imagine-richards · 4 years
Hey! I'm so happy that you write for Arthur! Do you think you could make a reader who is 10 years younger than him and Arthur is insecure, especially since people tease him about it, saying the reader is a kid compared to him. But she saves him and shows impressive skills and how much they love each other? Love you work, dear!
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Unlikely Pair - Arthur Shelby x Reader
TW: Graphic depictions of violence and death
Thank you for the request!!! Enjoy!
Taglist: @hxnky-cat @imagine-richards
"You're sort of an unlikely pair, aren't you?" Ada joked, nudging your arm.
"What do you mean?" you questioned, trying to get her to admit what you already knew she would say.
"Well, it's just.. you know? You're a bit young for him." she shrugged helplessly.
You sighed, "Arthur loves me, and I love him. He's only 10 years older than me. It's not that large of a gap. I'm getting tired of repeating myself here."
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry. We just get defensive of him ever since Linda was around." she said, giving you an apologetic smile.
"I get it. I'm just tired of being compared to her. I'm not going to hurt him, Ada." you promised. You could understand her being protective of her brother. It was just the merciless teasing from Tommy and Michael that got on your nerves.
"Come on, Arthur, it's just one family dinner. How bad can it be?" you told your boyfriend, trying to console him. He was the hothead of the Peaky Blinders, but with you he was as docile as a sleepy cat.
"Nah, I don't wanna go. They'll just make fun of us. I don't care if it's a family meeting." he whined, burying his face into your shoulder as he hugged you. His much larger frame was so comforting to be held against.
"I know, love, but without you there, they'll just go behind your back on decisions that you should be a part of." you told him, running your fingers through his hair. It was getting long lately.
"You're right." he straightened up, and took your hand. He looked smug, and it made your heart clench. This strong and confident side of your boyfriend never ceased to amaze you.
You joked and gave his hand a kiss, "I know."
"You're coming with me." he decided.
You gasped, "Arthur! I don't think I'm allowed to."
He pressed his forehead to yours, "I don't care. You're my family, which means you're coming with."
"I love you, Arthur Shelby." was all you managed to reply, overwhelmed with how strongly he cared for you.
A short while later, you and Arthur had arrived at Tommy's house. Thomas and Lizzie were the hosts, and you were trying desperately to stay optimistic. They all thought of you as a child, despite you being just slightly younger than Michael. Their endless taunting was infuriating. If you got annoyed, they used it against you. If you acted un-bothered, they didn't let up. There was seemingly no winning. You'd only been together with all of them twice, and both times had ended quite badly. The only one of the Shelby's who liked you at all (besides Arthur) was Ada, and she wasn't going tonight.
"Good evening, brother!" Arthur announced joyfully when the pair of you happened upon Tommy and Lizzie in the den.
Lizzie's gaze caught yours like a snare, "Oh, good, we're on babysitting duty again."
'Fuck you!' you thought bitterly, her words immediately ruining what hope you had for tonight.
"Oh, not this again!" Arthur huffed, hand tightening in yours. You held back twice as hard, knowing that he was about to flee.
"Why? Are Charlie and Ruby joining us?" you bit back.
"No, they're at Ada's." Tommy responded coolly, standing. You could never tell what he was feeling, but you hoped you were right in thinking he seemed annoyed with Lizzie's comment.
"Good." you snapped, before letting Arthur pull you from the room like a rabid dog on a lead.
"I knew we shouldn't have come." Arthur grumbled once out of earshot.
"No! We're staying. We're going to prove them wrong, even if we have to shove it down their throats." you argued, stopping him in the hall.
"Alright, fine. I'm going to go find the cook. I want this dinner over as soon as possible." he sighed, before leaning down to give you a quick kiss.
"Good luck. This place is a damn maze." you tried to lighten the mood. You gave him another, deeper kiss before letting him go.
Alone now, you went to find someone else to talk to. Michael hopefully would be kinder to you, seeing as he was closest to your age. However, his mother Polly was just like the Shelbys. If he wasn't with her, you'd have a chance for normal conversation. If she was there, you'd go find Arthur.
As you wandered down halls and through doorways, you had a vague feeling that someone was watching you. You kept reminding yourself that it was just because you were on edge, but you couldn't get that feeling to dissipate. It was starting to feel quite alarming. So much so, that you turned around and began walking swiftly towards where you thought the kitchen to be.
Arthur didn't want you to be defenseless, and so he had bought you a small pistol. Ever so slowly, you dipped your fingers into your purse to touch it. The cool metal was a relief to your fingers, especially as you saw the closet door across from you open slightly.
"Who's there? This isn't fucking funny." you called, realizing it must be someone playing with you. You knew they didn't like you, but damn!
"I'm going to shoot if you don't come out this instant!" you called out once more. You pulled the pistol from your purse and primed it. You were through with being teased.
You heard a muffled groan, and instantly all thoughts of a prank flew out of your head. That sounded like Michael, and it was definitely a noise of pain. Oh god.
Dashing forward, you flung open the door. As you suspected, Michael was sitting on the floor with his wrists and ankles bound. He had cloth shoved in his mouth and his head was bleeding quite badly, but he was awake. Polly was next to him and looked mostly unharmed, but was unconscious. Then, there was a man you'd never seen before. He was definitely dead, and had what looked like a long needle sticking out of his eye. You diverted your gaze quickly before you could really focus on it. It seemed as if though they were attacked, and then shoved into here.
"Michael, what happened?" you got out, dropping to the ground. You pulled off your shawl and pressed it to his head before taking the cloth out of his mouth. Then, your fingers flew to the knots in the rope. Within seconds, you had him free.
Shakily, he took your shawl from your hand to hold it on himself. In the exchange, you were relieved to see that the head wound was superficial. It was just bleeding profusely. He explained, "Four men. Now three. I don't know if there's more. They kept asking where Arthur was, but heard you coming and ran toward the kitchen."
"Fuck! Are you alright here?" you questioned, heart jumping into your throat. Arthur!
"Where's Arthur?" he asked, trying to get Polly out in the open with his free hand.
"The kitchen!" you told him, on the verge of abandoning him.
"Fuck, go! We'll be fine now." Michael assured you.
You took off towards the kitchen, too panicked to cry or be upset. All you could focus on was getting to Arthur. You knew he was more than capable of defending himself, but even he could lose to three men! Possibly more!
When you finally found the kitchen, you nearly collapsed on the spot. There was blood everywhere, with seemingly half of it on Arthur. A mangled body was on the floor with a mess where the man's face was supposed to be. The other two that Michael had warned about were in the process of killing your boyfriend. One had a rope wrapped around his neck, while the other was restraining his arms.
Remembering there was a gun in your hands, you took aim and fired. The kick wrenched your arm back and disoriented you. You hadn't expected it to be so strong!
"Hey!" one of the men shouted as his partner fell to the ground. You'd somehow nailed the man holding Arthur's arms in the back of the head. It had to have been sheer luck, because you'd only ever shot at bottles before. What wasn't lucky however, was watching blood and viscera spray across the once pristine kitchen. You had no time to react because there was still another threat.
"Leave him alone!" you screamed and fired at the second man. More prepared for the kick this time, you nailed him three times in the chest. His body looked wrong as it crumpled to the kitchen floor, spilling more blood across the white tiles.
You then ran to Arthur, and wrenched the noose open enough for him to breathe. A quick examination told you that nearly all the blood on his person belonged to the already dead man on the ground somewhere behind you.
"Are you okay?" you demanded, cupping his face in your hands.
"Yeah, I am now. Damn Italians!" he rasped out, grasping for you.
Tommy burst into the room, gun blazing. He looked around for a few seconds before seeming to realize what happened. He lowered his gun and came to your side.
"Arthur, are you alright?" he questioned, concerned.
"I am, thanks to Y/N. She saved my life." Arthur answered, not once letting you go.
