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coldflash-corner · 9 months ago
Barry probably has showed up so often to Saints and Sinners to talk to Snart, debate with him, ask for help, etc. (with a complete absence of the fear anyone else would have) that it's basically common knowledge that Cold has a boyfriend that will show up and scold him like a Missus
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ourgalaxiescollide · 1 year ago
The large cat yawned and looked up sleepily, looking for her boy in the dark. Callahan was upright in his bed, rubbing his eyes and patting the bed in a search for his pet. Shaking herself and stretching lazily, Dolly hopped up to the bed and purred loudly, rubbing against the man's chest and face.
Trembling hands smoothed out the cat's fur, Callahan laid back and closed his eyes, unable to remember what horror had woken him, but feeling its effects still in the waking world. Dolly did wonders to soothe his racing heart, but his mind continued to spin and whirl as it tried to make sense of this fear he felt.
Anxiety tied knots in his chest cavity, and although Dolly tried her hardest, Callahan needed someone to talk to.
Sighing, the man reached over to his bedside table and opened his phone, shooting off a text to the only person he knew may be able to help at this hour.
'Can I come over 🥺'
Quiet, but poppy music played in the background of the brunettes apartment, bring a fun buzz to the air. The dim fairy lights filling the small living room just enough for the shadows to be lingering in the corners. Candle wicks flickered on an off, filling the space with a cozy smell, one reminding her of the old pines back at the summer camp.
Gods, she loved her nights off!
She got to say inside, throw on her dramatic robe that SCREAMED 'i totally killed my husband but act like the mourning widow' with cute little fuzzy pjs and work on her cottage core puzzles!
Humming along to a song she long since memorized, she feels the slight vibration from her phone as it dings against the wooden coffee table.
"Huh..?" The brunette reached over, flipping over the phone and watched as the screen lit up once more. Her eyes widen in surprise, but quickly soften as a quiet giggle escapes her.
'Of course!! You better be bring Dolly tho! Thats your ticket in here ;P'
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skygemspeaks · 7 months ago
Devastating things about the earth girl series that you don't realize on the first read through or until after you read the companion novels:
Marack never once got to meet Jarra in person
The first time Riak ever sees his granddaughter is at his wife's honour ceremony and he can't even tell her that he's her grandfather
The first time Dragon ever talks to Jarra is when he's telling her about her parents' death (while dealing with his own grief about his cousin and cousin-in-law)
Riak loses his son and his daughter-in-law, and then immediately afterwards gets caught on the solar arrays during the carrington event and has to crash land solar 5
Riak finds out that his 17 year old granddaughter had gotten hurt rescuing him!
Jaxon has to deal with the fact that because of him, his parents never got to meet their youngest daughter, and Jarra will never know what it's like to have parents
The only reason Riak was the CO of the earth solar arrays was that he was holding the position for his son. He was about to retire! And then in the same year he lost his son, almost died, and then suddenly had to be the commanding officer of Alien Contact Programme
Drago gets to befriend Jarra, but he can't even tell his best friend that he met her
Riak went for a rejuvenation cycle and came back to find out that one of his closest friends had let his youngest grandchild go through a medical procedure that had a not insignificant chance of killing her. In the same year that he'd already lost his son.
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trippygalaxy · 3 months ago
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Idk if ill colour this but if any of y’all remember my old oc riake, i gave her a new look :]
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save-the-data · 1 year ago
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Please... Siang Riak Winyan | S01E02
Thai Drama - 2017, 6 Episodes
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guratpena · 2 years ago
manusia kadang melalui episode yang tidak disangka. meski tidak semua dalam definisi buruk, nyatanya lebih banyak yang merasa dikecewakan. mungkin karena terlalu yakin, atau malah karena terlalu berharap.
tapi mungkin sebetulnya hidup tidak semengejutkan itu. mungkin sesuatu terjadi setelah pertanda atau peringatan yang tidak disadari atau terabaikan. mungkin manusia terlalu tenang menghadapi riak meski tidak tahu gelombang apa yang menanti di ujungnya.
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seventheaventh · 26 days ago
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"Nak, memang tidak semuanya harus berbalas..."
Tak semua senandung harus menemui gema, tak semua seruan akan dibalas oleh gaung yang merdu. Ada doa yang terbang tinggi, memecah langit dengan rindu, namun layu sebelum sempat mencapai singgasana-Nya. Ada pinta yang mengalir, lembut seperti sungai, namun tenggelam di pusaran sunyi yang tak berbatas. Tidakkah kau mengerti? Tidak semua yang kita titipkan pada malam, akan sampai pada bintang.
Kita ini, makhluk yang menabur harap seperti petani menebar benih di ladang yang asing. Tapi apakah setiap bibit mesti tumbuh? Tidak semua tanah ramah, tidak semua musim bersahabat. Ada yang jatuh di tanah tandus, diserap oleh hampa, lalu menguap menjadi angin tanpa arah.
