#rewatching S01
blue-b-bro · 1 year
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After feeling under appreciated (look what that glitter portrait did to him):
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I love this guy. Like, we tend to think s01 Guillermo was pathetic but he was his petty, dangerous self from the beginning. He didn't even thought about quitting, just went straight up to murder adsfdgdgfhh
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Wait a friggin minute... is that.... is that the Bentley's crank???
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Oh my God... all the details....
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onthwayhome · 1 year
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5x04loss · 1 year
what is there to even say lol. rip jenny schecter, always in my heart
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pngjpeg · 8 months
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
i have way too many blorbos on my plate rn… from lockwood & co trio, to joel miller, to rafe cameron + jj/kiara and now the new season of mandalorian just started so papa mando is back in my life! and later shadow & bone. ahhhhhh ngl im overwhelmed but having the time of my life.
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oh papa mando, i’ve missed you so damn much *squeaks*
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
You should speak to Master Irion, our wizard. He's willing to pay for odds and ends he needs for elixirs. I sold him our dog when it died. Mysteriously.  ...  I want more. I have to be more, because I don't know what to do in Blaviken for the rest of my life, except go to the boring old market. And kill rats. And dogs.
Marilka; The Witcher 01×01- The End’s Beginning
Geralt: *arrives in Blaviken with a kikimora corpse strapped to the saddle*
Marilka: You kill things? That's SO COOL! I kill things too!
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quotethatshow · 2 months
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What's up with the subtitle??!?
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windshield91 · 3 months
Burzek first kiss was a cheating act, happened while Adam was still engaged. Adam was so dumb and cocky this first season.
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ofprevioustimes · 3 months
team "everyone in this story is wrong in different ways"
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stefyjonas1 · 7 months
This first gay episode of criminal minds (and no I’m not counting the one gay line in the fire episode) is not the best… lots of assumptions and not understanding culture and words that are generally not used anymore
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neil-gaiman · 9 months
Hello Mr. Gaiman, hope you're having a great time.
I don't know if anyone has asked/mentioned this but I've been rewatching Good Omens and I noticed something. Who is that guy with Crowley in the cinema when Hastur contacts him?(S01-E04)
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Is there any chance for that person to be you?(This was my first thought because they look like you!)
(And also sorry if there is a mistake in this text, English is not my mother tongue.)
It's me. (And I'm also all the noises the rabbits make in this scene.)
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kocch · 2 years
I've done the personality test again (last time I got Dustin as first though, and Robin second) because I didn't remember who was in my top five.... Anyways I'm kinning Robin and Max. Amusingly, Robin and I share the same mbti type 🤠
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creatorofarcadia · 1 year
The idea that Sam somehow has an easier childhood than Dean makes me want to claw my own eyes out.
I think I sort of fell into this trap too at first watch, but rewatching it as an adult holy shit. Obviously Dean has to deal with intense parentification, I'm not discounting that, but I think we forget that Sam is essentially raised by another child. No matter how hard that child tries (and I'm not saying Dean doesnt try) being raised by someone 4 years older than you IS NEGLECT and there's no way Sam doesn't suffer as a result of that.
The idea that Sam has it easier because John treats him better also kind of baffles me. Sam pretty explicitly says in S01 E08 that his Dad views him as a freak. Kids don't just pluck the idea their parents think that from thin air, meaning in some capacity John has led his son to believe this growing up.
Furthermore, while we as the audience can appreciate that the amount of responsibility placed on Dean as a child isn't a good thing. From Sam's perspective growing up, his brother is this perfect being, completely worthy of trust, responsibility and respect from their Dad. Whereas Sam isn't trusted (e.g., with knowing about hunting) and his opinions/questions are met with blazing arguments. The fact he trusts himself enough/ has the self-esteem to even attempt Stanford is literally incredible considering the message he's been receiving for years is "you're unworthy of trust/your thoughts aren't worth listening to/ your achievements outside of hunting are worthless".
Overall, just because Sam and Dean suffer in different ways growing up, doesn't mean one has it worse than the other. Perspective is crucial here - Dean thinks that his Dad prefers Sam because even when they're fighting John is showing him concern. Sam thinks his Dad prefers Dean because the fights are seen not as concern, but rejection and derision. Dean is crushed by responsibility, Sam is implicitly told he's unworthy of it.
But idk maybe I'm crazy.
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
Ten minutes into The End’s Beginning, already on the verge of crying over the potential of the series.
Seeing just ~how~ bad is the second season and how different. It's not just the timeline, but the visual, music and its use, storytelling...
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emryses · 11 months
maybe i'll rewatch shameless and by rewatch shameless i mean youtube dot com playlist All Gallavich Scenes | S01-S11 + Hall Of Shame | 1080p
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