sam-sammie · 6 months
I love them
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blitzendoggo · 2 years
Young Again
Reylias becomes a child and some realizations happen
Callisto/Prohis (1626 words)
Magic ripples through him as Reylias lets out a screech. The chunks of mutated armor collapse around him, crumpling to the floor. 
“Uh,” Glib says, taking a half step back. “Do- do you guys think he’s dead?”
“Well, I’d sure hope so!” Goodbid laughs. “That’d fix a lot of our problems.”
“And that was a high-powered spell slot,” S.G. grumbles to which Prophis nods sympathetically.
Suddenly the armor starts shifting, causing everyone to jump as Goodbid yelps, “Nope, he’s alive!”
Glib readies an eldritch blast and Callisto gets ready to fire off something powerful, but they stop when the gloves raise up limply, like the hands inside them aren’t the right size, and starts pulling and pushing at the helmet. You could hear a pen drop as everyone waits with bated breath. When a distressed whine comes from the helmet, everyone is jolted back into reality. 
“Dad?” a tiny, scared voice calls from inside the helmet. “Daddy? Are you there?” he says a little louder before adding quieter, “I’m scared” in a wobbly voice.
Prophis lunges forward, dropping to his knees, and begins to rip the slimy black armor off the now tiny Reylias. The child stands there, probably no older than 6 or 7, with teary blue eyes. He is about four feet tall with short-cropped white hair and pale blue skin. 
Upon seeing Prophis knelt in front of him, the child launches himself forward and wraps his arms tightly around the elf’s neck. “Pa!” he yells, surprised and happy. “You’re back!”
“Reylian?” Callisto whispers, eyes wide.
Little Reylian looks up with a big dopey grin on his face. “Daddy, look! I found Pa!”
Callisto looks between Prophis, who has small tears streaking his cheeks with a large grin spread across his face, and back to Reylias. “You sure did, my boy,” Callisto says with a small smile, which looks entirely out of place on his face. The wizard crosses the room and kneels down next to his boyfriend and his assumed child, bringing both of them into a tight hug. 
There is a moment of silence, broken by S.G. exclaiming, “I was right! They are your dads!”
Callisto turns to glare at them, but the hard expression on his face melts instantly when a tiny hand tugs on his cloak.
“Daddy? Who are they?” Reylias asks quietly, hiding between his fathers.
“They are-”
“Friends of ours,” Prophis finishes for him, sending him a challenging look. “Isn’t that right, Callisto?”
Callisto visibly swallows a scoff before saying, “yes, friends.”
Reylian looks between them before tentatively stepping out from between them and walking over to the team, who had been watching in silence varying for the reasons of pure shock (Glib), disbelief (S.G.), and confusion (Goodbid). The child looks up at them and back down at Glib before saying with the confidence only a child can have, “Hi! I’m Reylian, but everyone calls me Reys!” 
Glib sticks out his hand. “Glib, nice to meet ya, kid,” the frog says in that almost soft tone that he reserves exclusively for children. Reylian accepts the hand and makes a grossed-out face at the sliminess of it. “Oh yeah, probably should’ve warned you about that.”
“Heya there, Reys!” Goodbid says in an over-the-top manner, dropping down into a crouch. “I’m Mista Goodbid because I always be doing good biddness, don’t cha forget it!” He tips his bottom hat to the kid before sticking out his hand for a handshake. Reylian laughs and slots his tiny hand into Goodbid’s, who shakes it vigorously. 
Reylian giggles as he turns to S.G. “What’s your name?”
S.G. is silent for a moment before saying, “I’m S.G. and this-” they hold out a hand and a tiny bit of bright green moss crawls out of their armor and manifests into a tiny dog-like creature in their palm. “-is Kermit.”
The child squeals with joy before excitedly asking, “can I touch it?! Can I touch it?!”
If S.G. had any facial features, they would be smiling as they say, “of course, you can.” Reylian happily starts petting the moss monster, who preens under the attention. 
