#rhaenys x Willas
forestcat000 · 8 months
This was a comment in response to me wanting an excuse to ramble about my Targaryen's survive AU so thank you @celerieth for this opportunity and thank you for the follow (:
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Btw I am sorry to everyone who only follows me for aphmau content because I keep posting game of thrones stuff.
Warning, long post
So I've mentioned my AU and it's concept on my blogs before. The premise is basically all the Targaryen's survive the rebellion and kill the Baratheons, Starks, Arryns, and Tullys for their treason. Aerys remains king but I kinda stall his madness for the sake of story telling so Jaime does not kill him.
My fic starts at the same time as the Canon books except it basically only (so far) takes place in kingslanding. All the Targ kids (Aegon, Rhaenys, Daenerys, Viserys, Jon) get their own chapters, Rhaella and Elia, get them as well. Rhaegar is the only one so far without a chapter in progress.
The story mainly follows the more domestic drama and relationships between the characters so far, with everyone having to endure Aerys. But I do add in a lot of fluff for the Targ kids so it can be sweet.
Aegon is the picture perfect prince, smart, funny, kind, good looking but he has a few problems. Aegon has some pent up hatred towards Rhaegar for abandoning the family during the rebellion, this results in Aegon being more critical and distrustful of Rhaegar, viewing Rhaegar as mad for chasing a prophecy. This extra tension since Aegon is the child who Rhaegar views as the prince who was promised and thus pays extra unwanted attention to Aegon. Aegon is very close with his siblings, and mother, feeling extremely protective of them.
Rhaenys is an intelligent, witty, charming girl. Rhaenys shares Aegons feelings towards Rhaegar for the rebellion but she's much calmer and more lenient with Rhaegar, mainly because she doesn't talk to him often, he's distant and often in his head so neither cares enough to reach out. Rhaenys is loving towards her family and often tries to keep them in line, especially Daenerys. She has a slight rivalry with Daenerys but it's largely loving. She is the only one of her siblings in a relationship, she is secretly courting Willas Tyrell, heir to Highgarden.
Viserys is much nicer and calmer than in Canon since he never had to go through the trauma of being on the run and having his family die. Viserys is a loving older brother and uncle. He's a mama's boy, he tries his best to support his mother while she deals with the abuse at Aerys hand. He has a slightly odd relationship with Aerys. Aerys spared Viserys a lot of the abuse that the other family members suffered because Viserys is his favorite son, while he was saved from the physical and mental abuse he developed a guilt of sorts, feeling guilty that while his family is hurt he is safe. This guilt causes Viserys to be a bit protective and he tries to remove his family members from the area when Aerys get violent and loud.
Daenerys is reckless and chaotic but loving. She has a complicated relationship with her father. Aerys goes from doting on his daughter in every way to yelling and screaming at her at an instant, as a result Daenerys tends to avoid being around her father unless necessary. She's extremely close to Viserys with him being her safe person, kinda seeing him as a father or a caretaker more than a brother.
All the family members that have POVs are the main characters but Jon (Aemon in my rewrite) has the biggest one planned out. Jon is the last known member of the Stark family since he's Lyannas son. Jon is raised as something similar to a prisoner, being a symbol of the war and all the people the Targaryens demolished. Jon is antagonized by Aerys frequently to the point Jon loses sleep every night over the possibility of being murdered and having dreams of being burned alive by Aerys. He feels something similar to survivors guilt, believing he didn't deserve to live, and viewing his birth as the cause of the rebellion (will alaborate if needed)and as a result the cause of death of everyone who died in the rebellion, including all the Starks and his mother. Jon is extremely paranoid and fearful. Hes so paranoid that he went mute because he was scared of saying the wrong thing and being killed, his fear is intense that he can't talk if he tried, he created a mental block to stop him. he is rarely away from Aegon who he is close to, if Aegon is in a room Jon cannot go in he'll wait by the door for Aegon to come out. Jon is close with Rhaenys as well, often going to her for comfort.
That's base info, I know there's a lot, and that's just the stuff that I'm posting, I have pages of lore I'm waiting to implement.
If anyone is interested in any of this feel free to ask questions. Also thank you Celerieth.
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forestcat222 · 8 months
Dammit. I keep getting attached to ships that only make sense in my fanfics.
My latest one is Loras x Viserys.
Like.....they never even interact in Canon, they don't even appear in the same book or season!
