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musicarenagh · 7 months ago
A Decade in the Making: TONYT's Explosive 'Revolving Doors' Let me put it simply – when you listen to TONYT’s latest single ‘Revolving Doors’ you would not be wrong to assume it is a track from a full band with several musicians. First things first, you are met with the first chord progressions that immediately remind you of early pop-punk from the 2000s. The breakdown towards the end is heavier and more aggressive for a metal band here and now with these killer electronic elements and synth lines occurring here and there. All in all, it is a deliciously dynamic and multifaceted ride and its complexities make it a roller coaster ride all the way. This track gets straight to the topic that is most contemporary to the United Kingdom, given the circumstance of the impending election. How it reflects the current culture and mood, kind of like a soundtrack to the crazed political climate people are experiencing at the moment. Talk about depth! And you know what? The story of creating ‘Revolving Doors’ is as surreal as the tune of the song. When Tony and Josh recently discovered a demo they recorded while in college over a decade ago, they took over a year to pass ideas back and forth to each other before the creation of this project from two ‘hyperactive’ friends. That constant to-ing and fro-ing has paid off big time and what we get is a track that is well thought out and yet it is raw with energy. Moving forward, the guys are already planning strategies to adapt “Revolving Doors” to a stage performance with an album release, live sessions, music videos, and remixes on the horizon. They’re sure to knock the roof off!!! All in all, ‘Revolving Doors’ is nothing but another testimony on TONYT’s capacity of integrating all those different musical jigsaw puzzles into one coherent, engaging and not to mention catchy musical piece. It is a track that reflects the turbulent nature with which it was recorded, and the turbulent political climate it discusses, all the while being one hell of a fun, explosive, and powerful alt-rock song. Watch these two: they are only beginning to blaze new trails and cause ripples in the industry. Listen to Revolving Doors below https://open.spotify.com/track/411ZtNn5IU8zkMI79YLDPS?si=c67b61b954394d8f Follow TONYT on Facebook Spotify Youtube Instagram
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gaming-beast · 1 year ago
5 Reasons To Hate Lotus Map & Dodge it In Valorant
Do you play the Lotus Valorant map or avoid it? Here are the top five reasons why global players avoid it in Unrated and Competitive games!
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sublimeobservationarcade · 3 months ago
Careerism: Self-Interest’s Acceptable Public Face
Western democracies spruik their hopefully meritocratic qualities. The belief that through hard work and talent you can reach the upper echelons of your profession or work place. Careerism: Self-interest’s acceptable public face exists on this basis. Striving for success in any field is encouraged and culturally rewarded. Many bemoan the ever present dangers of nepotism and cronyism within our societies and nations. The elite private schools and old boy’s networks which operate in counter to any ideas of equal opportunity and fairness. Those of us with any pragmatic awareness of how the job market actually works know that it is largely driven by who you know and not what you know. This makes a mockery of any meritocratic ideals believed to be operating within Western democracies.