“S.G. how long does this spell last?” Prophis asks gently as he comes up behind his son.
S.G. thinks for a moment before saying, “an hour unless we can find a way to make it permanent.” 
Prophis and Callisto share a pained look before Callisto shakes his head and Prophis nods. 
“It wouldn’t be fair, I know it,” the elf says quietly. He picks up his son and holds him close to his chest. “I know that better than anyone,” Prophis says with a wet laugh.
“But an hour is better than nothing,” Callisto says kindly. He runs his fingers through Reylian’s white hair. Said child looks up at them confused. “Why are you guys sad?”
“Not sad, Reys, we’re just so happy to have you back,” Callisto says, kissing Reylian’s cheek. 
“But I never left?” the kid says, tilting his head to the side.
The parents share a sad look. “We know, my love, we know,” Prophis says. 
The next hour is spent playing and cuddling. The party of morally gray heroes watches in pure confusion as Callisto becomes a pushover, letting his son have anything he wants, and Prophis goes into complete Mom Mode. 
“Five minutes before the spell breaks,” S.G. warns as Reylian happily retells his parents about his day for the tenth time. 
“Five minutes?” the kid questions.
“Don’t worry about it,” Prophis soothes. “Just finish your story.” 
Everyone waits as the clock ticks down, Reylian babbling away, none the wiser.
“There it goes,” S.G. mumbles as they feel their concentration break. 
Reylian starts to morph and shift and his eyes go wide with alarm. 
“Pa? Dad? What’s happening?” Reys asks as he pulls and scratches at his skin. A pained scream bubbles up from his chest.
“It’s okay, my dear, it’s okay!” Prophis drops to his knees in front of the child, wiping away the alligator tears as they fall down the child’s face.
“It hurts,” the child sobs before screaming again as there are audible cracks and tears as the child grows back into the God of Monsters. 
“I know, I know,” Prophis says, tears streaking down his own face. “You’re doing so good.”
Callisto places a hand on his son and begins chanting a spell, easing the pain of the transformation. He still cries and screams as his skin bubbles and hardens, and a pair of grotesque wings rip out from his back. The chunks of armor in the corner of the room dissipates into dust as it reforms on his skin. 
It takes nearly a full minute of pained cries and awful sounds before the transformation stops. It ends with Reylias panting heavily on his knees.
“Reys?” Prophis asks gently.
Reylias’ head snaps up and he screams, throwing himself back. “What the fuck?!” he snarls.
“Don’t use that tone with your father,” Callisto chides as he walks to Reylias’ front. 
“Father?” he questions before flaring his wings out. “He’s not my fucking dad!”
“Really, then who was your dad?” S.G., challenges.
“My dad was a- a-” He falters and his wings droop as he tries to recall his parents. His eyes flick frantically from side to side while his mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water.
Prophis looks at him for a long moment before raising back to his feet and slowly approaching Reylias.
“I’m sorry, I know how much it must have hurt,” Prophis says quietly. He reaches up and runs his fingers down Reylias’ wings. The Monster God flinches and the blond pulls his hand back, as Callisto joins him, placing a hand on Prophis’ hip. “I didn’t mean to leave you.” He slowly raises his hand to cup Reylias’ cheek but hesitates. “I missed you both every day…”
Reylias’ eyes dart wildly between his parents. He flares his wings as if he’s about to attack and launches himself forward, but before Glib can fire off an eldritch blast, the monster picks up both men and crushes them against his chest. 
“Why’d you send me away? We were supposed to look for him together!” He says childishly, wrapping his wings tightly around them. 
“It was for the best,” Callisto says softly. “You were becoming depressed.” He pulls back so he can look his son in the face. “I couldn’t bear to watch you wither away.”
“But I was alone!” He cries. This is the most emotion he’s ever displayed, and it’s unnerving to watch him cry as he is. “I was scared!”
“My love-” Prophis begins but is cut off by Reylias’ cries.
