#richie jerimovich x y/n
chibipeachu · 4 months
“Love Story” ¦ R.J
wc: 4k (I was rly excited ok...)
pairing: richie jerimovich X fem!reader
warnings: none, just a cute love story, semi proofread 🤍
A/n: seeing sooo many proposals during taylor's tour and he would so drop the question during your guys song!!
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Richie signed as the bell above the door rang, it had been a night filled with drunk men and their hookers all night long.
As he walked out to the front he froze at the sight of a girl, giggling to herself as she scrolled through her phone before walking up to the counter. “Hi mikey, wait you’re not mikey?” She slurred as she looked at richie. 
“Nope, he’s out for the night, what can i get you though sweetheart?” The girl looked up at the menu and pouted her lips.
Richie smiled as he noticed her smudged lipstick and gloss. 
“I’ll have, um..” She froze as her gaze felt unfocused as she tried to read the board. “I’ll get whatever, you choose for me!” She grinned at the forty year old. 
Richie signed and nodded to himself. “Got it, just uh go sit before i come back to find you passed out on the floor.” 
The girl saluted before stumbling to a barstool and patiently waited for her food.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
The smell of bell peppers made the girl lift her head from the sticky table, she smiled at richie as he placed her food in front of her, it was a cheesesteak.
”It smells soo good!” She squealed, clapping her hands and dancing in her seat a bit. Richie scoffed, amused at the girl.
“Wanna join me?” Her question caught richie off guard, he glances down at the girl as she held up half of the sandwich towards him. 
“I couldn’t, i gotta handle the front.” Richie declined.
The girl gave richie a look before looking around the empty restaurant, “yeah ok, since it’s suuupper busy..” She giggled, earning a playful eye roll from richie who sighed before sitting down next to you.
As they pair sat in silence, richie sighed as his phone lit up with a text from tiff saying she was keeping eva for his weekend due to ballet practice. “So what’s your name?” the girl questioned, taking a bite of her sandwich before looking up at richie who picked at the small side of fries.
“Richie..” He smiled as the girl nodded at his name. “How is it spelt? Like ritchie valens or richie rich?” She questioned, swapping richie for the fries. 
Richie chuckled before taking a bite, “richie rich, i guess?” He shrugged and watched as you quietly hummed to yourself as you ate. “How ‘bout you?” 
She tiled her head to the side. “How about me, what?” she questioned.
As richie re-asked the question her eyes started to droop.
“Y’know you have pretty eyes..” The girl tiredly pointed her manicured nails towards richie, she slowly slid the sandwich towards richie and fell asleep, her forehead on the cold, but sticky tabletop.
Richie chuckled softly and started to clean up around you.
After bit he had noticed your phone started to ring, he sighed as there was no sign of you waking up to answer. 
Picking up the phone, he was greeted to questions. “WHERE ARE YOU!” a voice yelled.
Richie pulled the phone away from his ear. “Yeah, uh your friend fell asleep here at the beef and if there’s a way for you to come pick her up-!” RIchie was cut off by a frustrated groan.
“Fuck, daddy’s gonna lose it if he find out she’s not with us!” The voice sighed before asking for the street name.
A few minutes had passed and a white car had pulled up outside of the diner, he was in the back for the most of them carrying their friend to the car but by the time he walked back to the front, he noticed as the car doors slammed shut before taking off.
He sighed as he looked around the restaurant and froze at the sight of a pink prada bag on the countertop, hidden by a mountain of napkins. “Shit..” He cursed as he picked up the bag and looked for an piece of identification.
He quietly hummed to himself as he pulled out a gucci wallet, “who’s sugar baby got lost?” he questioned to himself as he flipped it open to find tons of cards and cash, a purse snatcher would be in heaven by the amount left carelessly in your bag.
As richie went to give up in his search, he froze at the sight of a pair of sunglasses in a satin bag with your initials embroidered.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
You sighed as you walked into the beef, it had been your sister’s bachelorette the night before, somehow you had slipped away from the group and into your favorite diner.
“Hi mikey..” You greeted the shaggy haired owner, who watched you walk in, clearly enjoying you fighting a hangover. 
“You look like shit.” He grinned at you.
“I feel like it..hey did i happen to leave-” before you could finish your words, mikey held up your bag with a smirk. “Oh this?” He teased.
“Don’t be a dick, give it..” You held your hand out for it, he sighed and handed it over to you. “Could i also get something to go please?” You smiled at mikey.
“I don't know, you did tell my employee he had pretty eyes last night..” HIs words made you widen your eye at him, slowly shaking your head. “No i didn’t…did I?” You questioned yourself quietly.
As you sat down questioning yourself, mikey had placed your typical order and walked to the office.
A basket of fries made you brake away from your thoughts. You glanced up at the employee and immediately got flustered, it was the guy from the previous night.
“Um, hi?” You offered a small smile, earning a chuckle from him. “Hi, here’s your order to-go.” He handed you the bag. You shifted your eyes from the to-go box to his blue eyes.
“You’re richie, right?” You questioned, trying to rack your brain for his name. “Uh, yeah.” He scratched his scruff. “I’m sorry if i made you uncomfortable with my comments..” You apologized, fiddling with your bag.
“With comments like that, i’d hope to see you in here more often now!” He smiled at you.
You grabbed the to-go box and nodded and let out a chuckle. “Will do, richie!” You smiled and waved as you exited the shop.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
As the weeks went on, you and richie had grown close, you had often stopped by the beef to greet him and the others, you often hung out around the shop till closing with richie and spent hours talking ot one another, it had gotten to the point where you gave him your number to spent more hours of the day talking.
You smiled as you sat at the counter of the beef and watched as richie cleaned the tabletops. 
“No shot, your favorite artist is taylor swift!” You smiled as he sighed and continued to wipe down the counters. “I have a mini swiftie, after a while t-swift grows on you.” He smiled.
You laughed, “favorite song then?” you asked as you sipped from your cup. “Probably, cardigan..” He paused and took a second to think about his answer before he glanced at you and placed the cloth over his shoulder.
You pouted out your lip, thinking over all her songs, “love story.” You smiled as richie smile grew.
“What? I like the classics..” You both chuckled, richie focused on getting a sticky spot on the counter, not noticing you grabbing his phone which was connected to the shop’s music.
“You’ll be prince, and i’ll be the princess!” You sang out loud, your arm extended towards richie who turned his head to watch.
He laughed, amused by your little show, thankfully he had set out the close sign early so no customers would try to ruin the moment. 
“It’s a love story, baby just say yes!” He continued while laughing to himself, silently admiring your bright smile. 
- - - - - - - - - - - -
“Lovie!” The little blonde squealed as richie unbuckled her from her carseat. 
“What are you doing here?” She questioned as you walked up to her, a small bouquet of tulips in your hand. “I’m here to watch a very talented ballerina.” You grinned.
You knelt down to her height and handed her the flowers. She squealed and held them to her chest.
“What do you say to lovie, eva?” Richie questioned, watching your interaction with a grin on his face.
“Thank you!” She gave you a small side hug before walking to the doors to the theater, her ballet bag being carried by richie.
“Is tiff and frank here already?” You questioned as you noticed all the moms, fixing their children’s hair.
“Tiff hasn’t said, i’ll go give her a call, could you-!”
“I’ll go watch eva.” You cut richie off, giving him a reassuring smile, taking eva’s bag from him.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Eva had gotten antsy, as more kids would pass her, hair done and ready to perform. 
Tiff had told richie her and frank had gotten a flat tire and wouldn't be able to make it to her recital.
Richie sighed as he brushed eva’s hair into a lumpy bun. “It has to be smooth!” Eva sighed, frustrated. 
You quickly placed down your bag and eva’s bag next to richie and motioned for the brush and hair tie.
“I can do your hair, since somebody..can’t..” You told eva, side glancing towards richie was sat beside you both on a chair, looking defeated. Eva giggled.
You managed to get her hair into a neat bun, eva sighed as she noticed her tiny baby hairs sticking up in the front of her forehead.
“Wipsy’s again!” She whispered, annoyed with her hair. 
“I have those too, here richie could you hand me my purse?” You turned to your boyfriend who jumped and quickly handed you the bag.
You smiled to yourself as eva held your purse in her lap, watching as you dug through your bag before pulling out a tube of hair slick gel. “Always prepared, huh?” Richie smiled as you gently held eva’s chin and slicked the hair’s down.
“Want a little chapstick?” You questioned the little blonde who nodded and pouted her lips, you quickly grabbed your small tin of chapstick and added a bit to her lips, you quickly handed her the tin, she quickly placed it in the bag and turned to the side to look at herself.
“So cute!” You smiled as you watched her smile and bat her eyelashes at herself in the mirror.
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You sighed as you tried to closed the mansion quietly, as the weeks past, you and richie had gone hours on the phone with each other, spending most weekdays with one another, doing basic tasks.
As you quietly tip toped to the stairs to finally got to bed a light turned on from the living room, making you freeze at the sight.
“Tsk, tsk, sneaking out like a teen again?” Your father’s gruff voice spoke up. 
You sighed and placed your purse on the stairs before walking over to your father, where he sat in his chair, shuffling a deck of player cards he kept on the coffee table.
“No, i was just trying to not disturb anyone’s sleep with the door slamming.” You sat down across from hi, on the coffee table. 
“You’ve been out very late, this past few months, is there something i should know about?” He raised an eyebrow at you.
“And now that i’m looking at you, whose jacket is that?” He questioned, the look of distaste clear on his face
Your breath hitched, as you went to open your mouth, a light turned on in the front hall, making you and your father turn to the source.
There stood, your mom, she had a tired look on her face. “Will you too go to bed?” She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
“In a moment, answer me young lady..” Your father pressed.
“NOW!” Your mom hissed at your father, who sighed and got up from his chair and placed the cards beside you.
“This talk isn’t over yet.” You nodded as he wished you goodnight before walking up the stairs.
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The next morning you sighed as you drove your sister to pick up her veil from the bridal store. 
“What’s got you so down?” She frowned.
“Nothing..” You brushed her off, huffing as you waited for the light to turn green. “I know you better then that, what’s the matter?” She pressed, turning to face you.
“Nothing’s the matter..” You tried to brush the topic off.
“Does it have to do with dad last night?” Your sister, questioned, making you turn to her.
“Did everyone hear our conversation last night?” You groaned, continuing to the bridal shop. 
“So who’s the lucky person?” Your sister grinned as you shook your head, a small smile growing on your face.
“Do you remember when I wandered away from you guys during your bachelorette party?” You asked, occasionally glancing over to your sister.
“Yeah, we were laughing cause you were knocked out by the time we got there.” She giggled at the memory.
“Well, I guess i had drunkenly started to flirt with one of the night workers and i may have been constantly went back and possibly at one point he became my boyfriend.” You sighed, your sister sat in the passenger seat with a grin.
“What’s his name?” She teased.
“Richie, richie jerimovich.” You said with a smile at the thought of your boyfriend.
“Older dude?” She questioned, picking at her nails, her smile still obvious.
“He’s in his 40s, so a bit older then me..” You confessed.
“Well, after we pick up my wedding errand, how about I go and meet this richie guy?” She proposed. 
“Sure, he starts at 2 and by the time I find room in the trunk for your things and we drive over, he should be working.” 
Your sister squealed, excited for you.
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You glanced at your sister who nodded to herself as she took in the area, you quickly parked the car on the street and got out.
“You’re just gonna leave the car parked here?” Your sister questioned, noticing a group of men not too far from the shop, looking at you both.
“It’s fine.” You brushed her off and looked back at the group and walked closer to the curb. “Crooked john, will you watch my car for me please.” You hollered out to the man, he nodded at you.
“See it’s fine.” You smiled and walked into the beef.
“Welcome ladies, what can i get you started with today?” Richie smirked as you and your sister walked into the shop.
“Hello..” Your sister squeaked out, looking around the building.
“Hi richie, can we get two cheesesteaks please?” You batted your eyelashes at him, making him smile and lean a bit over the counter to kiss your cheek. “Alright take a seat, sweetheart.” 
You smiled and motioned for a booth for your sister to sit down in.
While waiting you and your sister went over her wedding plans, her day had been arriving very quickly. 
“Alright, two cheesesteak sandwiches.” Richie smiled as he placed them onto the table, your sister perked up and and hummed in delight at the smell of the food.
“Hey, sweetheart,” 
You glanced up at richie who looked at you up and down. “Yes?” 
“I thought you didn’t know where my jacket went..hmm?” 
You felt red, he had caught you red-handed.
“I possibly found it in the back seat..”
He shook his head and kissed the top of your head.
“So richie, I trust you already know not to hurt my sister, correct?” Your sister questioned, swallowing her fry before turning to richie with a straight face.
“Would never dream about it.” Richie gave her a reassuring smile.
“Good.” She smiled before eating her food.
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“Do I look alright?” Richie asked you as he watched you fill in your eyeliner.
“You look fine, stop messing with your tie!” You scolded, turing to look at richie, who raised his hands up in surrender.
After richie and your sister’s meeting, she had invited richie to her wedding rehearsal, you both thought it was finally time to introduce richie to your parents and other family members.
“I’m just freaking out, a gorgeous girl with a sad bastard?” He snorted as he walked into his bedroom and picked your bag up from the end of his bed to sit down.
“You mean a gorgeous girl with her fantastic boyfriend?” You smiled as you walked closer to him, slotting yourself between his legs.
“Tonight will be fine, it’s a step in the next direction!” You smiled down at him, softly holding his chin in your palms.
Richie just smiled and places a kiss on your palm.
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Richie gave you a small smile as you squeezed his hand as you both walked into the venue, in the middle of the room, stood your sister and her fiance.
Your sister perked up and waved you both over. 
“C’mon..” You gently tugged richie over to your sister and said your greetings to her.
“Mom and dad are outside.” Your sister whispered to you and richie as she hugged your both.
You nodded and took a deep breath before looking at richie, who’s grip had gotten a bit tighter.
Richie sighed and squeezed your hand twice before walking over to your parents.
“Mom, dad, i’d like to introduce to you guys my boyfriend.” You announced, making your mom smiling at richie.
“So this is the one that’s been making my daughter so smiley?” She teased before hugging richie and hugged her back.
You smiled at the pair and glanced back to your dad and felt your smile drop, his face was upset, he eyed richie up and down.
“Dad, this is richie jerimovich..” You guided richie toward’s your dad.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you sir.” Richie held his hand out.
Your father just watched richie for a moment before turning to you. 
“We will be having a word after your sister’s rehearsal.” He said sharply, walking back into the venue without turning back.
Your mother sighed as she watched him, she turned to you and richie and reassuringly rubbed your arms.
“He’ll come around, he’s not always a grump.” She smiled before following after your dad into the venue.
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The rehearsal had a tint of tension in the air as you got in place for the vows.
Richie’s leg hadn’t stopped bouncing as he watched you elegantly walk down the isle before your sister and father.
As the rest of the guests chatted inside, your father had taken richie outside and forced you to stay inside with your mother and sister.
“I’m not an idiot you know..” Your father sighed as he looked at richie.
“Excuse me?” Richie questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“I know what you want with my daughter, and i’m not gonna let you hurt her.” Your father argued.
“I don’t know what your talking about sir, i love your daughter, truely.” Richie defended himself. “Bullshit, you’re not the first asshole to try this whole nice guy act with her!” 
RIchie scoffed and rubbed his stubble, trying to contain himself. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about sir..” Richie sighed.
“Yeah right, that’s why your only see your daughter on certain weekends,” Your father scoffed.
“Just face it, you and her are from two very different lives, you don’t deserve to have her.” 
Richie let his words sink in, without a second thought richie scoffed and raised an eyebrow. “You can talk shit about me all you want but you don’t know your family, do you? I may only see eva evry other weekend but hell, at least i know my kid’s favorite things!” RIchie argued back.
“I forbid you to speak or lay eyes on my daughter!” Your father yelled before walking back into the venue, you watched with wide eyes as you could see your dad and richie going back and fourth.
You quickly excused yourself and went to go outside but your father quickly dragged you away from the doors, you swatted his hand away from you.
“I have to go talk to richie, let me go dad!” You groaned.
“I’ve had enough of this ridiculous non sense “relationship” you have!” Your father yelled, making you scoff at his words.
“What? Gonna forbid me from seeing him?” You mockingly asked, your father only raised and eyebrow and nodded.
You froze and stared at him, in shock. “You can’t be serious…i’m an adult!” You grumbled out.
“DO you wish to see your sister walk down that aisle? To meet your future nieces and nephews?” He questioned, seemingly mocking you.
Your eyes began to water, scoffing at him while trying to wipe your tears.
“This is bullshit..” You muttered as you walked away from him and walked outside and look around for richie but didn’t see him anywhere, your phone buzzed from your palm, you tearfully unlocked it and sighed as a text from richie popped up.
R ♡ - i hate myself for this but i’m breaking up with you.
You sobbed at the text, your excitement for the night has washed away and was now replaced with grief of the loss of your relationship.
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“You what!” Tina yelled at richie as he told everyone you’d no longer be visiting the beef on special visits for him.
“I had to T, her dad was right, her and I aren’t meant to be..” Richie sighed, mikey scoffed at his best friend.
“You’re an idiot!” Mikey declared, leaning next to marcus who shook his head at richie.
“It had to be done ok, or else I wouldn't have been able to give her the life she deserves.” Richie sighed, tired of everyone pointing out his dumb mistake of leaving you.
“How do you know she wants a life like she’s used to?” Tina questioned, making Richie look at her curiously.
“Did she hate going to see Eva perform? Did she hate coming here to bring you stuff you forgot? Did she-!” Tina was cut off by Richie realizing you always wore a big smile doing simple domestic things with him, going to the auto shop, buying groceries, watching movies while binging on dollar candy.
“I fucked up!” Richie groaned, searching for his keys.
Mikey chuckled as richie rushed past the doors and out to his car, everyone gathered around the back door and watched as richie manically peeled out of the parking lot.
“Think he remembers it’s her sister’s wedding today?” Tina questioned, making mikey and marcus laugh.
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You smiled as your sister and her new husband walked down the aisle together.
You and the best man walked behind them and out into the hallway, you watched and greeted some guests as they exited the wedding hall and waited outside to see the bride and groom off to the reception. 
Your father quietly walked past you, whatever phone call must've been important by the way he separated from everyone, you sighed, it had been weeks since your breakup with richie, your father had hardly spoke to you since.
“He’ll come around honey..” Your mother tried to soothe you, rubbing you back gently and guided you to see your sister off.
You smiled as you were handed a small can of bubbles to blow over the couple as they walked to their car.
The wedding had filled most of your time, it was a nice distraction from the pain, the wedding would’ve been better if richie was by you the whole time.
As you all watched your sister happily wave to everyone as they drove off, a warm hand on your shoulder made you turn to see your father with a sad smile on his face.
“Father?” You questioned, he sighed and motioned for you to step away from the crowd. 
“I haven't been the best father as you've gotten older, i still act as if you are this little girl who has to respect me and do as I say,” Your father sighed out.
You tilted your head, confused. 
“And with your sister being engaged and you showing up with a boyfriend, i felt old, my little girls were growing up, i was just- no I still am terrified of either of you getting used by someone who doesn't care.” He teared up at bit, you half smiled at him.
“Mr jermovich opened my eyes for me, i hardly knew you or your sister beside what you liked as kids, you’re a grown woman now, and if he’s what makes you happy, i’ll just to pray he doesn’t end up in a back alley.” He joked, making you snicker before hugging him.
“What if it’s late for him to take me back?” you stressed. 
Your father chuckled and rubbed your back in comfort, “He’s smitten with you, you’ll find a way.” 
You smiled at him and hugged him once more before he tore himself away and walked outside to join your mom in the car and drove off the reception.
With a little bit of acceptance you smiled and walked to your car and unlocked the door when a honk came from behind you.
“Yo, sweetheart!” A raspy voice called out
You rolled your eyes and ignored it. “I get i fucked up, but you don’t gotta ignore me!” A familiar voice shouted.
Quickly whipping around to face the car, a grin grew on your face, richie with his head out his window, still in his work shirt. You quickly ran over to the car. “What are you doing here?” You laughed as he smiled up at you.
“Had to make sure a pretentious asshole didn’t try to swoop in.” He grinned.
As you looked at richie it all clicked together, the phone call your dad was on, the reassurance that richie was smitten with you…”You called my dad?” You giggled.
“Took a lot to get your family’s help to spit it out but we got there!” He sighed.
“I love you.” You confessed, making richie laugh and pull you into a deep kiss.
“Love you.” He muttered against your lips. You pulled away snickering “you pulled a sixteen candles!” motioning towards your bridesmaid dress, and his casual wear.
“Just get in the car..” He laughed.
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“What song you excited for E?” You asked the little girl as you, tiffany, frank, eva and richie sat together, waiting for taylor to come out and perform.
“Love story!” Eva squealed, clapping making tiff and richie smirk at her.
“Me too!” You laughed as the little girl, swung her legs and looked around the stadium.
You leaned back into richie and smile at him. “I think our song is love story, we relate to the lyrics a lot.” You joked making richie chuckle before kissing your cheek.
“We’ve come along away from your dad trying to keep you away from me..” He muttered to himself, the weight of the velvet box in his pocket, feeling heavier than before.
As the show went on, you all had stood up along with other people in your section as love story played.
“Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone, I keep waiting for you, but you never come
Is this in my head, i don’t know what to think!” You sang along with eva, not noticing frank and tiff pulling out their phone’s.
Richie looked at the stage and pulled the ring out and turned to you as you sang, eva tugged on your arm and pointed behind you towards richie.
You turned to see richie on one knee as the lyrics to love story lined up.
