#richard madden x taron egerton
simphq · 1 month
Follow my Wattpad as im writing a Taron Egerton fanfic ❤️
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brinleyparke · 3 months
I added two new prompts
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~Imagines coming soon.
Note: Please bare with me while I work on getting all these written and posted.
P.S: These aren’t in order of request which is how I try and post them.
1. Jimmy Keene Ten tiny toes and Ten tiny fingers part 2. This is something I wanted to write.
2. #4 smut prompt requested on Wattpad.
3. Evan Peters and Finn Wittrock smut imagine requested on A03.
4. "Baby, we are the law." Jimmy Keene prompt imagine requested on Tumblr by Anonymous.
5. "I need you to stay close to me." Taron Egerton prompt imagine requested on Tumblr by Anonymous.
6. 74: "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" Jimmy Keene prompt imagine requested on Tumblr by Anonymous.
7. 134: "You'll be the death of me." Taron Egerton prompt imagine requested on Tumblr by Anonymous.
8. 76: "Get the fuck over it." Jimmy Keene angst prompt imagine requested on Tumblr by Anonymous.
9. Richard Madden imagine requested on Tumblr by Anonymous.
10. Evan Peters x reader x John Krasinski imagine requested on A03.
11. Taron Egerton x Tom Holland imagine requested on A03.
12. Eggsy x Merlin medical exam imagine requested on A03.
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Richard Madden and Taron Egerton
For: @nataschalena2
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tarontherocketman · 4 years
Mr Madden | Madderton Teacher AU | Chapter 3
It was Friday at last, the week was almost over, and the day started off the same as every other day this week did: 
“Mr Madden.”
“Mr Egerton.” The pair smirked at each other as Taron slipped through the partly open door of Rich’s classroom with a mug of coffee in each hand, setting one down on Rich’s desk on the mug coaster that he had brought in from home; a black round coaster with a big golden ‘R’ for Richard. Taron liked that Rich had brought in his own coaster to use, it was one of the many personal touches in his classroom, something Taron had never thought to do in his own.
“I love all your little bits of personal stuff around your desk,” he observed, looking around as he pulled up a chair, leaning over to see the computer screen and resting his chin on Rich’s shoulder. This was something that had become a daily happening out of the blue the morning after their drink at the bar. Neither of them really knew what it meant at this point, their friendship just escalated into a new comfort zone all of a sudden. However, they silently agreed not to overthink it yet, they were both just enjoying having a new best friend. 
“You should get some bits for your classroom, you don’t have anything personal in there,” Rich suggested.
“I know, never really thought about it, it’s just a workplace to me.”
“That’s the thing though, we spend so much of our time at work I like making it homely you know?” Rich pondered, looking around at his things trying to think of ideas for Taron’s classroom.
“You’re right Rich, well hey it’s the weekend tomorrow let's go shopping you can help me choose some stuff for my classroom!” Taron declared, to which Rich immediately nodded enthusiastically.
“You are so on! I love doing things like that,” Rich gushed. Taron raised an eyebrow, pulling his chin away from Rich’s shoulder to look at him.
“What? Shopping for homeware and office supplies? Jeez this is why you,” he put his index finger on Rich’s chest, “are older than me,” he teased, scampering up from his chair to run to the other side of the classroom before Rich could attempt to playfully whack him in the arm.
“Three years! Only three years!” Rich pouted, trying not to break into a smile.
“I was only two months away from being a 90s kid you know,” Taron declared proudly, straightening his tie with fake arrogance.
“So close, yet so far, you’re still an 80s kid pal,” Rich laughed, patting Taron’s seat to indicate him to come back. Taron scurried back and barely managed to sit down before Rich got that playful whack on Taron’s arm.
“THAT was for calling me old!” he huffed.
“Ow, calm down Grandpa!” Taron snickered.
“You little shit!” Rich cried before the pair burst into laughter, Taron habitually gripping on to Rich’s forearm as they laughed.
At this moment a tall, sour-faced looking woman walked past the door to the classroom, her hair tied in a neat bun and a school logo lanyard and staff badge round her neck. She peered through the window in the door, narrowing her eyes at the over friendly pair of male teachers. Rich noticed her in his peripheral vision and jerked away from Taron, mumbling a quiet ‘shit’.
“Rich? What’s wrong?” Taron asked, whipping his head around to see what Rich was looking at. “What was it?”
“Uh, Mrs Reynolds just saw us through the window…” Rich mumbled.
“It’s alright she won’t make a fuss of it, we weren’t doing anything, just a bit of fun. Right?” Taron asked nervously, reading Rich’s worried facial expression.
“T, she’s one of the Religious Studies teacher, her classroom his two doors down from here. I know RS teachers and religious people in general don’t all share the same opinion, but I’ve sat in the staff room with her and I happen know exactly what her thoughts on homosexuals are.”
“Ah,” Taron whispered, nodding slowly.
“Yep,” Rich said bluntly.
“Well, she doesn’t know either of us are gay, AND we weren’t even doing anything wrong, so she’s got nothing on us!” Taron assured his best friend, putting his hand on Rich’s leg who pushed his hand off harshly.
“Maybe not yet but she’ll be watching us now! I thought this was exactly what you didn’t want to happen here?” Rich snapped, making Taron flinch slightly from seeing a new emotion in Rich that he hadn’t yet been introduced to.
“I didn’t!” Taron defended, “but- but I suppose it feels different since I met you!”
“Well I’ve only been here a week Taron, and I really don’t want to fuck up another job thank you very much,” Rich hissed, turning back to his computer screen abruptly. 
“Another?” Taron asked quickly, now distracted from the original argument.
“Just…pretend I never said that,” Rich murmured, “I need to finish this presentation.” Taron opened and closed his mouth a few times, deciding whether or not to say anything that could potentially make things worse considering he had obviously just hit a nerve. He decided on just leaving it and walking out the classroom quietly. Rich stubbornly kept his gaze fixated on the computer until Taron had left the classroom, making sure he had definitely gone before putting his head in his hands and groaning to himself.
The day eventually drew to an end, consisting of some awkward glancing and looking away happening between Taron and Rich when they would inevitably pass each other in the hallway. They had both spent break times in their own classrooms to avoid conversation, not even 100% why they were mad at each other but sticking to it anyway.
“Alright guys I’ll see you next week,” Taron concluded, indicating to his class that they were free to go, which definitely made everyone very happy knowing that they were free for 2 whole days.
“Sir?” a small voice appeared behind Taron.
“Yes, Ella?” he asked, not turning around from his computer.
“You didn’t say have a good weekend, you always say have a good weekend, what’s wrong?” Ella quizzed, surprising Taron with her intuitiveness.
“Someone’s observant,” Taron mused as he swivelled his chair around to face the blonde-haired teenager. Ella just shrugged casually.
“I pick up on these things,” she smiled, her energy rubbing off on Taron, softening him a bit after a rough day. “What’s on your mind?”
“Oh, it’s nothing, just an argument with a friend,” Taron chuckled, almost laughing at his own stupidity in the whole situation, forgetting more and more as the day went on why he was even being so stubborn about talking to Rich.
“Mr Madden?” Ella asked nonchalantly. Taron blinked slowly.
“How’d you…?”
“I told you I pick up on things! I don’t have any friends so I have more time to watch what goes on around me,” Ella admitted, not sure whether to feel proud of her observation skills or embarrassed that she just flat out casually told her Drama teacher that she doesn’t have any friends.
“Hmm you’re even smarter than I thought you were,” Taron grinned, “but yes, Mr Madden.”
“Well, I dunno what you had an argument about but just talk to him about it, you’re gonna have to eventually, no point avoiding it for longer than needed,” Ella said, folding her arms, “trust me, I’ve been there,” she said sadly.
“Yeah, you’re right Ella, thanks.”
“I know,” she shrugged. “Anyway, I need to get the bus before it leaves, see you next week Sir.”
“Alright have a good weekend Ella,” Taron called as she began to speed walk out of the classroom.
“You too!” she called back as she disappeared down the tiny hall and out of the drama block door. Taron sat at his desk in bemusement that a 14 year old had given him better advice than he had given himself, deciding to hurriedly gather all of his stuff together and stride over to Rich’s classroom to talk to him, feeling a little nervous after an entire day of avoiding him. He approached the classroom gingerly, psyching himself up as he walked the hallway before taking a breath and swinging open the door.
“Rich I’m really sorry,” he whimpered, cringing at his own failure to maintain his composure.
“I- Taron!” Rich hissed quietly, nodding to the wide open doorway that Taron was stood in.
“Oh yeah, sorry,” Taron apologised quickly, hopping in the room and letting the door close behind him before starting again.