Privilege The Pathway To Careerism
In the United States of America, the world’s democratic superpower, the top 1% outnumber the rest of the population in their presence at Ivy League universities. Prestige and influence are bought by wealth and legacy policies governing who gets in and who doesn’t. Privilege does everything in its power to ensure that passes down to future generations. Similar behaviours and trends occur in other Western democracies like Australia. Witness the rise in the number of private schools and the increase in the number of Australians attending them. “Private school enrolments have soared for the third straight year as parents leave the public system in record numbers in favour of independent or Catholic schools. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released new data for 2023 that shows the trend to private schools is growing even as interest rate rises and cost of living pressure eat into budgets. Across primary and high school, private school enrolments (Catholic and independent) grew by 2.5 per cent. Meanwhile, public schools grew by just 0.3 per cent, a small improvement from last year when public school enrolments actually fell.” - (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-14/public-school-private-school-shift-continues-cost-of-living/103465026) Wealthy nations like Australia have good public schools but the narrative spruiked by elitism is that these are not good enough. Segregation around wealth, which puts all the kids from wealthier households together and strips them out of the state school system creates class divisions. It, also, damages the standards of the public schools by taking many of the best students with existing advantages from birth out of these schools. Leaving behind those kids with more challenges, like poverty and being from migrant backgrounds. Photo by Lubomir Satko on Pexels.com
Buying Career Opportunities For Their Kids
The expectation upon kids from wealthier families who have purchased private education is much higher. Careerism is more clearly defined here at earlier ages. The old doctor, lawyer or accountant thing remains true to this day. Although, it may include engineer and other computer related professions on the modern day wish list. Parents want the best for their kids and are willing to devote big chunks of their income and wealth to achieve that. The Societal Perils Of Careerism’s Impact Careerism is a problem for us on a societal level, however. The narrow focus on self-interest does not serve the community well in most instances. So, mummy and daddy may well be happy that their offspring is doing well but the merit accorded to the individual is no guarantee of the public good. An example that springs to mind In Australia is the negative impact of careerism on the integrity of journalism here. Australia is the home of economic duopolies and the media landscape is particularly effected by a dearth of competition. Murdoch owns most of the newspapers in the cities and a dominant radio network. In addition, he has Sky News Australia and Fox News on TV screens. Nine Fairfax is another corporate media presence of size involved in multiple platforms. Journalists in Australia are careful not to burn their bridges with News Corp, despite the fact that their coverage is blatantly one sided and miles from any semblance of objectivity. Careerism has them keeping an eye on their next well paid job in a concentrated labour market. I have observed the journalists working in the corporate media sector now are younger (less well paid) and less willing to call out bias in their own industry. Most of the older journos have moved to smaller niche publications, online. The Fourth Estate is a very important democratic institution and the fact that it has been poisoned by deregulation and oligarchy does not serve us well. People are asking why we are heading toward authoritarianism and this is one of the contributing factors – our media has been silenced by greed and self-interest. Careerism: Self-interest’s acceptable public face is a part of this too. Politics & Public Service Careerism Careerism is a much bigger problem in our political and public service spaces. The corruption of the revolving door, where public officials take up lucrative jobs with the private companies they were once supposed to be regulating is endemic around Western democracies. The corporate sector is ready and waiting to endower these individuals with a golden parachute upon their exit from the public service. Careerism, seemingly, makes this practice an acceptable one for these individuals. This grey area makes a mockery of anti-bribery rules and regulations. Surely, the government must include non-compete clauses in the contracts of these public servants to prevent them taking their knowledge and influence over to the other side. Politicians need to have the same provisions included in their contracts as MPs and cabinet ministers/secretaries. That this has been going on for eons proves that you cannot have the foxes guarding the hen house. Politicians will not close lucrative loop holes for their future careerism without determined and sustained  push back from the voting public. Neoliberalism & Careerism Neoliberalism has been the cover for the deregulation which has allowed oligarchic control of our media to coalesce like a dark cloud over facts and truth. Careerism has fitted like a glove over the hand of neoliberalism. The individual out for private success and the wealth that brings is not primarily looking out for the greater good. Integrity