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said, marry me juliet, you’ll never have to be alone, i love you and that’s all i really know…
You gasped at the sight, everyone in your section screamed at the proposal and cheered as you nodded at richie, who quickly got up and pulled you into a kiss, eva cheered along with tiffany who finished recording you both.
“I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress, it’s a love story baby just say yes!” You and richie sang and you cradled the new ring on your hand.
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mouseymilkovich · 1 month
hiii mouse <3
just wanted to share the thought I just had of Richie knowing just the filthiest phrases in Italian and maybe whispering them in your ear while he fucks you
idk man just hear me out
i don't even need to hear you out, the moment you said this my brain turned off.
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please forgive me i'm using google translate (translations will be btc!)
also daddy kink richie cus i need that thanks
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"Chi è la mia piccola puttana, eh? Chi è la piccola puttana di papà?" Richie whispers in your ear, you're bent over the couch and he's balls deep inside you. He'd gotten home and needed you immediately, you'd been sending him fucking dirty texts and pictures all day. Ti farò riprodurre, bambina. "Ti riempirò di tutti i miei bambini. Ti piacerebbe, tesoro?"
You practically have no earthly idea what he's saying— all you know is, he's speaking Italian, and he's calling himself daddy.
"Esatto, tesoro, ami il cazzo di papà, vero? Sai che nessuno ti fa sentire come me, vero, bella ragazza?" His whispers are coming out in ragged breath while he feels you clench around him. "Dai, viso d'angelo, vieni per papà, fammelo sentire."
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
Chi è la mia piccola puttana, eh? Chi è la piccola puttana di papà? — Who's my little whore, huh? Who's daddy's little whore?
Ti farò riprodurre, bambina. Ti riempirò di tutti i miei bambini. Ti piacerebbe, tesoro? — Gonna breed you, baby girl. Gonna fill you all up with my babies. Would you like that, sweetheart?
Esatto, tesoro, ami il cazzo di papà, vero? Sai che nessuno ti fa sentire come me, vero, bella ragazza? — That's right, sweetheart, you love daddy's dick don't you? You know nobody makes you feel like I do, right, pretty girl?
Dai, viso d'angelo, vieni per papà, fammelo sentire. — C'mon, angel face, cum for daddy, let me feel it.
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
hiii can we get the “mean/cold to everyone but you” trope w Richie like him only getting you coffee among the bear crew, always sitting next to you during family, etc and everyone noticing esp Tina and making fun of him lmao
being richie jerimovich exception
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Richie Jerimovich | AO3
synopsis: It's hard to deal with Richie. He can be rude, mean and extremely irritating. But not to you. Never to you.
warnings: none.
note: it's funny how this fandom agress that whatever richie does in a romantic situation will be content for a tina's roast session. thanks for your request dear, hope you enjoy it!
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• Subtle people would say that Richie is a difficult person. Honest people would say he's an asshole. Truth is relative, because you would say Richie is your honey bun. Dear in public, handsome in private. Pookie when you want to annoy him.
•It turns out that unlike most other people, whether subtle or sincere, you have one thing that sets you apart: Richie loves you. So much it hurts him. And while Richie's natural reaction to grief is to take it out on the culprit, but he wouldn't do that to you. Because that pain is different than anything he ever felt.
• It's a ache. It's a burning that dominates his body. Richie suffers for you, cries for you, spends sleepless nights thinking of you: it's still love. That's how love works. People get tired of spending the night wondering what will happen. Cry in fear of being rejected. Feel their heart break after a fight. But people also exhaust yourself by talking all night instead of sleeping. Feel their stomach flutter from laughing so hard. Cry with emotion.
• Richie doesn't care if he's not normally like this. If normally he doesn't behave so meekly. He loves you, and he knows he needs to show it. Richie has already lost so much, he won't lose you too because of his own pride.
• Richie will spend minutes yelling at Carmy, but as soon as you appear, his face changes. It doesn't matter if he scolded Marcus for having already explained how to do something, if you ask him he'll answer you with a smile on his face. Your tiredness is answered with a cup of coffee. He knows how you prefer it.
• Whether it's you hugging him at the end of the shift, sitting next to him during meetings, Richie's hand stroking your hair: he makes sure to be always as close as he can. It's nice to feel your body heat. And to feel that you want to be close to him too.
• Tina is the first to try to mock him. He always rolls his eyes and turns away without arguing. Richie won't act like it's embarrassing him to show you he loves you. He would never make you think that loving you is a humiliating task.
• After all, everyone needs to have a soft spot. And Richie found his.
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
THE BEAR TAGLIST: @flowercrowns-goodvibes @notanalienindisguiseblink @vyctorya
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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justalovelyblackgf · 8 days
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pairing: neil fak x blackfem!reader
fandom: the bear (2022—)
i feel like no one really writes for fak and i love him as a character, so why not?
summary: neil fak has a girlfriend, but the guys think he’s bullshitting until she shows up for the opening night of the bear.
contains: lots of words, fluff, richie being richie, cursing, two people who love each other, hating ass motherfuckers, insecurity, fear of rejection.
• it was 2 weeks before the bear’s grand opening.
• neil, carmen, richie, and marcus were all having a smoke break outside in the back just kicking it.
• the guys were talking about various topics until carmy started asking for relationship advice.
• of course richie and marcus are putting in their two cents until they hear….
• “to be honest my girlfriend and i wouldn’t even have to go through that shit. we’d just talk it out and stuff our face afterwards! you and claire bear should do the same.”
• there was a deafening silence from the other men because that came from…fak. neil fak!
• what the guys didn’t know was that neil fak has been in an relationship with you for almost 2 months now. he’s been keeping it under wraps because he knew the guys would shit on him for it, but he had to come clean eventually. you always raved about him to your friends because you’re proud of the adorable, loyal, hilarious neil fak, so why shouldn’t he show the same energy?
• he was still a bit in denial that a woman is actually…attracted to him.
• marcus is like “whoa whoa whoa. hold the fuck up. fak…you got a girl?” he genuinely questioned. now, he was curious!
• carmen was confused as well, but he shrugged it off tbh. as long as fak was happy with someone he genuinely connected with.
• richie doesn’t hesitate to think it’s straight up bullshit. fak can’t talk to a woman without crashing out or making a bumbling fool out of himself. let alone being in a relationship!
• ouch! harsh, richie. fak inwardly cringed because he genuinely thought the same thing. he never really felt like he was good enough for that type of thing, but that sinking feeling disappeared at the thought of you when marcus asked how’d you guys met and got together.
• neil could recount that day a million times if he had to.
• you were living it up in your new apartment until your damn refrigerator broke. you didn’t want to go through the hassle of ordering a whole new one, so before doing that you decided to have someone to fix it.
• the only person you ever make an interaction with is your best friend, sydney adamu. you’ve been hyping her up as she goes through the trials and tribulations of rebranding the former restaurant known as “the original beef” to a new type of place.
• you called her up and explained your dilemma.
• “hey, syd. i got a stupid question.”
• “there are no stupid questions, (n/n).”
• you both chuckle at your inside joke, before informing her about the broken refrigerator and asking if she knew anyone who could fix it without charging an arm and a leg.
• “i might know a guy…he’s a bit of a character, but he’s got a heart of fucking gold and he mainly gets the job done. his name is neil fak, but we just call him fak at the restaurant. i’ll see if i can get him to come by tomorrow to look at it. if not, i’ll beat the shit out of him by denying my best friend’s broken fridge.”
• syd’s dry and chaotic humor never fails to make light of the shittiest situation. you quickly agreed because there’s no way you’re gonna let your food rot.
• the next morning, syd sent you a text that fak has accepted the job. you silently cheered and replied by sending her a time and your address to pass on the message.
• fak had been approached by sydney for a side job in the city. he accepted without any question because he could use the extra cash! he told sydney he could go over to your place asap once he knows the time and place. sydney did just that before he gathered all of the necessary equipment before making his way towards your home.
• he went up the stoop and pressed on the doorbell and waited about 10 seconds before he was beheld a vision. a vision with the most alluring, brown eyes and deep bronze toned skin. your natural hair was in the style you desired to be and it looked amazing! not to mention your inviting smile and melodious voice when you introduced yourself.
• “hey! you must be neil fak, right? i’m f/n l/n, i’m a friend of sydney’s.”
• you held out your hand for him to shake. to say that neil was nervous was an understatement. he stammered a bit before getting himself together, giving you an introduction of himself and shaking your hand. something occurred as you two touched hands. fuck, fuck, fuck! he thought as that touch alone made him feel— warm, tingly, safe? but what had him stressed was that his hands tend to get sweaty as shit when he’s nervous.
• “a-ah, y-yeah! i’m neil fak. just call me fak! um, so, uh, you have a broken fridge. let me say this if my fridge ever broke down like that, i personally think that i would fucking explode.”
• you stood there in silence for a millisecond before you burst out in laughter. fak took the words out of her mouth. she couldn’t deny that it was such a huge inconvenience especially to her love of snacks. “i know that’s right! you’re real for that. sydney has told me some good things about you, neil-er, fak. my bad! but seriously— i believe her when she said you’re a trip, but good people. you’re hilarious! ah, damn, i’m rambling. please come inside.” you stepped back to let him in and lead him to the issue in the kitchen.
• you couldn’t help, but catch a pleasant vibe from the mustached man that was rumbling through the inside and back of your refrigerator. as he was working, you guys just conversed as if you two weren’t strangers. you just clicked instantly!
• to some, fak may have looked like a sleaze with his loud voice, numerous tattoos, interesting fashion choices, short stature, and his bushy stache, but his qualities as a person overshadowed all of those things. deep down he’s caring, sensitive, outgoing, and sometimes he has his moments, but who doesn’t? he also wasn’t making any type of insensitive remarks or jokes (ifykwim).
• once he successfully fixed the fridge, you were so hyped that you gave that man a hug and an enthusiastic handshake thanking him for his help. you asked how much he charged and what payment method worked for him.
• he didn’t want to charge you that much or at all because your constant laughter at his stand up material was filling his heart more than his pocket. he really wanted your number, but he didn’t just want to ask for that without looking stupid, so he suggested apple pay and gave you a discount! smooth move, fak.
•you put your number in his phone, sent him the payment, and let him know that you were saving it because you would like to see him again more often whether it’d be for his services or not, so in a way you urged him to keep yours saved in his phone also.
• fak was crashing out on the inside. did you just say that you want to see him? more often? whether he’s fixing something or not?
•he kept his cool, gathered his equipment, and went on home. from that moment fak felt he found someone and someone found him. not just fixing things or cracking jokes, but for genuine company.
• from that day on, you and fak have been texting each other non-stop. checking in, sending memes, having deep conversations about the most insane topics, and laughing out loud late at night on the phone. sometimes he would come over to play a card game, watch a movie, or just kick it with some good food. you’ve never realized how much in common you and fak share. it was just the chemistry that drawn you too closer.
• ya’ll have been talking for about 3 weeks now and you can’t help but to admit that you care for neil…so much! you two are totally different people and to some, you’re built like you’re out of fak’s league. well, fuck whoever says that! looks doesn’t define who you want to spend your time with. everyone’s got their beauty. you could give 2 fucks if people talked about your connection with neil. you were just wondering if he felt the same.
• you invited him to your place to watch a jim carrey double feature of the mask and ace ventura: pet detective. you and fak have always agreed that jim carrey is a comedic genius.
• as you both sit on your couch and watch the credits roll, fak announces that he’ll leave, so that you can get some rest. you can’t sleep knowing you got these feelings and there’s this opportunity right in front of you. you hold on to his hand before he could take another step out of the door. your eyes not pulling from his. he raises his eyebrows as his pupils glint with expectancy, yet worry. he asks you if everything is okay and you swallow before you make your declaration.
• “fak…i need to ask you something. what do you think of me? do you think of me as just a friend? someone to kick it with? or someone to listen to your jokes, fears, hopes, and insecurities? am i someone that you would be proud of the way i’m proud of you? do you see more than just what’s on the outside?” you squeezed his hand.
• you paused to take a breath before you finish.
• “i don’t care what people say about our connection. i need to know because i can’t fucking take it anymore. neil fak, do you care about me the way i care about you?”
• neil was frozen. he absorbed every single syllable that came out of mouth. he has always had those same exact thoughts whether he’s helping to fix an appliance or you two are out trying a new restaurant that one of you recommended. fak thought he was too much of a chickenshit to even cross that line with you. he wanted so badly to express that you mean everything to him. you’re a fucking goddess to him and he’s just…fak. he can’t help, but get a little envious when richie, nat, and carmen had their respective partners while he was although happy for his friends, he was the 7th wheel.
•he’s calmer. he tries to see things with more of an open mind. hell, because of you he’s got a skincare routine! he feels ♾️ % with you if that makes sense. you don’t try to change him because you don’t need nor want to. you just want neil. that loveable person who doesn’t judge you. not just fak the comedian or the handyman.
• f/n…you’re so, so much more than that and i’m so fucking sorry that i didn’t say any of this sooner because i’ve been feeling like this ever since i’ve fixed that refrigerator. i want you to be happy and i want you to laugh a lot. i’ve never really been into this kind of thing before, so i don’t know what exactly i’ll be able to do for you, but i’ll always be by your side…if-if you want me to—mmph!”
•that was all you needed to hear before you pulled him for a kiss. it took him a moment to melt into it, so you started it off gentle and sweet as you wanted to take this relationship one step at a time, so you and neil would always ride the same wave together.
• after fak finishes retelling his friends how you guys came to be. they started bombarding him with all sorts of questions.
• “is she hot?” “what’s her name again?” “what does she do for a living?” “ have you guys fucked?” “do you have a pic of her?”
• fak was overwhelmed trying to answer each question except that fourth one which earned richie a whack to the head by carmen for asking some personal shit like that. “have some fucking class, will you?”
• fak refused to show any pictures you two share together. it was definitely not because he thought you were unattractive. fuck, no! you’re the most gorgeous woman he’s ever had the pleasure of breathing the same air with. like he thought before, the guys (especially richie) would think he’s got the pictures of the internet or some shit. he had a way better idea than that: he was going to invite you to opening night to watch him work and make these fuckers eat their words. he told them to watch for the girl in the red dress and the name for the table is f/n.
• 2 weeks til open has passed and the bear is now ready to welcome the community with open arms.
•everyone was shitting bricks, but they’ve worked their asses off for this vision and they can’t pussy out now.
• fak had tingles from head to toe.
• you and him usually had casual outings, so it would be the first time you saw him in his brown suit and you in that red dress you ordered from fashion nova for this event. it looked good on the model of the pic you sent, but fak’s round face flushed with red envisioning the clothing on you.
• the doors flipped open and the patrons for the first night of many are greeted by fak or richie then escorted to their tables as their meals are being meticulously prepared.
• richie’s eyes are perusing around the place before they stop on a feminine silhouette and— holy fucking shit. who is she?
• the red satin accentuated her body. highlighting every bump and curve. the dress had spaghetti straps and was low-cut, exposing the shimmering, melanated skin of her arms and chest. her hair was curled and styled to perfection as the amber hue in her pupils are made noticeable by the violet eyeshadow that was applied on the lid as well as her full lips were painted like a red candied apple.
• goddamn, she was like a fucking…real life jessica rabbit, but hotter. if it wasn’t for whoever the lucky bastard is with her, eva would’ve had a new stepmom a-fucking-sap!
• his trance is broken from a female voice. “excuse me, i have a reservation under the name, f/n. my boyfriend works here actually. i think i see him right over there!”
• cue the record scratching. richie may forget alot of things, but he never forgot when fak told him and the guys about this mysterious girlfriend of his named…holy fuck!
• the girl in the red dress. f/n. it’s you! you’re the one who stole neil fak’s heart. richie was feeling like the biggest idiot in the universe as he saw fak catch your glimpse from across the room before excusing himself from a table and power walking in your direction to take you into a loving embrace before you plant your ruby lips on his mustached ones.
• you just couldn’t help yourself! you know he’s at work, but he looks so cute and professional in his brown suit and slicked back low ponytail. he’s also wearing that new cologne you randomly gifted him and now you really don’t want to leave his side. your man, your man, your man.
• neil took it upon himself to escort and seat you at your table. he enthusiastically explains tonight’s menu with such confidence and passion as you peer lovingly at him through your lashes with a palm under your chin. if it were physically possible, you would have literal hearts in your eyes.
• don’t you just love it when your partner is in their element? he was made for this and you were so proud.
• fak excuses himself back to the kitchen to find richie already crashing out to carmy and marcus.
• “guys! it’s fak’s girlfriend. she’s fucking real…and hot as fuck! look out there at table 9, the broad in the red dress. that’s all fucking fak!”
• fak lets out an exclamation for richie to cool that shit down, but deep down he was eating it up as carmy and marcus peered out to see the hype at table 9 and what they saw had them gagged.
• marcus’ jaw dropped and his heart thumped at the sight of you. “oh…”
• carmy’s eyes looked upon you, his eyebrows raised as his cheeks fluttered with red, finishing marcus’ sentence, “shit.”
• he already felt bad considering the fact that he has a girlfriend. (not for long after tonight)
• neil grinned as the guys gave their envious, but sincere congratulations to him before they got too distracted to get back to work.
• neil fak was indeed blessed as he waved at the woman in red at table 9. his abdomen rumbled with butterflies when you waved back and blew a good luck kiss in his direction.
• yes, you were all fak, but fak was all you too.
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tigertan · 6 months
neighborly favors and chicago cigarettes. [ jellybeans. ]
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part two of said slow burn fic ^_^ this is mainly a snippet but there is some silly smut incoming in the full chapter oooops ..
part one [ mac n cheese ]
ao3 link
[ word count ; 1k ]
;; all fluff. awkward meeting again. carmen takes a strange interest in your nails.
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your new acrylic nails gleamed in the cold sun of chicago’s morning as they curled around your steering wheel. a pretty candy pink, nothing fancy. they were short and blunt to maximize efficiency, and you’d always liked doing your nails. 
with your new job starting tomorrow, you arranged a nail appointment early this sunday morning just to get it out of the way. 
you rounded the corner of the apartment building's back parking lot and hopped out of your car into the complex. 
despite your freshly scrubbed face and still damp hair from the morning shower, yesterday night’s chicago smoke lingered both on your skin and your memories. the mild hangover you’d gotten was bravely fought off with a fistful of tylenol and gallons of water.  
after finally finding something in common with carmy, sydney rushed out and began apologizing for richie’s behavior, to which you’d reassured her it wasn’t a big deal. you’d just avoid him your entire life after that. because while you weren’t in the wrong, it was an embarrassingly public outburst that burned itself into those moments your brain would never let you forget. 
sydney decided to take you home at that moment, and you didn’t complain. 
you nodded a bye to carmy with a smile still stuck with a cigarette and he’d nodded back, unsmiling.
it was only after you’d wrapped the covers around you did you realize you never asked him if his name was really carmy. 
oh well, you guys were neighbors. you were bound to see him anyway. 
you hummed a song to yourself— specifically frank sinatra’s classic hit, rain in my heart— as you climbed up the stairs and turned the staircase straight into a brick wall. 
but that couldn’t be right, because why did it stumble back at the impact at the same time you did? 
the answer was easy; it wasn’t a wall. it was the tightly fitted cotton-shirted chest/face of your neighbor carmy. his awful brown jacket was thrown across his right bicep, and you could see his tattoos much more clearly. the numbers on his fingers weren't numbers, they were three letters of ‘SOU’ on his index, middle, and ring respectively. 
there was also an inked flower on the back of the same hand, and further up his arm was a measuring cup carrying a globe. you noticed he had more but stepped back too quickly to discern others. 
your nose stings lightly at the impact, and you raise a hand to hold it, eyes widening. a tiny part of you wonders if he is going to yell at you. 
“shit,” you say, blinking. 
“sorry, i didn’t see you,” 
“are you okay— sorry,” 
you both spoke at the same time, which pushed a smile out your lips, and you giggled. so he wasn’t going to yell at you.
“sorry,” you whisper, a grin peeking out from either side of the hand in front of your face. he blinks, the chicago morning sky making his already ice-blue eyes seem ever clearer. 
“you uh— your nails,” he blurted, a muscle in his temple shifting as the words nearly burst from his lips. 
it takes you a second to realize what he’s talking about, but you lower your hand and splay it out, the uv coat catching the light perfectly. 
“oh! yes. nails. got 'em done a few minutes ago.” you explain, giving him another quick smile. “they uh, they’re nice. like jellybeans.” but the compliment, if you could even call it that, was stamped out with deliberate volume and a strained edge of a rather inept tone that creased your brow despite your smile. 
“... thank you,” you reply, absentmindedly running your thumb over the groove of the keys in your pocket. 
he watches your hand fall back beside you and then swallows. 
“do you like—“
“is your—“ 
your voices overlapped once more, and this time he smiled too, curving into his left cheek and carmy released a singular, airy laugh. 
“sorry. uh. you go ahead,” he gestured to you, flicking his eye contact from you to the floor. “yeah, sorry.” you grinned with genuine humor now, “is your, is your real name carmy? sorry, i just heard syd say that last night and i just…” you trailed off, the question sounding dumb and cold on your tongue now that you said it aloud. he blinked again. “uh. no— no. it’s a nickname. for– for carmen. carmen berzatto.” 
he extends his hand out as if you had guys met for the first time. finding it endearing, you take it, a gel-nailed hand clasping the weathered, inked one. 
“were you heading to work?” you ask, and after a momentary silence, he nods, then scrunches his brows and quickly shakes it, the oat-colored curls on his head bouncing. 
“hm? no, just… heading out. kitchen doesn’t open until four today,” he replies, carding a hand through his hair. 
you mouth a silent oh and nod back. 
