, galloping away in his black hat, is a signpost for this. It’s QT’s way of saying: “Every time has its myths, every time has its black hats and white hats”. And the Manson Family, filled with bloodlust and megalomania from the top down, fulfill the role of black-hatted villains quite perfectly.
Does this make Rick and Cliff, two middle-aged white guys who love booze and hate hippies, our white-hatted heroes? Hell, no. With the exception of Django Unchained, that was never QT’s bag. He’s all about the anti heroes of spaghetti westerns and Sam Peckinpah films. Men who have done plenty of bad, sometimes unspeakable, things. They’re only the hero because they wrestle with their past and because there’s always a meaner, badder fella waiting to shoot it out with ‘em. Clint Eastwood’s character in the The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is only “Good” because Lee Van Cleef is so clearly “Bad” (and Eli Wallach “Ugly”). In 1992’s The Unforgiven, Eastwood’s character talks of killing “women and children” in his past. Yet he’s still clearly our hero. The Old West is a morally complex time in which one’s heroism is often defined by a greater and competing villainy.
So when it’s revealed that Cliff possibly murdered his wife and got away with it, he’s stepping into the role of anti hero with a dark past. Is Cliff haunted by his past? Not seemingly. He’s more inclined to shrug it off with a smirk and swig of beer. Shit happens y’know. This makes him exactly the type of guy murderous hippies shouldn’t fuck with. They justify their bloodlust with a self-serving philosophical bent: Entertainers taught them to kill via TV and movies, so it’s okay to kill the people who are involved in making TV and movies. QT makes the bold and provocative choice to not confirm whether Cliff did or didn’t kill his wife, but if he did, he probably wouldn’t dress it up as anything other than a burst of brutish violence that he was lucky to get away with. He loves his dog though, and he’s a good friend. In real life that might not justify liking the guy, but in a western that’s usually enough. Ultimately these character choices made by QT are to set up a mythic showdown between Cliff and the Manson Family. He’s good because they’re bad. It’s the same reason Cliff was shown going head-to-head with Bruce Lee. Masked racism by QT, a known lover of Asian and martial arts films, or a way of building up Cliff’s status to mythical proportions? There was once this ex war hero, who became a stuntman and maybe killed his wife, and he once threw Bruce Lee into a car door on the set of The Green Hornet! Cliff is Paul Bunyan. He’s Bill Brasky. A folk hero for stuntmen and for his time.
And did you hear that one tale about Cliff and the Manson Family…?
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Rick’s bread and butter is now guest-starring on various TV shows in which he plays the heavy and gets his ass kicked by the show’s star at the end of the episode. Rick is a boozy, bloated hot mess of a man who’s prone to crying. A lot. His first burst of tears in the film is at the Musso & Frank parking lot, after an agent gives Rick a harsh dose of reality regarding the state of his career. Cliff, always keeping his cool, gives Rick his sunglasses and says, “Don’t cry in front of the Mexicans.” Remember — this is a western. Anyway, if Cliff fills the role of macho, gives no fucks, murderous outlaw, Rick is the contrasting “modern man” or, to use a western term, “tenderfoot”. The film begins with a behind the scenes segment for Rick’s old show Bounty Law. In it an interviewer talks to Rick and Cliff about what a stuntman does. During the interview there’s a quip about Cliff carrying Rick’s load. So right out of the gate, QT brings our attention to the idea that Cliff is the real deal and Rick’s the actor playing a role. This notion is repeated throughout the film (even one of the Manson Girls, “Pussy”, makes reference to Cliff being more authentic because he’s a stuntman rather than an actor). Regardless of whether Cliff murdered his wife or not, he’s an ex military man and war hero, so obviously he’s killed people before. So in addition to taking falls and performing dangerous stunts for Rick, he’s more of a bona fide western anti hero than Rick ever could be. Fittingly, while Cliff and the Manson Family black hats are sizing each other up at Spahn Ranch, Rick is busy acting in a TV western. And Rick keeps crying. A lot. He even cries in front of a little girl who simultaneously coddles and reprimands him. No doubt, Cliff would view this as potentially worse than crying in front of Mexicans. But Rick can’t help himself. He’s both a man of his time and out of time. He can’t roll with the hippies and spaghetti westerns but he’d never last a day in Cliff’s shoes let alone the wild frontier. Even at the end, in which Rick finally gets the chance to become an avenging hero (involving possibly the greatest payoff in cinematic history) if one steps back and thinks of the climactic set-piece, Rick is merely stepping in at the end to grab all the glory after Cliff and his wonderful dog Brandy did most of the heavy lifting. Thus Cliff is yet again carrying Rick’s load.
