#rhys muse
ofmd-ann · 9 months
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Happy New Year to my followers, mutuals and all the incredible people in this fandom ☠️ 🏳️‍🌈 💜
Lots of love x
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avastyetwats · 9 months
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Stede Bonnet.
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cahootings · 1 year
Sorry I just needed to isolate this for my own purposes. This show is a COMEDY
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sissy-the-siren · 1 month
Borderlands: Debt or Alive
"You seem to misunderstand who you're talking to," I growled. "We did this to save you. We're the good guys." "Funny," Fittzwiggins said, a cruel smile curling his lip. "I seem to remember one Handsome Jack saying much the same thing."
Things I was expecting from Borderlands: Debt or Alive--my girls, guns, and fun.
Things I got from Borderlands: Debt or Alive--my girls, guns, fun, Rhysha goodness, Fiona being Very Gay, existential crises, and class revolution.
A solid entry into the Borderlands universe, Anthony Burch doesn't disappoint, returning with the same wit and charm to his writing that made me fall in love with Borderlands 2. Fast-paced and action-packed, this isn't your standard novel and reads almost like a movie script, but it's so much fun, and, well, so MUCH FUN!!!
(If you haven't played Borderlands 2 and Tales from the Borderlands, this book might not make much sense or be enjoyable for you, just a head's up.)
After running and gunning for so long, when con artist sisters Fiona and Sasha finally get their Big Break, they find themselves wallowing in apathy, missing...what, they're not quite sure, but whatever it is, it's preventing them from enjoying their new life of luxury. It only takes Sasha's second death, Fiona's first death, Deathtrap's destruction (don't worry, he gets rebuilt!), Gaige's torture (twice), and an uprising against Eden-5's uber wealthy Elite for them to figure it out, but they get there!
I was hoping--PRAYING--for some Rhysha goodness, and Burch more than delivered; in-between bouts of dealing with her own mortality and the cold realization that nothing awaits her after death, Sasha examines her life, where she's at, what her future holds, and where Rhys slots into it all. I've compiled the following list of Rhysha moments:
Chapter 1 p. 13-14 - Taking place during the last battle with the Guardian, Sasha reflects over the events of Tales, with an emphasis on how she developed feelings for Rhys (and vice versa), largely due to how loyal he was to his friends and the lengths he'd go to protect them. p. 16 - Sasha's death scene, where Rhys is sobbing uncontrollably (described as "heartbreak" by Fiona) and Sasha thinks to herself that he's "[d]umb as a rock" but that he has a "big heart".
Chapter 2 p. 20 - Fiona wonders if she's going to be stuck in the Vault forever while Rhys is free to go and hit on her sister. p. 25 - Sasha's eyes light up with joy, something they haven't done since they were kids--and, Fiona adds in a footnote, since Rhys started flirting with her (she tries not to think about that though). p. 27 - Sasha wishes for a Vaultlander collectible from the Vault, something she learned about from Rhys. He told her about them when she "accidentally brushed my hand against Rhys's arm and he got so nervous he wouldn't stop talking about these things for twenty minutes." Fiona tells her that she can do better, to which Sasha tells her to stop being "such a mom" and that Rhys is "a nice guy".
Chapter 4 p. 39 - The sisters discuss the Vaultlander, Rhys, and whether or not Rhys has ever taken his Vaultlander figures out to play with them (he told Sasha that he hasn't because they're a "sound financial and artistic investment"; the sisters both think he has though).