“I’m sorry I didn’t take things seriously earlier Rich, or, you know- just now,” he chuckled awkwardly.
“No I’m sorry, T, I really overreacted,” Rich said as he softened up.
“No you were right, we need to be more careful, which is why you’re going to come to my house later so we can spend quality time together without prying eyes!” Taron declared confidently.
“Am I now?” Rich asked with a smirk.
“Yep, 7pm, I’ll message you my address,” Taron stated.
“Sounds good to me,” Rich smiled as Taron turned on his heel and walked out of the classroom as confidently as he had walked in, not disappearing for even 10 seconds before poking his head back round through the still open door.
“Oh yeah and we’re going to order pizza, forgot that part of my speech,” Taron confessed, ruining the grand exit he had initially planned.
“Speech?” Rich laughed, “alright Obama. I’ll see you later,” he shook his head fondly at his best friend’s solid attempt at being charming.
Taron jumped up from the sofa excitedly upon hearing the knock on his apartment door, smoothing out his t-shirt even though it wasn’t actually creased and attempting to check his own breath by breathing into his hand and smelling it, realising it didn’t work and settling on just opening the door without fussing around any further.
“Hey Ri- oh,” he laughed nervously as the open door revealed his neighbour from across the hall.
“Hey Taron, uh, the delivery guy gave me your package to look after when you weren’t in earlier.”
“Ah lovely, thanks Jerry,” he took the package, closing the door with one last polite smile to his neighbour.
Typical, he thought to himself, that would only happen to him. Another knock on the door caused him to discard the package on the dining table before he could start opening it. He pulled the door open carefully, not wanting to get too excited this time.
“Oh good it’s you this time,” he smiled, opening the door fully to let his best friend in.
“You what?” Rich queried, looking puzzled at Taron having no previous context for why Taron would say that. 
“Never mind, come in!” he gestured to the sofa that wasn’t too far from the door, heading to the kitchen that was a part of the open plan floor.
“Can I get you a drink?” he offered politely, opening the cupboard to grab two glasses in advance. 
“Sure, what have you got?” Rich asked.
“Well good sir it depends whether you’re in the mood for something sophisticated like a scotch,” he began pompously, “or just…a glass of lemonade,” he finished casually.
“Taron,” Rich paused, “I’m Scottish, what do you think the answer is?”
“One scotch coming up,” Taron said assuredly as he poured the drink, Richard replied with a single, proud nod.
“Here,” Taron said, placing the drinks on the coffee table in front of them.
“Thanks,” Rich replied as he leaned over to grab the drink and take a sip. Taron slumped down next to him on the sofa and sighed a long sigh of relief that the week was over.
“Yeah, I’m glad it’s the weekend too,” Rich agreed, feeling Taron’s sigh as if it was his own.
“Yeah, been quite a week,” Taron noted.
“It has indeed.”
“How was your first week as a teacher then?” Taron asked.
“Better than I expected, I was worried that the students would all find my classes boring and I wouldn’t make any friends. Turns out they like me, they like my teaching, and I did make friends. In fact I made a best friend,” Rich said as he looked into Taron’s kind eyes.
“Aww, Rich! Well that’s good to hear.”
“How was your week?” Rich asked in return.
“Eh,” Taron shrugged, “just another week, nothing special happened really,” Taron pondered, looking forward because he knew if he made eye contact with Rich he would start laughing.
“Oi!” Rich laughed, folding his arms and looking away in a fake huff.
“Joking!” Taron chirped, turning back around and wrapping both arms round Rich, reaching around his shoulders. Rich reciprocated by placing his hands on Taron’s arms. Taron rested his head on Rich’s shoulder, who rested his head against Taron’s head, deciding this was how they would stay now for a bit. Rich habitually rubbed his right thumb on the bit of Taron’s arm that his right hand was placed on.
“Did you want to talk about earlier?” Taron asked cautiously.
“What? The argument, or why I fucked up my last job?” Rich mused.
“I was going to let you decide that.”
“Honestly I don’t really want to talk about either right now, let’s just enjoy the moment. I’ll tell you about the job another time though because I can tell you’re curious.”
“Yeah I am a bit,” Taron admitted, “wait, did you just call this a moment? Are we having a moment?” he teased.
“Mm maybe,” Rich breathed, lifting his head to look at Taron, who looked straight back into Rich’s bright blue eyes, scooting closer to him. Both of their breathing quickened in anticipation as Taron pulled his arms away and placed his hands on either side of Rich’s face, rubbing his thumbs over his cheek bones before pulling him in. He could smell the scotch on Rich’s breath as their lips brushed against each other for a moment before Rich got impatient and reached around the back of Taron’s neck, pulling him in so their lips meet properly. Taron moved his hands to wrap around Rich’s torso, working them up and down his back. The sunset made the last bit of sun for the day shine perfectly through the crack in the curtains, hitting them both perfectly as they shared this moment for a while longer.
“Wow,” Taron breathed heavily as he pulled away gently.
“Yeah,” Rich breathe-laughed. “I only met you a week ago,” he teased, imitating what Taron had said at the bar at the start of the week.
“And what an amazing week it’s been,” Taron imitated back, copying Rich’s response.
“Indeed it has! You hungry?”
“Oh god yes, pizza?” Taron said excitedly.
“Fuck yes.”
The weekend had passed by in what felt like an hour, and there they were again. Monday morning, the worst day of the week because everyone in the school- teachers and students alike- know it’s only the beginning of a potentially long, hard week. The day started the same as any other, which always consisted of:
“Mr Madden.”
“Mr Egerton.”
Followed by a coffee and catch up, except today it was in Taron’s classroom to admire the new bits and bobs Rich had helped him choose out on the weekend. There was a black mug coaster with a golden T on the desk to match Rich’s, one of those light-boxes that you can organise the letters on to write a message, which Rich had spelled out “Mr Egerton” on, there was a new 2020 desk calendar that Rich had convinced Taron to get done at a personalised calendar shop in the mall with one of his favourite plays on each month, a notebook with the letter ’T’ on the front, and a matching ’T’ pen pot too.
Rich journeyed to his classroom a few minutes before the bell was due to ring, at which point students began to file into Taron’s classroom, he wrote the date and learning objective on the board as the class took their time to settle, before sitting at his desk to call out the register, going name by name with a ‘here sir’ mumbled in reply after each name by the relevant student.
“Ella,” he called, getting no response. The entire atmosphere in the room changed, bringing a grossly enhanced meaning to ‘elephant in the room’.
“What?” Taron quizzed, looking around and his class, getting nothing back. 
“Guys?” he asked, starting to get antsy, “anyone?” 
“Didn’t you hear?” one of the girls in his class spoke up.
“Hear what?” Taron began to panic, thinking about how he was the first in the staff room when he got him and Rich’s coffee so he hadn’t actually seen any other teachers yet. No one in the class dared to speak a word, all looking down uncomfortably at their desks.
“Taron!” Rich burst in the room and exclaimed, but then coughing awkwardly and correcting himself to “Mr Egerton.”
“Um, Rich what’s going on?” Taron whispered so the students wouldn’t hear him, failing miserably considering you could hear a pin drop in the room at that moment, he ushered Rich out of the classroom and pulled the door shut behind them.
“I’m sorry I only just found out when I put the mugs back in the staff room just now I came straight back,” Rich said, out of breath from jogging back to Taron’s classroom, trying to make it before class started.
“What is it?!” Taron persisted, urging Rich to hurry up and spit it out.
“Ella overdosed last night.”
Taron’s eyes went wide, tears beginning to form that he tried to desperately blink away.
“-what?” he squeaked, his voice barely making a sound.
“She’s alive,” Rich assured, placing his hands on Taron’s shoulders.
“Is she going to be okay?” Taron whispered.
“I- I don’t know, T, we can only hope for now, I’m sorry,” he admitted, pulling Taron into a tight hug, letting the now silently sobbing man bury his face into his chest.
“I should have done more,” he mumbled into Rich’s shirt.
“Don’t say that-”
“No,” Taron cut Rich off, “this is the part of being a teacher I never wanted to experience, she trusted me and I didn’t do enough to protect her I should have looked more into it and talked to the head teacher or her parents or, I don’t know,” he rambled, “I spoke to her on Friday at the end of class and she could tell I was upset about our argument and cheered me up but I didn’t bother asking how she had been doing and-”
“T, you’re her teacher not her Dad, she’s not your responsibility,” Rich persuaded.
“She is when she’s at school Rich! Part of being a teacher is keeping them safe and I failed.”
“I know, I know,” Richard soothed “but she did this outside of school, at home, not at school, you can’t blame yourself for this, please stop blaming yourself,” Rich rubbed Taron’s back, trying to calm him down knowing that he has to go back in that classroom and teach sooner or later. He pulled away from Taron, drying his damp cheeks with his sleeves. “Look, go clean yourself up, I’ll watch your class for a minute I’ve got a free period ok?”
