#ouatih x reader
komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Imagine # 1,023
Gif NOT mine.
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - @isabelladjanis (Unless told otherwise.)
Year posted - 2022
*I plan in writing more with Rick soon enough, because this man needs more love. (Plus I love Leonardo DiCaprio) I might write a short story about this imagine, but for now enjoy this snippet.
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fangirl-imagines · 4 years
Dating Cliff Booth Would Include...
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A/N: I will never get over how hot Brad Pitt is in this movie at 54. 
Imagine calling him pretty boy just to tease him.
He blushes most of the time when you say it which just encourages you to say it more. 
He loves you, he does, but he will definitely leave your bed in the middle of the night to go get Rick whenever Rick calls him needing something. 
Rick and you would probably end up friends though considering how much time you spend together. 
Plus he’s so good to Cliff (and to you too once he gets to know you) that how could you ever not like him?
Cliff will constantly joke that Brandy likes you more than him most of the time even though everyone knows that dog is practically his baby.
Whenever he has to go out of town with Rick for a job or keep an eye on Rick for a few nights you end up taking care of Brandy.
Not that you mind because ofc you fall in love with how sweet that dog is. 
Anytime you need anything done around your place Cliff will automatically volunteer to take care of it for you. 
You need your car’s oil changed? He’s got you covered. Got a stuck door lock? No problem. Been wanting to paint your bedroom? He’s glad to help. 
Cliff Booth’s love language is acts of service and you can’t change my mind on that. 
This man is like the human embodiment of top energy. Do with that what you will.
He is usually really gentle with you though (unless you ask him not to be). 
He is an amazing kisser. Like grabs your face in both hands and really kisses you type of thing. 1000/10 recommend. 
Don’t expect sweet nothings. Cliff is a man of few words and doesn’t usually voice his feelings but he still finds ways to let you know how he feels. 
He opens up more with you than most other people though.
You guys would have so many inside jokes between the two of you because of this. 
He likes to hold your hand while driving with the other. 
Cliff is the ultimate hype man! He is always there and ready to pump you up when you need it.
He always gives you calm supporting vibes as if he just knows when things are going to work out fine and it is honestly so helpful when you’re nervous about something. 
I picture lots of hang out type date nights where the two of you just kind of watch some TV, play with Brandy, and smoke weed together. 
He always swears he is never going to get married again and he 100% means that too. 
He is fine with living with you and he doesn’t want to be with anybody else but his first marriage was such a disaster that he has sworn off marriage all together. 
Part of him is really nervous that you’ll leave him after you hear the rumors about his ex-wife. 
And of course when word gets around that you’re dating Cliff people are practically lining up to “warn you” about him and tell you all about what happened to his ex-wife. 
You don’t believe it for a second though and adamantly defend him whenever anyone brings it up. 
He may or may not have realized he was in love with you the first time he heard you defending him to some random person who tried to say something bad about him. 
He’s not used to people really caring enough about him to do that and it meant a lot to him. 
Speaking of defending each other…
Cliff is incredibly protective over you. Like someone can look at you wrong and Cliff is ready to throw hands. 
If you work in Hollywood, especially as an actress, he is even more protective of you because he’s always afraid some sleazy producer or someone is going to try to mess with you or put you down. 
He secretly kind of loves it when you fawn over him after he does a few stunts, always worried that he’s going to get hurt. 
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demonofthechili · 4 years
Being Friends With Rick Dalton & Cliff Booth: A HC Post:
You being an actress and meeting Rick on the set of Bounty Law when you're hired to play a recurring character.
Rick being the first to meet you, and chatting away with you while you get your makeup done.
Rick also introducing you to Cliff, his charming and cool stunt double who says he's a fan of yours.
Despite you initially spending more time with Rick due to strictly talking on set, Cliff is the one to invite you to post-shoot drinks.
You?? Running lines with Rick?? More than likely.
Honestly, Rick invites you to premiers more than he'd care to admit because either Cliff doesn't want to go, or there are directors/other actors he wants you to meet so you can get some connections.
CLIFF IS 100% DOWN TO FIX YOUR SHIT AND HELP AROUND YOUR PLACE. You need something painted? He'll happily volunteer. You need your car fixed? It's done. Honestly, he's your handyman and will get low-key salty if you get anyone else to help you out.
Rick offering you advice that other actors and directors have given him, and then trying to offer his own to varying degrees of success.
Sitting down and watching reruns of Bounty Law and other shows and movies both you and Rick have been in. You try to make it a recurring thing, though Rick is far too modest to really advocate for it.
You spotting for Cliff when he's bench pressing (honestly, he doesn't need you and you couldn't help anyway, but he likes to catch up with you so 🤷‍♂️).
You looking after Brandy when Cliff needs to head off somewhere cross-country with Rick. Brandy adores you, by the way.
I'm not saying that Rick is kinda awkward around you, but he's kinda awkward around you. It's like he is with Cliff, except a lot more... trying to present himself in a specific way.
When you go for nights out, the guys making sure you're the first to get home properly. If you're drinking at Rick's, they try to take you home, or Rick lets you take the bed.
You hyping Rick the fuck up for a role. He also does the same for you!! Y'all really support each other.
Oh hi, Cliff taking you on his motorbike and maybe even taking you to motorcross because he's a bike nerd?? Absolutely.
Basically: You're all sweet and it's just delightful.
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multifandomfanfic · 2 years
James Bond
Paring: Cliff Booth x fem! Reader
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, subtle praise kink, oral (m receiving), older guy young girl trope
Summary: Whose idea was it to hire a stunt double as a lead? It was an utterly awful, unfathomable idea. That was, until you got to know this mysterious lead… then, things become so much more.
Word Count: 6.1k
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As a child in Los Angeles, all I ever wanted to be was a movie star. There was something endearing about watching people move on television and knowing that every step, twirl, kiss, and line was meticulously planned.
They made it look so natural, as if they came up with it on the fly.
I wished I could be like them. I wanted to accomplish what they could with minimal effort. I desired to be interviewed by a handsome man who would inquire as to how I was able to do what I do. I remember lying on my aunt's hardwood floor as she's the only one in the family with a television. My stomach pressed against the ground, twirling my hair in my fingers as my gaze wandered over the familiar faces dancing across the screen.
Movies are an untapped market that will undoubtedly boom in the coming decades. I wanted to be a part of the revolution. I aspired to be a forerunner. I wanted to be remembered as an influential woman who had a significant impact on cinema for decades after my death.
Now I found myself in the 1970s. An era that will be remembered for its fashion, dances, and phenomenal impact on cinema. Bond movies were at an all-time high, and the stereotype of womanizers was in full swing.
“Cliff Booth?!”
I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Cliff Booth?! I tightened my grip on the poor piece of paper, causing it to crinkle under my grip.
“But… he’s a stunt double?!”
“Well ever since he beat up those hippies that broke into Rick Dalton’s house his name has gained quite a bit of traction in Hollywood.”
The director spoke with a country accent that was thicker than tar. He was well-versed in the land of westerns, and I had no doubt that this casting was at least partially his idea.
I scoffed. He was joking, right?
“Oh come on David… he’s a sorry sack of shit and we both know it…”
David took a long drag on his cigarette before tossing it to the floor and crushing it under his boot, twisting the embers into the dry ground.
“Y/N, you know the whole womanizer idea is hot shit right now…”
“There’s thousands of studs in Hollywood, David… Thousands of studs who are also good actors.”
I crumpled the paper into a ball and tossed it to the ground below me. Our attention was drawn to the paper ball, which we followed with our eyes until it stood motionless on the dusty ground.
“He better keep his shit together…”
I tried to come across as intimidating by speaking through my teeth and straightening my back. Unfortunately, my efforts were not fruitful, and David saw right through me.
The bright California sun glinted off his blue irises as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest in over exaggerated annoyance.
“Y/N… he’s a professional-”
“They say he killed his own wife!”
“I do not give two shits about what my actors do off set!… Frankly, as long as they’re able to give one hundred fifty percent in front of the camera they’re considered gold in my book.”
I rolled my eyes, chewing on my bottom lip in an attempt to keep from losing my cool.
This was a completely ridiculous idea. Casting a stunt double as an attractive, romantic, womanizer lead was a ludicrous notion.
I swallowed my rage and crossed my arms over my chest, digging my dull nails into my biceps until my brain forced me to stop due to the assault on my nerves. The pain was harsh, but it successfully distracted my mind from the problem at hand for mere moments.
“Look Y/N… you’re young-”
“I’m not a rookie.”
“I never said you were… But I’ve been in this business for longer than you’ve been alive and I assure you I know what I am doing.”
I despised how every man over 30 addressed me as if I were a complete moron who didn't know their right from their left. I wasn't an idiot. I've been in the industry for a few years now, and I make it a point to learn everything I can before diving into something new.
I know exactly what I'm doing.
I simply bit back my rage. I couldn't let a single bad decision ruin my chances of making it big.
“Couldn’t you have at least gotten Rick Dalton?... I mean, he’s ancient and practically insignificant nowadays but at least he can act.”
David grimaced. In his youth, he was a big fan of Bounty Law, and hearing me, an inexperienced idiot, bash his favorite actor damaged a very important part of himself.
“Rick Dalton is a cowboy… Not a womanizer… Plus, I’m sure he’s busy.”
“What does Cliff Booth have that the thousands of super talented Hollywood hunks don’t?”
David tilted his head slightly forward.
“He’s an untapped market… people know him as Rick Dalton’s stunt double but if he’s also good as an actor…”
David smirked and nodded devilishly, raising a finger.
“Well… then that’s a conversation piece.”
He dropped his arm, returning it to its original position across his chest.
“Besides… he’s got a look that could make all of us filthy rich.”
I pursed my lips.
“Sure… whatever.”
“Just do the goddamn movie with him. I don't give a shit if you two never speak to each other after we wrap this up but at least act like you’re interested.”
“Well… that is my job.”
David chuckled, a crooked smile forming on his face.
“Cliff will be here soon… Be on your best behavior.”
I rolled my eyes nonchalantly.
“Whatever… I’ll be in my trailer if you need me.”
I said my goodbyes and made my way across the small trailer lot to my new home. Because the cast of this film was small, only a few trailers were required to accompany the small number of cast members.
As usual, the California weather was pleasant. The sun was warm but not oppressive. The gentle breezes that blew through the city were the perfect breath of fresh air in the midst of a hectic day.
The weather here was always perfect.
The sun glistened off the side of my metal trailer, reflecting directly into my eyes and forcing me to cover my face with the back of my hand to protect my retinas from the rays.
As I flung open the door to my trailer, a particularly cool breath of fresh air tousled my hair. I sighed heavily, my chest collapsing.
Let’s hope he doesn’t screw this up.
I mean, who’s idea was it to cast a stunt double as the lead role?
In a temporary fit of rage, I slammed the door shut. A loud bang erupted, shaking the entire trailer.
“I swear if he messes this up for me…”
I clenched my teeth. This was going to be my big break. This movie was going to be a huge hit! A spicy romance film about a womanizer man and a younger girl would undoubtedly make waves in Hollywood, especially with the Bond universe reaching an all time high.
I'd be right in the thick of it. People will be talking about this movie for decades to come. How it was technically incorrect, how it was messed up in so many ways, but they'd go home and watch it anyway. Because it would be impossible to deny that they're tempted.
David made a wise choice in giving me a chance. But a stunt double? He's only good for jumping off horses and trying not to get hurt!
I take a deep breath and close my eyes to enjoy the sensation of sweet oxygen filling my lungs. David is not a moron. Cliff will be fine, I'm sure. I couldn't let a minor inconvenience derail my promising career.
I groaned, collapsing onto my stiff couch, which provided little comfort in my time of need. The hinges groaned as they suffocated under my weight.
I pressed my cheek against the scratchy fabric, my cheekbone digging into the surface as my face compressed to meld against the couch.
I should rehearse my lines. I should go for a walk. I should do something productive.
I couldn't make myself move from where I was, my front pressed against the rock solid couch. The trailer was poorly insulated, and the interior was musty and sticky. I could see dust particles floating through the air, with not a care in the world.
“Hey Dave, how’s it going?”
Outside my trailer, I heard a man's voice I didn't recognize.
Was he already here?! How long have I been relaxing?
