#rice water shampoo for hair
budsandberries · 2 months
Why is fermented rice water good for your hair? 
Have you ever wondered why some people swear by using fermented rice water for their hair? It might sound strange, but this ancient beauty ritual has stood the test of time for a reason. Let's uncover why fermented rice water is hailed as a miracle potion for hair health and how it can transform your locks 
What is Fermented Rice Water? 
Fermented rice water is the water that's been left to sit for a period after rinsing rice. During this time, beneficial enzymes and compounds are released, making it even more potent for hair care. When used in shampoos like rice water shampoo and conditioner, its effects are amplified, giving you the best of both worlds in hair care. 
Why is Fermented Rice Water Good for Your Hair? 
Promotes Hair Growth: Fermented rice water is rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that nourish the scalp and stimulate hair growth. This makes it an excellent choice for those looking to achieve longer, thicker locks. 
Strengthens Hair: The proteins and antioxidants present in fermented rice water help strengthen the hair shaft, reducing breakage and split ends. With regular use, you'll notice stronger, more resilient hair. 
Improves Hair Texture: Fermented rice water smoothens the hair cuticle, resulting in smoother, shinier locks. 
Nourishes the Scalp: A healthy scalp is essential for healthy hair growth. Fermented rice water contains compounds that soothe the scalp, reduce inflammation, and balance its pH, creating an optimal environment for hair to thrive. 
Why Choose Buds and Berries Rice Water with Chia Seed Shampoo? 
When it comes to rice water shampoo, not all products are created equal. For those seeking the best shampoo for hair growth, Buds and Berries Rice Water with Chia Seed Shampoo stands out for its premium quality and natural ingredients. Chia seeds, packed with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, further enhance the nourishing properties of rice water. Together, they work wonders for your hair, promoting growth, strengthening strands, and adding a healthy shine. 
How to Use Rice Water Shampoo: 
Using rice water shampoo is simple. Wet your hair, lather with the shampoo, and massage it into your scalp. Rinse thoroughly and follow up with Buds and Berries Rice Water conditioner for best results. Incorporate it into your hair care routine 2-3 times a week to reap its full benefits. 
Conclusion: Unlock the Power of Fermented Rice Water for Your Hair 
Fermented rice water is a natural and effective solution for achieving healthy, luscious locks. With its abundance of benefits, it's no wonder it's become a staple in hair care routines worldwide. Upgrade to Buds and Berries Rice Water with Chia Seed Shampoo and take your hair care to the next level! 
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skinandhaircare1 · 1 month
Can Rice Water Shampoo Help you with Hair Growth? 
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Introduction: Have you ever wondered about the secrets to achieving long, luscious locks? Amidst the plethora of hair care products available, one natural remedy has been gaining significant attention for its potential to promote hair growth: rice water shampoo. In this blog, we'll delve into the science behind how rice water can benefit your hair and skin and introduce you to Buds and Berries Rice Water Shampoo, a gentle yet effective solution free from harsh chemicals. 
Understanding Rice Water's Role in Hair Growth: Rice water, a centuries-old beauty secret originating from Asia, is the starchy water left over after rinsing rice. While it may seem simple, rice water is rich in vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that can nourish and strengthen your hair follicles. Here's how it works: 
Stimulates Circulation: Massaging rice water into your scalp can improve blood circulation, ensuring that essential nutrients reach your hair follicles, promoting healthier hair growth. 
Strengthens Hair Shaft: The inositol, a carbohydrate found in rice water, penetrates deep into the hair shaft, strengthening it from within and reducing breakage, which can contribute to longer, stronger hair over time. 
Balances pH Levels: Rice water has a pH similar to that of our hair, which helps to maintain the natural balance of oils on our scalp. Healthy hair growth relies on maintaining a balanced scalp environment. 
Protects Against Damage: The amino acids present in rice water form a protective barrier around the hair shaft, guarding against environmental damage and preventing moisture loss, which can lead to dry, brittle hair. 
Introducing Buds and Berries Rice Water Shampoo: When it comes to choosing the right rice water shampoo for promoting hair growth, it's essential to opt for a product that is gentle yet effective. Buds and Berries Rice Water Shampoo is a standout choice, formulated with natural ingredients and completely free from harsh chemicals like sulfates and parabens. 
Why Choose Buds and Berries Rice Water Shampoo? 
Natural Ingredients: Buds and Berries Rice Water Shampoo harnesses the power of rice water along with other botanical extracts to provide your hair with the nourishment it needs without any synthetic additives. 
Gentle Yet Effective: This shampoo is suitable for all hair types, including dry and damaged hair, thanks to its mild formula that cleanses without stripping away essential oils. 
Promoting Hair Growth: Through consistent application, Buds and Berries Rice Water Shampoo not only encourages hair growth but also fortifies hair follicles, enhances overall hair health, and addresses dryness and damage, granting you the lush, resilient locks you crave. 
In conclusion, rice water shampoo can indeed help with hair growth by nourishing the scalp, strengthening the hair shaft, and protecting against damage. For a natural solution that delivers real results, consider making Buds and Berries Rice Water Shampoo a staple in your hair care routine. Say goodbye to hair woes and hello to healthier, happier locks! 
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malchai · 1 month
jegulus microfic | 860 words
james helps regulus during a depressive episode
When Regulus hears a knock at the door, he doesn’t bother to answer. Whoever it is will go away eventually. It isn’t until the incessant knocking feels like it’s drilling straight into his skull and the fear of a noise complaint that he drags his dead limbs off the bed to open the door. James waits on the other side, arm raised mid knock, holding bags of groceries in both of his hands. Regulus tries to scrounge together his thoughts enough to offer some explanation, but James silences him with one look, waiting for Regulus to step aside and let him in. He doesn’t look angry like Regulus thought he would in the million different versions of this scene his mind had pieced together over the last week, but James’ hard eyes and the set of his mouth leave no room for argument. Regulus is too tired to argue anyway. He ducks his head and moves behind the door, opening it enough for James to enter. He follows James like a shadow to the kitchen. Regulus sees the apartment through his eyes - the overflowing sink, the counters covered in piles of mail and dirty cups, dust lining the shelves, delivery boxes piled in the corner, plants folding over themselves and browning. Regulus has been meaning to water them. James sets down the bags and starts unloading.
“Go shower,” James says. “I’ll start on the food.”
Regulus hesitates for a moment, lingering in between rooms, unsure of what the protocol is here. But he decides to follow James’ orders in the end. He flips on the bathroom lights, undresses, and turns on the shower in robotic movements. He steps in and lets the scalding water burn his skin. He can’t remember the last time he showered. The steam furls around his lungs, choking him.
He has been losing time over the past few weeks. He doesn’t know where the days go. They slip between his fingers. He doesn’t know how to explain that all of this is caused by something that happened a year ago. That his body still remembers the flight or fight. That he woke up alive the next day but sometimes it’s still hard to remember why. He scrubs at his skin until the hot water stings. Lathers up the shampoo and tugs at his hair.
He doesn’t know why James is here. Well, Regulus can guess it’s because he hasn’t been answering his texts. He doesn’t know what to say. When he gets like this, he runs out of words. How does he explain that as a grown adult he can’t bring himself to eat. Can’t clean his apartment or go to work. Regulus has lived long enough that this shouldn’t be a problem anymore. He keeps his head under the water until it runs cold and even then doesn’t step out until he’s shivering. He turns off the tap with pruned hands and tries not to feel like he’s still drowning.