Chapter 6 p. 50-51 - NOT Rhysha related, but just one--and the most significant--of the many sections that screamed "FIONA LOVES WOMEN!!!!" to me. There is no hetero explanation for the amount of detail with which Fiona observes Holloway. NONE. Chapter 9 p. 71 - Sasha says that meeting Rhys couldn't have been for nothing. Chapter 10 p. 79 - Sasha is able to get a debt cuff off of Fiona because Rhys taught her how to hack. This comes in handy several times throughout the book. Chapter 15 p. 111 - Fiona notes that Sasha ECHOchats with Rhys almost every day. Chapter 16 p. 114-116 - Half of this chapter is Sasha talking to Rhys. Both admit that they miss each other, even if they're in a weird are-we-or-aren't-we place. Sasha thinks that Rhys is a kind, handsome himbo with ambition. Rhys blushes while saying she means a lot to him and Sasha realizes that she likes him. Chapter 31 p. 220-226 - Soooo much happens in these pages! The first thing that comes up is that Sasha notices the beginning of Rhys's mustache and that he's altered his voice. The tone turns serious when Rhys asks if he can call her his girlfriend, to which Sasha apologizes and says that she's not ready for that until she knows that she can promise him with certainty the future that he deserves. Rhys understands and is willing to do whatever is necessary as long as she's happy, to which Sasha admits to herself that she can see them being more--eventually. Things take a MORE serious turn when Rhys asks her how she's doing and Sasha tells him the truth--the full truth, which isn't something she normally would do, but feels comfortable doing so with Rhys because she cares about him and actually wants to let him in to her life. Rhys helps the sisters get back on track and renews their fighting spirits. Chapter 32 p. 227 - Fiona once against questions why Sasha is crushing on Rhys when his brilliant idea to disguise the guns he sent to them is by writing "Not Guns" on the pallets. Sasha says that his heart is in the right place, to which Fiona responds, "[w]here his brain should be." p. 228 - Sasha quotes Rhys ("Mustaches are a facial accoutrement that convey trustworthiness, masculinity, and culture without ever needing to leave the cozy confines of one's upper lip."), much to Fiona's horror, and when his parroted words succeed in swaying the secbot to let the "mustache wax" (pallets of guns) through, Sasha gets an air of "see-Rhys-can-be-useful-who-looks-silly-now" about her. Chapter 34 p. 237-242 - Taking up the bulk of this chapter, Fiona and Sasha argue over Sasha and her inability to make up her mind when it comes to whether or not she wants to be in a relationship with Rhys. Fiona points out that they're not living out of a caravan anymore, not constantly on the run, and that Rhys is a "decently handsome idiot who worships the ground you walk on", going so far to admit that she--Fiona--even likes him. She encourages Sasha to make a decision one way or the other--it's only fair to the both of them. Chapter 36 p. 255 - Fiona hands Sasha a note that Rhys handwrote for her that he sent with the gun shipment. A "big, dumb smile" appears on Sasha's face. Epilogue p. 308-309 - Fiona sends a text-only ECHOcomm to Rhys. Fiona thanks Rhys for everything he's done for her, and for being good to Sasha (of course, she follows up by saying that if he's ever NOT good to her, she'll hunt him down and fill his brain with bullets). She reluctantly congratulates him on officially being Sasha's "long-distance boyfriend".
Even without all that Rhysha goodness, Debt or Alive is a solid book and a wild ride with plenty of love, laughs, and anarchy. (Side note: The sisters' last name is Dillon? Dillon?????)
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nosebleeders · 10 months
◝ ' open to fems .
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                   ❝    there's    not    enough    free    drugs    in    the    world    i    could    offer    you   ,    that    would    make    you    give    a    shit    about    me   ,    is    there    ?    ❞
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rosesonbreeze · 2 months
OPEN TO: M/F/NB PLOT: Your muse is my muse's sibling's best friend/younger sibling/older sibling that Rhys has been harboring a not-so-secret crush on for years. MUSE: Rhys Montgomery, 28, Pilot, recently reformed fuck boy with a heart of gold (sometimes).
"Couldn't sleep either, huh?" His voice cuts through the quiet of the living room, save for the distant sound of the ocean. Nights at the Montgomery's beach house always carried some noise, calming and soothing all the same. Tonight, however, it's to neither of their advantage. Leaning against the kitchen counter in his sweatpants, he glances back down the hallway. Maybe he ought to find a shirt. Glancing back, Rhys smiles back at them. "Do you want some of this?" He gestures to the bowl of ice cream in hand. Keeping from distracting himself too much in their presence, or being this close in so many months.
