#rice paper omelette
taintedpastries · 4 months
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
19. “I’m pregnant.” -samatoki- gentaro- ramuda🍭
# tags: scenario; current marriage relationship; romance; huge fluff; pregnancy; mention of pimples; kisses; soft!samatoki; sfw
includes: female reader ft. samatoki aohitsugi {hypmic}
author’s note: again! i choose the first person. thank you :D
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19. “I’m pregnant.”
Two red lines on a tiny pregnancy test brought tears to your both eyes; you didn’t know yet whether they were tears of happiness or insecurity, but you felt strange; completely different, maybe a little too carefree. You wiped your reddened eyelids and puffy cheeks by hand, blew your nose on a piece of toilet paper, then put the test into your back pocket. You washed your hands, looking at your face all the time, noticing two pimples on your forehead and chin. You knew perfectly well that mental and physical changes during pregnancy would be bigger and more visible – sometimes pleasant, sometimes irritating and painful. The pimples were nothing invasive so far, but you felt sad.
With a different face, a visible tummy, much more weight, morning sickness and mood swings, will you still be charming, attractive, sweet and beautiful to your husband? Will you still be desired by him, will he still love you and appreciate your little and big things? Strange thoughts lingered in your mind for the rest of the day; you thought about your relationship while eating dinner alone, while watching an American movie on Netflix, during your night routine and long bath, and while making meal for you and Samatoki. The man should be here in less than a quarter of an hour – at least that’s what he wrote in the message to you.
You set out on two trays a bowl of warm soup, a bowl of white rice, a small plate of pickled cucumbers, seaweed salad, egg omelettes with peas, a few side dishes of fresh vegetables and hot tea in your favorite mugs. A typical Japanese supper was your daily routine, your intimate moment and time for quiet conversation. With the last element placed on the table, your beloved entered the apartment. As usual, he smelled of cigarette smoke, heavy perfume, the dampness and smog of the city. You flinched slightly at the smell, covering your mouth with your dominant hand. The other landed on your stomach.
“Baby?” Before you could say ‘Hi’, you ran to the bathroom. Another dose of nausea attacked your body, and you bent over the toilet, emptying your stomach. Samatoki ran up to you moments later, stroking your back and whispering in your ear that everything would be fine and that you were very brave. You wiped your mouth with a piece of soft toilet paper, then looked at your partner.
“I’m pregnant.” You whispered, closing your eyes and waiting for any scream or anger from him. Nothing of the sort happened though, and instead the white-haired man kissed you on your slightly sweaty forehead, smiling slightly.
“Well, not surprising. We’ve had unprotected sex for over a month.” He chuckled and you only blushed even more. “Did you call to the doctor?”
“N-No... Not yet...” You muttered, and then another wave of dizziness hit you – this time with redoubled force. Samatoki stroked your neck until you felt better, then carried you to bed for a while and fed you with warm soup.
He seemed indifferent to the information about the child, although by the end of the evening you could see him looking at you with love in his eyes. You’ve also seen him smiling sweetly from time to time as he browses the internet and sites about parenting, kids and pregnancy.
And then, just before going to bed, he threw an almost full box of cigarettes into the trash.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
1 step to make your omelettes better & crispier:
Put dry rice paper wrapper (bánh tráng) in pan, follow your favorite omelette recipe on top of it, fold when ready
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kashmirichaiwithmehr · 9 months
Trying to get used to expanding my cooking skills, so is there a recipe you love that I should try???
(Ps. Hope you feel better soon 💜)
hmmmm im ngl i only cook breakfast like i dont rly cook in my house, but if you like eggs i have TONSSSS of recipes ive perfected hehe
these days ive been making rice paper omelettes (i keep seeing vids of them so i decided to try myself):
i put one piece of dry rice paper on a clean non-stick pan (med-low heat)
then i pour a little sesame oil on top, crack an egg on top of that, use a fork or chopsticks to whisk it around, and let it cook for like a minute
then i add some kimchi, shredded mozzarella, kewpie mayo, black pepper, and green onions and fold it in half
let it cook a bit, flip and let cook a lil more, and serve purrrr
its so simple and easy to make but also soooo yummy
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umbralsound-xiv · 1 year
Patience And Pastry.
Sayuri was with Bexy, and so... The thought to make her a rolanberry tart for when they got home settled in my thoughts... ...I had been given the recipe. It was... Quiet, down here, so...
Mahi'a Tehrfel takes a softer approach to the stairs than usual, stopping halfway down the first set to lean over the bannister and look across into the dining area and the kitchen. They carefully balance there, remaining as quiet as possible to take in the sight.
Eir Fellfrost leans halfway over the oven, a small slip of paper in hand which he reads with some concentration. His clothes are peppered in flour, a faint trail of which leads to the counter, where a lump of pastry had been rolled into a ball. He hesitates at the sound of faint footsteps, and upon pausing for a while, seems to go back to his reading; seemingly thinking it a trick of the mind.
Mahi'a Tehrfel spends a few long moments in the silence, looking over at Eir and searching for any others in the room. When it appears to be calm they continue on down the rest of the stairs, not quite making it towards the kitchen before they speak up. "Hi, Eir! What are you making? Not rice again, I hope, there's no one around to eat it all."
Eir Fellfrost immediately jerks his head around his shoulder; suppose he'd expected someone at some point, though the nature of his reaction speaks of his alarm. Wide-eyed and silent, Eir looks about poised to run… Until Mahi'a's familiar face stops him in his tracks. A slow, quiet exhale is all that is given at first, eventually speaking. "M-mahi'a…?" He begins, voice cracking where he'd not quite wanted it to. "I-- R-rolanberry tart…" Eir begins, a little unsure. He does, however, move a little closer to the edge of the kitchen.
How long... How long was it since i had seen them last? I... It was before... Before they... ...They made me an omelette, but... I never got to see them, then.
Mahi'a Tehrfel tries to stay as still as possible where they'd ended up, hands initially clasped behind their back. They smile once they receive his attention, even if it is initially startled, eventually raising a hand to wave their fingers at him in greeting. "Yes! That sounds good. Do you need any help? Please say yes, I'm sure I can do… something to help!"
Eir Fellfrost: "I… I…" He swallows, wavering to look over his shoulder, and back. "…I would not mind help slicing the r-rolanberries. There are… So many of them…" He trails, looking to the lofty punnet atop the icebox. "…Have you e-ever made this, before?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Never!" Mahi'a announces, brightly. "I'm sure I can figure it out. Slicing rolanberries, how hard can it be?" With their confidence in tow they wander over towards the kitchen, first smiling to Eir before following the look he'd taken to the punnet. "I know it has pastry, that seems difficult to make. Everyone always complains about making pastry."