“well uh, it was good to see you neighbor,” you grin and step the side lightly, breaking the awkward yet giddy conversation that had transpired. 
“yeah. yeah, you too.” carmen gave you a half-smile back, nodding a final time as he passed by you, his hair bouncing as he walked down the stairs, not looking back. 
you did, however, watch until his curls disappeared behind the coffee wood and industrial metal of the stairs. 
you realized you didn’t ask him what he wanted to ask until you’d slotted your key into the lock with a smile. 
carmen slammed his car door behind him as he sat, cushioned in the faux leather seat, hands firm on the steering wheel. he stared directly in front of him, boring holes into the dusty red brick of the building wall, sky tinted a slight grey from the windows. 
“jellybeans? really carmen?” he sighs-slash-scoffs, running a hand over his face before fumbling his keys out of the jacket pocket. brows scrunching, the man hesitates before putting the keys into the ignition. despite the faint alarm bells going off in his mind— they seemed to always be there anyway— he twists in the front seat to look behind him at the building entrance as if she’d walk out of the large, heavy-duty door at that moment. 
for a moment or two, he stares. but the reality of it catches up to him in flushed, heated cheeks and brows creasing further. “fuckin’ stupid.” he mutters, finally shoving the keys into the car as the engine purred to life. it was odd how the light from yesterday’s cigarette had bent around her mouth despite the unforgiving fluorescence of the alleyway, and made carmen stare. 
but that’s all. she was only enough to stare at, he concluded with a steely grip on the wheel. with the bear at its peak, how could he do anything but stare? 
he pulls into the back of the bear’s parking lot with the recipe for a spaghetti alla carbonara stuck in his head and a smile stuck in the corner of his mouth. 
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for more / updates check out the ao3 !
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dovesdreaming · 24 days
The bear masterlist->
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“I’m Gonna Fix This Place”
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Carmen berzatto-
Richie jerimovich-
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etherealising · 1 year
chapter one | a berzatto family christmas
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masterlist | next chapter ↣
pairing(s): carmen berzatto x fem!reader : platonic!michael berzatto x fem!reader : platonic!richie jerimovich x fem!reader
summary: you reunite with carmy years later at the berzatto family christmas party.
warnings: language (cursing), blasphemy, angst (maybe?), spoilers kinda (if you haven't seen season 2 don't read), the berzatto family, not dialogue heavy, very subtle hints to mikey being suicidal, probably ooc!characters, idk what else but if you find something let me know please! not beta’d and minimal editing so sorry for any mistakes. i also wrote this overstimulated on caffeine so if it doesn’t make sense or it’s repetitive then we know why : )
semantics: no use of Y/N: reader goes by the nickname Baby it has a backstory and its literally so simple, if this bothers you idk what to tell you, sorry : (
wc: 4.7k
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You were standing on the sidewalk, nerves filling your body as you hyped yourself up to take the few steps left to the porch and ring the doorbell. You shouldn’t have been so nervous, you knew that but your mind was spinning with the myriad of scenarios both good and bad; that could play out once you stepped foot past the threshold. In all honesty, it wasn’t so much that you were nervous to enter the house itself, it was the fact that you’d be face to face with your childhood best friend for the first time in you didn’t even know how long. Maybe childhood best friend was a stretch you had only been introduced into each other's lives due to circumstance, and because of that forced proximity, you both took comfort in having someone stable around.
The two of you weren’t friends because you had chosen each other, or because you had met in kindergarten and shared toys in the sandbox because the other kids were stingy. No, you met because as a single mom, your mother needed all the shifts she could get even if that meant working the graveyard shift at the hospital, and only seeing you a handful of hours throughout the day because most times she was too dead on her feet to be conscious for more than a few hours. And when she could no longer pay the babysitter her next best option was the eccentric woman across the street who had children close in age with you.
Enter Donna Berzatto, a woman who came to feel like a second mom to you. It's not that she replaced your mom, no one could ever replace her, but she was the only real mother figure you knew for a time in your life. Who took you in as her own when your mother needed a new babysitter, and not just you but integrated your mom into the family as well, when she was spared the time off from nursing. Donna Berzatto who never sent you home empty-handed, and always made enough food for you and your mom to last throughout the week, just so your mother wouldn’t have to worry about fitting grocery shopping into her already hectic schedule. Donna Berzatto who, even when you were old enough to no longer need a babysitter, would send Carmy across the street to fetch you for family dinner, or even just invite you over because she thought you needed company.
Now that you were thinking about it, it seemed like you were more friends with his mom than you ever were with Carmen Berzatto. But then that would be a lie wouldn’t it?
You and Carmen Berzatto were friends due to circumstance, maybe even best friends. You weren’t just friends at his house, but you were school friends, you were everywhere friends. He really was your only true friend, of course, you had school friends, but that’s just what they were. You saw them Monday through Friday for a mandatory education, never an hour before school started or a minute after the final bell. Which didn’t necessarily bother you, but sometimes you longed for a weekend invitation to hang out, not that it ever came. And it wasn’t like you were shunned or unpopular in school, you were just average, you didn’t see a point in making friends with people you weren’t actually interested in befriending.
That’s what made Carmy so different, yes maybe you were only introduced due to circumstances but that didn’t stop the two of you from latching onto each other for dear life. Your mom always wondered how you two even established the friendship you did, with both of you being shy and never feeling the need to go out of your way to make friends. Include the fact that you had been neighbors practically your whole lives and never once taken an interest in each other aside from shy waves and curious childlike staring when either of you would be outside.
Your relationship with Carmen progressed as any childlike relationship would, you befriended each other, had your incessant petty arguments and fights, nothing ever serious enough to actually cause damage just childish antics. And it continued to progress through middle school and high school, the two of you were each other’s person, you just understood each other, the two of you let the other understand you, and wanted to be understood by each other.
You could also recall what you explain as a minute change in your friendship. As Senior year approached and you and Carmy continued to grow into yourselves, you developed a slight crush on the boy you had grown up with. It obviously wasn’t as small as you thought it was if you were standing in front of his childhood home giving yourself a pep talk just to ring the damn doorbell though was it?
The unsolicited card and wrapped present weighed heavy in your tote bag, as your breath was made visible by the chilly Chicago weather.
It was Christmas and for all intents and purposes you had been planning on mailing the present to Carmen’s New York address, but after visiting The Beef on your way back into town Mikey and Richie had let it slip that indeed the infamous Berzatto sibling would be gracing everyone with his presence this holiday season.
It was moments like these you wished you had picked up on the Berzatto family’s horrible smoking habit, thankfully your mom had taught you just how vital having functioning lungs was.
Your head shot up as the sound of loud rambunctious voices drew your attention to the front door opening and closing revealing a face you were all too familiar with and actually relieved to see. The oldest Berzatto brother stood on the porch, hands on his hips as he gave you a goofy smile. You could feel your lips stretching into a smile of your own, the infectious aura that Michael Berzatto exuded doing wonders to calm your racing mind.
“I know you didn’t come all this way just to stand outside staring at my family home like a fucking weirdo Baby.” Mikey’s smile grew in size as he teased you.
You rolled your eyes at the childhood nickname you wish hadn’t stuck as Mikey opened his arms to wrap you in one of his signature hugs. The two of you stood on the porch embracing each other for what felt like hours, you needed this hug as much as he needed it, you knew it and Mikey did too. That was the thing about you and Mikey although not blood-related it was as if your souls knew each other in a past life. Of the Berzatto siblings, Mikey was the last sibling you developed a relationship with. Growing up he was always just Carmy’s older brother but as you grew up surrounded by him, he became your surrogate older brother as well. And when Carmy dashed off to pursue his culinary dreams in New York, you and Mikey grew even closer.
You stepped back from the embrace, your eyes finding Mikey’s as he looked at you with a knowing glint in his eyes. “You not standing out here cause of a certain Chef in that house are ya?” Mikey asked, smirking down at you.
You chuckled “The only reason I come around anymore is for Mama Donna.” You joked doing a poor job to convince Mikey.
He nodded, tossing his head back with a laugh, “You were always a shit liar Baby. Carmy’s an idiot, don't let him ruin your Christmas.”
You let out a sigh head resting against Mikey’s chest as you tried to let his words soothe you even more, “He’s not ruining it, you just know things have been kind of stilted between us, and I don’t know this whole situation just feels awkward.”
You raised your head to look at Mikey again, “It’s awkward right? Am I making things awkward? I don’t wanna ruin Christmas Mikey, I know how your mom is and I know how Carmy is, I don’t wanna ambush him.”
The worry in your voice was evident as Mikey stood there listening to your ranting. His hand reached out as he used his thumb to massage away the frown between your eyebrows. “Calm down Baby, you know Ma is expecting you, and she wouldn’t take it well if you missed Christmas. She looks forward to seeing you every year, you give her a piece of Carmy when he can’t be fucking asked to come home and visit.” His hand moved down to cup the side of your neck rubbing soothing circles where his thumb rested, “Do it for Ma okay? Let Carmy be fucking wonder boy Carmy a’ight.”
You laughed nodding your head as best as you could with Mikey’s hand holding it, he smiled giving you one last hug before dropping his hand to grab your wrist and tug you into the house. You stopped him by placing a hand on his arm that was connected to yours.
“Hold on Mikey, I got you something.” You moved to start rummaging through your tote bag stalling because you were too nervous for his reaction to the present.
“Awe you didn’t have to get me nothing.” You turned back to him with the present in your hands as he held his own hands over his heart mockingly. You knew Mikey didn’t do well when it came to sentimental things and the best you would get out of him was a joke as opposed to anything else.
You laughed holding the rectangular wrapped present out to him, “I wanted to Mikey, don’t think of this as a gift, think of it uhh…as a show of appreciation yeah?” You nodded feeling your face heat up as you dropped your head so he couldn’t see how unsure you were about the gift.
He smiled, finding your shyness endearing before tearing into the neatly wrapped paper and revealing a frame, his hands engulfing it from end to end. He smiled looking at it before you saw confusion etch across his face, “This is great Baby, yeah but uh what the fuck am I looking at?”
You shove his shoulder before laughing at him and grabbing the frame out of his hands but holding it in front of your chest so he could still see its contents, “It's a trademark certification you dumbass, can’t you fucking read Mikey.” You joked to try and underestimate how big of a gift this was.
Mikey’s brows furrowed before he snatched the frame out of your hands to get a better look at the certificate sitting behind the glass, eyes snapping back up to your face with a look you couldn’t read. You shuffled your feet feeling like you overstepped a boundary you didn’t even know was between you and Mikey, “Don’t worry though I-I, put it in your name, it’s not like I trademarked it for myself or anything. I just know how much this means to you and I, I know shit has been tough lately and I’m sorry if you feel like I stepped on your toes but…Mikey, you deserve good things too okay?” You hadn’t meant to go on a rant, but you could feel the apprehension leaving you as you became passionate in every word you spoke.
“You deserve to be fucking happy Mikey, and I, I want you to know I fucking believe in you and I’m always in your corner. If it's-” You were cut off by Mikey clearing his throat, causing your eyes to snap back up to his, all the emotions he didn’t know how to translate into words swirling in his brown eyes, a small smile resting on his lips.
“Mikey-,” Before you could get another word out you were once again trapped in his comforting embrace, this hug conveying something completely different from the earlier one you shared. Mikey’s head tucked into your neck as you felt his uneasy breathing through your hands clutched around him. Mikey wasn’t the type to get emotional in front of other people, and feeling a tear of his smear against your cheek as he raised his head from your neck and settled his bearded cheek against yours, you weren’t sure if you had done the right thing by giving him the gift or not.
The two of you stood in silence as you allowed Mikey his moment, not wanting to make him feel insecure about you being present while he was being emotional. When he finally pulled away you could see the leftover sheen in his eyes. He tucked the framed certificate under his arm as both his hands reached up to grab your face in both of his hands, eyes finding yours, a whispered “thank you, baby,” leaving his lips as he placed a kiss on your forehead before he grabbed the frame again and wrapped you in another hug.
His head rested atop yours as your face rested against his chest, ear pressed against his beating heart. You lied, you thought the last hug was different, but no it was this hug that was different, while the second hug you shared in the span of 20 minutes was a hug of love and gratitude. This hug felt heavier, like there were things Mikey wanted to tell you but couldn’t, things he only felt he could convey through a hug, things you weren’t sure if you wanted to question or not.
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It had been almost 20 minutes since Michael had escaped the house to do whatever the fuck it was he was doing outside. Carmy didn’t know and in all honesty he didn’t actually give a shit either, too busy helping Donna out in the kitchen to try to give any thoughts to whatever had grabbed Mikey’s attention.
He was focused in the corner of the kitchen making Tiff Sprite to help alleviate her nausea symptoms. Anyone else would have done their best to block out the rambunctious noises going on throughout the house, not Carmy though, the chaos fueled him, it grounded him. If the house was quiet it would have been too much for him, to be alone with his own thoughts ping-ponging around in his head, waiting for a chance to drown him. So if he had to listen to his mom list a plethora of things he needed to make sure happened for Christmas dinner to go off without a hitch while he was making Sprite from scratch, he welcomed it.
He finished his concoction just in time for Richie to walk through the kitchen, the older man trying to figure out how the fuck it was even possible to make Sprite from scratch. Gratefully taking the glass Carmy had offered to him, marveling at the carbonated drink in his hand.
Carmy nodded in his direction, “Yo Cousin, where the fuck is Mikey. He just fucking disappeared.” Carmy’s head swiveled around the kitchen double checking whether his brother was there or not, coming up empty in his search. Richie glanced up before settling his eyes back on the drink in his hand still doing the mental math to wrap his head around what the fuck Carmy just made.
Richie jutted his head in the direction of the front door, “Outside talking to Baby.” His eyes finally focused on Carmy’s in time to see the frown grace the younger man’s face, his eyebrows pinching together in agitation, annoyed that his brother was on a phone call rather than inside. Though that’s what Carmy told himself subconsciously he knew he was just annoyed at the fact that Mikey was even talking to you at all. Carmy didn’t think he was possessive but as you and Mikey grew closer through the years, he couldn’t help but feel miffed about the ever growing friendship between the two of you. You and your friendship with Carmy was the first thing in his life that he felt like was actually his and his alone.
It’s funny really for Carmy to think he has any sort of claim over you, or like the two of you were even really friends anymore. When he left Chicago to pursue his culinary dreams, he left you behind to, essentially ghosting the one real friend he did have. It’s not like he meant to, you two just went your separate ways after graduation, and he wasn’t even sure if there even was an “Us” when it came to the two of you anymore. If that was the case the only person he had to blame was himself, it was no fault of yours that your friendship had hit a plateau, Carmy hadn’t responded to a text of yours in years, and the fact that you still texted him to this day caused a slight pain in his chest as he stood in the middle of his mother’s kitchen, frown still etched into his features.
“He’s outside on the phone with Baby?” Carmy questioned the ache in his chest doing nothing to alleviate his irritation. It was Richie’s turn to frown reciprocating the same confused look Camry wore.
“What - No dickhead, he’s talking to Baby, like she’s right in fucking front of him and shit.” Richie swatted the side of Carmy’s head like a child. “Your moms invites her to every holiday, Cousin, and she comes every time.” Richie knew the last bit wasn’t necessary but felt Carmy rightfully deserved it, all anyone wanted from the youngest Berzatto was a visit.
“Dudes been out there for fucking ever though, those to idiots just standing outside like a bunch of fucking jackoffs.” Richie left the kitchen not waiting for Carmy to follow him before heading to the front door. He stopped moving the curtain on one of the side windows to spot two of the people he considered family. He let out a low whistle nudging Carmy’s shoulder who had finally joined his side nodding his head to the window.
“Get a load of these fucking losers hugging on the porch like they’re in some fucking Hallmark movie or some shit.” Richie laughed pointing at you and Mikey through the window. Carmy leaned closer to get a peak at what Richie was going on about.
Carmy hated to admit it, but Richie was right, the too of you looked like the happy couple who just saved a small town’s Christmas or whatever the fuck Hallmark movies were about. Mikey had finally separated himself from you long enough for Carmy to take in your features. He’d be lying if he said the years apart made him forget what you looked like. You were still the same girl he left in Chicago all those years ago except the wand of maturity had touched you, and in his opinion he thought you looked more beautiful than you had in high school.
Carmy was never one to pay too much attention to a woman’s features, and not because he didn’t care, it's just that he didn’t think it mattered. But as he drank in your form he learned in that exact moment why a woman might want people to notice the small things. Like the haircut you were sporting that Carmy felt shaped your face well, not that he knew shit about stuff like that, but he could appreciate art when he saw it. The outfit you picked out doing wonders to compliment your tall form and accentuate your legs. Carmy could look at you all day, scratch that he wanted to look at you all day.
He was torn from his reverie as Richie narrated the scene happening in front of them, “Aw look at these fuckers lookin all in love an shit.” He joked watching as Mikey slung his arm around you and led you towards the door, what looked to be a frame held in his other hand. The two of you walked side by side, your arm wrapped around his torso, hugging him into your side, Mikey’s head leaning slightly down to whisper something in your ear a small smile gracing your face as Mikey pressed his lips onto your temple lingering there for what Carmen swore was forever.
The tightness in his chest intensified tenfold as the realization of just how close you and Mikey had become sank into him. He didn’t know how to feel, his brain not even allowing any emotions to process, saving himself from any conclusions he might come to from a split second interaction.
Carmy left, he chose his path, he knew this, and he had no regrets he would pursue his dream every time the opportunity was presented. He just wished that, maybe if he held onto you as tightly as you still held onto him, it would’ve been him greeting you on the sidewalk on Christmas Day, being the sole object of your attention holding you close to his longing body. He knew overall the decisions he made regarding you were wrong, while he ignored your daily text and calls enough times for you to just resort to monthly check ins asking him about his endeavors and congratulations as you heard about his achievements in the culinary industry, he knew deep down that Mikey answered every text and call you sent his way, made it his mission to connect with you anytime you were back in Chicago.
Carmy couldn’t admit it to himself but deep down he knew his family saw spending time with you as a way to stay connected to him. You were the closest thing any of them still had to Carmy, and even though he had essentially cut you off from his life, his family loved you too much to allow Carmy’s shortcomings to affect their relationship with you.
He was broken from the recesses of his mind as Richie threw the door open stepping over the threshold raising his hands in the air to welcome you and Mikey into the house. The glass of Sprite still clutched in his left hand, a broad smile spread across his face as you left Mikey’s hold to greet Richie eyes not having spotted Carmy who was hidden behind Richie’s small frame.
Carmy’s first up close look at you in years were your hands wrapped around Richie’s torso as he pulled you into a hug, rocking the two of you back and forth, Richie let you go quickly turning his body back into the house “A’ight fuckers you can all stop pretending you care so much about Carmy and his little rat in the chef hat bullshit. We got the real deal here now, Baby's gracing us with her journalist presence.”
Carmy’s brows furrowed at Richie’s dig only slightly offended about being compared to a fictional character named after pasta, too caught up in allowing the sound of your laugh to grace his ears for the first time in what felt like forever. Mikey had finally caught up to you standing behind you with a hand placed on your shoulder, Carmy watched as his brother’s hand glided up and down your arm before giving your bicep a slight squeeze and nodding his head in Carmy’s direction.
If Carmy was being honest it was becoming increasingly difficult to quiet his mind that was eagerly trying to piece everything together. From yours and Mikey's prolonged moment on the porch, to the kiss he placed on your temple, add in Richie’s jokes and the almost constant physical contact between you and Mikey and Carmy was sure he figured shit out.
You looked to where Mikey motioned his head finally noticing Carmy’s figure standing there while Richie ran off towards the stairs after his impromptu introduction. Looking at Carmy was like being in a Time Machine, nothing had drastically changed, he looked more exhausted than what you remembered. But overall he was the same Carmy you parted ways with all those years ago.
A small smile graced your lips as you took him in, he was still your Carmy appearance wise, and right now for you that was all that mattered. You lifted your hand in a small wave gaining his attention, your smile growing wider as your eyes locked with his.
The clearing of a throat broke you from your thoughts, Mikey’s hand giving your shoulder a squeeze as he walked you two into the house before shutting the door behind him. As he finished he stood in front of you so that Carmy was partially covered from view by each brother in your line of vision though your focus was taken up by the eldest. He gave you a reassuring smile before gently knocking his fist against your chin and presumably turning to leave you and Carmy alone.
As Mikey walked past Carmy he gave him his signature grin and a wink before patting his shoulder as left to check on Donna in the kitchen and mingle with the other guests.
Carmy’s face was still set in the same frown it had been in when he first asked Richie where Mikey ran off to. You took a deep breath to settle your nerves before taking a step to close the gap between you, your hand reached out to gently squeeze Carmy’s arm though stopping in midair as you watched him subtly flinch. Your smile faltered, your hand finding its rightful place at your side. You looked up to see the apology in Carmy’s eyes, you did your best to brush the moment off, maybe you came on too strong, maybe it wasn’t fair that you were still pushing for a friendship when Carmy had given you all the reasons to stop trying, maybe the Carmy in front of you was a different Carmy to the one you used to know. Maybe the life where it was you and Carmy had finally taken its last breath and you were just too clingy and desperate to realize.
You cleared your throat trying to alleviate the lump forming from the thoughts that were racing through your brain. The small placating smile on your face there to stop you from having a full breakdown in the Berzatto’s foyer. “Its good to see you Carmen, I hope New York is treating you well.” You lips wrapped around the generic greeting forcing yourself not to say anything you might regret.
Carmy nodded his head rapidly accepting your lackluster words, his lips parting and closing all in the same breath. The man obviously had nothing to say to you, and maybe you just had to accept that. You stayed a moment longer cursing yourself for doing so as the air between you two filled with palpable tension.