“Thanks, Rich,” Taron smiled weakly, patting Rich on the shoulder and walking off to the bathroom to clean up. Staring at himself in the mirror thinking about how after such a lovely weekend, this is how Monday morning starts. He knew for certain that it was going to be a long week ahead.
Ahhhh hi! I was SO nervous to post this but here it is, I decided I’d try out a few things in this chapter to see how you guys react to it which is why it’s quite long, just to make sure my writing is going in the right direction you know? Anyway if it’s more cute Madderton moments you’re waiting for I can tell you now that’s coming in the next chapter; now that I’ve done my drama/romance/angst experiment heh, so yeah I really hope you lot like it <3
Tag list: @taron-eggmcmuffin @coffeetalkbaby @nataschalenasblog 
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ijustwanttobegolden · 2 years
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This Is just a really cute little something I wrote when the thunderstorm had me all in my feels this week. Warnings: slight mild language/slight indication of sex.
Pitter patter pitter patter
Light drops of rain tantalising the window, the only sound echoing throughout the dark spacious apartment.
Pitter patter Pitter patter
The rain getting heavier now but somehow more calming and satisfying than when it was soft and gentle. The louder the better as you wriggled yourself deeper into the large vintage sofa, your most comforting blanket like a cape around you.
Suddenly the rain wasn’t the only sound now, Light footsteps shuffled around the apartment, then…
The flick of a lighter here, the flick of a lighter there.
You followed the movements, it was almost hard to see with the apartment being so grey and gloomy but the figure of your close friend taron wasn’t hard to make out.. from one corner to the other he continued to light a scatter of candles. The brightly warm flicker of the candle wick, revealing his soft features.
Click… his endearing emerald eyes.
Click… his sweet lips pulling that very famous cheeky smile of his.
Click… his gorgeous skin.
Click… his painfully sharp jawline.
Taron was glowing and it wasn’t just from the warm flickering lights. He was always so bright and handsome.
A familiar feeling, a cliche moment of butterflies, as you watched him light the last candle. His eyes fixating on your own made your heart burst. Damn you Taron Egerton, you was the girl who refused to fall in love…
It was oh so bittersweet.
Before any further fuzzy feelings could conjure up inside he broke eye contact and you almost puffed out a breath of relief.
“Perfect! Just going to put the kettle on before the storm breaks out.. they said about a potential power cut? We can’t sit through a storm with candles and blankets and not have tea!”
You hold in a giggle at how ridiculous he slightly sounded but mentally wanted to strangle him at how perfect he was and how all this in itself was just perfect. Instead you wriggle yourself further into your resting position to ensure maximum comfort if that was even possible and squeeze the grip on your blanket that little bit tighter…
Bliss. You close your eyes for a moment. It’s quieter again.
Pitter patter.
The soft rain.. but then the sound of the kettle boiling in the distance while Taron softly hums his favourite Elton tune. Still bliss.
So relaxed, you hadn’t realised you put yourself into some sort of tranquil trance until the movement of the sofa cushions slowly recover you back into reality.
“Oh hi”
Though calm, your voice sounded loud within the walls of the cold quiet space around you.
“Hi” taron replied back playfully, his voice deep.
His weight sinks into the sofa, bringing you closer to him unintentionally as the cushions dip down but you don’t adjust. Sooner or later you would end up snuggling into him anyway.
“Is this why you lit so many candles..” you question. “Because you knew there would be a power cut?”
You tried to lighten the mood, carry on the silly topic of the power cut because as much as you both loved thunderstorms, deep down you were both so nervous about them too. Both scared of the dark, both agitated by the loud unsettling thunder when alone.. you both didn’t want to ride it out alone. Ultimately it just reminded you of being single, not having your favourite person in your life.. Not ever falling in love.. You’re just alone.. and that’s darker than any storm.
Taron shakes his head with a chuckle, handing you a warm cup of tea, your favourite cup of course. He knows and never forgets.
“Well there’s that and because it’s just really nice to have lots of candles, don’t you think? Really warm and comforting and well.. romantic”
A warm glow flourishes your cheeks at the last part of his explanation and you quickly bring the hot cup of tea to your face in hopes the steam will camouflage your complexion.
“Listening to the storm isn’t romantic” you scoffed. Brushing your feelings off.
“Bet I can make it romantic!” He challenged.
The cocky prick
You bit your lip, watching as he sprung from the sofa, his back muscles flexing underneath the teasingly thin cotton of his tight white tank top. They look delicious under the lighting of the flickering warm candles, casting shadows and making it look as if he was sculpted by the gods. All that working out for filming was definitely paying off.
He kneels over barefoot on the tapestry of the rug where your record player lays flat on the ground against the cold pale wall. His back still faces you as he scans the heaps of records stacked next to it.
You continue watching intently as you carefully sip at your tea, the calming pitter patter of rain still tapping at the windows.
His fingers trace down over the vinyls so smoothly and delicately while he concentrates on the titles, deciding on the most sweetest and smoothest record out of the variety to pick out.
All you could concentrate on was how slowly his fingers danced over those vinyls, how they would feel again the bare skin of your thighs instead.
You had to snap out of this but as if on queue, soft music began filling the empty spaces of the apartment and lulled you out of thought.
Taron sunk back into the sofa to accompany you within no time, the familiar welcoming scent of him making you feel at home.
“This is nice” you smiled warmly and together you sipped at your tea.
“Isn’t it just” he said proudly, that typical smug smirk beaming upon his gorgeous face.
You rolled your eyes, it failed to go unnoticed.
The Welshman chuckled warmly not needing to be concerned by your action, he knew deep down he has gotten to you about something and it’s entertaining more then anything.
“What is it my love”
Your heart flutters at the nickname. Happens every time.
“Nothing” you bashfully smile, holding in a playful laugh.
It wasn’t nothing, it was the fact that Taron was utterly perfect, complete and utter boyfriend material. Scratch that, marriage material.
You knew that. He knew that. That’s what made all this all the more sufferable…
It doesn’t help that although just friends, Taron has offered you the position of being more then just friends multiple times, your connection and attraction for each other being completely unmatched but again.. you was the girl who refused to fall in love, a stubborn b*tch to say the least.
You knew that. He knew that. That’s what made this all the more sufferable… but at the same time it was very entertaining on his part, he was going to win you over someday.
He was already winning.
“tell me princess” he teased, nudging his arm into you, tea nearly spilling.
“Talk about spilling the tea” you joked as you noticed your own tea had actually spilt down you a little.
Amusement jittered around. You was both calm, happy, relaxed in each other’s presence, you wish you could always feel like this. The smooth mellow guitar immersed with light scratches from the record, a beautiful raw and authentic sound completed the vibe, Light thunder began to rumble.
By now you had placed your lukewarm empty cups down and began to snuggle into one another on the sofa, the thunder making you more touchy then usual. Taron rested in-between your legs, twisting awkwardly so his back rested against the inner thigh of your right leg and he was slightly facing you. He was comfy more or less, especially when you opened up your blanket and draped it around you both.
If he wanted to, he could of easily rested his head upon your breast comfortably.. you wouldn’t mind if he did, that’s just how close you were but it was so much better that instead, he sat up a little to focus on the features of your face…
He admired your glistening eyes, your soft cheek bones and delicate soft lips.. So many times he had pictured devouring them with his own.. In fact he wanted nothing more then to kiss you right now. The poor boy had to fight the urge.. no sweat though, it was something he had to do all the time, he was painfully trained for it now.
There was so many things Taron had to refrain from.
Admittedly you wouldn’t care if Taron kissed you randomly, drunkenly or intentionally but still, he respected you and there was no way he was going to risk losing you or your trust. What an angel.
How silly you must of been, almost shaking in Tarons arms. The Sudden loud burst of thunder was so unexpected though, frightening in fact. The music cuts out, so would the lights if they were on though thankfully the soft flickering candles are still glowing gracefully, the room still feeling warm and welcoming. You feel safe and it’s not the light of the candles, or the comfort of your favourite fuzzy blanket. It’s taron.
His arms had snaked around your waist, his large hands trailing up under your soft loungewear shirt and holding your bare skin to press you into him protectively and reassuringly.
“It’s okay my love, just a bit of thunder.. I was right about the power cut”
You smiled softly at his words, his bare hands, touching your bare skin making it harder to concentrate on what he even said to begin with.
They felt so good.
Taron mentally face palmed at how quick he was to touch you, hold you the way he did.. the thunder wasn’t his excuse to take advantage of you, it was just a sincere natural response of his, a way to comfort you, to protect you.