"You did this? These were some of Changretta's men." Tommy asked you, gesturing to one of the bodies. You hadn't been around during the dealings with the Italian mafia, but you'd heard enough to know how serious it was.
"They were strangling Arthur to death." was all you could manage to say. You'd just killed two men. What would your life be like after this?
"I'm impressed. And thankful. I owe you a debt for saving my brother's life, and an apology for doubting your affection for him." Tommy admitted honestly.
You helped Arthur stand, "You don't owe me anything, Tommy. Just don't make fun of us anymore, and we'll call it good."
Tommy stared for a moment before speaking, "Alright. Let's get you both a drink."
"Polly is resting, and Michael is getting his head stitched up by one of the maids." Tommy updated you as he passed around drinks to the rest of the family.
"Who were they?" Lizzie asked, lighting a cigarette.
Tommy explained, "Italians. Changretta's old crew. I believe they were working alone, since as we all know, Luca Changretta is no longer a threat. Y/N here made sure they wouldn't be either. She killed two out of the four men who invaded my home in order to save Arthur's life."
"The kid's got some nerve." Lizzie said, but with no malice in her voice. She raised her glass to you, and the rest of the room followed suit.
"She's shown us that she and Arthur are serious. Anyone who doubts that now can take it up with me. She saved my brother's life today." Thomas explained further, before knocking back the rest of his drink.
"To Y/N." Arthur announced, voice still raspy.
"To Y/N."
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imagine-richards · 4 years
can you imagine tommy helping you with a panic attack🥺🥺I always see requests of reader comforting tommy but rarely the other way around !!!
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Breathing Gets Easier - Thomas Shelby x Reader
I hope this is alright! This is just based on how I experience panic attacks, and is not the only way that someone can. They're shitty, and no one should have to have them. I hope you're doing okay Anon! 💕
Taglist: @tranquility-or-chaos @captivatedbycillianmurphy
"Oh, god. Not again." you got out, feeling your chest beginning to tighten and your pulse pick up.
"Y/N?" Thomas asked gently, aware of what was beginning.
The last few years living with Tommy had been traumatic to say the least. Gunshots had been a source of much fear in your life, which was an unfortunate gateway for any loud noise to set you off. And to think, you could have just kept your plain American life...
"Dad, did you hear? Arthur was showing me how to fire a gun!" Charlie, Tommy's son, came yelling into the room. Thank fuck no one bad been shot at least!
You turned away from the two of them, unsure of how to stop the oncoming panic attack. You hated feeling like this, especially because you knew how exhausted and nervous you'd be afterwards. You could never have a normal day, could you?
"I heard, Charlie. I'll have a talk with you and your uncle later about it, eh?" Thomas said, ruffling his boy's hair before gently ushering him out of the room. He then locked the door and came to your side.
"I'm sorry." you told him, shaking out your hands at your sides as if it could disperse the negative energy. You felt as if your heart had fallen into your stomach.
"It's alright. What do you need?" he questioned, not touching you yet in case it made you feel worse. He had seen enough of these with his war brothers, that your panic attacks didn't faze him.
"I don't know! I don't know. Nothing makes it stop!" you got out, and moved to the window. You shoved it open and stuck your face into the cool breeze. You were trying desperately to keep the attack from happening, which only made it stronger.
Thomas tentatively wrapped his arms around you, and pulled you into an embrace. He cupped one hand on the back of your neck, and the other was secured around your middle. It was such a tight hold, that you stopped spiraling as badly. With your face pressed into his waistcoat, you weren't being stimulated by any of your surroundings. He was giving you something to latch onto.
He soothed, "You can't stop it. You can only get through it. It won't kill you, alright? Copy my breathing. You're okay, sweetheart."
"I'm sorry, Tommy." you repeated as you teared up, ashamed at your behavior. You knew you couldn't control it, but it didn't make it any less embarrassing. You hated not being able to handle things better.
"Shh, you're alright. It's not your fault. Many people get these." he assured you, just continuing to hold you tight.
You tried with all your might to focus on just his breathing. The steady pace at which his chest rose and fell was deeply soothing. It was comparable to ocean waves lapping at a shoreline. Such a sure and never ending thing like Tommy the ocean forced a seed of calm into your chaotic mind.
Some time later, you felt the main hold of the attack slip away. You could only really tell by the tiredness creeping in to take its place. The damn things always wore you out.
"You alright?" Tommy questioned, releasing you slightly.
"I think so. I will be. Thank you." you answered him, wiping your eyes.
He just nodded, and rubbed small circles into your back. It was funny, in a way. From an outside point of view, Tommy Shelby didn't seem like a man who would be so understanding of a panic attack. He seemed hard and ruthless to those who didn't know him. It was partially why you felt so silly for getting the attacks around him. Part of you still expected him to brush you off like other men had before, but Tommy had never given you a reason to feel self conscious about anything. You had to remind yourself of that more frequently.
"Want to see me yell at Arthur, now?" Tommy asked, expression serious but with a hint of a smile in his voice.
"Only if you take the gun from Charlie first. If the boy is half as good as you, he'll be a danger to all of Birmingham!" you joked, linking your arm with his.
Tommy corrected, placing a kiss to your temple, "All of England."
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imagine-richards · 5 years
😱😱 I’m LOVING One Of Us. Are you doing a part 3 anytime soon? Xxxxxxx
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One of Us - Part 3 - Thomas Shelby x Reader
One of Us - Part 2
I'm back babeyyy! Thanks again for wait!
Taglist: @tranquility-or-chaos @captivatedbycillianmurphy @stressedandbandobessed7771 @spookyscaryskeletonsus @amirahiddleston
You figured he lived lavishly, but this was too much.
"Ms. Y/N, please. He pays us to do this sort of thing." a maid insisted, looking nervous.
"I can make up my own bed! I don't need help with mundane things like this. If I need help I'll ask for it, okay?" you told her, taking the blanket from her arms.
"Yes, of course. Sorry."
"No! Don't apologise. I'm just a person, like you. I'm not used to having someone do things for me." you told her spreading the blanket on the bed. This was to be yours for an undetermined amount of time, and you wanted to make it your own.
She just nodded, and ducked out of the room.
Only when it became night did Tommy return. You had tried to relax and rest up for the upcoming assignment, but you just couldn't sit still. The knowledge that you'd be here alone with Tommy all night was worrisome as well as exciting. You hadn't joined the gang to partner up with their leader. Though he was an unexpected upside, seeing him was a larger risk than joining the gang itself. If things didn't go well between you two, you'd probably be killed. Surely they couldn't afford to have someone around who would know their secrets. It made sense in your mind, but you didn't want to risk getting killed by the very people who had paved the road to your freedom.
"Waiting up for me, eh?" Tommy said upon entering the room. He lit a cigarette and sat down on the opposite sofa.
You folded your arms defensively, "You still haven't told me the plan for tomorrow."
"Ah. Is that all?" he mused, placing his cap next to him on the seat. He seemed to be in a pleasant mood, which made it harder for you to act annoyed with him.
"Yes." you answered his rhetorical question.
"Hmm. The man you'll be protecting is Alfie Solomons. He's leaving Birmingham tomorrow morning. It's imperative that no one knows of his movements. You'll be traveling with him by car to London, where you'll then trade off with his own men." he told you simply, before taking a long drag on the cigarette between his fingers.
"Sounds simple enough." you answered, surprised it was such an easy task. You figured they'd throw you into the fire on your first day to see what you were made of. Maybe they just wanted to see if you could follow a simple plan.
Tommy nodded, "Good, because you'll be doing it alone."
"That's fine with me." you shrugged, glad he hadn't said Arthur was going with.
Thomas stood and poured two glasses of gin. He set one in front of you before sitting back down. Tommy then stared at you, waiting for you to try it.
You scooped up the bottle, curious. The label read:
'Shelby Company Limited - Gin distilled for the eradication of seemingly incurable sadness.'