“No!” Reylias pulls back so he can look at them. “I woke up confused, scared, and alone!” He’s yelling, but he’s not angry. Much like a child, he is acting mad because he is defensive. “I couldn’t even remember my name!”
“Reylian, I’m sorry,” Callisto tries only for Reylias to shake his head.
“No, no! You don’t get to apologize!” he shouts, spitting acidic saliva, as he rips himself out of his parent’s hold. He flares his wings and roars in anger. In a flash of an eye, he blots out the window, oily black wings lifting him into the air. 
Everyone runs to the hole in the wall and watches as Reylias disappears into the distance. 
“What the hell just happened?!” Glib asks slowly.
“I do not know,” S.G. says, head cocked to a side.
“Do you think he’ll come back to us?” Prophis asks sadly.
“I-” Callisto begins before pausing. “I don’t know.”
Everyone watches in stunned silence, only to be broken by Goodbid swearing under his breath, “damn.”
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ronalda · 5 months
Challenge : What is the meaning of title I was going for? 😉❤
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videcoeur · 7 months
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Reylia’s bio is up!
Art by @/vaxpav 
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abdou-lorenzo · 1 year
Tu viens telle une voile
Naviguant sur mes lèvres
Ton buste se répand sur le jour.
Tu es dans les branches océanes
La turquoise de mon âme,
Tu viens dans toutes choses
Dans la verdure de l’âme
enlaçant la fête des saisons
Tu viens quand ta présence devient l’océan
Et mon coeur une voile
Alors, il n’y a plus de rivages.....💞🍀🥀
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Ali al-Charqwi
Photo : Reylia Slaby .
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Glamour shot of samurai, the Cyberpunk samurai, surrounded by city neon lighting, realistic, realistic, morbid, dark, very detailed, rendered in octane, wet, densely atmospheric, epic, dramatic, empty, creepy, trail cam footage, photorealistic, hyper ornate details, photographed by Irakli Nadar and Reylia Slaby, bokeh, particles, ultra detail
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fillielitsa · 2 years
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Tales from Japan by Reylia Slaby
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tenderlysharpmidain · 2 years
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Prompt: glamour shot of stunningly beautiful young female model by Karol Bak and Reylia Slaby and Anna Dittmann --ar 2:3 --beta --upbeta --upbeta
@ Monstercat
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midjourney-artists-v6 · 4 months
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Artist: Reylia Slaby
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menofai · 1 year
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shirtless, bodybuilder, [art by Jo Ann Callis| (art by Reylia Slaby:0.8) ], anime key visual, Personal Yuan Dynasty Callum sitting in a Fiery chair, Brunette hair, Flat Shag hairstyle, fauna with Foliage, horizon-centered, Sketched, Frightening, Fish-eye Lens, Amaro, Negative prompt: JuggernautNegative-neg Steps: 25, Sampler: DPM++ SDE Karras, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 3226562642, Size: 512x512, Model hash: e9d3cedc4b, Model: realisticVisionV40_v40VAE, Denoising strength: 0.7, Hires upscale: 2, Hires upscaler: 4x-UltraSharp, Lora hashes: "bettermalebody_bf16_batch1_v1.0: 9e859b29e2c8", Version: v1.4.1
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monochromatic-minds · 2 years
You've said that Illyria has 4 children. We know about Andraste and Illithyr, but who are the other two? Can you tell us much about them, or are they still a WIP?
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Not really a WIP. I just don't have any pages for them yet, likewise for Illythir.
Illyria's youngest are twin daughters; The older one being Reylia and the younger one, Allynna.
While Illythir was born just before Ander left on his ten year crusade, the twins were born after his return home; Making the age gap between them and Illyth 10 years and the gap between them and Andraste 22 years.