His eyes immediately fill with some sort of sorrow, an apologetic but needy look all over his face that melted you.
His hands suddenly became loose, his grip fading, a wave of emptiness washing over you.
“It’s okay! hold me! I’m scared” you laughed out, trying to joke around in attempt to lighten the heavy mood of whatever this was.
You smiled, the feeling of his fingertips pushing into your skin once more. It was oh so ever satisfied.
Rumbling of heavy thunder, the rain pitter pattering against the window much faster now, the sound of it all just grew more and more comforting and satisfying with each passing minute.. even more so now that you were tangled up in your blanket with Taron all cozy and cute.
The evening seemed to go on forever, like there was no end but forever in Taron’s arms didn’t seem bad at all, Shame you couldn’t admit it to him.
You chatted all through the storm, sharing memories, laughing until there were specks of tears clouding your eyes. You were charmed as usual by taron’s weird and wonderful stories, how he would explain them with such wit and playfulness in his eyes, the way he would casually flirt with you here and there, making suggestive remarks while wiggling his eyebrows and tickling at your sides, any and all excuses to tease you, make you laugh and potentially make you fall all the more head over heels for him.
For the second time tonight… cocky prick.
The thunder eventually becomes softer and lighter, along with the rain. Over the course of the evening you’ve sunk further into the sofa and further into the comfort of taron’s arms. Taron’s warm breath continuously cascades over you while the rise and fall of his toned up chest just creates a new haven for you. You begin to swirl circles over his chest, your soft fingertips tickling at his skin. You couldn’t help yourself.
“So when are you going to fall in love with me and accept that maybe one day you will marry me?”
His voice so soft now, soft and calm like the rain.
You take in a deep breath, avoiding his loving but intense gaze. You dare but to look into those gleaming eyes of his so you concentrate your sight on the tracing of your fingertips upon his chest.
“I’m already in love with you taron”
Suddenly the atmosphere felt really thick, intense.. being so blank all of a sudden you didn’t realise that it was because Taron’s chest tensed beneath you as he couldn’t quite take in what you had just said.
“What was that..” his breath hitched, he was slightly nervous. That was no lie.
“You win taron”
Quickly you snap your head up at him, your eyes fix sternly on his. The two of you could of easily made this a more light hearted and flirtatious moment, Taron finally gaining satisfaction, taking all the glory while you, the sore loser, crumble in defeat but more or less feeling cocky yourself. This moment could have been banter galore but no.. not today, not now, not ever.. this was a more heart felt confession, a serious moment, a moment that could change everything.. your love for each other deserved that. You both deserved that.
“Sorry what” he gasped out in disbelief, the grip on you becoming more tighter with anticipation.
His eyes searched your glistening ones. Were you finally giving in to your stubbornness and finally admitting your feelings? He promised he would never hurt you, not like those other assholes who made you put your guard up in the first palace.
“You win, Taron. I’m in love with you, I can’t even explain.. I just love you so much”
Was that really a lump in your throat. Hot tears pricked at your eyes, you wish you didn’t feel so small though You couldn’t help it, you had to give in, it was driving you insane.
You didn’t jump this time, you was more scared of what was happening right now to be frightened by some extremely loud thunder. He held you tighter, his fingertips burning at your skin. You nervously looked around, some of the tea lights had eventually died out, the room was looking a lot more dull and gloomy but Taron’s face was near and still warm and glowing from the Yankee still burning on the brass caprice side table, he looked like an angel.
Although not startled by the thunder, you brushed your fingertips slowly up to Taron’s chest to lightly grace the rough stubble along his jawline in an attempt to distract yourself and calm your racing heart. Why was you so nervous?
Taron enjoyed your soft delicate touch dancing over his skin and how you concentrated on all his features intently while doing so, it brought flash backs to every single intimate moment you’ve had. The ones he thought that you never paid attention to but he did…
Times when camping with friends in wales..You both would be the first to share a tent together. Helping each other string all the fairy lights up. Tackling the sheets of the air bed. Sneakily snuggling a bit closer as the night grew colder.
Times when you attended friends weddings.. always attending as each other’s date. Always adjusting Taron’s tie so intricately. Always having those slow dances together.
Times when either of you had a shit day.. throwing on a movie. Running each other a hot bath. Listening to each other rant and getting drunk together.
There’s been many times and more.. those intimate moments.. It’s all Taron ever thinks about and secretly, you the same.
Now here you were, your most intimate moment yet.
The tapping of rain, the rattle of thunder, the soft flicker of candles, the skin to skin contact, all tangled up in each other arms, screw the blanket now.
As if time didn’t exist now, like the sounds that drifted away moments ago, so did your thoughts. Taron had you lost, lost in his mouth.
The sudden kiss shocked you at first until your eyes flutter close. You moved in sync, breathing each other in, devouring each other’s mouths. The moment builds and so does the passion. Your fingertips stroking his stubble seconds before, grip his face, both of you in agonising need for each other. You could tell just how much your were holding back from each other before. Never again.
The apartment was echoing with pitter patter sounds of the rain with clasps of thunder but now it was echoing with heavy breathing, gasps and sweet sweet sounds of sweet slippery kisses.
Taron’s strong, firm hands roamed your body as you climb over him to straddle him on the sofa, the strap of your loungewear top slipping down your arm in a sultry way. It was the only time Taron removed his lips from yours, to place a long lingering kiss on your smooth shoulder of where the strap trailed down.
“I win” he teases proudly while peppering kisses all over your bare collarbones and neck.
Naturally you tilted your head back, moving with the placement of the kisses, too lost to even know what he said.
If it was something about winning, you didn’t care. Maybe you lost but you still had the prize.
Clothes were slowly being tugged, kisses were getting deeper, hands were getting more grabby. You giggled into the kiss as something hard pressed into the right spot.
Just as you began to help Taron strip you from your clothes, the familiar scratch of the record sounded and the soft romantic music continued to play. The end to the power cut.. How bizarre.. it was perfect timing. This whole evening was just.. perfect.
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thehermitsaltar · 3 years
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐦 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫
Can’t Help Falling in love 
𝐏𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐨 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐥
“Why didn’t you tell me?!”  
Wampa Soup
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 —
— 𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒔𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒔𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒅
How do you feel about dogs?
Cold Corpse
“Person A and Person B assembling furniture together”
Corpse x Male reader
— 𝑬𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝑵𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓
New Years Eve
“I remember practicing how to ask you out to the mirror.”
Unus Annus
Ethans cute tbh
“Wait, don’t pull away… Not yet.”
— 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒊𝒑𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒓
E-plier x male reader
“You’re here late.”
Yancy x male reader
— 𝑹𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒏
“Male reader x Robb Stark Christmas?”
cold mornings
"Quit smiling at me, I can't stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that."
Robb reassuring a male reader who’s insecure abt how chubby he is
Baby Wolf
"I can't get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you're having breakfast with me in my sweater."
Richard likes The Beatles
Richard dating someone with a kid
“Please don’t do this.”
“You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
— 𝑻𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒏 𝑬𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒐𝒏
It’ll be okay
Wanna, like- Imean, if you're not busy... We could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don't have a lot of time?"
“I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
“This movie is really scary, but you’re into it so I’m trying not to cover my face the whole time, but- WHAT IS THAT?”
“I would’ve had breakfast ready, but you were sleeping on my arm, and I didn’t want to wake you.”
“I look forward to holding you close in bed soon.”
— 𝐁𝐨𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐲
— 𝑱𝒐𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒛𝒛𝒆𝒍𝒐
“Your shirt/jumper was in the laundry pile and I couldn’t help but steal it”
angst blurb where pat Murray gets into an argument with his bf
20 and 28 for the meet cute
“Against a wall” (NSFW)
“Face-fucking” (NSFW)
“Oral giving”  (NSFW)
“How they are as a dad”
— 𝐺𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑦𝑚 𝐿𝑒𝑒
“Sharing an umbrella at a bus stop as it snows.”
— 𝐵𝑒𝑛 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑦
“I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.”  (NSFW)
“They caught you when you slipped on ice and nearly fell over.”
“I’ve never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly.”
“You both go to the counter, having the same type of coffee called for pick-up. “
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writingformadderton · 2 years
Masterlist - Part 2 (Series)
Here you'll find all the series we've posted, enjoy!