"'Seemingly incurable sadness?'" you asked, looking up at him. Did he label this himself?
"Tell me what you think."
Switching the bottle in your hand for the glass, you took a swig of the drink. It was the best drink you had tasted for a very long time. It was surprising to you that it came from the hand of Thomas Shelby.
"It's sweeter than I expected, but good. It could definitely take your mind off things." you admitted honestly, taking another sip.
"That's the plan." he nodded, taking a drink for himself. You had a feeling he made the label for himself, which made you see him differently for the first time. He was more human than he wanted others to see. You supposed it made sense, being the leader of the Peaky Blinders.
"To curing incurable sadness." you raised your glass to his, which clinked pleasantly.
With the toast over, you both sat staring quietly. It had been a nice silence until you made eye contact with him. The power he held in his eyes was amazing. It was like he was some sort of god in a man's body. You'd never encountered someone so bewitching before. Your brain reminded you of your previous kiss, and your skin began to flush slightly. Oh, no. You really wanted to kiss him again...
"Right. I'm going to bed then." you announced, not moving.
"Lock your door."
"And why would I do that?"
"Because otherwise I'll be getting into your bed."
"I'll lock the door, then." you responded swiftly, knocking back the rest of the gin. You winced a little as it stung your throat, but mostly hid it. You then placed the glass on the table, and tried to walk nonchalantly out of the room.
As you shut your door (and locked it), you couldn't help but think of your ex husband. He had never once tried to seduce you. With him, there was only his command or punishment. You weren't used to actually being desired. Tommy was so fucking smooth, that you found it nearly impossible to say no to him. That was going to be a problem if you wanted to hold off with seeing him. You had to know more about him and his family before making any moves. You couldn't afford in any capacity to get into a bad relationship again.
You decided as you climbed into bed that the best course of action was to not take any action at all. You had time to decide what to do. You weren't in danger any more. You were free to do as you pleased. You had to keep reminding yourself of this, or things would get out of control again.
The next morning was practically uneventful. Tommy sat silently at the other end of the table from you as you two ate breakfast. There was absolutely no mention of last night, and for that you were relieved. You didn't know how long you could resist him. But you also didn't know how long he would pursue you, and you had to admit you liked the attention.
"Mr. Shelby? Mr. Solomons is here."
"Bring him in."
"Yes, sir."
"Ready?" Tommy asked you, pulling his cap down. You grabbed his yours and followed suit. It gave you a surprising sense of comfort already. Whether that was to do with Tommy or the gang, you weren't sure.
"Ready, sir." you repeated, the title coming out of your mouth without thought. He was your boss, but shit!
"You-" he began, but was cut off.
"Ah, hello Tommy Shelby." a man announced, limping into the room on a cane.
Your first impression of him, was that he didn't seem like a man who needed protecting. You couldn't explain why, since he looked somewhat ill, but he seemed to be much younger than his body let on. Facial hair adds years to a man, so you also figured that if his beard were shaved he would look much different. You were curious to know what he looked like when he was your age.
"Y/N. She's part of the Blinders now." Tommy was saying to Alfie. You focused back in on the conversation at the mention of your name.
"Nice to meet you." you nodded at him.
"What? You couldn't find any more men to do your bidding?" he ignored you and turned to Tommy.
"Actually, I volunteered." you cut off whatever response Tommy was about to give, annoyed at yet another man underestimating you.
Alfie turned back to you, a brow raised. He responded calmly, "You're madder than this fuckin bunch then."
"Yeah, probably." you snapped, and folded your arms.
He turned back to Tommy and uttered something in a language you didn't understand. You frowned, but tried your best to let it go. You just had to get this asshole to London, and then you would be done.
"Right. Let's go then, yeah? I've got an appointment to get to." Alfie suggested, tapping his cane on the floor.
"Y/N, your train ticket back has already been bought. I'll see you tonight." Tommy told you simply, before leaving the room. You felt sure there was going to be a discussion about the use of the word 'sir' when you got back.
"Lead the way." you told Alfie, gesturing to the door.
With the two of you seated securely in the car, you were off. Luckily, he didn't seem the type to talk a lot. If he had, you weren't sure if you were going to make it to London with him in one piece.
"I can see the future." Alfie declared after a short while of silence.
"The future." you repeated, curious as to where this was about to go.
"Are you fucking Tommy?" Alfie asked shamelessly.
"What!? No!" you exclaimed, shocked. How the fuck would he know there was anything going on between you two?
"Hmm." was the only response he gave.
Oh this was going to be a long, long trip.
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imagine-richards · 5 years
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Singin’ in the Rain (1952) dir. Gene Kelly & Stanley Donen
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imagine-richards · 5 years
I’ve missed it here
I know I’ve been saying I’m coming back a lot but my university just closed for the rest of the year and I want to help as many people as I can, be it just with writing stories.
Please please send me any happy, positive requests you have and I’ll do my best to get to them all. I can’t help out with much, but a lot of you said my writing made you happy so I want to try and continue that in these trying times.
Please stay safe and I love you all,
Meg <3
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imagine-richards · 5 years
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Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017) | Rocketman (2019)
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imagine-richards · 5 years
Could you write something short and sweet about Tommy dating a kind of younger more youthful reader where it starts snowing and she goes all giddy and smiley and he can't stop himself from smiling because she's just so unrestrainedly happy and it's really rare in his life? Like maybe she goes out to literally play in the snow as if she were a child and he watches her in awe hahahah I'd love it
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Snowfall - Thomas Shelby x Reader
Additional Request: "I just read Lover 2 and now I need more cold cuddly Tommy in my life 🥺🥺🥺"
Hope it's okay if I combined these two requests!! They work well together!
Taglist: @tranquility-or-chaos @captivatedbycillianmurphy
"It's snowing!" you cheered, throwing back the curtain in the living room. White flakes fell silently from the sky, joining their siblings on the frozen ground.
The glare of the light off the snow came shining into the room, and you grinned. That specific glow of light never failed to awake your inner child. Your days of playing in the snow were far from over.
"It's freezi-" Tommy began, but halted when you sprinted out of the room. He watched you go, unsurprised. You had a childlike happiness at times, and he would never dare to dampen it. He was often jealous of your glass-half-full attitude, but that didn't mean he would take it away from you. It gave him hope when others could not.
With fascination, he watched out the window as you ran across the pure white ground. He didn't understand what could be so fun anymore about playing in the snow, but one look at your face told him all he needed.
Your face was flushed due to the bitter cold, but you were exhilarated. You motioned toward Tommy to join you before toppling over into the snow. With a few flapping motions, you made a pristine snow angel.
Tommy asked one of the staff to start a fire in your shared room, knowing you'd need to defrost when you eventually came inside. He then found a pair of gloves and a scarf for the both of you before finally going outside. He had his regular cap on tight and his overcoat buttoned up to his chin. It was absolutely freezing, but you didn't seem bothered at all.
"Y/N! Come here." he got your attention by waving the scarf at you.
You ran over to him with a big smile, and let him wrap the scarf securely around your neck and head. With a little assistance from him, the gloves were put on your frozen hands. It made you aware just how numb your fingers had gone.
"Isn't it beautiful?" you asked, tying his scarf around him by standing on your toes.
With the close proximity to your boyfriend, you could see the snowflakes that were catching on his long eyelashes. His cheeks and nose were turning pink from the cold air, but he looked almost happy. Well, the closest to happy you'd seen him in a long time.
"You are. Go on, keep playing." he admitted, placing a warm kiss to your frosty cheek.
You moved to skip away, but slid and landed flat on your back. It didn't hurt, for the snow cover was quite thick.
"I'm fine!" you giggled, reaching out one hand for assistance.
You really didn't mean for it to happen. Honestly. You'd never purposely pull your boyfriend to the ground so that he has to play in the snow with you. That'd be crazy!