But for some reason while I was writing a Viserys chapter for my Targaryen's survive AU and he was talking to Loras I just felt something and decided they needed to have some romance.
They weren't even being friendly, they were fighting with each other.
Anyways in my AU the Targ kids have a thing for the Tyrell kids.
Rhaenys x Willas
Viserys x Loras
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targaryenssurvive · 8 months
TW for use of the word ‘Cripple’ by Aerys and racism against Dornish people by Aerys, Aerys is an ableist, racist piece of shit, I do not support what Aerys says, I’m just trying to write him in character, again fuck Aerys
Chapter Text
Chapter 13 Aerys
“Fourteen years ago, several foolish houses rose up against the noble house Targaryen, they were the houses of Stark, Tully, Arryn, and Baratheon, all because some idiotic lords were executed and a girl was ‘kidnapped’, kidnapped! Can you believe it? What does it matter whore girl went willingly? and those lords deserved to be executed!” "Yes father….i was there I remember.” Rhaegar spoke in an uninterested way. “Yes, yes, yes, you were there, if i remember correctly you were the one whore girl and started that whole thing, yet you hardly did a thing during the rebellion.” Aerys grumbled “Father, what is the point of this conversation? The rebellion failed, everyone who opposed you is dead.” Aerys shook his head. “No, no, everyone who openly opposed me is dead, the snakes who hide in the gardens wrapped around flowers are very much alive. I never trusted house Tyrell, and yet they are coming to visit.” “Yes, father, house Tyrell have always been an ally, they supported us during Aegon the Conqueror's conquest and they supported us throughout the rebellion.” Rhaegar sighed. “Did they? They showed up to battles late, they only won the least important battles and now they seem to have their eyes on your daughter.” “Excuse me?” “Whenever the Tyrells visit I hear whispers about Rhaenys and the cripple heir of Highgarden, whispers of them being together.” Aerys explained in a disgusted way. “Rhaenys wouldn’t, she knows better, even if she would, Elia wouldn’t let her.” Rhaegar replied. “Your Dornish whore of a wife would stop your Dornish daughter from being a whore? What a joke.” Rhaegar sighed but said nothing. “The fact of the matter is the Tyrells can’t be trusted and-.” Aerys was cut off by a knock on his door. “Who interrupts me!?” “Tis I Lord Connington and Ser Gerold, may we enter your grace?” Jon Connington asked from outside the door. “Yes, yes, come in, you two better have a good reason to interrupt me and my son while we meet!” Jon Connington and Ser Gerold Hightower walked in. “Apologies for interrupting your grace but we have some concerning information.” Jon Connington spoke. “Spit it out then.” Aerys replied coldly. “Last night two more of your household knights, Ser Jacor and Ser Seldan, were found dead in flea bottom, their corpses were heavily mutilated and were hung up in the streets.” Ser Gerold spoke. “So?” “My king, as you know these are not the first of your knights to be found dead in a rather gruesome way. Over the past few months several of your knights have been killed in very similar ways.” Ser Gerold replied. “Rats die every day, what's two more? You say these two were in my service but I don't remember them. Tell me when it’s someone important who dies.” Ser Gerold nodded slightly. “Yes, yes of course, your grace.” “Good…Now go if you have nothing else to say!” Jon Connington and Ser Gerold quickly bowed and left. “Twats, all of my councilmen twats i tell you!” Aerys grumbled. “Yes father, I know, everyones a twat.” Rhaegar spoke in a disinterested way. “Would it kill you to be interested in anything?!” “Perhaps if you said something interesting I would listen.” Rhaegar replied quietly. “What did you say?!” Aerys yelled. “Nothing father.”
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girddlepatchilles · 10 months
skipping out
This is just a fic in a modern Westeros au I wanted to play around with and may turn into a little series. Kind of Fall of the House of Usher-y.
Rhaenys hummed along to the radio as she continued to pack for the weekend getaway her boyfriend had planned. The annual Tyrell Garden Party was to occur at the family’s estate Highgarden, and it was to be the first event where Willas and Rhaenys were officially a couple. They’d been together for four years at this point, but they’d never really made it official in the eyes of the public. Both Rhaenys and Willas were quite private people and there were… outside forces who would not have approved of their dating. The Tyrell parents (and grandparent) still held a grudge over Willas’ injury during a friendly polo match and Rhaenys’ father was still trying to match her with every eligible (non-related) Valyrian man he could think of. The fact that Willas held no ill will toward Oberyn Martell for the accident meant nothing, nor did the fact that Rhaenys very publicly called out her family’s Valyrian supremacist tendencies. Rhaenys had met the Tyrells about six months ago and had won over the formidable Olenna Tyrell soon after meeting. 
