#reusable everyday items
balkanradfem · 9 months
Anti capitalistic methods of self reliance!
Everyday items:
Plastic bags can be replaced by cloth bags you can sew, without any prior knowledge of sewing, from any old shirt you were going to throw away
Toilet paper can partly or completely be replaced by 'Family cloth', which is a series of cloth napkins cut to the size you like, which are then washed after each use! There's no risk of disease if only used for number one, for number two they need to be submerged into peroxide liquid in order to be safely cleaned. Even if you only use them for number one to stay safe, being reusable and costing nothing they will save you a lot in not having to buy toilet paper
Paper towels can be replaced by little cut-out cloths you can easily wash after use, or a simple kitchen and bathroom cloth for cleaning
Paper tissues have originally been handkerchiefs, washable and reusable, zero waste option (and they can be very pretty too!)
Laundry detergent can be replaced by horse chestnuts, or conkers! If cut open and submerged in water, they will produce soapy water, which is equally good at cleaning as your laundry detergent, completely environmentally friendly and free if you foraged the chestnuts. They can be collected and dried to use for the entire year, and you can tie them up in a sock to put in your washing machine.
Cleaning products can be replaced by vinegar, and if you hate the smell you can change it by infusing citrus peels in it! It will smell like oranges and lemons after you leave them in there for a few weeks
Cleaning products can also be self-made, by fermenting food scraps, it's called 'enzyme cleaner' and it can clean most of things in a completely environmentally friendly way!
Shampoo can be self-made, or replaced with options like herbal teas, which will also ensure that your hair no longer gets greasy, as grease is the result of using shampoo
Menstrual pads can be sown from any discarded pieces of cloth, they only need to be submerged in cold water after use in order for blood to wash out. Additionally you can make washable menstrual panties, which make sure your pads don't move in there!
Simple medicine for aches like stomach cramps, headaches, anxiety, sore throat can be found in the basic knowledge of herbalism, and simply making teas from herbs that soothe these issues. They will not be able to cure a heavy disease, but are able to provide momentary relief from annoying aches!
Immunity booster syrup can be made out of elderberries, if you're careful about not getting any seeds or stems in!
if you're growing food, you can grow your own dish sponges, and washing sponges, the plant is called 'Loofah' and you can grow a whole lot in one season then use them for years
Reuse plastic items for as long as you can, to lessen the amount being thrown into landfills, and if you need new items, aim to get a not-plastic one
If you have lots of paper trash or newspapers, you can learn to make baskets from it.
Instead of throwing away food scraps, you can try setting up a simple composting bin and also get some valuable free soil, that is great for growing little plants and herbs in it
If you're composting on a big scale, the heat compost produces can be used to heat a room
getting into hobbies like soap making, pottery, woodcarving, sewing, knitting  or weaving can also save you a lot of purchasing because you realize you can simply make that thing yourself, and in better quality than it would be available at the store
Saving water and energy:
Accumulating water in a big pot while you're washing dishes, then using that water to water your houseplants is safe, especially if you're not using a lot of detergent, and it saves a lot of water
To save energy when cooking in a pot in the stove, wait until your pot starts boiling, then take it off the stove, and wrap it in a cloth, then a towel, then a blanket, and leave it wrapped up. The layers of cloth are making it difficult for the heat to escape the pot, ensuring it will keep very high temperature for half an hour, cooking as if it was on the stove. If it needs to cook longer, you can just put in on the stove for a minute to get it back to boil. You can cook pasta, rice, beans, potatoes, soups, stews, risotto, pretty much anything with long cooking time like this.
If your water boiler is big, you don't need to leave it on at all times, I've reduced my electricity bills by a lot by turning it on only when I intend to use the hot water. In the summer, if you have access to a natural body of water, use that for washing!
If you own a property, watch where the water is naturally going and accumulating; you can collec t this water and set up a system to use it for gardening/any outdoor use
if you're building a structure, making sure that the sun hits the windows in the winter, and that the place is protected from the wind by growing trees as a wind shield, will save loads of energy in heating and cooling it, as well as making sure the structure is well insulated
Heat/cool only the parts of the structure/house that you're using, making it both environmentally friendly and ensuring you don't have a too big temperature difference when you go outside, making you healthier
Try an experiment were you go a day without electricity and see what you can use as alternative in this situation; it's okay if you fail, it will provide you with knowledge of how dependant you are on the energy, and the ideas of what you can possibly do when without!
If sewing clothing from scratch is something that appeals to you, that is ideal for self-reliance! It is likely that after just a bit of practice, you'll be able to sew more quality items than are sold, because current fashion items are made to fall apart, and you can make your clothing strong and durable.
Sharing clothing you no longer want to wear, and letting others know they can offer their unwanted pieces to you can provide you not only with practical clothing, but you can use all fabric, buttons, zippers and other materials to sew! You can, again with minimal practice and even by hand-sewing, make your own bags, tablecloths, placemats, pillows, blankets, decorations, hats and scarfs
Visible mending, embroidering, adding details or creating your own little alterations on clothing will not only provide a sense of accomplishment, but enrich your life in the way of skill development and being able to make and mend things with little resources
Learning about history of textiles and what fast fashion is doing to the environment provides appreciation and love for sewing and creating textiles, and could inspire you to try and see how it feels to do!
Any piece of clothing that is no longer fit to be remade into something new, can still be cut into pieces and used for cleaning, as a paper towel replacement, for wiping the floor or wiping your shoes, and if it's soft, for pillow filling!
For extra clothing or furniture, you can join online groups named 'buy nothing' and 'sharing is caring', where people will often gift extra clothes and furniture for free, sometime appliances and electronics too
If any outside space is available, learning to garden is an excellent investment in food security
Seeds can be harvested from plants you already have, gifted from neighbour or friend gardeners, and some can even be taken out of store-bought produce
Soil can be taken from the forest ground which has composted leaves as topsoil, dig under a tree for best results
If no outside space is availabe, dwarf plants, herbs, and greens can be grown in containers, clean your air while they also provide food
Learning to forage for wild edible plants will provide both entertainment and free food! Any wild plant you find is likely to be more rich in nutrients than a cultivated plant, making your diet well rounded and healthy
Learning to grow trees and care for them will provide free food not only for you, but for generations to come, as well as offset the damage from the climate change. Knowing how trees work and how to prune and nourish them is powerful knowledge.
Preserving food:
Ways of preserving your food long-term are curing (for onions, potatoes, garlic, pumpkins), canning (tomatoes, peppers, fruit), fermenting (cabbage, hot peppers, turnips), dehydrating and sun-drying (tomatoes, fruit, herbs, hot peppers, mushrooms)
Growing and collecting food during warm months and then saving them for winter was done by people for centuries and it provides a safe and reliable access to food all year round
Buying cheap produce when it's in-season and preserving it can save you a lot of money and bring you far in self-reliance
Making your own recipes and then getting to eat them later in the season bring a sense of accomplishment and pride, as well as providing a zero waste food option
Cooking food from scratch is made easier by having some of your food preserved, because a lot of the time you've already prepaired most of your ingredients, and only have to place them in the pot
If you already know to make your own bread, you can also try making your own yeast, by mixing flour and water, and letting it ferment while adding more flour and water every day. It can last forever.