Work Count: 50
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Richard Madden x Taron Egerton
Rocketman Series:
The Bitch Is Back
I want love
Saturday night's alright for fighting
Thank you for all your loving
Border Song
Rock and Roll Madonna
Your Song
Crocodile Rock
Tiny Dancer
Take me to the pilot
Don't go breaking my heart
Honky Cat
Pinball Wizard
Bennie and the jets
Don't let the sun go down on me
Sorry seems to be the hardest word
Goodbye yellow brick road
I'm still standing
I'm gonna love me again
River Series:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Book of you and I Series:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Madderton Baby Series:
First teeth
First steps
She's perfect
Don't be so hard on yourself Series:
Don't be so hard on yourself
Don't be so hard on yourself Prequel
Don't be so hard on yourself Prequel 2
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drickiland · 3 years
I’ve been waiting for Taron’s comment all day!
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simphq · 1 year
Hi so im posting my storys from wattpad to here x wattpad: 3mily_xx
Taron Egerton Imagine! Pt1
Dating Taron does but doesn't feel like a relationship. Get what i mean? Anyway heres some bullet points on  what dating Taron would be like!
⚠️Im British so some words may be different for you⚠️
• Life as a actor means working non stop and having very little time to yourself,but when you and Taron have time to spend together  it usually involves a day in bed.Cuddling up with one and other and watching a film of your your choice,you would also get you and Tarons fav takeout!
•You would visit the sets that Taron is working on which means meeting new people and making a-lot of friends!
•You and Taron have similar friends like Richard madden,Jamie Bell,Sofie Cookson ect!
•You and Taron have alot of different nicknames for each other!
Tarons nicknames for you:
•cariad~ welsh for love/lover
Your nicknames for Taron!
•Hubby~if/when ur married
•There is always music playing weather its some songs from 70's or 80's. Or David Bowie or Elton John or even The Beatles,Taron and you always sing along.And of course Dancing that may or maybe lead to a make out session.
•When Taron is alway filming your feel a little sad and alone,But Taron makes sure to call or text you when he can telling you c everything thats he has been doing and sending pictures of his costumes!(Some make you burst out laughing)😂
•Taron is a family man! He loves his mum,step dad and little sisters and They love him too! His sisters adore you and look up to you lot.When you and Taron visit you spend lots of time with them all, weather thats having walks along the beach on a warm summers day or playing Mario cart with them in the winter, or drawing one and other You all have so much fun and Taron adores to watch you laugh and play with his younger sisters. It Makes him want to start a family with you but he knows not is not the right time!
•Taron and you always make each-other laugh
•When his mum calls him she always asked how you are and wants to speak to you! She think of you as a daughter.
•Taron trys to teach you welsh even though you can't remember most of it! You can remember and pronounce some things for example
•Rwy'n dy garu di~I love you
(Authors notes)
Hi hope you enjoyed what ever that was lol, I can do a part 2 if wanted just let me know in the comments! Requests are open and thank you for reading! :D
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5K BohRhap & Rocketman Masterlist
Here is the masterlist for all the blurbs I wrote for the BoRhap cast, Queen members as well as the Rocketman cast :)
Taron Egerton
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6 - “Talk to me, you can’t take on all of this alone”
Ben Hardy
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1 - “I’m your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that”
Richard Madden
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You have a bad day
Joe Mazzello
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22 - “I will physically fight you for that last piece of chocolate if it comes to it”
He proposes
Roger Taylor
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8 - “Why did my heart have to choose you to fall in love with?” + 13 - “And you said you’d never settle down”
5 - “Kiss me?” + 10 - “What’re you thinking about?”
13 - “And you said you’d never settle down” + 23 - “You’re the only one who could ever pull off wearing that jumper, my grandma is going to be so proud that someone has actually worn it”
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taronrocket · 3 years
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Happy birthday to Richard! 🥳🥳🥳
Taron, June 18th on ig stories
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tarontherocketman · 4 years
Mr Madden | Madderton Teacher AU | Chapter 5
The rest of the week passed by as slow as ever, students and teachers alike just waiting for the weekend, all anyone seemed to do was live for the weekend, it was the sad reality of society. Taron was quietly nervous about Monday arriving; the day that Ella is due to come back to school. He wasn’t sure what he will say to her, and was worried whatever he does say might upset her. Does he tell her it’s good to have her back? Or will that make her feel like she had been expected back sooner? Does he ask her how she is? What if she’s still not good and doesn’t know how to respond? Taron briefly confided in Rich about it, who put a supportive hand on his shoulder and assured him that whatever he says, he knows that he’ll say it in his usual kind voice and she won’t be offended.
Monday morning rolled around, the beginning of Rich’s third week as a teacher. He rolled out of bed and pulled the curtains open, thinking about how fast the past 3 weeks have gone, and how much has happened. Not even a month in and he’s already in a relationship with another teacher. Certainly not what he expected out of the job but he couldn’t complain, he loved Taron so dearly already. Rich and Taron had agreed over the weekend that as of Monday they would car share to get to work, Rich would drive them for a week, then Taron the next week, Rich again the week after, alternating each week to save fuel. A plan that essentially shouldn’t raise any suspicion from Mrs Reynolds, seeing as the school- much like most schools- were constantly trying to promote car sharing as an environmentally friendly scheme. Rich sorted himself out, trying to erase the typical morning elements of his appearance such as fixing his hair, washing his face, brushing his teeth. Once he felt put together enough, he threw his clothes on, straightened his tie one last time in the mirror, and headed out to pick Taron up.
“Morning Mr Egerton,” he smiled at the tired looking man slumping down into the passenger seat of his car.
“Mr Madden,” Taron nodded once, reaching down the side of his seat to pull the lever that made the seat recline back, closing his eyes and sinking further into the seat. Rich stared at him with a sad smile.
“You were awake last night worrying about Ella coming back weren’t you?” he sighed.
“Maybe,” Taron muttered, eyes still closed.
“Oh Taron..” Rich mumbled as he put the car in gear and set off to work, putting his free hand on Taron’s knee.
“It’s fine, it’ll be fine,” Taron assured himself.
“It will, you know it,” Rich agreed.
The pair arrived at work and found a parking spot quickly. Rich pulled into the space, put the handbrake on, and leaned over to give Taron one last hug before the day started. Taron reciprocated, wrapping his arms around Rich and resting his head on his shoulder, now finally opening his eyes after spending the journey half asleep.
“Shit!” Taron exclaimed, pulling away from Rich quickly and sitting forward in his seat.
“Wha-“ Rich started, whipping around to see what Taron was looking at, to be greeted by Mrs Reynolds sat in the car next to them, having obviously parked there and decided to sit for a bit before work.
“Of all the spaces I could have parked in,” Rich groaned in frustration, turning back round to Taron to pretend that she wasn’t there, staring suspiciously at the two men. Their fear had finally began to catch up on them, Rich had warned Taron about this from the start yet they both got careless and had possibly been caught.
“What do we do?” Taron bit his lip. 
“We wait until she goes in, then we go in straight to my classroom, no staff room,” Rich decided, Taron nodded in agreement, not daring to moan to Rich about how much he needed a coffee. The two sat in the car, tension coating the air as they wait for Mrs Reynolds to finally go inside. After what felt like hours, she gets out of her car and begins to saunter towards the school entrance. Rich and Taron got out of either side of the car and began walking quickly to the building and entering through the large main entrance, as they turned the corner to the hallway containing the door to Rich’s classroom they were greeted by a sour faced Mrs Reynolds casually standing outside of his door, clearly waiting for confrontation. Rich and Taron groaned quietly in sync.
“What was that all about in the car?” she asked straight to the point, not sparing an ounce of sensitivity.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Taron said bluntly, walking straight past her and into the classroom, Rich trailing behind. Mrs Reynolds followed them nimbly in before the door could fully shut.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” she griped, sounding genuinely annoyed.
“We weren’t doing anything wrong,” Rich stated calmly, trying to act busy by gathering his resources for the day and straightening all the desks.
“Something’s going on here, I can tell,” she jeered, trying to get them to confess to something, anything.
“We’re colleagues and friends,” Rich said bluntly, beginning to get annoyed, “now if you’ll excuse me I have to get ready for my class.”
“What’s he doing here then?” she pointed at Taron rudely.
“Again, friend and colleague,” Rich seethed, trying to keep his cool.
“I’m your colleague,” Mrs Reynolds pointed out.
“Yes but not a friend, goodbye,” Rich retorted, opening the door for her as a signal that she needs to leave.
“I’m onto you both, I will find out what’s going on,” she sneered, now walking out of the classroom.
“Yeah you do that,” Rich said as he watched her walk down the corridor and disappear round the corner. He stepped back into the room, attempting to slam the door but looking sheepish as the slow close mechanism foiled his plan. Taron, stood against the whiteboard with folded arms, smirking at his boyfriend’s error.
“It’s not funny, T,” Rich sighed.
“You’re a fiery one when you need to be my love.”
Rich looked unimpressed. 
“...sorry,” Taron apologised, his instinct telling him to give Rich a hug, but his brain telling him he can’t do that right now.