Renly was still sour that the old woman liked Rhaenys almost instantly, although privately she suspected she’d won over Olenna by not even really trying. In truth she’d been more worried about winning over Mace and Alerie. Still… it would be nice to be able to attend more charity events on Willas’ arm, instead of “bumping into” each other. Her own family (or, rather her Mother’s family) adored Willas and had already insisted he attend the annual Martell New Years Extravaganza. The Targaryens? Well… she’d know after this weekend, wouldn’t she?
Her phone kept pinging as she packed, some notifications barely showing up before being replaced. Rhaenys knew he decision to skip the family gathering would not go over well, but she hadn’t expected to be inundated with messages. Most begged her to reconsider, others cajoled and bribed, while several just outright berated her. Cousin Maegor’s distinct all caps tirades had been deleted without reading. As were Daemon’s and Armond’s. Grand-Uncle Jaehaerys’ long winded “disappointed” text was deleted after she read the first paragraph. Rhaenyra had just outright told Rhaenys not to bother coming to any other event. The cousins she was closest to all sent messages of support and promises to catch up next weekend for a debrief. 
Everyone knew why the Conquerors wanted to gather the family. 
Everyone knew what Great Grandfather Aegon wanted to say. 
Everyone knew that this was where lines were about to be drawn. 
Rhaenys had already made her choice, and the person who needed to know the most already knew. She was considering just turning off her phone when Egg’s ringtone began to play. She grabbed her phone before Belarion could begin batting at it and answered it.
“Please tell me you’re not going to the family thing this weekend?” Egg didn’t even bother with a greeting. Rhaenys raised an eyebrow, reaching out to scratch Balerion behind his ears. Her wizened old cat was definitely hanging on more out of spite than anything these days, but he always wanted affection from his human. 
“Of course not. I’m going to Highgarden with Willas. Renly will probably be there too,” she replied. Not that anyone in the family really cared about their Baratheon cousins.
“Well… Dad just told Great Grandfather you were coming, and that you’d have good news,” Egg said. They both only called Rhaegar Targaryen “dad” because he hated it and used “baba” for their step-father Myles. Rhaenys scowled, her hand stilling in Balerion’s fur.
“What news?” she demanded. She heard Egg sigh on the other end of the line and heard Shireen murmur something she couldn’t quite make out.
“The news you’re getting engaged to Monterys Velaryon…” her brother sounded nervous, although at this point Rhaenys couldn’t even be mad. Her father’s insistence that she marry a man of “good Valyrian stock” was little more than a joke at this point. The first time he’d tried to set her up on a date with his appropriate Valyrian boy of the week, she’d been utterly furious. Now she just ignored her father and politely told whatever hapless man she was being set up with she wasn’t interested. Honestly, she’d go full non-contact with her father if he wasn’t the one paying her university fees.
“I mean… there will be news to tell after the weekend, but not that…” she conceded. Egg gasped loudly.
“You mean… is Willas proposing? Are you proposing?!” Egg must have gone out of his room and into one of the main areas of the share house he lived in, because suddenly Rhaenys could hear an episode of The Matchmaker: North blaring in the background. She grinned, blushing despite the fact her brother could not see her.
“Kind of? We kind of both proposed during our anniversary trip. He’s officially doing it during the party. Maximum media attention. A massive fuck you to Grandfather, the Old Man and Great Grandfather,” Rhaenys explained.
“Mama and Baba already gave their blessing.” Willas had insisted he ask both her mother and step-father for their blessing, especially since she considered Myles Manwoody her father more than Rhaegar. Egg chuckled and their conversation naturally fell to how the preparations were going for his trip to Essos, how Shireen was, even sharing gossip about their Martell cousins. By the time she hung up, she noticed Willas had left a text message to let her know he’d picked up the ring and was looking forward to seeing her tonight. Rhaenys smiled before sending three red hearts in reply. 