has been sold to the highest bidder in many professions across the board. Corporations have been allowed to merge and take over competitors despite government bodies like the ACCC – which were supposed to be guarding against such things. Toothless tigers are what these monitoring agencies turned out to be  - regulatory capture occurred with such frequency that anyone paying attention would have to embrace cynicism as their response to such blatant ineffectuality. This has been going on for decades and is just getting more obvious each and every year. Standards and expectations have been lowered as corporate power has its way with government. Nearly 10 years of LNP Coalition government at the federal level in Australia accelerated this weakening of the state’s powers, as the public service was slashed and outsourced to private consultants in multi billion dollar deals. PwC, KPMG, Ey and Deloitte have grown fat on the outsourced work of government, without the natural transparency inherent within the public service. Australians have been shafted under the guise of neoliberalism and the mantra of greater efficiencies. Insider mates of the government have grown very wealthy on the back of this transfer of assets from the public to the private sector. We the people are poorer for it. Careers in consulting have been looking very attractive for some time of late. Careerism: Self-interest’s acceptable public face fills the ranks of these consultancy firms. The Decline Of Civic Duty The decline of civics has been going on for decades around western democracies. ‘Greed is good’ became the buzz words of the late 20C. Ordinary working people were encouraged to become ofay with the economics of personal finance. Property prices began to climb like they never had before. It is estimated that if inflation was measured on residential property price increases in Australia over the last 30 years it would be around 382%. “While housing values move through cycles of growth as well as declines, the long-term trend is undeniably upwards.  Nationally, dwelling values have increased 382% over the past 30 years, or in annual compounding terms, rising by 5.4% on average since July 1992.” - (https://www.corelogic.com.au/news-research/news/2022/the-long-game-30-years-of-housing-values) Young Australians can no longer afford to buy their own home, as they cannot afford to save the deposit to get a bank loan large enough. The bank of mum and dad is an essential in 2024 for those fortunate enough to get a leg up. Civic duty and community work was left to elderly volunteers in the main. Many of the rest of us were too busy or too focused on earning enough money to get ahead. Former PM John Howard told Australians to become investors, as the wheel of fortune turned and workers and consumers become second class citizens behind CEOs and shareholders. Wage growth stagnated for decades, as the impetus was on corporations and their investors at the expense of wages. Record profits for the banks, the mining multinationals, and the duopolies which killed competition and consumer power.  Inequality grew downunder like never before, as income and consumption was taxed but not capital wealth. The capital gains tax discount and negative gearing made property the number one thing in Australia for wealth creation. All those folk who weren’t paying enough attention to the changing face of the nation soon found themselves on the outer. Obviously, there were winners and losers and many Australians are chuffed at their new found wealth over the years. Others say it is not real wealth because if you sell the million dollar family home you just have to buy another million dollar home somewhere else. Renters are the real losers in this game of inflated asset accumulation. The current housing shortage crisis in Oz has pushed rents through the roof. In combination with the high inflationary CPI last couple of years, poorer Aussies have been doing it tough. Community becomes more important when your wages cannot cover your expenses. The neoliberal vision is OK if you are winning and can afford to pay for everything yourself – then the small government BS may fly for some. (200907200070HQ)Google Moon Press Conference by NASA HQ PHOTO is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0 Corporations Not Paying Taxes Corporations are not paying enough taxes in Western democracies around the globe. These multinationals employ legions of accountants and tax specialists to minimise their tax requirements. We saw with the PwC travesty the government being betrayed by those it had outsourced to work up greater taxing solutions for companies like Uber and Google. This was corporate skull doggery at its finest and once again the white collar crime free zone was on display in the halls of power in Canberra. These folk do not ever pay for their crimes unlike blue collar criminals. 