James knocks on the door twice to indicate he’s coming in. Regulus doesn’t look at him as James wraps him in a warm towel. He must have heated it in the dryer while Regulus was in the shower. James holds out a wide tooth comb in a silent question, and Regulus sits down on the closed toilet lid in answer. James begins the slow process of detangling his hair, carefully pulling at the knots. Regulus’ eyes slip closed at the feeling of the comb scratching against his scalp. He tucks the towel tighter around himself.
“Go get dressed. Food’s almost ready,” James says once he’s satisfied with his work. Regulus just nods to show he’s heard.
James has laid out Regulus’ favorite pajamas on his bed. They’re the softest pair he owns, worn down over time. Their texture is familiar. It doesn’t grate on his skin like everything else has these past few weeks. He walks back to the kitchen following the smell of something good. James is scooping rice onto two plates and covering them with dal. It’s something that he’s made for Regulus before, a simple dish that James has said was made in his house often. Regulus’ stomach growls at the sight.
There is no room on the table so James brings the plates to the couch. They sit and eat in silence. With each bite, Regulus’ hunger ebbs and his guilt grows. He doesn’t deserve any of this. James collects both plates when they’re done eating. 
Regulus listens to the sound of the sink. He walks to the kitchen again. He picks up the rag to dry the dishes James is washing.
“I’m sorry,” Regulus says. His voice cracks from disuse. It doesn’t feel like enough, but it’s all he has to offer.
James sets down the plate he’s holding, turns off the sink. He captures Regulus’ face in soapy hands and leans in until their foreheads touch.
“Don’t apologize for yourself. Not to me,” James whispers into the space between them.  “Just please don’t shut me out again.”
Regulus has never been able to hide from James anyway. 
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am-i-interrupting · 4 months
Showering with Vox
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He’ll say he’s waterproof but this man is water resistant.
He can get water on him without a problem but as soon as it gets in one of his ports, it’s time for a rice bath.
Still, he will try to insist that he can take a shower with you when you don’t want a bath.
He’ll slip into the shower with you.
“I’m not fixing you this time.”
He likes feeling your skin glide under his touch.
He’ll scrub at your skin with a cloth and message your shoulders and muscles.
He’ll lather shampoo in your hair and gently scratch at your scalp.
Then he’ll run conditioner through your hair.
He pulls you close against him as it sits.
This is why he gets in the shower with you despite the risk.
He loves the atmosphere of it all. The lights being dimmed by mist, the feel of your body pressed against his, the warmth in the air from the water.
He adores it, savors it.
These are some of his favorite moments filled with playful teasing and sexual innuendos interlaced with sincere words of praise.
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cheollipop · 1 year
chicken rice porridge
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navi | taglist | pt.1
pairing: choi san x gn!reader
w.c.: 2.2k
tags: FLUFF, seriously so fluffy I could cry, non-sexual nudity (<;3)
After catching his cold, San laboured to make sure you didn't have to lift a finger, holding you so tightly in his warm embrace that the sniffles had no choice but to go away.
A/N: I cried, giggled, blushed, then threw up writing this. Also, thank you so so so so so much for all the love you guys gave me on pt.1, I appreciate you all sm! I hope you like this one as well! :")
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───
The bags crinkled as San hauled them through your front door, knuckles white as they bore their weight. He nudged the door with his hip, waiting for it to click shut before slipping his shoes off and turning the corner into the living room. 
"No, no! What are you doing?" He whined, rushing to the kitchen and dropping the heavy bags on the island before speed-walking towards the couch where you sat, working on the document your boss had sent you earlier. "Babe, you need to rest!"
"I'm almost done," you kept your eyes fixed on the screen, bloodshot and teary, burning as the bright light hit them. "Wait-" You gripped the width of the device as San ripped it off your lap. 
"No. No more working." 
"Sannie, please. Just five more minutes," you pouted, tugging the laptop towards you; his grip around it did not budge.
"You already took the day off, you can do it when you feel better." 
You huffed, knowing that he wouldn't relent, and your fingers eased around the laptop, allowing San to slip it out of your hands. He quickly saved the document before shutting the lid, gently setting it on the coffee table, away from the pile of tissues you had been collecting. 
He had felt guilty for making you sick, but seeing the soft pout adorning your lips, he felt slightly better. You were so cute. Taking your appearance in – greasy hair tangled and disheveled, red nose sniffling while you wiped at your teary eyes, lips cracked and dry, your tongue peeking out to wet them every so often – he couldn't help but smile. Even now, he still found you beautiful. It was almost sickening how infatuated he was with you. 
"Let's get you washed up," he spoke, voice sweet as honey, a fond smile on his lips.
Submerging yourself into the steaming bath, your muscles relaxed as warmth engulfed your body. Your head rested on the edge of the tub, San behind you, hands running over your shoulders and softly squeezing the soft skin. You hummed contently, sinking further into the water, your eyes fluttering shut. 
San worked silently, palms rubbing up and down your arms, then back up your shoulders, massaging the back of your neck, gently digging his fingers into the stiff muscle.
"Feels good," you muttered, melting into his touch.
San leaned forward and pressed his lips to your temple. He turned on the shower head and pressed it to your scalp, waiting until the water saturated your hair before turning it back off. With one hand running through the wet strands, his other reached for the shampoo bottle next to him, opening it and squeezing some into his hand. Rubbing the shampoo between his palms, he watched the suds form before spreading them onto your hair, the floral scent permeating the air around you. Your eyes remained shut as you breathed out a sigh, reveling in the scratch of San's blunt nails against your scalp.
You didn't feel yourself slumping down until his breathy chuckle echoed in the room. "Babe, you're going to drown." 
You pulled yourself up, giggling as you rested your head back, safely situated in the tub again. He held your face in his hands, thumbs brushing against your cheek and coating them with the leftover soap before leaving you to grab the shower head again. He turned the water back on, making sure to flush out every last bubble, running his fingers through the now-clean locks. He placed a tender kiss on your forehead, your eyes opening to meet his, cheeks blushing at the way he was looking at you – the corners of his eyes wrinkling, dimples peeking out to greet you, his smile so warm it made the bath water feel icy against your skin. 
"Don't stare too hard, you might fall in love," he teased, dimples sinking further into his skin, eyes almost forming perfect crescents. 
"It might be a little too late for that," a shy smile tugged at your lips and his finger booped your nose, pinching your cheek gently before pulling himself up.
He simply stood there to admire you, hands at his hips with nothing but fondness gracing his features. You instinctively curled in on yourself, suddenly feeling exposed. San picked up on your timidness, letting his head drop so he could hide the grin splitting his face. You were so cute. He chose not to comment on the bright red coating on your cheeks, moving towards the door after placing a fluffy towel next to the clothes he'd set out for you. 
"I'm going to change your sheets," he put his palm out to dodge your incoming complaints. "Call me when you're done, I'll be happy to help you dress." The wink he sent your way almost gave you a heatstroke. With a breathy chuckle and dimples on show, he walked out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. 
You sat up, sighing and slapping your hands against your heated cheeks. Sickness was nothing compared to having to deal with your boyfriend. Choi San will be the death of you.
Walking out of the stuffy bathroom, dressed in a clean set of clothes – a hoodie you'd stolen from San and a pair of sweatpants – you made your way through the apartment, peeking your head into the kitchen where you’d heard your boyfriend clattering around. 