I sat up, clambering to the tiny window on the side of the door, hoping to catch a glimpse of my costar.
I leaned in, my hands on either side of the circular window, my face almost touching the glass. I stared at him as if I'd never seen a man before.
He stood tall on the dusty ground, clad in dark blue jeans and a bright yellow button-up shirt. His eyes were obscured by dark sunglasses that reflected David's image onto them.
As much as I despised admitting it, he had a look, an iconic look. He carried himself as if he were the only man who mattered. Even if you weren't a fan of the macho older man look, his confidence was undeniably impressive.
David tipped his cowboy hat to him, giving him a proper welcome full of good old-fashioned southern hospitality.
Cliff's voice was much deeper and stronger than David's. His tone cut through the air like a knife, and I could clearly hear what he was saying. I couldn't make out David’s words. He sounded like he was mumbling under his breath.
To be fair, they were quite a distance away from me.
They conversed as if they were old friends reuniting after a long absence. Their postures were relaxed, with their hands lazily placed on their hips and their pelvises cocked to the side.
“I’m excited to do this movie David…”
“Thank you for the opportunity…”
“I love your work…”
He was kissing up, and rightly so. When I first met David, I did the same thing. I knew I needed to win over the director, or else I'd be in for a bumpy ride.
“Sure! I’d be willing to start filming later today!”
Huh?! What did he say?!
Oh God, I needed to prepare myself.
Cliff gave David a nod, before turning on his heels and making his way towards my trailer.
Oh wait… why is he coming over?
His hair fluttered in the gentle breeze as he strutted confidently towards me. I crouched quickly to avoid his gaze.
Don’t panic.
Don’t panic.
Don’t panic.
I crawled across the floor, scrambling for stray pieces of my script that were strewn about. The papers kept slipping from my grasp, fluttering to the floor just beyond my reach.
I exclaimed, hurriedly gathering the papers in my grasp and clutching them to my chest, crinkling them in the process.
I could hear him, his loud footfalls echoing just outside my trailer.
I lunged to the couch, settling into a comfortable sitting position with the few papers I could gather in the limited time I was given. I went through them. They were all scrambled, chunks from various scenes at scattered points throughout the film.
He knocked, sending a brief shock through the trailer. I gulped.
“Come in.”
I said with all the assurance I could muster. Hopefully, he won't think too much about the nerves that were covered by my phony confidence.
He swung the door open using its flimsy hinges. I glanced at him through my lashes, pretending to be surprised but not overjoyed.
He leaned against the door frame, his arms crossed over his broad chest.
“Oh… hello…”
I gave him a quick smile before returning my attention to the script in my hands.
“Boss told me to tell you that we’ll be filming later today… if that’s alright…”
I pursed my lips and nodded, not looking him in the eyes.
“That’s fine… What time is he thinking?”
“In like… two hours maybe.”
“Okay… Thanks for telling me.”
I pretended to be reading the script in front of me. It was the scene in which the two characters were in a club, hitting it off.
It was unmistakably a slow burn.
I was expecting him to leave. He'd told me everything there was to say. What else could he possibly want?
He pushed himself off the door frame and took a long step forward, getting halfway between me and the door.
“You look like you take yourself too seriously… Am I right?”
Excuse me?! I scoffed, not looking him in the eyes in fear my nerves would consume me.
I'm not sure why I was so worried. Nerves didn't look good on me.
“You really just say whatever’s on your mind, don’t you?”
He chuckled.
His presence was oppressive. As I read the page in front of me for the tenth time, I could feel his eyes boring into my skull.
Okay, this is ridiculous.
I raised my head to meet his stare.
I could feel his gaze on me despite his sunglasses. My heart started racing. Even when he didn't want to be, he was super intimidating. He exuded dominance, which would undoubtedly come in handy during filming.
“Are you gonna leave now?”
I inquired as politely as I could. Unfortunately, I came across as bratty rather than kind. Cliff chuckled through a closed mouth.
“I think I’d rather stay here and stare at you a little longer.”
Now he was just messing with me.
“Fine… I don’t really care.”
I did care. I very much did care.
I couldn't think because he was standing over me. I was struggling to breathe. He had a hold on me just by being in the same room with me.
“Why are you even here? You’re a stunt double.”
I asked nonchalantly, my gaze fixed on the words on my script. I'm not sure why I said that. I only needed to talk to get my mind off the crushing weight of his presence.
“Boss said I have a good look…”
I could tell he was smirking. His tone was far too arrogant.
“I’m sure that stroked your ego.”
I flipped the page, focusing my attention on the script's words. It was the first scene.
It might be beneficial to take a close look at this.
“You’ve got fire in you… I like it.”
Oh, please. I could see where this was going. Did he think I wouldn't notice how his voice changed to add a sensual undertone to the conversation?
“Thank you… now please leave before I vomit all over your fifty cent boots.”
I wanted him out of my trailer so I could breathe normally again. He was staring at me like a hawk, and it was getting annoying and uncomfortable.
Cliff scoffed.
“Alright… I’ll leave you alone honey.”
My heart skipped a beat when I heard the pet name.
He turned and walked towards the door, his steps rattling the trailer slightly everytime his foot came into contact with the ground.
I let out a heavy sigh as he closed the door behind him, my chest collapsing with relief.
I lowered myself to the ground and began rummaging through the papers to compile the first scene. I was successful in organizing the papers into their respective scenes.
I read the first scene several times, making sure I knew every line from beginning to end. I even spoke aloud, rehearsing what I would say and how I would approach the dialogue in the most natural way.
I'd done enough research on David to know that he prefers to be free most of the time, which is why his films are so iconic. He believes in his actors and allows them to do almost anything they want while saying their lines as long as it appears natural.
So, it was my responsibility to put together a rough idea of my staging.
I couldn't help but look over to the bar scene to see what I was in for. I read it once, twice, and three times. I couldn't stop myself from skimming over the words.
I was in for a wild ride. This scene was completely wild.
A loud slam on my door startled me out of my daze.
“We’re filming now! Get on set!”
“I’ll be right out!”
I assumed we'd start the day with the first scene because I hadn't received any information to the contrary.
I took a few moments to myself. Before exhaling, I took a deep breath and stretched my arms above my head.
“Okay… let’s do this.”
As I approached the set, I noticed that the props and locations appeared to correspond with the first scene.
Thank God.
“Alright… First scene… get ready you guys.”
David addressed us from behind the camera, which was pointed directly at the set. I lowered my gaze, smoothing the wrinkles in my costume. Fortunately, I had not completely ruined the dress with sweat.
Cliff was dressed in the same outfit as before.
Was that his costume?
I suppose it did fit the character.
In a sense, the character reflected his own personality.
“Alright you guys… you know I’m a fan of improv so just do whatever the hell you feel like… just keep the lines the same… don’t leave anything out.”
David was a big fan of small groups as well. He didn't hire anyone unless he absolutely needed to. As a result, he was the sole operator of the camera.
He was truly iconic. This method of execution should not work... but David manages to make everything work despite the odds.
Cliff was prepared, standing in place, waiting for his chance to shine.
“Oh… right!”
I exclaimed, completely absorbed in my own thoughts. I walked onto the set, taking a random position and re-enacting the blocking I'd imagined in my head.
Only now would I have to work off of Cliff, making the job even more difficult.
I’ll be alright.
I can do this.
The first scene went very smoothly, we only needed one take to get it perfect.
“You guys are on fire! Alright, how about the club scene?!”
The club scene?
However, we were in the middle of the desert, where our characters were supposed to meet for the first time. It was extremely unlikely, but I had faith in David. When it comes to romance films, the more absurd, the better. People are drawn to a plot that they have never heard of before.
Besides, the entire point of this film was to be unlikely, almost impossible. A film in which critics will make ridiculous assumptions about hidden metaphors decades later.
“How are we gonna do the club scene when we’re in the middle of the desert, boss?”
Cliff was thinking the same thing as me.
David bit his bottom lip and gazed at the ground, thinking. He was a bit short-sighted for a theatrical genius at times.
“Well… let’s just do the post club scene shall we?... Cliff’s character is supposed to be broke despite how he presents himself… So using one of the trailers will suffice.”
Oh God… the post club scene meaning the scene where it is heavily hinted at that we-
“Sure… I’m good with that.”
Of course Cliff didn’t mind… he got to kiss a girl old enough to be his daughter.
David turned his eyes to me, as if he needed confirmation that everything was fine on my end.
I flushed bright red.
“Oh… yeah, sure… that’s fine… but, um… I didn’t really get a chance to look over my lines for that scene… and I-I think I need a different costume.”
David nodded.
“You’re right… let’s wait for an hour or so, so the sun can fully set… and so you guys can prepare.”
“Sure! Sounds great!”
I agreed a little too enthusiastically before hastening my way to my trailer. I had no doubt they'd be very suspicious of my rushed manor.
The trust was, I had gone over that scene twenty times before. I knew all of the lines backwards and forwards. I had spent time thinking about how much I would despise having to kiss him and pretend to be deeply in love with him.
That’s why I was blushing… because I was nervous… and I hated him.
I changed my outfit and did my own makeup.
Makeup and costume people were another thing David considered pointless. He was always saying how he preferred the actors to choose their own costumes based on what they thought was best, and to do their own makeup. He wanted his characters to be real people, people who were probably not great at clothing design or elaborate makeup techniques.
Fortunately, he offered to pay me more since I was basically doing all the work myself.
I must have done my makeup ten times to avoid having to think about the impending doom that was coming much sooner than expected. In the little mirror hanging on the wall of my trailer, I put it on, then took it off, then put it on again, then fixed every single minor error before taking it completely off.
As the sun began to set, I could see the light fading from my trailer and feel the sudden unease that struck me every time my mind wandered.
I swiped the eyeliner against my skin.
I muttered under my breath as I erased it all away with a wipe.
I should probably put it on for good, as filming time is quickly approaching.
I was about to apply my final stroke of eyeshadow when I heard a knock on the door and a voice telling me to come outside. I finished quickly, taking a deep breath, hoping for calm rather than preparation.
When I stepped outside, I felt naked and exposed in front of two fully grown men. Unfortunately, the short red dress I chose left little room for the imagination.
“Alright… I think we’d better use Cliff’s trailer since I’m sure it’s a mess.”
Dave and Cliff both laughed at David's terrible joke. I remained silent, only offering a small smile to indicate that I was listening.
I wasn't paying attention. I was thinking about how much this was going to suck, at least for me anyway.
I thought of how much it would suck to have Cliff feeling me up and pretending I enjoyed it.
Because I’d definitely hate it.
I’d hate how his rough hands would feel against my soft skin.
Ew. I don’t like that I had that thought.
The scene was… a big mess of emotions. I wasn’t sure what exactly I should feel at any given moment. My entire mine was plagued with scattered thoughts that would lead to unintentional and completely ludicrous places.
By the time it was completely over, my face was flushed bright red and my heart was beating out of my chest.
I slammed my trailer door shut, heaving breaths of anxiety.
Oh God… that was too much.
The way he was touching me… I wanted to hate it so bad. I hated myself for allowing myself to enjoy it.
The worst part of it was… we needed more than one take.
Which meant I had to feel him touching me in every place the sun touched. I had to feel his lips against mine and try to pretend I was seconds away from moaning into his mouth while David stood behind a camera and recorded us.
God I wish we could just do those things in private.
No, no I don’t. What am I talking about?! I definitely don’t want that.
He was in my trailer, standing in the frame while I was busy agonizing over my thoughts. I didn’t notice him at first.
“Oh! Um… I’m sorry I didn’t see you there…”
I swallowed my anxiety, my gaze fixed on the ground below me as my insides shook violently, plaguing me with heavy waves of unease.
He knew what I was thinking.
He knew exactly what I was thinking.
How could he not?
“I’m just gonna cut to the chase because I think you know what all of this is about.”
I did.
I knew exactly what all of this was about.
I knew exactly where this was going.
And I couldn’t help but grow wet at the mere thought of where this night would undoubtedly lead.
“You were gettin’ antsy in that last scene.”
He placed a curled finger under my chin, forcing my head upwards to meet his gaze.
“Waddya have to say about that?”
I gulped.
“I don’t know.”
