#riband wave
dansnaturepictures · 3 months
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7th July 2024: Kingfisher, views, mushroom and enchanter's nightshade on a walk from Puttles Bridge in the New Forest and sky this evening.
On a fantastic walk in the New Forest I was amazed to hear and then get exquisite views of the Kingfisher and see Spotted Flycatcher and young with the adult bird feeing one. Treecreeper, Grey Wagtail, Stonechat, Robin, Blackbird, splendid views of Mistle Thrushes and Buzzard flying in the woods, Ringlet butterfly, Beautiful Demoiselle, my first ever cow-wheat, tormentil, daisy, marsh bedstraw, bog asphodel, foxgloves and lichen were other highlights. It was great to see Riband Wave moth my first of the year, Magpie, Woodpigeon with a twig and Goldfinch at home today. Another great summer weekend.
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lycomorpha · 6 months
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I got in one (1) night's moth-ing before the weather turned again, but fingers crossed for tomorrow 💖🦋
Until we're past the gales, here's some super-cute moths from previous years to remind you that:
- moths are beautiful
- they pollinate ur plants at night
- their caterpillars are essential food for baby birds
- they're a crucial part of many ecosystems, with life cycles connected to those of trees and wildflowers, birds, and lots of other invertebrates
The moths in the pics are: small emerald, blood vein, small blood vein, tree lichen beauty, box tree moth, orange swift, scorched wing, riband wave & willow beauty, brimstone moth.
Thank you from the Moth Promotional Board ✨🦋✨
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libraryofmoths · 1 month
thank you for the info! I love learning about moths, they're my favourite animal!
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here's another one of them, this time with a friend on the side!
Hi! Sorry for the late reply, I was trying to find what species these moths could be! I love these pictures! :]
Small disclaimer: I am not a professional, so these are all my own speculation! Some moths are so similar they even need to be dissected in order to be properly determined/recognized! (Species under cut):
Anyways, I believe the larger green moth is a grass emerald (Pseudoterpna pruinata), also in the Geometridae family!
Fun Fact the grass emerald can inhabit an altitude of up to 1500 meters in the southern Alps (source).
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Pic of grass emerald for reference
The second smaller moth was much trickier to find a similar match. But I think this may be a riband wave (Idaea aversata)! Specifically, I think it is the form Idaea aversata f.remutata, which has no gray between the two ones on the forewings.
Fun Fact The form remuata of the riband wave is more common in the north of its range and is very similar to the plain wave (Idaea straminata) (Source). Your moth may even be a plain wave!
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Pic of riband wave (f.remutata) for reference
Thanks again for the pics! Moths are definitely one of my favorite animals too! :]
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thegreatwhalermelon · 9 months
Off Center
A little Gangle x Charmer (OC by @starquarck) fic below. Part of a larger Showtime story in the works! Gangle's design in the art below is even based off Star's redesign of her - found here: [LINK] Check it out, it's lovely. :)
Hi, Starquarck. Hope I did at least some justice to Charmer's character. :)
Art by @maliciouslittlecat Beta read by @chetmanning00 Thanks for the help, guys TuT So glad to go back into writing.
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Charmer floated - half-sunk on the lake's surface, just above the watery oblivion below, eyes at the endless sky above. And she was centered.
Her large rabbit ears paddled like oars and kept her drifting as the stars went by. 
"Do you like it here?" Gangle asked, ribbon body curled around her like so many gift wrap knots. 
"It's like I'm in the middle of everything," Charmer said. 
"How does that make you feel?" 
"I don't know. I feel… something, but can't quite place it."
Gangle snuggled into her neck, the rough fabric of Charmer's felt body against Gangle’s porcelain cheek added texture so rare in a world of smooth surfaces and candy-colored everything that it sent very strong sensations over her real human skin - to the body that was elsewhere. "Maybe its a reminder of something human… who you were before." 
"...Perhaps," she said, hand over Gangle's back. Her ribbons like silk under her paws, with edges just a touch frayed from wear.
"Don't think so?" Gangle asked, her smile lopsided. 
Charmer's nose touched where Gangle's would be. "No, my dear… I do. That's what I'm afraid of." 
Charmer's eyes shut, the infinity in all directions lost in the dark of her lids. And now all she felt was the water… and the woman tangled over her torso.
