#revista life
lascitasdelashoras · 6 months
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Jacques Tati
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revistaomni · 5 months
Recém-nascido: Confira 6 dicas essenciais de como cuidar do bebê!
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chismeven · 2 years
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theryanmagazine · 2 years
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📸 : @abstractsunday #vintage #cover #fashionmagazine #s #life #fashionblogger #abstractart #travel #models #highfashion #designer #luxury #fashionstyle #magazin #inspiration #revista #graphicdesign #moda #a #fashioneditorial #abstractartist #makeupartist #blackandwhite #insta #magazines #portraitphotography #instadaily #actress #artcollector #marketing https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch-uCiyji40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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suenosyfantasmas · 3 months
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La magia de la Naturaleza.
Fotografía: La belleza, estilo y elegancia de las mujeres en los años 50s a 60s por Nina Leen.
Fotógrafa estadounidense nacida en Rusia, (1914) - Estados Unidos, (1995). Constante colaboradora de la Revista LIFE. Fotografías de moda, animales y estilo de vida americano.
Fuente: Cultura inquieta.
Sueños y fantasmas. El arte de soñar.
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nansheonearth · 3 months
Bertha Gisela Gaytán Gutiérrez, the candidate from the Morena party for the mayorship of Celaya, was murdered during a campaign event in the community of San Miguel de Octopan.
The events occurred a day after the electoral campaigns for mayors in the state of Guanajuato had started.
Several videos of the moment the attack was registered have been circulated on social media, which took place in the afternoon of April 1st, while the candidate was on a tour.
Shortly before suffering the attack that cost her life, Gisela Gaytán spoke to the media about the issue of security in the campaign. In a video posted on her social networks, the Morena candidate started her campaign with the following message:
“Today, the people of Celaya feel like survivors. Along with you, I want us to be the change of our present, looking towards the future, that together we find the courage to face fear, reinvent things, and transform our city.”
So far, no arrests have been reported in connection with the attack on the mayoral candidate of Celaya. Some reports indicate that two people were injured in this attack.
More at link
A Spanish language article
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identitycrysisart · 8 months
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🐮Life In The Valley🐴
This was my piece for the @lifeinthevalley zine all revolving around Harvest Moon! It was such a lovely experience and I loved seeing and reading everyone's entries. Plus the mods did a great job of putting it all together. It's a free downloadable zine, link at the bottom!
🐮Life In The Valley🐴
Este fue mi ilustración para el @lifeinthevalley revista que tiene la tema de Harvest Moon! Fue una experiencia muy linda y me encantó ver y leer todas las entradas del grupo. También los mods hicieron un buen trabajo en organizar todo. Es una revista gratis para bajar:
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gaynglican · 7 months
I think we (Queer Christians) should bring back the Feast of Fools! Here's my pitch:
Medieval Christians celebrated the days following Christmas with societal inversion. If God became a vulnerable child born into poverty, then the best celebration should invert the social order: master and servant, clergy and laity, man and woman. The Feast of Fools–held on January 1st–was the most notable celebration of cosmic inversion. Developed in the late 12th and early 13th centuries, the tradition of the feasts continued until the 16th century. (1)
The festival is popularly misunderstood as a celebration of sacrilege, a result of its apparent burlesque of religion. Yet, the festival’s role reversals were prescribed by clergy, and the "fools" represented those chosen by God for their lowly status. From surviving 13th century manuscripts–notably, the Play of Daniel from Beauvais Cathedral and the Office of Joseph from Laon Cathedral–it is clear that some Catholic Churches in France sanctioned cross-dressing for liturgical purposes. (2) In fact, the Feast of Fools is remarkable for being sanctified rather than sacrilegious.
Many anthropologists of religion have argued that “sacred play,” or “ludic ritual,” is central to how religious behaviors function. (3) Although play may seem counterintuitive to religion, absurdity and holiness often go together, especially considering the role reversals and revelry of the Feast of Fools.
Literary critic Mikhail Bakhtin made a similar argument about the “carnivalesque.” (4) When absurdity is celebrated in religion–when a society’s usual rules are suspended–observant revelers can stretch the boundaries of their identities or reverse their social roles. Men become women; laity become clergy; God becomes a helpless infant; death becomes life. It is on the strength of the absurd that religions delve into hope and new ways of becoming. (5) “Sacred play” is reality altering work, a cornerstone of religious enlightenment and religious embodiment.