“She’s right,” Rich started, “she is onto us!”
“Shh, look it’s fine love, she doesn’t have shit on us yet okay?” Taron assured Rich, who was now pacing his classroom nervously, a habit that had become rather frequent.
“You’re pacing,” Taron observed.
“I know,” Rich snapped, suddenly stopping himself from pacing. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright, I know this isn’t a great situation but we’ll figure it out, she doesn’t have anything on us yet and she never will because we’re not going to do anything like we did in the car again, intimacy will only be at one of our houses,” Taron explained, trying to reassure his worried boyfriend.
“I know, I know, we just shouldn’t have to hide who we are..”
“No, we shouldn’t, but we live in a corrupt society where if this gets out in a job like ours, we’re screwed,” Taron said.
“Why? Teacher’s can be in relationships, when I was in school there were two teacher’s that met at school and married! What can Mrs Reynolds do about it?” Rich argued. 
“Yes but they were a straight couple, am I right? It’s not just the fact that we’re teachers, and it’s not just Mrs Reynolds finding out, it’s the fact that if this was out the whole school would find out and we would be belittled and viewed differently. We can’t afford for that to happen, it would change everything,” Taron gave his boyfriend a small smile “I hate to say it but, it’s just a fact of society.”
“I know,” Rich groaned, “it’s just ridiculous.”
“It is,” Taron agreed, “anyway I have to get to class.”
“Yeah that’s alright, text me updates on Ella.”
“Will do, I love you,” Taron smiled. Rich briefly stopped breathing, that was the first time ‘I love you’ had been said.
“I-I love you too,” he stuttered in return, a warm feeling building inside of him. Rich watched as Taron disappeared out of the classroom door, not sure whether to feel happy and warm because he had a beautiful boyfriend who loved him, or angry because despite this he had to hide it from the world. Everything would change, the way their students saw them, how their colleagues would treat them, all because they both loved a man. Because they didn’t conform to the social norm, and it wasn’t fair.
Taron waited nervously for his class to filter in, shaking his leg under the table; a habit that bugged Rich as much as his pacing bugged Taron. They were learning to love and accept each other’s quirks as time went on though, it made them who they were, and it was kind of fun to to watch each other’s foibles come out the more time they spent together. Suddenly a quiet “morning Sir” shook Taron out of his thoughts.
“Ella!” he exclaimed, standing up abruptly from his desk, knocking his pencil pot over in the process. He cleared his throat awkwardly, coming out from behind the desk, ignoring the splayed out pens and pencils.
“I- uh, it’s really good to see you, how are you?” he asked cautiously.
“Getting there,” Ella replied with a small smile.
“You’re early,” Taron said, glancing at the small clock on the wall above the whiteboard.
“Yeah I thought I’d come in early to say hi, the Head said you’ve been worried about me,” she chuckled.
“He did?” Taron spluttered, “I mean, I was, just didn’t think he’d tell you that..”
“No it’s all good, I appreciate the concern,” Ella replied quickly. Taron stood awkwardly, habitually scratching the back of his neck.
“If you ever need to talk just let me know, I feel like maybe I didn’t do enough before..” he trailed off from his own sentence.
“You did more than anyone else bothers to do,” Ella admitted glumly.
“Really?” Taron asked, Ella nodded in reply.
“Well I’m glad I did something then,” he smiled. At this the other students began to filter into the large classroom, all chattering amongst themselves, no doubt discussing what they got up to over the weekend. Ella gave Taron a last smile before disappearing to find somewhere to sit, she felt her face heat up from the stares of all the other students who were looking at her with mixed looks. Some looked sympathetic, some looked guilty, some looked judgemental, she didn’t want any of it. She didn’t want the sympathy or the guilt and certainly didn’t want the judgement. She knew what she did was stupid, because there were people who would miss her, but it’s impossible to think of that at the time. She felt like there was no other way out, and even though it would mean she was essentially taking the easy way out, she didn’t know what else to do. So she decided it was game over. By some miracle, game over didn’t work, life gave her another chance, and now she had to figure out why. What was she good for here?
“Alright everyone, eyes to the front,” Taron called, directing the attention away from Ella. He began his lesson, only having to deal with one issue when two boys looked like they were about to have a punch out with each other for no apparent reason, which is usually the case with fights that happen in this school; they start from nothing. Taron understood, he always felt like he had more empathy than most of the other staff members. Although he was as sick of breaking up fights as the rest of his colleagues, he understood that teenagers have so many more emotions circling around their head than him, a full grown adult. It was so hard being that age, you haven’t found yourself yet, other kids are mean, adults tell you that you need to decide what to do with your life, it’s too much pressure. He absolutely despised adults that say teenagers ‘overreact’ or ‘don’t know how easy they have it’ some of these adults even being other teachers in the staff room. He hated it. Being a teenager absolutely sucked, and no adult should forget what it was like and become the kind of person that talks about them that way. 
Once the class were settled into the task that Taron gave them and were getting on with it themselves, he subtly pulled his phone out to text Rich.
Taron: hey, Ella’s here, she’s alright, hows class? miss you x
Rich: hey, good! glad to hear that, class is alright they’re all busy, what about yours? miss u too x
Taron: yeah they’re good, finally settled down they just had to get monday morning weekend chat out of their system x
Rich: yep it’s gotta be done! hey wanna eat out later? was thinking we should do that on mondays, just to make us feel better about it being monday x
Taron: I like your thinking Mr Madden, where shall we eat out this week then?x
Rich: wetherspoons? not like we’ll run into mrs reynolds there she probably thinks she’s too good for a cheap restaurant like that x
Taron: lol you’re right, spoons sounds good, gotta go love you x
Rich: love you too, see you at break x
Taron slipped his phone back into his pocket to turn his attention back to his computer and began to type away, only turning back to the class when they were ready to present their mock performances to him. He had to give them credit, his Monday morning class were quite well behaved and able to get on with their work without too much trouble, meaning Taron could get a lot of admin done. Once the class finished, the students began to shuffle out of the classroom in a flock, performing a chorus of either “bye Mr E” or “bye Sir” as they left to their next class. Taron didn’t care what they called him, he was one of those laid back teachers. He lets the sixth form students call him Taron, seeing as they are college age and only choosing to be here for further education. A healthy amount of informality build a stronger bond of trust, as long as you can equally mix it with professionalism. 
“Sir?” Ella’s small voice appeared from behind him.
“What’s up Ella?” he asked.
“Can I hide in here on break today? I’m not ready for everyone to stare at me on break too.”
“I actually meet Mr Madden on break-“ Taron started, but stopped himself quickly “but yeah sure! We can all hang out in here if you don’t mind us both being here.”
“I’d love that, you two are much nicer than any of the students or even other teachers,” she admitted.
“Aw!” Taron beamed, “well I’m glad you have us then.”
“I’ll see you on break,” Ella smiled, almost genuinely as if she was actually happy, which was progress that Taron was pleased with.
Taron: Ellas gonna be in my classroom with us on break, hope that’s alright, you know, a student hanging out with us lol x
Rich: I don’t mind at all, she’s going through a lot, she’s a nice kid anyway. Also it keeps us from doing things we don’t wanna get caught for ;)x
Taron: shush, naughty boy x
Rich: you love it x
Taron: I do x
Rich finished his second class of the day and began to hurry over to Taron’s classroom to see his boy after two long hours without him. He stopped at the staff room on the way to do their break time coffee run, praying he didn’t see Mrs Reynolds in there. His prayers went thoroughly unanswered, as there she was, stood with her back to the door making a coffee. Rich audibly sighed and considered turning back, but decided to just be an adult and stride in, make the coffees, and leave. To his delight, Mrs Reynolds said nothing to him when she saw him come in, she just finished making her coffee and took a seat at one of the tables with a few other teachers from hers and Rich’s corridor of classrooms.
“Did you hear?” Rich heard her say to the other teachers around the table, his ears instantly tuning into the conversation. 
“Hear what?” they all chirped in, excited at the prospect of gossip.
“Two male teachers here have been seen hugging intimately in one of their cars,”  Mrs Reynolds quipped, sounding proud of herself.
What the fuck has she said that for?! Rich seethed inside of his head, trying to keep a poker face and not let on to anyone around.
“Really?! Who?” a Geography teacher asked with intense curiosity.
“I don’t know,” Mrs Reynolds lied, leaning back and sipping her coffee, glancing to Rich quickly who tried to slow down his dramatically increased breathing.
What have we ever done to her?
“Just heard it on the grapevine,” Mrs Reynolds shrugged. “Have you heard about it, Richard?” Rich’s shoulders stiffened and breath hitched as he was mid way through pouring the second coffee. He knew he’d have to put the acting skills he always attempted to harness into practise right now. If only it was Taron here not him, he’s literally a drama teacher, go figure he is amazing at acting.