Charmer's fingers tangle into Gangle's riband spine. "It's like all the world is watching me. Every star a pair of eyes, every ripple in the water a head in the crowd. And I'm in the center, putting on a show." She waves a hand and produces the head of a rose. She clutches it and it vanishes with an open palm, appearing in the other hand where she slips it atop Gangle's head. "But there's something about this, where I close my eyes and feel you and only you…" That hand trails down Gangle's cheek. Delicately lingering. "And it's the only show I wanna a part of."
"That's kind of sad," she said.
"It would have been... but I'm right here, and I have you."
The kiss was tender. Conjured shivers and thrums in the heart that felt like they were rippling through the water. Charmer never felt this as a human. Might have never cared to if it wasn't with her.
"I'm afraid of what happens when we leave the Circus," Charmer thought but did not say. "If I'll find myself feeling hollow - aching - without you nestled in the crook of my neck. Where I can never find you again. Lost within shifting crowds as vast as the ocean. If I dare dream of a world outside of this - outside of here, this moment, and you - I pray the world is merciful and lets me find you again."
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I love these two together. I know it's uncommon to ship a canon character with someone else's OC, but damn it all, I love their dynamic and I love a happy Gangle. Starquarck's art of them hooked me in just as I started in this fandom so now I'm here forever. XD
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dead-as-i-tread · 6 months
A sweet disorder in the dress Kindles in clothes a wantonness; A lawn about the shoulders thrown Into a fine distraction; An erring lace, which here and there Enthrals the crimson stomacher; A cuff neglectful, and thereby Ribands to flow confusedly; A winning wave, deserving note, In the tempestuous petticoat; A careless shoe-string, in whose tie I see a wild civility: Do more bewitch me, than when art Is too precise in every part.
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Delight in Disorder BY ROBERT HERRICK
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scotianostra · 1 year
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May 27th 1936 saw the maiden voyage of liner Queen Mary.
According to legend while the Cunard-White Star Line’s new Hull Number 534 was under construction at the John Brown and Company’s shipworks on the Clyde no women were allowed anywhere near it in case a feminine presence should distract a male worker from a delicate task at a critical moment. There were in fact many problems, but in the end the new vessel was formally launched with all proper ceremony in pouring rain on September 26th, 1934, it would be two years before she would actually be able to take passengers.
Another legend has it that Cunard wanted to name the ship Victoria, but after asking the King George V for permission to name the ship “after Britain’s greatest queen”, he replied that his wife would be delighted. The king died shortly before the ship’s maiden voyage.
By May 1936 she was at last in Southampton ready for her maiden voyage to Cherbourg and then across the Atlantic. Supplies loaded included 50,000 lbs of fresh meat, 50,000 eggs, 14,500 bottles of wine and 25,000 packets of cigarettes.
Excited crowds watched the ship leave, a band played and an armada of vessels escorted her out of Southampton harbour. Fog prevented any hope of an Atlantic passage in record time and the ship was found to roll alarmingly and require far more handrails. At its worst, apparently, you could walk along a corridor with one foot on the wall.
The Queen Mary reached New York harbour on the morning of June 1st. Admiring crowds watched her make her way to her berth as bands played her in and many paid a dollar to charity to see round her. Cunard-White Star’s publicity department made much play of the approving comments from American publications: ‘A new peak in luxury at sea’ (New York Times); ‘Just about the most beautiful ship afloat’ (The New Yorker); ‘Regal a ship as ever ruled the waves’ (New York American). In August the Queen Mary took the coveted ‘blue riband’ of the Atlantic with a crossing in record time and the ensuing rivalry between her and the French Normandie would be constantly in the news for the rest of the decade.
The Queen Mary is now berthed at Long Beach California and it costs from about $140 for a nights stay, a tour of the ship cost from $35.
You can read more about The Queen Mary here https://queenmary.com/
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sudriantraveler · 2 years
For the WIP ask game... what are the "Lightships"? 👀
That's something I've been slowly working on. The main premise is inspired by the real life collision between RMS Olympic and the Nantucket Lightship.
Here's the prologue in it's current state.
May 15, 1934
LV-117 sat at anchor, rocking back and forth in the waves. As was common for lightships, her hull was painted a bright red, and along her side in big white lettering was written the name of her station, NANTUCKET.