If you're interested in knowing more about gardening, herbalism, tree care, and foraging, check the 'Homesteading Survival Knowledge' masterlist, filled with links on these specific topics!
These are not ideas that anyone should quickly or immediately integrate in their life; instead, trying whatever seems interesting and appealing, slowly learning about it and trying one thing at the time is more encouraging and sustainable! I myself have spent years learning and integrating these, enabling me to feel happy and confident doing any and all of this. If this is overwhelming, pick whatever feels appealing and do only that! Forget the rest until it feels easy and fun thing to try out.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Products & Services Worth The Save (or Saving On)
Socks (I love the HUE ones that come out to around $3 per pair)
Tights (another vote for HUE – around $10-13 dollars a pair and should last at least a season or two with proper care)
Layering tanks & tees
Underwear (buy them on a bulk deal – I love Skims' 3/$36 [on the pricier end here] – or getting luxury items on sale, especially pair from Natori or Hanky Panky [usually come up to around $10-$15 a pair]; Parade also has $6 underwear that's great quality for the price)
Trendy items
Costume jewelry (Mejuri, Aurate, and Justine Clenquet are great for the price; Catbird is the best in the game for a moderate-priced alternative to luxury jewelry in my opinion)
Facial Toner
Makeup Wipes
Acne Spot Treatment
Brow Gel
Setting Powder/Spray
Shampoo & Conditioner
Body Wash
Body Scrubs
Hand/Body Lotion
Hand Soap
Vaseline (use it as a lip treatment, cuticles, dry skin patches, or as a hydrating eye cream)
Lip Balm (Palmers SPF 15 is my HG)
Makeup Sponges/Spoolies
Hair Ties
Home Decor
Artwork (I have mostly Black & White photography from iCanvas and get so many compliments on them!)
Coffee Maker (a Black & Decker coffee maker or a French Press is all most people need)
Everyday Dishes & Glassware (I love Sweese, Smilatte, and Luigi Bormioli on Amazon)
Dishwasher-Safe Reusable Food Storage Bags/Snack Bags
Produce Saving Containers
Health & Wellness:
Deva Vitamins/Supplements
Fitness Youtube Workouts
Bulk-buying Oats, Beans, and Other Staple Foods
Frozen Fruits & Vegetables (when not in season, especially)
Listening to Podcasts via Youtube
TED Talks
Owning your full name social handles across platforms
Simple Investment Planning (Roth IRA, HSA, 401K - anything involving index funds)
Get a great headshot (many colleges and universities offer their students/alumni headshots for free)
Cash-back & Travel-miles $0 Fee Credit Cards
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female-malice · 2 years
Women have long surpassed men in the arena of environmental action; across age groups and countries, females tend to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Compared to men, women litter less, recycle more, and leave a smaller carbon footprint. Some researchers have suggested that personality differences, such as women’s prioritization of altruism, may help to explain this gender gap in green behavior.
Our own research suggests an additional possibility: men may shun eco-friendly behavior because of what it conveys about their masculinity. It’s not that men don’t care about the environment. But they also tend to want to feel macho, and they worry that eco-friendly behaviors might brand them as feminine.
The research, conducted with three other colleagues, consisted of seven experiments involving more than 2,000 American and Chinese participants. We showed that there is a psychological link between eco-friendliness and perceptions of femininity. Due to this “green-feminine stereotype,” both men and women judged eco-friendly products, behaviors, and consumers as more feminine than their non-green counterparts.  In one experiment, participants of both sexes described an individual who brought a reusable canvas bag to the grocery store as more feminine than someone who used a plastic bag—regardless of whether the shopper was a male or female.  In another experiment, participants perceived themselves to be more feminine after recalling a time when they did something good versus bad for the environment.
Men may eschew green products and behaviors to avoid feeling feminine.  In one study, we threatened the masculinity of male participants by showing them a pink gift card with a floral design and asking them to imagine using the card to purchase three products (lamp, backpack, and batteries).  Compared to men shown a standard gift card, threatened men were more likely to choose the non-green rather than green version of each item.  The idea that emasculated men try to reassert their masculinity through non-environmentally-friendly choices suggests that in addition to littering, wasting water, or using too much electricity, one could harm the environment merely by making men feel feminine.
Ironically, although men are often considered to be less sensitive than women, they seem to be particularly sensitive when it comes to perceptions of their gender identity. In fact, a previous study suggests that men find it to be more difficult than women to choose between masculine and feminine versions of everyday food and household items and will usually change their preferences to be more manly when allowed time to think about their decisions. Something as simple as holding a purse, ordering a colorful drink, or talking in a high voice can lead to social harm, so men tend to keep a sharp eye out for any of these potential snares. 
So what can pro-environmental marketers do to buffer against the threat posed to men by the green-feminine stereotype? First, eco-friendly marketing messages and materials can be designed to affirm men’s masculinity and give them the confidence to overcome their fear of being judged as feminine when engaging in green behaviors.  For example, in one experiment, men who received feedback affirming their masculinity were more interested in purchasing an eco-friendly version of a cleaning product. Men who feel secure in their manhood are more comfortable going green.
Second, green products and organizations can be marketed as more “Men”-vironmentally-friendly, with more masculine fonts, colors, words, and images used in the branding. To illustrate, men in one experiment were more likely to donate to a green non-profit with a masculine logo (black and dark blue colors featuring a howling wolf, with the name “Wilderness Rangers” in a bold font) than one with a traditional logo (green and light tan colors featuring a tree, with the name “Friends of Nature” in a frilly font).  And in a field study conducted at a BMW dealership in China, male customers were more interested in a hybrid vehicle after viewing a print ad featuring a masculine term in the model’s description than when viewing the traditional print ad.
Together, these findings highlight how the green-feminine stereotype inhibits men from taking eco-friendly actions, and suggest that masculine affirmation and masculine branding may be effective in narrowing the gender gap in environmentalism. Make the man feel manly, and he’s more likely to go green.
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mr-styles · 1 year
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Introducing Fancy Friends Arriving on Tuesday, the 12th and 19th of September 
Some Pleasing news—and this time, we’ve got company!
Meet Fancy Friends, a collection inspired by the unique feeling this time of year conjures—a fresh start, or impending doom? Not everything is as it seems with Pleasing’s new pals who are here to brighten your day with playful mischief...
Our largest micro-collection to date and a Pleasing take on everyday essential nail polish colors, the eight new shades of biodegradable, 12-free polish have been inspired by and brought to life through an array of characters—our Fancy Friends, who you’ll also spot across the accompanying apparel and accessories.
In the second drop and for the first time ever, you’ll find each of the eight Fancy Friends colors available individually ($20)—a direct response to requests from you, our Pleasing community.
Lastly, you’ll discover eight limited-edition Fancy Friends Bundles ($120), each named and curated after the corresponding shade of polish. The trio of exclusive items, all uniquely accessible through the bundle, includes an individual polish, presented in specially designed character packaging, a matching character tee, and a plushie character keychain. These treasures are thoughtfully bundled together in a reusable Pleasing mesh bag.
The introduction to Fancy Friends in September is of no coincidence. We were captivated by the idea of bringing together an optimistic, imaginative daydream with an unsettling, anxious nightmare and displaying this in a doodle that might happen in a classroom. Discover the full collection now on Pleasing.com, sign up for the items you’re most interested in, and follow along on Pleasing’s social channels to get to know our Fancy Friends.