Eir Fellfrost: "…I h-have made it… Some few times. In Thavnair…" He trails. "B-but that part is done. The oven is warming… I have w-washed them, and now, they are t-to be cut into thin slices." As Mahi'a draws closer, Eir smiles; but his gaze flees away to the workspace. "…I-it is for Bexy. As a… Thank you."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Thin slices, okay! I can manage that. Are we cutting -all- of the rolanberries? Just in case I get carried away with a knife," Mahi'a adds with a couple of nods. "It's a very sweet idea! She will love it. Thankfully I didn't see her upstairs, your secret is safe for now." They move along further, intent on looking closely into the punnet for themselves.
Eir Fellfrost: "Y-yes. Well… P-perhaps save a few? For the top, as… Decoration." Eir nods, offering a faint smile. "N-no, she is… Out with Sayuri. So i thought to… Cook? Or… Bake." Eir gives a longer pause as he wanders back, a little slower than his usual gait. "H-how… Have you been?" He asks, reaching to take the punnet and an empty bowl to hold the slices. He eyes the knife he'd set aside, but doesn't move for it.
...I do not know how people have been in my... Absence. It should not affect so much, i do not think. I have friends, yes, but...
Mahi'a Tehrfel takes a look over the rolanberries curiously, turning on the spot to follow their path along with Eir. "Oh, right, decoration," they agree with another nod. "I'm alright! I've been - uh. Alright! Well, not really, it's been very stressful. But that's gone now! I'm just glad to see you."
Eir Fellfrost pulls his lips to a frown, looking over Mahi'a. It's clear he's already trying not to cry, instead focusing his attention on the fruit in front of him. "T-the omelette was… Very nice, t-the other sun…"
Mahi'a Tehrfel hesitates, giving a short, nervous laugh. "That - I'm glad! I've been practicing, you know? There's so many things you can put in omelettes! I don't know why people don't eat them all the time…" they go on quickly. "I just figured you both might want something to eat."
Eir Fellfrost: "…We did. Food was… It… H-has not been…" He trails, and allows it to end there, inching a little closer. A new scar is visible on his right arm that runs along almost the full length of it, ending between two fingers. "…I have not eaten them o-often. But it was… It was n-nice." He nods, agreeing. "And you. You are… O-okay now?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel nods a little, not minding if his explanation was finished or not. "That's a relief! I will have to try more, I can only get better, right? I'll be a master of making omelettes, just you wait!" they profess with a grin. "Yes! I'm alright. Everyone is home, nothing else could ever be the matter."
Eir Fellfrost wilts a little unneasily, nodding. Though part of him doesn't quite agree. "I w-will be happy to eat them." He stalls, considering. "Wh-what is… Your favorite thing to eat, Mahi'a…?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel pauses for a moment or so in thought. "That's a difficult question," they say, moving a -little- closer to pick up one of the rolanberries. "I think it changes a lot. I like spicy food! Just in general. The noodles Aethwyn makes for me sometimes are very nice, though I don't know if that's the noodles or the soup. Broth?"
Eir Fellfrost: "…Broth. M-most likely. I remember. From when S-sayuri and i were in the east." He takes a rolanberry, and using one of the knives, plucks out the stem and begins to slice them with unsteady hands. "M-maybe i… Will learn to make th-that next? As… A th-thank you, to you…?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Right! That part is very good. It's soup adjacent," they determine. They look over the rolanberry in hand before taking a small look around, finding themselves a knife to help as they'd initially intended. They do take a second to observe Eir, copying how he slices the fruit for the most part. "That would be lovely! Could I help with that too? Or is that against the point?"
...It sounds nice. To... To make something together. Learning. Cooking. Better to keep my thoughts busy rather than let them run idle. Of course, there are many nice things to think of, but... ...There are a lot of horrors, too.
Eir Fellfrost: "I… I-would like help." Eir speaks in a quiet voice, wide eyed and a little hestant. He takes a step closer to Mahi'a. "…I w-would like your company. I… M-missed it. I still have a bedtime story to read to y-you. And a s-stuffed animal to find." He gives the most fleeting of smiles, dipping his head to a nod, looking to Mahi'a.
Mahi'a Tehrfel blinks, then lets out a soft laugh. "Yes! The bedtime story, that's true. I've been looking forward to it! I also -really- want to see what stuffed animal you pick…" They mull over that thought for a second, laying aside the slices of rolanberry. "I've missed you a lot. It's not the same without you around! Every time I came down here I expected to see you by the oven, or eating with Sayuri…"
Eir Fellfrost: "I… Would h-have liked to have been…" He nods, a little unsteady for it. "B-but i am here now, h-hm? I… I am no chef. But there is a… C-comfort to cooking… Especially for my f-friends." Eir dares another smile, brightened by Mahi'a's presence. "…I… M-missed being home. But it is… Good, to be back."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "You're basically a chef! All of the food you've made is wonderful. The food I have tried, anyway!" Mahi'a announces. "You are a wonderful friend for that and more! See, this is even more of a reason why I need to learn more. I can make so many things for you in return! I… might have to test them a few times first, though!" To that thought they nod, then their expression softens. "It's very good to have you back."
Eir Fellfrost: "Well, i have h-had… Many, m-many cycles of practise." Eir pauses. "-Many- cycles. But if you ever cook for me… I would not say no to eating it." Sighing, a little more at ease, he continues to slice through the rolanberries, one after another. "…O-only because people came to h-help. You… Were one of th-them, yes?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel beams at him. "A little bit more than me! I still might test it, I don't want to make you sick! I have done that to myself before. Meat is a scary thing to cook," they say, making a face at the thought before smiling again. They continue helping with the rolanberries, getting into more of a rythym with slicing them. "Yeah! I saw you, briefly. But Neoma got you away, that was the biggest relief."
Eir Fellfrost: "W-we had to… G-get away." He slices more of the rolanberries, setting them in the bowl when done, a small pile of stalks amassing between them. "Vex. B-bexy says… She will look for her. I… I hope they find her. That she makes it out." The hesitance brings him to a standstill, then. "Did… D-did they hurt you, Mahi'a…?"
...I know Mahi'a helped. Helped to bring me back. I... Do not know if they were hurt for it, but... ...The guilt, if they were, i... ...I already feel guilty enough.
Mahi'a Tehrfel's expression falls into a frown, a little hesitation before they lower their head in a nod. "Vex, yes. She's nice, she spoke to me a bit… a couple of times. I thought she would come out when we were there, but…" they trail off, a small shrug of their shoulders. "They didn't - I mean, I got into a fight, so a little hurt! But that's how it goes. I'm okay!"
Eir Fellfrost: "…She… Risked herself. To… To get us out. I.. H-hope she is… Still alive…" The guilt is more than evident in Eir's features, but he takes a deep breath to steel himself. "…B-but you are okay." Eir confirms. He picks his gaze up enough to look Mahi'a over a little more properly, then. "Y-you… Met her too?"