She’d met Willas during her first week of undergrad at university. He’d been finishing his final year of a Bachelors in Economics, while she was staring a Bachelors in Linguistics. She’d got lost on her way to her first lecture and he’d helped her find the right building. They’d properly been introduced a month later when her uncle, Oberyn Martell, had invited Rhaenys to one of his famous dinner parties. They’d hit it off almost instantly and only really started dating after a year of friendship. Now Rhaenys was completing her Masters in Linguistics, while saving funds to pay her own way to complete her PhD. Willas had graduated and was helping to run the Tyrell Education Fund, a charity designed to improve schools in low income areas. They’d recently decided to start looking for a house together, preferably one with enough room for Rhaenys’ two cats and one dog as well as Willas’ own hound. Rhaenys still remembered when she and Willas had shown up to her uncle’s dinner party the first time as a couple and he’d simply rolled his eyes.
“Why did I not see this coming?” he’d said. Rhaenys later heard that her sort-of-but-not-really aunt Ellaria had placed a wager with Oberyn about whether or not they would start dating. Ellaria had won. Willas had joined Rhaenys to celebrate the new year in Dorne and Uncle Doran had commented that he was a “fine young man”. 
As far as many of her Martell relatives were concerned, their wedding was only inevitable.
Only a handful of her Targaryen relatives knew about Willas, with a smaller number knowing how serious they were. Baelor Breakspear, Luke Velaryon, Baela and Rhaena Velaryon-Targaryen, all the younger black sheep of their family. Renly technically counted in this group, but the Baratheon cousins had been long exiled from family gatherings. They were all part of a group chat where they complained about the family and shared news about their lives that their relatives would not approve of. Like Baelor coming out as non-binary, or Luke deciding he wanted to live with his biological father and neither of his parents. Outside of Renly, none of her cousins had met Willas, but many of them quite approved of him. He was a kind man and unlike many of the men Rhaegar (and their relatives) wanted Rhaenys to date, he cared about the lives of the average person.  
Rhaenys finished packing her clothes, including a new dress in green and orange that was a nod to her Martell heritage and the fact she was due to join the Tyrells, when her phone rang again. She didn’t even have to check the screen to know it was her father. Rhaegar would undoubtedly want to try and talk her into coming along, to ensure his children could be pulled back into the family fold. Rhaenys ignored the call and busied herself with picking out jewellery to take on the trip. Moments later the phone rang again, this time with Lyanna’s ringtone. Despite everything, Rhaenys did somewhat get along with her step-mother and was pleased Lyanna was finally divorcing her father. She had yet to move out of Rhaegar’s gaudy townhouse in central King’s Landing, so Rhaenys let the call ring out just in case. She and Lyanna had set up a system when she was a teenager to ensure Rhae would know when it was actually her step-mother and not her father trying to trick her. The tone indicating that she’d got a new voicemail proved her suspicions correct. She stepped back to her bed and deleted the message without listening. 
Something something, family reputation, something something, I want what’s best for you…
She had just finished closing the final zipper on her case when one final call came through: Jon. Technically yet another Aegon to add to the list, he’d always been Jon amongst the family and most tended to forget what his birth certificate said. Rhaenys answered, peering out the window to see if Renly was waiting outside. With Willas already in Highgarden she was being driven up in a van Renly was hiring for the weekend. Apart from Rhaenys, he was also picking up Margaery and her new girlfriend from the university. 
“Hi Jon. Did Dad put you up to this?” she asked, stepping back from the window. Vhagar, a rather pampered hound, nudged his head under Rhaenys’ hand. She gave him a quick pat before sitting on the floor to allow him to drape over her lap.
“Actually, no. Although Mum is now yelling at him for taking her phone again,” Jon replied with an awkward chuckle.
“I was actually wondering… are you going to the thing this weekend?” Jon had never really felt welcome among the Targaryens, and Rhaenys knew he preferred to hang around her, Egg or Dany rather than try to mix with the rest of their relatives.
“I’m not, sorry. But Egg will be there. So will Dany, I think. She said something about wanting to introduce everyone to a new member of the family,” she replied, continuing to pat Vhagar. 
“Oh, right. Well… have fun at whatever you’re going to!” his tone sounded a little forced.
“Um, Rhae? I think I know why the event is happening… I… I’m not really close to Aunt Saera…” Rhaenys didn’t bother trying to hide her smile. She was entirely certain this was due to the Stark influence in his life.