As for classes for the siblings, they are as follows:
Andraste - Oath of Devotion Paladin
Illythir - Mastermind Rogue
Reylia - Divine Soul Sorcerer
Allynna - Artillerist Artificer
0 notes
blitzendoggo · 2 years
Together Again
In Backspace, Emerald has set up a meeting that will make both groups happier because they have what the other needs. Emerald forgot to mention one key difference.
Callisto/Prophis (1195 words) 
“It’s not exactly common for a Callisto-”
“I’d prefer if you stopped referring to me as ‘a Callisto’.”
“To arrive without his respective Prophis, if they were romantically involved that is.”
“What are you suggesting?” Callisto asks hotly, internally seething at the suggestion that he did not care for Prophis. 
Emerald stops walking before slowly turning to the man. “I’m implying nothing, only stating that your group is stranger than we previously thought.”
“Where are you taking us again?” Glib asks before Callisto can lob a fireball at the shadowed man. 
Emerald glances down at Glib before resuming his walk. “The group that arrived here before you was odd in a similar fashion. It is rare for those romantically involved to not appear together, no matter those in the relationship, and believe me,” Emerald casts a glance over their shoulder at the group trailing behind them, “I have seen some odd pairings.” 
The party gives each other questioning looks, minds wandering to the worse outcomes of these romantic pairings before Emerald draws their attention back. “But it is not only the romantic loss that sets your group dynamic apart.” They stop in front of a bulkhead door and the raspy-voiced individual turns to them, an almost optimistic look on their dark face. “You are also missing a close friend.” Although none of the group says anything, the mood of the room dampens as they separately grieve S.G.
Without another word, Emerald slides a card across a scanner, a green light blinks rapidly, and the door opens as the sound of air decompressing echoes through the quiet corridor. The heavy door slowly opens, and Emerald steps through followed closely by Callisto, Glib, and Goodbid. 
Standing in the middle of the room is a group of three people, two of which talk in hushed almost aggressive voices while the third stands to the side of one, face obscured but posture uncomfortable.
“I’m just saying, don’t get your hopes up,” the S.G. variant hisses. They look identical to their S.G. except for a jagged, lightning-strike-shaped scar that runs the length of their face, fanning over the majority of it. If the changeling had facial features, the scar would have horribly distorted them or made them unusable. 
“And I’m saying that there is nothing wrong with a bit of optimism,” Prophis says. His hair is braided loosely and pulled to the side, strands of chaos magic glistening in the light. He is dressed identically to the other Prophis, but his eyes are tired, more so than their Prophis’.
“Um, guys?” the third figure speaks up, though his face is obstructed as he half hides behind Prophis, his nervous tone is clear. “They’re here.”
Callisto stands slack-jawed as the other two men step in around him. Emerald shuts the door and walks to the center of the room, allowing the two groups to stare at each other for a moment before he speaks, “Considering your backgrounds are extremely alike, with only a few notable differences,” he nods to the figure still hiding behind Prophis, “the council and I decided that it would be in both parties best interest to combine your groups.” He looks between them before nodding to himself, satisfied. “I’ll leave you to get orientated.” The room goes dark followed by heavy footsteps and the lights come back to an Emerald-less room. 
A heavy silence permeates the room before Goodbid takes off his hat and steps forward. “Ain’t no reason to beat around the bush,” he says bluntly before his smile softens at the edges. “We know who you are, and you know who we are, but I gotta ask, who is that hidin’ behind ya?” 
S.G. and Prophis give each other uncomfortable glances but the person behind Prophis slowly steps out. He is an air genasi with long white hair, tied back in a similar way that Prophis used to wear his hair. He is wearing a tight black long-sleeved shirt, simple black cargo pants, and work boots. Sticking out of random pockets are numerous tools and the genasi’s face is streaked with oil and soot, making it clear that he was working on a machine before coming to this meeting. On his back is a sword that strikes the party as familiar, but they can’t place where they’ve seen it before. 
“Hi,” his voice shakes as he throws a glance at Prophis, making sure the man is still there before gaining more confidence and making eye contact with Callisto. “I’m Reylias, and I’m your son.” 