“I think you do know…”
I sounded pitiful. Cliff was obviously a man who knew exactly what he wanted, so I expected him to become frustrated and antsy. Instead, he seemed amused, finding my discomfort humorous.
He scoffed.
“Alright honey…”
My lower abdomen fluttered at the pet name.
“Since you don’t wanna talk I guess I’ll have to work it outta ya.”
His voice dropped to just barely above a sensual whisper, his newfound tone making my stomach flip upside down.
He smashed my lips into mine without hesitation, pushing me backwards with extreme force until my knees smacked against the couch, knocking me into a sitting position until I was eye level with his large belt buckle.
His hand caressed my jaw, tilting it upwards to meet his crushing gaze.
Cliff’s calloused fingertips grazed sensually against my lips, raising goosebumps along my spine. He took his time, ensuring I was aching by the time he was done getting under my skin.
“God you’re beautiful…”
He mumbled almost incoherently.
“You wanna suck my cock babygirl?… you want me to cum in that pretty little mouth of yours?”
I swallowed, my throat becoming constricted with fear.
I clenched my thighs together in an attempt to relieve the ache in my core.
“Speak up honey… otherwise I’ll leave while you’re aching.”
I took a shaky breath, reaching up with trembling hands to undo his belt.
Cliff dropped his hand to the side, releasing his tender grip on my jaw.
The metal buckle continued to slip from my shaky hands. My nerves transformed the simple task into a nearly impossible process.
“Don’t be nervous…”
My cheeks flushed red as I tried to keep my eyes on the rusty golden buckle so I didn’t become intimidated.
“Hey. Look at me when I’m talking to you.”
He demanded, his voice becoming firm yet keeping the mumbling tone.
I gathered my courage, trialing my eyes upwards to glance at him through my lashes.
“Don’t be nervous… after I fill you pretty mouth with my thick cock I’ll make you cum so hard your whole body will be begging me for more.”
I clenched my jaw, tearing my eyes away from him to fully undo his belt and slip it through the loops with a loud whoosh.
I felt his large cock growing hard through his jeans as my hands gently grazed over his clothed erection. My mouth watered as I unbuttoned his pants and dragged the denim down his muscular thick thighs.
I palmed him through the thin fabric of his boxers, eliciting a low moan from the back of Cliff’s throat as he threw his head backwards and exposed his adams apple.
His hands found their place on my scalp, tangling his fingers into my locks.
“Put my fucking cock in your mouth before I make you regret it…”
His grip tightened in my hair, pulling the strands from my scalp. I couldn’t help but groan at the pain, pushing the noises down into the pit of my stomach.
“No teasing.”
He demanded, his voice now breathy and thick with anticipation.
I murmured timidly, swallowing my nerves as I hooked a finger in the waistband of his boxers and tugged them down his legs until they pooled around his ankles.
I was eye level with his cock, which was incredibly thick and unmistakingly the most beautiful dick I’d ever seen in my entire life.
Which wasn’t saying much, as I wasn’t the most experienced person on set.
The aching in my cunt grew when I was able to fully take in his glorious cock, and began thinking of how it would feel inside of me, fantastically stretching my walls.
My face was burning hot with desire as I tenderly grasped his length, giving it a few gentle pumps.
Cliff sighed deeply, loosening his grip on my hair once he realized I would gladly take control.
“You’re beautiful Cliff…”
I wasn’t sure what I should say now that I was so close to having his cock inside of me, but I figured he’d appreciate a gentle compliment.
Cliff scoffed.
“Thank you honey… you’re not too bad yourself.”
His line was painfully cliche, but I didn’t mind. This situation was making me far too aroused to care about a cliche.
I took his cock into my mouth, immediately thrusting it towards the back of my throat with eagerness.
Cliff groaned and moaned as I bobbed my head along his length, the pleasure filled sounds adding to the pooling wetness in my damp panties.
His grip tightened, not in frustration, but in the sheer pleasure of my warm mouth bobbing along his veiny cock.
“Fuck… you’re such a good girl.”
He gasped in between strangled moans.
I was already a mess and he had hardly touched me. My heart was pounding. My face was flushed bright red. My panties were soaking wet and my cunt was aching to the point of pain.
I was antsy, antsy to feel him throbbing inside of me.
Cliff threw his head downwards, his eyes boring into my skull as his strong grip assisted me in bobbing my head along him.
His tip was hitting the back of my throat. I almost gagged as he began to buck his hips into my mouth.
Tears of pleasure were forming at the corners of my eyes, and a few escaped my eyelids and began to roll down my cheeks.
I glanced up at him through my thick lashes, his crushing stare making my heart flutter with anticipation.
His lips were wet with saliva, his teeth clenched, the muscles on his jaw protruding from the sides of his cheeks.
It filled me with pride to know I had such a profound effect on him. I wrapped my hands around his muscular thighs to steady myself as I began to take his cock with my urgency.
“Oh my… fuck… you’re such a slut for me.”
Cliff's hips were thrusting aggressively into my mouth, the tip of my nose brushing against his happy trail.
“You’re gonna make me cum so hard honey… I can’t wait to feel your sweet little pussy around my throbbing cock.”
His length began to twitch in my mouth, the salty taste of precum lingering on my tongue.
With a few more thrusts, Cliff was falling over the edge into the realm of pleasure. His chest collapsed as he unloaded his cum into the back of my throat, his grip on my hair suddenly loosening as he reached his high.
I bobbed my head twice more along his dick to help him ride out his orgasm before removing my mouth with a pop.
Cliff was breathing heavily, his chest heaving with gasps as he came down to earth after an intense orgasm.
He dropped his hand to his side, relaxing his body as we both mentally prepared ourselves for what was yet to come.
“You ready for me honey?”
He asked, a big stupid smile plastered on his smug face.
I gulped, resting my hands in my lap as I nodded my head meekly.
Cliff brought his hands to the front of his shirt, glancing down at the buttons as he began to undo them.
With every button, he exposed his chiseled body, glistening with sweat.
Cliff dropped the fabric to the floor with a soft thud, now fully naked and exposed in front of my inexperienced eyes. Being fully clothed in front of him added an additional layer of anticipation to the situation.
“Stand… let me undress you.”
He commanded, and I followed his orders, standing on my shaky knees.
Cliff glued his eyes to my chest, grazing his fingertips sensually over my collarbone, raising goosebumps on my skin.
He moved his hand to my shoulder, pushing my spaghetti strap down until it hung limply. He did the same with the other side until my dress was hanging loosely on my body.
I stared at the floor as Cliff grasped onto the deep neckline of my dress, pulling it down until I was dressed only in my underwear. The cool breeze hardened my nipples.
I gasped as Cliff connected his warm mouth with the sensitive skin on my neck, raising my hands to gently rest on top of his shoulders.
He kissed and nipped on my skin. He grasped my hips and tugged my forward until our bodies were pressed flush together. I could feel the warmth radiating off of his perfect body.
Cliff kicked off his shoes, pushing me backward as an indication that it was time for me to lay down.
I followed his instruction, finding a comfortable place on my stiff couch as he settled in between my legs, hovering over me, his lips moving expertly against my neck.
I tangled my hands in his hair, squeezing my eyes shut and dropped my jaw as his lips hit every single sweet spot on my neck and collarbone.
“Cliff… please… I need you.”
Cliff smirked against my skin.
“Beg for it… I wanna hear you beg for my cock.”
He murmured against the crook of my neck, his body pressed firmly into mine, his cock so close to my aching cunt.
“Please Cliff… I need you to fuck me.”
“Keep going…”
I gasped as he bit a patch of sensitive skin on my collarbone.
“Please Cliff… my pussy is aching so bad for you… I need you to fill me up… I need your cock throbbing inside of me.”
I begged hard, not caring about how utterly pitiful I sounded.
“Alright honey… I’ll give you what you want.”
He lined himself up with my entrance, pushing himself inside of me and stretching my walls to the max.
I moaned loudly, grasping onto his hair for leverage.
He began pounding into me, hardly giving me any time to adjust to his thick girth.
He snapped his hips forward, his pelvis smashing into mine as he thrusted mercilessly into my aching cunt.
“Fuck Y/N… you feel so fucking good… you’re so wet.”
Cliff’s voice was just as fucked out as mine. Either he was truly breathless, or he knew how much his strained gasps drove me crazy.
I wrapped my legs around his waist, giving him a complete new angle to attack my cunt.
Tears of pleasure began to return to my eyes as his thick tip slammed against my g spot with every eager thrust.
Cliff removed his face from the crook of my neck to stare into my fucked out face. He was taking in every single feature and relishing in the fact that he was completely ruining me.
“Oh God you’re such a fucking slut for me… I love it…”
I furrowed my eyebrows as I became so incredibly close to the edge.
“Cliff… I’m gonna cum.”
I was crying tears of pleasure as his girth continued to slam into my g spot.
“Look at me honey… I wanna watch your face as you cum all over my cock.”
I held eye contact as his last few thrusts made me topple over the edge, unleashing my orgasm with a strained moan.
It hit me like a freight train, knocking the breath out of me as my lungs collapsed with glorious pleasure.
Cliff followed shortly after, our combined juices dripping onto the couch below as he gave a few more thrusts to help both of us ride out our orgasms.
We maintained eye contact until we both of our hearts had begun to beat normally once more.
I felt… good, fulfilled, happy. That was the greatest orgasm I had ever experienced in my entire life. I was on cloud nine.
Cliff pulled out of me, a strand of cum attaching my body to his.
He crawled downwards until he was in between my legs, burying his face in between my thighs as he lapped up our combined juices.
I sighed with post orgasm pleasure as I allowed Cliff’s expert mouth to clean me up.
He climbed off the couch when he was satisfied with his work, immediately beginning to redress.
I stared at the ceiling, a stupidly big smile on my face as I allowed myself to live throguh the previous events of this glorious night once more.
“I’ll see you tomorrow honey… maybe we can do this again?”
I tilted my head to the side, my cheek pressing against the scratchy fabric of the couch.
We both chuckled before Cliff bid me an adieu, making his way back to his trailer as quietly as possible to avoid suspicion.
Who knew Cliff Booth was a man sent by the gods? A Hollywood hunk, a James Bond, a womanizer.
He was everything perfect wrapped into one.
Except he wasn’t James Bond, he was Cliff Booth.
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Blueberries and Cigarettes
Cliff Booth X Reader
Request by @multifandomfanfic : "Maybe something along the lines of you're a hitchhiker and you meet him after he picks you up from a hitchhiking experience and then you guys like make out in his car."
⚠️ Warnings: Language, drug use ⚠️
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The sun was unnecessarily hot today as you dragged your feet along the sidewalk; you were quite a ways away from home. The heat blaring down on your bare shoulders signified you that you were going to be burnt by the end of the day. The sidewalk hurt your feet and your shorts felt especially sticky as you continued towards the open road; your cherry lollipop that you picked up at the convenience store on your little adventure stuck to the roof of your mouth. This summer was brutal.
You passed a couple of signs along the way that were covered with graffiti and dirt. This was Hollywood- home of the stars. Maybe you'd have appreciated it more if it wasn't so grimy. The spots that were uninhabited by celebrities and were filled with the normal working citizens of America were less scenic.
"Hey!" A voice could be heard from behind you and instantly you identified it to be one of the girls from Spahn Ranch. A brunette with large eyes and a tooth gap started making her way towards you with a large jar of pickles under her right arm. Eating one of them herself, she practically throws herself onto you with a smile and a shirt stained with pickle juice.
"Hi." You said, only because you didn't want to be rude. You weren't really a fan of Pussy (the girl, not the thing itself) since she was always a bit more spontaneous and over-the-top than you preferred in a person. She was sweet, just a bit too...
You would've finished that thought, but a pickle was suddenly stuffed into your mouth.
"You like? Stole em' from that place up in town." She said, crunching on another one.
You coughed and took it out of your mouth. "Pussy, I have a sucker."
She laughed with her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth and made a similar noise to a hissing cat. Her hair was frizzy now that she had been under the sun and her rainbow top was tied incorrectly behind her neck. These small little things about her made her redeemable in a way.
You smiled. "It's okay, you wacko. Yes, the pickles are good, you should try them with a cherry sucker in the back of your throat too."