“I haven’t checked lately to see if there are any changes, but I think everyone was wearing something purple? I’ll add you to the group chat,” Rhaenys explained. There weren’t many of them; just those few family members who weren’t so in awe of Grand-Uncle Jaehaerys that they failed to see the giant red flags. Even though she wasn’t going to be present, Rhaenys had packed a purple scarf she was going to wear during the garden party itself where all the photographers from all the various papers could see her. On the other end of the phone, Jon huffed a sound of relief.
“Thanks… as soon as Mum explained what the court case was about, I just knew…” he began.
“I know. I think she really appreciates knowing that even a handful of us support her,” Rhaenys said. She was about to ask how he was handling the divorce when she heard a beep from on the street. 
That would be Renly.
“Sorry, have to go. I’ll text you later,” she said. After saying her goodbyes, Rhaenys hung up and convinced Vhagar to get off. She gave all her animals one last pet, grabbed her case and handbag before shouting a general goodbye to her cousin Sarella and left the house. Renly stood by the back of the van, ready to help her stow her case. He was tall and broad shouldered like his older brother, Robert, but lacked the bulk the eldest Baratheon was known for. Like Rhaenys, he was darker skinned than most of their relatives although he lacked the purple eyes that marked a Targaryen. Renly had dressed with a road trip in mind; track-suit pants, faded university tee and flip flops. His locs were piled on top of his head in a haphazard bun. Renly grinned when he saw her, giving her a tight hug before opening the boot and hauling her case inside. 
“Ready to go?” he asked. Rhaenys nodded, helping him close the boot.
“Did you get the threatening messages from Maegor, Daemon and Aemond?” she asked. Renly rolled his eyes, leaning against the van.
“You mean the Brothers Edge? Yeah. Just deleted the messages. Not like we’re super close to the rest of the family, are we? Like… Great Grandfather Orys doesn’t even talk to his siblings,” he replied. Most people tended to forget that the Conquerors had a half-brother called Orys. He’d been by their side while Great Grandfather Aegon was first running for public office, right up until he’d retired and created the sole airline in Westeros. Orys remained for a while before selling his shares in the company and started his own business. These days Orys Baratheon lived in his wife’s family estate and stayed out of the limelight. Rhaenys privately respected the old man for staying away from his siblings’ bullshit.
With a bow Renly opened the door to the back for Rhaenys and she climbed in with a bow and a grin.
“Hey Rhae! Have you met Sansa? I’ve finally convinced her to come around to meet the rest of the family,” Margaery said, offering a wave in greeting. She had occupied the first row of seats in the back of the van along with a red-haired girl maybe a year or two younger than her. She recognised her from a few of Jon’s pictures on Ravenscroll. She must have been one of his Stark cousins. Rhaenys smiled, offering a wave.
“I haven’t. Hi Sansa. I’m Rhaenys Martell-Targaryen,” she said. Sansa smiled shyly, returning the wave.
“Hi Rhaenys… Jon’s told me all about you,” Sansa said. Rhaenys grinned, claiming the second row for herself. She waved to Loras in the passenger seat, who returned her wave with a grin. Rhaenys pulled out her phone and snapped a quick selfie before sending it to Willas with the message: on my way!!! 
As Renly pulled out of the driveway, Willas sent his own selfie from the garden with his hound Florys. Underneath he had written: Can’t wait to see you… Rhaenys grinned happily, warmth rising in her chest. The drive out of King’s Landing was surprisingly quick, largely due to the fact they’d left before peak hour and had missed the majority of traffic. Once they were on the Kingsroad, it would be a straightforward trip up to Highgarden. Rhaenys settled back in her seat, allowing the chatter of the radio and the other conversations to wash over her. She was close to dozing off when she felt someone shake her shoulder to rouse her. Rhaenys blinked, holding back a yawn. Sansa made an apologetic face.
“Sorry. There’s something on the news about your family? Renly said you’d want to hear it…” she said. Rhaenys nodded, stretching her arms above her head. 
“...and in breaking news, Saera Targaryen, the daughter of respected politician Jaehaerys Targaryen, is bringing a civil case against her father and mother for claims of abuse…” the newsreader announced. Rhaenys looked down at her phone, noticing a new message in the group chat for Saera’s supporters from Uncle Vaegon.
Ooops… I might have told a reporter….
A few moments later, there was a new message from Saera.
Well… Grandma can’t deny it now.
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Targaryen restoration au
Imagine if the following happened.