Shop Fancy Friends from  Tuesday, the 12th of September at 9am PST / 12pm EST/ 5pm GMT, and discover the full collection below now.
You can check out the entire collection here.
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ghostingpen · 7 days
what's in my bag
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i saw a tumblr post asking people who carry bags what items are there to bring other than “chapstick, keys, phone and maybe a tampon” and tbh that stuck with me. so here is everything i keep in my bag because i like to be That Backpack Person who has everything for any common occurrence.
after years of experimenting with my everyday carry, trying out trendy backpacks such as the fjällräven kanken and the doughnut macaroon, i surprisingly now find myself reaching for the jansport right pack backpack the most.
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look at it in all its glory decked out in pins, buttons, and charms. i recently wore it going apple picking at an orchard and had no issues.
so here are its contents:
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front small pocket:
mini emergency kit (i’m reusing an old gum container to keep small things i find myself needing often: bandaids, painkillers, hair ties, loose cash to give to the local homeless, four quarters in case i go to ALDI or want a gumball) + pocket tissues (this is what i run low on the most) + mini UNO cards (waiting in line with friends? play UNO) + tide to go pen + 2-in-1 battery bank/plug-in charger + phone charging cable + d20 dice (stimmy)
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front medium pocket:
wallet + coin purse (to collect loose change) + disposable pens + e-reader + car keys + work ID + vape
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water bottle pocket: 
the 24-oz owala water bottle is, and i’m not sponsored when i say this, the best water bottle i’ve ever used. the design is genius.
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laptop pocket:
reusable shopping bag (i impulse buy a lot so this is useful) + one “big” tech thing and its charger for entertainment purposes. i like to have multiple entertainment options because i’m mentally ill. i’m currently carrying my steam deck OLED with me but i may sometimes instead bring one of these:
ipad: for web browsing, drawing, word processing.
freewrite alpha: my current way to write fiction. think a modern alphasmart that lets you transfer files locally or sync to the cloud if you prefer that.
work laptop: for work.
main pocket: 
mini tote (i use this to easily transfer whatever’s in the main pocket to another bag) + journal (a traveler’s notebook) + large emergency kit (sanitary pads, herbal oil for aches, eczema hand cream, earplugs, makeup wipes) + noise-canceling headphones + electric fan + hobonichi drawer pouch (other charging cables, wig caps, bobby pins, gorilla glue, facial wipes) + compact umbrella + pencil case
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pencil case:
mechanical pencil + pencil lead + mini sticky notes + multi-ruler + white gel pen + glue stick + eraser + scissors + highlighter + brush pen + metal pen (it works like an 8 ball where you roll it and it shows you an 8ball-esque answer)
what you put in your bag is a very personal thing! i am always fascinated by the different ways people hold their things and what they find worth carrying around.
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talesofedo · 7 months
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Image and text from this page.
Throughout the Edo Period, Japan was largely closed off from the rest of the world, relying solely on its limited domestic resources. As a result of this, reuse and recycling were a natural part of life with almost all daily items experiencing multiple life cycles. At the forefront of this 250-year period of sustainability were professions that centered around repairing and repurposing everyday goods and materials, giving new life to items that would today end up in landfills. In his book, “Just Enough,” Azby Brown introduces a number of the professions that led to this period of sustainability and we’ve listed some of our favorites below.
Tinkers were local craftsmen who repaired damaged pots and kettles. Often found carrying portable forges and bellows on their backs, they used scrap metal to repair holes and cracks that would otherwise render these essential household items useless.
Scrap metal dealers would purchase unrepairable items from tinkers and exchange candies and toys with local kids for nails and other usable metal scraps they found while playing.
Paper lantern and umbrella repairmen
While most umbrellas in modern-day Tokyo are quickly lost or broken and disposed of, the raw materials that made Edo Period umbrellas often saw multiple lives with umbrella repairmen carving out a fairly lucrative niche for themselves.
These repairmen would buy used umbrellas, assign a price based on the condition of the bamboo frame then disassemble, repair and resell them to new buyers.
Discarded materials, such as the waterproof oiled paper would pass onto local butchers for wrapping fish and miso.
With umbrellas and paper lanterns sharing essentially the same materials, umbrella repairmen would also cross over into the realm of lantern repair and often sub-contract this work out to low-level samurai.
Used clothes dealers
If you thought Shimokitazawa was overrun with used clothing dealers these days, Brown says there were as many as 4,000 of them in Edo.
With new clothes being unaffordable for the average family, when it came time to update the wardrobe, old garments would be washed and taken to a dealer to be exchanged for refurbished items at a small fee.
These dealers would take apart kimono, dye them and reassemble them for resale, a task made easier due to the way kimono are designed.
As clothes would begin to wear out, they found new life as aprons, diapers, pouches, cloths and eventually kindling before becoming ash which would also be repurposed.
Barrel repairers and recyclers
If you knew your way around a bamboo barrel hoop in the Edo Period you could make a steady living for yourself repairing the various types of shoyu, sake, miso or vinegar barrels found in the average home.
The more experienced itinerant barrel hoop makers could also find work as barrel recyclers, a specialized craft that saved reusable barrels and casks from early disposal.
After collection, recyclers would inspect, grade, refurbish and resell them onto brewers and liquor shops who would choose from new, new-looking, slightly used or worn barrels depending on their intended use.
Most daily items in the Edo Period were made from burnable plant-based materials such as wood, bamboo, straw and cotton.
Rather than have worn-out rope, sandals, hats, raincoats or baskets end up in landfill, these items could be burnt to provide heat and turned to ash, which is where the ashman comes in.
Rather than discarding of ash, households and businesses such as public baths would collect their ash and sell it to local ashmen.
With ash from straw and cotton cloth containing large amounts of potassium, it was in high demand as an additive for fertilizer or for use in ceramics, dyes or sake production which created a lucrative business for motivated ashmen.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"A survey of 2,000 Americans delved into their sentiments around environmentalism and found that a significant majority—seven in 10—feel they’ve become more ethically responsible as they’ve gotten older (71%).
Over the past year, U.S. adults have also been taking small steps in their everyday lives to do the right thing—such as starting conversations with their loved ones about going green (39%), donating clothing (37%), and purchasing sustainable products (36%).
When it comes to doing their part, other regular habits include avoiding littering (51%), recycling (49%), and using compostable eating materials, like plates and cups (46%).
The poll, sponsored by Chinet, found that, when asked about the businesses and brands they want to support, a majority of Americans said it’s important that they share the same values (73%).
Gen Z (77%) and millennials (82%) were especially likely to say this is the case.
Nearly half of all respondents have stopped supporting or using a brand because their values didn’t align with something they’ve said or done (48%), with the average person leaving five brands behind.
“As part of our 2030 strategy, we are committed to innovating our products to be recyclable, compostable or reusable, in order to help consumers enjoy gatherings knowing they are taking steps toward being more sustainable,” said Chinet brand manager Melissa Rakos.
“Hosts and guests alike shouldn’t worry about sacrificing convenience for sustainability,” she added. “Utilizing products that are made from recycled material and ridding unrecyclable foam items completely is an easy way for people to get started with making these changes in their everyday lives.”