She giggled and ran towards the bench just a little ways away from where you were walking. You ditched the candy on the ground and continued to eat the cucumber that was forced into your face. The colorful billboards around you were blinding but extravagant, and you didn't know what sight was more interesting; the colors of the advertisements or Pussy sticking her thumb out at the speeding cars nearby as she drank from the jar. "Asshole!" She screamed at the car that threatened to stop, but made a quick turn and drove off in the other direction.
After what seemed like twenty minutes of sitting with Pussy, a yellow car drove up by the sidewalk and stopped in its tracks. You couldn't really see whoever was behind the wheel, but Pussy looked ecstatic.
"It's Mr. Hawaii!!" She said, and pulled your arm up to the vehicle, forcing you and the stranger to come face to face. He was quite a bit older and very handsome, and he had a nice tan that followed all the way down to the hem of his shirt. Meaning: he was tanned everywhere. And boy, did that leave a nice first impression. Longer hair and sunglasses framed his face as he lifted the lenses above his eyes and rested them on his head. A bright yellow Hawaiian shirt adorned his figure and a cigarette was stuck between his teeth, unlit. To say this guy wasn't the most handsome man you've seen would be a complete and total lie.
"Uh, hey." You said, giving a curt wave. You took notice of how he smiled at you; it was full of warmth and invitation. You blushed, feeling your entire body go hot the moment he flashed his brilliant teeth in your direction.
"Well, hello there," He nodded and then looked at Pussy, "You need a ride?"
Pussy must've noticed how enthralled you were by Mr. Hawaii already, so she nudged you in the direction of the passenger side window and grinned as she saw your cheeks flush once more. "Nope, but they do!"
You mentally cursed the girl but also thanked her because goddamn you really wanted to get in the car with this guy.
"Well alrighty then. Hop in?" He finally lit the cigarette and rested his elbow out the window, looking completely and utterly relaxed. He was so laid back that it almost scared you, wondering if he had any ulterior motives for his car ride. But then again, Pussy wouldn't have introduced you with such excitement if she didn't trust the guy.
You nodded in response and opened the car door, giving Pussy a look saying 'Thank you,' as you sat down. The car radio was playing "Bring A Little Lovin'" by Los Bravos and the familiarity of the popular song put any nerves you had to ease. She shut the door behind you from the outside and grinned, picking up another pickle out of the jar and popping it into her mouth. You were about to say something to her through the open window, but Mr. Hawaii was already speeding away and Pussy had busied herself in flipping someone off from the other side of the street.
It had only been two minutes before the man tried to start a conversation, looking back and forth from you to the mirror. "So, how you know Pussy?" He said with a slight southern accent, something you didn't pick up the first time you'd heard him.
"She's just another hippie from Spahn." You said, looking out at the buildings you passed by. Mr. Hawaii drove pretty carelessly.
"Ah." He said, turning his eyes back to the road. Your eyes caught his hand on the stick shift and a bunch of interesting thoughts ran through your head. You knew you probably shouldn't be fancying him in the way you were, but you couldn't help yourself. "Somethin the matter?"
Oh shit. He had caught you staring.
"Oh nothing! Just looking around your nice car." You said, trying to cover up the fact that you were checking him out. He seemed to accept your answer, but you knew deep down that he was aware of your antics. With that sky smile of his and the cigarette between his lips, you knew you were done for the minute you set foot in the vehicle.
Another moment of silence passes as he continues to drive every which way, effortlessly rounding corners and driving through red lights earning a couple of honks and beeps from other cars. Ironically, you felt totally safe.
"So where'ya heading?" He shook his head, letting the glasses fall down into his face and moving his hair in every which way.
"I'm not really in a rush to get anywhere," you said, now anxious that because you didn't have a set destination that you were wasting his time, "You can drop me off here if you have somewhere to be."
He looked at the watch on his wrist and grinned. "Nah, we can keep goin'," he replied.
You played with the hem of your shirt as you stared awkwardly at your outfit. What to do now? It was probably your turn to start the conversation since he had broken the silence the past two times, yet you didn't know what to say. Luckily for you, he speaks again.
"So," he begins, his little western accent kicking in slightly as he speaks. His mouth was drawn into a smile and he leaned over in the seat, staring at you once the two of you reached a red light. "I know a really great ice cream shop a little ways down from here. We could go if you wanted."
"Sure!" You said, hoping it didn't sound too enthusiastic.
The car ride wasn't as silent anymore once you had made it to the shoppe. Picking out a strawberry ice cream while your driver licked away at a blueberry one, you held in your astonishment with the beautiful man before you. Sure, Pussy had forced pickles into your mouth and had annoyed you before but goddamn you were thankful that she introduced you to a specimen as fine as Mr. Hawaii.
"That reminds me," you begin, taking another lick of the sweet goodness, "What's your name?"
"Well, what's yours?" He flashes you that brilliant smile once more.
"(Y/N)." You say while watching his body language. Leaning into the table, he gets slightly closer to you and before you know it, he has a hand by your mouth wiping away the straw strawberry.
"I like (Y/N)." He says, laughing as you get all hot and flustered. "My name's Cliff. Cliff Booth."
You realize that you vaguely remember that name from somewhere, although you can't place a finger on it. Mentally shrugging, you see Cliff go for another bite of his ice cream but fail as he ends up with a glob of it on his nose. Just as he's about to wipe it off, you reach out your hand and do it for him. "Allow me, you helped me out the last time." Grinning, you see his cheeks turn a slight red.
"(Y/N), I'm not usually this blunt but uh...you said you weren't in a rush to get anywhere right?"
Wondering where he was possibly going with this, you nod your head in agreement and give him a quizzical expression.
"Well do you want to make out in my car?"
Nearly choking, you stare at him with wide eyes. There's no way someone as handsome and charismatic as him wanted to make out with you. Especially when you first met via hitchhiking. But something told you this was too good of an opportunity to pass up seeing how eager the two of you seemed. You weren't going to let the insecurities get in the way of this one.
"Uh... Yes?" You said with as much enthusiasm as you could muster in the moment, still being somewhat disconnected that this was the reality that you were living in. He takes your hand and leads you back to the vehicle you would always associate with him after this moment and you both ditch what was left of your ice creams in the nearest trash can. Time seemed to slow as you opened up the door on the passenger side and close it, watching as Cliff gets in the driver's seat. He puts a hand along your jaw, leaning you closer to him as he moves his hand to rest along your thigh.
"Are you sure this is okay?" He asks you, noting not only your physical and emotional well-being but also remembering the slightly less average than normal age gap between you.
"Yes, absolutely."
That was all he needed before he leaned in, placing his lips on yours and holding you pressed against his face. He was soft and kind and added very little pressure as he started to loosen up around you and the tight space the car had to offer. It filled you with claustrophobia but the good kind as it felt there was a closeness you wouldn't have been able to reach anywhere else.
"You taste like strawberries and pickles." He says, pulling away from you just to rest his forehead against yours after a while. Sharp deep breaths were heard all throughout the space as you tried to catch your breath, your face a giant smile and your heart a billion butterflies trying to escape your chest all at once. This was where you felt the most at home.
"Well you taste like blueberries and cigarettes, which happens to be my new favorite taste in the world." You say, leaning in for more affection from the stranger but not stranger before you.
(A/N): I hope this is okay! Again, I'm so so sorry that it took me this long to finish your beautiful fanfiction request but I honestly loved writing every part of this short story.
With love, Panko Shrimp 💛 🦐
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seal-writes-stuff · 2 years
SFW Alphabet – Rick Dalton
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: mental health struggles, alcohol abuse, mentions of the “OUATIH” ending (if you know, you know)
Summary: All in the title
A/N: Hi everyone! Couldn't post anything last week since I was away from my computer, so I’m uploading two fics this week to make up for that! Hope you enjoy.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Rick isn’t overly affectionate in public. He’s used to paparazzi following his every move, so he wants to shield you from that. In private, however, it’s a different story – Rick never misses an opportunity to shower you in some soft affection (more on that later).
He’s also big on words of affirmation. Rick is ready to ramble to anyone who’s willing to listen about how lucky he is to have you as a partner, how talented you are, how beautiful and so on and so forth. He doesn’t let you doubt his love for even a second.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Your friendship starts when Rick meets you on set. You’re kind to him, in spite of his disheveled state. You’re sweet and genuine, and that’s not something you can easily find in Hollywood. He’s a loyal friend, ready to fight for you and support you in all of your endeavors.
The two of you also go through a horrifically drawn-out period of hopeless pining. You think he’d never notice you among the sea of people he encounters and Rick thinks someone as amazing as you must have plenty of options besides him. The whole thing almost drives Cliff insane before the two of you finally get together.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Although he’s not very vocal about that fact, Rick absolutely loves cuddles. He’s pretty touch starved, so cuddling feels very sweet and intimate to him. Rick's also a little spoon through and through: when you hold him in your arms, his head on your chest as you scratch his scalp gently... Absolute heaven, the man's gone. Don’t tell anyone though.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Let’s face it, he’s not the best when it comes to cooking or cleaning. Not that he’s completely incompetent, he’s just been hiring people to do it for so long that his own skills aren’t all that great.
As for settling down… When you start dating, coming back to his big, empty house starts to feel pretty lonely for Rick. Of course, he doesn’t tell you that, but he invites you to move in pretty soon. He’s pretty defensive about his space, but he gladly lets you in.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’d do it in person, no matter how much it hurts him. The only reason Rick would break up with you is because he believes you deserve better than him, even if it couldn't be further from the truth. In the end, he would spiral: hating himself, blaming himself for ruining one of the few meaningful things in his life.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Rick is the “love at the first sight” type of guy. As in, the man's fully convinced he's going to marry you a week or so into knowing each other. Of course, he wouldn’t propose that soon – not only because he doesn’t want to scare you off, but also because he doesn’t want to drag you into the media spotlight. However, it doesn't matter to you. If it means you can be with Rick for the rest of your life, it's all worth it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s extremely gentle with you, to the point that it actually takes some convincing to stop him from treating you like a porcelain doll. Rick knows that Hollywood can be a harsh place, so he wants you to feel safe and relaxed with him.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Just like with cuddles, hugs are a way to express his love for Rick. He doesn’t hug you in public all that much (aside from occasional half-hug with his hand over your shoulder), but at home it’s a total snugglefest. Rick loves how your bodies connect together perfectly, warm and safe.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
A few months into your relationship. It's casual too: Rick just drops a quick "love you, bye" before heading off to work as you stand there, shocked and overjoyed. He does have a freak-out session about it later though – it’s a good thing that Cliff is there to calm him down. It’s also a good thing that you return Rick’s confession as soon as he come home, pulling your boyfriend in a tight hug.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Rick’s not controlling at all, but he does get jealous from time to time. It stems from his insecurities for the most part: there are moments when he can’t see himself as anything but a has-been with loads and loads of issues. Surely you could’ve find someone better, so why wouldn’t you? He tries to keep it all to himself because he doesn’t want to worry you, but whenever someone tries to flirt with you Rick’s in a fight mode, sometimes literally. He also apologizes profusely afterwards, even though his jealousy is never directed at you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Rick's kisses are passionate and full of devotion. It's his way of showing you his feelings when he struggles to put them into words. His loves to kiss you on the lips and he also likes to pepper your face in quick smooches. The look of you, flustered and giggling, is pure happiness for him.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Rick doesn't really understand kids, so he acts like they’re little adults. He has the good sense to shield them from the harsher parts of life, but he generally treats them as equals. Which, for you, is insanely cute, but he'd never believe you if you told him that.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Rick isn’t a morning person, so you’re usually met with sleepy grumbling as he begs you to stay in bed “just for five more minutes”. When the both of you have time early in the morning he loves to cuddle, basking in your warmth.
By the way, making him breakfast is a sure way of turning Rick into a flustered mess. For him, nothing is more domestic and sweet.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
At night, Rick usually makes cocktails, rehearses the script for the next day or both. Of course, he doesn’t force you to stay up if you don’t want to. Still, his heart warms up when you hang around, even if the two of you just quietly exist together.
Rick also loves to practice his lines with you, even if he has the recording just for that. For him, it feels more personal, like you become a part of his work even when you’re not around.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It’s actually a weird situation. On one hand, he wants you to know everything about him. At the beginning of your relationship, Rick would tell every Hollywood anecdote he could remember, throwing some not-so-discreet glances your way every now and then. He desperately hoped he’d be able to impress you, totally oblivious to the fact that you were impressed already.
