#reunion of the century!
wombywoo · 2 years
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Thinking about “fistfuls of denim” 
-- from the latest chapter of @patiently-burning ‘s fic
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im sorry but edmund ironside, edward the confessor, harthecnut, and harold harefoot all being half brothers of one another in some fucked up daisy chain family situation is so funny to me. why aren't there more period dramas about this era?? i need a sitcom stat
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strqyr · 5 months
ruby telling anyone what she saw in the tree might not be that simple. like, i doubt yang or qrow wouldn't believe her, but there's not exactly any proof beyond ruby's own word.
except she can describe or directly quote bits and pieces of the conversations summer had with tai and raven.
now, raven would likely do her best to pretend she has no idea what ruby is talking about, but tai? he has no reason to, and his presence when ruby finally talks about it is all that's needed to confirm that what ruby saw was accurate and true.
and at that point, there's nowhere left for raven to hide.
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verysadlesbian · 3 months
I finished the episode about half an hour ago. I still don't know what to say. I feel like i need to be sedated. I drank five cups of water and two glasses of wine. I need to smoke more weed. Or to kill myself. i don't know what to do. I guess i'll just have to accept that this is the best tv show i've ever watched in my whole life and that i'll never be the same again. I guess that i'll have to live with the knowledge that everything else will seem dimmer in comparison, that it raised the bar so high that i don't think it will ever be topped by anything else. And i'm angry. I'm angry that it doesn't have the acknowledgement it deserves. These actors deserve all of the fucking awards. But also, I'm glad that I got to watch it. I love the fact that I, in 2022, remembered the book that I didn't care much about because the protagonist was a slave master, but I've always loved vampires, so why not watch the show they adapted with a black main character?! I'm glad that the younger version of me thought it was going to be a good escapism. How naive of me. There's no escaping. The horrors of humanity and the beauty of the curse that we call existence will be felt, no matter what. We might as well just accept it... anyways, can't wait till season 3.
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chimeetsworld · 1 month
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island-in-the-shadows · 4 months
Episode 5 was fantastic but I can't even fully process until I see it again. That being said...
Louis saying that he just talked trash about Lestat and my brain went: The opposite of love is not hatred, it's indifference.
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khattikeri · 9 months
i feel like we don't talk about the line "it's been so long since anyone's listened to me talk" enough. that desperate, broken, agonized wail as hua cheng fades away. like wow xie lian. i'm already crying along with you but way to rip my heart out of my chest
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dylan-duke · 2 months
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corvidclub · 2 months
the loustat girlies who think that Louis only topped for the 80+ years he was away from Lestat because he was subconsciously saving his hole for his hubby... on the one hand: sure, believe whatever makes you happy sweetheart :) but on the other hand: GIRL. bffr with me rn... Louis was ready to bottom for a random british heterosexual after like what? a year? maybe? without dick. Do you think him saying "oh there's room" to Armand was completely innocuous with no double meaning whatsoever? A line which he said as a cruising park regular for months? I'm sorry but a platoon of frenchmen had already dived into that cervix before he even met Armand let alone before he reunited with Lestat...Louis was ready to be with Armand for eternity(!) to piss Lestat off you really think he wouldn't let another man fuck him? a.k.a the easiest and the most obvious way in the entire world to piss him off? hello??
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rocks-in-my-vodka · 3 months
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vampzzz64 · 4 months
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pennamepersona · 2 years
hey can you imagine if taako had probed deeper with that detect thoughts and lucretia failed the save
"You gain insight into its reasoning (if any), its emotional state, and something that looms large in its mind (such as something it worries over, loves, or hates)."
taako casts it and just hears plain as day "boy i sure hope my plan to secretly get all the power from the grand relics instead of destroying them goes well and also that it was worth destroying my family and letting lup and magnus die"
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devilgem · 27 days
In your hsr au there are Pomni and Jax (btw I love there design) and I was wondering how they both got like that (was it from the beginning or were they both cursed somehow)
i have taken this opportunity to ramble abt these 2 a teensyyy bit more than just designs asdfhkfd; heads up for some hsr lore terminology scattered about, ive left some links to the wiki just in case.
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sooo pomni’s deal is less clear cut at the moment bc i keep jumping between ideas. her hornless, scaleless form couldve been a result of her repressing everything she experienced as xuanlie. she couldve also broken off her horns and pulled out her scales herself in a self-destructive fit. either way, pheenie hates any reminders of the person she once was. 
xuanlie was an important figure leading one of the last standing cities of her home planet. something something, the last bastion of humanity fighting against world-ending calamity something something (something similar to bronya rand and belobog and the eternal freeze?)
she shared an intimate and codependent relationship with her closest friend, confidant, and entertainer: xinran. he’s like… the sole reason why she even continued to push to protect their city, because otherwise she was resentful of having to take up such a burdensome position and felt detached to her people. there’s some slight guilt on her end for feeling that way. 
i’m not going to go into the details of how their Last City fell or how exactly she got separated from xinran, bc those are still in progress (as is their entire planet 😭) but to her, failing to protect it meant failing the most important person in her life. it’s why pheenie wants to bury xuanlie. 
still unsure if she has issues with memory or not post-calamity. besides that, her behavior closely mirrors that of canon!pom 
also she got her new name from caine, the conductor of this au’s astral express.