A similar poll of Brits in the UK, found three-quarters of respondents described themselves as greener today than they were a decade ago—with a large majority believing they have a responsibility to live a sustainable lifestyle.
Making greener choices than ever before, 58 percent believe that being environmentally-conscious is a ‘badge of honor’."
-via Good News Network, 3/25/23
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crochetcouch · 17 days
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🌟 Craft Your Perfect Kitchen with the Craft Fair Bundle—90% OFF! 🌟
Looking to elevate your kitchen, create unique items to sell at craft fairs, or find the perfect handmade gifts? The Craft Fair Bundle has you covered! With an incredible 52 crochet patterns, this bundle offers a delightful array of designs at an unbeatable 90% discount! 🏡💖
Included in this bundle:
🧺 Market Bag: A versatile, eco-friendly option perfect for grocery runs, market days, or as a stylish tote. Craft it for yourself, sell it at your next craft fair, or gift it to a friend who loves unique, practical accessories!
🍵 Bowl Cozy & Hot Pad Set: Keep your hands safe and your meals warm with these charming cozies and hot pads. Ideal for your own kitchen or as a thoughtful, homemade gift for any occasion.
🌼 Flower Scrubbies: Add a splash of color to your kitchen routine with these bright, reusable scrubbies. Perfect for cleaning or as a lovely, functional item to sell at craft fairs.
🥐 Crochet Dish Towels: Soft, absorbent, and beautifully crafted, these dish towels are perfect for everyday use or as an elegant addition to any kitchen gift basket.
With a total of 52 patterns to choose from, this Craft Fair Bundle is packed with unique and creative designs from talented designers. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to craft beautiful kitchen essentials for yourself, your loved ones, or your customers—all at a 90% discount! 🎁
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zhongrin · 6 months
Tbh would ask you all the questions but I'm gonna stick with those; AND ANY SHIP YA WOULD LIKE!! Maybe even all?<33
What reminds each of their partner?
How do they feel about PDA?
Your OTP gets to pick out each other’s outfits; what is each wearing?
Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart?
[ Ask for OTPs and Self Ships ]
this is so so late but know that ilysm /p vivi 😭🫶🏻
☀️ 𝒛𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒓𝒊𝒏 🌙
ᡣ𐭩 What reminds each of their partner?
zhongli -> meirin: our wedding band, jade hairpins, jasmines, the many jewelries of mine (old and new) he stashed in his little hoard meirin -> zhongli: our wedding band, osmanthus tea, cor lapis, the sun, the mountains, liyue in its entirety really
ᡣ𐭩 How do they feel about PDA?
zhongli: as long as it's not too much, he's fine with it. always has his hand on my back or will place chaste forehead/cheek pecks in public. meirin: a little shy with pda since he doesn't initiate much.
ᡣ𐭩 Your OTP gets to pick out each other’s outfits; what is each wearing?
zhongli: i would dress him in nothing /smacked that outfit he wore from the museum collab <3 meirin: traditional hanfu or cheongsam. pretty luxurious lingeries
ᡣ𐭩 Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart?
zhongli is definitely the serious one who has our full list and everything. for me, it depends on my mood and whether i'm hungry at that point in time. he'd catch me sneaking in some ice cream or chocolates sometimes "૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა
🌱 𝒎𝒆𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒎 📚
ᡣ𐭩 What reminds each of their partner?
al haitham -> meirin: the photo album at the back of his closet full of our childhood memories, the quill pen engraved with his name i gave him for his 18th birthday, our secret corner in the house of daena meirin -> al haitham: the smell of coffee, the sound of book pages turning, the plants on our bedside window
ᡣ𐭩 How do they feel about PDA?
al haitham: will not initiate, but also won't push me away when i cling to his arm or pull him into a kiss. meirin: out of habit, will always link arms or hold hands in public (young meirin gets lost easily, so she tends to stick to him).
ᡣ𐭩 Your OTP gets to pick out each other’s outfits; what is each wearing?
al haitham: a simple black dress shirt and dress pants... with the sleeves rolled up.... ough... hngg.... oh forgive me for drooling- /smacked meirin: he's surprisingly really considerate in that he would pick a comfy set of clothes for me to wear?? oversized hoodies and leggings, or a good activewear that also looks casual to wear everyday ᰔᩚ
ᡣ𐭩 Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart?
al haitham is a 'grab what's on the list, self-scan, and dip' kind of guy and while i can agree on the latter two, i may sometimes wander and sneak in some sweets... he'll sigh and flick my forehead later at home, but he'll scan the items into our reusable bag anyway lol
🐾 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒏 ❄️
ᡣ𐭩 What reminds each of their partner?
wriothesley -> meirin: the succulents i gave him on his desk, the little ring sticker on his gauntlet's ring finger, rinsley (scrapped gardemek dog i fixed up, reprogrammed, and gave him ᰔᩚ) meirin -> wriothesley: the wolf emblem pendant affixed to my belt hanging beside my vision, the rare snow days in fontaine, puppies/dogs walking around the city
ᡣ𐭩 How do they feel about PDA?
wriothesley: has 0 shame about it, would cling to me 24/7 if he could because he's touchstarved meirin: is shy about it but very happy since it makes me feel desired, so will 100% reciprocate. if my beloved wants it, who cares about what people think!!
ᡣ𐭩 Your OTP gets to pick out each other’s outfits; what is each wearing?
wriothesley: sleeveless black bodysuit + grey trousers..... drools meirin: a tailored white dress... that kinda looks like a wedding dress... wait why are we going to the churchー a very pretty gown, probably one that's trending these days in fontaine (he definitely asked clorinde and neuvillette for help lol)
ᡣ𐭩 Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart?
wriothesley: person 1 who throws random things into the cart meirin: person 2 who throws random things into the cart conclusion: chaos
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josielewis · 4 months
What is Gelli Plate Printing?
Gelli plate printing is a monoprinting technique that uses a soft, gelatin-like plate to create unique and vibrant prints. It's a fantastic medium for artists, crafters, and anyone who loves to experiment with colors and textures. Unlike traditional printing methods, each Gelli print is one-of-a-kind, offering endless possibilities for creativity.
Brief History of Gelli Plates
The concept of gelatin printing has been around for a while, but modern Gelli plates were popularized in the early 2000s. These reusable plates are made from a durable, non-toxic gel-like material that mimics the texture of gelatin, allowing for repeated use without degradation.
Materials Needed for Gelli Plate Printing
Before diving into the process, let’s gather the essential materials:
Gel Plates For Printing
The gel plates for printing is the heart of this printing technique. Available in various sizes, these plates are flexible, reusable, and easy to clean.
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Paints and Inks
Acrylic paints are the most popular choice for Gelli printing, but you can also use water-based inks. These mediums work well on the Gelli plate and produce vibrant results.
Brayers and Rollers
A brayer or roller is used to spread paint evenly across the Gelli plate. It helps create smooth, even layers of color.
Stencils and Masks
Stencils and masks are essential for creating patterns and designs. They add complexity and interest to your prints.
Paper and Fabrics
You can print on a variety of surfaces, including different types of paper and fabric. Experiment with materials to find what works best for your projects.