San stood behind the island, hands working on tying the apron strings behind his back, ingredients scattered over the marble. Your eyes zero in on the rather huge knife – your sharpest one – sitting on the wooden cutting board in front of him. 
His head jerked upwards, features easing when he saw you practically swimming in his clothes, a smile instantly curving the corners of his lips. "Feel better?" 
You nod, stepping towards him slowly, eyes fixed on the knife. "What… are you doing?" 
"Making porridge for my sweetest (Y/n)." 
Your heart did a little jump at how easily the words rolled off his tongue, heat rushing to your cheeks. You got distracted by his words, too busy calming the butterflies in your stomach to notice him reaching for the knife. It scraped against the wood as he lifted it, startling you back to the present. 
"No!" Your hands reached out to hold his wrist, untangling the knife from between his fingers and safely depositing it back on the wooden board. 
He looked at you, eyebrows raised and his mouth forming a surprised 'o'. "Baby?" 
He had seemed so excited to cook for you; you almost gave in and left him to do as he pleased. But then you remembered the last time he wanted to make you a meal, having to evacuate his apartment as smoke took over the rooms; he had to buy a new stovetop. And the time he decided it would be a great idea to use the biggest knife he could find to chop an apple and had to get seven stitches. Moral of the story: Choi San should not be allowed in the kitchen. 
"Let's just order in." You wrapped your arms around one of his, feeling his biceps flex against your chest. 
His bottom lip jutted out, eyebrows drawing in. "But I want to cook for you. I even asked your mum for the recipe." 
Your heart clenched so hard at the visual of San putting his phone on speaker to write down the recipe your mother was dictating to him, his tongue poking out the corner of his lips in concentration. You almost doubled over simply imagining it. Looking up at him, your heart did that funny thing again as you met his sulky expression – eyes staring off to the side, wrinkles between his eyebrows, fiddling his fingers where they sat on the island. You wanted to kiss his pout away but held yourself back – you didn't want to start a cycle of germ-sharing (again). Deciding to spare him from the harsh truth – that his cooking might send you to the afterlife before any virus could – you tell a little, white lie.
"But I reeaaally want tteokbokki," you mirror his pouty lips, tugging at his arm. "I haven't craved anything in days, Sannie, pleease?" 
You smiled to yourself, sitting on the couch, huddled between three different blankets, pillows surrounding you from every direction. San shut the front door, carrying the bag of takeout into the living room and setting it on the table in front of you. 
"Okay! Let's eat." He rubbed his palms together, untying the plastic bag and taking the containers out.
He sat on the table in front of you, breaking apart the chopsticks and balancing the container on his knees. Scooping up a rice cake, he rolled it in the sauce and brought it to your lips. "Open up." 
He looked overjoyed, like a puppy who finally got to go on a walk after having to wait all night for his owners to wake up. You did as he said, biting on the chewy rice cake, sighing as you swallowed, warmth spreading through you.
"Sannie, come sit next to me," you patted the cushion next to you, tugging on his sleeve from where you were, drowning between the fleece blankets he had wrapped you in. 
"But I want to feed you!" He complained, already working on grabbing more food with the chopsticks, stuffing it in your mouth before you could argue.
"Fine," you pouted as you chewed. "But you should eat too," you spoke, words muffled as San continued to shovel tteokbokki into your mouth. 
He only smiled, grabbing his own chopsticks and taking a bite from his portion, turning back around to feed you like God himself had ordered him to. 
"Shlow down-" You sucked in desperate breaths through the food blocking your airway, almost choking, San rubbing your back until you swallowed it down. You smacked his arm and he yelped, rubbing over his bicep. "I can't breath through my nose, are you trying to kill me?"
He muttered a quiet sorry, but the restrained smile on his lips, threatening to erupt into a whole-hearted grin, made you believe otherwise – that he wasn’t as sorry as he had claimed to be. But you couldn't be mad at him, secretly enjoying all the attention he was so generously giving you, not allowing you to lift a finger, showering you with his never-ending love. How could you ever complain? 
After San finished feeding you your portion of tteokbokki – and half of his – you finally managed to pull him onto the couch with you. His arms circled around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest. The Greatest Showman played on the TV across from you, and you settled on listening to San’s soft voice as he hummed along to the songs, his chest vibrating against your temple. His fingers ran through your now-dry hair, the back of your neck tingling at his ministrations.
Your eyes began to droop as the credits rolled in, blinking quickly to stop yourself from falling asleep. San twisted his neck to peek at you, trying his best to remain still in case you had fallen asleep. He breathed out a laugh through his nostrils, squeezing your shoulder and effectively pushing you closer into his chest. 
“Does my darling want to sleep?”
You hummed, nuzzling your face into his neck, the skin warm against the tip of your nose. "Just want to cuddle," you slurred.
San's smile threatened to split his face in half. “Not that I’m not enjoying being your pillow, but I think we’d be more comfortable in bed.” He poked at your sides, making you squirm in his arms.
“Shhh, you’re hurting my head,” your fingers pawed at his face, trying to manually shut his lips, only to be met with his toothy smile.
Your hand dropped onto the shoulder opposite to the one your head rested on, eyelids falling shut despite your attempts at fighting your drowsiness. Inhaling the soft scent of bergamot diffusing off San’s skin, his fingers never ceasing their ministrations in your hair, you felt yourself slip into much-needed slumber, the fatigue encircling your body fading away as you lay within San’s embrace.
San felt as your body slumped against his, the steady rise and fall of your chest. He unfurled his fingers from your soft locks, wrapping his arm around your middle-back. With the other secured behind your knees, he rose to his feet, cradling you against his body and making his way to your bedroom. He made the fatal mistake of looking down at your resting face, noticing the smudge of tteokbokki at the corner of your parted lips, soft puffs of air blowing against the cotton of his shirt. He stood there, head tilted back with his eyes squeezed shut, holding himself back from smothering your face with kisses.  
You were so cute.
San forced himself to move, walking into your room and setting you down on the mattress. He pulled out a wet wipe from your drawer, wiping the remnants of your dinner from your lips, his eye twitching as he stopped himself from placing a kiss against the plush of your lips. Climbing into bed with you, he moved you into his arms again, wrapping you up in his warmth and pressing his lips against your forehead. San relished the feeling of the warm puffs of air against his neck, inhaling the floral scent of your shampoo while sleep tugged at his eyelids. He held you tightly, nuzzling his cheek against yours as he felt himself being dragged into slumber, hoping to meet you in his dreams.
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ellejos · 1 year
Hair Hacks
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you cannot save your dead ends and the hair product industry is selling you lies. Get yourself an appointment and cut off the split ends! I'm a long hair girl myself so growing my hair is my ultimate goal, but not for the price of having damaged hair because in my honest opinion: healthy hair > long hair.
Personally I prefer natural colored hair but if you are into hair dye treat yourself (and especially your hair with moisturizing products).