"Hey!" Thomas exclaimed, catching his fall so that you wouldn't be crushed under his weight. He looked down at you with a mixture of love and defeat.
"Whoops?" you grinned, and then pushed him over.
Jumping up, you began to sprint away from Tommy. You laughed, and then spun around to face him when you thought you were a safe distance away.
Immediately, a snowball hit you right in the face. You squealed in surprise, and hurriedly brushed the snow from your skin. You stared at Thomas with mock horror.
He looked away and up to the sky, as if it wasn't him that threw it. Tommy broke into a huge smile, though, and that made you go soft. You had gotten the Thomas Shelby to play in snow! And you made him smile! He had begun to smile more with you in his life, but an actual big smile like that? You'd only seen him do so in photographs from before the war.
Suddenly on the verge of tears from the overwhelming feeling of love, you just walked back to your boyfriend. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug.
"I'll sic Arthur on whoever threw that." he told you, hugging you tightly right back.
"No, I'll get him." you corrected, before leaning up on your toes once more and planting a sweet kiss on your boyfriend's lips.
And then you smashed the handful of snow you had been holding since laying on the ground into the side of his face.
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imagine-richards · 5 years
could you do Tom Hardy and the reader at an animal shelter where the reader just watches Tom play with doggos
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Puppy Love - Tom Hardy x Reader
I loved this request 🥺 sorry that it's a little short!!
"No, Tom! If we go, we'll end up getting a dog." you laughed, playfully hitting his arm.
"Oh, come on. Please, Y/N? I just want to have a look." he argued, sticking out his bottom lip in an attempt to persuade you.
"Fine!" you grinned. You didn't stand a chance against him. That's why you were opposed to going to the shelter, because you couldn't say no to your loving boyfriend.
He cheered and scooped you up in a tight hug. Tom was much stronger than pretty much anyone you knew, and you loved it when he spun you around like this. It was a move right out of fairytales and romantic comedies.
How bad could going to the humane society be?
Very bad. This was the best worst decision you could have made.
Adorable dogs were everywhere, and Tom wanted to play with each and every one of them. The kind shelter employee let you both into each dog pen, and let you play with all the dogs. You pretended to not want Tom to do this at first, but you quickly stopped. Dogs were an extremely important part of his life, and it wasn't up to you to tell him no. Besides, you loved dogs, too.
At some point, you faded from Tom's notice. He was too enamored with the sweet animals and with making sure they trusted him. It was incredibly endearing, and you didn't mind just watching him.
You snapped a few photos, knowing he'd thank you later. Plus, you could post them to his Instagram to make his followers more aware of the dogs in shelters that need loving homes. It was a massive upside to his fame.
"Y/N, come here." Tom reached out a hand toward you. He was stood at the final dog pen, gaze fixated on whatever lovely creature was inside it.
"Who's the last little fella?" you asked, taking Tom's hand.
You gasped at the sight. An adorable pit bull puppy sat shaking on its bed. It was clearly scared, but you knew without a doubt that Tom would change that.
Slowly, Tom knelt on the floor of the dog's cage once it was opened. He put a few pieces of food into his palm and waited patiently for the dog to come to him. There were no sudden movements, and nothing that would startle the puppy. Taking care of an animal was all about love and respect.
When the tiny little dog finally accepted the food, it was an easy step up to pet him. The puppy was so small, and only the lightest of touches were used. If this dog was going to be yours, there would be no break of trust.
Within a few minutes, the puppy seemed to trust that you weren't there to hurt him or betray him. He even began to wag his little tail! He climbed over Tom and into your lap, where he then just stared lovingly up at you.
"Please?" Tom whispered to you, taking one of your hands. He said it so tenderly, that it nearly brought a tear to your eye.
You nodded, unable to speak. This felt right. It felt like you were doing exactly what the universe wanted you to. This little dog was meant to come home with you and join your family.
"What will you name him?" the dog handler asked kindly.
Tom shared a look with you and answered, "Kismet."
"It's perfect. Our little dog of destiny." you told him, smiling.
With a teeny little bark, the puppy agreed. You laughed, and booped his nose with your finger.
"I'll get the paperwork sorted." the handler said, and departed.
Tom placed a hand on your back, and used the other to stroke the dog's back. He then kissed your cheek.
"I love him already." you admitted to Tom, watching the puppy climb recklessly into his lap.
"So do I." he grinned, letting the dog climb inside his coat.
"Our family just grew."
He pressed his head to yours, "And then there was three."
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imagine-richards · 5 years
hello! I was just reading your work Taken, and i love the idea of Tommy rescuing the reader! Could you please do something with Tommy saving the reader from drowning? If not, that's okay!! No pressure =)
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Drown - Thomas Shelby x Reader
We love a bit of angst!
Taglist: @tranquility-or-chaos @captivatedbycillianmurphy
"Let me go, please!" you yelled again, trying not to cry. Hysteria was rising in your chest, and it was taking everything inside you to keep it down. You knew one day you'd die for Thomas Shelby, but that didn't make it any less terrifying.
The man holding your restrained arms just laughed, and continued to haul you along the dock. Your feet dragging against the wooden planks seemed extraordinarily loud in the silence of the bright and otherwise peaceful morning.
You tried a different approach, "Tommy will come for me. I know he will!"
"That's the point, love."
You thrashed against your captors, "He'll kill you! He'll kill you all!"
"Oh, shut up! You'll be at the bottom of The Cut soon enough." one of the men grunted, and ended the conversation.
Panicking, you could do nothing but watch as sacks of rocks were added to the ropes at your ankles. One of the men tied one of the bags around your wrists. You were on the ground, so you were saved from the weight of that for a few brief moments.
"You're making a mistake. Don't any of you understand? You've signed your death certificates for you and your families." you warned, hot tears finally spilling over. You didn't think you were special enough to warrant that kind of revenge, but you knew Tommy would be blinded by rage at your loss. He'd do anything to avenge you. Anything.
You were then suspended over the edge of the dock. One hand on the front of your shirt was all that kept you from falling into the icy water.
"Tommy is just one man. What can he do against all of us?" he asked, smiling and gesturing to the rest of his crew.
You found the vile man's eyes and said simply, "Thomas Shelby has the devil inside him. With my death, you will unleash it."
The next thing you knew was the punch to the chest from the temperature of the water. Proceeding that was the dragging weight of the rocks tied to your body, and the burn of the ropes at your ankles and wrists. Finally, the thud of the weights hitting the bottom of the river sent a jolt through your frame.
Bubbles and silt swirled around your body, but you fought desperately to see the surface. The last thing you wanted to see, if it couldn't be Tommy, was the rays of sunlight striking through the cloudy river.
With the shock of being thrown in, you hadn't managed to take a deep breath. You'd only been under water for a short time, but you were already struggling not to inhale. If you did that, it would all be over.
You were going to drown.
Thomas sprinted down alleys and roads, taking the fastest route possible to get to you. Those bastards had sent Tommy a perfectly horrific note, which of course let him know exactly where you were but with no time for a rescue. The words burned in his mind:
'She won't last as long as your medals.'
Gun drawn already, Thomas ran down the dock and began firing at anything that moved. He'd slain more than half of the rival gang before they even knew what hit them.
The Devil had arrived.
Blood made the wood slick, and soon there was a messy fight. Tommy roared in anger, knowing he didn't have time to waste with fighting but was unable to stop it sooner. More shots were fired, and more bodies hit the ground.
Just then, a car screeched to a stop and two violent angels hopped out. Arthur and Michael ran forth, guns blazing. The enemy was no match for the Peaky Blinders.
"Cover me!" Tommy yelled. He threw his gun and coat aside, clutched his cap in hand, and dived into the frigid water.
Fuck. You had to inhale! Your body was convulsing with the effort of holding what little oxygen you had.
You were trying to refocus your mind when you noticed through the sunlight that the water was turning red with the unmistakable sign of blood. You involuntarily gasped, and immediately began choking as water shot into your lungs.