“Baby, is that you? My goodness you look fucking gorgeous.” Half of Donna’s body had popped out of the kitchen finally gaining a spare moment to greet you. Her words mumbled through the cigarette between her lips, a ladle held in her right hand while the left was occupied by tongs. Her apron covered in all sorts of sauces and whatever the hell else your brain couldn’t even begin to discern.
You laughed half in amusement and half in relief, you weren’t sure how much longer you could stand there as Carmy burned holes in your body. You waved at Donna quickly, beginning to head towards her to join her in the kitchen. It wasn’t your first choice as an escape from Carmen but you’d rather try and help Donna finish preparing Christmas dinner than be around Carmy for another minute.
Donna waved the tongs in Carmy’s direction, “Jesus fucking Christ Carmen, take the girls bag and coat. Don’t just fuckin stand there.” She huffed eyes glaring the longer Carmen stayed glued to the spot. You handed him your tote as soon as his arm shot out and began hastily shimmying out of your jacket. You gave him a soft smile before laying the jacket on his awaiting arm.
You began to leave the foyer as Donna motioned for you to follow her, mentally preparing yourself for what you were about to walk into. A sudden thought occurred causing you to gently grip Carmy’s bicep as you were walking past him, “I uh, I actually bought you a Christmas present. So um, find me later yeah?” You smiled tilting your head slightly in questioning.
Carmen Berzatto graced you with a small smile, nodding back in agreement as you sent him one final nod and turned to enter the kitchen. The first positive emotion he granted you since you walked back into his life 30 minutes ago.
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next chapter ↣
a/n: this is my first fic that i’m publishing and i genuinely have no clue what the fuck any of this is, : ) but nonetheless hope you all enjoy! or don’t i’m just a stranger on the internet. constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated though. please like, comment, reblog if this behemoth tickles your fancy!
also i write for fun/hobby and i'm such an inconsistent bitch so don't get your hopes too high, but this will potentially be a series idk yet though lol.
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juuuulez · 5 months
📰 | richie jerimovich x reader ; “Princess,” part two.
📖 -> part one.
info: Richie Jerimovich x reader, no use of (y/n), allusions to sex, kissing, smoking weed, alcohol consumption, overall generally pretty fluffy, Richie wants what’s best for you, king of self control bro is trying so hard.
omg this has been sitting in my drafts for like a week SORRY. but anyway i think this was sweet and is so richie’s growth and awareness era i think he’s trying so hard and is doing an amazing job.
let me know what you all think 😝😝
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The floorboards are cold, where you’re sitting against Richie’s door, waiting for him to return from work. 10pm sharp? Yeah, right. Though, you’ve never known Richie to be a punctual man, so it doesn’t bother you that much. Anybody else, and you would have left. But maybe you’ve missed Richie more than you’ll let on.
The 6 pack of beers has already diminished, a half-drunk bottle nursed in your hand, the liquid warming with the air. Heavy footsteps are heard from the stairwell, promoting your head to tilt towards the corridor.
10:23pm, there he is.
Before he’s even approached you, he’s apologising, fumbling with a set of keys inside the pocket of a leather jacket. “Fuck. I’m so sorry, princess,” Richie is cursing. “Carmy was bein’ a massive bitch, and apparently there’s a gas leak ‘n—“
The rambling stops, Richie assumably coming to his senses as he eyes you, sitting on the floor, drink in hand.
“Doesn’t really matter, does it?” He relents, sounding uncharacteristically guilty.
So you simmer on the thought, rolling it around like a pearl, sucking on the inside of your teeth. Finally, you come to stand, not reaching anywhere near Richie’s height.
“Mr. New York?”
A grin breaks out on Richie’s face at your clarification, tone questioning despite the fact that you’re sure, that you remember all of those little conversations. About a dozen people, only made real in your brain, courtesy of Richie’s overzealous descriptions of every little problem in his life.
Sure, he was just your dealer. Just a guy you hooked up with occasionally. But that doesn’t mean you didn’t listen, right?
“Good fuckin’ girl.” He grumbles in approval, a spare hand coming to rub the back of your neck. It’s an intoxicating movement, makes your body warm and fuzzy, a pleasant shiver running down your spine.
Richie unlocks the door, the jangling of keys sounding through the hallway. Always the gentleman, he holds it open for you, a smug grin on his face.
“Already made a dent in the beer. Couldn’t wait,” You muse, fingers hooking into the cardboard handle of the 6-pack. “Y’know, this better be worth it.”
“You’ll be right.” Richie dismisses, his eyes following your form as you saunter into his apartment, already so familiar with the place.
He dumps a plastic bag down on the floor, the clutter making an indistinct noise you don’t care to expand on. The beers are placed on the table, and you’re quick to settle into his couch, shoes discarded and knees tucked to your chest.
“So…” Richie begins, coming to stand next to the couch. “Did you want some food?”
Your gaze flickers to him, soaking in how he seems to be a little nervous, a little hesitant. So different. “You know what I’m here for, Richard.”
“Jesus Christ. Don’t call me that, it’s weird.” He outwardly cringes at your words, retreating further down the hallway to retrieve the subject of the night.
In your eyes, it was a little amusing. He’d changed, certainly, but you understood why. Maybe Richie’s party days were over, but you’re certainly weren’t.
Your hands find the TV remote, switching it on. It’s been left to Netflix, some kids cartoon looping in the background from when Eva was here, the colours bright and characters animated. Clicking your tongue, you call out to Richie. “Big fan?”
He comes down the hall a few seconds later, nodding towards the TV. “What, of Adventure Time? Fuck yeah. Shits awesome.”
It makes your face split into a grin, a notion he catches onto. Richie leans down, sitting next to you with a joint poised between large fingers, which you eagerly take. Fetching the lighter, you spark the flame, taking a deep inhale to burn the bud inside.
The lighter falls from your hands, Richie scooping it up to light his own cigarette.
“Blazing tonight?” You ask him, a curious lilt to your voice. It’s not often he doesn’t jump at the opportunity.
“Nah,” Richie waves his hand. “Not much, at least.”
Rolling your eyes, you relax back into the couch. “Party pooper.”
Regardless of the quip, Richie’s big hands find your legs, wrapping around your calves and pulling you further down the couch, so you’re lying on your back, and your legs spread across his lap. They rest there, warm over your jeans.
The joint doesn’t last long, you’re antsy to get it through your system. The next one is cradled a little slower, where Richie even takes a few drags, though you can tell he isn’t hungry for it like you are. Cartoons buzz in the background, a distant noise, and the beers quickly disappear leaving you in a giggly stupor.
You end up in a new position: Richie is lying on the couch, his firm chest against your own, with your chin propped up against him. There’s a grin on your face, chewing down on chapped lips, looking as pleased as a goddamn cat. His hands are planted on you, warm over your back, holding you firm and close. Your fingers fiddle with the gold chain around his neck, tugging and twisting it absentmindedly.
Then, his mouth is warm on yours. Hot tongue sliding against hot tongue. It’s unclear who initiated it, but that doesn’t matter, because he tastes like mint gum and nicotine. You probably taste like weed, but Richie doesn’t care, for it’s easy to get lost in the sensation of you. Like a familiar pattern, someone he can come back to when all else fails, someone who he doesn’t need to try for. You’ll always have him.
Your hands travel down the expanse of his torso, finding the band of his sweats. The fabric is soft and you savour the sensation for a moment, every piece of stimuli feeling that much better, like a prickly fog has overcome your mind and makes your body tingle. You press further, dipping your fingers under the band, which makes Richie grunt into your mouth.
“C’mon,” He mumbled against your lips. “Hands off, sweetheart.”
It takes so much effort to pull away, faces inches from each other. And fuck, your eyes are red, glassy and lidded as you stare at him with a mix of satisfaction and tired lust. It’s sleepy and quiet and feels perfect.
“What’s up?” You ask him.
But he just shakes his head, blue eyes still studying you. “Nothin’ s’up.”
You’re sceptical, of course, because when has Richie ever refused sex? Not with you, at least, and certainly not like this. The thought doesn’t simmer long in your mind, because the grin is soon returning, with a poorly suppressed giggle as you shift a little atop him, pressing your hips down against his own.
“I can feel you.” You tell him, utterly amused by the notion of his arousal beneath you. The sweats do little to contain it, and you can tell that Richie finds the situation enticing, his length hardening slowly under the heat of your clothed body.
The giggles don’t stop, seeming to have hit at the worst possible time, but you feel completely smitten. Your head ducks down against his shoulder, to which Richie pats over your hair, holding you close. He’s breathing steadily, one… two… three…, all in an effort to not flip you into the couch and fuck you right there.
“I know, baby. It’s ‘cus ya fuckin sexy,” He mumbles into your hair, which only provokes another round of snorted giggles from your form. “Trust me, I’d give the world to fuck you right now, princess. You wouldn’t be able to walk for a goddamn week.”
You look back up at him, still smiling and happy, albeit a little sleepy. Everything is blurred and fuzzy, and you can imagine how good the sex would feel right now. “Then do it.” You urge him, tongue darting out to wet your lips, despite the dry state of your mouth.
And it’s so goddamn hard to resist. Because right now, it’s all Richie wants to do. But there’s this stupid voice in his head, telling him no: that’s a terrible idea, he can’t do you like this anymore. He doesn’t want to be the person you come to for drugs or sex. That’s not healthy, and it won’t stop if he keeps indulging in it.
Even if he can feel your clothed breasts against his body, and his dick twitches with each of your words, cursing his mind for being such a massive cock-block.
“Hey, you can barely keep your eyes open.” He points out, brushing back your hair to get a better look at your face. It’s true, you’re drunk and high, drowsy eyes blinking up at him with a smug little grin.
You must know that, too, for you rest your head back down on his chest. If he won’t fuck you, at least you’ll probably have the best nap of your life like this. His heartbeat is audible from this position, and you press your nose closer into his shirt, inhaling a deep breath of musk and man and smoke. “You’re just lucky this is really good weed,” You mumble with a deep sigh, “But you owe me a lay.”
“I know princess,” Richie agrees, his voice low and so close to your ear, the only thing you’re truely aware of anymore. “Maybe.. maybe I’ll take you out, huh?”
The suggestion has his mouth going dry, and not from the weed. It’s slightly timid in the way his tone drops an octave, a tad quieter, simultaneously hoping you’re too stoned to remember but also lucid enough to answer honestly.
“What, like a fuckin’ date? Gross.” You shoot back, the words crude and playful. Your discontent is betrayed by the grin on your face, nose scrunched up in amusement, to which Richie pinches at your ass through those jeans.
“Not gross. I’d be a goddamn gentleman.” He pressed back, conscience lightened at how easily you take the suggestion. His hands soothe the curve of your back, following a trail up your spine, and back down.
It’s calming, and with your eyes closed, it feels like you’re near floating. The distance between you and Richie is nonexistent, like you’ve melted into him, a heaviness over your mind that feels like a weighted blanket.
“M’kay,” You manage to mumble with the last of your awareness. “I’ll hold you to it.”
And he lets it go, for now. Because that’s a positive answer, and you’re practically falling asleep. Richie is glad you can’t see his smile, how happy that idea makes him, the mental image of taking you out like a regular couple. Maybe he’ll wear his nice dress shirt, a tie if you’re lucky, and take you to some restaurant. Bore you with his stupid stories and have a glass of wine, and then, take you home… give you the night you deserve, something calm and loving and (most importantly) sex you’d actually remember in the morning.
You fall asleep on his chest, dreaming of the same thing.
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freak-accident419 · 6 months
You Were Everything
Derek Danforth x AFAB!GN!Reader
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Summary: It’s been a few years since the divorce. When you accidentally got pregnant by Derek, he left immediately out of fear, leaving you pregnant all alone. Compromises and communication had become established and all he could do now was call your daughter. But one day, just like some others, he asks to see her in person again.
Word Count: 2.3k
Content: angst, mentions of accidental pregnancy, reader is divorced from Derek, ‘P/n’ = parent name (what your child would call you, whether it be mommy/daddy/etc)
(A/n: I’ve gotta stop being inspired by Richie Jerimovich… reader is afab yet implied/intended to be genderqueer—either nonbinary, genderfluid, transman, transmasc, etc. but it can also apply to cis fem readers. Anyone with a uterus. I know this arrangement isn’t accurate—the custody thing—but it makes things more dramatic, you know?)
“Y/n, please.” You heard your ex-husband plead over the phone.
“Derek, we’ve already talked about this countless times. I’m not going to change my mind,” you sigh wearily.
Things with Derek were… complicated, to say the very least. You had once been married to him a few years ago, and everything was going so well. That is, until he got you pregnant.
It was a complete accident. You two always thought you were being safe. You both never planned on pregnancy, let alone even talked about the possibility of having a child. And with your conditions, you weren’t even sure you would be willing to raise it, to carry it all those nine months. But you went through with it anyway.
When Derek found out, he was utterly terrified. He never thought of himself being a father, he never thought he’d ever be the father of your kid, and he especially never thought you would even have a kid of your own. And so, out of sole fear and impulse, he just left one night. Gave you space, you supposed. But things ultimately just ended up in a bitter divorce. Derek was barely there for you.
Which was why you were so insistent on not letting him see your daughter. Jessica or Jess, she was named after Derek’s mother. She was four-years-old now, only communicating with her father on the phone, consoled by the lie you told her that he lived across the globe. During your pregnancy, he still paid for the medical bills, child support, formula, et cetera, yet he was separated from you. Therefore, you simply denied him visitation for your daughter, court-ordered, because you believed he didn’t deserve to see her. He left you alone for all those months, knowing how drastic of a concept pregnancy was to you. You never planned to let him see her.
“Y/n, please. Just for a day. Or even—even just an hour! Let me see my little girl. Please,” he begged with hopeless desperation. It was insulting to you, the fact that he finally wanted to be part of you and your daughter’s life.
“I’m not changing my mind,” you assert forcefully. “You left us. You left her and you left me.” You two always had this same conversation with the same statements and reasons. He had always brought up the possibility of seeing his daughter. This same conversation happened nearly almost every month.
“C’mon. She—she deserves to have a dad present in her life. I can’t just—just call her up all the time while she just believes I’m across the sea and unable to see her!” He urged imperatively to his ex-spouse.
“You’re right. She does deserve to have a dad. A present dad, a good dad,” you utter pressingly. “But that’s just not you.”
Derek pinched his nose bridge in frustration and sighed. He felt terrible. He felt so regretful and so horrible and undeserving of seeing his daughter in person. But he was also selfish—he needed to see her. Derek believed that he learned from his mistakes. Ultimately, he didn’t want to be a father in the beginning because he knew he was unfit. That is, until recently, when he shut down UDG and Nine Star.
“I know I messed up. I know—I know things ended horribly and—and you will never forgive me, but… but I just wanna see Jessica. Not even for an hour? Even five minutes? Five minutes, Y/n, come on, five minutes. Let me have this,” he implored. A part of you felt bad. After all, deep down you still loved him. But you kept remembering every grueling and difficult second while you were pregnant and alone.
“Derek, we’ve already had this conversation. You can continue to call her just like it has been for the past four years. But that’s it. You—” you paused in your tracks as you looked at the kitchen table, the plastic cup of milk tipped over, the drink spreading across the surface. You rushed to get napkins and you soothe your daughter. “Hey, sweetheart. It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s just spilt milk. Easy to clean. You’re okay.” You wiped the milk with the napkins after setting the cup back up. She was a sensitive child, so she was definitely upset about the spilled drink, yet you were able to distract her from the accident. “There. See? All clean. Did you eat your vegetables? Oh my, you did! All of them? Good girl!”
Your sweet, higher pitched voice transmitted to the other side of the phone, Derek hearing you speak to your daughter. His heart nearly stopped as he began to hear the muffled babbles of the toddler in the background of the call. His voice softened immediately, and he couldn’t think about anything but the presence of his daughter.
“She… She’s been eating her vegetables?” He asks softly in awe.
You bring the phone back to your ear. “Yeah,” you answer simply, looking down at her as she continued to eat her lunch.
Derek felt a rush of pride. Even though it was something as small as finishing vegetables, he was extremely proud of her. He always was.
“Is she—is she there?” He inquired breathlessly.
“Uh, yeah,” you reply.
“Can I talk to her?”
You sigh, pausing. You only let him speak to her for a certain amount of hours and at a specific time of the day, but… you figured there was no harm in letting him speak to her right now. “Fine,” you yield.
After handing the phone to your daughter and telling her who it was, you caught the sudden change of her expression—she nearly beamed.
“Hi, daddy!”
Derek felt his heart explode and his whole world practically stopped at the moment he heard his child’s voice again. Sure, he gets to call her every day, but he could never get used to it, to the feeling, to her voice. The way she called him her father with enthusiasm and exhilaration, as if he was worth all the excitement. Then his lips curled into a soft smile once he fully processed the moment. “Hey… hey, baby, how are you?”
“I’m good!” She chirped sweetly. “Guess what?”
“What is it, sweetheart?” He replies excitedly.
“I can do a cartwheel now!” She exclaimed.
“Oh really?” He chuckles softly.
“Yeah! My friend Emmy, who-who’s in gymnastics, she showed me how!” Derek smiles as he continued to hear the purity and cheerfulness of his own daughter’s voice. His heart melted every time he heard her, every mispronunciation, every babble.
“That’s amazing, honey!” He praised with admiration.
Her happiness was overwhelming. While he was proud of her—and he was—he couldn’t help but feel miserable. He couldn’t be there to see it. To see his daughter, unlike other kids, finish all her vegetables without any problems. To see her do a cartwheel for the very first time.
“I wish you could see it, daddy! It’s so cool!”
“I bet it is, Jess,” he replies joyfully, ensuring that there were no hints of anguish in his tone. “I wish I could see it too.”
It hurt him a lot, if he had to be honest—not being able to see his daughter and her achievements and growth in person. It was slowly, deliberately killing him.
“And-and yesterday, p/n’s friend Josh took us to the aquarium!” she giggled.
Oh, right. Your new boyfriend. Josh.
Josh, the one who always took you out to dinner whenever he could. The one who treated your daughter with ice cream regularly.
Josh, the one with a clean background and normal, humble life.
Josh, the one who Jess mentioned on several occasions, especially whenever she brought up your happiness.
Derek felt his mouth become dry, obligated to lick his lips. He gulped, attempting to disregard the whole painful ‘Josh’ thing with a relevant question. “Yeah? What kinds of animals did you see there?” He asked curiously.
“There were a lot of fishes, and penguins, and seahorses, and turtles, and octopuses! But my favorite were the seals,” she babbles gleefully, completely ignorant of the entire situation.
“That sounds so fun, baby,” he replied with a wide smile. “Why are seals your favorite?”
“I don’t know. They’re just really cute,” she shrugs with an innocent giggle. “P/n said that they remind them of you, though.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Your p/n said that?”
“Me? Seals?”
“Yeah. They said it was because you had big puppy eyes,” she giggles.
Derek laughs. It felt nice to hear that you still spoke of him to your daughter, let alone fondly. And it was also very typical of you to say; hearing that was inexplicably nostalgic. It warmed his heart. “Can’t argue with that.”
A pondering thought lingered in his mind as he thought about you, and he felt it eating at him.
“Hey, baby, can I ask you something?” He implores gently.
“Okay!” she replies simply.
“Is… Is your P/n happy?” Derek felt nervous as he asked this question.
“Yeah!” she babbles cheerfully. “They’re always happy!”
There was a wave of a warm, bittersweet feeling in his chest as he smiled softly to himself. But also relief. He still cared about you, so, so much. Derek regrets leaving you that day. He wants to come back for Jess, of course. But he also wants to come back to you.
Derek opened his mouth to speak, until suddenly—
“Oh. P/n wants to be back on the phone.”
Derek’s smile falters immediately. He knew you never really approved of any interaction between him and your daughter, so he assumed you wanted to cut the call short. But in the end, nothing would be enough for him. Not a five minute or five hour call. He would sacrifice anything to see her. But he knew that as long as you never forgive him, it’ll never happen. “O-okay, baby. I love you, okay? Give—give the phone back to your p/n, please.”
“Okay! I love you! Bye daddy!”
He sighs as he heard the phone being passed to you, taking a deep breath as he prepared to speak to you once again. It was kind of draining, mostly because he was intimidated by you. Speaking to you was just a reminder of his failure, of how he failed you.
“Hey,” you sigh.
There was a slight pause until Derek spoke up.
“So… seals remind you of me, huh?”
You groan playfully and place a hand on your forehead. “She told you that?”
“Mhm. I mean—personally, I don’t get why you’ve always talked out my eyes being ‘big and brown,’ like every time, you always said that same thing—”
“Because they are,” you chuckle under your breath. Little did he know, and little did Jess know, that she had his eyes. You had mixed feelings about Derek indefinitely, especially because of the past. But there was something so invigorating about talking about your daughter with him. “Did she tell you about the cartwheel?”
“Yeah,” he replies with a grin on his face. Knowing him for a long time, you could imagine how his face looked just by the sound of his voice. “I’m so proud of her.”
“You know, um… she’s very invested in math right now,” you bring up.
“Yeah, there was this, uh, cartoon… on the TV showing simple math problems and uh… she just sorta fell in love with it. She wanted me to teach her more,” you reiterate. “Derek, she’s four.”
Derek listened in awe, becoming more and more amazed by his daughter.
“Really? She wanted to learn math?”
“Yeah,” you were practically beaming. “She is so smart, Derek,” you affirm, “Our—our daughter, she is so smart.”
”Y-yeah. She—she really is,” he replied briefly with mere astonishment.