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maykrisms · 1 month
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Since the mun likes Borderlands, here's your obligatory rant about what manufacturer Samuel would prefer of the bunch.
It's Hyperion.
Their aesthetics not only line up with his own (sans the obnoxious yellow color palette), but he'd also like how their weapons feel in his hands. Reverse recoil isn't an issue when your senses and movements are all mechanical and exact, and weapon shields are something Samuel himself has developed. (Just look at the chaingun)
Plus, Hyperion's additional focus into robotics, space exploration, and cybernetic enhancements also align with Samuel's interests. Hyperion and the UAC even have an interest in a unique element - Eridium and Argent, respectively.
Of course, I think Samuel would vastly prefer the Hyperion run by Athena over Handsome Jack, solely because Samuel would not be a fan of that blatant, over the top "all bandits must die!" branding Jack gave the company. If you're going to be killing a fuckton of people, at least attempt to cover it up.
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casualscx · 4 months
closed starter for @velvetrogue continued from here!
The consequence of seeing Hugo naked, cock in hand and whining as if he were a paid professional, was more than enough to make him want to run away and pretend it never happened. But not because he wasn't a fan of what he saw - if anything, there was no denying the rush of blood that ran straight to his crotch - but rather because it was embarrassing on Rhys' part. Once he finally managed to process how he was so rudely interrupting Hugo, Rhys twisted around on his heel and he was seconds from rushing out until Hugo spoke. "Not leave?!" Thank god he was facing the other direction, as his cheeks were quick to flush red at the suggestion. "No no, I'll go. I shouldn't have barged in like that. Fuck, I'm sorry man. I promise, I won't say a fucking word about this. I swear." Despite his words, Rhys did nothing to follow through with actually leaving. "Is this... is this how you're making so much money, man? Because... Jesus Christ."
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merricatblckwood · 11 months
I'm wondering if I should be active on twitter cause I see the ofmd community that it created and I have big FOMO seeing all the people meeting each other and become friends and going to events and lately HAVING A DRINK WITH RHYS DARBY (???) And I'm like I want to belong to this but first I'm scared as shit of twitter there is so much drama and second groups of friends are already formed and third I don't think I'm interesting enough to stand out and belong to this community?? Anyway I'm renting. THOUGHTS? (Said in this Nathan Foad voice, you know the one) thanks
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carelesswhlspers · 2 months
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vaedar · 8 months
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𝐎𝐎𝐂; Hello everyone! So I have been RPing on discord a bit, warming up and such, but I still have to come up with BG3 and Fourth Wing verses for Vaedar at some point.... Not sure yet what. I've been rereading CC and ACOTAR in preparation for CC3 also, which means I'll probably go back to @ofrhysand too or at least pop by. Maaaaaaybe do the same for @rhaegxr.... But anyways, hope you all been good and had a nice start of 2024! And if not, then may it take a turn for the better very soon!
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aeviterncl · 8 months
@malaeartes * ✽ ❪ cont. from here┊☓ ❫
It seemed like everywhere he went, this loser was out there waiting for him. Whether it was the battlefield or getting a reprieve at a cozy ramen shop hardly anyone visited, Souta was cursed to have to deal with this wacko in the chair next to him–or protecting him from becoming collateral damage too. As much as he hated having play good guy, if he let the guy die, his co-workers would give him hell.
❝ That didn't answer my question, you dipshit, ❞ he grumbled, gritting his teeth as he tightly grabbed the plastic water cup within reach of his arm. Unlike the other customers, he was served using less expensive glasses—a testament to how many proper glasses he had broken unintentionally with his strong grip on them. Plastic was easier to manage, and it had become an unspoken rule of the staff to fill his drinks in the soda cups regardless of its contents.
Just as he downed the tall cup of water, a steaming bowl of ramen topped with lots of beef, pork strips, and chili flakes was set at his spot. Ah, dinner was here! Finally! He was famished from all that battling! Letting out a huff, the oni blew his bangs out of his eyes, turning away from Rhys to work on gobbling down the hot ramen he was itching to chow down on. Honestly, the best part of this place was how quickly orders went through.