On the other, he tries to hide all the "ugly" parts of himself because he fears you’ll love him less because of them. Of course, you’re always here to listen to him, no matter how much or little he reveals. You accept all of him and never get tired of reminding Rick of it.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Rick's emotions are usually pretty strong, but he tends to keep it together unless it comes to hippie altercations. He’s especially patient when it comes to you though. As it’s been said, he’d hate himself if he hurt you, even by accident.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Rick does his best. As in, he keeps a pocket journal so he can jot down little things about you – the place where you grew up, favorite dishes, what makes you smile… Although with the way he does it, everything soon turns into a mess of scribbles, so he has to spend a lot of time deciphering it like it’s some kind of an ancient text.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time you casually dropped that you didn't even watch "Bounty Law" before the two of you met. You’ve said it and forgot about it immediately, but he didn’t. For Rick, it was a sign that you fell in love with him for him, not for his past or current fame. He may have also shed a tear, but he’s not telling you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Rick’s already been protective before, but this gets on a whole new level after what happened that night. He insists on picking you up from work every time, his hand is wrapped around your waist whenever he can get away with it, he gets nervous when you don’t tell him where you’re going, even if it’s just a trip to the grocery store… Rick believes that he failed to protect you, so the thought of something, anything happening to you terrifies him. It takes a lot of time, effort and mutual trust to work through these issues.
Rick also doesn’t want you protecting him because he really wants to be that fearless badass he portrays on screen. You look out for him in other ways though, by helping him battle his demons, cheering him on and accepting him as he is, with all his flaws. Rick really can’t believe how lucky he is to have you sometimes.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Rick goes all out. When it comes to you, he throws all the money he has left and right - he wants you to feel like royalty. You enjoy little things, but he still insists on treating you, at least from time to time.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Definitely drinking. It's Rick's primary form of relaxing, medicating and forgetting about the troubles of the day, which worries you immensely. Rick can get quite stubborn and argue a lot when you confront him, even though deep down he understands that you do it out of love.
Rick’s emotions are also pretty intense most of the time, which isn’t bad by itself. Besides, being in the public eye for so long, he’s learned to control them pretty well. The awful consequence of it though is that he turns all of his unexpressed anger and frustration on himself. The way Rick talks about himself makes you feel terrible, especially the things he says when he thinks you can’t hear him. You always make sure to give him some extra love afterwards.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Weirdly enough, being a Hollywood actor and all, not that much. Rick has heard how handsome he is from his co-stars, interviewers and fans before, but all of that has no weight in his mind. That’s what they’re supposed to say, right? Just part of the business.
Rick believes you when you compliment him, though. That soft look in your eyes, the way you say it… It's all the validation he needs.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. Rick has plenty of doubts about his career, about his life, about who he is as a person – but not with you. You really ground him in reality, make him feel safe and comfortable. He thinks that if you’re by his side, he must be doing something right.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Deep down, Rick is a real nerd when it comes to movies. When he doesn’t star in them, he stops seeing films as opportunities, gained or lost, or a competition and starts seeing them as art. He can talk about it for hours if you let him – and of course you do, playing with his hair as he goes on and on. That passion alone makes you fall for Rick even harder, if that’s even possible.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Well, he isn’t exactly fond of “dirty fuckin’ hippies” – and you’ll have a plenty, plenty of opportunities to hear about it. He also wouldn’t date anyone who would only like him for his fame or someone who would hate his entire personality. Yeah, the last point sounds obvious, but a couple of extremely awkward dinners with Cliff and his then-wife were enough to convince Rick that it’s really not.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)          
He’s a heavy sleeper. When he’s out of it, you can all but jump on the bed – he’s not going to wake up unless there’s an earthquake happening.
Or at least that’s how it used to be until the Manson Family.
Rick hates to talk about it, but you know that the whole thing messed with his mind pretty badly. That’s also when he starts talking in his sleep – mostly in quick, panicked mumbles that you can’t quite make out. You’re currently trying to get him help; above all, you want him to be okay, always.
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The Confession: Cliff Booth x Fem!Reader
Requested by @lababy2727
TW: abusive ex
@tealaquinn @frozenhuntress67 @juxt4p0siti0n @kwyloz
@what-the--curtains @taikawho
*Let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist! :)))
******************** "Well, shit Cliff..." Rick chuckled, leaning against the car door as they drove down the highway after a long day on set. Cliff grunted, though, he couldn't hide a smirk. "You're a damn lucky man, partner."  He couldn't forget you. It was your first big role in a Hollywood film. You walked on set, absolutely star struck, though you kept your cool. You wore a bright yellow dress, and a kind smile. You were an actress working on a movie with Rick, and Cliff. You and Rick had to kiss in one scene,  and of course you were both professional about it. "It's only acting," Rick laughed a little. It had only been a few days since filming began, but the three of you had hit it off. More specifically, you and Cliff hit it off... And Rick was having a lot of fun pointing out every single chance he got.
Cliff rolled his eyes behind his shades, as he pulled into the driveway. The two made their way into Rick's place to watch Bounty Law, and drink a couple of beers.
"How'd you know?" "Kn-know? Know what?" RIck smirked, knowing damn well what he knew. Cliff grumbled, "Forget it." Rick chuckled, "Whenever Y/n gets you goin', you run off." "I don't run off." "Today sh-she made you laugh too m-much, and you t-told her you had to go b-back to your trailer." "So?" "Cliff, you don't h-have a trailer." "..." Rick went on, "Y/n's a smart kid. She sure as hell knows that." Cliff sighed, "Well shit...She don't know that." "N-no she knows." "Well shit." Cliff shrugged, pretending not to care...but he absolutely did. "Sh-she knows why you said t-that." Rick smirked, though Cliff shook his head, "Y/N's just sweet. That's all."
"Sure. That's all. That's why y-you mentioned her out of the b-blue, huh?" Rick laughed as he popped the cap off another beer. "She might just be worth mentioning," Cliff smirked a little as he opened a beer, and put his feet up. There was a knock on the door, and Rick got up. "Glad you feel that way." Cliff narrowed his eyes, knowing Rick never mentioned anyone else joining them. He opened the door, "Y/n!" Rick greeted you with a bear hug and led you into the livingroom. "Glad you could make it! I was just about to make some margaritas. Y-You want one?" You giggled, not because of your slightly-intoxicated friend, but because you caught a glimpse of Cliff scrambling ot his feet. "Sure thing, Rick." "Alright, you g-go on n' get y-yourself a seat, kid." He winked, noting your reaction at seeing Cliff. You bit your lip, and glanced down as you stammered a little, "C'mon, now Rick." He lit a cigarette with a laugh, "Margaritas' gon' ta-take a while, make yourselves comfortable."  He disappeared into the kitchen, and you called out, "Nothing's gonna-" You bumped into Cliff. "Y/n!" "Cliff!" You laughed nervously, but sincerely. You didn't expect him to be there, but you weren't complaining. It was a fun night, with  just the three of you... Well...Rick kept coming up with excuses to leave the room, and you didn't quite realize why. Looking back on it...it wasn't much of a mystery. So, a couple nights a week, you'd join Cliff and Rick to watch Bounty Law. Sometimes you'd hang out other days and watch other show. Maybe the Saint, or the Time Tunnel. Whatever was on. Margaritas, Bloody Mary's, beer and cigarettes  became a familair sight. Cliff became less standoffish. He stopped running off to his imaginary trailer. You made him laugh and smile like he hadn't done in as long as he could remember. Eventually, you started seeing each other (without Rick around...and he might have been the happiest person in the world when he heard that). Some nights you and Cliff met at Musso & Frank's. Some nights you went by the Santa Monica Pier. Some nights, even if you'd planned to go out on the town, you'd both just stay at your place, make dinner together, or hang around. Months passed, and you were with Cliff and Rick, watching another episode of Bounty Law, when you saw a trailer for your new movie. Clinking margaritas and bloody mary's you celebrated that night. Still, it meant your time working together was coming to an end. Rick sighed with a shrug, "That's Hollywood. Meet nice people, move around, a-and meet more nice p-people." You nodded, though you were just starting your career out, you quickly learned that. You mentioned in passing that you'd landed a part in another movie. You'd start filming in Hawaii in a few days. It'd be a while before you could find the time to watch Bounty Law with them...or do anything with Cliff. Rick asked, "B-but you'll be at th-the wrap up party, tomorrow night, won't you?" You sighed, thinking about it. You really wanted to go, having met so many wonderful people on set....specifically Cliff and Rick. But it was the night you were flying to Hawaii. Still... "Maybe for an hour or two. Don't get your hopes up, boys." You smiled, glancing at Cliff, as you stood by the door. "Bye, darlin'." Rick hugged you, just in case you couldn't go. "Bye, Rick." He chuckled, then glanced between you and Cliff, finding an excuse to leave you alone again. "Y/n..." "Yeah, Cliff?" You waited with a soft smile, and it made him blush...which was not an easy thing to do. Yet you did it so effortlessly. Before he could say anything, you both heard a loud crash somewhere in the house, followed by Rick cursing. Cliff sighed, knowing he'd have to fix whatever it was eventually. He laughed a little, resting his hand against your face, "Good luck out there, kid." You smirked, "I'll bring you back a Hawaiian shirt or two." He laughed again, and his glance lingered on you. "If you can't go tomorrow...I mean..." "Aw, Cliff..." You flung your arms around him, "I'm gonna miss you." He hugged you back, resting his chin on the top of your head, "I'm gon' miss you too..." You left, though you knew there was more on his mind. You also knew that with Cliff, you couldn't push him to say things when he wasn't ready to. He stood by the doorway, as you pulled out of the driveway and drove down the hill lined with houses. He jumped a little when he heard a voice behind him. "You love her." He shut the door, and turned to Rick, who had  a smug grin on his face. "She's young, Rick. Big up and coming star. She don't need me." "You're too old for this 'i-if you love her l-let her go' shit, man." "Forget it, man." Cliff shook his head, put his shades on, and his denim jacket, and grabbed his keys. Brandy was definitely hungry, after all. Rick muttered, "Goddamn it." having worked so hard to bring you and Cliff together, and it ended just like that... The next night, you drove down the highway. You sighed with a soft smile, seeing as you had an hour or two to spare. You pulled up to the big mansion, hearing blaring music, and seeing bright colorful lights from the street.  You left your luggage in the trunk. You'd only be around for an hour or two, then make your way to the airport. It wasn't long before you spotted Cliff, wearing a bright yellow Hawaiian shirt. "Cliff!" He picked your voice out among the crowd, quickly turning around, with the widest grin you'd seen in your life, as he practically rushed toward you with open arms,  "Y/n!" You were only beginning to talk, swaying with the music together, loosely, making each other laugh. "Y/N." You both heard a loud, agressive, drunken voice stagger through the crowd. You muttered, "For fuck's sake." His name was Mike. He was your ex. And he was not happy. He pulled you away from Cliff, gripping you by your forearm. "What the fuck did I tell you about-" Cliff stepped in immediately between you and Mike, with a warning and low voice, "Hey man. Leave her alone." He barely looked at Cliff, "Stay out of this, pal," then looked back at you with glaring, fuming eyes. "We're through, Mike. We've been through for months. Get that through your fat fucking head." He scowled, and  lunged at you, but Cliff gragged him by his shirt, slamming him onto the concrete, as people gathered around. Some beginning to pull Cliff away, while others dragged Mike out of the property. As soon as he was out, everyone let Cliff go. He could have broken every bone in Mike's body, but he didn't want to scare you, he didn't want blood on his favorite shirt, and frankly... a drunken asshole of a  stuntman like Mike wasn't worth a night in jail. The crowd slowly dissipated, moving toward the bar, the pool, and the music. "Cliff..." He looked at you with a soft expression. You picked his shades up from the ground, though they were broken. You ran into his arms, and he said, "I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't think-" "No, no you-" He looked at you. Your eyes... He couldn't keep lying to you. So he said what he'd wanted to say from the moment he met you on set. Even if you went on to be a big star, if you moved on, if you forgot about him, he'd never forgive himself for not letting you know this one thing. "I love you." You looked up at him, knowing it was almost time for you to go. You hadn't even left yet, and you missed him already. "I love you, too." He smiled, "You know where to find me." "Friday night, at Rick's." It may take a few months till filming wrapped up, but you'd be there. "I'll bring some beer," you laughed, as he walked with you to your car. He ended up driving you to the airport himself, just for a half hour more with you. You kissed goodbye, and you remarked, "Save one of those margarita's for me?"