In 1969, theologian Harvey Cox proposed that an imitation of the medieval Feast of Fools could rejuvenate modern Christian spirituality, lamenting that the tradition has forgotten sacred play. (6)
As found in the Medieval Feast of Fools, the joy of inversion and freedom of death were, at one point, celebrated in Christian tradition through cross-dressing. Drag exists in Christian tradition as an artform that is capable of embodying the Divine. Sharing in Christ’s martyrdom is only part of Christian embodiment, and redemption and resurrection are essential to any imitation of Christ. Through embodying Christ, religious drag can become a project of resurrection.
(Taken from my Master's Thesis in Art History, "Crucifixion Can Happen To Anyone: Embodying Christ Through The Queer Artist")
1: “Feast of Fools.” n.d. Encyclopædia Britannica.
2: Harris, Max. 2011. Sacred Folly: A New History of the Feast of Fools. Cornell University Press. 113-127.
3: Turner, Victor. “Liminal to Liminoid, in Play, Flow, and Ritual: An Essay in Comparative Symbology.” Revista Mediações, vol. 17, no. 2 (2012): 214–57.
4: “Carnivalesque.” n.d. Oxford Reference. Accessed 12 July 2023.
5: Kierkegaard, Søren. “Fear and Trembling.” From Selections from the Writings of Kierkegaard. University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 1912.
6: Cox, Harvey. 1969. The Feast of Fools; a Theological Essay on Festivity and Fantasy. Harvard University Press
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seduccionarte · 6 months
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Elizabeth Taylor para la portada de la revista LIFE (15 de Octubre de 1956). Fotografiada por Mark Shaw.
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whoischam · 1 year
Desafio dos 100 Temas!!
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ATENÇÃO, FICWRITERS! Sentindo muita falta dos temas para fanfics e tags da escrita que existiam nos falecidos jornais do Spirit Fanfics, resolvi montar uma nova lista!
Agradecimentos e beijões para @anaharae-s, @asplendere, @aestuantic e choize por terem me ajudado. ♡
Os temas listados aqui podem ser usados para qualquer categoria, estão livres a interpretação, não precisam ser escritos na ordem e podem ser escritos no seu ritmo. Eu escrevi "histórias", mas pode ser aplicado em poemas, poesias, etc. Também vale desafiar os amigos para fazer algum! Espero que inspire vocês. <3
#TAGs: Desafio dos 100 Temas, 100DaysWriting
O vilão da história estava certo 
Viagem longa de carro (Roadtrip)
Onda de calor
A sensação de “estar/ser deixado para trás"
Escreva sobre um personagem com algo que você não mudaria em si mesmo
"O que você é?"
Escreva com um gênero que você nunca escreveu antes
Pet Peeves
Dias chuvosos
Baseada em uma citação ou ditado popular
Metas de relacionamento
“Estou feliz que você ligou”
Lugar certo, hora errada (ou vice versa)
Escreva de forma que cada parágrafo ou linha comece com uma letra do alfabeto
O último dia na Terra antes do fim do mundo
Amor e monstros
Escreva sobre um personagem agradecendo por algo incomum
Situações embaraçosas
Quebrando a quarta parede
Troca de gênero (genderbend)
Escreva sobre cumprir o último desejo de alguém
Caos completo e absoluto
Viagem no tempo
Reescreva totalmente um conto de fadas
Narrador não confiável
Pegue uma história que você escreveu e conte uma versão diferente, mudando o gênero mas mantendo o plot central
"Bem-vindo ao clube"
Superpoderes (que contradizem as personalidades dos seus personagens)
"Tudo o que você precisa são 20 segundos de coragem…" 
Escreva algo relacionado a cor Pantone do ano em que você nasceu
Baseada em uma música
Distopia cibernética
O protagonista teve amnésia. Quando acorda, quem os outros dizem que ele é?
Escreva uma história com um título gerado automaticamente
Uma memória 
“Ninguém pode me ver”
O protagonista e seu maior inimigo/rival precisam trabalhar juntos. Por quê?
Encontros inusitados
Gênero: suspense (com até 1000 palavras)
Escreva uma história baseada no significado do seu nome ou sobrenome
Duas mentiras, uma verdade
Hanahaki Byou
Ao pé da letra
Mitologias e lendas
Escreva uma cena acontecendo na sua paisagem favorita
Maneiras inusitadas de expressar amor
Toda família tem um ___ (e se a sua não tem, ele é você)
Sete minutos no Paraíso
Almas gêmeas
Presentes DIY (faça-você-mesmo)
Verdade ou Desafio
Tik Tok
Algo inspirado ou ambientado nos anos 70/80/90
Animais de estimação
Mansão abandonada
Troca de corpos
Linguagem das flores
Uma história em outro planeta
Ambientada na cidade em que você nasceu
Amuleto da sorte
Luz, câmera, ação!