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Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Me too," Mahi'a agrees quietly. They give him another smile, then look down at the berries they're slicing into a… semi-neat pile. "I'm okay!" they confirm, "In one piece! And I did. I was… looking at the places Bexy had hurt their people. She was told to go and investigate, and we came across each other! Then I saw her again later with another of them."
Eir Fellfrost: "…She.. I-is not well liked b-by them. But Bexy says… Says she will get h-her back. I believe her." He slices carefully with a knife; there's still rolanberries left, but Eir moves for the pastry, now. "I… W-want to thank people… S-somehow. I… Cannot dance, or run, o-or… So… I cannot go s-so many places. So… Cooking w-will have to do."
Mahi'a Tehrfel hums quietly in agreement. "I bet she's not. She tries to fight with them, argues… as much as she can do," they say with a sigh. "I hope Bexy does. I will try to help, if she lets me." They watch him move away, then look back at the rolanberries, reaching over to carefully push away a small group of them, saved for the decoration Eir had mentioned. "Well, let me help when you do all of this! All the silly little things, even if I can't make most of it. I can cut things up! And… Mix things? Whatever is needed that will make it less work!"
Eir Fellfrost moves to gather the rest of the instructions. "N-now… We bake the base. A-and… Use cream to fill the bottom of it, when it i-is done. I… Am o-only following instructions." At the mention of Mahi'a helping, Eir's expression shifts to one of alarm, to one of fear. "H-help? You… You are… G-going to help…?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel they slowly nod along, imagining the steps as they are said. Simple enough. Their mouth opens to ask a question, yet at the sight of Eir's expression they stop, uncertainty flooding them instead. "I - uh. Is that… bad?" they ask after a second of panicked thought.
Eir Fellfrost: "-- N-no. It…" An uncharacteristic whine leaves his parted lips, and he moves to step in and wrap Mahi'a into a hug. "I-- D-do not… Want you to get h-hurt, Mahi'a…"
I--- I--! No. No, i... I cannot ask them not to go. People have to go. To help. Would i, if i was well? If i was... Strong enough, or brave enough to fight? ...I have to stop being so... Selfish...
Mahi'a Tehrfel remains still, their brief panic turning into confusion. There's a couple of seconds where they continue not to move even while being hugged, yet they slowly move to wrap their arms around him in turn. "No one is going to get hurt," they manage shortly afterwards. "Not here. I will make sure of it, everyone else will too."
Eir Fellfrost: "People… Th-they have got hurt enough, y-yes? A-and…" He swallows, steadying himself, but doesn't let go. "I… A-am just… Scared. Y-you are very brave."
Mahi'a Tehrfel tightens their hold on him ever so slightly, holding him in the hug firmly. "They have, but they won't here," they repeat. "It's safe here. Everyone will protect you, Bexy, me…. anyone in the company. They'll all protect each other too. Hopefully… you won't be as afraid after a while. But it's okay that you are. We're here no matter what."
Eir Fellfrost pulls his lips into a line, doing his best not to cry, holding Mahi'a a little tighter. "S-safe. I… I know you are right. That… That things will be… Okay again. A-at some point. But you are here. A-all of you. I am n-not alone." He gives a small waver of a breath, and slowly pulls his arms away. "S-sorry. That was a little… M-much." He begins, slowly rubbing at his hip. "…W-what is… Your favourite dessert…?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "You're not! And you won't be. Not for as long as you need or want everyone around," Mahi'a adds, gradually releasing Eir once he begins pulling away. "It's… okay! I have missed hugging you too, you're very good at it." They smile over at him, linking their hands together. "Ooh… I like most desserts. Cakes are good, and cheesecakes! Especially the ones with all the fruit syrups on top. They're the best. What is -your- favourite?"
Eir Fellfrost: "I… I have m-missed you. You a-always have such… K-kind things to say." Eir smiles a little gently, returning to the pastry and rolling it flat. "…I like… Fruit. Lassi i-is nice. Peaches are a favourite…"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Only things that you deserve to hear!" they say quickly, looking down to the pastry - hiding the brief flash of embarrassment in their expression. "Lassi… I am not sure what that is! I can always find out and try to see how it's made, though. Maybe I will have to start leaving fruitbowls outside of your room when I don't see you…"
Eir Fellfrost: "A-all tthe fruit in my room was… It was… Not good to eat. W-when we got back. A-and my plants…" He sighs, a little deflated. "…P-perhaps i can… Salvage some of them." He lays the pastry over the dish, neatly tucking in the edges. "It is a yoghurt and fruit drink. Good for unsettled stomachs… It hails from Thavnair." Eir replies, a little straight-faced. "Predictibly."
...My plants. I... Should tend to them, soon enough. See what can be saved. I have watered them in hope that some can be salvaged, but... It is... Not looking so hopeful.
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Oh no! I… it makes sense. I'm sorry, I wish I had thought, I could have tried to water the plants or… whatever else you do to plants," Mahi'a hesitates. "Maybe I could have asked someone. But we can get you more fruit! And maybe the plants will get better! They can be strong, right? Seem bad for a little bit, but then they will bounce back as good as ever!" They nod a little at their train of thought, then smile again. "I will find a recipe for it! It can't be that hard to make!"
Eir Fellfrost: "P-perhaps. W-with enough tending. I… I a-am trying." Eir smiles, a little half-heartedly. "The th-thought is a kind one. A-and i… W-would be happy to recieve it. S-so long as you try it, too!"
...Bad for a little bit. But... Bounce back. Were you talking about me, Mahi'a...?
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "They will appreciate it! Did you know some people talk to plants? They think the plants can hear them. I don't know about -that- but… maybe how much you care for them will have some affect!" They take a second to look over the pastry Eir had laid out, impressed by the neat presentation. "I will try it! It does sound very good, I can't see how yoghurt and fruit would ever make a bad combination."
Eir Fellfrost: "I… H-have heard. I have not… Spoken to them? Though… Suppose i am a quiet enough p-person. A c-conjurer w-would have better luck, i th-think." He gives the faintest of chuckles, taking the tart base to set in the oven. "I m-made persimmon cakes th-the other sun. They were g-good, too."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "I could talk to them. I have a lot of things to say, especially to plants," Mahi'a says, adding the last part with a small frown. It passes soon enough. They spin on the spot to continue watching Eir curiously, eye following the pastry's journey into the oven. "You did? They sound good! It feels like you can make almost anything."
Eir Fellfrost: "Th-they were only t-tiny. I will m-make more, next time." Pastry in oven, he looks over his shoulder; cheeks colouring a little. "I… I g-gave one to Sayuri. We had a picnic. I… Proposed, to her." The admission brings warmth to his features. "Y-you are the first i have t-told…!"