But this doesn’t mean Rick doesn’t have a victory. He does. It just comes at the midpoint, and it’s the closest thing to a real-life victory in the film. When Rick shows up to play the heavy in the TV western, he’s reached his low-point. Like a different part of the anatomy going into ice-water in Raging Bull, Rick is submerging his face into ice-water in his trailer, struggling with a hangover and hopelessness. Making matters worse, the artsy director shows up and tells Rick he wants him to play a hippie-style outlaw with a fringe jacket, mustache and long hair. The only thing Rick does more than drink and cry is insult hippies. He’s living his worst nightmare as an actor. QT makes another one of his most interesting choices by showing the subsequent scenes from the TV show in the same film stock and style as the main narrative. Thus when juxtaposed to Cliff at Spahn Ranch, Rick’s battle with his growing irrelevance as an actor is given the same cinematic weight. This isn’t just a TV show within the movie — it is the movie! This battle or showdown is just as important as Cliff’s eventual showdown with the Manson Family. Rick struggles. He fucks up his lines. He comes totally unglued in his trailer. This looks like the end of the road for him as an actor. He eventually gets his shit together, embraces the role and goes for broke. It’s a credit to both QT as a filmmaker and Leo DiCaprio as an actor that the villain Rick plays in the TV show ends up being more intense and visceral than the one he played in the main narrative of Django Unchained. Rick’s chops as an actor are restored and he decides to go to Italy and star in spaghetti westerns. He learns to maximize his talent in order to roll with the times.
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A protagonist who is at odds with changing times might seem regressive or even reactionary to some people today, but it’s also a hallmark of westerns, especially the westerns of the late 1960s and early 1970s. From Once Upon a Time in the West to Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, an impending future of railroads and industrialization is always treated with uneasiness by the heroes. These changing times aren’t going to include them. Their wild and free ways will soon come to an end. Nowhere is this theme most prominent than in the work of Sam Peckinpah. In many of his westerns, The Wild Bunch, The Ballad of Cable Hogue, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, the heroes are viewed as endangered creatures who are all too aware of their fate. The character of Cable Hogue even meets his end when a motor car rolls over him. He’s killed by the modern age! Another Peckinpah film from this era, Junior Bonner, is set in 1972 Arizona but can also be considered a western (creating a template for QT’s western that’s not set in the canonical “Old West”). The protagonist and title character is an aging rodeo star (brilliantly played by Steve McQueen, who perhaps not so coincidentally also appears in QT’s film). In Peckinpah’s film, Junior has lost his edge and returns home to take a breather and maybe get his chops back. His struggle is not unlike Rick Dalton’s. They’re both aging entertainers and they both fear they’re washed-up. And as with all of Peckinpah’s westerns, encroaching progress is a threat to Junior’s simple cowboy ways. All of these above mentioned westerns are filled with a bittersweet quality; a nostalgic snapshot that’s destined to become yellow and brittle. The power of myths is they suggest immortality for our heroes.They might be long gone but they live through these tales. Whether’s it’s the Old West of outlaws in dusty little towns or the Old West of ’69 Hollywood, people once lived in these places and they lived vibrant, foolhardy and sometimes dangerous lives. Maybe they didn’t live or die exactly as the tale accounts, but they did indeed live and they did indeed die.
In his film QT references another “man out of time” western: The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean. Written by John Milius, directed by John Huston and starring Paul Newman, the film is a highly-fictionalized account of the life of Judge Roy Bean. At the climax an elderly Roy Bean reemerges from a self-imposed exile to have a showdown with businessmen who have surrounded his beloved town with oil rigs. When his enemies ask who he is, Roy Bean shouts “Justice, you sons of bitches!” This is immediately followed by a shootout in which Roy defeats his foes, blows up the surrounding oil rigs and goes out in a blaze of glory. In real life Roy Bean died in his bed after a heavy bout of drinking. What’s most interesting is how QT referenced The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean. After the climax of Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood there’s a triumphant but wistful epilogue in which one of our heroes is faced with a future that we all know is a fantasy. Over this scene is an evocative piece of music that sounds like it’s from a fairytale and it plays over the end credits. The piece of music is entitled “Miss Lillie Langtry” and it’s the main theme from The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean. Lillie Langtry was a British-American socialite Roy Bean was enamored with and he even went so far to name the saloon in his town after her. “Miss Lille Langtry” plays over the end credits of Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood and the opening credits of The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean. But before the credits in Roy Bean we see written in storybook fashion:
“Near the turn of the last century the Pecos River marked the boundaries of civilization in western Texas. West of the Pecos there was no law, no order, and only bad men and rattlesnakes lived there.
…Maybe this isn’t the way it was… it’s the way it should be.”
With Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood, Quentin Tarantino pays homage to a socialite/actress who was tragically murdered before her time and two endangered heroes—one an outlaw stuntman, the other an entertainer—neither of who existed but men like them did. For two hours and forty-five minutes, the onward march of tragedy and time is defeated through a spirited, Old West mix of bravado and audacity. Maybe it’s not the way it was…
But it’s the way it should be.
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