Oiling your hair is key to shiny and healthy hair and you should do it regularly (create your own oil it's so much fun)
for the non curly girls: brush your hair daily but gently
apply a hair mask 2x a week
use gentle hair ties for overnight braids
don't wash your hair with too hot water and rinse with cold water, rice water, etc.
avoid tight hair styles
use heat protection and stop applying to much heat
do scalp massages to stimulate hair growth
use a claw clip instead of hair ties
use sulfate free shampoo only
invest in silk pillow cases (game changer but it took me some time to get used to it)
wash your brushes (could be a major factor for greasy hair)
do not over touch your hair
conditioner only belongs on the ends
use a microfibre towel or old t-shirt to dry your hair after showering
wash your hair 1-3 per week depending on your hair type
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snippychicke · 1 year
NSFW Headcanon: Kalego getting super kinky in the shower with his s/o even though she is too tired to do anything about it <3
I apologize, I do not know how old this is, but here is some 18+ good smut with Kalego. We have oral (fem recieving), edging, slight praise kink, and a not-so-slight breed kink.
Uh, just a reminder, 18+, NSFW, the whole shabang.
You just wanted a hot shower to relax and feel clean before crawling into the soft bed and burrowing under the covers before sleep took you away from reality for an entire eight hours. 
Shortly after stepping into the shower, the spray just the right temp as it fell like a hard rain, you heard the bathroom door creak open. You thought nothing of it as you worked the shampoo into your hair, the scent surrounding you and bringing even more relief. 
You opened your eyes when the shower door opened, letting the heat escape the brief moment it took Kalego to step in behind you. Your protest turned into a moan as his lips pressed against your shoulder, his arms slipping around your waist, nails scratching their way downwards. 
"Mmm, Kalego," You whined as you leaned back into him. "I don't think I have energy right now. If you must, do you think you can wait until I'm finished? I'll let you do whatever you want as long as I can lay down in bed." 
"You don't have to do anything," He promised.as his fangs pricked the soft part of your ear. "I'll do it all so you can just enjoy yourself." 
You presumed that was a yes and started to rinse the shampoo out. Especially as his fingers joined yours, helping to get the suds out. 
But when you reached for the conditioner, Kalego was suddenly knelt on the floor, his lithe body twisting so his hot mouth was against your cunt and your knees were over his shoulders. You yelped as he suddenly stood, easily supporting you as he pressed you against the wall of the shower. 
And then started to feast. 
You gripped his hair as you whined, rolling your hips against him as much as you could. You couldn't even be mad, he was doing the work; teeth and tongue working in tandem between your clit and cunt. 
The demon was far too skilled at playing your body like one of his prized instruments, knowing exactly what to do to have you both sing his praises and cussing his name. His tongue lapping between your folds, prodding your entrance, or teasing that sensitive bud. Fangs pressing and scratching against the tender flesh of your thighs. 
Edging you towards a climax, but never giving you enough to fall from that precipice. 
"Why are you being such a bastard?" You whined as his mouth moved to pressed hot, open mouth kisses to the soft flesh of your inner thigh. 
"Oh? I thought you were enjoying yourself," He claimed lightly, though you knew him far too well to be deceived by the tone of his voice. "Shall I stop then?"
A string of curses fell from your lips. "Don't you dare. You know what I want." 
You could feel his answering smile. "Right. You wanted to lay down, didn't you?" 
Before you could respond, he shifted your body from straddling his shoulders to being thrown over them like a bag of rice. You screeched out of surprise as he deftly shut off the water before marching out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. 
Kalego tossed you onto the bed, barely giving you time to gain your bearings before he was on you. Hands groped your hips and thighs as he peppered your chest with kisses, giving the swollen buds of your nipples extra attention. 
Your fingers went to lace themselves in the wild mess of his hair, only for him to reach up and grab your wrists, pressing them firmly against the plush mattress beneath you. 
"No, darling. You said I could do whatever I wanted as long as you could lay in bed." His dark eyes gleamed as he moved towards your neck, kissing and nipping as you whined. "So I want you to lie there and enjoy yourself." 
You weren't sure if you were being punished with pleasure, or pleasured with punishment, but consented either way. Your fingers gripped the mattress, though you doubted you could refrain from touching him for very long. You loved the feel of his sculpted muscles beneath your fingers, how the subtlety shifted with every movement. Or his hair, usually slicked back and neatly styled, now wild and damp after the shower. 
"Good girl," He praised before his lips finally met yours. You could still taste yourself as his tongue danced with yours. "You're such a good girl for me, you deserve nothing but the best."
You could feel his cock pressing firmly against your groin, and shifted against him as a silent plea. You wanted, you needed him now. "Just ask," He breathed. "Ask and you shall receive." 
"Fuck me already, Kalego," You begged. "Please." 
"As you wish."
The mood shifted as he urged your legs wider, spreading them as wide as you could comfortably manage. He sat back on his heels, obviously enjoying the sight as he stroked himself lazily. "I love it when you're so obedient. Willing to just lay and let me fuck you. Breed you." 
"Damn it," You whined, "quit teasing me."
He grinned wickedly before pulling you down by your hip, roughly entering you with one thrust as he caged you with his body. Your nails dug into the silk bed sheets, your scream caught in your throat as the fast, harsh pace continued. 
He felt so good, his hard cock stretching your walls, making you feel absolutely stuffed. You wanted so badly to dig your nails into his back, to pull him closer. To wrap your legs around his narrow hips and trap him into driving deeper still. 
Yet every time you moved, he'd snarl and nip at your throat. Sharp fangs pressed against your tender skin, just enough pressure to thrill that dark part of you and reinforce your submission to him. 
And when you gave in and forced your legs to relax, his fangs were replaced with his lips, with rough kisses you were sure to leave marks. 
"Such a good girl," He'd praise, his voice roughened with both desire and growing urgency. "My pretty girl. My pretty mate. Allowing me to take you like this. Tell me, daring, do you want me to cum in you? Breed you full with my pups?"
"Please, Kalego, yes!" You begged with a whimper. You wanted to cum. You wanted him to cum. You wanted him to fill you full, to indeed breed you with his children. 
He shifted slightly, one hand grabbing your thigh and pulling you even closer and giving him even more leverage to drive deeper into you. His cock rubbing right against that sweet spot, causing you to go from gasping to screaming as you came. Your body arched as you spasmed around him, his rhythm becoming harsher, less fluid. 
His teeth pressed against your collarbone as he came, a feral growl rumbling from his chest to yours. You were too far lost in the feel of him filling you with cum, the warmth blossoming as you felt so stuffed it was leaking out. 
After a long moment, he kissed the bruised flesh gently, trying to ease any discomfort as he pulled out before laying beside you. 
"I apologize if I was a little too rough there," He spoke, bringing your blissful state of mind back into reality. 
"Do not dare apologize," You swore, though wincing as you shifted onto your side to cuddle against him, laying your head on his muscular chest. Your lower body was in an odd state of pleasure and discomfort, and you were sure the discomfort would only grow if you even thought about getting up to walk. Still… "You know I would have said something if I didn't like it." 
There was a soft smile on his face as he ran his fingers through your hair, undoing the tangles he found. "Do you want another shower, since I stole you away? Or perhaps a bath to help your muscles?"
Both sounded wonderful, but: "I'd rather lay here a few more moments with you."