Ligação tarde da noite
O que (não) fazer em uma simulação de terremoto/incêndio
Enredo não linear
Há algo na água
Seu tema é a palavra do dia do dicionário online
Inspirado em um meme
Slice of life (vida cotidiana)
Folha em branco
Hábitos e rotinas
Abra aleatoriamente um livro/mangá/revista: escreva algo incluindo três palavras da página
Alerta vermelho
Déjà vu ou Jamais Vu
Uma história com exatamente 100 palavras
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Louise Glück circa 1977
* * * *
"It is true that there is lack of beauty in the world. It's also true I'm not the one to give it back. There's no candor either, but I can be useful there.
I am Working, even though I'm quiet.
The island
misery of the world pull us closer, an alley with rows of trees; we are
fellas here no talking, each one with his thoughts
behind the trees, the gates of iron houses, the shutters closed
in rooms somehow empty, abandoned,
as if it were the duty from the artist create hope, but from what? from what?
The word itself it's false, an instrument that refutes the perception. At the cross,
The luminous decorations of the holidays.
I was young here. Mountain on the subway with my little book how to protect myself
from this very world:
'you are not alone' said the poem in the dark tunnel".
- Louise Glück | “October” Snippet
Note: Yesterday, October 13, Louise Glück, one of the great voices of American poetry, passed away at age 80. In 2020 he received the Nobel in Literature, culminating a career for which he had already received awards such as the Pulitzer Prize, the Averno or the National Book Prize in the United States, among others. If for something he stood out, it was for his direct, honest poetry, where he did not hide his pain or trauma, nor his fighting spirit. This poem, which is one of our favorites, entitled, precisely, "October", summarizes part of his life philosophy. Rest in peace.
(Translation is by Abraham Gragera and Ruth Miguel Franco for Pre-texts) [Hermeneuta. Revista cultural]
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lascitasdelashoras · 2 months
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William Faulkner, para la Revista Life
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pigeoninabowl · 18 days
What your favorite El Cuarteto De Nos album says about you!!
Alberto wolf- this one is not your favorite.
Soy una arveja- you have currently 27 different types of diseases and mental illneses! You also probably like to fuck dead corpses!
Emilio García- why. Just why.
Canciones del corazón - you strongly believe the song's CDC og version is better than the 2004 remake, and maybe you're right! Also you get really pissed off when Siempre Que Escucho Al Cuarteto gets called "tengo una muñeca vestida de azul"
Otra navidad en las trincheras- are you horny, a war criminal, racist, a slut, gay yet super straight ™ or all of the above? Either way, you still think Rosario is called "marita" instead of "marica" even though the second option makes more sense given the context of rosario's character
Barranca abajo- Skill issue: the album, maybe you are also suffering through skill issues in your life, you also often say barranca abajo is better than otra navidad en las trincheras
El Tren Bala- you're horny, but you dont get bitches, also, you want MONEI MONEI MONEI MONEI and you think this album is underrated af
Revista ¡¡Esta!!- You are either silly goober or currently under house arrest, there's no in-between
Cortamambo- You want sexual intercourse with another human being, despite only loving yourself and hating half of the population. You also seem the type of person to say "im not ___ but..." And then be angry on why you got cancelled (you are somehow lovable for me)
Raro- you drink black coffee, cry in your bed for hours, still waiting for your wife to change her mind and dont follow through the divorce, Your only coping mechanisms are: "it is what it is", drug abuse and making jokes about your despair. You want things to remain the same since you're scared of change.
Bipolar- FUCK things being the same, im angry and i want to change. I hate every single one of you, im fucking great, im so fucking great that im going to steal one of cortamambo's songs about how much i love myself, yeah, im a raging racist!!!!
Porfiado- you are living 4 stages of grieve at the same time, but not depression 'cause that thing is for pussies, you are a silly little anarchist and no matter what you will stay where your roots are, even if it costs you your social circle
Habla tu espejo- You say you're okay? Well you are not, go to therapy, i know about those 1 am texts you send to your friends saying "thanks for everything"
AZ- you like fantasy movies and stuff, when you were little you wanted to be an influencer because that sounded cool, you also have low-key angry ssues
Jueves- you 100% would start a political themed podcast, also you hate with every cell of your body those people that say that cdn died at jueves, quien quiere ver al hombre con alas tirado a las vías del tren?
Lámina once- So, if i had to guess, you're a BIG cris fan, you relate to them, you ship them with the porfiado guy, you think he looks cool and you want to cosplay them. If you have a tiktok account you TOTALLY have a flan 🍮 emoji right next to your name. 100% queer just like cris
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sigelfire · 8 months
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Checa todas las confesiones que nos hizo el actor
Revista moi - 2018
1. ¿Qué película y qué libro recomiendas? Pues llevo un rato viendo puras películas infantiles, jajaja, pero recomendaría Captain Fantastic y el libro Canción de tumba, de Julián Herbert.
