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penisgeneticist · 6 months ago
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thethingaboutnapkinman · 11 months ago
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april 27th, the day Jason Todd died
^RHOTA Rebirth
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thewitchness · 1 year ago
Playing Bannerlord today, and I'm really vining with how they've chosen to name the towns and villages on the map.
Rhotae and Epicrhotea: guy gets kicked out of Rhotea and proceeds to found a new and better city with "hookers and blow". They're on two sides of the same mountain, too.
Gaos and Gaos castle: Gaos sells cows. It rhymes. It's cows!
A bunch of villages are named for the horses they sell.
Bukkits: literally. Unfortunately, they do not sell buckets. They also sell cows.
Ustukol and Ustukol Castle: I can only read this as "U stuck, lol?" As the castle is on the entrance to a peninsula, and the village is on the far end (the sticky outy bit).
I'm sure I can find more and will do as I continue to rack hours into the Medieval Nomad Simulator.
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petrow1tch · 2 years ago
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Touchy Thaumaturge, impostor of the magick circle.
While possesing none of supernatural magical capabilities on its own, Touchy Thaumaturge is skilled in the more primitive, physical wonders, such as making objects speak, setting things on fire, or showing a picture behind the piece of glass.
The only being alive that holds the immeasurable power of long distance speech, that it bestowed to others; you only need to be in the vicinity of the mysterious artifact called "Rhota Ryf'onn", rhotty for short (discontinued).
Overobservant viewers could see something familiar in Touchy Thaumaturge's design, but it's probably nothing of importance. Don't worry about it.
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melabea · 9 months ago
Hey! Idk if it's ok to do multiple requests at once but no pressure to do both, or either of them
Stargazer lily scent
Delta/Rho combo (Rhota/Deltrho)
Amending prior request: I realized that "Rhota" is probably better suited to rho/beta, so how about "Rhelta"?
both queued!
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whimsykeii · 1 year ago
can u tell us abt ur a tribe lore?? whats the timeline??
Anon. Anon, I am gripping your shoulders at this moment.
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Thank you for giving me something to think about while at work! And to finish posting the rest of The Nunh and I
The short answer is that some of the basic lore can be found here
Things not mentioned in the linked post:
By Seeker standards, Antelope tribal dynamics are simultaneously overly familiar and yet distant.
Mama ____ - A woman from the previous line who has a child (or kit) of the current line. Ex: A'lathei would refer to A'rhota as Mama A'rhota/Mama Rhota, but call her birth mother Mom/Mama/Mum/etc. Nana/Papa ___ - The elderly members of the tribe, usually the grandmothers/old Tias (including former Nunhs) of the current line. Auntie ___ - A woman from the previous line who has no children, or is a cousin. The tribal prefix is a sign of formality... or the tribal equivalent of getting your full government name said when paired with the angry tones of a mother. Most of the time, the given name is spoken. (A'lathei would simply be called Lathei by her family 80% of the time.)
Sixth Astral Era
~1521: A'thalin Tia becomes A'thalin Nunh
1523: A'dhirmi is born, marking the start of the Thalin generation.
1524: A'phiris is born.
1525: A'rhota and A'shira are born. Elsewhere, Khuzim is born to unknown parents.
1526: A'linesse is born.
1527: A'marxia is born.
1532- Khuzim is adopted into the A tribe, becoming A'khuzim Tia.
1546- A'khuzim leaves the tribe to train in order to succeed A'thalin Nunh.
1549- Elsewhere, Phthalo (later A'phthalo Nunh) is born.
1551- "The Nunh and I" takes place: A'khuzim defeats A'thalin and is named the new nunh, A'thalin exiles himself immediately the following day. A'linesse is chosen as the first bride.
1551- A'sanri is born, marking the start of the Khuzim generation.
1552- A'dahlii is born.
1554- A'lathei is born.
1555- A'tashrae is born.
1556- A'cidha and A'konde are born.
1557- A'zelra is born.
1558- A'habu, A'xansa and A'lumhinn are born.
