#reuben smith
justgotham · 1 year
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Via: Cory Michael Smith's Instagram Story
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fieriframes · 3 months
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[Got a Reuben wearing fries! You can count on the food being good, and geneislayingapackageonthepanelandisopeningit unhurriedly. FIERI: And a lot of folks count on self-made chef James Smith to give their taste buds a run for their money.]
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smashpages · 1 year
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The Reuben Award: NCS announces nominees for Cartoonist of the Year
The winner will be revealed in September.
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jerichomere · 1 year
I’m sure that absolutely no one here cares about the Reuben awards but like man. If there ever was an indicator of a stagnating industry, it’s the list of this year’s nominees. Mark Tatulli again. Hilary Price again. Jeff Smith, big whoop. I don’t have anything against them! And the others I don’t know. But like seriously! There are other women cartoonists besides Hilary! Jeff Smith’s best work is Bone and that’s old! What’s Tatulli even been doing?? Who is making these decisions? There is fresher work out there!!!! >:(
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dasistleeway · 1 year
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A taste of New York...This is the best reuben sandwich I've ever had in Taiwan, I would definitely come often...
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reubeningall · 2 years
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I’m playing a show soon with my no-input gear.
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vintagewarhol · 2 years
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rookie-critic · 2 years
Firestarter (2022, dir. Keith Thomas) - review by Rookie-Critic
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The new Firestarter was not super impressive. Now, anyone who knows me knows that one of my biggest interests as a human being is the works of Stephen King, and Firestarter is one of his most notable books from his golden era. I have read the book (currently re-reading it) and have seen the original Drew Barrymore film, but both were a very long time ago and I don't remember a ton about them outside of basic story beats. That being said, this new version of the story made some odd deviations from the source material that I don't fully understand their reasoning for and the whole thing just felt rushed and a little hollow. Zac Efron and Michael Greyeyes were definite standouts and Ryan Kiera Armstrong, as I always say when good actors have to perform a bad script, did the best with what she was given. The dialogue in this movie is sometimes hard to sit there and listen to. It's bad. John Carpenter's score, however, was incredible and is the standout piece of the film. I really wanted this to be good, and I wouldn't say it's bad, but it just didn't give me a lot to work with.
Score: 4/10
Currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
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trevlad-sounds · 9 months
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Here's a year old mix that deserves so much more love.
Help me dust it off and give it a listen.
Pye Corner Audio-Electronic Rhythm Number Thirteen.00:00
CFCF-Pleasure Centre-03:37
Röyksopp-Thank You-09:04
Daft Punk-Something About Us (Pyramid Remix)-14:19
D-Pulse-Velocity Of Love (Original)-24:47
Poolside-Kinda Lovely - Bleu Toucan Remix-29:49
Reuben Vaun Smith-Sunshine Flute-32:50
An-2-Dusky Downtown-38:57
LUXXURY-Hello, Darkness-44:16
An-2-Beside Me-50:55
Justice-Ohio (Monsieur Adi Remix)-56:24
Reuben Vaun Smith-Trip On New Shores-1:00:27
Lindstrøm-Arp She Said-1:04:04
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deepredradio · 2 years
Firestarter 2022
Story: Seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt befinden sich Andy und Vicky auf der Flucht: Verzweifelt versuchen sie, ihre Tochter Charlie vor einer geheimnisvollen Regierungsbehörde zu verstecken, die ihre einzigartige Fähigkeit, Feuer zu entfachen, als Massenvernichtungswaffe einsetzen will. Andy hat seiner Tochter beigebracht, ihre durch Wut oder Schmerz ausgelöste Fähigkeit zu kontrollieren. Doch für…
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therealmrpositive · 2 years
Firestarter (2022)
In today's review, I find that old fire sometimes do burn brightly, as I attempt a #positive review of the 2022 Blumhouse remake of Firestarter #ZacEfron #RyanKieraArmstrong #SydneyLemmon #KurtwoodSmith #JohnBeasley #MichaelGreyeyes #GloriaReuben
Stephen King’s work has always been a very lucrative library to adapt for the world of T.V., Film, and Radio, and for each adaption, it doesn’t take long for another one to come along not that long afterwards. Blumhouse Productions has had a track record of taking previous properties and capturing the audience’s imagination for a new generation. In 2022, it came to the team at Blumhouse…
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 years
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thetruthwilloutsworld · 11 months
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Instagram riischroer
Rii Schroer photographer for The Telegraph article Sam did at BAFTA Picadilly, Reuben Gallery, London with journalist Julia Llewellyn Smith.
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heathersdesk · 1 year
LDS Church History for Beginners
Somebody mentioned they wanted to get around to digging more into Church history. I could give a topical list, but I think the better way to do this is to give a list of people whose lives and words will illuminate how/why/when the Church became what it is today.
Emma Smith: her experience with polygamy, the suspension of the Relief Society, and her conflict with Brigham Young after the death of Joseph Smith.
Brigham Young: the experiences of his wives, his racial biases and support for slavery and segregation, and the conflicts with indigenous people that occurred under his leadership.
Emmeline B. Wells: her writings defending polygamy, women's empowerment, and her advocacy of women's suffrage.
The excommunications of apostle Richard Lyman (for adultery) and patriarch to the Church Joseph Fielding Smith (for homosexuality.) Also note that there were multiple Joseph Fielding Smiths. The prophet was a different one.
J. Reuben Clark: his authorship of segregationist, homosexualist, and anti-feminist thought in the modern Church, post-WWII.
Spencer W. Kimball: his impact on the Church's role in defeating the ERA. Also the Indian Placement Program, and the mechanics of how the racial restriction was enforced.
Ezra Taft Benson: his relationship with and advocacy for the John Birch Society, the Red Scare, and his open animosity towards Hugh B. Brown.
The September Six: their advocacy, excommunications, and the works of D. Michael Quinn.
Chieko Okazaki: her life and faith and her criticism of the Family Proclamation.
Also, a piece of advice: when trying to see/understand any aspect of Church history, with all of the tragedy that can entail, I find it helpful to connect with the voices and perspectives of LDS women.
"How do I keep my faith alive when *this* is what our people are like?" is a question LDS women have been answering since 1830. They don't just fall in line behind every ridiculous thing a person in authority says, does, or wants to do. They never have, which is part of why those in leadership weren't interested in telling the stories of LDS women for so long. No study of Church history is accurate or complete if it doesn't include the perspectives of women.
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dasistleeway · 4 months
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It was a pity that Fuin had a full-day program today, she missed the delicious reuben sandwich...
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reubeningall · 3 months
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INDEPENDENCE DAY (1996) Reuben Ingall and Marlene Claudine Radice will play a live soundtrack to the film’s action-packed final act to ring in the Fourth of July. Reuben’s 100+ VHS copies will witness the ritual. “the glowing ghost of America's lost Global leadership” - Evan Dossey “couldn't they think of anything more interesting than octopus men?” - Roger Ebert
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