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❝ Hah?! I wouldn' be a friggen 'overripe fruit'— if I didn't have to care— about where the fucking debris kept flying! ❞ he angrily remarked in the midst of stuffing his mouth with ramen noodles.
He certainly spoke the truth on that one. If he hadn't had to block enough concrete or whatever these buildings were made of from crushing this idiot sitting unscathed beside him, he would barely have anything more than a couple gashes that could easily be patched with stitches and gauze.
As he continued to slurp up his noodles, the oni continued to rant in opposition to the claims set by his acquaintance, ❝ value yer life a little more an' I won't have to take all these stupid injuries in your stupid stead!! ❞
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starfall-spirit · 2 years
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Summary: See Renaissance Masterlist
CW: Minor Smut below the cut. Only a few paragraphs this chapter. But Daddy Rhys is on his way to the party. You've been warned.
Word Count: 1, 234
Chapter IV: Kill Me With Kindness
There was flirting over dinner. Eyes full of sultry promises later whispered in her ear as they strolled down the Arno on their fifth evening in Florence. There was a soft string melody and a strong arm around her waist, tugging her closer. Hands, just straying from gentlemanly. There was a story unwinding and a man to it, holding her like a lover. Like a husband.
And there was a moment where a spark turned to flame, burning her up as they left the lights and life of Santo Spirito behind them, that burning rising and rising before Rhys was leading her to his bed, dragging her zipper down and unclasping her bra.
Soft lips skated across her jaw and down her throat, each kiss as tender as the one before it and only pausing to lay her down on the queen size mattress. She gasped as teeth clamped down over her nipple, a tongue stroking over it to soothe the slight pain. “Rhys.”
“My darling Feyre.” She raked her fingers through his hair, practically aching for him to move down, down, down further, to where his still-covered torso—she’d remedy that soon enough—would fit to keep her legs parted, a bit of lace all that separated them. One hand drifted down from his silky hair to move down his neck and to the buttons of the dress shirt he had selected for their time roaming the city.
He caught her hands, kissing each palm. “Feyre darling, we have all the time in the world.”
Still, knowing just where she wanted him to begin, he sank down, hooking his fingertips around the bits of red lace at either hip. With his tongue finally stroking— ~~~~~ A knock on the door was what drew Feyre out of her strange and admittedly pleasant dream. “Feyre. Feyre, are you awake?”
Casting bleary eyes towards the clock, she found it was already nine-thirty. “Shit,” she hissed, instinctively pressing her thighs together as her companion called for her again.
“Yeah. Sorry. Give me a few minutes to shower and I’ll be out.” It was only fair he granted her a moment to compose herself after… that. Not that he knew anything about it. She was hardly breathing as he moved away from her door. “Holy hell.”
She didn’t know how last night—only their second night in the city, in truth—had brought such a scene to her subconscious. Last night was pleasant. Utterly platonic, even if she’d let herself have a little more wine than usual. Even if she had freed her quick tongue and bright laugh. Even if she had leaned into him as the night wind refracted from the murmuring river. His hands hadn’t once strayed beyond catching her when her toe hooked on an uneven cobblestone, but something through their night out had changed.
Before now she’d never felt the need to start cursing things the second she woke up. If that was what one night did to her, would would the next twelve days mean for them. She put a pin in that thought as she turned on the shower head, stripping down. Who said any of what happened last night would repeat. She could distance herself, even if the city was romantic.
Starting today. Because today really was about history. Last night they had seen the Uffizi Gallery from a distance and Rhys had only taken a glance at her too see her adoration of its history and contents, before saying, “I’ll check on tickets tonight.”
Something told her when she left the shower she’d find those tickets already paid for, despite his catering to her interests within the city before his own. And you know, maybe that was okay, for this trip. She certainly hadn’t been saving for a vacation abroad and he was the one who got them into this mess.