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the idea behind jax is straight up taken from acheron because i love raiden mei in every universe and i like jax and that’s where it spiraled into an entire au with slight tweaks to fit jax’s character better. like acheron, he is a self-annihilator and emanator of nihility; unlike acheron, he masquerades as a masked fool. 
xinran in the past dabbled in mostly good natured teasing and various showmanship, all tailored specifically for a Certain Somebody. he had passion what for he did, passion for making xuanlie’s day a little brighter.
all of which was lost the moment xuanlie had presumably perished in the apocalypse that finished off their city, and he’d become casted in Nihility’s shadow.
having nothing else to live for, the jackrabbit is just as much of a menace as canon!jax, with an extra splash of theatrics and memory troubles. his memories do get temporarily restored upon activation of his emanator powers (the red/grey form). which, unless the situation is that Dire, he doesn’t do often, for two reasons. 
1) he’d rather keep the memories that have given him nothing but endless grief buried; 2) it’s no fun to one-shot everything that gets in his way. just because he can doesn’t mean he will- he still likes to stir up shit and watch bloodshed unfold the good ol fashioned way yknow 
to sum things up: their current appearances are like that bc they did not die when they should have (ok im half kidding) one wants to separate herself from her past failures and the other became an apathetic god’s accidental chosen.
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nadiajustbe · 4 months
A music band HMC AU, but no one actually plays in this band.
See, Howell was put there because of his connection to Suliman, the band's main singer and guitarist (Justin is the second singer and sometimes adds some sparkle, and there are rumors that they are together, but no one can be sure because it's the 80s), with the addition of Megan's screams about how Howell can't find a decent job. Well, he did. And there he's...no, not playing. He's not even a full-fledged member, a he was born an unmusical Welshman and he's terribly upset about it, but still carries that guitar with him, just for it to be. And he tells all the others, especially the girls he's courting, how cool he is and how strong his connection to this cool Suliman's band is, but in reality he's usually just there. He hangs around backstage, gets ready for hours in front of the mirror only to sit at a table eating sandwiches and complaining about his incredible life because yet another woman, whose name he will forget tomorrow, doesn't like him. Oh, and of course, he does some orders, paperwork, sometimes helps with lyrics or costumes, calling himself an expert in everything (but he especially loves costumes, yes).
In general, he lives his best and worst life, sharing Welsh jokes with Suliman™.
Michael got there as a 15-year-old orphan who desperately needed some money. Howl was undoubtedly the author of the idea to invite this unknown sad boy, who had been sitting on the bench for an hour after the concert had ended. He decided to try his hand at mentoring, to elegantly take the boy "under his wing," but it didn't work out well, to put it mildly. Because, although Michael's job is to actually carry things back and forth and be Howl's second assistant, in fact, it is he who is trying to be the voice of reason for this piece of Welshman, because "you can't spend money on another guitar you can't play because Ben bought a new one for himself. No, I don't recommend buying a skull either."
(He complains about this to their local fiery red cat with yellow and blue eyes named Calcifer, who purrs as if he agrees, and then stares at Howl with his eyes burning eyes)
Sophie was miraculously put there by Fanny, because in all universes, Sophie Hatter is destined to be exploited for labor for a pittance because of Fanny. She was personally assigned to the task of sewing costumes, hats, and general decor, and in fact, she was the only one of this team who seemed to have a clear job in this under-troupe. However, over time, she accidentally moves away from hats and becomes (of her own free will) the cleaning lady behind Howl's mess, oops...
At first, she behaves quite quietly, trying not to draw too much attention to herself: she is the eldest of the three, and it is her fate to be stuck somewhere here, behind the scenes and out of the spotlight of the good life and fame, without even thinking about regrets. But over time, seeing how much the crowd really doesn't care about her, and perhaps after breaking a few bones and walking around with a cane, she finally decides to screw it all and goes on all kinds of adventures.
And - oh, yes - she and Howl can't stand each other. So much so that from the moment Sophie arrives, they can't stop arguing about the fit, or the colors, or the look of the performance, or the fact that the little hint of a bathroom they're given was designed for the band members, not for Mr. Howell Jenkins, who has already spent hours in his home shower. And, of course, Sophie continues to involuntarily look at Howell's writing and threaten to remove the spiders he has safely hidden somewhere in the corners, for which she will be called "Ms. Nose" by him (she responds by calling him a slither-outer because, God, man, when are you ever going to face anything but your own reflection?)
Of course, one day she finally finds the moment to go into the bathroom for a second to get something she needs and accidentally mixes the cans of dye Howell left there (it feels as he just leaves his stuff in the bathroom like that on purpose to make Sophie complain, about how his trash shouldn't be there) and OH SURE, the day after that she has to stay up all night cleaning up the scene after Howell throws a horrible tantrum, smashing everything in his path, with good-natured Michael helping her. (And, OF COURSE, this idiot will then say that the color is actually not bad and go on about his business)
And - finally - they can't stand each other so much that they can't spend a second
not to get into a fight with each other (and just be without each other, it seems), so much so that it took Sophie a long time to lose her confidence that all her feelings for him were solely because of the professionally tailored suits she makes, which he always steals from Suliman and Justin, and that stupid damn smile. So much so that they end up kissing somewhere in a secluded corner right before the eyes of the unfortunate spiders.
Obviously, they can't stand each other enough to repeat it more than once.
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musclesandhammering · 10 months
Pet peeve: nobody ever includes Timely in the found family :(
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batsplat · 3 months
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they'll always be my three guys
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