Dan bukankah hujan pun tak selalu menjadi berkah? Di tempat yang kering, ia adalah nyawa. Namun, di bumi yang telah basah, ia bisa menjadi beban. Begitu pula doa, ia tak selalu menjelma jawaban. Kadang, ia hanya menjadi riak kecil di lautan takdir, tak cukup kuat untuk mengubah arus.
Tuhan, yang Maha Mendengar, kadang memilih diam, bukan karena lupa, tapi karena tahu. Ia tahu kapan kita perlu dilimpahi, kapan kita mesti belajar kekurangan. Sebab, tidak semua kehilangan adalah celah, dan tidak semua penolakan adalah luka.
Maka, jika pinta kita seperti embun yang terhapus mentari sebelum sempat menyentuh bumi, mungkin bukan karena ia sia-sia, melainkan karena Tuhan sedang menyusun hujan di waktu yang lebih tepat. Jika doa kita seperti burung yang terbang, hilang di cakrawala tanpa arah, mungkin ia sedang mencari sarang yang lebih baik untuk hinggap.
Tidak semua yang tak berbalas adalah penolakan. Kadang, ia adalah cara semesta mengajarkan ikhlas tanpa syarat, dan keyakinan tanpa perhitungan. Sebab, cinta yang tulus pun tak selalu harus diterima. Dan di situlah, manusia belajar bahwa berharap adalah seni mencintai, bahkan ketika jawaban tak pernah datang.
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ceritamelayuboleh · 3 days ago
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Rindu pulak anak saudara I, kan best kalau dapat "melatih" dia hari jumaat ni. Maklumlah duduk asrama tahfiz, susah sikit nak jumpa. Tapi kalaulah i dapat dia...
I nak dia datang melawat dekat dengan waktu solat Jumaat siap berpakaian sarban dan jubah. Bila dia datang ketuk pintu, i nak biarkan dia sekejap, biar jiran-jiran tengok dia cuba ponteng solat Jumaat.
Lepas biarkan dia kat luar sekejap, barulah i bukak pintu, biarkan dia masuk. Masa I bukak pintu tu, i nak pakai seluar jeans pendek aras paha dan singlet putih, biar terbeliak sikit mata anak saudara I.
Lepas tutup je pintu, i nak peluk dia erat-erat. Biarkan dia bau wangi-wangian yang i pakai hanya untuk dia. I nak meraba tubuh badan dia, nak cubit cubit isi tubuh dia sampai dia mula merengek sikit sikit.
Bermulalah episod kerosakan dia, i nak bawak dia ke ruang tamu rumah dan tanggalkan sarban dia. I akan suruh dia hamparkan sarban dia atas sofa i. Seperti biasa i akan pastikan ruang tamu i sunyi dan kipas tertutup supaya senang I berpeluh.
I pun akan duduk di atas sofa beralaskan kain sarban anak saudara I. I akan arahkan si dia untuk mula menjilat jari jemari kaki ku. Seronok bila tengok dia dalam keadaan merangkak menjilat, merasa jari jemari kaki I dengan penuh rakus.
I akan arahkan dia mula menjilat ke bahagian atas, I nak bermandikan air liur anak saudara I. Titik peluh I yang mula muncul akibat kehangatan akan dijilat berulangkali oleh si dia. Bila waktu azan berkumandang, I nak perli dia.
"EH, tak gi solat ke?" I nak perli dia, biar dia rasa sentap sedikit. Mesti dia rasa terpaku dan rasa bersalah kan. Patut jadi ustaz tapi jadi hamba nafsu. Dengan perlahan I akan tanggalkan singlet i dan londehkan seluar jeans pendek I. I nak tayang keseluruhan badan I dekat si dia yang berbelah bahagi hendak ke solat atau hendak menuntut tuntutan nafsu. Tubuh berbogel I akan berlabuh dengan selesanya di atas kain sarban dia, peluh I akan membasahi kain tersebut sedikit demi sedikit.
Anak saudara I mesti masih terpaku, di hati dia hanya terfikir akan azan yang sedang berkumandang tapi tubuhku terhidang untuk mata nafsunya. Tertawa I melihat dia, batang dia dah mula menegang dah tapi mukanya masih menunjukkan riak keliru.
Dengan sengaja i mengangkang, memberi isyarat kepada anak saudara I untuk berkhidmat sepuas nafsu I. Masih lengkap berjubah, anak saudara duduk diantara kangkangan ku, mukanya tersembam di cipap ku. Dalam sekelip mata, lupalah si dia untuk ke solat, dan mulalah dia menjilat.