That was the first time that you referred to your daughter as his. ‘Our,’ echoed in his mind. ‘Our daughter.’ He wasn’t sure that you even caught that, that it was intentional, because you said it so naturally and quick, but… he couldn’t help but feel good about himself—about everything—after that.
There was a short pause before you cleared your throat. “Hey, um… I thought about it a lot and, uh… I have this business thing across the country… and, um… I was planning on having my mom watch her or a sitter, but, uh…”
You pause, afraid to even make the proposal.
“I wanted you to watch her. On that weekend. You can, uh… finally meet her, spend time with her, and…”
Derek was in complete shock. His eyes were wide, he felt his entire body freeze, it was like he couldn’t move.
“When is this?” He uttered quietly in disbelief.
“In two weeks,” you answer, “Are you up for it?”
“Yeah. Yeah, of course. Of course, I…” Derek was incredibly astonished. Was this even real? You were finally going to let him see his daughter? “Of course. I’ll—I’ll be there.” He was so prepared to cancel every single plan on that weekend, clearing up his schedule just for Jess.
“Y/n, thank you. Thank you so much, I…” He was still in utter shock. It was unexpected after all, just a few minutes ago you had denied him again. But while your daughter was calling him, you got an email from your work, reminding you about the business trip. You weren’t entirely sure why you changed your mind like this. You just hoped that you wouldn’t regret it.
“Just… please don’t mess it up,” you sigh exasperatedly.
“I—I won’t,” he says confidently. Derek felt his hands shake ever so slightly, eyes watering from the realization he had—he was going to see his kid. For the first time, he was going to see his child.
Derek felt emotional. He was actually going to see his kid. He was actually going to watch her cartwheel, he was actually going to hold her. He could take her out for ice cream like… how Josh had.
Derek gulped as he pondered.
“Y/n?” He mumbles silently.
You hum in response.
“I, uh… How are—How are you doing?”
“I’m doing alright, Derek,” you reply briefly.
You said his name softly this time, however—not harshly like before. It tugged on his weak heartstrings as if they were useless, frayed string.
And then there was an awful, deafening pause.
“I, uh… I still really love you, Y/n.”
You felt your heart sink before it shattered completely. Your vision began to become blurry with your now glassy eyes. It hurt. This all hurt.
Derek wouldn’t know much this affected you, however. He could only hear your voice or your silence. He’d never know how awful you felt just from hearing that, like how awful he felt from blurting it out. He believed you completely moved on from him. But he adored you, to say the very least, hopelessly. It was simply a cry for a second chance.
There was a terrible, piercing silence. Were you still there, behind the phone?
You were speechless for too long as his words lingered horribly in your mind.
Then finally…
“I know,” he heard you reply softly, under your trembled breath.
“I—I still care about you,” you add. Wrong. You still love him too. But he would never know that. He would be foolish to assume without hearing the three words leave your own lips. And you couldn’t. You couldn’t tell him that you still loved him, because he would just hold on and hope longer. So instead, you express your gratitude for him. “Um… Thank you for… for all the good times… for being in my life…
You were a wonderful experience.”
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angelcakestarlet · 7 months
salvatore pt. 4
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richie jerimovich x reader
warnings: age gap, cheating, alc, swearing, kinda smut, alluding to smut.
summary: richie takes you home after a night at the bar.
richie drove the entire way home, gripping the steering wheel and trying to avoid staring at your loose frame in his passenger seat. but now in his apartment, it was hard to avoid your gaze. "come on, let's get you some water." richie led you to the kitchen and grabbed you a bottle out the fridge. you were propped up against his white countertop as he opened the bottle for you. "thank you" you hummed, clumsily taking a drink.
"how come your boyfriend doesn't care to know where you are right now?" he took a step closer, "he's an asshole" you mumbled beneath your breath. "what was that?" richie laughed at the honest drunk that you were, "you're a sweet girl, what are you doing with some asshole?" you shrugged looking down at your feet. your feet were still strapped in to your black heels and you were reminded of the light throbbing when you stepped onto the ball of your foot. you winced and began reaching down to fumble with the unnecessarily complicated clasp. richie, noticing your struggle, bent down and began undoing the strap of your heels.
"does he even take care of you, sweetheart?" he looked up at you, his hand lingering on your ankle as you lent back on the countertop, grabbing the edge to stabilize yourself. "i don't know what you mean" you unsuccessfully tried avoiding his bright eyes. "don't play dumb, y/n" you let out a sigh as his hand began snaking up your leg, "does he take care you?" richie stood up, now towering over you in his full stature and without your heels to help. you glanced at his rough hand resting on the back of your thigh, his fingertips burned your skin. he tugged down your dress gently, flattened it out like it was instinctual. "does he treat you right," he brought his hand up to play with the ends of your hair, making sure they fell correctly. "does he fuck you right?" his thumb lightly swept your jaw. your mouth fell open, slightly shocked by his question. all you could do was shake your head shamefully and finally meet his gaze. he could see your eyebrows shift and your slight frown, your eyes drowning in want.
"richie-" he cuts you off, "you and i both know what the fuck is going on here, alright? but i'm not doing shit till you give me the word." he spoke firmly. you were still tipsy, more sober than before, and all you could focus on was the hint of liquor that wafted your way each time he spoke and how dark his eyes felt even in their bright color. "I love him." you spoke through your teeth as you played with the hem of richie's shirt, "sure you do." at his words, you tugged him down and crashed your lips into his.
you could taste the shots you had taken and the cigarettes that lingered on his tongue mixing, his mouth was hot and his lips were fast. you let your tongue swipe past his bottom lip, earning a groan from richie. his hands were making a mess of your hair, collecting it in his palm. "fuck get up here" he lifted you slightly to get your ass on the island. you felt the cold marble stinging your thighs as he began attacking your neck, his stubble tickling you. you felt the hairs on your body stand up, you felt guilty. but you think you could bare guilt for the rest of your life if it meant having richie on you. he brought his mouth back to yours, his hand guiding your heads movement into the kiss. he was in control of everything and your thighs squeezed at the thought. you pulled away from him, a faint string of saliva attaching you.
he glanced down at your thighs squeezing together tightly and chuckled, "look at that," he clutched your hair in his hand and brought your head down to take a look at yourself, "your body fucking needs me, doll" his words forced you to let out a whine. "i need you, richie" you managed to let out. richie felt his dick press against his jeans. he brought his hand down to separate your legs, "open", you immediately followed his orders. his words bringing you back to your first encounter behind the beef. you knew from the moment he placed that sapphire smoke in your mouth, you'd do anything he asked. he bunched up your dress to bring it to your hips, you gasped at the sudden cold air. richie took his time taking a look at you, your legs spread on his countertop, hair fucked up, cheeks red, and a wet patch forming on your underwear. "are you wet under there, sweetheart" he teased you, bringing a finger down to swipe across your damp underwear. you gasped at the contact, "you're a big girl, answer me". "fuck richie, yes come on." he smirked at your eagerness and pushed your underwear to the side. he took his finger and swiped it between your folds, he groaned at the feeling of your slick heat against his fingers. "holy shit," he let out a cynical laugh that made you bite down on your puffy lip, "fucking slut. you're pussy has been needing this, huh?". he shoved two fingers inside of you, opening you up on his cold ring. you let out a moan at the feeling of cold metal. richie thrusted his long fingers into you slowly, bringing his thumb to your toy with your clit. "kiss me" you gasped, richie brought his face centimeters from yours, his lips nearly grazing yours. "please?" he questioned you right before your face, "please". he kissed you thoroughly, it felt like he was slowly devouring you. richie wasn't hasty and fast, everything he was doing to you felt excruciating and only added to the burning desire you felt at the pit of your stomach. "hear that, baby?" he pressed his hand against your mouth to shut you up and bring attention to the squelching sound your pussy was making around his fingers. your face turned red at the sound of your own neediness, making you grind harder against his hand. you felt your stomach clenching, the knot getting tighter and tighter as richie massaged your clit that grew more sensitive. you wrapped your hand around richie's wrists, pushing him deeper as you leaned farther back on the counter top. "just like that, richie i'm so fucking close" you begged, looking up at him and taking in the sight of his concentrated face and the gold chain swinging from his neck. "give it to me" his words brought you to edge as you squeezed around his hand and gripped his shirt as you came around his fingers. not eager to waste another minute, you brought your hands to his belt and started unbuckling it with your shaky hands. against the sound of zippers and metal hitting the ground you ears were met with a ring tone you were oh so familiar with.
"fuck me" you sighed annoyed, throwing your head back. "sure can do" richie responded cockily quickly sliding your hips on the island to press against his, earning a whine to slip from your lips. "no richie, fuck, my boyfriend is calling me." you ran your hand threw your hair, "he's been texting me for the last hour." you frantically slid off the countertop and brought your underwear back up your ankles. "tell him to fuck off" richie scoffed ripping your phone from your hands to silence it. "i can't, i have to go" you continued as you brought your dress back down, not even glancing at richie. "hey" richie grabbed your wrist to face you towards him, "i'm not fucking finished with you." his voice deepened, you felt still facing him. "richie he's worried, i have to get home." he brought his fingers up to your lips and you let him slip them in, "you gonna kiss him with that mouth?" you sighed, closing your eyes as you swirled around his fingers that lingered with the remnants of your cum. you swallowed roughly and broke away from him, you bent down to grab your heels, "good night, richie." and made your way out the door.
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mouseymilkovich · 1 month
hi mousey!! I was wondering if I could request a richie x fem reader one shot or blurb !!
the reader is Syd’s best friend ( or maybe sister ) and she comes into the beef, and bumps into richie outside when he has a smoke break, not realizing her works there her and richie start talking and like flirting, and after she tells Syd about this hot guy she meet that asked her out, and they start dating. Also richie is at work boasting about how he got like a new girlfriend and all that, then one day she visits Syd at work for something and the dots are connecting and everyone kinda thinks it’s funny and are in disbelief, while Syd is just in pure shock !!
maybe with a sprinkle of age gap richie !! 💞💞
anon my dear i'm taking a tiny bit of creative license, since speechless is about syd's best friend, and syd talks about being an only child, i'm gonna go ahead and make it syd's STEP-SISTER (i hope that's okay!!)
Content Tags: Reader hints at having slept with married men lmao
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It wasn't unlike you to flirt with older men— fuckin' sue you, you searched for the affection your father never gave you, a lot of other girls did it too. Even if your stepfather somewhat filled that hole in your life, it was never quite enough.
You'd just stopped by to see Sydney, your beloved stepsister, at her new job... and have some lunch. After you slipped out the door, you noticed a man smoking in the alley— a really attractive man, at that.
"You got a light? I forgot mine." You hummed casually as you sidled up beside him.
He took out a lighter from the pocket of his leather jacket. “Here ya go, sweetheart— sorry, I don’t mean anythin’ by that—“ “Oh, it’s okay if you did mean something by that.” You flirted with a little grin as you lit up a cigarette. You introduced yourself to him, that grin still planted on your lips.
“Name’s Richie. You’re certainly bold, huh?” He chuckled.
“Yeah, when I see a cute guy I like.” You giggled.
You conversed for a bit over cigarettes, you kept flirting, he flirted back, and you eventually were asked on a date. And that made you absolutely giddy. He was cute, charming, and interesting.
That night, when Sydney came home, you decided to tell her all about what happened.
“Seriously, Syd, this might become something serious.” You said happily to her, giggling a bit in delight.
“You’ve said that before.” She commented.
“This one is different! Super charming.” You insisted— well, that was sort of true, Richie was different than most of the guys you went after. For one, he wasn’t married.
Sydney rolled her eyes, but laughed softly. “Okay, if you say so.”
“He asked me out on an actual date, Syd!” You insisted. “We’re going out Friday night.”
“Oh? Actually? Wow.” She sounded so genuinely surprised, which baffled you, had you really gone through such shitty men? Apparently so.
Still, you ever anticipated your date with Richie.
The next day, when Sydney went to work, she overheard Richie telling Carmy about this “charming young lady” he was taking out on a date on Friday. Surely that was a coincidence… surely.
“Met ‘er yesterday, cousin, but I tell ya, I’m feelin’ real good about this thing.”
Suddenly, Sydney’s eyes widened. No, no. There was no way.
“Chef?” Carmy asked, looking over at her and waving his hand. “You good?”
Sydney blinked a few times before she came back to reality. Then, she approached Richie, harshly poking her finger into his chest. “You fuckin’ hurt her, I swear to fucking—“
“The fuck are you talkin’ about?” Richie asked, throwing his hands up in defense.
“That’s my step-sister you’re going out with, you fucking old prick!” Sydney yelled in his face. “She’s been hurt before, and I swear to fucking—“
“Okay, okay, cool down!” Carmy said, putting himself between them. “Richie, step the fuck out, Syd, let’s talk.”
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
dress w Richie pleaseeeeeee
Taylor Swift Writing Challenge: Dress
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Richie Jerimovich | #taylor swift writing challenge | AO3
synopsis: People may not understand why you both decided to not let anyone know about your relatioship. They wouldn't understand how exciting it is to share a secret with someone you love. Or how funny it is to tease him on public.
warnings: a squint of role playing. teasing.
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Beef closed earlier than usual. Holidays. Everyone spent the day smiling, overwhelmed by the relief of not having to work the next day.
You took a while to get into the locker room. Carmy had a new idea to ​​organize the team and you spent a few minutes trying to make him understand that he can't expect that much from everyone. Working there is traumatizing enough. By the time you finished changing, most of your colleagues were leaving.
"Dios mio," Tina exclaimed as soon as she saw you. "You're a knockout!"
You blew her a kiss, giving her a little spin and showing off your new dress. Sydney whistled, then got embarrassed that she was brave enough to do it. "Where are you going?"
You bit your bottom lip and shrugged. "I don't know," you laughed. "Can't a girl dress up for herself?"
"No", Tina snapped. "Who's the lucky one?"
"It's not a big deal", you answered her. "He's just a guy."
"Aham", Ebra pretended to believe. "Just a guy."
Richie came out of the kitchen drying his hand with a cloth, and froze when he saw you. He cleared his throat but couldn't say anything. He shifted his gaze to his fingers and focused on drying what was already dry.
"Did you see the mess you left in the storeroom?" Richie crossed his arms, gesturing towards you. "I don't care if you have a fancy date or whatever, go arrange that before you leave."
There was a glint hidden in his eye. A shared joke. They have no idea about him and you. "It will be quickly", you haved to the rest of the team. "See y'all next week."
You walked slowly to the storeroom. Heels echoed through the empty kitchen. You opened the metal door, who revealed the perfectly tidy storeroom. Carmy would have a heartattack if someone ever turn it into a mess.
"I guess there is nothing here I need to do. Can I go home?"
The door closed behind you. "I dont think so." Callused hands grabbed you by your waist. His body was pressed against your. You felt his face climbing over your shoulder, his nose pressed against your neck. "This place is a mess. I will need you here all night long."
"Really?" You played his little game. "Gosh, I was ready to leave. What will I do now?"
He smiled against the thin skin of your neck, and nibbled lightly. "You can start by taking off this dress."
His fingers dug into the skin of her hip. You stroked them, then lowered them to your thighs. "I only bought this dress so you could take it off."
Richie laughed against your ear. "You gonna be the death of me."
"As cooks", you whispered, dragging fingernails down his arms. "I will assume it will involve fire. It doesn't bother you? I mean, if it does, you can walk away."
"If I get burned", Richie turned you. Now, facing him, you smirked. "At least we were electrified."
"That don't make sense."
"Oh, shut up." He leaned to kiss you. "I bought wine."
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
THE BEAR: @flowercrowns-goodvibes @notanalienindisguiseblink @vyctorya
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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augiewrites · 11 months
“scott street” - richie jerimovich
summary: y/n is back in chicago for the first time in years and reunites with an old flame (inspired by phoebe bridgers’ scott street)
pairing: richie jerimovich x reader
word count: 1.2k
warnings: angst, grief, family/parental death, the usual warnings that come along with the bear
a/n: i love emotionally unintelligent men
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Y/N was never good at making decisions. Big, life changing decisions? No big deal. Abandon everything they know to move across the country for college? Didn’t even think twice. Their last living family member was not-so alive anymore and left a massive mess behind with no one to clean it up? The U-Haul was packed before the week was over.
The cooler of soft drinks in front of them right now? Y/N had been staring at the frosted doors for well over five minutes, periodically opening the doors but taking nothing out.
Holy shit, he grew up.
“Carmy?” Y/N smiled at the young man, pulling him into a brief embrace, “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I could, uh, ask you the same,” Carmy smirked.
“I’m taking care of Ma’s old building.”
Carmy’s brows knitted together, “Right—I’m sorry about your mom, by the way. Shame.”
“Yeah,” Y/N shuffled their feet, “you avoiding the question?”
“Maybe,” he smirked, “I took over the Beef. Been back in town for a few weeks.”
“Oh? How’s that going for you?”
Another smirk. “It’s not, really.”
“Wow, look at us,” Y/N knocked his shoulder with theirs, “both said we’d never come back and here we are…dealing with a couple steaming piles of shit.”
He let out a breath that slightly resembled a laugh, “Yeah—listen, you should come by for family tomorrow afternoon. Take a look at the pile for yourself.”
“Oh, Carmy, I don’t know—”
“I’ll make sure he stays in line.”
“We both know that’s not possible, Bear.”
“Still, everyone would love seeing you.”
“I’ll think about it.”
Carmy opened the cooler and wordlessly pressed a Diet Coke in their hand before walking out of the store.
It took everything in them to not cry.
Y/N knew it was a bad idea, but the next day they found themselves standing outside the Beef, willing themselves to go in.
They scoffed and opened the door.
Pussy, they chastised themself.
The restaurant was pure chaos, and Y/N stood there for a moment, completely unnoticed and taking it all in. They would be lying to themselves if they said they didn’t miss the mayhem.
Unsurprisingly, Richie was the first to notice them—he had a habit of doing that.
“Yo, what the hell?”
Y/N was barely able to get a word out as they were suddenly flanked by Tina and Ebra, who were simultaneously saying how good it was to see them and chastising them for being gone so long with so little communication.
It was Carmy that intervened, gently pulling Y/N away with a small laugh and saying, “okay, guys, let ‘em breathe.”
Richie was frozen in his spot behind the counter, feeling like he just saw a ghost.
Which, in a way, he did. It had been years since he saw Y/N, and no matter how much he tried forgetting about them, they haunted his thoughts. They had been high school sweethearts, and even though things didn’t end well between them he couldn’t help but still care deeply for them.
First loves were like that.
Y/N’s mind was on overdrive as Carmy walked them around and introduced them to the new faces working in the kitchen. Richie was being too quiet. Usually when he was avoiding a topic he didn’t like, he talked about everything else under the sun. Richie being quiet was dangerous territory.
They were pulled out of their thoughts once Tina slammed a large pot in the center of the larger tables in the dining area and yelled, “Family!”
Y/N took a seat between Tina and Fak, and was for once thankful for the man’s dedication to rambling. He was currently going on about how he should come inspect the building they were now the owner of, despite the building already having been cleared by state inspectors and having a fully staffed maintenance team.
“I wouldn’t waste my time if I were you, Fak,” Richie broke in, “it’s only a matter of time before they leave and make that place someone else’s problem. Right, Y/N?”
Y/N didn’t have it in them to fight back, even though they knew that was what the man wanted. They were too tired.
“That’s what you do best, huh, Y/N? Run away from all your problems and leave everyone else to pick up the pieces?”
Carmy sent Richie a warning glare, “Cousin.”
“No, Cousin,” funny how Richie can manage to make a term of endearment sound like an insult, “you had no right inviting them here.”
“I have just as much a right to be here as you do,” Y/N glared at Richie.
“That’s a load of shit, and you know it, toots.”
That was all it took for a screaming match to break out between the former lovers. Their voices drowned each other out, and all Carmy could make out was a slew of insulting names, curse words, and years of unpacked baggage.
He let them go at it for a couple of minutes before he dragged Richie out the front door with a cry of “enough!”
Y/N could hear the two men arguing outside from their place at the table before deciding that they’d had enough. They muttered a lame “excuse me” before moving through the kitchen to the back alley, their face heating up in embarrassment. It was nothing that most of the Beef’s staff hadn’t seen before, but Y/N could feel themselves reverting to a version of themself that they hadn’t been for a long time—they couldn’t help the embarrassment that came along with it.
They were halfway through their second cigarette when they heard the back door open and a familiar pair of track pants entered their field of vision.
“I got you those over a decade ago,” they exhaled the smoke and pressed their lighter into Richie’s outstretched hand, “isn’t it about time you get some new clothes?”
Richie kicked his leg around, inspecting the pants, “Ain’t nothing wrong with ‘em. Why get rid of something that works?”
“Big words coming from you.”
He met their half-assed glare with a furrowed look, “you were the one that left.”
“Not before you ended it.”
“We would’ve gotten back together. Always did,” a scoff, “You left.”
“And you moved on, had a kid—seems like things worked out.”
“Toots, if this is things working out, I don’t wanna know what it would have been like if they hadn’t.”
Y/N needed to change the subject before the tension killed them.
“How’s your girl doing, anyway?”
Richie grinned at Y/N, “Ev’s doing real good. Loving her new gymnastics class. Just turned nine last month.”
“Shit, that makes me feel old.”
“Well, what does that make me?” Richie asked with a rough laugh.
“Fucking ancient.”
Another laugh. Maybe things would be different between them this time.
“You in town for good, then?
“Yeah, I think so. Got a good thing going. Think I might start renovating some of the units in the apartment next year.”
“Hmm, sure,” Richie muttered absentmindedly around his cigarette.
Y/N decided it was better to not say anything.