60 Minutes can get on their high horse about bikies and the CFMEU but never seem to worry about the corporate fraud and malfeasance going on all the time at the pointy end of power downunder. These acts are too complex for the media and the police much of the time. Billion dollar frauds and corrupt proceedings carried on with impunity. Greater civic awareness would cast a brighter sunlight on the dodgy practices of accountants, lawyers and pollies. Careerism is at work here too, as young professionals are initiated into the activities of their corporate masters. Whistleblowers are regularly prosecuted in Australia, which does not encourage insiders to speak out. The NACC & Robodebt The NACC has been a great disappointment so far. It seems that its remit is woefully inadequate. Robodebt, the most heinous illegal betrayal of Australian citizens by its then Coalition government, has resulted in no prosecutions despite vulnerable victims killing themselves. A Royal Commission and now the NACC have both failed to deliver justice for the half a million Australians wrongly targeted by Robodebt. Robodebt was an ideologically motivated attack on welfare recipients by the Coalition federal governments of Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison. It was predicated on the inaccurate belief that there were hundreds of thousands of Australians ripping off Centrelink. The Coalition demonised these often poor and vulnerable Australians attacking them in the media for being welfare cheats and dole bludgers. In what may be a foretaste of an AI future, an automated algorithm conflated data from the ATO and Centrelink to accuse 500, 000 Aussies of owing substantial amounts of money to the government. The calculations were incorrect and these people were wrongly chased by debt collectors with the onus being on them to prove they did not owe this money. In many instances, we are talking about thousands of dollars. In despair some individuals committed suicide over their financial situation. Robodebt was found to be illegal and yet senior public servants and politicians kept the scheme running for some 6 years. A settled class action by some victims cost the government $1.8 billion in reparations. No one has paid the price for Robodebt except those wrongly victimised in the first place. Australia repeatedly fails to deliver justice to its citizens with the political class weaselling their way out of it again and again. The political parties of government look after their own backs over all other considerations.   Political expediency gazumps any meaningful social justice time and time again. Careerism in politics is Teflon coated, it seems by the available evidence. Careerism: Self-interest’s acceptable public face sees ongoing omissions and failures by governments of both the main parties. The never ending two party squabbles put paid to most efforts toward progress on issues like climate change, money laundering via international property investment, FOI and whistleblowing law amendments. The consensus they do share is done in backroom deals to protect each other’s arse. The political class are very much into self-preservation downunder. Robert Sudha Hamilton is the author of America Matters: Pre-apocalyptic Posts & Essays in the Shadow of Trump. ©MidasWord Read the full article
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usnewsper-politics · 1 year ago
Law Firm's Foreign Agent Registration Raises Questions of Ethics and National Security #Burisma #conflictsofinterest #corruption #CovingtonBurling #ethics #foreignagent #ForeignAgentsRegistrationActFARA #governmentandprivatesector #hunterBiden #MitchMcConnell #nationalsecurity #nepotism #revolvingdoor #USDepartmentofJustice #Washingtoninsiders
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saramackenzie1982 · 2 years ago
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The character of Miranda receives correspondence from across the world. Many mention mutual interests. Others remind Miranda that there's still work to be done. Get yourself wrapped up in the mission. The enemy of your enemy is your friend. How far are you willing to trust them with your secrets? #LetterWriting #SecretMission #IntelligenceSays #FederalAgency #Undercover #BlackMarket #IllegalActivities #RevolvingDoor #ActionAdventure #Romance #TheHorror #LBGTQIA #ComingOut #ComingOfAge #TheDuchess #WomensRightsAreHumanRights #WomensRightsMovement #WomensLiberation #BirthControl #OutOfMyBody #Lesbian #IndieBooks #IndieAuthor #NewBritain https://www.instagram.com/p/CpVDB-qs8o-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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boonedamindia · 5 years ago
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Speed Gates are used to Manage the visitors. get your customized gates now with Boon Edam which is one of the oldest and fine company. Also made its visibility now in India.
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sketchwithjo · 7 years ago
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I drew the 2nd one a few months ago but I didn't like the line art so I tried to do it again. Which one do you guys think is better? The first one or the second one? #gorillaz #2d #stuartpot #stupot #revolvingdoors #diner #digitalart #hewll #jamiehewlett #damonalbarn #illustration #art #wacom #drawing #thefall #shoutout #artagram
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thistlehouse · 3 years ago
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Be a supermom to your Child 💪🏻🔥 . . #magnetictoys #magnetictoy #magnetictoysforkids #magnetictoyactivities #magnetictoysarethebest #magnetictoysph #officetabledecorated #revolving #revolvingdoor #revolvingdoors #revolvingchair #revolvingaroundyou #magnetic #magneticlashes #electromagnetic #magneticfields #magnetictiles #magneticfield #magneticgrey #magnetics #magneticcharger #magnetica #magnetictoys #magneticboard #magneticgroup #magneticmoon https://www.instagram.com/p/CRY8en5rOnu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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3monkeysinflatables · 5 years ago
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Doors open and close constantly. Have you had any open or close lately?