2. ¿Para qué eres buenazo, que sea diferente a lo que te dedicas? Pues, me gusta mucho cocinar y es algo a lo que le dedico mucho tiempo, pero tengo bastante que aprender.
3. ¿Qué es lo que más te ha costado aprender en la vida? A decir que no. Muchas veces me hallo en situaciones que digo, “qué fácil hubiera sido decir que no desde el principio”, y termino siempre siendo un facilote. Mis amigos dicen que tengo el “no” fracturado.
4. El taco perfecto es… ¡Uff! El que es con tortilla hecha a mano, porque lo que trae adentro, pues no voy a escoger, si la maravilla es que tenemos tanta diversidad; pero si la tortilla está hecha a mano, siempre es mejor.
5. ¿Cuántas veces te han roto el corazón? Uuuy, varias. Una bien, porque ya después uno aprende. Pero esa sí en cachitos, como las copas de vidrio muy finito. Es un rico ejercicio aventarse, atreverse, no entrarle con miedo.
6. ¿Aprendiste algo? Que en las relaciones hay una cosa maravillosa y mágica que cuando las cosas se dan, parece que es por arte de magia; pero si intentas, luchas y te aferras, el final siempre es catastrófico. Yo me aferré mucho tiempo y pagué las consecuencias.
7. ¿A qué huele tu coche? Depende, jajaja. La semana que mis hijos están conmigo, a una cosa que se llama slime, que los trae vueltos locos, que huele como a detergente y pegamento espantoso. Entonces, a eso huele una semana sí y una no.
8. ¿Qué defecto te quitarías? Varios, varios. Sobre todo en mi trabajo, soy muy controlador, muy aprensivo, me gustaría saber soltar. Pero tengo muchos otros defectos.
9. Superhéroe favorito: Deadpool
10. ¿Qué reglas siempre desobedecen tus hijos? Mmm, no despertarme en la mañana cuando tengo llamado nocturno.
11. Grosería favorita: Las uso casi todas, jajaja, no tengo preferencia. Pero la que más uso sería… pinche.
12. Tu peor hábito: Fumar. Es algo que quiero dejar pronto, aunque todavía no me he atrevido a hacerlo, y comer mucho, soy un glotón.
13. ¿En qué eres épicamente malo? En el karaoke. No se me da. No es la cantada, ya hasta en una película canté, solo me da un pánico escénico impresionante. Es un tema de exposición, de vulnerabilidad. Casi nada me da pena, pero cantar en un karaoke ni muy borracho lo hago con seguridad.
14. ¿Qué pregunta te choca que te hagan? Si estoy saliendo con alguien o no. Más porque cada vez se ponen más ingeniosos en la forma en la que preguntan. Pareciera que tiene que ver con otra cosa y, de repente, dices, ¡ay, cabrón! Si contesto eso estoy diciendo si tengo novia o no. Digo, no es tan grave tampoco.
15. Tu peor miedo: No poder estar ahí acompañando a mis hijos en ese proceso de entender este lugar en el que viven y crecen. A no estar presente. Yo no tenía ese miedo hasta que nacieron.
16. ¿Qué le deseas a México? Empatía, paz y conciliación entre los ciudadanos.
English translation:
Check all the confessions that the actor made to us
Moi Mag - 2018
1. What film and what book do you recommend? Well, I've been watching only children's movies for a while, hahahah, but I would recommend Captain Fantastic and the book Tomb Song, by Julián Herbert.
2. What are you good fot, that is different to what you do? Well, I love cooking and it's something I dedicate a lot of time to, but I have a lot to learn.
3. What has been the most difficult thing for you to learn in life? Saying no. Many times I find myself in situations where I say, “how easy it would have been to say no from the beginning,” and I always end up being a pushover. My friends say that my “no” is fractured.
4. The perfect taco is… Phew! The one with a handmade tortilla, because what's inside, well, I'm not going to choose, cause the wonder is that we have so much diversity; but if the tortilla is made by hand, it is always better.
5. How many times have you had your heart broken? Wow, several. Very well (broken) once, because later you learn. But that one time, in little pieces, like those very thin glasses. It is a rich exercise to go for it, to dare, not to get into it with fear.
6. Did you learn something? That in relationships there is a wonderful and magical thing, that's when things happen it seems like it's a work of magic; but if you try, fight and hold on, the end is always catastrophic. I held on for a long time and paid the consequences.