Richie finished off his cigarette, tossing it in the general direction of a makeshift ashtray.
He made to walk back to the back door before turning and offering Y/N his hand, helping them pull themselves off the ground. He wiped his hands off on his track pants before finally going to move away.
“Anyway,” he gave them one last look before turning around and walking away, “don’t be a stranger.”
part two
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Thunderstruck- Richie Jerimovich x female reader (18+ MDNI)
Summary- A thunderstorm rattles you awake. Richie helps you take care of your fear of thunderstorms, by distracting you in the best way possible. Richie is filthy, but also sweet and caring.
Warnings- MDNI, Oral (female receiving), P in V, and unprotected sex. I may be forgetting something. Let’s also just say that Richie is a filthy talker, which is again canon.
Authors note- Here is my first ever Richie fic! I hope you all enjoy. I plan to write much more. Including fluff, angst, and of corse more smut. I will be also taking request for Richie one shots. Lots of love! Alexandra <3
Word count- 1,962
My proofreading skills are not the best, so just a little fyi. There may be a few mistakes.
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The loud bang of thunder jolted you out of your slumber. Rain pounded on the windows angrily. Usually, you liked a light rain shower, but it was storms like this that scared you. You shutter as another clap of thunder shakes the room. Pulling the blanket over your head you huddle under the covers to drown out the loud noise of thunder, and lightning. Richie was sound asleep next to you unphased by the vicious storm that interrupted your slumber. You let out a shriek at the thunder that clapped loudly causing the small apartment building to rumble. By now you were hyperventilating as the storm caused chaos outside. Ever since you were a child you hated storms, day or night. As a little girl, you would crawl between your parents in their bed for shelter. Now you are an adult, you shouldn’t need comfort from a storm, but they still terrify you, especially in the middle of the night.
Richie stirred slightly, but not enough to wake up. Rain continues to pleat on the windows falling angrily from the sky. A flash of lightning lights up the dark room and you notice the sky outside is tinted orange. Your heart starts pounding. You start hyperventilating as you reach for Richie, trying to pull him close for comfort. You felt him stir awake next you.
“I hate storms.” You said while you buried your face in his neck.
“I know, sweetheart.” He said with concern.
“I’m a grown-ass woman. I shouldn't be scared of storms.” You huff.
Richie wraps his strong arms around you, pulling you close to the warmth from his body that you craved.
"Hey, it's okay. You're allowed to need comfort from storms even as an adult. I'll be here for you, okay?" He said softly as he softly pushed your hair behind your ear.
“Everyone is scared of something, and you are scared of storms, and I'm scared of Carmy when something doesn't go right at the bear.” You could hear the laughter in his voice. You smiled at his comforting words, and his attempt to make you laugh. Richie stroked your back as the rain continued to fall. The orange glow outside gives the room an eerie, even spooky feel to it. The distant thunder and sharp lightning flashes make your heart pound even quicker. He senses your fear and reaches over to his nightstand to turn on the light.
“Fuck, the power went out” Richie muttered.
“Great,” you grumble. The flashes from the lightning are what illuminate his face, but otherwise, the room remains pitch black. The added darkness is not helping your fears of storms.
“Shhhhh. I’m here Y/N” Richie said as he gently pulled your face up towards his with fingers under your chin.
“I want this stupid storm to stop. I was sleeping so well too.” You complained with a shaky sigh.
“Mmmm…I know what might help.” Richie mentioned with a devilish glint in his blue eyes that got illuminated with each flash of lightening.
“Oh…” you grin. Richie was always really good at making sure you knew what you needed to make you feel better, weather it be cuddling, your favorite snack, or just a good fuck.
“We can do this.” He said in a low lustful groan as he laced his fingers to the waistband of your pajama shorts. The inside of your panties got instantly wet. He slipped his fingers into the waistband of your underwear. Taking his time he inched his fingers downward towards your acing heat.
“I can feel how warm you are.” He hissed as he snuck a finger on your pulsing clit. You groaned as he rubbed small circles over your sensitive spot. His lips crashed into yours as he slipped a finger into your wet hole.
“Oh, baby. You're so tight for me, how about I do another finger huh.” He said between rough and sloppy kisses. The only response you could make was a shaky moan. With that, he dipped another digit into causing you to tighten around his long thick fingers. You rocked against his hand for him to hit the spot that sent you over the edge. The feeling was pure ecstasy. You had had moments like this a million times with him, and each time was as exciting as the first.
"Mmmm, such a good little girl for me" He cooed as his fingers worked quickly inside of your tight walls. Another crack of thunder clapped outside in the sky. You froze at the sound. This storm was brutal.
"This is a really bad storm," you whisper, your breath heavy and fast from the storm and the fact that Richie was fingering you. You were trying your hardest not to lose your cool from the violent storm, but you can’t shake the feeling of unease.
“Sounds like I need to work harder to get your mind away from the storm.” He whispered with his fingers still working slowly inside of you. You take a deep breath to calm your nerves.
“Let your body relax.” Richie encourages with a sultry whisper. “Enjoy my fingers inside of you…I know you love this.” Richie says, his voice an octave lower.
“Tell me how good I make you feel,” Richie whispered as he pumped his fingers into your tight walls faster and harder. The feelings became too hard to ignore, as the storm interrupted the night sky.
“So… so good” you moaned as he worked his pace even faster than before. The feelings overtake your body like a thief in the night.
“Louder, baby!” He demanded in a husky voice that made your knees buckle.
“Oh….ohhhhh. Richie Don’t stop.” You said loudly with a few erotic moans. The feeling was pure addiction as his fingers worked skillfully inside of you. He’d pull out to tease your clit before thrusting his thick fingers back in.
“Open your legs.” He groaned as he pulled his fingers out of you to center himself in front of your gaping thighs.
“I want you to scream as loud as you can when I eat out your little cunt, got it babe?” He lowers his head down to kiss your aching heat. You let out a gasp as his tongue runs from your clit to the opening of your tight pussy. He flicked his skilled tongue on your clit making you let out little whimpers.
“Louder, I can’t hear you over the storm.” He said between licks. With that you screamed as he pushed into your entrance, licking your walls and lapping up your wetness.
The flashes of lightning illuminate the room every few seconds allowing you to see his electric blue eyes looking at you with reassurance. The flashes of lightning illuminate his body coming in and out like a strobe light.
The familiar knot built up in your stomach begging to come untied.
“Mmm….my princess is gonna cum.” Richie teased as he stuck his tongue out to lick your clit in small circles.
“Richie!” You moaned as you gripped his head with your thighs as you bucked your hips up, grinding against his face. The friction from his short beard adding a delicious element to the already burning fire.
He pulled away with a wicked grin. “So tasty.” He purred as he licked his fingers clean. You ached for him.
“Why did you stop?” You whined.
“Cuz I'm gonna fuck this sweet cunt and pump her with my cum.” He growled as he lined up his rock hard shaft with your needy pussy. You felt wetness poll at his filthy words. There was no way you could be any more wet, but with Richie you were always extremely aroused, more than you had ever been with anyone else.
“Jesus, fuck!” He groaned as he slide into your pussy. You felt his girth split you open which caused you to gasp.
“So fuckin’ tight, every damn time.” He growled as he started pumping in and out of you. His cock warm and incredibly thick inside of you.
He leaned over you his hands resting above your head as he rocked into you. You adjusted your hips to the new angle, which cause the head of his cock to tease your g-spot. You let out a loud moan at the sensation.
“That's it, huh? Found that spot that makes my girl lose her mind” Richie said with a proud grin. With each thrust of his cock he rubbed against the spot making you inch closer and closer to orgasm.
You felt Richies hand reach down and grab your right breast under your tank. He rolled your nipple between his thumb and pointer finger. This caused you to throw your head back, eliciting a moan. You heard richie chuckle before kneeding your sensitive breast with his large hand.
“I want you to play with your clit right now, sweetheart?” He said breathlessly as he kept a steady rhythm. “Think you can?” He teased, as he noticed how blissed out you already were.
You nodded as you placed your fingers on your puffy clit. His cock rubbed against the tips of your fingers as he fucked your pussy. The added sensation made you pussy tighten.
“fuckin’ hell baby. Milkin’ my cock so good” He praised as he felt you tighten around him.
“Richie! I…I….” you panted as you tried to speak.
“What’s that sweetheart?” He mocked while he pumped his cock deep, knowing full well that this angle and movement would send you reeling towards climax.
“I….I’m gonna cum.” You managed to croak out. He growled and increased his rhythm. He leaned down against you ear
“cum for me! Let me feel that sweet cunt choke my cock” he said in a low whisper against your ear. His words sent you to a new height.
“Richie!!!” You screamed with vigor as you orgasmed violently. Your walls squeezing around his shaft, ecstasy washed over your body causing you to see white.
“Good girl…my good fuckin’ girl” He growled as he helped you through your climax. He sped up his movements, pounding into you like his life depended on it.
“I'm so close sweetheart. Gonna fill up your sweet pussy” he said in a strained voice as you laid beneath him. Your body spent, but buzzing with the aftershocks of your release. You know his orgasm was near with the throbbing of his cock.
With a gutral roar you felt him stiffen, his cock pressed deep into you as his warm seed coated your inner walls.
“Fuckin’ christ baby girl” He said in a raspy whisper as he slumped on top of you. His lips peppering soft kisses againt your lips.
You smiled agsinst his soft lips. The subtle taste of nicotine and mint on his breath. You looked out the window and you saw that the storm had settled. Richie noticed your gaze.
“Storms passed” he said while pulling out of you, leaving you feeling empty. He rolled off of you and pulled your body tight against him. Your bodies were covered in a sheen of sweat. You could smell his musky, and sweet scent on your skin along with the tangy smell of sex.
You both basked in the afterglow. A light rain sounded out your window. “Thanks, Richie” you said while kissing his forehead.
“No need to thank me babe. I'd do anything for my girl” He said softly.
“Next time a storm scares ya wake me up, kay. I have a few tricks up my sleeve” He added with a wink.
“Damn right you do” you chuckled as your forehead rested against his. Those beautiful blue eyes looking deep into yours, making the whole outside world fade away. Just the two of your lost in the afterglow.
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noellawrites · 2 years
Baby Bear - Richie Jerimovich x Berzatto!reader
summary: as the youngest Berzatto sibling, you know you’re screwed when you find out you’re pregnant with Richie’s baby.
warnings: pregnancy, grooming mention & abortion mention.
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Nothing, nothing could’ve prepared you for two pink lines on that goddamn test. Your hand trembled lightly as you placed the piece of plastic on the dirty bathroom counter.
Your stomach dropped. How the hell were you supposed to tell Richie? And what would you say to your siblings? You were screwed.
You showed up early for your shift at The Beef in order to take the test, which you’d nervously purchased earlier from the local bodega. You thought it was just a few missed periods due to stress, the restaurant, stuff with Mikey. You never actually thought you could be pregnant.
Carmy and Sugar would kill Richie. And all three of them would kill you. Mikey would probably crawl out of his grave next, just so he could beat Richie up for knocking up his kid sister.
As the youngest Berzatto, you’d worked in The Beef from the ripe age of twelve. You washed dishes and waited tables for Mikey, your favorite sibling and oldest brother. Now, in your early 20’s, you worked as The Beef’s primary bookkeeper and waitress.
There had always been something between you and Richie, and your friendship became more after you turned eighteen. You were attracted to him, but waited to make your move until you were old enough to consciously do so. You ate every meal together, treated his daughter like your own, laughed at his dumb jokes and never got bored of each other. Plus the sex was gentle, loving and passionate.
But more than that, you were each other’s shoulder to lean on. You cried in each other’s arms once you’d gotten the news about Mikey and you ran The Beef together until Carmy got back from New York.
You and Richie had managed to keep your relationship a secret for the four years since you’d started seeing each other, but you had a feeling that you wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret for much longer.
Because now, you were pregnant with Richie Jerimovich’s baby.
“Congratulations Miss Berzatto, you’re about eight weeks along. Here are the printed pictures for you to take home. Would you like to discuss your options?” the nurse chirped. She was young, not much older than you, with a short blonde bob and bright purple scrubs.
“How much does an abortion cost?” you asked, already knowing what Richie would tell you. He was already a deadbeat father to one kid, why make it two?
“It depends on your insurance, but—"
"I don't have insurance, I'm just a waitress," you interrupted.
"In that case, it'll be around five-hundred dollars for the abortion pill if you visit Planned Parenthood. They're the cheapest in the city. You can only take the pill up to ten weeks, though," she explained, handing over a bunch of pamphlets with the sonogram pictures on top.
You stared down at the pictures as tears formed in your eyes. That was inside you, right now, a little tiny baby made from you and Richie. You could hardly believe it.
"You're— what the fuck? I didn't even know you were seeing anyone (y/n), jesus christ! How could you be so irresponsible?" Carmy yelled.
You were sitting in the office, leaned back in the chair as you stared at your brother. You knew he wasn't going to take the news well, but he was in disbelief. He ran his hand through his hair while contemplating his next words.
"You keepin' it?"
"I don't know yet, I still have to talk to—"
"Who's the dad?" Carmy seethed.
You couldn't do it. You just couldn't tell your brother that you'd been fucking Richie. He'd kill him before you'd get the chance to tell him.
"I can't—“
"Yes you can, just—just tell me, okay? I'm your brother, we'll figure this out, it'll be fine," he promised, crouching down and meeting your eyes.
"It's Richie," you gulped.
Carmy's face twisted into an expression of pure rage. He stood up, unable to look you in the eye.
"Carmy wait—" you gasped, but he had already thrown the office door open.
"Where is that asshole? Where the fuck is Richie?" Carmy yelled, storming through the kitchen.
"Carmy wait, stop!" you begged, pulling on your brother's sleeve. It was no use, he was on a mission.
Sydney and Tina looked up with confusion as Carmy turned the corner with you right behind him.
"And I told him, 'that's what we're doing today!' But he didn't fuckin' listen, so we're stuck on the turnpike when— hey, 'cuz," Richie laughed, noticing Carmy while in the middle of telling Ebra a story.
He glanced at you quickly, noticing your wide eyes and nervous expression.
"What the fuck, Richie?!" Carmy screamed, lunging at your not-so-secret boyfriend.
"Carmy!" you yelled as the two of them fell to the ground and tussled.
"You knocked up my little sister, fuckin' asshole pervert!"
"What the fuck? I didn't knock (y/n) up!" Richie said, landing a slap across your brother's cheek.
"How long'd you spend groomin' her, huh? She could be your fucking daughter!" Carmy growled as he grabbed at Richie's neck.
Marcus and Sydney rushed over, attempting to pull them apart.
"Quit it, you two!" Sydney yelled, restraining Carmy.
In the midst of the chaos, you noticed Fak sliding a five-dollar bill into Ebra's palm. You rolled your eyes. They'd been betting on you and Richie? Figures.
"I, um, I have some news," you began. The room was silent and all eyes were turned to you.
"I'm pregnant, and it's Richie's. Richie, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean for you to find out this way. And Carmy, I know how this looks but I really, really love Richie. And everyone else, I'm really sorry for this disruption," you explained with a sympathetic expression.
You glanced hesitantly at Richie, who had his hand clamped over his mouth and eyes wide open. Everyone else returned to their stations quietly, and Carmy kicked the metal table leg before returning to the office.
"Congrats, mija!" Tina smiled, patting your shoulder.
"Thanks, T," you said, giving her a small smile.
"So?" Richie asked. He walked closer and pulled you into a hug.
"It's true, you knocked me up," you laughed.
"You wanna keep it?"
You pulled away. "That depends. You wanna step up and be a father?"
"I do, babe. I think we can do this, for real. I'll talk to Tiff, maybe we can have Eva over more. She'd love a little sister or brother," Richie said, giving you a reassuring smile.
"I'd really like that, Richie."
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etherealising · 1 year
chapter six | didn’t i do it for you?
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masterlist | ↢ previous chapter | next chapter ↣
pairing: carmen berzatto x fem!reader | platonic!richie jerimovich x fem!reader | platonic!natalie berzatto x fem!reader | platonic!neil fak x fem!reader
summary: carmy knows exactly what he wants regarding you, but past mistakes always come to rear their ugly heads
warning(s): angst | hurt slight comfort | slight fluff | semi-jealous carmy | mentions of substance abuse | mentions of overdose | mikey | mentions of suicide | implied miscarriage | language | self-destructive behavior | arguments | forced love confessions | carmy’s sad boi hours | actions having consequences | more barby lore | children | no use of y/n | afab reader |
wc: 10.9k
a/n: hi lovies, this chapter may be a bit heavier than previous ones so please take the warnings extra seriously. if you are triggered by any warning please do not read this chapter i’ll literally message you a summary of the chapter if you need it. i may have missed some warnings so if that’s the case i do apologize it was not intentional. lastly please remember YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN MEDIA COSUMPTION….enjoy 🩵
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“You know, I-I don’t think my family meant to ruin it or anything like that, you know.”
Carmy was trying to be better, to be more open. And it was easiest at these Al-Anon meetings, no one knew him, and no one had any expectations of him.
“I-I don’t think they did it on purpose,” his hand subconsciously raised to the chain securely tucked under his crew neck, rubbing the metal through the fabric.
“I don-it’s not fair to blame them for everything,” a sardonic huff of laughter escaped Carmy as he thought of the words he was going to say. “I uh…I had a friend once…a best friend.”
“She was the first thing in life that I felt belonged to me,” Carmy frowned, having trouble articulating what he wanted to say. “And not li- I didn’t own her or anything, but she was my friend because she chose to be, not because she knew me through Mikey.”
“And then I…I fucked that relationship up myself…uhh and as I sat there trying to think of what provided amusement or joy in my life…I just thought of my childhood spent with her…by my side.” He cleared his throat forcing himself to remember that he would probably never interact with any of these people outside of these meetings.
Carmy’s hand dropped from its place where his covered chain sat, now gripping the armchair. “She’s uh she’s back in my life now and I…I want those things with her again I…I want to fix things with her, be the person she believes I am.”
Sydney’s curiosity the other day gave Carmy a lot to think about. He was so accustomed to looking at the picture above his stove daily, that he hadn’t even given it a second thought when he invited Sydney over. Her curiosity was understandable, the interactions you and Carmy shared hadn’t been the warmest but that Polaroid would suggest otherwise.
“Yeah. Anyway, I’m happy to be here.” Carmy sat straighter in his chair, if he could admit his wants albeit vaguely to a room of strangers, he could admit his feelings to you. “Thank you, guys. Thanks for letting me share.”
Then he saw you at the grocery store, comfortable in someone else’s arms. He wasn’t jealous, or at least he didn’t think he was. But reality slapped him in the face, so sure of himself that the two of you could pick up where you left off he didn’t stop to think that maybe you didn’t want that anymore.
And then like the idiot he was, he gave Claire your number. He wanted to believe it wasn’t on purpose, that he had memorized your number so well it was the first he thought of when asked.
Carmy left the meeting hoping Claire didn’t call the number he gave her, hoping that you would be open to rekindling whatever relationship was left between you two.
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Your morning was off to a great start. Hayden surprised you with breakfast at the office and signed off on your article for The Bear as long as it didn’t get in the way of your work at The Tribune. The two of you even brainstormed the best way to go about telling the story.
Since your late-night grocery run with Hayden, the two of you had fallen back into the friendship you developed all those years ago. It felt good to be reconnected with him, and thankfully things weren’t awkward considering your past sexual history.
Neither of you admitted to it, but you both knew the opportunity to fall back into your old ways would soon present itself, you weren’t sure if it was an option you would take advantage of though. The two of you weren’t in college anymore and as pathetic as it sounded since your vulnerable conversation with Carmy the other day, your heart still held out hope that the two of you could build up the foundation for a romantic relationship.
Rounding the corner of Orleans Street you finally made it to your destination, happy to have taken in the fresh air mid-morning had to offer. You approached the door to the restaurant hoping someone would hear your knock and let you in.
You smiled as Sydney opened the door moving back to allow you in, you reached up to slide your headphones off as you greeted both her and Carmy.
“Good morning, is Nat in?” The text you received on the train ride over from the oldest Berzatto was pushed to the back of your mind until now.
The urgent ‘we need to talk,’ text had worried you at first, but you had rationalized that Nat could’ve been referring to anything.
“Uh yeah, she’s in the office.” You nodded at Syd giving her a small smile in thanks before turning to make your way to the back.
“Oh hey, do you like have a second or…” You stopped in your tracks turning back to face the two chefs looking between them curiously before nodding once more.
You smiled waiting for one of them to speak, “Uh yeah can we make this quick though I need to speak with Nat.” You did your best to sound nonchalant, the longer you stood out here the more your anxiety began to rise, mind racing with what Nat needed to speak with you about.
“Yeah yeah of course,” Sydney stepped away from the door moving near Carmy who had remained silent since your entrance. “We were thinking of sending Marcus to Copenhagen and I know you stayed there, not like in a weird way but because I read your articles you know.”
You nodded your head eyebrows raised as a signal for Sydney to continue. You did your best to ignore Carmy’s stare while Syd rambled on about their idea and how the trip would help to inspire Marcus.
“…So we were wondering if you had any suggestions?” Her raised eyebrows stared back at you.
“Sorry suggestions for what?” The confusion was easily readable on your face, Syd’s excitement at the prospect overwhelmed you.
You watched as the two chefs stared at you, Carmy’s signature blank stare and Syd’s slightly hurt reaction that you weren’t paying attention.
“Oh uh for accommodations…in Copenhagen.”
The question surprised you, eyes darting to Carmy before focusing back on Sydney. You knew Carmen spent time in Copenhagen, so the fact that they were asking you for suggestions seemed a bit redundant.