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freegreatmovies · 6 years ago
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Joan Crawford at the Grand Hotel (1932). Just watched. Glamorous! #grandhotel #joancrawford #bestpictureoscar #edmundgoulding #metrogoldwynmayer #flaemmchen #stenographer #revolvingdoors (at Grand Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzsBih0F_5z/?igshid=18x9k34f9lb1v
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brovayurbee-blog · 6 years ago
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If your in #California, make sure to meet this inspiring lady. @davisangela48 on #ig⠀ #kaivprods ⠀ #author #keynote #speaker #creator⠀ #lax #losangeles #cityofangels⠀ #baltimoreborn #dmv #baltimorecity #maryland⠀ #entrepreneurs #revolvingdoors https://www.instagram.com/p/ByuwoyQp85d/?igshid=1cwwxz3a7bs0d
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whereisnik · 6 years ago
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Bye bye Bilbao, but ... hasta pronto España😉 #wheresnik #hastapronto #españa #bilbao #bilbaogram #visitbilbao #cascoviejo #paisvasco #bluedoors #revolvingdoors #visitbilbao #rivierasshoes #shoesaddict #shoeslovers (at Casco Viejo) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxSQikAJ3Ob/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lmg4shl8lq9q
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coachlapink-blog · 6 years ago
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Null’altro che la moda italiana di copiare espressioni straniere per esprimere concetti nazionali: come ci dice il dizionario Garzanti della Lingua italiana, dicesi “pantouflage” il “passaggio di alti funzionari statali a ditte private”. Questa pratica è stata limitata con la Legge 190/2012 che, con una modifica all’articolo 53 del D.lgs 165/2001 (inserendo il comma 16 ter) , dispone: “I dipendenti che, negli ultimi tre anni di servizio, hanno esercitato poteri autoritativi o negoziali per conto delle pubbliche amministrazioni di cui all’articolo 1, comma 2, non possono svolgere, nei tre anni successivi alla cessazione del rapporto di pubblico impiego, attivita’ lavorativa o professionale presso i soggetti privati destinatari dell’attivita’ della pubblica amministrazione svolta attraverso i medesimi poteri. I contratti conclusi e gli incarichi conferiti in violazione di quanto previsto dal presente comma sono nulli ed e’ fatto divieto ai soggetti privati che li hanno conclusi o conferiti di contrattare con le pubbliche amministrazioni per i successivi tre anni con obbligo di restituzione dei compensi eventualmente percepiti e accertati ad essi riferiti”. #pantouflage #revolvingdoors (presso Villa Niscemi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bj9SghUARIr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6u50q2o2yvhl
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lucindervention · 6 years ago
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The #revolvingdoors at the @lordbaltimorehotel are one of the original features from the 1928 hotel. // #lordbaltimorehotel @historichotels #heritagetourism #thisplacematters #historichotels #historicBaltimore #savingplaces #ontheroadwithlucindervention (at Lord Baltimore Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtKUunqAlbq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nl1sbw6d19j7
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dragoni · 5 years ago
Mina Chang committed a criminal act of fraud. Will she be prosecuted?  
☑️ Trump also created a fake Time cover 😂
☑️ Trump-Pompeo vetting process: T&A
A senior Trump administration official has embellished her résumé with misleading claims about her professional background — even creating a fake Time magazine cover with her face on it — raising questions about her qualifications to hold a top position at the State Department.
An NBC News investigation found that Mina Chang, the deputy assistant secretary in the State Department's Bureau of Conflict and Stability Operations, has inflated her educational achievements and exaggerated the scope of her nonprofit's work.
Someone needs to confirm if there was a quid pro quo!  #BeBest
Whatever her qualifications, Chang had a key connection in the Trump administration. Brian Bulatao, a top figure in the State Department and longtime friend of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, attended a fundraiser for her nonprofit in Dallas and once donated $5,500 to her charity, according to a former colleague of Chang's.
Why didn’t anyone ask her for her official Harvard transcript?
Chang says in her official biography that she is as an "alumna" of Harvard Business School. According to the university, Chang attended a seven-week course in 2016, and does not hold a degree from the institution.
Why didn’t anyone ask her for references and do followup?
Chang, who assumed her post in April, also invented a role on a U.N. panel, claimed she had addressed both the Democratic and Republican national conventions, and implied she had testified before Congress. 
She was being considered for an even bigger government job, one with a budget of more than $1 billion, until Congress started asking questions about her résumé.
She earns a six-figure salary in a bureau with a $6 million budget
"But you're part of the vetting process, you know? I give out a name to the press, and they vet for me. We save a lot of money that way.", Trump  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you’re still not disgusted, there’s way more Ethics Poverty  #BeBest
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squidwars · 8 years ago
lil somethin somethin 🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍#gorillaz #revolvingdoors #ukulele #ukulelecover #fingerpicking
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