How to Make a Gelli Print
Creating a Gelli print is a fun and straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:
Preparing Your Workspace
Set up a clean, flat workspace with plenty of room for your Gelli plate, paints, and paper. Lay down some newspaper or a protective mat to catch any spills.
Choosing Your Paints
Select your favorite acrylic paints. You can use a single color or mix several to create a gradient effect.
Applying Paint to the Gelli Plate
Squeeze a small amount of paint onto the Gelli plate. Use your brayer to spread the paint evenly across the surface. The paint layer should be thin and smooth.
Creating Textures and Patterns
Use stencils, masks, or found objects to create patterns in the paint. You can also use tools like combs or brushes to add texture.
Printing on Paper or Fabric
Carefully lay your paper or fabric onto the painted Gelli plate. Press down gently but firmly to transfer the paint. Peel the paper off to reveal your print.
Tips for Layering and Combining Colors
For more complex designs, let each layer dry before applying the next. Experiment with different color combinations and layering techniques to achieve unique effects.
Techniques for Gelli Plate Printing
Enhance your Gelli prints with these creative techniques:
Using Stencils and Masks
Stencils and masks can help you create intricate patterns and designs. Place them on the Gelli plate before applying paint, then remove them to reveal negative space in your print.
Creating Abstract Patterns
Play with colors and shapes to create abstract designs. Use tools like brushes, sponges, or even your fingers to manipulate the paint.
Incorporating Found Objects
Use everyday items like leaves, string, or bubble wrap to add texture and interest to your prints.
Printing with Natural Elements
Experiment with printing leaves, flowers, or other natural elements. These can add organic shapes and textures to your artwork.
Experimenting with Different Papers and Fabrics
Different papers and fabrics will absorb paint differently, affecting the final look of your print. Try rice paper, canvas, or even old book pages for varied effects.
Cleaning and Maintaining Your Gelli Plate
Proper care will extend the life of your Gelli plate.
Immediate Cleaning After Use
After each session, clean your Gelli plate with a baby wipe or a damp cloth. This prevents paint from building up and affecting future prints.
Deep Cleaning Methods
For a deeper clean, use mild soap and water. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the plate. Let it air dry completely before storing.
Storing Your Gelli Plate
Store your Gelli plate flat in a cool, dry place. Keep it in its original packaging or between sheets of wax paper to prevent dust and debris from sticking.
Creative Projects with Gelli Prints
Once you've mastered the basics, use your Gelli prints in various creative projects:
Making Greeting Cards
Personalize your greeting cards with unique Gelli prints. They add a special touch to any occasion.
Designing Custom Stationery
Create beautiful stationery sets by printing matching designs on notepaper and envelopes.
Creating Art Journals
Incorporate your prints into art journals. They make excellent backgrounds for drawings, writings, and collages.
Crafting Decorative Home Items
Use your prints to cover boxes, frames, or even create wall art. They add a vibrant touch to your home décor.
Using Gelli Prints in Mixed Media Art
Combine your Gelli prints with other art mediums like painting, drawing, or collage to create complex and layered artworks.
Advanced Gelli Plate Printing Techniques
Take your Gelli printing to the next level with these advanced techniques:
Layering Multiple Prints
Layer several prints on top of each other for depth and complexity. Each layer adds a new dimension to your artwork.
Using Metallic and Neon Paints
Experiment with metallic or neon paints for a bold, eye-catching effect. These paints can make your prints stand out.
Gel Medium Transfers
Use gel medium to transfer images onto your Gelli prints. This technique adds interesting textures and layers to your work.
Collage Techniques
Combine cut-out sections of your Gelli prints with other materials to create collages. This adds a new level of creativity to your projects.
Gelli plate printing is a versatile and exciting art form that offers endless possibilities for creativity. With the right materials and a bit of practice, you can create stunning, unique prints. So, grab your Gelli plate and start experimenting today!
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adititarachand · 5 months
Green Living Made Easy: Eco Shopping Tips
Live a Greener Life: Sustainable Shopping and Living Tips with Brandfinity
Brandfinity, a leading branding and marketing agency in India, is committed to promoting eco-conscious practices. In line with this mission, we present these valuable tips to help you make sustainable choices in your everyday shopping and living:
Embrace Sustainable Materials for Clothing and Home Goods:
Opt for eco-friendly options: Look for clothing and home goods made from organic cotton, hemp, or bamboo. These materials often require less water and fewer chemicals compared to conventional options.
Reduce waste, support circularity: Choose products made from recycled or upcycled materials. This not only minimizes waste but also promotes a circular economy where resources are reused.
Support Local and Organic Produce:
Reduce your carbon footprint: Opt for locally grown fruits and vegetables. This not only supports local farmers but also reduces the environmental impact of transportation.
Prioritize health and a healthy planet: Choose organic produce to avoid harmful pesticides and synthetic fertilizers that can negatively affect your health and the environment. Organic farming practices promote soil health, biodiversity, and water conservation.
Minimize Waste with Reusable Bags and Containers:
Ditch the plastic: Invest in reusable shopping bags made from durable materials like canvas or recycled materials. This eliminates the need for single-use plastic bags, significantly reducing waste.
Embrace reusables for bulk items: Utilize reusable containers when buying bulk items like grains, nuts, and spices. This eliminates the need for single-use packaging, further minimizing waste. Remember to wash and sanitize your reusable bags and containers regularly.
Champion Eco-Friendly Brands and Products:
Look for certifications: Support brands and products with certifications that showcase their environmental commitment, such as organic, fair trade, or cruelty-free labels. These certifications ensure adherence to specific standards and minimal harm to the environment and workers.
Sustainable practices matter: Choose brands that prioritize sustainability throughout their supply chain, from sourcing materials to manufacturing and packaging. By supporting these brands, you encourage more sustainable business practices with your purchasing power.
Embrace Sustainable Fashion with Second-Hand and Thrift Shopping:
Reduce demand, extend lifespans: Consider second-hand and thrift stores for unique and stylish clothing at affordable prices. This reduces the demand for new clothing production and gives pre-loved items a second chance.
Promote a circular fashion economy: By choosing second-hand fashion, you contribute to a circular economy by extending the lifespan of clothing and minimizing textile waste. Don't forget to donate or sell your own unwanted clothing to keep the cycle going!
Live a greener life, one sustainable choice at a time!
Partner with Brandfinity to craft an eco-conscious brand identity and marketing strategy that resonates with your sustainability goals. Visit us at https://brandfinity.ch/en/ to learn more.
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ecoconsciouscorner · 1 year
Simple Ways To Embrace Sustainable Living in Your Daily Life
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Are you tired of feeling like your day-to-day routine is contributing to the destruction of our world? Do you wish to make a difference but don't understand where to begin? Well, look no further because we have actually got you covered!
With our article "Simple Ways To Embrace Sustainable Living in Your Daily Life", we aim to provide you with practical and simple actions to include sustainable living practices into your everyday regimen. From reducing plastic waste to conserving energy, small modifications can make a big distinction in creating a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
In this article, we'll talk about tips and techniques that are both great for the environment and beneficial for your health and wallet. Whether you're a university student, a working specialist, or a stay-at-home mom or dad, our detailed guide will assist you take those crucial very first actions towards a sustainable lifestyle.