Albeit stunned by the questions you smiled moving towards where the two of them were sitting, memories of your month spent in Copenhagen playing in your mind like a movie. The trip was months before Mikey’s passing and now as you think about it, it felt like that was the last time you had fun, and lived life without the worry that so often filled you now.
A chuckle left your lips as you leaned against the counter looking from Syd to Carmy, “I uh I stayed with the chef I was profiling.” You bit your lip trying to contain the grin threatening to split your lips, “I still have his number I could call him if you want. He kind of owes me a favor anyway.”
Carmy’s arms fashioned themselves across his chest, a frown pulling at his eyebrows. There was so much he didn’t know about you including the fact that you had spent time in Europe with some mystery chef.
“Oh yeah? What uh-who was the chef you wrote about? Maybe I know him.” Carmy’s words surprised you, the look you exchanged with Sydney proved that he didn't come across as casual as he was trying to.
You raised from your position against the counter, “Chef Luca?” Your voice trailed off a bit before the smile you were trying to contain finally made its appearance, “He’s this amazing pastry chef, who’s so passionate about his craft it was like watching a master at work!”
Carmy watched as you gushed about his former colleague, annoyance clawing at his throat as he took notice of just how happy the memories made you.
“Luca even taught me how to make this crazy dessert he was still perfecting, I mean mine was nothing compared to his but it was honestly the most fun I’d had in so long.” You reminisced about your time spent with Luca, “Oh, and my peach cobbler? Yeah, he taught me the simple syr-.”
“No yeah, I’m familiar with him.” Both you and Sydney were pulled from your animated conversation; the tight smile on Carmy’s face alerted you of his irritation.
You nodded, feeling a little bad at your rambling, “Okay well I’ll just go see Nat now, let me know if you need me to make that call.” You drummed your hands against the counter before turning around to take your leave.
“Hey uh, Baby?” You turned your head before disappearing around the corner eyebrows raised as you looked at Carmy. “Do you think we could maybe talk later?” You watched as his hand came up to scratch the back of his neck.
Sydney watched the interaction play out between the two of you, a small smirk lining her lips as she watched how flustered Carmy got just by asking you a simple question.
Your lips tugged up into a small smile, “Sure thing Carm, I’ll come back when I’m done with Nat.”
Carmy was sure his heart was beating so loud Sydney could hear it, the nickname something he hadn’t heard spilled from your lips in so long. The small smile he briefly caught did wonders for his already lacking confidence, he was now sure more than ever that there was a chance to fix things with you.
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You entered the office to see Natalie pouring over documents presumably to do with permits and money in regards to the restaurant. You took a step forward momentarily stopping at Nat’s voice.
“Close and lock the door behind you please,” The lack of eye contact was grating on your nerves, either Natalie was completely stressed about her role as project manager or you had yet again colossally fucked up.
You did as told not wanting to further irritate your very pregnant friend. The office was silent neither of you spoke up as Natalie finished looking over the latest paper she had picked up.
She looked exhausted and you felt horrible knowing you had potentially added more stress onto her already-loaded plate. Nat gave you a small smile though her eyes looked anything but happy.
“Cortez called me this morning,” Nat’s eyebrows raised as she pointedly stared at you. Your head fell back against the door a quiet ‘fuck’ mumbled into the air. “Said this was the third meeting you missed.”
Nat waited for you to return your attention to her, “I’m only going to ask you this once Baby, and I really need you to be honest with me.” Nat leaned forward in the chair, closing a bit of the space between you so you would hear her quiet voice, “Are you using again?”
You sighed leave it to Cortez to fucking snitch you out, you didn’t realize that being a snitch was a requirement if you were someone’s sponsor.
“Baby?” Your eyes connected with Nat’s the softness of her voice and the watery appearance in her eyes told you just how worried she was.
Your head shook back and forth rapidly as you raised your hand to massage your temples, “I’m not using Nat I promise. And I know that means jack shit coming from an addict but I promise I’m doing good.” You took a deep breath calming your budding agitation, you knew Nat was worried and it wasn’t her that you were annoyed at but yourself.
“I uh…I’ve been stuck on step eight since I joined this whole rebranding project, and I…I knew that Cortez would be persistent in me getting it done.” You grimaced at the fact that you had already missed three meetings, you hadn’t realized how far things had gotten, “It’s just things felt normal again and I guess I thought I could just pretend like everything was okay.”
Natalie nodded as she listened to your explanation, she hated it but there was always a part of her that would be apprehensive. She had seen the manipulation substance abuse breeds firsthand when she stayed with you in the hospital after your overdose, it hurt her to see you hurting. To sit back and watch as the withdrawal symptoms ate away at you as you would fiend for a fix that you took your pain out on her and Pete.
Nat quickly turned to where her purse was sitting pulling out a box the two of you were all too familiar with.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” Your face scrunched up in anger, the emotion slowly residing as you watched Nat close her eyes and take a deep breath in. You felt like a complete asshole you knew Nat wasn’t doing this of her own volition and you had no one to blame but yourself for the predicament you were now in.
“Nat shit, I’m sorry you didn’t deserve that. But you really can’t expect me to take that here.” Your hand thrust out to the box that seemed to be taunting you.
“Baby you know the rules. I don’t like this as much anymore than you but when you just decide you don’t need to meet with your sponsor anymore, these are the measures we have to resort to.”
“Lead the way, Mom.” Natalie let out a small chuckle at your antics, thankful that you were being somewhat logical, “Wait is there a bag we can throw this away in, we can’t just leave the evidence in the bathroom.” The two of you turned to search through the office sure you would find a stray plastic bag lying somewhere.
You popped up, a plastic baggie securely in your grasp, “Does the toilet even work?” Nat shrugged, walking past you and making her way to the bathroom leaving you to follow behind.
“Aww yeah, party in the bathroom! Am I invited?” Nat stopped as Fak stood in front of the two of you hastily moving the bag behind her back doing her best to be inconspicuous.
“Sorry my love girls only, maybe next time,” Nat gave Fak a pat on the shoulder and her signature smile before maneuvering the two of you around him.
“Wait, is it that time of the month for us? Cause I think our cycles might be synced, I’ve been having the most insane cramps lately.” The words that left Fak’s mouth would never cease to surprise you.
“You know, I think you might be right Fak, my lower back has been killing me.” You indulged in Fak’s shenanigans, the man falling in line to walk with you as the two of you followed Natalie to the front.
Fak nodded along with you “No I’m like feeling it, should I invest in a heating pad?”
You snickered at Fak, “I usually just fill up a sock with rice and throw it in the microwave.” You shrugged like the conversation was a completely normal occurrence. “The first day is always the worst for me, my breasts get so tender.”
Fak raised his own hands to his chest cupping his pecs “Baby tell me about it, it’s just like one touch and I’m crying.” You could see Carmy’s confused look from your peripheral as your group finally made it to the bathroom.
“I could totally massage your breast Fak, but you would have to return the favor. It's only fair if you’re a part of the sisterhood.” You watched as Fak nodded his head rapidly, hands raising in the air and hovering in front of your breast.
“Wait, is this an actual thing?”
“Oh yeah me and Nat do it all the time, that’s actually why we’re going to the bathroom now.” Fak’s eyes darted to Nat before looking back at his hands inching closer to your breast.
“Wait no, I don’t want Carmy to be mad at me.” The two of you looked in Carmy’s direction, the man still watching just as confused as earlier.
You shrugged before turning back to Fak, “I can assure you Carmy would not give a single fuck if you touched my breast, Neil.”
The aforementioned man took in a gasp of breath before clearing his throat and slowly moving down the counter to get a better listen at what the hell the two of you were doing.
You, Nat, and Carmy waited to see what Fak’s next move would be, the smile raising to your face hard to keep under wraps, Fak was adorably easy to mess with.
Fak’s hands began to inch forward concentration clear as day on his face before a small shriek left his lips, “Baby I’m sorry, Carmy’s my best friend, I don’t think I can do this for you.”
You laughed at the disappointment in Fak’s voice, “Your loss babes, I know 16-year-old Fak would’ve killed for this moment.” Your hand raised to pat his cheek before you finally left his side and entered the bathroom as Nat held the door open for you.
“She was lying to you my love, we don’t massage each other's breasts.” With those last words, Nat shut the door on a disappointed Fak and a mildly annoyed Carmy.
Fak turned back to look at Carmy with an apology in his eyes, “I’m so sorry Carmy, teenage Fak was really fighting to come out right now but I know Baby’s your girl.”
Carmy frowned at Fak’s words, the irritation running through him at yours and Fak’s stupid antics. “She’s uh…she’s not my girl. Baby and I are just friends.”
Fak smiled widely in Carmy’s direction, “That’s great, you really should think about getting a girlfriend then, I just want you to be happy Carmy.” Fak began walking to the back to help move the appliances. Carmy let out a chuckle as he heard Fak mumble about missing his once-in-a-lifetime chance.
Carmy shook his head back and forth, having you back really was just like old times. He wouldn’t ever say anything out loud but Carmy was actually really glad he didn’t have to stand there and watch Fak fondle you.
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“Pete said the two of you have a lunch date planned.” Your head shot up to Nat, the air had been a little stilted between the two of you since she had brandished the drug test.
A laugh bubbled out of you, “Doesn’t seem like the proper environment for a casual chat Nat.” You gestured to the dinghy bathroom you were in, emphasizing the urine sample sitting on the sink while the two of you awaited the results.
You watched the smile rise to Natalie’s lips, a somber look overcast on her face, “I’m not doing this because I want to Baby.” Nat’s voice took on a gravelly tone.
Natalie didn’t deserve this, she had already basically nursed you back to health once. And now here she and Pete were about to bring a life into this world, and here you were a grown adult still expecting everyone else to fix your problems. You knew Natalie didn’t need the stress and worry your life choices brought forth and if your overdose wasn’t a wake-up call enough, then Nat’s haggard appearance as you two stood in the bathroom sure was.
“I know and I apologize Nat. Really livin' up to my nickname aren’t I?” Nat chuckled listening to your apology. “There’s no excuse for my behavior. I know what’s expected of me I-”
Your words were cut off by the shrill ringing of your phone. The noise caused the two of you to jolt in the small bathroom. You quickly removed the device from your back pocket, it was a Chicago area code, but you already had everyone you knew here saved in your contacts.
“You gonna answer that?” Your eyes flashed to Nat, her eyebrows raised in question.
You took one last glance at the number trying to place it before clicking the power button and slipping it back into your pocket, “If it’s important they’ll leave a voicemail.”
“Anyway, I shouldn’t constantly depend on you to clean up my messes Nat, I don’t think I’ve been the best friend recently. And it should be you depending on me considering,” you waved your hand over her figure scared that if you spoke the word someone might hear. “I promise to do better Nat, I want to be around to help with the little gremlin.”
Nat raised her hand to wipe the few tears that were falling, making her way over to pull you into an embrace, “These damn hormones make me so emotional.”
You chuckled rubbing up and down Natalie’s back, “You’d be crying even if you weren’t compromised.”
The hug lasted up until the timer on Nat’s phone sounded, signaling the results were ready. The two of you pulled apart, with Nat sending you a reassuring smile.
It didn’t matter if you knew you hadn’t touched any substances since your hospitalization, you would always be nervous when it was time to read off the results. You waited with bated breath as Nat read over the testing stick, you would set up a meeting with Cortez as soon as you got the chance.
The sigh of relief Natalie let out stung you a bit, but you could understand her apprehension it wasn’t easy trusting a recovering addict.
“It’s negative Babes.” A sigh of relief left you.
A wide grin raising to your lips, “I told you so.” Nat rolled her eyes at the sing-song sound of your voice.
The two of you made quick work of cleaning up the bathroom, small talk about your future lunch with Pete floating around as you made sure all evidence was disposed of in the plastic bag.
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Carmy watched as Sugar exited the bathroom the same drugstore bag from earlier in her hand. He sent a nod in her direction as she smiled at him before making her leave. Carmy was set to meet up with Syd in 30 minutes but he was hoping to speak with you before he took his leave, unsure if you would still be here later.
He returned his attention to the calendars with the timeline to open, checking off things that had already been taken care of and adding anything he wanted to double-check.
“You free to talk now, Carm?” He turned at the sound of your voice, a shy smile lining his cheeks as he took in the smile on your lips.
“Uh yeah, yeah if you’re free,” You nodded, coming to stand across from Carmy the old counter directly between you two.
Carmy’s eyes took in the sweater you were wearing, similar to the style in his but while his was a nice grey color, yours was a deep green. The familiarity of the crew neck finally dawned on him as he realized it was his crew neck you were wearing, the last time he saw it was the night he left you in his apartment all those months ago expecting to still see you there when he returned home.
It was silent as the two of you stared at each other, a giggle escaped your lips at the lost look on Carmy’s face. “What’d you wanna talk about Carmy?”
Carmy nodded trying to remove the memories from his mind, “I uh…I know I ruined our friendship and…and whatever was left of it.” He paused, eyes falling to the crew neck carefully wrapped around you, the memory of watching you get dressed after the shower you shared swimming around in his head, the extra pictures of the two of you tucked safely into his bedside drawer.
“Carm hey,” he watched as your knuckles knocked against the counter to bring him back to the present time.
“Yeah, I uh I just have a lot I think we should talk about Baby, and maybe the restaurant wasn’t the best place for it.” He reached up to scratch the back of his neck, nerves running haywire.
You nodded a serious look painted on your face, you were sure you knew what Carmen wanted to speak about but you also had secrets of your own you wanted to share with him.
“I…I want us to try and be friends again or at least be cordial with each other…if that’s not too much to ask.” Carmy huffs out a breath of laughter, eyes latching onto your figure in front of him.
He watches as you appear to be thinking, most likely retracing the path of your relationship through the years memories running through your head that he has absolutely no idea exists.
“Carmy, you’ve never not been my friend but a lot of your choices hurt m-.” Your phone rang again echoing off the walls in the front of the restaurant.
You gave Carmy a small smile before removing your phone, the number that’s calling you is the same one that called while you were in the bathroom with Nat earlier. You raise your finger to Carmy, gesturing that you need to take the call.
“Hello.” You wait as the other line stays quiet.
You frown looking up at Carmy as he watches you hoping your call ends soon, “Uh I’m sorry who is this?”
“Oh, it’s me, uh…Claire. We lived down the street from each other as kids?” A gasp escaped your lips, surprised that she was calling you.
You move the phone from your mouth. Hand moving up to cover it as your eyes find Carmy’s “It’s Claire.” Your whisper takes a moment to register in his ears, too caught up in the bright smile on your face.
“Wow, it's so good to hear from you. Um, I hope I don’t sound rude but how exactly did you get my number?” You watched as Carmy ran a hand across his mouth, eyes wide your name slipped past his lips the dire need to get you off that call racing through him.
You held your finger up to him signaling to give you a moment, too wrapped up in miraculously connecting with an old friend.
“Oh um, this is going to sound weird. I uh…I ran into Carmy the other night at the grocery store and when I asked him for his number…this is the number he gave me.” You listened as Claire spoke, the smile quickly disappearing from your lips as your eyes found Carmy’s alarmed ones.
“Carmen gave you my number?” You watched the regret flash through his eyes.
“And claimed it was his?”
“Uh kinda yeah, it’s a bit weird but maybe he was just planning to call you or something.” A small laugh left your lips, if he hadn’t called you since he last saw you, you could bet he had no plans to ever call you.
“Yeah…fuckng bizarre.” You could feel the lump forming in your throat.
“Sorry if this is weird but do you think you could give me his number?” It felt like senior year all over again and you were the bridge between these two souls
An ironic smile rose to your lips as you stared directly at Carmy, the panic glaringly obvious in his eyes because he couldn’t hear Claire’s responses.
“Oh, Claire Bear I’m so sorry I haven’t spoken to Carmy in what’s it been?” You paused your glare on Carmy impenetrable.
“Five years, since high school graduation. I don’t even have his number.” The crack in your voice was evident to all who could hear, Carmy wished he could disappear at that moment.
“Oh no, is everything okay with you two?”
“You’re too sweet. You know how it is people change, they grow apart. I just think Carmy outgrew me.” It was becoming harder and harder to swallow your tears.
“Wow, I’m sorry to hear that Baby. But I heard you're back in Chicago, maybe we can catch up?”
“Claire I’d love that, hey before you go try Fak for Carmy’s number I’ve heard they’re extremely close now, have a great rest of your day!” You listened as Claire said her goodbyes quickly, hanging up and placing your phone back in its designated pocket.
It was silent as you raised your head to the ceiling, a disbelieving laugh escaped your lips as you felt the tears trace down your cheeks. You were getting fucking tired of crying.
“Baby hey, hey let me exp-,” Carmy’s pleas were cut short as both of your eyes shot to his now ringing phone on the counter. Neither of you needed to be a fucking genius to figure out who was ringing Carmy’s line.
“Answer quickly Carmen, your little girlfriend is calling.” You knew it was petty and you shouldn’t be upset with Claire for chasing after what she wanted, but for once you didn’t want to be the one fighting for scraps of Carmy’s affection.
You didn’t want to have to share.
His hand quickly shot out pressing the power button on the side silencing the ringing, taking the extra step and turning it face down as he watched you just stare at it.
“Baby I-,”
“Why are you the way you are?” You were tired of putting Carmy and his feelings ahead of yourself, tired of running yourself ragged to accommodate your feelings for a grown man who was too scared of the truth.
“I-” You took a deep breath to collect your thoughts. “I’m so hurt right now Carmen and I want to be angry, I want to be so fucking angry with you but I’m just hurt and exhausted, and I…I really don’t even want to waste my breath on you right now, but I’ve put up with a lot of your shit and I think I’m just done.” Carmy flinched at the sardonic laugh you let loose.
“It hurts Carmen…it hurts when the person you’ve been truly in love with for most of your life doesn’t even treat you like an option.” You ignored the sharp intake of breath that came from Carmen’s direction, surprised he even had the guts to listen to your rant.
The ringing in his ears along with your broken voice overwhelmed him.
“I have lived so much of my life for you and yeah I was stupid for that, but all I wanted was your happiness and all I wanted was happiness with you. I have given so much of myself to you Carmen I have lost pieces of u- of myself to you, Carmen.” The tears were raining down in full force.
It was one thing to cry when you were hurt but to cry out of anger and exhaustion would probably always be the worst feeling.
“All I wanted was for you to love me the way I loved you…the way I will continue loving you after today because the way I feel for you won’t just go away Carmen it will be stuck with me forever! What I lost to you will be stuck with me forever! And…and we spend this amazing weekend together and I accept that you can’t commit to me and I give you the benefit of the doubt because Mikey just died and you…fuck.” Your hand slammed against the counter top your thoughts all over the place.
“You take my number that you’ve had for a year and you give it to some girl that you had some stupid pathetic high school fucking crush on. I’m not even worth a fucking phone call to you Carmen! And I…I’m not even supposed to be here right now but you wouldn’t fucking know because your too much of a fucking coward to allow yourself to be loved to be happy!”
You could feel the oncoming migraine from how loud you were shouting, you did your best to ignore the gathering crowd, Nat and Richie at the forefront watching with worried glances, as Marcus Fak and the rest of the crew peaked through from the back.
A shuddering breath floated through your lips as you felt the lifetime of exhaustion catch up with you. “I almost gave you all of me Carmen. Please just leave me alone” The words escaped your throat in a hoarse whisper. You were so far gone that you couldn’t even see the look of heartbreak and despair marring Carmen’s features.
“Baby, hey!” Your eyes shot to Richie as he blocked your line of vision to Carmen's. Head shaking back and forth arms slowly reaching out before coming to rest on your biceps thumbs gently massaging into them. “Let’s take a break Baby calm down a bit yeah?” He nodded his head waiting for you to nod along before he led you to the back, making sure to block your view of Carmen.
You were shaking as the two of you made your way past Nat a whispered ‘I’m sorry’ leaving your lips as she was left to deal with the mess that was Carmy.
“Fuck!” The loud crashes of a heavy object slamming into the floor caused you to jump in Richie’s hold as he led you back into the office.
Little tremors shook through your body as Richie carefully guided you to sit in the lone office chair. Taking his position by your legs as he squatted in front of you, worry etched into his features at having never seen you react like that.
Your hands came to grip Richie's, the tear tracks on your face now dried, you were almost positive you had run out of tears to cry.
“I lost everything, Richie,” your voice was strained. “And I…I spared him because I knew he couldn’t handle it, you knew he couldn’t handle it…not after Mikey.”
Richie’s eyes squeezed closed as he raised your intertwined hands to his forehead, haunting memories of you forcing their way through. He dropped your hands delicately cupping your face to press a kiss on your forehead, “I know Baby.” The words were spoken softly against your skin.
The two of you sat in that position as you gained control of your ragged breathing.
“I’m a hypocrite, Rich,” you separated yourself from him, locking eyes. “I blamed Carmy for so much out there…but I’ve done something so unforgivable, I don’t think you’ll look at me the same.” You wanted to cry but the exhaustion ate away at you.
“Hey I’ve been through some shit Baby, we’ve been through some shit, nothing,” the firm grip on your chin reminded you of the lost soul who should’ve been in the room with you two. “Look at me when I’m talking to you. Nothing you say will change how I look at you.”
It was always weird to see Richie serious and the voice of reason, not that he didn’t have his moments, but seeing Rich without his signature smile made it feel like you had stripped him of something so personal.
“How bout this, Sug or I take you before you beat Carmy’s ass,” the sentence drew a small laugh out of you. “And then I’ll come over when I’m done here, pick up some dinner and we’ll have one of those nights like we used to when…when Mikey was still here.” You nodded your head not having enough energy to produce words.