'This was it. This was how you died.' you thought as your vision turned to black.
Unbeknownst to you, Tommy dived in just as your eyes shut. He swam down to the bottom, and cut your bindings with the razors in his hat. Swiftly, he kicked off the riverbed with you in his arms. He had no time to lose.
"Tommy!" came Michael's voice once he breached the red tinted surface, letting him know it was clear. A second later, the three men pulled you onto the dock.
"Come on, Y/N, come on! Breathe!" Thomas begged, placing his hands over your chest and pushing. He did this several agonizing times before you began to cough up the water in your lungs.
"She'll be alright, Tom."
"That's it, there you go!"
"Y/N?" Tommy said softly, shivering with cold. His clothes clung to his skin, and only added to his discomfort.
You couldn't speak, throat stinging from coughing. You just began to cry, and pulled Thomas close. Both of you were chilled to the bone, but absolutely relieved to be with the other.
Tommy grabbed the coat he discarded earlier, and wrapped it tightly around you. He, too, was cold, but not nearly as much as you were. Your fingers and toes tingled as the blood began to circulate again. Thomas' body heat and the rising sun sped up this process.
"Let's get you two home." Arthur said, sounding more gentle than you'd ever heard before.
You didn't even remember the drive back. All you could focus on was trying to warm up, and Tommy's arms around you. You hadn't realized how cold you'd been with the threat of drowning looming in your head.
"Let's have a bath, yeah?" Tommy suggested, still shivering himself. He refused to take his coat back, and so remained in his freezing clothes.
You nodded, and followed him into your shared room.
"Thank you." you told him hoarsely, shrugging off the coat finally. Your throat still stung, but it was better now.
"You don't have to thank me. I would come for you in any situation, no matter what." he admitted, kicking off his soggy shoes. Tommy's love language was definitely not verbal, so you knew he really meant it when he said these sort of things.
"I love you." you padded over to him, still stiff with cold.
"I love you."
With the bath filling with hot water, you began to undress each other. You couldn't hold onto any warmth with your clothes soaked in freezing water. Even naked, you would warm up faster.
You knew this wasn't the time for these kind of thoughts, but the sight of your boyfriend naked never failed to astonish you. He was so breathtakingly beautiful that it was hard not to just stare at him at any given moment.
"In you go." he said, knowingly distracting you and taking your hand. He then helped you to step into the giant tub.
You couldn't restrain the moan that spilled from your mouth at the first touch of hot water. It felt so heavenly, that you wanted to jump in.
"Come on, move over." he chuckled. He helped you to shift to one side as he then got in himself.
With some rearranging and some spilled water, you were nestled against Tommy's chest. Both of you sighed with relief as the water helped soothe your cold limbs. You didn't really want to stay in more water, but it was so cozy that you couldn't find it in you to get out.
Eventually, the water became tepid. Only then did the either of you move. The next step was nice, fluffy towels.
To your delight, one of the maids in the house had lit a fire in your room. You took Tommy's hand in yours and pulled him over to the floor in front of the fireplace.
"We're gonna stay right here." you told him, snagging a blanket off the bed before flinging yourself next to him.
He smiled drowsily at you, and wiped some water off your cheek with an index finger. Tommy simply answered, "As you wish."
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imagine-richards · 5 years
If requests are still open, how about one where you and Tommy get married he and pretty much rubs it in the face of a former flame of yours who was invited to the wedding. #pettytommy
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Old Flame - Thomas Shelby x Reader
We stan #pettytommy!!!! I hope you like it! We all know Tommy always has layers to his plans lol. Enjoy!
Taglist: @tranquility-or-chaos
The most glorious day of all: your wedding day.
You were now proud to call yourself a Shelby, though you'd practically been family even before a ring was ever produced. You were the happiest you'd ever been in your life.
"Hello, Y/N." came a familiar voice. Oh, no.
"David? What are you doing here?" you demanded. You wouldn't invite your ex-boyfriend to your wedding! Especially not this one.
"You look absolutely stunning." he ignored your question, eyes going up and down your body. You felt sick. How dare he? You felt no attraction to him, only fury.
"I mean here, at my wedding." you continued, annoyed. You looked around to see where your husband was, and to your relief he was coming right for you.
"You invited me." David scoffed.
"Actually, that was my idea." Thomas corrected, sliding an arm around your waist and pulling you protectively against his side.
"What?" you and David asked simultaneously.
"I figured this would give you your closure." Tommy was speaking only to David.
"Closure? What closure? She might be married to you, but she'll always love me."
"No, she most definitely will not." you snarled, lurching forward. You were ready to punch him, but Tommy caught you by the arm.
"You can't lie to yourself forever. Sooner or later you'll get fed up with this punk, and come crawling back to me." David sneered, shoving his hands in his pockets. He acted like he didn't care, but you'd seen him flinch.
You snapped back, "I love Thomas. I will always love him. I don't know what I ever saw in you."
"How's your arm, by the way?" he asked, ignoring what you said. Again.
"What the fuck? How do you even know about that?" you demanded to know. You had injured your arm a while ago from falling on broken glass, and there were a couple of new purple-red scars there. Your wedding dress concealed them, so this was baffling to you.
Thomas, knowing just what to do, pulled you back for an intense kiss. The party, and even David, faded away in that moment. Nothing existed outside of Thomas Shelby and yourself. Normally, you'd be upset that he interjected like this. However, you knew that this was exactly the type of behavior that would piss David off. Internally, you thanked your husband. When he finally pulled away, you had nearly forgotten you were still at your wedding.
You turned to see if your ex-boyfriend would say anything, only to find that he was in the process of storming out of the party. You sighed in relief, and took Tommy's hand. He seemed especially smug, and it made you feel warm.
"Why did you do it? And how did he know so much?" you asked, curious. You hadn't even thought about David since you had broken up with him.
Your husband explained, "Both of those questions have the same answer. He's obsessed with you. One of our men saw him outside your window, but he fled before we could catch him. I knew he'd show up if he was invited, because he couldn't resist the temptation of seeing you."
You weren't surprised, but you were disgusted. Knowing David had been watching you made your skin crawl. You asked further to calm your anxiety, "And now what'll happen to him?"
"Arthur would be more than happy to follow him." Tommy said simply, nodding in his brother's direction. Arthur was by the door, ready to follow David at any indication. You realized then that this was the true reason for inviting David. It wasn't just to rub it in his face that you were now married.
You gave Arthur a thumbs up, getting annoyed once more. You couldn't find it in you to feel bad about sentencing David to this. Maybe he'd finally get the hint that you didn't love him any more, and that you'd never go back to his abuse.
A second later, you watched Arthur's tall frame disappear into the dark of the night. If this wasn't your wedding day, you would have wanted to cut David yourself.
"Now, may I have this dance, Mrs. Shelby?" Tommy questioned, pulling you close.
You smiled softly, "Yes, of course, Mr. Shelby."
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imagine-richards · 5 years
Hey dear! Could you maybe write something about Tommy and the reader being in a relationship before the war, but she is taken away while they're gone and only returns years after they're back. Tommy still loves her but thinks she left him and pushes her away. Till she opens up to Polly and Polly tells the family? With happy end?:)
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War - Thomas Shelby x Reader
Taglist: @tranquility-or-chaos
"Don't touch me." he bit out, shifting away from your hand so quickly, you'd have thought he'd been burned at the contact. Thomas was so drastically different since the last time you'd seen him, that he seemed to be a different man entirely.
"Tommy, please. I didn't abandon you." you told him yet again. He looked so shaken up by your attempt at taking his hand that you felt like crying even more. What happened to the pair of you?
"Get out."
"Get out of my fucking house! Get out!" he turned and screamed in your face.
"I'm sorry." was all you could say, before fleeing.