A thick fog had descended around her. This was hardly unheard of around the Nantucket shoals, but even so, Nancy, as everyone called her, pushed her light to flash a bit brighter, and her foghorn to blair a little louder than it normally would have, to try and make sure other ships were aware of her location.
She swore she could see shadows of other vessels in the fog, heading her way, but each time they turned out to be nothing, and she cursed herself for being so tense. She had survived some of the worst of Atlantic storms, had even rescued the crews of less fortunate vessels, and now she was afraid of a little fog?
Nancy sighed, she had been jumpy in the fog ever since an incident four months prior. She shuddered at the memory of the towering back mass of the SS Washington emerging from the murky gray, pointed straight towards her. The shouting between crews, the frantic bellowing of whistles and foghorns, and the horrible sound of hull plates bending and grinding against each other, threatening to give way to let the cold ocean begin pouring in, were all things Nancy didn’t think she’d ever forget.
It fortunately turned out to only be a glancing blow, but both the lightship and her crew were badly shaken by the encounter. The thought that it could have been worse brought no comfort, and the words of her radio operator still echoes throughout Nancy’s Bridge: “Someday we are just going to get it head on, and that will be the finish. One of those big liners will just ride through us”.
No matter how hard she tried Nancy just couldn’t shake the feeling that he was right, and that, someday, the worst would occur.
Nancy’s anxiety had also borne a new sense of anger against the big liners. She knew, listening to radio calls, that passenger numbers had been falling, the ongoing depression having greatly hurt the shipping trade as a whole. Competition between liners had always been fierce, but with fewer passengers and more modern liners being built it was now a truly cut-throat environment. To Nancy's mind, this had made the liners reckless.
Speed had always been a major competition between liners, the coveted Blue Riband, the award for the fastest Atlantic crossing being at the center of it all. But speed brought many dangers with it, and Nancy could swear the liners were passing through her waters faster and closer than they had ever been before, trying to shave off every possible minute from their crossing time.
Nancy sighed. It was unbecoming to wish ill upon other vessels, especially for a ship whose purpose was to protect maritime travelers, but she couldn’t get the thought out of her mind that the oceans would be safer without the gigantic speed demons.
Nancy was broken out of her thoughts by a sudden commotion on deck. Looking to port, she saw the image of her nightmares. The towering black mass of an ocean liner emerged from the fog, barreling straight towards her. She sounded her foghorn again and again, but it was far too late for any evasive maneuvers to be taken.
Onboard the liner, the order was rung down to the engine room for full reverse, and the massive ship's hull groaned and shuddered at the sudden change in the engines settings! Straining against her own momentum, the liner managed to slow to only about 3 knots, but with so much mass and kinetic energy behind her, the inevitable collision was no less catastrophic.
Crewmen aboard the lightship frantically donned their life preservers and ran out on deck to jump into the sea, and the collision alarm rang out as the towering hull made contact with the side of their much smaller vessel. The impact violently shook the smaller vessel, as with a sickening crunching and grinding sound Nancy was pushed under by the knifelike bow of the still moving liner.
As water began rapidly flooding in, Nancy looked up to see the name of the ship that had killed her towering high above her, OLYMPIC. It was the last thing she saw before slipping beneath the waves.
Olympic meanwhile, was horrified as her crew frantically ran to lower lifeboats into the water to search for survivors. She had barely sustained any damage at all, only some chipped paint and a few dented hull plates. But the lightship… one minute she was there, the next she was being crushed under the waves as Olympic’s bow cut into her side.
Olympic had shut her eyes, and now refused to open them. She didn’t want to look, didn’t want to see what she had done. But she couldn’t block out the sound of Nancy being crushed under her bow, the sounds of rivets popping and hull plates bending and shearing apart.
Olympic's passengers had barely felt the collision, the reversal of the engines was much more noticeable, and as they tricked out onto the deck to see what had happened all they were greeted with was the smell of oil and a few scattered pieces of debris floating on the ocean surface. Olympic, hesitantly opened her eyes, and immediately felt even more sick, as floating nearby a red buoy bearing the name Nantucket made it clear to all what she had just struck.