With that in mind, she shut off the shower, drying off and dressing to head out to the kitchen for breakfast. She could smell him cooking breakfast meat. “Good morning, Feyre darling.” She couldn’t help but recall her dream at the endearment, bringing a blush to her cheeks. He raised his eyebrows. “Are you alright?”
“Yes. Yes, I’m fine. Sorry.”
“I don’t know why you keep apologizing this morning, or what’s got you blushing beyond my good looks, which I thought you were acclimated to by now—” She scoffed. “I was worried when you slept so late. It’s a bit unusual for you, isn’t it?”
“Oh, once in a blue moon my internal clock is less insistent. Perhaps I was having a pleasant dream.” She didn’t know why she said it, but at least she’d kept her voice level as she accepted a cup of coffee and a plate holding a croissant from a nearby bakery and fresh sausage.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Once she thoroughly banished the fantasy of his head between her legs, conversation came easily, drifting into her main interests at the Uffizi. He hung on every word, looking like the passion she held was something vital to him. Or perhaps that was her imagination. Some strange lingering affect of his attention to her last night on their walk.
After settling the time for their admission to the gallery, Rhys pulled up the ticket purchase on his laptop, hesitating at the pay point, just waiting for her to argue him paying the small fee. She took another sip of her coffee. “Good,” he murmured, something in his tone—in his eyes—that made her pause a moment. “What?”
“Why?” His brows flicked up at the question. “Why have you insisted on paying for everything?”
“I have what I like to call my inner circle. Small as they are, Mor, Amren, my brothers, they support me in ways others don’t. In return I spoil them. You should see Amren in her fancy jewelry—like a drake hoarding gold.”
He smiled, taking her hand just long enough to brush a thumb across her knuckles. “You’re part of that inner circle now, Feyre. I’m fully entitled to spoil you senseless so long as you remain part of the family.”
He was a caretaker before all else. She’d always known it was beneath the arrogance, but now that they didn’t just see one another in the company of the group—now that they were alone she thought he might just try to kill her with kindness.
She might just let him. Only on their honeymoon of course. ~~~~~ He was preening and he knew it. Twelve euros was hardly a significant purchase, but this was the infamously stubborn Feyre Archeron. He’d had to catch himself earlier, check his tone and word choice as she asked him about his insistence to treat her and the others. Because there was a very different urge to provide for one’s brother or cousin than to provide for a woman one cared for, even if she refused to acknowledge what he felt he wore on his sleeve.
Some selfish part of him had been glad she got that text. Not that her ex was causing issues. The mere thought of that asshole camping outside her apartment had his blood boiling. But that selfish part of him was glad she had decided to go to that lunch, to get on that plane, to walk the river with him.
And perhaps for the one thing she hadn’t decided—to dream of him.
AN: Switch my posting schedule for ACOTW and Renaissance because the late ACOTW chapter went out today.
In Rhys' defense, he hasn't been to that villa in years. He couldn't possibly remember how thin the walls were when he took the room beside the one she picked out. And if he did it was only to ensure she didn't have nightmares about anything, right?????
Also, all Rhys POVs are dedicated to the lovely @the-lonelybarricade. She is the main reason every chapter will have a Rhys POV.
Daddy Rhys is coming, LB. Cross my heart.
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@reverie-tales // @faeriequeensuriel // @s-uppertime // @pandavelaris // @goddess-aelin
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sissy-the-siren · 3 months
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darabeatha · 5 months
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/ W WWHA!!!!!? FOR ME!!!?
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howthesleeplesswander · 6 months
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((Being back from my hiatus means it's time for me to continue terrorizing the dash with more of my little meow meows. 👀 And since I've been back on the Borderlands train recently, there's no better time for me to bring this character to you all!
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Rhys Strongfork from the Borderlands franchise has joined the roster of wanderers! ⭒✩⭒ See Rhys' info HERE ⭒✩⭒
As usual, please drop a lil like on this post if you're interested in interacting with this corporate dingleberry! uvu/ 💕))
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