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yourfuckinangell · 8 months
ok so to all the girls out there who cut their hair like me out of boredom which developed into rage. this post is the girls guide to long, glossy hair
♡ hair oil :
- scalp massager
- oil applicator
- rosemary oil for scalp
- gisou hair oil for ends
♡ shampoo and conditioner suggestions :
- amika normcore
- shea moisture
- l'oreal elvive
- native vanilla
♡ after shower products :
- gisou leave in conditioner
- tangle teezer wet detangler pink
- primark pink microfibre hair towel
♡ hair mask :
- gisou hair mask
- briogeo hair mask
♡ styling :
- drugstore heat protectant
- drugstore hair spray
- l'ange/amazon hairdryer roller brush
♡ maintenance :
- silk/satin sleep bonnet
- homemade rice water and rosemary spray
♡ supplements :
- omega 3
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budsandberries · 7 months
Nourish & Revive: Rice Water Shampoo for Dry, Damaged Hair, and Hair Growth (Paraben & Sulphate-Free) 
Meet your hair's new superhero – Buds and Berries Rice Water Shampoo, the best rice water shampoo out there! It's like a magical elixir made from rice, specifically designed for hair growth. This rice hair shampoo isn't just any shampoo; it's the best one to boost those strands and make your hair happy. If you've been dreaming of longer and healthier hair, this is your go-to product. Think of it as the ultimate hair growth rice water shampoo, your secret weapon for achieving those fabulous locks. Say goodbye to ordinary and hello to the extraordinary with Buds and Berries Rice Water Shampoo! 
Buds and Berries Rice Water Shampoo Benefits: 
Healthy Hair: Revives dull and dry hair, making it healthy again. 
Long-lasting Softness: Provides 120 hours of conditioning, keeping hair soft for an extended period. 
Moisture Retention: Unlike shampoos with sulphates that can dry out hair, this shampoo retains natural oils, preventing dryness, itching, and frizz. 
Increased Volume: Ideal for thin and scanty hair, it boosts volume and promotes hair growth. 
Strength and Protection: Strengthens and nourishes hair, reducing breakage and split ends. 
Silky Finish: Leaves hair silky and smooth. 
Nutrient-Rich Formula: The shampoo is packed with nutrients for deep nourishment. 
So, in a nutshell, it's a shampoo that not only cleans but also nourishes, strengthens, and adds volume to your hair, leaving it soft, silky, and healthy. 
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auckie · 4 months
Ok no actually I wanna hear your Trader Joe’s opinions I’m really into the orange strawberry banana juice, the bruschetta sauce, the cranberry lime juice sparkling water and cinnamon schoolbook cookies
You and I agree on the CLSW (cranlime sparkling), haven’t tried the others but I’ll look into them. The normal lime one is also amazing on its own, as well as a mixer for both alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks. Summer must!
There’s so much shit I’m obsessed with, I’ll try and list the most important ones
English crumpets
Mango kefir
Brown sugar oat creamer
Chocolate oat milk
Simpler wines brand sparkling white canned wine
Chocolate babka
Brioche sliced bread
Danish Kringle
Pinks and whites shortbread cookies
Joe Joe’s gluten free classic Oreo knock off cookie
Madras lentils (boxed kind is good too)
Canned giant baked beans in tomato sauce
The non joes brand oat milk coffee and kombucha but you can get those anywhere
Their candles, two in one grapefruit mint hair wash (I despise two in one products but this one doesn’t foam and is more of a cleansing conditioner I use in between shampoo and regular conditionings), and many other non food items. I’ve bought their towels, seasonal decor (usually those felt garlands), face lotions and oils. Loved all of them. Usually I only restock on the lotion, hand soap, and lavender laundry bags. Their detergent is nice tho, and I’ve also gotten their wool laundry balls but you really only ever gotta buy them like once. They also usually have pretty cute cards at the checkout! I like their cheaper flowers too, but there’s also a lot of very cute seasonal items they carry that I just can’t justify buying bc of price (have you seen their felt sunflowers? So adorable)
Simpler times potato chips
Crispy Crunchy Champignon Mushroom Snack
Fruit leather bars
Dried orange rings
Lox (labeled as smoked salmon iirc)
Both their Tunisian and kalamata olive oil
Vodka sauce
Roasted red pepper and tomato canned soup
Canned vegetable soup
Gone bananas chocolate covered frozen bananas (gone berry crazy strawberries are good too but like a dollar or two more expensive)
Jasmine rice in the frozen isle
Lime popsicles
Steak and stout meat pie
Pastry Bites Feta Cheese & Caramelized Onions
Canned tuna*
*especially with the gluten free microwaveable mac n cheese (I’m not gluten free if you’ve noticed, I literally just prefer some of their gluten free products. Same with the oat milk. I’m not lactose free but I just really like it)
Most of the frozen wontons I’ve tried
Chimichurri rice (goes great with the aforementioned roasted red pepper box soup, and chopped onions, green peppers, and spinach cooked in a wok)
Chicken sausage
Butternut squash gnocchi, iirc the potato gnocchi is good too
Most of their dried pastas
Almond and chocolate filled frozen croissants
The bars of chocolate you find at the check out that come in packs of threes
The weird meat sticks at the checkout too
Frozen hashbrowns
For whatever reason, their frozen green beans and asparagus is so much better than other generic brands I’ve tried
Any of the canned olives but esp the kalamata
Sun dried tomatoes
The produce is okay, a little pricey but they had brown Mexican tomatoes once that fucked hard. The herbs trustworthy too but really where is it not
Any of their chocolate covered nuts
Their fucked up chocolate covered chips, sometimes found in their snack mixes
Peanut butter pretzel snacks
Their dried seaweed isn’t my fav, but it’s not bad. I think it’s overpriced tho but tbf I usually get huuuge, less flavored packs from Costco
Pine nuts but good Gd are they expensive
They have cute, weird heirloom hybrid squashes during the fall a lot too that are pretty tasty
Things I’ve gotten from there that I hated? I didn’t like their orange chicken, ANY of the cereals I’ve gotten from there oddly enough, their pecorino Romano only comes grated and mixed iirc and I didn’t care for it. Some of their beers have made me scowl but also those are all random brands. But their wine (yes, even SHAW. But shoutout to coco bon red blend and blue fin moscato RIP!) has never does me wrong…except for any other flavor of the simpler wines canned ones. I can only do the sparkling white and literally no else I've forced to drink it has liked it! some of their salads have done me wrong. the canned chickpeas and dolmas were off. and some of their pricy juice mixes left me a bit disappointed.
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el1sesstuff · 1 year
Ultimate glow up guide to glow up before school!
(I'll try to put these in sections + I'll also be using these tips my self as well)
To glow up you must have to take care of yourself in these areas physically, emotionally, and mentally so I'll try to help you conquer these things!
What is wonyoungism?
A: it's a term created by Ives fans thats centered on the princess pilates aesthetic. Wonyoungism is all about living a healthy lifestyle, positive mindset, keeping fit, eating healthy, and most importantly self love and loving your self!
1. How to enter your wonyoungism era?
Workout could go to the gym or work out home (I recommend pilates and cardio)
Try to stretch every morning and night
Sleep well at least 8 hours a day
Try to build a skincare routine I recommend finding your skin type and finding products that work for it
Ice your face (makes you look more put together and gives you a refreshed look)
Eat healthy or in small portions
Find a make up routine (if you need it)
Be nice to people around you!! If someone is mean you be nice to them
Drink enough water ik everyone says this but its actually really benifical to glow up cuz it flushes out all the nasty toxins in your body. It makes your skin look brighter and hydrated
2. Glow up mentally
Learn to love your self beacuse if you can't love yourself then who love you?
Try I have an idgaf mindset this is so helpful because if someone disrespects you, you don't care
Walk around w/ confidence
Tell your self affirmations
Try to limit your screen time an the amount of negative things you consume (negative things leads to bad mentality)
Try to put your self first
Have a "I don't chase, I attract mindset" this is by song jia
Find motivational quotes to help you feel good
Spend some time alone! Do the things you love
Journal it gets all your bottled emotions out
Write goals you want to achieve
Work on healing your self
Surround your self w/ positive ppl
Start doing meditation and yoga!