...Happier things. I am getting married. It does not make the bad go away, but... To know there is happiness still to be had. Mahi'a is often a reminder of this too. After the Locket, they were the first to come and find me... Always so happy, and full of enthusiasm. I have seen them sad, several times... But they bounce back.
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Like cupcakes? Can you make… persimmon cakes that look like persimmons? That would be adorable!" Mahi'a says with a bright smile. They listen along, taking a couple of moments to register what exactly is said, eventually grinning at Eir. "You -did-? That's incredible! You're going to get married… you basically -were- already married, but it will be official! That's great! Congratulations!"
Eir Fellfrost: "I c-can try. It.. W-was the first cake i made in… A v-very long time. But she… Sh-she said yes. I… W-was going to ask her in Thavnair, but…" He hums, dipping his head. "…Th-thank you, Mahi'a. I… S-should probably ask. Y-you… Will c-come to the wedding…?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Of course she did! Anything else would be impossible!" Mahi'a says excitedly. The comment about Thavnair causes a little confusion, though they assume it is best not to ask. "You want me to go?" they ask after a short pause, surprised. "I would love to go! I have… not been to a wedding? Not that I remember. I have to dress fancy, right?"
Eir Fellfrost: "She… She said she would have said yes… M-much sooner. B-but yes. We will marry here, in Eorzea. I will learn… Traditions? There is a… Pilgrimage involved. A-and yes.. Fancy. But you are always fancy, Mahi'a. I-in your own way."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "There -is-? Do you have to go far?" Mahi'a asks, observing him curiously. "Do you go together? If you do… that could be a fun adventure! Then the fancy ceremony itself. Surely I need to dress -fancier- than normal? Though I appreciate you noticing, I do try very hard!"
Mahi'a Tehrfel jokingly attempts to pose, yet mostly ends up laughing at themselves.
Eir Fellfrost chuckles faintly, though gives a small wince as his hand darts to his side. After a pause and a conflict of emotions on his features, he nods. "Y-yes… Together. To see the Twelve. I… D-do not believe in… Any deity, r-really. Do… You?"
Eir Fellfrost: "Th-they have stones. I f-found a book on the shelf about th-them."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Ah…" Mahi'a pauses, running a hand through their hair. "Not really. No. A lot of people here do, though! I know about some of the stones, there are a couple in Coerthas! They're in very pretty locations."
Eir Fellfrost: "I… Still have n-not been. I know it is cold. Which… Is your favourite p-place?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Of the stones, or Coerthas? The latter is a much broader category! But if the stones, Halone's is my favourite. It's in a cave full of ice, with reflections everywhere! It's very pretty."
Eir Fellfrost: "That… Sounds so nice. B-but… Cold. N-not that i have any quarrel with the cold. O-obviously. And we will not be going until i am… A-at least a little better. And i have something s-suitable to w-wear. Where is… Your favourite p-place to see, besides…?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Yes, you need to be warm! It can be a bit surprising if you're not used to it, though it's not too bad after a while! Other than that… Huh. Looking from Ishgard over the Sea of Clouds is amazing, though if you don't want to go into the city, there's an observatorium that can give you a great view over some of Coerthas!"
These... All sound lovely. Maybe, when we go to each place, we will have many little picnics. See what we can find from our travels... ...I look forward to it.
Eir Fellfrost: "That… Sounds nice, too. A-and… High up. If my legs feel kind t-to me, maybe i will ask to climb it." Eir considers quietly what to bring for such a trip, quietly humming to himself. "It w-will be n-nice. I h-have yet to go so f-far North. There are a lot of… Traditions, that i still do n-not know of."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Going high up means that you get the best views! It's fun to climb on the walls of Ishgard too, though it's a long way down. Well… I assume it is. Does anyone know how far down the ground under there is?" Mahi'a ponders, eventually shaking their head. "If it's a big pilgramage you'll probably find a lot of traditions on the way! It'll be interesting to hear about afterwards!"
Eir Fellfrost: "It… W-will be nice. I am lookiing f-forward to it. A-and… Also to being m-married. A… L-little nervous about th-the ceremony. S-sayuri has help with her vows. I… Hope mine will at l-least be f-fitting." Another small tilt of Eir's head is given. "…You have… N-never been to a w-wedding?"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "I bet whatever you say will be wonderful! She will think so more than anyone else, as long as it's how you feel!" They excitedly move around before stopping themselves, leaning back against the counter to try and resist the temptation. "No… I know people who have got married! But I didn't know them very well, or… I was busy…"
Eir Fellfrost: "It.. W-will. Even if i mess up… We will still m-marry." Eir beams warmly, and retrieves he tart pastry from the oven, carrying it in a teatowel to set in aside. "Ah… It looks as it s-should. We need to wait for it to cool… A l-little. Put in the f-filling, and the rolanberries on t-top. I… H-hope she likes it…"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "You will! And it will be incredible!" Once Eir moves they step away from the counter, leaving plenty of room for him to bring over the cooked pastry from the oven. Once it's close they give it a curious look over, uncertain how it's -meant- to look, yet pleased all the same. "You're almost done! She is going to love it. Going out of your way to do something like this means a lot!"
Eir Fellfrost: "A-after all she has done for me… It was the v-very least. She s-saved us. B-brought back our things. I… Do not know how to bake so m-many things. But it has been nice to l-learn. Where i… Cannot do anything else."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "It's going to be perfect! And you can do plenty! Learning how to make the tart is only proof of it! Everything else will come back in time," they say, offering him another smile. "Don't worry about what you think you can't do! You're already doing a lot. You wouldn't tell anyone else to overexert themselves!"
Eir Fellfrost: "No…I… W-would not." He nods, quietly. "I… I f-feel a little… Guilty." He confesses, moving with the filling to the side, and pouring it into the thin casing. "S-sayuri mentioned. A-about wanting to help g-get Vex back. And i… I panicked… A-and begged her n-not to."
I felt the need to confess to... Someone. Someone who would understand. Mahi'a speaks a lot, but they are a good listener, too. Perhaps it is why i feel so at ease speaking with them...
Mahi'a Tehrfel moves forwards, resting against the counter again to watch him fill the casing. "I… understand that. After everything, it'd be hard to let her out of your sight again. Maybe we could do it without her? But… she is very strong, too. If she knew she had to come back to you then she wouldn't let anything happen to her."
Eir Fellfrost: "N-no. But…" He smoothes the cream out with the back of a spoon. "…N-not them. Anyone b-but… Them. They would lunge for her a-again. I… I cannot lose her. I cannot l-let them take her. She w-would be a… Target." He frowns quietly, staring at the half-made dessert. "…She… Said she would… S-stay. For m-me. But i feel so g-guilty asking h-her to…"
Mahi'a Tehrfel hums. "If she said she will stay for you, that's her decision too. She doesn't want to make you hurt any more than you do already," they reason quietly. "You want her to be safe, that's nothing to be guilty about. And she will know that Bexy will do whatever she can to help Vex, with or without the help of others."
