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weepingwidar · 1 year ago
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Sandra Yagi (Japanese-American, 1955) - Rhinobeetle 2 (2010)
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stonethetic · 8 months ago
And the Transgender Rhino Beetle wraps up my pride bug series for right now! It was really fun working on all of these. It was interesting figuring out how to simplify the designs of the bug wings down, and how to render their faces less scary for those who have a fear of insects. Shirts are here: stonethetic.com/clothing
"Carpe Diem" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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lilgreenfox · 2 years ago
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A shadow Heracross, ready to serve up a knuckle sandwich 🥊🪲🍴
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joshdamn23 · 6 months ago
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My half of a trade w/ @Charbeanss
It's Sage the Rhinobeetle!
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tristarnova · 7 months ago
Yokai Hybirds yokei Godneu
This is of course canons for yokei godneu
Yokai despite their different looks and origins, can all breed with each other, of course, breeding with a species of yokai outside their own, does result in a lot of various hybrid yokai, a rise showing up after the dark ages.
The most common yokai species to perform hybridization with other yokai is the harpy and tengu species, leading to the griffon, griffox (harpy+kitsune), Quetzalcoatl, owlbear, hippogriff, siren (harpy + mermaid), and many others.
Mermaids are also prone to hybridization, creating the siren, sea-bear, sea-goat, merocto (scylla+mermaid.), minocampus (mermaid + Minotaur.) hippocampus, and more.
Other hybrids include the ones which have two animals as part of their name, like the tigershark, turtledove, rhinobeetle, mantisshrimp, leopardgecko, hoppermouse, elephantseal, and zebramussel.
If more than 2 yokai are mixed, they usually are called chimeras, due to how many yokai are mixed in, but some do have actual names after the 2 yokai hybirds, like the Sphinx, nue, and manticore.
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littleeyesofpallas · 8 days ago
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DRAGON[ドラゴン] self explanatory
Oh okay... a bunch of these are super impossible to make sense of from the datacard portaits alone plus a few go through dramatic redesigns so here's some with their more notable changes all side by side and i'll get to the ones with less variation afterward...
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JIHĀD[ジハード] from... uh.... JIHĀD[جهاد]??? Not gonna comment on that one
RAGNAROKS[ラグナロックス] from Ragnarøkkr, the apocalyptic event of norse mythology where all the gods of asgard die seemingly returns in MR3 as just RAGNA[ラグナ]
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ATHENA[アテナ] from the Greek Goddess ATHENA[Ἀθῆνα]
GALIEL[ガリエル] GALI and the suffix -IEL[י��ֵל] meaning "-of god" in Hebrew and commonly used in the names of angels in both biblical and apocryphal, and erroneous european occultist texts
CAUCASUS[コーカサス] like the Chalcosoma chiron aka Caucasus Beetle, a type of rhinobeetle
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DODONGO[ドドンゴー] I swear I knew that the Dodongo was from some kind of actual folk lore and not just a Zelda thing but now I can't seem to pinpoint a clear origin
GHIDORAHS[ギドラス] like King GHIDORAH from Godzilla?
APOCALYPSE[アポカリプス] also came in a white variant
MUU[ムー] the weird barely present villain of the franchise, from the Japanese MUU[無有]: "nonexistence/having nothing/oblivion"
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SIMURGH[シムルグ] the legendary bird(?) SIMURGH[سیمرغ] of ancient Iranian mythology
ZARATAN[ザラタン] the ZARATAN[سرطان]: "crab(?)" of Arabic lore. Oddly it appears in the same text as a supposed sea dragon, but they didn't name it after that instead?
DURGA[ドルゥーガ] from the Hindu goddess DURGA[दुर्गा]
FAFNIR[ファフニール] the mythic dragon of Germanic lore in the Volsung saga
GRYPPS[グリュプス] another name for a Griffin/Gryphon
KUJATA[クジャタ] from the KUJATA[كيوثاء] from Islamic cosmology, which carries the world on its shoulders.
KUNGFU[クンフー] dressed like Bruce Lee in Game of Death
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DRAGON-KATZE[ドラゴンカッツェ] from KATZE the german word for "cat
ROSWELL[ラズウェル] it's definitely how youd write ROSWELL like Roswell New Mexico, but it's a Mocchi subtype so I kind of ant to assume it was meant to be ROSE-WELL? But it kind of doesn't make too much sense either way.