7. What does your car smell like? It depensa hahahah. The week that my children are with me, to something called slime, which drives them crazy and it smells horrible, like detergent and glue. So, that's what it smells like every other week.
8. What defect would you remove yourself? Many, many. Especially in my work, I am very controlling, very apprehensive, I would like to know how to let go. But I have many other defects.
9. Favorite superhero: Deadpool
10. Which rules do your children always disobey? Errrhmm, not waking me up in the morning when I have to work at night.
11. Favorite swearing: I use almost all of them, hahahah, I don't have a preference. But the one I use the most would be… "pinche" (it's an adjective and it was translated as "damn" or "fucking"...).
12. Your worst habit: Smoking. It's something I want to quit soon, although I haven't dared to do it yet, and I eat a lot, I'm a glutton.
13. What are you epically bad at? Karaoke. I can't do it. It's not the singing thing, I even sang in a movie... it just gives me incredible stage fright. It is a matter of exposure, of vulnerability. Almost nothing makes me feel ashamed, but I can't sing karaoke even when I'm very drunk.
14. What question bothers you when they ask you? Whether I'm dating someone or not. Moreover because they are getting more and more clever in the way they ask. It seems like it has to do with something else and, suddenly, you say, oh, bastard! If I answer that I will tell if I have a girlfriend or not. I mean, it's not that serious either.
15. Your biggest fear: Not being able to be there accompanying my children in that process of understanding this place where they live and grow. To not being present. I didn't have that fear until they were born.
16. What do you wish for México? Empathy, peace and agreement among its citizens.
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sefarad-haami · 2 days
La Amiriḳa⁩ - ⁨לה אמיריקה
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🇪🇸 La Amérika, "A National, Literary, Political and Commercial Weekly", apareció por primera vez el 11 de noviembre de 1910. Su fundador fue Moshe Gadol (1874-1971), un empresario sefardí nacido en Ruse (Rustchuk), Bulgaria, educado en instituciones de la AIU (Alliance Israélite Universelle) en su país natal. Después de emigrar a Nueva York en mayo de 1910 y presenciar las difíciles condiciones de vida de los sefardíes inmigrantes, decidió establecerse permanentemente en la ciudad. Gadol fundó inicialmente el semanario La águila, seguido por La Amérika, que publicó durante 15 años y 706 números. La revista abordó temas de la vida diaria de los inmigrantes, problemas sociales y políticos en Anatolia y los Balcanes, además de promover el sionismo y discutir la cuestión de Palestina. Gadol también proporcionó servicios de consulta y ayuda para la naturalización de los inmigrantes, publicó traducciones de las leyes de inmigración estadounidenses al ladino, y apoyó los derechos de las mujeres y la integración de la comunidad sefardí con la comunidad ashkenazí en Estados Unidos. A pesar de sus esfuerzos, La Amérika cesó su publicación el 3 de julio de 1925, dejando un legado significativo en el periodismo sefardí en Estados Unidos.
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🇺🇸 La Amérika, "A National, Literary, Political and Commercial Weekly", first appeared on November 11, 1910. Its founder was Moshe Gadol (1874-1971), a Sephardic businessman born in Ruse (Rustchuk), Bulgaria, educated in Alliance Israélite Universelle institutions in his native land. After immigrating to New York in May 1910 and witnessing the harsh living conditions of Sephardic immigrants, he decided to settle permanently in the city. Gadol initially founded the weekly La águila, followed by La Amérika, which published for 15 years and 706 issues. The magazine addressed issues of immigrants' daily life, social and political problems in Anatolia and the Balkans, promoted Zionism, and discussed the Palestine question. Gadol also provided consultation and aid services for immigrants' naturalization, published translations of American immigration laws into Ladino, supported women's rights, and advocated for Sephardic integration with the Ashkenazi community in the US. Despite his efforts, La Amérika ceased publication on July 3, 1925, leaving a significant legacy in Sephardic journalism in the United States.
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daltony · 7 days
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Posted by Life and Style and reposted by Tony on IG.
Gracias Life and Style! #Repost @lifeandstylemex with @get_repost ・・・ El actor Tony Dalton está de regreso con la nueva temporada de “Sr.Ávila” y nos cuenta por qué todo es cuestión de actitud. ¿Crees que en Las Vegas no puedes hacer nada mas que apostar? Conoce el lado B de la “Ciudad del Pecado”. Además en nuestro portafolio, la guapísima @paulinada_ #LifeAndStyleJulio. 👐 • • • • • • • •
julio #revista #tonydalton #paulinadavila #lifeandstyle #picoftheday #instapic #lifeandstylemx #thinklikeaman
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