Rhaella lived through childbirth and got to take care of Dany and Viserys
Elia, Aegon and Rhaenys were able to escape to Dorne before the sacking of King's Landing
Arthur Dayne took a pregnant Lyanna to Starfall to find proper care to deliver Jon. But let's say in this au Rhaegar told Arthur the Prince that was promised must be named Daeron III
Jon Connington is called and returns to serve his lord's children
At some point they all link up and begin to plot to restore House Targaryen and take what is rightfully theirs. With Fire & Blood
With Rhaella, Ser Willem, Elia and Arthur around. Viserys never descends into madness and becomes more well adjusted.
Lyanna survived childbirth. Lyanna could not return home. She's too ashamed after her actions led to the deaths of Rickard and Brandon and she knows if she returns with her son, Robert would kill them. Arthur and Lyanna raised Daeron together. One thing led to another and they fell in love.
With outside forces preventing the crown from finding them(Doran, Varys and Illyrio) the Targaryens are never found.
Dany has a happy childhood and while they move every often, she has happy memories with her mother, brother and cousins.
With Rhaella, Doran, Oberyn Arthur and Jon Connington around, Aegon, Rhaenys, Viserys and Daenerys all grow up well versed into politics. Arthur and Oberyn properly turns Aegon, Daeron, Rhaenys, Dany and Viserys into warriors.
Because of Arthur's presence, he would not allow or tolerate Jorah Mormont.
With the vast wealth of Illyrio and Varys influence, an army of sell swords are at their disposal. They have the Golden Company, Windblown, Second Sons, Unsullied, and Storm Crows
With an alliance with Dorne, Aegon is betrothed to Arianne, House Tyrell are known Targaryen loyalists. Daeron is betrothed to Margaery and Daenerys is betrothed to Willas, The Targaryens could reach out to the Greyjoys and promise revenge and plunder. Viserys is betrothed to Asha.
I don't know if the dragons would factor into this au. Maybe there is a ritual, magic via the red priests/priestesses or something they found that could hatch the dragon eggs. If so the dragons are given to Rhaegar's children because prophecy. Aegon's Dragon will be named Visenya(Drogon) Rhaenys' dragon will be named Meria(Rhaegal) and Daeron's will be named Ghost(Viserion)
The War of the Five Kings turns into the War of Kings & Dragons.
Renly runs back to Stannis after he finds out the Tyrell's true allegiances. The brothers put behind their grievances and stand together.
When Cat goes to treat with Renly, she is surprised that Stannis and Renly stand together. They offer Robb a choice, join us. The Lannisters must be dealt with and then deal with the invading Targaryens.
Battle of the Blackwater ends with the Stark-Baratheon alliance victorious. Robb rescues Sansa and Joffrey is executed. Cersei is executed and Tommen is fostered at Casterly Rock by Tyrion. Tywin falls in battle.
Littlefinger is executed and Varys escapes in time to meet with the Targaryens.
The Targaryens arrive. They are met with Dorne, the Ironborn and the Reach.
All out war.
The Targaryens obviously win. But they are smart. They give their enemies the chance to bend the knee.
Then the Targaryens, Starks, and Baratheons unite their forces and marches North. to face their true enemy.
Aegon VI's small council
Hand of the King:Jon Connington
Grand Maester:Marwyn
Master of Whispers:Varys
Master of Laws:Oberyn Martell
Master of Ships:Mace Tyrell
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard:Arthur Dayne
Meanwhile I can see Euron return and hire a Faceless man to kill Willas Tyrell. Euron tries weasels his way into Dany's good graces. There are two ways we can play this. Dany sicks the Kingsguard to kill him or he slowly begins to corrupt her. Blame Viserys and cause Targaryen infighting. And after Viserys is out of the picture. Euron helps Dany take the throne and cement the Targaryens and the Greyjoys alliance through marriage, let the Long Night kill her cousins and they can rule the Iron Throne together and he has the means to bind the dragons to her will.
In the scenario where Dany stays loyal to her family. Euron is captured and is awaiting his execution. With no dragons to burn him. Dany has him executed by Wildfire. "Dracarys"
Ending 1:Rhaegar's prophecy is true and his children save the realm from the Long Night
Ending 2:Aegon, Rhaenys and Daeron sacrifice themselves to end The Others, while Dany brings peace to the realm
Ending 3:The unholy union of Euron and Dany plunges the world into darkness.