Table Of Contents
1. Understanding Sustainable Living 2. Decreasing Carbon Footprint 3. Public Transport and Sustainable Commute 4. Single-Use Plastic Alternatives 5. Food Choices and Sustainable Consuming 6. Mindful Consumption and Ethical Fashion 7. Waste Management and Recycling 8. Conclusion
Understanding Sustainable Living
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Sustainable living is a conscious option to live in a more environment-friendly way that lowers greenhouse gas emissions and decreases our negative environmental impact on the planet. It means choosing to be more conscious of the natural deposits we utilize and discovering methods to both decrease and recycle products in our daily lives. Here are some practical and simple ways you can start accepting green living in your everyday life:
1. Start with the essentials
Begin by making little modifications to your day-to-day routine that can have a big impact in the long run. This consists of shutting off devices and lights when not in use, taking shorter showers, and utilizing environmentally friendly cleansing items. These simple steps can help in reducing your carbon footprint and save energy and resources.
2. Buy reusable products
Single-use products like plastic bags, straws, and water bottles have a substantial unfavorable effect on the environment. By investing in reusable items, such as cloth bags, metal straws, and reusable water bottles, you can substantially minimize the amount of waste you produce and help secure the world.
3. Select sustainable transport choices
Automobiles are a significant factor to greenhouse gas emissions. By picking sustainable transportation choices like public transport, biking, or strolling, you can reduce your carbon footprint and add to a healthier planet.
4. Bear in mind your food choices
The food industry has a substantial impact on the environment. By picking natural and locally produced foods, decreasing meat usage, and preventing food waste, you can lower your environmental effect and promote sustainable living.
5. Choose sustainable style
The fashion business is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, and waste. By selecting ethical and sustainable style choices, you can help lower the negative impact of the industry on the environment.
6. Practice conscious consumption
Prior to making a purchase, ask yourself if you truly need it and if it aligns with your values of sustainable living. Consider choosing items made from sustainable materials and choose for product packaging that can be recycled.
7. Manage your waste
Proper waste management and recycling is key to minimizing our negative influence on the planet. Arrange your waste into recyclable and non-recyclable materials, and ensure to get rid of them properly. Consider composting natural waste to produce nutrient-rich soil for your garden.
Decreasing Carbon Footprint
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Minimizing your carbon footprint is among the most efficient ways to accept sustainable living. Here are some basic actions you can take:
1. Reduce energy intake: Decreasing your energy usage is a great way to decrease your carbon footprint. Consider turning off lights and appliances when not in use, using energy-efficient light bulbs, and disconnecting electronics when they are not being used. This can make a huge difference in reducing energy use, which in turn lowers greenhouse gas emissions.
2. Use natural light: Take benefit of natural light by opening drapes and blinds throughout the day. Not just does it supply terrific lighting, but it also helps you reduce your energy usage.
3. Stroll or bike: Try walking, cycling or utilizing public transportation instead of driving when possible. This can assist decrease the amount of greenhouse gases that are released from cars and other automobiles.
4. Shop sustainably: Consider buying products that are made from sustainable materials, are eco-friendly, or are produced in an environment-friendly way. This helps in reducing the demand for items that contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
5. Reduce waste: Try to lower the amount of waste you produce by composting, recycling, and using re-usable bags and containers instead of disposable ones. This helps reduce the quantity of waste that ends up in landfills, which can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
6. Conserve water: Conserving water is likewise a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. You can do this by repairing leakages, taking shorter showers, using low-flow faucets and toilets, and collecting rainwater for plants.
7. Consume a plant-based diet: Eating a plant-based diet plan can also help in reducing your carbon footprint. This is since animal items need more resources to produce than plant-based items, and their production can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
Public Transport and Sustainable Commute
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When it pertains to reducing your carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions, one of the very best ways to do so is by making use of mass transit. Not just does this help to reduce traffic blockage, but also assists to minimize the number of cars on the road. Here are some practical and easy actions to integrate sustainable transit practices into your day-to-day commute:
Use Mass Transit
-Benefit from buses, trains, and trains whenever possible.
-By making use of public transport, you're helping to decrease the variety of automobiles on the roadway, which can result in fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
-Consider carpooling with coworkers, pals, or household members to lower the number of cars on the roadway.
-This is an excellent way to minimize traffic, while also decreasing your carbon footprint.
Cycling and Strolling
-If you're not too far from your location, consider biking or walking.
-These sustainable commute alternatives not just lower your carbon footprint, but they can also benefit your health!
"Cycling and strolling not just decreases your carbon footprint however likewise assists fight climate change, as it reduces energy usage and decreases the number of vehicles on the roadway." -Andy Murdock, Transportation and Environment Program Director.
Use Sustainable Commute Tools
-Use online tools, like Google Transit or Citymapper, to help plan your sustainable commute.
-This can help you find the finest transit routes, bike paths, and walking instructions in your city.
Single-Use Plastic Alternatives
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Single-use plastics are a considerable contributor to plastic waste in the environment. By making a few basic changes in your life, you can minimize your usage of single-use plastics and help make a positive impact on the environment.
1. Bring multiple-use shopping bags to the grocery store: Rather of using plastic bags that wind up in garbage dumps or oceans, bring your own recyclable bags. Not only is this an easy way to minimize your plastic use, however numerous stores and markets offer incentives for bringing your own bags.
2. Use a reusable water bottle: Plastic water bottles are a significant contributor to land fill waste. By using a multiple-use water bottle, not only will you decrease your plastic waste, however you'll also conserve cash in the long run.
3. Swap plastic straws for multiple-use ones: Americans use and throw away countless plastic straws every day, contributing to the plastic pollution crisis. Swap out plastic straws for stainless-steel, glass, or bamboo straws that are recyclable and washable.
4. Select recyclable food containers: Instead of utilizing cling wrap or non reusable containers to save your food, think about utilizing recyclable glass or silicone containers. Not only are they much better for the environment, but they also make for simpler and more efficient food storage.
Food Choices and Sustainable Consuming
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One of the most effective ways to accept sustainable living practices is to make mindful choices about the food you consume. By choosing eco-friendly food choices, lowering food waste, and supporting local farmers and growers, you can considerably affect the environment and promote sustainable living.
Here are some easy and practical suggestions to assist you incorporate sustainable food options in your everyday regimen:
1. Choose Plant-Based Alternatives: Meat production has a significant impact on the environment, as it requires large amounts of water, land and energy. By reducing your meat consumption and choosing plant-based alternatives, you can reduce your carbon footprint and also have a healthier lifestyle.
2. Lower Food Waste: Did you understand that almost one-third of all food produced around the world is squandered every year? Minimizing food waste is not just great for the environment, but also for your wallet. Strategy your meals, make a grocery list, and purchase only what you need. Utilize all parts of fruits and vegetables, and store them effectively to avoid putridity. Donate excess food to regional shelters and charities.
3. Support Local Farmers: Buying regional produce not only supports the neighborhood but also promotes sustainable farming. By picking to purchase from local farmers and growers, you decrease the carbon footprint related to long-distance transport, and you get fresh and healthy food. Go to farmer's markets, community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs, and regional food co-ops to discover sustainable and locally-grown foods.
4. Select Sustainable Seafood: The oceans are an essential part of the environment and provide a source of nutrition for millions of individuals. However, overfishing and unsustainable fishing practices have placed many fish species in danger. Pick sustainably gathered seafood alternatives, look for eco-labels such as the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) or Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and prevent seafood that is on the red list of threatened types.