Eir Fellfrost: "I… I know you are right. B-but still." He gives a half-smile, nudging the tart towards them. "D-do… You want to help me arrange th-the topping…?" Eir asks, layering flat pieces over eachother from the outside in, like a spiral. "…I-it is not… Usually with so much f-fruit. But i got the recipe f-for it from the cook. She eats one… A-almost every sun…"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "You're going to worry no matter what! That's okay. Afterwards, maybe you will feel better about this situation? We'll see!" they say brightly, leaning over to watch him layer the pieces on the tart. "Yes! I want to help, this looks fun," they say quickly, gathering up a few slices of the berries in their hand carefully to assist. "A whole tart every sun? That's… wow. I kind of feel as if I'm missing out!"
Eir Fellfrost: "…I like f-fruit. And i do eat… Much of it. But… This is. It seems a little… Excessive…?" Eir questions, layering more rolanberries. "…I w-worry. Always. About Sayuri. About my f-friends. It has always been th-the same." He offers a simpering little smile, seemingly not too upset about the fact that he does.
Mahi'a Tehrfel looks over the tart as it's built up, adding the slices of rolanberries to follow Eir's pattern. "If I was really hungry… I'm sure I could eat a whole tart. Maybe she eats it over the whole day!" they suggest. "So much worrying! We have to prove you wrong sometimes then, it's easy to say don't worry, but when everything goes well there's no argument!"
Eir Fellfrost: "…P-perhaps. I would get bored of eating th-the same thing…" The last few slices are settled on top, and the rest of the whole rolanberries sit as deoration in the middle. "W-well. You need not prove me wrong. I am h-happy to be wrong… If you are s-safe." Eir smiles, looking to Mahi'a. "…Th-thank you, for helping. It… It was nice. For this. A-and… To see you, after s-so long…"
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Maybe… if it was your -very- favourite food, though?" Mahi'a asks, looking up at him curiously. "I know I don't need to! But… I will be safe no matter what! If I stay here or I help, I promise. I'm not going to give you any more reasons to worry on top of that." They nod a couple of times, observing the tart with their smile, then directing it up to Eir. "You are welcome! I'm -always- happy to help! And… spend time with you altogether!"
Eir Fellfrost: "Even if it w-was my very f-favourite… I think. B-but it would take longer." He offers a brief laugh, turning to Mahi'a. "…You… You are a good f-friend, Mahi'a." Eir offers them the warmest smile, much more at ease from when they had first arrived.
Mahi'a Tehrfel grins at him. "Maybe she saves some! A secret icebox full of tarts for emergencies…" they theorise. "You're a great friend too, Eir! You make everything better when you're around!" Another glance is given down to the tart, then back up to Eir their attention goes. "…I might go and try to sleep! It's been a little difficult but… I do feel tired. As good a time as any! Will you be okay?"
A... A great friend. That i make everything better... I... ...Do i? Truly...? ...It warms me so much to hear it...
Eir Fellfrost: "P-perhaps. Perhaps i w-will ask her." He grins, which softens to something more heartfelt. "…Th-thank you. You… You get rest, y-yes? I will be fine. I h-have my book to r-read… A-and Sayuri will be back s-soon." He nods. "A-and i will see this to Bexy. I will tell her you h-helped."
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "You should! If you give her a tart, she should let you know where it goes. That's only fair," Mahi'a nods. "I will rest! But - but you don't need to tell her I helped! I only did a little bit. You did all the hard work!"
Eir Fellfrost: "Y-you helped." Eir repeats, adamant. "B-but… Yes. Things will be better. They already are." He smiles, looking over the finished dessert. "…Rest well, y-yes? We will find s-something nice to cook, n-next we talk."
Mahi'a Tehrfel sighs quietly, though it's not quite as serious as it could be. "Fine!" they say, feigning defeat playfully. "I helped a tiny bit. But we will find something nice! Maybe I can look for -more- recipes… I should go before I get carried away. Have a good night, won't you Eir?"
Eir Fellfrost: "I will do m-my very best." Eir promises, turning to clean up the kitchen.
Mahi'a Tehrfel: "Good! Then I will see you soon! With… recipes and whatever else I can find in tow!" they announce with a small laugh, making their way towards the stairs. "Goodnight! See you soon!"
Eir Fellfrost: "Goodnight, Mahi'a!" Eir calls from across the kitchen, a clatter of pans in his wake.
...It was so nice to see them again. I have been so... Anxious, about seeing others in house. What they might say. How they might react... But Mahi'a is nice. They are always nice, to me. ...I will have to learn this noodle dish they spoke of...
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Sushi rolls don’t actually exist in the Sengoku. It’s a much much later invention. The seaweed “paper” doesn’t even exist until the 1700s, so this is all fluff anyway. In the Sengoku period, “sushi” refers to what is typically known as funazushi, that is a preserved fish fermented using rice. When the fish is fermented/preserved to a satisfactory degree, the rice will just be thrown out and not eaten.
This sushi tradition for setsubun is actually also kind of suspect, because it only became widespread in the 1980s. While legends claim that this originated in the Edo period, I’m not sure if there’s actually documented proof of this. I’ve seen some articles suspect this as just a promotional gimmick from food stores who are wanting to use up leftover ingredients, and created a nonsense legend surrounding it. 
The ehoumaki 恵方巻き sushi “traditionally” contains 7 ingredients to represent the 7 lucky gods, and that eating this will bring food luck. Ingredients may vary, but the most common ones include datemaki omelettes, cucumbers, shiitake mushrooms, grilled eel, dried tofu, kanpyo gourd, and pink fish floss. These ingredients are food items that are often used in New Year meals, so I can see why this so-called tradition is rather dubious.
Unlike regular sushi that are normally sliced, ehoumaki sushi is left in the long “log” form and eaten as-is. This is said to symbolise “not breaking bonds”, and eating it like this is meant to bring good fortune. Some explanations also say that the name “ehou” means “lucky direction”. Supposedly, people in the Edo era eats the sushi while facing this “lucky direction”. 
In the modern day, people sometimes just have fun with the sushi and create fun shapes and fillings. A rather new trend is making a tiger-patterned wrap with omelette and seaweed for the roll, or making cute little oni shapes with the filling:
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heartshinebeauty · 1 year
I love Sanrio. And I love Cinnamoroll!
My friends and I always have such a good time coming here. 
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I had the おやすみオムライス omelette with rice with ピーチポップ peach soda and バースデーミニミニパフェ mini parfait and I could take the cup with me for an extra ¥330. 