“Haven’t heard anything,” Rich said casually, clearing his throat to deepen his voice as if that would somehow make him sound straight even though he didn’t particularly “sound gay” in the first place, he hated stereotypes like that.
“Really? That’s funny, the conversation that I overheard about it mentioned your name suggesting you were someone who knew about it,” Mrs Reynolds pondered slyly. Rich could feel his face become flushed and hot, and anger was boiling up inside of him, he felt like he was about to pass out any second.
“Must have been a mistake,” he tried to say cooly, but not doing so well anymore. “Anyway, I’d better go before these aren’t hot anymore,” he chuckled lightly, trying to change the subject and retreat naturally.
“Oh who’s the other coffee for?” Mrs Reynolds persisted, poking further and further. Rich could feel tears of anger trying to emerge, but he held them back, pursing his lips to stop them quivering. What did she have against him? Why was she poking at him as if he was a collapsed animal that she was trying to get a reaction out of with a stick to make sure it’s alive.
“A friend,” Rich blurted out in a panic, turning away abruptly and walking out of the door as fast as he could, realising now that he had probably raised more suspicion by doing that. He continued to stifle the angry tears, making it all the way to the drama block before they spilled out as he approached Taron’s classroom. Forgetting Ella was in there, he kicked the door open; as oppose to turning around and backing into it as he usually would with a coffee in each hand.
“For fuck sake!” he said, the words coming out as more of a sob than an exclamation.
“Shit,” he swore under his breath, now realising that he’d totally forgotten that Ella would be in the room, who was looking at him with a strange mixture of shock at seeing a teacher crying, but also relief that teachers do have emotions too. It made her feel less silly somehow, it brought out the human side of them.
“I forgot you’d be here Ella,” Rich chuckled softly, putting the coffee mugs down so he could sheepishly wipe his wet cheeks with his sleeve.
“What’s wrong bub?” Taron cooed, getting up from his desk to wrap his arms around Rich, not caring at all that Ella was here. He hadn’t seen Rich cry yet, he was always the rational one while Taron was the more weepy, emotional one. He just wanted to hold and protect him.
“Um, you-know-who was indirectly telling the other staff about you-know-what and asking me about it to try and make me crack,” Rich tried to explain, conscious of the other presence in the room.
“Did you crack?” Taron asked.
“Not completely, only a little bit when she asked who the other coffee was for,” Rich admitted.
“What has she got against us?!” Taron demanded, not sure whether he was asking Rich or asking some sort of higher power. Ella sat quietly, unintentionally drinking in the whole conversation. She couldn’t figure out whether Taron had forgotten that she was intuitive, or if he had genuinely thought that they were being cryptic. It was obvious what they were talking about, it didn’t take an absolute genius to put two and two together. The hug, ‘bub’, ‘you-know-who’ was obviously a teacher because they were talking to the other staff and Rich had just been in the staff room because he had coffee, of course the biggest give away was ‘she asked who the other coffee was for’, and now Rich is here, giving the other coffee to Taron, so by elimination the ‘you-know-what’ must be a secret relationship between her two teachers. Taron just suddenly realised all this as he looked over to Ella gingerly and saw her sat with a sympathetic smile on her face.
“You understood all of that didn’t you?” he laughed nervously. Ella just nodded slowly with pursed lips.
“It’s not your fault darlin’, just don’t tell anyone yeah? I trust you,” Taron admitted.
“Of course I won’t! I know how it feels to be bullied, I could never do that to anyone else, plus I know…how it feels to not be out,” she sniffled, terrifying herself with the thought of anyone at school finding out that she was bi-sexual. In fact she’d never told a single soul, who knew the first people she would tell would be two of her teachers? She thought it would be her parents, an obstacle she never wanted to cross but worried that she would eventually have to.
“Oh,” Taron said, understanding immediately. “Well, we understand. Looks like we all have a similar secret.”  
“Yeah, we do,” Ella said sadly. Wondering if maybe tonight should be the tonight that she finally tells her parents, praying that they don’t overreact. 
Tag list: @taron-eggmcmuffin @coffeetalkbaby @nataschalenasblog @stateofloveandvedder @winterismyfavoriteseason1945
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maddennfl86 · 4 years
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First Line Meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line, then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Hey @dauntlessdiva, thanks for the tag and the love on my work! ❤️❤️ I don’t usually do these, but I loved having to go back and reread my writing for the past year or so.
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Have this pic of the boys for the road, and let’s go. Here are my last 20:
1. “I guess what I’m trying to say is…” Taron pauses. Closes his eyes. Breathes in, then out. “…that I really don’t think you should come here.”
Silence, for a few seconds. Thick, insufferable silence. “T. C’mon, don’t tell me it’s because—”
“Yes,” Taron cuts him off brusquely, hugging his knees to his chest and shaking his head lightly. “Yes, Richard, it’s because of him. Of course it is.” You idiot. - a change of heart
2. Rob. The last time it happened, it was with Rob.
Rob was 36, fragile like blown glass, and, if one believed British tabloids, Gary’s ‘former worst enemy’.
Rob was already seeing Ayda, but Ayda understood: it wasn’t just sex, it was atonement. Redemption. Love, blooming out of hate. Hate that, really, wasn't ever even there in the first place. That's what he told Rob, after the first time, and after the few times that followed.
“I never hated you.” - boys go crazy over you
3. Wait for me, Patroclus.
I see him wave off the servant proffering his breakfast tray, like he has done every day since Hector struck me at the Scaean Gate.
I see him pick up his spear. I see him get his helmet on—just the helmet, not the rest of his armour, that ornate breastplate and those sturdy greaves and that thick, impenetrable shield, forged by Hephaistos himself, now lying in a corner of our tent, a thick layer of dust and sand gathering on top of it. I see him stride out to kill more Trojans.
He is weak now. It has been ten days, and he is weak. - wait for me in the sky
4. “A joint mission, guv?” Eggsy exclaims, incredulous. “Are you sending me on a fuckin’ babysitting job, Merlin?”
“Nothing of the sort, Galahad. It’s merely for logistical reasons—Clansman are short on resources at present, and they want one of ours in the field to assist with one of their high profile missions.”
“Clansman,” Tequila mutters, under his breath. “Sweet fancy Moses on buttered toast, I’ll never get used to that being a real thang.” - Kingsman: The Highlands Liaison (co-written with my dear @misslittlefreckles 💗)
5. “Alright then, Taron. Good talking to you, mate.”
They’ve only been on the phone about… Taron glances at the clock on his screen. Six minutes. “Yeah, you as well, Dad.”
“Oh and, you know, happy Christmas and all that.”
Taron answers, says something back, does his usual “love you” that goes unreturned, that’s standard, but what he’s thinking the whole time is It’s December 1st. He said happy Christmas. Is this the only time he plans to talk to me all month? - Can't Stop Christmas (aka The Magnum Opus™, co-written with my darling @its-a-soft-science ❤️)
6. “Alright, today’s the day.”
Taron makes his declaration at 10 in the morning, a little while after breakfast. Richard is reclining on the bed, mercilessly bending the creased paperback spine of From Russia With Love. He raises an eyebrow but doesn’t respond.
It’s been a beautiful morning; an early breakfast in bed, slowly getting dressed but then lounging about doing nothing much, commenting on Jack’s stories with stupid filters, occasionally trying to snuggle under Richard’s arm and interfere with his reading. Just a regular Saturday. - #choosefuture (also co-written with @its-a-soft-science)
7. It really is the most beautiful pen he’s ever owned, Taron thinks, as he puts the finishing touches to the drawing he’s been hard at work on for five full minutes. It’s a dick. Just a dick. That has somehow just come out of a Montblanc pen. God, he loves his new gig. He almost wants to post the drawing on Instagram, to flex a bit. You know. #providedby. #whatmovesyoumakesyou. Except, this is exactly the sort of thing Hugh has advised him against. Thank goodness for mentorship. - #whatmovesyoumakesyou (you guessed it, it's another collab with my fave @its-a-soft-science)
8. “Oi, Ashley!” says Stu, “Head out of the Year’s Hottest Firefighters calendar, yeah? We have an actual fire we’re s’posed to attend.”
Ashley regretfully folds Mr July away — nicely built, just a little sweaty, charcoal down one cheek for effect. “Never know yer luck in a big city, eh?”
“You wish,” says Rachid, as he swings into the back of the rig.
