#rey's ramblings
neeinearts · 5 days
sebastian has been sebastian debeste for TEN YEARS, there are TEN YEARS worth of fan content with his name being sebastian debeste, i want you ALL to understand the severity of this
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krahlerdraws · 3 months
My favourite type of review
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jellyjamheadobb · 2 months
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 22 days
haven’t lost my virginity because I never lose
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hananoami · 11 days
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they always release these trailers just when i'm about to head to bed lol... pls infold, ya girl is trying to get some beauty sleep but now i'll be up all night thinking about these guys and their new upcoming memories... i am literally so weak
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joanofarchive · 10 months
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girls in their rooms
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flowersforfrancis · 10 months
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reineyday · 3 months
i LOVE how they had lucy react to feral ghouls three separate times: the first when coop shot/mercy killed roger and she was dismayed, the second when she released a bunch and was forced to put them down when they attacked her and everyone else, and the third when she herself shot/mercy killed her mother.
it's just such a succinct way to showcase how her actions are changing in accordance with what she's learning about the world she finds herself in and how survive inside it, but that these new actions are still ultimately revolving around her own goodness. will be interesting to see how much of that transfers onto coop vs how much of his jadedness ends up affecting her own ethics.
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yuzuuu4 · 1 year
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how did they even fit in the house??
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caberzatto · 29 days
rafe thoughts stay plaguing my mind :(
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you stood in front of your mirror looking over the outfit you had picked out for your date with rafe. plain navy blue baby tee, white air forces, and a dainty white lacy mini skirt.
mini would be an understatement to how short the garment actually is. the frilly hem of the skirt sat just high enough on your thighs that if you crouched over - well let's just say you'd receive a plentiful amount of gawks and hushed comments over it.
regardless, all that matters is that you felt cute in it and the fact that it shows off your legs - one of rafe's countless weaknesses when it comes to you. which luckily, was precisely the plan.
rafe never shies away from praising you, whether it's letting you know how pretty your hair looks one day, or complimenting your radiant smile, or how sexy you look in the clothes he bought for you - least of all your body. every curve. every inch. he loves it all.
just as you made the final adjustments to your clothing you heard your boyfriend's voice call out from downstairs. "hey, kid, m'here. you ready to go?"
"hey baby, yeah i'm ready. be right down!"
spinning on your heel you headed to your bedroom door, grabbing your phone off the vanity and one of your shoulder bags off the handle before heading downstairs to greet rafe.
"hiii," you chimed chipperly as you met rafe's gaze, his head instantly raising from whatever had him distracted on his phone, meeting your eyes with a soft smile as he shoved his phone in his pocket.
"hi, kiddo," his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, yours around his neck, giving you a whiff of the musky cologne you had gifted him a while ago. your heart warmed as you smiled to yourself, realizing that it's the only one he's worn since.
"you ready to go?" you asked him, pulling back, eager to finally get out of the house and spend a relaxing day with your boyfriend - hopefully somewhere where you can have a nice cold not-so-virgin drink in your hand.
the perky smile you had on quickly faded once you noticed rafe staring at you - at your outfit, a blank expression plastered on his face. "what? 's'there something wrong with my outfit - ugh, is there a stain somewhere?" your manicured fingers brushed over your skirt as you twisted sideways in an attempt to search the back for stains, causing the hem to raise slightly - but just enough to give rafe a perfect view of the pretty lace panties you had on.
all of a sudden you were being backed into a wall, rafe's hands held firmly on your waist. you gripped his sculpted shoulders to keep yourself from falling backwards flat on your ass.
"change of plans kiddo, we're staying home today."
"rafe what-"
"think you can put on that tube top of a skirt and not expect a reaction from me, hmm kid?" a hand slithered down from your waist to grab a handful of your ass, scrunching the white lace fabric in the process, "half your ass out for the world to see huh?"
just as planned.
"rafe, i have no idea what you're talking about."
you absolutely knew that your rather skimpy outfit would warrant a reaction from your boyfriend. and even though you had hopes of actually going out today, the idea of having rafe's hand between your legs was far better than having an ice-cold drink in yours.
"'s'that right? cause'm pretty sure this is exactly what you wanted, isn't it?" his hand snaked lower from your ass, making sure to run his fingertips leisurely over your soft skin, further and further down until they were tracing over the textured fabric of your lace underwear.
your pretty tinted lips parted slightly releasing a shaky, breathy exhale as you felt rafe's fingers press down on your clad clit. your panties were practically soaked now, a desperate plea for him to grace you with the sweet release you needed so bad.
"if you wanted me so bad you coulda just said so, kid. but don't worry, kiddo...gonna fuck a confession outta you. n' the skirt stays on."
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taglist: @minhoshotharness @lovelysturnioloos
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neeinearts · 6 days
parrying emmi attacks in metroid dread is the true evil of quick-time events, like goddamn that quick-time event sure is quick, wtf
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krahlerdraws · 27 days
I'm on Cara now too, find me as [@]krahler
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jellyjamheadobb · 2 months
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rainylunesstorm · 7 months
out of curiosity,
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hananoami · 2 months
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8 hours later and I’m still thinking about that god damn S M I R K . . .
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varyathevillain · 1 year
no joke but what I really want for Buddy Daddies as a fandom is to make fanart and fanfic post present time ep12 where Rei wears an arm orthosis when working.
I think varied disability aids being represented would be fantastic, and personally would write Rei as someone being deeply proud of something he's done for his family, but also understanding with time that using an orthosis also helps him at work and in raising Miri. with a giant portion of mobility/motorics aids being represented by prosthetics, seeing more variety and exploring it in fiction would also help making a step in normalising disability treatments.
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