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When I came here for my birthday I got the バースデープレート birthday plate. They give you pen and paper so you can write down what name they should write on the plate. 
This birthday plate made me so happy! Look how cute it is~
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I thought all the items I had were very good. The first time I came here was during January and at the time they gave me an Happy New Year Cinnamoroll card. The second time I came here was during Cinnamoroll’s birthday and they gave me a Happy Birthday Cinnamoroll card. And you get to keep the cup coasters as well. 
When I went during the week there was no waiting line, in the weekend there was quite a line. I can’t remember how long we waited at least 30 minutes if I remember correctly. 
It’s a small cute comfortable cafe and I think it’s totally worth the wait.
See you next time, Cinnamoroll!♡
おやすみオムライス ¥1,518
ピーチポップ ¥748
バースデーミニミニパフェ ¥880
マグカップ ¥330
バースデープレート ¥1,650
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
5 EGG BREAKFAST IDEAS To Keep on Repeat! It's all about the Mix Mix Mix! Watch 5 More Breakfasts: https://youtu.be/sJO7jn3OXQ8
And Even More: https://youtu.be/Qwqj3gAWtko
Let me know which recipe you tried and give this video a thumbs up!
➜ ORDER My COOKBOOK! https://amzn.to/2KHDXfi
Souffle Omelette:
2 eggs
2 tbsps goat cheese or favorite shredded cheese
1 teaspoon chopped herbs
Salt and pepper to taste
In 2 bowls, separate the egg whites from the egg yolks.
With a hand mixer on medium high speed, whisk the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Using the same mixer, whisk the egg yolks.
Take ¼ - ½ cup of the egg whites and mix it thoroughly with the egg yolks, then pour the entire mixture back into the egg whites, folding it gently until everything is combined. You’ll get a pale yellow mixture.
In a small frying pan, heat on medium and melt the the butter, then add the egg mixture and spread out to fill the pan. Cook for one minute.
Then add your favorite toppings, salt and pepper, and mix the top in, making sure not to scrape the bottom.
Cover it for another 2 minutes until the top is just about set.
Transfer to a plate and as you’re sliding it off, fold the top over so it looks like an omelette.
Bagel in a hole
4 tbsps butter
1 garlic, smashed
1 sprig rosemary
2 bagels
4 eggs
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
In a pan, melt butter with garlic and rosemary. Let it heat until it gets foamy.
Cut the bagels in half, then make sure the hole is about 2-3 inches wide to fit an egg. Dip into the garlic butter.
Place on baking sheet lined with parchment paper, flat / dipped side down.
Arrange salami in the middle of the bagel hole, then crack a medium sized egg right into the hole. The whites will spill out a little but it will cook and look rustic.
Bake for 10-12 minutes or until egg whites are set and yolk is how you prefer.
Cacio e Pepe egg toast
2 eggs
3 tablespoons parmesan cheese, grated
Salt pepper to taste
Crack eggs into a bowl and whisk with 2 tbsps of parmesan cheese, salt, and a generous amount of black pepper.
In a frying pan, add a little bite of butter or olive oil and put on medium heat. Add the eggs and scrape the bottom of the pan until you get small ribbons or curdles. If you want soft scrambled eggs, heat for another 30 seconds as it looks half way cooked, mix it until creamy and add on top of your toast. If you want it really cooked, just keep on heat longer until it’s the way you like it. Serve on top of toasted bread; grate more cheese and black pepper right on top. Enjoy!
Cilbir, Turkish Eggs
1 cup greek yogurt at room temp
1 garlic clove, minced
Juice of half a lemon
1 sprig dill, chopped
1 tbsps butter
¼ tsp smoked paprika
¼ tsp aleppo peppers
2 eggs
Dill to garnish
In a bowl, mix greek yogurt, garlic, lemon, and dill together. Set aside on counter, don’t refrigerate.
In a pan, melt butter with smoked paprika and aleppo pepper just until it melts and starts to get foamy. Don’t let it cook too long as the spices can burn.
Now in a sauce pan filled with water half way, add 1 tbsps of vinegar and let it come to a rolling boil. Crack an egg and drop it in, one at a time. Cook for 2 ½ minutes for a perfect runny egg, 3 minutes for a more cooked one. Drain it on a paper towel to dry.
Drizzle some spiced butter on top of the yogurt and add the eggs right on top. Drizzle with more butter if needed, and garnish with dill. Enjoy!
Kimchi Pancakes
1 ½ cups kimchi, chopped
¾ cup all purpose flour
¼ cup potato starch or rice flour
1 egg
1 tbsp of soy sauce,
2 tsps sesame oil
2 tbsps green onion
¼ cup warm water
In a bowl, crack the egg and whisk. Set aside.
In another bowl, add the flours and mix it, then add the chopped kimchi, the whisked egg, soy sauce, sesame oil, green onion, and ¼ cup warm water. Mix well.
In a cast iron skillet, add 2 tbsps oil and add half the batter to pan fry on medium high heat. Cook each side for about 3 minutes and flip. Serve with soy dipping sauce. Recipe can be found in my cookbook: https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin...
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dreams-of-cerulean · 2 years
I found Sasha and the rest. They are hanging out at the old church in East District. Seems like they're packing weapons for transport. I saw a guandao and several sabers in the truck.
Bunch of paper talismans, probably evocation and barrier types.
They're pretty motivated.
I didn't really make myself known. I actually just went back home; I don't think they expected me to come home early. They're probably going to act everything is alright. Sasha likes to put up a strong front, even though she has the most guilt about the stuff that happened.
I contacted Chi through the Link. She's already in the prefectural city, offering to keep watch and do chores in return for food and lodging at some sort of high-end brothel. Sounds seedy, but given how backwards everything sounds on her side, it probably is the best option out of her limited resources.
She's excited about her new surroundings saying the courtesan sisters are very pretty and even asked if she can become as pretty as them one day. It's a bit cute. And also, I learned they actually do have tomatoes on their side - barbarian eggplants and wolf peach are the same name for tomato over there. One of the sisters she's gotten close to gave her one.
Chi clearly found a favorite food and even wished she could eat tomatoes every day, which... put me at a loss, given that Lils was on the other side of the dinner table, eating her omelette rice with generous amounts of sliced tomato.
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taintedpastries · 4 months
Making another rice paper omelette
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feast-of-plants · 7 months
Chickpea omelette
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The key is to make it with a rice paper backing as that stops it from sticking to the pan (a real risk when cooking with chickpea flour) but also helps the centre stay moist just like a real omelette.