Ashley straps in and nods at him as Stu flicks on the siren. “I do, son. Every night, on my knees next to my bed. I wish and wish and wish, but so far, no luck.” - Dial 999, I'm on fire (technically, 98% of this, the aforementioned bit included, is not mine: all kudos should go to @mordwen)
9. It starts one afternoon in April.
Taron’s just out of a steaming shower that smells like the South of France—rose and lavender and a touch of honey—and the podcast he’s been listening to lately, that was on for the duration of his time under the spray, cuts off; his phone starts insolently vibrating on the side of the sink.
Still naked and dripping, he scrambles for a towel to avoid making a mess in the small bathroom. Then, with his feet firmly planted on the shower carpet, he shimmies from the shower to the sink to check who’s calling.
It’s number he doesn’t know, but he still picks it up.
“Hello, you.”
(The prefix might say Murica, but the voice at the end of the line quite unmistakeably spells out Caledonia.) - love it if we made it (aka: my Quarantine Masterpiece)
10. Richard hasn’t even been thinking about it. Not at all, in fact. He’s just let himself get lost in an enjoyable routine, mainly consisting of heeled boots, sharp suits and wigs—in short, the intoxicating euphoria of doing his job and doing it well.
Late nights. Castmates. Happy hours.
And Taron, of course.
On set. Off set. Sat in front of him in crowded bars. Pinned against the door of his trailer. Naked between his sheets. - where we're going
11. 8:30 PM. His room at Chateau Marmont. Three vodka-tonics, and an ache in his gut.
He’s been on edge all day.
Press. Two screenings. Q&As with adoring fans. Dexter looking at him inquiringly when they headed out for a Starbucks and his face—his mask—dropped.
He must have let that side of him peek through. The one that threatens to explode any minute of any day, lately. Neurotic Taron, normally locked in the basement of his brain, out for his hour of yard time. He hates letting him out. - 4AM in London
12. “Everything’s closed, now, eh?” Richard prompts, nodding in the general direction of Boris on the telly.
“’parently so,” Taron replies, taking a generous swig of his beer. He wishes the telly was off already.
“Emilia texted in the groupchat—theatre’s done for. For the next three months at least. S’pose it makes sense.”
“It does, but that still fucking blows, love. I know how much you were looking forward to that. Are they cancelling the show altogether or just pushing it?”
“God knows,” Richard replies, eyes to his phone, blue light from the screen hitting his beautiful features. Three-day old stubble. His nose. Mmh. “But hey, they just announced that Chalamet’s gig is definitely still happening, when this is all over. There’s that, at least.” He looks up. Smiles wickedly.
Taron scoffs, blowing air inside the neck of his bottle. Grins. “Glad you’ll still get your yearly dose of twink, darling,” he says, sardonically. “Still think he’s too young for you. Then again, you do have a type.” - sometimes, just sometimes (aka: the one that I regret writing)
13. Taron is grocery shopping at Marks & Spencer’s when he spots them. An array of cans. Eye-catching, bright colours and more understated, hip hues of metals and pastels, sitting in the refrigerated beverages section. Among them, the loud, emerald green one that brings about a tsunami of memories. The very same gin-in-a-tin that Richard brought to his trailer that first night during filming, that night when—
He doesn’t even ring him. Picks up four cans and a bottle of red. Tries not to linger over the Percy Pigs next to the self-service tills. Ends up buying two packs, because there’s an offer on—which is the same as usual, to be fair, but shut up. Pays, flies out of the store and back to his car. Puts on some old Ed Sheeran while he drives. That album that makes him think of the summer of 2014 and filming Kingsman. - when you're with me, no judgement
14. The first time it happens, the sky is cloudless and dark, and everything is still. The courtyards and the grounds of Winterfell are silent, calm, immovable. The moon is high, and it is full. Every strand of grass in the surrounding fields and every thick, humid lumber from the endless piles all around the castle is bathing in the silver sheen that she shines on all men. - how easy you are to need
15. From the first fitting at MacGregor and MacDuff’s, it’s clear to Taron that it’s not just about the outfits.
It’s not just because they’re the best kiltmakers in town. It’s not about the tasteful blue and green with strands of real fucking silver thread that Richard chooses as his signature tartan colours. It’s not about the hilt of his new sgian, his dad’s wedding present—a silver and onyx Lion Rampant—peeking proudly from Richard’s sock, its shiny ruby eyes somehow managing to blind Taron from across the room.
It’s not just the tight brogue and the ridiculous amount of Gaelic he hears when he’s hanging out with Richard’s clique of childhood friends and school mates from the Conservatory—which he adores, and which never fails to make him weak at the knees.
It’s not even just about the sun going down on a bottle of eighteen-year-old Scotch and four dram glasses in the garden of Dick and Pat Madden’s country house one late night in early June, when days are longest and when Scotland is somehow clement even temperature-wise.
For Taron, it’s really all about the look in Richard’s eyes when he’s in Glasgow. There’s a glint in that gaze of bluest blue, clear as the sky over the River Clyde when winds are fast and the current is roaring. - there's nowhere compares tae my hometown (aka: a wedding planning fic for which I was planning to write a sequel, but never actually managed to get it out)
16. Just off a plane from LA and away from the champagne glitz of the Golden Globes—he went there to see someone else win an award he was nominated for, and there’s no way in the world he’s going back in two weeks for the SAG Awards, thank you very much—Kit’s phone starts buzzing uncontrollably.
Three voice messages, fourteen SMS, five e-mails and, when he gets home, an actual fucking letter in his actual fucking mailbox informing him that he and the Eternals gang will be filming on location in London for ten consecutive nights, starting next week on Thursday. It’s unusual that he would get the same piece of information via so many different outlets—but then it is a Monday afternoon in the middle of filming a colossal movie for bloody Disney, so it feels like the whole extra element of it is, what, justified? Maybe. Maybe it is. - I could get used to having you around (aka: part 2 of--see number 17)
17. Come to set, Richard texts him one morning, as he’s grinding the beans for his morning coffee. He smiles down at the phone, closes his eyes, and indulges himself picturing what that could look like.
Warm weather, white sand, pink sunsets.
Driving a convertible or, better yet, a Jeep Wrangler with the top off.
Wind in his hair, sun on his skin.
Endless nights in trailers.
Salty kisses.
Ugh, get a fucking grip.
Another text comes in. Come see me. Please, Kit, please. - we were too young to know we had everything
18. They’ve just had to stand in a line like a bunch of trained dogs and smile politely and make empty conversation with the Prince of fucking Wales and the Duchess of fucking Cornwall, and Richard has had just about enough of this evening, thank you very much.
He eyes Mark imploringly, waits for him to mouth go on, then, and finally gets out into the chilly London air with his lighter and his Camels and—fuck, it’s freezing, how was this a good idea again?
Ah, nevermind. He’s out now. Might as well make the most of it. - hold your head in deep devotion (aka: Richard Madden has the hots for Andrew Scott, loosely based on my own Hot Priest phase back in 2019 and tightly based on them looking like hot pieces of ass at the 1917 London premiere)
19. "Oh, c'mon, T, it's not that bad!"
"Are you kidding me? It's so steep!"
Richard shrugs, and he pokes Taron's thigh with his walking stick.
"It's only a couple of hours, darling. C'mon, we'll fall behind!" - ho, mo leannan bhoidheach (aka: the one I wrote on my phone in Glasgow, because I'd gone hiking around Loch Lomond and was inspired by the beauty of Scotland)
20. Taron’s phone starts buzzing in his jacket pocket right after his eyes flick away from the eye of the camera that just recorded him walking off stage.
It’s a rhythmic, increasingly more intense vibration that some genius probably originally devised to be a silent alarm. It’s like a climax, really—which is maybe why Taron decided to associate it with one particular contact in his phone.
He eyes one of his chaperones, makes a phone sign with his right hand next to his ear, quick phone call? He receives an OK sign, and he sighs in relief as he reaches for his phone.
“’ello, y’keen bastard.”
“Told you I’d call as soon as results were in, didn’t I? Fucking hell, Duckie.”
“I know, right?” - you're so golden (aka: Taron won a FUCKING GLOBE)
Phew, this was a long post. If I had to choose a favourite, it would probably be the one from Can't Stop Christmas, except I didn't actually write that bit, so... Let's go with love it if we made it, because that story saved my sanity last year.
Not gonna lie, I don't *know* ten authors. I'm going to tag my friends and peers, as many as I can think of: @its-a-soft-science, @misslittlefreckles, @mordwen, @channellingmyinnerelton, @johaeryslavellan, and @himbomcavoy. You guys seriously rock.
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rocketmanmadden · 4 years
Angst requests or ideas anyone?
Anyone have any angsty prompt ideas or requests for Richard Madden or Taron Egerton? Or even Ben Hardy! If so please send through! Thank you! Doesn’t matter how bad they are, the more angst the better;)
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