The dark-haired man stares at Reylias, mouth agape before Glib starts laughing.
“God, I wish S.G. was here to see your face!” he gasps, doubling over as his entire body convulses.
“Why is that?” S.G. asks, voice clearly skeptical.
“Because when we met Reylias, S.G. gaslit him into thinking that his dad was Callisto!” Glib explains as he straightens back up. “He almost believed it too.” Goodbid and S.G. cackle as Callisto, Prophis, and Reylias still look at each other like anxious animals. 
“Father was never fond of hugs,” Reylias says quietly, “but I had to watch him die without the chance to tell him goodbye.” He looks back to Prophis who nods encouragingly. “And I know that I am not your son, but.” he takes a deep breath and rushes out, “I was hoping to get a hug from you.”
Callisto stands stock still as the room waits for his reaction. Callisto suddenly surges forward and draws the genasi into a tight hug, burying one hand into his hair to pull his head down. Reylias collapses most of his body weight onto the smaller man as he wraps his arms tightly around him. Callisto rubs a soothing hand down the taller’s back as they both breathe raggedly. 
Callisto laughs as he pulls Reylias’ face away and cradles it into his hands.
“We always wanted a child,” he says with more emotion than anyone -other than Prophis- has ever heard from him. He kisses Reylias’ temple as tears streak down his cheeks. “I’m glad I finally have one.” He releases the taller’s face and pulls him into his side as he turns his attention to Prophis who has begun to silently cry. “Come here, my dear.” He holds out a hand which Prophis takes. “There are many stories that need to be shared.” Callisto kisses Prophis -which Reylias jokingly gags at- before they devolve into giggles and tears.
S.G. sneaks past the family reunion and joins Glib and Goodbid whose jaws are sitting on the floor. 
“That was weird, yes?” the changeling says in their heads to which the boys nod. “Do you want to go to the cafeteria and let them have their moment?”
Glib doesn’t respond, but Goodbid slowly turns his head and nods. They quietly sneak out the door as the happy family tells stories from their respective timelines.
“Happy Callisto is the weirdest thing I think I've ever seen,” Glib says once they’ve reached the hallway, “And I saw a Frankie Goodbid making out with a pastel-colored Zalkas while riding a black Warhorse Friday in the breakfast hall.”
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velcoriaexploration · 2 years
One would hope Merrin is able to handle explosions and fire; Because his Paladin wife is babysitting her brother and little sisters while her parents are away on important business. Which means Merrin is also involved.
The older twin, Reylia, is well enough behaved, normally keeping to herself and reading a book...when she isn't playing around with magic and accidentally setting things on fire.
The younger twin, Allynna, however, is a firecracker both metaphorically and literally, as the little tinkerer likes to make explosives out of objects that one would never think would explode.
Cue to the both of them making mischief, climbing up in high and dangerous places, setting fires,trying to make things that explode and most disturbing of all...running with scissors!
Turns out Merrin has dealt with this before. He did raise Felix after all. The alchemist was just as curious about magic and gadgets when she was a child. That being said, his young in-laws shouldn’t be doing these things in a home carved out of a tree… But he had his home enchanted by a friend long ago after Felix nearly burned the place down when she was 11.
But when he catches them running with scissors, he grabs them by their britches and snatches the scissors. “You two have to be careful… If you want to play with fire and exploding things, you should do it in the safety of a lab under supervision. And I know just who to take such inquisitive minds to, your niece-in-law makes bigger explosions and fires in her lab, but she does so responsibly.”
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solisaureus · 2 years
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reyna and thalia are dating and canon can’t sink this ship
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brewdarrymore · 6 years
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“Reyna had always thought of Jason Grace as the all-American boy. Thalia looked more like the girl who robbed all-American boys at knifepoint in an alley.”
- The Blood of Olympus, Rick Riordan
A moodboard for theyna (reylia?) from heroes of olympus
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