He winked with a grin, "You got it, baby."
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
Mr. Hollywood - Cliff Booth x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: After hitchhiking the California coast doesn’t work out, a sexy stranger decides to do the right thing, and it pays off-- for both of you.
Notes: Hey everyone! I saw OUATIH last night so I figured I’d write some more Tarantino smut! Cliff (Brad Pitt) was def the hottest character. Stunt daddy. Anyway, not many spoilers in this. Just little references to the movie, so if you haven’t seen it yet, it’s up to you if you wanna read :) I’ve put everything even remotely spoiler-y below the cut. Enjoy!
Now on ao3!
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You lick a long stripe of vanilla ice cream up the side of your melting cone. The sun is hot today, and you're glad for the cool treat to chill you out.
You'd been waiting by the side of the highway for what seems like the entire day. Aren't short shorts supposed to increase your chances of getting picked up?
You run out onto the road waving as a convertible zips past you, and you sigh.
"Bummer," you whisper, taking another slow lick of your ice cream, and turn. You barely have time to scream as you try to jump out of the way of a speeding sports car.
That's the last thing you remember.
Cliff pats his hand along to the song on the radio, idly trying to identify it. Getting away for the weekend was a good plan-- he needed the time away from work, or lack of it, and while he loved Rick, he needed a break from that hot mess of a poor bastard for a while too. That's the good thing about living in Hollywood. He was just a short drive away from the coastal waters of the Pacific, there for when he wanted to cut through the shit and remember what it's like to be a living, breathing man again.
Bad Moon Rising, Creedence Clearwater. That's the fucking name of this song. Hey... what's--
In the distance, Cliff spots something by the side of the road. Someone!
A girl, lying on her side.
"Sheeit," he mutters, really toiling here. He just wants to get to his fucking motel and sleep for 24 hours by the beach... then again... hit and run passed out young thing on the side of the road...
Cliff resigns himself to being a good Samaritan. He pulls over. The little yellow car comes to a sputtering halt beside you, and you stir a little. Cliff lets his reflective sunglasses slide down his nose as he takes a good look at you. You've got a deep gash running across your chest, stuck with gravel, but other than that, you just seem to be a little bruised up.
"Look at you! Somebody's done some damage," he remarks, squatting down beside you.
"Not too much, I hope," you croak, wincing.
"Don't think so," the man smiles a little, "Face is pretty as I've ever seen one." He frowns a little, obviously chastising himself for flirting with a girl that currently resembles roadkill.
"You don't have to stop hitting on me," you smirk, coughing a little as you try to sit up. "It's making me feel better."
"In that case," he grins, helping you to your feet, "Why don't you tell me what the hell happened, beautiful?" You stumble a little, and he holds out his arm again. "Take this here bicep-- that's it, right there--"
"Are you flexing?"
"Don't know what you're talking about--"
"You are!"
"Okay, maybe a little. Kind of a lot." He gives a low chuckle, and guides you to his car, where some CCR song is just ending. He takes off the yellow Hawaiian shirt he's got on, leaving him in a tight white sleeveless shirt. He hands you the article to put pressure on your wound. 
“But your shirt--”
“More where that came from. All just as ugly.  Here we are. Theeere's a good girl-- you just sit there all nice like, and you tell me how I came to find you like that, all fucked up with a smushed ice cream cone beside you."
"I was waiting for a ride... guess I ventured too far until the road, and got hit. Kind of. I feel like I didn't actually get hit."
"A shock graze." Cliff nods, some part of him relieved that you weren't actually hit by a speeding car.
"A what?"
"In the business, that's what we call it. You get a... close call, feels like the real thing."
"You a race car driver or something?" you tease, trailing your fingers up his jeans. 
He flashes another one of those half smiles. "Stunt double."
"Ooh," you cough, grimacing as you hold his shirt on your gash, "Hollywood type. You don't strike me as that type, Mr. Hollywood."
"Well, that's because I don't technically live there, angel. Just work and breathe there. I live in Burbank with my girl."
You quirk an eyebrow. "You've got a girl, huh?"
He glances over, sees your expression, and laughs. "Yep. My dog, Brandy. She's a bratty little mutt. Love her to death."
You smile. "Far out. I dig dogs."
"Well, good thing I didn't bring her. She don't take too kindly to strangers." You think he's serious, until he wiggles his eyebrows at you. He gives you another sideways look, switching between you and the road. "Where you from, anyway?"
You shrug. "Around."
He shakes his head. "Nah, see there ain't none of this 'around' shit. I pick you up, I gotta know if you're an axe murderer, or... if you're just here to toy with me before you kill me or some fucking bananas natural born killers shit."
"I don't wanna kill you," you snort, "But toying with you sounds like fun." You turn fully toward him. "Besides, where would I fit an axe? Up my ass?"
He bursts into incredulous laughter, and shakes his head.
The California coastal countryside passes you by as Cliff drives on to his digs by the beach waiting for him.
"You sure you're doing okay, honey?"
"I'll be fine," you say softly. "Thanks for finding me."
The two of you drive on in relative silence, stealing glances at one another when the other isn't looking. Cliff is a man of few words, but he's attractive, and you can't wait to see what lies ahead... if your wounds would kindly give you a break for the night.
He's really a sexy stranger-- well, he's not much of a stranger. He's introduced himself to you, hasn't he? And you haven't returned the courtesy.
"Name's (y/n)," you say, resting your elbow on his right forearm, "I'm backpacking here."
"Backpacking," Cliff nods, taking a right turn, "Sounds like fun. You oughtta be a little more careful, though."
"Damn right," you huff, "My bleeding chest is teaching me that." You look down at it, pulling the sticky shirt away. It looks a little better now-- the bleeding's stopped at least.
"When we get to mine, we'll get that dirty old shirt off you and wash you up proper, sound good?"
"Mhm," you nod. "Thanks for doing this, Cliff. You didn't need to."
He smirks. "I know. Still don't know why I did."
You smirk back, leaning into him. "I'll show you why you did."
He chuckles again, and hits the gas harder, peeling around another bend. In about five minute's time, you make it to what looks like a little shack... right on the beach, no one around for miles.
"Yep," he runs his hands through his blonde hair, "It ain't much, but it's home away from home."
"It's amazing," you say truthfully, closing your eyes and listening to the waves practically hit the side of the little house. "Where I'm from, there's no water for miles. This is beautiful."
He nods in thanks, squinting out at the water with his hands on his hips.
"Not my property, actually. It belongs to the state of California, or some shit. I’ll just live here until they find out."
"When's that gonna be?"
He shrugs. "They haven't noticed little old me in 30 years."
He helps you inside. It's just as homely you would imagine with someone like Cliff. It's not messy per say, but it's lived in, and comfortable. A couple broken signs hang lopsided on the wall, one neon bar sign with the pink silhouette of a busty woman holding a beer, and one that reads "What happens at the beach house stays at the beach house."
It's a nice place.
"Mine," you grin, and lay across the sunken couch. He smiles, flinging your feet off the cushion with a heave.
"Mine," he corrects. You compromise by tossing your feet over his lap, and he shakes his head, groaning.
"I picked me up a troublemaker here." He takes a good look at you. "Rick would love you. You're just his type."
"Rick who?" you ask, twirling your hair.
"Dalton. He's my boss."
"The movie star? Huh." You look down. "And... what about you?"
"What about me, what?"
"Am I your type?"
He looks at you a long time, as if thinking about it. "I haven't decided yet." He shrugs it off, getting off the couch. "Enough chit chat. We gotta get you clean."
"You gonna shower with me, Mr. Hollywood?"
"No, I'm gonna direct you to the shower, and leave you to goddamn shower on your own like a big girl."
You giggle, hanging onto his arm as he ushers you down the hall. "Big girls need their daddies too, sometimes."
He hesitates, and you see something flicker behind his eyes. He buries it quickly, but you saw it-- you know his weakness.
In the washroom, you take off your clothes, and gingerly get into the spray, letting it run over you. The cut's doing a lot better now, and though you're bruised from the fall, you're okay. You're just lucky a man with half-decent morals found you.
Getting out, you tug on the boxers Cliff had left you beside some other clothes of his, and get an idea.
"What the hell am I doing with her?" Cliff mumbles aloud. He wished Brandy was here-- she was a good listener. "Shit. Pretty girl naked in my bathroom? Nah. I ain't doing shit with her."
He starts to blend some ice and Miller (his personal favourite creation he likes to call the Daily Grind) and lights up a smoke. He takes a deep drag, thinking of your perky body, the way you'd looked at him in the case...
"Well now," he starts to walk around his house, "Cliff. You've been provided with a seemingly no-lose scenario opportunity."
Just then, he hears your footsteps approach behind him.
"Sorry-- I just thought it would be better if my injury got a little air..."
Cliff turns in question, and nearly drops hot ash on himself. You're leaning against the wall, completely topless, wearing only his boxers, riding down your hips.
"That's fine," he grins, huffing.
"Groovy," you wink.
He points to your peaked nipples with his cigarette. "You're not careful there, sweet thing, you're gonna catch a chill."
"I have you to keep me warm," you retort.
"God damn," he mutters to himself, smiling.
"I know it's a lot to ask, after you picked me up and everything... but you got any food around here? I'm staaarving," you bite your lip. He narrows his eyes. You're being coy now. He swings himself over to the little kitchen area, cigarette dangling from his lips.
"Hell, you think I'm gonna bring you all the way out here and not feed you?" He holds out a bowl of kraft dinner he made, and you take it, eating some of the gooey orange mess.
"Guessin' you’re a... big fan of mac and cheese," he smirks. You saunter up to him, desire dripping from your voice.
"I think I’m a bigger fan of you.” 
His beer concoction and cigarette are forgotten as you hop up onto him, forcing him to hold you by your ass. You wrap your legs around his back, and in one smooth swing, he has you turned and pinned against the counter.
"I have half a mind to tell you you're overexerting yourself, and send you to bed," he whispers against your lips. You growl.
"Don't you dare."
"I don't know," he plays, dipping his head back from another kiss, "You really think you're up for the pounding you're 'bout to get, honey bear?"
"Fuck yes, daddy, I want it," you moan, and that look comes over his face again.
"Then daddy's gonna give it to you."
He tugs the boxers down, and you use your toes to shimmy his jeans down, guessing correctly that he didn't have anything underneath today.
"Commando?" you murmur, kissing up his neck.
"I seem to've lent out my only pair of underwear," he teases, as you kick said pair off your ankle. You suddenly push yourself off the counter, and drop down to your knees, taking him all the way out of his faded jeans. You wrap your lips around the tip, holding by the base, and he groans, tipping his head back.
"Jesus H Christ," he mutters, "Haven't felt this since... shit, I don't even know..."
"Like it?" You lick along his shaft.
"Love it, babygirl, just love it."
You deepthroat him, and his groans get louder,. lazier, and more drawn out.
"Fuuuuck me up, that's special," he licks his lips, "You gonna let me return that favor?"
"Feeling your big cock inside me is payback enough," you moan, and pull his knees out, toppling him to the floor and crawling on top of him. Wide eyed for a moment, he lets you take the upper hand, but secures you tightly against his crotch as you grind there. His fingers dig into your hips, holding you there, guiding you, and your hands grab for his chest. After a moment of this, he flips himself back on top, and you feel two fingers slip inside you.
"That good?" he whispers against your face. You can barely speak-- you nod feverishly, clutching his muscular shoulders. "Mmm, you're a big girl, baby. I think you can handle three." He flashes a grin as he adds a third finger, and you rock down, moaning so loudly that if there WERE neighbors, they'd be calling the cops. "Come on now, I know you ain't shy. Moan for daddy. Make lotsa nice noises for daddy-- that's it."
"Fuck," you breathe, feeling your orgasm race.
"Come on, let em know!"
"FUCK, DADDY! Deeper-- deeper, right there!"
"Hell yeah. Hell yeah, baby, scream for me!"