Tears blurred your vision, and gravel crunched beneath your boots. You were crying so fiercely that you doubled over at the end of his driveway. Your sobs cut through the night air, and you threw a hand up to stifle them.
The war was the worst thing to have ever happened to either of you.
The next morning, you woke up to the sound of sharp knocking on your apartment door.
You started, remembering the events of yesterday. After what you'd hoped would be a sweet reunion with Tommy turned very sour, you'd run all the way back home. The trip back was mostly a blur, but you didn't have any bruises or injuries besides your aching legs.
"One minute!" you called out, still slightly disoriented. You stood, and went to get the door. Hopefully it would be Tommy.
"Polly Gray." you got out, heart sinking. She could hold a grudge like no other, and naturally you assumed she was here to banish you from town.
"I'm here on behalf of the Peaky Blinders." she told you, which sounded like a warning when it came from her mouth.
"Come in." you said back, becoming increasingly more worried.
"You're a fool to come back here, after what you did." she began, looking around before lighting a cigarette.
"Polly, I-"
"No. You betrayed all of us, Tommy especially."
"I didn't." you repeated. Tears threatened to spill once more. Why didn't she believe you?
"Then what would you call marrying a man immediately after Tommy went to war? We thought you were family. Thomas had asked me about rings, you know." she asked, gaze seeming to pierce right through you. Her words were like daggers to your heart.
"It wasn't by choice!" you desperately tried to make her understand. You heard the comment about rings, but it was too painful to focus on.
"Explain. Now. And remember that I will know if you're lying."
"My parents married me off to Billy Kimber's second in command." you rushed out, then paused to see if she would say anything about this.
When she didn't, you continued, "We were struggling for money. I didn't know it then, but Tommy had risen in Kimber's ranks and had eventually taken Henry, my ex-husband's, place. Henry was shot dead just before the Peaky Blinders offed Kimber. I had been living in London, and I didn't know until a short while ago that Tommy was the one leading them. I swear I didn't. Hell, if I had known he'd even come back from the war, I would have gone to him immediately."
You began to cry. You cried for fear of not being believed, and for fear of losing what had nearly been your family.
"Tommy was in the papers for winning those medals. You didn't read the paper after the war ended?"
"Henry wouldn't let me. He said reading and writing weren't for women. He would read the paper and then burn it before I got the chance to look. Even got the paper boy to hand deliver it. He wasn't abusive, just very controlling. All I was allowed to do was maintain the house. And even after he died, it had been so long after the war that I had no way of knowing who had made it back." you explained, wiping your eyes with the backs of your hands.
After what felt like an eternity, Polly said, "I believe you."
"And that's why she's come back." Polly finished explaining. She had just repeated everything you had told her in a family meeting. While it didn't directly effect them all, it did effect Tommy. By extension, what effected him became a problem for everyone.
"Well, if Polly believes her, then so do I." Ada shrugged. Lizzie murmured her agreement, followed by nearly everyone else. All that was left was Tommy.
Instead of saying anything in response, he just said quietly, "Meeting adjourned."
Thomas was out of The Garrison faster than anyone could speak. They all knew where he was going, so no one bothered to stop him. They hoped that you would be his way back to the light.
He crossed town quickly, the address Polly had given firmly in his mind. Tommy was desperate to see you. Of all people, Polly was pretty much the only one he trusted. If she said you weren't lying, he believed her. Plus, he remembered Henry. It made him feel guilty for not letting you speak the previous night, for otherwise he might have known the truth sooner.
Tommy's change of heart was unbeknownst to you. You felt better after Polly left, but you had fully expected her to keep your story to herself. You had assumed she just wanted to hear what you had to say for yourself, and not that she wanted to know for Tommy's sake. You couldn't be more wrong.
You jumped when someone began pounding on your door. It was certainly not Polly this time. It sounded way too frantic.
Without a way to check who was out there, you just threw open the door. If the Peaky boys were here to make you leave town, you weren't going to go easily. But that's when you saw who was standing there.
Without another word, Tommy had you in a tight embrace. It said everything you needed to hear. You flung your arms around him and held on tightly. You were never letting him go again. Whatever war he plunged into next, you'd be right by his side.
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imagine-richards · 5 years
hiiii. i would love it v much if the reader adopts a therapy dog for tommy shelby!! bonus points if he doesn't know it's a therapy dog until it's bringing him blankets and medicine bottles when he's having one of /those/ nights 🥴
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Daybreak - Thomas Shelby x Reader
This request has a special place in my heart 😭❤️
"I don't need a dog."
"Tommy, don't tell me you haven't missed Alfie's dog, Cyril."
"I haven't." Thomas insisted, giving the black labrador retriever at your feet a stern look.
"Just give it until tomorrow, yeah? Please, Tommy?" you pleaded with your boyfriend.
"Fine." he gave in reluctantly, and pulled you against him.
"Good. Thank you. I'm sure you'll love her as much as I do." you smiled and kissed Tommy's cheek.
"What's her name?"
"I haven't named her yet. I thought you would want to." you admitted sheepishly.
"Ah. Well, we'll see about that."
"We will. I've got to go, Tom." you said, checking the time. You were traveling to London tonight for an important morning meeting at work.
"I know. I wish you could stay a little longer." he told you, uncharacteristically honest about his feelings. Tommy hugged you tightly.
"You know I would stay with you constantly if I could, but I need to be there tomorrow. They're announcing the promotion." you frowned, hugging him back.
"Why don't you quit and work with me instead?" he asked for the umpteenth time.
You smiled, "Tommy, we've talked about this. Working for you would just be keeping you company, and you certainly don't have to pay me to do that."
"I'll pay you double what you make now." he pressed his forehead to yours.
"I know this, and I love you ever more for it, but I just can't. Now, I've really got to go." you told him, before giving him a quick kiss.
"What if I make you late?" he tried again, sliding a hand to your ass.
"Tommy!" you giggled.
"I know, I know. Come on." he relented, taking your hand in his.
Tommy walked with you until you were seated safely in the car. The black lab followed happily behind. Johnny Dogs was taking you to the train station per Tommy's request.
"I'll be back as soon as I can. I love you." you told Thomas, a little worried for him. You had a vague feeling that something was going to go wrong.
"I love you." he said quietly, pressing a kiss to your temple.
And then, you were off. You tried to calm your fears with the knowledge that Tommy had accepted the dog. See, the dog's purpose was not to replace Cyril. It was to replace you. The unnamed dog was trained to pick up on when someone was in distress and find solutions for them. Aberama Gold had put you in contact with the dog trainer, and you felt you could trust him. After all, men in the business of war and politics needed all the support they could get.
Tommy stared at the dog, and the dog stared back. What was he to do with her? He didn't need a dog. He didn't even want a dog! They were a lot of work that he didn't have time for. So why was he unable to think about anything else?
"What do you want of me, eh?" he asked the dog.
She, obviously, said nothing back.
Feeling frustrated, he put the dog out of his office and shut the door. Out of sight, out of mind. Right?
"Move on, Tom." he whispered to himself, and went to work sorting through the papers on his desk. He constantly had a lot of work ahead of him.
A few slow hours passed, and Thomas decided he should be done for the day. His eyes were irritated with staring at words on paper.
Just as Tommy stood, a loud crash sounded down the hall.
Immediately, his thoughts and heart started racing. Someone was out to get him! He pulled out his gun. Tommy then ducked behind the desk and cocked the weapon. His mind was tricking him into thinking he was back in the war. His office had become a tunnel, and the door was now a wall in which he expected a shovel to burst through any moment.
When the door did open, his brain mistook the four paws for boots on earth. Tommy's breathing was erratic, and he couldn't seem to focus. He felt like he was completely helpless, and absolutely hated it. Every time he thought he was getting better, this would happen and he'd be reduced back to square one.
A black shape came into view, and Tommy pointed the gun. He nearly fired before he realized that the other gun he was expecting was a small black nose.
"Damn dog!" he shouted, fear still wrecking havoc on his system.