Dia tidak berhenti sehingga habis waktu Jumaat. Dalam waktu itu, I telah klimaks dua kali, setiap klimaks I membasahi kain sarban dan anak saudara I. Bergaung suara rengekan I, memecah kesunyian di ruang tamu rumah I. Apabila kepuasan I dituruti, I memberhentikan anak saudara I, menyuruhnya memakai kembali sarbannya yang dibasahi peluh dan jus cipap ku.
Tersenyum I bila melihat anak saudara I beredar dari rumah I dengan memakai sarban tersebut...
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avrindah · 1 month ago
Menikmati Keterlambatan
Baru belajar untuk lebih santai menikmati keterlambatan di umur segini. Tidak terburu-buru ketika di stasiun, jalan santai menuju halte, melambatkan langkah ketika di pasar, atau hal lainnya.
Ternyata ... itu baik-baik saja.
Menunggu KRL selanjutnya tidak menyeramkan. Ketinggalan bus bukan akhir dari segalanya. Sedikit lebih lama di pasar bukan kesalahan.
Hidup tetap berjalan. Manusia tetap hidup pada alur takdir masing-masing. Rerumputan tetap meninggi. Hujan tetap turun secepat apapun kita mengejar mendung.
Barangkali hidup yang tidak terasa menyenangkan itu buah dari apa saja serba cepat. Bisa jadi kehilangan minat pada apapun itu hadir karena tidak menikmati setiap jengkal proses. Burn out. Lost interest for doing anything. Mungkin bisa disembuhkan ketika kita menikmati keterlambatan, melambatkan langkah, mulai memperhatikan awan berarak, mendung menggantung, rinai hujan sore, semilir angin yang menggoyang pucuk daun, bahkan bisa dengan mengamati setiap riak air got yang menghitam.
Selamat menikmati hidup. Semoga hidup kita kembali menyenangkan. Senyum kita terbit. Paling penting, kita selalu menemukan alasan untuk bersyukur.
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ourgalaxiescollide · 11 months ago
Now, something many people did not take into consideration when it came to horns was how difficult they were to maintain. Seen as trophys or signs of status, those without them rarely thought of how much care was put into a healthy set of horns.
Callahan, for one, had never been good about maintaining his horns. As a child, his mother or father would handle grooming, then as an adolescent, there was never an opportunity or time, as they were either cut short or removed entirely, head bandaged to stop the bleeding. Then, as a wanderer, he never really took the time to maintain them past healing any breaks or filing them down enough that they were relatively healthy.
The tiefling winced as the tender new growth of his horns snagged against his rough fingertips, frowning at the coarse, scared horntips that were slowly but surely growing into points now. Growing horns the first time is one thing. Regrowing them was another. They would chip and peel like fingernails after damage, and when they were cut as deep as Callahan's were, they were extremely sensitive.
He sat there, in the bedroom facing a mirror, hands limp in his lap and file sitting on the bed next to him. He couldn't bring himself to pick it up. The bard knew this was important to do, but still, he resisted, shying away from the feeling of metal near his horns.
She had noted the man had retreated to his bedroom, but seeing as he had been acting a little quiet recently Riake didn't think too much of it. She knows that Callahan was much more introverted compared to her and needs his sperate space, but she also knew to never let the bard let linger in his thoughts for too long.
So thats what lead her to now, Riake arms were loosely crossed as she leans on his door way while peering into his quiet room.
Riake saw the file on the bed, the tall man sat on his larger bed as he stared almost emptily into the mirror across him. She knew what that look was, and she had a feeling as to what started it.
"You alright, my mate?"
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skygemspeaks · 2 months ago
I would love to hear more about your plans for a knight and his sun, if that’s okay!
Yeah absolutely! Sorry it's taking a while for me to get back to that fic, the rwrb fandom has had me in a chokehold, and also i've been working on a beckett fic for hive future 👀
Anyways, some upcoming plot points for knight and his sun:
- chapter 3 is a raven pov of his first meeting with jarra! He's kind of absolutely smitten with her as soon as he sees her, and we get to see her meeting with her history team and impressing raven with just how smart she is
- raven and jarra meet drago and raven gets to fangirl over getting to meet his idol. The two of them end up becoming close friends
- there's some sweet sweet riak and jarra bonding after raven lets slip that riak is her grandfather
- before jarra goes back to her class she and raven get a twoing contract which leads to some jealousy from fian and dalmora when they see her ring 👀
- later during the ark evacuation, playdon and the rest of team 1 meet raven
Also i'm trying to find a way to include jaxon in this au since everyone knows he's my favourite character, but i haven't really thought of anything yet. Possibly raven or riak convinces jarra to message with her siblings more?
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trippygalaxy · 1 year ago
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Modern! Callahan and Riake!!