5. Grow Your Own Food: Growing your own food promotes self-sufficiency and decreases your carbon footprint. Even if you don't have a large yard, you can grow herbs, veggies, and fruits in small pots and even in your cooking area. This is a terrific method to get fresh and natural produce, and likewise to get in touch with nature.
Mindful Consumption and Ethical Fashion
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From food to fashion, we consume a vast array of products daily. One of the significant threats to the environment is fast fashion. Fast fashion is a term used to describe an industry that produces clothes quickly and exploits labor and environmental laws.
So, how can we minimize our ecological effect through mindful usage and ethical fashion?
1. Buy pre-owned clothing
Rather of buying brand-new clothes, explore thrift stores, yard sale, and online markets like eBay, Poshmark, or ThredUp. Purchasing pre-owned clothes is a sustainable practice that decreases waste and supports the circular economy.
2. Buy quality clothing
Purchasing quality clothing might cost more in the brief term, however it pays off in the long run. Quality clothes last longer and decrease the need for regular replacements. Try to find clothes made from natural, naturally degradable, or recycled products.
3. Lease clothing for special events
Instead of purchasing new gowns or fits for special celebrations, lease them. Renting clothes is a sustainable practice that saves money, lowers waste, and helps to keep the clothing out of land fills.
4. Consider the ethics of the brand
Take a conscious choice and think about the ethics of the brand name before buying. Research the brand name's labor practices, ecological policies, and commitment to sustainability. Select brand names that focus on ethical sourcing, fair labor, and utilize sustainable materials.
5. Support local brands
Supporting regional brand names is a terrific method to minimize the environmental impact of fashion. Regional brands often produce clothing on a smaller scale, use less energy for transport, and support the local economy.
Waste Management and Recycling
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If you're looking to embrace sustainable living practices in your life, among the crucial locations to focus on is waste management and recycling. By decreasing the amount of waste you produce and recycling as much as possible, you can considerably reduce your carbon footprint and make a positive impact on the environment. Here are 10 easy steps to help you begin:
1. Establish a recycling station in your house. Designate a specific area in your cooking area or energy room to sort and store your recyclable items.
2. Purchase a yard waste bin. If your local government provides yard waste pickup, buy a designated bin so that you can compost garden waste and food scraps. This keeps raw material out of garbage dumps and can even result in nutrient-rich soil for your garden.
3. Many mainstream personal care products contain not only harsh chemicals but also packaging materials that can't be recycled. Switching to eco-friendly alternatives is not only better for your health but also for the planet.
4. Repair and fix clothing instead of throwing it away. These easy steps can significantly extend the life of your clothing and minimize fabric waste.
5. Shop with reusable bags and containers. Bring a multiple-use shopping bag with you to avoid wasting single-use bags at the supermarket. Think about utilizing refillable containers for items like bulk grains, nuts, and oils to lower unneeded packaging waste.
6. Compost your food scraps. If you do not have access to backyard waste pickup, consider starting a compost heap in your yard or utilizing a composting bin to break down food scraps.
7. Contribute undesirable items rather of throwing them away. Lots of household items can be donated to charity rather than ending up in a landfill. Clothing, furnishings, and kitchenware are just a few examples of products that can be offered a brand-new lease of life.
8. Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable ones. Batteries contain products that can be hazardous to the environment if not disposed of appropriately. Changing to rechargeable batteries is a simple way to decrease waste.
9. Minimize junk mail. Register for services to eliminate your name from direct-mail advertising to lower the quantity of paper waste produced by scrap mail.
10. Carry out a clean-up day in your regional community. Get together with your neighbors to tidy up your parks and beaches. This not only assists the environment but also encourages community participation.
Integrating sustainable living practices into your daily routine doesn't have to be frustrating or tough. By implementing little modifications, such as reducing waste, picking environmentally friendly items, and utilizing alternative transport methods, you can make a huge influence on the environment and live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Why not start today? Select a couple of the pointers we've shared and dedicate to integrating them into your daily life. Together, we can produce a more sustainable and flourishing world for future generations. Do not forget to share this article with your pals and family to assist get the word out and inspire others to join the sustainability movement.
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thinkeco-friendly · 1 year
The 3 R's of Waste Management
Reduce, reuse, and recycle.
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The 3 R's are the necessary foundations of conservation and waste management techniques for a more sustainable lifestyle.
Sustainability, in its environmental definition, is the ability to maintain conditions supporting biological life on Earth by preserving natural resources. The continued prevalence of diminished natural resources due to the rise in greenhouse gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide and methane, from human activity over the past decades has impacted our course of sustainability on planet Earth. However, reducing, reusing, and recycling materials will lessen energy consumption instead of mining, extracting, and producing new goods with raw materials. These forms of waste management will allow trees to be planted in areas to lessen the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that would otherwise be used as landfills for trash.
Overconsumption of products that yield mass amounts of trash can contribute to the problem that waste management is trying to fix. Being aware of the issue at its roots and diminishing the need to throw away items can better sustain and handle the waste output that one is producing. Reducing the amount of discarded waste can also lessen the need to reuse or recycle items constantly.
Some ways to reduce and use preventative measures are to:
use reusable forms of everyday daily items such as reusable beeswax food wraps, washable utensils, electric lighters, metal razors, and recycled grocery bags
compost compostable foods at compost centers in your state
shop at zero-waste grocery stores in your state
avoid throwaway items such as single-use cutlery and dishes
replace paper items with fabric or cloth options such as fabric napkins, dishcloths, and cotton paper towels
buy products in bulk as opposed to small, single-use containers
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Often, it can be easy to discard packaging or items that no longer work or have a use for them. Instead, one should put creativity into practice when thinking of ways to reuse an object instead of throwing it out entirely and increasing waste output.
Some ways to reuse common thrown-away items are to:
turn used milk, coffee, juice, and water cartons into birdhouses
grow seedlings in empty egg cartons
use empty plastic milk jugs for your garden in creative ways
clean out glass jars or containers and repurpose them as a storage component
sell or donate old clothes, furniture, appliances, etc., to those who can use it
reuse grocery bags to cover small trashcans or on your next trip to the store
utilize newspaper as a way to cushion fragile items for storage
use leftover wood as fuel for bonfires
donate old notebooks and books for children who are in need of them
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Recycle ♻️
At times, it can be easier to throw away used goods rather than recycle them and allow them to redirect potential waste from landfills, conserve energy, and reduce the need to extract new materials for new products. According to the EPA, "recycling one ton of paper would save enough energy to power the average American home for six months, save 7,000 gallons of water, save 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by one metric ton of carbon equivalent (MTCE)."
Some ways to get started with recycling items can be to:
buy items that are made with recycled materials so that once it is used up, you can recycle them and restart the process
educate yourself on the plastic recycling symbols and learn what they mean and if they can be recycled
be aware of the fact that not all plastics can be recycled at certain facilities
clean out hazardous/unrecyclable contents before recycling items
choose to buy things that are made with water-soluble solutions instead of chemical-based solvents
look out for materials that local recycling facilities are accepting, and start collecting recyclable items
use public blue bins that indicate if they accept paper, glass, or plastic for an easy-access recycling system
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Efforts to start being sustainable might seem to make a slight difference amongst the tons of trash thrown away daily, but having one person reuse, reduce, and recycle, can make a big difference in a healthier Earth.