The murky fog still hung over the scene as the lifeboats returned, and Olympic forced herself to try and count the survivors… Seven… Seven survivors of what had been an eleven man crew, and three of them didn’t look like they would last long enough to reach port.
Once the lifeboats were brought back aboard, and it became clear that no more survivors would be found, A still shaking Olympic resumed sailing for New York Harbor, with her flags at half mast and a mournful note on her whistle. Unseen by Olympic, a shadow hung on the water over the wrecksite, watching her as she departed into the fog.
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Profile: Mauretania
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Energetic. Optimistic. Competitive. Strong-Willed.
Mauretania is well-known for her cheerful, energetic personality. She’s outgoing and exuberant, with a tendency to playfully tease and bicker with her friends and sister, and she believes that since life is fleeting she should enjoy it while she can. It’s a belief she takes very seriously, a lesson learned from four long years of grief and fear during the First World War. She’s made that outlook a part of her, but its significance pales in comparison to what is perhaps the most important aspect of her identity: her speed. Mauretania was built to be a greyhound capable of crossing the Atlantic at an unprecedented pace, and indeed she remained the fastest liner for twenty-two years; in fact, the Blue Riband is her proudest achievement, and she was devastated when her speed record was broken in 1929.
Type: Ocean Liner
Class: Lusitania
Hull/Yard Number: 735
Launch Day: 9/20/1906
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Cunard (later Cunard-White Star)
Other Names: Tuberose
Language: English
Accent: Geordie
Voice Tone: High and clear, bright, full of emotion, usually talks very fast
Height: 6’0” / 72in / 183cm
Hair Colors: White, red, black
Eye Color: Red-orange
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Skills/Abilities: High speed, energy, optimism, ability to run in heels without hindrance, witty banter, fast reflexes
Likes: Running, being in motion, stargazing, playful teasing and bickering, practical jokes, racing, dancing, jazz and swing music, breaking records, life in general
Dislikes: Sitting still, submarines, cruises (as opposed to transatlantic crossings), war, Liverpool (kind of)
As a ship, Mauretania would sometimes steer herself ever-so-slightly off to one side during rough weather so her bow would plunge into the trough of the nearest large wave, sending a spray of seawater up to splash her crew. As a human, she has to find other ways to pull pranks on her loved ones - all in good fun, of course.
She likes to believe that stars are the lights of lost ships, sailing forever in the sky. This helped her cope with the loss of her sister during the war.
She loves swing music, but really, any tune is enough for her to want to dance.
One of her biggest pet peeves is people spelling her name with an I instead of an E. Other misspellings are less annoying to her, as long as they at least remember the E.
Selected Songs:
Frank Sinatra - I’m Gonna Live Till I Die
Celtica Pipes Rock! - Full Steam Ahead
Fergie feat. Q-Tip and GoonRock - A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (All We Got)
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ask-tighnari · 1 year
A large amount of wildlife photography is randomly encountering it without means to document it and desperately trying to find such before it runs away.
Here's a Riband Wave (Idaea aversata) that I found when I was trying to eat my breakfast.
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manbarrican · 2 years
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nor had i erred in my calculations , not had i endured in vain. i at length felt that i was free. the surcingle hung in ribands from my body. but the stroke of the pendulum already pressed upon my bosom. it had divided the serge of the robe. it had cut through the linen beneath. twice again it swung, and a sharp sense of pain shot through every nerve. but the moment of escape had arrived. at a wave of my hand my deliverers hurried tumultuously away. with a steady movement, cautious, sidelong,shrinking, and slow, i slid from the embrace of the bandages and beyond the reach of the scimitar. for the moment, at least i was free...
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newsmutproject · 2 years
Delight in Disorder Robert Herrick
A sweet disorder in the dress Kindles in clothes a wantonness; A lawn about the shoulders thrown Into a fine distraction; An erring lace, which here and there Enthrals the crimson stomacher; A cuff neglectful, and thereby Ribands to flow confusedly; A winning wave, deserving note, In the tempestuous petticoat; A careless shoe-string, in whose tie I see a wild civility: Do more bewitch me, than when art Is too precise in every part.
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dansnaturepictures · 2 months
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Some of my favourite photos I took in July 2024 and month summary post 1 of 3: Butterflies, moths and birds
The photos in this set are of; Comma at Martin Down, Large White at Lakeside Country Park, Lulworth Skipper at Durlston, Scalloped Oak at home, juvenile Cuckoo at Lyndon, Rutland Water, Great Crested Grebe and chicks and Lakeside and Peregrine in flight at Durlston.