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treasure-goblin · 1 year ago
Tag the OCs that would find each other in any universe
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save-the-data · 1 year ago
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Please… Siang Riak Winyan | S01E04
Thai Drama - 2017, 6 Episodes
Episodes | Gaga | Viki | YouTube | iQIYI | WeTV | Tencent | Catalogue
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kkiakia · 1 year ago
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Semoga Allah senantiasa memberi hati kita kelembutan untuk memahami dan meyakini bahwa;
Takdir Allah adalah titian rahasia yang dihamparkan oleh waktu, maka takdir apapun yang Allah hamparkan di depan, pasti mampu kita lalui dengan kekuatan dari-Nya.
Allah Maha melihat setiap detail perbuatan dan perkataan kita, semoga Allah letakkan di hati kita rasa malu dan takut untuk berbuat dosa.
Allah Maha besar, tiada daya upaya diri kita tanpa pertolongan-Nya, semoga Allah jadikan kita berkesadaran bahwa kita adalah hamba yang selalu bergantung pada-Nya dan sedetikpun sungguh tak berdaya tanpa pertolongan-Nya.
Perihal hidup dan kematian, adalah suratan takdir yang tak bisa ditentang. Jika takdir untuk menghirup nafas kehidupan masih ada, maka akan ada banyak cara dan kesempatan untuk tetap bertahan namun jika waktu telah habis dan rejeki di dunia tiada lagi tertulis, maka yang mesti berpulang tiada sama sekali mampu di pertahankan untuk tetap bernafas.
(Refleksi, setelah menemui kasus tenggelam anak usia 3,5th siang kemarin di daerah ST di faskes primer seadanya, Alhamdulillah, pasien berhasil di rujuk ke RSUD terdekat dg perjalanan menggunakan transportasi air disertai cuaca hujan dan riak sungai yang bergejolak dengan waktu hampir 2 jam di sungai)
Pelajaran berharga, 21 Januari 2024 09.45 wita
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virtualtadpole · 3 months ago
Think you know older Thai stuff? Well, do you know THESE?
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Here's something different for a change. Do you know what series/movies/shorts these are from? Have fun guessing! I'll come back to edit the post with answers in a few days.
Okay, here are the answers!
i Stories: G (2018) - Part of an anthology of LGBT-themed short films sponsored by Honda Motorcycle. PP 's character is part of a group of gay friends who knew each other from being dumped by the same guy.
Love Songs Love Series: Small Boats Should Leave (2017) - A non-BL miniseries with a small side plot where Plustor 's character has a crush on his best friend, played by Captain.
Part Time (2016) - The series has a BL side played by Kimmon and Zo Wongsapat (not in other BLs).
Wun Rak Phon Phak Tang Tua 2 (2016) - Not a BL. This scene from the sitcom has Mean Phiravich and Nut (ntsuntorn, who was in Water Boyy) 's characters doing servicey things for their vlog to gain followers.
The School (2015) - Gameplay and Bombbam Kirati (also seen in What the Duck) play this series' BL side couple.
Love Smart (2015) - A short web miniseries featuring Tommy and Tape Worrachai (The Tuxedo).
The Underwear (2017) - One of the storylines in the series is Got Kanidsorn (Bar in Love Mechanics 2022) 's character secretly crushing on his straight best friend played by Tong Supanut (Lop in Unforgotten Night).
Love Lie Hide Fake (2018) - Job (Miracle of Teddy Bear) and Best Anavil (Till the World Ends) 's characters play a shipped couple acting in a series, though the show's actual BL pairing is Best with Pop Khamgasem.
Memory of Love (2016) - A student short film series featuring Benz Natthapong (EN of Love: This is Love Story) and Mo Weerasak Saenkuntawong (not in other stuff).
Sugar Café (2018) - A straight rom-com movie with Zee and Year Chotritud (who had small parts in The Effect, Our Days) as a tiny BL side pair.
Dangerous Boys (2014) - An action movie with an early BL side couple quite notably kissing on-screen, played by Oat Pasakorn (So Much In Love) and Tong Surawit (Tamtam in That's My Candy).
Love O-net (2014) - one of the early proto-BL TV dramas, featuring Tong Piroonwat (Prince in Fahlanruk) and Speck Phisitphong (Chama in the same series).
Lie (2016) - a student short film featuring Singto and Kanin Smuthkochorn (better known as an ice hockey player).
Please... Siang Riak Winyan (2017) - A horror series and not actually BL at all. Mark Siwat and Perth Tanapon play step brothers.
The Right Man: Because I Love You (2016) - one of three short films sponsored by gay dating app Blued, featuring War and Earthlee Ardivat Leeruangsri (hasn't done other acting work). Each had a certain holiday-associated theme. This one's was mother's day, and it's a cute story about War's character, who's reluctant to come out to his mom. There are a few brief sequences of the boys hooking up and dating, but they don't really show anything particularly naughty (the picture is only seen as a still insert). Sorry for the tease. 😆
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