The sweet girl had a blanket in her mouth, and she draped it over Tommy without hesitation. She didn't cower or shrink back. This was her job. She was supposed to take care of her new master, and that's exactly what she intended on doing.
She turned and left. While she did so, Tommy tossed the gun away and sank entirely onto the floor. He felt so off that he didn't even bother removing the blanket. How had she gotten in? He was sure the door had been closed. Was he really losing his mind this time?
A moment later, the dog returned with a whiskey bottle wedged in her jaws. Tommy gave her an incredulous look, but accepted the bottle. Where had she gotten it? Tommy quickly decided he didn't care. He took the stopper out and took a swig. This was an unexpected turn, but not an unpleasant one.
The dog left again. He was still finding it hard to breathe.
Tommy took another drink before setting the bottle aside. The familiar taste was helping to ground him in the present. He was not in France! He was home. He was home.
She trotted back over to Tommy, his medicine bottle carefully in her mouth. She dropped it in Tommy's lap before sitting back and wagging her tail.
"Where the fuck did you learn that?" Tommy asked in a whisper, coming to the realization that Y/N had gotten this dog on purpose. Oh, god, he loved that woman.
The dog barked at him, and he snorted in amusement. Tommy took a small sip from the bottle, and only then did she leave again. He scoffed, and set that bottle aside too.
When the dog returned for the final time, she carried a pillow in her mouth. Tommy gently took it from her, and placed it behind his head and against the desk. The dog, wagging her tail, promptly climbed into his lap.
"Hey." Tommy began to complain. He let it slide, however, when he realized how comforting this truly was.
Tentatively, Thomas wrapped his arms around her. She wagged her tail more fiercely, and even licked his face a little bit. He sighed against her black fur, and kept holding on. She wasn't Y/N, but she was a close second.
Unwilling to sleep after all that, Tommy just stayed in this spot. He had whiskey and a dog. What more did he currently need, besides you? You were safe, and you were returning tomorrow. He was safe, and had a lovely dog. That was something he couldn't ignore.
He didn't realize how much time had passed after that until he could see rays of light peeking through the curtain. It was morning! Mornings were always his favorite time of day. They were a sign of a new beginning, and a sign of hope. He'd never admit this out loud, of course.
"We made it." he told the dog, and then immediately felt embarrassed. The dog didn't think they were in danger, only he had. Then again, the dog didn't judge him for that. The dog just helped him without expecting any reward. Dammit. He was already too attached.
Yawning, Tommy finally got off the floor. He wrote a brief note and took it with him as he went to your shared bedroom. It was then placed on your nightstand. He was suddenly so tired, that every action seemed twice as hard as normal.
Thomas completely undressed, and climbed into the bed. He patted the empty space next to him, and the dog immediately joined him. She plopped down, and wagged her tail when Tommy pulled her closer. Within moments, he had fallen into a deep and peaceful sleep.
"As much as I like driving you, you should really get you your own car, Y/N." Johnny laughed, pulling up to Tommy's house once more. You had been ushering him to drive faster nearly the entire ride back.
"Thank you. I'm sure he's fine, but you don't always know with him." you said, giving Johnny a quick kiss to the cheek before hopping out of the car.
"Let me know, alright?" he asked, sobering up a little.
"Always. Have a safe drive back." you nodded before turning to go inside.
As soon as you went through the doors, the dog was there to greet you. You pet her and gave her a few kisses. Hopefully the fact that she was still here meant something.
"I fed her and let her outside already, Y/N. She was in Mr. Shelby's room all night." one of the maids informed you, smiling. She had secretly hoped they would keep the dog, too.
"Thank you. Is Tommy still here?" you answered.
"Oh, yes, he's still in bed."
Quickly, you went to go find him. He usually had such trouble sleeping that even if he had been up all night, he wouldn't sleep through the next day. It made you worried. You had had a feeling that something was going to happen when you were away. It was why you had adopted the dog in the first place. You had just hoped the dog wouldn't have to do her job on the very first night.
You read the note Tommy left:
'Her name is Daybreak.'
Tommy must have had some sort of episode or nightmare in the night, and Daybreak obviously did her job well. You smiled, relieved. If you were gone, Daybreak could save him. If he shut you out, as he did some times, the dog would do what you could not.
You took off your shoes and your outerwear, and climbed into bed beside him.
"Y/N?" he murmured softly, rolling to face you. He barely opened his eyes. His hair was messy from sleep, and he looked absolutely adorable.
"I'm here, Tommy." you said, putting yourself in his arms.
"Welcome home." he whispered, hugging you against him. He ran his fingers through your hair a few times, just taking you in.
"Are you alright?" you asked tentatively.
"I am now. I'm keeping that dog." he answered.
"Good. I hoped she'd grow on you." you told him, aware he was avoiding the subject of last night. If he didn't want to talk about it, you wouldn't pry.
"That she did." was all he said, before placing a kiss on the top of your head.
You'd tell him about the promotion later on. For now, you were just going to be there for him. He deserved some peace.
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imagine-richards · 5 years
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Filming Bennie and the Jets ~ Rocketman (2019)
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imagine-richards · 5 years
miss i am a whole ass mess
Hi, sorry to bother I'm just going thru my exams and I feel like I'm doing rather badly so I'm left constantly feeling like I'm a fucking dumbass, would it be ok to request a blurb about Tommy comforting a crying reader and just telling her that she's not dumb? I'd really appreciate it
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Unstoppable - Thomas Shelby x Reader
It’s not a bother at all! I hope this can help cheer you up a little! Exams are definitely tough, but I’m sure you’ll do amazing! I believe in you, and so does Tommy! (Cheesy, I know 😘)
She swiped her hands across her cheeks to try and hide evidence of her crying, but it was no use. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were irritated. Tommy would take one look at Y/N and know she’d been crying immediately. She was upset because she didn’t feel confident in her part of the upcoming plan that Thomas made. It was a sort of test, and the anxiety was eating at her.
The door to the bedroom opened, and the man himself walked in.
Y/N turned to greet her boyfriend, hoping the dim lamplight would hide the slight discoloration of her skin. She shared one look with him, and immediately began crying again. It was no use.
Wordlessly, he shut the door behind him. Tommy then crossed the room, and put his cigarette out on the vanity at which Y/N sat. Next, he simply slid one arm under her legs and the other around her back, and carried her to their bed.
“I’m sorry, Tommy.” she got out, sniffling.
“What for? You haven’t done anything wrong. You just let your dear old Tommy take care of you.” he murmured, cradling her to his chest and rocking slightly.
“Tommy, I’m going to fail. You should just let someone who isn’t as dumb as me do this.” she expressed, hiding in his shirt.
Thomas stopped. He moved her around so that she was sitting on his lap and facing him. He squeezed her hands briefly before cupping her face in his. There was absolutely no hiding from him.
“You are not dumb. You are a brilliant woman, and you’re going to succeed. I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I thought you couldn’t handle it. Do you understand?”
She just stared into his blue eyes, unable to speak.
“I mean it. You’ve got this.” he assured her further, his tone softening. Only with her did he ever become gentle. Y/N nodded, and only then did he let her move from that position.
Tommy held her tightly to his chest, making absolutely certain that she felt safe and sure. If she still didn’t believe in herself, he believed in her enough for the both of them. Tommy knew that she’d feel better soon, though. She was an unstoppable force, and he just had to remind her of it from time to time.
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imagine-richards · 5 years
I was reading your 2019 masterlist and fell absolutely in love with Lover and the idea of a cold, soft Tommy cuddling up to you. I was wondering if you could write about a sick Thomas going all soft and useless and needy and having you take care of him? I adore your work and can't think of a better person to write it, but I don't really wanna pressure you and if you don't want to there's no problem. Thank you!