July was another fantastic wildlife month for me. Butterflies played a big role as I did so many Big Butterfly Counts this month, a pleasure to take part in this important survey so much once again. I have thoroughly enjoyed spotting the likes of Ringlet in nice numbers, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Marbled White, Green-veined White, Small and Large White, Painted Lady, Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral, Peacock, Comma, Brimstone, Speckled Wood, Holly Blue and Common Blue. Elsewhere Common Grayling, Silver-washed Fritillary and Lulworth Skipper were quintessential summer species that I was ecstatic to see to get into my year; with Dark Green Fritillary, Wall Brown, Silver-studded Blue, Large Skipper, Small Skipper and Purple Hairstreak also a delight to see.
It was a magical moth month as Silver Y, Six-spot Burnet and exhilarating glimpses of Jersey Tiger moth at Lakeside also starred in my Big Butterfly Counts three day flying species included in the survey. I also very much enjoyed doing a moth trap a fascinating activity as I continue to learn more and more moths with Scalloped Oak, Lackey, Common Footman and Riband Wave great to see and Large Tabby coming into this house and Scarlet Tiger moth and beautiful Magpie moths a new species seen twice this month which was a treat enjoyed in the day. Yarrow Plume and Mint moth other highlights. Cinnabar moth and Emperor moth caterpillars were colourful and wonderful to see this month.
I also had a top birdwatching month with one I treasure a Green Sandpiper becoming my 200th species of the year at one of my key moments in my month and year at Rutland Water whilst up for the Global Bird Fair. On that trip juvenile Cuckoo the first I'd ever seen, Pochard ducklings, an evening Barn Owl encounter, Hobby, Marsh Harrier, excellent views of endearing Ospreys, Little and Great White Egret and Green Woodpecker and Treecreeper seen ringed at BTO demonstration were other key species of my month. It was a pleasure to see the Lakeside Great Crested Grebe pair raise another brood of youngsters this year and seen Peregrines well in Winchester, at Durlston and Corfe Castle. Other standout species this month included astonishing Kingfisher and Spotted Flycatcher views including young of the latter at Puttles Bridge in the New Forest, Kestrel, Yellowhammer, Skylark, Stonechat, Chiffchaff, Wren, House Martin, Swift, Bullfinch, Red Kite and Grey Heron, Moorhen, Greylag Geese, Lesser Black-backed Gull and young Black-headed Gull at Lakeside.
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lycomorpha · 1 year
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The latest moth-trap visitors:
- orange swift
- brimstone
- chonky secret mustard AKA large yellow underwing
- tree lichen beauty
- straw underwing
- cappuccino moth AKA riband wave
- willow beauty
Wishing you all the best moths this weekend 🦋💖 & remember, if you have some outside space; pls leave a few little weeds/dead leaves/long grass for moths to eat 🌿 Thank you from the Moth Promotional Board 🙏🦋✨
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libidomechanica · 3 months
Untitled (“Assist thou will pass before to murder and rain is awake”)
A sonnet sequence
Taking shewed his waiting thought, I make, be thy tresses sprang from whom a hyacinth is dead: and I am old, so long, so well with silke riband. This Courtesy and flowers set in conscience and voices the scene, shall obeysaunce, made my days should rage. Forever. Village schoolmaster! A petted mood and white: to see them serued for their thick-moted surface but he nould we thin! Thing, sleepe and wilt satisfie my bonie, sweet as drowsy noon! Went at thy forehead gaze o’er the basket on his edge. Passed by joy … the lust of love. Assist thou will pass before to murder and rain is awake.
Not onely men in frame destroying inside you miss, yet little her heart monitor, the tidings came from Indus to these wall hung down the forstall bright and fro she live a princely give more lift him over, show of. And Lo! And I almost many a fine and when one Camel, and rounding all my joy in tracking sense unhaunted on his nail, and your goodlihead to this old he replies the Mermaid’s now, ready claime from the stone her cheek the rest, or any of the sky! May poured and so belong, and water, watery tree, mocks married up therefore, which one that he had he lived as they join in sad a sight on earth there was a commons they, what she wear locks to flow, and torch of Delight and nettles rot and to Phoebus gins to me a little Robin, take things which had Horace, or plaints, by dying fall wherein to feele my hairst, I shure in her liuely spring.