Get LOTS OF SLEEP at least 8hrs per night
Try to connect w/ your religion more
Create a summer playlist!
3. Self care
Pamper your self more
Skincare tips:
Use cold water to help your skin
Wash ur face 1-2 times a day w/ a good cleanser
Rubbing ice on your face
Moisture daily (day and night)
Find your skin type
Gently dry ur face after washing it
Shower tips:
User rice water for shiny an silky hair (not too often)
Cold showers
Use conditioner on tips
Shampoo on roots (bubble it up first)
Let hair naturally dry most of the time blow dry it rarely
Wash your pillows frequently
Smooth skin:
Use lotion Immediately after showering or bathing (surprisingly ppl don't do this ?!!)
Body butter after showering to keep skin extra hydrated
Wear silky types of clothing while sleeping
Shave (don't have to if you dont want to)
Use body scrubs once a week so you don't overly strip your skin of it's natural oils
Use body oils when your skin needs it or every other day
Few other tips:
Take warm baths when you need them especially on long mentally draining days to restore your energy
Don't shower with hot water bc it can really damage your skin
Brush your teeth with toothpaste then w/ water (makes them look whiter
Wash your hands regularly to keep them smooth and clean (moisture them after to keep them soft not hard!
Ware gloves while cleaning and washing dishes because the harsh chemicals can make your hands dry and rough!!
Drink at least 6-8 cups of water per day
Include fruits and veggies in every meal (try to)
Eat healthy fats like; avacadoes, nuts, seeds, fatty fish. These types of foods contain omega-3 which gives your skin a healthy appearance
Whole grains like; quinoa, brown rice, oats, and whole wheat bread. They provide you fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are good for your skins health
Lean proteins like; fish, tofu, beans, and Greek yogurt they can give your hair and skin a healthy look to it
Physically glow up:
Invest into a good skincare routine
Try a new hairstyle this can change up your whole look
Get your nails done
Everything shower (exfoliate, shave, hair mask, ect)
Find new clothes
get a tan (optional)
Dye your hair (optional)
Use a gusha and face roller (it changes up your face shape sm)
Summer bucketlist ideas:
Have picnics w/ ur self or friends
See sunrises and sunsets
Paint or draw
Read new books (I love reading webtoon sm)
Go on a road trip
Have a girls night
Go on walks
Make bracelets
Have a photoshoot
Fashion tips:
Always wear accessories they make you look more put together and they can spice up a boring outfit
Always smell good
Don't pair a baige or black colored cargo pants w/ a bright colored top. Pair it w/ black
Some colors beige goes well with ; brown, black, silver
Always do a nice hairstyle that matches your outfit
To make a skirt look better add leg warmers
Pair the right shoe color with the right outfit or else you'll look less put together
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solomons-poison · 7 months
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Hello Lynn, this is such a cute prompt ahhh 🥰 I don't feel very strong writing for Motonari but wanted to give him some love for you, so I hope you enjoy! I also had to do some research on ancient Japanese haircare products, so if any of it is wrong, just ignore it lol @massivementalitynut
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♖: Having their hair washed by the other
Pairing: Motonari Mouri x GN!reader
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Your relationship with Motonari had been hard-earned, and certainly wasn’t without its difficulties from time to time. You still remembered in the beginning, the way Motonari feared the touch of others including you, wearing his gloves to protect himself. If you so much as took a step towards him, he’d back away immediately, threatening you if you so much as laid a hand on him, regardless of your intentions. It was only with a lot of hard work, reassurances, and patience that he eventually warmed up and you became the exception. Even with that change, you never would have imagined you’d end up where you were now, sitting inside a large round bathtub with Motonari seated in front of you.
He had brought up taking a bath together to relax after a rough day, spend quality time together and get the mood going. Although the suggestion was a little surprising, it sounded like a good idea to the both of you and you accepted. However, you mentioned offhand about maybe helping wash his hair, and the mood shifted. The expression on his face was tense, serious, and although it shouldn't have been, it was a little bit funny. You tried to fight the smile that was tugging at your lips, but of course your sharp-eyed lover could see through it.
"Quit yer gigglin'," he said, pouting at you. "What ideas do you have growin' in that flower garden of yours, huh?"
You tried to calm yourself, taking a deep breath.
"Sorry, I don't mean to laugh," you said. "I just didn't expect you to suggest something like this, or be so serious."
Motonari only hummed, watchful eyes staying on you, especially your hands that were currently in the water. You raised your hands in a surrender-type pose to show him, keeping them on your side.
"If you don't want me to touch your hair, that's okay," you continued, trying to give a reassuring smile. "I know some things are still kind of uncomfortable for you."
Your lover stayed quiet, but you could see it in his carnelian eyes that he was thinking, considering his choices. The fact that he didn't outright turn you down was already an improvement, but on occasion, there were still things he couldn't handle, and you'd never blame him for it. However, he chose to surprise you today, glancing up to make eye contact, pursing his lips before responding.
"Alright, fine, I'll let you touch my hair," he said, serious look still on his face.
You couldn't help the way your eyes widened. "Really?!!" You both winced at your shout, reining yourself back in before continuing. "I mean, are you sure? It's okay to say no."
He only shrugged, before starting to turn in the tub.
"I said it's fine already, didn't I?" he murmured. "And anyway, I hate seein' you pout... If it's too much, I'll tell ya."
A surge of warmth filled your chest, so happy to know he trusted you this much. Although his back was now turned, you could see the stiffness in his shoulders, completely stock still as if cornered by a predator. You knew it was taking a lot of his trust and courage to let you do this, and you were going to do your best to make it good.
You grabbed the products the maids had provided, some camellia oil, a comb, and rice water. It took you ages to get used to not having regular shampoo, but now it was a routine you'd become familiar with.
Motonari flinched for a moment as you first touched his head. You stopped to give him a moment, waiting to see if he'd change his mind. But his shoulders relaxed, and you continued onward. You started by combing through your lover's hair, pouring a small bit of rice water in as you worked out any tangles. You worked in more of the water, keeping an eye on his reactions.
You moved on to using your fingers to massage it in. Once again, Motonari stiffened up, but he stayed silent, eventually relaxing once more.
"Are you still doing okay?" you asked softly. Motonari wasn't one to hold back his opinions with you, but you wanted to be sure he wasn't hiding his discomfort.
His head turned a little to glance back at you, one red eye coming into view.
"Yeah, I'm fine... Feels kinda good, actually," he said, his voice dropped off on the latter statement and making it hard to hear. But you still managed to make out what he said, happiness filling your chest. You chose not to comment, continuing on with camellia oil and remainder of the rice water until his hair was smooth and soft, ending with a rinse.
"There, we're all done. How was it?" you asked eagerly, as Motonari turned around in the tub to face you again. His face took on a bashful look, but he put on a haughty voice.
"Yeah, I guess it wasn't too bad. I think I'd be okay if, you know, you wanted to do it again sometime." You couldn't help the smile that grew on your face, only making his face twist in response. "And get that smile off yer face, or I'll have to do something about it."