1 rice paper sheet
1/3 cup chickpea flour
2/3 cup water
1 tbsp nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp black salt
Salt & pepper to taste
Plus any fillings your heart desires! This one was vegan cheese & tomato
Pre heat your frying pan while whisking together the batter - do not add oil to the pan. Place the rice paper sheet in the dry pan and coat with the batter, smoothing down the paper as you go. Allow the batter to cook and when it has just started to set add your fillings. Fold the omelette in half and continue to cook until the fillings are warmed through and the batter is set to your liking. Serve and enjoy!
Tip - If you want to add a little richness then add a touch of your favourite vegan butter to the pan as soon as you’ve folded the omelette, flip after a little bit of toasted to lightly brown and ensure the flavour is distributed. This will flavour the rice paper and add a hint of richness to the omelette.
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matovilkaeats · 8 months
6 cups (1.4 litres) cooked short-grain rice
500g (1.1 lbs) beef rump, cut into strips
3 tbsp soy sauce
3 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp white pepper
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 yellow pickled radish, cut into strips
2 carrots, cut into matchsticks
4 eggs
1 bunch English spinach
2 cloves garlic
sesame oil
sesame seeds
salt to taste
8 sheets seaweed paper (Gim in Korean, Nori in Japanese)
Start by marinating the beef strips in the soy sauce, oyster sauce, white pepper, and sugar. Leave in the fridge to marinate for 1-4 hours. When ready to cook, heat a large cast-iron pan or flat-top until very hot, drizzle some oil, and fry the beef quickly, being careful not to overcook.
To cook the carrots, simply heat some oil in a frying pan and sauté the carrots for 2-3 minutes with a little salt, finish with a little sesame oil, and leave to cool.
To make the omelette, beat the eggs well, then in a non-stick pan over medium heat with a little oil, add the eggs and stir. Once the eggs start to thicken, leave to set and cook through. You don't want any colour, so keep an eye on the temperature of the pan. Once the omelette is cool, simply roll up and slice into strips.
To cook the spinach, bring a large pot of water with a big pinch of salt to boil. Once boiling, add the spinach and cook for 1 minute before placing it into ice-cold water to stop the cooking. Drain well and squeeze all the moisture from the leaves. Dress the cooked spinach with some grated garlic and a drizzle of sesame oil.
To season the cooked rice, add it to a bowl with 2 tablespoons of sesame oil, 2 tablespoons of mixed and toasted sesame seeds, and a pinch of salt. Mix well and leave to cool to room temperature.
To assemble the Gimbap, place a sheet of seaweed paper onto a bamboo mat with the shiny side facing down. Next, spread the cooked rice across the sheet in a thin layer, leaving about a 2cm (0.8 inches) gap at the top of the sheet. Spread a small amount of each of the ingredients (spinach, carrots, beef, radish, and egg) across the centre of the rice, then roll tightly towards the top of the sheet with the gap, using a little water across the seaweed sheet to help it stick.
Roll tightly, then rub some sesame oil on the outside to make it easier to slice. Slice the Gimbap into 8 even pieces and you're good to go!
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 9 months
007 of 2024
Unpopular food opinions, part 2.
Cottage cheese texture is not that bad. Grissini breadsticks (long thin hard ones) shouldn't exist and there are a million better dip-vehicles that don't taste like stale disappointment and caloric cardboard. White carbs taste wayy wayy better than any other carb (whole grain, veggie, fruit…). Rice cakes are overrated. Peanuts are the worst nuts. Veggies always make a (savory) meal better. Root beer is absolutely vile. Sour cream is unappetising. Parsnips are the weird creepy cousin at a roast dinner. Jam first then cream on a scone is better because it’s slightly easier to apply- jam is spreadable and cream can be scooped on top easier. Spanish tortilla omelette is underrated. Ranch dressing is not fit for salad is definitely not meant to be eaten on pizza, chicken or anything else. Sharing ice cream is gross. Organs are better than muscle meat. Restaurants are a very overrated food environment (not talking about the food itself, just the whole "Eating at a table with people in a crowded noisy room" thing). Blueberries are not good unless baked into something. All these new rice paper roll trends are disgusting. Cinnamon is over-rated and not necessary in most of the things it's in. All towns/villages should have well advertised community tables for sharing food and other items that anyone can easily give and take as they wish without the stigma associated with foodbanks. Nut as a topping ruins the food (sweet or savory). Brie is one of the worst cheeses yucky and the texture sucks too. Cakes are nicest when baked with yogurt, it keeps them very moist. Any food that is made without cheese is 100% more delicious and enjoyable because cheese is really not good. Salad is overrated and that's why all the women in those stock photos are laughing at it. Schools should teach environmentally friendly sustainable methods of growing food in practice. Crab meat is ridiculously underrated and the perfect protein source. Sesame buns should always be used for burgers. Watermelon is very overrated. Coffee is only worth drinking if it is hot, and has no sugar or cream. Ketchup goes well on almost everything. Hash browns taste awful. Mashed potatoes are butter laden slop that looks like it has already been eaten. Eating low volume sweets is better than high volume fruit. Cottage cheese is delicious. Fries don't need condiments. Sesame seeds are very underrated. Whipped spray cream has never actively improved a food item. Bland food is actually very tasty. Low fat dairy is better than no fat dairy. White bread >>>>>>>>>> any other kind of bread. Pickles are very underrated. Coconut flakes on anything is disgusting. Savory foods are always better salted than bland (most of them at least). Nori (the seaweed in sushi) is soo delicious , also on its own. Salted natural oily peanut butter over added sugar junky pb.
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liltrishstuff · 10 months
I actually made a healthy breakfast this morning (ish)
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Rice paper omelette with chili crisp and spicy mayo (295cal)
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musubibyana · 11 months
The Recipe
You might need a rice cooker, but if you do not have one, a pan should work just fine as long as you follow the measurements for rice water ratio to use in this specific type of rice. I say this with the flexibility of considering how many musubi you would like to prepare. Maybe you are making a meal for today. Or maybe you might prefer to do a meal prep for the week ahead to take to work (keep in mind, if you are not going to each the musubi AND YOU CHOSE TO ADD EGG you might want to freeze to avoid the egg from going bad).
For pot prepping: pour your water and set it to boil. Once it is bubbling hot, you can add your rice and set the fire between medium and low.
For rice cooking: different rice cookers (depending on their features and price) have settings for the type of rice you are cooking and even have measure mark in the pot. The one I own is one of the simplest in the market ($14 from amazon) and still does the work of weighing the rice and water and cook it by itself and then set itself to switch to just warn when it is ready. With this i just want to express that rice cookers are machines of their own for this purpose! So much fun over a one-job cooking appliance (laughs).
Within the time your rice is cooking, do not observe it nor stir it (until the very end). You can take this time to sauté your musubi.
Slice your spam in one inch think slices. Think of this like the patty of a burger. How would you like it? Thin or thick? Your choice! your musubi, your call.