JABBERWOCK[ジャバウォック] from Lewis Carrol's JABBERWOCKY
CUÉLEBRE[クエレブレ] from the El Cuélebre of Spanish folklore
FUR-DRAGON[ファードラゴン] or maybe meant to be FURRED-DRAGON with the DO syllable shared
OUROBOROS[ウロボロス] from the Greek [ουροβóρος] the dragon eating its own tail
VOUIVRE[ヴィーヴル] the French folklore monster, akino to a Wyvern
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VRITRA[ヴリドラ] from VRTRA[वृत्र] an asura in hindu mythology
LINDWURM[リンドブルム] another mythic serpent of european lore
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NIDHOGG[ニーズヘッグ] from the norse mythological Níðhǫggr
EDOKKO-DON[エドッコドン] from EDOKKO[江戸っ子] denoting someone born and raised in Edo and I assume DON here is mean to be the sound of a drum?
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SRAOSHA[スラオシャ] seemingly from the zoroastrian concept Sraosha[سروش]
VEGA[ベガ] seemingly named after the brightest star in the constellation Lyra, which is generally characterized as an eagle
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atherea · 9 months ago
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @a7-notebook, thanks for the tag!! got quite a few art wips that I'm itching to finish after exam period is over, plus two surprise ones I forgot about until I checked my other folders 😭
so many portraits
the death of ophelia (colourised)
its not what fantasy racism can do to you, it's what fantasy racism can do for you
hello gorg-ous
im not telling u which unholy combo of songs inspired this toxic yaoi
itachi uchiha count your fucking days
something that i'm podficcing :)
uhhh tagging @kiki-writes-stuff @bhavna-does-stuff @regular-samdragon @rhinobeetl @kannemori @shadowsportrait @roguehawke @forrealjanya and anyone else who wants to do it!
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prettymediocrewizard · 7 months ago
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Another 4 attacks / revenges! ✨✨✨
9. Lilith for PerkySea
10. Kyreth for Ivory_Sketching
11. Rat (?) for @rhinobeetl
12. Ezra for NotBee
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expfcultragreen · 10 months ago
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iviin-855 · 7 months ago
a rhinobeetle? if that has a significance i sadly dont know
the wapon summoning is somewhat suggestive
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kness · 4 years ago
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Tiny beetle - it's about 5 cm long and available. 🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲🪲 #beetle #beetles #beetlelove #instabeetle #beetlebug #beetleart #rhinocerosbeetle #entomology #bugs #coleoptera #rhinobeetle (at Montreal, Quebec) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ3Y5pSjrlQ/?igshid=ajy7h7l0nato
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cloverpuffart · 3 years ago
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The Beeble plush have landed! Our vast, chittering swarm of cuddle bugs is now available in our sh0p! #beebles #hornedbeetle #herculesbeetle #rhinocerosbeetle #rhinobeetle #insects #insectlovers #entomology #bugplush #designerplush #plushies #cloverpuff #cloverpuffart https://www.instagram.com/p/CYsI2YlpCB8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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forevertruetattoo · 3 years ago
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Rhino Beetle tattoo by @sonofstag, done at Forever True 🦏🪲 [email protected] for appointments 💫 • • • #forevertruetattoo #sonofstagtattoo #blacktattoos #customtattoo #liverpooltattooartist #beetle #rhinobeetle #rhinobeetletattoo #beetlesofinstagram #🪲 (at Forever True Tattoo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbzv0qZsbFT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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itsukinokira · 3 years ago
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Day 3 of #hausofbug - Rhino beetle. @bug.stpaul #rhinobeetle #itsukinokira #byik https://www.instagram.com/p/CUsz8KHrGdo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Ze Scarabée rhinocéros 🐞 #rhinobeetle #scarabeerhinoceros #escarabajorinoceronte #scarabée #beetle #escarabajo #animaldrawing #insectdrawing #insect #sketchbookartist #naturedrawing #dessinanimalier #dessiner_drawing #dessindujour #sketchoftheday #animalsketches #stepbystep #animalslover #animalsketch #animaldrawings #animales @rhino_beetles_guam @insectguru @raw_insects (à France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT4FeZgAMKj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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denispisarovsky · 4 years ago
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Finally I got the print, a process I've been posting in my stories in the past weeks. Rhino beetle - in childhood we for some reason called them "may-beetles". Available on beautiful hand-molded watercolor paper, ivory color, made from 100% cotton, from the Italian factory "Amatruda". Paper size 8.3" x 11" The print is already available in my shop (link in the bio)
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