1562- A'khashin Tia is born.
Seventh Umbral Era
1572- The Seventh Umbral Calamity permanently scars the traditional hunting grounds of the A-tribe.
1574- Phthalo is adopted into the tribe, becoming A'phthalo Tia.
1577- Events of ARR begin, A'lathei leaves to become an adventurer.
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scover-va · 2 years ago
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Take more ocs that I will not explain my thought process behind because my entire thought process was “nrhrhrgrbrvvmm”
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kamimint · 5 years ago
Gonna put on my big boy pants and do the requests in my inbox also send more in I have bad art block but 🥺🥺
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cynassa · 3 years ago
Apart from Wally team up and Bitewing(!!!) I'm ignoring like .... three years of Nightwing canon
It's fine, I'm fine
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inneroptics · 5 years ago
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FORT RHOTAS, PAKISTAN 1963 -  Rene Burri
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444names · 3 years ago
dutch and german forenames + aarakocra names BUT excluding the letter "j"
Aaccaianny Aader Aadrirrika Aanne Aanny Aared Aarerc Aarne Aarstia Aartaart Aatren Aberc Abrang Abrena Achrisla Aciaanth Acoltober Acqur Adert Adrec Adrer Akkisl Alarconza Albeliarrk Alfgarl Aliet Alikathie Alorr Altona Altrinris Amutheina Anadartrey Anath Andemild Andre Anikaf Annand Annata Annelorert Ansgaias Araiariss Aralin Arand Arikiast Armat Arred Arriema Aullar Bader Bassund Beass Belirc Berrae Bluccarle Bodele Bodold Boutz Brahlukeg Brantob Bruak Caadricci Caekke Caian Carick Chaine Cheric Cherth Chick Chtsapp Cilberr Clard Clarr Claushlid Claust Cleeki Clees Cliaf Clide Clidemard Clief Clina Cline Cliss Cluff Cobiacob Cobinz Colarnola Coldre Colfolf Colgar Colgarlex Collmal Conas Coorrk Corne Corst Craall Crarieve Creand Creccaar Creec Criack Crietephih Cruderk Crudwinher Cuakki Culkath Dagmund Daktlidene Dalterc Dalvet Danciass Darag Darerre Dashosilee Dasta Dellie Delven Demis Denian Dewilies Dinek Dineltsh Direerrk Dirmina Distefie Dukial Dukke Durikharc Dustinna Ekerhozi Eladering Elaus Elher Elhert Elhes Ellaukaiaf Elman Elsass Emarid Emiekkaia Eqekka Erher Erthyste Esminhot Estlud Ewilla Feler Felgerac Flois Floukime Fluduka Frasmée Frauszi Freeg Frerahk Friarrille Friens Frikhuak Frismierc Gaiame Ganne Georiele Geraf Gerart Gerirk Gerle Gerobert Gerooqis Gerte Gertruarre Gilbrak Giselis Gisephildo Goederwili Gothmarger Gotsus Gottfrerno Gredem Grena Grilidon Guaktla Gundenz Gunthika Gusabran Günto Hacheid Haelluff Haeriva Hakiek Hariverack Hedelianna Hedithmarc Heidel Heina Helehk Helmar Herrk Hicolete Hiler Hilhert Hilid Hilvick Hilvina Huacham Huberika Hucaias Hucces Icheintorc Iekke Ielet Ikeakih Ilias Inade Islard Istonik Kaciss Kacors Kaian Karirete Karmiras Karogiss Karooqarrk Khuiekkehk Kisephilka Klosiem Kloursta Kluack Kluder Kluff Kluke Krack Kranisep Krola Kronikarrk Krukke Krurrk Kucarma Kucci Kurranne Laarnd Lehae Letsas Liess Lonik Loriltrid Losig Louka Luzhik Lydirrk Maanna Mararrinus Marecarc Mareccist Marikarg Marin Marle Marleess Marnourr Marrin Medewig Mellaugus Mienessie Milia Miller Minekiack Miren Mirrecca Nathilhehk Nedré Nekead Nerinne Niaqas Ninhooqie Niëllmirk Ocekehk Ochriam Olbea Oldeg Olderthehk