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durrandons · 2 years
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asoiaf au|rhaenys targaryen and willas tyrell
despite many concerns raised by the reach as well as dorne, willas tyrell married rhaenys targaryen in 299 AC. a splendid feast was held in highgarden, celebrating the first of three marriages to strengthen the southern alliance. it was said the princess, who had been locked away in king’s landing all her life, was heard laughing for the first time as she celebrated with her husband and danced with his younger brothers. and the scheme, unbeknownst to most, was only beginning to unfold.
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alleyskywalker · 1 month
NEW FIC(S): Love Songs (Sansa/Various)
Title: Love Songs Part I & II Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire Characters/Pairings: Sansa/Alys Karstark, Sansa/Brienne, Cersei/Sansa, Sansa/Dany, Sansa/Eleyna Westerling, Sansa/Frynne, Sansa/Gwin Goodbrother, Sanas/Harry, Sansa/Irri, Sansa/Jeyne P, Sansa/Loras, Sansa/Myrcella, Ned Dayne/Sansa, Sansa/Olyvar, Podrick/Sansa, Sansa/Quentyn, Sansa/Rhaenys, Sandor/Sansa, Sansa/Tris Botley, Val/Sansa, Sansa/Willas, Sansa/Young Griff, Sansa/Zia Frey, Sansa/OFCs Word Count: 11,397 Summary: An assortment of ficlets for various Sansa pairings, one for each letter of the alphabet.
Read on AO3
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eliaakgae · 4 months
I know Robb x Rhaenys is the most popular Rhaenys ship but we really need to get into Rhaenys x Willas because there is so much there. Westeros Romeo and Juliet if you will. The Tyrell’s hate the Martell’s, even more so after Oberyn crippled Willas… like idk there’s something there.
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sunsetstarrogue · 11 months
Thanks for the tag @msmorningstaarr
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Here are some of my WIP and chapters for my current series.
Ptolemaea- Chapter Six and Seven
Baelon The Cruel And His Queen Of Love And Beauty- Chapter Six
You Were My Crown (now i'm in exile)- Chapter Four/Five
Fell In Love With The Fire Long Ago (WIP) - Willas x Rhaenys, Chapter Two
I Made a Promise To The Moon (WIP)- Elia x Brandon, Elia x Rhaegar, Chapter Two
A Man Who Could Not Love (WIP)- Rhaenys x OC, this one was prevented uploaded but I'm rewriting it now
send me an ask if you want!!!!
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samwpmarleau · 9 months
This disgusting racist fandom will never change. Just saw a blog here called kate-bridgerton posted a couple days ago a rhaenys x willas edit, and rhaenys martell targaryen is Adelaide Kane from reign in it. Like the white washing makes my stomach turn.
Good god, that’s disgusting (though not surprising). People don’t have enough white characters, they have to pretend the characters of color are white, too. And at this point “oh I didn’t realize” or whatever is bullshit. They know full well what they’re doing.
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selkiesstories · 1 year
What are your favorite ships? I know it's got and hotd, and almost all ships are kinda toxic or have some other issues but I'm curious if you like any?
Sure! Fair warning a few are a bit odd-
Game of Thrones
Jaime x Sansa- I know it's never going to happen, but who cares? Martin is never finishing those books anyway There are so many satisfying reasons to ship them. Lots of excellent writing and it lends itself well to AU, or canon divergence.
Sansa x Willas- even Baelish couldn't find anything bad to say about him. On another note it was a Sansa/Willas fic that got me interested in reading and writing fanfiction again after another very bad period, so it will always have a special place in my heart.
Robb x Rhaenys- this one could actually have worked. Aegon and Viserys were always going to meet with an accident or illness and Dany was destined for the Sept with her very distinctive looks, but a dark haired and eyed Rhaenys could have been fostered away from her family and married to the son of Robert's most loyal liegeman who as a bonus lives in the most remote reigon of the country. And they'd have the most adorable children.
House of the Dragon
The only one I really like is Alicole (Alicent x Criston) although I do like the angst posibility of an Alys Rivers who is a genuine blood witch that literally enthralls Aemond for a royal dragon riding baby. Then she does end up falling for him, but she promised the godswood a sacrifice and the weirwoods must be fed...
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dorneuniverse · 3 years
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Willas would be Lord of Highgarden and she would be his lady.