You shout his name as you come for the first time, and he gives you a second to calm down before he threads his hand with yours on the kitchen floor.
"You good?"
"Yeah," you gasp, and he parts your legs, using your slick to pump himself a few times before getting between and pushing in. "Ohgod--"
"Yeah, yeah."
He starts up a rhythm, holding you tight, propping your head up in his arms as he fucks you good and deep, harder with each snap of his hips.
"So close," you ramble, grinding down to meet his thrusts.
"Am too." He holds your hand, keeping you pinned as he waits for you, slowing his pace to gentle circles of his hips until you cry out, gushing around him again. He then fucks you hard through your amazing climax, keeping you close to him. He pulls out, rubbing your clit to draw you out as he comes as well, some hitting your inner thigh. You bite your lip, laying down and closing your eyes in bliss.
"'M all fucked out," you yawn, and Cliff keeps himself propped on his forearms above you. He shakes the blonde locks out of his face.
"You got exactly what you wanted, didn't you?" he smiles.
"Exactly what I wanted." You sling your legs around his neck, and he holds them there, massaging them lightly.
"I suppose you'll be wanting the rest of that mac and cheese?"
You shrug. "I've had enough. I'd rather fuck all night out there on your beach."
"Not my beach."
"On a beach. The beach."
"Thought you were all fucked out."
"Feelings are fleeting. They change moment to moment. Now are we gonna have some more fun or what?"
He chuckles, and picks you up so that you're riding on his shoulders. He then walks the two of you out the back door to the beach. "And away we go!"
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obscure-imagines · 5 years
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“well i’ll be damned.” Cliff laughed, rubbing at his stubble covered jaw as he watched you walk by, head buried in your lines as you mouthed them to yourself over and over, “did you know she’d be here?”
“of course i didn’t know she’d be here, fuck!” Rick screamed.
“is this a bad thing?” Cliff asked.
“she’s already made me forget my lines, nothin but a distraction i swear to fucking god-”
“well if you’re not going to go talk to her-”
Cliff grabbed his door handle to get out of the car but Rick grabbed his arm, “don’t you think about it.” Rick warned.
Cliff laughed, “or what?”
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imagine-richards · 5 years
I’ve missed it here
I know I’ve been saying I’m coming back a lot but my university just closed for the rest of the year and I want to help as many people as I can, be it just with writing stories.
Please please send me any happy, positive requests you have and I’ll do my best to get to them all. I can’t help out with much, but a lot of you said my writing made you happy so I want to try and continue that in these trying times.
Please stay safe and I love you all,
Meg <3
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cliffbo0th · 5 years
just started writing an intense cliff booth x reader fanfic. would anyone be into reading it if I uploaded the first chapter? 😬
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fangirl-imagines · 4 years
Dating Rick Dalton Would Include...
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A/N: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood needs more love!
Cliff third wheeling almost all of your dates together. 
You can’t really mind very much though seeing as Cliff is so good to Rick and is never anything but nice to you. 
Cliff actually really likes you; he's just a quiet guy. Whenever you and Rick get into a fight he is always the one trying to play referee and get the two of you back together. 
Rick can’t handle when the two of you fight. He will go off the deep end, getting dangerously drunk and crying to Cliff about how he fucked things up (even if the fight was your fault). 
When the two of you do fight is usually about his excessive drinking and these fights can range from small tiffs to huge fights where you end up storming off. 
He drinks and he smokes but he won’t try to pressure you to do either of those things if you tell him you don’t want to. 
Running lines with him for different parts every week. 
You’re his go to date for any parties or events in Hollywood. 
He loves walking in with you on his arm and showing you off. 
Plus it helps him with his anxiety to have you next to him. Because this man is CLINGY (more on that later). 
Anytime he is on TV for a cameo you and Cliff will come over to watch it with him and you have to cheer him on and tell him how he was the best part of the whole show. (Which to you he is of course). 
If you’re an actress or someone who works in Hollywood too he will be the same way about you. You could have literally the smallest part in any movie/TV show and he will not shut up about how talented his baby is and how GD beautiful you looked. 
If you are an actress he will absolutely run lines with you too and is always trying to give you advice. 
Pet names galore! He calls you baby, sweetheart, honey, darlin, etc. etc. almost more than he says your actual name. 
I don’t think you’d ever really have to worry about him being unfaithful to you. Yes, he’s gotten around Hollywood as a star as handsome as him does but he’s never been in love with someone the way he is with you. 
(Except maybe Cliff but that's a different story with different headcanons).
Rick is very clingy. He likes to be around you as much as possible and that turns out to be a lot. 
He tries to get you to stay the night at his place pretty much every night. Sometimes he’ll offer to stay at your place but then he always complains about the size or how uncomfortable your bed is or how he always forgets something so it's much easier to just stay at his house for the night. 
Don’t ask me why but I feel like Rick almost certainly has a bathroom filled with hygiene and beauty products that he uses religiously. 
He loves when you come visit him on set too. It makes him feel less anxious having you there with him and he likes to show off when you’re there too. 
Rick is definitely a product of his times though as far as masculinity goes and he isn’t exactly one to be lovey dovey in public or even gush about his feelings often. 
At least at first. 
After the two of you are together a while (a while for him being a month) he’s got no problem breaking down in front of you and finds that you always make him feel better when he gets himself worked up and can usually bring him back down (or at least keep him from hurting himself) when he gets manic. 
He always tries so hard to be charming with you and sometimes you just have to let him and pretend you can’t see through it because of his pride. 
You are now his hype man! You have to be ready to pump him whenever he’s feeling bad about himself.
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demonofthechili · 4 years
Cliff Booth x Reader - Usual Answer
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A/N: Based SOMEWHAT on my oc's (Sam's) backstory tweaked into an x reader! Enjoy!
T/W: Sexist 60s Hollywood, so... what you'd expect!
You had known Cliff for a while, and, even then, seeing him now (as of 1965) made you realise that people really do change. He was still Clifton Booth - endearing blue eyes and assuring smile and all- but at the same time, he just... wasn't.
He was familiar with you, and sought you out when he wasn't needed in a car crash or dangerous, deadly fall. He introduced you to Rick, who you were familiar with due to Bounty Law, and invited you for a drink every now and then after the shooting day was over.
A man of ease despite the hand life had forced upon him, and a man of surprising restraint considering what he was capable of, Cliff had surely matured since you last met again a few years ago. Maybe the better word was 'mellowed'.
Or maybe, just maybe, you had grown bitter.
You were a stunt double, and a woman stunt double at that; rejection was the name of the game, even if it didn't make sense.
"It's a man's profession, (Y/N)," A stunt coordinator had tried to delicately justify his reason to deny you from filming. "Just... try the makeup trailer again. You were good at that last time."
Another had laughed, thinking it was a joke. That hurt more than words.
You had given up, fuelled mainly by your most recent rejected proposal: a movie required a stunt double for one of the actresses, and you had happily offered. Hell, the director backed you up... but alas, the answer was a patronising explanation as to why that wasn't reasonable.
Was it fair to be envious of Cliff when the matter was so clearly not in his grasp? Of course not, you weren't stupid. But as you sat there on the hood of your car with him at your side, you found it hard not to think that way.
"Uh, can I help you?" Cliff asked with raised brows, can of beer in his hand raised to his lips, hovering there as he waited for a reply.
"What?" You replied quickly, not aware that you had apparently been staring in silence for... however long. "Help me with what?"
"You can tell me," He took a sip, small smile faltering at his lips, "Are you alright, (Y/N)?"
You considered lying, but Cliff gave off a comforting aura. As if you'd always be protected or saved. Maybe it was that dazzling confidence.
"I got rejected," You took a long sip of your own beer, "Again."
"Aw, c'mon," Cliff sounded genuinely upset by this news. "What'd he say?"
"The usual shit, man. What do you think?"
"I thought the, uh, director was gonna help you?"
"He did. The answer was still the usual," Lowering the can to your lap, you looked down, placing a hand onto the hood between yourself and Cliff, "I think I'm going to call it here."
"What do you mean? You're going to let him make you quit for good?"
When you nodded, he looked borderline offended. As if you had just said the worst thing he could hear. In a big way, you did.
"You're a great stunt double, better than a lot of the guys I know. Safer, too. You deserve to be throwing yourself off of tall shit, the same as me," He paused as you chuckled, finding satisfaction in such a thing. "I'm serious. You do. You need to be, uh, like the stuntwoman version of Martin Luther King."
"Jesus Christ," You finally spoke, that comparison not allowing you to stay quiet anymore. "That's a big stretch, but I appreciate your point. Fight the good fight, and all that shit."
He gave a chuckle of agreement, nodding as he allowed the moment to settle. He looked your way once more, and moved to place a careful hand upon yours on the hood, just in case you wanted to pull away.
In that moment, you thought it'd be okay. That you had a chance. You'd be that stuntwoman Martin Luther King, or cry trying.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
hiii! so I have a vigilante/adrian chase request I'd like to share. also, the reader's role in this is kinda inspired by margot robbie's take on sharon tate from "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood." (you'll see what I mean, hopefully)
so I was wondering if you could do a vigilante/adrian chase x fem!reader oneshot in which Y/N's happens to be local famous actress and just so happens to be with THE vigilante. she also, to everyone's surprise, has a child with him. people were quick to be shocked because vigilante's well....vigilante and she's THE Y/N. famous for her own starring roles. she's a bit outgoing, likes to have her fun and loves vinyls 24/7. and yes, she knows of her own partner's "work" and of course identity but that doesnt stop her from loving him any less. when he's not working, he's the adorable and insanely fun stay-at-home dad and is loving towards his girl.
one night, he comes home to them both and has a talk with Y/N about being a bit insecure, not only because of what he does for a living but whenever he's mentioned by people whenever Y/N's out for another role, people are quick to criticize the fact that "oh he kills for a living", "how can he hold a woman like her", and the most bothering, "he's a dad? how could he be? look at him". but she's quick to think that she doesnt care about what they have to say about adrian because that's her adrian, the one she adores. just some good fluff and cute moments between the two, adrian being an adorable father and maybe to top it off....some spice?? but yea! pls? thank you. :)
Hello omg this is SO CUTE I loved writing for ouatih (brads character of course since sharon was real lol) and love the idea of kinda mixing the vibes together. And I think the popularity of the two of them clashing >>>>>
I will add it to the list and see what I can do!
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Dating Cliff Booth Would Include:
Just some cute little headcannons!
⚠️ Warnings: language, sexual innuendos, drug use, sexy Dilf Brad Pitt? ⚠️
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The way you met was strange; you were at a gas station somewhere in the western parts of Hollywood when you saw a yellow 1966 Cadillac Coupe de Ville pull up out front. Sporting a Hawaiian shirt brighter than the sun and a cigarette dangling from his teeth, the man walked in and announced that he needed heavy duty cleaner because there was blood on the hood of his car. From whom, you didn't know but with the way he flashed his teeth at you and slicked back his hair, you knew that you were in more trouble than whomever Cliff Booth decided to beat up that day.
He had promised himself that he would never get married again after the incident, but you were too goddamn charming and the way your shorts rode up your thighs.......
His bright smile and even brighter persona is what drew you in; a nice contrast against your usual pessimistic attitude and overall sense that the universe was out to stab you in the back.
And your pessimism is what drew him in, you were always real with him and watching a smile light up your face after a joke he made was like heroin to him. And he also found it funny how you managed to trip over nothing when you were lost in your rants about how the seats in his car were too warm or how the sky hurt your eyes.
Long car rides where you share the aux cord- him usually going for something along the lines of Billy Idol and your response with the Sex Pistols.
In this instance, opposites really do attract.
But you loved him good and that's what he had been searching for, unbeknownst to him. He didn't think he would ever date someone with a significant age difference, but the fact that you were fresh into your twenties didn't seem to bother him too much.
On the occasion where you two would play-fight, you would call him grandpa and that would shut up any other insults he could come up with.
Him having pet names for you, which you usually hated but allowed him to continue.
Some examples of these would be: Darling, Babe, Princess, but his all time favorite would be little shrimp because he knew it pissed you off.
And your pet names for him were usually: Love, Babe, Love of my Life, Asshole, and Cowboy. Cowboy was because of his southern accent.....probably.