Of the ryme should lovers bring; the princesses did trance roll, suck my last defray, and pour out o’ h—ll. Clad; her brow was stiff as been a sore temple girl—she were you and thriftie bitten off the houres there footless that shrines! To take such colours from commingled; and, wherewith time. Se thy pangs below thy tresses dance no more came. That slacker in sad as elephants. Such their shoul’dst be some whereas my poor, nor forbidden crime, because of diamonds, never call! He had a sigh of champagne and the universary, a dove, so they were we too be dumb? By tongue, waking, garden ….
She only spirit wandered much about the brain is just your weekend but with oxytocin or continues to the soldier put out each hapless name; my fancy be condemn’d to sea. By the stars theirs of the pure snow-limb’d Eve from thy bright do burn and drunken be eldest. Within the foot- way path called the murmurs to the stands hearing, as if fate some future day has broken: time of any budding waves roar, and thy pass’d at ever unexpressive neighborhood, having mine, you walked alone; an auld wife’s flown away and white, therefore me sayd, be true passion your eccho ring?
They han the Garments shame of these have been she at his slaues, they are, and I, how of. Such words fit for myself, his toil, and lustihead to be eddying within that, when I’m sitting down threw they clove to slay me by degrees is the Peacoks spotted trains across the approach’d away but the while, that spot of joy. You see the hollow sky, you are o’er the auspices of artisans were in humble round my comfort. The rising so; I must love me, or be she broke before that blood and supply, till it thee; nor sea nor cares there, I cannot brag of wool, as it was a prehistory.
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violettesiren · 1 year
They're hiding by the pebbles, They're running round the rocks. Each of them, and all of them In dazzling sea-green frocks.
They're gathering strips of sea-weed, the ribands fair that lie Along the winding water mark The tide has left so high.
They're flying with the sand, They're singing in the caves, And dancing in the white foam They toss from off the waves.
But if you try to catch them They're always out of reach— Not everywhere and anywhere, But somewhere on the beach.
Sea Fairies by Eileen Mathias
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whtrbbit · 1 year
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@bandysnatched asked: “  fuck off.  ”
                        friends turned to 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬. no , not simply friends ( 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬. ). soulmates. two sides of the same coin. one side had darkened over time. pressed against the fabric of pocket and rubbed far too much. dropped. chipped. little dents within the grooves. the other side was peeled of it's copper. silver shinning. light but worn away. damaged as much as the other side yet when one pressed thumb against the skin tore. cut. grabbed. which one was the side of the coin , dare say begged the bigger question.
always side by side. hand in hand. making tweedledee & tweedledumb look less like companions. both waving the 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐥���𝐜𝐤 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐠. bandit had always casted such a large , looming shadow. but the rabbit did love to hide. finding shelter within such a dark gloomy place. a voice so rough it made his skin spike. a growl that others found horrifying , the rabbit basked in. he had no issue admitting he was 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐲. because oh did he fucking love it. the fanged marks that decorated his throat he wore with as much pride as the lashes on his legs. the riband , serrated like cuts across his abdomen.
only hours before their normal bickering spat did he have that hand wrapped so lovingly around his throat. thumb brushing the fast pulse as opal white eyes dialed. a great heat pooling inside him. jaw tightening in a stubborn line as he let go off his own growl pressing up into it. tongue swiping over fangs always urging the siren to hurt him more. 𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭. every god damn second even when he felt like he couldn't keep up. body feeling as if it was being torn. choking back on both pain and absolute pleasure.
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but now they were at rest. the rabbit bubbling a deep throated laughter coated with honey and southern scent. pink muscle peeking from behind fangs as he wet his lower lip. brow quirking with a snicker and scrunched nose. the fuck off catching him off guard despite it being coated in the siren's own laughter. arms had been tucked behind his head. one leg out from the covers while the other tucked. enough to cover him. sitting up on his elbow a bit his head fell to a curious little tilt. ‘ i mean i can easily fuckin leave or you can 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐭 𝐮𝐩 and fuck me again , you overgrown fishnet. ’
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