Sundragons Week: Day 1: And They Lived AU
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forestcat222 · 3 months
Hello, new pinned post.
I'm forestcat222 but you guys can call me Ode.
I'm here to write fanfiction, reblog cool pieces of art and theories, scream about my favorite characters and ocs.
This is my AO3 account.
I have several got fanfictions on there, All The Targaryens Survive AU (where all the Targaryen's survive Roberts rebellionand Aerys stays in power, Dysfunctional Familial Ties (a modern AU mainly focusing on Jon Snow and his messed up relationship with his family) and Lethal Love (another modern AU but it's Jon Snow x Ramsay.)
My favorite oc is Abell Bracken who is alive during the Dance of dragons and is a rabid creature who I love. (Please give me a reason to talk about this little creature.)
I'm team green (just because I find them more entertaining, they suck as humans just like everyone else in the dance)
My favorite asoiaf character is Jon Snow.
My favorite fire and blood character is Aemond Targaryen.
My favorite ships are Jonsatin
Cersei x Oberyn
Criston x Alicent (usually in a platonic way)
Margaery x Sansa
Loras x Viserys (Cannon in my fanfic.)
Rhaenys x Willas (also canon in fanfic.)
Otto x Daemon (in a crackship way)
Abell Bracken x Davos Blackwood (OC x OCish Canon character)
I don't really have a dni list, just don't be a complete piece of shit (no nazis or racists or xenophobs) really anyone can interact, I appreciate asks, interact with me and I'll interact with you. I'm always happy to have more tumblr mutuals 😄
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targaryenssurvive · 8 months
A few hours after the Tyrells arrive
Chapter 14.5 Willas Tyrell (mini chapter)
“And as she finally kissed her love as she had wanted to for hundreds years she finally understood what it was to be truly happy, the end.”
Willas and Rhaenys had managed to sneak away from their families to the library so they could read books together. They were reading ‘A Love Reborn’, it was about two lovers being reborn hundreds of times and finding each other in every life but tragedy always taking one of them before they could truly be together, it ends with them finally breaking the cycle of pain and finding love with each other. Willas and Rhaenys read it every time they visited each other, it was their favorite love story. Rhaenys was lying on Willas shoulder and he had his arms around her. Balerion was sitting . As Rhaenys finished reading Willas pressed a gentle kiss to her lips which she happily returned, after a few short seconds that felt like eternity they pulled away, they had to be careful about getting caught after all, they had to pretend that they were simply close childhood friends, they couldn’t risk the king's wrath.
“I missed you so much…” Rhaenys spoke quietly. “I missed you as well, I hate being without you, you’re like the sun, without you the world is dark.” Willas caressed Rhaenys cheek. A smile bloomed on Rhaenys face. “Well…if we’re lucky we might not have to be apart anymore…a few days ago I talked to my mother, I asked her to talk to my father to see if he would consider a marriage for us. If he agrees and your family agrees we can be married, wouldn’t that be wonderful?” Willas smiled softly in response. ’Of course my family would agree to the marriage, you're perfect’ Willas thought. “That would be wonderful, we wouldn’t have to hide our love, i could take you to Highgarden, we could spend all day together, doing what we like, being what we like, loving how we like, and when we’re ready we’ll have beautiful children, it sounds like a dream.” Willas and Rhaenys were both grinning and pink in the face. “It does, I pray my father will agree, I can't imagine being with anyone but you.” Rhaenys ran her fingers through Willas hair. Willas leaned in for a kiss “I love you….” “I love you to…” Rhaenys leaned forward as well.
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hchollym · 3 years
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Sun Dragons Week: Free For All (Day 4)
Rhaenys x Willas with their Fur Babies.
Posting late... I have no excuse.
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valaenarhaegarovna · 3 years
Work in Progress Whenever
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I've decided to just *gestures vaguely* post more about my AU in general, so have an update about how "Neither Gods nor Men" is going"
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“Princess Rhaenys, welcome to Highgarden!” Mace boasts with open arms. “We’re honoured to not only have you with us, but to welcome you into our noble house.”
“Your hospitality is tremendous, my Lord.” The Princess, ever polite, gives him a smile. “The Crown is forever grateful for your loyalty.” Before the Lord of Highgarden can say anything else, Rhaenys turns her gaze to his heir. “Lord Willas, it’s good to see you.”
Her brother--gods bless him--gives the Princess the most lovestruck look a man can give a woman.
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