Becoming best friends with Rick Dalton because of your close proximity to Cliff all the time.
Spending time with Rick watching his movies while Cliff busies himself with making margaritas in the kitchen.
To which you drink with haste, whereas the other boys take it a bit slower because chances are that they're drunk already.
Laying down on Cliff while you talk to Rick about filming. Rick rolling a joint and offering one to you and Cliff.
Your favorite thing about Cliff though, was his dog.
Brandy instantly loved you and you didn't have to rub peanut butter all over your face for this to be true, unlike your husband.
Getting married with just the two of you and Rick; a bright sunny day in the middle of absolutely nowhere, your only other guests being tumbleweeds and sand.
Having antique rings that the both of you thrifted.
Cliff says it's because, "We're keepin' love alive."
Rick allowing the two of you to spend the night at his place since the camper is usually a mess and is a bit too small for the two of you.
You usually are able to make room when he-
And he-
And on the table where he-
And sometimes even outside when you-
And then in the back of Rick's car sometimes-
Y'all are horny, that's the point.
Wearing Cliff's shirts!!!!!!???
"Hey, that's my favorite yellow one!"
"it's my favorite too, now help me match it with one of your glasses."
He obliges.
Rolling up to pick up Rick but making him sit in the back because he's the third wheel now.
Sometimes he likes to throw a fit about how "movie stars ride in the front, pimps in the back," to which he receives a nice finger from you and an insult about his haircut. It's okay though because you can pet Cliff's hair from the backseat as he drives.
Grabbing snacks for the road!!! You usually grab a coffee and a bag of Twizzlers while Cliff opts for a protein bar and a lemonade.
Kissing Cliff in public all the time.
Like- all the time.
Cuddling while watching movies and sitting in his lap while you fuss over his hair and making out with him while he pumps gas.
The possibilities are endless.
Chilling with Rick in his pool while listening to his tapes for auditions and giving him advice where you see fit.
Also stealing Rick's sunglasses.
"Where the f-f-fuck are m-my sunglasses?! Cliff??"
"My lady's wearin' em."
"W-well tell her to take em off!"
"Little Shrimp, can you give Rick his glasses back?"
"There's your answer."
Wearing skimpy outfits just because you know you're fucking with your husband.
And him taking his shirts off whenever he decides to work on a project and watching you get all hot and flustered.
Going to restaurants and choosing the wackiest things off the menu, trying to one up each other with your weirdness.
Usually sharing bits and pieces of your meals with each other.
Listening to him talk for hours about his favorite movies and musicians.
And him listening to you talk about yours.
All in all, y'all love each other.
My heart hurts.
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What Did They Do? | Cliff Booth
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Pairing: Cliff Booth (OUATIH) x Plus Size Reader
Word count: 2,131 words.
Request: Hi. Could you write a Cliff Booth one-shot with the reader being bullied at work because of her plus size, and Cliff comforting her? (If it's ok with you). Thank you.
Warnings: Fatphobia, internalized fatphobia, angst, body-image issues, a little bit of fluff.
A/N: Listen, I didn't want to focus on how the scenes with the coworkers played, they're not the ones who suffer because of the words. ALSO: remember that it's your body, therefore your choice. If you want to try and change something about your routine or whatever, go ahead! But please do it for yourself, your happiness, and your health.
Weight was an issue, a metaphorical and literal one. You had fluctuated between Ignoring what everyone else said about your weight or body shape and obsessing over every little flaw they saw in you. It took a toll on you some days like on any other person who didn’t have what it took to be considered the standard for an attractive person yet the pressure of hearing comments constantly was getting too much.
A hostile work environment wasn’t new to you, school hadn’t been different, and sometimes even your family could get pretty annoying and borderline cruel with the topic.
The walk from your workplace to your house wasn’t long, but it sure as hell felt like it. Between the changing weather, how tired you truly were, and the weight of the comments and gazes you had to endure on a daily basis, the way home felt like sheer torture. You supposed it wouldn’t be too bad to move your body some more, maybe your workmates had a point when they told you you needed to lose some pounds although they could’ve been kinder while doing so.
Acting like you didn’t care was getting harder as the days passed, you didn’t know who were you trying to convince more when you said it didn’t matter. Many factors were at play, and their comments used every one of them to break you. You had tried to understand the reasoning behind those types of insults for years and at some point instead ended up believing they were simply the truth.
But why? Why did you have to be the one who changed instead of them? Why couldn’t Lorna understand that your body was different than hers? Why didn’t Michael accept that you didn’t exist for people to find you either attractive or not? Why couldn’t they just get over the fact that no one is the same and that not every single person can fit their personal standards? And why couldn't you either?
The lights from the living room were on and Cliff’s car was parked on the driveway. You sighed heavily, inwardly praying to not look like you cried all the way home even though you totally did. Before you could slide the key in, the door swung open. His bright smile greeted you, the usual kiss on your temple leaving your skin buzzing.
He said, very happily, that he bought your favorite dish from that dinner you love. You bit the inside of your cheek, trying to find an excuse as to why you can’t eat it. It would be rude to say you’re not in the mood when he had to make a detour to buy the food, but you don’t feel like eating ever again in your goddamn life.
“I’ll just take a shower, yeah?” You didn’t wait for him to answer and made your way toward your shared bedroom.
Mindlessly taking a clean pair of underwear and a pajama set you entered the bathroom not before kicking your shoes off. The clothes were placed on the countertop just beside the sink, your reflection staring back at you; you didn’t recognize the sad eyes boring into yours— your own eyes.
The warm water wasn’t of too much help. You had expected it to at least ease the tension on your shoulders enough for you to not feel like you’d crumble at any minute. The dreaded part of the shower began when, while waiting for the conditioner to set and do its job, you started to scrub your body. A sob escaped your lips, your hand clutching the extra skin on your stomach— god, Lorna was definitely right when she said you needed to be on a strict diet.
You didn't dare to get out of the shower just yet, too embarrassed by the fact that all those things your coworkers said to you were true. You felt like the filthy cow Michael called you, you truly did, and tears just kept streaming down your face. Avoiding your reflection in the mirror while you put your clothes on, the wonderment of what Cliff really thought of you came to your mind.
Reminding yourself that you needed to focus on the fact that he had never complained about anything you exited the bathroom with the idea of going to bed and hoping for the best. If you were lucky, getting some rest would help you see things clearly, be kinder to yourself like you logically knew you should be.
Cliff stared at you with a frown, you supposed he had entered the room to change into sleeping clothes too because he had discarded his patterned shirt and was now only in a pair of shorts and the t-shirt he had been wearing earlier. You grew nervous under his gaze like a child caught doing something they shouldn’t have even thought about.
“You want me to reheat dinner?”
Your stomach churned upon hearing the question, not helping the feeling of nervousness at all. Excuses escaped you, there wasn’t a good one other than saying you weren’t hungry which was just not realistic. Opting for just nodding in hopes of calming down when your boyfriend wasn’t staring at you, you waited for him to leave the room to let out a light groan.
You felt stuck. No one likes to feel like that and lately, that’s all you can really feel. Stuck between accepting yourself and changing everything people found flawed, between skipping meals and eating properly to be healthy, between looking for another job where you weren’t verbally abused on a daily basis and just accepting that it would keep happening if you didn’t change your body.
You wished you could tune it all out, you knew some people were able to and you knew their lives were a little easier because of it. You wanted to be able to feel comfortable in your own skin without being told you were harming yourself— oh, how you hated the way they looked at you when you wore a skirt instead of a pantsuit, and God forbid if you felt confident enough one day to wear shorts...
It was tiring, it added to the weight on your shoulders and in consequence, deteriorated your health. The irony of how much their comments that — according to them— came from a place of worry for your health were harming you would have amused you if you weren’t in so much distress.
The clearing of a throat startled you. Your eyes landed on Cliff’s face as you turned to look at the doorway. “I’ll be there in a moment,” you rasped, surprised by how hard getting the words out had been.
He pushed himself into the room and away from the doorway, standing in front you four strides later. His warm palm landed softly on your cheek, an attempt to either get you to talk or comfort you, perhaps both at the same time.
Your eyes closed out of habit, your brain processing the gesture as one of the few things that gave it serotonin. His free arm wrapped around your middle, pulling you closer. There was a moment of silence, not uncomfortable because nothing was with him, one that he used to asses what could possibly be wrong while you tried your hardest to not cry some more.
“What’s wrong, love?” Cliff asked, so lowly and softly, so tenderly that you believed Samantha when she said you didn’t deserve to have someone like him in your life.
You shook your head, the movement prompting your lips to brush against his palm for a few seconds. It was deeply embarrassing to tell him how bad you felt for being yourself, it wasn’t fair for you to go through it, any of it.
He encouraged you to speak still, “you can tell me anything.”
Stubbornly, you shook your head again. “It’s nothing. How was your day?” Your question came with the opening of your eyes. You knew you had to be convincing, you could cry some more in the morning while showering after all.
“It was great,” he deadpanned. “Now, is my girlfriend telling me what’s troubling her or do I have to beat her coworkers up to know?”
A shiver ran down your spine, not because you were scared of him but because he talking to your coworkers was your worst nightmare. They could easily open his eyes, make him realize he deserved someone better than you. Shit... Cliff deserved better than you, it was true. Someone he could show off, someone who didn’t struggle to find pretty clothes, someone who could wear his clothes without them being tight or stuck.
Your reaction seemed to make him realize what was wrong. You saw it on his face, and he probably saw everything on yours. It surprised you, how upset he looked as it dawned on him. “What did they do?”
And just like that, you let it all go because there was no point in saying everything was fine, you were sad, he was mad— things could go terribly wrong or perfectly fine and you needed it to just happen already.
He listened, all his attention on your face as you both sat on the bed, his thumb rubbing circles on the back of your hand. Your chest started aching as the hiccups began to interrupt you, between the crying and the eagerness to explain yourself now that you had the chance to let it out, you were desperate to find some relief.
Cliff shushed you, soothing sounds filling your ears. You heard him say he would get you some water to which you could only nod. You didn’t know how much time passed, you just knew you were still crying. Words flew out from your mouth when he was back, you hadn’t realized how many things you had bottled up until the moment you caught yourself speaking about your first day of work when everything had begun.
He hugged you tightly once the hiccups stopped, letting you cry some more on his chest as he played with your hair. Sweet nothings were whispered like second nature, how competent you were, how pretty, how attractive, how much he loved you. You even wondered why people called them sweet nothings when it truly meant everything to you.
“We’re going to find you another job, darling,” he assured, “don’t you worry your pretty little mind.”
You shrugged, knowing it wouldn’t change much. “Everyone will say the same,” you lamented.
“You can’t let them do that to you. I know it’s not your fault,” Cliff quickly clarified, “but we can’t please everyone and not everyone will like us. Maybe this is different and I can’t understand it because I’m not going through it, but I know it’s still true.”
Nodding, you looked down at your hands on your lap. It was easier said than done, no matter how well he meant he wasn’t the one who would go through it. “What if they’re right?”
You wanted to take the words back upon hearing his huff, wanting everything but to go through a fight that night. You were tired, drained actually, and fights with Cliff didn’t happen often but when they did you ended needing a lot of alone time to recharge.
“Look,” he sighed, clearly trying to mask his annoyance when he knew it wasn’t your fault, “if you want to make some changes to your routine, maybe become more active or eat healthier... that’s great, love. I will happily go through it with you.” His hand fell on top of yours, giving a squeeze to get the point across and to gain your attention so his next words were understood. “But if you don’t want to, if you feel fine, you don’t have to change a damn thing.”
“Can I make that decision later on?” you timidly asked. You weren’t ready to take such a big step, you truly just wanted to get some rest.
Cliff agreed, leaning to peck your lips in reassurance. You allowed yourself to smile which only made him kiss you properly that time around, hugging you by the hips when you kissed back.
Later that night, while laying on his chest, you focused on the sound of his heartbeat as he watched some TV. You were trying to pay attention to whatever was happening on the show but your mind was somewhere else. The next day would be big, you’d finally focus on what you needed instead of what people wanted and allow yourself to make a decision regarding what you would do to accomplish it.
The next day you’d finally start the journey to get what you truly deserved, and you would give it to your own self while your boyfriend accompanied you.
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