“3rs - Reduce, Reuse & Recycle.” SustainableSA.Com, 2 Aug. 2016, www.sustainablesanantonio.com/practices-technology/reduce-reuse-recycle/. 
“Basic Information Details | Paper Recycling.” United States Environmental Protection Agency, 21 Feb. 2016, archive.epa.gov/wastes/conserve/materials/paper/web/html/index-2.html. 
“Climate Change Indicators.” United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1 Aug. 2022, www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/greenhouse-gases. 
“Climate Change, Recycling, and Waste Prevention.” Climate Change, Recycling and Waste Prevention from King County’s Solid Waste Division - King County, kingcounty.gov/depts/dnrp/solid-waste/programs/climate/climate-change-recycling.aspx. Accessed 1 July 2023. 
Fahad. “3 R’s of Environment - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.” Earth Reminder, 4 Jan. 2020, www.earthreminder.com/3rs-of-environment-reduce-reuse-recycle/. 
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chloenwckobia · 1 year
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Fashion has always been a huge part of Chloe’s identity. It has always been one of her favorite ways to express herself and she majored in it at Cornell before switching her mind when she learned about how the fashion industry is hurting the planet through fast fashion. Chloe’s style is very simple and she usually just sticks to one color palette when she dresses herself. She’s not too fussed if she wears something from a big brand, but she prefers to only buy second hand clothes. A lot of the time, she just makes whatever she wants to buy because she has the knowledge to do it. She thinks that in another life, she’s a fashion designer.
Listen, whenever I see these ladies on my Instagram feed I always immediately go, “Oh, Chloe would totally wear that!“ and so I decided to showcase the outfits that scream Chloe to me.
Whenever I come up with a character, the two major things that help me visualize them as a person (outside of their background and personality) are music and clothes. For Chloe’s style inspiration, I really think Tess Christine, Dacey Cash, and Ashley (bestdressed) really capture the aesthetic and style of how I picture Chloe dressing. Greta herself is also one of the biggest style inspirations when I think about what Chloe would wear.
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I can’t even say that Chloe’s style is really one thing, it’s actually pretty much all over the place. Some days she’ll wear earth tone colors or all beige, or a mix of colors. It really just depends on how she feels during the day. Like, if she’s feeling really energetic, you’ll see her wearing skirts or shorts and short sleeves, where her body really shows. If she’s feeling really tired or lazy, you’ll see her with oversized sweaters. If she’s feeling relaxed, she’ll just go with a random graphic tee and some jeans. It really just depends. She also wears a lot of rings and necklaces, so there’s that too. She loves looking good, not for anyone but just for herself.
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Usually when Chloe sleeps at night, she tends to wear thin clothing so she doesn’t get too hot. When she’s in her own space, a pair of underwear and a tee are perfectly fine for her. Even in the winter, she’ll still wear her cotton pajamas as she sleeps with layers and layers of blankets. And when she sleeps, she usually has a silk cap or silk pillow case to keep her hair healthy.
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When it comes to more formal wear for her, she still keeps it simple. She really enjoys wearing a lot of accessories. Maybe a couple rings, a bracelet, and a necklace or two. Fashion is how she expresses herself so she likes to use that to her advantage.
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When she goes to parties, she likes to keep it semi casual. She’ll wear some heels to keep the look elevated and she’ll usually have her hair up. She’ll wear something very loose and very flow-y. When she knows that she’s going to dance or move around a lot, she wears things that are shorter and show her legs more so that way she’s not confined to movement. And so she’s not going to tear clothes or anything like that.
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When it comes to beachwear, she’s not too fussed as she likes to wear either a two piece or a one piece. A coverup, along with a beach bag and shoes round out her outfit. And you can never forget the sunscreen!
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Whenever Chloe is working out, she loves to wear something that allows her to breathe and sweat, nothing too thick in material. She loves to wear a sports bra and some shorts, and she’ll always carry around a reusable water bottle.
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On a warm, sunny day Chloe will most likely wear jean shorts with a cropped T-shirt or a tank top. She’ll reuse a lot of items to make a whole new look, and she loves to make different outfits with the same few pieces of clothing.
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As someone who was used to the intense cold from living in New York City for so long, Chloe has definitely figured out how to dress for the winter months. She likes to make realistic and functional outfits for everyday wear. Layers are key when it comes to staying warm, so she’ll always start with a comfortable base layer of top and pants, adding on any jackets or coats to make it warmer.
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Going from having to wear business casual for her work attire to being able to dress however she’d like (for the most part), Chloe has taken advantage of that. During her shifts, Chloe will wear a thrifted band T-shirt with some jeans. Other times, she’ll dress up a bit more depending on how she’s feeling. She’ll always try to wear sensible shoes since she’ll be on her feet for most of the day.
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presstlondonnails · 1 year
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my interest in nails have changed a lot recently and will be reflected in this blog!
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shifteco · 1 year
Embrace Eco-Friendly Living: Discover the Best Organic Skin Care and Sustainable Office Solutions Online
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In today's fast-paced world, adopting eco-friendly practices has become more crucial than ever before. As awareness about environmental issues grows, people are increasingly seeking sustainable and planet-friendly alternatives for their everyday needs. From personal care products to office supplies, the demand for eco-friendly options is on the rise. In this blog, we will explore a wide range of organic skin care products and sustainable office solutions available through online stores that are dedicated to preserving our planet.
Discover the Beauty of Organic Skin Care Products Online:
Are you tired of using skin care products laden with harsh chemicals that may be harmful to both your skin and the environment? Embrace a healthier and more sustainable skincare routine by exploring the world of organic skin care products online. These products are made from natural ingredients that are grown without the use of harmful pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. In addition to being gentle on your skin, organic skin care products are also biodegradable, ensuring that they won't contribute to environmental pollution.
The Eco-Friendly Online Store: Your One-Stop Destination:
When it comes to buying eco-friendly personal care products and other sustainable items, an eco-friendly online store is the perfect solution. Such stores curate a vast collection of products that are manufactured with a focus on environmental responsibility. From organic skincare to eco-friendly merchandise, shopping at these online stores allows you to make conscious choices that positively impact the planet.
Green Office Solutions for a Sustainable Workplace:
Creating an eco-friendly workplace is not just a trend; it's a responsibility we owe to the environment. Green office solutions offer a wide range of sustainable office products, from recycled paper and energy-efficient office equipment to reusable office supplies. By incorporating these solutions into your office setup, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and set an example for others to follow.
Buy Eco-Friendly Products: The Power of Consumer Choices:
The choices we make as consumers hold immense power in shaping the world we live in. By choosing to buy eco-friendly products, we support businesses that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices. Moreover, such purchases send a strong message to industries, encouraging them to shift towards greener practices and reduce their environmental impact.
Living an eco-friendly lifestyle is no longer a mere option; it is a necessity in today's world. By opting for organic skin care products, shopping from eco-friendly online stores, and implementing sustainable office solutions, we can collectively contribute to preserving the environment and creating a better future for generations to come. Let's embrace eco-friendly merchandise and make a positive impact on our planet, one conscious choice at a time.
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