Richie patted your knee rising to his full height as he headed to check on Sug and his idiot of a fucking cousin. “Oh hey, I’ll have Eva tonight, you don’t mind do you? She’s constantly on my ass about seeing her auntie Bebe.” Richie stood in the now open doorway awaiting your answer.
Your immediate response was yes, but you had to consider Tiff, unsure if she wanted her daughter around you considering your newly acquired title as recovering addict.
“I’d like that a lot, but I-I think you should get Tiff’s permission to bring Eva around me.” You knew your suggestion might upset Richie but it was for the best, and you would call Tiff yourself just to double-check.
“Hey no none of that shit, she’s my fucking kid too Baby.” The defensive tone in his voice immediately caused you to close your eyes, hands moving to massage your temples.
“Richie please, I just need you to do this for me okay? This isn’t about your parenting skills, Rich.” Richie watched you for a minute, the exhaustion noticeable.
He nodded sending you one last somber look before making his exit keen on chewing his little fucking asshole cousin a new one.
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Richie could feel his anger rising in him as he walked past Marcus and Fak as they worked to remove appliances from the kitchen. He quickly sauntered toward the whispers of Sugar and Carmy becoming clearer as he finally made it to the front of the restaurant.
The first thing his eyes took notice of was the destroyed cash register lying in the middle of the floor, debris from the relic scattered across the room. Richie stood there taking in the scene, the two Berzatto siblings' conversation coming to a halt as Richie blew out a whistle, walking around the mess slowly clapping.
“You’re a real fucking piece of work Cousin,” Richie’s hand shot out to point in Carmy’s direction the younger man looking disheveled, the frown on his face almost comical.
Natalie felt her shoulders tense; she had known these two long enough to know nothing good would come out of this interaction. The fact that you were in the middle of all this would make whatever happened right now all the worse.
There were two things in the world Richie didn’t play about, little Eva; and you.
“Richie I don’t need your fucking bullshit right now.” Carmy moved to walk around the counter, hands fumbling in his pocket to get his cigarettes out, his focus on the door he was trying to escape through.
“You’re a piece of shit cousin.” Richie’s hands shot out to grip the collar of Carmy’s crew neck, shoving him into the counter.
Natalie’s shocked gasp of Richie’s name did nothing to tear the men away from each other.
“Get the fuck outta my face, Richie.” The shorter man shoved the man standing in front of him.
A rueful smile raised to Richie’s lips “That girl has bent over backward for your conceited ass time and time again, and you go and ruin the only good fucking thing you have going for yourself.” Richie’s hand raised thumb and middle finger moving to flick Carmy between the brows.
“You’re the last person that gets to talk to me about fucking ruining good things in my life.” Carmy’s free hand moved to swat at Richie’s.
“That empty fucking head of yours is so far up your ass you can’t see what the fucks been in front of you this whole time.
“Yo fuck you, Richie!”
The two loud voices echoed throughout the restaurant as the angry men tried to outyell each other.
“No you fucking listen to me! You don’t know what the fuck that girls been through. Where the fuck were you when shit went down Carmen! Huh!” Richie shoved Carmy again, the anger he felt for you pouring through him.
“Why the fuck weren’t you there for her whe-.”
“Richie!” Natalie’s stern voice caused Richie to harness some of his anger. “No.” The subtle shake of her head stopped his sentence mid-thought.
“You’re worse than the shit on the bottom of my shoe, and you don’t deserve to touch one pretty little hair on that girl’s head. And if I ever have to listen to her cry over you, watch her hurt over you again, you’re gonna wish Mikey was still here to save your ass.” Richie’s hand shot out to slap against the side of Carmen’s head, “Fucking bum.”
He removed himself from Carmy’s space, hands immediately raising as he faced Nat’s exhausted stare. “Sug I’m sorry, but get Baby home will you? I gotta finish up shit round here.”
Richie left the two Berzatto siblings to stand in the now quiet front of the restaurant, the sooner he finished his shit here, the sooner he and Eva could spend the evening with you.
Natalie looked at her younger brother scared of how this sequence of events would affect him. She took a step forward hand reaching out to Carmy before dropping it, “Hey, you okay?” The two siblings stood in silence, one worried about the well-being of her remaining brother.
And the other was trying to collect his racing thoughts, too many zooming through for him to even land on one.
“Where are we with the permits?” To Carmy’s ears, it sounded like he was underwater, his voice muffled, barely loud enough to be heard.
“Carm-.” Nat’s words were cut off with no chance of consoling him.
“Just get her home Nat and get back to me on those permits please.” Natalie watched as Carmy collected his phone and jacket, an unfocused wave of his hand sent in her direction before making his way through the exit, disappearing to who knows where.
Natalie watched as the front door latched shut, she couldn’t help but feel guilty for pushing you into this environment. If she had just let you re-acclimate yourself on your own time, maybe this situation could’ve been avoided.
Her hand fell to her stomach, eyes following suit, “Welcome to the family little one.”
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The sound of your doorbell constantly ringing tore your stare away from the bottle sitting on your coffee table. You sat still for a minute before remembering the plans you made with Richie earlier in the day, your eyes shooting to the bottle before you quickly moved to hide it behind one of the couch pillows.
Since Natalie dropped you off earlier you had gone back and forth with the idea of finally coming clean to Richie. Your decision was led by your emotions from earlier in the day, but after finding the bottle of champagne you received in The Tribune’s welcome basket shoved in the back of your pantry, you were sorely rethinking your decision.
You adjusted the pillow to disguise any misshapen lumps before hurrying to the door to greet your guest. Hoping the forced smile was enough you opened the door feeling the once-fake smile begin to settle into a genuine one as you took in the father-daughter duo on your porch.
“Auntie Bebe!” You laughed, a lump forming in your throat at how big the young girl seemed to have gotten.
“Little E is that you?” Eva giggled at the exaggerated gasp you let out before throwing herself against your legs squeezing you tight.
She unlatched herself from you before gripping your hand and moving into the house, “Daddy bought us pizza!”
“Hey, Eva take your shoes off.” Richie gave you a small smile as he scolded the little girl, her huff of annoyance not going unnoticed by the two of you.
Richie finally walked through the door shutting and locking it behind him staring at you as he waited for instructions, “Hey E go ahead to the living room and pick out something to watch okay? I’m gonna help your dad real quick.”
You were rewarded with her adorable smile as she ran in the direction you pointed her to. You turned back to Richie taking the two pizza boxes from his hand to allow him to remove his shoes and jacket.
The two of you made your way to the kitchen setting the boxes down on your island with a clear view of Eva scrolling through your tv. You maneuvered around the kitchen for plates before brandishing them to Richie, eyes caught on Eva’s small figure in your living room.
“She’s gotten so big,” the tears you thought had run out earlier were once again making their appearance.
Richie’s head turned to you, “Aww Baby look at you ready to cry and shit, you just saw her a year ago.”
You listened to Richie’s intoxicating laugh, trying your best to find the humor in his words. The notion was hard though when the last memory you could’ve had of the sweet little girl waiting for the two of you in the living room was holding her at a funeral that could have just as easily been yours.
“You coming Baby?” Richie’s raised brows were aimed at you, he had already made his way to the living room setting the smaller plate in front of Eva.
You cleared your throat nodding your head with a forced smile on your lips. It was settled, Richie had every right to know that there could have been a universe where he had to survive without Mikey and you.
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Eva was cuddled into your side as your fingers stoked through her blonde locks, her smaller hand playing with the rings on your free hand. The two of you sat staring at the paused episode of ‘The Dragon Prince’ waiting for Richie to return from the bathroom.
Sitting with Eva in your living room made your heart heavy with what could’ve been. A small sad smile traced your lips as you leaned forward to plant a soft kiss on the crown of her head.
Eva’s head turned to yours, her tongue poking out at you as you returned the gesture, the two of you going back and forth making silly faces at each other before she released a small yawn. You watched as her small hand rose to gently run her little fingers across the scars on your face.
“Auntie Bebe?” You made a small noise to let her know you were listening. “Are you going to die?”
Your brows pinched together, Eva’s hand prodded at the scar between your eyebrows that was now more prominent, “Hey hey, where is this coming from?”
Her hand lowered to her lap as she turned her attention back to your ring-clad hand. “Mommy said you were sick…like Uncle Mikey…and that you tried to be with him.”
The ache in your chest was instant, you knew Tiff had tried to explain why you hadn’t visited but you didn’t know Eva had such an understanding of everything.
She raised your hand so it was in front of the two of you, little fingers dancing across yours, “And Uncle Mikey left us 'cause he was sick and I don’t want you to leave to Bebe.”
“Little E, look at me,” you waited as she adjusted next to you small body, cuddling into you more as her face turned to you. “I was sick…just like Uncle Mikey, but I’m doing a lot better now. And I got hurt, that’s why I have these scars on my face but a lot of good people helped me, like Auntie Nat, and even your mom.”
You stopped allowing the child to digest your words, you were trying to explain things in the simplest terms, and the small girl next to you didn’t need to know any of the details. “As much as I miss Uncle Mikey I could never leave behind my Little E.”
Eva shrieked as you moved forward to tickle her doing your best to make a very tough conversation end on a light note for the sweet little girl who brought joy to your world.
“How about some ice cream, yeah?” You watched as the small girl nodded up and down excitedly, her arms coming up to wrap around your neck as she planted a small kiss on your cheek.
“I missed you, Auntie Bebe.”
Your hand reached out to ruffle the girl's hair, “I missed you too Little E.” She removed herself from around you laying across the empty couch cushions.
You let out a little laugh before grabbing the empty plates and moving to the kitchen to get Eva her ice cream. You jumped at the sight of Richie leaning against the island in your kitchen arms crossed against his chest.
“Why are you standing in my kitchen like a fucking weirdo Richie,” you laughed moving to place the plates in the sink before grabbing a bowl for the ice cream. “Eva’s okay to have ice cream right, I know it's a little late bu-”
“What the hell was Eva talking about Baby,” you looked over your shoulder Richie’s stern eyes focused on you eyes piercing through you as opposed to at you.
You sat the bowl and ice cream on the island before searching for your ice cream scooper, the silence droning on as you began scooping out ice cream for Eva.
“I fucked up Richie,” you finally looked up to Richie eyes wet with tears as you watched him tightly shut his eyes and begin shaking his head back and forth. Not prepared for what he was about to hear.
You quickly finished with ice cream, returning everything to its location and dropping the scoop in the sink before grabbing a spoon. You made your way to Eva sending her a small smile as you handed the bowl to her, “I need to talk to your daddy okay? Go ahead and finish watching without us mamas.” Your words went in one ear and out the other, her attention fully on the treat in her hands. You gave her one last smile before braving yourself for what the kitchen had in store for you.
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“I uh…I was in a bad place after Chicago we had just buried Mikey and then…the hospital happened,” you stopped taking a deep breath to get through this conversation. “I should’ve come home Richie I-.” You couldn’t get the words out your throat felt like it was constricting. It felt as though if you tried confessing you would choke on the words before you could even come clean to Richie.
Richie sat next to you at your small circular dining table chair turned towards you, eyes flicking to Eva’s figure every few seconds to make sure she was okay. Richie wasn’t even sure he wanted you to continue, but a huge part of him needed to know what you went through, he thought he had already seen you at your lowest point but the gravity of your words assured him that was nothing compared to the confession you were about to lay at his feet.
“I overdosed Rich.” Richie froze having thought he hadn’t heard you correctly for a second but as he watched the despair take over your face, he knew he heard you right.
His hand came up to wipe across his mouth, the reality of your words barely setting in. “Baby no, no, no, no.” The laugh that accompanied his words morphed into a silent sob as he tucked his head into his hands.
You swallowed your cry fighting to escape as you turned to make sure Eva was still okay, a reprieve from the hard conversation you were having.
You moved from your chair standing in front of Richie so you could console him, his arms wrapped around your waist as his head settled against your stomach, the shaking of his body proof to you that cries were still wracking his body.
The silent sobs turned into quiet cries, his hands gripping the extra fabric of your shirt at the waist. Your tears could no longer be held back bending at the waist you rested your forehead against the back of Richie’s head.
While Richie was crying over the sister he almost lost; you cried over the lives you ruined.
“Auntie Bebe I finished my ice cream!” You took in a deep breath against Richie’s head moving your own from its previous position.
You moved to step out of Richie’s grip, his hands tightening around your shirt tears seeping through to dampen your skin. “I gotta help E, I promise I’ll be back Richie.”
The breath you took in choked you as you had to pry Richie’s clenched fingers out of the fabric of your shirt. You quickly wiped your cheeks before making your way over to Eva grabbing the bowl from her hands and sending her a forced smile.
“Can I spend the night Bebe?” The hope in her eyes made your chest heave.
“How about I call your mom tomorrow and we arrange something for another time, is that okay with you?” Your hands brushed across her forehead, clearing the hair from her face.
She pouted, sinking into the couch cushion, “E, hey you can come visit me whenever, but tonight just isn’t a good night for a sleepover.”
You watched as her eyes began to water, “But what if you try to leave again?” You hadn’t realized how intuitive children could be at times, you bent down to make yourself eye level with Eva.
“Listen, mamas, I’m just a phone call away okay? Anytime you’re scared I might be gone just ask your mom or dad to call me and I’ll answer every time, I promise.” Everyone knew making promises to children was a slippery slope, but you intended on keeping this promise with every ounce of your being, it was time for you to start taking some responsibility.
Eva nodded her head throwing her little arms around your neck and gracing you with a hug you weren’t aware you needed. You gave a small kiss to her temple before pulling away and setting the empty bowl on your coffee table.
“How about you lay down okay? Your dad and I might be awhile,” She nodded, moving and leaning against the pillow, her sudden weight revealing the champagne bottle you had hidden behind it, you quickly covered her with the throw blanket on your couch before picking up the bowl and bottle and making your way back to the kitchen.
You gently placed the bowl in the sink before making your way over to Richie whose head was still in his hands. His eyes found yours as he heard you take your seat, before skating across the unopened bottle you had set between the two of you.
“I’ve been sober for five months now,” watching Richie’s bloodshot eyes slowly blink at you as he drank your every word in felt like a knife being continuously shoved through your chest. “No drugs, no alcohol.” Your voice trailed off, this was the first time you had admitted your shortcomings by choice.
“Ho-How’d it happen?” Your eyes focused on Richie’s Adam’s apple as it bobbed up and down, his face pinching together like asking that simple question was equivalent to swallowing glass.
“I uh don’t know the full story, just what the doctors told Nat and me,” you could see the hurt on his face that Nat was already privy to the information. “I didn’t tell her by choice, uh after my mom died my family kind of distanced themselves from me and so N-Nat became my power of attorney.”
He nodded his head, unfocused eyes floating around your kitchen, “Can you tell me?”
A tired sigh left you “Rich I don’t thi-,”
“I need to know Baby, please.” His hand shot out to grip yours, desperation you had never before seen seeping from his eyes.
You cleared your throat taking in a deep breath, “When I left Chicago, I just felt so…alone. It was like everywhere I looked there was either a reminder of Mikey or a reminder of…of what we lost.” Richie’s free hand returned to swipe across his mouth, eyes everywhere but you.
“The pills were prescription I…I can’t remember when I started taking them or when the dependency started but I-I know the alcohol started first. I deluded myself into thinking that I could do what Mikey couldn't…that I could numb the pain and function at the same time.
“It was like that for a while and then it just gradually got worse until I ended up hospitalized with no recollection of how I even got there and…and Natalie just crying and staring at me and the thing is I had heard those cries from her once before.” The same cries you listened to as she revealed Mikey’s fate to you.
“Um, the story is that I had been mixing drugs and alcohol which yeah I was. But that day I guess it finally went too far, for some reason I was trying to get to my patio and I guess I couldn’t figure out the door, I just…repeatedly threw myself into the glass until it shattered.” Your free hand moved unconsciously to pick at the scar lining the right side of your jaw, Richie’s hand quickly snatching it away urging you to continue your story.
“Wasn’t done yet though was I,” you looked at Richie expecting a chuckle out of him but the stoic look in his eyes told you he wasn’t in the mood for half-baked jokes. “I took two more pills and stumbled bloody through my apartment before making it out of my door and collapsing in a pool of my blood and vomit. A neighbor found me and called the ambulance.” You were glad you had no recollections of what would’ve been your final moments.
The silence in the kitchen was heavy, the words you had shared between the two of you more than anything Richie could have ever prepared himself for.
“Baby why…why didn’t you call me?” Richie’s hand covered his mouth in a fist as another cry escaped his lips wide teary eyes finally focused on yours.
“I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me.” Richie could feel his heart breaking as he listened to the crack in your voice as you spoke, you had been so scared to disappoint him that you had hidden a part of yourself for him for so long.
“How long have you been in Chicago? You avoided Richie’s gaze, not brave enough to see the look of hurt and betrayal.
“I spent a month in Wisconsin at a treatment facility, I’ve been in Chicago since December.”
“And Tiff knew about this?”
“Yeah…uh she kind of forced it out of Natalie, I guess Eva kept asking about me.” You watched as Richie’s head slowly nodded as he carefully let your words play in his head.
Richie leaned forward in his chair, elbows coming to rest on his knees as his clasped hands rested against his mouth.
“I’m not disappointed in you Baby,” Richie’s eyes rose to yours. “But I’m real fuckin hurt and the shit you just laid on me was a lot to take in but I…I want to understand and I want to be here for you.”
The tears that had subsided were now back pouring down your face in droves, “I’m so sorry Richie, I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. But I promise you I’m trying to be better, I will be better. I don’t think I'll get another shot at this after this one.”
Richie stood from his chair pulling you up with him, immediately tugging you into his chest hugging you tightly under the ambient kitchen lighting. He knew his hugs would never match up to Mikey’s, that his role in your life would never compare to Mikey's. But he loved you so much and learning that you had fallen victim to the same poison as Mikey made him feel like an utter failure.
Richie tilted his head down planting a kiss on the crown of your head, the saltiness of his tears passing over his lips.
What purpose did he have if he couldn’t even keep his last promise to Mikey?
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Carmen’s day had come to an end hours ago but he just couldn’t get himself to fall asleep, all the words you had said to him playing over and over again in his head.
He had been so caught up in your argument that he blew his food-hopping plans off with Syd, and couldn’t even get himself to return any of the many missed phone calls he received from the number he knew to be Claire’s
Not that he even wanted to but he felt the girl deserved a proper explanation.
After leaving the restaurant and wandering the Chicago streets he found himself back where his life seemed to begin and end. Pouring what was left of him into helping the rest of the crew start the gut on the restaurant. He wasn’t proud that he let his emotions regarding your situation get the best of him, leading to an unnecessary and petty argument with Sydney. But he knew the two of them would work their issues out.
He couldn’t be sure that the same could be said for the two of you though.
The journal he had started a year ago sat open in his lap, the Polaroid he used to keep his place gently rested on his bedside table, the small lamp illuminated the two of you staring at each other eyes full of love as you wore matching smiles.
A teardrop landed on the ink-stained pages of his journal. The words he wanted to say to you easily poured out of him when he sat down to write to you. The journal began as a way for him to express what he felt for you, but as the months went on and the writing became a part of his routine they turned into letters to you he’d never have the guts to send.
His hand came up to swipe across his face before reaching for the pristine Polaroid and neatly tucking it between the designated pages. The journal was then safely placed in his bedside drawer. He knew he needed to give you space, he just wasn’t sure if there had ever been a future written in the stars for the two of you.
Picking up his phone he opened it to your newly saved contact, the need to hear your voice spilling more tears from his eyes. Your voice rang through his head as he thought about your words from earlier, Carmy couldn’t lie, he knew you loved him and had known for a while but hearing you say it aloud had finally awoken that part in him that would allow himself the pleasure of loving you back.
He couldn’t do it, couldn’t get himself to call you. A sob ripped through him as he locked his phone and set it down, the hope he had earlier to work things out with you was now gone, and he had no one left to blame but himself.
Carmy laid back in bed, eyes blankly staring at the ceiling, one arm bent at a right angle to support his head. He had really and truly ruined whatever relationship was left between you two.
Carmy’s hand dipped into the collar of his tank top, gripping the small pendant he found dangling from his chain after returning home from his shift the night you made your departure from his New York apartment.
His fingers had gotten used to tracing over the initial of your first name that he proudly wore around his neck. The closest thing he even had to you now.
Carmy’s eyes watered as he raised the initial pendant to his lips, a lingering kiss pressed into it, and a whispered “I love you,” filtered through the quiet of his room.
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tag list: @saturnheart @r0s3mm @wheredidmycrowngo @hawkins-2000 @elliesbabygirl @allbark-no-bite @anakinswh0re3005 @thecraziestcrayon @fruitcupsworld @nishinoyahhh @lilylovelyxo @ridingthehotmessexpress @noas-ark @jadeittic @hellokittyever @luvr-bunnyy @sxgees @kravitzwhore @chanluuvr @readingwiththereids @chims-kookies @ladygrey03 @ferida-kahlo @wanderlustnightwanderer @how2besalty @armydrcamers @jointherebellion215 @blkbxrbie-esther @ajordan2020 @head-slut-in-charge @magnet-girl @thebookwormlife @sevikasblackgf @writers-hes @senassn @bunnysthngs @gabbycoady13 @randomhoex @mattmurdocksstarlight @shinebright2000 @royalestrellas @jam1esl0v4 @globetrotter28 @dankfarrick29 @flowersgirl02 @beingalive1 @fairytale07 @smoooore @ghost-timelord @xxxstormyninixxx
so i’ve reached the limit of people i can mention in a single post, i apologize if you asked to be tagged and were left off it was not intentional. i’m gonna figure something out to try and fix this…sorry : (
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