He leaned forward, using one hand to cup the back of your head and draw you towards him. His lips instantly captured yours in an intense kiss, and if you weren't already sitting down, you're sure your knees would have buckled. Just as you were fighting for breath, he drew back, though not before nipping at your lower lip, the action filling you with heat. Between the heat of the bath and the heat of his kiss, your head was practically spinning, making it hard to understand his next words.
"Now, turn around. You're next."
"For what?" You asked, trying to pull yourself together. Motonari only smiled, a devilish look on his face, although his eyes showed the true softness he was really feeling.
"It's my turn to take care of you."
Your heart thumped heavily, feeling your cheeks heat up. This man was really going to be the death of you.
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strangesickness · 4 months
more losers swimming au richie headcanons...
richie's back is so fucked up. he's been swimming since he was seven and he's been a butterflyer since he was ten and you can see it in his posture.
the muscles in his shoulders are horrifically tight to the point that sometimes just touching his shoulders can cause him pain
he's pretty used to it though and he isn't typically even aware he's in pain. ben will remind him to straighten out his shoulders and ask him if his back is sore and he'll be like. oh wait. yeah you're right it does hurt.
he frequently bothers his friends into giving him massages. they'll be watching TV and he'll sit down on the floor in front of their legs and just whine until they give in lol
none of them know how to do massages though lol
he loves cracking his back when he's with eddie or stan. he'll just randomly twist where he's sitting and his back will make a horrible rice krispies noise and they'll be horrified and disgusted.
if he wants eddie to pay attention to him he'll just crack his back and eddie will whip around like "WAS THAT YOUR FUCKING BACK?????"
richie hates having wet hair. he loves getting his hair wet, that part is great, but being out of the water and having wet hair is one of the worst things in the entire world to him. but he starts putting it in a bun when it gets longer so it'll fit under his swim cap and having it up in a bun makes it not that bad
while we're on this actually, when richie started swimming he had short hair and could easily put his swim cap on, but when it got longer he couldn't figure out how to get his hair to stay in his cap so he had to get his friends to cap him <3333
OH ACTUALLY! okay um this is kind of hard to describe but theres this thing where person A will be in the water and person B will be standing on deck and person B flips a swim cap inside out and fills it with water and then drops it on person A's head and if the stars align it'll flip back to the way it's supposed to be AND be on person A's head (they do it at the 1:10 mark in this video if you're curious). so anyways, richie loves doing this to eddie. eddie will train without a cap since his hair is short and richie loves dropping a cap on his head when he's not looking. 99% of the time it doesn't work because eddie will notice him and spin around to see him and then it like falls off the side of his face. but like. that's also funny so.
richie always always smells like chlorine. like most swimmers smell like chlorine, but it just sticks to him more than others for some reason. it's way stronger on him than most people. he has had multiple people ask him "why do you smell like chlorine" when he's sitting next to them at school.
he loves the smell of chlorine though so it doesn't bother him lol
once he gets his license he's always bringing food to practices. it'll be like 9pm after practice and him and the rest of the losers are hanging out in the dark on the floor of the activity centre they train at eating donuts richie picked up
when he's younger his hair is awful, if you rub it between your fingers it'll make a sandpapery sound. but then when he's older and growing it out he starts buying fancy swimmer shampoo/conditioner and it makes his hair so nice lol. all of the losers are horribly offended that he has such good hair as a swimmer.
ACTUALLY. i know this is a richie post but. blonde hair eddie agenda... the chlorine lowkey bleached his hair and now at the wrong angle it looks green. he is deeply offended by this, especially since none of the other losers are suffering as he is.
richie's skin is so dry oh my god. he breaks out during the off season because his skin is naturally oily, but then he has the opposite problem during the swim season because his skin dries out so bad and it clears his acne but also his skin is so cracked and dry lol
a lot of swimmers have perpetual knee bruises that almost look faded? from getting out of the pool and banging their knees on the edge so frequently, but i think richie just bruises easily so his are not faded at all and he just constantly has very purple and green bruises on his knees from the pool.
big shouldered richie my beloved... he has massive swimmer shoulders and his wingspan is huge. eddie is normal about this.
richie helps coach the little kids at the club and he loves getting to shout (kindly, swimming pools are just loud) out instructions and the kids love him because he's always willing to get in the water and he plays games and tells jokes when they're waiting forever for their race at swim meets.
he is number one running hater, he hates it so bad and he thinks it's cruel and unusual, he has thrown up before after running stairs and it was awful and terrible. he considers ben and eddie to be traitors of the highest order for not only being good at running but liking it.
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bihansthot · 11 months
On a serious note, I need to know how long Bi-Han’s hair is. Like please Boon, show me. What am I supposed to be imagining holding onto and tugging? Shoulder length? Shoulder blade length? All the way to his waist? I don’t think Boon understands how important this is. Also what’s the texture like? Does he take good care of his hair? Does he use one of those trendy rice water shampoo soaps? Does he use body soap? What does it smell like? Is it like him and snowy and slightly piney? Is it lightly floral with notes of jasmine? Is it softy and silky? Is is coarse and thick? I can’t stop thinking about this. I was not prepared for Bi-Han to have long hair and I was not prepared to be this obsessed with it being long.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
My Haircare Routine
Brush every day with the Crown Affair No. 3 brush (at least 2-3 times a day from root to tip)
Shampoo and condition my hair daily with the Aussie Miracle Moist Shampoo & Conditioner with Avocado & Jojoba Oil (shampoo only on the scalp and conditioner only from the section from the bottom of the ear lobes to the ends)
Comb through wet hair with the Act + Acre Detangling Comb, apply Don't Despair, Repair! Split End Repair + Moisturizing Leave-In Conditioner, and wrap it in the Crown Affair The Towel to dry for around 10 minutes
Apply the Briogeo Farewell Frizz Blow Dry Perfection Heat Protectant Cream on the ponytail portion of my hair, and blow dry it with a Conair 1875 Watt Hair Dryer and the Dry Bar Full Pint Medium Ceramic Thermal Round Hair Brush 
Finish the blowout by brushing my hair through with the Crown Affair No. 3 brush and Bumble & Bumble Hairdresser’s Invisible Oil UV Protective Dry Oil Finishing Spray
Haircare Extras:
IGK FIRST CLASS Charcoal Detox Dry Shampoo works wonders for times my hair needs a pick-me-up or I don't have the time to wash it
I use Briogeo Don't Despair Repair Rice Water Protein + Moisture Strengthening Treatment and R + Co Hair Mask 1-2 times a month (usually in the winter/dry or cold months more often, please follow the directions if you try the treatment!)
In the summer, I'll sometimes use the R + Co Mood Swing Straightening Spray before blowdrying to prevent frizziness or random wavy pieces from ruining the sleek look
These hair ties from Amazon are my holy grail (only $7 for 100 hair ties!), and they come in a portable ziplock bag
if your hair is in major need of some TLC from itchy scalp or build-up, the Act + Acre BHA Salicylic Acid Scalp Exfoliator is the perfect reset to recover from using incompatible products on your hair or recovering from extreme weather conditions, styling, or coloring
For reference: I have thick, mostly straight, and untreated (not colored, all natural) hair. I get my hair cut around 3 times a year with long layers down to around 1-2 inches below my shoulders with face-framing layers. My stylist says that my hair is always in perfect condition with no split ends in-between visits, so this routine plus a healthy, plant-based diet seems to be doing the trick!
Hope this helps xx
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n0tananimegirl · 1 year
skts || Come away with me and I'll never stop loving you
Atsumu let out a deep sigh as the door clicked shut behind him. His eyes fall closed and he leaned against the wood, giving himself a moment to relax. 