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Lover - Part 2 - Thomas Shelby x Reader
Lover - Part 1
Absolutely loved writing Lover, so this is absolutely no problem!! Who wouldn’t love a sick and needy Tommy?! I decided to make this a sequel to Lover, because of course Tommy would get sick from sleeping outside lol. Enjoy!
“Oh, Tommy.” you sighed, shutting the bedroom door behind you.
“Huh?” he groaned out, voice muffled due to his being under a mountain of blankets. His endless nights sleeping out in the meadow or the pasture had finally caught up with him. He had gotten quite sick, and now you had made it your duty to take care of him.
“Nothing, Tom. I’ll get you some tea.” you chuckled, plucking a pillow off the floor and placing it on the sofa.
You proceeded to go to the kitchen. Tea always seemed to help with colds, you thought. Especially when the person wasn’t sick enough to warrant getting a doctor involved. Tommy was just crashing extra hard due to the fact he almost never stopped working. The poor man was working himself into the ground.
After boiling water, you poured two cups of tea. You weren’t really sure which kind of tea it was, but one of the staff in the kitchen recommended it. She knew you were taking care of Tommy. It was sort of a running joke that you were the only one who he would let take care of him. No one else had gotten this close, and so some of the women liked to help out through you. It was admirable that Tommy had a staff of such kind women. They all cared for him, even if he would never notice it.
You were thinking about Tommy’s influence as you walked back to his room. When you met him as a young girl, he had the same kind of pull. He just made people like him, whether he did it intentionally or not. He was probably aware of how influential he could be, but only to a certain point. People loving Tommy seemed to baffle him most of the time. He didn’t understand why because his opinion of himself was so low. It was why he pushed to be the best. It was as if he needed to prove to the world that he could rise above them all. It was something you loved about him. His determination would take him all the way to the top.
Sometimes, however, it would take him into bed with a cold.
“I’ve brought tea, Tommy.” you said quietly as you walked back into his bedroom. You hoped maybe he had fallen asleep. You also knew his fear of nightmares was strong. On occasion, you felt certain that he had only let himself sleep when you were near him. It was endearing, but entirely unhealthy.
“I don’t want tea. I want this fucking cold to go away.” he muttered out of frustration.
“I know, Tommy. It’ll go away soon.” you responded with sympathy, before kicking off your shoes.
You walked around to his side of the bed and pulled back some of the pillows and blankets. As you did so, you felt a wave of heat radiate from him. Uh oh.
“Don’t. It’s fuckin freezing in here.” he complained, clinging to some of the blankets.
“Tommy, look at me.” you ordered. He noticed your shift in tone, and turned to face you right away.
You placed the back of your hand upon his forehead, and it only confirmed your fears. His skin was hot, more hot than it should be. Thomas had a fever.
“What is it?” he asked, confused and shivering.
“You’ve got a pretty high fever. I should call for a doctor.” you explained, worried.
As you began to turn to find a phone, he snatched your wrist. It was easy to tell how weak he had gotten by just that one touch, and your heart threatened to break. You were used to him being the epitome of strength, and now this sickness was sapping away all his energy.
“No. No doctors. I only trust you.” he said, voice pleading.
“If you’re being serious, you’ll have to do what I say.” you argued.
“Yes, yes I will.” he nodded, eyes fluttering shut and his fingers releasing your wrist.
“Alright, well let’s get you back to full health!” you declared before promptly removing all blankets from the bed.
“Hey!” he complained, curling in on himself once he was uncovered. All he was wearing were his boxers. You did your very best not to stare.
“I’m sorry, Tommy, but it’s for your own good. You’re too hot.” you explained, giving him an apologetic smile.
“You think I’m hot?”
You paused what you were doing to find his face. Tommy was grinning to himself. You snorted in amusement, and continued to fold the blankets and sheets from the bed. Even sick with a fever, the man was still as cocky as ever.
After folding the blankets, you sought out a water basin and some cloth. You needed to bring his temperature down, but you weren’t sure you could get him to a bathtub. You also poured him a tall glass of water from the pitcher you had brought in that morning.
“Tommy, sit up for me.” you asked kindly, setting the basin and glass of water down on the nightstand.
On a normal day, the man would have been playful and had you move him yourself. Since he was sick and pliable, he did exactly as he was told. You found it endearing more than anything.
“What now, doctor?” he cracked an eye open to look at you. You couldn’t help but smile and admire him for a moment. Your love for him was overwhelming at times.
“You’re going to drink all of this while I’m going to wash you down with cool water.” you told him honestly.
He just grunted in response, and shut his eyes once more. He kept them shut even as he began to drink from the glass. You could tell that he was trying to control his shivering, which just made the muscles across his body contract and release in random patterns. Again, you tried not to stare at his mostly unclothed body.
First, you dipped a cloth in the water and partially wrung it out. You then placed it over his forehead. He let out a long and slow exhale, but didn’t say anything. Second, you wrung out another cloth. With this, you began to wipe down his arms and chest. Periodically, you dampened the cloth to cool it again. Every time, you watched Tommy’s face to make sure he was doing okay.
“Thank you.” he hummed softly, setting the now empty water glass back on the nightstand. He nestled back against the pillows, and even adjusted the cloth on his forehead to make sure it stayed in place. This was the most you had seen him do for himself in a long time.
“You’re welcome.” you smiled, and continued wiping him down.
Next, you went ahead and wiped his legs with the cooled water, too. You would make him take a proper bath tomorrow, but for now this would do.
At last, you went to tell him you were done. It was then that you realized that he had drifted off to sleep. All you could do was stare. He made you feel all soft and fuzzy inside.
Finishing his wash, you set the basin and cloths aside. His fever seemed to have broken during the process of cooling him, and you felt a little pleased with yourself. You loved him, and so loved taking care of him. Most of the time, it was he who was taking care of you. You were overjoyed to be able to return the favor.
You decided that he could have one sheet on the bed now, and that you would put more on if he got properly cold. You didn’t want him getting feverish again. After tucking him in, you brushed his hair out of his face and placed a kiss on his forehead.
As he slept, you tidied the rest of the room. You pulled one of the curtains aside and propped opened one of the windows. The fresh air would not only cool the room, but it would also bring Tommy some peace. After all, he loved to be outside. It wasn’t much, but it was a gesture that he’d hopefully appreciate when he woke.
Finally, you were done. Tommy was asleep, and your job was finished. You crawled into the bed next to him, and linked your hands together. You didn’t want to get sick, but you also couldn’t stand to leave him.
You whispered to Tommy, absolutely sure he was asleep this time, “I love you.”
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imagine-richards · 5 years
Flower Asks
Hibiscus: What are you looking forward to right now?
Azalea: Is there something you need to get off your chest? If you feel safe and comfortable telling us, do so.
Bluebell: What show do you watch after a long day?
Snowdrop: What smells remind you of home, or of a certain time in your life?
Lavender: Do you drink tea? If so, what are your tea preferences – flavour, mug or teacup, hot or iced, caf or decaf, etc.?
Cherry Blossom: Tell us about an average morning for you, on a day you have to work, and a day you have no plans.
Edelweiss: If you could be in a fantasy novel, what would you be like? Would you be a mythical creature? A hero? A mentor? Where would you live? What would the world be like?
Rosemary: Do you prefer candles, a fire, or string lights?
Honeysuckle: What comforted you as a kid? What comforts you now?
Lilac: Tell us about a place you love.
Orange Blossom: Describe your favourite item of clothing.
Hyacinth: What’s the most unusual thing you do in your spare time?
Sunflower: Is there a mystery from your life that you still haven’t figured out? Do you have any theories?
Daisy: What’s a little thing that makes you smile?
Bleeding Heart: What’s your favourite texture? (Or a textured object like flannel or sandpaper)
Jasmine: Do you prefer sunny or rainy days?
Rose: Tell us about a piece of art (in any sense) that you love and why?
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imagine-richards · 5 years
I actually love drawing with copics, I need to do it more often...
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