Olfgabea Orahark Oreqer Oston Otaliekka Otterc Ottoff Phana Piekea Pimilmart Pyrogile Pyrolillu Qakke Qhann Qhaztu Qhich Qhichete Qhirk Qhuass Qhuck Qhunout Qiekkieke Qleel Qlees Qleriacolf Qlerk Qliana Qliek Qlona Qourrk Qrecharin Qreerrk Qrerc Qretst Qriaag Qrier Qriessh Qrired Qruak Qurra Qurrk Raagdanne Rahlierc Raiamenrag Raina Ranoltrin Reekkehana Rellraches Rendon Rerif Rhalirra Rhannel Rhard Rhariekka Rhirk Rhohar Rhohtla Rholli Rhoocek Rhota Rhuntinal Risep Risienz Rolganne Rolgerk Rolke Roltrine Romedak Romil Rookkil Rooqa Runtian Rurei Ruudemisec Ruukke Saber Sannel Saqark Saqas Sarerharer Sastalidir Sekkies Shirranne Shlikas Shluuk Sholaarr Sholfriaag Shomete Shooqissan Shotz Shozietal Shoziu Sigmard Silirr Sillehk Sirrisl Sismée Sitsuhk Sohan Somarrk Soseztald Sosia Sprillene Sprina Ssandrido Ssass Sshic Stiaaf Stiam Stobin Suarr Sukaad Sukki Svert Svess Szela Szelsapp Talmi Tenzeltrin Terne Thare Therc Thichaiag Thill Thirraar Tolfre Tomariss Trias Trili Trush Truuke Uccilist Ucias Ulerc Ulkaank Ullrik Utalie Uwenra Uzhohard Uzsulrinel Volea Volfgarr Voliriarr Weriank Wigmarrk Wilie Wimet Wistooci Wolaf Woucikaf Yigman Yucartra Yucci Yveest Yverreqe Zachania Zelsa Zhirk Zirrk Zoacorster Zoatruc Zostilber Zsiefan Zsuhk
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blackivory-27 · 5 years ago
Guys no, I don't know wtf English thinks it can do to words but 'rhotacism' is not 'the excessive use of the letter r', it's a phonetic phenomenon.
"Rothacism" is when a phonema turns to 'r' over the course of time (ex. Latin 'ausosa' becoming 'aurora'), and it comes from 'rhota', which is the greek equivalent of 'r'.
By all means English is weird but from a Latin/Greek student please don't learn words wrong bc of some Tumblr post - please google them first.
why the fuck does english have a word for
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but not for “the day after tomorrow”
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thebookskeepersart · 5 years ago
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Rhota character design. First rough draft.
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wappenherr-blog · 5 years ago
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(picture is based on a map by Vesper_: https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?threads/%F0%9F%A6%85-map-of-calradia-1084-update-15-04-20.385748/)
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gpphotos · 5 years ago
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Fall Color Beneath the Rim #grandcanyon #grandcanyonnationalpark #red #orange #arizona #az #findyourpark #northrim #fall #fallcolors (at Grand Canyon National Park (North Rim)) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-7DK-RHOTa/?igshid=mn7yonmirhgc
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loadedmore · 5 years ago
Rhota Porch Ft. Unstoppable – Hustle Go Pay
Rhota Porch Ft. Unstoppable – Hustle Go Pay
Rhota Porch Ft. Unstoppable – Hustle Go Pay Mp3 Audio Download
DOWNLOAD Rhota Porch Ft. Unstoppable – Hustle Go Pay MP3
Nigerian fast and promising youngster, Rhota Porch join forces with talented rap star, Unstoppable on a new song titled, “Hustle Go Pay“.
The Southwestson-produced song is a new track for the hustler as it sure to make your playlist. It will surely be on repeat.
Listen below;
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