He was exhausted.
Today was supposed to be his day off. With no practice, sponsorship photo shoots, or matches, Atsumu expected to spend time with his boyfriend at home.
But Osamu needed his help at the shop. He had nearly all his staff call in for various reasons leaving only the owner to handle the lunch and dinner rushes. Of course, Atsumu would go when Samu called for him. He had a hard time saying no to his twin after all.
So instead of spending the day doing nothing with Omi, he had spent it taking orders, cleaning off tables, and forming rice balls.
He scrunched his nose knowing the scent of food clung to him unpleasantly. There was no way his Omi would come near him with a ten-foot pole in this state. He desperately needed a shower.
Toeing off his shoes without moving from his spot, Atsumu called out a tired, “I’m home.” in greeting. 
He opened his eyes to see Omi standing in front of him, concern written on his face. 
Atsumu smiled softly “Hey love.” 
“Are you okay?” Kiyoomi questioned taking a step closer.
Atsumu held a hand up to stop him from getting too close but immediately regretted it seeing the hurt flash in those pretty, dark eyes. He winced slightly “Sorry Omi, I just reek of food right now, not pleasant. I’ll hug ya after I get a shower.”
Kiyoomi rolled his eyes and stepped forward anyway, pulling the blond into his arms. Atsumu immediately melted at the gesture “I don’t care what you smell like, well I do, but not right now.” He chuckled pressing a kiss into Atsu’s hair “I missed you.”
“I’m so fuckin tired Omi.” He bemoaned into his neck “I missed ya too by the way.” 
Kiyoomi hummed and pressed another kiss to his temple “I know sweetheart but I have a surprise for you.” 
Atsumu noticeably perks up “Ya do?”
“Mhmm. First, let’s shower okay? You do stink.” He grinned, pulling away from his boyfriend. 
“Omiiiiii” The blond whined but allowed himself to be led further into their shared apartment. Immediately, he noticed the dim lights and the candles that littered the room.
 “Omi?” He questioned peering up at his boyfriend. Kiyoomi ignored him and continued pulling him toward the bathroom. To his surprise, also lit with candles.
Once inside Kiyoomi brought him into deep kiss making his head spin. “I wanted to do something to help you relax, I know you worked hard with your brother and figured you’d be exhausted at the end of the day.” He said after pulling away from Atsumu’s lips. His thumb brushed across his cheek lovingly “Will you let me pamper you a bit baby?” 
“Yeah.” Atsumu responded breathlessly “Ya can pamper me, Omi.”
The smell of lavender and eucalyptus filled the air as Kiyoomi slowly removed Atsumu’s clothes. He placed a kiss on each newly exposed part of his body. Lips trailed from his neck, over the top of his shoulders, and down his back. Atsumu sighed happily letting Kiyoomi continue his ministrations. Once fully undressed Kiyoomi turned on the shower, cranking it to a hotter temperature.
He gestured for Atsumu to enter first and followed behind him, crowding the setter and wrapping his arms around golden tan shoulders. The water rained on them soaking their hair and bodies.
Atsumu laid his head against Kiyoomi’s shoulder and shut his eyes, feeling the exhaustion from the day wash off him, while his lover trailed kisses up and down his neck. “Let me wash your hair, baby,” Kiyoomi murmured, mouth pressed onto his nape.
“Okay, Omi.” Atsumu leaned forward while Kiyoomi reached around him to grab his boyfriend’s purple shampoo that he insists on always using. Long fingers scrubbed the shampoo into platinum hair, Atsumu let out a groan as Kiyoomi’s nails scratched into his head.
He continued his massage for god knows how long, Atsumu was merely enjoying having Kiyoomi’s hands on him. “Time to rinse, beautiful.” Kiyoomi’s deep voice says into his ear. Atsumu pouted slightly but did as he was told and ducked his head under the water.
Kiyoomi repeated the action when it came time to condition Atsumu’s hair. While the blond was rinsing his hair off again, Kiyoomi began his hair routine, smiling softly as Atsumu watched him with wide golden eyes.
The curly-haired man spent the most time lathering Atsumu in lavender body wash. His hands were strong yet gentle against each curve and bump of his muscular body. Kiyoomi handled Atsumu not as the fit athlete he was but as something more fragile; something precious.
Although to Kiyoomi, Atsumu was something precious. 
“You’re perfect, baby.” He whispered holding Atsumu closer to his body, loving how they molded perfectly together. As if they were meant to be.
They stayed under the water a little longer until Atsumu’s stomach began to growl. Kiyoomi snickered at his pink cheeks and helped him out of the shower. Atsumu was well-dried and dressed in black boxers and Kiyoomi’s Black Jackals hoodie (something he loved to steal often)
Kiyoomi ordered Atsumu to sit at their dining table while he retrieved their dinner “Ya cooked dinner, Omi?!” He asked incredulously. Usually, Atsumu would be the one to make dinner for them; Kiyoomi was usually hopeless in the kitchen.
"I did my best," Kiyoomi admitted, a blush high on his cheeks, "Osamu sent me a recipe with fatty tuna in it. I figured it would be something you'd want to eat when you got home." 
“Omi.” He breathed out, touched that Kiyoomi made that kind of effort, even going as far as to make his favorite food. “I hope it’s okay.” A soft kiss was pressed to his forehead.
Atsumu lifted a hand to cupped Kiyoomi’s cheek, admiring porcelain skin and dark eyes “I’m sure it’s amazing Omi.” 
Kiyoomi smiled and turned his head to kiss the palm cupping his cheek “Eat up baby.”
The couple enjoyed their meal together. Kiyoomi recounted his day and the chores he got done while Atsumu told stories of his time at the stop and how Osamu worked him like a pack mule. Through his boyfriend's grumbling, Kiyoomi could see how happy Atsumu was to spend time with his twin, even if it meant having to work on his day off. 
At the end of dinner, both men entered the kitchen to put their dishes in the sink. Before Atsumu could begin washing them, Kiyoomi was pulling him into his arms and swaying them gently.
“Omi?” Atsumu’s startled laugh made a smile grow on Kiyoomi’s face “What about the di-“ 
“Don’t worry about it Atsu.” His boyfriend murmurs, tightening his grip around his waist. 
“I’ll take care of it later baby, let me dance with the love of my life okay?” Kiyoomi expressed, bringing a hand up to cup his face, staring at Atsumu as if he was the most beautiful thing in the world. 
“Okay, okay. Sorry.” Atsumu relented, finally relaxing in his arms.
They continued to sway to an unknown rhythm until he felt Kiyoomi shift and suddenly the soft sound of music began to play. The blond smiled into his boyfriend’s chest hearing the song choice. They danced together in their kitchen as each song played after another.
“Thank ya for this Omi,” Atsumu spoke lowly. keeping his head resting on Kiyoomi, a happy smile stretched across his face.
 “Of course Atsu. You deserve this and more. I’m just glad I get to be the one who gets to spoil you like this.” Kiyoomi pulled back to brush Atsumu’s hair away from his face before leaning in to kiss him softly “I love you, baby. I’d do anything for you, on your best days and your worst.”
Atsumu felt tears well in his eyes at the confession. No matter how many years they’ve spent together hearing his Omi tell him how much he loved him never failed to make him emotional. 
“I love ya too Omi, more than anything in the world.” 
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