Here comes the first optional ingredient: sesame oil. Spam is similar to bacon; it has its own fat so you should not add any to the pan when cooking it. HOWEVER, for more flavor, I like to add a few drops of sesame oil in the pan. Not too much, because if flavor, not to fry the spam.
Back to the recipe, add soy sauce to the pan. 3 spoonfuls should be enough if you are going to cook the whole can of Spam. Otherwise, it will be too salty. Keep this in mind if you want to prepare less than a can. Flip the slices until golden brown from the soy sauce. They might be a bit crispy but still tender. This step (depending on the amount of slices too) should be between 5 to 10 minutes in medium-high heat. Once done, take your slices out and place them in a plate previous cover the absorbing paper or napkins. This is to remove or reduce the excess oil from the spam.
Rice is ready! to speed up a bit the cooling time, change your rice from container. This applies to whether rice cooker or pot. Both are made with metal, so even after turning off your heat they will still cook your rice and therefore dry it. The cooling time might take a while. Why is it important to cool down the rice? Well, at the time of shaping and rolling in nori you would prefer the rice at lukewarm temperature so the nori does not rip and your won't burn your hand in the process. This gives you more time for the next step:
Break for eggs and pour them in a would. You can use a whisk or a fork to beat the eggs until homogenous, then add a pinch of salt. In a pan, use some oil or butter to avoid the sticking and the pour the eggs in the pan at medium heat. Just like an omelette of a pancake, make a circle of the egg and cook both sides. The cute in shapes similar to the size of your spam slices.
Rice is cool! Time to assemble. The rice still needs some work: add the mirin (no more than 3 tablespoons). This will help the rice to stick like in sushi and onigiri and shape it rectangles to combine with the slices and the egg. Wrap around with nori. To seal the nori wet the tip of your finger with water and apply it to the end of the seaweed and paste it to the other part.
All set! Enjoy!
If you are doing this for food prepping or future meals to store, wait a bit if you musubi are still hot and wrap tightly with paper (either parch or aluminum)
Last couple optional ingredients: If you like to add sauces to your snacks, consider a mix or sriracha and honey to spice and sweet this great treat. Furikake topping is like the Everything seasoning to a bagel but for musubi and onigiri. I wouldn't technically be incomplete if you don't add it, but it gives a aesthetic last touch to the snack.
I call this snack a lot for its simplicity and size, but musubi are actually a high protein food!
I came up with this recipe because I personally do not like recipes. I think cooking would be easier and more accesible to learn for anybody the more flexible we make it. Because no two persons have the same time, budget, space or materials to prepare a recipe the same way, let alone the same taste or standards for things. I love cooking and I like to share these type of experiments so people can be less afraid of their kitchen and practice their own too while having a good time.
Very likely there are better recipes out there, I am sure of that. But I wrote this one down to demonstrate that there is no need for fancy ingredients or precise milimetric steps to make something YOU would love to taste for yourself. Remember, we don't have to do ANYTHING to deserve food. You just eat and enjoy! Still, there is sense of fulfillment in cooking your own meal that you are about to enjoy.
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mayabhandari661 · 1 year
Plant-Based Cooking: Oil-Free Recipes to Try Today
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One trend that has emerged in plant-based cooking is the use of oil-free recipes. While oils can provide flavour and texture to dishes, they are also high in calories and can contribute to health issues like heart disease. Fortunately, there are many delicious plant-based recipes that can be cooked without oil. Here are a few enticing recipes for you to explore, all enhanced with the use of Asahi Kasei products.
Lentil Curry
Take a high-quality ziplock bag such as the Asahi Kasei Zipper Bag and combine soaked lentils, chopped onion, tomato, ginger paste, garlic paste, cumin seeds, turmeric powder, garam masala, red chilli powder, and salt.
Seal the zipper bag and gently massage the ingredients to mix well.
Transfer the mixture to a pot and add enough water to cover the lentils.
Cook the lentils on medium heat until they are soft and fully cooked.
Adjust the consistency by adding more water if needed.
Once cooked, garnish with chopped cilantro and serve with rice or flatbreads
Roasted Mushroom Steaks
To make them oil-free, use Asahi Kasei Frying Pan Foil, which is a silicone-coated aluminium foil that prevents food from sticking without the need for oil.
Simply season portobello mushroom caps with salt, pepper, and your favourite herbs and spices, and roast them on the frying pan lined with the Asahi Kasei Frying Pan Foil for 15–30 minutes on medium flame.
Serve with roasted vegetables or a side salad for a delicious and satisfying meal.
With the Asahi Kasei Frying Pan Foil, the potential is limitless. You can cook your favourite dishes, like fried fish, meat, parathas, paneer tikki, omelettes, and more with essentially no oil. And when you’re done cooking, simply roll up the foil and discard it; cleanup is a breeze!
Vegetable Biriyani
Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
Take high-quality parchment paper like the Asahi Kasei Cooking Sheet and line your pan.
Arrange the soaked and drained rice evenly in the pan.
In a large skillet, dry sauté cumin seeds and whole spices until fragrant.
Add sliced onions and sauté until golden brown.
Stir in ginger-garlic paste, biryani masala, turmeric powder, and salt. Cook for a minute.
Add mixed vegetables and chopped tomato. Cook until the vegetables are slightly tender.
Layer the vegetable mixture over the rice in the pan.
Carefully pour water over the rice and vegetables, ensuring it covers the ingredients.
Seal the parchment paper tightly to form a packet and place it on a baking tray.
Bake for 25–30 minutes until the rice is cooked and fluffy.
Open the parchment packet, fluff the biryani with a fork, and garnish with chopped mint and cilantro before serving.
Chickpea Tikki
In a bowl, mix together mashed chickpeas, chopped onion, mashed potato, green chilli, cumin powder, coriander powder, red chilli powder, chickpea flour, and salt.
Divide the mixture into equal portions and shape them into tikkis (patties).
Place each tikki on a piece of the Asahi Kasei Premium Wrap, which is a high-quality cling wrap. Then fold the wrap over it.
Gently flatten the tikki using your palm, still keeping it wrapped in the cling wrap.
Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat. Unwrap the tikki and place it on the pan.
Cook until both sides are golden brown and crisp.
Garnish with chopped coriander leaves and serve with your favourite chutney.
Benefits of incorporating more plant-based and oil-free meals into your diet
Plant-based cooking is a sustainable and healthy way of eating, and oil-free recipes can help you reduce your calorie intake and improve your health even further. Try incorporating the above dishes into your meal rotation for a delicious and satisfying plant-based meal. And don’t be afraid to experiment with new ingredients and flavours to create your own oil-free recipes. Your taste buds and your body will thank you.
All these culinary endeavours are seamlessly enabled by Asahi Kasei products, streamlining your journey towards a healthier, sustainable lifestyle.
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